
pvp_yuGood morning00:26
pvp_yuany Questions?00:30
pvp_yuour time GMT +800:33
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stormbringerhey guys i have a ? i have wine 1.0.1 and trying to install wow but it seems i need to update wine i have alot of wow installed and dont want to start over so if i delete or unistall wine and reinstall from tar.bz will i lose all i have installed under wine00:41
Kagestormbringer: I can save you a lot of time... money.... and possibly save your life.... don't play WoW00:42
foghornanyone having problems w/ the xorg drivers for "karmic"?00:46
stormbringeranyone in here play wow00:47
jwillfoghorn: No-one, ever.00:47
jwillstormbringer: You can get wine 1.2 from the wine ppa.00:48
jwillstormbringer: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb under "Adding the WineHQ APT Repository:"00:49
stormbringeri tryed to get it via ppa but it still says i am useing 1.0.100:49
jwillYou tried to get it through that ppa?  You're still using 1.0.1?00:49
jwillSounds like you forgot to install 1.2.00:50
stormbringerand kage i am 38 years old i dont think i am going to have that problem lol00:51
stormbringerlet me see but i am sure i did install it00:51
Zeppelinis there any reason i should be having an error installing Kubuntu?00:51
ZeppelinI installed Kubuntu 64-bit on my machine that is 32-bit, and later realized it. Now I'm trying to install Kubuntu 32-bit over the 64-bit00:52
Kagestormbringer: Yeah.... I didn't think I would have a problem with it anyways...00:52
ZeppelinIs there any reason this should give me an error?00:52
Kagestormbringer: took me 1 year to admit I had a problem...00:52
jwillZeppelin: What error are you getting?00:52
stormbringeronly error i have ever seen has been when i tryed to install the version i have on my daugthers box just to find out she does not have a 64 bit system lol00:52
ZeppelinI'm not getting any error speficially00:53
Zeppelinjust after i select 'English' and select 'Install Kubuntu'00:53
Zeppelinit shows me the splash screen for a little bit00:53
Zeppelinthen it just shows nothing00:53
foghorntry running the live cd and installing from the GUI00:54
stormbringeri am showing a update for wine 1.1.335 but it is blocked00:55
jwillstormbringer: The package is called wine1.2, I believe.00:57
jwillstormbringer: You might have to remove wine 1.1.x first, though00:57
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stormbringershit that is what i was afraid of i just hope i dont lose all the programs i have installed via wine00:58
jwillstormbringer: Pretty sure that won't happen.00:58
jwillstormbringer: Reasonably00:59
Zeppelindid the same thing00:59
Zeppelinwent to the screen of nothing ness00:59
jwillZeppelin: Try pressing CTRL + ALT + F101:00
stormbringernot like i got much of a choice now do i lol01:00
Zeppelinwhat would that do?01:00
stormbringershuts down xserver01:00
jwillstormbringer: If you're really concerned, you could rename the .wine dir01:00
jwillstormbringer: Actually, removing programs doesn't remove their .dirs unless you use "apt-get purge"01:01
jwillstormbringer: So you're safe.01:01
jwillZeppelin: See if you can get to a virtual terminal01:01
stormbringeriwill: kk will try that01:01
jwillZeppelin: Actually, you should check disc integrity, first.01:01
jwillZeppelin: Most likely, your cd has some errors on it.01:02
Zeppelini'm checking atm01:02
Zeppelinsay there are errors01:02
Zeppelinwill i have to redownload the iso itself?01:02
Zeppelinor just re-burn it?01:02
jwillZeppelin: You should checksum the downloaded iso (takes 2 seconds) and reburn it.01:03
stormbringermake sure you are downloading the proper version for your box01:03
foghornreburn works for me...usually01:03
jwillZeppelin: If checksum fails, you'll have to redownload, though if you did it through a torrent, you just have to redownload the corrupted bits.01:03
jwillfoghorn: Problem is when it doesn't :P01:03
jwillZeppelin: ?01:04
Zeppelinis checking the integrity and checksumming at all different?01:04
jwillZeppelin: There are two ways your disc could have gotten corrupted01:04
jwillZeppelin: A) When you were downloading it B) when you were burning it01:04
foghornmd5 as you said01:04
foghorni was too slow typing01:05
jwillZeppelin: Checksumming the .iso checks for A, checking the disc checks for B01:05
jwillZeppelin: "Verifying the disc integrity" is just checksumming the disc, so they're the same thing, just to different things.01:05
Zeppelinhow do i checksum01:07
jwillZeppelin: For the disc, it's on the menu below 'install ubuntu'01:07
Zeppelini'm checking the disk with Check Disk for Defects01:07
Zeppelini wanna checksum the iso01:07
stormbringerok now it says i am running 1.1.35 i insatlled the ver. wine1.2  1.1.35 so i hope it is the right one01:07
jwillZeppelin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM01:08
spidermy KGpg wont launch - anyone else have this problem with 9.10?01:08
jwillZeppelin: At the bottom are the kubuntu iso checksums: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download01:08
jwillspider: Don't have it installed01:09
stormbringerHOLY SHIT MY WOW CAME UP LOL01:10
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:10
stormbringersorry wont happen again01:10
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foghornfinally! a civilized group of ppl!01:11
Zeppelinwhat checksum should I be getting jwill01:11
jwill_is_afk<jwill> Zeppelin: At the bottom are the kubuntu iso checksums: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download01:11
PlanetaryOMG my ulitimate boot loader cd fixed my 'operating system not found' problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:12
Zeppelinmy checksum is ok01:13
Zeppelinand the disk intergrity check found no error01:13
Zeppelini think it's because I'm trying to install a 32-bit over a 64-bit kubuntu01:13
foghornI want to try VM on my linux box to access WinXP, is it best to start with an empty partition?01:14
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spideryou don't really need to create a partition for VM, it stores the hard drive as a file - a virtual hard drive01:15
jwillPlanetary: !!!01:15
stormbringerok got to log for now so i can reboot and tweek someone lol later guys and thanks for the help01:16
jwillZeppelin: That wouldn't explain why it doesn't load.01:16
jwillSo the 64 bit livecd worked, but 32 bit doesn't?01:16
jwillWant to try the 64 bit live cd again to see if it works?01:17
foghorni guess whay i am asking is that i dual boot  and my xp install is currently borked, i would like to try and fix it from linux if possible, perhaps I am going about it the right way01:17
jwillI don't see why 32 bit wouldn't work while the other does...01:17
jwillfoghorn: You want to convert your old winXP install into a virtual machine?01:17
foghornis that not smart?01:18
jwillWith vmware?01:18
Planetaryspeaking of bits. if you have a system with dual 32bit cpus on it can you run a 64 bit os? i dont think so but...01:18
spiderbasically I am done with dual booting, I use Sun VirtualBox and VM my Vista01:19
jwillPlanetary: No.01:19
jwillspider: Yeah, virtualbox is win.01:19
Planetaryjwill: figured.01:19
foghornso can i finally lose the NTFS partition? :)01:20
jwillfoghorn: Does vmware have free a converter now?01:21
jwill...free a*01:21
jwill......................a free*01:21
ilumiwhat's a good video editing software tha can capture from firewire?01:22
foghorndunno, i have never done this b4, but am dying to try01:22
spiderVirtualbox is easier to set up than VMWare01:22
foghorni think thats what i d/l'd01:22
jwillfoghorn: You'd probably have to do a fresh install inside a new virtual machine01:23
jwillvmware is mostly oriented towards enterprise and is hard for single users.  Virtualbox is much better.  Also it's open source.01:23
jwillhas an open source version without usb*01:23
foghornyes that is what i have01:23
coreyBvirtualbox is a little slower though01:24
foghornspeed is of no concern, i just want to lean how to do it01:24
jwillcoreyB: Windows.  XP.01:24
jwillcoreyB: OS from 9 years ago.01:24
coreyBa os that still works without all the junk 7 has01:25
foghornaye but 7 is cleaner that vista01:25
Zeppelinjwill: Wanna be my friend?01:26
coreyBjwill,  may i pm ya?01:26
coreyBftw foghorn  i like vista better.01:27
jwillI don't think quanta has that feature, Zeppelin D:01:27
foghorncoreyB: really?01:27
coreyBi had no problems with it, and even if i did, i actually know how to fix things unlike some people that just instantly jump on the vista hating boat.01:28
foghornthis is true, many things changed w/ vista.01:29
foghornlater all, got company01:30
foghornthanks all for your help!01:30
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
what_ifWhen I try to delete files I get the error: "Access denied to /home/z3r0/.local/share/Trash/files/[FILE TO DELETE] " Google offers no help, already manually deleted all the files in the trashcan.01:41
what_ifAny ideas from the group>01:41
coreyBis the file in use..?01:41
what_ifshould not be, will check with lsof01:43
what_ifaccording to lsof, no. Not open/ in use. it is only this one directory. Everything else deletes perfectly fine.01:44
Krezkeydoes anyone know how to block microsofts BING from the the browsers01:45
coreyBwhat_if,  have you tried restarting?01:46
coreyBKrezkey,  sec01:46
coreyBKrezkey,  /etc/hosts01:47
what_ifyes, have restarted already. Earlier the whole system locked while deleting a 4+GB folder from the trash.01:47
coreyBadd the following line :   bing.com01:47
Krezkeyok cool. just like windows01:47
Krezkeysweet...thanks coreyB01:48
coreyBwhat_if,  well keep in mind thats a lot of data, and if you have a slow hard drive, its gonna happen01:48
jwillNot really.  Shouldn't.01:51
what_ifdropped to a console and rm'd it. Still no idea why dolphin could not delete the folder (either to trash or actually delete)01:51
jwillwhat_if: Strange.01:51
jwillwhat_if: Did you see any error output?01:52
jwillwhat_if: You could try searching kde for a bug with the error popup string.01:52
what_ifwhen putting in trash error was "Access denied to /home/z3r0/.local/share/Trash/files/[filename]"01:53
what_ifyes, an access denied error to the trashcan files directory01:53
what_ifI was not seeing my own entries to the chat... Did you get the info about the error messages?01:55
jwillwhat_if: I'd look for a bug with that as a search (bugs.kde.org).  Might find an explanation.01:55
jwillwhat_if: Yes.01:55
Krezkeywell coreyB I found the host file but it's locked up and can't change properties01:56
what_ifI looked earlier but only found errors relating to the quota management... which I may have encountered. Have deleted at least 10GB from this system today. I followed a howto to manually delete the files and info, but this last file's error persisted. All better now01:56
javier_hi!someone could tell me how to order files in k3b DVD project before recording?01:57
abdifataahhello evrybody01:57
coreyBKrezkey,  you gotta open it with root priv01:57
coreyBi dont know the default text editor for kubuntu, so sudo apt-get install gedit01:58
coreyBthen, sudo gedit /etc/hosts01:58
Krezkeyso log out and log in as root ?01:58
Krezkeykate is default editor01:59
coreyBi believe it would be sudo kate /etc/hosts    then01:59
Krezkeyok i'll give it a try02:00
jwilljavier_: Order files?02:02
jwilljavier_: Oh, for music CDs... I don't know.02:02
Krezkeyguess i need more command line for terminal...that did not work02:03
coreyBoh jwill  whats the command to install kubuntu restrictions or w/e so i can play dvds?02:03
javier_jwill: no, not for music02:03
javier_for data02:03
javier_it orders them (if you have 12 files with names 1,2,3,4,...) like 1,11,12, 2,3,4,5,...02:05
javier_jwill: i would like them in logical order02:05
jwilljavier_: ...02:05
javier_jwill: or you think they will appear later in the computer just in the order you give them in your sistem=02:05
jwilljavier_: Order on the filesystem has nothing to do with displayed order.02:05
javier_ok :)02:06
javier_so it was a stupid question :)02:06
javier_thanks anyway, i burn it safer now :)02:06
jwillYou can sort things by name or other stuff by clicking on the colums tops (click on the name column header, for example)02:06
javier_yes, i thought that was going to be, but wasnt totally sure02:07
javier_jwill: thanks!02:10
Planetaryaw my key board wont work, its an old usb. it even wont work in ps2 port. though a ps2 keybord will. i had them both pluged in too. why no work?02:19
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rstob911Planetary: its tired02:20
Planetaryhaha.... it works now i pluged in into a usb 2.0 card02:21
cooperhi all02:22
cooperdoes annyone know a cool looking irc client for linux?02:22
eric_cool looking?02:23
cooperyes somthing that is nice with a transparent background for instance02:24
Planetaryjust did a fresh install with an ati video card computer. it defaults to full resolution at start up, but when i click display in system settings ti goes to the res i want. strange...02:25
eric_I'm not sure, cooper..I'm using Konversation, it looks nice I guess02:26
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cooperhmm yes i am too can you custumise konversion? (srry im new to this)02:26
EricI think so02:27
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cooperand how would i do that?02:27
Planetaryhow do i change login menu resolution?02:34
jwillI think it's auto set to max res02:35
Planetaryit is but i want to drop it down. i feel it will fix my res when i log in02:36
jwillYou want a lower res?  Why?02:36
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Planetaryya i guess ill try it up high. myself and other users were used to lower02:42
jwillPlanetary: ATI has lots of bugs and whatnot02:49
jwillPlanetary: You can increase font size, since that's the main thing with high resolutions02:49
Planetaryya i try to use nvidia02:50
Planetaryyep i did that thanks02:50
jwillPlanetary: That's pretty weird though...02:50
jwillPlanetary: Actually, you could probably have a one line script in ~/.kde/Autostart that just sets the resolution to what you want every login02:50
jwillPlanetary: As a workaround02:51
Planetaryjwill: ok ill remember that02:51
Planetaryjwill. i did find a thread about it but havent read it02:51
jwillPlanetary: 1 sec, looking at xrandr man page02:52
jwill(it's probably what you want)02:52
jwillOkay, you could try a script like this: sleep 102:53
jwillthe next line: xrandr -s 456x12302:54
jwillwhere 456 is width and 123 is height02:54
jwillsleep is in seconds, and it probably needs to be more like 5, depending on your system.02:54
Planetaryok thanks02:55
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snarksterhow does one use kbluetooth?03:01
snarksterit wont connect to my G103:02
snarksterBUT my vista partition will use my phone as a audio device03:02
snarksteranyone there?03:06
francisco_anyone who know how to set raid 0 in ubuntu server 8.04 lst03:11
Planetarywhat key is meta?03:13
francisco_any smartone03:14
hjwcan anybody point me at the correct file to modify in order to change the users' default   kickoff/kmenu?03:29
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jwillhjw: To change the launcher menu a user uses, or to change the _default_ for newly created users?03:39
hjwjwill: I'd like to set the default for all of my users.  I'm moving them all over from kde303:41
jwillhjw: Then sorry, don't know.  Could try #kde, but it's pretty dead right now.03:43
jwillhjw: More people there than here, though, and it's a KDE, not kubuntu question.03:43
hjwKmenu defaults to /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/kickoffrc, is there some place it  would look after that?03:43
jwillhjw: Again, don't know.  It would have something to do with the default plasma layout, not the specific widgets.03:44
jwillhjw: Figure out where the default layout is, and you can probably edit it.03:44
hjwthe default layout is in kubuntu-defaults but I assume if I edit that any updates will override it03:45
jwillhjw: Alternatively, you just write a script that runs on creating a new user.  Not as elegant, but would definitely work.03:45
jwillhjw: I know where the current plasma rc is, just a sec03:46
jwillhjw: Okay, I think it's ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc03:48
jwillhjw: The people in #kde might have a better solution, though.03:49
hjwyes, thats the personal one for each user, if they don't have anything in their home it pulls it from /usr/share/kubuntu-defaults...config/ but I can't seem to override   that03:49
jwillhjw: I don't know how to override it, just mentioning a workaround.03:50
hjwthanks jwill, I'll keep searching.... there's no info on kubuntu sites other than referring to kde.org,  who specifies    directories which should work but they don't/ I'm doing something wrong.03:51
jwillhjw: Probably kubuntu screwing it up.03:52
jwillhjw: Knowing kubuntu...03:52
hjwjwill: ouch, that's not what I expected to hear on #kubuntu03:53
memenodeeh.. eh..03:54
memenodepulling my tongue03:54
memenodeand good timing too because this "beta" is acting more like pre-alpha.. ffs03:54
memenodegood on me for taking the chances and it shoving me a big fat finger03:54
jwillhjw: I avoid distro betas as much as possible.  The KDE betas are the only ones with new features, anyways.03:55
jwillI mean memenode...03:55
memenodeit's a kde beta..03:55
memenodeand feature freeze is in effect from what I heard..03:56
jwillmemenode: As of November.03:57
jwillmemenode: RC is out today or tomorrow, so I'm not bothering with the beta.03:57
memenodeeh I didn't know :S03:58
memenodelooks like some dbus issue.. plasma crashes on its start and complains of no reply from dbus03:59
jwillmemenode: Hey, we had someone in here a while ago with a similar problem in 4.303:59
jwillIt might have been solved.  You'd have to look in the logs.04:00
memenodehm they don't go that far back probably04:00
jwillmemenode: They do.04:03
jwillmemenode: I think it's "u19809", but it must span into the next day: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/01/05/%23kubuntu.txt04:05
ilumihow do i delete without moving to trash?04:05
jwill...nevermind, it must have happened in #kde04:05
jwillilumi: You can enable it as a right-click option in dolphin general settings04:06
ilumijwill: shift used to work, not now04:06
memenodejwill: might be helpful, thanks04:07
coreyBjwill,  where to be exact?04:07
jwillcoreyB: delete?04:07
coreyByes* lol04:07
jwillcoreyB: General category in settings in dolphin04:08
jwillcoreyB: Oops, not there, nvm04:08
jwillcoreyB: General in 'context menu' tab04:08
coreyBtake a screenshot jwill  i cant find it04:09
* Kage is going to bed... night04:13
coreyBnight kage04:15
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ahsanhi to all04:46
ahsancan any body temme which is the best antivirus n spyware software for kubuntu04:46
iconmefistoahsan: clamav is the only one I know of04:52
iconmefistoahsan: btw, the only good reason to use it with kubuntu is to protect windows machines you may be sending files to04:54
ahsanactually i cant open my hotmail  account using firefox04:54
ahsani called my isp04:55
ahsanthey r saying scan ur computer04:55
iconmefistoahsan: ok, it won't hurt, but I doubt very much that is the problem04:55
iconmefistoahsan: have you tried creating a new firefox profile and trying hotmail?04:56
ahsannope :$04:56
ahsanat the moment i m uninstalling firefox04:56
ahsann den reinstalling it04:57
ahsanbtw konqueror is also unable to open ma hotmail account04:57
ahsann yes i m also in doubt tat my machine is infected04:57
ahsancaz i m dowloading file n browsing net normally otherwise04:58
iconmefistoahsan: if you're going to reinstall firefox, delete the ~/.mozilla folder to remove your old profile05:02
Zeppelinsay my friend wants to change his Kubuntu cursor05:05
Zeppelinhow would my friend do this?05:05
iconmefistoZeppelin: your friend could go to systemsettings, keyboard and mouse, cursor theme tab05:06
Zeppelinmy friend says thank you05:08
iconmefistoyou can find cursor themes on http://www.kde-look.org05:09
ilumihow can i find where a file or program installed?05:14
iconmefistoilumi: whereis firefox05:15
iconmefistofor example05:15
ilumiiconmefisto: that doesnt always work sometimes it just returns the same name(only)05:16
ilumii tried whereis locate and find, none do what i want05:17
iconmefistowhat are you searching for?05:17
iconmefistowhat is that?05:18
ilumisome multimedia framework05:19
reybulhello, i can't see video in dragon player audio is ok, video is black screen only05:20
ilumireybul: you see a blue icon pop up by the clock?05:21
ilumireybul: you need codecs05:21
reybulok, but after all work fine, and i install vlc player05:24
kamolajust installed kubuntu. now it asks for a password... what can i do?05:25
reybuland now not work vlc player o dgragon player05:25
zagrothello room!05:25
kamolahello zagrot05:25
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:25
kamolai'm a noob... sry05:25
reybulcodecs ok, tks05:26
kamolai didn't give a pass for kubuntu05:26
ilumitry blank05:26
kamolai'm on windows xp pro now05:26
zagrotI have a quick question, is there a konsole command to find the version of kubuntu that i'm running?  similar th the ver command in dos?05:26
kamolaeverything blank(2 lines)?05:26
kamolai'll check that05:27
ilumiwhat did you put for username?05:27
ilumithats your username05:27
ilumifor password is whatever you put in or blank?05:27
iconmefistozagrot: uname -a   and    kded4 -version05:27
kamolai didn't give it a username as i can remember... i had hard work last days05:28
zagrotthanks a ton iconmefisto05:28
ilumikamola: it wont install without it05:28
iconmefistozagrot: there's also lsb_release -a05:29
kamolaok, brain get up now! thx05:29
zagrotwa's lsb?05:29
zagrotsorry, what's lsb?05:30
kamolabig thx ilumi!05:30
iconmefistozagrot: stands for Linux Standard Base, but I don't really know what it means05:30
zagrotsounds meaningful05:31
zagroti like to know my acronyms, it helps figure things ou when they get complicated05:31
zagrot*gets pen and paper*05:31
iconmefistoman lsb_release might explain (or might not)05:32
reybultks, i'll check codecs and links ubottu05:32
zagrotit gave me the information i was looking for05:33
zagrotthe previous two as well, but in a bit more cryptic form05:34
iconmefistothey tell you different things, linux kernel that is running, distro version, and kde version05:34
ilumireybul: ubottu thanks you05:35
zagroti really wanted distro version so i can look for a tutorial to modify my grub menu05:36
zagrotbut i'm not very knowelegable of the *nix command line yet05:36
zagroti did not want to find outdated information and screw up my new installation05:37
iconmefistozagrot: ok, there are now 2 versions of grub. you'll likely find lots of info about grub, but from 9.10 karmic, grub2 is installed by default05:38
zagrotthat is good to know05:38
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub205:39
zagroti already found a grub tutorial, but the menu.1st file did not exist in /boot/grub05:39
iconmefistotry that link ^^05:39
zagrotand then i realised that i downloded the kubunu iso maybe three months ago05:39
zagrotwasn't sure if here had been a release since then05:40
zagrotback in a few mines05:41
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kamolaback again. i really don't remember my loginnick for kubuntu now... is there any other choice to remember that?05:46
kamola---hard work-- and i'm a noob05:47
iconmefistokamola: have you ever used this login, or is it a new install?05:48
kamolai'll remember after work today then later....05:48
kamolait's a completely new install05:48
iconmefistokamola: you could probably boot in recovery mode and create a new user05:49
kamolahow do i reboot in recovery mode?05:50
kamolai hate my lcd...05:51
iconmefistokamola: when starting up choose recovery mode from the grub menu. if you don't see the grub menu, press esc key05:51
kamolaafter booting and stuff it's getting dark immediately sometimes05:51
iconmefistoor it might have changed to shift key, I'm not sure. try both05:51
kamolabuggy monitor :(05:51
kamolaok, thx much iconmefisto05:52
iconmefistokamola: do you know the adduser command?05:52
kamolai never used linux :((((05:52
kamolaalways not compatible to my wifi05:53
kamolai'll reboot now and'll c05:53
iconmefistowhen you've booted in recovery mode, you'll be logged in as root (similar to windows administrator mode). to add a user: adduser --system <name-of-new-user>05:53
kamolayes, interesting and good.... thx!05:54
bishopkamola what do u think of linux after using xp?05:55
reybuliconmefisto:to logged in as root mode i need password?05:58
iconmefistodoes it ask for password?05:59
zagrotkamola: google the make and model of your lcd combined with "power supply" and you'll probably find a reconditioning tutorial.  if you are handy with a soldering iron i'll bet you can fix the thing for less than $20.06:00
reybulsorry i dont now, only ask for06:01
zagroti just scored two lcd monitors that only needed capacitors to be replaced06:01
iconmefistoreybul: do you mean booting in recovery mode?06:02
zagroticonmefisto: thanks for the wiki link.  i was not aware that there was a grub2.06:02
zagroti probably would have screwed up royally with the tutorial i found.06:03
Derath-Srvrhi all06:05
reybulno,only to know,06:05
zagroticonmefisto: I think i have found what i need, but i'd like your opinion.  the information in the /etc/grub.d/ section of the wiki suggests that i can reorder the grub menu by changing the numbers of the files it loads.  i'm dual booting and i'd like to have the windows xp as default because this computer is for my bother's school work (he linux install is my toy).  i'd also want to have the os seletions before the memtest and linux recovery selections.06:19
zagrot will renumbering the files accomplish this?06:19
iconmefistozagrot: afaik, the default is set in /etc/default/grub06:23
zagrotoh, just found the readme in the grub.d folder.  i says entry 10_* is reserved for native boot entries06:23
iconmefistozagrot: in /etc/default/grub  there is GRUB_DEFAULT=0 which means boot the first item in the menu06:24
zagrotso linux must occupy entry 0, but i can say default=1 for the second entry06:25
iconmefistozagrot: might be a good idea to keep backups of any files you edit, so you can restore them with a livecd if you do something disastrous06:26
zagroti know06:26
zagrotnot rying to sound rude06:26
zagrotjust been there before06:26
iconmefistonp zagrot06:26
zagrotthanks for the help, gotta get some sleep before the night sneaks away06:27
kubuntu_hi there, been struggling to empty our my Wastebin. fo some funny reasons some finle get locked up06:28
kubuntu_<some files>06:29
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
noaXessgood morning community..06:50
petsoundsgood afternoon noaXess :D06:52
noaXess:)... suisse time 07:52 am.. petsounds where are you living?06:52
noaXessdoes somebody knows about thunderbird 3 will be available in kubuntu repos?06:52
petsounds13:52 PM here in indonesia06:53
noaXesspetsounds: so just a half day gone ;)06:55
petsoundsnoaXess, i'll be out for a while to get lunch. nice to meet you :)06:59
ghalenoaxess, you can get thunderbird 3 by adding the mozilla daily or beta ppa07:02
Derath-SrvrHi LD07:06
noaXessghale: ok.. but then i get also daily's firefox...07:06
ghaleyou can just unselect it after installing thunderbird i think07:07
noaXesshave now downloaded tb3 from getthunderbird.com.. extracted.. but can't start it ?.. i run thunderbird and get: can't find thunderbird-bin07:07
noaXessi have done that on other systems without problems..07:07
noaXessneed a coffee..07:08
jschallis there a way to put my wifi passwords in a kwallet with no password so that i don't have to type in my password to open my kwallet immediately when i start my laptop?07:14
Derath-Srvrjschall: I believe when you first use kwallet, just leave the password empty...07:20
Derath-SrvrAs far as fixing afterwards, I think there's a directory that you can rm, but I'm not certain...07:21
iconmefistonoaXess: where is thunderbird installed?07:24
jschallDerath-Srvr: what if i have other passwords which i do want to keep protected?07:28
noaXessiconmefisto: just extracted it in the home folder.. so on my machine this works.. on the other not yet07:28
Derath-Srvrjschall: In that case, I don't think there's an option to protect some and not others...07:28
noaXessiconmefisto: if i run ./thunderbird in the extracted folder it get: ./run-mozilla.sh: 399: ./thunderbird-bin: not found07:29
iconmefistonoaXess: is thunderbird-bin in that folder? I just downloaded and installed it and it starts up fine07:35
noaXessiconmefisto: yes.. i also downloaded the thunderbird-3.0.tar.bz2 file, extracted it to /home/username/apps/thunderbird and start ./thunderbird in that folder, but not tb.. :(07:36
iconmefistonoaXess: is thunderbird-bin in that folder?07:39
noaXessiconmefisto: yes..07:40
noaXessi think it's the 32bit 64bit problem, cause the system is 64bit.. so..07:40
noaXessget back soon..07:41
jschallis there any way to make knetworkmanager use a different wallet other than the default "kdewallet"? i hate that it pops up a password request immediately when the computer starts07:42
iconmefistonoaXess: maybe try downloading the 64 bit deb at http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/t/thunderbird-3.1/07:47
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iconmefistonoaXess: or just add that ppa to sources.list07:58
CruellanoaXess: or just add that ppa to sources.list07:58
noaXessspaceno.. i won't....07:58
Cruellaspaceno.. i won't....07:59
iconmefistowhat's with the echoing?07:59
noaXesssorry.. :)08:00
Cruellawhat's with the echoing?08:00
Cruellasorry.. :)08:00
noaXessi want install it from getthunderbird.com.. but i think the problem is, cause i have a 64bit system and ia32-libs isn't installed ;)08:01
Cruellai want install it from getthunderbird.com.. but i think the problem is, cause i have a 64bit system and ia32-libs isn't installed ;)08:01
noaXesshey Cruella: what's your problem?08:02
Cruellahey Cruella: what's your problem?08:02
noaXessiconmefisto: was that a bot?08:02
iconmefistoyeah I think so08:02
noaXessiconmefisto: wow...08:03
noaXessiconmefisto: so thunderbird3 works :) just installed ia32-libs08:03
noaXessiconmefisto: i will also try your solution, download the 64bit from ppa...08:04
noaXessor add the ppa :)..08:04
iconmefistonoaXess: do you have thunderbird 2 installed? or using old thunderbird 2 profile with 3?08:04
noaXessiconmefisto: it's a fresh install.. and tb2 is installed but not configured..08:05
noaXessthe look of tb3 is fancy.. old scool.. how to change that? in tb2 there are some patches that it look's good.. for tb3 also?08:05
iconmefistonoaXess: maybe try installing it in /opt and the same patches will work with tb3?08:08
iconmefistonoaXess: or installing from apt with the ppa version might set it all up for you08:09
iconmefistonoaXess: the thing with the ppa is it will try to update firefox if you have it installed. you could install tb3 then remove the ppa if you don't want the daily updates08:13
noaXessiconmefisto: yes thats the prob... it will be cool, if there are two ppa's for ff and tb :)08:13
noaXessand after upgradeing ff to the ppa's version it is called shiretoko or something like this :(08:14
iconmefistonoaXess: just installed tb3 from ppa and it looks the same to me. it's called "shredder" in titlebar08:15
noaXessiconmefisto: yes..08:16
noaXesssame as the version from getthunderbird.com?08:16
noaXessso no changes :(08:16
noaXessiconmefisto: have a solution to get a cool look for tb3 :) http://mozilla.paenglab.ch/08:20
=== kb is now known as Guest7132
BurpsHi : 1st time with *buntu (but not with linux...) : just installed 9.10 : wher is the menu to add users ? I can't find, as found on the web "K menu -> System -> KUser User Manager"08:22
noaXessBurps: systemsettings / advanced / user management )08:23
BurpsnoaXess: thx08:24
cooper__hey annybody knows some nice themes or where i can find them?08:25
cooper__hey annybody knows some nice themes or where i can find them?08:26
tsimpsoncooper__: there are plenty on http://kde-look.org08:28
cooper_ty tsimpson08:38
BurpsIs there an easy way to setup Karmic so that an user can have ONLY web browsing available ? (just one application), like a kiosk ?08:49
TheAncientGoatBurps: sure08:57
BurpsTheAncientGoat: thanks ...09:00
TheAncientGoatBurps: there are just multiple ways of going about doing so09:01
BurpsAnyway, how can I lock the desktop and applications availmable to a specific user ?09:01
BurpsI suppose, but one is enough for me :)09:01
TheAncientGoatBurps: Well, I know it can be done, I just quickly need to find out the easiest way.. I mean, you could create a guest account that only has access to a group that only has access to the programs that you want the guest to use09:07
TheAncientGoatbut that is a bit work intensive09:07
TheAncientGoatBurps: Hmm, try this FF addon maybe? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/165909:13
BurpsI think I'll go for edubuntu, seems to be the easiet/fastest (as I don't master *buntu....)09:13
Burpsthen probably also use this add-on  :)09:14
TheAncientGoatOh, I'm sure there's a masterful way to do what you want elegantly in Kubuntu09:15
TheAncientGoatI'm just not a master :)09:15
TheAncientGoatBurps: Seems there was a program that does specifically what you ask, a custom KDE Kiosk tool, but it is no longer maintained09:20
TheAncientGoatYou can still use the functionality if you are willing to edit configs manually09:20
TheAncientGoatAnd in the KDE 4.4 release, they will be bringing in KAuth, which would allow you to do something similar. Just not now :)09:21
seicherlbobHi there! I have problems with a permanent mounted smb share. The server runs smb 3.0.24 on Debian, the Clients are Kubuntu 9.04 and 9.10. Both use CIFS to mount the same smb-shares permanently using minimal fstab options (credentials, iocharset). On both clients i can not modify existing files. I can create and delete them, but not modify them. even as (local) root i can not modify remote files. modifying them by access via smb:10:29
seicherlbob// works fine though. The same shares can be used perfectly from any win client10:29
happyseicherlbob: pastebin your fstab line. Be sure to make user USERNAME and password PASSWORD10:31
happythen again, don't pastebin, it is just one line :-)10:31
poipoinågon från sverige?10:32
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se10:33
seicherlbobhappy: this is the last setting i tried: //server/share         /mnt/remote        cifs   credentials=/home/user/.credentials,uid=localuser,gid=localuser,iocharset=iso8859-15,nobrl        0       010:33
happydoes that work at least (read only)10:35
seicherlbobhappy: i can browse and read, create, delete files. but i can not modify them. (e.g. open, modify and save txt file in nano)10:35
iconmefisto_my fstab uses smbfs, don't know how much that differs to cifs10:36
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happyeven as root you can not modify? pastebin ls -l /mnt/remote/cifs10:36
Captain_Haddockapt-get update downloads the same packages every time I run it... any idea why this is happening?10:37
seicherlbobiconmefisto_: smbfs is said to be replaced by cifs. i cannot even use smbfs any longer. dmesg tells me to use cifs.10:37
Captain_Haddockpackage lists I should say10:37
seicherlbobhappy: no such file or directory10:37
tsimpsonCaptain_Haddock: what do you mean?10:38
happyseicherlbob: then can you ls -l the directory you mounted it on?10:38
seicherlbobls -l /mnt/remote works10:38
seicherlbobhappy: as i said: ls -l /mnt/remote works. but there is no file/directory "cifs"10:41
seicherlbobhappy: even as local root i can not modify the files.10:42
happyseicherlbob: I am sorry if I was not clear. I wanted you to pastebin the output of ls -l [MOUNT POINT]10:42
seicherlbobhappy: what are you looking for?10:43
happyseicherlbob: permissions10:44
happyif you can give me a sample of them that would work to. I guess is the permissions are all the same10:44
seicherlboban example of a file i just created to check the error:  -rwxr-----  /user: myuser /group: myuser10:45
^myokidzuhello can you help me configure volume in kde4 please?10:45
happyseicherlbob: what about files already there?10:45
happy!ask | ^myokidzu10:46
ubottu^myokidzu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:46
seicherlbobhappy: a file created from the windows client:  -rwxrw-rw-10:46
seicherlbobme and me10:47
seicherlbobas i mounted it with gid and uid...10:47
happyseicherlbob: I am just checking.10:47
happyseicherlbob: what is the error when you try to modify a file?10:48
seicherlbobhappy: depends on the program: nano says: "No such file or directory"10:49
seicherlbobwowowow! ok. # echo "foo" >> file works fine10:50
^myokidzuhappy is this an help channel or not?10:50
happy^myokidzu: it is a help channel. why do you think it is not?10:50
seicherlbob^myokidzu: i think he wanted you to be more precise10:51
happyseicherlbob: can you use gedit? vi? anything other then nano.10:52
seicherlbob^myokidzu: is it a brand new harddrive? are there existing partitions you want to mount? what filesystem do you want/have to use?10:52
seicherlbobhappy: kate?10:52
* happy loves kate :-).10:52
* happy has been on #ubuntu too long10:53
happyseicherlbob: I thought ^myokidzu wanted help with sound volume.10:53
seicherlbobhappy: that could be possible too... i dont know. I thought of data volumes ;) lol10:53
happy^myokidzu: if you ask a specific question or state your problem someone might be able to help.10:54
^myokidzuok so can you ask my question please?10:54
happyseicherlbob: does kate modify the file10:54
JediMasterhey guys, I've been having a whole bunch of headaches with the sound system in kubuntu, it seems to randomly fall back to other sound devices that are less preferred even though there's nothing wrong with the main sound device, and every time I boot, even though kmixer shows the recoding audio channel is mic, it's actually set to line in, so I have to change it every time (yes, I know these are probably 2 very different problems!)10:54
happy^myokidzu: how can I ask your question without knowing it?10:55
seicherlbobhappy: the error is in german but basicly it says, that it can not save the document, because it cant write to /path/to/file I shall check write permissions or if the drive is full10:55
seicherlbob^myokidzu: what do you want to do? how did you try to do it and what did not work when you tried to do that?10:55
happyseicherlbob: but modifying works through smb:// in konq so we do not need to check the server. right?10:57
seicherlbobhappy: yes! it works with smb:// and it works on win clients and it works via sshfs10:57
happyseicherlbob: I doubt it will work... but try adding rw to the fstab line10:58
happyseicherlbob: I am running out of ideas10:58
seicherlbobhappy: nope. wont work11:00
seicherlbobwhat drives my nuts i, that using >> to append anything to the file works fine!11:00
happyseicherlbob: I still can not figure out what is different about modfying a file11:01
seicherlbobbut using ">" to overwrite the file doesn't work.11:01
seicherlbobhappy: i could delete the file manually before saving, that would work then, because i can delete and recreate it. but i can not "overwrite" it11:02
happyI can see that :-\11:02
seicherlbobwhat do you mean by "ah"?11:03
happyseicherlbob: I found a new word to search on google :-)11:03
happythat was the ah11:03
seicherlboba new word? what word?11:03
happyseicherlbob: overwrite. I found a thread about the problem. I am reading it now11:05
seicherlbobhappy: yeah. me too. bugs.debian.org11:06
happyseicherlbob: what is the server os/smb version11:07
seicherlbobhappy: smb version: 3.0.24, OS: debian etch11:09
happyMaybe it is a problem with the server. Is it up to date? I am grasping at straws now :-\11:10
^myokidzulol sorry I mean how configure "sound" not volume ;-)11:11
seicherlbobhappy: i just read that there are known problems with etch servers and newer clients... i will go on reading about that bug. thank you very much for now!11:12
happynp, I don't think I helped though ;-)11:12
seicherlbobhappy: you listened and held my hand for a while ;)11:17
happyin other words... failed :-P11:18
happyseicherlbob: I hope you solve the problem. It sounds like you need to install a newer version of samba11:19
zagrotis iconmefisto around?11:20
seicherlbobhappy: setting msdfs=no in smb.conf worked for me!11:21
happyseicherlbob: where did you find the answer?11:22
seicherlbobhappy: thank you! If you didnt mention the new word for google, i would not have found this bug report!11:22
seicherlbobhappy: im the bug report for debian.11:22
happyseicherlbob: lol. half the better is finding the right google search11:22
seicherlboboh man. that's great!11:23
happyglad I could help11:23
zagrotanyway, i just wanted to say thanks, and that i managed to not destroy my new instalation while tinkering with it.11:23
seicherlbobThis is the first machine in run mainly kubuntu on, i only have MS for gaming left somewhere. And it was driving me crazy, because i need linux for work, but i couldnt use it well! Now I can! Thank god, i'm rid of this bug!11:24
happyzagrot: although it is normally frowned upon to private message someone without there permission. I think it is ok to pm him and tell him that :-).11:25
happyseicherlbob: good to hear :-)11:25
happyseicherlbob: I only use kubuntu now (for desktop and laptop)11:26
zagroti thought that was public11:27
happyzagrot: what you just said was public11:27
happyzagrot: hello11:29
zagrotwhat was that about pm earlier?11:29
seicherlbobhappy: CU and have a nice day!11:30
happyzagrot: if the person you want to thank is not here. I would pm him. He is more likely to get the message11:30
happyseicherlbob: bye11:31
zagrothow would i pm someone?  i'm a little bit new to irc.11:31
happyzagrot: are you registered?11:32
zagrotdon't think so, i got an error message when checking my nick, but was allowed to logon anyway11:32
zagrotbut i was not payng full attention to the error11:33
kavurtafter today's updates, my default fonts have changed. in firefox, in quassel, on desktop, everywhere. does anybody know anything about it.11:43
alvinAny workaround for bug 34165? My NFS mounts are not mounting at boot anymore and there are no errors that halt the boot process.11:55
alvinOn other machines (ubuntu servers, not kubuntu), NFS mounts crash the boot process, but on this particular machine, it just boots.11:56
alvinAh, my /home isn't an NFS mount. That will be the difference. Never mind the last remark. So, anyone knows how to see a real useable boot log?11:56
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zagrotlater all.12:23
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Oxomoronein freundliches hallo in die runde12:54
Tm_T!de | Oxomoron12:54
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:54
ubottuOxomoron: please see above12:54
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:41
coreyBexscuse me?13:50
trakinashello all! Im having troubles to connect to my wireless route. It was working yesterday.... now, all that I get is "preparing to connect" and it prompting the PSK window all the time. Im not making any typo with the password.14:08
coreyBhas someone 'accident'ly changed the password?14:09
trakinascoreyB: no14:16
trakinascoreyB: I even restarted the AP, but not the modem/router. did not work.14:17
trakinasmy card is this one: RTL-818514:18
trakinasit worked out of the box. worked great until yesterday.14:18
trakinas(Im on the same modem/router, but with wired network)14:19
coreyBno idea mate14:25
trakinascoreyB: thanks! I think it maybe has something to do with Xen...14:26
trakinasI tired using it a month ago or so. Ended up installing debian on dual boot with kubuntu.14:27
coreyBtrakinas,  and you have checked for updates right?14:29
trakinascoreyB: to the whole system? I updated the kernel14:29
coreyBi'd say try and find your wireless card with 'lspci' and do a google search and add kubuntu at the end14:31
trakinaswhat is the equivalent of ifconfig eth0 up?14:31
coreyBnot sure14:32
trakinasI will try to find smth else on google. I have to go now.14:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:36
jonathan__hello! Since I upgraded my kernel from 2.6.31-16 to 2.6.31-17, some strange things happen. First, I can't boot the new kernel; it stops in normal boot with "Starting up..." and in recovery mode after telling me that my internal hard disk is checked and ok and will be next checked in "x" times. When trying to boot from 2.6.31-16 (the old kernel), I get the x server running, but all ttys are completly empty, except tty1. There stands "14:40
jonathan__Starting up...", I can't logg in via the tty, only on tty7 (XServer). Any Ideas what went wrong during the upgrade?14:40
Dekansdo you know if I can use upstart syntax in /etc/rc.local ?14:51
noaXessis it possible to connect a bluethoot mobile headset with kubuntu, so i can use it ef. in skype14:52
noaXessgr.. bluetooth ^14:52
inclementI am using emacs in kubuntu karmic. When I click 'maximise', the window flickers to fill the screen but then gets smaller again and isn't maximised. The window size also changes as I work on a document (I think as I do stuff in the minibuffer), which is very very annoying. How can I fix this?14:53
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
DJTachyonjust installed Kubuntu 9.10 in VirtualBox, how can I get gparted installed?15:19
DJTachyontried a sudo apt-get install gparted and says it can't be found, yet apt-cache search gparted finds it15:19
coreyB hmm DJTachyon15:21
coreyBfunny thing is, that its in the repos, did you type 'sudo apt-get install gparted' ?15:21
noaXessi can't pair my bluethoot headset with karmic, i get: sorry, sour bluethoot device does not support input  service..15:21
geniimight want to sudo apt-get update   before doing sudo apt-get install <something>  . Could be your sources.list only has the CD as a source, or your virtualised eth0 isn't working, etc15:25
noaXessi foung this about bluetooth headset https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothHeadset and there are links to PulseAudio https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PulseAudio but the content of PulseAudio is empty ;(15:27
=== fire`lalala is now known as fire`lala
DJTachyoncoreyB: I must not have had the correct repos in the KpackageKit ...15:39
DJTachyoncoreyB: I installed Adept and it found everything no problem15:39
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
coreyBah okie dokie :)15:40
martijnHi, why there is no kpackagekit in the repository?15:41
martijnoops, wrong channel, hehe15:41
BluesKajmartijn, kpackagekit connects to your repositories15:49
martijnyeah i know, it is an advanced pacakge manager15:50
=== jipang_menjerit is now known as jipang_offline
BluesKajmartijn, well, advanced is a bit generous , but if it works for you then it's good15:58
martijnyeah, i liked the interface before \o/16:02
=== matthew__ is now known as matty3269
NeteHello, After opening the KDE start menu and clicking on applications > sub-category how to I go back to a different sub-category?16:08
wftlRunning KDE 4.4 beta packages and Kontact at al fails to start every time  because of Akonadi errors.16:10
wftlHas anyone in the Kubuntu/KDE community ever successfully run Akonadi? Would you like to share how it was done.16:10
wftlIncidentally, I created a new user, clean configuration, no stuff to migrate and Akonadi still won't start.16:10
wftldbus errors - apparently neither akonadi nor nepomuk are registered at dbus.16:11
* Nete gimp starts faster in kubuntu than Vista16:15
=== hhlp_ is now known as hhlp
NeteWhere are fonts located?16:31
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer16:31
Neteubottu: Thnx16:31
NeteI don't have the synaptic package manager, but I'll try using Adept16:32
hhlp!mplayer | hhlp16:34
ubottuhhlp, please see my private message16:34
=== AlexZion_ is now known as AlexZion
=== spider is now known as Spider_11
hasanhow to delete a hidden directory by command line ?16:43
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=== bob__ is now known as Guest39190
noaXessdoes anybody knows a tool to create network shemas, a network structur?.. like in M$ visio?16:45
BluesKajGuest81188, find the hidden file name in dolphin or konqueror , then in the terminal sudo rm -rf name of file ..but be careful hidden files are usually essential for the proper performance of your OS16:46
fire`lalanoaXess: perhaps dia will suit your needs?16:47
noaXessfire`lala: ok.. your username.. hm.. not easy for autocomplete :)16:47
=== fire`lala is now known as firelala
firelalanoaXess: :-)16:50
noaXessfirelala: dia is gnome app.. is ther no kde app?16:52
noaXessi know, i can install dia.. but if there is a kde app :)16:52
firelalanoaXess: sorry, I don't know16:53
noaXessfound also this: http://www.graphviz.org/16:53
ubuntu_WIll KDE4 Konversation be back in the next version as the default IRC client?16:53
wftlLet me ask a different question: is there a way to NOT use akonadi with Kontact?16:54
BluesKajubuntu_, just install konversation, and the next upgrade it will update/upgrade too ...seems quassel is the fav right now ,some devs have been lobbying for it as the deafult and have won this round .16:56
BluesKajquassel is ok ,but it's not kind to my eyes :)16:57
ubuntu_I know I can install it, I was just wondering if it would be back. I was wondering if the only reason its not here is because it wasn't ready, or if Quassel was the more popular16:57
ubuntu_I agree with you there16:57
BluesKajubuntu_, sudo aptitude install konversation16:58
ubuntu_I recognise your name Blues, You used to be here alot when I used to run linux :[16:58
ubuntu_First time i've run it in a while16:58
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BluesKajright ...what was your nick back then ?16:58
BluesKajquassel works ok...I had some kde probs a few weeks ago , so konvi was acting up , but I still prefer it17:00
TimSI haven't tried the KDE4 version of Konvi out yet17:00
BluesKajbut I'm on lucid so ......17:00
BluesKajkde4 version is fine now17:00
TimSHaha, sounds like you are on drugs.17:00
TimSBut yes17:00
TimSOkay, I shall install that in a sec17:01
TimSI like how you can install packages on a live system :]17:02
nerdy_kidis it a good idea to upgrade to QT 4.6 on KDE 4.3?17:03
BluesKajnerdy_kid, it's the default with kde 4.4 afaik , dunno about kde4.3 tho17:07
nerdy_kidBluesKaj yeah, i just got over downgrading from 4.4, and dont want to repeat the experence :S  QT 4.6 has some improvments that i want though....17:08
BluesKajnerdy_kid, what prompted you to downgrade to kde4.3 ?17:10
nerdy_kidBluesKaj 4.4 was a little too buggy still for me, and my old KDE config wouldn't work with 4.4; got several plasma crashes, and everything was slow.  Ill wait till FEB then grab it..17:11
BluesKajI'm actually on Liucid and there are a few kde permission probs with calling up ordinary text and conf files , so i have to use gksudo instead of kdesudo in the run command17:13
BluesKajerr Lucid17:13
desiree_HEP ME PLEASE!!!! I accidentally got rid of the icon showing my network connections and my audio controls... how do I get them abck. I cannto find it in Widgets!!17:17
nerdy_kiddesiree_not using GNOME but would that be your system tray?17:17
Zoraeldesiree_: They aren17:18
Zoraeldesiree_: They aren't widgets, but rather running programs. Pop up a run box with alt+f2 and enter 'kmix' for the volume control app, and 'knetworkmanager' for the networking manager17:18
desiree_uhm.... im new so.... not sure what you mean. my other os is xfce.. and it has it17:18
desiree_ this one doesnt. im actually surprised the thing conected to the net17:19
desiree_ Ok.. two options came up.17:19
desiree_ ok i clicked knetworkmanager and nothng happened17:19
desiree_ i see no changes17:19
desiree_ same iwth kmix17:19
desiree_zorael it didnt work....17:20
Zoraeldesiree_: Perhaps they're there but they're not showing for some reason.17:20
desiree_Ok.. ive restarteed17:21
geniidesiree_:  The widget is called "System Tray"17:21
desiree_ ok17:21
desiree_ holy crap you did it17:21
desiree_ thanks genii!!!17:21
desiree_ thanks zorael..17:22
geniidesiree_: np17:22
desiree_Ok. mental note made... don't muck with linux.17:22
desiree_btw how do I get the other 6 options on the boot screen to go away17:22
desiree_ i just want to choose between Xubuntu and Kubuntu.17:22
desiree_ ive got like 4 versions of each17:23
Bonst4rdelete the old kernels?17:23
geniidesiree_: Those are due to kernel upgrades, it leaves the old kernel grub entries.17:23
desiree_two 16 bits, two 14 bits, some in recovery mode.17:23
desiree_ ok how do I delete them?17:23
desiree_ without jacking my computer up17:24
Bonst4rpackage manager17:24
geniidesiree_: sudo apt-get autoremove     will get the old ones out but not from grub menu. for thet, sudo grub-update     (or update-grub)17:24
desiree_uhm.... wow ... english, genii?17:24
desiree_i do that in the terminal?17:24
geniidesiree_: In konsole, yes17:24
desiree_konsole... ok hangon17:25
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Pat_Bensondo 'update-grub' remove old entries? Dont you have to config the grub.conf for it?17:25
desiree_Ok i got this one...E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:25
desiree_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:25
Pat_Bensonyou probobly still got kpackagekit running17:26
desiree_ok... totally lost...17:26
Bonst4rWhen you run update-grub it only updates the mbr, you usually run update-grub after modifying menu.lst17:26
desiree_ how can I cloase that.17:27
desiree_ i typed in sudo update-grub17:27
desiree_ its doing something now...17:27
desiree_ not sure what17:27
FloodBotK1desiree_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:27
desiree_oops. sorry about flooding guys.. Ok the update is done.17:27
geniiPat_Benson: When you use package manager to remove old kernels it's supposed to cleanup the grub entries17:28
desiree_ok how do I close kpackagekit?17:29
Bonst4rx button?17:29
desiree_huh? well I would click it if I knew what it was...17:30
Bonst4rsame on all windows17:31
desiree_aaaaaaaaaaaaah so lost.17:31
geniiCould be automatic updates or some other minimised app is using apt backend17:31
=== Dau`Gone is now known as Daughain
DaughainMorning, all.17:34
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Himmlerola, can you tell me how to upgrade to kde 4.3.4, i read from http://www.kubuntu.org/node/126 but i don't understand.17:53
Bonsterupgrade to 4.4?18:03
Himmlerno. kde 4.3.418:03
Bonsterwat u on now? 4.2?18:04
Himmler4.3.2 karmic18:04
Bonsterenable backports18:05
Himmlerit's no longer in the ppa but in the backports and i don't know how to enable backports18:05
Daughain4.4 isnt out yet, is it?18:05
Bonsteropen kpackagekit18:05
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Himmlerok then?18:05
Bonsteredit software sources18:05
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Bonsterupdate tab18:06
Bonstercheck up unsupportd18:07
Bonsterthats the backports18:07
Himmlerthat's all?18:07
Bonsterand reload18:07
Bonsterand update18:07
Himmlerok. upgrade or dist-upgrade?18:08
Bonstermight be just update18:08
Bonstertry both18:08
Himmlersudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade or without dist- ?18:09
jimmy51_after a reboot, my wife's PC (kubuntu 9.10 on atom 330 + intel gma950) suddenly became unusably choppy18:09
BluesKajHimmler, dist-upgrade is depracated afaik , it might not work18:09
jimmy51_what should i check first?18:09
BluesKajHimmler,  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:10
BluesKajHimmler, are you upgrading the kubuntu version or or just your existing one18:11
HimmlerBluesKaj: i try to upgrade kubuntu karmic from kde 4.3.2 to 4.3.418:12
DaughainIs there a ram cache or buffer in ubuntu, and how do I clear it out...??=)18:20
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colesis there a PPA with libpulse >= 0.9.21 for karmic?18:50
colesit's fine, I found one - ubuntu-audio-dev18:58
kamola2i installed kubuntu yesterday18:58
kamola2but i don't know any pass or nick18:58
kamola2i'm pretty sure that i didn't give it to anyone18:59
kamola2i'Äm so sorry but i really need help with that  :(18:59
kamola2it asks for a nick and a pass when i try to get into kubuntu19:01
rorkkamola2: it should've asked to specify a nick and pass during install19:02
BluesKajkamola2, when you installed kubuntu , did you enter a username and password when prompted , if you did then use them19:03
BluesKajI can't understand why kubuntu can install without a username and pw from the get go19:04
kamola2i was in sad psychological mood yesterday when i installed it19:06
kamola2the chance is now to uninstall the kubuntu19:06
kamola2and reinstall it19:06
kamola2that's my only choice i think?!19:06
kamola2or is there a prog who could read it out?19:06
BluesKajkamola2, hang on ..lemme check domething19:08
Pat_BensonI think you can rename/change password and user with a liveCD19:09
kamola2thank u BluesKaj19:09
kamola2Pat_Benson: hm, maybe19:10
BluesKajkamola2, Pat_Benson is correct , then all you do is reinstall, make sure you give a username and password when the install peompts you Then just use the manual partitioning , so the install will go faster becuase it will use the existing one but it will just change all the permissions to your new user and pw.19:19
BluesKajpeompts=prompts ,19:20
BluesKaj!hi | Freddy219:21
ubottuFreddy2: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:21
ilter_Hello. I'd like to ask a question to put DNS address on KDE. I put openDNS address on system_settings->network settings->Wireless then edit my wireless conn. and from IP Address tab i choose "Automatic (DHCP) address only". Last i put DNS address to DNS servers section.19:25
ilter_But my conn. stills doesn't use openDNS. And also when i checked from terminal by "more /etc.resolv.conf" it doesn't show openDNS ip addresses.19:27
ilter_Could someone explain what is my fault?19:28
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BluesKajilter_, in the terminal try this wlan0=dhcp ..normally dns settings go in the router/modem setup19:39
kamola2thx BluesKaj&Pat_Benson.. i think i'll get it to work somehow then19:40
Torchkamola2: you can simply boot the live cd, mount your root partition, find the username and reset the password19:40
kamola2thx for your affort19:40
Torchkamola2: no need to re-install if your problem is really only a lost user/pwd combo19:40
dawhich is better Kubuntu or ubuntu?19:40
kamola2so ok19:41
kamola2what do i have to do now exactly?19:41
kamola2i'll c thx19:41
BluesKajTorch, he didn't enter a user or pw during the install19:43
TorchBluesKaj: well, boot the live cd and create a user19:43
TorchBluesKaj: still no need to re-install19:44
BluesKajTorch,  hope it works , I haven't encountered that prob19:44
DaughainWhat is npviewer.bin?19:45
TorchDaughain: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=npviewer.bin ;-)19:46
BluesKajilter_, enter the the opendns addresses in you router , make sure it's not using auto dns19:46
DaughainTorch:  Thanks19:46
=== bbroeksema|work is now known as bbroeksema
BluesKajilter_, Primary Domain Name Server: , Secondary Domain Name Server:
memenodeis RC coming today?19:50
ernstp I've tried 2 kubuntu daily livecds this week but it fails to start KDM, do they work for anyone else?19:51
Freddy210.04 should include kde 4.4 but iirc it has been delayed a pair of weeks in order to have more testing over qt 4.6.1, instead of using 4.6.019:51
Freddy2so.. 10.04 release date is still the same as ubuntu? could it be also delayed because of kde?19:52
geniiernstp: It's a known problem involving HAL . Login console and: sudo start kdm              for time being til it gets fixed19:52
geniiAlso #ubuntu+1   is the channel for Lucid discussions :)19:52
memenodeeh "10.04" reminds me of OS X19:52
memenodeUbuntu X :D19:53
BluesKajFreddy2, I'll answer you in #ubuntu+119:53
* genii ponders 2010.April19:53
ilter_BluesKaj: thank you for your concern. Dns is inactive on my dsl home router. On my windows pc i can set openDNS for DNS servers.. So i do it from my pc without home router DNS facility. Do you suggest anything for it?20:05
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happyilter_: you can also use google dns. The only reason they are better is they do not redirect you to advertisments when you spell a sight wrong.20:10
ilter_happy: thank you i'll try it. But unfortunately i couldn't set DNS address on my wlan0 conn. Could you explain how i can set DNS address on my wlan0 conn.?20:11
BluesKajilter_, try this ,http://www.linux-archive.org/debian-user/224937-opendns-debian.html20:12
BluesKajhappy, google dns is still a bit slow20:12
The_Akkihallo leute20:12
The_Akkiich habe bei meinen kubuntu das problem, dass das CDRom Laufwerk meines Laptops nicht erkannt wird, wenn beim Start KEINE CD drin liegt20:13
The_Akkiweiß da jemand weiter?20:13
ikonia!de | The_Akki20:14
ubottuThe_Akki: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:14
ilter_BluesKaj: Thank you. I put DNS addresses on resolv.conf then do i need to reboot my wlan0 conn? if yes how i can it from terminal?20:16
Freddy2i think resolv.conf should be rewritten on startup, so you should lose those changes if you keep it user-writable (you know, the tricky way xD)20:17
BluesKajilter_,  did you modify /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf  ?20:18
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DaughainHow do I mount an unformatted external hd?20:18
delightDaughain: you need to format before mouning20:19
BluesKajilter_, add this line to, /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf,  'prepend domain-name-servers,;'   without the quotes20:19
Daughaindelight; I need to mount it somewhere to something to format it.20:19
happyDaughain: gpartred os a good program for formating20:19
happyDaughain: that is wrong. Mounting is when the OS reads the file system20:20
Daughainhappy:  I know, I just havet found where kde puts it. =(20:20
delightwell yes gparted but partitionmanager is more kde ;)20:20
happydelight: always wondered if there was a kde one XD20:20
delightanyways ... you can also format on commandline + you need to a fs before you mount ... so you need to format20:20
happyDaughain: type alt+f220:21
DaughainWell, Kdisk shows it is there, but I need to figure out how to access it.20:21
happyDaughain: then type the command gparted20:21
delightDaughain: what does "sudo fdisk -l" says20:21
delightthe /dev/sdb1 line should be enough20:21
delightpretty much20:21
BluesKajdelight, it doesn't matter if it's not kde , it still works , gparted is the best partitoner to use , don't ger blinded by unecessary details20:21
ilter_BluesKaj: Now i put this statement to /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf then it works! Thank you so much for your and other friends' concern.20:21
delightBluesKaj: true ;)20:21
BluesKajilter_, glad to help :)20:22
delighti got both installed anyways ... the only thing you need to avoid of gnome is pulseaudio ... it really damages the kde experience20:22
Daughaindelight: It just shows the internal drive.20:22
delightDaughain: sudo lsusb20:22
Freddy2hmm gparted doesn't have raid support?20:22
Daughainhappy: It does nothing when I hit enter.??20:22
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happyDaughain: open  a konsole and type gparted20:23
delightDaughain: you need to install gparted ... aptitude install gparted << before you can use it20:23
Daughaingpart is part of the 9.10 install. I started with Ubuntu karmic then added kde, I didnt install with kubuntu.20:24
DaughainHmmm.....Its part of the 9.04 install......20:25
happyDaughain: open a konsole and type kdesu gparted20:25
Daughaingaprt is installing.......20:25
DaughainAnd I been in term for a while now. =)20:26
happyDaughain: then run kdesu gparted20:26
happyin term?20:26
delightor simply sudo gparted <<< does the same thing20:26
Daughainkonsole, terminal, either way.20:26
BluesKajusing gparted as a live cd is the best method to do your partioning20:26
Daughainkdesu command did nothing.20:27
happyDaughain: it is an external drive, you do not need to listen to BlueKaj in this case.20:27
Daughaingparted doesnt recognize the drive.20:27
delightDaughain: does lsusb show your external drive ?20:28
delightyour external-device ;)20:28
Daughaindelight:  I'm not sure.....20:28
DaughainIt shows a mass storage device....20:29
delightDaughain: thats an indicator20:29
delightDaughain: also fdisk -l should show you the drive <<< with root of course ... sudo fdisk -l20:29
delight^^^ubuntu way20:30
Daughaindelight:   This is the line;  Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:0158 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Mass Stroage Device20:30
Daughainfdisk only shows the internal drive.20:30
delightDaughain: thats not good ... i know the question might be stupid but ... you know that there is a drop-down-selector for the drives in gparted on the upper-right corner indicating the selected drive20:31
delightDaughain: sometimes its not viewable when the window is to small20:32
Daughaindelight:   Yup......Nothing showed when I tried it.20:32
delightDaughain: some ppl easily overlook that thing20:32
Daughaindelight:  I'ma newb, I dont get upset by questions like that. =)20:32
sfearsentering mid stream.. if your usb drive is not showing up in fdisk perhaps it's not mounted?20:32
delightDaughain: ok ... just wanted to make sure ... but that fits to fdisk -l only showing the internal drive20:32
DaughainKwikDisk shows it as mounted...???20:32
sfearsbut fdisk doesn't20:33
DaughainKdishFree shows it at /dev20:33
sfearsdmesg | tail ... figure out what /dev it's assigned to.. and mount it manually.. then fdisk & see if it shows20:33
Daughainnot sure what tmpfs means,though.20:34
sfearstemporary file system20:34
DaughainThats my guess??20:34
Daughainsfears:  usb 5, I think.20:35
sfearsusb 5 isn't a real /dev20:36
sfearscould be20:36
sfearsusually a number with it.. but maybe20:36
sfearsmaybe /dev/sdc020:37
sfearstry "sudo mount /dev/sdc /home/Desktop/mnt20:37
sfearssee if it mounts20:37
Daughainsd 7:0:0:0: [sdc]20:37
Daughaingenii:  No what?20:37
geniipartitions are like sdc1 sdc2    etc. Entire disk device is sdc20:38
geniiDaughain: Don't mount entire disk device like sdc. Use the partition designation like sdc1 sdc220:38
DaughainOK.....NUmerics designate partition spaces. =) Cool.20:38
DaughainSo, /dev/sdc1?20:38
sfearstry that20:39
Daughain/home/desktop/mnt; no mount point.20:40
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geniiDaughain: To find out what partitions a disk contains, and roughtly their filetype,: sudo fdisk -l20:40
DaughainWell,mount point does not exist.20:40
sfearsDaughain: you need to make sure the folder your mounting to exists20:40
Daughainfdisk does not recognize the device20:40
geniiDaughain: Yes, the "/mnt" in "/home/username/mnt" idea wasn't created yet when you tried to mount the dev there20:41
Daughaingenii:   I teied fdisk about three times.20:41
sfearscreate the folder on your desktop first.. or in your /mnt folder or wherever.. mounting to your desktop makes read/write access easier sometimes20:41
Daughainso, I should be able to try /home/Desktop as a mount point, right?20:41
Peace-hi guys :)20:41
DaughainMorning, Peace20:41
sfearsi'd make a folder Daughain... other wise it could mount many files to your desktop cuasing clutter20:42
Daughainspecial device /dev/sdc1 does not exist.20:42
BluesKajisn't /home/username the best way20:42
sfearswho are you talking to BluesKaj20:43
BluesKajto all in general20:43
sfearsDaughain: /dev/sdc1 was the output from dmesg | tail20:43
Daughain/dev/sdc was the output, sfears20:44
sfearsDaughain: pastebin the output of dmesg | tail20:45
Daughainsfears:   Actualy, /dev/sdc is my guess.......20:45
geniiDaughain: the : sudo fdisk -l                   just shows a list of the disks, and each of their partitions, with a short description of what kind of partitions they are. So if it said:/dev/sda2   *           1       10321    82903401    7  HPFS/NTFS     then you know it's NTFS and mount line would be like: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt        (or other mountpoint)20:45
sfearsgenii: the partition he wasn't isn't listed in fdisk.. we need to get it mounted first20:46
sfearsgenii: the partition he wants* isn't listed in fdisk.. we need to get it mounted first20:46
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Daughaingenii:   It never gave a /dev/sd* out put of any kind.20:49
Daughaingenii:  /sdc : /sdc1 is the closest out put to a mount point.20:50
sfearsi would say it should be /dev/sdc120:50
BluesKajusually it would be /dev/sda1 if there are no other partitions20:51
geniisfears: All disks that are in hardware, whether mounted or not, appear in that command20:51
DaughainThen, it may only be showing the internal.20:51
geniiIf fdisk output doesn't show any /dev/sdc    then it doesn't know about any third disk-type device on the system, whether mounted or not20:52
BluesKajDaughain, your cdrom would look like /dev/sr0 for example20:52
sfearsperhaps the usb drive is not formated yet?20:52
Daughainsda1 is the internal.20:53
Daughainwell.../dev/sda1  and partitions.20:53
Daughainsda2 for extended and sda5 for swap.20:53
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geniiBluesKaj: cd would be likely /dev/scd020:55
sfearsDaughain: you said /dev/sdc1 was an unknown device?20:58
jcook_anyone here good with php? I have dbase that stores the log files from dansguardian. so what I am trying to do is create summary report for the boss man. that will show the ip and the site they went to. Like went to facebook.com msn.com. The problem I am having is with any filter sofeware is there in like 20 facebook.com address. I just want to show one. I have try array_unique but it not working.21:01
BluesKajjcook_, tiny url ?21:02
Daughainsfears: Yes, Ive treied mouting sdc, sdc0, and sdc1, all listed as'does not exist'.21:04
jcook_Blueskaj I need to find some way of taken array and remove dupes21:05
sfearsDaughain: if you unplug the usb cable does dmesg | tail then show that it was disconnected21:08
fungosI'm trying to instal kubuntu 9.10 x86 in a old machine (athlon with vga onboard sis) .. but at the installer I only get a blackscreen .. X is trying to use a invalid video mode or anything else, I also tried to pass the parameter nomodeset to kernel.. but not effect. Anyone?21:08
Daughainsfears:   Lemme check. =)21:08
Peace-fungos: try to install with altenate iso21:10
BluesKajsorry jcook_ beyond my scope ...maybe someone else can help ?21:10
Daughainsfears:   Hmmmm.....Both dmesg | tail and kdisk show it as still there.21:10
Peace-fungos: there are desktop server and altenate edition , altenate it's for old pc21:10
sfearsdo you have a separate usb cable? perhaps your cable is bad?21:10
fungoshm ok :)21:10
jcook_Np thanks21:10
Daughainsfears:   Lemme get another one.21:10
sfearsor kdisk has control and won't give up21:10
fungosPeace-: I will try it, thanks21:10
sfearstry unmounting and quiting kdisk21:11
DaughainUnmounting what?21:11
fungosPeace-: can you give me what is the basic diference between desktop and alternate? X version?21:12
sfearsdidn't you say you mounted via kdisk? try to unmount whatever you mounted with kdisk and then make sure kdisk is quit21:12
Daughainsfears:   No, I said disk shows it as mounted.21:12
Peace-fungos: altenate is studied for old pc , with few resources .... so it doesn't load every heavy stuff , and slow , just because it loads from cd21:13
sfearsfungos: alternate is text based and i've had better success with compete installs via alternate.. beware of installation via alternate with wifi, it's hard to turn on the wifi without the gui sometimes21:13
Daughainsfears:   Device not found.  Hmm....Lemme reboot quick.21:13
Peace-fungos: and as said it's text based but it's quite simple21:14
fungosPeace- and sfears: but it will make sure X to work? until 8.10 I always installed the desktop version and never had any problems21:14
BluesKajDaughain, pastebin the output from : sudo blkid21:15
Peace-fungos: mmm that souund strange...21:15
Peace-fungos: ram?21:15
Peace-fungos: video card?21:15
Peace-ah sis21:15
Peace-ok i have read now21:16
Peace-sis xD silly21:16
fungosyeah, onboard SiS .. X problem :)21:16
fungosI know :S21:16
Peace-yeah man that is the problem21:16
sfearsfungos: won't make sure of anything21:17
sfearsalso.. maybe use the safe graphics mode install fungos21:17
fungossfears: tried too, no success..21:17
sfearssafe graphics mode install if your having problems with x21:17
sfearswhat's going wrong fungos?21:18
fungossfears: still black screen21:18
sfearsusing compiz?21:18
Peace-no wait wait21:18
Peace-fungos: you have installed and then you get a black screen?21:18
fungossfears: If I try CTRL+ALT+'+' and CTRL+ALT+'-' I can see it trying to swtich resolution/freq but none works21:18
fungosPeace-: no, the installer can't start21:19
Peace-fungos: ok ok go to download altenate iso21:19
sfearsi have some problems switching back and forth from terminal to gui.. i get a black screen with only a mouse cursor.. it's a problem with compiz.. if i kwin --replace it fixes21:19
fungossfears: no compiz, this is to start the X for the installer/livecd21:19
sfearscorrupt live cd?21:19
sfearscheck md5 sum21:19
sfearsdirty laser.. that's kicked my ass for weeks before21:20
fungossfears: no, livecd good.. the problem is vga only.. tryied in another pc21:20
Peace-sfears: that it why i use usb live :D21:20
sfearsagreed.. usb live21:20
fungosPeace-: I will try alternate, maybe after install I can reconfigure xorg.conf by hand and or find some sis modules working. :S21:20
sfearsfungos.. edit xorg.conf with vesa drivers via terminal window from live session?21:21
DaughainOK, lets try this from scratch.....New port and cable.21:21
Peace-fungos: :) you have to thing good21:21
sfearsok Daughain21:21
fungossfears: the live doesnt use xorg.conf, its automatic .. modeset?21:22
sfearsdon't use kdisk Daughain.. let's try manually before we start messing with guis21:22
DaughainOK, dmesg | tail shows a connected usb device....21:22
Peace-fungos: good luck , here in italy it's late21:23
fungosPeace-: thanks21:23
jcook_how do you get a room list in Quassel. Like I can in xchat21:23
Peace- goooood night everyone21:23
sfearsDaughain: and you don't have any mouse/printers/periperals attached to another usb port correct?21:23
fungosPeace-: gnight21:23
Daughainsfears:  I have a BT dongle and my laptop cooler plugged in on other ports.21:24
sfearsi would imagine they would be listed in dmesg21:24
DaughainNope, prior to plugging in the drive the only thing in dmesg was wlan.21:24
sfearsstill showing /dev/sdc1?21:25
sfearscorrection*.. still showing sdc121:25
DaughainNo, just two lines rthis time.21:25
Daughainsfears:   Want me to paste?21:26
kubianhi..need help on wireless for intelPro3945 ABG.   fresh 9.10 install won't connect to WEP.  Any ideas to fix? Even installed lucid firmware no luck21:26
BluesKajtime for a  stretch out in the easy chair with the lappy ...bbiab21:26
Daughainsfears: 341.692555] usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 621:26
Daughain[  341.846796] usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice21:26
Daughainsfears:   Thats all the output I got after wlan auth.21:27
Daughainsfears:   I picked this drive up used. f it was wiped but not formatted, would that be causing these issues?21:28
sfearsDaughain: it should list something about the size of the device among other things.. is the usb cable plugged directally into the external drive.. or does the external drive have some kind of outer casing?.. i've seen usb cables plugged into ide converters for external drives before, maybe a bad ide cable21:29
sfearsi guess it could be Daughain.. but even a non formated disk should show up in fdisk so that you can partition & format21:29
DaughainI'm using a good WD USB to SATA converter and I can unplug and do a quick check to make sure this usb cable is good.21:30
Daughainsfears: I pulled a WD passport apart to get the converter. =)21:30
sfearsusb to sata may require extra drivers?21:31
sfearswhat version of kubuntu?21:31
Daughainsfears:  Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic x6421:32
Daughainsfears: I installed kde4 after the install.21:32
DaughainAnd no extra drivers are needed, my 250G wd passport plugs in just fine.21:32
sfearsdo you have a windows machine to test on? to make sure the drive/cables are good?21:33
sfearsmay just be a junk drive21:33
DaughainMy windows box says it is attached, but cant find the drivers for it...21:33
Daughainsfears:   Thats what I am afraid of atm. =)21:33
sfearsok.. so it sounds like it does need extra drivers for the sata capability21:34
sfearsi'm not sure how to go about finding those though21:35
Daughainsfears:  The windows box is a 6 year old toshiba......It prolly needs sata drivers.21:35
DaughainIts IDE.21:35
ilumianyone familiar with kdenlive?21:35
Daughainsfears:  And with its age, I'm not sure if there are any for it. =(21:37
kubiananyone has intel3945 wireless wrking otb with 9.10?21:37
sfearsis there a switch on the drive Daughain.. usb or esata?21:37
Daughainsfears:  No, this one is a little older than that, just usb.21:37
Daughainsfears:   I dont have esata capability anyway.21:38
DaughainOk, lemme try something else.....21:39
sfearsDaughain: just making sure esata wasn't selected on the external21:40
Daughainsfears:  No worries. =) I'm not *that* much a newb. =)21:40
kubiannoone using intel3945 wireless?21:42
kubianshud be very common lappy hardware i thought21:43
sfearsnot using intel394521:44
sfearsi take it your having issues kubian21:45
Daughainsfears:   Ok, just tested 3 3.5 sata drives and 1 2.5 sata drive.....The 3.5's are questionables, the 2.5 is a good unit I been using for a while...21:47
Daughainsfears:  None of the 3.5 drives showed, or even seemed to spin up...21:47
DaughainThe 2.5 worked as usual21:48
Daughainsfears: Yes.21:48
sfearssame cable?21:48
Daughainauto-mount and accesible.21:48
DaughainSame cable, same adaptor.21:48
sfearsunless the formating thing has something to do with it i would said it's junk hardware21:49
DaughainThats what I am thinking as well....That sucks.21:49
sfearshope you didn't pay too much21:50
DaughainNot *too* bad.21:50
sfearsi would try to plug it in directally to a sata capable computer to confirm hardware failure Daughain21:51
Daughainsfears:   Ya, I'm gonna try that again, and see if I can keep the damn thing from trying to boot off the new drives like it did last time.21:52
sfearsi have a usb to ide cable that give me flaky results sometimes.. good drives that don't show up with the usb cable but boot fine when plugged in directally21:52
DaughainYa.....At least one of those 3.5s should spin up.....That makes me wonder as well.21:53
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DaughainIt may just be something with the WD adaptor, since it came out of a passport, it may not work with 3.5 drives.21:55
DaughainWell, at least girls system is ubuntu. =)21:56
sfearsno doubt.. couldn't imagine switching back now21:58
DaughainShe keeps whining for windows... =(21:58
DaughainBut..It has only been a few days for her.21:59
sfearsit's frustrating at first... and lame when you can't find any help21:59
DaughainShe doesnt look any furthet than me for help..........But...21:59
DaughainThats usually far enough. =)22:00
BluesKajDaughain, my wife used our laptop with lucid on it while we visited family during the holidays and she was quite happy with it's features. Of course i set it up to almosy mimic windows apps in terms of email and browsers , which was sufficient at the time.22:05
DaughainBlueEagl1:   She just whining because xchat isnt mirc, and gimp isnt photoshop.22:06
DaughainThough, she seems to have A BUG WITH PIDGIN.22:06
DaughainWell, it also prolly doesnt help that I cant script anything for xchat either.22:06
BluesKajcan't script for xchat? ..hmm never realized that...never used it much tho22:10
soeewhen we can expect 4.4 rc1 updates ?22:11
Tm_Tsoee: not until it's released22:12
DaughainBlueEagl1:   Dunno, I said *I* can't. =)22:12
DaughainNeed to burn off an x86 armic cd for her system, though...22:13
DaughainKarmic. even.22:13
DaughainAnyone know of an irc app similar to mirc?22:29
TheGentlemanHello. I have a problem at installing Kubuntu Karmic from a USB stck.  I followed the instructions at "https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html"22:33
DaughainWhats the problem?22:33
TheGentlemanit boots the machine and starts asking language and keyboard,22:33
TheGentleman then it can't find the iso file22:33
TheGentlemanwhich is there on the stick of course!22:34
DaughainYou have bios configured for boot from usb?22:34
TheGentlemani think so, at least it boots and starts the installation procedure with asking for the language22:35
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TheGentlemanafter this selection it searches for the iso but it can't find it22:35
DaughainI'd say double check and make sure 'boot from usb' is at the top of the list. If it is still havng trouble, you need someone who knows more than I do.=)22:36
TheGentlemanI am sure it boots from usb!   if not inserted it boots from an older kubuntu 8.0422:38
TheGentlemananyone ?22:39
TheGentlemanthe usb stick contains the following files: ldlinux.sys  vmlinuz  syslinux.cfg  initrid .gz and  kubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso   Is is anything wrong up to this?22:43
Tutattishey, i encrypted a lvm partition on my hdd using lukFormat cipher. if i do a simple remove/delete tables (quick format) is the encryption lost? I mean if i create new partition table and partitions there wont be an encryption there.. right?22:43
BluesKajTheGentleman, so what happens when you click on the iso file ?22:44
TheGentlemannever tried that... it should use the iso file by itself during install, isn't it?22:45
TheGentlemanBlueEagl1, what happens is that it complains it can't find the iso file after having selected language, keyboard and location22:48
TheGentlemanbut the file is there on the stick!22:48
TheGentlemanBluesKaj, ...sorry,  Not BlueEagl122:48
BluesKajthen your iso file is incomplete , somehow ..try reloading the files but give it more time, sometimes file tranfers aren't done when the indicator shows it to be.22:50
TheGentlemanwell, then it must be a copy problem BluesKaj : I have already used the very same file to install on another machine (this one, which is a VirtualBox  guestin a WinXP Host)22:52
BluesKajthe ok, sorry to hear that22:52
TheGentlemani will check the md5 sum of the file on the stick anyway... but i'm quite confident it is ok22:53
BluesKajTheGentleman, maybe someone with usb boot experience can help here22:54
TheGentlemani hope so......  ;-)22:54
BluesKaj<-- nevertried a usb stick install, doubt my 4 yr old pc BIOS is capable of it22:55
TheGentlemani will check in the eeepc channel... they should have experience22:56
BluesKajyes, good luck22:56
BluesKajTheGentleman, the #ubuntu room has some very knowledgeable ppl as well22:58
TheGentlemanok, thanks BluesKaj22:59
DaughainBluesKaj: Check bios. =)23:00
ScuniziIs there a method of adjusting the mouse pad? In settings>Mouse/Keyboard there is no option for the pad.. It's just reading finger clicks terribly (pad tapping)23:01
BluesKajDaughain, yeah, i mentioned that earlier23:03
sven_oostenbrinkAnything known about heller slow intel graphics driver in kernel
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Fanfareuahh, i think i really made a big mistake moving my encrypted home to another partition...23:15
ScuniziIs there a method of adjusting the mouse pad? In settings>Mouse/Keyboard there is no option for the pad.. It's just reading finger clicks terribly (pad tapping)23:16
DaughainHow do I make hidden files visible in dolphin?23:18
ScuniziDaughain I think you can right mouse click the window and View>Hidden23:18
FanfareDaughain: <alt>+<.>23:19
dixienormasanyway i can use a crossover cable to connect to a windows xp comp and directly transfer files to a different partition?23:20
DaughainThanks, guys.23:20
dixienormasanyone know how i can get steam/ TF2 running on Ubuntu 8.04?23:23
Scunizithe #ubuntu channel may be better for that.. many more there then here.23:24
dixienormasword thx23:24
Derath-Srvrsigh, was about to point dixie to PlayOnLinux, great script for those popular titles23:31
sladermenHello guys im running ubuntu 9.10 and when i installed it I chose to encrypt my home directory. However I now wish to disable the encryption. How can I do this? thanks23:38
Derath-SrvrNow there's an interesting one... haven't done that myself, let me do a little digging...23:39
Derath-SrvrHere's one option I found: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8459529&postcount=5 it's for Ubuntu 9.04, but worth a shot23:41
memenodeKDE 4.4 is faster, but effects seem sluggish23:42
Derath-SrvrOr more specifically: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8460046&postcount=723:42
Derath-Srvrsladermen: There's one more post on that same thread at the bottom that describes all the steps someone did to remove it from the home directory23:45

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