
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, hi there :)00:06
HedgeMagehi, dhillon-v10, have a good sleep?00:21
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, yup, I love sleeping :) were you working this whole time00:22
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: working, parenting, the usual :)00:22
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, nice, so yah i will get working on moving the issues over as bugs into the website project then and after that maybe assign one or two to myself (modules)00:23
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: awesome00:24
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, check this out, its awesome: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/computers00:24
HedgeMageheh, seen it :)00:27
HedgeMagecute, though00:27
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: edubuntu.frogandowl.org has a copy of the site on it.00:28
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: so we can work there.  If I'm online, ping me to commit often please (ideally we should commit at least every time we close a ticket, but having me pull from the sandbox that won't work when I'm not around)00:29
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: pm me if you'd like to get my jabber info for when I close IRC (it can be distracting sometimes as I am weak-willed and prone to chitchat :P)00:30
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, what's the pace you would like to see, like one commit everyday closing an issue00:33
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: We want to get this done by the end of the month if we can manage to, but more importantly we want to get it *right*.  So, it'll be done when it's done ;)00:36
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, alright, see i was asking because I have midterm exams by the end of January so I'll be a little busy there :)00:38
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: No worries, I'm a single mom, a business owner, and about to move to a different state -- I know what being busy is like ;)  It'll be done when it's done.00:39
HedgeMageWith three of us on the job it shouldn't be too bad.00:39
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, I'll try to get done with the tasks I assign myself before the end of next week :) that I can be sure about00:40
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: cool, thanks :)00:40
sbalneavEvening all01:58
stgrabergood evening01:58
HedgeMagehi, sbalneav01:59
HedgeMagehi, stgraber01:59
stgrabersbalneav: did you see https://ltsp-control01.stgraber.org/loadbalancer/overview ?02:07
stgraber(feel free to drag&drop, nothing is actually saved)02:08
sbalneavstgraber: wow02:09
sbalneavthis ajaxy stuff's always pretty cool.02:09
stgraberyep and really quite easy to implement ;)02:10
sbalneavThere a patch editor for simple-patchsys?02:12
sbalneavlike with cdbs I can say cdbs-edit-patch?02:12
stgrabernot sure, I'm usually using dpatch or quilt, simple-patchsys always looked to me like a for loop doing patch -p0 ;)02:13
sbalneavah, looks like you can use cdbs-edit-patch with simple-patchsys02:19
sbalneavI'm digging into the ritzen-flargen-rarble-noogen gksu problem02:19
HedgeMageping: highvoltage02:49
HedgeMageAhmuck-Jr: syn, then ack03:04
* HedgeMage ducks03:04
sbalneavgaaaar :(03:13
* sbalneav hits gksu with a hammer03:13
stgraberusually hitting things with a hammer doesn't make them work any better ;)03:17
sbalneavNo, but it makes you FEEL SO MUCH BETTER03:20
sbalneavWe'll see if this works03:21
* sbalneav dances a merry jig03:38
HedgeMageAnyone know what time zone highvoltage is in?03:45
sbalneavhe's in .za03:48
sbalneavin 3 weeks he'll be in est03:48
HedgeMageahh, moving or visiting?03:50
sbalneavTo .ca04:02
stgraberSherbrooke actually ;)04:03
stgraber(150km away from Montreal)04:04
HedgeMageAhh. :)04:07
sbalneavI keep forgetting that04:14
sbalneavSomehow I got it stuck in my mind you're in Montreal, and it keeps popping forward.04:15
sbalneavstgraber: Just posted a patch to Bug #50155904:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 501559 in libgksu "libgksu fails to start many programs, fails with: assert g_str_has_prefix str != NULL" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50155904:15
HedgeMagesbalneav: Nope, I'm in Illinois, USA soon to move to Indiana, USA04:17
sbalneavHedgeMage: heh, no sorry, that was for stgraber04:21
sbalneavYou I knew were stateside.04:21
HedgeMageahh, ok :)04:22
sbalneavWell, let's home mvo will take that patch.04:26
stgrabersbalneav: so you cherry-picked what you needed of the forkpty option and just dropped the ifdef for these ?04:31
sbalneavWell, mvo said the reason why they wanted to get rid of the forkpty was because of... hold on lemme find the bug...04:33
ubottuDebian bug 535544 in libgksu "libgksu 2.0.12 & tty_tickets does not match" [Normal,Fixed]04:34
sbalneavsince forkpty generates a new pty04:34
sbalneavso, the forkpty way runs a sudo -v first, just to get a ticket04:35
sbalneavthen uses g_spawn_sync to actually run the command you want to run.04:35
sbalneavWITHOUT forkpty being defined04:35
sbalneavit was trying to just run the command, instead of the sudo -v04:35
sbalneavbut it doesn't do ANY handling of stdout/stderr04:35
sbalneavso, the command dies with EPIPE04:36
sbalneavI'm figuring that wasn't the intent of the original change04:36
sbalneavrather, they just wanted to read/write to the sudo -v without forkpty04:36
sbalneavso, I basically just had to remove a couple of overzealous #ifdef's04:37
sbalneavand have the first execv run the verify command, instead of the real command.04:37
stgrabercool, let's hope we'll have that uploaded soon (so we have sabayon working for alpha-2)04:40
sbalneavmight still have a problem...04:49
sbalneavarrgh :(04:51
sbalneavso, get this.04:51
sbalneavgksu works great if I run it from a terminal now.04:51
sbalneavif it's launched from a .desktop04:51
* sbalneav cries.04:52
sbalneavmaybe.... maybe....05:09
HedgeMagepoor sbalneav05:13
* HedgeMage hugs05:13
sbalneavgot it now05:19
sbalneavnow it works from the .desktop file.05:19
HedgeMageI'm trying to decide whether I should attempt to code what I need to code, or assume I'm too sleepy to do it right.05:19
HedgeMageI need to be up for another 45 min at least, though.05:19
HedgeMage(Mom has to bring food to a work function tomorrow and I need to put out the coffee cake to rise then)05:20
sbalneavI was planning on doing other things tonight, but I've spent 4 hours going crosseyed over this.05:20
sbalneavMmmm coffee cake05:20
sbalneavNight all, too tired to hack on.05:44
HedgeMagegood night, sbalneav05:46
rigderunner7anyone up for trying to help me figure out usb mount issues05:50
=== Ahmuck-Jr_ is now known as Ahmuck-Jr
HedgeMageIn case anyone is interested, Nick kindly handed over control of the edubuntu identi.ca group to me, so if you see spam let me know and I'll quash it06:25
alkisgI'm using dl-ubuntu-test-iso to rsync the Lucid live CDs. I have FLAVORS="ubuntu kubuntu edubuntu" in my config file, but for edubuntu I'm not getting anything. Any clues?11:09
=== alkisg is now known as alkisg_live
firestormHi there. Trying to get x11vnc working to connect to ltsp clients. Used the following guide and have disabled ufw/firehol but get connection refused. https://wiki.edubuntu.org/InstallX11VncOnLtspClients    I can confirm that x11vnc process is running once client has booted up. Thoughts?13:07
alkisg_livefirestorm: have you considered using italc instead? It provides client autodetection/viewing/controlling out of the box..13:09
firestormalkisg_live: do i install it into the ltsp chroot or just in the edubuntu ltsp server base?13:10
alkisg_livefirestorm: just on the ltsp server: sudo apt-get install italc-master13:11
alkisg_liveBut do remove any other apps using port 5900 before that.13:11
alkisg_live(you _can_ make it use another port if required...)13:11
firestormguessing that i don't have to rebuild the ltsp-image afterwards?13:11
alkisg_liveDo you have x11vnc installed on the chroot?13:12
firestormalkisg_live: i do13:12
alkisg_liveIs it using 5900? You'd better remove it and update the chroot before installing iTalc...13:12
firestormalkisg_live: ok so i'll make sure that x11vnc is not running in the chroot and will rebuild the ltsp client img13:12
alkisg_liveSounds like a plan :)13:13
firestormwill let ya know in a few mins ;)13:14
dgroosGood Morn All13:32
dgroosalkisg: ran the script and have csv of all users--so slick!  I could even click on the header and it would alpha in that column.  Not even user-admin can do that :)13:34
alkisgfirestorm: how did it go?13:35
dgrooshmmm maybe better re-enter this comment (thought you were on line): alkisg: ran the script and have csv of all users--so slick!  I could even click on the header and it would alpha in that column.  Not even user-admin can do that :)13:37
firestormalkisg: wow ... it worked!13:37
alkisgdgroos: thanks - so in the next sch-script version, you'll be in charge of english proofreading the tools ;) :D13:38
dgroosI'm guessing there will be an issue when I try to import the users into the other setup--the first user on both systems has the same name.  What should I do?13:38
dgroosFor sure!  Shoot it my way :)13:39
alkisgdgroos: remove that first user from the csv, so that all other uid stay the same13:39
alkisgdgroos: then, using a backup of that csv, remove all other users except that first one - so that he'll get an account with the same password etc, but unfortunately with a different uid/gid...13:39
firestormalkisg: italc is amazingly impressive !!!13:40
alkisgfirestorm: some times, on some configurations, it has problems, like hanging etc. But usually it works, and it's really good :)13:41
dgroosalkisg: so you're saying... what on which server?13:42
alkisgdgroos: all tasks on the new server:13:43
alkisgCreate 3 replicas of the csv: (1) the original, (2) without the first user, (3) with *just* the first user13:43
dgroosOK do I have to do the import of first user as It's already on the new server?13:44
alkisgAnd, always on the new server, import the csv #2 first, and the csv #3 after that.13:44
alkisgdgroos: no, you don't have to - it would just create another user with the same password etc13:44
alkisgSo if you already have that user, just skip the #3 csv13:44
dgroosSo now, can I just copy the home directories then? (I say hopefully :))13:45
alkisgdgroos: better do that *after* importing the users13:46
dgroosSure, that's what I meant.13:46
alkisgAs some tools break the uids/gids when the users don't exist..13:46
alkisgThere's a how-to in the ubuntu wiki for backup/restore using tar if you don't know what commands to use13:47
dgroosExcellent, I'll use it.  Now, time for me to put on my teacher hat and assess student work/learning :)  Thanks again for your help, alkisg.  I'll let you know how it goes.  Have a good afternoon/evening.13:50
=== alkisg_ is now known as alkisg
* alkisg just installed edubuntu lucid and will be in and out for some time...13:52
firestormalkisg: the remote control feature doesn't seem to work or the window demo ... everything else seems good tho14:02
alkisgfirestorm: is it easy to restart everything, including the server? if not, could you logout from the "teacher" account and login again?14:04
firestormyup i'll restart everything14:04
firestormalkisg: restarting is quite easy when the edubuntu server is one virtualbox and the client is another virtualbox :)14:06
firestormalkisg: playing around with edubuntu/ltsp/pxe all in VMs14:06
alkisgHeh... I also use vbox for testing14:06
firestormyeah the pxe network support is good ... performance is reasonable for a laptop without VM extensions - makes qemu a non-option14:06
alkisgThe new feature that implements bridging with packet injection makes network configuration soooo easy...14:06
firestormalkisg: yup i'm using it with a br014:07
alkisgWhy do you have a br0?14:07
firestormalkisg: to have a fake network for comms between server and client ... i also give the server access to a real bridge so that it can bring in pkgs14:08
firestormalkisg: i would have thought a '/usr/bin/ica &' in rc.local would have auto started it but perhaps not14:09
alkisgfirestorm: I also have communication between server & clients with no br0. Italc-master (=ica) is autostarted on logon, so no need to put it in rc.local14:10
firestormwhat starts italc-master? can't see it in /etc/init.d14:10
alkisgIt's a per-session thing14:11
alkisgSo if the students haven't logged on, you can't really "see" their PCs14:11
firestormalkisg: still no demo ... student VM shows 'establishing connection to ... ' repeatedly14:14
firestorm5858 is open14:14
alkisg5858? Why?!14:15
firestormalkisg: no idea?14:15
alkisgfirestorm: rebooting to fix my resolution, please wait if you want...14:16
alkisg_Woah, loading evolution/firefox/empathy took more time than for the system to boot! Way to go, Lucid!14:18
alkisg_firestorm: try this from the "teacher" account: avahi-browse -trp _italc._tcp14:20
alkisg_What do you get?14:20
firestormalkisg_: i don't have a teacher account14:25
alkisg_firestorm: the "teacher" account is an ordinary account that belongs to the "admin" group, so that it has access to the italc ssh keys14:26
alkisg_He can run italc, while "students" (not in the admin group) can't14:26
alkisg_I'm just using those terms to seperate between those 2 types of accounts, you don't actually need an account named "teacher"...14:27
firestormalkisg_: gotcha ... pasted output into privmsg window14:28
alkisg_firestorm: are you sitting on ltsp221? Is there some other client logged on?14:29
firestormalkisg_: different user (that I am in control of) (non-admin) logged in14:30
alkisg_firestorm: there should be 2 entries of italc there, I can only see one. Which one is missing? The teacher's or the student's?14:31
firestormalkisg_: teacher wasn't logged into ldm ... logging in now14:31
alkisg_(sorry for insisting on calling them teacher/student but it makes it easier for my not-so-fluent English... :))14:32
firestormworks for me :)14:32
firestormalkisg_: both users are now logged in but i don't seem to have any additional avahi-browser output14:34
alkisg_firestorm: ps -ef | grep ica => is ica running for the teacher?14:35
alkisg_If not: ica-launcher14:35
alkisg_(it's a daemon, it won't finish, just leave it running...)14:35
firestormalkisg_: that did the trick14:37
firestormdemo works now14:38
firestormwonde why i had to manually run 'ica-launcher' as teacher?14:38
firestormactually i did a quick chgrp admin teacher/key ... maybe that is why ica wasn't running14:39
firestormremote control now works ... but is too slow to be usable yet14:41
alkisg_Yes it uses some not-so-good calculations for the controlling/demo speed... it'll supposedly be better in 2.0 which will hopefully be released this year.14:43
firestormu a dev for it?14:47
alkisg_Nope. Sent some small patches, but that was all.14:47
firestormfair enough14:47
firestormanyway i'd better try to get 4 hours sleep before work...thanks hugely for your patience and helping me get through it ... greatly appreciated14:48
alkisg_You're welcome - hope it works OK for you14:49
firestormalkisg_: np night!14:51
sbalneavMorning all15:00
alkisg_Hey Scotty!15:01
sbalneavmvo's looking at my gksu patch right now15:36
sbalneavHope we can get this put to bed for alpha-215:36
* sbalneav crosses fingers15:36
HedgeMagehighvolt1ge: ping17:10
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, hi :) what's up19:42
moldyalkisg: ping19:47
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: Not much...just working.19:48
alkisgHey moldy20:03
moldyalkisg: did you want to discuss anything tcm-related? just asking because i saw you in #lns and Lns pinged me :)20:06
alkisgNot exactly... I asked around if anyone could propose me of some easy way to do RPCs. I had in my mind ssh + python-pyinotify. Lns told me that you had such a method in tcm, but I suppose he meant the pgrep && cat /proc/pid/environ && get display etc script, right?20:08
moldyalkisg: possible20:09
moldyalkisg: i think xmlrpc is fairly easy in python20:09
alkisgBut that won't work for remote systems (non-ltsp workstations)20:09
moldyalkisg: especially with twisted20:09
moldyalkisg: pgrep etc? yes, it's a hack20:10
alkisgmoldy: I need authentication, that's why I thought of using ssh....20:10
moldyalkisg: we just use it for now, until we have something better :)20:10
alkisgHow would I authenticate with xmlrpc?20:10
moldyalkisg: ssl20:10
alkisgIt becomes complicated... while ssh client echo "command" > file is a one-liner20:11
moldyit depends on the circumstances20:11
moldywhat do you need the communication for?20:11
Lnsmoldy: alkisg: yanqui and i were talking about this yesterday20:11
alkisgIf I were to give some days or even weeks on the whole mechanism, I'd probably use telepathy for that instead20:11
Lnshe seems to think that a simple pipe via an ssh socket would be absolutely fine for just about anything20:12
alkisgavahi, xmpp, tubes etc, all useful for teacher/student collaboration20:12
alkisgLns: I want the command to execute from within the session, i.e. to have the whole user environment, session dbus etc.20:12
Lnsmkfifo, echo, etc.. just need ssh keys generated in the chroot, which might be able to be integrated into ltsp-update-*-keys or whatnot20:12
alkisgSo I can't just execute it with ssh, I need a listener AFAIK...20:12
moldyLns: yes, it probably is. i am not fond of doing low-level socket stuff in C, though.20:12
alkisgLns: mkfifo? that sounds interesting...20:13
Lnsalkisg: when you're talking about dbus and all that, sbalneav has some things to say about that20:13
alkisgLns: I haven't mentioned dbus20:13
Lnsalkisg: session dbus20:13
alkisgI don't think it's suitable for RPC, it's only for local systems20:13
alkisgI don't want to use it. But whatever command I'll run, might want to use it.20:14
moldyat least it's not often used for remote stuff, not sure if it can be used in principle20:14
alkisgE.g. to logoff the client, you need to talk to the session dbus20:14
Lnshold on...was renewing my car registration online ;)20:14
moldyalkisg: i still don't know what your requirements are, though :)20:15
alkisgmoldy: I want to use it as a generic mechanism for the teacher to be able to execute commands on the students20:15
alkisgE.g. "launch that page on firefox", "add that panel applet", "show that video" etc20:15
moldyalkisg: and the students are remote workstations? or user sessions on the same machine? or both?20:15
alkisgBoth, I'd like to use it on both LTSP and non-LTSP installations (or even mixed ones)20:16
alkisgssh + a listener would work in all those cases...20:16
alkisgSimple, maybe even naive, but I can't see any real downsides... :-/20:16
moldyright. i don't think it really is much simpler than xmlrpc+ssl, though. but maybe that is just me :)20:17
Lnsalkisg: what's wrong with using italc for that stuff? isn't that geared for everything you're talking about anyway?20:17
alkisgLns, I can't script italc to open a video. The teacher would have to type that command.20:17
Lnsyou can't use italc to execute commands on the remote machine?20:18
alkisgI can, but I can't *script* it20:18
alkisgIn my sch-scripts, the teacher would be shown a GUI with 3 tabs: users, pcs, files20:18
Lnse.g. mplayer path/to/video20:18
alkisgSay for example that he wants to broadcast a video20:18
alkisgHe'd have to launch vlc in the teacher pc in broadcast mode, and in all the students in receive mode20:18
alkisgThe command for that is quite lengthy. It'd be better if he just had a "right click > broadcast" option20:19
alkisgThat's what I want to script with the sch-scripts.20:19
alkisgAnd I can't do that with iTalc. I asked the developer if he'd accept patches for such a thing, of course *if* the code quality was OK.20:19
alkisgI didn't get an answer...20:19
Lnsisn't stgraber working on italc?20:20
alkisgI also asked stgraber about this, didn't get an answer either20:20
alkisgI don't think he has enough time to invest in iTalc20:20
alkisgBut even in that case, iTalc won't have an "embedded nautilus". sch-scripts will.20:21
alkisgSo, "select 3 files and 3 folders, right click and select "send to this group of students"" will be possible20:21
Lnsi know this isn't what you'r egoing for but doesn't mplayer do broadcasting?20:21
alkisgvlc is better for broadcasting. It's just difficult to set it up, that's why I'm looking for a script to automate the whole thing20:22
alkisgSo I'd like to have maybe 100 scripts for simple tasks like these, organized under a simple python GUI with the 3 tabs I said..20:22
* HedgeMage peeks in20:23
alkisgHi HedgeMage :)20:23
HedgeMagehi, alkisg20:24
alkisgWe've already made the code to parse the .desktop files that describe the commands, and construct the menus from them (according to the xdg specs)20:24
alkisgWe also have the code for some dozens of scripts, but we'd like to double them20:24
alkisgI hope we'll have something ready for Lucid, in a PPA.20:24
HedgeMageSo last night I looked at how to migrate website tasks/issues to LP.  It looks like we cannot add issues to a group, though, we need to add them to the edubuntu-website project, and to manage them we need highvolt1ge to somehow link the two?20:26
HedgeMageI haven't used lp much so I'm not sure how it's all organized.20:26
moldyalkisg: what is sch-scripts?20:27
alkisgmoldy: https://launchpad.net/sch-scripts20:28
moldyalkisg: btw, if anyone with some python knowledge has some spare time, we could use some help on tcm if we want to get it ready for lucid ;)20:28
moldyi don't know how much time yanqui currently has on his hands20:28
moldyand btw, right now, it should be quite easy to grasp the code20:29
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, what we can do here is to manually copy over everything in those bugs, and then set their importance and status using the lp standards, I think :)20:34
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: my question was more whether I am correct that you can't post bugs to a group, you have to do it to the project?20:36
alkisgLns, moldy: do you have any plans to make tcm work in non-ltsp environments?20:39
Lnsalkisg: maybe, but it'd be more of an afterthought I think...20:40
Lnsor a 'hey this works in non-ltsp stuff too!' thing ;)20:41
alkisgYup, thought so... so we can't really join forces, the projects have similar goals but will work in different ways.20:43
Lnssure.. of course I'm sure we can help each other out with the 2 separate projects20:44
alkisgSure, we have a lot of tasks in common.20:45
alkisgLns: but do give some thought on fat client support ;)20:46
alkisgLucid will have fat clients out of the box...20:46
Lnsoh of course, yes20:46
alkisgFat clients are essentially the same as standalone workstations20:46
Lnsof course, with fat clients we're talking about LTSP in a much different way20:47
Lnsi wish the terminology was a bit more clear20:47
Lnsbut whatever =) it works so i can't complain one bit!20:48
alkisgRight, that's why I was thinking that a more generic way to handle clients is required20:48
Lnsi understand that point of view completely20:48
Lnsand it's a growing point of view for sure20:48
alkisgA "daemon" running on the clients makes ltsp clients almost the same as any other clients20:48
Lnsi guess i'm just not in the loop, because 1) I'm still on 8.04, and 2) thin clients have a great use-case for low-energy (i.e. not able to DO fat-client stuff) computing20:49
Lnsright, which is why i brought up the reverse-ssh pipe where you can pretty much dump anything into it from the server20:49
Lnsif it's in the chroot it shouldn't matter whether you're thin/fat20:49
alkisgThe bad with the the ssh channel is that it's outside of the user session20:50
Lnsno, that's good because you can handle clients that aren't logged in20:50
alkisgTrue, but that's only good for administering the PC20:50
Lnsyou could do it either way though20:50
Lnsi don't see a way of being able to do both with one method20:50
Lnsianap though either20:51
alkisgCorrect, that's why I use both methods, i.e. ssh + daemon20:51
alkisg(*want* to use 2 methods - I only have the ssh keys setup ready for now)20:51
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, sorry for the late reply and I misunderstood that part, you are right the bugs go with a project :)20:57
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: Ahh, okay.  I wish there were a way we could set up a branch, tag, or release so we could isolate issues related to the redesign20:58
HedgeMagedhillon-v10: I think we need highvolt1ge for that, though20:59
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, that's where we can make a new tag, and apply that new tag for every issue related to redesign20:59
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, not sure, I think we can do this without him, but would like for highvolt1ge to look over this21:00
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, off to sleep, I don't have any homework today so I can transfer all the issues over to launchpad, and then you can look over them :)21:02
HedgeMageawesome, thanks dhillon-v1021:03
dhillon-v10HedgeMage, np21:03
dgroosalkisg ping22:00
alkisg_dgroos: pong :)22:00
dgroosSo, starting where we left off... I started the new server, ready to put the csv on it and run your cool script.22:01
dgroos(sorry, I was just finishing up helping some students) Well, I did ifconfig and it only showed the lo?22:03
alkisg_You have a networking problem?22:03
dgroosYea, I think so...22:03
dgroosI don't think I've got access to the network.22:04
dgroosI looked at the /etc/network/interfaces22:04
dgroosand I better check back to see what it was... end of day exhaustion...22:05
alkisg_dgroos: try with ifconfig -a22:05
alkisg_dgroos: and also, lspci -nn | grep Ethernet22:06
dgroosand it lists all 3 interfaces, lo, eth0 and eth122:06
dgroosgood, all are now listed.22:07
dgroosI don't see on that is set to broadcast ips22:07
alkisg_dgroos: on servers, it's usually better to set up static IPs in /etc/network/interfaces22:07
dgroosOK, I can find out how to do that for the port that goes to the wan, how about the one broadcasting ip's to the thin clients?22:09
alkisg_It's on the same file22:09
dgroosI'll check and see what my Jaunty /etc/network/interfaces file says and emulate that, sure?22:11
dgroosOK did that and restarted machine.  ifconfig show it has the info I put in but it isn't broadcasting ip addresses?22:30
alkisg_dgroos: what do you mean "broadcasting"?22:30
dgroosI mean to say, handing out ip addresses to machines that are connected to it and are requesting them.22:31
alkisg_What internal IP did you use? ?22:31
dgroosI hooked up my laptop to both ports and it isn't getting an address.22:31
alkisg_Did you restart the server?22:32
alkisg_What's the output of: sudo service dhcp3-server status22:32
dgroosunrecognized service (but isn't karmic using dnmasq or something?)22:33
alkisg_Not by default22:33
alkisg_How did you install ltsp?22:34
dgroosWell, all I've done so far is do a fresh install with the help of your fine script which put the live CD up for PXE booting.22:35
alkisg_Ah, so you haven't installed ltsp yet...22:35
alkisg_Then you need to run `sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone` and ltsp-build-client afterwards22:35
dgroosSo I've just run the edubuntu install from live CD.  I'm thinking I better go back to the manual :)  I'll do the above then go to the install pages.  Thanks for your help again.22:37
dgroosI think I did check F4 at install time and didn't see the 'Install an LTSP server option'22:38
alkisg_That's only available if you select "text mode installation" first22:39
alkisg_(I think)22:39
alkisg_I hope stgraber and highvolt1ge will get the live-ltsp + installation part ready in time for Lucid ...22:40
dgroosalkisg: I'm trying to install ltsp software.  I can access the internet with Firefox, but can't ping google.com with Terminal.  I can ping our district web page, however.  Any idea?22:54
alkisg_dgroos: probably your /etc/resolv.conf22:58
alkisg_highvolt1ge: a bug with the fat client script: I have edubuntu installed, and instead of "break"ing on line 22, it "return"s, so it doesn't install anything.22:59
dgroosThanks, it doesn't look right.  I'll check how my other one looks.  Thanks :)22:59
alkisg_highvolt1ge: so you should probably change that "return" to a "break"22:59
dgroosalkisg: both the old and the new server have the same nameserver.  The old server (currently in use) has only the nameserver line, the new server that I'm setting up has a 'search' and 'domain' line as well (though both say, 'example.com'.23:03
alkisg_dgroos: also, are you using a proxy to access the internet?23:05
dgroosWell, the old server is running a squid proxy server but I thought that was only for the thin clients.  I was able to access the internet on the new server with Firefox, but not with Terminal...23:07
alkisg_dgroos: does synaptic work? Can you install ltsp-server-standalone from there?23:09
alkisg_Hey, edubuntu doesn't have evolution by default? Wow...23:10
alkisg_Anyway, it's late here, goodnight all...23:12
dgroosYea, works great.  Thanks for the idea.  I'm confused, why can't Terminal get out onto the internet?23:12
dgroosThanks for your help!23:12
alkisg_dgroos: see if an "http_proxy" variable exists in your environment, if it does, it breaks internet connectivity, it's a known bug, so you should unset it before using apt-get. OK, bye :)23:13
highvolt1geHedgeMage: pong23:14
HedgeMagehighvolt1ge: okay, I'm just getting used to LP again... it seems that the edubuntu-website project needs to be tied to the group somehow?  and is there some way to make a branch/component/whatever to put all the upgrade/redesign issues in to keep them together?23:16
HedgeMagehighvolt1ge: you own it so it seems like you have to handle whatever needs doing :)23:16
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
highvoltageHedgeMage: I made you an administrator yesterday, I think you should have rights to do pretty much anything23:18
highvoltagealso, it's past 1am and I'm having trouble parsing that sentence (sorry that I haven't paid that much attention to IRC today)23:19
HedgeMageoh, sorry23:19
highvoltageno :)23:19
highvoltageI *think* we need to make an "edubuntu" "product" on LP and link the site project to it23:20
HedgeMagehighvoltage: I know I'm an admin on the group, but I was wondering about the project https://edge.launchpad.net/edubuntu-website which is what I think we need to organize an issue queue23:20
HedgeMageI haven't used LP in about 4 years, though23:21
highvoltageyou can already file bugs against edubuntu-website23:21
highvoltageisn't that what we want?23:21
HedgeMageyes, but I was wondering if there is a way to make a category or something just for the redesign so we can group those issues together23:21
HedgeMagenot sure what LP supports23:21
highvoltageit supports tags though23:21
highvoltageit's not the most elegant of ways to do it, but issues could be marked with tags to make them easier to search23:22
HedgeMagethat can work then23:22
highvoltageI think there might be more focussed ways, I think their all crude though, I think it's possible to create different development focusses (an LP concept) which you can target23:23
highvoltageI'll check on that tomorrow morning and get back to you on that as well23:23
HedgeMageok, no rush23:24

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