
shenkiarmin76: is v8 being built for arm or in that error message?00:29
shenkis/arm or/arm or thumb/00:29
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
zooko`Hello people of #ubuntu-arm!03:51
persiaHey zooko`03:51
zooko`Suppose I know that on a certain ARM CPU algorithm X takes 60,000 cycles per use and algorithm Y takes 15,000 cycles.03:52
zooko`Now, I want to know if the difference between these algorithms would be significant in terms of battery life.03:52
persiaDepends on what you're doing in general.03:52
zooko`Supposing your ARM CPU is battery powered, and you execute one or the other of these algorithms a few thousand times.03:53
persiaIf most of the processor time of the system is spent in the algorithm, you'll likely do better with the one that takes less cycles.03:53
persiaIf most of the processor time is spent rendering html, then it doesn't matter as much :)03:53
zooko`So, we should be able to estimate whether 45,000 cycles times let's say 1000 executions of the algorithm adds up to a significant or insignificant fraction of your battery, maybe?03:54
persiaI'm not sure there's a direct relation.03:54
persiaGenerally, the more you spin the processor, the more power it uses.03:55
zooko`Isn't it linear?03:55
persiaBut, depending on the processor, some operations may take more power than others.03:55
zooko`Hm, because of RAM access?03:55
persiaNo, because of processor design.03:55
zooko`The algorithm that takes more CPU cycles also uses tables in RAM a lot.03:55
zooko`Where the other one just does a whole bunch of arithmetic.03:55
persiaLet's say I have two processors that support vector operations.  One does this with a parallel matrix, and the other spins really, really fast over the operations.03:56
persiaThese are going to have different power characteristics for the same instruction sequence.03:56
zooko`So this page here says http://www.arm.com/products/CPUs/ARM_Cortex-A8.html03:57
zooko`0.59 mW/MHz.03:57
zooko`I think that means that 45,000 cycles times 1000 executions is03:57
zooko`26 W03:57
persiaI may be mistaken, but I believe that is for the reference implementation, which may or may not be the implementation on any actual processor in the wild.03:57
zooko`Yes there is a big disclaimer right below that.03:58
zooko`Do you know how to get a number drawn from a real implementation?03:58
zooko`Say, one running Ubuntu that you happen to have at hand? :-)03:58
persiaNote that it also says "power with cache".  If the algorithm that uses lots of RAM happens to exceed the cache, you may end up with unexpected latency of operation when polling RAM.03:58
persiaI wouldn't be able to measure that: there's something wonky with the battery meter in my device.03:59
zooko`Anyway, is 26 W a significant amount04:00
persiaDepends on the battery.04:00
zooko`huh-oh it is time for me to stop using electric lights and computer screens.04:00
persiaIf you're talking about a watch, yes.  If you're talking about a workstation, not really.04:00
zooko`How big is the battery in your favorite smartphone04:00
persiaPlus, 26W doesn't really mean anything without the context of runtime.04:01
zooko`Yes it does -- I want to know 26W per battery recharge.04:01
zooko`Is that going to mean I have to recharge more often, or is it negligible.04:01
persiaI don't believe in smartphones :)  But let's say something like 3Wh04:01
persiaSo 26W would drain the battery in something like 20 minutes.04:02
zooko`This here nexus one thingie http://www.google.com/phone/static/en_US-nexusone_tech_specs.html says 1400 mAH04:02
persiaAt what voltage?04:02
persiaI'd guess it's probably about 1.8V, so somewhere like 2.5Wh04:03
zooko`Hrm, doesn't say.04:03
zooko`Okay so this tells me that this quick kludgey approximation shows that this difference is significant.04:03
zooko`Which means I have to approximate more carefully if I want to know if it is *really* significant. :-)04:04
persiaWell, if you need to run the operation constantly.04:04
zooko`The estimate I was just doing was "if you want to do this thing 1000 times in a row"04:04
zooko`and the thing costs either 15,000 CPU cycles or 60,000 CPU cycles each time.04:04
persiaRight, but you measured it in watts, which is energy/time04:04
persiaSo without knowing how long it takes to do it 1000 times in a row, it's meaningless.04:05
zooko`Wait if it has 2.5 Wh and you draw (let's say) 25 W doesn't that mean you drain it in one hour?04:05
persiaThat's 6 minutes.04:05
zooko`Oh, I'm really confusde.04:05
zooko`2.5 Wh is ability to provide 2.5 W for 1 h.04:05
persiaSo, energy is voltage times amperage04:05
persiaAnd power is energy divided by time04:05
persiaSo 2.5Wh is a measure of energy (power * time)04:06
persiaIt's 2.5W for an hour, or 25W for 6 minutes.04:06
persiaOr 1W for 2.5 hours.  Doesn't matter.04:06
zooko`Okay that makes sense.04:06
persiaNow, if there is a rough guide that x operations / second = x joules / second (1 watt = 1 joule / second), we can estimate the number of joules required for an operation.04:08
zooko`Waitasec, why are batteries measured in power * time.  Instead of just in power.04:08
persiaAnd if there is *no* latency, we can then estimate the number of operations available for a given energy budget.04:08
persiaBecause batteries contain an amount of energy, rather than an amount of power.04:08
zooko`I see.04:08
persiaBatteries usually have upper and lower limits of power draw, but they can only present power to the total amount of stored energy.04:09
zooko`That makes sense.04:09
persiaSo, the average 3Wh battery you buy on the street probably can't be configured to give 3MW even for 3.6 milliseconds.04:09
persiaAnd it probably can't handle a draw of 1 nanowatt for centuries.04:10
persiaBut for sane values, it's usually safe to assume that one is operating within the battery contraints, and just treat it as an energy storage device.04:10
persiaSo, as long as we're doing wild speculation on potentially invalid specs, we can roughly say that <0.59mW/MHz is <0.59mJ/MOps04:13
persiaRunning 45,000 operations 1,000 times is about 45MOps04:13
persiaSo that's something like 26.5 mJ04:13
zooko`No I think 26.5 J04:14
persiaNote that not every processor operates at one operation per clock cycle, so we're already in largely invalid calculations.04:14
* zooko` nods04:14
persia0.59 * 45 = 26.504:15
persiaSo the unit doesn't change.04:15
zooko`I'll run real benchmarks for time, but I'm not sure how to benchmark energy usage.04:15
persiaIt's usually done with power meters on development boards.04:15
zooko`Yes, but you left out the 1000 time.04:16
persiaMore usefully, it's probably going to be less power to run the algorithm that requires fewer operations, especially if it also requires fewer calls to RAM.04:16
zooko`a thing which takes 45,000 operations is about 26.5 mJ, so 1000 of those is 26.5 J, right?04:16
persiaNo, 45,000 operations * 1,000 times is 45,000,000 operations, or 45Mops.04:16
zooko`So it takes only 0.59 mJ to do that thing 1000 times.04:17
persiaRight, which isn't that much.04:17
zooko`Why did this come out looking small when the other calculation came out looking large.04:18
persiaBut because it calls to RAM, and because we made all sorts of assumptions to get that value, it's likely to be more than that in real-world usage.04:18
zooko`Where did I get that 26 W number earlier...04:19
persiaDunno, but 26W would be running the operations all in parallel for soemthing like 10 days.04:20
persia(at least if all the operations consume 26mJ)04:20
zooko`Off by a million error.04:21
persiaMinor mistake :)04:22
zooko`Okay so if our *new* estimate is reasonable then the difference between these two algorithms is insignificant. :-)04:22
persiaWell, depends on usage.04:23
persiaIf it's the primary application of the processor, a factor of more than 3 can make a difference.04:23
persiaIf it just happens once in a while, it doesn't matter.04:23
zooko`What do you mean a factor of more than 3.04:50
persiaYou said 45,000 vs. 15,000 and that the 45,000 one needed more RAM.04:51
persiaSo I read that as a factor of more than 3: 3 times the operations + potentially additional effort to pull from RAM.04:51
amitkthinks get even more interesting when the processor does voltage and frequency scaling, because then 1 operation at 1GHz != 1 op at 500MHz04:59
zooko`I see.04:59
armin76shenki: for arm, i'm not using the thumb option, although i believe -march=armv5te includes thumb?06:19
shenkiarmin76: try forcing it with a -marm06:21
shenkiarmin76: are you building locally?06:21
* persia thinks -marm vs. -mthumb are different06:24
shenkii would agree :) one will force your compiler to emit 32-bit arm code, the other will force 16-bit thumb code06:25
shenkiwell, the 16bit ness fo thumb is a bit blurry if you're building for thumb206:26
persiaWell, yeah, but -march doesn't necessarily imply either, as far as I understand.06:31
persia(although this depends on toolchain config, and armin76 has a special toolchain)06:32
shenkii think we're on the same page, i was just suggesting he try -marm to make sure that isn't the issue06:33
* shenki is the author of the v8 build file06:34
armin76shenki: persia: will try, but its weird since on armv7 works fine07:07
armin76both toolchains are different, thoguh, armv5te is softfloat while armv7 is not07:07
armin76so what i think is that maybe the assembler is using armv7-only code07:08
armin76but i'm no expert07:08
armin76and chromium builds fine without v807:08
armin76what does -marm do?07:11
persia-marm and -mthumb specify which instruction set to target for the given -march07:11
persia(mind you, there are defaults hidden in the toolchain config, but this lets one be explicit)07:11
armin76i don't use -mthumb either :P07:12
persiaBut do you know which is implied by your toolchain config?07:12
persiaThe suggestion was to override, in case this was the problem07:12
armin76sure, i'll try07:13
asacarmin76: you say with armv7=1 it bult?11:04
asacor just on armv7 without that flag11:05
asacogra: ;)11:05
armin76asac: without the flag11:05
ograasac, yo11:06
ograasac, well, i built mkimage from the tree now on x86, but still no go :(11:07
asacogra: try the command i gave you ;)11:07
asacor was that identitical?11:07
ograit was11:07
asacmkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x90800000 -e 0x90800000 -n LinuxRocks -d boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx51 uImageN11:08
ogra mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x90800000 -e 0x90800000 -n "Linux" -d ./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx51 ./uimage11:08
asacthe name is important ;)11:08
asaci swear11:08
asacit must be != Linux ;)11:08
asacshall i upload that uImageN somewhere?11:08
ograi have your old one11:09
asaci used mkimage from karmic x8611:09
asacif you use that it has to work for you too ;)11:09
ograogra@osiris:~/Desktop/tmp$ mkimage -l ./uimage|grep ^Data11:09
ograData Size:    3062156 Bytes = 2990.39 kB = 2.92 MB11:09
ograogra@osiris:~/Desktop/tmp$ mkimage -l ./uImage.asac.908000000|grep ^Data11:09
ograData Size:    3063148 Bytes = 2991.36 kB = 2.92 MB11:09
ograthe size differs11:09
* ogra wonders why11:09
asacthe new size is different yes11:09
asaclet me check what the new one has11:10
asaci thin kit was a different kernel11:10
asacData Size:    3062156 Bytes = 2990.39 kB = 2.92 MB11:10
asacthats the new11:10
asacthat boots11:10
ograsame as mine11:10
ograand you used mkimage from the archive this time ?11:10
asac8c1cf14ad6e4ef9c1479678c8e606872  uImageN11:10
asacogra: yes. i used x86 karmic mkimage11:11
ograogra@osiris:~/Desktop/tmp$ md5sum ./uimage11:11
ogra6134a0836cb224e3135acbd8c862ed00  ./uimage11:11
* ogra doesnt get it11:11
asacright. you have a different name11:11
ograreally ...11:11
* ogra now tries with a different name juts for giggles11:11
asaci tell you it will work. also no ./11:12
* ogra wishes he had a clue whats wrong11:13
ogramkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x90800000 -e 0x90800000 -n Lalala -d boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx51 uimage11:15
ograno change11:15
asacafte3r loading ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/352834/11:15
asacdoes that work for you?11:15
ograi cant load11:15
ograelse i'd try11:15
asacplease run the same command so we can compare md5sums11:16
ograogra@osiris:~/Desktop/tmp$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x90800000 -e 0x90800000 -n LinuxRocks -d boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx51 uImageN11:17
ograogra@osiris:~/Desktop/tmp$ md5sum uImageN11:17
ogra807feee5a32a1805eccf4509574211e3  uImageN11:17
asac8c1cf14ad6e4ef9c1479678c8e606872  uImageN11:17
asacii  uboot-mkimage                        0.411:18
ograi use a -pae kernel11:18
asac9184c83fbca680969199928bfcb8748d  boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx5111:18
ograi wonder if that could make any difference11:18
asac791f2ca366f78922a9a981bd173ba3b9  /usr/bin/mkimage11:18
ograogra@osiris:~/Desktop/tmp$ md5sum boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx5111:18
ogra9184c83fbca680969199928bfcb8748d  boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx5111:18
ograaha !11:19
asacthats the same11:19
ograoh, i looked at mkimage :P11:19
ogra791f2ca366f78922a9a981bd173ba3b9  /usr/bin/mkimage11:19
asacso its obviously your computer ;)11:19
ograyou are on i386 ?11:19
asacuname -a11:20
asacLinux tinya 2.6.32-02063202-generic #02063202 SMP Sat Dec 19 11:00:49 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux11:20
asachmm. i am on a .32 kernel11:20
asacwould be odd if thats causing it11:20
ograogra@osiris:~/Desktop/tmp$ uname -a11:20
ograLinux osiris 2.6.31-14-generic-pae #48+ureadahead2-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 28 16:24:28 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux11:20
asacyeah that would be extremely odd ;)11:20
ograstill using keybuks toy kernel11:20
asacshall i reboot into the karmic kernel?11:21
ograletr me try on a different machine first11:21
asaci would suggest that you use a vanilla kernel too rather: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/11:22
asaci have v2.6.32.2/ afair11:22
asacwhat does pae do? memory shuffeling?11:22
ograusing above 3G11:23
ograso yes11:23
asacabove 3g?11:23
ograogra@heizung:~/tmp$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x90800000 -e 0x90800000 -n LinuxRocks -d boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx51 uImageN11:24
asacyou have more than 4g?11:24
ograogra@heizung:~/tmp$ md5sum uImageN11:24
ogra1ad5cba13bce2849dd49bf70ad221bef  uImageN11:24
ograno, i have 4G11:24
ograthe std generic kernel can only address 311:24
ograthe machine i tried now is on lucid though11:25
asacyeah. thats a different mkimage version?11:25
ogramkimage wasnt updated ever11:25
asacso how can it be so different?11:25
asaccan you try to boot the kernel i have?11:25
asaclinux-image-2.6.32-02063202-generic  2.6.32-02063202                      Linux kernel image for version 2.6.32 on x86/x86_6411:26
asacthough i am quite sure i used the .31 kernel from plain karmic as well11:26
ograwell, the lucid try makes no difference11:27
asacyeah. but the checksum is different too. really odd that its different in first place11:27
ograogra@heizung:~/tmp$ uname -a11:27
ograLinux heizung 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 06:42:44 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux11:27
ograhmm, why didnt that get upgraded11:27
asaclet me see if the same run yields the same checksum11:27
asacseems they add a timestamp or something11:28
asacso the checksum is useless11:28
* ogra slaps forehead11:28
ograCreated:      Thu Jan  7 12:23:59 201011:28
asacseeing it now too ;)11:28
asacmaybe binary diff ;)11:29
ograstill doesnt explain why it doesnt work11:29
ograit has to work with hardy btw11:29
ograthats what the builder runs11:29
ogragive me your x86 created uImage11:30
asacthats the one11:30
asacbe back in 511:31
ograhmm, hangs too here11:32
asacwell. it hanged for me for the first try too11:33
ograyou used my script to create the card  ?11:34
asacafter reset it worked11:34
ograi.e. same filesystem11:34
asaci did it manually at some point11:34
asacone sec11:34
ograFAT32 here11:34
asacso ... try it a few times11:36
asacmaybe the uboot build you did is less reliable wrt to SD11:36
asacthan mine11:36
asacdo you have the script somewhere?11:37
ograwhat script ?11:37
asace.g. something i can use to create it like you do?11:37
ograits on the spec11:37
asacat best a script called: mkbootfloppy11:37
asacyes. i used that manually11:37
ograthe uboot binary is still stuck in NEW11:38
asacyes. our archive admin is lagging ;)11:38
asacwhy is it in new?11:39
asacshouldnt we reuse package names?11:39
ograthe binary has a hardcoded version thanks to NC11:39
asacanyway. the other image still loads for you?11:39
asace.g. the .asac uImage11:39
* ogra tries that again11:39
asacogra: did you fix that this time?11:39
asace.g. without version?11:39
ograi updated it ...11:40
asacso next time it would be thanks to you ;)11:40
ograindeed :)11:40
ograBBG U-Boot > fatload mmc 0:2 0x90800000 /uimage11:41
ograreading /uimage11:41
ogra3063212 bytes read11:41
ograno prob with your old one11:41
asactry the new one right after that11:42
asacU-Boot 2009.08 (Dec 07 2009 - 07:37:24)11:43
ograU-Boot 2009.08 (Jan 06 2010 - 09:44:19)11:44
ograsame thing11:44
ograbuilt on the babbge from the updated source package11:44
ogradid you build it with -marm ?11:46
asacogra: i just build it with the _bbg rule ... no tweaks added11:47
ograon lucid ?11:47
ograyou need tewaks11:47
asacwell. i tweaked some config11:48
ograthere are some inline finctions gcc will choke on11:48
asacanyway. let me fix your script to do all oob and then try11:48
ogragrab the sourcepackage for uboot-imx11:49
ogra1000_fix_gcc_4.4_compatibility.patch is needed11:49
ograi dont get how you got it building without that11:49
ograat least on lucid11:49
asacogra: put your uboot.bin somewhere ;)11:50
asaci dont have a lucid install atm. only chroot. but i can try that i guess11:51
asachave .dsc link?11:51
asacogra: ?11:51
ograapt-get source uboot-imx5111:52
asacwhy is that to3?11:52
asaclet me try the bin first11:52
ograbecause FSL updated it to the tape out 3 release11:52
ografor the .bin the -to3 name is right ... for the binary package name not so much11:53
ograbut its unlikely that we'll see something >to3 before lucid i guess11:54
asacso the get_part_data is busted somewhat11:56
ograis it ?11:57
asacits empty11:57
asace.g last dd is:11:57
ograshould make the first part end at the end of uboot11:57
asacdd conv=notrunc bs= if=./boot.img of=out.bin seek=111:57
asac"`(set -- $(get_part_data 1); echo "$2")`"11:58
ograUBOOT_SIZE is correct ?11:58
asacwhat is $2?11:58
asacwell. i reused $2 now for KERNEL ;)11:58
asacso thats the prob i guess11:58
asacbut what is that ment to be?11:58
ogragood question, i have to check the redboot-install script11:59
ograthats where it inherits from11:59
asacPART1_END_B="`(set -- $(get_part_data 1); echo "$2")`"11:59
asaci dont know what that means11:59
asacwhat does the set -- do?11:59
asachmm. this doesnt create the .bin ;)12:00
ograecho $2 should realte to the return of get_part_data12:00
asachow to best create the .bin?12:01
ograno, its the proof of concept script12:01
asacjust dd 4G?12:01
asacwell i am fixing that now12:01
ograit expects that you either write to mmc directly or have a .img already12:01
ogra4G ?12:01
ograno, it should determine the size of the squashfs and roll the image based on that12:01
asacdd if=/dev/null of=$IMAGE bs=1 count=$IMAGE_SIZE12:01
asaclike that?12:01
ograthats all stuff i have to do when i sanitize it for debian-cd12:02
asacbut is that ok?12:02
ograbs=1 ?12:02
ograthats 1 byte :)12:02
ogrause 1M12:02
asacusing IMAGE_SIZE and count=112:03
ograi use the script directly on my mmc12:03
ograso i dont care for images atm12:03
ograand it cant be the scripts fault ...12:04
ogragiven that your kernel works12:04
asacwell. so just dd doesnt work12:04
asacfile created is 0 bytes12:04
asacdd if=/dev/null of=out.bin bs=1M count=112:04
* asac feels dumb12:05
ograif=/dev/null ?12:05
ograbetter try zero12:05
ograsorry, didnt spot that above12:05
asacnow things happen12:05
ogranote that BOOT_SIZE is set to 17M atm12:06
ograso the image you write to should be 18M at least12:06
asacso that feels better12:07
ogralooks ok12:07
ograyou added a mkimage -l :)12:08
* asac pumps it to the sd12:08
asacoh right12:08
asacgood idea12:08
ograor just a mkimage ?12:08
asacogra: it already dumped that there12:09
asacmkimage itself does that at the end12:09
ograright, so you added the mkimage call :)12:10
asacok ... dd'ing12:10
asaceverything oob12:10
ograapart from the proper defaults in uboot :)12:10
asaccat mkubootimg.sh | pastebinit12:10
asachmm didnt work that great12:11
asac 1      512B   137kB   136kB   primary12:11
asac 2      137kB  16.8MB  16.6MB  primary               lba12:11
asacfat32 is missing12:11
ograwhats that ? fdisk -l ?12:12
asacudo parted /dev/mmcblk0 print12:12
asacsudo parted /dev/mmcblk0 print12:12
asacafter dding12:12
asacsame for the .bin directly12:13
ograline 52 in your script should have created it12:13
* asac adds a set -e12:13
ograand line 56 indeed12:13
asacseems to not error at least12:14
asacparted -s out.bin mkpart primary fat32 136704B 16777216B12:14
asacthats what it runs12:14
ogralooks ok12:14
asacpart data: 512B 136703B 136192B12:15
asacwhy is boot size 16M?12:17
ograjust because :)12:17
asacthats what is printed12:17
ograyou can pick any value you like12:17
asacjust not fat3212:17
ogra16M seems to well fit a kernel and initrd ... was enough for my testing12:17
ograboot size should in the end actually be the image size12:18
ograwe only need one vfat partition for squashfs, kernel and initrd12:18
ograi just picked a value that leaves enough space12:18
asacmkdosfs ./boot.img12:19
asacguess the dd where the boot.img gest dded wipes the part table bits12:19
ograhas nothing to do with parted12:19
asacnow it probably works ;)12:20
ograwhat was missing ?12:20
asacwell. i had an echo before the final dd ;)12:20
asac 2      137kB  16.8MB  16.6MB  primary  fat16        lba12:20
asacodd that its fat16 now12:20
asacis that normal?12:20
ograoh, wait, it is12:21
ogra 2      137kB   16,8MB  16,6MB  primary  fat16        lba12:21
ograthats my sd12:21
asacok let me use -F 3212:21
ogracfdisk will report fat32 though12:21
ograor fdisk12:21
asacWARNING: Not enough clusters for a 32 bit FAT!12:21
asacbut it worked12:22
asac 2      137kB  16.8MB  16.6MB  primary  fat32        lba12:22
ograi guess we need to properly work with cylinder sizes12:23
ograi.e. the first partition needs to become big enough to end at a cylinder12:23
asacso your 16m was just too small12:24
ograboots ?12:24
asac60 is better12:24
asacnot there yet ;)12:24
ograto small ?12:25
ografor a 2.5M kernel binary ?12:25
asacfor fat3212:25
asacseems it needs a minimums size > 16m12:25
asaci used 60 and the warning is gone12:25
asacnow dding12:25
asaclets hope12:25
asacit automounts here12:26
asacgood... uboot prompt ;)12:26
asacinvalid FAT entry12:27
asacbut it read it12:27
asacBad CRC12:27
asacdarn ;)12:27
asacnow i am not sure if its the SD card12:28
asacit never liked me much12:28
asacwondering if i should just wipe the windows CE sandisk12:28
asacwill i need that at some point?12:29
asachave no place to dd it to12:29
ograyou have a winCE sandisk ?12:29
ograthe b2.5 shipped with an ubuntu one12:29
asacthats the last version12:29
asaci have two: windows CE + ubuntu12:29
ograwell, someone on the team will still have one i guess12:30
asacgood point12:30
ograJamieBennett, did you keep your WinCE babbage SD ?12:30
asacJamieBennett: can you keep your winCE SD?12:30
asaclet me go through the script again12:31
asacmaybe we truncate something12:31
asaclet me try without F3212:31
ograi just tried with a manually created fat32 part (60M)12:32
ograno change here for my uimage12:32
asacso fdisk really says 3212:32
ogra   Verifying Checksum ... Bad Data CRC12:32
ograERROR: can't get kernel image!12:32
ograthats what i get after a reset12:32
* ogra needs a break and fresh pain killers12:33
ograback soon12:34
JamieBennettogra, asac: no, ran out of SD's and presumed it wasn't needed12:51
JamieBennettI think you can download it can't you?12:51
asacno clue12:51
asacits licensed i guess12:51
JamieBennettasac: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsembedded/en-us/products/windowsce/getting-started.mspx12:53
JamieBennettneed to register though :(12:53
asacwho knows if that is really the same anyway12:56
asaccould be a custom build12:56
JamieBennettasac: indeed12:57
asacplease run that like12:58
asacsh mkubootimg.sh out.bin data/vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx51 data/uboot-imx51_to3.bin 110M12:58
asacsince you probably have a SD for experimenting ;)12:58
asacls data/12:58
asacuboot-imx51_to3.bin  vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx5112:58
asacls data/12:59
asacuboot-imx51_to3.bin  vmlinuz-2.6.31-601-imx5112:59
asacvm linuz just from the .deb12:59
* asac dds wince somewhere13:00
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
JamieBennettasac: Just checked, wince is on a disk in the bsp13:05
JamieBennettdisk as in dvd (or cdrom, not sure)13:06
ograasac, does it boot ?13:11
asacbad fatfs still13:13
asacbut thats probably my SD card13:13
asacwill now wipe the sandisk13:14
asacbtw, saturn has two 4g sandisk for 12 EUR atm13:14
asacyesterday TV advertisement13:14
asacecho $((100000 * 512)) 120000013:15
asacwhy is that?13:15
asacthat was two lines13:15
asacecho $((100000 * 512))13:15
asac 120000013:15
ogrause bc insteadc ?13:15
asacwe use that syntax everywhere in the script13:16
ograogra@osiris:~/Desktop/tmp$ echo 1+1 |bc13:16
asacyes. but we use that everwhere13:16
asacwanted to ensure that its properly cylinder aligned13:16
ograno idea why it prints 12000013:16
asacbut that / 512 * 512 doesnt work13:16
asacour arithmetics are unreliable13:16
ograi get 5120000 here13:16
ograas it should be13:17
JamieBennettogra: as do I13:17
asaci am in bash13:17
asacyou are in posh?13:17
ograasac, is using an upstream kernel ... missing the ubuntu-count patches :P13:17
asacand the uImage fixup mem patch13:17
ograi'm in bash indeed13:18
asacthats the trade13:18
asacno calc, but good images13:18
ograso your system cant count but produce proper images13:18
ograogra@osiris:~/Desktop/tmp$ sh -c "echo $((100000 * 512))"13:19
ogradash is fine too13:19
asacok trying13:19
asacso ... sandisk doesnt have probs like that ... but i hang on loading ;)13:20
asacso bash is broken for me ;)13:21
asacworks in sh13:21
ogralucid ?13:21
ograor karmic13:21
ograeek !13:23
ograi totally forgot we need a MIR for uboot ... its not in main yet13:24
ograasac, do you happen to have a buildlog from your uboot build ?13:25
ograi noticed that gcc seems to forcefully be set to -march=armv5 in mine13:25
asacno ... all that was wiped13:28
asachave to reboot ... kernel doesnt release the SD anymore13:29
* ogra drops the thumb disabling patch and checks if it FTBFS13:30
asacso how to best figure cylinder boundaries?13:33
ografdisk probably13:35
* ogra sighs, where does the -marm come from13:35
JamieBennettanyone played with changing the initramfs on lucid? When I call sudo update-initramfs.distrib -u I get 5 "Can't open /scripts/casper-functions" error messages13:35
ogranot yet, no13:35
asacUnits = cylinders of 64 * 512 = 32768 bytes13:36
asaclet me try to align that13:36
ograhmm -marm seems to be set upstream13:38
asacogra: odd is that mkpart interprets last argument as size13:56
asac_while_ man says its "end"13:56
asacogra: so have the same prob as you if i use that it seems14:05
asacthe difference is that the SD that works really has a good partition table14:05
asac       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System14:06
asac/dev/mmcblk0p1               1         256       16383+  da  Non-FS data14:06
asac/dev/mmcblk0p2             257       10587      661184    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)14:06
ograso its not uboot's fault, thats good to know14:14
asacdarn. i killed my good SD by accident :(14:15
asacogra: uboots fault?14:15
asacits our script that creates bad partitions14:15
asaci dont think its uboot... so far at least ;)14:15
ograi was worried its the uboot in the package vs your home rolled one14:15
asacogra: well. the image i gave you worked with your uboot :)14:15
ogralet me roll an SD manually14:15
asacdarn i hate me for killing my uboot SD14:16
asacso my original uimage doesnt load either14:19
asaci think its your uboot bin14:19
asacor really the partition table. because mine is now busted too :(14:19
ograwiping the table and just creating a vfat partition with gparted with enough offset and my images work too14:29
ograso its definately the poartitioning14:29
ograasac, well, for the live image we could just leave the first partition and only make sure the second one has enough offset14:31
ograi.e. use a fixed value of say 500k14:32
ograthat should be enough to fit uboot in14:32
ograor even 200k14:33
ograno reason uboot should ever grow beyond that14:33
* ogra takes asacs script and just sets UBOOT_SIZE to a fixed value ... lets see14:35
asaci did all that already ... didnt help14:46
asacso i didnt wipe my uboot image (still have that14:46
asacbut my boot floppy for my production system :(14:46
asacogra: so now i double checked14:48
asacthe uboot thing that works really has good partition bounds14:48
asacno complain14:49
ograyep, same here14:49
asacsame here?14:49
asacthought yours doesnt work ;)14:49
ograread above14:49
asachow did you produce your partition table?14:49
asacok so how can we find good cylinder bounds?14:50
ograi dd'ed uboot to the initialized SD14:50
asacseems that cylinder size is target media specific14:50
ograthern created a partition with offset in gparted14:50
ogracopied uimage in there and it works with every uimage i have14:50
asacso ... why do we create this first partition with the odd fs id again?14:51
* ogra checks if there is a chance we can use ext2 for /boot14:51
ograasac, to protect the space where the bootloader lives14:51
asacwe need to enable ext2 in uboot for that14:51
ogranot sure how well it works14:51
asacprotect in what way?14:51
asacif we just create one vfat partition with enough offset14:51
ografrom partitioning apps14:51
asachow is that not enough ?14:51
ograif we re-use the SD later as bootfloppy that space should be protected14:52
ograif we dont, we dont really need to care imho14:52
asacso ... how can we do that properly? seems that cylinder size is depending on the SD card14:52
asaci had one with 32K14:52
asacthis one is 64K14:52
ograit doesnt depend on the card ...14:52
ograif you get it right in the image file14:52
asacreally... then why do i have two different values?14:52
ograbecause you look at the partition table14:53
ograthe one thats initialized on the card14:53
asacso parted can set that?14:53
ograif that lives in the image it shouldnt matter14:53
armin76persia: shenki: fails exactly the same way with -marm14:53
ogralet me look into some docs14:53
asacogra: does bbg just run the bootloader from 1024  ... or from first partition?14:53
asacprobably doesnt matter ... fdisk -l on the .bin says cylinder size that is full14:54
ogrababbage doesnt care about partitions14:54
ograit just tries to find the bootloader directly after the MBR14:55
ograwell, actually at the start of the SD but skips the MBR14:55
armin76ogra: may i ask whats the point on supporting the babbage if real users are going to have it? will all the devices based on imx51 work like the babbage?14:56
ograsimilar at least14:57
armin76s/users are go/users aren't go/14:57
ograits a developer platform14:57
armin76you guys have any plan on qualcomm stuff?14:58
ograasac, i think we need to shuffle around with the cylinders and heads a bit with fdisk15:04
asacwith fdisk?15:06
asacparted is too dumb?15:06
ogra$imagesize_in_bytes / 255 / 63 / 512 = $number_of_cylinders15:10
ograwe somehow need to let the partition table know about that number of cylinders15:10
ograchecking how parted can do that15:13
asacogra: i am not sure that its really in the partition table15:13
asacif i check on the .bin15:13
asacits a different number than after dding it to SD15:14
ogrause fdisk -C15:14
asaci see that number with fdisk -l too15:14
ograi dont get why it works with the reboot images15:15
ogra                        Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System15:15
ogralucid-desktop-armel+imx51.img1               1         512       32767+  da  Non-FS data15:15
ogralucid-desktop-armel+imx51.img2             513       10591      645056    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)15:15
asachow are the bounds with B ?15:16
asacmost likely they are just right?15:16
ograthe script is the same15:16
ograthe one we use to create the image15:16
ograand we dont shuffle the partitions or the table in it15:17
asacdamn. need to reboot again. this mmc driver stuff is really immature15:17
asacthats actually why i am running .32 kernel as its better there15:18
ograon your laptop ?15:18
ogranever had instabilities15:18
asacif i dont unmount and unplug it sometimes hangs badly15:18
ograoh, i always unmount15:18
ograi'm lazy, using nautilus :)15:18
asacnautilus "eject" never worked for me15:19
asacunmount worked15:19
asacok reboot15:19
asacmost annoying after every reboot:15:25
asacscreen /dev/ttyUSB0 11520015:25
asacCannot make directory '/var/run/screen': Permission denied15:25
asacls -l /var/run/screen15:26
asacls: cannot access /var/run/screen: No such file or directory15:26
armin76asac: btw, i found out that chromium needs to have write access to /dev/shm15:26
asacsudo mkdir /var/run/screen15:26
asacthats why its not working in a bindmounted chroot15:26
asacbecause bindmount somewhat fails to keep permissions for /dev15:26
ogrause minicom not screen :)15:27
asacwell. screen always worked ... just started to fall apart 2 month ago :(15:27
asaci blame upstart ;)15:27
armin76asac: guess you need to bindmount /dev/shm as well, like you have to do with /dev/pts15:27
ograyeah, always a good candidate15:28
asacarmin76: that alone doesnt help15:29
asaci tried that ;)15:29
asacogra: so loading uramdisk hangs15:29
asacogra: sure gzip is enabled?15:29
asacyou said you werent sure15:29
armin76asac: wfm15:29
armin76asac: blame upstart as well :D15:29
armin76just tried it15:30
asacyou are right15:31
asachave that mounted in lucid chroot15:31
armin76asac fails15:31
armin76i win15:31
asacyou are late. thats all ;)15:32
armin76i don't have so many boards as you do, slacker15:32
asacogra: try this: mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C gzip -a 0x0 -e 0x0 -n LinuxRocks -d boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-105-imx51 uRamdisk15:33
asacit doesnt load15:33
asaclet me unpack that and use none15:33
ograthats what debian on the sheevaplug uses: mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C gzip -a 0x00000000 -e 0x00000000  -n initramfs -d initrd.img-2.6.29-2-kirkwood uInitrd15:34
ograpretty much the same15:35
asacyes. i surely got it loading15:35
asacmaybe i unpacked it15:35
ograwhy would you ?15:36
asacbecause maybe uboot doesnt like gzip ;)15:36
asactaht worked15:36
asacgunzip the initrd15:36
asacput it in as none15:36
asacthen it loads15:36
ograwell, i'm still chewing on the partitioning15:36
ograso you get to busybox ?15:37
asaci somehow need to get a boot floppy ;)15:37
asacas i wiped it and cannot even boot in my great prod environment anymore15:37
asaci am now trying ;)15:37
* asac sets root=UUID=6483f06d-1216-43df-931f-faddc9c1db2715:37
asacogra: it doesnt like that root :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/352971/15:40
asacso /dev/ram?15:40
ograit doesnt find the initramfs15:41
asachmm. thought i loaded it15:41
ograbut doesnt use it15:41
asacthats what i did15:41
* asac slaps himself15:43
asacplugging the usb disk to the board might help ;)15:44
asacdoes that15:44
ogranot really15:44
ograyour initramfs doesnt get executed15:44
ograby the kernel15:44
asacso what is wrong ;)?15:46
asacthe address maybe?15:46
asacinitrd=... wrong?15:47
ograthe latter i suspect15:47
ograwait, try loading uinitrd first15:49
ograflip the adresses in bootm15:49
ograsigh, i really dont get that partition thing15:49
ograwhy does it work with the redboot images15:50
asacuninitrd first?15:51
ograflip the adresses15:53
asacbootm [addr [arg ...]]15:54
asac    - boot application image stored in memory15:54
asac        passing arguments 'arg ...'; when booting a Linux kernel,15:54
asac        'arg' can be the address of an initrd image15:54
ogradid you try it ?15:55
ograbootm 0x90B00000 0x9000800015:55
asaci read the doc and it says that initrd is second ;)15:56
asacnow trying15:56
asacWrong Image Type for bootm command15:57
asacERROR: can't get kernel image!15:57
asacso expdected15:57
asacnow trying to not load ramdisk, but rather loading it from vfat15:57
ograok, was worth a try15:57
asacend of work16:01
asacboard doesnt show any sign of live anymore :(16:01
JamieBennettasac: wait, I'm not the only one to have kill a board now ;)16:01
ogradid you trash your SD ?16:02
asacwhat do you mean?16:02
ogranote that it wont stay on if it doesnt find the bootrecord16:02
asaci dont see any lamp if i push on the button :(16:02
asacbut no lamp goes on16:02
ograhow did you manage that ?16:02
asaci dont know16:03
asaci put in the sd16:03
* JamieBennett notes he killed his with the wrong power lead not in software16:03
* ogra hasnt seen anyone fry a board apart from using over-power16:03
JamieBennettasac: in my case it was a mis-labelled (or rather not labelled) power lead running 12v so nothing for you to worry about16:04
armin76asac: remove the sd :D16:04
ograit wont power on without SD16:05
JamieBennettogra: but it does light up for a second16:06
JamieBennettif you hold the power button16:06
ograright, but if it doesnt do that anyway, the Sd shouldnt matter16:06
JamieBennettogra: right16:06
plarsogra: we did have someone make a board produce "magic white smoke" though :)16:07
ograplars, well, but he's known for his magic skills anyway :)16:07
* ogra enables ext2 in uboot16:10
asacJamieBennett: you have a bbg2?16:13
asacdoes that work with same power adapter?16:13
JamieBennettasac: I have a 2.0 and 2.516:13
JamieBennett2.5 has same adapter16:14
JamieBennett2.0 is 12v16:14
asacah ok16:14
asacso i need to get the 12v from my other place16:14
asacbeforei can continue on bbg216:14
ograpick a voltmeter and check if you have no voltage before playing with power adapters16:15
ograthe 2.5 should have a 5V adapter btw16:15
ogranot 1216:16
ograthats 2.016:16
JamieBennettogra: yes as I pointed out above. 2.5 and 3.0 have 12v, 2.0 has 12v16:16
JamieBennett5v that should of been16:16
ograi just wanted to prevent asac from plugging in 12V16:17
JamieBennettI'm in pain, took the kids in the snow for 30 mins sledging and now my backside hurts from a rather fast decent without the sledge :)16:17
JamieBennettogra: yep, can't be too careful with them power adapters ;)16:18
* ogra only leaves the house if absolutely necessary16:18
ograway to cold outside16:18
asaci definitly didnt replug any power adapter or so16:19
asaci have a warrenty thing for this board16:21
asacthough i have no place of purchase16:22
ograBBG U-Boot > ext2ls mmc 0:216:22
ogra<DIR>       1024 .16:22
ogra<DIR>       1024 ..16:22
ogra<DIR>      12288 lost+found16:22
ogra              64 uimage16:22
ograBBG U-Boot > ext2load mmc 0:2 0x90008000 /uimage16:23
ograLoading file "/uimage" from mmc device 0:2 (xxa2)16:23
ogra64 bytes read16:23
asacbut that doesnt matter for our problems ;)16:23
asacthats wrong16:23
asac64 bytes read16:23
ograno, the file is broken16:23
asacoh why it so small?16:23
ograsee the ls16:23
ograwell, has the same issues16:28
crashfourit1hum... can any one here help me? getting a kernel panic when trying to start ubuntu arm in qemu. The error is "Attempted to kill init"16:30
asacfta: do you know where we can tweak the default profile for chromium?17:02
asace.g. different homepage etc.?17:02
asacfta: seems todays chromium dailies failed17:16
asacprobably needs some GL depends?17:17
asacfta: build-tree/src/third_party/gles_book_examples/ is in our orig too17:31
asacplease strip that17:31
asacfta: http://pastebin.com/f5f971220 ... somehow the ForwardingHeaders matches are now working17:57
ftaasac, i have a problem with the gl thing: for webgl, they have a patched glu because of http://crbug.com/16800 (nvidia has its own broken libgl), but for gpu (new), they want the system gl/glu headers17:57
asacthe rest works well17:58
ftaso in the current state, i can't provide both gpu & webgl without breaking javascript (like the gmail timezone bug)17:59
asacah ok. so thats not the reason for the build failure?17:59
asacwhy do we need both?17:59
asacwhat is webgl?17:59
asacoh thats chromium stuff18:00
asachow does that work for them then?18:00
asacseems we are not doing anything special ... e.g. use their webgl and system gl/glu headers for gpu18:00
ftathe build failure could easily be solved with build-deps += mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev but that means breaking js (http://crbug.com/16800)18:01
asacok found the prob with the licensecheck i think18:02
ftawebgl: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/08/webgl-standard-to-bring-3d-web-without-browser-plugins.ars18:02
asacbreaking js like their time thing?18:03
asacwhy does it work for them?18:04
ftabecause it only breaks if you're using the nvidia driver18:04
ftalike i do18:04
asacok. so they are happy with that?18:05
asacotherwise i would suggest to file a bug and wait till they figure it out18:05
asacand for that time accept that nvidia is broken. feels like they will work on that with high prio18:05
ftathey fixed it for webgl by patching glu to not load libGl.so.1 directly18:05
ftabut it's back with the new gpu feature18:05
ftaso they will have to do something about gpu too18:06
ftai already reported that to the gpu guy18:06
asacright. thats why i think we should just do what they do and accept bugs they have for the time being18:06
fta(he's in california)18:06
ftathe bot kicks off at 4am so i still still have time to discuss with upstream, maybe there's a better fix, if there's nothing, i'll add the build-deps18:11
asaci would assume that if they build with both enabled they have the same time regression18:12
asacso we would just replicate their behaviour18:12
ftaasac, http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/a7d337e88e63af6d#18:14
armin76shenki: around?18:17
armin76asac: did you try armv7=1?18:17
asacarmin76: no, because we have no NEON in kernel and buld system doesnt allow to disable that18:19
asacis on my list to fix in build systme18:19
armin76ah, right18:21
armin76sorry i forgot *g*18:21
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
=== cwillu_at_work is now known as IcantBelieveItsN
=== IcantBelieveItsN is now known as cwillu_at_work
plarsasac: the firefox in that ppa seems to work for me on babbage21:46
asacplars: cool thanks. alrady set it to DONE :)21:46
asac(the item)21:46
cwillu_at_worklool, that was you I was talking to about pixman et al, right?22:06
armin76cwillu_at_work: from ubuntu yes, the other guy was ssvb22:15
loolcwillu_at_work: Yes22:19
loolAs armin76 said22:19
cwillu_at_workwas just re-reading http://lists.cairographics.org/archives/cairo/2009-October/018421.html, looking for confirmation that an neon'ified pixman does what I think it does;  I now think I misread it when I poked you just now :p22:25
* cwillu_at_work raids cgit.freedesktop.org for unreleased neon pixman patches23:21
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