
syockitmmvx: umm, grub-probe failed? unknown hardware?00:00
faileaswookienz: 1- yes, 2- i don't know00:00
dim3000open it and search for linux-image00:00
mkanyicyYoman, by not being to connect to a server? no that's not the only reason, contact the chess server guy00:00
mmvxSteve132 there is a command on the wiki: /sbin/grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg00:00
AledI have a copy of Server Ubuntu 9.1000:00
AledDoes it have a UI?00:00
mkanyicyYoman, or tunnel ssh through telnet00:00
IlmaticOkay, I went to kernel and modules and there's one package that says drbd8-source00:00
dim3000Aled: not by default00:00
mmvxSteve132, might it be possible to run this from the live cd but specify the /boot/grub/grub.cfg in the mounted partition00:01
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
mkanyicyYoman, but you need to be a clever girl00:01
AledWould it be accessed like windows 3.11, as in "win" or would I have to install it?00:01
dirksonOk. Where did the resolution gui vanish to?00:01
dim3000Aled: do u want a GUI?00:02
mkanyicyhi karmst00:02
AledI do00:02
Yomanmkanyicy, tunnel? so you mean there is a way around it? even if the server isn't running ssh, is it still possible to encrypt my information?00:02
wookienzfaileas: thanks. thought that was the case.00:02
karmsthi mkany00:02
nightsjammiesHas anyone had any problems with their browser not timing out on a secure site while tethered via cell phone?00:02
karmstIs there any application for linux or ubuntu that acts like MMC for microsoft?00:03
Steve132mmvx: so I did it from the chroot00:03
Steve132and it finishe00:03
mkanyicyYoman, ssh encrypts the info using RSA algorithm, if you *MANAGE TO* tunnel that to the unsafe telnet, then you are still safe00:03
Steve132but it said "error, no mapping exists for nvidia_eg*00:03
degritmmc ?00:04
Steve132and then "cannot found list of partitions"00:04
karmstMMC = microsoft management console00:04
luis__is there a ares copy native tu ubuntu?00:04
dim3000Aled: what are u using this server for?00:04
IlmaticHey guys, How do I uninstall an unwanted ubuntu kernel?00:04
Yomanmkanyicy, sounds nice.. any hints on how to achieve such a thing? =)00:04
mkanyicyYoman, not that I know a success story about it, it's worth trying00:04
AledWeb hosting, dim300000:04
karmstlike you can add active directory management and monitoring etc... or multiple RDP sessions00:04
AledIt needs Apache, PHP and MySQL00:05
faileasIlmatic: from your package manager.00:05
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  via the package manager.. i for get how they are named however..00:05
Dr_WillisIlmatic:  take care to not remove them all. :)00:05
afromanhej. where can I get driver for my printer? canon l12000:05
dim3000Aled: not sure why u want a GUI then but you can try installing a lightweight desktop environment like xfce00:05
luis__is there an ares native tu ubuntu?00:05
Dr_Willisafroman:  check cups.org to see how supported it is.00:05
AledHowever, wouldn't a GUI allow me to manage the server easier?00:05
janisoza1rhow can I check if there are extents enabled on a ext4 partition?00:05
bastid_raZorAled: ubuntu-desktop is the package you need for a GUI.00:05
faileasif its a server, ubuntu desktop is WAAAY too heavy00:06
IlmaticI'm looking at all the kernel and modules tab and I have none installed.00:06
afromanhej Dr_Willis00:06
faileasAled: try openbox or icewm if you want a lightweight gui00:06
blakkheima server doesn't need a GUI00:06
IlmaticYet, on reboot, there's this other kernel that always pops up.00:06
dim3000Aled: depends, but it also poses security risks and perofrmance issues00:06
karmstor you could use a control panel rather than a GUI00:06
bishopbak again00:06
karmstlike C-panel or ISPConfig00:06
mkanyicyYoman, first you must be a guru when it comes to port forwarding, ssh works on port 22 (by default) and telnet to another port i don;t know,00:06
faileasblakkheim: well, i feel so too. then again a server dosen't need anything but a power source and a connection to the network, as far as i am concerned ;p00:06
dim3000if u really want to00:07
blakkheimfaileas: some services would be nice00:07
faileasblakkheim: well, that's based off my needs. monitor, and keyboard are optional, post install though00:08
Yomanmmvx, what I ment is since it seems I can connect to pretty much anything with telnet, doesn't telnet require any particular service to run on the server in order to connect?00:08
dim3000Aled: u can use xfce for example00:08
AledAlso, is it possible to run Server Ubuntu in a simulated enviroment, such as Microsoft Virtual PC?00:08
syockitSteve132: I wonder what your sudo fdisk -l looks like00:08
faileasAled: certainly00:08
karmsttelnet requires telnet server00:08
dim3000Aled: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop00:08
mmvxYoman telnet is just a way of sending the commands to services running on a server00:08
faileasAled: you'd probably want a bridged connection. there's also a ubuntu build that's optimised for virtualisation00:08
mmvxYoman for instance you can telnet to a mail server on port 25 and send an email00:09
karmstI run Server Ubuntu 8.04 off VMware ESX00:09
karmstso it's possible00:09
mmvxYoman but you only have access to the commands the service will allow you00:09
Steve132syockit: inside the chroot?00:09
mmvxYoman so for http it's GET and POST etc etc00:09
afromanDr_Willis: can't find my printer canon l120 on cups.org00:09
dirksonOk. Where did the resolution gui vanish to?00:09
faileasAled: my test server runs on vmware. i'm tempted to set up a buildbox on one too00:09
dirksonOk. Where did the resolution gui vanish to?00:09
dirksonOk. Where did the resolution gui vanish to?00:09
FloodBot3dirkson: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:09
mmvxYoman but ssh actually loads you up a shell on the server, allowing you much more control. This can be restricted depending on the configuration but it's much more powerful00:10
AledI'm just planning to run it virtually to learn how to use it00:10
syockitSteve132: umm, it doesn't have to be... just to check whether you have proper partitioning. I just do not understand what it means by no mapping00:10
faileasthat's a good idea, Aled00:10
AledI'm a Linux noob, I've used Microsoft Windows for years00:10
karmstme too Aled00:10
Yomanmmvx, ok that helped alot =) thanks00:11
AledBut I'm planning on hosting my website on a dedicated server at home when I change ISPs00:11
karmstI'm a MCSE , MCP, and CCIE00:11
IlmaticI won't ever go back...unless I need to use wireshark. ; )00:11
karmstand I'm still just now learning linux00:11
Yomanmkanyicy, ok.. sounds like it will take some time00:11
dim3000Aled: ubunutu server is great for that, it makes it easy in my opion (i host my own)00:11
karmstAled I use CentOS for my webserver00:11
faileasAled: web hosting on ubuntu is kinda simple - there's a pre-configured LAMP option. i added phpmyadmin, since i can't be bothered to work with raw sql, and its perfectly usable00:12
syockitSteve132: btw can you repeat the grub-install thing outside chroot, this time with the flag: --modules=raid00:12
AledSounds good00:12
Aeroraanyone there?00:12
webdawgI was looking at this page:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=596002 and I can not seem to find what it is talking about.  The sound applet I have seems to suck.00:12
Aerorai got an problem with video formats00:13
karmstAled have you ever used Apache before?00:13
webdawgThe problem I have is that I want to add my mono speaker output but cannot seem to find it in sound preferences.  Is their some alternative sound controler software?00:13
mmvxYoman no probs. Is your chess server a linux machine?00:13
IlmaticHey how can I set up snort on ubuntu?00:14
Aledkarmst, I've used xampp for 2 years00:14
pavelzhi, how do i recompile a package from source? I need ruby to be recompiled, steps seem more convoluted then just compiling the source00:14
AledWhich includes Apache00:14
=== d3c3p710n_ is now known as d3c3p710n
shelbyHello. I am looking for traffic compression software (high-cost GPRS here). Advise me please.00:14
Steve132syockit: http://www.pastebin.org/7190900:14
Yomanmmvx, I'm guessing so, but wouldn't know... It's fics, the free internet chess server00:14
Steve132although, I think that seems to not include nvidia_mapper00:15
karmstok then you should have no problems. It's a lot easier to write the config file then mess around with all the MS windows IIS stuff trying to make everything work00:15
Steve132Like, not directly00:15
Yomanmmvx, so what I'm doing is "telnet fics.freechess.org 5000" followed by logging in00:15
mmvxSteve132 that looks like 2 mirrored drives00:15
karmstYou may also want to check out Joomla00:15
AledAre Server Ubuntu services such as LAMP included in the CD/Image00:15
AledOr would I have to download them?00:15
afromananybody know where I can get driver for my printer canon l120?00:16
Steve132mmvx: Yeah, thats exactly what I see too.... I just expected that I would see 1 'cause its not in hardware00:16
karmstthe ubuntu server has the ability to install LAMP during the OS install00:16
syockitSteve132: umm, you have so many partitions.... I can only imagine that one of them is the boot partition (/dev/sda2 ?), which means you need to mount it as well...00:16
hanophix33any way to make secondary monitor the main one on a laptop?00:16
mmvxsyockit it looks like the hardware raid is still presenting both drives00:16
syockitSteve132: arrgh not much time before I go to the lab. what can I do.00:17
simoncuerda de jodedores00:17
mmvxsyockit to linux00:17
mmvxsyockit rather than one00:17
karmstlocate httpd.conf00:17
karmstwrong window00:17
syockitmmvx: I'm not experienced in hardware/software raid setup. how should a hardware raid look like? only /dev/sda?00:17
Aeroraanybody got an idea how i can fix this problem: i just installed a new video card a Geforce 8400GS from Nvidia and i cant play any video format the screen is black i only hear sound tried many formats and every format is same result anyone got an idea?00:17
Yomanmmvx, can't really find anything about it on their website either00:17
mmvxSteve132 I have a feeling your best bet would be to configure software raid00:17
karmstA hardware raid will just look like an LVM00:18
Steve132mmvx: Well, when I look at it in gparted, it only shows 1 drive00:18
faileasAled: there's a seperate server config. else you can use the tasksel command00:18
thiebaudeAerora: you need the drivers?00:18
syockitkarmst: which I also have no idea how it looks like00:18
Steve132and actually, writing anything to /dev/sda3 pulls an error message that pulls up the nvidia_mapping anyway00:18
thiebaudeAerora: i have the same card00:18
Aerorathiebaude: i installed al Nvidia drivers i got version 18500:18
karmstsyockit it should only show up as a single drive00:19
Steve132so I think sda and sdb are somehow linked to the hardware raid setup correctly00:19
thiebaudeAerora: sudo nvidia-settings?00:19
karmstwell if it's a hardware raid you shouldn't be able to see the members of the raid00:19
thiebaudeAerora: to set the resolution00:19
karmstyou should only be able to see the raid00:19
karmstotherwise it's a software raid00:19
syockitSteve132: well it does have identical partitioning. did you mount /dev/sda2 to the boot folder in the root directory?00:19
mmvxSteve132 yes but you should only really see one drive in true hardware raid00:19
Jahootydoes ubuntu/gnome have a clipboard with a history?00:20
ShwackMy home directory is encrypted and I do not know the passphrase - I only know my login password.  However, when I attempt to recover the passphrase by decrypting my passphrase-wrapper file with login password, it is not working.   I am so close to getting this to work just need some final help.  Is anyone up to this?00:20
Aerorathiebaude: i got my resolution on 1360 x 76800:20
thiebaudeAerora: is that the resolution you want?00:20
Steve132syockit: yes00:20
Aerorathiebaude: yes thats the resolution i want;)00:21
karmstI have my Dell PERC 6/i card using raid10 and I only see one LVM on Ubuntu00:21
thiebaudeAerora: cool00:21
Steve132/dev/sda2 is mounted on /mnt/root00:21
karmstSteve grep sda200:21
karmstwhat is the device desc00:21
Steve132karmst: grep what?00:21
syockitSteve132: hmmm either /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2 is the root, and the other one is boot00:22
Aerorathiebaude: but do you know how to fix my problem?00:22
mmvxSteve132 the installer has installed on the raid, but you have the two drives clearly visible in /dev00:22
karmstdmesg | grep -l00:22
thiebaudeAerora: i had to edit my xorg.conf00:22
thiebaudeand add Device  "Default Device" and save00:22
Shwackhas anyone ever recovered a passphrase from passphrase-wrapper file?00:22
bishopleaving seeya00:22
Aerorathiebaude: if you got the same as i do can you send me a copy of yours or tell me how to adjust it?00:23
Steve132syockit: the other one is boot?00:23
karmstyou should be able to pull up a device description00:23
Steve132you have to partition /boot seperately?00:23
syockitSteve132: umm can't stay long here. anyways if you mounted it in the correct order (mount root first, then mount boot to the boot folder), then try grub-install again, this time with the --modules=raid option00:23
thiebaudeAerora: yes, please do send me it00:23
Steve132karmst: dmesg | grep -l sda2 returns an empty line00:23
mmvxsyockit, Steve123, what you are asking is that grub fires up a kernel inside a raid partition having booted off the MBR of a single drive..?00:23
karmstwhat raid controller do you have Steve?00:24
andylandI ran the command: /usr/sbin/minidlna -f /etc/minidlna.conf as root but I can't locate the processes in the activity monitor. Can you see root processes there as well?00:24
mmvxkarmst my thoughts too..00:24
klaoris it somehow possible to boot into a console (=do not start a XServer) using a desktop cd?00:24
Sabre-nightis there a specific room for Wine discussion / help?00:24
syockitmmvx: yeah, I thought grub didn't allow that. older grub though. dunno about grub200:24
Aerorathiebaude: a sec how do i send files with Xchat?00:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:25
Supersaiyan_IVanyone here that experiences iwlagn kernel panics? related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/276990 wondering if somebody has a workaround not mentioned there.00:25
thiebaudepasetbin, aerora00:25
andylandSabre-night: I'm 99% certain that Wine has there own irc-channel. My suggestion, google it00:25
andylandSabre-night: wiki.winehq.org/IRC00:26
mmvxsyockit grub2 is great with multiple drives in software raid, it installs to them all if they are mirrored, grub 1 never used to!00:26
Sabre-nightandyland,  it's #winehq, i just remembered00:26
EsatYuceThere are 2 folders named "My movies" and "movies" in /home/user_name directory in 9.10. Why?00:26
burzkilooks like grub legacy and grub2 packages are included .. how to tell the default boot mgr in 5.x?  new to debian, couln't find documantation on site00:27
syockitmmvx: if hardware wouldn't it also be automatic? (albeit transparent)00:27
mmvxsyockit yes, exactly00:27
Steve132karmst: This isn't terribly helpful, but its inside this mobo: http://www.zotac.com/httpdocs/brochures/mb/motherboard_brochure_geforce_9300_v3.pdf00:27
Aerorathiebaude:damn now my mouse is trippy00:28
mmvxsyockit, but grub now needs to go on the raid partition, not on /dev/sda or /dev/sdb00:28
syockitmmvx: ah now i get it00:28
karmstits an nvidia raid00:29
mmvxsyockit grub probably needs a module that lets it see that nvidia raid partition00:29
SuzanneHi Hal00:29
webdawgmy flash audio doesnt work in karmic.  Help00:29
karmstmmvx with nvidia onboard raids shouldn't you just create an LVM in Grub and then the OS will just see the virtual single drive?00:29
hanophix33i i cant get my laptop to make the secondary monitor become the main monitor00:29
mmvxkarmst it looks like the installer and os can see the single raid partition00:30
Aerorathiebaude: im going to restart something snapped in my pc:(00:30
Aerorathiebaude: brb00:30
thiebaudeAerora: ok00:30
mmvxkarmst but when it comes to grub install it fails00:30
miihackwiihi all does anyone now how to fix medusa00:30
mmvxkarmst possible missing module? grub2 is quite new..00:31
ShwackMy home directory is encrypted and I do not know the passphrase - I only know my login password.  However, when I attempt to recover the passphrase by decrypting my passphrase-wrapper file with login password, it is not working.   I am so close to getting this to work just need some final help.  Is anyone up to this?00:31
karmstman...hold on a minute... I've actually ran into this exact same problem before with nvidia raids. I have notes on this on my Heat helpdesk ticket00:31
syockitmmvx: hmmm what do you suppose the /dev/sda in the command 'grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/yadayada /dev/sda' be replaced with?00:31
karmstgive me a few...00:31
miihackwiihi all does anyone now how to fix medusa00:31
ShwackAll my files are gone - I have the passphrase-wrapper file, I have my login password.  I have everything I need except the knowledge of how to get it to work00:32
Steve132syockit: That should be replaced with the name of the mapped drive, I assume, which on my machine is /dev/mapper/nvidia_egicfjeg00:32
mmvxsyockit Steve132 yes00:32
mMezquitaleif I want to add a user so that he can log in to my openssh server, do I need to create a user in the server, and where would I put the user's key?  I'm using password less key login00:32
Steve132Yeah, i did that00:32
Sabre-nightwhy can't i right click on any menus? (say on accessories)00:32
mmvxsyockit Steve132 but I think you may need to specify modules00:33
phantomcircuitim trying to mount an iso with the loop device00:33
phantomcircuitbut im getting read only errors00:33
syockitmmvx Steve132 so --modules=raid is not enough? hmm... might have to check the modules list then00:33
mMezquitaleSabre-night, why would you want to right click on the menu?  This is ubuntu, what is the real question, what are you trying to do/accomplish?00:34
aerorathiebaude: http://pastebin.com/m53e397f100:34
Steve132mmcx: yeha, thats what happened, it says two errors: Grub-probe, no mapping exists for nvidia_egicfjeg200:34
mmvxsyockit might there be one for that particular type of hardware raid?00:34
Steve132and the other is "auto-detection of a filesystme module failed, specify module with option modules00:34
Steve132should I use "--modules=raid,ext3"00:35
mmvxSteve132 it's looking like you need one that lets grub put the raid together at boot00:35
karmstHere it is00:35
Sabre-nightmMezquitale, i have some options from Wine i uninstalled, yet the folder options remain.00:35
mmvxSteve132 that's a rubbish way of explaining it I know!00:35
Sabre-nightmMezquitale, i was kinda hoping to delete them :|00:35
Steve132no, that makes sense, actually00:35
shawn_Whats wrong with this command iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING \ --out-interface eth0 --jump MASQUERADE00:36
Steve132so what do I need?00:36
karmstok... So how it says to get around this in our ticket system is you have to build the nforce driver from source, as it is not native for raid to the linux kernel00:36
mshoap13<-- ubuntu tard... does anybody know where to find a working howto on getting a 5 button mouse configured to work in firefox under Xubuntu?00:36
lstarnesSteve132: remove the \00:36
mmvxSteve132 I think syockit is checking the modules list00:36
lstarnesSteve132: oops, wrong person00:36
lstarnesshawn_: try removing the \00:36
shawn_lstarnes, Ok00:36
thiebaudeaerora: under section Screen and right under deafultdepth        24,   put    Device                         "Default Device"00:36
thiebaudeaerora: and save it00:37
lstarnesshawn_: also, make sure that you are running that with sudo or as root00:37
mMezquitaleSabre-night, so what you are attempting to do is delete some options in the wine menu, keep asking that question again, if someone knows the answer they will reply, you can also try the forums00:37
thiebaudeaerora: and sudo nvidia-settings  set resolution and then save to X configuration00:37
webdawgI can view all my inputs and outputs in 'alsamixer' command line but I cannot add them to the default sound applet in ubuntu.  What is the deal?00:37
syockitSteve132: among modules that depend on raid module (from /boot/grub/moddep.lst) : dm_nv, mdraid, raid5rec, raid6rec00:37
mmvxsyockit that dm_nv looks promising00:38
aerorathiebaude: how do i save it? i cant adjust it becouse i dont have root acces00:38
thiebaudeaerora: what that does everytime you log into x you dont have to set the resoltion00:38
karmstyes you get that from the source build of the nforce driver00:38
syockitmmvx: http://www.opensubscriber.com/message/grub-devel@gnu.org/9870513.html seems to suggest so00:38
Steve132ok, so, mmvx: any luck with finding the modules I need....dm_nv00:38
thiebaudeaerora: im on a ubuntu desktopn, but it should say save00:38
aerorathiebaude: it doesnt00:39
Steve132Ok, so00:39
mmvxSteve132 syockit karmst looks like dm_nv then? As well as raid?00:39
Steve132using --modules=raid00:39
Steve132gives a new name00:39
karmstsyockit: that's the module he needs. It's because the nforce raid isn't a true hardware raid.00:39
DubAndyHow can I make a /etc/init.d/ startup script from my two files /usr/sbin/minidlna & /etc/minidlna.conf to be ran at boot with apache2 regardless of gnome and/or users?00:39
mmvxSteve132 put quotes around the list00:39
Steve132*err, sorry....gives a new error:  "You attempted a cross-disk install, but the filesystem containing /mnt/root/boot/grub does not support UUIDs"00:40
mmvxSteve132 like --modules="raid dm_nv"00:40
syockit--modules=dm_nv should automatically pull raid in, as it depends on it... but yeah, maybe both00:40
Dr_WillisDubAndy:   you could put the commands in /etc/rc.local or check the upstart docs and make a upstart script for them. init.d/stuff is slowly getting phased out.00:40
bastid_raZor!boot | DubAndy00:40
ubottuDubAndy: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:40
Dr_WillisDubAndy:  many of the guides/docs still refer to the old sysv way. but as i said. thats slowly getting removed.00:41
teratomawhat does this ubuntu Eucalyptus cluster stuff do?00:41
mmvxsyockit Steve132 looks good, now we have a decent error to work with :)00:41
ShwackIf I have my home directory on a separate partition (sdb6)... Can I copy files from main filesystem (sdb2) over to it and then mount sdb6 from Ubuntu Live CD and give myself CHROOT access?  I need to decrypt my passphrase-wrapper file after mountain sdb6 from live CD but cannot give myself CHROOT after mountaing sdb6 because there is no /bin/bash00:42
DubAndyDr_Willis: Oh I'm a former debian user... Is /etc/rc.local a faster implementation?00:42
Dr_WillisDubAndy:  rc.local is just a simple script that get ran at boot. for down and dirty tasks00:42
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:43
j-3-r-g_Yo wats poppin?00:43
thiebaudeaerora: im not sure where the save is on that because im not on ubuntu, but thats what i had to do, was edit xorg.conf and then save and exit00:43
karmstI think this error is because it's still a software raid and he will need to have an LVM?00:43
aerorathiebaude: i dont have the rights and i cant adjust the rights becouse im not the owner00:44
j-3-r-g_hey anyone familiar with whipping a iPod nano fresh and still have ti working with iTunes00:44
syockitShwack: you can mount your main system (sdb2), then mount sdb6 to its home folder, then chroot the main system00:44
thiebaudeaerora: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the command00:44
Shwacksyockit can you please /msg me with more detailed instructions?   You would be saving my life if I can get my encrypted home directory recovered00:44
thiebaudeit will ask you for your root password00:45
mmvxkarmst maybe another module?00:45
syockitShwack: umm the problem is I do not know about encrypted directory/partition00:45
karmstno. I'00:45
mmvxkarmst Steve132 this bug report shows several modules being tried: v00:46
aerorathiebaude: done thnx:D but my no video problem is still not fixed:(00:46
karmstI'm reading the mkfs manual and it says that in order to create a ext3 file system on an nvidia raid it must be an LVM00:46
thiebaudeaerora: go back ans do sudo nvidia-settings and set your resoltution and then save to X configuration00:47
mmvxkarmst I think Steve132 already has most of his install in place00:47
Shwacksyockit: if you can explain to me how to mount both /dev/sdb2 and /dev/sdb6  You will be placing me one step closer -   I create /mnt and  /mnt2    I can succesfully mount one partition, then trying to mount the 2nd says "you must specify filesystem type"   I can get either one to mount by itself, mounting teh 2nd is where I run into the problem00:47
thiebaudesince you already saved your xorg.conf00:47
karmstmmvx I'm lost then?!?00:47
aerorathiebaude: i can play any format only problem is i have no video only the sound is playing and i done the nvidia settings thing;)00:48
syockitShwack: actually much safer if you specify filesystem type for both00:48
thiebaudeaerora: i'am not sure what to do00:48
Shwacksyockit how do I specify the filesystem type?   They should both be ext400:48
Dr_Willisaerora:  audio and no video = check what video codec the video is using.. or is it all videos?00:48
syockitShwack: example, if you mounted /dev/sdb2 on /mnt, then you need to mount /dev/sdb6 on /mnt/home00:49
Steve132So, the final word is "no" ?00:49
Steve132on this?00:49
syockitShwack: hmm i need to recall...00:49
aerorathiebaude: all videos mp4 mpeg avi etc and before i switched video cards i didnt had this problem00:49
Shwacksyockit - gotcha on the /mnt/home - makes perfect sense -00:49
thiebaudeaerora: i dont know, and we do have the same card00:49
aerorathiebaude: i also tried totem and vlc00:50
thiebaudeaerora: can you do compiz?00:50
_cbHave dual boot. XP & Ubuntu 9.10 . Want to re-install Ubuntu keep dual boot and keep home folder. How do I do it?00:50
karmstSteve123: I would recommend changing it to an LVM. That way if you ever wanted to expand the hardware raid you would be able to without having to rebuild the entire array or backup and restore your data.00:50
aerorathiebaude: yes compiz works perfect00:50
thiebaudeok, drivers are installed00:50
syockitSteve132: what about the one on Comment#3 on that bug report?00:50
faileas_cb: back up and restore the home folder manually?00:51
thiebaudebut after that i dont know what to try00:51
aerorathiebaude: yes i installed al nvidia drivers trough synaptic00:51
thiebaudeaerora: maybe someone else had more expertise than i do00:51
DubAndyDr_Willis: #!/bin/bash /urs/sbin/minidlna -f /etc/minidlna.conf This will do for a .sh script right? it's till going to be run with root privledges and keep on being an active process?00:51
_cbfaileas Any way to tell the new install to use the existing home folder?00:51
thiebaudeaerora: i let ubuntu find the recomeded driver for me00:51
faileas_cb: do you have a seperate home partition?00:52
mmvxsyockit Steve132 karmst there's a launchpad bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/43634000:52
faileaselse, home folders are by username- just have the same username and it should work, in theory00:52
thiebaudeaerora: which driver 185?00:52
aerorathiebaude: yep i got 18500:52
syockitShwack: an ext4 would have -t ext4 as option. e.g. mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb2 /mnt00:52
Shwacksyockit ok00:52
Shwacksyockit- unless you know how to unmount - I need to reboot from live CD and remount properly00:52
faileas_cb: then just reinstall, don't reformat the home partition, and have the same username00:53
faileasand backup anyway, in case00:53
_cbOn the re-install I saw 3 options. Keep current OS (Which kept current Ubuntu) Manual (Don't know how I keep my XP dual boot) and use all disk which obviously I don't want00:53
Steve132syockit: That workaround basically involves buying and permenantly connecting a USB stick to jumpstart the system... I honestly don't care enough to do that00:53
thiebaudeaerora: wish i knew00:53
syockitShwack: sudo umount <dev partition, or mount point>00:53
mmvxSteve132 it looks like 10.04 will have a fix for grub2, and 9.04 works with grub100:54
Steve132mmvx:  That launchpad bug says "Fix Released"00:54
aerorathiebaude: hmm thnx anyway ill try the forums;)00:54
thiebaudeaerora: ok good luck with it00:54
Steve132Yeah, you answered my question...so the answer is "it will be released in 10.0400:54
aerorathiebaude: ty;)00:54
Shwacksyockit - wonderful!  i dont understand why they didnt make both umount and unmount do the same thing - i was sitting here trying unmount !!!00:54
NFischerhow to reactivate ctrl-alt-backspace key-combination?!00:54
Hilikushow can i compile the content of a source package without creating a binary package? i'm trying to patch something but i need to try the program before i package it00:54
Steve132thanks a lot guys :)00:55
Steve132I appreciate it00:55
mmvxSteve132 yes, I guess you could install 9.04 and update to 9.10 which would leave grub1 in place..00:55
syockitShwack: the reason is kinda historical... and they don't want two commands meaning the same thing00:55
Steve132I figured that00:55
thiebaudeaerora: np00:55
mMezquitale!zap | NFischer00:55
syockitSteve132: or install grub1!!00:55
Steve132my GF who is sitting next to me suggested that about 40 seconds before mmvx did :)00:55
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap00:56
syockitSteve132: oh wait maybe not on the cd00:56
MrKeunerhello, which file do I have to modify to login a specific user to gdm automatically upon reboot?00:56
Steve132Steve132: nope00:56
mMezquitale!dontzap | NFischer00:56
Shwacksyockit -   i type  sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb2 /mnt     and it doesn't work00:56
ubottuNFischer: please see above00:56
Steve132ok, thanks a ton guys00:56
Steve132I appreciate it00:56
Steve132and all the hard work00:56
mmvxSteve132 good luck00:56
FloodBot3Steve132: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:56
syockitShwack: any error messages?00:56
Shwacksyockit - I will paste bin entire output, one second00:57
DrMaxubottu : or activate it in keyboard preferences, layours "keys to kill X" or something similar00:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:57
NFischermMezquitale, ?!00:57
iflemaMrKeuner: under the System menu / Administration / Login Screen is a gui for seeting up auto login.00:57
MrKeuneriflema, I only have ssh access00:57
Shwacksyockit http://paste.ubuntu.com/352613/00:57
DrMaxI dual booted my macboook pro and the linux partition shows as "windows"... is there a way to get it to at least display "linux" ?00:58
DrMax(while holding option)00:58
Shwacksyockit for some reason it's not showing the /mnt   point after   /dev/sdb200:58
Shwacki swear i typed it though...  let me try one more time00:58
Shwacksame thing - it dissapears from the input00:59
Shwacki type it00:59
MrKeuneriflema, thanks though00:59
_cbfaileas On the re-install I saw 3 partition options. Keep current OS (kept current Ubuntu) Manual (I know I can keep my NTFS partition but will I still have a dual boot?) and use all disk which obviously I don't want00:59
karmstah....ok...It's official... Don't pay attention to anything I say because I've had too many beers tonight =)00:59
mmvxcheers karmst01:00
mmvxShwack what is it?01:00
mmvxSchwack the mount point?01:00
Shwackmmvx yes01:00
karmstthat's really messed up you have to go to grub legacy with intel and nvidia raids01:00
Shwackim trying to input    sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb2 /mnt01:00
sircutproblems opening packages I have installed. i put google earth on my machine via package manager but can't find or open?01:01
usrlocalbinMrKeuner:  check the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file  under the [daemon] section, you can add some line to enable automatic login and set the login01:01
mmvxkarmst yeah I think I'd go software raid and be done with it :)01:01
MrKeunerusrlocalbin, OK thanks01:01
sircutHave jaunty jackalope installed I think!01:01
mmvxShwack where is the other drive mounted?01:01
karmsthas anyone actually ever seen a jackalope?01:01
JSeymourkarmst: In the Sunday funnies, I have01:02
_cbIf I uninstall UBUNTU will the partitions still be on disk? (I want to re-install and keep my dual boot)01:02
syockitShwack: yup strange indeed. shell received it as if you didn't type the /mnt in the end01:02
chaihi all... anyone know of a program to manage multiple pdfs? i have to read a bunch of scientific journals and hate having dozens of windows open01:03
karmstYou're not Jane Seymour from the original battlestar glactica are you?01:03
mmvxShwack what is the output of df ?01:03
usrlocalbinMrKeuner:  check out http://pastebin.org/71920 for some direction... as always also good to google it as well01:03
syockitchai: linux version of adobe reader supports tabs01:03
JSeymourkarmst: Nope.  That's not her real name, btw.  She's actually Polish or something.01:03
Shwackmmvx I am on an Ubuntu live cd trying to mount      /dev/sdb2     and  /dev/sdb6.       sdb2 is my ubuntu filesystem and sdb6 is my /home partition.    my /home directory is encrypted and after typing sudo passwd to chnage my password,  Ubuntu accepts my login password but no longer decrypts my home folder.   changing my password back to the old password via same sudo passwd command hasn't worked.    I am trying to decrypt my passphrase-wrapper file01:03
Shwack by mounting sdb2 and sdb6 from ubuntu live CD then decrypting passphrase-wrapper file with ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase /mnt/shwack/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase   using my login password.01:04
karmstah.... I learn something new everyday01:04
chaisyockit, perfect, thanks. i've been using Okular01:04
RubbberDucky I am uber confused.  Is Ubuntu Studio a whole separate install from ubuntu?01:04
hyperstreamHow do i go about adding a login prompt for my main account when booting up ?(i picked to have no login, and wish to have now )01:04
mmvxkarmst it's cause you forget it before you go to bed :)01:04
JSeymourkarmst: I had been kinda hopin' we were kissin' cousins, ya know? :)01:04
* JSeymour notes it takes a long, long, looooong time to download new kernel releases over a 144kb/s IDSL ckt :/01:05
_cbHow do I un-install ubuntu but keep XP and my home partition? (Ultimate goal is to re-install ubuntu and keep my home partition)01:05
karmstDoes anyone else have problems with their flash player in Firefox not giving the same results as it should be?01:05
karmstlike missing buttons in movies and elements and so forth?01:06
chaikarmst, YES. you on amd64?01:06
Dr_WillisRubbberDucky:  from what i recall its ubuntu + a lot of default media apps. Check the ubuntu-studio homepage - I may be oversimplifying01:06
karmstyes I am chai01:06
Georgeascotthi all, just installed 9.10 on an inspiron 1720 and i'm getting the bootsplash but then a blinking brown and black screen.  vid card is nvidia geforce 8600m01:06
JSeymour_cb: Just re-install and tell the installer to wipe/re-format the Ubuntu partition01:06
mmvxShwack I see. And you can't mount sdb2?01:06
syockitShwack: you're not in a chroot now, right? have you succeeded mounting sdb2 yet?01:06
hyperstreamHow can i a LOGIN to startx / gdm ? when i installed Ubuntu i picked that AUTO LOGIN my account into gdm/x i wish to have a login prompt01:06
Shwackmmvx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352615/   -- but note that I am on ubuntu live cd trying to mount /dev/sdb2 and /dev/sdb601:06
syockitkarmst: actually I'm looking to solve that too01:06
Georgeascotti tried a live cd of 8.10 and had the same error.01:07
chaikarmst, i've had quite a bit of the same issues, chrome is a bit more seamless, but not perfect with flash.01:07
NFischerHelp! System>Preferences>Sounds>Desktop>Login alternation has no effect Oo01:07
syockitkarmst: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/41040701:07
Shwacksyockit I have succeeded in mounting both sdb2 and sdb6 by themselves01:07
Dr_Willishyperstream:  if you want to not start up GDM/X disable the gdm service01:07
RubbberDuckyDr_willis: Does that mean I could probably just install all of those later?01:07
syockitShwack: without -t you mean?01:07
Dr_WillisRubbberDucky:  yes01:07
Shwacksyockit - yes without -t01:07
hyperstreamDr_Willis, i wish to have it come up and ask me the password for the main account rather than auto logging in ..01:07
mmvxShwack you've already mounted /dev/sdb6 in /mnt01:07
_cbJSeymour when I do the re-install I have the install side by side option which keeps current Ubuntu Install and the manual install option (I know I could keep my XP partition but would i have the dual boot?)01:07
syockitShwack: if no errors, I suppose it's okay then?01:07
mmvxShwack umount /mnt01:07
hyperstreamDr_Willis, is this possible?01:08
Dr_Willishyperstream:  you mean you want to disable the gdm autologin? thats under the admin menus somewhere. 'login manager' I think01:08
karmstI've got to start using this bugs launchpad01:08
inohi am attempting dual boot, vista and karmic,  been unable to get atheros ar50007 and geforce 8200m to work properly, tried everything i have found on every support forum to no avail.  only crashed mbr.  anyone that can guide me through it please do01:08
JSeymourhyperstream: System -> Administration -> Login Screen01:08
mmvxShwack then mkdir /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk201:08
syockitShwack: use df and see where they are mounted to01:08
mmvxsyockit http://paste.ubuntu.com/352615/01:09
angelushi folks, it seems GIMP doesnt want to run for me, gives me this error message gimp: error while loading shared libraries: libgegl-0.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:09
Shwacksyockit - the problem is i need to mount  /dev/sdb2  to /mnt and hten /dev/sdb6   to /mnt/home like you said.   But when attempting to mount the second partition, it says i need to specify file type.. and i am unable to input the sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb6 /mnt/home01:09
VCooliohyperstream: system > admin > login screen, tick the box; it will give you gdm; if you want console you need to edit grub01:09
hyperstreamthanks guys01:09
karmsthey syockit there is a workaround listed on the lauchpad01:09
Shwackmmvx i am following - one second01:09
karmstsays there's a pre-release alpha from adobe for x64 flash01:09
syockitkarmst: yup still no time reading it, busy here :(01:09
Shwackmmvx ok - I have made both /mnt/disk1 and /mnt/disk201:10
usserangelus, sudo apt-get install libgegl-0.0-001:10
Shwackafter   sudo umount /mnt01:10
Dr_Willishyperstream:  actually if you want no gdm screen - just disable the gdm, service in /etc/init/ rename the gdm.conf to be gdm.DONtSTARTME  or similer.01:11
mmvxShwack yes, now can you mount them both in disk1 and disk2 respectively01:11
angelususser, libgegl-0.0-0 is already the newest version.01:11
karmstI'll compile this source file for flash and give a go and tell you the result syockit01:11
Shwackmmvx I will pastebin inputs and outputs - give me a moment01:11
usserangelus, did you try to compile gimp by hand?01:11
nightohi there, i need some help with my touchpad, it is not being detected, if someone could please take a look... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/50406501:11
usserangelus, try reinstalling gimp01:11
syockitkarmst: it's source? i thought adobe gives out only binaries01:11
angelususser, i did(but i'll try to compile it myself this time around)01:12
hyperstreamthanks guys- i want it to ask me for a password to login to GDM, got it sorted thanks all.01:12
evanandersenplease help!!!! i just finished my media project in Pitivi but the render video option doesn't work!01:12
usserangelus, make sure to configure with --static --prefix=/usr/local01:12
evanandersengave me this error : "gstfilesink.c(396): gst_file_sink_open_file (): /GstPipeline:pipeline1/GstBin:bin46/GstFileSink:filesink17:01:12
evanandersensystem error: Permission denied"01:12
usserangelus, that way it will be completely independent of your package manager01:12
Shwackmmvx http://paste.ubuntu.com/352618/01:13
andylandHow can I get this error message /urs/sbin/minidlna: No such file or directory If I went into that folder in gnome and can clearly see the file there?01:13
hyperstreamandyland,  check the spelling.01:13
evanandersenandyland: the program could not have the correct permissions01:13
karmstwell it's extension is .so01:13
ardchoilleandyland: and case01:13
hyperstreamandyland,  try /usr/01:13
JSeymour<- Rebooting from 2.6.31-16 -> 2.6.31-17... (wish me luck...)01:14
usserangelus, you'll need a crapload of libraries to compile gimp though. so run sudo apt-get build-dep gimp to automatically fetch all dependencies01:14
Michelle_Hi I've installed ubuntu 9.04 on a usb disk, and it won't boot, only into an "initramfs" prompt.. what am I doing wrong?01:14
tzufliquick question from newbie.....what sofware is something similar with winamp in ubuntu.... and what kind of ftp software do you recommend?01:14
mmvxShwack the idea was to mount the drives in /mnt/disk1 and /mnt/disk2 , would that be ok?01:14
ussertzufli, audacious is a complete winamp clone01:14
mmvxJSeymour it'll be fine. No really01:15
ussertzufli, as for ftp there are plenty of clients to choose from01:15
chaisyockit, you have any issues with reader being buggy/freezing up? im on 9.10 amd6401:15
usser!ftp | tzufli01:15
ubottutzufli: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd01:15
hyperstreamtzufli, use Rythmbox its good01:15
Seamusdoes anyone know what game this is on the ubuntu 910 feature tour?  It's the one with the small window on top of hte other games.01:15
Shwackmmvx I have verified /dev/sdb2 is ext3/ext4 fiesystem type01:15
tzufliall those are in repositoriesor do i have to compile them?01:15
Shwackmmvx yes let me try again01:16
hyperstreamtzufli, apt-get install filezilla01:16
mmvxShwack can you umount /mnt01:16
syockitchai: although I suggested it, I'm not a user of Reader.01:16
evanandersendoes anyone know anything about gstreamer or PiTivi export issues?01:16
mmvxShwack just in case it is in use as a mount point again01:16
SeamusI want that game.  but they can't be arsed to tell you what it is!01:16
tzuflicool...thank you for the help01:16
hyperstreamtzufli, sudo apt-cache search NAMEHERE   <-- that will tell you if its in the repo's01:16
Shwackmmvx I t says http://paste.ubuntu.com/352618/01:16
Shwackit says not mounted - not that pastebin link01:16
Michelle_Hi I've installed ubuntu 9.04 on a usb disk, and it won't boot, only into an "initramfs" prompt.. what am I doing wrong?01:16
chaisyockit, lol, well after 2 minutes of use, i wouldn't reccommend it... tab close button simply does nothing01:17
Seamusdoes anyone know what game this is on the ubuntu 910 feature tour?  It's the one with the small window on top of the other games.01:17
chaisyockit, up, there it goes, i spoke too soon. well, still freezing01:17
syockitchai: yucks, that sucks. Known bug or something?01:17
mmvxShwack good, now try sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/disk101:17
JSeymourThat was painless :)01:17
SeamusPlease help.  I want to PLAY AWESOME GAMES01:17
Shwackmmvx http://paste.ubuntu.com/352620/01:18
mmvxJSeymour and the reboot?01:18
tzuflifound audio01:18
JSeymourmmvx: Done!01:18
chaisyockit, not sure... googling01:18
andylandI made a .sh script and placed and update rc.local but when i type /etc/init.d/minidlna.sh restart I get the cannot find error01:18
iKernellibxxf86dga1.so.1 <-- where can I get the 32 bit version of this library? there isn't a 32 bit package in ubuntu repos for libxxf86dga101:18
karmstit's binary01:18
iKernelor I could just try installing alien arena from ubuntu repos...01:18
mmvxJSeymour I've not rebooted mine yet01:18
chaisyockit, sure enough http://lists.medibuntu.org/pipermail/bugs/2009-May/002565.html01:19
mmvxShwack /dev/sdb6 mounts ok?01:19
beanandyland: is the script in /etc/init.d? :P01:19
usseriKernel, get a little util called getlibx01:19
usseriKernel, err getlibs01:19
usser!info getlibs01:19
ubottuPackage getlibs does not exist in karmic01:19
iKernelusser, ok01:19
iKernelusser, whoops01:19
usseriKernel, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479001:19
iKernelusser, looks like I'll have to compile it01:19
Shwackmmvx one second01:20
andylandbean: The script is in init.d and the script is just saying to start /usr/sbin/minidlna01:20
usseriKernel, no theres a .deb file01:20
andylandbean: and -f /etc/minidlna.conf01:20
iKernelusser, cool, looks like an extremely handy utility, thanks01:21
Shwackmmvx: yes - http://paste.ubuntu.com/352622/01:21
syockitchai: that looks old. what's your installation source?01:21
beanandyland: so if you run /etc/init.d/minidlna.sh is says not found01:21
beanwow, freaking IRC client fail01:21
FloodBot3bean: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:21
chaisyockit, adobe website, downloaded the .bin, made it executable, ran it with sudo. i suppose medibuntu repositories would be the better way?01:22
JSeymourIs there a way to get a sudo requester to come up when I launch something from a menu so it's running with privs?01:22
mmvxShwack what is the output of fdisk -l /dev/sdb01:22
hyperstreambean,  lol IRC Client operator fail :P01:22
klonghello - i keep getting "scrape failed - tracker did not respond" but only on one particular torrent which is not seeded well. is this because there are no seeds or another problem?01:22
poseidonanyone here use RLPlot?01:22
karmstadobe labs must be having problems... This says it will be 2 hours and 39 minutes to downloads 3.6mb01:22
beanhyperstream:  no, i hit return once, but it repeated it like 4 times :P01:22
ardchoilleJSeymour: gksudo appname01:22
andylandbean: I successfully run the minidlna.sh script. but the script gives the output it can't find the executable in /usr/sbin/minidlna01:22
Shwackmmvx:    it says               Cannot open /dev/sdb01:22
hyperstreambean, sticky key hmmmmmm01:22
Shwackshould i use sudo?01:22
mmvxShwack sorry yes01:22
syockitchai: not necessarily. although much more officially supported, newer versions from Adobe would usually have fixes for problems like this01:22
JSeymourardchoille: Tnx!01:22
joebMy wireless doesn't work until I restart my computer. It keeps asking for the password but it already has it.01:22
beanhyperstream:  maybe.01:23
SeamusI want to know what that game is on the ubuntu tour01:23
ardchoilleJSeymour: use that as the command in the menu item "command"01:23
ilumiwhat's a good video editing software tha can capture from firewire?01:23
SeamusI know some of you guys have to know.01:23
Shwackmmvx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352624/01:23
=== corey__ is now known as coreyB
syockitchai: was it a native 64-bit version? it might need some tweaking if it was 32-bit01:23
SeamusI have $5.01:23
beanandyland: but /usr/sbin/minidlna exists? you can ls -la /usr/sbin/minidlna ?01:23
Seamus$5 to the person who tells me what that game is.01:23
JSeymourardchoille: *nod* Tnx.  Want it for amdcccle (Catalyst Control Center for ATI Radeon card)01:23
hyperstreamSeamus, thats not going to get you anywhere lol01:24
iKernelSeamus, it was golubulus01:24
iKernelSeamus, $5 plox01:24
mmvxShwack /dev/sdb2 is an extended partition - it only contains partitions, it isn't really one itself01:24
chaisyockit, the site actually didn't mention. so probably 32-bit. now i have a preview image of my pdf on the wrong monitor on all desktops...01:24
Seamushyperstream: shows how much you know ;)01:24
ardchoilleJSeymour: you can also add a menu item and just use gksudo as the command, nothing more, and you'll get a nice gui asking which app to run with privs01:24
Shwackmmvx thank you so much for showing me that01:24
mmvxShwack are you sure you don't mean /dev/sdb1?01:24
Shwackmmvx I'm sure i do01:24
andylandgives me the output: -rwxr-xr-x 1 andy andy 2442292 2009-11-24 19:31 /usr/sbin/minidlna01:24
hyperstreamSeamus, without the bribe you would have gotten it :)01:24
JSeymourardchoille: Tnx again! :)01:24
SeamusiKernel: you're not going to hold me to that deal right?01:24
iKernelSeamus, paypal account nickmarko2@gmail.com kthx01:24
ardchoilleSeamus: lol01:25
iKernelSeamus, you bet i am :P01:25
Seamus... or else what? ;)01:25
Shwackmmvx - I will try mounting sdb1    to /mnt     and sdb6  to  /mnt/home    and hopefully I can decrypt my passphrase-wrapper file.    crossing my fingers drinking a beer01:25
angelususser, (unmet dependency) libgegl-0.0-dev: Depends: libbabl-0.0-0-dev but it is not going to be installed01:25
angelus(and when i tried to get the build-dep for libgegl)libbabl-0.0-0-dev: Depends: libbabl-0.0-0 (= 0.0.22-1) but 0.1.0-2009112901~kk is to be installed01:25
hyperstreamSeamus, gogo pay up :)01:25
beanandyland: can you pastebin the actual script for me?01:25
mmvxShwack I'm not sure that will work...01:25
hyperstreami vote scam ban! :P01:25
JSeymourardchoille: Now I'm all set for when I get ready to try this new card with dual heads :)01:25
mmvxShwack but give it a try by all means!01:25
hcker2000hello every one01:25
ardchoilleJSeymour: Nice!01:25
andylandbean: Yeah, defenetly01:25
JSeymourardchoille: It'll be nice if it actually works :)01:25
chaisyockit, ok it was definitely x86, and they also have a .deb. gonna try to install that. should I use something like 'sudo linux32 dpkg -i adobexxx.deb'? i'm wary of the linux32 command...01:26
Seamusit's not a scam! I just don't know if I should pay someone for an offer made in jest.01:26
Shwackmmvx I'm 48 hours deep into trying to recover my encrypted home directory - at this point I would try wearing a tinfoil hat01:26
cyberjorgehow come # lspci -v has no output? what other related command can I use?01:26
Seamusif being in jest negates the offer or whatever01:26
usserangelus, something wrong with your repositories, disable all unofficial repos run sudo apt-get update and try again01:26
hcker2000I have installed ubuntu 9.10 64 bit and grub is giving me issues so I cant boot into the install01:26
ikthusI'm using XChat, how can i have the list of channels ?01:26
JSeymourardchoille: I'll run this card (just installed last night) a few days with a single head just to make sure everything's really okay as is.01:26
hcker2000I have pasted my boot info script here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137388601:26
JSeymourSpeaking of which: Stress test time!01:26
Shwackmmvx, in fact - I am going to make myself an aluminum foil hat right now and wear it while attempting ot mount both01:26
hcker2000could any one please help me get this issue resolved?01:26
karmstsomething is wrong here01:26
karmsthey...I didn't know that.... GKSUDO01:26
Shipmasteres anyone know a good accounting program for ubuntu?01:26
karmstit's faster to type it in though01:26
syockitchai: eh, do you have to do linux32 when installing 32-bit debs? 32-bit flash didn't have it that way01:27
karmstgoto server , list of channels01:27
usserShipmaster, gnucash01:27
usserShipmaster, would be your best bet01:27
mmvxShwack I wish you the very best of luck, tinfoil hat included!01:27
karmstadobe must seriously be running off a 2400 baud modem right now01:27
chaisyockit, no. i'll try without linux32 first and let you know01:27
Shipmasterusser--it doesn't track inventory though01:27
Shwackmmvx thank you ;)01:28
Shipmasterthanks though usser01:28
iKernelit's mister stabby01:28
SeamusiKernel: I can't find golubulus anywhere.  I think you scammed me!01:28
mmvxkarmst adobe is frequently slower than molasses in January01:28
iKernelSeamus, I didn't spell it right01:28
karmstsyockit It's going to be over an hour to download this 3.6mb flashplayer alpha01:28
iKernelSeamus, let me check the correct spelling01:28
andylandbean: I fixed the script, it was of course a typo :) thanks for helping an idiot. But I can't see the processes running in the System Monitor in gnome?01:28
jukebox-zeroFigured this might be the quickest way to get the answer to this. I just tried to install ubuntu 9.10, let the installer reformat my entire drive from ext3 to ext4, completed fine. Went to reboot and now I get a "error: no such device:  *insert long hex-looking string here*" message when the grub tries to load. Should I just retry?01:28
mmvxkarmst is that a 64 bit player?01:29
beanandyland: ttry this on the cli.  ps aux | grep minidlna01:29
syockitkarmst: oh dear. what side of the planet are you on?01:29
ikthuseverybody say hello01:29
karmstyes mmvx....And I'm in the US syockit01:29
iKernelSeamus, sorry, I meant Globulation 201:29
hcker2000has any one else had trouble with grub throwing an error after installing 9.10?01:30
palomerare there any alternatives to serpentine?01:30
ikthus2/1364 not that bad :p01:30
ardchoillepalomer: What is serpentine?01:30
palomera cd burner01:30
chaihcker2000, 9.10 updates to grub2. i didn't have errors, but i wouldn't be surprised if there were many01:30
andylandbean: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352626/ seems like their running don't it01:31
ardchoillepalomer: I haven't had any problems with brasero, then there's k3b (kde app)01:31
beanandyland: yep, running as root01:31
przemo_onejukebox-zero so did you install it?01:31
jukebox-zerohcker2000: This is the first time I've ever seen an error this early. Usually it at least gets *somewhere* and I have no idea if that hex string means just my drive got formatted shoddy-like or what...01:31
Out_Coldi hate my room mate.... every day i come home to find my server unplugged because he thinks it degrades his stupid wifi signal for his ps3.... what a flippin tool..01:31
mmvxjukebox-zero did you run all the way to the end of the install ok?01:32
hcker2000chai, mine starts and then says some thing about not being able to load and then a long serial number01:32
Out_Colda headless machine with no lan is a useless machine01:32
syockitkarmst: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/326555 has link to debian's repo01:32
syockitkarmst: which has native 64-bit plugin01:32
SeamusiKernel: ah, that looks nothing like globulation01:32
chaisyockit, still downloading... but do you know any way to remove the previous reader installation? it installed in /opt, should i just delete its directory?01:32
andylandbean: nice!, it's suppose to be running on the port 8200 says the .conf file. Is it?01:32
SeamusI think you're mistaken.01:32
Shipmastertried to run a windows program in wine and keep getting this error  The allocation of the environment handle failed.  any ideas?01:32
syockitchai: check the directory for uninstall script01:32
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one: did the full live-cd install, even checked md5sums and sha256sums. The error: no such device message is literally the first thing the grub prints on reboot though.01:32
beanandyland: you can check that with netstat01:33
iKernelSeamus, oh, give me a look at the game then01:33
hcker2000maybe i should install lilo01:33
karmstit's not me01:33
karmstI have fiber at 30x3001:33
beanandyland: run netstat -lan | grep 820001:33
jukebox-zeroditto to mmvx01:33
SeamusiKernel: what???? http://www.ubuntu.com/files/masthead/910/tour/ubuntu-910-games.jpg01:33
hyperstreamOut_Cold, i hate people like that :P, at work they all run windows for web developement and this adobe software. i plug in and they believe that Ubuntu is better than windows there for get all the bandwidth(which i have nothing using it. perhaps Email check every 10 mins.) when infact they have slow net lol.01:33
bricoForgot the & at the end. ;p01:33
Seamusthe one with the really tiny screenshot01:33
bricoWoops wrong channel.01:33
przemo_onejukebox-zero no idea. it should install everything and there should be no error01:33
iKernelSeamus, that is either alien arena or nexuiz01:34
hcker2000right now i am stuck using this live cd:(01:34
andylandBean: port is listening. you are my g*d*amn hero. Now I shall try to hook up the TV. ^^ so long for now01:34
mmvxjukebox-zero is it a single drive?01:34
beanandyland: your're welcome.  I'm around quite often if you need help01:34
SeamusiKernel: no no no.  The one at the very front of the other windows01:34
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one: Okay, if no-one's ran into it before I can probably assume gpart just formatted the drive shoddy like. That or I have bigger issues.01:34
songercan i play youtube on live cd?01:34
ardchoillesonger: not without flash01:35
SeamusIt looks like a FF7 screenshot01:35
jukebox-zerosonger: if you can download gnash or some sort of lash like player01:35
iKernelSeamus, oooooh. aw jeez man, you're gonna have to get me a bigger screenshot than that01:35
hyperstreamiKernel, definatly01:35
Out_Coldhyperstream, similar issues.... except this moron doesn't get that there are 2 seperate devices running in the router... one for wires and one without... i mean really.. how does a lan connection degrade signal strength???? i could understand if it was torrenting or something... but it just sits there... the only activity is when i back up files from work...01:35
Shwackmmvx I have succesfully mounted boht, gained chroot access, and am now attempting to decrypt my wrapper-passphrase file01:35
SeamusiKernel: yeah I know, that's what pisses me off about this.  They dont' tell you what game it is, they just show you a really small screenshot01:35
chaisyockit, no luck... searched for .sh and .bin files, or anything with un in the name (like uninstall).01:36
Shwackmmvx - sadly, it is not working.   I am trying all possible login passwords that i ever used, and nothing is working.01:36
SeamusI think the only way to know is to install every game in the repo.01:36
Shwackmmvx the good news is, i have more beer?01:36
Out_Coldi wish ubuntu cds had a blunt edge to which i could beat people with..01:36
jukebox-zerommvx: Yes, I disabled my secondary drive via bios because I've accidently delete a partition i didn't mean to while installing before.01:36
hyperstreamOut_Cold, yeah, get him some stuff to read up on and slap him in the face and tell him to read...01:36
przemo_onejukebox-zero running installer from a console should give more output. my only idea is to install it again. i'm using ubuntu 9.10 64bit. ext3 everything is fine. is ext4 now the default fs?01:36
Shwackout-cold, superglue + sledge hammer would work01:36
mmvxShwack as homer said, beer is the solution to, and cause of, most of life's problems :001:37
Out_Coldhyperstream, i don't think he knows how to read... and if i did... i doubt he'd care...01:37
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one: Nah, just saw it was an option so I figured I'd give it a whirl, leaving my secondary data drive as ext301:37
* karmst beats Out_Cold with a Juanty Jackalope01:37
Out_Cold** s/i/he/01:37
hyperstreamOut_Cold, disable the wireless.01:37
Shwackmmvx - i usually don't drink. however, losing my home directory for trying to change my login password =  fml01:37
hyperstreamOut_Cold, change the encryption method01:37
hanasakiwhat is a good tool to admin user accounts in ldap?01:37
Out_Coldhyperstream, then he'd reset the router and all would be a waste...01:37
hyperstreamOut_Cold, its only a ps3 lol01:37
mmvxShwack I think beer is looking like a good option right now!01:38
syockitchai: gotta love adobe for not giving instruction for uninstallation01:38
Out_Coldhe sits at home all day collecting unemployment and playing vids..01:38
przemo_onejukebox-zero what you can do is google for this error. maybe someone have a solution.01:38
hyperstreami hear ... the secrets that you keep... when yo talking in yah sleep :P01:38
Out_Coldthen he complains when his signal cuts out.... i mean the damn wifi is running nearly 18 hours a day.....01:38
Shwackmmvx - yeah...  i'm really depressed.   i had just spend 2 days tweaking css themes for my i2p router page and had tons of personal pictures I would love to get back01:38
chaisyockit, lol, yea theres even files for windows and os x in there...01:39
iKernelneed to take a core dump brb01:39
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:39
mmvxShwack you'd think there would be a way. somehow. I mean, changing your password is quite normal and expected behaviour01:39
hyperstreamOut_Cold, interferance is generally caused by things like Fridge's and stuff, cordless phones01:39
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one: Yeah, like I said, if no-one here has come across it, and given all these users I'm guessing pretty much all archtectures are represented, then it was probably just a shoddy format/install.01:39
Shwackmmvx - that is the thing - I'm on Ubuntu live Cd, I have my filesystems and /home folder mounted01:39
ShwackI have chroot access01:39
chaisyockit, just tried to install the package and got "package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)"... looks like i'll need linux32 after all..01:39
Out_Coldhyperstream, of which there is 2 walls, a fridge and a cordless phone between him and his COD401:39
hyperstreamgtg, Ubuntu Lucid wants to reboot for updates. lets hope nothing breaks :P01:39
Shwackmmvx - i have my wrapper-passphrase file, and I have my old login passowrd that should decrypt it and show me my passphrase01:40
syockitchai: removing acrobat from opt will delete. the only other taint would be the link in /usr/bin01:40
mmvxjukebox-zero I'm with prezmo_one, as you have nothing to lose really. Ext4 is faster than ext301:40
hyperstreamOut_Cold, EWW, cod4 on ps3, now thats mental. Mouse + Keyboard combo = win.01:40
karmstOut_Cold that sounds like my fiancee....01:40
hyperstreamOut_Cold, back in 2 mins, reboot01:40
przemo_onejukebox-zero might be installer error. might be a problem with your configuration01:40
Shwackmmvx - i have everything I need - and for some reason it's not working.   I am so frustrated... 48 hours later i'm still not able to get it working01:40
Out_Coldkarmst is a lady??01:40
jukebox-zerommvx: was wondering if there would be any difference. Good to know.01:40
przemo_onejukebox-zero give a try with old ext3. must work. maybe grub does not support ext4 yet?01:41
quietonewhat do I need to do so that the services on my machine are available to the home network when the machine is booted and I am not logged in?01:41
syockitkarmst: yay clicky works on new plugin!01:41
mmvxprzemo_one yes it does, ext4 is default in karmic01:41
Out_Coldquietone, what services?01:41
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one: If all else fails I'll just reburn the whole cd from iso and try try again. Formatting the whole sda drive anyway so I can't really ruin anything.01:41
quietoneI have the family calendar on my machine (.ics files)01:42
mmvxShwack I don't know much about encrypted directories sadly01:42
Shwackmmvx - I know nothing - I'm new to Ubuntu.  I didn't even know my home directory was encrypted.01:42
jukebox-zeroactually... I'm wondering if my swap ended up at the beginning at the drive and if that would make a difference at all...01:42
chaisyockit, weird... still same error with linux3201:42
przemo_onejukebox-zero check md5 of iso or use build in cd autocheck. there is no need to burn another disc.01:42
Shwackmmvx - I love Ubuntu but this is going to scare me into making a new DVD backup of my home folder every other day01:43
przemo_onemmvx i run upgrade from 9.04. next time use ext401:43
przemo_onemmvx any way to convert from 3 to 4?01:43
quietoneOut_Cold: everything works fine if I am logged in. I think I just need to have the wireless start on boot. But I don't know how to do that.01:44
sinsunHow to uninstall a tarball program? #sudo make uninstall ?????01:44
ubuntu_could any one please help me with grub2. its throwing an error when trying to start my new ubuntu install01:44
Dr_Willissinsun:  if you are lucky that may work.01:44
ubuntu_says cant load and a long serial number01:44
przemo_onesinsun yes01:45
Out_Coldquietone, you would want to edit your IP table to allow connections from your local network ie: 192.168.x.x and also have the apps loaded into the /etc/init.d or the umm... startup file which i forgot the name of01:45
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one I was to lazy to figure converting out so I'm just dumping all files on one drive, formatting, moving again, formatting. done.01:45
mmvxShwack there is a bit about changing your password on the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedHomeFolder01:45
sinsunDr_Willis: thx, really works01:45
ubuntu_I started a forum thread but am trying to get it fixed tonight01:45
mmvxprzemo_one I think there is but it's a PITA01:45
jukebox-zeroubuntu_: Does it say "error: no such device: *long old number*?01:45
przemo_onejukebox-zero ext3 is my /01:46
sinsunAnyone uses Bespin in KDE?01:46
przemo_onemmvx what's PITA?01:46
ubuntu_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1373886 thats the thread i started with some info in it01:46
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ *high five* I got the same problem. Let you know if I find the answer :)01:46
teratomawhat is out there in Karmic that looks like GOS ?01:46
mmvxprzemo_one Pain In The A***01:46
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, did you have ubuntu installed previously on the hard drive?01:46
DandanIs there a name given to a piece of audio before processing? Like when you record a podcast, before adding intro, outro, and commercials, is there a name or adjective for that?01:46
Out_Coldquietone, the script is /etc/rc.local01:46
tawdi found that it would of been too involved, so i backed up all my data, and did a clean install of 9.10 with ext4 :)01:46
quietoneOut_Cold: thats sounds right. So, I'll read up on init.d, that a start.01:47
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one Yeah, it's a pain. I just dpgk -l and gonna paste the output into apt-get when I get up and running to clone how it used to be.01:47
Out_Coldquietone, that loads apps before you log in.. so it can run your wifi and your calender prog01:47
przemo_onemmvx i could backup all files, then restore and reinstall grub01:47
__freak__Приветствую всех, есть рускоговорящие?01:47
ubottuMolimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.01:47
quietoneOut_Cold: Ah, that sounds right. (I am returning to *nix after hmm 16 years )01:47
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ Went from 7.10 to 9.10. Reformatted like it was a whole new install though.01:47
Out_Coldkinda funny how the basics never change01:48
chaisyockit, well reader works "well enough" from the .bin, and no way to install from .deb on amd64. workin with it01:48
quietoneOut_Cold: Thanks. I'm off to read!01:48
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, holly crap me too01:48
syockitchai: no hangs?01:48
mmvxShwack but I think maybe you could boot into your install as root, then su to yourself, then try the password commands. I'm off , its very late here in the UK! przemo_one it's easier to back up the files and just reinstall ubuntu! Shwack good luck01:48
JSeymourStress-test passed!  Yay! \o/01:49
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ good to know. Means there might be something to this thing.01:49
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, this is day 3 of trying to fix the stupid thing. thinking of switching distros for this computer as i need to get it up and working01:49
Out_Coldmy stress test was getting me all wound up... i left01:49
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, right now i am looking into loading lilo and giving the finger to grub01:49
chaisyockit, upon restart, so far no. maybe it was initial configuration that hanged everything. had to wait a solid 5 minutes where my comp wouldn't do anything when reader first started01:49
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ how many attempts have you made at installing 9.10?01:49
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, counting the bad cds i burned off i think i am at 801:50
Out_Coldubuntu_, what types of drives are you trying to format to??01:50
chaisyockit, well thanks. i'm off to actually read those journals now :D01:50
Out_Coldubuntu_, lvms??01:50
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, segate 80 gig ext401:50
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ I do know there is a known bug with the 7.10 kernel that ends in 15 and were supposed to boot into the previous version to upgrade dist, but I thought formatting would bypass that...01:50
ubuntu_Out_Cold, sorry that was for you01:50
* JSeymour looks at ubuntu_'s thread...01:50
przemo_oneubuntu_ berify image or use build in media verification. it might not be a corrupted cd.01:50
Out_Coldubuntu_, are you trying to install with the lvms?01:51
przemo_oneubuntu_ grate thing is to get cd by torrent01:51
ubuntu_przemo_one, i checked the cd cd is good01:51
ubuntu_md5 hash on it01:51
syockitchai: debian-multimedia repo has deb for amd64. meh, basically the same thing. since you're using it as standalone viewer, and not plugin, probably you don't have to bother about the debs01:51
ubuntu_Out_Cold, have not checking into lvms01:51
Out_Coldi had many issues when installing my server 9.10 only because of the lvms.. have you tried a different install disk?/01:52
przemo_oneubuntu_ please again paste that forum topic you started01:52
Out_Coldubuntu_, like server or alt disk?01:52
hyperstreamhow do i change my hostname properly, so that when i login to my Wifi router the name of the PC is different.01:52
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.01:53
ubuntu_przemo_one, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137388601:53
ubuntu_Out_Cold, what ever the defult 64 bit cd is the live one01:53
andi_guys, how to check whether wireless card is detected or not?01:53
MaletorWhat are Ubuntu users using to sort their data for XMBC?01:54
Dr_WillisMaletor:  clarify that question a bit.01:54
Out_Coldubuntu_, hate to suggest but maybe try the 32 bit disk??01:54
jukebox-zeroout_cold I'm having the exact same problem with the 32 bit disk01:55
Out_Coldubuntu_, i can't for the life of me get a 64 bit to install on my 64 bit cpu..01:55
monroecrHi there, Im getting a lot of """ ------ pulseaudio[2469]: ratelimit.c: 2 events suppressed """ in my log files, is there something wrong with it? my computer also freeze constantly, would it be related? thanks for any help01:55
ubuntu_Out_Cold, what cpu?01:55
ubuntu_some info here about grub2 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/40340801:55
hyperstreamOut_Cold, another suggestion if the 32bit disc fails, is to join #ubuntu+1 the next version in developement(Lucid 10.4 i think) when ever i have install/boot/graphic issues with any machines i install into(mainly laptops) i find that Lucid works out of the box where Karmic does not.01:55
MaletorDr_Willis: I'm using XBMC on Ubuntu and I want XBMC to be able to recognize my media (TV Shows) a little better. There are third party apps that will do this on Windows, I'm wondering what Ubuntu users should use.01:56
ubuntu_and keep in mind this seems to be a grub issue not ubuntu01:56
Out_Coldhyperstream, yea but there are always those bugs in progress01:56
Chr1swho can help me on PostFix+mysql? I got a problem01:56
hyperstreamOut_Cold, havnt hit one yet on 2 machines.01:56
jmaderoanyone here have any experience with ibus?01:57
sinsunjmadero: yes01:57
hyperstreamOut_Cold, solved black screen start ups + audio + wifi issues :P01:57
jmaderosinsun, can you help me out a bit, I'm used to scim and ibus just isn't working correctly for me :(01:57
Dr_WillisMaletor:  cant say that ive ever noticed any.  I rarely use xbmc except to try it out every so often. The tool just has to many odd quirks. ;)01:58
Out_Coldmy core is Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  T2330  @ 1.60GHz01:58
Zorghey, I'm making a program and it has an executable.. I'm wondering if it's possible to set the executable's icon to some image I made so that anyone who I send the executable to will be able to see the icon on it?01:58
MaletorDr_Willis: So you just use MPlayer. Man, you are missing out.01:58
Dr_WillisMaletor:  i tend to use vlc. I really dont like the interface to xbmc. or some of the quirks it has. I do try it agaion about every 3 months.01:59
sinsunjmadero: did you set XIM?01:59
ubuntu_Out_Cold, amd x2 64 3200 here01:59
jmaderosinsun: no I haven't done much, with Jaunty it was so easy to set up languages, since then it's gone way down hill01:59
Dr_WillisMaletor:  installing xbmc right now on the wifes windows box. But she also tends to just use vlc01:59
jmaderoI don't even know where to start, should I first go to system -> admin -> language support and install my languages?01:59
Out_Coldif vlc was a woman... i'd be putty in her hands :p01:59
JSeymourmonroecr: I get those, too.  The pulseaudio log entries, that is.  I have had my system flat seize-up on me twice, but I dont' think they're related.  The pulseaudio events I believe are just a busy system buss.01:59
Dr_Willis!info moovida02:00
ubottumoovida (source: moovida): The Moovida media center application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 25 kB, installed size 176 kB02:00
Dr_Willismoovida is a similer to xbmc app also. :) not quite as fancy02:00
sinsunjmadero: export XMODIFIERS="@im=ibus"02:00
sinsun export GTK_IM_MODULE="ibus"02:00
sinsun export QT_IM_MODULE="xim"02:00
sinsun ibus-daemon -d -x02:00
FloodBot3sinsun: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:00
MaletorDr_WIllis: VLC blows for media in 1080p DTS :) Need MPlayer for multi cores and VDPAU02:00
Dr_WillisMaletor:  i watch 90% of my videos on my netbook. so it not an issue.02:01
alex87hey guys, does anyone know of a good online password manager?02:01
sinsunjmadero: put anywhere when you start the X.02:01
Aquaraptorlastpass is supposedly good, alex8702:01
monroecrJSeymour: thank you very much for your answer, I will ignore that for now, then I need to find out why sometimes my computer freeze maybe VBox last update02:01
MaletorDr_Willis: I watch 90% of my movies in 1080p 42" or IMAX02:01
jmaderojust run those exports and start ibus that way?02:01
Aquaraptorworks with chrome & ff02:01
alex87Aquaraptor, thanks, i'll look into it02:01
DubAndystill one wonders why there are so few netbooks with a DVI-output02:01
JSeymourmonroecr: I just stress-tested my system after installing a new Radeon graphics card and a kernel update.  Played music off the DVD/CD drive, ran glxgears, banged the heck out of the disks, did constant read/writes to a thumb drive, and flood-pinged one of my routers.  It held up :)02:02
jmaderobut I still install languages through system -> admin -> language support right?02:02
Dr_WillisDubAndy:  answer = $$$02:02
rjbi make a mistake how can i undo a command ln -s?02:02
Out_ColdDubAndy, because hdmi out is easier and cheaper02:02
Dr_Willisrjb:  delete the link thats wrong and redo the command02:02
recon69_lapI just updated to 9.1 , seem to have gone well, but video playback colour is messed up, anyone had this problem?02:02
DubAndyStill most is standard VGA though02:02
JSeymourmonroecr: I would have expected some dropped audio bits during that, quite honestly ;)02:02
Dr_WillisDubAndy:  id like to have one with just svideo out.. but im old skoool withj old tvs02:03
Out_ColdDubAndy, the last 3 laptops i've had ( in 2 years) have all had vga and hdmi02:03
rjbDr_Willis i made a link to /usr/bin/ge /usr/bin/gem1.8 do i need to do something else?02:03
belakAlright, with ubuntu nbr, how can I install it? I have a dell mini... and it's too messed up... the hd is full... I did the dd id=whatever.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=1M02:03
DubAndytalking bout netbooks dude02:03
belakthen I tried to boot from usb02:03
belakand nothing happened02:03
Out_ColdDr_Willis, mine has s-vid too02:03
Out_Coldoh... yea. ok fair enough02:03
LoshaDr_Willis: so would I. Something I could hook up to an old beater analog tv from a laptop would be perfect for me. Hard to find nowadays...02:04
monroecrJSeymour: going to strees test now, thank you again for help and suggestions02:04
monroecrJSeymour: Will try to top memory usage to see what happens02:04
JSeymourmonroecr: Good luck!02:04
recon69_lapnever mind, found the answer02:05
JSeymourmonroecr: heh.  I have 4GB.02:05
przemo_oneubuntu_ few things. after booting run gparted, and check does it can read partition table02:05
belakI don't have ubuntu, so I can't get the usb-creator thing02:05
faileasbelak: what do you use?02:05
jmaderobelak -- unetbootin02:05
ubuntu_przemo_one, it does02:05
przemo_oneubuntu_ did you upgrade from 32 to 32 bit os?02:05
belakfaileas: gentoo02:05
monroecrJSeymour: quad amd + same memory here, cpu and psyu runs very hot too02:05
belakibuclaw: how?02:05
monroecrJSeymour: psyu = psu02:06
belakjmadero: how?02:06
faileasbelak: iirc you should use an img with the dd, or usb creator method, not the iso02:06
przemo_oneubuntu_ can you mount that ext4 partition?02:06
JSeymourmonroecr: I'm running a server.  Has lots of fans :)02:06
jmaderogo to their website, really straight forward02:06
darkhamon win7 , in my pavilion notebook if i plug an headphone plug, i don't use the main speakers, how can i have that in ubuntu?02:06
rjbDr_Willis my command was sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/ge02:06
dragondongreetings all02:06
hikenboothello i have a problem i have setup my system with an encrypted tmp volume. I am getting a message that some of the mounts listed /tmp can not yet be mounted. Had this problem before and it required a reinstall. This occured after enabling desktop effects with dynamic desktop ( I am using the real time kernel due to a issue with sound) ...anyone able to help?02:06
belakWhere are the .img's?02:06
jmaderodarkham, what is your system?02:06
JSeymourmonroecr: Tho, some day, I'm going to have to put a temp gauge by the exhaust to see what the exhaust temps are like.02:06
hikenbootmy  guess its a timing issue02:06
darkhamjmadero, karmic koala02:07
jmaderodarkham -- I mean brand02:07
ubuntu_przemo_one, yes and i can see the files and such on it02:07
darkhamjmadero, hp pavilion dv6-1350sl02:07
TakyojiWhy is it that SD card seem to only mount in read-only mode starting in 9.10?02:07
przemo_oneubuntu_ can you paste dmesg somehow?02:07
dragondonlooking for a program that is opensource/free and uses ambient sounds (with a windows verstion needed....yeah...I know...)02:07
ubuntu_przemo_one, sure let me run it and pastebin it02:08
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Zorgargh why are linux icons complicated...02:08
usserdragondon, cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp :)02:08
ubuntu_przemo_one, are you sure you want dmesg?02:08
usserdragondon, but seriously elaborate02:08
ubuntu_that looks like network stuff02:08
faileasbelak: bleh, it seems they don't support it any more.02:09
przemo_oneubuntu_ few last lines :) please use some website to paste02:09
faileasbelak: in which cause unetbootin is what you have to use, i suppose02:09
przemo_oneubuntu_ and my previous question. was it upgrade from 32 to 32 distro?02:09
faileasbelak: i'm suprised too. the old method worked really well02:09
ubuntu_przemo_one, this is a fresh install not an upgrade02:10
przemo_oneubuntu_ or from 32 to 64. yes i know, but before was it the same architecture?02:10
dragondonusser need to find a program that uses abmient sounds (either user added or included) and my wacky idea of  creating it through Ubuntu and porting it to windows to show off :)  Although I don't know squat about programming...02:10
ubuntu_przemo_one, http://pastebin.org/71932 and it used to be 7.10 32bit02:11
MeznerIn KDE for ubuntu, does anyone know of an application that will allow me to see or test my sound levels for input easily?02:11
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ / et al I found a note in the release notes that says switching from ext2/3 to ext 4 will cause the grub to fail to load the kernel... Though they refer to 9.04.  Says we need to use the grub-install command. Though it doesn't specify how.02:11
przemo_oneubuntu_ and is it now 64 bit?02:11
usserdragondon, thats it?02:11
randompanzyhi everyone i was wondering if i could find someone to help with with a screen problem on a ps3 install of ubuntu as im losing my mind trying to figure it out02:12
ubuntu_przemo_one, yea 64 bit now02:12
usserdragondon, hang on a sec02:13
dragondonusser yeah, visuals are not critical.  Think nice meditating or falling asleep sound-type program.02:13
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, man this just keeps getting worse it seems02:13
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, in that they knew about it and didnt fix it. you would think people would like to start there new os after they install it02:13
przemo_oneubuntu_ ok few things i have on my mind now. one is to boot into your installed os somehow. i know how, but it might be not the simplast way. run grub-install. second is to remove all partitions form your drive. make it totally clean. then reboot and do install.02:14
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ that sounds like the solution... Now I'm just trying to figure out how to run grub-install with nothing resembling a command line, or any access to the kernel. I'd kill for a MSDOS style boot disk.02:14
rjbi made a wrong command sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/ge how can i undo?02:14
MaletorWhat do I type to find all the IPs on my network?02:14
TakyojiAnyone else here at all dealt with SD cards being read-only (and not permitting it to be mounted with write permitted)?02:15
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, why not live cd?02:15
belakwtf? this should say that this has more that 3.2 gb on the hard drive... even for a mini, right?02:15
przemo_onejukebox-zero do you have system rescue cd?02:15
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one: Not a working one apparently. You got some linkage to an iso?02:15
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, i am also trying it from my live cd02:16
przemo_onejukebox-zero google. its a distribution for system things. do you have 64 bit ubuntu installed?02:16
TakyojiMaletor: If you're talking about IPs of systems on a LAN, use the network analysis tool called "Zenmap" (which is a GUI for nmap); if you're talking about the WAN IP, you can just check your IP address on a typical "What's my IP address?" website02:16
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ nod nod, I'm too lazy to walk to my other box.02:16
_diablolucid is still alpha-1 right?02:17
dim3000how do I start openbox or any other de from terminal?02:17
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one. I'm chasing down 10 different google searches regarding this bug at the moment. And no, I'm using the 32bit i38602:17
tawdanyone have any experience with live usb's?  how would i be able to make it request my login ID and password, instead of automatically boot into root02:18
randompanzylol if your all too busy to help me mind giving me a link that isnt so confusing to fix this screen resolution problem/02:18
pavelzhi... i am installing 9.10 desktop, wonder if there any way to LVM all my drives into one?02:18
MaletorTakyoji: then what's the command in nmap?02:18
jtajipavelz: certainly, you need to use the alternate install cd02:19
jukebox-zeroprezemo_one regarding your question of converting to ext4: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Converting_an_ext3_filesystem_to_ext402:19
pavelzi haven't found any people intitalizing their setup with LVM...02:19
pavelzoh deal02:19
pavelzjtaji: which is?02:19
jtaji!alternate | pavelz02:19
ubottupavelz: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal02:19
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one fair warning though, apparently ext4 has known bugs with manipulating large files.02:19
pavelzjtaji: thanks! damn my drives are wiped :)02:20
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ "Right now there's not a stable version of grub that supports booting a kernel from a ext4 partition. It's recommended that you keep /boot in a ext3 partition."02:21
przemo_onejukebox-zero get system rescue cd, burn. boot. at lilo type rescuecd root=/dev/sda102:21
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ would have been nice to know before hand right?02:21
sinthetekif i want to revert to pre-karmic network initialization, should removing network-manager and modifying /etc/network/interfaces do the trick or is there something else i should do as well?02:21
DrDamnitHello! How to I jail users in /home/userdir?02:21
jukebox-zeroSo the answer is ext4 is *useless* :)02:21
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, thats about the stupidest thing I have heard in so fing long02:22
przemo_oneubuntu_ get system rescue cd, burn. boot. at lilo type rescue64 root=/dev/sda102:22
TakyojiMaletor: I believe it should be as simple as "sudo nmap -sP" which would scan all IP addresses from to
trapi know theres a rootkit on my system, wireshark isnt picking it up...how can i make sure the rootkit isn't hiding itself from the packet sniffer?02:22
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one thanks, but it seems like it'll just be easier to reformat to ext3.02:22
przemo_onejukebox-zero ubuntu_ you'll be able to login to your ubuntu. from there type sudo grub-install /dev/sda02:23
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, damn i hate to even waste more time trying to install using ext3 but i guess i will. oh hang on a friend installed 9.10 let me ask if he is ext3 or 402:23
przemo_onejukebox-zero ubuntu_ ok02:23
cyberjorgehow do I find out if my PCI is supported / detected? what command can I use02:24
DrDamnitHello! How to I jail users in /home/userdir?02:24
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, all i get when i try and do the grub-install is Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.;02:24
jtajiubuntu_: I'm on 9.10 with /boot on ext4 on lvm, works fine02:24
jukebox-zeroprzemo_one It sounds worthwhile to try, but I'm a little hungup on the release docs saying there is *no* stable grub that supports booting from an ext4 partition. Makes me think it might still epic fail on me02:24
Takyojicyberjorge: lspci is the command to "LiSt PCI interfaces"02:24
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, yea my friend is ext4 and its working02:24
cyberjorgeTakyoji: I've tried that but no result02:25
jmaderocyberjorge, sudo lspci02:26
jmaderoactually shouldn't matter02:26
rmozdenShouldnt need to sudo lspci02:26
jmaderoyeah, just realized that02:26
jmaderocyberjorge, what's the error?02:26
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ well, I'm gonna reinstall in ext3, as I've been researching this, I've come across numerous issues that scare me about ext4. Especially the may not handle manipulation of large files warning. I'm gonna wait till 10.4 to even mess with it.02:26
rmozdenif you cant run it via a direct command, try /sbin/lspci02:26
cyberjorgejmadero: same02:26
jmaderojukebox, I use ext4 and have for a long time02:26
jmaderoworks great02:26
jmaderoI notice a great increase in performance02:27
rmozdenI have a question about Broadcom adapters02:27
cyberjorgejmadero: no error just goes back to prompt02:27
rmozdenis Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 02) supported in 9.10?02:27
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, yea the performance is good i have ext4 on my work computer and its good02:27
ubuntu_just 9.10 blows02:27
TakyojiYes, BCM4311 is supported if I remember correctly02:27
jmaderoyeah but for a lot of cards you'll need the STA driver02:27
jmaderoI did all of the sudden, no clue why02:27
rmozdenGood, now I can get rid of Sabayon02:27
jtajirmozden: most broadcom wireless seems to work nowadays02:28
TakyojiJust stupidly have to do a couple of tweaks though I believe02:28
jukebox-zerojmadero Good to hear a vote of confidence. :) Still... nothing GNU/Linux ever works for me how it's supposed to right off. Not saying it's bad, obviously I like it. My machines just have bad juju.02:28
Takyoji(from what I've experienced)02:28
jmaderoanyone know why my wireless card worked in live versions of Ubuntu up to 9.10 and now it doesn't work until I install drivers?02:28
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randompanzyhi hi?02:29
cyberjorgejmadero: thought I might need a driver? here's the result of /"etc/modprobe.conf..... http://pastebin.com/d5c957e3202:29
rmozdenNow I have question #2 for all of you server geeks.  I have a HP DL385 that I upgraded to twin dual-core opteron he's, 8gig ecc ddr400 and u320 10k rpm scsi drives in either raid 0 or raid 5 ( two sets of drives).  Will it work out of the box and how difficult is it to make a custom kernel?02:30
jukebox-zerojmadero *shrug* the 9.10 live cd can't even connect to my LAN.02:30
anom01yHi, I am trying to use VLC to convert .xm / .it audio modules (mods) to .mp3 format. VLC plays the mods just fine, but when its 'convert/save' option VLC outputs this to me:    "Streaming / Transcoding failed:02:30
anom01yIt seems your FFMPEG (libavcodec) installation lacks the following encoder:02:30
anom01yMPEG AAC Audio. If you don't know how to fix this, ask for support from your distribution."02:30
jmaderoyeah, that's annoying :( I've liked having wireless working from live02:30
jmaderoanom01y be careful with flooding, you'll be booted ;) use pastebin02:30
anom01yjmadero, I didnt know there where return characters in that paste02:31
jmaderoyou should use another program to convert, vlc isn't designed for it02:31
jmaderotrying to remember what I've used02:31
anom01ymencoder ?02:31
harveyhm..does anyone know what the "--" at the end of the boot parameter list of the desktop cd means?02:31
jmaderoyeah no gui though02:31
anom01ythats ok I can ask in #mplayer02:32
rmozdenthe an pages should help with mencoder02:32
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, trying this now http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133725402:32
jmaderoanom01y you should be able to use audacious02:32
Takyojiharvey: I'm assuming it is just cutting off at "--". If you held down the left arrow key, it should reveal the rest of it (just an assumption)02:32
jmaderoor xmms even02:33
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ gonna try install without loading into the live CD. Let you know how it works out.02:33
usserdragondon, meh started writing a script for it but realized you can just use mplayer on command line with a playlist and shuffle02:33
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, dont bother it didnt make any difference for me02:33
aiwata55I have a question regarding Ubuntu + Drupal.  According to this guy, it seems that a mail server is not necessary (http://groups.drupal.org/node/22401#comment-77421).  Is this true?02:33
usserdragondon, anyhow, if its any use, heres a little script that will keep picking a song from a directory at random and play it until you kill it02:33
usserdragondon, http://pastebin.com/f67e8c27802:33
anom01yjmadero, yeah I would but I can't configure it to detect anything  being inputted02:34
anom01yjmadero, hmm one sec I will try again.02:34
Loshaanom01y: mp3 is missing from the general distro for legal reasons. Check out medibuntu....02:34
aiwata55When I set up a new Drupal installation, Drupal alerts me that there is no mail server, therefore it couldn't send a e-mail to the admin user.02:34
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:34
jmaderoanom01y, I sent you a link02:34
Takyojiaiwata55: try installing "sendmail", I think that should resolve your issue02:35
rmozdensendmail - eww02:35
goomadoes anyone have any experiece with scrotwm?02:35
dragondonusser thanks, although only been using Ubuntu for about 4 months (somewhat new to me but not new to tech, cut my teeth on a Vic20 :) so we'll see if I can get it working :)02:35
rmozdenomg - another dinasaur like me!02:35
usserdragondon, just install mplayer-nogui with sudo apt-get install mplayer-nogui02:36
syockitaiwata55: not necessary for local usage. error will still come out as the password reset mechanism needs a mailing daemon02:36
usserdragondon, save the script somewhere ie in a file shuffle.sh02:36
jmaderoI can't stand mplayer...:( I wish VLC would be adopted as default player02:36
harveyTakyoji: hm, no - "--" really seem to be the last two characters of that line - I'm just wondering if I have to put my parameters after, or before that "--"02:36
dragondonyeah, been around, got suckered in the windows-blackhole.....finally got tired of being 'dummed down' to spyware and virus issues.02:36
usserdragondon, make it executable chmod +x /path/to/shuffle.sh02:36
aiwata55Takyoji,  thank you for your advice.  I know i can solve my issue once I install a mail server.  Actually once I tried Postfix.  But my concern is the more services I open, the more vulnerability I put into my server.02:36
adamonline45Hello!  I'm installing 9.10 server, and the install is stopping at a screen titled "[!] Ubuntu installer main menu" and the option "Install GRUB boot loader on a hard disk" is highlighted... When I select it, it just goes back to the same thing.  Last attempt I tried to Continue without boot loader, but then it wouldn't boot.  Any ideas?02:36
usserdragondon, and run it with /path/to/shuffle.sh /directory/with/ambient/sounds02:37
rmozdendragondon: you get a ^502:37
usserjmadero, i dont like vlc02:37
jmaderoadamonline -- use alternative install02:37
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ Lemme know how that link works for you. I'm trying to wrap my head around it. I'm a little dyslexic and having to re-read it over and over to spot what they changed.02:37
jmaderousser -- why not? everyone likes vlc ;)02:37
jmaderomplayer never searches right for me02:37
rmozdenok - time to go burn a lable, back up this laptop and then install on the laptop first02:37
jmaderothe fast forward/rewind is weird, and the skin is horrible02:38
usserjmadero, mplayer runs on a framebuffer. mplayer runs without a gui. mplayer is not written in QT :)02:38
adamonline45jmadero: As in, the different ISO?  I can do that.  Do you know why I need to do this?02:38
rmozdenThanks for the Broadcom answer folks02:38
jmaderoadamonline -- different issues come up with the GUI install....can't say exactly what would cause yours or if this would even fix it but it's the first advice for most people seeing a ahng02:38
usserjmadero, yea default skin sucks02:38
ubuntu_jukebox-zero, restarting now02:38
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ got my fingers crossed for you. ;)02:39
adamonline45jmadero: Great, thank you :)02:39
jmaderosure, good luck, the alternative install almost always works02:39
jmaderoyou can also install via thumb drive02:39
jmaderosave some cd's and what not02:39
aiwata55syockit: so, on the contrary to the guy's comment I referenced, I need to install a mail server on my Ubuntu LAMP server, no matter what mail server it is.  Right?02:39
jmaderoand it's a much faster install02:39
dragondonusser  "The program 'shuffle' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:02:40
dragondonsudo apt-get install biosquid shuffle: command not found"02:40
usserdragondon, cd /directory/where/you/saved/it02:40
maciushey im using ubuntu on my macbook pro as primary os, everything is working great although the computer seems to be getting to hot if im doing anything that invovles 3d acceleration02:40
dragondonrmozden A what?02:40
usserdragondon, bash ./shuffle.sh /directory/with/music02:40
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syockitaiwata55: as I said, it is not needed. Does the error/warning prevent you from continuing? If you don't want to have the drupal mail anything, you don't need a mail server02:40
c0l2ehow can again make the pageup and pagedown browse previous command in console.. example I type  "ls"  then press pageup or pagedown will prompt to previously invoke command similar to that ???02:41
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alex87how do you developers out there manage shared passwords?02:41
jmaderouse keys from the ppa02:41
aiwata55syockit: sorry, I didn't understand your advice.  Alright, so you mean, it depends on whether I need Drupal to handle e-mails.02:41
jmaderoand sign stuff using our keys and shared keys are trusted02:41
syockitaiwata55: I used to install drupal manually (not by repository). the same email warning comes out but I managed to finish installation anyways02:41
syockitaiwata55: yes. sorry for not being clear02:41
maciusvideo card is nvdia: and the nvdia server settings app is telling me that my core is peeking at 83% for most of the time when tryign tot play a game, although once it hits 90+ my computer fan speed seems to increase dramitically and cool my computer, wondering if theres any fix to this, im assuming ubuntu is trying to save power my keeping my fan speed minial untill needed02:42
Eltumedoes someone know of an alternative to this software: Automotive Expert® - Auto Repair Estimating Software - Electronic ...02:42
EltumeAuto Repair Pricing Software. Computer Software Estimating Tool - Labor Time Guide for Automotive Repair Shops and Light and Heavy Duty Truck Repair Shops.02:42
Eltumewww.autotalk.net/ - Cached - Similar02:42
FloodBot3Eltume: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:42
aiwata55syockit: so, for instance, if I want to create a contact page, then I need a mail server.  right?02:42
aiwata55with Contact module.02:43
jmaderoEltume -- seems very specific, doubt there is an alternative02:43
hcker2000ITS WORKING02:43
dragondonusser thanks, will have to see about getting music on this systems.  I accidentally wiped out my whole backup (right after a reinstall)....so mildly stressed over loosing 50K number of files...02:43
hcker2000it still shows a brief error but then brings up the kernal selection and loads02:43
syockitaiwata55: yup, I suppose.02:43
karmstok stupid question time02:43
jmaderono such thing ;)02:43
karmsthow do I install a .so file?02:43
jmaderountil you say "stupid questiont ime"02:43
aiwata55syockit: thank you for your advice!!02:44
jmaderoyou do'nt install it, you put it in the directory where it needs to be used, what's the so for02:44
jmaderoyeah put it in your home folder .mozilla/firefox/plugins I believe02:44
syockitaiwata55: can't help out about mailservers here though, because the installation procedure is lengthy. look up for documentations in help.ubuntu.com, or the wiki, or the forums02:44
gkahlakarmst- a .so file is the Linux-equivalent of a Windows DLL file. a library that supports an app. where does the documentation tell you to put it?02:45
usserdragondon, heh welcome to the club02:45
jmaderooh you have to put it in your default profiles plugin directory02:45
jmadero.mozilla is hidden --> use cntrl+h to show it in nautilus02:45
xims:-D hell02:46
rjbanybody can tell me if /usr/bin/ge is a valid ubuntu file?02:46
dragondonusser thanks again.....learning is soooo much fun....02:46
syockitah I suppose you're installing that 64-bit plugin manually? いわんこっちゃ02:46
dragondonrjb  user binge....hehe.....02:46
Quasar1048Does anyone have any experience configuring the Logitech G series keyboards' macro keys under Ubuntu?02:46
jmaderosyockit, do what I said and it'll work, I have the 64 installed02:46
allooshdid anybody have problem with quanta+ before? while typing it loses focus and the focus goes to the application menu!!!!!!!!!!!!102:46
syockitthat's why i gave you the launchpad link that had the debian link to the native 64-bit deb02:47
gkahlarjb - it doesn't appear on my system, but I don't know what you've got installed...02:47
Losharjb: run dpkg -S /usr/bin/ge and it will say which package it belongs to....02:47
rjbLosha thank you genius02:47
aiwata55syockit: no worry, i guess.  I once installed Postfix via apt-get, and it worked out of the box02:47
gkahlakarmst - looks like that might work02:47
richthegeekare there any (mechanical, electrical) engineers in here who can answer some non-ubuntu questions?02:48
karmstpermission denied?02:48
richthegeekand how can I downgrade my GDM so I can use themes again02:48
joshua___richthegeek: get an /etc/sources.list for an older version, remove and reinstall gdm02:49
joshua___works like a charm02:49
karmstah cp command worked with sudo02:49
richthegeekjoshua__: care to expand on the first section of your solution?02:49
EltumeDoes anyone know of a business software that allows you to create organized profiles of customers with information such as name, phone, number, email, money owed, etc?02:49
richthegeekEltume: search for "CRM" in Google?02:49
coop3rdont all commands work with sudo?02:49
joshua___well if you want an older version of something, you need an older source02:49
joshua___you see, the package lookup is controlled by /etc/apt/sources.list02:50
richthegeekjoshua__: sure, the only available version is 2.2.802:50
ShipmasterI find a bookkeeping program that tracks inventory??????02:50
Losharichthegeek: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-downgrade-gnome-display-manager-2-28-to-2-20-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html  Disclaimer: I have not tried this!02:50
sinsunKorean are really bought by M$. They have no Linux users.02:50
richthegeekjoshua__: would the one from debian work or similar?02:50
richthegeekLosha: thanks02:51
alex87do any of you know of a way to share passwords between a group of developers?02:51
jmaderosinsun -- I have two Korean friends who use Linux ;)02:51
richthegeekalex87: email02:51
li_baianyone have the insydeh20 bios? is there a way to disable drives? i'm not seeing anything02:51
Shipmasterany bookkeeping apps for ubuntu????02:51
joshua___but unless you want to risk weird trouble you want one for an older ubuntu02:51
karmstI installed the .so in the firefox plugins directory02:52
JoaoJoaoI just installed 9.10 but there is no sound working, it worked flawlessly in 9.04. I removed 9.04 and did a 9.10 clean install. I'd guess it's a pulseaudio problem again02:52
karmstbut it says there is no flashplayer installed in the browser02:52
Loshaalex87: interesting problem. We used to whisper them to each other....02:52
jmaderokarmst, did you restart firefox?02:52
jmaderoand you're sure that it's in the default profiles profile?02:52
syockitsinsun: thanks to majority of them being gamers, and majority of games being windows only. but OFFTOPIC02:52
wankdankerJoaoJoao: what kind of computer?02:52
alex87Losha, haha, just looking for an online password manager that isn't clipperz02:52
chanfleQuick question:  just made a USB-Ubunutu9.10 installer, but I'm wondering if it's actually FOR installing, or is it meant to BOOT from the usb every time?02:53
sinsunsyockit: truly,02:53
karmstyes I closed all firefox windows and reopened it02:53
jmaderochanfle - for installing02:53
JoaoJoaowankdanker, This is a notebook with a SiS audio controller02:53
FlightB02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)02:53
chanflejmad - good, that's what i wanted.02:53
jmaderokarmst -- it's in the wrong folder then....what folder did you put it in exactly?02:53
FlightBthats my network adapter thing02:53
FlightBi cant find drivers for it02:53
chanfleCause all of the guides say "now you can boot ubuntu from your usb whenever" etc..02:53
EltumeAny CRM software alternatives?02:53
FlightBfor use with ndiswrapper02:53
tawdchanfle it's a live usb.  you can install from it or you can use it as a portable computer02:54
syockitchanfle: how did you make it? if from live cd image, then yes, you can install from it02:54
JoaoJoaoI'm guessing removing pulseaudio and installing oss4 would do the trick02:54
jmaderochanfle -- it's called a live distro, you can run it off of the drive02:54
peaches2i have a computer with 2 80gb hard drives, partitioned hda/b 1 - raid1, 2-boot, 3-swap.  i want to upgrade this with two new 1tb drives.  what is the best way to go about this?02:54
LoshaJoaoJoao: 9.10 is notorious for this. I had good luck with this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html. Just skip the section that doesn't apply with the alsa gui02:54
FlightBhttp://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Atheros_AR5001X <-- only atheros driver i found02:54
FlightBand its not for me02:54
jmaderokarmst -- I'd install it actually in my home folder02:54
chanfleGreat, thx for the help everybody.02:54
jmaderonot in the /usr folder02:54
hcker2000_it works02:54
syockitchanfle: i.e. if you made it using unetbootin02:54
Xfacteveryone. after installing program (no matter game or application...) after 2-3 boots it's some features getting inaccessible, (when I am trying to use the features...it's aborting...02:54
JoaoJoaoLosha, thanks. I hate Pulseaudio :)02:54
froesi have an usb stick, dial up connection, and i`d like to share it through wifi, how can i do it ???02:54
hcker2000_i can boot in now02:54
LoshaJoaoJoao: you, me, and everyone else. I'm betting by now the author does too...02:55
wankdankerJoaoJoao: i had this issue on my hp laptop, intel audio, i got working via https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting02:55
JoaoJoaoLosha, Is installing OSS4 a good idea?02:55
karmstok well in /home/user/.mozilla/firefox I have only a off2mdwe.default folder02:55
jmaderoyeah go in there02:55
Eltumeany crm software for ubuntu?02:55
jmaderoit's your default profile if theres only the one02:55
richthegeekEltume: better off looking for online ones02:55
Quasar1048i am trying to istall g15tools so i can use macro keys, but i get a lot of errors... can someone help? The only error I can get right now is this one when i try to install g15daemon:02:55
karmstwhat put it in extensions?02:56
Eltumewhat's a popular online one?02:56
Quasar1048Crap.. didnt copy. :(02:56
richthegeekQuasar1048: I use Compiz keycodes for my macro keys02:56
wankdankerJoaoJoao: had to add a options snd-hda-intel model=5stack line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf02:56
EltumeI should use02:56
wankdankerJoaoJoao: if you haven't tried something of this nature, it might be worth a shot.02:56
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JoaoJoaoAh now I remember having to do that in this same notebook02:56
richthegeekEltume: I don't know, I don't use CRM - just I know its a pretty well covered app online... google it02:56
Quasar1048This is the error: E: g15daemon: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 102:56
JoaoJoaoDammit me and my faulty mind02:56
LoshaJoaoJoao: sorry, dunno. Sound is really hardware dependent so it's hard to advise. And there are a million web sites on different things to try to get sound working.....02:57
Quasar1048I've had so many similar ones. :(02:57
Quasar1048richthegeek: Oh? I never thought of that...02:57
* Quasar1048 goes to look in compiz02:57
syockitkarmst: i think you're better off putting it in ~/.mozilla/plugins . create the directory if it doesn't exist02:57
karmstah ok02:57
jmaderogive me just aminute, I'll see where mine is02:57
JoaoJoaoLosha, Now that wankdanker mentions the alsa-base.conf thing I remember I've seen this before. Thanks anyway02:58
LoshaJoaoJoao: free advice. It's worth every penny....02:58
karmstthanks jmadero that worked02:59
jmaderogood stuff02:59
jmaderoyou should have your home on a separate partition02:59
jmaderothat way whenever you reinstall or upgrade you'll have flash out of box working02:59
Quasar1048richthegeek: naw, that doesnt do what i want02:59
jmaderoplus you'll have all your configurations up02:59
jmadero(firefox bookmarks, etc....)02:59
tawdfirefox bookmarks can also be easily saved with xmarks addon03:00
karmstit's still kind of messed up flash movies though03:00
tawdthat's how i go from linux to windows to linux and have same bookmarks in firefox03:00
karmstnot all elements in the movies are showing03:00
karmstsyockit: that 64bit alpha flash plugin didn't fix the missing elements issue03:01
syockitkarmst: missing elements? what page is this?03:02
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karmstit doesn't show the birthday options to enter into the movie site03:03
syockitkarmst: ah I cannot enter my birthdate!03:03
karmstme neither03:03
karmstand on other flash movies there is things missing I've noticed03:03
BitBucketHow mature is lucid?03:03
karmstor buttons that don't work03:03
BitBucketOr perhaps should I ask, how stable is it03:04
balazs00hi! i need help about energy saving functions! (turn off lcd ...) anybody?03:04
jukebox-zeroubuntu_ oh man, that's frustrating.... I was doing the command line from the grub menu, and the line linux /linuz root=/dev/sda1 ro didn't work so shutdown to reboot into the live cd... and suddenly it works. ARG. That's more infuriating than it not working. Now I don't know what fixed it.03:04
burzkiBitBucket, is good for me .. #ubuntu+103:04
BitBucketburzki: so it will work reasonable for my machine then ok03:05
BitBucketJust wanted to know if it installs etc...03:05
Xfacthaving unexpected stability problem in hardy, details here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/352662/   PLZ help :-$:-(03:05
Dr_WillisBitBucket:  proberly depends on the phase of the moon.03:06
burzkiworks good if you dont rely on it for your primary machine ..03:06
burzkiBitBucket, ^^03:06
burzkiBitBucket, Dr_Willis and its mercury retrograde now, i'd wait a couple weeks ;-)03:07
BitBucketShould be ok :D03:07
BitBucketXfact: how did you install VLC?03:07
burzkiBitBucket, "should" be ..03:07
Xfactbitbucket: simply via synaptic...03:08
FlightBsudo apt-get install vlc03:08
BitBucketXfact you didnt mess with any of the dependancies did you?03:09
FlightBpeople actually use synaptic?03:09
BitBucketdid VLC get upgraded?03:09
FlightBthis is news to me03:09
BitBucketDid you try removing the .vlc folder or such03:09
Dr_WillisBitBucket:  lets just say that after betatesting the last release early on.. there fcan be some Amazing problems that pop up03:09
BitBucketDr_Willis: well sounds like its good enough to give a shot.03:09
Quasar1048This is what it says when I try to install g15daemon: http://pastie.org/76978203:09
Xfactbitbucket: no I just added apt line from the VLC ppa from launchpad, but I installed the latest  hardy supported version of VLC.....03:10
BitBucketso its development03:10
Xfactis it wrong>03:10
karmstok be back in a few03:10
BitBucketXfact: did you try the stable release of VLC03:10
BitBucketXfact: no but if you install the development version you should expect some issues03:11
burzkiBitBucket, it is, go for it.  i've been running the alpha for a month - only one crash, which resolved itself.  dont use update mngr to update, use aptitude03:11
jmadero1I didn't see a major change in 10.04 alpha03:11
Xfactbitbucket:  no I installed the stable version (.9.9) from launch pad, (because my hardy distro's vlc version is to old .8.6.....)03:12
BitBucketburzki: I dont know how to use that gui thing... I can use apt03:12
BitBucketXfact: it maybe that the distro is too old for the launchpad install03:13
Xfactbitbucket: vlc was just an example, it's also happening with some games and apps in my hardy.... :( is that VIRUS?03:13
BitBucketconsider upgrading ubuntu if you want to stay that bleeding edge...03:13
BitBuckethardy is older is it not?03:13
slideMy keypad won't work. I have Num Lock on but it does weird stuff when i use the keypad, like moving the mouse etc03:13
BitBucketXfact: I really doubt its a virus03:13
DaZ_Xfact: sure, it's a virus.03:13
BitBucketDaZ_: its a valid question03:13
DaZ_drink much of hot tea with lemon and it'll pass.03:14
XfactBitBucket: launch pad still distributing software's for hardy...03:14
burzkiXfact, wait for lucid in april to upgrade, you should be able to do dirict as both are LTS03:14
XfactDaZ_: but many people told me (e,g Dr_Willies) that virus in Ubuntu???!!! ...unacceptable...!03:15
BitBucketXfact: dont mind DaZ_ he's just being un-helpfull, he doesnt understand what its like to be a user03:15
nunyab_Hello, can anyone tell me if there is a simple solution to the logon loop issue?03:15
BitBucketXfact: they are filling you with FUD03:15
DaZ_Xfact: any console output? [;03:15
Xfactbitucket: thank god, ok thanks...I'll wait for lucid03:15
burzkiBitBucket, maybe you know, but just to be safe .. sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade -- will leave back package conflicts03:15
mattgyverthe last virtualbox update seems to have broken my config.  It keeps telling me to run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup however that file is not found, any ideas?03:15
nunyab_No console output, it's blank!  :-(03:16
DaZ_Xfact: we don't have viruses destroying system yet.03:16
XfactDaZ_: sometimes, when my computer restarts abruptly!03:16
Dr_WillisXfact:  the biggest danger to your system will be the admin doing somtning stupid - most likely :)03:16
Xfactok ok thanks for help guys :003:16
BitBucketXfact: you might have hardware issues03:16
LoshaXfact: 8.04 is well used and maintained by now, so I think it's unlikely to be a software issue. Run a memtest overnight on your ram....03:16
Dr_Willislisting all the  causes for problems in Ubuntu from  the top 10.. 'virus' wouldent even be in the top 50....03:17
BitBucketXfact: if your machine is just 'rebooting' your probably have bad ram or a bad video card or a bad power supply03:17
Xfactlosha: here I have a question... how to run 'memtest' nobody told me... :(03:17
* BitBucket loves his Lenovo T50003:17
Dr_WillisXfact:  its got a menu entry in the grub menu when you boot.. i recall telling you that the other day. :)03:18
LoshaXfact: what Dr_Willis said....03:18
Dr_Willisat leat normally theres a entry in the grub menu...03:18
DaZ_viruses removed it.03:18
XfactBitBucket:  well my PC's hardware is not too old and it's happening recently...even when my pc is idle for hours!03:19
LoshaDaZ_: please do not tease the newbies03:19
BitBucketDaZ_:  your such a linux guru I so want to be like you!03:19
DaZ_Losha: what else can i do, all he said was more or less "it doesn't work"03:19
BitBucketXfact: typically software or OS problems are reproducable03:19
Xfactbut the main problem is I have an assembled desktop computer so I really can't believe on it :(03:19
burzkimemtest is there in 8.0403:20
joshua___DaZ_ look if you don't shut up I'll give you a virus03:20
* Dr_Willis sneezes03:20
BitBucketXfact: well work with what you have, run memtest03:20
DaZ_joshua___: i love you anyway.03:20
BitBucketnext things to check are power supply and then video card03:20
LoshaDaZ_: you don't know the half of it. I was once berated on this channel for giving (correct) advice and told I wasn't fit to help people....03:20
xim_im using the diff command to compare two TB storage areas, its been running about 9 hours, is there any way to check the progress?03:21
BitBucketlol@ joshua03:21
Xfactbitbucket, Losha, Dr_Willis.: All thanks :D03:21
BitBucketxim why would you do that?03:21
BitBucketI like winMerge for windows03:21
BitBucketI dont know if there is something like that for Ubuntu, diff is ok but.. can be annoying03:22
BitBucketwinMerge is more visual03:22
xim_BitBucket, to be sure all the files copied properly from my external before i format it03:22
xim_its not annoying, except that i have no gauge of progress03:22
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_cbHave dual boot XP & Ubuntu 9.10. Want to do a fresh install of Ubuntu but keep my dual boot. Confused by installation options. Install side by side which keeps XP & current Ubuntu or Manual (How do I keep my XP dual boot if I go manual?)03:22
Loshaxim_: not really. You can run top and make sure it's still running but that's about it....03:23
Dr_Willis_cb:  take care to not delete/format the windows partition. :)  thats how basically03:23
nunyab_Can anyone tell me if there has been a simple resolution to the logon loop issue?  I have tried etc/X11/conf but my xorg is blank.  I am running mini itx thru KVM switch and I'm pretty sure that is creating some issue.03:23
BitBucket_cb: provided you dont delete your windows parittion completly the grub installer should pick it up and give you the menu option03:23
Dr_Willis_cb:  give the linux partitions  mountpoints for / and /home and so on. the installer will ask to reformat them ifyou want.03:23
xim_Losha, ok, i can see the file IOs still going like crazy and hear the drive, i just want to know if its gonna be 20 minutes or 3 hours more03:24
MrPocketsIs there any easy way to reset a user's password on an ubuntu box?03:24
BitBucketnunyab_: sorry never seen it03:24
Cool_CatI have a very quick question for anyone who knows anything about bash scripting, how does one define a varible during the time of exicution. For example: sh ./myscript.sh VARIBLE! VARIBLE203:24
xim_but ok03:24
MrPocketswithout booting to removable media and editing shadow?03:24
DaZ_MrPockets: passwd?03:24
nunyab_Thank you Bitbucket03:24
MrPocketsDaZ_, I forgot the password for this frigg'en VM by the time the thing was done installing :-\03:24
Loshaxim_: sorry, dunno of any way to tell that. I agree it's a design flaw....03:24
d35iboyHi ..how to add user with other dir than home ?03:24
_cbThanks Dr_Willis and BitBucket. Did not know installer was smart enough to create the XP menu option if I left the ntfs partition untouched.03:24
MrPocketsand because it's in a VM, i'm having issues getting it into single user mode (not sure if that'll even help)03:24
d35iboyadduser -c 'FTP USER test' -m test -d /var/www/html/user/test  ?03:25
Dr_WillisCool_Cat:  check the advanced bash scripting guide - it has chapters on 'arguments'03:25
BitBucketd35iboy: man adduser03:25
c0l2eMrPockets:  check this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword03:25
d35iboywill man give maual ?03:25
Cool_CatThanks Dr_Willis03:25
Dr_WillisCool_Cat:  i cant rember the exact syntax but its somthing like $1 $2 and $3 become the valiues03:25
burzki_cb, in manual, you should be able to install right over your old ubuntu and leave the ms as is03:25
BitBucketd35iboy: yes03:25
d35iboyBitBucket: thanks03:26
Dr_WillisCool_Cat:  watch out for spacwes in arguments03:26
Cool_CatI remeber doing some bat files in MS using that03:26
nunyab_I have seen the logon on loop issue listed in forums but none of those solutions work at all for me.03:26
d35iboyhow to qit from manual ?03:26
MrPocketsi actually JUST figured that out03:26
MrPocketsalthough the HDD is in read-only, so i can't passwd or edit shadow03:27
d35iboyHow to quit from manual ?03:27
Loshad35iboy: just type q03:27
d35iboyLosha: thanks03:27
joshua___to change hdd rw, mount / -o remount,rw03:27
DaZ_MrPockets: mount  -o remount,rw / ?03:27
MrPocketsjust rebooted03:27
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MrPocketsWhich versions're you all using?03:28
Quasar1048Can someone help me figure out why this happens?: http://pastie.org/76978203:28
militantquick question is there some notification thing in gnome that causes every IM client i use to put an annoying popup in my top right on every msg??  it's bugging me to death03:29
IdleOnemilitant: libnotify03:29
Dr_Willismilitant:  yes there is.. :)03:29
militanthow can i get rid of this before i punch my screen?  it's constantly in the way when i'm reading pages and things03:30
IdleOneI think it can be turned off per client03:30
BitBucketmilitant: umm there is a way I just cant rmeember03:30
trismmilitant: you can configure/disable them if you're using pidgin in Tools/Plugins/libnotify03:30
nunyab_I am glad I am not the only one getting frustrated, misery loves company03:30
trismmilitant: not sure how with other clients, although I'm sure it is similiar03:30
BitBucketmilitant: what if your computer got mad at you, and punched your screen03:31
militantwow ok that's fixed then.  i don't mind it from xchat kuz it's so infrequent but the rest is CRAP.  thanks :)03:31
BitBucketI use chatzilla03:31
BitBucketI like it :D03:31
militanti don't use firefox03:32
militantor i might check it out03:32
Jonhnnyboyis this latest ubuntu?  http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso03:32
BitBucketmilitant: you can get the standalone version03:32
IdleOneJonhnnyboy: yes03:32
Dr_WillisJonhnnyboy:  thats the 32bit alternatibve installer cd. yes03:32
BitBucketJonhnnyboy: latest stable03:32
Jonhnnyboyok ty03:32
Jonhnnyboyi want encrypt file system03:33
angelogiaubhave karmic koala using rhythmbox getting error trying to play mp3 missing plugins03:33
Jonhnnyboy32bit alternatibve installer?03:33
Ademanis there any way to look up the current running window manager for your user? it seems like that would be possible since the window manager deals with input redirection (and only one x client can "hook" that)03:33
militantxchat's what i've used since slack 7.1 so i'm good.03:33
tawdJonhnnyboy low ram installer method, not a live cd03:33
Jonhnnyboytawd: i want encrypt file system... 32bit alternate installer??03:34
d35iboyHow can I remove grub and install lilo ?03:35
balazs00hi! i need help about energy saving! (turn off lcd, when i close the lid) [ubuntu 9.10]03:35
tawdjonhnnyboy that's the 32 bit alternate installer.  i don't know much about encrypt file system03:35
BitBucketd35iboy: hahahha03:35
Jonhnnyboyd35iboy: supergrub iso03:35
DaZ_angelogiaub: befriend with ubuntu-restricted-extras and medibuntu repository.03:35
d35iboyI like lilo than grub :D03:36
Jonhnnyboyd35iboy: why?03:36
d35iboygrub messed up my windows boot.ini03:36
JoesephWhen I start Rosegarden, (A KDE app) I get the same error as this guy on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rosegarden/+bug/379249 .  I can run as gksu, but I don't really want to do that.  Any ideas?03:37
BitBucketd35iboy: no, boot.ini is a peice of junk and hardcodes the parittion location, grub doesnt have access to mess up your boot.ini03:37
scott_ino2hello, i seem to be having a problem accessing my NAS. I can ssh into it, but I'd like to be able to have a mounted network share on my desktop, can anyone help with this03:37
d35iboybut windows doent even show up in boot screen ?03:37
BitBucketwhat did you do?03:38
joshua___Normally I'd just write lilo on top of grub but apt-get upgrade doesn't like that03:38
DaZ_Joeseph: sudo chown `whoami` -R ~/.kde03:38
balazs00d35iboy: use an win install cd in recovery mode and run fixboot X:      [X=drivename]03:38
angelogiaubok I have  ubuntu-restricted-extras installed and medibuntu repository checked03:39
joshua___ah I'll just go watch Macgyver03:39
d35iboybalazs08: I will try it03:39
JoesephDaZ_: So for some reason I don't own my .kde folder...  alright.  is the -R just recursive?03:39
Hilikushow can i know if my cpu fan supports different speeds?03:39
FlightBwhere can i getr an older release of ubuntu?03:39
balazs00d35iboy: will works :) did it some hours before.03:39
DaZ_Joeseph: if you run something using sudo it may change ownerships03:40
DaZ_and R means recursive [;03:40
d35iboyalso guys I have messed up with encryption keys :( in ubuntu..I had encrypted a folder in ubuntu 8.10..for some reason I installed 9.10 ( instead of upgrading) and those files wont open here03:40
burzkiFlightB, http://releases.ubuntu.com/03:40
karmstHey... With the new updates for the kernel the Nvidia 190 driver works perfectly03:41
d35iboynick penguins03:41
JoesephDaZ_: Thanks.  Seemed to work.03:41
m3gai'm looking at a laptop with SiS graphics. whats a good test to see if ubuntu runs well on it?03:41
d35iboyNICK penguin03:41
karmstgreat job Karmic team03:41
balazs00anybody about power-saving?!?! how should i set turn off lcd when i close the lid?03:41
DaZ_karmst: 195 works perfectly too.03:41
karmstis 195 beta?03:42
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DaZ_it is03:42
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karmstah I'll wait for it to go gold03:42
Losham3ga: boot the live cd on it. Or much easier, google the model and see if people say it runs ubuntu well....03:43
lin00bhow can I open a folder which was encrypted on an other ubuntu system ?03:43
banishedHi, whenever I start gnome, my sound volume gets reset to zero - but not only that, also are the volume settings I did for the single channels in alsamixer discardet - what can I do abou that?03:43
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rjbwhich one is the right place to install programs manually?03:44
karmstwell I have this Sams ubuntu 2010 unleashed book so I'm going to go to bed and read a little night everyone03:44
harveyrjb: /opt/program_name03:45
j-3-r-g_wats up everyone03:45
banished~/program files if you don't want do be root for that ;-P03:45
rjbharvey why do i need privileges to copy to /opt?03:46
MrPocketsSo i'm running Ubuntu, with Ubuntu in a VM,03:46
MrPocketsusing virtualbox,  right03:46
m3gaLosha: thanks, but anything I should try from the live cd to test 3D performance?03:47
MrPocketstrying to get the virtual machine, to use an IP on the "real" production network03:47
MrPocketscurrently, it's set up as "nat"  which is working, but I can't get to the VM at all03:47
m3gaLosha: thanks, but anything I should try from the live cd to test 3D performance?03:48
harveyrjb: because it is not your home directory? ;) if you want to install some 3rd party software system wide /opt/ is the right place. Otherwise ~/ as banished suggested03:48
angelogiaubYour GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.03:48
rjbthank you for answer i'll follow your advice03:48
j-3-r-g_MrPockets what VM software ur using and wat VM OS u installed03:49
Losham3ga: sorry, I'm not the right person to advise you. I dunno anything about 3d except the movie avatar....03:49
Hammerjakm3ga: glxgears or glxinfo?03:50
MrPocketsj-3-r-g_, Virtualbox03:50
MrPocketsubuntu in ubuntu   9.10 both03:50
LoshaMrPockets: usually I used bridged mode and give it a unique address on the same network as the host....03:50
usserMrPockets, you need to have bridged network03:50
m3gai know about glcinfo, but don't know what to look fo in its output. i'll try glvgears03:50
Hammerjakglxinfo |grep -i direct03:50
MrPocketsah. Because it's bridging the virtual adapter to my "real" nic?03:50
Hammerjakm3ga: 'direct rendering' is 3d support03:51
usserMrPockets, yep03:51
MrPocketsyeah, that totally makes sense03:51
j-3-r-g_and also u shud check which card u will use03:51
m3gaHammerjak: thanks03:51
j-3-r-g_I think Virtual Box defaults it to your LAN03:51
j-3-r-g_if you want it to go to your wireless then you'll have to adjust that in the preferences03:52
LoshaSyndri: no commercials please...03:53
j-3-r-g_hey anyone by chance has a capture file form a wifi handshake03:53
j-3-r-g_with the correct password ....I want to test a rainbow table that I have03:53
j-3-r-g_preferable form a linksys router03:54
powertool08Does anyone here have a lamp server running on their personal network? Other than blogging, what do you use it for? I want to try it out but can't think of what to put in the database.03:54
LincKrakerquestion. has anyone gotten ubuntu installed on an abit ip-35e motherboard?03:55
rexhawhere to get resources to be certificated in linux (lspi)03:55
j-3-r-g_rexhba: If i'm not correct you can check out red hats home page i think they offer test you can take to be certified in RHLE03:57
Hammerjaki agree with j-3-r-g_, you can get certified for specific linux distros, but not linux in general03:57
j-3-r-g_I stumble upon it one day however ...that was by chance03:57
powertool08rexha: Could have something useful: http://www.lpi.org/eng/training__1/study_materials03:57
Hammerjakunless someone proves me wrong of course :)03:58
powertool08Hammerjak: Check out the link for your proof :)03:58
Hammerjakproven wrong so quickly!03:58
rexhapowertool08 thank you03:58
j-3-r-g_me too03:59
j-3-r-g_I was thinking it was distro specific03:59
snap-hi, how can i run programs from within a restricted bash shell?03:59
Hammerjakwhat do you mean snap?04:00
ilumi./xxxxx to execute04:00
faileaspowertool08: i have a personal wiki. I also used to use it as a media server with a web front end at one point04:00
snap-when in the -rbash shell, you can't specify '/' in command names04:01
j-3-r-g_snap why your not on your own box04:01
powertool08faileas: Media server? So you could sort/categorize/search your media through a webpage?04:01
Hammerjaksnap-: even when you put the '.' before the '/' ?04:01
greezmunkeyanyone know of a good ip subnet calculator (pref gui) for linux?04:02
powertool08faileas: What kind of info do you put on your wiki?04:02
snap-there are tricks for using vi or sendmail to break out of restricted shells04:03
snap-but i don't know how to even run them04:03
snap-without being able to use the /04:03
j-3-r-g_greezmunkey -, and there is another thats less known that default on XP04:04
j-3-r-g_if im not mistaken04:04
j-3-r-g_like what Ricky Bobby said: "Learn to work the google machine"04:04
j-3-r-g_oh yea and those are for ipv404:05
greezmunkeyj-3-r-g_: I sasid subnet Calculator, I can do it on paper but it is tedious...04:05
Lady_Enigmawhat linux kernel is used in 8.04.3, please?04:06
j-3-r-g_oh my bad04:06
greezmunkeyj-3-r-g_np :)04:06
snap-how can i start a shell, other than running /bin/sh?04:06
j-3-r-g_anyone has a linux wifi capture file from a 4 way handshake04:06
Lady_Enigmaiflema: get your wireless working?04:07
j-3-r-g_not linux i meant linksys04:07
jribsnap-: why?04:07
snap-trying to start an unrestricted shell from rbash04:07
j-3-r-g_Lady_Enigma: google "default kernel header for Ubuntu 8.04"04:08
iflemaits not wireless04:08
ms308680hello room04:08
j-3-r-g_hope that helps04:08
Lady_Enigmathank you!04:09
jribsnap-: why do you want to do this?04:09
ms308680would there be anyone here that has experience setting up sogo open source groupware?04:10
jribms308680: it's best to just ask your question04:10
snap-jrib: who likes being restricted?04:10
ms308680Is there any detailed documentation that anyone knows of for setting up sogo?04:11
jribsnap-: I just don't see a use-case, if you don't want to be in rbash, don't run rbash04:11
j-3-r-g_snap - do you have physical access to the box?04:11
snap-no physical access04:11
snap-being in rbash wasn't my decision04:11
jribsnap-: then speak to the person whose decision it was04:11
snap-not possible04:11
jribrbash isn't all that restricting anyway last time I checked04:12
adamonline45Hello!  I'm installing 9.10 server, and the install is stopping at a screen titled "[!] Ubuntu installer main menu" and the option "Install GRUB boot loader on a hard disk" is highlighted... When I select it, it just goes back to the same thing.  Last attempt I tried to Continue without boot loader, but then it wouldn't boot.  I've tried both amd64 AND the alternate 64 bit... Any ideas?04:12
FloodBot3MrPockets: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:13
jribMrPockets: stop please04:13
MrPockets/etc/motd keeps revertin04:13
nonexksif i run live cd on my laptop will that let me know if all the drivers are avalible ?04:13
MrPocketsedited /etc/default/rcS  and added EDITMOTD=no04:13
iflemaat least im not braodcasting status messages04:14
Hammerjaknonexks: what do you mean?04:14
snap-so, back to my question. does anyone know of ways to spawn a new shell other than running /bin/sh04:15
brummbaersnap: /bin/bash? :P04:15
balazs00hi! i need help about energy saving! (turn off lcd, when i close the lid) [ubuntu 9.10]04:15
nonexksHammerjak: well i have a ton of drivers needed to run all the hardware on this laptop and i dont know if linux will work on it04:15
jribbrummbaer: well it would have to be "bash"04:15
lakotaman this is so annoying! I have tried more than 10 of my DVD movies even after installing ubuntu restricted extras and ogle player and I always get an error about libdvdcss and the ogle player is suppose to have that. none of my dvd players can play a dvd. what is the point of creating dvd player software that cant play a dvd?04:16
Hammerjaknonexks: ah, yeah, if the live cd works fine, the install will use the same drivers04:16
powertool08snap-: If you aren't locked out, maybe you could set a cronjob?04:16
jrib!dvd | lakota04:16
ubottulakota: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:16
jriblakota: dvdcss is not the same as ogle04:16
nonexksHammerjak: so how would i make a list of everthing i will need ?04:16
Hammerjaknonexks: whatever drivers the live cd decides to use should be the same that the installed version will use04:17
brummbaerbalazs00: check power management section, option to set what happens when closing screen04:17
Hammerjakyou won't have to choose anything04:17
lakotabut why cant a DVD player software play a dvd?04:17
brummbaerbalazs00: for in depth power saving config, check the cpu-freq gnome-applet, and the app called powertop04:17
jriblakota: it can.  However, your dvd's are encumbered with drm.  To view them you have to install dvdcss.  Just follow ubottu's link04:18
kinja-sheeplakota: "Legal Warning: Check with your local laws to make sure usage of libdvdcss2 would be legal in your area. "04:18
powertool08snap-: Symlink/alias bash to rbash and start rbash?04:18
nonexksso a nother question ... i have used ubuntu but its not quite as graphicly pleasing ... what could i use to change this04:18
Hammerjaknonexks: you can use a less graphically-intensive window manager like xfce04:19
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Hammerjaknonexks: that is, instal Xubuntu rather than plain Ubuntu04:19
Hammerjakor did i misinterpret that... do you want *more* pleasing graphics?04:19
brummbaernonexks: more eyecandy > compiz, less eyecandy > XFCE / Openbox, etc.04:19
nonexksi want more04:20
Hammerjakah, yeah, compiz04:20
nonexksvery powerfull pc's ... one media box and one is media/ work04:20
Hammerjakdo you have ubuntu already installed?04:20
Flare-Laptop!who | Hammerjak04:20
ubottuHammerjak: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:20
Hilikusis it possible to configure amarok to intercept key presses before X? i want to have a single key that opens amarok if amarok is closed but plays/pauses if it is open. i configured ubuntu to open amarok with that key and configured amarok to use that key for play/pause but amarok doesn't take it04:21
nonexksi have ubuntu on a few systems but the os of the two im going to change are vista and xp 64bit04:21
Hilikusso i guess its because gdm or X or whoever is intercepting it befire it gets to amarok04:21
Flare-LaptopHilikus: That's because amarok is for KDE/Kubuntu04:21
Maletor_I have a question kind of off topic but I think it's relatively simple. I have a Vizio. What's the best way to manage the audio? I want to have my HTPC plug in via HDMI then have the TV output optical to my receiver? Can TVs do that?04:21
HilikusFlare-Laptop: so?04:21
Hammerjaknonexks: once ubuntu is installed, go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance, then 'Visual Effects' tab and choose "extra"04:21
Hammerjaknonexks: that will enable compiz04:21
jtajiMaletor: most do04:22
nonexksoh nice ... will that work on live cd04:22
kinja-sheepFlare-Laptop: It does not matter if it's for KDE.  An application is an application.04:22
quintin_no sound on new laptop, plz help plz.  audio hardware is recognized04:22
Flare-Laptophikenboot: so it won't work. Its using a different interface with X04:22
quintin_IBM T6004:22
Flare-Laptopquintin_: I've got the same laptop, and audio works fine with it.04:22
HilikusFlare-Laptop: it does work if i dont use it as a shortcut in the system04:22
brummbaerkinja-sheep: if amarok has a cli client comparable to rhythmbox-client, you should be able to pair keys to commands with xbindkeys04:23
Hammerjaknonexks: that depends on what video driver the live cd chooses, typically you have to install Ubuntu and on the first boot it will ask if you want to use a "restricted" driver04:23
JunTao1is there an application similar to Quickbooks on linux?04:23
Hammerjaknonexks: the restricted driver will support 3d rendering04:23
Hilikusbrummbaer: me?04:23
kain_hi all, i've got an external drive connected and mounted, but i don't have the rights to write, or execute, only read, how do i change this? the format is NTFS04:23
brummbaerHilikus: bwuh?04:23
nonexksso when asked i DO want restricted driver for good graphics04:23
Hammerjaknonexks: yep :)04:23
quintin_Flare-Laptop: what version are you running?  I am using whatever latest is.  no audio output04:24
Flare-LaptopJunTao1: Yup, its called gnucash04:24
mimiBadgerAnyone here knows how to bring up a netrek server?04:24
Flare-Laptopquintin_: I'm using Karmic04:24
quintin_JunTao1: google linux accounting software?  there are many double entry bookkeeping systems for linux.  I tried one for about 1 month and got bored04:24
nonexksHammerjak: so i tryed to install ubuntu on this notebook a while back and it never worked ... do you know of any bios issues that would cause this04:25
quintin_but then again I play poker for a living and am not good at money handling sutffs heh :P04:25
iKernelI think quicken runs quite well under wine04:25
iKernelquintin_, you must be pretty good then04:25
quintin_quicken isn't really DEBK though.  well it is, but it hides it from you like04:25
quintin_iKernel: yes.  but you don't have to be that good to beat $1/$2 and $2/$504:25
Hammerjaknonexks: sorry, no, there are lots of things that can go wrong with laptop drivers, can't help you there04:25
brummbaerJunTao1: a great place to check for these types of 'equivalency' questions is http://linuxalt.com , there's generally many applications for a purpose.04:25
adamonline45What do I need to run the live cd?  I have the alt and the amd64 versions burned, but no option for it...04:25
nonexksHammerjak: ok thank you very much04:25
novato_brWhy don't we require the manufacturers Linux drivers? We should make a list of demands.04:26
quintin_yea, there are several cool sites I've found that showcase alternative softwares.  Pretty cool sites04:26
Flare-Laptopquintin_: trying doing this in the terminal: sudo modproble snd_hda_intel04:26
Flare-Laptop!ask | felipe_04:26
ubottufelipe_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:26
Flare-Laptop!ask | felixmori704:26
ubottufelixmori7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:26
FloodBot3Flare-Laptop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:26
* Flare-Laptop knows this04:26
quintin_Flare-Laptop: ok.. though I'd think driver is already loaded since alsamixer shows hw04:26
novato_brunfortunately, there are so few manufacturers worried with linux drivers.04:26
nonexkswell i guess its time to try the live cd again04:26
Flare-Laptopquintin_: I'm not sure. But there's not hurt in trying04:27
quintin_Hey, grep auto hilites how huh?  neat04:27
nonexksoh one more question ... ubuntu or Xubuntu04:27
Hammerjakadamonline45: you have to tell your computer to boot from cd04:27
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Hammerjaknonexks: ubuntu, Xubuntu is if you have a really old system04:27
quintin_I have been using windoze for like almost 8 months cause it was on the pc I pulled out of storage D:04:27
adamonline45Hammerjak: Thanks, I got that far :)  I just don't see the option for it in the CD's menu...04:27
Flare-Laptop!hi | fishneck04:27
ubottufishneck: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:27
burzkinovato_br, what, all three of us .. ?04:27
tawdquintin_ yep :)  gotta love bash04:27
Hammerjakadamonline45: what options do you see?04:28
nonexksso ubuntu 9.10 is the best version ?04:28
fishneckaww okay kewl04:28
henryhammond Can anyone direct me to a good tutorial on how to set up a wireless router on ubuntu?04:28
quintin_hey it seems there is now some good auto coloring stuff with ls.  yay04:28
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Hammerjaknonexks: ubuntu 9.10 is the current version, it's up to you if that's the 'best' :)04:29
quintin_How come "examples" in my home folder isn't a pretty looking link?  It's just a generic white page icon04:29
adamonline45Hammerjak: I see Install, Check Disc, Test memory, boot from first hard disk, and rescue a broken system04:29
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
brummbaerhenryhammond: do you mean connect to a wireless network? or configure a wireless router. cuz second option is same as anything else: connect to the router through your browser.04:29
nonexksok well im off ..thanks04:29
henryhammondbrummbaer configure the network adapter, i downloaded drivers for windows and for linux, and i just cant get it to work04:30
crazy2beallright, so i set up ubuntu server. Today, i did a sudo apt-get install links, so that i could try and figure out what to do with it. Upon opening links, however, something crashed, and it started a maintenance shell. Upon rebooting, i can no longer access the internet at all, and i don't know what i should do...04:30
Hammerjakadamonline45: if you choose 'install' it should boot the live cd, you don't have to run the installer04:30
brummbaerhenryhammond, do you know what type of wireless adapter it is?04:30
FarmCretinHi, i have ubuntu server running on a dell with integrated graphics and no monitor. ive been using it through ssh for over a year, and id like to add graphical option. what can i do?04:31
henryhammondbrummbaer wusb54gc ver304:31
adamonline45Hammerjak: Nope, I've installed numerous times today and never gotten into any like cd anything... it just goes to the gui (ascii) installer...04:31
henryhammondby linksys04:31
lakotaPackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source04:31
lakotanone of the sites are helping04:32
quintin_Flare-Laptop: Do you have fingerprint scanner working?04:32
Hammerjakadamonline45: it probably has a problem detecting your video card or something then.... i don't know04:32
adamonline45Hammerjak: hmm, k, thanks anyway...04:32
paddy_melonFarmCretin... you could install gdm and VNC in04:32
Flare-Laptopquintin_: Mine didn't come with it.04:32
brummbaerhenryhammond: if you run ifconfig do you see the device?04:32
tawdquintin_ mine doesn't either, but it still contains all the correct contents anyways04:32
ejwaxxlakota: try this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#Adding%20the%20Repositories04:33
paddy_meloneg. sudo apt-get install gdm04:33
quintin_Flare-Laptop: What is in yours?  I'm very sad about my screen.. only XGA.04:33
HammerjakFarmCretin: you can ssh with X forwarding... ssh -X04:33
Xfacthow many tests 'memtest' runs??/ It's very long and (boring) process!04:33
quintin_tawd: wat was last message re:?04:33
trollboywhat's a good ubuntu app for issuing at commands to a modem? minicom is crashing for me04:33
Flare-Laptopquintin_: Mines awesome. Its VGA too04:33
tawdquintin_ about the examples folder not looking like a folder04:33
Flare-Laptopquintin_: I can use compiz on it too :D04:33
quintin_Flare-Laptop: mine is 2.0ghz c2d, 4m cache 1g ram 100g hdd 128m discrete gfx.  not sure if it has the evdo card in it or not.  paid $130 for it with no battery yesterday04:33
henryhammondbrummbaer: Im not sure how i would know that (noob to linux world), but there is nothing that seems to look like it04:34
Flare-Laptopquintin_: My got tea spilt on it and it still works :P04:34
quintin_Flare-Laptop: xga you mean?  1024x768?  I am going to look around for a 1400x1050 monitor for mine, if I decide to keep it instead of reselling.  man it's pretty cool to have a linux laptop that suspend works on though.  I accidentally closed lid and was a bit tickled when I opened it and everything came back04:34
Flare-LaptopNo sound and it overheats tho :(04:34
Flare-Laptopquintin_: haha Yup04:34
quintin_Flare-Laptop: there is supposed to be a membrane under keyboard tha troutes liquid out of device.  I've thought about spilling water on mine..04:35
brummbaerhenryhammond: if you type ifconfig in terminal (applications > accessories > terminal), you should see either a eth1 or wlan0, something like that...04:35
quintin_tawd: oh yea :)04:35
Flare-Laptop:O really?04:35
Flare-LaptopI didn't know that04:35
lakotaejwaxx,  hey that may have worked! soon as it was done my updates poped up and is updating mplayer and lib files. lets hope this fixed it04:35
Flare-Laptopquintin_: Even if it gets on the heatsink?04:35
quintin_yea.  read it when I was googling for info and came across reviews.  also option for 2nd minipci slot is an over the air broadband card.  haven't looked to see if mine has one in it04:35
henryhammondbrummbaer i see Link encap:Ethernet and before that i see eth004:36
quintin_Flare-Laptop: well the membrane is under the keyboard, so it shouldn't get that far in theory I guess.  I haven't taken it apart to see how it all looks04:36
FarmCretinHammerjak: the vnc client would be windows04:36
y6iWhat does this mean, anyone?:04:36
y6iThe file /blah/blah/ has been modified since reading it.04:36
y6iIf you save it, all the external changes could be lost. Save it anyway?04:36
Flare-Laptopquintin_: Well I've got the hardware parts list pdf if you wnat it04:36
HammerjakFarmCretin: that's all well and good if you're ssh'ing from a windows box, I didn't know :)04:37
Flare-Laptopy6i: Means that the file has been changed while you were reading it04:37
quintin_y6i: another program or person modified that file while it was in your editor's buffer04:37
FarmCretini know, i appreciated the help all the same04:37
FFForeverWhats the difference from Ubuntu One and DropBox?, besides Ubuntu One shipping by default04:37
brummbaerhenryhammond: what if you try 'lspci | grep -e Linksys' ?04:37
Flare-LaptopFFForever: I've got both, and the only difference is the bandwidth usage04:38
dsnydersI want to build a new machine, but all the new motherboard, chipset, and cpu options are bewildering.  Anybody got a link to a good website?04:38
quintin_ok, I turned on "beep" in alsamixer, and now I have sound!!04:38
brummbaerhenryhammond: online forums are saying that version three requires custom compilation and module loading, but i'm still looking for details, k?04:38
Flare-Laptopquintin_: :O WOOT04:38
acovrighow can I do (open new tab in firefox and open "url") via ssh?04:38
quintin_Flare-Laptop: So do your volume buttons work?  mine do.. but it seems... the volume buttons affect IBM hardware, and when you push them it's not a signal to OS?04:38
FFForeverFlannel, like wise, but db has multi os so its better imo, whats your opinion on them?04:38
quintin_I love me some thinklights04:39
Flare-Laptopquintin_: Yup, but like my sound is separate from the OS :(04:39
FFForeverIs there selective file sync in one?04:39
henryhammondbrummbaer okay, i tried looking, and i found some that said use ndsiwrapper, some that said to download something from ralink and change it, but i could never find the data to change, ive been trying to two days04:39
quintin_Flare-Laptop: I'm so glad I found this deal... cause I was about to drop $400 on a 17" dell04:39
Hammerjakdsnyders:  tomshardware.com, newegg.com ?04:39
lakotanow totem movie player is frozen and still no movie :(04:39
Flare-Laptopquintin_: haha Ubuntu ftw!04:39
Flare-LaptopFFForever: I like Ubuntu one better because I love Ubuntu :P04:40
switch10acovrig: just use the "lynx" terminal browser04:40
quintin_Flare-Laptop: ah yea ok you get what I'm saying then.  other laptops the volume buttons have been linked to OS sound.  Wonder if there is anything to make that happen04:40
quintin_I'm so happy to be back in linux instead of windoze :P04:40
tawdhow do people chat in the terminal?04:40
Flare-Laptopquintin_: Well it used to do that in 9.04 but not in Karmic04:40
quintin_tawd: a terminal irc client ... I am using irssi.04:40
brummbaerhenryhammond: i totally sympathize, i spent several days working on cobbling together a decent conexant driver for karmic w/o having to pay linuxant for the unlocked driver. :)04:40
acovrigswitch10, the user is running firefox on display=:0.0, can I use ssh to open a new tab & open a url?04:40
tawdquintin_ thanks :)04:40
acovrigonto display 0.004:41
Quan-Timei have a RS232 -> USB converter, how can i check its installed properly ? i THINK its  FTDI chipset.. can it be listed in my usb devices ? ideas ?04:41
switch10acovrig: i dont know how to do it04:41
quintin_Flare-Laptop: did you upgrade, or clean install?  back in the dark ages, like version 6 and such, I always had to do clean intall... upgrades left too much cruft04:41
Flare-Laptopacovrig: you could just vnc to the machine04:41
Flare-Laptopquintin_: Upgrade04:41
acovriglike "firefox --display=:0.0 --url="http://www.google.com""04:41
quintin_I'm sad this laptop doesn't feel much "faster" than other machines.  meh.04:41
acovrigFlare-Laptop, how do I setup vnc to not give a notifycation?04:42
henryhammondbrummbaer: I entered that command, and nothing showed up, but i got no erroor04:42
Flare-Laptopacovrig: install x11vnc :p04:42
acovrigapt-get x11vnc?04:42
kain_hi all, what is the syntax for mount a ntfs partition with permissions read-write-execute to put in the fstab?04:42
y6iis there ANY way at all, in the world, possibly, to get your root password from a box you cant log into?04:42
Flare-Laptopacovrig: yup04:42
Flare-Laptopy6i: no04:43
quintin_Flare-Laptop: woot!  installed fprint_demo and I can scan fingerprints.  doesn't show images though =(04:43
Hammerjakkain_: you can install ntfs-config and you'll have a nice simple gui that does it for you :)04:43
Flare-Laptopquintin_: Nice04:43
Xfactwell, we've decided to buy a dell alienware Arena 51 ALX gaming PC which have 12 GB ram, 3.86 GHz intel i7 processor, 2 GB ATi GPU and all others..Which ubuntu version is capable and will run stable in this hardware...? Suggest please......04:43
XfactIt's should also run games nicely....04:43
kain_Hammerjak, : will this erase the lines i manually put in the fstab?04:43
y6ifrom someone who's not Flare-Laptop04:43
Flare-Laptopquintin_: My sound died when the tea got in it. But the headphone jack still works :)04:43
Quan-TimeXfact: umm. 9.10 karmic x64 ?04:43
Hammerjakno, but if you want to hand-edit fstab i'll paste my ntfs line for you04:43
blakkheimXfact: avoid ati if you want to use linux04:43
acovrigthen de-check the vnc option in the Remote Control (something like that) in the GUI?04:44
adamonline45so, an x86-64 would use the amd64 install, no?04:44
Quan-Timeyer. ati will work, but cause issues.04:44
Xfactblakkheim: but it only serving ATI graphic cards...:(04:44
Hammerjakkain_: /dev/<YOUR DRIVE> /media/Windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 004:44
Quan-Timeadamonline45: it covers x86 archatecture, 64bit04:44
switch10Xfact: you have a gaming PC running Linux?04:44
brummbaerhenryhammond: that could mean that it's not seeing it at all or not seeing it as Linksys; if you search through the output from 'lspci', is there anything that looks like it? you may also try unplugging it then plugging it back in, then checking dmesg04:44
quintin_Flare-Laptop: I noticed during install this version asks out of box if you would lik eyour homedir encrypted. pretty cool.  esp. since when I got this laptop it had a file on it called "Passwords.docx".  guess what contents were :P04:44
XfactQuan-Time:  64 bit doesn't support many apps and some games :(04:45
y6iis there ANY way at all, in the world, possibly, to get your root password from a box you cant log into?04:45
adamonline45Quan-Time: That's what I thought... just trying to eliminate potential issues here... thanks :)04:45
Xfactswitch10: no, never before....04:45
rudrahow to create desktop shortcut from application menu04:45
Flare-Laptopquintin_: haha wow04:45
kain_Hammerjak : is this line added manually without installation of ntfs-config?04:45
freefreefhey everyone04:45
Hammerjakkain_: yes.04:45
nightsjammiesHey who is good with the open office spreadsheet program?04:45
powertool08y6i: If you have physical access to it, then yes, tons of ways.04:45
nightsjammiesor is there a forum for that?04:45
Quan-Timey6i: i think you can reset it with a liveCD.. but honestly not sure. would have to investigate that04:45
kain_Hammerjak : ok i'll try thanks04:45
nightsjammiesroom, I mean04:45
FFForeverI disabled the notification application... how can i get my pidgin menu bar icon back??04:46
Hammerjakkain_: add that line rather than installing ntfs-config... i wasn't sure how confident you were to hand-edit fstab :)04:46
y6ipowertool08: how?04:46
tritiumy6i: are you sure you unlocked the root account on that machine, or are you referring to your user account?04:46
switch10Xfact: hate to say it but if its a gaming machine with those specs you would be better off running windows to play your games.  Dual boot with Ubuntu04:46
freefreefHey check out this site with over 38000 free videos!! http:// www.myworldporn.com/04:46
freefreefHey check out this site with over 38000 free videos!! http:// www.myworldporn.com/04:46
FloodBot3freefreef: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:46
henryhammondbrummbaer: My ethernet port shows up, event though its not connected to web, but my wereless doesnt seem to show up in the list of USB controllers04:46
Quan-TimeXfact: i game.. i dualboot nix and win7.. some games work on ubuntu x64 (which i run) like steam games, but many WONT work. even on wine..04:46
Flare-Laptop!ops | freefreef04:46
ubottufreefreef: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:46
y6itritium: all i know is i cant log into my machine04:46
Quan-TimeXfact: look into "cedega" but that cost money.. and i prefer wine anyway.04:46
brummbaerhenryhammond: dammit i'm an idiot, i'm sorry; i'm used to doing this for internal ports, can you try lsusb instead of lspci?04:46
XfactSo guys, should I use Ubuntu in that Alienware or I have to use that preloaded windows 7 (which taking lots money) in it...:( (I hate windows)04:46
tritiumy6i: that machine is running Ubuntu?  Which account are you trying to login with?  A user account?04:47
blakkheimXfact: build your own system and use nvidia, much better for linux04:47
Quan-TimeXfact: taking "lots of money" ? err.. its not THAT expensive compared to the system.. OEM is fairly cheap.04:47
powertool08y6i: as Quan-Time suggested, livecd is probably easiest, boot it up, mount the root partition and delete the hash in /etc/passwd and the shadow file.04:47
rudrahow to create desktop shortcut from application menu04:47
y6itritium: yes ubuntu and yes a user account04:47
switch10Quan-Time: what is steam anyway?  I keep hearing about that.04:47
XfactQuan-Ti8me: But I don't want to span04:47
y6ipowertool08: can you pm me please?04:48
rudrahow to create desktop shortcut from application menu in xubuntu04:48
henryhammondbrummbaer: I get my SanDisk memory stick, and then the device below that the ID has 1727:0077 but no title04:48
tritiumy6i: you can boot the machine into single-user mode, and then change the user's password04:48
Mr_LordiAll my media players are crashing when trying to watch a DVD...04:48
adamonline45how do I know if I need to use fakeRAID?04:48
XfactQuan-time: yes, but I don't want to span even $1 for windows or any operating system, when I am having fine OS for free!04:48
y6itritium: how do you do that?04:48
rudraanyone to anwer me04:48
dsnydersXfact, Install Linux, and use Windows in a virtual machine.  After all, you've paid for it.  No sense it going completely to waste.04:48
Quan-Timeswitch10: umm.. steam is... ok.. know how the ubuntu repository works ? its like that for games.. Steam is the valve "program" which auto updates games for you..  Its fairly slick if your into that sorta thing.. Half life2 stuff.. and heaps of others.04:48
rudrahow to create desktop shortcut from application menu xubuntu04:48
Hammerjakrudra: System -> Preferences -> Main Menu ? sorry i don't have xubuntu04:48
tritiumy6i: hit Esc when you first boot, and select the recovery mode (single-user mode) from the grub menu04:49
kain_Hammerjak : i get "mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs-3g' "04:49
Xfactwell, thanks for suggestion...I will try to add nvidia card instade of ATI...04:49
y6itritium: then what?04:49
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel04:49
Quan-TimeXfact: look up "cedega" by transgaming.. it COSTS MONEY.. to play games on linux (well).  so your crap outta luck in that respect... wine is a good alternative.. WINE = Windows application layer (NOT an emulator)04:49
Hammerjakkain_: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g04:49
kain_Hammerjak : what does ntfs-3g do exactly?04:50
Quan-Timekain_: it enables NTFS partition writing04:50
Hammerjakkain_: it is the drivers that allow linux to 'talk' ntfs04:50
Quan-Timei use it.. works well04:50
Alan502Hi :) i'm trying to mount an *.iso but the following error message displays instead: "mount: you must specify the filesystem type" Would someone help me?04:50
rudrahow to do voice chat through pidgin with gtalk id04:50
rudrahow to do voice chat through pidgin with gtalk id04:50
rudrahow to do voice chat through pidgin with gtalk id04:50
FloodBot3rudra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:50
tritiumy6i: use the "passwd" command, in combination with the username, to change the user's password04:50
ejwaxxalan502: are you trying to mount it as a virtual drive?04:50
Quan-TimeAlan502: how are you trying to mount it ? are you using -loop ?04:50
y6itritium: how?04:50
tritiumy6i: "passwd <username>"04:51
Flare-Laptop!mountiso | Alan50204:51
ubottuAlan502: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:51
Alan502Quan-Time, ejwaxx , yes, i'm using -o loop : http://paste.ubuntu.com/352699/04:51
Quan-Timetry what ubottu said.04:51
y6itritium: let me boot up the machine, it'll be 3 minutes. will you be here?04:51
Xfactyes..right...i should give win 7 a value too...cause the machine total costs over $7,600... *valuable! lol :D04:51
tritiumy6i: yes, for a bit longer04:51
ejwaxxalan502: you can download gmountiso for a gui frontend to mount .iso images04:51
Xfactthanks for suggestion everyone :)04:51
blakkheimXfact: that is ridiculous04:51
tritiumXfact: that's insane04:52
HammerjakAlan502: -t iso9660 -o loop04:52
blakkheimXfact: you could build the same system for much cheaper, you are getting ripped off04:52
Quan-TimeXfact: having a "uber fast" pc DOESNT make you game better or faster.. TRUST me04:52
tritiumXfact: I build my own systems, and never spend more than $1k, often much less.04:52
Alan502Quan-Time, ejwaxx i've mounted this exact iso earlier, from the command line. I don't know what is happening right now tho04:52
brummbaerhenryhammond: odd... sadly i've reached the end of the road for my evening. as a last piece of advice, since this seems to be a common problem, all the super-techs jump on this type of thing on launchpad. your specific problem is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/44688904:52
admiralsparkcan someone tell me how to access irc.freenode.net?04:52
blakkheimadmiralspark: you're on it..04:52
Quan-TimeAlan502: is something else still mounted ? maybe its conflicting04:52
brummbaerhenryhammond: good luck to you!04:52
Flare-Laptopadmiralspark: Your already on it04:52
Alan502Hammerjak, i read the manpages and tried that, but another error message is displayed.. let me paste it for you04:53
kain_Hammerjak : does ntfs-3g change my grub file?04:53
Xfactblakkheim: my dad buying for me, my dad have a lots of 'trust' on DELL! (I really don't know why! :-X)04:53
Hammerjakkain_: no04:53
admiralspark*smacks forehead* thanks04:53
henryhammondbrummbaer thanks alot for the help, ill keep working on it04:53
Alan502Quan-Time, there's nothing mounted04:53
y6iok tritium, press esc at the menu where it asks you what kernel you want to run? it wont let me.04:53
Flare-Laptopadmiralspark: Np04:53
Quan-TimeAlan502: oh.. weird04:53
tritiumy6i: what do you mean it won't let you?04:54
kain_Hammerjak : THANKS, it worked :D04:54
y6itritium: nothing happens04:54
Hammerjakkain_:  great !:D04:54
Alan502Hammerjak, http://paste.ubuntu.com/352701/04:54
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
kain_Hammerjak : i just hoped it didn't do anything to my grub file cause i had to modify a line to be able to boot Ubuntu on my sata drive04:54
Alan502Hammerjak, that is what i get when i try to specify the type04:54
tritiumy6i: are you using the arrow keys to move down the list?  Hit enter to select the one you want.04:54
Quan-TimeAlan502:  try "man mount" and see if theres a option for filesystem or somethin.. maybe thats causing it ? its a non standard iso ?04:55
y6itritium: select recovery mode?04:55
tritiumy6i: yes04:55
Hammerjakkain_: no, ntfs-3g doesn't have anything to do with grub, you're fine04:55
a|3xi am having a problem with new ubuntu kernel update, every time it swaps hard enough my mouse freezes up and if i am talking on skype or sip it locks up the sound, and ideas or if i want something done right i have to make menuconfig myself?04:56
acovrigdo I need x11 forwarding on the remote machine for x11vnc?04:56
Alan502Quan-Time, i created it with k3b.. .so i think it is a standard iso04:56
josh99Anyone here really good with OpenOffice?04:56
Mr_Lordihow do i get encrypted DVD playback support?04:57
Hammerjakjosh99: just ask your question :)04:57
y6itritium: select grub right? then what?04:57
Quan-Timekain_: ntfs-3g is like a "driver" for hardware.. Because the hdd partition is NTFS, its treated as a seperate piece of "hardware". the 3g driver helps you install (mount) the part so you can interact with it properly  (this isnt exactly true, but it helps explain it)04:57
josh99Despite my craftiest attempts to remove the cursor from a table cell without activating autocorrect, it consistently replaces my simple 4-digit time with a 15 digit version.04:57
josh99Thus ruining my table.04:57
tritiumy6i: you select recovery mode (single-user mode)04:57
josh99I just want to turn the god blessed thing off.04:57
y6itritium: im in the recovery menu04:58
Xfact but my current 'heap' still doing problem with hardy...some program closing unexpectedly :(....is that a problem of having old OS?04:58
kain_Hammerjak : i got another problem now04:58
tritiumy6i: you mean the grub menu?04:58
y6ii think they are the same thing04:59
kain_Hammerjak : now when i turn my external hard drive on, i get error : "only root can mount ...."04:59
tritiumy6i: move the arrow key down to the recovery mode of the most recent kernel version, and hit the Enter key, and it will boot into single-user mode.05:00
Hammerjakkain_: putting it in your fstab will auto-mount without needing to be root.... if you turn the hdd on after ubuntu boots... i don't know how to get around that :)05:00
y6iim in single user mode05:00
josh99Saving the document replaces it. Any key removing the cursor from the cell enables it.05:00
mediaprodigyanyone familiar with FreeNX for ubuntu?05:00
rudrahow to do voice chat through pidgin with gtalk id05:00
y6iim in the recovery menu, its in a white box with a blue background05:00
n16h7f0xis there anyway i can find out how many traffic is on a net interface without ip traf just run a command and the command outputs the traffic at the second i run it?05:01
kain_Hammerjak : hmmm, i'll try and find how05:01
josh99The only thing I haven't tried is killing the process and hoping it recovers it with a reset cursor position. It shouldn't come to that. I just want to turn autocorrect off for tables.05:01
acovrighow do I use x11vnc?05:01
rudrahow to do voice chat through pidgin with gtalk id05:01
Quan-Timerudra: ok.. got your mic working normally ?05:01
Hammerjakn16h7f0x: do you want the actual traffic or do you want to see how fast it's going?05:01
Quan-Timegot the plugin for pidgin ?05:02
n16h7f0xactual traffic05:02
tritiumy6i: make the selection, and boot it, please.  Let me know when you're at the prompt once it boots.05:02
acovrighow do I use x11vnc?, I just want to vnc my ubuntu from my mac (JollyFast NVC) without a notifycation05:02
TrezkerQuestion: Bumptop like features, are any of them available in Ubuntu?05:02
rudrawhich plugin & how to obtain the same05:02
Hammerjakn16h7f0x: my suggestion would be to install wireshark05:02
y6itritium: what ptompt?05:02
n16h7f0xHammerjak, i need that for a script not a grafical tool05:02
tritiumy6i: the shell prompt05:03
n16h7f0xsome command line solution05:03
Hammerjakn16h7f0x: like tcpdump?05:03
mazda01after I start up machine, my fstab auto mounts no longer mount? any suggestions? i can issue sudo mount -a and everything is fine but what reason would make them not automount anymore?05:03
rudraplz help me <Quan-Time>05:03
y6itritium: it says "resume, clean, dpkg, fsck, grub, netroot, root, xfix"05:03
n16h7f0xHammerjak, yup but i want only to know actual speed05:03
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Hammerjakn16h7f0x: like ntop?05:04
n16h7f0xdunno ntop05:05
n16h7f0xlet me check05:05
chuhey guys, can anyone recommend a good terminal-based email client?05:05
tritiumy6i: what distribution and release are you running?05:05
y6iencrypted ubuntu 9.0405:05
n16h7f0xhammerjack no ntop isnt good05:06
iKernelCheck this out guys. http://pastebin.ca/1741086 . Alien Arena (version 7.33, downloaded in .zip format from a mirror) hangs at sound initialization. strace output suggests that it's waiting for something, but that something ain't happenin.05:06
Hammerjakn16h7f0x: sorry, that's the extent of the programs i know, can't help you05:06
josh99Disabling. AutoCorrect. Doesn't. Fix it. Either.05:08
Jef91Hello all05:08
tritiumy6i: from that menu, choose the root shell05:08
Jef91Anyone here know the syntax for sftp?05:08
josh99God, I'm so mad at this program right now.05:08
Jef91I need a hand uploading a file via CLI05:08
y6itritium: ok what now05:08
blakkheimJef91: uploading to where?05:08
HammerjakJef91: can't just scp it?05:08
Jef91Uploading to an ftp server, what is scp?05:09
tritiumy6i: are you at a root prompt?05:09
y6itritium: yes05:09
ubottuyes, I'm alive.05:09
HammerjakJef91: secure copy, if you can ssh to the box, you can scp to it05:09
AdemosUbuntu 9.10: If I've run a Palimpsest Disk Utility test and gotten a healthy status, can I safely ignore the grinding noises of my hard disk? Keep in mind that it is a Western Digital  Velicorpator so some noise MAY be normal.05:09
Jef91Hammerjak - no ssh, just ftp05:09
powertool08chu: have you checked out mutt?05:09
tritiumy6i: sudo password <username>, where <username> is the userame of the user you're trying to reset the password for05:09
psvastiWhat's the most efficient way to mount an iso file using Ubuntu?05:10
tritiumy6i: actually, sudo is not needed in this case, since you're in single-user mode05:10
Jef91psvasti: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/mount/point05:10
HammerjakJef91: what problem are you having, do you not know the commands or is there an error05:11
josh99Oh, why...05:11
y6itritium: "bash: password: command not found"05:11
Jef91Hammerjak: I do not know the syntax to get it to upload my file05:11
DaZ_y6i: passwd05:11
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tritiumy6i: sorry, passwd05:11
HammerjakJef91: sftp <hostname>; cd <wherever you want to put file>; put <filename>;05:11
Jef91Hammerjak - how does that work if I just have an IP and need to enter a user name and password to upload?05:12
HammerjakJef91: when you do 'sftp <ip address>' it will prompt for user and password05:12
y6itritium: seems I cant remember my username either :(05:13
tritiumy6i: it'll be listed in /etc/hosts05:14
tritiumer, /etc/passwd, rather05:15
y6itritium: how do I access that05:15
chuLooks pretty good, thanks powertool0805:15
gamerxhi everyone!05:15
Hammerjaky6i: or you can just run 'users'05:15
powertool08chu: np05:15
gamerxcan someone help me check username highlighting in theis client!05:15
nick125gamerx: like this?05:15
y6iHammerjak: that produced no results05:16
gamerxworks nicely :p05:16
tritiumy6i: cat /etc/passwd05:16
powertool08Hammerjak: I think that outputs currently logged in users05:16
Jef91Hammerjak: Thanks much got it working05:16
Hammerjakpowertool08: ah, i'm an idiot :)05:16
y6itritium: cat: /etc/passwd/: Not a directory05:17
kain_Hammerjak : how can i create a sort of script to execute some console commands?05:17
tritiumy6i: if this user was the first one you created during install, it would be the user with ID 100005:18
chukain_ bash scripting?05:18
y6itritium: cat: /etc/passwd/: Not a directory05:18
tritiumy6i: you added an incorrect / at the end of what I told you to do05:18
lin00bcan some one please give list of rar variables that I can use from terminal ?05:18
AdemosUbuntu 9.10: If I've run a Palimpsest Disk Utility test and gotten a healthy status, can I safely ignore the grinding noises of my hard disk? Keep in mind that it is a Western Digital  Velicorpator so some noise MAY be normal.05:18
kain_chu : i don't want to have to always write in my console "sudo mount /media/Other" and "sudo mount /media/Backup"05:19
nick125Ademos: I wouldn't ignore them, no.05:20
kain_chu : i want to be able to do it just by executing a script thing05:20
y6itritium: ok, I just changed my "UNIX" password. I hope that's the same as my login password. if it is, just out of curiosity, whats the command for ubuntu?05:20
powertool08kain_: Are you using gnome? you should be able to find your device in nautilus and just click it to mount.05:20
chuYeah sure, write a bash script, give it admin privs (mmm, may have to hardcode sudo password? or execute the script as sudo), and add it to start-up application05:20
Ademosnick125, well the thing is, the model of my hard disk is known for making I/O noise, even when it's new; so I'm not sure when to get worried...05:21
nick125Ademos: Has it always made this grinding noise?05:21
kain_powertool08 : its NTFS, i've installed ntfs-3g and added lines in fstab to be able to mount with write, read, execute permissions05:21
Ademosnick125, hard to say...I mean it always has when I'm transfering files05:21
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:21
tritiumy6i: the command for what?05:21
chukain_ : Or, add them to your fstab, they appear to be separate partitions, ala mount points. Should be fine. Check out docs on fstab.05:21
y6itritium: for starting ubuntu05:21
Ademosnick125, but sometimes it's been happening when I'm doing nothing, I just found this though: http://lifehacker.com/5291974/iotop-tells-you-what-process-is-grinding-your-hard-drive05:21
kain_powertool08 : but its an external drive, so when i turn it on, i get error, only root can mount05:21
y6itritium: the gui05:22
tritiumy6i: from single-user mode, telinit 205:22
nick125Ademos: Kind of ironic post name, heh.05:22
powertool08kain_: hmm, my external shows up as a removable device I can just click on and it mounts.05:22
lin00bk.. I tried man rar05:22
lin00bcan I export it to a text file ?05:22
lin00bman text file ?05:22
Ademosnick125, haha well it may answer my question05:23
kain_powertool08 : i g2g, thanks anyways, i'll be back later to see if i can find a solution to my problem05:23
chuI think Ubuntu a made a graphical man page viewer if that's what you mean? I don't know what it's called, but I may (or may not) remember reading about it.05:23
lin00bI tried man in terminal05:23
lin00bcan I export that manual to text file ?05:24
chuYou could probably do something like "man <app> > man_app.txt"05:24
tawdlin00b if you want?  like man rar > file05:24
powertool08graphical man page viewer? o_O who needs a gui to view text?05:24
techgeekI need help getting a dlink wda 2320 pci wireless card working with 9.10 2.6.31-1605:24
jukebox-zeroAnyone know anything about killing ivp6 in 9.10? In fiesty you could go to /etc/modprobe.d/aliases and edit that file. In 9.10 that file no longer exists...05:24
Ademosnick125, I guess I'll try this software and see if I notice anything; thanks for the response though05:25
Ademoslater all05:25
lin00bNo..I need to read the manual in gedit05:25
lin00bnot in terminal05:25
powertool08lin00b: Why? it says the same thing...05:25
techgeekI tried building the madwifi driver from source and when I try to apt-get the linux-restricted-modules for my kernel apt cant find them?05:25
shadowimmagehello, I've just installed WindowsXP on my secondary hard drive (not by choice, but by necessity of my university) when my linux drive was not installed in the computer (thinkpad T60 w/ultrabay secondary drive). What I'm trying to do, is update grub (grub2, I think) so that it will ask me which OS I want to startup at boot time.05:25
lin00bto keep some notes05:25
chuPen and Paper05:25
y6itritium: was telinit 2 really the right command or was that malicious code because that logged into a screen with my mouse cursor and a totally blank screen05:25
lin00bchu : lol :D05:26
jukebox-zerolin00b I know in the KDE terminal you can save the history (the output man gives you) and view it in gedit. At least I think.05:26
tawdlin00b why read it in gedit?  try man whatyouwanhere > /path/to/where/you/want/it/saved05:26
IlmaticHey do I have to install my printer software in order for ubuntu to recognize it?05:26
tritiumy6i: it's correct.  It tells the system to switch from runlevel 1 (single-user) to runlevel 2 (multi-user, X, networking, etc.)05:26
lin00b@tawd..thanks ..I need to add some notes to that file for future reference05:26
chuIf you pass the man to a piped file, you should bhe able to open the file with gedit. But seems pointless05:26
tritiumIlmatic: no, ubuntu pre-packages cups printer drivers05:27
jukebox-zeroAlso I can see all my neighbors wireless networks, but not my own. I've fiddled with all my router settings short of shutting off all security. Any ideas?05:27
kinja-sheeplin00b: "sudo updatedb && locate rsync | grep man" (Find where the file resides, uncompress and view it with Gedit.  You're better off using Ubuntu Help Center (or 'yelp' in terminal).05:27
lin00bmhm..I found all docs in /usr/share/doc :D05:27
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chuSeems reasonable :p05:28
tritiumy6i: an alternative, but unnecessary approach, is to reboot the machine.05:28
IlmaticHow so I set up my printer with ubuntu?05:28
quintin_Ilmatic: system > admin > printers ??? go figure eh05:28
tawdlin00b ;p  copy and edit the ones you want then lol05:28
quintin_it's really very easy05:28
Kieran0413Hi all, I'm having problems with alsa and my built in mic, the levels are either completely silent or I get huge amounts of static when I increase them, here's my alsa info http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=6ab8487ae7c8032da48f4a474632ae568ba1b05d05:29
psvastiwhat's the easiest way to mount an iso so i can run it in wine and install and play the game?05:29
y6itritium: i tried that05:29
tritiumy6i: well, you should be all set05:30
ejwaxxpsvasti: you can get the package gmountiso from synaptic -- it works a lot like poweriso in windows05:30
kinja-sheeppsvasti: Mount an ISO? Right-click the file and Mount.05:30
psvastiok thanks guys05:30
y6itritium: this time i ran my hand accross the computer and it brought up a verbose dialogue of what the computer was doing05:30
y6itritium: i mean i ran my hand accross the keyboard05:31
lucas1Hey Frank.05:31
powertool08y6i: That's normal, you just exited the fancy splash screen.05:31
Kieran0413Anyone have any ideas?05:31
y6itritium: it froze at "setting Advanced Power Management level to 0xfe (254) [ OK ]05:32
y6iand it WONT MOVE :(05:32
y6iwhat should I do05:32
Jef91Anyone know if I can edit a dependencies required version number for a deb package?05:33
y6iactually before that it said "Checking battery state..." but its a desktop and doesnt even have a battery.05:33
Silver_Swordshi all. im still unable to play 3gp with sound. i installed almost all players (including kaffeine) and no sound yet. im on gnome 9.1005:34
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lin00bcan mono actually port .net 3.5 ?05:34
lin00bfor ubuntu ?05:34
chuSure, why not?05:34
shadowimmagehello, I've just installed WindowsXP on my secondary hard drive (not by choice, but by necessity of my university) when my linux drive was not installed in the computer (thinkpad T60 w/ultrabay secondary drive). What I'm trying to do, is update grub (grub2, I think) so that it will ask me which OS I want to startup at boot time.05:35
powertool08y6i: try ctrl+alt+sys req + r + e + i + s + u + b The letters can be pressed one after another not all at once. It should reboot.05:36
Jef91shadowimmage: run "sudo update grub" in terminal05:36
Jef91shadowimmage: It should find all installed OSes on drives attached to the system and add them to the grub menu.05:36
y6ipowertool08: i've already rebooted though. same deal.05:36
Jef91shadowimmage: Also, tell your uni they are a bunch of pricks for requiring windows05:37
powertool08y6i: Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring helps to remember this.05:37
powertool08y6i: rebooted after it crashed and it crashed in the same place?05:37
y6inow its moving again!05:37
iOmletteMoving is good.05:38
shadowimmageJef91, is it "update grub" or "update-grub" (also, neither work "sudo: command not found")05:38
Jef91shaodwimmage try grub update05:38
Jef91shadowimmage the command is: sudo update-grub05:39
Jef91shadowimmage - note this only works if you have grub2, so 9.10 or 10.0405:39
LoshaJef91: actually, update-grub also works with grub1 in 8.0405:40
Jef91Losha: Good to know, I never dual booted before 9.1005:40
lin00bhow ho decrypt a folder which was encrypted in other ubntu system ?05:41
shadowimmageactually, none of the commands with the "-" in them work... what I found is that sudo grub update, just puts me in a grub terminal or something?05:41
Ilmaticit wont printttttt05:41
lin00bI know the email and password of the key file05:41
K3rmitanyone know where I can get help with video codecs/05:42
Kieran0413K3rmit, what's the problem, just ask, someone might be able to help05:42
tawd!codecs | K3rmit05:43
ubottuK3rmit: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:43
dsnydersI want to build a new machine, but all the new motherboard, chipset, and cpu options are bewildering.  Anybody got a link to a good website that explains them?05:44
K3rmitI have an avi video file which is compressed with a DVCodec but I can't get it to show any video05:44
K3rmitI've downloaded the VFW codec but didn't work05:45
dsnydersEg, ATI or NVidia, Intel vs AMD, etc.05:45
jschallMotion is set to use the pid file /var/run/motion/motion.pid, but every time i make the /var/run/motion directory and chown it to the motion user, it gets deleted on reboot, so motion can't be started. How can I make /var/run/motion and make it stick?05:45
lin00bhow to enable root login ? please05:46
jayhey can someone help me out with something05:46
jschalllin00b: you shouldn't need to.05:47
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dsnydersJay, just ask your question05:47
jschall!sudo > lin00b05:47
ubottulin00b, please see my private message05:47
jukebox-zeroK3rmit. Do a google search for svn ffmpeg. Follow their instructions to install and anything you can't play you can convert to something you can. Saves me loads of bother.05:47
shadowimmageok, so I got grub to do it's update thing... but it didn't find windows05:47
lin00bI need it for saving fine in /var/www05:47
lin00bfrom file manager05:47
Guest30261im using ubuntu karmic and am running vista in virtualbox, how do i get the ports to work for the virtual vista05:47
lin00bsudo works in terminal ..05:47
rameezlin00b: why don't you use sudo05:47
K3rmitjukebox-zero hmmm ok thanks05:47
lin00bbut for filemanager sudo wont work in filemanager05:48
Guest30261i need to do some work on an iphone using windows software so i really need the ports05:48
lin00bI need to edit file in gedit instead of nano in terminal05:48
arandlin00b: what is it exactly you're trying to do?05:48
powertool08lin00b: try gksudo gedit05:48
iOmlettelin00b: Run 'sudo gedit <file>' in terminal, or just 'sudo gedit'05:49
Kieran0413lin00b, gksudo gedit or just launch nautilus via gksudo05:49
lin00bok..but I cannot alter files in /var/www/ from filemanager05:49
td123lin00b: right05:49
td123lin00b: cd into that folder, and type gksudo gedit file/youwanttoedit05:50
arandKieran0413: lin00b: launching nautilus (file manager) with gksudo can be done, but is dicouraged due to the risk of messing things up big05:50
faileaslin00b: /var/www belongs to www-data - you either need to add yourself to its group, or use sudo mv to move it, then chown it back to www-data05:50
lin00b@td123.. I can edit it that way..but using a gui will make things easier for me05:50
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bleepbloophey everybody05:50
td123lin00b: gedit is a gui05:51
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lin00b@faileas...thanks...can I chown a folder for two users ?05:51
Kieran0413arand, fair enough, I'll avoid mentioning it again then. thinking about it, it was probably a bad idea :)05:51
lhommedangereuxi need to enable ports with vista on virtual box can some please help05:51
jschalllin00b: you can type gksu nautilus, gksu gedit in a terminal, run dialog (alt+f2), or make a link to them on your desktop, panel or main menu. Remember that the root user can SERIOUSLY cause damage if you mess with the wrong files, though.05:51
ZykoticK9Guest30261, i assume you mean USB ports?  for USB you can't use VBox OSE version (the one in Ubuntu repo) you need to either download the DEB or add Sun's repo for the PEUL version see http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads05:51
td123lin00b: ? you chown a folder for a user/group so no05:51
faileaslin00b: no. i think you can use chmod (something) alternately. i can't remember the 'right' way to tho05:51
powertool08faileas: What kind of info do you put on your wiki?05:51
jukebox-zeroDoes anyone know what the equivalent of /etc/modprobe.d/aliases is in 9.10? The official ubuntu docs still direct me there, and in 9.10 it doesn't exist. I need to disable IPv6, it always screws up my internet.05:51
rameezlin00b: not chowning to two users... you can add the users to the concerned group]05:51
faileaslhommedangereux: try asling the virtualbox channel05:51
faileaspowertool08: oh, just what apps i use for various things, some command line stuff that i need once a century or so...05:52
jschallon my box /var/www belongs to root:root05:52
bleepbloopI have a spare computer and I want to try out another linux distro on it (it's a PowerPC imac), and so far I've been thinking of trying openSUSE or Debian 5.0, are those both good or are there any others that I should try first?05:52
jschallfor some reason05:52
lin00bok.. can I change it to apache:apache also ?05:52
bleepbloopI should also mention I'm a huge noob when it comes to linux and stuff05:53
powertool08faileas: Ah, thanks for the ideas :)05:53
faileasbleepbloop: well.. debian is similar to ubuntu ;p05:53
bleepbloopsimilar but not the same thing05:53
lin00bubuntu is similar to debian :D05:53
rameez<lin00b> :: You should be able to change to apache:apache if the user and group is existing.05:53
Kieran0413bleepbloop, there is/was an unofficial build of Ubuntu for PPC? Been a while since I've bothered with PPC stuff though05:53
bleepbloopand I've heard its learning curve is higher than ubuntu's so what better way to learn more than diving right in?05:54
faileaspowertool08: its especially good with the windows boxen i support. i install a crapload of additional software and i can never remember all of it. least with ubuntu i got the package manager to jog my memory ;)05:54
lin00b@rameez..thanks mate..I will get some knowledge of groups05:54
faileasbleepbloop: ubuntu is a debian derivative05:54
faileasbleepbloop: in short, most basics are the same, and most apps work in both05:54
bleepbloopKieran0413: I already have ubuntu on a computer, I just wanted to try out a different one05:54
bleepbloopdifferent linux distro that is05:54
Kieran0413bleepbloop, ahh ok :)05:54
powertool08bleepbloop: I like Arch linux myself, if you're comfy with the command line its a breeze, if you're terrified of it then don't05:55
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:55
faileasbleepbloop: well, the difference between debian and ubuntu is partially ideological, and ubuntu being more usercentric. you won't learn anything new05:55
Michelle_http://pastebin.ca/1741111 <<<---- Can someone please look at this output from when I boot off my usb, I need to figure out what is wrong so I can get this amchine booting again05:56
Michelle_It's imperative05:56
powertool08bleepbloop: CentOs is good if you want to learn about redhat style distros05:56
bleepbloopfaileas:  Hmm thanks for the input, maybe I'll try openSUSE and go from there05:57
Guest86708im having trouble getting my D-Link wireless card to work, I have been trying to get this thing to work for a few days now05:57
jschalllin00b: i think you'd want to run: sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www    then     sudo chmod 775 /var/www    then    sudo usermod -a -G www-data <username>05:57
powertool08bleepbloop: When I was first distro hopping I just burned about 10 live cd's and used each one until it pissed me off or bored me.05:57
bleepblooppowertool08: I just want to learn more about linux in general05:57
faileasMichelle_: it looks like the partition is not where its expected to be05:57
disappearedng_Hey can someone tell me chinese file names are all messed up on my computer? How do I go about changing that encoding without changing all my menus to like chinese05:57
bleepbloopand become a more proficient user, etc. etc.05:57
faileasbleepbloop: LFS! ;p05:57
Guest86708lsmod shows wlan with ath_pci05:57
lin00b@jschall :thanks.. I think thats what I need..thanks05:58
Michelle_Faileas: I set it up the way it's supposed to be :S Even if that didn't work I'd just let it do the partitioning automatically in the install, still no luck.05:58
Michelle_Faileas: Same output05:58
jschalllin00b: then you need to log out and log back in for the group join to take effect05:58
faileasmore seriously though, i'd suggest picking a distro, and building up a box with just what you need from ground up. i learnt a load from that05:58
powertool08bleepbloop: Slackware is good for that. Not very noob friendly but if you can successfully run slackware, you can handle any distro.05:58
jukebox-zeroIs there a way to change the computer name after installation? I just sped through it at install thinking I could change it later. I swear I've seen a dialog at some point to edit that. Not finding it for the life of me.05:58
faileasMichelle_: hmm, some more info would help. is this a unetbootin, ubuntu usb installer, or a full install?05:58
Guest86708anyone got any ideas on how to get this pci wireless card working05:58
bleepbloopwhat about Minix?05:58
Michelle_faileas: A full install from a live cd05:59
arandbleepbloop: in that case, go for a distro which is flaky and try to figure out all the problems, then when everything works as it should, move on ;)05:59
Michelle_Faileas: I need a persistent install05:59
powertool08bleepbloop: Never used it, sorry.05:59
bleepbloopI've heard thats geared towards helping people learn how to use the system05:59
faileasMichelle_: well, it looks like a normal install where something is off05:59
faileasgotta go05:59
dekenxbleepbloop: u mean Mint or Minix05:59
Kieran0413jukebox-zero, /etc/hostname05:59
Michelle_Funny thing is that it doesn't tell me what, where or how it is going wrong, maybe if I were a computer or had a degree in computer science or something would I know what's wrong05:59
bleepbloopdekenx: Minix05:59
dekenxbleepbloop: oh ok that's a diffent story06:00
jukebox-zerokieran0413: Thanks.06:00
valindil89bleepbloop, Ubuntu is a great linux all around. If you want to learn linux jump into it. start playing around with ubuntu in the command line. the ubuntu wiki has loads of information.06:00
lstarnesjukebox-zero: be extremely careful when changing hostnames06:00
lstarnesjukebox-zero: add the new entry in /etc/hosts first06:00
jellowjukebox-zero: gksudo gedit /etc/hosts /etc/hostname   change both06:01
jschallhehe, check out my webserver at http://jon.pmtech.com06:01
powertool08bleepbloop: There's always gentoo ;) Great documentation, but chances are you won't understand half of what you're running in the terminal until much later.06:01
lstarnesjukebox-zero: but do not remove the old entry until after you update /etc/hostname06:01
syntaxmanI have backups of my / and /home partitions, but my homedir was ecrypted as part of the installation.  I need to mount in manually, but where would I find the keyring/passphrase file?06:01
jukebox-zerolstarnes / jellow: Noted, thank you.06:01
bleepbloopvalindil89: I know, but canonical stopped supporting PowerPC machines, so for mucking around in the command line I'm looking for something with better support for PPC machines right now :-P06:01
disappearedng_Hey can someone tell me chinese file names are all messed up on my computer? How do I go about changing that encoding without changing all my menus to like chinese06:01
powertool08My windows machine can't ping my linux box by hostname, only ip. Does anyone know if this is a windows problem or a linux problem?06:01
KB1JWQpowertool08: It's a DNS problem,06:01
powertool08KB1JWQ: Obviously, but which box is at fault?06:02
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valindil89bleepbloop, ahh ok06:02
KB1JWQpowertool08: Not enough information given.06:02
bleepbloopoh yeah, that reminds me why I mention debian too06:02
powertool08KB1JWQ: What information is needed?06:02
bleepbloopbecause Debian's developers still support PPC machines06:02
syntaxmanThere is an additional problem... the / backup has ALL the files under lost+found :-(    So I'm trying to find the ecryptfs passphrase in that mess.06:02
tiglionabbithow can I make a sudoers entry with nopasswd that works even if you do sudo -i ?06:02
lin00bis wget faster than normal downloading from firefox ?06:03
rameez<jschall>: turtle cam is cool.. one :)06:03
icerootlin00b: no but useing less ressources06:03
icerootlin00b: so maybe its faster on very old hardware06:04
lin00balso can wget commands be resumed ?06:04
icerootlin00b: sure06:04
Kieran0413So does anybody have any idea why I either get insanely quiet levels or huge amounts of static if I increase them on the build in mic? I've tried installing the latest alsa drivers which changed nothing, here's the alsa info http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=6ab8487ae7c8032da48f4a474632ae568ba1b05d06:04
lin00bIceroot : pls tell the command to resume wget downloads06:04
Kieran0413lin00b, wget -c06:04
powertool08lin00b: If you start them with the right switch, I think its -c?06:04
icerootlin00b: its -c  also see man wget06:05
lin00bya..lol man is very helpful :D06:05
syntaxmanGoogling has been fruitless.  And using find hasn't really help because I don't /really/ know what I'm looking for.06:05
powertool08KB1JWQ: What information is needed?06:05
icerootlin00b: of course it is06:05
Kieran0413Nobody has any idea? Huge amounts of static gets really annoying :D06:06
disappearedng_How do I change my desktop encoding06:07
adamonline45So, I've isolated my install problems to having RAID enabled (NForce 6 series)...  Disabling RAID allows for a successful install...  Any ideas on how to have success with RAID?06:08
git__how does one determine if one has 802.11a/b/g/n on a laptop using Ubuntu?06:08
Kieran0413git__, iwconfig should tell you by the Bit Rate06:08
dsnydersgit__, any problem with looking up the laptop specs on the net?06:09
=== kevdog_____ is now known as kevdog
sriin /etc/exports what does mean "sync" option06:09
||arifaXgit__: if it is a module you can sometimes open a small plate on the bottom of the notebook and take a look on the label and google for it06:09
lin00bkde is damn good :D06:10
=== crunchbang is now known as Guest46625
Guest46625How do I reset /boot/grub/grub.cfg to default???06:10
icerootsri: so write directly to the drive without caching06:10
git__iwconfig works great06:10
scunizilin00b: :)  just starting to get to know it again..06:10
Kieran0413or check lspci to find out what the adaptor is06:10
git__wlan0     IEEE 802.11abg06:10
||arifaXGuest46625: sudo update-grub06:11
=== Maletor_ is now known as Maletor
dekenxopps yes update-grub (reverse)06:11
Jonhnnyboyis 12GB enough for ubuntu and into the future?06:11
Guest46625I'arifax, I'm on crunbang live cd06:11
sriiceroot:  so  a client write directly with out caching ??06:12
icerootJonhnnyboy: i am using 8gb and its ok for ubutu06:12
Guest46625but when to the ubuntu grub.cfg file06:12
icerootsri: the system which is holding the drive is writing directly06:12
Jonhnnyboyiceroot: what about future updates etc? will 8GB be enough in 1 year time?06:12
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icerootJonhnnyboy: yes06:12
rameez<Jonhnnyboy> : future depends on your applications and data06:12
dekenxGuest46625: it automatically updates that file06:12
jojujihey guys, is there a way to see my fan speed and cpu temp in ubuntu 9.10 running on a macbook pro? thanks06:12
Jonhnnyboywhats base for Ubuntu? 4GB?06:12
icerootJonhnnyboy: for ubuntu its no problem but maybe if you want to save movies and so on06:12
dsnydersJonhnnyboy, It depends on what you're going to do with it.  For me, I need lots of space for videos.06:12
Jonhnnyboydsnyders: how big is your partition?06:13
Guest46625dekenx, Searching for GRUB installation directory ...06:13
Guest46625No GRUB directory found. To create a template run 'mkdir /boot/grub' first. To install grub, install it manually or try the 'grub-install' command. ### Warning, grub-install is used to change your MBR. ###06:13
Kieran0413Jonhnnyboy, Well I'm using a 9.10 install with very little other than dev tools added and my / partition is using 3.7g06:13
brous-keeanyone here play aq????06:13
Kieran0413Jonhnnyboy, But remember you need swap space, etc06:13
JonhnnyboyKieran0413: hehe yea sure ;) good one06:13
JonhnnyboyKieran0413: i dont need that, using Virtualbox06:14
brous-keerang a hang a gos ta dum de dum06:14
dekenxGuest46625: did u install it first?06:14
scuniziJonhnnyboy: I have 3.. root is 10 gigs .... swap is 2gigs .. /home is 300 gigs06:14
sriiceroot: ok thank u06:14
Kieran0413Jonhnnyboy, Good one what?06:14
jojujihey guys, is there a way to see my fan speed and cpu temp in ubuntu 9.10 running on a macbook pro? thanks06:14
JonhnnyboyKieran0413: you funny ;)06:14
brous-keeanyone has a newtbook?06:14
icerootsri: np06:14
Guest46625dekenx I can't boot into ubuntu (grub) so i'm on crunbang live cd06:14
Kieran0413Jonhnnyboy, in what way?06:14
icerootbrous-kee: yes06:14
brous-keemy 300 gig mem died on me06:14
Jonhnnyboyjojuji: try list06:14
brous-keeanyone know how to fix it?06:15
JonhnnyboyKieran0413: saying 3.7GB06:15
scuniziJonhnnyboy: if you have vbox for running ubuntu 8 gigs. but don't plan on audio/vidio storage..06:15
dekenxGuest46625: why can't you boot into ubuntu?06:15
Jonhnnyboybrous-kee: fix RAM?06:15
icerootbrous-kee: no,not without usefull infos of course06:15
Kieran0413Jonhnnyboy, I said it's USING 3.7g, not my total partition is 3.7G06:15
Jonhnnyboyscunizi: im creating 12GB parition with vbox06:15
JonhnnyboyKieran0413: ahh ok cool06:15
Guest46625it shows the grub menu and only windows is on the menu06:15
jojujiJonhnnyboy, what list?06:15
scuniziJonhnnyboy: more than enough..06:15
brous-keedo u know how to fix 8 gig memory06:15
Jonhnnyboyjojuji: type list I think06:15
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brous-keeits seems to work for anything higher than 200 gig06:16
Jonhnnyboybrous-kee: did you run MEM TEST?06:16
icerootbrous-kee: what to you want to fix?06:16
jojujihey guys, is there a way to see my fan speed and cpu temp in ubuntu 9.10 running on a macbook pro? thanks06:16
dekenxmount the Linux partition, login to it, reinstall and update grub06:16
dekenxjojuji: try xsensors?06:17
jojujidekenx, does that come with an applet for the panel?06:17
JonhnnyboyGuest46625: try SuperGrub boot CD to fix it06:17
rameez<jojuji> : i just tried sysinfo.. but couldn't find fan speed there..06:17
dekenxI think there's a version or that, but it's also an app06:17
rameezother details of cpu is there06:17
jojujirameez, is it an applet for the panel?06:18
rameezyou can run it from the command line..06:18
rameezit will open the gui06:18
dekenxjojuji: what DE are u using?06:18
dekenxjojuji: like gnome, kde, xfce?06:19
rameezalso you can find it under :Applications:System Tols06:19
jojujidekenx, gnome06:19
dekenxjojuji: I recall there being one, for the panel06:19
jojujidekenx, by default, included? i cant find it06:20
dekenxjojuji: do u want it to click on the panel and open an app with info or show it right there?06:20
jojujidekenx,  show it right there06:20
Alan502Any recommended closs platform VNC? I'm connecting from this linux machine to a windows one in the same LAN06:21
dekenxjojuji: install gnome-sensors-applet06:22
rameezHi.. all ...I have a problem with sound card.. My hardware is Compaq Presario CQ40.. OS is Ubuntu 9.1006:22
srihow to configure the kickstart on ubuntu???06:23
jojujidekenx, thanks06:23
dekenxjojuji: np06:23
isolat3dsh33psri: what kickstart?06:23
jukebox-zerorameez: Did you read the release notes? I know there are several bugs/workarounds in there for graphics cards, there may be some for sound cards also06:23
dekenxdid it work?06:23
icerootsri: you mean kicker? that is kde  #kubuntu06:23
rameezi tried some pages in the ubuntu support pages.. but din't work06:23
srino... it is an automatic installation06:23
isolat3dsh33prameez: aplay -l should display ur sound card :)06:24
iAmerikanwhat's tehbest desktop manager?06:24
Alan502Any recommended closs platform VNC? I'm connecting from this linux machine to a windows one in the same LAN06:24
icerootiAmerikan: the one you like06:24
rameez[11:54:18][0][~]$sudo aplay -l06:24
rameezaplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found...06:24
iAmerikanI've only used gnome06:24
FloodBot3rameez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:24
powertool08Alan502: Any of them06:24
dekenxiAmerikan: gnome and kde - stable most popular06:24
kazagistaris there some way to get compositing working on ubuntu inside a virtual guest?06:25
isolat3dsh33prameez: You need to find ur driver then, check it using « lspci | grep Audio »06:25
dekenxiAmerikan: xfce: fast, less stable06:25
Kieran0413Alan502, There's an rdp client for linux which should save you installing anything on the windows box, alternatively tightVNC works well, or FreeNX06:25
* powertool08 seconds xfce06:25
kazagistariAmerikan: In that case, it is probably gnome, because you are used to it06:25
dekenxiAmerikan: lxde even faster06:26
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:26
dekenxless stable though06:26
rameezisolat3dsh33p>: it is 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)06:26
jellowiAmerikan: or there is fluxbox or Openbox though it take a lot of time to configure06:26
kazagistariAmerikan: seriously, they are all just fine, use whatever you find fits your workflow06:26
dsnydersisolat3dsh33p, kickstart is an automated install program.  It is useful for deploying multiple machines.06:26
iAmerikanWell tbh I have windows 7 installed, but I've had ubuntu partitioned for a long time, now windows is getting on my nervs, so I'm thinking about going fulltime nix06:26
Alan502Kieran0413, i'm only worried of response time and easy of use. As well as automatic startup when booted.06:26
isolat3dsh33pthanks dsnyders :)06:27
eltumewhat do i have to edit in /boot/grub/grub.cfg so that grub will boot the first option ???06:27
Kieran0413Alan502, RDP is what I'd use, if you really don't wanna use RDP, any of the other will work fine.06:27
dsnyderssri, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KickstartCompatibility06:27
Saxonanyone help get a USBhard drive enclosure recognized?06:27
Alan502Kieran0413, thanks :)06:28
eltumewhat do i have to edit in grub.cfg so that grub will boot the first option ???06:28
powertool08eltume: look for the 'set default=0' line06:28
jinuljtmove that section to the front of the grub.cfg06:28
dsnydersKieran0413, Is there an RDP server for ubuntu?06:28
jukebox-zerorameez: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122079706:28
isolat3dsh33prameez: Use than info to find the driver :)06:29
kazagistariAmerikan: KDE looks cool, GNOME is commercial-grade solid, XFCE is light but full-featured, ****box is really light, there are a bunch of tiling managers for keyboard freaks, etc... just install a few side by side and try them06:29
sridsnyders: thanks...06:29
Kieran0413dsnyders, He wanted to connect to the windows box from the linux one, which is why I suggested it.06:29
dsnyderssri, hope it helps06:29
eltumepowertool thank you, i love you lol06:29
dsnydersKieran0413, Ah, missed that part.06:29
iAmerikanwhen you install multiple, how do do you switch?06:29
rameez<jukebox-zero> <isolat3dsh33p> : thanks for the help dudes..06:29
dsnydersKieran0413, I want to do it the other way around: windows client, linux server.06:29
dekenxthrough the login window iAmerikan06:29
isolat3dsh33prameez: No problem :D06:30
dekenxyou can chose the type of session there06:30
roracleUbuntu 9.10 netbook remix issue:  the sound works fine, the only problem is when i play audio, it starts the output but I do not hear anything for like 5-10 seconds.  acer aspire one.  anyone else having this issue?  anyone have a clue as to how to fix this?06:30
iAmerikanI have a more serious issue, if anyone could possibly provide input?06:31
Kieran0413dsnyders, Not a clue then but a quick google turned up xrdp06:31
dekenxiAmerikan: please explain :)06:31
isolat3dsh33proracle: You can hear sound after 5-10 seconds?06:32
iAmerikanWell, I was on vista when I had ubuntu partitioned, but when I upgraded to 7 it switched from grub to the win boot manager, so now I can't access my partition06:32
kazagistariAmerican: friendly warning, KDE and Gnome tend to be hard to uninstall, and litter each other's menus with random apps that duplicate functionality... you might have to go online to figure out how to remove one or the other06:32
roracleisolat3dsh33p: yes i can06:32
Saxonlooking for help getting a USB hard drive enclosure recognized... any help?06:32
dsnydersKieran0413, Yeah, I saw that, but I haven't had an opportunity to test it.  When I saw you mention RDP, I thought you might have some experience with it.06:32
dekenxiAmerikan: yes ms will do that06:33
Kieran0413iAmerikan, boot from the live cd and do a grub-install06:33
iAmerikanI'm on the live cd now :D06:33
[psyk]iAmerikan: Use a live disk (I use tinylinux on my usb) and use gparted to access the partition and move the space. That's just a quick fix.06:33
dekenxiAmerikan: they don't like to share a PC with other OSes06:33
kazagistariAmerikan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:33
x1r3Hey I just installed the latest version of ubuntu and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction on installing an configuring Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g wireless card06:34
Kieran0413Are the broadcom cards still a pig then? :(06:34
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isolat3dsh33proracle: I'm not sure what's the problem. Sorry ;)06:35
jukebox-zerox1r3: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/internet/C/index.html06:35
dsnydersiAmerikan, It's probably too late, but perhaps you could run Windows in a virtual machine on top of Ubuntu, rather than dual booting.06:35
[psyk]x1r3: Excellent question. Let me find something for you...06:35
dekenxiAmerikan: dual is fine as long as Grub handle it06:36
iAmerikanWell dsnyders the only reason I wasn't using virtualbox to do so was because I have 1 computer game that i've been playing for years, and it's windows only06:36
roracleit's very strange that most of the problems i have no one has a clue about, lol06:36
[psyk]x1r3: well it seems that juke beat me to it, if you still have issues drop me a PM06:36
kazagistarI want to test new versions of AWN in a virtual machine, but it requires compositing (like compiz)... any ideas on how to get this working?06:36
Kieran0413iAmerikan, What is it, just out of pure curiosity?06:36
iAmerikanIJJI's Gunz:The duel06:36
jukebox-zeropsyk: One of the perks of having a jillion webpages open trying to solve my IPv6 problem ;)06:36
iflemax1r3: is your driver showing up under System/Administration/Hardware Drivers? if not install bcmwl-kernel-source from synaptic.06:36
iAmerikanNot a well known game, started out in korea. :P06:37
ZykoticK9kazagistar, VirtualBox can to compiz (not "well" but it can do it)06:37
dekenxiAmerikan: Have u possibly researched Wine functionality06:37
iAmerikanII have06:37
tetricidei put on my robe and wizard hat!06:37
[psyk]jukebox-zero: hahahah. yeah.06:37
iAmerikanIt's not compatible currently06:37
dekenxiAmerikan: too bad, I remeber that game06:37
jukebox-zeroha ha ha harrrrrrr06:37
[psyk]jukebox-zero, x1r3: I'll be right back, I have to reboot and move around some partition space :]06:37
iAmerikanbut if worse comes to worse I'll keep a 40 gb xp partition or something.06:37
iAmerikanIs there a way to check my live cd version, and my partitions version - from the cd?06:38
petsoundsGood afternoon.. in xubuntu karmic volume always muted after reboot, and i need to scroll up the volume everytime i login. how can i fix this? thanks06:38
roracleiAmerikan: i have 7 installed for school work, XP installed for games, and Ubuntu installed for everything else06:38
Kieran0413iAmerikan, cat /etc/lsb-release from terminal06:38
roracleit's a very good setup06:38
x1r3yeah they show06:39
Kieran0413iAmerikan, to check the livecd version, you'd have to mount your partition to check the installed version the same way06:39
kazagistarZykoticK9: ok, cool... I don't need well, I just need enough to test code that requires compiz working, and KVM didn't cut it, it seems06:39
isolat3dsh33proracle: you problem is... unique ;)06:39
jukebox-zeroPirating your neighbors wireless = Less glamourous than advertised. Taking over 20 min just to apt-get update. Why wired doesn't work... ???06:39
ian_whenever i try to save my display configuration to the xorg.conf file from the nvidia x display manager, it says "failed to parse existing xorg.conf file."06:39
nastashi all06:40
iAmerikanThanks Kieran0413 I'll just do a new installation of 9.10 because both are out of date and I believe are different versions06:40
daltioguys i am installed ubuntu 9.10 on my machine i have debain etch based apt-proxy when i add my aot proxy on my debain9.10 machine it hangs on apt-get update06:40
roracleisolat3dsh33p: what about sound not working at all?  it's on a Dell Optiplex 330.  I looked everywhere and tried everything i could get my hands on, and nothing works at all06:40
roracleisolat3dsh33p: i even took the advice to try installing 32 bit and it still doesn't work06:41
iAmerikanhow easy would it be to update from 8.10 to 9.10 on ubuntu?06:41
x1r3well that was easy06:41
FlanneliAmerikan: Pretty easy.  But you'll need to upgrade 8.10 -> 9.04 and then 9.04 -> 9.1006:42
kazagistarjukebox-zero: you can't just pirate the wireless, you have to make sure you hack the device to give you proper QoS(disclaimer: do not actually do this)06:42
isolat3dsh33proracle: It depends on how many person use the hardware. More people use it, so more people experienced certain bug and eventually someone clever will fix it :)06:42
kazagistariAmerikan: it might be faster and easier to just re-install, if you have a CD to spare06:43
y6ihow do you start ubuntu from the command prompt?06:43
ahmad46does anyone know how to change the volume change interval when you use the keyboard?06:43
alvorportugalhi all jemand im Zug unterwegs?06:43
y6ifrom bash06:43
roracleisolat3dsh33p: typical Intel audio...granted, we don't have speakers, but in Windows it uses the system speaker to output sound06:43
jukebox-zerokazagistar: Yeah, but I finally got the ndisgtk package pulled through. Just like another 18 hours to download the driver I need and I can hopefully use my own wireless.06:44
Flannelalvorportugal: this channel is english only.  If you want support in german, #ubuntu-de06:44
kazagistary6i: explain... do you want to start the graphics, and only have a terminal?06:44
jukebox-zerokazagistar: er... Thinking since I can get their internet but not my own, I may have bigger issues.06:44
y6ikazagistar: no im at the prompt outside of ubuntu right now and i want to start ubuntu06:45
ahmad46how can you change the amount that the keyboard volume controls change?06:45
ahmad46like if i press up my volume goes up 5%06:45
Jordan_Uy6i: Do you mean the grub prompt?06:45
ahmad46how can i make it only go up 1%06:46
y6iJordan_U: yes06:46
jukebox-zeroy6i... what's your screen look like? like user@computer$ or do you see something else?06:46
kazagistarjukebox-zero: possibly, though you may just be missing wpa packages or something depending on the encryption you use06:46
y6ijukebox-zero: exactly06:46
Jordan_Uy6i: Is this a new install?06:46
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y6iJordan_U: no im just having technical difficulties06:46
kazagistary6i: try "startx" and tell us what happens?06:47
y6ino there is a command like teliterm 2 or something06:47
y6ii forgot what exactly it is06:47
Kieran0413Hi, Cubey06:48
powertool08y6i: try 'init 3'06:48
Jordan_Uy6i: telinit?06:48
jukebox-zerokazagistar: I'm just about ready to shut off all encryption and security, but I got N+mimo so I'm afraid to drape my entire neighborhood in wifi. All that's enabled is then WPA passkey. That's pretty lax security really. Can't imagine why 9.10 doesn't even *see* my SSID.06:48
domino14my computer has MMC/SD/MS PRO/etc slots and i accidentally unmounted the drives and they wont show up anymore. how do i make them show up without restarting the computer?06:48
CubeyI'm having a bizare problem with the pesky nvidia driver (or perhaps a permissions/config file problem)06:48
sricould not find kernel image: ks06:48
domino14i unmounted thru the GUI06:49
sriwhen i am trying for kickstart installation06:49
Cubeymind you, I've had flawless installs with other nvidia cards in other machines from the same CD :S06:49
y6iJordan_U: yes that's what I meant but it's not working for some reason06:49
powertool08Jordan_U: Background, y6i reset their root password earlier by booting into single user mode, another user told them to run telinit 2 to get back to the gui.06:49
HydrosisMy computer will NOT wake up from hibernation, and I've even turned off hibernation and it still hibernates, forcing em to reset.  Anyone know why this would happen and how to fix it?06:49
sterlinhey guys, is it possible to boot from an sd card on a mbp?06:50
jukebox-zerokazagistar: and WPA + WPA2 is an option in my config settings for signing on the network. Can't imagine why it would know, but not know. Than again I did find out earlier Grub2 doesn't natively support booting from a ext4 partition earlier so hell, nothing has to make sense I guess.06:50
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Cubeythis time/this card, it refuses to stick to the resolution settings, even if I edit the dang xorg.conf myself and put in the modes I want, it still goes to 640x480 and wont let me select any higher. but if i screw around and reboot, sometimes it'll work, until I reboot again even if I change nothing..06:50
kazagistarjukebox-zero: can you see the SSID from other computers?06:50
domino14how do i remount my MMC/SD/etc drive?06:50
Cubeythe conf files seem to remain unchanged then it decides to work, or stop working..06:50
BTplease any body tell me where i can find backtrack room ??06:50
jukebox-zerokazagistar, using it on this one, and was using it on the other box until I went from 7.* to 9.1006:51
Jordan_Ujukebox-zero: GRUB2 does support ext4, who said it doesn't?06:51
powertool08BT: #remote-exploit06:51
jukebox-zeroJordan_U the official ubuntu docs.06:51
BTis this room or web06:51
jukebox-zerojordan_u could have been outdated though. sure didn't work on my box until I played with it.06:51
Kieran0413I find it quite amusing that you're looking for backtrack details here :)06:51
CubeyI first tried the newer driver. which gave this symptom so i changed to the older one... which "fixed" it until I rebooted... so i switched back to the newer and it fixed it, until i rebooted again :/06:51
Jordan_Ujukebox-zero: Can you give a link so I can fix it if it's a wiki or file a bug report if not?06:51
powertool08BT, you're in the ubuntu channel, join the backtrack channel with '/join #remote-exploit'06:52
BTpower  thnx alot06:52
jukebox-zeroJordan_u ah... sure... lemme try. I know a google search for converting ext3 to ext4 pops it up.06:52
Jordan_Uy6i: If you run "reboot" your computer should reboot into the normal graphical system06:52
iflemaCubey: you get sorted? gksu nvidia-settings = change ya settings and save... merge or not?06:53
Cubeyhm, lemmie try that...06:53
Cubeywell, i have been doing that but with sudo06:54
Cubeybut the highest res it offers is 640x48006:54
Cubeyyet other times it has booted up to 128006:54
NoCodeIs there anyway to get the old sound applet back prior to karmic? Currently using karmic, and my PA is MESSED up. I had to kill pulseaudio to make my sound work proper, it hasn't glitched so far. Though, the volumes are still a little messed up06:54
NoCodeMaybe I'll just try OpenSuse06:55
NoCodeand see how that applet is06:55
CubeyI have tried to then do the 'show preview' and change the 640x480 to 1024x768 and save it and reboot but it doesn't do a dang thing, it still loads in 64006:55
NoCodeIt's a shame though. This release is a pisser. :(06:56
EastDallasNoCode: Have you tried installing Pulse Alsa Mixer?  Gives more volume controls06:56
iflemaCubey: whats ya card model/manuf06:56
NoCodepulse alsa mixer? What?06:56
x1r3I don't remember who told me to look under system/admin/hardware drivers to look for my wireless card driver but thank you it works now lol didnt think it would be that easy.06:56
Cubeyhm, ok, now it's in 1024... i just did a restart of gdm. now lets try a real reboot..06:56
iflemano worrys06:57
EastDallasNoCode: sorry Gnome Alsa Mixer06:57
Xfactwhy people gives 'LTS' much priority.... now I am feeling like LTS is nothing but a simple old version of ubuntu!!!!06:57
Cubeyyep ok, now it shows me all the higher res's too06:57
XfactI am talking about hardy06:57
lstarnesXfact: the LTS versions are designed to be more stable and last longer06:57
ardchoilleXfact: the current LTS *is* an old version of Ubuntu06:57
lstarnesXfact: not to have the newest of everything06:57
NoCodeinstalling it now06:57
ardchoilleXfact: 10.10 will be the next LTS release06:58
lstarnesardchoille: wasn't it 10.04?06:58
ardchoillelstarnes: Ah, you're right, the next lts will be 10.0406:58
Kartagisgood morning06:58
kazagistarXfact, ardchoille: 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the next LTS, actually06:58
EastDallasNoCode: Home that helps...It def. helped me.  Also, installing the Ubuntu Studio Audio package installs a bunch of great tools.06:59
nikhil_can anyone point me in the direction to get a tablet working under linux06:59
iflema10.04 LTS06:59
Kartagisany idea why brasero doesn't burn ISO, but when I reboot it does?06:59
nikhil_it's a rebranded version of something else available only in india06:59
Xfactistarnes: yes I know but lets talk about 8.04, it's 'stable' and 'last longer'!??! It's doing many problem in my PC that karmic overcoming.....06:59
EastDallasNoCode: but also a bunch of stuff you may not need.06:59
NoCodeEastDallas, What command do I get the gnome alsamixer working?06:59
Xfactand aren't karmic stable and last longer....? confusing!06:59
NoCodeEastDallas, Yeah, I'm not going to install ubuntu studio packages06:59
NoCodeI just want to get my stuff working half decent07:00
ShwackI installed an icon theme, Magog White v.10, and it works, but I cannot find where the .png files are to edit them.    They are not in /usr/share/icons/ like the rest of the themes. Can anybody help me?07:00
lstarnesXfact: they are only supported officially for 18 months07:00
EastDallasNoCode: it's under Applications>Sound and Video07:00
lstarnesXfact: the LTS releases are supported for 3 years (5 years for servers)07:00
ardchoilleShwack: ~/.themes07:00
ardchoilleShwack: ~/.icons07:00
Shwackardchoille,  thank you!07:00
XfactI switched to hardy (LTS) is something spacial...but it's noting  :(07:00
NoCodeEastDallas, Thanks, also gnome-alsamixer works. :)07:00
EastDallasNoCode: from CLI gnome-alsamixer07:00
Kieran0413Xfact, Of course newer packages will provide more features and get rid of some bugs but they can also introduce others, hence things like LTS07:00
lstarnesXfact: and the regular releases are more likely to get mahjor changes that break things07:00
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EastDallasNoCode: excellent!07:00
Cubeyok, i wrote another new xorg.conf ... now lets see how it reboots...07:01
kazagistarXfact: LTS simply means security updates for a longer time, so you don't have to update as often (important for businesses)... normal releases get updated more, so more patches (other then security) make it in07:01
ardchoilleShwack: ~/.themes and ~/.icons are for the user who installed them. /usr/share/themes and /usr/share/icons are for system-wide use07:01
Cubeyhmm... seems to maybe be sticking now...07:02
iflemauh -herh07:02
Xfactistarnes: 18 months enough..in that 18 months the next new version will release to provide you another 18 months support!07:02
Shwackardchoille, awesome - i found it and everything is perfect. thank you very much07:02
ardchoilleNormal releases are based on debian unstable, LTS releases are based on debian testintg07:02
Kieran0413Xfact, That's ok for desktop users, migration happens much slower in business land.07:03
XfactI should have switched to 9.10 as I m totally HOME user!07:03
lstarnesXfact: I would recommend 9.04 over 9.1007:03
Xfactwhy 9.04... when .10 released!07:03
lstarnesXfact: it is more stable07:04
Cubey9.10 seems good. but i'm no expert ;)07:04
ardchoillebean: The bot isn't here07:04
beanoh no! Ubottu is rly down!07:04
cycloneStarting VirtualBox kernel module ...failed!07:04
lstarnesXfact: and I have heard of many issues in 9.1007:04
beanardchoille: i noticed07:04
cyclone  (modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why)07:04
lstarnesXfact: alternatively, if you want something that is always up to date without needing to upgrade every 6 months, consider a "rolling relase" distribution such as arch, gentoo, or debian unstable07:04
Cubeyyay, i think finally the settings are sticking...07:05
NoCodeEastDallas, Oh man, I think this helped a lot. Was that PCM wasn't getting adjusted when using the other applets I wonder?07:05
jukebox-zerojordan_u: "Right now there's not a stable version of grub that supports booting a kernel from a ext4 partition. It's recommended that you keep /boot in a ext3 partition."07:05
Kieran0413Which is great, until portage decides it doesn't like you and you spend half a day fixing it :D07:05
jukebox-zerojordan_u: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Converting_an_ext3_filesystem_to_ext407:05
Kartagisany idea why brasero doesn't burn ISO, but when I reboot it does?07:05
XfactIstarnes: which version of ubuntu you use?07:05
NoCodewas it that*07:05
lstarnesXfact: I was using 8.0307:05
CubeyI've rebooted it twice and it's still in 1024 and gives options for the higher res's07:05
kazagistarpidgin was swapped out for empathy in 9.10, which is worse in a LOT of ways (but at least it has video, yay!)07:05
EastDallasNoCode: NP.  Glad I could help!07:06
Cubeycouldn't you just install pidgin instead? ;o07:06
Xfactlstarnes:  you were...or you still use 8.04?07:06
ardchoilleCubey: you can07:06
lstarnesXfact: I was using it07:06
Kieran0413Sure can, first thing I did was remove empathy.07:06
lstarnesXfact: but I switched to arch a couple weeks ago07:06
Xfactcause  I am totally not happy with 8.04 :(07:06
EastDallasNoCode: I installed an old audigy card I had laying around a few weeks ago, and had to install Gnome Alsamixer to get it to work properly.07:07
lstarnesXfact: why not?07:07
ardchoilleXfact: I'm using 9.04 and I love it07:07
Xfactlstarnes:  it's doesn't support many progs and it's like 'unstable' to me :(07:07
NoCodeEastDallas, hmm, this is on a laptop. I've always had problems with 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)07:07
lstarnesXfact: how is it being unstable?07:07
NoCodein karmic anyway07:07
Cubeyardchoille: I know, i was being sarcastic ;)07:07
iflemakazagistar: pidgin can be reinstalled and has mic and cam now.... but stay with empathy... or not07:08
NoCodeothers not so much. It's why I ran Debian for a while07:08
EastDallasNoCode: I can't get the mic to work on my laptop at all since upgrading to Karmic.07:08
Xfactlstarnes:  like, after installation...some program is no working or closing unexpectedly in middle of usage... etc...07:08
Kieran0413EastDallas, Join the club, I've even resorted to installing the latest alsa drivers from source, no dice07:08
NoCodeEastDallas, =\07:09
nastasEastDallas: did you check if the mic is muted?07:09
EastDallasKieran0413: I never use the mic on my laptop, so no big deal, just means I have to use my desktop when recording music.  It sounds better with the better soundcard anyway. :p07:10
EastDallasnastas: def. not muted07:10
ian_my laptop isn't able to detect the battery i don't think, but it was able to before i put the computer to sleep.07:10
NoCodeI wonder if there's a way to use my volume keys on my laptop with the PCM slider07:10
EastDallasNoCode: they work on mine right out of the box07:10
NoCodehmm, mine usually do too. Actually, i should re-enable them to see if that's what they adjust in karmic. I had to disable them because it was too loud when they adjusted.07:11
nastasEastDallas: you checked in sound preferences or in alsamixer?07:11
EastDallasnastas: I'07:11
NoCodehmm, k. When adjusting the volume it uses the master slider.07:12
nastasEastDallas: ? 1 min or the first a told you?07:12
NoCodenvm, no it doesn't07:12
EastDallasnastas: I've done everything you could possibly think of...I've just resolved that this is just one of the problems that goes with Karmic sound.07:12
domino14how do i mount my SD/MMC drive?07:12
ian_i have ubuntu 9.10, sorry i didn't mention that before.07:12
domino14i dont know how to find out where it is, how does it get automatically mounted on bootup?07:13
iAmerikanmaybe I'll ask you guys to help me out with more stuff after the version update :D07:13
EastDallasnastas: I was just relating my frustration to other people with sound problems....I've done hours of troubleshooting on it.07:13
NoCodeit uses both. :|07:13
daurnimatorhi, svn keeps asking for my GNOME keyring07:13
daurnimatorI didn't even know I had one07:14
nastasEastDallas: in my case the mic wasn't showed muted in sound preferences but it was muted in alsa mixer07:14
EastDallasnastas: the first thing I did was install gnome-alsamixer.  Didn't help07:14
kazagistarI'll go right out and say it... sound is the weakest part of the linux stack07:14
nastasEastDallas: did you check in a terminal alsamixer? (i guess you allready have)07:14
Kieran0413kazagistar, Indeed, the only thing I ever really have issue with, hardware wise.07:15
Crash2108I have a stupid easy one.07:15
EastDallasnastas: Like I said, not really interested in resolving...just telling others that I also had issues with sound in Karmic.07:15
isolat3dsh33pKieran0413: how about graphics?07:15
Crash2108How do I exit a man page?07:15
lstarnesCrash2108: q07:15
daurnimatorCrash2108: q07:15
nastasEastDallas: ok07:15
isolat3dsh33pCrash2108: LOL07:15
Kieran0413isolat3dsh33p, not really, the nv and ati drivers are much better than they used to be.07:15
iflemaCrash2108: q07:16
kazagistarKieran0413: it is really nasty on the developer side too :/07:16
Crash2108I've had issues with sound on my Nokia Booklet 3G with Karmic.  Sometimes when I boot it just doesn't work.  Rebooting makes it work.,  Pretty random.07:16
daurnimatoranyone able to help with svn? >.<07:16
isolat3dsh33pKieran0413: True actually. So sound it is07:16
nastasdomino14: is it onboard card reader?07:17
domino14nastas: yes it is, it's built into the computer, i accidentally unmounted it thru the GUI07:17
Kieran0413kazagistar, I can imagine.07:17
nastaswhat gui?07:18
sparrafter a recent upgrade I find ktorrent unable to connect to any trackers07:18
isolat3dsh33pnastas: graphical user interface07:18
beansparr:  i would completely remove it, and reinstall it07:18
x1r3Is anyone running beryl that can help me get it installed and running.07:18
Kieran0413sparr, have you checked the ports are unchanged and if they are, make sure you've forwarded it?07:18
Kieran0413Didn't beryl go away years ago, x1r3?07:18
isolat3dsh33px1r3: I think it's deprecated07:19
iflemaberyl legacy believe07:19
x1r3i think it did too but i just found it lol07:19
isolat3dsh33px1r3: It's compiz-fusion now07:19
x1r3i have it07:19
iflemathemes ae hard to come by07:19
Kieran0413x1r3, just enable visual effects and install compizsettings-manager, you get all the flashiness :)07:19
isolat3dsh33px1r3: you just found an artifact!07:19
nastasisolat3dsh33p: thank you  but i know what gui is :) i ment which gui application he was using. (like disk utility)07:20
x1r3i just want to be able to switch windows and cools stuff like i saw its stupid of me to want that but i think it looks cool07:20
isolat3dsh33pnastas: lol07:20
nastasisolat3dsh33p: :)07:20
Kieran0413x1r3, Yeah, you get the same thing from Visual effects, they're pretty conservative by default but you can enable plugins via compiz settings manager07:20
nastasdomino14: tell me what application you used to unmound the card07:21
greezmunkey m07:21
domino14nastas: the default GUI that comes with ubuntu, i believe it is gnome?07:21
Kieran0413x1r3, (which is in System -> preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects, in case you haven't found it)07:21
domino14i just right clicked07:21
nastasdomino14: oh ok07:21
domino14nastas: maybe nautilus is it?07:21
iflemasudo apt-get update && apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager07:21
Xfact in this room anybody else using 8.04 LTS except me?07:21
FlannelXfact: Many people are07:22
kazagistarx1r3: it looks cool, and the only way to convince someone how useless most of it is is to use it for a while... only thing I use it for is the "Show all windows" shortcut and because AWN requires it07:22
nastasdomino14: so so far the sd card was able to mount-unmount?07:22
kazagistarXfact: I have a server that is07:22
Kieran0413The only thing I find really useful in compiz is altering window transparency with the scroll wheel07:22
iflemaooh correction = sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager07:22
isolat3dsh33pkazagistar: but I like the wobble07:22
Kieran0413Saves switching windows to useless conversations and makes reading while doing other things easier :)07:22
Xfactflannel: I have doubt, there are 1298 people in this room currently, only 2 people respond!07:23
domino14nastas: the drive itself seemed to mount when i booted up, then i put in a card, and the light lit up, so i tried to double click on the SD/MMC/etc icon and nothing happens when i double click07:23
domino14so i clicked unmount and it went away and now wont come back, the light on the drive wont light up anymore07:23
isolat3dsh33pXfact: that's normal :)07:23
kazagistarisolat3dsh33p: all the distortions are done with raster graphics and look terrible, imho07:24
nastasdomino14: please paste in pastebin the output of the command lspci -vv07:24
Xfactisolat3dsh33p:  yes...because only very few people using 8.04 LTS with me....07:24
isolat3dsh33pXfact: Not, really. If you stay longer, you'll find more friends. :)07:24
XfactHorrible! I have to change...my version and I have lots data in 8.04, what shpuld I do? :(07:24
daltioany one works on ubuntu 9.1007:25
papulis there any way to paste output in pastebin directly thru terminal07:25
daltioi installed now i want to update it through my debain etch apt-proxy07:25
nastasXfact: in my desctop i made a step by step upgrade to 9.0407:25
XfactOk anybody using Ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10 in this room?07:25
daltioit hangs07:25
kazagistarXfact: most of the people in this room are not paying any attention to what is going on07:25
isolat3dsh33pkazagistar: looks fine with me. :)07:25
Xeperakazagistar: true.07:25
Kieran0413Xfact, this is why it's a good idea to have your /home on a separate partition, for future reference07:25
mneptokXfact: you can preserve your home when installing07:26
NoCodeShould I remove pulseaudio in karmic?07:26
XfactKieran0413:  I don't knew the idea when I installed so now having problem :(07:26
isolat3dsh33pNoCode: No, unless you want to07:26
Xfactcan i install ubuntu 9.10 and 8.04 in a same partition?07:26
XeperaNoCode: for what?07:26
nastasXfact: in my case i didn't lost any data but it still little bit risky. that's why Kieran0413 is right. seperate /home partition is the best07:26
XfactI think that will totally mess up!07:26
domino14nastas: http://pastebin.com/m4983f54f07:27
NoCodeWell, I'm not using pulseaudio now anyway. I've killed it, and just using alsa at the moment07:27
isolat3dsh33pNoCode: You mean « killall pulseaudio » ?07:27
kazagistarXfact: my usual strategy is to save the entire filesystem to my external hard drive (having a backup is always good) and then grab back whatever folders I need from there after installing07:27
iflemaXfact: the install cd allows ya to resize partitions...07:27
greezmunkeywhat's going on, I wasn't paying any attention...07:28
Xfactcan i install ubuntu 9.10 and 8.04 in a same partition? (I think it's very bad idea, cause for having common folders it'll mess everything up!)07:28
iflemaXfact: if ya wanna resize try gparted live07:28
NoCodeisolat3dsh33p, yes07:28
iflemaXfact: back up07:28
Xfactok only HOMe needed to be backed up?07:28
cryingfreemanI run Jaunty, since Karmic doesn't play well with my computer, and i need a VPN-client that supports one time passwords (OTP). I came across this http://blog.cyphermox.net/2008/10/call-for-testing-network-manager-vpnc.html and tried to install via his PPA, but it requires gtk 2.17+ which i don't have installed. Are there any other way in which i can get this installed, like from backports? Is there OTP-support in the net07:28
cryingfreemanwork-manager in karmic?07:28
iflemaXfact you may be able to resize and squeeze in another..... but put it after the other ubuntu07:29
kazagistarXfact: indeed, it is a bad idea... you could update, though07:29
Kieran0413cryingfreeman, it's for network-manager, so I doubt it'll be much help without gtk07:29
isolat3dsh33pNoCode: it should be restarted. « pidof -x pulseaudio » should give you some numbers ;)07:30
Xfact kazagistar: you can understand reaching 9.10 from 8.04 is a long way!07:30
nastasisolat3dsh33p: can you do me a favor? check domino14's link in pastebin. i don't see the mass storage nowhere. it should be there right?07:30
Xfact kazagistar: 8.10>9.04 then 9.10! (looong update)!07:30
kazagistarXfact: true... you could wait until 10.4 in 4 months... then there will be a direct update path07:31
Crash2108Anyone here ever use GPSd?07:31
cryingfreemankeiran0413: that much i understand, ;) I just wonder if there is any way of getting OTP in network-manager without upgrading to karmic?07:31
Kieran0413cryingfreeman, Apologies, I misunderstood you.07:32
cryingfreemankeiran0413: or if it even has OTP-support in the karmic version of network manager..07:32
techgeekim trying to get my wireless card working with the atheros chipset following the instructions on madwifi wiki, Im trying to apt-get the linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) but apt cant find the package. Is this package not available anymore for karmic?07:32
Xfactkazagistar: but I also think, when 10.04 will out in directly updating then is also a bad idea, cause for having very first release ​it may have lots of bug!07:32
cryingfreemankieran0413: no worries. i was a bit vague.. :)07:32
domino14nastas: thanks for looking into it. maybe since i unmounted it it went away?07:33
kazagistarXfact: 9.10 has only been out for 2 months... Ubuntu tends to be decently stable straight after beta07:34
isolat3dsh33pnastas: i think it should be « fdisk -l »07:34
nastastechgeek: in your software sources you might not have checked the restricted and multiverse07:35
isolat3dsh33pkazagistar: 9.10 is just a beta for 10.04 ;)07:35
FlannelXfact: Please take non-support related chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.07:35
NoCodeisolat3dsh33p, haha it did. :D07:35
NoCodeAnyway, I need to go sleep.07:36
nastasisolat3dsh33p: i mean the device. not the card. the card is not mounted. but i can't see the mass storage section07:36
Xfactkazagistar: I can't say 9.10 is totally stable yet, because many people having some problem with it heard, I am also having some!07:36
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isolat3dsh33pnastas: I'm not sure then ;)07:36
kazagistarFlannel is the new ubottu!07:36
nastasisolat3dsh33p: ok07:36
XfactFlannel:  I apologise, but I think you should look at my conversation carefully...I am talking about 'support'07:37
nastastechgeek: still out there? :07:37
techgeekthe main and restricted sources are checked07:37
Ferrenrockanyone know of a gui app that throttles the badwidth of virtual hosts, users, leechers, etc? like a linux version of zonealarm07:37
FlannelXfact: You can wait for a few months (or a year even) after 10.04 is released to upgrade, you don't have to do it right away.07:38
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Kieran0413Ferrenrock, You'd probably be best googling for an iptables gui07:39
FerrenrockKieran0413: I've been looking for one07:39
star3amFerrenrock check out FIREHOL !07:39
Ferrenrockstar3am: what's that?07:39
star3am<Ferrenrock> firewall, using iptables, but simplified, it's really awesome !07:40
star3am<Ferrenrock> firehol.sourceforge.net07:40
Ferrenrockstar3am: does it show like all existing connections at once?07:40
chilli0Hi accedently removed my top pannel and I cant get all the stuff back , How can I get sound and the network connections back ?07:40
x1r3I enabled the 3d bow in compiz but it doesnt work how do i enable 3d graphics07:40
Crash2108How do I expose the HDD's accelerometer?07:40
Ferrenrockor at least tell me which one takes up the most?07:41
star3am<Ferrenrock> for that you'd have to use netstat -l or something like ntop :)07:41
Ferrenrockstar3am: ntop?07:41
star3am<Ferrenrock> network top, with rrd graphs and charts about connections and ports on your machine07:42
Ferrenrockstar3am: that's what I'm thinking of. Is there an app that has that integrated with other firewall apps?07:43
Kieran0413Ferrenrock, You'd probably just have to create your firewall rules based on that.07:43
star3am<Ferrenrock> uhm, trying to think of the name of this one live CD07:44
Crash2108Why does my ubuntu sometimes freeze?07:44
Ferrenrockstar3am: something like backtrack?07:44
Kieran0413Crash2108, That's a little ambiguous07:44
Crash2108I know.  Is there a way to know?  Troubleshooting?  It's pretty random.07:45
Kieran0413Ferrenrock, back track is a pentesting distro, you'd probably be looking at something like smoothwall or pfsense07:45
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Crash2108But it might have something to do with my Globetrotter GSM HSo drivers.07:45
star3am<Ferrenrock> I saw this live CD once, I think it was a google project, that is firewall and gateway in one07:45
FerrenrockKieran0413: ah ok07:46
star3am<Ferrenrock> got like red and gray rrd graphs, but i cannot remember the name, it was awesome though07:46
Ferrenrockstar3am: can you remember anything like it?07:46
star3am<Ferrenrock> hold on, let me phone a friend07:47
Lostinspace_46I attempted to make a personal repository on my computer using the tut located here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal. However, the command "update-mydebs" does not work.  Could someone take a quick look, and maybe figure out why?07:47
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star3am<Ferrenrock> pfsense !07:49
kazagistarFerrenrock: I use DDWRT on my router for QoS... probably not an option for you, though07:49
star3am<Ferrenrock> http://www.pfsense.org/ check that out dude, it's really, REALLY awesome07:49
nastasLostinspace_46: what exaclty you mean it doesn't work? is there any error?07:49
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Kieran0413Ferrenrock, just to clarify, you'd have to run it as your gateway/router on a spare machine, probably isn't what you're looking for.07:50
Lostinspace_46nastas> Oops, sorry, yes it says command not found07:50
fivetwentysixAnyone experienced with Openoffice Math? My formulas aren't display the results. For example, =(19+17)% will display as is and not the result, however if I copy and paste that cell in to another application, the result comes out.07:50
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Ferrenrockstar3am: wow07:50
Ferrenrockthis is good07:50
Jkesslerfivetwentysix: OpenOffice Math doesn't calculate07:51
fivetwentysixerr the spreadsheet07:51
XfactWhat is 'Universe'? is that any supporting file for ubuntu?07:51
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star3am<Ferrenrock> :) nice one ! dude, ya it's simple and very effective, just run that on your gateway box, and marvel at the open source genious07:51
Kieran0413Xfact, it's a repository for installing software07:51
ShwackHow do I add somebody else's public signature so I can send them encrypted PGP mail? I just created my key.07:51
nastasLostinspace_46: did you do exactly what the how to say?07:51
CorpXhey guys need some help. i'm dual booting xp and ubuntu.  when it comes to the startup screen which asks to pick OS, it doesnt recognize my wireless keyboard07:51
Xfactkieran: thanks ....07:51
CorpXso it always boots into ubuntu by default07:52
Lostinspace_46nastas> Twice, actually07:52
plustax2Hi I downloaded a theme for emerald theme manager and imported it. I double click it and the theme doesnt change. Anyone help me out?07:52
Ferrenrockstar3am: alright I'll check this out07:52
CorpXis there any way i can restart into windows once im at the ubuntu desktop?07:52
star3am<Ferrenrock> np07:52
fivetwentysixJkessler: I meant Calc07:52
nastasLostinspace_46: while doing this (twice) did you get any error?07:52
Kieran0413CorpX, that's likely just a product of using the wireless keyboard, some are a bit funky and don't act as a simple HID device so you need to boot for them to be recognised07:52
star3am<CorpX> check out Sun Virtualbox (Y)07:52
ShwackHow do I add somebody else's public signature so I can send them encrypted PGP mail? I just created my key.07:52
Lostinspace_46nastas> only when I run "update-mydebs07:53
Kieran0413CorpX, ie, not much you can do about it.07:53
kazagistarFerrenrock: yeah, BSD tends to have slick networking, including networking security and features that are missing in the linux kernel07:53
plustax2can anyone help me out?07:53
CorpXso once in ubuntu, is there any way to make the next reboot go into windows?07:53
Jkesslerfivetwentysix:  are your cells formatted correctly?07:53
CorpXstar3am, its an old pc so i dont think it could handle virtualization07:54
plustax2Hi I downloaded a theme for emerald theme manager and imported it. I double click it and the theme doesnt change. Anyone help me out?07:54
Kieran0413kazagistar, ie a firewall that isn't a giant pain in the rear end :D going from pf to iptables is....disturbing :D07:54
fivetwentysixJkessler: What do you mean? Doing default formatting doesn't change anything.07:54
x1r3I am trying to enable "extra" in Appearance Preferences but it wont enable can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction?07:54
fivetwentysixJkessler: Except the appearance.07:54
Lostinspace_46fivetwentysix> Did you make sure to get ALL the files for Office?  I believe the repos doesn't have them all07:54
plustax2Hi I downloaded a theme for emerald theme manager and imported it. I double click it and the theme doesnt change. Anyone help me out?07:55
Lostinspace_46fivetwentysix> Like calc-base07:55
isolat3dsh33px1r3, check your graphic driver.07:55
fivetwentysixLostinspace_46: Yes, it calculated before but then I changed some background colors and formatting stuff and it won't calculate my forumulas now07:55
Jkesslerfivetwentysix:  no, i mean you can format the cells to show dates, currency, text, number07:55
Jkesslerfivetwentysix:  it could be formatted to text when you want number possibly?  i don't know what else it would be07:55
Lostinspace_46fivetwentysix> Ahh, then listen to jkessler :)07:56
salehDoes anyone know how to copy non-printable characters to the clipboard?07:56
salehDoes anyone know how to copy non-printable characters to the clipboard using gtk c/c++?07:56
x1r3isolat3dsh33p: how do i check them im new to ubuntu07:57
WillieDynamitewhat the best media player to use on ubuntu?07:57
iflemax1r3: what if anything is displayed under System/Administration/Hardware Drivers or in a terminal try lspci -v | grep VGA07:57
plustax2I DLed this theme from here. and I'm trying to install it. I'm running 9.10 with compiz and GNOME07:58
fivetwentysixJkessler: Anywhere I type a formula like =1+1 in my spreadsheet even on another sheet doesn't calculate just displays =1+107:58
x1r3ah ok07:58
Jkesslerfivetwentysix:  hmm.. did you change the default formatting options somewhere?07:58
Cruellafivetwentysix:  hmm.. did you change the default formatting options somewhere?07:58
x1r3Ok so my graphics drivers weren't active ty for the help07:59
CruellaOk so my graphics drivers weren't active ty for the help07:59
plustax2annoying bot is annoying07:59
Cruellaannoying bot is annoying07:59
plustax2I DLed this theme from here. and I'm trying to install it. I'm running 9.10 with compiz and GNOME07:59
CruellaI DLed this theme from here. and I'm trying to install it. I'm running 9.10 with compiz and GNOME07:59
plustax2I DLed this theme from here. and I'm trying to install it. I'm running 9.10 with compiz and GNOME07:59
FloodBot3Cruella: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:59
CruellaI DLed this theme from here. and I'm trying to install it. I'm running 9.10 with compiz and GNOME07:59
CruellaCruella: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:59
plustax2can someone help me please?07:59
plustax2I DLed this theme from here. and I'm trying to install it. I'm running 9.10 with compiz and GNOME07:59
Jkesslerfivetwentysix:  maybe there's a way to delete your default openoffice settings and start over?  i don't know where they would be offhand08:00
Cruellacan someone help me please?08:00
CruellaI DLed this theme from here. and I'm trying to install it. I'm running 9.10 with compiz and GNOME08:00
plustax2I DLed this theme from here. and I'm trying to install it. I'm running 9.10 with compiz and GNOME08:01
x1r3Be right back restarting...08:01
Jordan_Uplustax2: Please don't repeat so often08:01
plustax2I wouldnt if didnt have to repost it for an hour08:01
plustax2Jordan_U, can you help me out?08:02
Jordan_Uplustax2: No, I don't use emerald ( or compiz )08:02
plustax2Jordan_U, well can you tell me how to install metacity themes sir?08:03
SebastianKCachegrind complains about kghostview not being installed when I try to export a graph as EPS. There seems to be no package for kghostview. I am on Ubuntu 9.10.08:03
Jordan_Uplustax2: You aren't guarenteed help, if people know the answer to your question they will give it. Repeating it more often than one every 5 minutes or so will just annoy people08:03
plustax2I asked a new question just now.08:04
Jordan_Uplustax2: Sure, just drag the theme into System > Preferences > Appearance08:04
Gumbyhi all.  I just installed 9.04 minimal and it did not properly create a grub entry.  Anyone know what steps I'd need to take in order to fix this?08:04
plustax2Jordan_U, whats the theme file? Usually I just DL a tar ball. Just drag and drop it in there?08:04
Jordan_UGumby: Try "sudo update-grub"08:05
Jordan_Uplustax2: Yes08:05
plustax2Jordan_U, thank you si08:05
Jordan_Uplustax2: np08:05
mneptokplustax2: that's not a Metacity theme08:06
Meshezabeelis there a difference between "Try Ubuntu without installing" and "Install Ubuntu" when starting from the disc? They both seem to load the GUI.08:07
plustax2mneptok, I know that was an emerald theme but I cant get it working08:07
MASARUwotaMeshezabeel: the one starts the installer, the other the desktop08:07
mneptokplustax2: have you installed Emerald and told GNOME to use it instead of Metacity?08:07
plustax2Jordan_U, I tried dropping this metacity theme into the appearance and it gave me the following http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2066611/Screenshot.png08:07
isolat3dsh33pMenshezabeel: ofcourse.. :D08:07
mneptokplustax2: that's not a Metacity theme08:07
plustax2mneptok, hmm I have installed emerald but where do I go to tell gnome to use it instead?08:07
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mneptokplustax2: a terminal08:08
Jkesslerfivetwentysix:  i found openoffice's config files in ~/.openoffice.org      try 'mv ~./openoffice.org ./~openoffice.bak'08:08
plustax2Think you can rustle up a command for me? I'm really new to linux :/08:08
MeshezabeelMASARUwota: okay, I thought the Install option also started the desktop08:08
Jkesslerthen try opening a spreadsheet and see if it works08:08
MeshezabeelUnder the desktop option, there also is the Installer icon on the desktop08:08
fivetwentysixJkessler: oh sorry, i solved it by restarting the application08:09
Jkessleroh, ok.08:09
mneptokRe: Compiz with Emerald / Metacity in Gutsy08:09
mneptokThe command field on the picture you just posted is where you choose your window manager..08:09
FloodBot3mneptok: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:09
mneptokTo use emerald simply add:08:09
MASARUwotaMeshezabeel: yeah, but with INSTALL you dont get GNOME loading, which improves performance08:09
plustax2mneptok, I pmed you08:09
mneptokplustax2: emerald --replace08:10
isolat3dsh33plol mneptok XD08:10
plustax2thats it? then what to do to go back to metacity? same thing?08:10
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isolat3dsh33pis it a good idea to install emerald btw?08:10
mneptokplustax2: metacity --replace08:10
mneptokplustax2: and you'll want to install the Emerald Theme Manager08:10
Geracl-linuxрусские есть?08:10
plustax2umm problem08:11
Jordan_Uisolat3dsh33p: I don't think it's currently well maintained ( if at all )08:11
mneptok!ru > Geracl-linux08:11
mneptokGeracl-linux: /join #ubuntu-ru08:11
isolat3dsh33pJordan_U, the bot say the same. Why do they left it btw?08:12
plustax2mneptok, terminal has to be running in order to use emerald?08:12
mneptokplustax2: no08:12
plustax2I did emerald replace and it switched my theme to what I wanted. I xed out of terminal and it made my window borders disappear altogether.08:12
VivekRphw shld i mount Windows Folders??08:13
plustax2so I changed back to metacity, and now I try to do it again and terminal just sits there and doesnt replace anymore.08:13
Jordan_Uisolat3dsh33p: No idea, probably the main developer just moved on to something else, it happens a lot unfortunately08:13
mneptokplustax2: log out and back in08:13
Meshezabeelhow does one pronounce metacity? is it: met-ass-ity or meta-city ?08:14
isolat3dsh33pJordan_U, it'll be cool if the continue with the thing though. :/08:14
Meshezabeelthanks mneptok08:14
plustax2mneptok, I did and it changed itself back to metacity08:14
afromanI need help08:14
afromanI have screen tearing, anybody knows how to fix it?08:15
Jordan_Uisolat3dsh33p: I think there will be a new decorator with compiz 0.9 ( which is a complete rewrite in C++ )08:15
afromanI tried to install different drivers (ati, fglrx)08:15
Jordan_Uafroman: What graphics card?08:15
afromanI tried to enable v-sync08:16
afromanstill nothing08:16
afromanati mobility hd 347008:16
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adamonline45So GRUB didn't install correctly, can I still somehow boot into my system?  I'm on RAID and upon choosing to not install a bootloader, it gave me a command line option (path=...) to boot with... Where do I put this?08:16
Jordan_Uafroman: Unfortunatly most drivers don't currently support sync to vblank08:16
afromanJordan_U: I noticed08:17
splustax2_mneptok, any ideas man?08:17
splustax2_It just sent me back into metacity08:17
splustax2_mneptok, if you think you can help me man Ill give you VNC information08:18
afromanJordan_U: but in the meantime, how can I fix it?08:18
isolat3dsh33pJordan_U, I'm more exited for gnome 3. But gnome-shell doesn't really impress me. :(08:18
Jordan_Uafroman: Have you tried disabling compiz?08:18
Jordan_Uadamonline45: What error do you get when you try to install grub?08:19
afromanif U mean the apperances, yes I put them to normal08:19
mneptoksplustax2_: try "gtk-window-decorator --replace"08:19
afromanno fancy moves08:19
MASARUwotawhats with ubottu today D:08:19
MASARUwotaits dead, isnt (s)he08:19
ardchoilleMASARUwota: it's a she08:19
charles__it is08:19
splustax2_mneptok,  that made everything move for a sec and now its stuck at the next line08:20
afromanJordan_U: unless there is another way to disable compiz?08:20
splustax2_didnt give me confirmation of the action08:20
isolat3dsh33pMASARUwota, it is... :(08:20
MASARUwotai loved her D:08:20
=== kb is now known as Guest7132
Jordan_Uafroman: No, that's it08:20
VivekRpanyone help me.08:20
mneptoksplustax2_: log out and back in08:20
MASARUwotaVivekRp: please state your question.08:20
Jordan_Uafroman: Would you say it's abnormally bad tearing?08:20
isolat3dsh33pafroman, 'metacity --replace' does the job.08:20
CorpXguys i can access the bios using my wireless keyboard, but i cant navigate the ubuntu OS prompt with it08:21
VivekRphw should i mount win drives on Ubuntu 8.10 ??08:21
Crash2108Anyone her ever use GpS?08:21
Crash2108Are you THE afroman?08:21
isolat3dsh33pVivekRp, sure if you want to08:21
afromanJordan_U: not terrible but still annoying08:22
MASARUwotaCorpX: well, i guess thats possible, it hasnt done a proper modprobe yet at that moment. please use a normal keyboard aswell, and use the "try ubuntu" method, see if it works in a fully started environment08:22
isolat3dsh33pafroman, just install the right driver from ati website :)08:22
MASARUwotaVivekRp, just click it in nautilus for automounting08:22
afromanand remove fglrx?08:23
iKernelmy X screen is blank08:23
iKernelim not getting any sound08:23
adamonline45Jordan_U: Oh my, I'm not sure anymore... But I know it said failed to install to hda0 or something similar, and I'm using raid so I feel like it should've been /dev/mapper/.../08:23
CorpXsry im  a noob08:23
iKernelI can't connect with wifi08:23
Jordan_UCorpX: Does your wireless keyboard use bluetooth or a USB adaptor ( BTW, it's a bug in your BIOS most likely since it should provide access to the keyboard to grub, but if it's a usb keyboard you can also tell grub to try to acess it directly )08:23
CorpXwhats the try ubuntu method?08:23
iKernelnever mind, I fixed my X screen08:23
afromanisolat3dsh33p: shall I remove fglrx?08:23
iKernelnever mind, I fixed my sound08:23
isolat3dsh33pafroman, the one from ati website is fglrx aswell, but the one in the Hardware Drivers is outdated08:23
iKernelnever mind, I fixed my wifi08:23
plustax<plustax> mneptok08:23
plustax<plustax> okay I logged out and back in and did emerald --replace08:23
plustax<plustax> It changed it. But it didnt confirm yet again. Would you like a screenshot to show you what I mean? I fear if I exit terminal that its going to disappear again08:23
FloodBot3plustax: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:24
MASARUwotaCorpX: choose the first option when starting from the CD08:24
adamonline45Jordan_U: since it's like my eighth install of the night, and have yet to have it succeed, I just clicked through it to skip the installation of a bootloader...08:24
afromanisolat3dsh33p: oooo...08:24
CorpXits already installed08:24
afromanisolat3dsh33p: so remove fglrx from hardware drivers, then install the ati driver from the ati website?08:25
Jordan_Uadamonline45: Try following this guide and pastebin any error you get if it doesn't work http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide08:25
Crash2108You're not the real afroman, are you?08:25
isolat3dsh33pafroman, yes :)08:25
afromanCrash2108: no but I got high08:25
MASARUwotaCorpX, it doesnt work in ubuntu, AT ALL?08:25
mashagood morning08:26
MASARUwotaCorpX: is it a microsoft keyboard by any chance???08:26
isolat3dsh33pbtw, afroman, make sure it's the right driver to get the better result :)08:26
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.08:26
plustaxIs anyone here good with themes?08:26
=== joseph is now known as Guest20858
ardchoilleplustax: I have written a number of themes for gtk/metacity and am writingone now08:26
afromanisolat3dsh33p: that's the thing, as I have mobility it's kind of hard to get the right driver from ati website08:26
plustaxardchoille could I pm you please?08:27
isolat3dsh33pafroman, what's you card?08:27
ardchoilleplustax: Sure08:27
MASARUwotaCorpX: is it a microsoft keyboard by any chance???08:27
adamonline45Jordan_U: Alright, I'll do that.  However, i have a 9.10 server and a 9.10 alternate install, neither with a live CD option when I boot from them... Do I need the desktop iso?08:27
afromanisolat3dsh33p: ati mobility hd 347008:27
afromanisolat3dsh33p: radeon08:28
tarzeauhow can i change the GDM background image at login time?08:28
isolat3dsh33pafroman, 32 or 64 bit?08:28
tarzeaui googled like several days and can't figure...08:28
Jordan_Uadamonline45: You just need to be able to connect to the internet, mount, and chroot ( all of which you can do through the alternate and server install CD's it's just a little less straight foreward )08:28
afromanisolat3dsh33p: I have ubuntu x86_6408:28
Jordan_Uafroman: Try enabling ati kernel mode setting08:30
afromanJordan_U: how do I do that?08:30
isolat3dsh33pafroman, go to http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx ->Linux x86_64 -> Mobility Radeon -> Mobility Radeon HD 3000 Series. Read the release notes to see whether your card is listed. And if yes, install and have fun ;)08:30
MASARUwotais it a microsoft keyboard CorpX?08:30
afromanisolat3dsh33p: what about xorg.conf, do I change anything?08:31
Jordan_Uafroman: Add "radeon.modeset=1" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub then run "sudo update-grub" and reboot ( you need to be using the "ati" driver for this to work and X may fail to start so be sure you know how to undo it from the terminal )08:32
Jonhnnyboyhow can I get ubuntu to login without asking for a password?08:32
Jordan_UJonhnnyboy: System > Administration > Login Screen08:33
isolat3dsh33pafroman, you don't have to afaik. Just run « sh ati-driver-installer-x-x-x86.64.run » There will be a gui dialog :)08:33
afromanisolat3dsh33p: do I remove first the old fglrx?08:33
JonhnnyboyJordan_U: cheers big ears08:34
afromanJordan_U: I think I can change a line or 2 in terminal08:34
afromanJordan_U: but what is that line for?08:34
isolat3dsh33pafroman, if i remember correctly, the ati installer will automatically remove the previous fglrx. But you can remove it, but don't remove the package. You could use it in the future.08:35
isolat3dsh33p*completely remove08:35
Jordan_Uafroman: It changes what kernel parameters are passed at boot. radeon.modeset=1 enables kernel mode setting, which will give you full resolution tty, ability to use 3D apps with compiz without flickering and other problems and may help the tearing ( but I'm not sure how likely that is )08:36
afromanJordan_U: that line, why put it in grub?08:37
isolat3dsh33pafroman, np. :)08:37
Jordan_Uafroman: Grub is the bootloader, it's what loads and passes parameters to the kernel. So if you want to add a kernel parameter ( like radeon.modeset=1 ) you do that in grub08:39
Jordan_Uafroman: You can also get to the grub menu by holding shift at boot and add readeon.modeset=1 for just one boot by pressing "e" to edit the menu entry08:40
nonexksi have a small problem... i just installed ubuntu and for some reason my wireless will connect and work fine for a few sec then it drops to almost no speed ... 4500 bps ... very slow and i have chedcked the network its fine all other computers are fine just the new laptop ubuntu is droping off to no speed08:40
Jordan_Uafroman: That way if it fails you can just reboot and nothing will have been permanently changed08:40
afromanJordan_U: I'm going to try ur idea 1st08:41
iAmerikanHello guys.08:41
MASARUwotahi iAmerikan08:41
iAmerikanI messed something up :\08:42
c0l2ehow can I fix the  Fn Key for Brightness in Lenovo G410 laptop??08:42
MASARUwotawhat did you messup iAmerikan08:42
skydromeanyone have problems with transmission causing ubuntu to freeze?08:43
MASARUwotaskydrome: freeze? as in, nothing works except your mouse?08:43
MASARUwotaskydrome: that doesnt have to do with transmission :X08:44
MASARUwotabad hardware or bad drivers create those problems08:44
boo-boohi there everybody08:44
boo-boohappy new year :p happy new bug -.-08:44
MASARUwotaim getting a freeze every 2 days, because i have an old HD :X08:44
=== militant[game] is now known as militant[ff8]
skydromewell, i uninstalled transmission and its completely fine now08:44
MASARUwotaskydrom: O.o08:44
Jkesslerc0l2e: what needs to be fixed?  did the key come off?08:44
afromanjordan_U: I doubt it's going to work as the driver installed is fglrx08:45
iAmerikanI'm not sure what I did, but when I restarted, I got a message saying "mountall: symbol lookup error: mountall: undefined symbol: udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype init:mountall main process (424) terminated with status 12708:45
Jordan_Uskydrome: Was it using a lot of RAM?08:45
skydromenot that i noticed08:45
skydromejust randomly, everything would stop responding08:45
MASARUwotaiAmerikan: do you have weird entries in your fstab? D:08:45
rfmskydrome: well, consider transmission is hammering your net interface; if there was a rare bug in the net driver, then running transmission would make it show up more often.08:46
iAmerikanfstab can't be found on live cd08:46
boo-boomy problem: juat updated  to new kernel -17 i think and i installed virtualbox 3.1 before.... after reboot nvidia didnt work.. reinstalled... then now my graphics work again but ... wlan no more -.- any suggestions? restarted networking + network-manager .... dunno whats going on now!08:46
Jordan_Uafroman: Correct, if you want to try kernel mode setting you have to remove fglrx ( and any reference to it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf )08:46
PyjamaSpankis fstab my brain for mounting during boot?08:46
c0l2e Jkessler:  on 9.04 it works  Fn + Up Arrow key for inc brightness and  Fn + Down arrow for decrease08:47
PyjamaSpankor the brain08:47
skydromerfm, that could be. I switched to using rtorrent and have the net at full throttle up/down and no problems08:47
c0l2e Jkessler:  now in 9.10 it doesn't work anymore08:47
MASARUwotaPyjamaSpank sort of08:47
Jordan_Uc0l2e: Do you see the brigtness bar / icon on the screen when you hit those keys?08:47
afromanJordan_U: and if I remove it what driver should I install?08:47
PyjamaSpankis that the only place that is looked at during boot?08:47
c0l2eJordan_U: not anymore08:47
dumontyay works08:48
dumontit was capturing \r :(08:48
dumontthanks naktibalda08:48
Jkesslerc0l2e: did you do an upgrade to 9.10 from 9.04?08:48
Jordan_Uafroman: "ati", but it's already installed. You can just run without an xorg.conf and it will use ati ( it's the default )08:48
Prescience5001i'm having trouble with "./" in terminal. i'm trying to use it to install nightly builds of thunderbird and instantbird. It keeps telling me "exec: 394: ./thunderbird-bin: not found"08:48
c0l2e Jkessler: fresh install08:48
dumonti probably don't need \r\n|\n :S08:48
Jkessleri have no idea.. it works fine on my inspiron 1525.08:49
Jordan_UPrescience5001: Are you using 64 bit Ubuntu?08:49
c0l2ecurrent kernel is 2.6.31-17-generic08:49
PyjamaSpankif I'm moving a drive from NTFS to EXT, is fstab the only place i need to look to mess about with the settings?08:49
Prescience5001and it is a 32 bit binary08:49
Prescience5001is that the problem?08:49
Jordan_UPrescience5001: Then you need to install 32 bit libraries08:49
Jordan_UPrescience5001: Yes08:50
c0l2eJkessler:  in most lenovo not working now,   g400, g41008:50
Jkesslerc0l2e: looks like it's a known bug08:50
c0l2eand similar lenovo laptop with  fn+Up/Down08:50
Jordan_UPrescience5001: At least if there is in fact a ./thunderbird-bin08:50
c0l2eJkessler:  not  fix yet?08:50
Prescience5001there is08:50
Jkesslerc0l2e:  doesn't look like it08:51
c0l2e Jkessler:  oh ok08:51
afromanJordan_U: so if I remove the fglrx in hardware drivers, the ati driver will kick in then I can try that line?08:51
c0l2eanyway minor only.. but functional for me08:51
boo-boomy problem: just updated  to new kernel -17 i think and i installed virtualbox 3.1 before.... after reboot nvidia didnt work.. reinstalled... then now my graphics work again but ... wlan no more -.- any suggestions? restarted networking + network-manager .... dunno whats going on now!08:51
Jordan_Uafroman: Yes08:51
Prescience5001what do u mean by installing 32 bit libraries?08:51
rfmPrescience5001: what does  "ldd ./thunderbird-bin" say?08:52
afromanJordan_U: I can try that08:52
Prescience5001"not a dynamic executable"08:53
hareshhello gy08:53
Jkesslerc0l2e:  i found this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting08:53
hareshneed some help how to set up brother mcf 490 cw in my unbentu please guide08:53
Jordan_Uafroman: The more I think about it, the more I think you should edit it temporarily in the grub menu to be safe08:53
c0l2eJkessler:  i'll check that .. thanks08:53
MASARUwotaHi haresh! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.…Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:54
apandahey is there a simple/good commandline tool for OCR that i could install in 9.10?08:54
Jordan_Uafroman: Especially since I am going to leave soon and won't be able to help you pick up the pieces if it breaks :)08:54
PyjamaSpankapanda: i need money, send me the file and I'll type it up real cheap08:54
rfmPrescience5001: oh hell, it's a script and I'm not up to drilling down remotely. sorry08:54
om26er!ot | PyjamaSpank08:54
ubottuPyjamaSpank: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:55
apandathats not really practical, but thanks PyjamaSpank ;)08:55
Jkesslerc0l2e: also, here seems to be the biggest discussion on it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/406515 -- good luck08:55
Ookamihi there everyone :D ,, Question about "GRUB" ,, how can i minimize the entries there ??? my list is getting longer and longer ,, i'm talking about different kernels ,,08:55
afromanJordan_U: so remove fglrx in hardware drivers, restart the laptop, edit grub with that line in the beginning with shift and e then we see if it works08:55
Prescience5001it's cool. i'm alot closer to a solution now than i was before08:55
om26erOokami, remove old kernels08:55
Jordan_UOokami: Remove the old kernels with synaptic / apt08:55
Ookamiom26er, how08:55
Ookamihow ^^08:56
iAmerikanWhen I run apt-get dist-upgrade I get this can't resolve message and I don't get it :(08:56
MASARUwotaOokami: tried "sudo update-grub" already?08:56
Jordan_Uafroman: You want to add "radeon.modeset=1" to the end of the line that starts with "linux" ( after "quiet" and "splash" )08:56
OokamiMASARUwota, no ??08:56
om26er!pastebin | iAmerikan08:57
om26eriAmerikan, can you plz paste that message08:57
ubottuiAmerikan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic08:57
ubottuyes, I'm alive.08:57
MASARUwotaiAmerikan: do you have internet access on your ubuntu system? :/08:57
OokamiMASARUwota, would that command fix it ?08:57
iAmerikanI'm on a live cd, with my boot partition mounted08:57
MASARUwotaOokami: maybe, depends on the location of the kernels08:57
MASARUwotaiAmerikan: you cant dist-upgrade on a live cd :/08:58
skydrome!info grub2 manager08:58
ubottu'manager' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner08:58
iAmerikanI read somewhere you could if you mounted it then chroot'd08:58
OokamiMASARUwota, it says Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-17-generic08:58
OokamiFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-17-generic08:58
OokamiFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-16-generic08:58
OokamiFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-16-generic08:58
OokamiFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-15-generic08:58
OokamiFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-15-generic08:58
FloodBot3Ookami: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:58
iAmerikanI read somewhere you could if you mounted it then chroot'd08:58
MASARUwotaOokami: youre booting from the last kernel image, right?08:59
boo-boodid someone talk to me? pidgin crashed.... how wonderingLol08:59
MASARUwotaOokami: just delete the old ones then08:59
OokamiMASARUwota, it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/352775/08:59
OokamiMASARUwota, yeah yeah ,, i only want to keep the last one ,, how do i delete the others ^^08:59
MASARUwotaOokami: delete the ones you dont want to have in your list from /boot/08:59
DiverdudeIs it possible to get a USB-wifi drive with harddisk on?08:59
MASARUwotaOokami: gksudo nautilus08:59
afromanJordan_U: would I need to do the update-grub after? I mean if I change it temperaly08:59
MASARUwotaOokami: and the delete the old ones from there09:00
Jordan_Uafroman: No09:00
afromanjordan_U: cool09:00
boo-boocrashed again09:00
DiverdudeIs it possible to get a USB-wifi drive with harddisk on?09:00
afromanJordan_U: just a quick question, what prog do U recommend to change a line in terminal?09:01
OokamiMASARUwota, alright ,, thanks ^^ ,, restart now ,, caio09:01
afromanJordan_U: I mean command line09:01
Prescience5001Got "./" to work. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction09:02
Jordan_Uafroman: nano normally, but in this case you will be in the grub interface09:02
afromanlet me try09:02
afromanif U stay probably another 10 min I can tell U how it went09:03
afromanand if U leave, thx for the help09:03
Jordan_Uafroman: So just hold shift during boot, when you see the menu press "e", move to the end of the line that starts with "linux" with the arrow keys and add to the end of that line09:03
Jordan_Uafroman: Then ctrl+x to actually boot09:03
Jordan_Uafroman: np09:04
apandais there a simple/good commandline tool for OCR that i could install in 9.10?09:04
Jordan_Uapanda: There were no good options last time I checked ( about a year ago )09:05
heoaHow can I detach Irssi like ! in nethack?09:05
llutzheoa: use screen09:05
Jordan_Uheoa: You can't directly, try using "screen"09:05
lisa_how can I login to ubuntu without password?09:05
afromanJordan_U: hej09:05
lisa_anyone know pls?09:06
Jordan_Ullutz: System > Administration > Login Screen09:06
heoallutz: Jordan_U using all the time, the option would have been just cool as well as not always having screen09:06
DiverdudeIs it possible to get a USB-wifi drive with harddisk on?09:06
lisa_Jordan_U: ill try that09:06
afromanJordan_U: I'm looking at the grub file in /etc/default and I see no line starting with linux09:06
KermiacHi ppl. Anyone around I can ask about a problem I'm having with "Compiled LPGM Scripts"?09:06
Jordan_Uafroman: You aren't going to be editing a file, you will just be temporarily testing the new kernel parameter by entering it manually at boot09:07
llutzheoa: machines without screen? unbelievable :)09:07
apandathanks Jordan_U, i've found this http://code.google.com/p/ocropus/ for OCR but it's still alpha and hard to set up it seems. so i was hoping for something to apt-get :D09:07
DiverdudeIs it possible to get a usb-dongle which both has wifi capabilities and flash storage?09:08
heoallutz: 54g and many others, not really09:08
OokamiOkay, When i run Synaptic Package Manager and click on "Mark All Upgrades" ,, i have loooooots of marked packages ,, how do i update them all automatically ????09:09
lisa_Could not set the configuration for CRT C 56  <-- Get this error when loading ubuntu as guest. Whats it mean?09:10
Jordan_Uapanda: ocropus is apt-gettable09:10
OneMillionDollarwho know what is sap ?09:10
OneMillionDollarsap a linux system ?09:10
lisa_!define sap09:10
lisa_!sap > OneMillionDollar09:11
Jordan_UOokami: You might prefer System > Administration > Update Manager for just updates09:11
skydromedoes grub2 have a manager or gui yet?09:11
OokamiJordan_U that what i usually do, but someone mentioned "Synaptic" and i was curios09:12
DarkSmokehey guys i have a huge problem09:12
OneMillionDollarwhat is your huge problem09:13
DarkSmokei turned off my pc from the powersupply switch without shutting down , and when i tried to boot ubuntu i recieved an error ending with /sbin/init not found.09:13
DarkSmokenow im stuck on windows and i really need to boot up linux quickly cause i have a document with an address on wich i have a job interview addresss09:14
boo-booany 1 xp with fucked up wlan in karmic ?09:14
DarkSmokeis there something to fix the error ?09:14
iAmerikanuse livecd to get document09:14
om26er!language | boo-boo09:14
ubottuboo-boo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:14
DarkSmokeits an email , were can i find it iAmerikan?09:15
boo-boonice after an hour ontime and 3 crashes someone recognized my09:15
iAmerikanErm, how's it stored on your hd?09:15
DarkSmokeits an email on Evolution iAmerikan09:15
DarkSmokeso i think its stored as an email? :/09:15
boo-boofucked up is a normal wo in my mind...09:16
macoboo-boo: watch your language09:16
om26er!op | boo-boo09:16
ubottuboo-boo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:16
* om26er has to reboot09:16
iAmerikanyou could get on the livecd, mount your bootpartition, and run evolution?09:16
iAmerikanmaybe <linuxnoob09:16
boo-boomuha i dont even understand what the foolish bot says :D not native english so idontgiveadamn09:17
DarkSmokeis there a way to replace /sbin/init if its deleted?09:17
jussi01boo-boo: please keep the language clean.09:17
jgcampbell300can anyone help me ... i just installed ubuntu but some strange things are happening with the wireless09:17
boo-booi dont know other words than thet to tell whats going but real user friendly here09:17
boo-boojgcampbell300: 4get it no one answers questions about wlan :D09:18
boo-boowaiting more then an hour ^09:18
jgcampbell300well poop ... is there some where i can ask about wireless stuff ?09:19
psycho_oreosdoesn't help if you don't mention the name of chipset09:19
|_ockejgcampbell300, poop09:19
jussi01jgcampbell300: just ask and be patient.09:19
psycho_oreos#wireless and ##linux-wireless09:19
|_ockejgcampbell300, try #ubuntu-offtopic09:19
|_ockethere's less people competing for attention09:19
jussi01|_ocke: no, please dont recomend that09:20
|_ockejussi01, that's where i get all my useful linux help :P09:20
jussi01|_ocke: and as its topic says, its _still_ not a support channel09:20
|_ockejussi01, if you can keep up with the 1329 users looking for help09:21
Jordan_UDarkSmoke: Boot an Ubuntu 9.10 liveCD if you have one and check your file system with System > Administration > Disk Utility ( or use fsck )09:21
Jordan_UDarkSmoke: If it finds any errors, and fixes them, try rebooting again09:21
maco|_ocke: i estimate about 1200 of the 1339 users in here are not actually paying attention to the channel ;)09:21
|_ockemaco, that still leaves 13909:22
DarkSmokeJordan_U is it possible to do it without the live cd?09:22
DarkSmokefrom the recovery mode09:22
|_ockethat's a lot of people competing for responses09:22
Myrttijgcampbell300: giving a bit more info about your problem is highly helpful in getting help09:22
maco|_ocke: ...or doing the responding as opposed to looking for help09:22
macobut youre right, its probably 1300 ignoring it09:22
Jordan_UDarkSmoke: If you can get to the recovery mode without getting the same error, yes09:22
DarkSmokeyes i can get into the recovery mode09:23
DarkSmokeeven after that error it goes directly to the recovery mode09:23
skydromedoes grub2 have a manager or gui?09:23
DarkSmoke(initramfs or busybox console009:23
zirodayskydrome: nope09:23
ziroday!grub2 > skydrome09:23
ubottuskydrome, please see my private message09:23
petkoi have a problem with a software raid setup i am trying to do. the raid gets set up great and mounted too, but after reboot, the array is broken and the drive is not mounted09:24
|_ockeeither way\09:25
iflemaskydrome: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:25
|_ockeit's easier with less people09:25
Jordan_UDryGrain: The busybox shell is not recovery mode09:26
mneptok|_ocke: -offtopic is not a support channel. end of discussion.09:26
|_ockemneptok, who cares? i've gotten more support there than in here, i think that's what matters.09:27
maco|_ocke: the people in -offtopic who want to be left to their offtopic chatter care09:27
maco|_ocke: them's the rules. have fun.09:27
|_ockemaco, no they don't09:27
|_ockeif they did, they wouldn't help with things that nobody in here cared to09:28
mneptok|_ocke: "end of discussion" means just that.09:28
|_ockeseems to me they just want a reason to chat with someone09:28
chuukheyo, anyone have experience with awesome WM on dual monitors?09:28
|_ockechuuk, i think most can handle it, but try enlightenment09:29
|_ockeyou gotta customize it though09:29
ziroday|_ocke: awesome WM, is a WM.09:30
maco|_ocke: enlightenmont is nothing like awesome09:30
|_ockeoh awesome wm?09:30
* |_ocke googles09:30
mneptokmaco: true on many levels09:30
maco|_ocke: awesome is a tiling wm. enlightenment is a stacking wm09:30
chuuk|_ocke, yeah i'm pretty confused because right now it's mirroring my monitors09:30
isolat3dsh33powh, AWM...09:31
chuukand the documentation is almost non existent09:31
macoisolat3dsh33p: careful youre not thinking of AWN ;)09:31
macochuuk: that sounds more like a X issue...09:31
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mneptokchuuk: that may be more a function of X than the WM09:31
isolat3dsh33pmaco, LOL, what's WM anyway? D:09:31
* om26er thinks he is in the wrong channel09:31
macochuuk: try "xrandr --output FOO --right-of BAR" (based on outputs listed in "xrandr" output)09:31
macoisolat3dsh33p: window manager09:31
chuukmneptok, hmm...so how do i get around that?09:31
macoisolat3dsh33p: AWN = Avant Window Navigator09:32
macoisolat3dsh33p: AWN is a dock09:32
adamonline45To install to a RAID 0 array whose controller is merely 'hardware assisted', should I instead opt to skip the RAID setup via BIOS and just use the install RAID setup?  Or do I need the 'hardware' RAID array set up to do that?09:32
|_ockewindowmaker perchaps?09:32
maco|_ocke: thats yet another window manager09:32
isolat3dsh33pmaco, any window manager?09:33
macoisolat3dsh33p: yes, WM is jsut short for "window manager"09:33
titan_arkHello :)09:33
macoisolat3dsh33p: so you can say "my wm is fluxbox" or "i use xmonad for my wm"09:33
mneptoki should make Yet Another Window Navigator. everyone would be bored by it, and fall asleep.09:33
macoisolat3dsh33p: note also that a desktop environment and a window manager are different. GNOME, Xfce, and KDE are all DE's. their respective default WMs are metacity, xfwm4, and kwin09:34
om26ermneptok, YAWN? :)09:34
adamonline45To clarify, I'm following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID , but I'm not sure if I should have my RAID array enabled in the BIOS options or if this is purely done in software...09:34
mneptokom26er: see? it's working already.09:34
chuukom26er, well done mate!09:34
titan_arkI am facing trouble with the wubi installer, I tried it once and it keeps downloading the i386 even though I am running a 64bit processor and OS09:34
isolat3dsh33pmaco, that's clear stuffs! thanks :)09:34
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).09:35
dirtyriceI press esc when my machine is booting yet it does not bring up a menu it simply continues to boot. I must boot into safe mode to fix my resolution as I can not raise it above 800x600 currently. After reading when I bring up this menu I should be able to select an option to repair the resolution.09:36
titan_arkAlso, I tried installing the KDE version first and now even after deleting the wubi and all other files I cant get the option to install any other flavor.09:36
om26ertitan_ark, downlaod 64-bit image09:36
titan_arkom26er, I tried that09:36
titan_arkBut it doesn't seem to help09:36
om26ertitan_ark, mount it and with daemon tools and then run wubi09:36
dirtyriceis there any other way to get into safe mode and repair my resolution?09:36
petkohow do i find out what is using sdb09:37
om26ertitan_ark, did you extract the image?09:37
titan_arkHmmm tried that and Daemon tools doesnt seem to working on Win709:37
mneptokpetko: df -h09:37
dirtyricepetko: fdisk -l09:37
dirtyriceer oh nevermind09:37
titan_arkmoe26er, nope I didn't09:37
titan_arkoops sorry for misspelling your name om26er09:37
om26ertitan_ark, mount the iso file and then run wubi it will work09:38
petkono, it is not mounted, an it's showing as busy if i try to add it to the array09:38
titan_arkOkay I shall try it that way.09:38
titan_arkDaemon tools also doesn't seem to work :P I guess its a bad day. Shall try again.09:38
petkosudo mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb09:39
petkomdadm: Cannot open /dev/sdb: Device or resource busy09:39
Gumbypetko: is the device mounted?09:40
petkono it's not mounted09:41
petkoi checked with df -k, it's not listed anywhere09:41
Gumbydid you create /dev/sdb1 ?09:41
petkoalso did a ps | grep sdb not listed anwhere09:41
petkono, there is no /dev/sdb1 just /dev/sdb09:42
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llutzpetko: fuser/lsof09:42
petkollutz, what does that do09:44
llutzpetko: sudo fuser -mv /dev/sdb            (see man-pages for more info)09:45
petkono output09:45
petkoi must have screwed up bigtime on this one09:46
apandathere is probably no easy way to install this karmic package http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ocropus in hardy, right?09:46
Guest69029how to disabled recursion in bind 909:47
ardchoilleapanda: It's not good to mix release packages like that09:48
ardchoilleapanda: You might be able to find the sources and compile it though09:48
apandayes there are sources, but it will be a lot of trouble for just "playing around" with it, thanks ;)09:49
achadwickapanda: but it's fine to build a backport. Add the sources line for karmic to your sources.list[.d], and google for tutorials involving "apt-get source" and "backport" :)09:50
llutzapanda: sudo apt-get build-dep ocropus && apt-get source ocropus && apt-get install -b ocropus09:50
adamonline45Should I not use ext4 for my /boot (using grub)?  What would be better?09:51
cyberjorgehi what the command to copy entire directory from windows to ubuntu using pscp?09:51
llutzcyberjorge: pscp -r dir/ /destination09:52
achadwickcyberjorge: does it accept "-r"? Try that.09:52
llutzcyberjorge: pscp -r dir/ user@host:/destination09:53
neezerI got my ipod touch jailbroken, but I'm not really sure where to go from here.09:53
neezeranyone here worked with an ipod touch jailbroken? I did get logged in via ssh.09:53
llutzcyberjorge: pscp uses nearly same options as scp09:53
neezerand I want to try to transfer some music to it....09:53
cyberjorgellutz: thanks man! that worked! :)09:56
adamonline45crud... can I install without a /swap and add one later?  I messed up on my partitioning on a complex raid setup and don't want to start over :)09:57
srinii am unable to send a file from my laptop to mobile through bluetooth....09:57
llutzadamonline45: you can09:57
adamonline45llutz: Thank you :)09:58
sriniit gives some errors09:58
yataquick question: how much luck have you had running the update from in 9.4 to 9.10? I think there were a few issues at first, right?09:59
mbn_18Is it possible to mount an FTP on the file system using nautilus?09:59
mbn_18or scp09:59
llutzmbn_18: sftp/fish should work sftp://user@site10:00
Aciidmbn_18: yes that native on nautilus10:00
Aciidonce you have logged in, you can copy it as a link anywhere10:00
srinican i paste my error msg???10:01
mbn_18Is see it in nautilus tree but cant find it through the shell10:01
Aciidsrini: use pastebin.com10:01
Aciidmbn_18: go open a terminal in the nautilus10:01
Aciidthen type PWD10:01
Aciidthat should reveal where its mounted10:01
ResistolHas flash 10.1 made a difference in full screen youtube/hulu videos?  I've been getting 100% CPU usage and choppy video on several pcs/laptops...10:01
Aciidmbn_18: sorry it was pwd on lowercase10:02
srinii have screenshot only.. how can i send??10:02
Aciidsrini: stop that10:03
ragsHello, are there any tools to manipulate .pcap files?...wireshark it self doesn't provide the tools...I need to change the ip addresses.10:03
srinii stopped10:03
mbn_18Aciid: How do I open a terminal in the nautilus?10:03
srinimbn18:  install nautilus-open-terminal pkg10:04
Aciidyeah thats what you need first10:04
llutzmbn_18: ~/.gvfs   should be the mountpoint iirc10:04
sriniaciid :  error was "The name org.openobex.client was not found"10:05
Aciidsrini: as llutz said, browse to .gvfs in your homefolder, look if you find your mountpoint folder there10:06
mbn_18.gvfs work greats. I wonder, why cant I see the partion when running df ?10:06
llutzmbn_18: its virtual-fs10:06
mbn_18llutz: user land?10:07
llutzmbn_18: yes10:07
mbn_18llutz: cool10:07
mbn_18Thanks all10:07
llutzmbn_18: you wouldn't like to see your sshfs-mount systemwide done in kernel-space ;)10:08
mbn_18llutz: yea :) Security 12310:09
=== sacho_ is now known as Sacho
ubottuyata: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:10
mbn_18llutz: The FTP conn disconect all time . Is there any keepalive feature?10:10
om26erwhy does empathy don't go to hidden10:10
llutzmbn_18: no clue, sorry10:11
NerveClasphello)) can anybody name some tool to make Xsplash for Koala? I need something to easily make animation..10:11
MASARUwotaom26er: could you explain your problem?10:11
yatathanks, MASARUwota10:12
NerveClaspmaybe there are some scripts for gimp?10:12
lordjubblydaveHi i need some help getting a ralink wireless card working, it detects my router but will not connect using network manager10:13
om26erMASARUwota, open empathy create a gtalk account and get connected. click on indicator-applet-session and change status to invisible and it will become 'busy'10:13
AledDoes Ubuntu use Linux versioning system?10:13
MASARUwotaom26er: D: that doesnt make sense10:13
om26erMASARUwota, its a bug.10:14
AledAlso I'm going to run both Ubuntu Server 9.10 and Windows Server 2003 on Virtual PC10:15
MASARUwotaom26er: i guess10:15
AledJust to test them both out10:15
=== Sonderbla is now known as Sonderblade
AledI'll 95% go with Ubuntu for my web server10:15
NerveClasphelp with XSplash!!!!10:15
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psycho_oreoslordjubblydave, which chipset?10:16
MenZa!details | NerveClasp10:16
ubottuNerveClasp: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:16
NerveClasp"(12:11:47) NerveClasp: hello)) can anybody name some tool to make Xsplash for Koala? I need something to easily make animation.."10:16
MenZaNerveClasp: Look in /usr/share/images/xsplash. It shows you the images used in xsplash (hint: animations are all frames in a PNG file)10:17
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lordjubblydavepsycho: thanks, it is Bus 002 Device 003: ID 148f:2573 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter10:17
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psycho_oreoslordjubblydave, same issue as another person who came by.. he said he fixed it by unplugging it and plugging it back in again10:18
jgcampbell300hmm my ubuntu system is laging ... this is strange to me becouse there is very little installed10:18
NerveClaspMenZa: Thank you, I knew that! that's what I'm asking about - are there any tools to play with those frame animations? a script for gimp maybe?10:19
lordjubblydaveI have tried that and got as far as it being connected to my router, but even with no security it won't connect to the internet10:19
MenZaNerveClasp: Not to my knowledge; this might not be the best place to ask, though.10:19
NerveClaspMenZa: help with better place naming?10:20
cyberjorgehow do I make sure in /etc/exports that all IP in my network can access my NFS share?10:20
MASARUwotajqcampbell300: old hardware?10:20
ubottuLaurenceb: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:20
LaurencebI cant see the www10:20
jgcampbell300not really 4g ram 2.9g dulecore10:20
LaurencebI can connect to irc, but firefox cant see anything10:20
MASARUwotaLaurenceb: did you try another browser?10:21
Laurencebproblem jsut apparently randomly occured10:21
MASARUwotaLauranceb: try that first10:21
jgcampbell300pretty powerfull notebook accualy10:21
AciidI had that bug on windows10:21
Aciidthat IRC worked and www didn't =D10:21
isolat3dsh33pfreewins looks awesome and useless :)10:21
MenZaNerveClasp: Try the forums.10:21
Laurencebwhat browser shall I try?10:22
MASARUwotaLaurenceb: midori =310:22
airtonixLaurenceb, anything that accesses http10:22
MASARUwota!info midori|Laurenceb10:22
ubottuPackage midoriLaurenceb does not exist in karmic10:23
MASARUwota!info midori10:23
ubottumidori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.9-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 623 kB, installed size 2288 kB10:23
Laurencebneat k10:23
jgcampbell300hmm why on earth is ubuntu useing 50% of both of my prossessors just runing xchat ?10:23
MASARUwotajgcampbell300: open a terminal and type: top10:23
Laurencebit timed out connecting to archive10:24
jgcampbell300what is a dbus-daemon10:24
airtonixjgcampbell300, unless you are looking at an actual process list that indicates this its more likely : 1) compiz (your video vard isn't setup or is not that great) 2) beagle or tracker is indexing your harddriver 3) you have a rogue process10:24
isolat3dsh33pubottu is alive!10:24
MASARUwotaisolat3dsh33p: yes~10:24
ubottuyes, I'm alive.10:25
isolat3dsh33pMASARUwota, :)10:25
apandaachadwick and llutz thanks for the tipps, so far i've added deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted universe multiverse to my sources.list, then ran apt-get update and then ran apt-get build-dep ocropus which fails with Build-Depends dependency for ocropus cannot be satisfied because no available versions of package tesseract-ocr-dev can satisfy version requirements. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&k10:25
MASARUwotajgcampbell300: a daemon that sends info between applications10:25
airtonixLaurenceb, you need to specify a DNS server in your network prefs10:25
happyubottu: I don't believe you. Prove it.10:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:25
Laurencebairtonix: sure10:25
happyyou have failed the turing test. Nice job :-P10:25
executeI can't resize windows anymore, I can either maximize them or unmaximize them to a fixed size. has anyone had that issue and knows how to fix it ?10:25
LaurencebI'm going to restart10:26
jgcampbell300hmm ... ok so compiz may not be working properly ... or video not working properly ... hmm how do i check the setup of my video drivers ?10:26
airtonixLaurenceb, right click the network icon on your system tray10:26
MASARUwota"Sorry, I don't know anything about love"10:26
Laurencebairtonix: ok10:26
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!10:26
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:26
happytsimpson: sorry10:26
_rojanuDoes any one know where can I get some CSH scripting help? or can somebody help me here?10:26
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ae86-driftercould someone pls help me, my screen wont let me choose the correct resolution, and it is saying i have a 40" screen10:27
happy_rojanu: #csh?10:27
isolat3dsh33pexecute, can you move the windows?10:27
MASARUwota_rojanu: csh? as in, c-shell? i dont think youll find people knowledgable about that here10:27
executeisolat3dsh33p, yes10:27
yata!info nautilus-open-terminal10:27
ubottunautilus-open-terminal (source: nautilus-open-terminal): nautilus plugin for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-1 (karmic), package size 46 kB, installed size 836 kB10:27
Laurencebairtonix: I'll restart10:27
dirtyricewhat should i do if pressing esc during boot does nothing10:27
Laurencebthe machine10:27
_rojanuyes c-shell10:27
airtonixLaurenceb, what will that achieve ?10:27
Laurencebdunno but its odd how the problem randomly occured10:27
Laurencebwifi was being very flaky10:28
airtonixLaurenceb, you didnt mention you were using wifi10:28
Laurencebdissconnecting on a good signal10:28
ae86-driftercould someone plese help me choose 1280x1024, i only get the option 1024x76810:28
executeisolat3dsh33p, but trying to grab the corner and move or right clicking it in the task-switcher line and choosing "resize" doesn't do anything. it just won't resize10:28
Laurencebairtonix: yes, wifi10:28
airtonixLaurenceb, it helps if you give all the relevant info before you ask for help10:29
isolat3dsh33pexecute, and you're running compiz? If yes, then « metacity --replace » should do the work.10:29
achadwickapanda: try a seperate backport to build tesseract-ocr-dev (and its corresponding binary bits) in a separate directory, and install all the .deb files generated by that. It turns into a bit of a faff if the deps have unsatisfiable deps :/10:29
airtonixLaurenceb, but go ahead restart (i doubt it will fix the problem )10:29
NobleWhy do i get thrown into overflow channels all the time?10:29
fartbrainsbecause your name is not fart brains.10:30
NobleI see.10:30
NobleAny other reasons?10:30
NobleWhen i try to go into #php10:30
NobleI get into overflow channel or whatever10:30
tsimpsonNoble: you need to register with NickServ to join ##php10:31
isolat3dsh33pNoble, register :)10:31
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode10:31
apandaachadwick thanks, but i think this is getting too much for me atm. i think i might try to ask for a backport on launchpad :)10:31
Noblety :D10:31
AledDoes Ubuntu use the Linux versioning system>10:31
happyAled: what is the linux versioning system?10:31
edecaAled: What is the "linux versioning system" ?10:31
achadwickAled: do you mean a versioning _file_ system?10:32
adamonline45Weird, I see GRUB Loading, then the ubuntu logo, then after a moment the monitor gets an 'out of range' signal...  Any thoughts?10:32
achadwickOr the versioning (revision) control system that the Linux kernel uses?10:32
AciidI think he means does Ubuntu use CVS as in development10:32
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MASARUwotaadamonline45: change frequency rate in xorg.conf10:32
Aciidsomethink like that, let the man answer10:32
airtonixAciid, no it uses svn10:32
AledI mean10:32
Aciidairtonix: I was not asking , i was just throwing10:33
Crash2108Can someone help me get GPS working?10:33
isolat3dsh33padamonline45, ubuntu version please10:33
ae86-driftercould someone pls help me, my screen wont let me choose the correct resolution, and it is saying i have a 40" screen10:33
AledA stable release would have the version 1.0.010:33
MASARUwotaadamonline45: start in runlevel 310:33
edecaWhy don't we wait until _he_ asks rather than assume? :)10:33
Aled1 is the major version10:33
Aled.0 is submajor10:33
edecaAled: Sort of, yes.10:33
Aciidairtonix: and why CVS, why not SVN btw =D10:33
Aled.0 after that is a minor release10:33
adamonline45MASARUwota: Hey I have a friend named Masaru!  Anyway, how would I do that?  I can't see anything... live cd?10:33
edecaAled: There is a wiki page on release numbering and naming10:33
Aled1.1.0 is unstable10:33
adamonline45isolat3dsh33p: 9.10 alt6410:33
airtonixAled, that is standard versioning not "linux versioning"10:33
happyAciid: what about GIT?! :-)10:33
AledI was not told that10:33
edecaAled: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames10:33
Aciidhappy: yeah that would be even better10:33
achadwickISTR her asked earlier about filesystems. But memory may be faulty.10:34
airtonixAled, thats because software development in other areas is a clusterjob10:34
Aciidhappy: but ubuntu has big files, git is superfast for smaller files10:34
isolat3dsh33padamonline45, are you trying to install it or you have installed it for a while?10:34
airtonixAled, that is to say there is no order, no one cares about consitancy or standards...10:34
isolat3dsh33padamonline45, nvm, I don't think I can help you :(10:34
executeisolat3dsh33p, yes, I am running compiz and it does work, thanks! do I need to keep it running all the time? when I tried to close the terminal window everything froze10:34
MASARUwotaadamonline45: well, either livecd and then edit that, or boot in runlevel 3 (press edit when grub shows up, and put a "3" on the every end at the kernel row10:34
AledWhen I was a regular at phpBB's forums I was told it was called the Linux Version System10:35
Aledbut clearly I've been proven wrong10:35
adamonline45isolat3dsh33p: no, this is a fresh install... but I had it working one one drive, now I'm trying to get it working on a RAID array using software... Oh, oh well, thanks anyways :)10:35
ae86-drifterubuntu wont let me choose 1280x1024, i only get the option 1024x768, but my screen supports it..10:35
airtonixAled, information given through lack of wider experience10:35
AledWell you learn something new everyday xD10:35
isolat3dsh33pexecute, you should use the run command « alt+F2 » and then type in metacity --replace10:35
adamonline45MASARUwota: Hmm, I don't see the options for grub, it flashes by so fast... Do you know the key offhand?10:35
executeisolat3dsh33p, and do I have to do that again every time I restart ?10:36
afromanisolat3dsh33p: hej I'm back10:36
MASARUwotaae86-drifter: make sure you got good drivers, and edit xorg.conf by hand10:36
Nukerhello any channel for mint linux10:36
tsimpsonAled: the answer is "no", every version released is considered stable10:36
erUSUL!mint > Nuker10:36
isolat3dsh33pafroman, wb :)10:36
ubottuNuker, please see my private message10:36
MASARUwotaadamonline45: there isnt a "key", you need to press "e" during the grub screen10:36
Nukerlol plzz tell me :)10:36
airtonixNuker, read your private message10:37
afromanisolat3dsh33p: it wasn't successful10:37
afromannothing changed10:37
tsimpsonNuker: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:37
erUSULNuker: yu should have recived a private msg from ubottu telling you10:37
executeisolat3dsh33p, hmm, it kinda disables all the compiz features :O10:37
ae86-drifterMASARUwota, im using onboard intel mobo drivers, they seem okay and can play 3d games etc10:37
AledOh I get Ubuntu's versioning10:37
isolat3dsh33pexecute, no. You don't have to. It basically turn off your compiz. You can re-enable compiz by « compiz --replace ».10:37
afromanJordan_U: hello10:38
executeisolat3dsh33p, but than my issue will be back10:38
MASARUwotaae86-drifter: k, try editting the xorg.conf file then. (also, is your name from InitialD? :p)10:38
florinhi everyone10:38
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ubottuflorin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:38
afromanJordan_U: still here?10:38
yata!mint > yata10:38
ubottuyata, please see my private message10:38
weecoloh hello10:38
ae86-drifterMASARUwota, locate xorg.conf10:38
ae86-drifteri only have one xorg.conf which is there10:38
airtonixexecute, you should install compizconfig-settings-manager and check through the moduels to see if something is wrong with the resize module10:38
MASARUwotaae86-drifter: /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:39
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ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #remote-exploit)10:39
airtonixexecute, also : you should try to test if window reszing works by hold alt and left (or middle or right) click dragging a window works10:39
afromanisolat3dsh33p: U got any other idea?10:39
ae86-drifterMASARUwota, there is no such file10:39
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isolat3dsh33pexecute, could be. Listen to airtonix :)10:39
MASARUwotaae86-drifter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397310:39
duracan I install ubuntu in hard drive from one pc and move to another pc?10:39
Laurenceb_airtronix: rebooted10:40
ae86-drifterMASARUwota, when i type nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf it is BLANK10:40
Crash2108Excuse me, sirs.10:40
Laurenceb_it works ok10:40
airtonixLaurenceb, for now.10:40
MASARUwotaae86-drifter: youre running without a xorg.conf? only with autodetect? you should generate one then :/10:40
Laurenceb_but I also restarted the router10:40
Laurenceb_that may have been the issue10:40
executeisolat3dsh33p, I have it installed already. what should I look for? airtonix, it moves the window around, not resizing it10:40
isolat3dsh33pafroman, what's your problem again?10:40
Guest36214ubottu: thank you very much. actually i'm a user of a linux source based distro. i have installed ubunmtu at work.10:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:40
airtonixLaurenceb, i would set the dns server ip your computer is using to be the ip of your router10:40
afromanae86-drifter: start it with sudo10:41
Laurenceb_sure, I have10:41
ae86-drifterMASARUwota, how would i generate one :S10:41
airtonixexecute, alt + left click drag moves windows ?10:41
afromanisolat3dsh33p: same problem. screen tearing10:41
ae86-drifterafroman, i am10:41
MASARUwotaae86-drifter: theres a command, wait a sec10:41
mimir|onhi, i have a serious problem with karmic. whenever i start doing an upload my laptop starts to lag. i can't click, i can't change windows, or it changes windows but with a lot of delay. i have 64bit karmic10:41
executeairtonix, yep10:41
airtonixexecute, also install fusion-icon , then run it10:41
ae86-driftermimir|on, uploading WHAT?10:42
isolat3dsh33pafroman, the driver from ati website should work better. :/10:42
mimir|onthis happens when i upload with firefox, azureuz, filezilla...10:42
mimir|onae86-drifter: anything..10:42
AledI'm gonna Virtualize Ubuntu Server10:42
ae86-drifterfiles? to where, FTP or what10:42
airtonix!enter Aled10:42
XfactHello I am new to Ubuntu karmic koala, can anybody guide me to install pppoe Ethernet network on my computer?10:42
afromanisolat3dsh33p: well I don't see any difference10:42
MASARUwotaae86-drifter: ae86's are nice cars =)10:42
executeairtonix, isn't that used to turn compiz on and off easily ?10:42
airtonixAled, enter key is not punctuation10:42
ae86-drifterMASARUwota, yah thats why i have 1 :)10:42
MASARUwotaae86-drifter: try following this http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html10:42
mimir|onae86-drifter: to FTP with filezilla, HTTP in firefox or any other browser and p2p with vuze/transmission/deluge10:43
airtonixexecute, its also used to do some other tricks10:43
executeairstrike, I really like my compiz, I don't want to turn it off whenever I need to resize a window :O10:43
ubottuyes, I'm alive.10:43
duracan ubuntu work when I move hard drive to another pc?10:43
airtonixexecute, currently my assumption is that the window-renderer compiz is set to needs to be reasserted.10:43
afromanisolat3dsh33p: then again as I said mobility are a tricky thing. it's even hard to get a new driver in windows from my graphic10:43
hellyeah(ns identify muhhaha10:43
mimir|ondura: yes10:43
tsimpsondura: as long as the hardware isn't to exotic, sure10:43
afromanisolat3dsh33p: I checked the released notes, my graphic isn't there10:43
* execute is installing fusion-icon10:43
isolat3dsh33pafroman, is it listed in the release notes?10:44
linr0ckzCan I make a deb file from .sh file for easiness ?10:44
mimir|onae86-drifter: any idea?10:44
isolat3dsh33pafroman, then it'll not work perfectly :/10:44
airtonixexecute, because you can have compiz running and it will still be providing compositing to the desktop yet the backend that controls the window frames (rendering and interaction) has crashed or gone zombie10:44
om26erhow can i download this source code? git clone git://git.gnome.org/anjal10:45
tsimpsondura: as long as it would work if you did a fresh install, it'll work if you just move the hard drive10:45
erUSULom26er: just run that command in a terminal10:45
executeairtonix, looking at compizconfig settings manager... it seems like "resize windows" is off. shouldn't that be on by default? oO10:45
erUSULom26er: you have to install git-core10:45
erUSUL!info git-core10:45
ubottugit-core (source: git-core): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (karmic), package size 6958 kB, installed size 14232 kB10:45
airtonixexecute, yes it should be10:45
adsflhsfhello! how do i set programs launch on certain desktop at system start ??10:45
Silexhi guys, is it possible to reconnect to pts/0 like in http://codepad.org/IOHdsI1O? I ran do-release-upgrade on my server last night and my connection died10:45
airtonixadsflhsf, using devilspie10:45
Silexit looks like the upgrade process is waiting on some validation from me10:45
afromanisolat3dsh33p: I guess not. it is recommended to contact sony to ask for driver. U know when I go linux----radeon--- mobility--- others10:45
adsflhsfcould you share me with example of its use ??10:46
airtonixadsflhsf, or if you are using compiz, you'll put them in the standard startup place and then tell compiz to move them to a certain desktop when they run10:46
adsflhsfi never use compiz.10:46
duraok, thanks10:46
ae86-driftermimir|on, is it your connection that lags or the PC10:47
airtonixadsflhsf, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Devilspie | http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2139733,00.asp | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7574910:47
executeairtonix, well, turning that on makes everything work, but... I would've expected that having it off just makes resizing less pretty, not completely disabling it :\10:47
om26ercan i install ubuntu on btrfs?10:47
airtonixexecute, fundamental module.10:47
mimir|onae86-drifter: my laptop lags.. the connection is fine. whenever i start any upload process, everything starts to work slow. it comes back to normal when the upload is done10:47
Youndereforic is the name of the game. New girlfriend10:48
Younderproblems anyone?10:48
airtonixexecute, also the fusion-icon applet : right click and look in the menu you should see two entries that have to do with window frames : one that selects between metacity and compiz and the other should switch between what ever window renderers you ahve (default is gnome-window-something-something-something)10:48
APERSONIs there a way to switch from ethernet to wifi without dropping my connection briefly?10:49
airtonixAPERSON, no10:49
YounderAPERSON, no10:49
ae86-driftermimir|on, i have no idea, sorry, seems very strange...10:49
superbokiwhere would i put pgp keys?10:49
APERSONairtonix, Younder: thanks10:50
ae86-driftersuperboki, use synaptic to add them10:50
mimir|onYounder: can you check my issue?10:50
mimir|onae86-drifter: thanks, i'll keep looking10:50
executeairtonix, I have "select window manager" (compiz or metacity) and "select window decorator" (just one option - "GTK Window Decorator"). nothing about frames or gnome-window-something-something-something10:50
airtonixexecute, btw if you want that alt-right-click drag to move and resize windows on other OS's let me know10:50
superbokiae86-drifter: how, what do i clicky?10:51
Silexhi guys, is it possible to reconnect to pts/0 like in http://codepad.org/IOHdsI1O? I ran do-release-upgrade on my server last night and my connection died10:51
airtonixexecute, yeah window  decorator will get populated with other options if you install for example : emerald10:51
Youndermimir|on, I cant do much yet. State your problem.10:51
mimir|onYounder: so, whenever i start an upload process, my desktop starts to lag. when the upload is done, the normal speed of the desktop is back. upload with filezilla, any browser, any BT client10:52
executeairtonix, should GTK Window Decorator be checked? its the only option, but its radio box is unchecked10:52
mimir|onYounder: i'm on 64bit karmic, on a notebook10:53
Youndermimir|on, wierd10:53
superbokiwhere would i put pgp keys? (i'am on jaunty)10:53
afromanisolat3dsh33p: can U help me with another problem? my printer canon l120 can't work. where can I get a driver for it?10:53
airtonixexecute, yep its good (using this instead of other options means it will use metacity themes (window themes you see in the appearance applet))10:53
ae86-driftermimir|on, its not a remote VNC is it ? lol10:53
mimir|onae86-drifter: nope :P10:53
Youndermimir|on, what kinda network connection do you have10:54
mimir|onYounder: wifi10:54
airtonixexecute, of course you can try out emerald10:54
JonathanEllisHow can I make mailto links in chrome open in gmail?10:54
airtonix!find emerald10:54
ubottuFound: emerald, libemeraldengine-dev, libemeraldengine010:54
airtonix!info emerald10:54
ubottuemerald (source: emerald): Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 255 kB, installed size 1380 kB10:54
ae86-driftermimir|on, no idea then.. lol10:54
executeairtonix, what's the different ?10:54
pea[PC]does anyone else's mouse go mental when you first boot up?10:54
ae86-driftermimir|on, try limit the upload rate, does it make a differnce?>?10:55
airtonixexecute, imo it uses a bit more resources and it then requires you to manage the window themes via a different config interface than the standard appearance manager you use for every thing elese10:55
Youndermimir|on, well that's kninda new. Don't have any expeience with that10:55
abiosoft\leave #ubuntu10:55
Youndermimir|on, sorry10:55
ae86-driftermimir|on, to say 1KB/s10:55
mimir|onae86-drifter: it doesn't ... i tried with vuze...10:55
plustaxim trying to copy a folder over to my screensaver folder10:55
plustaxbut it says I dont have permissions.10:55
plustaxHow do I get permissions to copy a file to there?10:56
om26erplustax, hi, try sudo10:56
ae86-driftermimir|on, you mean it lags just as much as full up speed?10:56
airtonixexecute, personally i haven't found a theme i like that would cause me to install emerald (they are all vista/mac clones), default 9.10 metacity theme is what i've been using since intrepid10:56
Younderplustax, chmod10:56
JonathanEllisHow can I set my default email client to gmail in chrome so when I click a mailto link it opens a compose window in gmail in a tab in chrome?10:56
plustaxom26er Im doing it through the GUI not terminal10:56
Younderplustax, man chmod10:56
plustaxokay ill try it10:56
DEViUShi, can someone help me with sound, i cant here any sound from my speaker...=[10:57
mimir|onae86-drifter: ae86-drifter yep. lags te same10:57
plustaxI tried chmod10:57
plustaxmissing operand10:57
ae86-drifterwhat can i do to preserve resources, my PC is pretty slow, running 9.10 dont wanna reinstall remix version...10:57
YounderDEViUS, it is almost certainly due to the cat that you are not in the sound group10:57
plustaxIm trying to copy a file to /usr/share/gnome-screensaver/10:57
DEViUSYounder, i dont know what you are talking about, can you please explain more10:58
mah2223hi guys, does anyone know if a network switch infront of ubuntu server makes the server inaccessible10:58
zambawhich outgoing ports does malware generally call home on?10:58
ae86-drifterdoes netbook remix use gnome?10:58
zambaports below or over 1024?10:58
Crash2108I have HSo drivers.  Why can't GPSd work with /dev/ttyHS1 as the source?  What's wrong?10:59
om26erae86-drifter, yes fully10:59
DEViUSYounder, btw its a fresh install of ubuntu 9.10 on a dell optiplex 755 (Standard Hardware), even with live cd there is no audio, its a builtin speaker...10:59
ae86-drifterom26er, what does it do to use less resources then10:59
YounderDEViUS, in System -> administration menu there is a 'uses and groups' yers10:59
DEViUSYounder, ok, then10:59
YounderDEViUS, st the sound bit in the groups11:00
mah2223hi guys does anyone know whether ethernet switches make an ubuntu server behind it unreachable from WAN?11:00
DEViUSYounder, i dont have a sound group...11:00
ae86-driftermah2223, no it doesnt make a difference11:01
mah2223thank you i suppose the problem must be something else then11:01
YounderDEViUS, the handle groups bit11:01
ae86-driftermah2223, probabl;y your router11:01
DEViUSYounder, related/similar groups : voice, audio, pulse, pulse-access.... thats all i can find11:01
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YounderDEViUS, the pulse udio bit11:02
corecode_any idea why document reader wouldn't print pdfs, but the printer test page works?11:02
DEViUSYounder, what do i do in it, tick my user account as a member?11:02
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:03
corecode_i mean, it queues the job, but the printer doesn't print11:03
YounderDEViUS, yes11:03
Yomanif I have samba installed, shouldn't I automatically be able to access smb:// in nautilus?11:03
Nicekiwi9ubuntu 9.10 updated to latest linux kernel, now system wont boot with new kernel, new kernel recovery or old kernel, logs in then just brings up a white terminal and nothing else, help?11:03
DEViUSYounder, logount/login after it....should solve it ?11:03
mc_anyone here?11:04
YounderDEViUS, shoudnt be neccecary11:04
ae86-driftercould someone suggest a good DE that is less resource hungry than GNOME please?11:04
YounderDEViUS, but it doesn't hurt either11:05
ae86-drifterim looking at LXDE..11:05
DEViUSYounder, ok il try...11:05
bazhangae86-drifter, if you are using karmic you can install lubuntu-desktop package for lxde11:05
DEViUSYounder, sorry but dosent work, ...11:06
ae86-drifterbazhang, would you recommend that as a good alternative? do you know of any others that use minimal resource, all i need to do is have a virtual machine running and edit text files11:06
DEViUSYounder, its a built in mono speaker, i read that am suppossed to change output to mono from stereo, do you know how i can do that?11:07
YounderDEViUS, no11:07
=== mc_ is now known as cheermc
bazhangae86-drifter, there are a number, fluxbox, openbox; you should probably try them to see which you prefer11:07
DEViUSYounder, oh ok thanx then11:07
YounderDEViUS, I have a soundblaster stereo system11:08
DEViUShow can i flash my bios from ubuntu, using the dell bios "exe"11:08
YounderDEViUS, I suggest you get the same. It is MUCH recomended11:08
DEViUSYounder, okiz11:08
Nicekiwi9help anyone?11:08
ae86-drifterbazhang, ok thanks, seems lubuntu is very populat lightweight desktop, i think i'll try that11:09
vescha_is there a way to set margins in metacity so apps can only move and appear insde it?11:09
Younderfor it's 24 watts it creates a torrent of sound11:09
ae86-drifterDEViUS, you should be able to boot win xp from a usb drive and try it, i dont recommend using wine, it may be messy11:10
DandanBom dia!!!!11:10
Dandanonde acho um bom material para iniciantes no linux?11:10
Younderwine is a ugly cludge11:10
DEViUSae86-drifter, i dont want windows, i am a satisfied linux user, i wod love to do it from ubuntu11:10
bazhang!br | Dandan11:10
ubottuDandan: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.11:10
Youndertry samba11:11
Dandanmuito obrigado e tudo de bom!11:11
t0masI was wondering what other people use for scanning in Ubuntu? I used to use Kooka (from KDE), but it has been removed in KDE411:11
DEViUSae86-drifter, or atleast a bootable msdos (AT WORST) ;-)11:11
Nicekiwi9security updates have killed my system... help?11:11
t0masI have no need to do advanced things like OCR, just scan some documents to a PDF file11:11
ae86-drifterDEViUS, BIOS update is something you should NOT  DO from wine.11:11
edecaNicekiwi9: What do you mean?11:11
Nicekiwi9ubuntu 9.10 updated to latest linux kernel, now system wont boot with new kernel, new kernel recovery or old kernel, logs in then just brings up a white terminal and nothing else, help?11:11
edecat0mas: I think xsane might help11:11
YounderNicekiwi9, that is normal,don't panic11:11
DEViUSae86-drifter, obv. i understand11:11
edecaNicekiwi9: Have you tried single user mode?11:12
Nicekiwi9Younder: i know...11:12
Dandano comando #ubuntu-br não deu certo!!!11:12
t0masedeca: that one is rather complicated11:12
Nicekiwi9edeca: what would that be?11:12
edecat0mas: Yes, it is, but it has great hardware support11:12
ae86-drifterDEViUS, well yeah boot a msdos floppy or something...11:12
ae86-drifterDEViUS, if your PC is as old as mine11:12
edecaNicekiwi9: Boot to GRUB, select your recovery partition, press "e", go down to the "kernel" line and add "single" to the end, then press "b" to boot11:13
edecaNicekiwi9: See if that lets you get further11:13
YounderNicekiwi9, now that you have calmed down. Could you be more spesific?11:13
edulacomadrejahi! how to "show desktop" from console?11:13
DEViUSae86-drifter, mine is new enough =P   i just need to update the bios, as mentioned in one of tthe ubuntu forums, [audio issue]11:13
Nicekiwi9Younder: well i was specific... how much specific would u like?11:13
t0masedeca: any simpler tools?11:14
ae86-drifterDEViUS, well you cannot update it through linux, unless DELL have an alternative besides the EXE ti use11:14
edulacomadrejais there any command to "show desktop"?11:14
Nicekiwi9edeca: how exactly do I boot to GRUB? now that everythings all streamlined all those options are hidden11:14
YounderNicekiwi9, well I use the 222 version of the kernel.11:14
Youndernot the 1811:14
DEViUSae86-drifter, true, uless i use libsmbios, as per http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Tech/libsmbios_dellBiosUpdate11:15
ae86-drifteredulacomadreja, ctrl+alt + D11:15
Nicekiwi9Younder: theres a 22? 0_o11:15
YounderNicekiwi9, oh yes11:15
ae86-drifterDEViUS, there you go then.. lol11:15
edulacomadrejaae86-drifter, thanks! but I need to do it trough console11:15
Nicekiwi9Younder: if thats the last 2 numbers of the kernel version ur meaning, it just updated from 16 to 1711:16
DEViUSae86-drifter, xD11:16
YounderNicekiwi9, of cource i build it fromsource and use git to get the latest version11:16
ae86-driftersudo sendkeys (ctrl+alt+d)11:16
Nicekiwi9Younder: ah11:16
edulacomadrejaae86-drifter, thank you!!!11:16
Nicekiwi9edeca: ....?11:16
edecaNicekiwi9: You can press any key to get the menu generally11:17
Nicekiwi9edeca: at which point...?11:17
Nicekiwi9edeca: im NOT dual booting or anything btw11:17
edecaNicekiwi9: At the point you see "GRUB.." on the screen11:17
edecaNicekiwi9: I believe you can press ESC to get the menu still11:17
YounderNicekiwi9, hairy, but if you have got the balls it is worth while.11:17
ae86-drifteroops its xsendkeys11:18
Nicekiwi9Younder: indeed11:18
Nicekiwi9edeca: well lets see what happens....11:18
vescha_is there a way to always open applications in a new workspace?11:18
Nicekiwi9edeca: nope, there is NO grub menu11:19
Nicekiwi9edeca: this is Ubuntu 9.10, that stuff dosent show up anymore11:19
edecaNicekiwi9: THere should be a brief 1 or 2 seconds where you get GRUB at the top left (and that's it)11:20
legend2440Nicekiwi9: for grub2 hold dowh Shift key while booting to get grub menu11:20
Nicekiwi9edeca: all its says is "GRUB Booting..." in the top left before switching to the ubuntu logo then login screen11:20
Nicekiwi9legend2440: ahh.. thats more helpful xD11:20
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XfactHow to short thick cursors?11:21
Nicekiwi9legend2440: Yes, that worked !11:21
edecaAh, shift key, thanks legend244011:21
edecaWhy shift?  How odd!11:21
Younderhalf the shit stopped working on my latest update. Took me the best part of a moth figuring out that is was python that was the culprit11:21
eddymhey guys i have a mbr file11:21
dividerlegend2440: you solved a question I had a while ago. :)11:21
eddymhow external usb hard drive... how to i access it with a live cd11:22
eddymi presume i need to mount the external usb first11:22
eddymthen run the file?11:22
ae86-drifterLXDE more hungry than XFCE?11:22
Nicekiwi9edeca: which is the "Kernel" line?11:22
edecaNicekiwi9: Scroll to the one you want to boot (i.e. linux 1.2.3) then hit "e" and it should become clear11:23
Nicekiwi9edeca: yup done that but there no line with the word kernel in it...11:23
edecaNicekiwi9: What do you have?  I'm doing this from memory11:24
nano-What's the recommended virtualization technology in Ubuntu these days?11:25
Nicekiwi9edeca: well the last line is the only one which includes the kernel reference at all, "initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-17generic"11:25
dividerAnyone have an asus N10jh-a1? I have one and am having issues with the nivida control panel and scaling to a 1024x768 resolution11:25
ae86-drifteris there a web browser that is more lightweight than firefox, but less lightweight than lynx?11:25
ae86-driftergoogle chrome?11:25
dividerae86-drifter: try chrome11:25
Youndernano-,  blender11:25
nano-Younder: o___O11:26
burghello. i am using ubuntu 9.10 with a huawei card for mobile internet connection. the problem is that i can`t connect to mobile connection, even if on windows it works well. also, sometimes, if i connect on mobile connection on windows and then just restart pc to ubuntu, it connects11:26
nano-Younder: How is a 3D modelling tool a virtualization technology?11:26
militantanyone run epsxe ?11:26
Youndernano-,  blender rocks somethig awesome11:26
abdelrahmanhi, I have a problem with ubuntu 9.10, my cpu over heats and causes the computer to shutdown abruptly11:27
* Nicekiwi9 agrees with Younder11:27
Youndernano-,  what exactly are you looking for?11:27
garymchey anyone know how to use ftp. I set it up so i could access my ftp web server from the internet. Now I had 5 static ip address's assigned and i assigned one to my LTSP server now i cant ftp to it remotley. Do i have to change anything in ftp and how? what files do i alter and where are they. PLEASE HELP!!11:27
ubottugarymc: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:27
nano-Younder: Rapid deployment of throw-away virtualized guests. preferably a webgui for surveillance.11:27
papulhi. i um.. learnt that i could download source files for a package. so please tell me the exact command to download the source files to my desktop11:28
abdelrahmanhi, I have a problem with ubuntu 9.10, my cpu over heats and causes the computer to shutdown abruptly  ... not sure where to start looking? Can anybody help...11:28
papulusing apt-get11:28
ae86-drifterabdelrahman, try your CPU fan!11:28
MASARUwotapapul: aptitude is a tool for .deb packages, last time i checked11:28
happyabdelrahman: is it a laptop?11:28
j10297116clear your CPU fan11:28
abdelrahmanhappy: yes11:28
Youndernano-, sounds like eclipse material11:29
papuli want to download souce files for a package thru apt-get11:29
Nicekiwi9edeca: added single to the end and booted, no visable effet :(11:29
happyabdelrahman: is it on a flat surface?11:29
MASARUwotapapul: apt-get source packagename11:29
nano-Younder: Are you drunk?11:29
abdelrahmanae86-drifter: it works fine, I can hear it.. the computer shuts down whenever I start doing real work11:29
edecaNicekiwi9: Hrm, try the same but add this to the end: init=/bin/bash11:29
abdelrahmanhappy: yes! it occurred more than once actually!11:29
edecaNicekiwi9: If you are lucky, that will drop you into bash11:30
MASARUwotapapul: i would suggest to get the latest source from the projects website :/ but do whatever you like11:30
papulMASARUwota: where does it download to?11:30
Nicekiwi9edeca: with or without the  "single" ?11:30
MASARUwotapapul: dunno11:30
happyabdelrahman: that was not my question...11:30
Youndernano-, seriosly you don't make any sence11:30
happyabdelrahman: is it on a flat surface?11:30
edecaNicekiwi9: Without11:30
abdelrahmanhappy: yes .. I'm sitting on my desk!11:30
MASARUwotapapul: current dir, me thinks11:30
APERSONIs there a pdf reader that is close to evince but supports bookmarks?11:30
abdelrahmanhappy: nothing in the way of the fans!11:31
MASARUwotaAPERSON: okular has more functions then evince, i think.11:31
happyabdelrahman: is cpu scaling enabled?11:31
BurpsHi : just installed (ed)ubuntu for the first time : need to lock user : trying gconf-editor, gnme/lockdown, wanted to set restrict_application_launching and allowed_applications (as seen here : http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-5310/6mkpbn3up?a=view), but these keys don't exist : what can I do ?11:31
ErkRijoBom Dia!!!11:31
abdelrahmanhappy: how do i check that?11:31
APERSONMASARUwota, does it depend on a ton of kde libs?11:31
burgdoes anyone have any solution for my problem?11:31
papulAPERSON: sumatra??11:32
APERSONMASARUwota, I'm on a netbook and I'd like to keep things to a minimal11:32
papulAPERSON: ubuntu isnt minimal ;)11:32
APERSONpapul, mine is.11:32
APERSONpapul, also, that is windows only11:32
j10297116it is my first time here. Really nice.11:32
papulAPERSON: how did ya make it minimal?11:33
om26er-!hi | j1029711611:33
ubottuj10297116: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:33
APERSONpapul, lots and lots of stripping11:33
Crash2108Why is it impossible to get help here?11:33
Nicekiwi9edeca: again, no visable effect. also before this update there was an option on the login screen to slect your "Session" that option is no longer there :S11:33
happyabdelrahman: over heating is a hardware problem. You should get you cpu fan checked out. ect ect. There is a way you should be able to do a temperary fix. I am not sure how to do it. But somewhere under powersave options their should be something about cpu scaling.11:33
APERSONpapul, how much space does your install take?11:33
abdelrahmanhappy: I'm looking at the cpu scaling monitor, and I'm running on-deman11:33
om26er-Crash2108, ubuntuforums.org11:33
abdelrahmanhappy: I'm looking at the cpu scaling monitor, and I'm running on-demand*11:33
happyabdelrahman: I am a kde person, so I do not know the ubuntu method11:33
papulAPERSON: starting from minimal is better choice than stripping11:34
Youndertoo many CAPS for my liking11:34
papulAPERSON: havent checked11:34
happyabdelrahman: in that case. cpu fans :-P11:34
om26er-happy, that would be 'gnome method'11:34
DEViUSsomeone please help me with my speaker, its mono, but there is never any sound, only when i plug a speakers in  the jack then i get11:34
papulAPERSON: but its bloated now11:34
ae86-drifteryou can still use KDE with ubuntu happy ...11:34
ae86-drifterits not one or the other11:34
tgillespie_hi all, is it possible to run slapd in tls only mode? i tried removing ldap:// from SLAPD_SERVICES in /etc/default/slapd, but this seems to break the whole thing11:34
papulabdelrahman: did ur cpu heated up in win?11:34
abdelrahmanpapul: no at all!11:35
papulabdelrahman: whats ur current cpu temp?11:35
happyae86-drifter: ubuntu has kde. They just call it kubuntu. You can only run one at a time, but they can both be on the same install11:35
happyae86-drifter: you can set it up so one person can log in and get to kde and one can get to gnome. Or decide at login.11:36
abdelrahmanpapul: well I tried to install lm-sensors11:36
papulhappy: how can i install kubuntu on ubuntu??11:36
ae86-drifterhappy, nah kde is a desktop environment which maybe used on ubuntu, "kubuntu" is a package.11:36
om26er-evolution takes alot of screen space and anjal is not yet complete so is there any email client that take less screen space11:36
abdelrahmanpapul: but it didn't work, it can't detect my sensors for some reason11:36
papulabdelrahman: then how did ya know ur cpu is heating up?11:37
zvacetpapul:sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:37
ae86-drifterall linux can have KDE11:37
APERSONpapul, well, my bloated desktop is running in at about 5GB, my stripped version is running at 2.3GB11:37
psycho_oreosabdelrahman, it also depends on the chipset and the support for it11:37
ae86-drifterabdelrahman, your sensors may be reporting incorrectly, check the bios to see if it reads the same temp as gnome11:37
Nicekiwi9edeca: any other ideas?11:37
nastasDEViUS: still here?11:37
papulzvacet: will i get kdm instead of gdm??11:38
APERSONpapul, fully updated, some frivolous programs and a hell of a lot of chat logs11:38
j10297116Watching your talking is enjoyable.11:38
ae86-drifteras soon as it shuts down11:38
om26er-APERSON, my version takes lesser11:38
happypapul: it will ask you which one you want to use11:38
abdelrahmanpapul: because it gets very hot, and when I press the power button after it shutdowns, it runs for a couple of secs then shutsdown again, I have to wait a while before I can start it again11:38
DEViUSnastas, yes am here =D11:38
zvacetpapul:  you will get kde11:38
APERSONom26er-, mine would if aptitude would let me remove that darn CUPS11:38
om26er-APERSON, actually 1700mb11:38
DEViUSnastas, my speaker, its mono, but there is never any sound, only when i plug a speakers in  the jack then i get11:38
abdelrahmanae86-drifter: how can I check temp in gnome?11:38
veschais there a way to apply margins like xfce does on gnome?11:38
om26er-APERSON, sudo apt-get purge cups-common11:38
abdelrahmanae86-drifter: I can't do that actually11:38
papulabdelrahman: it may be due to other reasons11:38
happypapul: the package manager asks you which desktop manager you want. I suggest you stick to gdm because it is the one you know11:39
zollendaris there a way i can monitor or sent http requests ?11:39
APERSONom26er-, om26er- does apt-get support wildcards?  I usually would do something like sudo aptitude purge cups?11:39
papulhappy: i have use kde with archlinux11:39
zollendaris there a way i can monitor sent http requests ?11:39
abdelrahmanpsycho_oreos: when I run sensors-detect it says no sensors where detected11:40
om26er-APERSON, yes11:40
happyzollendar: I am not sure if it is what you want, but firefox has a great extention11:40
abdelrahmanpapul: like?11:40
zollendarno on terminal11:40
papulOWW!! i cant install bitchx :(11:40
papulabdelrahman: i dunno but it might not be due to over heating11:40
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om26er-APERSON, but for after removing cups-common open synaptics search cups and remove things excluding lib*11:40
papulhow do i install bitchx????11:41
APERSONom26er-, well, I reclaimed 50MB11:41
happyzollendar: so you want to send an http request? what do you want to accomplish (end result)?11:41
papulnot present on repos11:41
om26er-APERSON, do you use samba?11:41
zollendarhappy, i have a script that sends http requests, but i want to monitor it and see what it's requesting exactly11:41
ae86-drifterabdelrahman, theres a temp monitor applet you can install for gnome, serch in synaptic11:41
APERSONom26er-, I don't have synaptic :)11:42
om26er-APERSON,  probably not sudo apt-get purge samba*11:42
happyzollendar: can you tell it where to send the requests?11:42
tolpicoThere is some downloading going on from past 15 minutes at 10-15kbps. How can I find which application is doing this? Is there a command which displays all the apps accessing over TCP/IP?11:42
papulisnt bitchx present on the repos?? can someone please check?11:42
APERSONom26er-, yes, though I've been moving some of my shares to autofs+sshfs11:42
zollendarhappy, all i want is to see what it's sending exactly, it's huge script and i have no time to read it all11:42
happyzollendar: I do not think there is a way to do that. You can monitor connections (tracked by kernel) but I do not know how to monitor the data11:45
zollendarhappy say someone used wget to get something, is there a log that logs this sent http request ?11:47
happyzollendar: you could probably set up a script that logged that a request was sent on port 80 to [ip], but that is about it11:48
Hajexhi.. where I can find update manager in ubuntu Remix?11:48
zollendarhappy is there a guide to do so?11:49
happyzollendar: I could google it for you11:49
zollendarno thanks :P11:50
* RuSD yawns.11:50
RuSDIf a terminals taken over 10 hours to do something is it a good chance its just not gonna do it? ^^11:50
chilli0Hello does anyone know a good  32-bit assembler level analysing debugger for ubuntu ?11:50
papuli am having trouble compiling bitchx11:50
ikoniapapul: it's a dead product,11:50
papulikonia: ???11:51
Yomanif I am usually connected to a network of neighbours, and then create my own network with a router, will I still be able to access the neighbours shares?11:51
ae86-drifterzollendar, install xymon that will do what u need11:51
ikoniapapul: BitchX is dead11:51
militantehm, if something complains that it wants libgtk-1.2.so.0 ... but i have 2.0 installed... ?11:51
papulikonia: still i can use it no?11:51
Nicekiwi9well this was fun... is the Ubuntu paid support any better than this?11:51
StupidandUglyhi I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I can sync my new ipod shuffle in rhythm box11:51
ikoniapapul: not if it's code is outdated for current distros and you can't build it11:51
rob_pzollendar: You could set an alias to the wget command and have the alias run wget with the log option.11:52
zollendarhappy it seems ngrep would do it also11:52
happyzollendar: ok, I know nothing about it11:52
ae86-drifterzollendar, there are many apps available to monitor network activity11:53
happyI am looking up a packet sniffer :-\11:53
StupidandUglyI would be setting it up with fluxbox that is installed on xubuntu, I uninstalled xface11:53
roraclehey guys, i'm back.  my 9.10 istall started doing this thing where it defaults back to "None" on desktop effects11:53
linr0ckzguys any recommendations for screen capture package ?11:53
roracleso every time i log in, the effects are gone11:53
rob_pzollendar: What exactly are you trying to do?11:53
happyrob_p: he has answered that. He wants to know what requests a script makes11:54
om26er-LincKraker, gtk-recordmydesktop?11:54
zollendari have a script that's sending http request, all i want is to know what it's sending11:54
rob_phappy: Can't he just read the script to find out?11:54
rob_pzollendar: Then just read the script and find out!11:55
ae86-drifterzollendar, use xymon11:55
happyrob_p: he said it was "too big" lol11:55
zollendarrob_p it's to big and written in perl11:55
Nicekiwi9anyone help me? kernel updates have killed my system11:55
rob_pzollendar: Does it use wget for retrieval?11:55
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, choose a deifferent kernel to boot11:56
zollendarno mechanize lib in perl11:56
Hajexhi.. where I can find update manager in ubuntu Remix?11:56
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: ive tried the old one i had befoer the update and it jsut does the same thing as with the new kernel11:56
Crash2108Ubuntu doesn't work as well as windows.11:56
StupidandUglymy sound in xubuntu is awful all my songs are cracky11:57
happyHajex: which "remix"11:57
rob_pzollendar: Short of going through the script, you'll probably be stuck with a packet sniffer as suggested.  I use tcpdump.11:57
Nicekiwi9Crash2108: cos its not windows ;)11:57
DEViUSCrash2108, just because you cant get something to work you say that...11:57
psycho_oreosCrash2108, that's like trying to compare an apple and an orange11:57
SachoMy apple doesn't taste like an orange!11:57
happyzollendar: tcpdump | ngrep?11:57
Hajexhappy : Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.1011:57
ae86-drifterxymon is an excellent net mon tool11:57
StupidandUglyI'm trying to play music on rythmbox and the sound is all cracky and awful like, is there anyway I can correct this?11:58
psycho_oreosStupidandUgly, I suspect its an issue with pulseaudio11:58
ae86-drifterit will show usage for that specific script automatically11:58
Crash2108DEViUS, if you help me get something to work, I'd be glad to retract my statement.11:58
happyHajex: isn't it in the same place on ubuntu?11:58
StupidandUglyI guess I can download the manager11:59
DEViUSCrash2108, maybe if you would have asked your question directly someone would help....11:59
Hajexhappy : no11:59
StupidandUglywhats up with pulse audio anyway will they ever get flash working seamlessly with ubuntu11:59
ae86-drifterCrash2108, if you prefer windows, then use it, nobody cares11:59
Crash2108DEViUS, maybe I've tried that for 3 days after trying everything.11:59
happyHajex: in that case I can only tell you the commandline way. Assuming you can get to the command line.12:00
psycho_oreosStupidandUgly, 1) pulseaudio is a sound system 2) flash is proprietary and must be installed separately because of its licensing issues12:00
Crash2108I didn't say I preferred Windows, I said it works better.12:00
DEViUSCrash2108, whats your problem?12:00
ae86-drifterCrash2108, you mean you dont know how to make it work better??12:00
happyHajex: nm, it is under System->Administration->Update Manager12:00
Hajexno nothing in system at all12:00
ae86-drifterCrash2108, thats racist12:01
ae86-drifterplease take your racism elsewhere12:01
Sachodur, what?12:01
happyHajex: but you see where it says system?12:01
Crash2108DEViUS, I'm using HBo drivers for my 3G card which supports GPS.  I think these drivers were integrated into the latest generic kernal.  3G Internet works, and I can enable GPS and view the raw NMEA data with Putty, but for whatever reason GPSd doesn't work with it.12:02
chilli0How can i install qt ?12:02
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StupidandUglyhow can I get my ipod shuffle to work with rhythmbox?12:02
Crash2108The difference is instead of being on /dev/ttyS1, it's on /dev/ttyHS112:02
psycho_oreoschilli0, via synaptic12:02
Hajexhappy : system doesn't have tab (adminitrator ) I try to find under it but nothing there12:02
chilli0psycho_oreos,  What is it called ?12:02
Crash2108ae86-drifter, that's right.12:02
StupidandUglydoes anyone know, because itunes is awful and I would rather use linux12:03
psycho_oreosStupidandUgly, I think you need to install ipod libraries, never tried12:03
psycho_oreos!search qt12:03
ubottuFound: code, qt, maps, gui, disks, mount-#kubuntu, players, browsers, envyng, directconnect12:03
StupidandUglyI did12:03
psycho_oreos!info qt12:03
ubottuPackage qt does not exist in karmic12:03
StupidandUglybut its not appearing in rhythmbox12:03
happyHajex: I am trying to find the answer12:03
ae86-drifter!racism | Crash210812:03
tiger__when i use the Evolution Mail  ...the system tell me that  "Enter password for default keyring to unlock"  then I  input the password of Administrator ...but It still can not work ..why12:03
tiger__can anyone tell why12:04
psycho_oreos!info qt412:04
ubottuPackage qt4 does not exist in karmic12:04
erUSULtiger__: enter your user password12:04
erUSUL!find qt412:04
ubottuFound: ibus-qt4, libqt4-assistant, libqt4-dbg, libqt4-dbus, libqt4-designer (and 82 others)12:04
psycho_oreoschilli0, aptitude search qt12:04
ae86-drifter!info lubuntu12:04
ubottuPackage lubuntu does not exist in karmic12:04
Nicekiwi9anyone help me? kernel updates have killed my system12:04
chilli0psycho_oreos,  There comes up with like 10012:04
chilli01000* results12:04
StupidandUglywhats wrong with apple, they say that there system is great with music, but itunes is like the worst music library I ever used and the lack of functional alternatives is null.12:05
tiger__I select the option "remember the password"  I think that the system can not store the password12:05
erUSULStupidandUgly: we do not care about apple or itunes here ;) #ubuntu-offtopic if you must12:05
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, you need to explain more, how is anyone meant to know how your system got killed12:05
tiger__erUSUL: I  input ,  but   still can not work12:05
Nicekiwi9well i tried that but the guys helping me kinda died off....12:06
happyHajex: I do not know where it is. It should be somewhere under system :-\12:06
StupidandUglyIm aware erUSUL but I'm just frustrated trying to get rythembox working with my shuffle12:06
psycho_oreoschilli0, and so I don't understand, which qt do you need specifically? obviously qt seems to be available for ubuntu12:06
erUSULtiger__: evolution only ask me for passphrase when sending signed mail12:06
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, what error do you get?12:06
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: i installed the recommended security updates in Ubuntu 9.10, reset and all the cvomes up after i login in the boot background image and a white terminal12:06
erUSULtiger__: the gpg passphrase12:06
Hajexhappy : thanks I can do it by terminal but computer for small boy12:06
erUSUL!ipod | StupidandUgly12:06
ubottuStupidandUgly: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod12:06
StupidandUglythanks alot :D12:07
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: no errors, just the white terminal, no window manager or anything, and on the login window the "Session" selection is missing12:07
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, what does it say in the white terminal12:07
chilli0psycho_oreos, Qt >= 4.212:07
militantgetlibs-all.deb ... wtf is this12:07
happyHajex: ok, sorry I could not be of much help. is there a ubuntu-remix channel?12:07
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, type startx and what does it say12:07
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: x is already started12:07
Nicekiwi9ive tried that12:08
Hajexhappy : I dont know .. thanks again12:08
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9,  ctrl+alt +f7 what is there12:08
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: was that key combination supposed to do somehting?12:08
tiger__erUSUL:   I don't understand what you said  ,  because I am a newer12:09
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, switches to the X session12:10
erUSULtiger__: i'm saying that evolution should not ask for keyring password everytime12:10
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: no effect12:10
StupidandUglyyou know computers why not you rich12:10
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: also the terminal only works when the mouse is inside the terminal12:10
erUSULtiger__: do you have this installed ? libpam-gnome-keyring12:11
erUSULtiger__: sudo aptitude install libpam-gnome-keyring12:11
tiger__I try12:11
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, wait a sec, you have a cursor???12:11
diffredhi! I'm in Ubuntu 9.04, how do I take an screenshot in macbook (santa rosa)?12:12
Nicekiwi9yes, hense the White terminal and boot screen image in the background12:12
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: yes, hense the White terminal and boot screen image in the background, the one that looks like a center spotlight on a stage, blured12:12
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, is there a sessions option down the bottom at all?12:13
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: at the boot screen, not since the update no.12:14
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, the boot screen does not have a cursor. i think you mean the login screen12:14
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: woops, sorry. yes12:15
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, type in sudo service gdm start12:15
neezeranyone here know a good alternate app to play music on a jailbroke ipod touch?12:15
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: ""start: Job is already running: gdm"12:16
tiger__I   did it  thank you12:17
ae86-drifterNicekiwi press ctrl+alt+f1 then type in sudo service gdm stop, then type sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:18
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: what exactly will that do?12:19
SnadderIt is possibly to upgrade directly from 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS server ?12:19
Tidersae86-drifter, Nicekiwi9 Isnt CTRL ALT F1 usually reserved for X log?12:19
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, reinstall gnome12:19
chilli0Whats the eqvilant to ollydbg in ubuntu ?12:19
ae86-drifterOh use f6 then12:19
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: opps...12:19
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: welll im back to cmd login now12:19
bodhi_any one here, using Zenix?12:19
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, login and do the commands12:20
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: im not sure if it removed it, all i can see is a massive list of packages, how can i scroll up the cmd?12:21
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, never mind now install it again12:22
DanHey. I changed my password to my user account temporarily, and now I've changed it back, I keep on getting nm-applet wanting to put my old password in to connect to the network.12:22
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, did you run remove and instal?12:22
DanDoes anyone know how to revert this back to not needing a password?12:22
erUSULDan: go to Aplications>Accesories>Seahorse12:22
DanOpened Seahorse12:23
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: would i be right in assuming wireless is not connected if the ubuntu-desktop has been removed?12:23
erUSULDan: righ click on the Password word in the first tab choose change password12:23
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, no thats seperate12:23
NewbieOlá pessoal :)12:23
erUSUL!br | Newbie12:23
ubottuNewbie: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:23
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, run ifconfig or iwconfig to check wireless status12:23
DanThere isn't a password showing I'm affraid.12:23
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hekdahlHey! How do I do to stop blacklist a driver?12:23
militantwhat do i do about an app wanting libgtk-1.2.so.0 ... which is outdated on 9.10?12:24
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: hmm ok well, i got all was "101: Network is unreachable" on all to be installed packages, will check status now12:24
hekdahlI made my wireless work but everytime I reboot my computer the driver falls out.12:24
DanerUSUL: Found it12:24
hekdahlI think it has to do with a blacklist i did when i tried to make it work.12:25
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: would appare to be disconnected12:25
hekdahlCan it have to do with that?12:25
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, run iwconfig --help to see a list of the wireless settings you need to configure your connection....12:26
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, eg . iwconfig key [wpa key] etc etc12:26
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, i mean iwconfig wlan0 key [wpa key] etc etc12:27
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Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: uhm.. how about for wiored connection, my WGA key is over 20 characters long... gonna be a bitch to copy in12:27
hekdahlAnyone that knows how to stop blacklisting a driver?12:28
DanerUSUL: Brilliant! That's worked a charm. Thanks for the help :)12:28
ae86-drifterNicekiwi ok just connect the cable and type sudo ifconfig eth0 down, then sudo ifconfig eth0 up, then type in ifconfig, if it doesnt return an IP address type sudo dhclient eth012:28
erUSULDan: no problem12:29
inderhey can anybody help me in installing autoconf package12:29
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: nvm, wired connected auto matically... trying to install now12:30
buketwhich autoconf package12:30
tiger__how can I install mysql in ubuntu12:30
bazhanginder, sudo apt-get install autoconf12:30
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: now getting size mismatch errors :S12:30
inderclocal-1.10 -I config12:30
indersh: autom4te-2.61: not found12:30
inderaclocal-1.10: autom4te-2.61 failed with exit status: 12712:30
inderError running 'aclocal-1.10 -I config' showing this error12:30
FloodBot1inder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:30
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: tried apt-get update, still same problem12:30
inderi did that12:31
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, sorry im not familiar with that error...12:31
inderactually i am building xorp open source12:31
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: "Failed to fetch (package URL) Size mismatch"12:32
inderthere is bootstrap file to run when i am running this its showing these error12:32
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, type sudo apt-get check12:33
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: no errors12:33
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, have you enabled any non-default repositories?12:33
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: it may have installed kinda corrently12:33
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: yes12:34
indertiger: apt-get install mysql12:34
ae86-drifterNicekiwi edit sources.list and comment out all non defaults run apt-get update again and then try installing again12:35
Nukerwhere is mint linux channel ?12:35
hekdahlAnyone that knows how to cancel a blacklist command?12:35
tarskiwhen I mount a remote file system and im in an application trying to open->file->browse where do i find the path to the mounted file system12:35
tarskiim using gnome12:35
buketgnoome better than kde12:36
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: can u give me a command for that?12:36
Kartagistarski, .gvfs12:36
Kartagistarski, ~/.gvfs12:36
MASARUwotaNuker: the server is irc.spotchat.org and channel is #linuxmint.com12:37
MASARUwotaNuker: but its sort of dead, i heard12:37
NukerMASARUwota thanks sir12:37
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list, comment out all non default repos, run sudo apt-get clean, then sudo apt-get update then, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:37
tarskiKartagis: thank you12:37
Nukerdead ?12:37
Nukermasaru a little from u12:38
MASARUwotaNuker: i heard12:38
Jonathan_L_2I have a dual boot system with Vista. Recently I did a partition resize to make Vista smaller and make root bigger. And a few days ago I made Vista even smaller and made /home bigger. This is where issues started to show up - nm-applet is telling me there's "privilige errors" or something like it, and that's just one of many problems12:39
Jonathan_L_2What can I do?12:39
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: do i need to save in nano or just exit?12:39
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, yes, you will need to save it...12:39
Jonathan_L_2How do I check the file system, and how do I check the packages installed?12:39
hekdahlI blacklisted a driver that i want to unblacklist.12:39
hekdahlHow can i do it?12:39
Nukermint is based on ubuntu so can i install software like this "sudo apt-get install xchat" in mint ?12:39
Jonathan_L_2I do NOT want to reinstall12:39
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, it will ask if u want to save when u go ctrl+X12:39
dartHello, where I can unload the bookshop libflash-mozplugin for karmic?12:39
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MASARUwotaNuker: yes same thing12:40
mkanyicyJonathan_L_2, i dont think that is a partitioning problem12:40
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, just type Y and press enter12:40
Nuker Your love life will be happy and \12:40
Nuker\ harmonious.                      /12:40
Nuker ----------------------------------12:40
Nuker   \12:40
Nuker    \12:40
FloodBot1Nuker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:40
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: uhm... ok...12:41
mkanyicyJonathan_L_2, rather find a way to fix nm-applet12:41
dartHello, where I can unload the bookshop libflash-mozplugin for karmic?12:41
MASARUwotadart: unload?12:41
iamlenekohi people12:41
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MASARUwotadart: the package is "flashplugin-nonfree" i think. you can open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:42
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ubottuiamleneko: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:42
iamlenekothat's near off topic, but is someone have success installing a win2k guest with virtualbox12:42
x1r3Can someone help me out or point me in the right direction as to how to get my headphone jack to work the sound only come out of my speakers and not the headphone jack12:42
MASARUwotaiamleneko: try #vbox instead :X12:42
dartMASARUwota, no12:43
iamlenekoyop i am on it as well, just in case some ubuntu user like me have success12:43
MASARUwotadart: what?12:43
dartAlready I have it installed12:43
m4rtinhi, I'm doing a server upgrade over ssh and it seems to be hanging at "* Starting kernel log daemon..."; I can still ssh to the box to a fresh shell. Should I abort the hanging upgrade and run it again from a new session?12:43
Nukermasaru unetbootin is safe for windows users ?12:43
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mkanyicyiamleneko, don't force your way, you are off-topic12:44
dartMASARUwota, I need this plugins to be able to emulate a mozilla of 32bits12:44
iamlenekoi am on a ubuntu12:44
m4rtinactually, ignore that - after 10 mins, it suddenly resumed!12:44
julianaBom dia, estou tentando configurar sem sucesso o teclado do meu notebook hp pavilion dv9000 no ubuntu 9.10 e os acentos nao funcionam, alguma ideia?12:44
MASARUwotadart: more detail please12:44
julianaops, sorry... Good morning, I'm unsuccessfully trying to configure the keyboard of my notebook hp pavilion dv9000 ubuntu 9.10 and the accents do not work, any ideas?12:44
Pici!br | juliana12:44
ubottujuliana: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:44
MASARUwotajuliana: change your keymap12:44
iamlenekowhich made it not totally offtopic :P12:44
MASARUwotaNuker: i think it would work :/12:45
MASARUwotaiamleneko: #vbox is WAAYYY more on-topic :/12:45
mkanyicyiamleneko, being on ubuntu does not give you a permission to be 'on-topic' about what ubuntu is not supporting12:45
MASARUwotaiamleneko: if you were installing ubuntu on ubuntu using vbox, we may make an exception :p12:45
mkanyicyhi dura12:45
ubottudura: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:45
dartmasaThere is flash that in mozilla 64bits they do not work, and I love this plugins in order that it emulates mozilla of 32bits12:45
MASARUwotadart: i dont think you can add the 32bits plugin by simple installing it like the 64bit one :/12:46
dartMASARUwota, Or to install mozilla 32bits12:46
MASARUwotadart: you will need a 32bit distro then, afaik12:46
dartMASARUwota, in distro 64bits no?12:47
MASARUwotaiamleneko: just try #vbox already, if they dont come up with anything ask us.12:47
MASARUwotaif the problem isnt with ubuntu, then why?12:47
duraI want to ask, my ubuntu suddenly cannot show gnome session when start up, I must manually type startx in terminal12:47
MASARUwotadart: in a 64bits ubuntu you cant install 32bit mozilla, in a normal way.. that doesnt make sense12:47
durahow to fix it12:47
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: ok what are the default repos? and is there anywhere else repo lists would be, possably created by ubuntu-tweak12:48
MASARUwotadura: so you dont get the login screen (GDM) either?12:48
iamlenekothat's what i did ... funny thing is that the first things i have tell... whatever so far, noone seems to had an issue around so can give me help12:48
dartMASARUwota, With this plugins what it does is to emulate to mozilla of 32bits12:48
MASARUwotaiamleneko: just state your question then in privmsg :X12:48
iamlenekoi will keep on digging google results12:48
durayes, I must log in terminal12:48
MASARUwotadart: if you know all about it, you should be able to get it yourself then, right? :/12:48
dartMASARUwota, I have found it for hardy but for karmic not12:48
MASARUwotadura: reinstall GDM12:49
MASARUwotadart: just isntall the hardy one then, the differences are minimal :/12:49
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, comment out all of them except for the canonical.com ones12:49
durahow to install? I installed ubuntu throug usb flash drive12:49
zer0_moodhi all. i need a dictionary that can take whats in my clipboard automaticly. any ideas ?12:49
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: is there a way to cancell a apt-get update?12:50
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, or ubuntu.com12:50
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, ctrl +C12:50
mkanyicydura, maybe sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop gdm12:50
zer0_moodhi all. i need a dictionary that can take whats in my clipboard automaticly. any ideas ? ?12:50
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: just to be clear "##" comments out stuff right?12:51
flexyI'm running fsck.ext3 -ccvky /dev/some_partition at a headless box, in the background. How can I see afterwards how many badblocks was found?12:51
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, # will do12:51
duraok, I'll try it later12:51
duraI ask again12:51
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MASARUwotaflexy: logs? maybe?12:52
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: well everything non ubuntu or canonical is commented out with a double # but theres still repos in the apt-get update that are not in the sources.list12:52
durahow to restore boot loader karmic? my boot loader lost when installing ubuntu feisty12:53
mkanyicyzer0_mood, why don't you just paste to it12:53
chilli0Whats the eqvilant to ollydbg in ubuntu ?12:53
PiciNicekiwi9: Check if there is anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/12:53
flexyMASARUwota: where does it log?12:53
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, did you run apt-get clean?12:53
MASARUwotadura: bootloader? as in, GRUB?12:53
mkanyicydura, fiesty?12:53
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: yes12:53
MASARUwotaflexy: lets google =)12:53
Jonathan_L_2mkanyicy: The issues appeared right after resizing and moving partitions12:53
weinmanni try to run a shell script with root privs in the BG with nohup: nohup sudo sh bla.sh &    but it doesnt do anything sudo sh bla.sh with leavin the shell opened works perfectly so what did i do wrong?12:53
durafor grub12:53
Nicekiwi9Pici: its empty12:53
zer0_moodthis is the slower way.. i need to read a huge text full of unfamiliar words12:53
Jonathan_L_2It's too many issues at once to be random12:53
MASARUwotaflexy: /var/log/fsck ?12:53
zer0_moodtrying to save time12:53
durano, I want to return to karmic12:53
Nicekiwi9Pici: opps, hold on12:53
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, open the sources.list file again, make sure you saved it properly.....12:53
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: i have, several times, it was saved prperly12:54
mkanyicyJonathan_L_2, so you reckon it's partitioning process that changed priviledges of nm-applet?12:54
mkanyicyJonathan_L_2, what tool did you use to resize partitions ? gparted?12:54
holden_does any of you use a western digital caviar green hdd on linux? I'd like to see the output of hdparm and smartctl12:54
Nicekiwi9Pici: thats a directory12:54
mkanyicyhi smaakage12:54
ubottusmaakage: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:55
smaakageAre there somebody in here there can help me with screen in ubuntu server?12:55
ubottusmaakage: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:55
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, you could try sudo apt-get -f update12:55
Nicekiwi9Pici: unless u memt look in it.. mty bad12:55
PiciNicekiwi9: Yes. You can put files in there to be sourced by apt12:55
mkanyicyweinmann, what does nohup do?12:55
smaakageAre there somebody in here there can help me with screen in ubuntu server?12:55
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, i think all the "ubuntu tweaking" has backfired on you12:56
mkanyicyweinmann, why don't you just do "sudo blah blah blah &" ?12:56
weinmannwont it be closed if i close my shell then?12:56
flexyMASARUwota: it does not show anything. I've googled alot. I'm running the fsck in commandline. The box is quite limited and the hdd is quite big, so it takes ages. Perhaps few days. So, it's running in background...12:56
Nicekiwi9Pici: yes there are files in that dir12:56
mkanyicyweinmann, use disown12:56
durafirst, I install karmic. the boot loader work properly. after that I nstall 7.04 on same hard disk. boot loader doesnt work12:56
mkanyicyweinmann, why don't you just do "sudo blah blah blah &"  and then "disown"12:56
weinmannill look that up and try it ty for help12:57
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: Pici appares to be onto somthing12:57
PiciNicekiwi9: Anything in those files will be used when apt-get does its updates, so if you are seeing extra items that you don't want to see, then you need to look into those files.12:57
Nicekiwi9Pici: or i could jsut delete all those files?12:57
PiciNicekiwi9: Assuming you don't want them anymore, sure. Thats up to you though.12:58
flexyMASARUwota: I was actually hoping for a tool to check the badblock inode (or whatever it is called) from the fs after the fsck. Can't seem to find one...12:58
Nicekiwi9Pici: how would i do that, DOS cmds dont see to work :P funny that12:59
mkanyicyweinmann, no prob12:59
PiciNicekiwi9: sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*12:59
Nicekiwi9Pici: sweet13:00
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: grr maybe that wasent the best idea... apt-get update is complaining about lack of GPG's on the karmic-security and karmic-updates etc13:02
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:03
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: is also failing to get some of the ubuntu.com repos13:03
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »13:03
Nicekiwi9Pici: more like after deleting custom repos, but these are the offical ubuntu repos13:04
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ae86-drifterstill need keys13:05
ae86-drifterjust readd them with the instructions Pici gave you13:05
Nicekiwi9but surly they wouldent have been in that other folder?13:05
XfactAny shortcut key is available to run 'system monitor'?13:05
MASARUwotaXfact not by default13:06
chilli0Whats the eqvilant to ollydbg in ubuntu ?13:06
XfactMASARUwota: there any way available to add shortcut key for running system monitor?13:07
MASARUwotaXfact: cant tell you how, but i can guarantee you that there is such an option in gnome/metacity13:08
smellynoserWhere is the kernel I can install that will fix this mind numbingly annoying bug? option: option_instat_callback: error -10813:08
MASARUwotachili0: a debugger?13:08
Jonathan_L_2mkanyicy: No, I guess it's file errors or something13:08
XfactMASARUwota: well, thanks for that....13:08
Jonathan_L_2mkanyicy: GParted13:08
MASARUwotaXfact :/13:08
MASARUwotachili0: gdb?13:08
smellynoserI am close to suicide because of this stupid annoying pointless bug13:08
craig-thi guys, I've installed ubuntu server edition in a Sun Virtual box... I've installed apache php mysql... etc.. but I can't access anything on the servers ip address?13:09
Nicekiwi9Pici: oh dear.. can u tell me the gpgp keys for "http://security.ubuntu.com karmic-security Release" and "http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates Release" ?13:09
MASARUwotasmellynoser: explain your problem?13:09
mkanyicybut gparted reported no errors during resizing, Jonathan_L_2 ?13:09
Nicekiwi9Pici: or how i might get them?13:09
smellynoserMASARUwota: There is a bug/regression that is affecting me (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/446146). I don't know where the ubuntu safe kernel is, that fixes this13:09
Jonathan_L_2mkanyicy: there where an error with moving swap, then it had moved root13:10
smellynoserMASARUwota: If I can't find a fix, I'm likely to go on a killing spree13:10
Jonathan_L_2so I set it to move swap again and then /home13:10
Nicekiwi9Pici: opps13:10
Jonathan_L_2I think womething happened with the root partition13:10
craig-tanyone know where I might have gone wrong? I'm following this: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/how-to-setup-a-dedicated-web-server-for-free/13:11
MASARUwotasmellynoser: i know of someone else with that bug13:11
minthi juliana13:11
mkanyicyJonathan_L_2, you were using liveCD to partition right?13:11
zeitsofahello :) i have a problem with LUKS LVM and ubuntu 9.10. i has installed a new ubuntu 9.10. after the installation i like to use my crypted LUKS/LVM partitions for home/$user. so i edit my cryptotab ( http://pastebin.com/f32ca6447 ) the fstab ( http://pastebin.com/f4e4968ee ) run update-initramfs -u -k all und reboot the system. after grub2 prompt the i have to enter the encrypt password. i wrote 3-5 signs (it isn't the complete password) and sys13:11
smellynoserMASARUwota: Did they go on a killing spree because it ruined their lives and they couldn't fix it after trying 3 different kernels?13:11
Jonathan_L_2mkanyicy: yes13:11
MASARUwotasmellynoser: not afaik13:11
Crash2108What's the most well supported Linux computer?  The IDEAL hardware to show off Ubuntu?13:12
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mkanyicyJonathan_L_2, then in that case, I would just reinstall nm-applet13:12
Nicekiwi9Pici: please explain the command << and >>?13:12
smellynoserMASARUwota: Do you know how to fix it?13:12
nibblerin 9.04 i was able to set my sound preferences like : video uses this, audioconferencing uses that device etc. with my update to 9.10 this went missing. where can i find that?13:12
mkanyicyJonathan_L, or the whole desktop packages13:12
PiciNicekiwi9: What?13:12
SwedeMikezeitsofa: for me to get it to work on my crypted /home on a 9.04 machine upgraded to 9.10, I have to boot with nosplash and without quiet, then I have to type it 2-3 times before it works.13:12
mkanyicyJonathan_L_2, or the whole desktop packages13:12
Jonathan_Lmkanyicy: When I reboot, it freezes when everything has unloaded on the desktop except for my background13:12
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »13:12
SwedeMikezeitsofa: basically, it's just broken, they broke it when they tried to make things boot faster.13:13
Nicekiwi9Pici: "and run << -13:13
Jonathan_Lmkanyicy: It's me again, from the other computer13:13
PiciNicekiwi9: Run the command that is inside those brackets13:13
mkanyicyJonathan_L, that is a known problem13:14
PiciNicekiwi9: replace <key> with 437D05B513:14
MASARUwotasmellynoser: no...13:14
mkanyicyJonathan_L, anyway you can try to reinstall ubuntu-desktop package13:14
Jonathan_Lmkanyicy: I have to press the power-off button to shut down then13:14
Nicekiwi9Pici: yeah.. it says that keys not found on keyserver13:14
mkanyicyJonathan_L, are you using laptop13:14
zeitsofaSwedeMike: i have disable splash and quiet. but is very hard to enter the the passphrase 3 times parallel the boot process output is printed :/13:14
* marts is away: отошел13:14
Jonathan_LIt's a laptop, yes13:14
zeitsofaSwedeMike: no better solutions to fix this?13:14
DaZmarts: turn off autoaway plox >:13:15
Jonathan_Lmkanyicy: Booting in recovery mode now13:15
SwedeMikezeitsofa: well, I enter it when it's halting to ask for it. if I don't enter it fast enough (multiple times) I get dropped to recovery shell and have to cryptsetup luksOpen and mount from there13:15
mkanyicyWhat do you need to recover, Jonathan_L ?13:15
Jonathan_Lmkanyicy: Don't know. I'm letting dpkg fix packages now13:16
blackshellhow can i run java programs in ubuntu in geany??13:16
Jonathan_LOr something like it13:16
zeitsofaSwedeMike: bad bug :D so i replace my system with the 9.04 backup and try ubuntu 9.10 later :D thx for your help13:17
blackshellgeany says javac not found13:17
llutzblackshell: install jdk13:17
=== mint is now known as Nuker
MASARUwotablackshell: open synaptic and download the package or use apt-get13:18
Nukerhello how can i install kde in gnome desktop13:18
Nukeri want kde :)13:18
Jonathan_Lmkanyicy: Can you wait a few minutes? I'll upgrade Pidgin here now13:19
smellynoserWhat should I change 'karmic', 'karmic-security' and what not to in apt sources.lst so I can get some random untested code that might fix one of my problems?13:19
Jonathan_LNuker: It depends on the package names13:19
craig-thow do I get ubuntu installed in Sun VirtualBox accessible to other computers on my network?13:19
mkanyicyJonathan_L, ok13:19
Jonathan_Lkubuntu-desktop is the package to isntall for Ubuntu13:19
llutzcraig-t: use bridged networking, install13:19
Jonathan_Lcraig-t: What kind of accessible? SSH? Disk image?13:19
Nukersudo apt-get install kde ?13:19
mkanyicyJonathan_L, kubuntu-desktop is for KDE, ubuntu-desktop is for GNOME13:20
Jonathan_LNuker: If that's the package for your dist13:20
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: uhm.. any ideas?13:20
MASARUwotasmellynoser: you cant do that in ubuntu, it isnt a bleeding edge distro13:20
craig-tjust want to be able to view the websites with apache.13:20
Jonathan_Lmkanyicy: I know. Told Nuker that13:20
zeitsofaSwedeMike: google is my friend - i have found a bad trick to fix it. most text are german but i hope u can fix it, too.13:20
craig-tllutz, how do I go about that?13:20
zeitsofaSwedeMike: http://blog.biotecs.org/index.php/2009/12/ubuntu-910-workaround-fur-problem-mit-verschlusselten-festplatten-dm-crypt-crypttab/13:20
llutzcraig-t: read virtualbox-documentation13:21
llutzcraig-t: set a new virtual machine up, just make sure to use "bridged networking" and install what you like then13:21
llutzcraig-t: if you don't have dhcpd running within yuor network, configure that vm to use static-ip13:22
flexylastlog flexy13:22
Nicekiwi9Pici: any ideas?13:23
bijouhow can i install satan?13:23
craig-tthanks llutz13:24
MASARUwotabijou: ask satanists. lol13:25
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:26
bijou how can i install S.A.T.A.N. :13:26
Nicekiwi9w00t... another attempt to use ubuntu up inflames... with the same cause as all the last times...13:27
hvanderlaan@bijou: sudo atp-get install heaven_and_hell13:27
bijouwhat a joke13:27
voyantclevHello - I'm new to Ubuntu and trying to figure out how to identify which disk a particular set of directories is currently on13:27
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, if your new to linux, you shouldnt run these "tweks" unless you know EXACTLY what they do... you should of written down exactly what changes you have made13:28
voyantclevwant to create RAID1 (have 2 500GB drives) -- but need to be sure I don't inadvertantly delete something13:28
hvanderlaan@bijou: sudo apt-cache search satan13:28
smellynoserIs it possible to downgrade from Karmic to Jaunty? Also, does anybody know which kernel came with Jaunty? I need to try 2.6.28-13. That kernel doesn't seem to work for me with Karmic13:28
hvanderlaan@bijou: sudo apt-get install xevil13:28
ae86-drifterthe n you could easily revert them13:28
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: not exactly what i ment...13:29
Nukerhello verma13:29
jribNicekiwi9: pastebin your command and the full output13:29
legend2440bijou: http://ubuntusatanic.org/quick-install.php13:29
Nicekiwi9jrib: uhm what?13:29
jrib!pastebin | Nicekiwi913:29
ubottuNicekiwi9: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:29
* Nicekiwi9 resists the desire to be rude to Jrib but may fail...13:30
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ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, lol..13:30
blackshellis there a nokia sdk for ubuntu?13:30
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, i have done all i can, im sorry i cant help...13:30
jribNicekiwi9: if you want me to help you, please drop the sarcasm13:30
mkanyicyvoyantclev, are you having more than one disk?13:30
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voyantclevyes - 2 separate 500GB disks13:31
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chilli0Whats the eqvilant to ollydbg in ubuntu ?13:31
ae86-drifterjrib, he needs to add gpg keys for the default repos13:31
voyantclevwhen I run fdisk -l I show 3 partitions on the first, and one on the second13:31
mkanyicyvoyantclev, can you paste at http://paste.ubuntu.com the output of the commands "sudo fdisk -l" and that of "df -h"13:31
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: everytime ive used ubuntu over the years it dies wen updates come out and is never as stable as its flashy website claims.. and instead of updates all i get is (very kindly for you for providing them btw) is rather complicated  work arounds13:31
Jonathan_Lmkanyicy: I'm back13:31
jribae86-drifter: I understand, I asked him to show me what he ran and the output13:31
mkanyicyJonathan_L, ok13:31
Jonathan_LUpgraded Pidgin, yay13:32
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, thats funny because i have never had issues like that for years, but then again, i only add trusted repos, and i dont use "tweaks"13:32
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: well, im tlaking about offical ubuntu updates...13:33
blackshellis there a nokia sdk for ubuntu?13:33
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, but you had conflicting repos13:33
Jonathan_LMy laptop is still downloading packages ...13:33
ae86-drifterso the "update" will use the 3rd party repos you added13:33
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: not exactly, just repos that couldent be found13:33
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mkanyicyvoyantclev, are you still around?13:34
mkanyicyvoyantclev, can you paste at http://paste.ubuntu.com the output of the commands "sudo fdisk -l" and that of "df -h"13:34
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: it would appare the gpg keys for 2 of the ubuntu repos were in that folder with all the other 3rd party repos13:34
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: which i deleted...13:34
ae86-drifterNicekiwi9, well, download them again...13:35
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts13:35
voyantclevok - its there13:35
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts13:36
Xfactanybody have tested ubuntu 10.04?13:36
chilli0Whats the eqvilant to ollydbg in ubuntu ?13:36
=== ae86-drifter is now known as afk-drifter
kkunohi I'm trying to boot ubuntu 9.10 64bit in virtualbox, using the same system as host... and it says "this kernel requires x8664 cpu, but detected only a i686 cpu"13:36
elektrikzchilli0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608123&highlight=ollydbg13:37
Nicekiwi9ae86-drifter: no this is too much... this is exactly why i keep leaving ubuntu.. i shoudlent have to do all this assuming the sytem is as good as it claims to be, as an end user i should never have to use the terminal.. i could do all this and maybe fix it but its all too much hassle for a PC to just play music etc.. :(13:37
chilli0Nicekiwi9,  What are you trying to do ?13:38
jribNicekiwi9: you just said you deleted keys yourself.  That's not an ubuntu issue.13:38
airtonixchilli0, i assume you've already used apt-search to look for 32bit assembler debuggers ?13:38
hipitihopso what is the ubuntu way to automatically load a kernel module on boot, I want to load "uinput"13:38
Nicekiwi9jrib: no, but it is the cuase of the origonal issue13:38
jribNicekiwi9: caused by *you*.  Anyway, if you want to resolve it, can you pastebin the command you ran that ubottu told you about before and its output?13:39
chilli0airtonix,  I have a few installed but none are like ollydbg13:39
airtonixchilli0, have you tried looking on freshmeat or sourceforge ?13:39
elektrikzchilli0, did you check out the link i pasted?13:39
jribNicekiwi9: you are basically complaining that the blinker on your car doesn't work because you popped the hood and ripped out some wires13:39
mkanyicyvoyantclev, files in the second disk are in the /backup folder. the /backup folder is the mount point for the the partition on the second disk. the second disk has only 1 partition. the first partition of the first disk is mounted at / and must contain ubuntu and the next one is for swap. is there anything else you would want to know about your configuration?13:39
Nicekiwi9jrib: which command? and how do i do the paste exactly?13:39
chilli0elektrikz, Yeh  i did13:39
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jrib!gpgerr | Nicekiwi913:39
elektrikzany luck?13:39
ubottuNicekiwi9: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »13:39
jribNicekiwi9: visit paste.ubuntu.com to paste13:40
chilli0I have ddd and linux debug13:40
Nicekiwi9jrib: fuck it, now u r being rude... im outta here =( cya next release maybe...13:40
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mikeI'm having trouble with the new 9.10 and my wireless, it keeps dropping the connection randomly13:41
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chilli0elektrikz, But Its not like the ollydbg hehe13:41
jarod511i'm trying to install grub2 and before the upgrade-from-grub-legacy i have an error 15 file not found or something... any idea ?13:41
hipitihopGuest34034, have you tried using wicd, I find that more reliable13:42
elektrikzchilli0, well maybe you can find an alternative :)13:42
voyantclevthanks for the info mkanyicy; what I'd like to do is remove the /backup partition and create RAID1, with the 2nd disk to be used as the mirror of the first13:42
chilli0elektrikz,  Yeh I guess They It may be me thoe13:42
ae86-drifteri dont know why these people who know nothing about linux go around tweaking the shit out of it and expect everything to be fine13:42
dathSSL ret: 0, SSL error: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno: 0 <--- what does this mean?13:42
Guest34034hipitihop: Did it fix your problem 100%?13:42
chilli0ae86-drifter,  What did he do ?13:43
llutzae86-drifter: because they were told they can do so, because linux is soooo 133t and easy :(13:43
legend2440jarod511: http://stringofthoughts.wordpress.com/2009/05/25/grub-error-15-debianubuntu/13:43
elkyae86-drifter, (psst, there is no feces in ubuntu)13:43
ae86-drifterhe had about 15 custom repos and keys, and told me he followed guides from ubuntu tweaks website13:43
mkanyicyok, voyantclev, i have no experience about creating RAID, anyway, you can just backup all the files in / before you delete them on it13:44
jbwivguys, where should bugs in things like the Gnome System Monitor be reported? Via bugs.ubuntu.com or with the Gnome project itself?13:44
mkanyicyok, voyantclev, i have no experience about creating RAID, anyway, you can just backup all the files in /backup before you delete them on it13:44
ae86-drifterand then complaining that gnome wouldnt load up13:44
hipitihopGuest34034, yes but I have been using it since prior 9.10 for similar reasons... wirless would work for days then drop out sometimes, would have to re-establish things..sometimes worked on some users and not others. wicd just works for me13:45
voyantclevcan anyone else provide me with some advice on creating RAID1?13:45
airtonixjbwiv, read through this first : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs13:45
hvanderlaanvoyantclev: what kind of advice do you need13:46
jbwivairtonix: k, thx13:46
airtonixjbwiv, you can also get more specific information about ubuntu bugs on #ubuntu-bugs13:46
TopKatzhello - so there are new headers out there, but Im scared. I run a hardware raid that requires me to build my drivers.  Can I do the update, then build the drivers against the new headers before restart?13:46
jbwivairtonix: ok, thank you13:46
hvanderlaan@voyantclev: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/RAID1%2BLVM This could help you a bit13:47
voyantclevI have 2 disks; first one has Ubuntu and our local file shares (Samba); I want to create a RAID1 set-up so everything on the first disk will be replicated to the second13:47
airtonixTopKatz, theoretically yes.13:47
TopKatzif I jsut do make install will it use the new headers13:47
TopKatzor will I have to point it to the new ones?13:47
hvanderlaanfollow the steps and skip the lvm part ;)13:48
airtonixTopKatz, obviouslly you'll need to the new dev package for the new headers i presume13:48
TopKatzI dont typicaly need those to build the driver13:48
Xfactanybody uses internet connection that connected with cpu with ethernet?13:49
mkanyicyXfact, ask a question, a real one13:50
MASARUwotaXfact: "cpu with ethernet"... what?!13:50
mkanyicyMASARUwota, LOL!13:51
MASARUwotaXfact, i dont think anyone uses that, if you do, you are doing it wrong13:51
XfactMASARUwota: sorry I meant that connect your modem and CPU via an ethernet cable...13:51
MASARUwotaXfact, CPU = central processing unit, your processor. you dont connect that to the internet afaik13:52
ubottuinferno_daulXEON: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:52
XfactMASARUwota: only that calbe doing all problem to my Ubuntu 9.10 so I am feeling helpless :(13:52
airtonixXfact, you mean modem > ethernet cable > internet13:52
airtonixXfact, which then means : computer > ???? > modem ?13:52
* MASARUwota is confused13:52
hipitihophow does one load kernel modules automatically on boot ?13:52
XfactMASARUwota: whatever, that big side box....which we use and 'normally call CPU'13:52
* airtonix is too13:52
MASARUwotaXfact what? :/ Computer, or PC? is that what you are aiming at?13:53
mkanyicyXfact, hahaha, ok now I remember the computer science guys used to say to us the whole desktop box was a cpu13:53
Xfactairtonix: Modem>Ethernet cable>computer... *Successful connection*  :) (I meant that)13:54
* airtonix is not amused13:54
MASARUwotamkanyicy: LOL13:54
farciarz84is there some tool in ubuntu console that I can get processor usage from?13:54
airtonixXfact, yes i have that setup13:54
llutzfarciarz84: top, htop, ps13:54
mkanyicyMASARUwota, I am not kidding you, at varsity level!!13:54
farciarz84in cpu_usage; out: 34%13:54
MASARUwotamkanyicy: holy shit D:13:54
MASARUwotafarciarz84: use "top"13:54
Xfactairtonix: are you using Ubuntu karmic?13:54
airtonixXfact, your next question will involve describing the type of modem13:54
inferno_daulXEONIm having a problem. I have an open iptables but I can not ping my windows machine. and my windows machine cannot ping my ubuntu machine. I can ping the windows machine from a laptop. I can ping the router from the ubuntu machine. WHAT do I dooooo13:54
farciarz84MASARUwota: I need to redirect output to some file so I need only one result cpu_usage13:55
XfactMASARUwota and akanyicy, yes that computer desktop box....13:55
airtonixXfact, ie: my modem is an adsl modem. (and yes i use karmic)13:55
MASARUwotaXfact: you dont call it a CPU, honestly, you dont :/13:55
MASARUwotafarciarz84: this is a general linux question, people here dont seem to answer, so i point you to #linux, the guys there are really knowledgable =)13:56
inferno_daulXEONHelp >.<!13:56
Xfactairtonix: you are the right guy to ask then, I am using adsl modem thats connects internet by ISP username and password, but in ubuntu 9.10 is't not connecting... :(13:56
Nukerhow to install gnome theme ?13:57
MASARUwotainferno_dualXEON: is your windows box refusing connections with its firewall? maybe?13:57
XfactMASARUwota: then what should I call it?13:57
airtonixXfact, my modem handles the authentication (it is also a router and a switch )13:57
mkanyicyNuker, use synaptic13:57
MASARUwotaXfact: pc, desktop, computer, "box"    just dont call it CPU, as a CPU is something INSIDE a computer :/13:58
inferno_daulXEONMASARUwota: Nope, the windows machine is cool. I can access its files from my laptop and can access my laptops files from it.  Its the ubuntu machine that is bugging out13:58
airtonixXfact, in my network config i just set my gateway to the ip of the modem/router/switch13:58
MASARUwotainferno_dualXEON: you said you have iptables running?13:58
Xfactairtonix: all mine too, but can you tell me how to set it in karmic to use...13:58
zambaproblem with ubuntu after latest karmic update.. gdm won't start.. when i issue service gdm start i get the following error: "start: Unknown job: gdm"13:58
macman_hi does anyone use dvdautor to make menus ? if so when i try to use it i get a segfault .. any ideas why ?13:58
airtonixXfact, see the network applet icon in your system tray ?13:58
MASARUwotainferno_dualXEON: try disabling that and retry?13:59
airtonixXfact, (two arrows pointing left and right )13:59
inferno_daulXEONzamba:  did you happen to try 'sudo aptitude install gdm'13:59
Xfactairtonix: I set up pppoe (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) connection with UID and password in 'dsl' tab of network manager....13:59
farciarz84llutz: ps -eo %C doesn't seem to work13:59
airtonixXfact, why? your modem should handle that for you ?14:00
zambainferno_daulXEON: already installed14:00
`BlAdE`j'ai supprimé, faute de frappe, network-manager-gnome de ma koala karmic. J'ai donc profiter de ce soucis pour jouer avec iwconfig et essayer de configurer ma carte wifi manuellement mais j'ai pas mal de soucis d'utilisation.14:00
ubottu`BlAdE`: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:00
XfactMASARUwota: but which you are meaning CPU I mean it by calling 'processor'  :)14:00
`BlAdE`sry =)14:00
MASARUwotaXfact: you may think that, but you should use words that the general public uses. im not just going to use random words because i like them :/14:01
inferno_daulXEONMASARUwota: iptables -L shows the proper config.14:01
airtonixXfact, so you use the dls tab of the network config UI ? (i use the wired tab )14:01
zambainferno_daulXEON: did a reinstall, that did the trick14:01
sooposWhat is wrong in the bash function at http://pastebin.com/m4f3cbe65 ?14:01
MASARUwotainferno_dualXEON checked your hosts?14:01
llutzfarciarz84: ps -eo pcpu,xxxxx14:01
Xfactairtonix: I am totally new in 9.10 so set up anyway...(and it's wrong so not connecting) I need guide, but no one can't do that :( can you?14:01
inferno_daulXEONzamba cool14:01
llutzfarciarz84: read "man ps" for further info14:02
airtonixXfact, just remove any entries under the dsl tab and move back to the wired tab14:02
Xfactairtonix: ok what to do in 'wired' tab....I've added a connection, but where to put user id and password?14:02
airtonixXfact, you dont put any authentication information there14:03
llutzXfact: if you hava router as you said, you don't need user/pass14:03
airtonixXfact, adsl authentication is handled by your modem.14:03
ubottuXfact: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE14:03
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!14:04
Xfactairtonix: then my modem will not connect, because it's only accessible by authenticating....my connection provider's rule :( (atleast win XP and Ubuntu hardy doesn't support connection without authentication)14:05
Jonathan_Lmkanyicy: Lolz. It seems like it's working now. :)14:05
inferno_daulXEONMASARUwota: I dunno what I should be checking for14:05
Jonathan_LIt connected automatically14:05
mkanyicyJonathan_L, ok14:05
MASARUwotainferno_dualXEON: dunno either, if your iptables and hosts are good then idk14:06
Jonathan_LIf NetworkManager works now, so should the rest14:06
FloidIs there a way to convince apt to reinstall all dependencies for a meta-package?  (Like ubuntu-desktop after a disk crash?)14:06
Xfact 'adsl' and 'dsl' has any difference?14:06
Jonathan_LFloid: Reboot to recovery, dpkg repair?14:06
Xfactbecause I think my modem is DSL....14:06
airtonixXfact, yes but nothing concerning the reasons why you have to connect the way you do14:06
llutzXfact: dsl, better xdsl covers adsl and sdsl14:06
Jonathan_LI just did it 'because I had some issues, it's fixed now14:06
FloidHm, that's an idea.14:06
llutzXfact: no difference for you14:07
FloidThat won't purge anything, will it?14:07
inferno_daulXEONI have localhost and hostname and then all the other computers i have static ips for14:07
airtonixXfact, my recommendation is either 1) read that link above 2) get a new ISP that doesn't impose such stupid connection policy14:07
DungeI'm trying to build something, and it seems I got a broken lib in my libtool (I did a lot of not-standard builds tricks before today)... where does libtool know what are the .la files it should check? Is there a file with the list somewhere?14:07
Xfactairtonix: ihey! in that link it saying we have to put our 'username and password' after runnig 'sudo pppoeconf' in the terminal!14:09
FloidDunge:  Google "libtool search path"?14:09
airtonixXfact, i use ppoe too but my modem handles it for me. far easier14:10
Xfactairtonix: then I think my modem is dump and stupid and your modem is smart! you are lucky! :-/14:11
airtonixXfact, follow that link see how far you get14:11
FloidIf you have a "router" that usually includes a PPPoE client, is I think what you're saying the confusion is.14:11
rolloit is a common problem in ubuntu to have ridiculosly slow internet through woreles that hardly ever works14:11
airtonixXfact, but i can't see how that page is different from the dsl tab in the network config window14:11
DungeFloid : google it and see, no answer there :P14:12
smaakageIs there anybody there can help me with screens?14:12
rolloi have the prblem of not being able to use the internet 90% of the time it will just time out14:12
mkanyicysmaakage, your question is vague14:12
airtonixsmaakage, screen or monitors ?14:12
FloidXfact: The concept is something like [DSL]-[DSL-to-ethernet-bridge-AKA-modem]-[PPPoE client]-[NAT]-[local subnet], if that helps. Sometimes these all live in one piece of hardware or are scattered across multiple boxes (or the PPPoE client can run on the PC itself).14:14
FloidIf that helps any. :)14:14
* Xfact feeling lots of pressure in just 13 yrs old mind :( 14:15
airtonixbest time to start learning14:15
MASARUwotasmaakage tries to connect to a screen but it gives him an error, afaik14:16
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XfactFloid: whatever you said, I know it's valuable information but I didn't understand, and it's ok and thanks :)14:16
FloidIt'll start to make sense the more you poke at it.14:17
FloidPPP is just like on your old dialup modem.14:17
airtonix(infact it is the same thing/method )14:18
FloidAnyhow, time to try that repair/reinstall.14:18
Datadhi who had a heroes of newerth ?14:18
Adam-85Hi all , anyone can help me to install Oracle 10g under Ubuntu14:19
padi999has anyone else also wondered, why there are so many linux-header updates compared to real userspace apps updates in apt-get updates? I find it rather fascinating that there is a core team of kernel developpers totally on crack/speed and litteraly no one fixing bugs in apps.14:19
TidyBhoyhow are we all? Is any1 here Connecting to a pptp VPN in Karmic? Im having a bit a bother getting mine running =(14:19
Dungelibtool: link: `/usr/local/lib/libts.la' is not a valid libtool archive14:20
Dungemake: *** [libSDL_image.la] Error 114:20
kgrandis_are there any packages available that have CLI for configuring network settings like those used on first boot? ala dpkg-reconfigure networking or etherconf?14:20
DungeI don't know why sdl_image try to find libts... and why it's still in libtool configs14:20
Dungebut I'm stuck14:21
padi999and has anyone managed to run syncs between kontact and google calendar?14:21
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ljamisoniihello all...is there a program to edit .so files? gedit won't open it because it says it can't determine the character coding14:23
protojayhow do you setup user quotas on ubuntu?14:23
Adam-85Heey , Can tell me where can get help to install Oracle under ubuntu14:24
jmburgesshey is there a way to do apt-get clean in a GUI of some sort?14:24
dooglus_how do I install grub?14:24
Ethoshi chaps, I need to install vmware tools on ubunt userver 8.1014:24
Ethosis aptitude install open-vm-tools the best method?14:25
neboAdam-85, apt-get install postgres  is much easier to achieve ... and in freedom.14:25
dooglus_I used to dual-boot between 32 and 64 bit ubuntu.  I wiped the 64 bit partition, but don't know whether that's where grub lived.  I need to make sure it's installed on the 32 bit partition before rebooting.  how do I?14:26
eFfeMhi, how can I get sudo to let me in without asking for a password. I have already added eFfeM  ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL to /etc/sudoers, but that did not help. anyone an idea ?14:26
kadakasIs it normal that Xorg takes up over 50% cpu and ~300MB of ram? My CPU is dual 2.5Ghz14:26
protojayeFfeM, that seems to defeat the point behind sudo doesnt it?14:27
dooglus_eFfeM: I'll find out for you - just a moment14:27
llutzeFfeM: what gives "sudo -l"14:28
eFfeMprotojay: this is a single user system, I'd rather not always use a root, but don't want the hassle of having to type my passwd every thiem14:28
eFfeMllutz: User frans may run the following commands on this host:14:28
eFfeM    (root) NOPASSWD: ALL14:28
eFfeM    (ALL) ALL14:28
gp5sti'm writing a shell scripts that needs to run a job every 15seconds, how do i do that, if i wait 15 from when the job finishes it'll run every 18 or 20 seconds or so14:28
FloodBot1eFfeM: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:28
airtonixjmburgess, since apt-get clean provides no output I assume you desire something like synaptics to provide you with a button that runs apt-get clean ?14:29
airtonixgp5st, cron ?14:29
aciculagp5st: cron?14:29
airtonixgp5st, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto14:29
Adam-85Any one know any room for free support for Oracle please tell me14:30
ionuthi does anyone knows where i can find the crypt() function of linux ubuntu ( the function that contains the algorithm to crypt the passwords ) ?14:30
gp5stairtonix: cron only provides minute res14:30
aciculagp5st: use a fail safe though, starting a process every 15 seconds is gonna blow up real fast if it starts taking longer then 15 secs to complete14:30
dooglus_eFfeM: i put "chris ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" as the last line14:30
NarcHello folks. I need someone's help to figure out why my left click is behaving strangely (when it's behaving at all) since I updated Karmic week or so ago. When the bug appear, I can't click any button or focus windows, right click is not responding too. I tried to set the X server to defaults, turned Compiz and Gnome-Do off, but nothing works. Xev is not registering any events form the mouse. I figured the problem appear depending o14:31
Narcn which program I open first. Mouse works on other OS. Thanks a lot.14:31
airtonixeFfeM, there is more to sudo than just "being something for a multi user desktop"14:31
gp5stacicula: yeah, i just don't know how to do that14:31
alienkid10can I install software on a user that does not have sudo privileges?14:31
gp5st::face palm:: just cmd & and it returns immediately then i wait?14:31
dooglus_eFfeM: maybe you have other lines after yours, overruling it14:31
aciculagp5st: well you could mak a process starter that spawns a new process every 15 seconds?14:31
gp5stalienkid10: from source or with apt?14:31
acicularather then sleep for 15 secs after your proc finishes14:31
stedewhy oci (in php) dont work after i've done all points described here ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PHPOracle ) without any failures?14:31
cHarNe2Datad: had a hon what?14:31
ionuthi does anyone knows where i can find the crypt() function of linux ubuntu ( the function that contains the algorithm to crypt the passwords ) ?14:32
gp5stacicula: yeah, that's what i was doing, i just wasn't sure if there was a better way to go about it14:32
Xfactairtonix:  i followed all the instruction but now it saying 'device not managed' after clicking network icon in the top panel....14:32
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eFfeMdooglus_: thanks that was it, after it there was a line for the group admin and I was also in admin14:33
alienkid10gp5st: with apt if possable14:33
eFfeMall who responded, thanks for your help14:33
aciculaionut: man crypt?14:33
airtonixXfact, logical, since your modem is indeed not managed by the network applet (you used a different backend as per that page)14:33
hamzaatova2ive  aquestion----- why the text isnt centered??????????? http://img684.imageshack.us/i/11941466.png/14:34
ionutacicula: i don't think it exists ! u know what i am talinkg about ?14:34
dooglus_ionut: it's in the standard library14:34
aciculaionut: install the libc man pages, then type man crypt14:34
airtonix!find crypt14:34
ubottuFound: cryptsetup, ecryptfs-utils, erlang-crypto, ghostscript, libbeecrypt-dev (and 83 others)14:34
jmburgessairtonix: correct14:34
hamzaatova2ive two computers in which the bootup of the system is failing for some reason------can you help me to solve it and make ubuntu to run??????14:34
alienkid10gp5st: ?14:34
ionutacicula: how do i install the man pages ,xcuse me ?14:34
Xfactairtonix: first I deleted all existing connection and after running 'sudo pppoeconf'14:35
airtonixjmburgess, then i doubt you'll get your desire.14:35
dooglus_ionut: install 'manpages-dev'14:35
gp5stalienkid10: idk, i was reading a little http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/16475/14:35
dooglus_!info manpages-dev14:35
ubottumanpages-dev (source: manpages): Manual pages about using GNU/Linux for development. In component main, is optional. Version 3.21-1 (karmic), package size 1509 kB, installed size 3192 kB14:35
luisthow can i force resolution to be 1600x900?? highest available in Display is 1280x720...14:35
Jennifer_B2what is the current kernel versin on desktop ubuntu14:35
gp5stalienkid10: sorry:-\ any14:35
jmburgessairtonix: I found it is system->admin->computer janitor14:35
ionutdooglus_:  thx14:35
alienkid10gp5st: can't?14:35
Jennifer_B2kernel version14:35
gp5stanyone here know if you can use apt to install a package to a user's home? @alienkid1014:35
airtonixjmburgess, you can create a desktop launcher that contains something like : 'gksudo xterm -e apt-get clean'14:35
Xfact airtonix:  it was asked for my user name and password just and I gave it, thats it...it shouldhave connected... but for any problem...14:35
HtheBcould someone convert a .rpm into a .deb ?14:36
HtheB(with alien)14:36
Xfact airtonix:  well thanks for your help :)14:36
gp5stalienkid10: i don't think so:(14:36
Jennifer_B2anyone... current kernel version is ?14:36
alienkid10gp5st: how with source when  I do make install it install normally?14:36
jellowgp5st: no but you can install it then you can ln -s /app/  it to your /bin folder14:36
aciculaJennifer_B2:  Linux silence 2.6.31-16-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP14:36
Jennifer_B2i have drivers for kerner 2.614:37
Jennifer_B2acicula: will that work on the the latest ubuntu?14:37
alienkid10jellow: could I set up my own bin and etc and other folders nessacery?14:37
aciculaJennifer_B2: best to stick with drivers supplied with ubuntu14:37
Jennifer_B2it's for some mobile usb device14:37
airtonixalienkid10, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo14:38
HtheBcould someone convert a .rpm into a .deb ?14:38
dooglus_ionut: package libc6-dev has /usr/lib/libcrypt.a which has the crypt function in it14:38
iceroothow to see the encoding of my terminal?14:38
airtonixHtheB, why?14:38
ikoniaHtheB: that's strongly not advisable14:38
aciculaJennifer_B2: the 2.6 kernel has been around for a looooong time, wether or not the drivers work depends on the drivers. Best to check first if you need to use your own custom drivers14:38
HtheBairtonix, because i cant install rpm14:38
ikoniaHtheB: what do you want to install ?14:38
ionutdooglus_:  weeeo, thx man !!! apreciate that14:38
Jennifer_B2also.. I currently do not have internet on my ubunty computer... is there a way to download the packages to get started ( such as to unzip rar files and such)14:38
alienkid10compile takes longer usually then I allow users on my system14:38
alienkid10per day14:38
HtheBa game made with sdl lib14:38
HtheBlet me show u the link14:38
jellowalienkid10: Not sure , I suppose so. Would more elegant to make a seperate partition14:39
airtonixHtheB, it helps when asking to initially provide as much information as possibly. also dont use enter as a form of punctuation14:39
HtheBhttp://narroin.free.fr/dstroy can u take a loot at it airtonix?14:39
alienkid10jellow: apt would work if they had the folders necessary in their  ~14:39
airtonixiceroot, i assume you are using gnome-terminal ?14:39
jonathan__hello! Since I upgraded my kernel from 2.6.31-16 to 2.6.31-17, some strange things happen. First, I can't boot the new kernel; it stops in normal boot with "Starting up..." and in recovery mode after telling me that my internal hard disk is checked and ok and will be next checked in "x" times. When trying to boot from 2.6.31-16 (the old kernel), I get the x server running, but all ttys are completly empty, except tty1. There stands "14:40
jonathan__Starting up...", I can't logg in via the tty, only on tty7 (XServer). Any Ideas what went wrong during the upgrade?14:40
alienkid10jellow: what folders would I need?14:40
icerootairtonix: gnome-terminal through ssh with the real shell14:40
airtonixiceroot, "real shell" << describe this14:40
icerootairtonix: after upgrading to zsh, i got big problems with utf8 through ssh14:40
=== gnelisse is now known as gijsnelissen
icerootairtonix: /bin/sh14:40
gp5stalienkid10: when you do ./configure you add --prefix=$HOME/bin or somwhere else you have access, then make, make install will put it where the prefix was14:41
ikoniaHtheB: I wouldn't try to repackage that rpm - it's got dependencies on specific c++ libraries14:41
airtonixiceroot, commonly referred to as the "execution enviroment"14:41
icerootairtonix: ok14:41
HtheBdepencies? what do u mean?14:41
icerootairtonix: gnome-terminal is set to utf8, if i am using zsh utf8 is broken, if i am using bash its ok14:41
alienkid10gp5st: compiling generally take longer then the time I they have on my system14:42
jellowalienkid10: Not sure i undersand , Where apt installs its binaries?14:42
icerootairtonix: so i think i am missing something in ~/.zshrc but dont know what14:42
airtonixiceroot, http://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2008/msg01158.html14:42
alienkid10jellow: yes14:42
airtonixiceroot, also : http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2008-03/msg00042.html14:43
HtheBikonia: depencies? what do u mean?14:43
jellowalienkid10: /usr14:43
icerootairtonix: ah good to know, thx14:43
ikoniaHtheB: the software will depend on specific library versions, in specific locations14:43
gp5stjellow: he wants to allow uses to install their own programs though, the issue is write access to /usr14:44
gp5stjellow: chroot each user?14:44
dooglus_I used to dual-boot between 32 and 64 bit ubuntu.  I wiped the 64 bit partition, but don't know whether that's where grub lived.  I need to make sure it's installed on the 32 bit partition before rebooting.  how do I?14:44
alienkid10jellow, gp5st: example one ~/bin ~/usr and other folders in the users home folder would apt-get install install packages to the users local ~/bin and ~/usr?14:44
gp5stthen they should be able to apt if i recall14:44
alienkid10updates for system wide packages would happen my me14:44
JenniferBI currently do not have internet on my ubunty computer... is there a way to download the packages to get started ( such as to unzip rar files and such ).. ?14:46
ionutdooglus_: what application can i use to read the libcrypt.a ?14:46
gp5stalienkid10: i would look into chroot jail14:46
jrib!offline | JenniferB14:46
ubottuJenniferB: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD14:46
alienkid10gp5st: you can't chroot without sudo14:46
dooglus_ionut: gcc will invoke ld which will pull in that library14:46
dooglus_ionut: gcc file.c -lcrypt14:46
alienkid10I use chroot myself actually14:46
dooglus_ionut: 'man crypt' will tell you to use -lcrypt'14:47
P3t3hey guys I am trying to get my Epson S20 to work - it's supported by the gutenprint drivers collection. ANyway in the official documentation of gutenprint i see my printer, I don't see it on my system when I choose the driver though14:47
ionutyes but i couldn't install the manpages14:47
gp5stalienkid10: huh? the point of chroot is that each user get's their own little world to play in14:47
ionutdooglus_: i don't know how14:47
JenniferBubottu, thanks14:47
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:47
alienkid10gp5st: don't they need sudo to chroot?14:47
TidyBhoyhow are we all? Is any1 here Connecting to a pptp VPN in Karmic? Im having a bit a bother getting mine running!? I've Tried everything.. I'm at the stage now that it connects but i then my internet traffic freezes... i also notice that a little padlock appears over my wireless signal when it connects (on the NetworkManager Applet)...14:47
gp5styeah, but you chroot them, then they live there14:47
dooglus_ionut: perhaps you need to state what you're trying to do, bigger picture14:48
alienkid10I don't want to have to log each one each time14:48
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gp5stalienkid: once you jail them, they don't need sudo to get there14:48
jellow!msn | jellow14:48
ubottujellow, please see my private message14:48
dooglus_ionut: it sounds like you're trying to build some source code, but don't know how to run the compiler...  perhaps you would be better off with a pre-built binary14:48
aciculaTidyBhoy: post the log and route table on pastebin, the icon means that the connection was sucsesfully setup, so if it breaks your internet its probably because of routing or dns servers that are broken14:48
billubmy crontab is not sending email reports, not even sure the crons are running (looks like not) can anyone help please !14:49
aciculadns entries14:49
ionutdooglus_: i just want to read what's inside that library14:49
dooglus_ionut: it's a binary.  not really readable for humans14:49
jellow!Kopete | jellow14:49
ubottujellow, please see my private message14:49
TidyBhoysorry acicula im new to this.. how i get the log and route table?14:49
alienkid10isn't chroot text based or is there a way to make the outside user (my user?) invisible to that station? and have the X-session replaced with the chroot?14:49
ionutdooglus_: i got it. so how can i find out the logarithm that linux uses to crypt the passwords ?14:49
dooglus_ionut: you could try reading the source code of the crypt function, but it's not very interesting14:50
dooglus_ionut: lots of huge tables of numbers, and swapping bits around14:50
alienkid10because  in that case in a chroot like I do mostly then the user can interact visually with the outside and open a outside terminal14:50
ionutdooglus_:  it would be interesting. how can i do that14:51
gp5stalienkid10: i havn't used chroot like that, but i would imagine it would act exactly the same? i'm assuming their using xforwarding so there isn't a big difference betweena  cmd line prob and an x prog14:51
aciculaTidyBhoy: in a console type route -n, pptp messages go into syslog, but it also posts account info there i think so maybe pastebinning isnt the best idea., does nslookup www.google.com return anything when you have the pptp connection running?14:51
mgolischman crypt?14:51
dooglus_ionut: enable the source repositories and apt-get source libc6-dev14:51
alienkid10ah yes they are14:51
mgolischi think it uses des or md5 depending on the format of the supplied salt14:52
aquastar112hello :)14:52
alienkid10so I could do this14:52
aciculaTidyBhoy: also are you trying to route all your traffic through the pptp vpn or just access stuff on that vpn14:52
alienkid10they wouldn't beable to exit?14:52
stedewhy oci (in php) dont work after i've done all points described here ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PHPOracle ) without any failures?14:52
alienkid10without logout/shutdown?14:52
ionutdooglus_: i've done that. now what follows ?14:52
gp5stalienkid10: I think it should work, it's what it was designed for. no they wouldn't be able to14:52
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gp5stalienkid10: i havn't used it tooo extensivly so i can't guide you much past here, but i know there are good tutorials on it14:52
dooglus_ionut: "man crypt" may tell you enough actually - it doesn't go into the ugly details, but is quite wordy14:53
icerootwhat is the shortcut for pasting selected text? (mouse button 3)14:53
alienkid10I'll look it up14:53
alienkid10thanks though!14:53
Guest30032I need help with wget I have a deadline of about 20 minutes to try and wget the first and second level of a .com to avoid being psuedo ddos'd14:53
TidyBhoyroute all traffic through it acicula, i cant even open google when connected to vpn14:53
jribiceroot: shift-insert14:53
abuyusufi've Ubuntu 9.10 64bit installed, can i install Qt SDK 32bit version on it ?     Would that cause any problems ?14:53
=== Guest30032 is now known as chamunks
NarcHello folks. I need someone's help to figure out why my left click is behaving strangely (when it's behaving at all) since I updated Karmic a week or so ago. When the bug appears, I can't click any button or focus or close windows, right click is not responding too. I tried to set the X server to defaults, turned Compiz and Gnome-Do off, but nothing works. Xev is not registering any event from the mouse. I figured the problem appears14:53
Narc depending on which program I open first but it's quite random. Mouse works on other OS. Thanks a lot..14:53
chamunksI need help with wget I have a deadline of about 20 minutes to try and wget the first and second level of a .com to avoid being psuedo ddos'd14:53
erUSULiceroot: there is none (standar anyway some apps may paste X paste buffer with some shortcut) afaik14:53
ionutsh: dpkg-source: not found14:54
ionutUnpack command 'dpkg-source -x eglibc_2.10.1-0ubuntu15.dsc' failed.14:54
ionutCheck if the 'dpkg-dev' package is installed.14:54
icerootjrib: that is pasting text from the clipport (i copied with ctrl + c)14:54
ionutE: Child process failed14:54
FloodBot1ionut: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:54
dooglus_ionut: speak up a bit?14:54
jribiceroot: maybe the two clipboards have the same contents atm then?14:54
ionutdooglus_: when i was installing the source libc6-dev i got that error14:54
icerootjrib: no14:55
gp5stalienkid10: np14:55
jribiceroot: where are you pasting?  Verify with xclip.14:55
icerootjrib: also my friends are using it too but they are not here so i cant ask14:55
dooglus_ionut: I'll try it here14:55
icerootjrib: they can paste with shift + insert which is using the clipboard i filled with ctrl + c and they press anything else to paste selected text14:55
ionutdooglus_: ok14:56
icerootjrib: so there are two clipboards with different content14:56
dooglus_ionut: did it download 23MB of stuff?14:56
inferno_daulXEONHELP! Network issue. I can ping server from windows but not the other way. Connection refused on port22. Port set to listen. IPTABLES flushed and set to accept. Don't know what to do.14:57
jribiceroot: all I can tell you is shift-insert has always pasted what's in the xclipboard for me14:57
ionutdooglus_: it says that dpkg-source: not found14:57
Geracl-linuxнастраивать сеть14:57
FloodBot1Geracl-linux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:57
dooglus_ionut: install package dpkg-dev14:57
dooglus_!info dpkg-dev:14:57
ionutdooglus_: it also says to chech if dpkg-dev is installed14:57
ubottudpkg-dev (source: dpkg): Debian package development tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.15.4ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 559 kB, installed size 1912 kB14:57
dooglus_!info dpkg-dev14:57
ubottudpkg-dev (source: dpkg): Debian package development tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.15.4ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 559 kB, installed size 1912 kB14:57
ionuthow ?14:57
ionutapt-get dpkg-dev ?14:58
Geracl-linuxнастроит инет14:58
Geracl-linuxи сеть14:58
Geracl-linuxдля винды14:58
FloodBot1Geracl-linux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:58
jrib!ru | Geracl-linux14:58
ubottuGeracl-linux: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:58
icerootjrib: try to select a text and press mouse whell14:58
dooglus_sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev14:58
jribiceroot: yes, it's the same as shift-insert...14:58
icerootjrib: also put something in your clipboard with ctrl + c14:58
ionutdooglus_:  i am trying14:58
icerootjrib: hm, strange, here it isnt14:58
jribiceroot: make sure you do the selection after you did the ctrl-c14:59
icerootjrib: of course14:59
jellowchamunks: wget -l "NUMBER OF LEVELS" "SITE" , look at man wget14:59
mebigfatguygreetings: so i changed my locale to dutch to test i18n support in my program, and now i don't know where the language menu item is.  Any kind soul describe the icon for languages ?14:59
icerootjrib: mouse wheel is pasting the last text i selected which is different to the text which shift + insert is pasting14:59
jribiceroot: incidentally I just found http://www.shiftinsert.com/14:59
hanasakiis there a way to use ldap for DNS server data?  also with DDNS?15:00
jribiceroot: where are you pasting?15:00
chamunksjellow, thanks you're definitely my hero today!15:00
SirStan#sparkfun is on track to take this channel over as the largest15:00
_Neocan even post there15:00
icerootjrib: firefox, gnome terminal, open-office, gedit15:00
ionutdooglus_: i've installed the dev package15:00
icerootjrib: doesnt matter where15:00
hanasakiwhat dns / dhcp / ddns servers do folks use and like and why?15:00
ionutdooglus_: what i must do ? install the other package ?15:00
inferno_daulXEONhanasaki: dyndns. simple and free15:01
dooglus_ionut: apt-get source libc6-dev again15:02
hanasakiinferno_daulXEON:  yes.  however I need to setup my own15:02
dooglus_ionut: then the source code is in eglibc-2.10.1/crypt/crypt.c from where you ran that command15:02
llutzhanasaki: polls please at #ubuntu-offtopic15:02
jribiceroot: have you installed anything that would affect that?15:02
icerootjrib: seams like clipper is doing this15:03
ionutdooglus_:  it works.thx15:03
=== james_ is now known as bluebaron
icerootjrib: klipper of course15:03
mebigfatguyi changed my locale to dutch to test i18n support in my program, and now i don't know where the language menu item is.  Any kind soul describe the icon for languages ?15:03
bluebaronIs there a utility for editing grub options(namely reorder and delete some)15:04
duarte /ignore -channels #sparkfun * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS15:04
bluebaron /quit {nickname} kicks a person you don't like from the channel15:04
jribbluebaron: please don't do that here...15:04
icerootbluebaron: stop that15:04
M2RERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)15:04
dooglus_I used to dual-boot between 32 and 64 bit ubuntu.  I wiped the 64 bit partition, but don't know whether that's where grub lived.  I need to make sure it's installed on the 32 bit partition before rebooting.  how do I?15:04
bluebaronjrib, iceroot :) sorry15:04
icerootM2R: server running?15:05
M2Rany idea?15:05
M2RERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)15:05
icerootM2R: no need for repeat15:05
aciculamebigfatguy: its blueish, probably called taal instellingen or something15:05
bigpreshM2R: Is the MySQL server actually running?  Does /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock exist?15:05
chipcat_iemandhier die nederlands spreekt15:05
mebigfatguyacicula: great! found it15:05
acicula!nl | chipcat15:06
ubottuchipcat: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl15:06
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
inferno_daulXEONCant ping local machines but can ping router... Any Ideas?15:06
icerootinferno_daulXEON: ping localhost?not working?  ping not working?15:06
bluebaroninferno_daulXEON, router blocking pings?15:06
bluebaroniceroot, he can ping the router15:06
M2R'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock doesn't exist15:07
llutzinferno_daulXEON: router misconfig?15:07
inferno_daulXEONiceroot: ping localhost works.15:07
icerootbluebaron: and i was asking if he can ping localhost15:07
vk5fsks_scottguys I will be installing Ubuntu on the weekend15:07
bluebaronIs there a utility for editing grub options(namely reorder and delete some)15:07
bigpreshinferno_daulXEON: What kind of router are we talking about?15:07
vk5fsks_scottand will be dual booting15:07
inferno_daulXEONbluebaron: router doesnt block pings. I can ping the ubuntu machine from others15:07
icerootbluebaron: inferno_daulXEON ah sorry, missread15:07
bluebaroniceroot, to what end?  if he can ping the router isn't that all he needs to know?15:07
inferno_daulXEONbigpresh: Its  a wrt54gs with ddwrt firmware15:07
bluebaroninferno_daulXEON, traceroute {ip of machine on network}15:08
aciculaTidyBhoy: just route -n not the ,pptp messages15:08
M2Rbigpresh: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' doesn't exist. and I can't find any mysql.sock or mysqld.sock in my computer15:08
bigpreshinferno_daulXEON: Some consumer-type routers have an option within their admin tools to specify whether local LAN clients should be able to communicate with each other or not15:08
bluebaroninferno_daulXEON, where does pinging stop?15:08
bigpreshM2R: And the first question - is MySQL actually running?15:08
adacHow can I check if which ports are used, and which are free15:08
llutzM2R: pgrep mysql15:08
bigpreshM2R: ps auxw | grep mysql15:08
TidyBhoylol.. sorry m815:08
bluebaronIs there a utility for editing grub options(namely reorder and delete some entries)?15:08
llutzadac: lsof -i / netstat -tulpen15:09
guntbertShwack: are you still around? did you get access to your data?15:09
bigpreshbluebaron: Stop repeating and be patient15:09
icerootbluebaron: vim15:09
llutz!repeat | bluebaron15:09
ubottubluebaron: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:09
=== cp is now known as Guest56933
inferno_daulXEONbigpresh: I can ping the machine from other machines on the lan but not the other way around15:09
M2Rbigpresh: ps auxw | grep mysql15:09
M2Rroot      2620  0.0  0.0   3036   780 pts/1    R+   22:09   0:00 grep mysql15:09
bigpreshbluebaron: You can of course vim /boot/grub/menu.list15:09
M2Rllutz: found nothing15:09
bigpreshM2R: If that's the only line you got, then MySQL isn't running15:10
llutzM2R: so mysql doesn't run at all15:10
inferno_daulXEONbluebaron: traceroute no reply15:10
bigpreshM2R: That'd be your problem15:10
bluebaronbigpresh, iceroot, # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE # It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using template # from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub15:10
spo0nmanI'm trying to create a package using dpkg-deb and want to add crontab entries using the package. how can i do it?15:10
aciculaadac: netstat15:10
bigpreshM2R: /etc/init.d/mysqld start ?15:10
bluebaroninferno_daulXEON, where did it no reply?15:10
adacacicula, netstat -an --tcp :)15:10
M2Rbigpresh:root@M2R-Ubuntu:/home/maesa# /opt/lampp/lampp start15:10
M2RStarting XAMPP for Linux 1.7.3...15:10
M2RXAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running.15:10
M2RXAMPP: Starting MySQL...15:10
M2RXAMPP: Couldn't start MySQL!15:10
M2RXAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...15:10
FloodBot1M2R: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:10
adacllutz  your solution does not work15:10
inferno_daulXEONbluebaron: they are all   1 * * * 2 * * *, etc for 30 hops15:11
M2Rroot@M2R-Ubuntu:/home/maesa# /opt/lampp/lampp start15:11
M2RStarting XAMPP for Linux 1.7.3...15:11
M2RXAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running.15:11
M2RXAMPP: Starting MySQL...15:11
M2RXAMPP: Couldn't start MySQL!15:11
M2RXAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...15:11
bluebaroninferno_daulXEON, 30 hops?!  that's not right15:11
FloodBot1M2R: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:11
bigpreshM2R: Read what the bot told you, don't just flood again!15:11
M2Ri'm sorry15:11
bigpreshM2R: Anyway - MySQL is not starting - that's pretty clear15:11
airtonixM2R, why are you using xampp ?15:11
jribM2R: why are you using xampp?  You should install things from the repositories.15:11
airtonixM2R, there is no good reason to do so15:12
icerootbluebaron: hm, grub2 is really a strange thing...15:12
M2Rso what i have to do?15:12
bigpreshAnd "why are you using XAMPP" was going to be my next question; I didn't even know there was an XAMPP for Linux, I thought that was just to help people stuck on Windows15:12
M2Runinstall lampp?15:12
airtonixM2R, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP15:12
Wericwhat a good/best modem for ubuntu?15:12
icerootM2R: dont use xampp use a real lamp15:12
icerootM2R: sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 phpmyadmin15:13
guntbert!best | Weric15:13
ubottuWeric: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:13
inferno_daulXEONbluebaron: yea. I don't know I can ping router and localhost but not any machines. but can recieve pings. and IPTABLES is set to accept15:13
ivanatorais there something wrong to enable root user, disable sudo and use root as it is used in other distros?15:13
M2ROK, i'll unistall the lampp15:13
airtonixWeric one that doesn't require you to use pppoe authentication from the computer (ie one that handles it self )15:13
bluebaroninferno_daulXEON, i think your issue is a route issue15:13
Wericwhat a modem that works in ubuntu?15:13
porter1ivanatora, why?15:13
icerootivanatora: you dont need a real root account15:13
airtonixM2R, lamp != xamp15:13
jribivanatora: there's not much reason to and will make most of the admin gui inaccessible to you15:14
guntbertM2R: you uninstall the xampp, please use LAMP15:14
inferno_daulXEONbluebaron: route or router? Im pretty sure the router is set right. It hasnt changed and it used to work. untill i reinstalled karmic15:14
bluebaroninferno_daulXEON, if you're getting 30 hops to reach a machine on your local network, it's going outside of the network, ... you might have your gateway as an external ip.  should be the ip of your router.  pastie.org what you get from # route15:14
guntbertivanatora: not exactly wrong - but this way is more secure15:14
ivanatoraI'm used to have a root account to do the root stuff and also using a separate root account is more secure, IMHO15:14
Wericairstrike: is pppoe required by the modem? i assumed that was something the ISP used15:15
jribivanatora: do you know about "sudo -i"?15:15
inferno_daulXEONbluebaron: it didnt jump 30 hops. It didnt get a reply15:15
guntbert!root | ivanatora15:15
ubottuivanatora: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:15
icerootivanatora: of course its not more secure15:15
inferno_daulXEONbluebaron: unless i fail at using traceroute15:15
bluebaron<inferno_daulXEON> bluebaron: they are all   1 * * * 2 * * *, etc for 30 hops15:15
guntbert!sudo | ivanatora15:15
ubottuivanatora: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:15
ivanatoranow I'm using sudo bash to get interactive su session15:15
WericOK rephrased again... Anyone use a modem, which modem?15:15
bluebaroninferno_daulXEON, are you wireless?15:16
jribivanatora: use "sudo -i" as that's why it exists15:16
ivanatoraabout security what if someone knows my user account password? he will have root access, too15:16
inferno_daulXEONbluebaron: I can't say I know what that means.   --  Everything is wired15:16
icerootivanatora: use sudo -i instead of sudo bash15:16
jribivanatora: what if someone knows your root password?  it's the same issue15:16
Quasar1048sudo passwd15:16
ivanatorabb to check the man page15:16
jrib!noroot | Quasar104815:16
ubottuQuasar1048: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.15:16
Quasar1048If they think they know it, change it?15:16
icerootQuasar1048: we dont support that here15:16
Quasar1048Oh? I am hardly paying attnention, lol... thought he meant his own shell.15:17
bluebaroninferno_daulXEON, i don't know what too tell you .. gotta get back to work15:17
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routhHow does one choose a default network in Ubuntu15:17
luisthey im trying to set 1600x900 resolution manually but the screen is like 2cm to the left... this is my xorg.conf: http://pastie.org/private/bzm8wqdvfhp3hddoqrq15:17
ivanatoraI can't see how sudo -i is revelant to me15:17
llutzQuasar1048: if he meant his own account, no sudo would be needed15:18
jribivanatora: erm, do you understand what it does?15:18
inferno_daulXEONF my life. I don't know whats wrong with this computer15:18
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jellowrouth: top right on pannel click on network icon , Or riht click and "Edit connection"15:19
ivanatorayes, it simulates login session - executes shell startup scripts and runs interactive session, right?15:19
jribivanatora: run it15:19
ivanatoraalmost like sudo bash15:19
mebigfatguyi am trying to change back my system language from dutch to english. I found the language menu item, and both pop ups say english. But when i restart my system keeps coming back in dutch. What am i missing.... (can't read dutch btw :)15:19
jribivanatora: yes, except it gives you a sane environment15:20
ivanatorabtw what happens if I add more users to that machine? Will all of them get sudo permissions?15:20
mebigfatguyafter restart, the first says dutch, the second says english15:20
ErikwWhat cron is Ubuntu shipped with? anacron or Vixie's cron?15:20
llutzivanatora: no15:20
ibqnhow to ssh to the host and change to the specific directory as ONE liner?15:20
jribivanatora: no, only users in the admin group have sudo access by default15:20
ivanatora%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL15:21
routhJellow: been diggin in there and no luck. Here's the scenario - I use wireless for internet, however I also have a local wired network with two servers in the room. The wireless MUST be the default for ubuntu, however as soon as I connect the wired network it automatically is set to the default by the network manager, and there is no way to change it in the GUI15:21
ivanatoraaah, right15:21
usr13ivanatora: YOu have to edit /etc/group15:21
luisthow do i know whats my graphic card and what package has its drivers?15:21
zambai want to build a deb package from a source.. how can i do this?15:21
jrib!packaging | zamba15:21
ubottuzamba: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports15:21
airtonixzamba, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo15:21
Quasar1048llutz: mine asks for sudo.15:21
jribzamba: that assumes you want to create one from scratch.  Did you mean you want to /rebuild/ an existing package?15:22
ivanatoraso you guys, don't think separate root login is usefull and recommend me not to do it?15:22
Quasar1048And the pass still doesn't changem, actually...15:22
zambajrib: from scratch15:22
jribivanatora: correct15:22
zambaairtonix' link looked right on the spot15:22
jribzamba: k, ubottu's links then :)15:22
usr13ivanatora: do not do it15:22
llutzQuasar1048: definetly not if oyu intend to change YOUR password15:22
ivanatorathanks then, I will consider it15:22
Xfactairtonix:What the luck! (well it's not luck you helped me) Thanks thanks thanks thanks, I am currently running net on my karmic, you saved my digital life! Thanks again! god bless you :) Your that help worked :)15:22
chipgerihow to find out which graphics card i have?15:22
aciculachipgeri: lspci15:22
jellowrouth: You can remove it on the Wired pannel press on the delete button15:22
usr13ivanatora: su -i    # Will give you root shell.15:23
jribusr13: s/su/sudo15:23
inferno_daulXEONIs there a way to reinstall all the networking "crap" in ubuntu15:23
usr13jrib: ?15:23
jribusr13: "sudo -i", not "su -i"15:24
dooglus_usr13: he means s/su/sudo/ - it's sed syntax for 'replace su with sudo'15:24
routhjellow: Please reread the secnario - Deleting the connection will make access to that network impossible. I must have access to the network, it just cannot be the default, the wireless must be default or internet requests will fail.15:24
ivanatorausr13, yes, I'm not so concerned in having a root shell as a using it as a separate account (with its own home dir and password)15:24
usr13ivanatora: sudo -i    # Will give you root shell.15:24
Quasar1048llutz: I normally just go ahead and use sudo for commands...15:24
usr13ivanatora: Sorry  su -i  was mistake.15:24
llutzQuasar1048: which is a bad fault in this case since it does something you don't want15:24
dooglus_ivanatora: "sudo passwd" will set the root password15:24
AdvoWorkubuntu just crashed, took me to a black screen, with some writing on, pressed enter, took me back to my login screen, logged in, white screen and nothing else, hard rebooted, ok now but can i find out what it was?15:24
Quasar1048Causemosr of the time, yeah, it needs it, lol.15:24
jribivanatora: echo $HOME after you "sudo -i"15:24
IledenHi! My screen doesn't stop cycling thourgh some initialization flickring. I'm trying to fix this by running gnome-panel --replace bfrom TTY6. What do I need to give to --display to do this?15:25
llutzQuasar1048: needless use of sudo is dangerous, avoid it15:25
Quasar1048Cause most*15:25
M2Ri have done "apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 phpmyadmin" what should I do then?15:25
Quasar1048AH, shouldn't have corrected.. too far up...15:25
erUSULM2R: sudo tasksel install lamp ?15:25
ivanatorajrib, omg silly me, I though root uses the user's home dir :)15:25
Quasar1048llutz: I always exit out though15:25
erUSUL!lamp | M2R15:25
ubottuM2R: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:25
Quasar1048I don't leave it there...15:26
Quasar1048And I certainly do run irc as root. o.15:26
Quasar1048do not*15:26
jribivanatora: that's why I said « sudo -i » gave you a "sane environment", you'll notice that with « sudo bash » HOME is still the user's15:26
usr13echo $HOME = pwd15:26
jellowrouth: sorry was not paying attention click on edit and disable automatic connection .. hope thats what you meant =/15:26
ivanatorajrib, so I see the difference now15:26
M2RerUSUL:lampp: command not found15:27
ruZZsparkfun kicks abuntu ass :)15:27
erUSULM2R: you typed and extra p15:27
erUSULM2R: sudo tasksel install lamp15:27
ikoniaruZZ: what are you talking abou t?15:27
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usr13dooglus_: That is not all that good of an idea. It is a bit of a security breach.  [enabling root login]15:27
ruZZjoin sparkfun channel ;)15:27
icerootwhat is rwxr-sr--  (never saw s just x at that position)15:27
ikoniaruZZ: please don't advertise/recruit for other channels in here15:28
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llutziceroot: sgid15:28
luisthey im trying to set 1600x900 resolution manually but the screen is like 2cm to the left... this is my xorg.conf: http://pastie.org/private/bzm8wqdvfhp3hddoqrq  my graphic card is Intel 82g33/g31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller15:28
ruZZlol no15:28
ruZZthats not the point..15:28
IledenHow do I do "gnome-panel --replace" from TTY6, instead of the graphical output TTY7?15:28
ikoniaruZZ: good, then please stop15:28
M2RerUSUL: I have "tasksel install lamp" done then I " !lamp" but lampp: command not found15:28
Matic`MakovecRemind me please - how do you set charset in Ubuntu 8.04 terminal?15:28
erUSULM2R: !lamp is for the bot here in this channel15:29
routhjellow: nope.. that will disconnect the wired network, and then to restore internet access I reconnect to the wireless. But the SECOND I enable the wired network, the network manager sets it to default and packets are routed to it for internet requests. I need to have BOTH connected at all times - and I need the wireless network to remain as the default permanently15:29
erUSULM2R: ubottu (the bot) pointed you to the docs in the wiki15:29
icerootllutz: and what is a sgid?  something with posix-acls?15:29
erUSUL!lamp | M2R15:29
usr13ikonia: You can also do:  sudo su -15:29
llutziceroot: man chmod15:29
M2R!lamp | M2R15:29
ubottuM2R, please see my private message15:29
ivanatorausr13, yep, sure15:29
icerootM2R: sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 phpmyadmin15:30
ikoniausr13: ?15:30
M2Riceroot: i've done. then?15:30
usr13ivanatora: you can also do  sudo su -  but sudo -i is fewer keystroks.15:30
jribikonia: your name begins with an 'i'15:30
guntbertusr13: why do you keep recommending not recommended commands?15:30
icerootllutz: man 2 chmod   :)  thx15:30
ikoniajrib: ahh15:31
icerootM2R: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start   sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start15:31
ivanatorasure :)15:31
usr13guntbert: It is not possible to recommend not recommended command.  :)15:31
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guntbertusr13: :)15:32
PhantomLinkI am starting to get really pissed off.  Last night at 10:30pm ubuntu restarted itself without warning, and it just did it again not more than 5 minutes ago.15:33
usr13guntbert: We are here to exchange information, not philosophy  ;)15:33
PhantomLinkWhere do I even start diagnosing that issue?15:33
IledenI installed the openssh server to connect to my laptop in the rare cases I want to, but how do I prevent it from starting at bootup?15:33
usr13PhantomLink: Probably a hardware issue.15:33
abdelrahmanI can't get lm_sensors to work with my laptop and I need it before I think my cpu overheats15:33
abdelrahmanhi,I can't get lm_sensors to work with my laptop and I need it before I think my cpu overheats, can anybody help me?15:34
aciculaabdelrahman: tried running sensors_detect ?15:34
abdelrahman 15:34
usr13PhantomLink: Could be that your processor is overheating.15:34
llutzIleden: sudo update-rc.d -f ssh remove15:34
abdelrahmanacicula: yes zillion times15:34
aciculaabdelrahman: does it come up with some modules to load and have you loaded those?15:34
abdelrahmanacicula: it says no sensors are detected15:34
Iledenllutz: thanks!15:35
PhantomLinkwhat is "hpet increasing min_delta_ns to 22500 nsec" ?15:35
Yrtisn't it wish?15:35
aciculaabdelrahman: then you cant use lm-sensors15:35
abdelrahmanacicula: is there something else I could use to monitor my cpu temp?15:36
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aciculalook in the bios?15:36
usr13PhantomLink: Is it a desktop PC?15:36
PhantomLinkusr13: Laptop PC15:36
usr13PhantomLink: What model?15:37
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PhantomLinkDell Inspiron 640m15:37
usr13PhantomLink: Could be an issue with acpi15:37
PhantomLinkIt's been running ubuntu fine for over a year.15:37
danialhi all. this is output of "fdisk -l": http://fpaste.org/7Go2/   i've a lot of problems with installation win/linux or bootloader. i've just checked my hard with a program and i see my extended partition is BOOTABLE(as u see in output of fdisk cmd.). what tis this? is it related to my problems?15:37
hechu求助,我升级之后,不小心把所有内核都 apt-get remove 了。有啥快捷修复安装的方式?15:38
zeitsofaSwedeMike: did u try the workaround?15:38
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:38
WericAnyone use a modem, which modem?15:39
IledenI'm trying to fix a broken graphical display by switching with ctrl-alt-fX to another TTY. However, how do I do "gnome-panel --replace" from TTY6? I guess I need to use --display=<something>, but what?15:39
PhantomLinkIf it restarts again, I'll be back...15:39
kalo10cual es el boton super15:39
luisthey im trying to set 1600x900 resolution manually but the screen is like 2cm to the left... this is my xorg.conf: http://pastie.org/private/bzm8wqdvfhp3hddoqrq  my graphic card is Intel 82g33/g31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller15:39
hechuerUSUL, sorry. I thought here is Chinese channel. I will change to ubuntu-cn now.15:39
guntbert!es | kalo1015:39
ubottukalo10: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:39
SwedeMikezeitsofa: what workaround?15:39
ddkis there any problem with kernel update 2.6.31-17? I can't start GNOME when loads15:40
Ileden... and the same goes for "metacity --replace --display=<what??>"15:40
zeitsofaSwedeMike: to fix the password prompt at bootime15:40
usr13if PhantomLink comes back tell him to do:  dmesg | grep acpi | pastebin15:40
smaakageSomebody there can help?15:40
Wericluist that usually a function of the monitor itself, have tried the position adjustments?15:40
usr13smaakage: No.  We only have enough help for our own use.15:40
SwedeMikezeitsofa: and what would that workaround be?15:41
usr13!hi | smaakage15:41
ubottusmaakage: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:41
ddkis there any problem with kernel update 2.6.31-17? I can't start GNOME when loads15:41
paissad-acerduring the use of dpkg --install, is it possible to tell it to install depends if necessary ? ... i 've read the manpage  of dpkg, but i saw nothing or i may "misread"15:41
luistWeric: its not the monitor... it works with lower resolutions and the text is a bit fuzzy too in 1600x900 so its prob something in the xorg details im tyring to use15:42
tweaktlinks/lynx FTW!15:42
llutzpaissad-acer: no, use "sudo apt-get -f install" later15:42
heoaWhere can you buy those big routers(?) like:  www.openbsd.org/images/rack2009.jpg at the top left ?15:42
usr13smaakage: Was only teasing..... We'd be glad to help you...15:42
Wericluist: OK maybe try different refresh rats.s15:42
natewiebe131for some reason my computer will randomly freeze, except for the mouse.. anyone have any ideas?15:42
guntbert!ot | heoa15:43
ubottuheoa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:43
Wericluist: OK maybe try different refresh rates*15:43
ZPerteeHi.  I think I will be ok but I want someone to encourage me.  Ubuntu will have the majority of the drivers that I will need for my system to run properly.15:43
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zeitsofaSwedeMike: the workaround stop at password prompt on boottime. befor mounting the devices the password prompt was occurred and the boot process will stop. you cann enter your password and press enter and the system come up normally.15:44
usr13heoa: hp.com15:44
WericZPertee: yes, good job, you go man!15:44
SwedeMikezeitsofa: I thought that was what I did when I was running without splash and quiet, which I told you. How is your proposal different?15:44
jpalmerhow do you use apt-get to search the available packages.  Like,  I know you can apt-get install foo,  but how do I get a list of the packages available?15:45
ivanatorajpalmer, try aptitude search foo15:45
zeitsofaSwedeMike: it work with splash and quiet ;)15:45
llutzjpalmer: apt-cache search15:45
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alooshhow r u guys15:46
natewiebe131anyone have any ideas as to why my pc is freezing except for the mouse? some kind of hint as to why?15:46
smellyno1eraloosh: I am eating a bloody tasty sandwich, so I'm great :)15:46
SwedeMikezeitsofa: so how do you "stop" it?15:46
SwedeMike"stop at password prompt"15:46
usr13heoa: And that's probably a switch, (not a router).15:46
Wericnatethebobo: memory problems, HDD problems?15:47
icerootM2R: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start not sudo etc/init.d/mysql start15:47
Dcc_how to install more locales ? I need the en_US.utf8 locales !15:47
llutzDcc_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales15:47
M2Riceroot: yes I have already realize my mistake, shame on me15:47
Wericnatethebobo: try a live CD to determine if it hardware or software.15:47
icerootM2R: np15:47
=== LeMoNiCe is now known as h32Lg
jpalmerThanks for the apt* search info.  based on what I'm seeing,  is it safe to assume that there is no package for nagios 3.x?  only 2.x?15:48
natewiebe131Weric: no issues with win7.. i have an i7 920 and an nvidia gt 220 if that helps15:48
jpalmeraptitude search nagios doesn't seem to show anything for 3.x15:48
natewiebe131and where did "natethebobo" come from.. ive gotten that before :P15:48
llutzjpalmer: to check versions, use apt-cache policy packagename15:48
Dcc_llutz: this comand just reconfigure locales .. I need install en_US.utf8 locales15:48
jpalmeroh, hrm.  thanks.15:49
danialSORRY FOR REPEATing: this is output of "fdisk -l": http://fpaste.org/7Go2/   i've a lot of problems with installation win/linux or bootloader. i've just checked my hard with a program and i see my extended partition is BOOTABLE(as u see in output of fdisk cmd.). what tis this? is it related to my problems?15:49
trism!info nagios3 | jpalmer15:49
ubottujpalmer: nagios3 (source: nagios3): A host/service/network monitoring and management system. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.6-5ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 1640 kB, installed size 4660 kB15:49
zeitsofaSwedeMike: there is missing a part in /etc/init/mountall.conf The pre-script part is missing. insert the missing part und 9.10 works normally. the ubuntu default /etc/init/mountall.conf > http://pastebin.com/m56be2be7 my modified /etc/init/mountall.conf > http://pastebin.com/m620269f. u know i mean?15:49
M2Riceroot: I type "mysql" then I found "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)"15:49
NorthByNorthWestHi! Im running 9.10 and I have a problem with Firefox. Quitting it doesnt terminate its process, I allways have to kill it manually through the terminal. Anyone knoe how to trouble shoot this?15:50
llutzM2R: start reading mysql-documentation for a start15:50
guntbertDcc_: I know the GUI way - if that helps15:50
jpalmerllutz: thanks.   it only shows nagios2.  I guess I'll just manually download/compile the tarball15:50
M2RIlutz: yes, now I'm reading mysql's forums15:50
MichealHETA 10 minutes untill a meeting on #Ubuntu-meeting!15:51
natewiebe131Weric: i am sure it is software.. i am just trying to see what.. is there a log that would help?15:51
SwedeMikezeitsofa: have you reported this bug to ubuntu via launchpad? if not, you should.15:51
llutzjpalmer: nagios3 is available in jaunty and karmic15:51
MichealHSorry got it wrong it is at #ubuntu-meeting15:52
jpalmerllutz: I'm new to ubuntu ;)  I have hardy.  I just inherited a machine from a previous admin.15:52
icerootM2R: then use a passwort15:52
PiciMichealH: There are meetings there all the time, is this something that really needs to be announced?15:52
icerootM2R: the passwort you set at installation15:52
MilesBatistais there anyone to help me15:52
M2Riceroot:I left it blank15:52
guntbert!ask | MilesBatista15:53
ubottuMilesBatista: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:53
MilesBatistai would like to use double operation system in ubuntu 9.10 kermic with workspaces its possible ?15:53
guntbertM2R: mysql -P asks the user for a password15:54
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spacitymedichelp!!! hOW DO i get my computer to recognize the gps device i have plugged in?15:54
M2Rguntbert:mysql: option '-P' requires an argument15:55
MilesBatistaYep guntbert15:55
llutzguntbert: mysql -p15:55
M2Rups,,,, -p15:55
llutzm2r ^15:55
llutzguntbert: -P = Port15:56
MilesBatistai would like to use double operation system in ubuntu 9.10 kermic with workspaces its possible ?15:56
guntbertllutz: thx :-)15:56
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* DaZ doesn't understand MilesBatista.15:56
guntbert!dualboot | MilesBatista15:56
ubottuMilesBatista: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:56
Dcc_guntbert: GUI way ?15:57
MilesBatistais it working with workspaces ?15:57
MichealHETA 3 minutes untill a meeting on #ubuntu-meeting15:57
nitro_reee exaile a planté!15:57
feed_me_seymouris there anything I need to do in Ubuntu 8.04 LTS to enable the server to receive remote logs from another linux box running syslog?15:58
IledenI'm trying to fix a broken graphical display by switching with ctrl-alt-fX to another TTY. However, how do I do "metacity --replace" from TTY6? I guess I need to use "metacity --replace --display=<something>", but what is <something>?15:58
hechuHi, I got a problem. I made a mistake on my system that: I apt-get removed all kernels of my ubuntu laptop. I try to boot my laptop by livecd, mount my hard disks, chroot into my hard disk, and apt-get install linux-image-generic again, it reported an error, the first line says:  "grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /."    any solution?15:58
guntbertDcc_: you wanted to add another locale? I believe it works via system/preferences/keyboard Layout15:58
DaZhechu: mount /dev /chroot/dev/ --bind15:59
llutzfeed_me_seymour: start syslogd with "-r" option15:59
guntbertand Dcc_ did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale ?16:00
feed_me_seymourllutz: Just to be clear, I want the logs generated on the local server to stay on the local server.  I just want to enable receipt of remote logs.  syslogd -r will do the trick?16:00
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MichealHThe meeting on #ubuntu-meeting has started16:00
llutzfeed_me_seymour: read "man syslogd", -r seems to be what you want16:01
feed_me_seymourllutz: will do.  Thanks!16:01
marcanwell well, you guys just got temporarily beat as largest channel on freenode :)16:01
feed_me_seymourllutz: well, I would... "No manual entry for syslogd". I'll do some looking, though.  Thank you. :)16:01
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jvc007_how to customize ubuntu16:02
darkHello! I am trying to use ubuntu one in a live cd, but I can't. I select "connect" in the applet (or in nautilus) but it does not even ask my password. I have never used ubuntu one before. Is there a command line interface?16:02
llutzfeed_me_seymour: sure no other syslogd (rsyslogd, syslogs-ng) is running?16:02
guntbert!ot marcan, MichealH16:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:02
guntbert!ot | marcan, MichealH16:02
ubottumarcan, MichealH: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:02
hechu Hi, I got a problem. I made a mistake on my system that: I apt-get removed all kernels of my ubuntu laptop. I try to boot my laptop by livecd, mount my hard disks, chroot into my hard disk, and apt-get install linux-image-generic again, it reported an error, the first line says:  "grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /."    any suggestion ?  thanks.16:02
Dcc_guntbert: No, I Will see now, Tnks16:02
fisthey guys, if i start wireshark as a normal user, i cant see the devices .. can i add the user to some group to work with wireshark as a normal use16:02
hareshhello isthere  any youtube downloader for unbentu ?16:02
feed_me_seymourllutz: found it, it was syslogd, I was just on the wrong machine. :X16:03
llutzfist: gksu wireshark16:03
llutzfeed_me_seymour: :D16:03
jvc007_for wireshark to work properly login as root16:03
BluesKajhechu, uhm , what did you expect , you dumped your kernels16:03
monokromeDoes anyone here know how I can install the Windows7 boot manager from within Ubuntu?16:03
Jonathan_LUh - why aren't the volume icon visible?16:03
guntberthechu: instead of repeating you might want to read what DaZ  suggested16:03
zeitsofaSwedeMike: i think - i have to test this first :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/445888/comments/3 This sounds good.16:04
Jonathan_Lmonokrome: Why? And only in VirtualBox as far as I know16:04
fistim just asking because of the "damanger message", when i startup as root16:04
ZoraelWhen compiling from source, are patches in debian/patches applied automatically at compile-time? Or do I have to go through them and apply them myself?16:04
Iledenmonokrome: i think you need the Windows 7 beet disk for that16:04
Iledenmonokrome: boot disk16:04
jribZorael: how are you "compiling from source"?16:04
guntbertfist: use gksudo wireshark16:04
monokromeI have a Windows 7 disc, but it wont boot16:04
Zoraeljrib: Compiling mplayer from source; apt-get source mplayer, tinker around a bit (adding a patch), then ./configure and make :)16:05
monokromeJonathan_L: Thanks for the reference to VirtualBox. I tried VMWare but couldn't get it running.16:05
guntbertfist: only root may set the interfaces the way it is needed for wireshark16:05
hechuHi, sorry, I losted my connection so I did not received any previous suggestion. Can any body send it to my again ?16:05
fistokay i got it16:05
spacitymedicHey does anyone know how to get my computer to recognize my usb gps device?16:06
guntbert<DaZ> hechu: mount /dev /chroot/dev/ --bind16:06
jribZorael: then definitely no.  That's not the right way to rebuild a package (see ubottu).  Also, you should increment the version (dch -i) and append something like "~zorael" to the version string.  You'll have to see debian/rules to see what patch system is getting used (I only vaguely remember the details about patch systems myself)16:06
llutzspacitymedic: use gpsd16:06
Iledenmonokrome: well if you can access the disk from ubuntu, you might be able to run sone windows command that replace its boot manager by using "wine <command>"16:06
jrib!source | Zorael16:06
hechuguntbert, can you tell me what Daz said before, I lost my internet connection a few minute ago.16:06
ubottuZorael: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html16:06
spacitymedicok... how do I use that?16:06
guntberthechu: ^^^16:06
spacitymedicsorry total noob16:06
Iledenmonokrome: for Windows 98  it was "fdisk /mbr", not sure a bout the later editions :)16:07
jrib!packaging > Zorael16:07
ubottuZorael, please see my private message16:07
llutzspacitymedic: read documentation (man-pages)16:07
Zoraeljrib: I'm not sure I want to package it just yet, just want to try out the binary it produces16:07
monokromeIleden: I tried that, but their dos applications16:07
jribZorael: there should be some info about the different patch systems in ubottu's last set of links16:07
Zoraeljrib: I'll give them a read, thanks16:07
spacitymedic where do I find that?16:07
llutzspacitymedic: sudo aptitude install gpsd && man gpsd16:08
FelpsJhiffy, when I write here on XChat, looks like it underline misspelling. How can I change the language it uses to check the words?16:08
FelpsJhiffy, sorry... it was not directec for you16:08
FelpsJHi.. when I write here on XChat, looks like it underline misspelling. How can I change the language it uses to check the words?16:09
spacitymedicOk.. im not understandiong a thing youre saying16:09
spacitymedic can you use full scentences?16:09
Dcc_guntbert: Tnks ..16:09
Dcc_To add a locale:16:09
Dcc_# locale-gen fr_FR.UTF-816:09
guntbertFelpsJ: there is #xchat too ...16:09
FloodBot1Dcc_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:09
=== m3onh0x84__ is now known as m3onh0x84
guntbertDcc_: glad it worked for you :)16:09
magicvibecan anyone suggest a good tutorial to run through for a new ubuntu 9.10 user for karmic koala?16:10
Iledenmonokrome: you might be able to run them with "wine <cmd>"16:11
Jonathan_Lmagicvibe: Do they need one?16:11
guntbertmagicvibe: start on https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/index.html16:11
Iledenmonokrome: if you have wine installed (or if you install it)16:11
Iledenmonokrome: anyway i got to go, good luck16:11
=== nero_ is now known as ubunturookie
DiverdudeCan i use this CD: http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download for a ubuntu live CD boot also?16:14
Jonathan_LYeah, the main ISO works16:15
sinthetekok, so removing network-manager and restoring /etc/network/interfaces is insufficient to revert to previous-style network intialization in karmic16:15
=== recmajkemi_ is now known as recmajkemi
sinthetekany suggestions what might do the trick? do i need to add /etc/init.d/networking to a runlevel or something?16:16
=== billy is now known as Bilz
sinthetekoh wait16:16
hareshcan u guy recommand any convetor for videos to mp3  ??16:16
BluesKajsinthetek, make sure do eth0=dhcp if on a wired connection16:16
twocarlohey i want to help a friend in case if some of you havent heard it yet http://helpmysql.org/en/petition16:16
blakkheimharesh: ffmpeg16:16
geocodeCan someone tell me how to reset my freenode password and/or get it sent to my email address?16:16
guntbert!ot | twocarlo16:17
ubottutwocarlo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:17
geocodeOr tell me a channel to go to for this help?16:17
M2Riceroot:thanks for all of your help. :)16:17
OerHeksharesh video to music mp3 ?16:17
DaZgeocode: #freenode16:17
monokromeJonathan_L: Do you know how to get out of the VBox window? I'm stuck in it on my computer :(16:17
llutzmonokrome: right-ctrl16:17
mkanyicyharesh, use avidemux and export audio to a file16:17
guntbertmonokrome: <right ctrl>16:17
monokromeThank you! :)16:17
Jonathan_LMonokrome: right ctrl?16:17
usoluyun_right-ctrl + f16:17
guntbertand monokrome: there is #vbox too :)16:18
NarcHello folks. I need someone's help to figure out why my left click is behaving strangely (when it's behaving at all) since I updated Karmic a week or so ago. When the bug appears, I can't click any button or focus or close windows, right click is not responding too. I tried to set the X server to defaults, turned Compiz and Gnome-Do off, but nothing works. Xev is not registering any event from the mouse. I figured the problem appears16:18
Narc depending on which program I open first but it's quite random. Mouse works on other OS. Thanks a lot..16:18
llutzmonokrome: vbos has a real nice user-manual16:18
monokromellutz: Ok thanks16:19
Phil_EwertHi, I try to record a sound from my Mic : "rec -d /dev/dsp test.wav" gives the error : "rec FAIL formats: can't determine type of file `/dev/dsp'" . Any Ideas, anybody?16:19
DiverdudeCan i use this CD: http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download for a ubuntu live CD boot also?16:19
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
fumblesso grub2 blows16:19
fumblesor maybe I just haven't figured it out yet16:20
grandrew2hi all! I recently installed an update. Now I cannot launch Firefox or 'update manager' or anything because of 'Illegal instruction' error. Is there a way to figure out what exactly causes the problem or my ubuntu installation is doomed now?16:20
hechuDaZ, guntbert : you are amazing! It fixed the problem and I found my ubuntu back! thank you for your information.16:20
DaZyou're welcome.16:20
guntberthechu: glad it worked out for you :-)16:20
fumblesI have windows 7 and Archlinux, as well as ubuntu on my laptop-grub2 detected the longhorn loader but Arch wasn't accurately detected :x16:21
billy_does anyone know how i can count the number of words in a pdf file, whilst ignoring the equations?16:21
Jonathan_LHow do I get the volume icon back!?16:21
Jonathan_Lgrandrew2: Boot into recovery mode?16:22
grandrew2billy_: you may convert that PDF to text and filter out every word that does not consist of only letters. Thats a bit of programming though16:23
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billy_darn, thansk grandrew2 , probably quicker doing it by hand for me :p16:23
Mortal_with homedir encrypted by ecryptfs enabled on a system with only one user account, the one created at installation, is there any way to funk up the system when you want to change your password?16:23
llutzbilly_: not very smart: pdftotext file.pdf |wc16:23
laxativei have to take a dump.16:24
=== john is now known as tjohnt
grandrew2Jonathan_L: that will not show the roots of the problem. I guess some core package has been compiled for a specific CPU and is not compatible with mine :-(16:24
* laxative shits.16:24
billy_llutz, counts requations16:24
The_shark_001I have the system setup to give me reminders however I would like to put it into a state of sleep.  Would the system wake up?  What is the best way to accomplish this the bios or software?16:25
llutzbilly_: oh, sorry16:25
* laxative wheres the potty16:25
tjohntHey guys, im running 9.10 on a 15 inch latest gen macbook pro (5,4) and I have the mactel repositories, but the lcd brightness keys wont work. when i press f1 or f2, on the top right of my screen i can see an icon that shows the brightness bar move right or left, however the brightnes of my lcd does not actually change. Could anyone help? thanks16:25
* laxative where's the potty16:25
* laxative i have to go doo doo16:25
Picilaxative: stop16:25
laxativestop what?16:26
Picilaxative: This is the Ubuntu support channel, you are being inappropriate.16:26
usr13laxative: /join #windows16:26
Piciusr13: Please don't do that either.16:26
laxativeok i have a problem with my ubuntu installation16:26
laxativei was wondering if someone here could help me16:26
The_shark_001hay tjohnt have you try to google it?16:26
Pici!google | The_shark_00116:26
ubottuThe_shark_001: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.16:26
grandrew2The_shark_001: your computer should wake up by a bios alarm. That should be supported by your bios and you should get some hacky software to modify CMOS alarm dates compatible with your BIOS version16:26
tjohntThe_shark_001, yes16:26
usr13!ask | laxative16:27
ubottulaxative: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:27
Picilaxative: You need to ask a real question first.16:27
fumbleswill installing normal grub from another distro (Archlinux) mess things up with Ubuntu16:27
laxativeok well my question is this:16:27
hareshi cant remove the video of please guide me16:27
laxativei defecate too much.  what should i do?16:27
The_shark_001i don't know then tjohnt.16:27
fumbleslaxative: stop taking laxatives16:27
The_shark_001someone shoot ubottu16:28
airtonix~lart The_shark_00116:28
PiciThe_shark_001: Perhaps you should listen to the suggestions given by our bot.16:28
JukselappHey! I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and have never used this OS before. I tried to connect to my wifi network that uses WPA2-PSK. Ubuntu do find this network, but I cant log in to it. It asks for pswd, and I write it in, it takes some time, and it asks for the psdw again. What could be wrong?16:29
The_shark_001didn't think this room went down the the drain so fast.16:30
guntbertThe_shark_001: please keep to the topic16:30
The_shark_001blaw blaw blaw16:30
Jonathan_LJukselapp: It happens sometimes. It just can't connect for some reason.16:30
fumblesJukselapp: you double check your wpa settings and the password? make sure it's not case sensitive-a suggestion: wicd is imo much nicer than Network manager.16:31
cemcin Karmic one has an envelope in the systray for evolution and pidgin and whatnot. how can I remove that?16:32
cemcnot pidgin, empathy16:32
Jukselappfumbles: I don't really know wich settings I should have.. but I'm sure im using the correct password16:32
Picicemc: Right click the envelope and click remove from panel16:32
cemcPici: duh.. :) I looked at that but I thought it will remove all the notification area ;)16:33
guntbertcemc: its called notification area - and as far as I know its not configurable (yet) - I guess you could turn it off within each app...16:33
cemcthx :-D16:33
init2winit77Need help my pictures folder and ubuntu one folder.  They keep freezing up.  Not sure why or how to fix it.16:33
=== xxxx is now known as Guest98076
grandrew2that is NOT notification area. But indeed is not configurable16:34
guntbertcemc: we seem to have talked about different things - sorry16:34
The_shark_001init sounds like a video.16:34
cemcyeah, confusing :-)16:34
guntbertThe_shark_001: please stop your random remarks - they are not helpful16:35
The_shark_001hmm how is it randum gunbert?16:36
The_shark_001hmm how is it randum gunbert?16:36
The_shark_001hmm how is it randum gunbert?16:37
The_shark_001init sounds like a video.16:37
derkmillerIs this the right channel if I have a question about Ubuntu16:37
llutz!ops | The_shark_00116:37
ubottuThe_shark_001: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:37
The_shark_001not really derk they are so stuck up today16:37
BluesKajderkmiller, yes..ask away16:37
jpdsThe_shark_001: Please stop.16:37
trybikHi, does anybody know if there is a backend for the row level-permissions in Django (vide ticket #11010)? Wouldn't it require a change in the django.contrib.auth.models.Permission class (i.e. a object_id for the GenericForeignKey)?16:37
The_shark_001not really derk they are so stuck up today16:37
The_shark_001not really derk they are so stuck up today16:37
The_shark_001not really derk they are so stuck up today16:37
FloodBot1The_shark_001: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:37
trybikoh sry16:38
tjohntHey guys. I have gnome-power-manager installed, but i dont know how to open/view it. when i run "gnome-power-manager" in the terminal it tells me its already running. thanks16:39
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:39
=== surf is now known as wuwuau
Toinkwill anyone have an idea why my nautilus thinks desktop_is_home_dir is always on, no matter what the actual value?16:40
wuwuauhi guys gotta a problem with the webcam image. I can see it but it's not regular. It's turned :S16:40
=== nero_ is now known as ubunturookie
darkhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/353004/ here is why i can't connect to ubuntu one16:43
darkhas anyone here experienced this issue? :(16:43
grandrew2where are the logs of apt updates?16:43
Guest81188how to delete a hidden directory by command line ?16:43
llutzGuest81188: rm -rf .dir/16:43
Picigrandrew2: /var/log/dpkg.log16:43
Guest81188llutz:  example please... if i want to del .kde             in /home/user/.kde16:44
srepflerhi, am I correct to say that grub2 uses a UUID of the hard drive the system is installed? if so, wouldn't that create a problem if I'd like to create ghost images of the disc that I'd like to replicate on a number of different hard drives?16:45
llutzGuest81188: if you are sure: rm -rf ~/.kde16:45
AledIf I install ubuntu 9.10 from inside Windows XP, does it mean it's running virtually or can I not run XP at the same time?16:46
ionutAled:  yes you can16:47
Jonathan_LIf you use the installer for Windows, it's in your boot menu and only one can run16:47
Jonathan_L*one at the same time16:47
ionutAled:  it runs virtually (for eg with virtual box ,etc)16:47
Jonathan_LIt's installed in a virtual file system inside a file in the Windows file system16:47
AledBut I can't run XP at the same time?16:48
Piciionut: No, it does not.16:48
grandrew2thanks Pici16:48
Jonathan_LIt's better to use the LiveCD to install it16:48
Jonathan_LBut you can use the Windows method as well, even though I don't recommend it (performance, dependence on Windows, etc)16:48
wuwuauhi guys gotta a problem with the webcam image. I can see it but it's not regular. It's turned :S16:48
=== synegy is now known as synegy34
AledI inserted the CD to run inside Virtual PC and it gave me the option16:49
Jonathan_LAnd then there's UNetBootin that work somewhat differently and sets an ISO to boot as if it was a CD from inside the OS (Windows)16:49
Jonathan_LAled: If you install it in a virtual machine, it's virtual and inside a file and is running in a process in Windows16:50
AledI know16:50
Jonathan_Lwuwuau: Mirrored?16:50
djtoastHi all,  im building my new setup and im stuck with trying to configure 3 monitors..  when i put them as seperate x screens it works but oviously they are seperate.  When I activate xinemera and I just get flashing screens on longin screen (Like if it trying to dectect something) I forced the resolution but still no luck16:50
AledI use Virtual PC for a number of different Windows OS'16:50
PiciAled: If you are referring to Wubi, then that creates a filesystem within a file on your Windows partition, but only one OS can run at a time.  If you are referring to booting the disk from a virtual machine, then that is different.16:50
master_    :P16:50
wuwuauJonathan_L, yep16:50
Xfactwhat s aplitude?16:50
master_  ,mmmmm16:50
Picimaster_: Please stay on topic here.16:51
djtoastSPECS: 2 gpu , 1 is dual screen the other using as single.  both nvidia, 7800gt and 9500gt16:51
Pici!aptitude | Xfact16:51
ubottuXfact: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide16:51
shawn_!aptitude | Xfact16:51
Aledbr b16:51
tutysarahi i have issues in recording sound any one here to help?16:51
Xfactthanks pici and shawn :)16:52
TopGearHow do I change the background of my grub 2?16:52
shawn_Is there any downside to enabling root on Ubuntu besides security stuff?16:52
ivsanpunbuenas tardes16:52
djtoast!aptitude | Xfact16:52
ubottuXfact: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide16:52
XfactI already got help...but thanks again sjtoast :)16:53
erUSUL!es | ivsanpun16:53
AdvoWorkubuntu just crashed, took me to a black screen, with some writing on, pressed enter, took me back to my login screen, logged in, white screen and nothing else, hard rebooted, ok now but can i find out what it was?16:53
ubottuivsanpun: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:53
AbongileHi All, I can't login into my system, I get log in screen but pressing enter it returns. I stop gdm with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and on trying to restart gdm/x with startx or startx& I get the error "xauth: creating new authority file and nothing happens from here, Please help!16:53
djtoastanyone using 2 videocards?16:53
Xfact!bd | xfact16:53
ubottuXfact, please see my private message16:53
Xfact!in | xfact16:54
ubottuXfact, please see my private message16:54
Pici!msgthebot | Xfact16:54
ubottuXfact: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:54
ccpc_speakerhi everyone !16:56
=== Temujin is now known as Guest44449
sushimakohey is there a better way to dist-upgrade from hardy->karmic without system-reinstall?16:56
ccpc_speakerCan someone help me with Ubuntu Moblin Remix 9.10 ?16:56
ccpc_speakerI got a problem16:56
evergrennhello all16:57
sushimakoon production system16:57
Jonathan_LUpdate manager should offer upgrade16:57
Picishadenzo: You cannot upgrade directly to karmic from hardy, you'll need to go through intrepid and jaunty first.16:58
Picisushimako: sorry, that was for you ^16:59
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:59
bored_Is there any service that lets you play around with a linux shell from a web browser? Not like ajaxterm or anything to a machine you own but just like a public service?16:59
airtonixbored_, pretty much offtopic, but you want a free shell account.16:59
Jonathan_LThen you'll have to get server hosting with a linux machine and SSH16:59
Jonathan_LAnd there are Java SSH clients that works in browsers17:00
mediaprodigyDoes anyone have a preference (FreeNx vs VNC)?17:00
=== quok_ is now known as quok
nerdy_kidis it a good idea to upgrade to QT 4.6 on KDE 4.3?17:00
=== nero_ is now known as ubunturookie
sushimakoPici: yeah, i was afraid i have to. so instead of mangling with upgrade problems of 3 upgrades, i'd rather just reinstall, i guess? it's a live system, maybe i should use a secont machine and do it in parallel17:00
icerootnerdy_kid: never touch a running system17:01
Stevenkingi need help with grub 1 my server doesn´t start17:01
Jonathan_Laaargh.... The "logging out" popup jsut frooze17:01
nerdy_kidiceroot in that case my pc would've been dead ages ago ;)17:02
maverick1i cannot boot into ubuntu because im getting 1000s of Temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled messages, my fan and heatsink are fine, infact im talking from windows using the same pc..any way i can turn this message off?17:02
NET||abusehey folks, i have a problem with an nfs share, i setup a server to mount a nfs mount point from another server ages ago, then we moved offices so everything got shutdown, now i've rebooted both systems, but the nfs share hasn't been mounted..17:02
icerootNET||abuse: then mount it by hand17:03
NET||abusei don't know where the problem lies at this point.. is there a series of steps i could take to trace down what part of the portmaps, nfs-common etc.. isn't starting up?17:03
Mortal_bored_, if you just want a linux shell and you're running windows, try cygwin17:03
NET||abuseiceroot, you've just reminded me, the share is a mounted partition itself.. i think it's a lvm mount too.. so on the nfs serving host, how do i check what lvm mounts are not mounted?17:04
hajmolaflash videos that have a big "play" button on top of them don't work. SItes like youtube/vimeo work, but as soon as there's a big play button it won't let me play them17:04
NET||abuseiceroot, i think; this is where my problem lies. I am really unfamiliar with working with lvm.17:04
MichealHThe next meeting on #ubuntu-meeting is at 10PM GMT and will commence for an hour.17:05
maverick1hajmola: get adobe flash player plugin using ubuntu software center17:05
guntbert!ot | MichealH17:05
ubottuMichealH: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:05
hajmolamaverick1, that's what I'm running.17:05
PCHey peeps17:06
maverick1hajmola: then i have no idea17:06
PCi requested a cd17:06
PCdont you get a tracking number?17:06
maverick1i cannot boot into ubuntu because im getting 1000s of Temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled messages, my fan and heatsink are fine, infact im talking from windows using the same pc..any way i can turn this message off? desperately want to get back to ubuntu..17:06
sacarlsonok the answer man is now here, I need to go to Lao tomaro so ask me now17:06
domjohnsonHow would i uninstall Ubuntu and GRUB?17:06
Jonathan_LRemove the partition17:06
PCWhen you request a cd dont you get a tracking number?????17:07
maverick1domjohnson: delete the partition and restore the MBR or else u would be stuck forever :P17:07
domjohnsonRight...but that would leave GRUB behind17:07
domjohnsonHow would i restore the MBR?17:07
Jonathan_Ldomjohnson: Only if grub is installed on the windows partition17:07
PCGrub is un-removable trust me17:07
maverick1domjohnson: use your windows cd to go to the recovery console and type fixmbr17:07
PCfix mbr wont work17:07
Jonathan_LRestore the MBR using the Windows install/recovery CD17:07
PCI tried that'17:07
domjohnsonRight...only i don't have the Windows CD17:07
PClong time ago17:07
PCand i was stuck17:07
NET||abuseahh,ok, so trying to mount a data directory from one machine on another, the data volume is not mounted on the nfs server, so I'm not sure how it was mounted, i think lvm, but i don't know how to find the lvm? can anyone help?17:08
PCwith grub17:08
FloodBot1PC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:08
wuwuauhi guys gotta a problem with the webcam image. I can see it but it's not regular. It's turned :S17:08
Jonathan_LThere are other tools to fix the MBR17:08
maverick1domjohnson: try some third party tools that restore the windows MBR..use google17:08
sacarlsondomjohnson: I would look for supergrub on google they have a boot disk that fixes 99% of all those types17:08
Jonathan_Lwuwuau: What driver? What camera? Is it mirrored?17:08
hajmolaanyone know why video sties like youtube/vimeo work but any video with a big "play" flash button in front of a video doesn't work?17:08
PCGuys please help me do i get a tracking number when i request a cd?17:09
wuwuauJonathan_L, yes it's mirrored. Suyin Corp. on an ASUS UL 5017:09
kirillnexthelp mi with cupsd options undo SCX-410017:09
AbongilePlease need help, Isn't there anybody who can or cares to help me with my problem, please. I can't loggin to my mythbuntu box's x-environment. I have tried some work rounds from googling, forum and launchpad, most are for previous distributions I am on 9.10, please help!17:09
Jonathan_LPC: Have you checked?17:09
domjohnsonhttp://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/   would that work?17:09
PCi checked17:09
maverick1i cannot boot into ubuntu because im getting 1000s of Temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled messages, my fan and heatsink are fine, infact im talking from windows using the same pc..any way i can turn this message off? desperately want to get back to ubuntu..17:09
Jonathan_Lwuwuau: Describe17:09
domjohnsonPC - have you not get 9.10?17:09
domjohnsonIf you haven't got it, keep it that way.17:09
domjohnsonUse 9.04 until 10.04 comes out17:10
sacarlsonhajmola:  sounds like you need the flash player installed.  you must only see mpg or other codec vid they provide17:10
wuwuauJonathan_L, how can I see the driver? I have the images in Cheese, Skype and Ekiga mirrored17:10
MichealHdomjohnson: good Point I think Its too buggy17:10
domjohnson9.10 is mean sometimes17:10
om26erPC, downlaod it!17:10
Jonathan_Lwuwuau: Describe it - if you turn the camera against yourself, does moving things in front of the camera appear to go to the right or to the left on the screen?17:11
Abongiledomjohnson: how do you downgrade? Without the need to reinstall?17:11
PCI need to go download17:11
PCill see ya guys later17:11
rob_pPC: At https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ you can, "Check the status of an existing request" at the bottom.17:11
PCI tried that17:11
domjohnsonAbongile - i'm not sure17:11
PCdidnt work17:11
hajmolasacarlson, that's not it, all other flash sites work17:11
domjohnsonWish i knew!17:11
sacarlsonanything I say just add it to google search17:11
PCI wish they told me how far is my package17:11
guntbert!google | sacarlson17:12
ubottusacarlson: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.17:12
sacarlsonhajmola: oh ok give me this site let me look17:12
rob_pPC: Don't know then... Most people just download it.  Anyway, good luck.17:12
hajmolasacarlson, it's actually whenever there's a clickable flash running. So games will start but if I have to click on anything they dont' work. Same with videos17:12
domjohnsonSo....would ms-sys work to restore the MBR and therefore make GRUB either invisble or uninstall it?17:13
maverick1i cannot boot into ubuntu because im getting 1000s of Temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled messages, my fan and heatsink are fine, infact im talking from windows using the same pc..any way i can turn this message off? same thing in the recovery console too...desperately want to get back to ubuntu..17:13
hajmolasacarlson, but they're still being displayed, just wont' let me click on anything17:13
sacarlsonubottu: I didn't tell them to only google, I told them to google what I sent them.  hopeing the details would come of it.17:13
sacarlsonhajmola:  I asked for a site: what you gave me helps me not17:14
hajmolasacarlson, nevermind, I found a fix for the problem buried in a forum. And it wasn't just one site it was all sites with flash buttons17:15
rob_psacarlson: You should direct your comment to guntbert as he is the one who sicked the bot (ubottu) on you!  :-)17:15
RalphSpencerPress ENTER to continue or CTRL-C to exit.17:15
RalphSpencer[: 1361: 0: unexpected operator17:15
RalphSpencer[: 1361: unexpected operator17:15
RalphSpencerCompiling DRM module...install.sh: 1361: Syntax error: Bad fd number17:15
FloodBot1RalphSpencer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
sacarlsonhajmola: very good, give of what you found may help others17:16
RalphSpencerwas trying to install drivers for GMA but this came up17:16
RalphSpenceroh sorry for flood17:16
jcrawfordwhat is a good app to convert a cd to mp3 on ubuntu?17:16
llutzjcrawford: ripperx, grip17:16
maverick1jcrawford: try soundconvert too17:17
sacarlsonrob_p: I don't take efence of what Ubuntu or gil or rob say, those only benifited others to help me benifit you all17:17
RalphSpencerthe complete execution of the install script http://paste.ubuntu.com/353020/17:19
RalphSpencerhello someone has to help me17:19
rob_psacarlson: Ummm... ok, I guess.  :-|17:19
om26er!caps | nuker17:19
ubottunuker: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:20
hajmolanuker: system>preferences>bluetooth17:20
nukerhajmola tum bhartiye ho ?17:20
RalphSpencersomeone who can help me????17:21
hajmolanuker, yes17:21
sacarlsonrob_p: is that a question?17:21
Mortal_RalphSpencer, the output you posted seems to come from a bash script17:21
morphias!help RalphSpencer17:21
Mortal_which script/executable did you run to get that output?17:21
RalphSpencerMortal_, yes17:21
RalphSpencerI tried to execute a script that installs GMA 900 drivers17:21
rob_psacarlson: Nope.  Just trying to decypher your comment!  Carry on...17:21
nukerlulz tumhara pet sahi rehta hai kya ?17:22
sacarlsonrob_p: I'm not a battle here I only anwser what I can tell you17:22
djtoastdoes anyone know if its possible to have 3 monitors on 3 screens using something like twinview?17:22
RalphSpencerIt came from Intel website17:22
Mortal_ok RalphSpencer, it might be a bug in the script. can you find out what line 1361 contains?17:22
djtoastsorry on 2 videocards17:22
tweaktdjtoast: wouldnt that be triple-view ;-)17:22
rob_psacarlson: Good for you!  Keep up the good deeds.17:22
Mortal_what I meant was it can be a bug or it can be invalid input from you or another source17:22
wuwuauJonathan_L, k actually on cheese if I move right/left the image moves with me (right/left in the right order)17:22
hajmolanuker, this isn't the place to discuss it, but I can eat it like candy.17:22
sacarlson rob_p:  and you the same my good friends17:23
nukeroh thats lovely i love hajmola17:23
rob_psacarlson: :-)17:23
RalphSpencerThe line 1361 contains only "fi"17:23
AbongileCan somebody please help me, I can't logginto the graphical environment, loggin prompt comes up, but instead of the desktop loading the loggin prompt returns, please help.17:23
Mortal_hmm, that doesn't sound right. can you post the script to a pastebin, RalphSpencer?17:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:23
djtoastTweakt: is there such option?  all i know is twinview from nvidia17:24
Abongileor how does one downgrade? is that even advisable?17:24
maverick_how can i make ubuntu boot with acpi=off everytime?17:25
guntbert!downgrade | Abongile - no17:25
ubottuAbongile - no: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.17:25
nukerhajmola why i can't give u the personal msg17:25
sacarlsonmaverick_: what is the benifit of that acpi=off?17:26
RalphSpencerHere it is, Mortal_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/353022/17:26
guntbertmaverick_: edit the grub lines17:26
maverick_sacarlson: i dont want CPU temperature messages to be spammed, and i googled and found that acpi=off disables it17:26
DeathspikeDoes anyone know the name of the package containing the services manager (I don't have it on a server)?17:26
nukerlolz bluetooth shows me bluetooth is disable :~017:27
anonmatiri want to control my mouse through my keyboard ! any ideas?17:27
Abongilegunbert & ubottu: Everything worked just finw before, infact I got into this problem trying to get 9.10 to have distributed media (dhcp, samba, etc) and now I can't even loggin. What can I do?17:27
rob_pmaverick_: Put, "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi=off" in your /etc/default/grub file.17:27
HFSPLUSHow do i defrag?17:27
icerootHFSPLUS: defrag what?17:27
HFSPLUSmy hard drive17:28
maverick_rob_p: thanks a lot rob_p and guntbert :)17:28
icerootHFSPLUS: ext?17:28
sacarlsonmaverick_: ok cool thanks for the input, I will look into this17:28
rob_pmaverick_: Oh, and don't forget to run, "update-grub" afterwards.17:28
HFSPLUSEXT3 i believe17:28
icerootHFSPLUS: ext3 dont need defrag17:28
maverick_rob_p: ok17:28
EU|Colectorhow to register here ?17:28
icerootHFSPLUS: like ext2 and ext417:28
epinky!defrag | HFSPLUS17:28
ubottuHFSPLUS: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.17:28
wuwuauJonathan_L, how can I see the driver?17:29
qwertyHi room17:29
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AbongileHi qwerty17:29
maverick_rob_p: should i just add the lines or should something be replaced?17:29
Guest95456Anyone here have experience with converting and burning dvd's?17:29
AledAlright I'm in Ubuntu 9.10 which I installed from Windows XP17:30
Mortal_huh RalphSpencer it seems weird, but try replacing >& with >> in lines 1325 and 132617:30
rob_pmaverick_: There should be an example line with no arguments in the quotes.  Just fill it in with, "acpi=off" and you should be set.17:30
mediaprodigyIs anyone here using Ubuntu as a platform for making music?17:30
maverick_rob_p: ok thanks17:30
guntbertrob_p: *if* its a fresh 9.1017:31
wuwuauhi guys gotta a problem with the webcam image. I can see it but it's not regular. It's mirrored :S17:31
DeathspikeDoes anyone know how I can manage services? I lack the services manager.17:31
RalphSpencerok Mortal_17:31
Diverdudei have gcc version 4.4.1-4ubuntu8 installed. I am using a program which only supports gcc v. 4.2.0. Is it possible to have both compilers installed on the system simultaneously?17:31
maverick_rob_p: im off to test it..thanks again17:31
sacarlsonmediaprodigy: if they don't they should,  we have cool stuf,  I only played with gutar effects17:31
rob_pmaverick_: Good luck!17:31
Ratizarmy wifi works on kubuntu but doesnt on ubuntu what is the difference17:31
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DeathspikeDiverdude: Why would you want to have two compilers?17:31
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Mortal_Deathspike, check out /etc/init.d/, it contains services, not sure if all of them are there17:31
dirk__hoi, is there a program to log all the process activities? thx in advance17:32
alberto_I can't get my Line Input to work properly17:32
Mortal_Deathspike, also try service --status-all17:32
mediaprodigysacarlson: what in particular are you using..17:32
alberto_I can hear the signal17:32
DiverdudeDeathspike, i explained that in my question17:32
alberto_But I cannot record anything17:32
AbongileGuest95456: I am new to linux but since I am here and I think I may know something useful here goes: There are many apps that can do just that I say search for the one that suits you. For what you have mentioned you may want to take a look at avidemux or similar, acid::rip or similar and or K3b or similar. Hope that helps some.17:32
mediaprodigysacarlson: I am interested in making techno & hiphop music.17:32
alberto_The Vu-meter doesn't even go up17:32
sacarlsonmediaprodigy: stuf like rosegarden and the plug in stuf17:32
Ratizari have intel wifi it should work out of the box but it doesnt what do i need to do17:32
DeathspikeMortal_ : No 'services' was found, I guess the command isnt known either.17:33
RalphSpencer"The DRI drivers can not be installed without the latest kernel modules.Installation will be aborted. See the dri.log file for information on what went wrong." Rest same but this errror17:33
RalphSpencerinstead of that one17:33
Mortal_Deathspike, what do you mean no 'services' was found? did the service tool tell you that? huh17:33
sacarlsonmediaprodigy:  cool mixing stuf that I could shift my voice or ??17:33
DeathspikeMortal_: No, the tool doesnt even exist on my system.17:33
Diverdudei have gcc version 4.4.1-4ubuntu8 installed. I am using a program which only supports gcc v. 4.2.0. Is it possible to have both compilers installed on the system simultaneously, so that i can have the old 4.2.0 and the new 4.4.1??17:33
Mortal_Deathspike, 'service' is the standard way of managing services (daemons) in ubuntu... try 'man service'17:33
sacarlsonmediaprodigy:  lad?17:34
Guest95456The problem is when I convert a AVI to  DVD and put it on a DVD DISC, it keeps pausing every 4 seconds17:34
Guest95456like it stutters17:34
mediaprodigysacarlson: I am thinking in terms of Reason, Fruityloops, Logic.. so forth17:34
MrJayBiggiehow do i format a second hard drive?17:34
=== Dau`Gone is now known as Daughain
rob_pmaverick_: Outcome?  ...drumroll...17:34
RalphSpencerMortal_, now "The DRI drivers can not be installed without the latest kernel modules.Installation will be aborted. See the dri.log file for information on what went wrong." Rest same but this errror instead of that one17:34
mikobuntumediaprodigy ; lmms , ardour , audacity , hydrogen17:34
sacarlsonmediaprodigy:  we have total mixer stations that run on ubuntu, synth drums ....  voice recorders with efects....17:34
DeathspikeMortal_: My bad, typo. How can I remove gdm (it has a ?) from the services via command line? :)17:34
maverick_rob_p: :D it worked17:35
Ratizari need wifi help17:35
rob_pmaverick_: Sweet!  :-)17:35
Mortal_eh Deathspike I'm not sure, but try sudo apt-get remove gdm17:35
maverick_rob_p: is the temperature thing a bug?17:35
Mortal_why'd you remove it though?17:35
mediaprodigysacarlson: can you provide some links.. msg me off the list. pls17:35
Spasysheephow do i record input from a webcam and microphone using vlc?17:35
rob_pmaverick_: Looks like it may be.17:35
sacarlson sacarlson:  tmidii17:35
DeathspikeMortal_ I dont want to uninstall it, I just want to disable it as I'm running a server and dont need GUI all the time.17:35
Mortal_ah like that17:35
Mortal_service stop gdm17:35
MrJayBiggieanybody know how to format a second hard drive?17:35
Mortal_you'll probably need sudo17:35
maverick_rob_p: ok..17:36
DeathspikeMortal_ : Hm.. apparently it doesn't know the service, even though it's listed.. twice.17:36
Mortal_Deathspike, what about sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop?17:36
DeathspikeMortal_: It closes now, but AFAIK it re-appears when I reboot.17:37
sacarlsonmediaprodigy: just try go into synaptic and search for music17:37
Mortal_ok Deathspike you'll need to disable it in the /etc/rc?.d/ directories17:37
RalphSpencerMortal_, you there for me?17:37
DeathspikeMortal_: Sadly, I already did this. It still re-appears :\17:38
Abongileguest95456: Does it only do that once it has been written to disc or does the same from the harddrive? Have you tried putting the file through avidemux and see if the many options can't solve the problem, It should be in the ubuntu repository so softwre centre or apt-get install should do it for you. Check out: http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/17:38
Mortal_RalphSpencer, sec, I'll just need to read through the script17:38
mediaprodigysacarlson: thanks17:38
sacarlsonmediaprodigy: rosegarden and many others like someone other than me mentioned is there17:38
Mortal_Deathspike, check out update-rc.d17:38
DeathspikeMortal_: I used sysv-rc-conf and manual deleting. No entries are around, it still starts.17:38
rob_pDeathspike: use the update-rc.d utility to disable it.  Should be, "sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove"17:38
DeathspikeMortal_ & rob_p: This command throws an error at line 57 :\17:38
RalphSpencerMortal_, ok sure17:38
Mortal_Deathspike, you shouldn't delete it, you need to rename it according to some shenanigans, but update-rc.d should do that for you17:38
DeathspikeMortal_: A reinstall should do the trick for corruption I take it then?17:39
Mortal_RalphSpencer, I don't know how much shell scripting you know, but searching the script for the string 'The DRI drivers can not be installed without the latest kernel modules' will get you to line 135017:39
AbongileI have fiddling with my system for sometime now, I have scoured the forums, launchpad again and still no solution. I can't loggin, the loggin screen just keeps returning. I am running mythbuntu 9.10.17:40
Mortal_RalphSpencer, I'm not sure the checks are legitimate and whether the error message is telling the truth, that some kernel module(s) is/are missing, but that could be the problem17:40
MrJayBiggiehow do i get my comp to automatically boot ubuntu without it asking to be selected?17:40
Mortal_Deathspike, what's corrupted?17:40
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DeathspikeMortal_ : update-rc.d gives an error at line 57 for some reason.17:40
RalphSpencerMortal_, if these modules are really missing, how do I install them?17:41
Xfactserious problem :( after updating my karmic, when I am tarting my PC it's opening as console...(not as gnome desktop)....17:41
Mortal_RalphSpencer, I don't know which modules are missing... does it say which?17:41
Mortal_RalphSpencer, then add errmsg "$DRV_MODULE" just before line 135017:41
RalphSpencerShould I comment out those lines for now?17:42
XfactWhen I am trying to start gdm, it saying 'ccannot aquire <file/file>' etc.....what should I do?? :(17:42
AbongileIt feels like my backend is fine and when I reboot my system I can see it being shutdown and the mythfrontend seems willing to luanch but I don't know how to specify a display. So the problem with the loggin prompt initialising whatever is supposed to happen next so I get a working desktop.17:42
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Mortal_nah RalphSpencer we need to know which modules it claims are missing17:42
rob_pDeathspike: Try first enabling by doing, "sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults" and then disabling by doing, "sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove"17:42
Xfactserious problem :( after updating my karmic, when I am tarting my PC it's opening as console...(not as gnome desktop)....When I am trying to start gdm, it saying 'ccannot aquire <file/file>' etc.....what should I do?? :(17:42
alberto_PLEASE HELP ME17:42
icerootalberto_: dont use caps, instead use usefull infos17:42
alberto_BUT I CAN'T17:42
FloodBot1alberto_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:42
Spasysheepalberto: YOU NEED TO STOP SHOUTING17:42
sacarlsonok I got to go to sleep,  thank you all for keeping it all alive, remember only people (you) make it happen by asking and telling and making the dream come true.17:43
Mortal_ah sorry RalphSpencer, I've gotta go now17:43
Xfactalberto_:  please don't shout, everybody here is for help, wait for your turn :)17:43
alberto_Sorry, but I'm desperate17:43
TopGearMy upstart-manager won't work17:43
RalphSpencerMortal_, now it says gdg in there17:43
spatulacityhey home come you assholes keep messing with the sound server every release17:43
guntbert!ohmy | spatulacity17:44
ubottuspatulacity: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.17:44
blakkheimspatulacity: just use alsa17:44
AbongileXfact: I think you're problem is similar to mine. What happens if you /etc.init.d/gdm stop and then startx?17:44
DeathspikeMortal_: This is still a no-go :(17:44
rob_pDeathspike: I'm guessing that since you manually removed some sym-links, the update-rc.d utility is throwing errors while attempting to operate on non-existant files.  By enabling first, the symlinks get re-created in all the default runlevels.  Then the disable command should work.17:44
Diverdudei have gcc version 4.4.1-4ubuntu8 installed. I am using a program which only supports gcc v. 4.2.0. Is it possible to have both compilers installed on the system simultaneously, so that i can have the old 4.2.0 and the new 4.4.1??17:45
ejwaxxdangit xchat, switching windows on me...time to select a new password :|17:45
Xfactserious problem :( after updating my karmic, when I am trying my PC it's opening as console...(not as gnome desktop)....When I am trying to start gdm, it saying 'cannot acquire <file/file>' etc.....what should I do?? :(17:45
Deathspikerob_p and mortal_ thanks for your help. I'll simply reinstall (it's a clean one anyhow) and work with that, it should work then according to the information given. Thanks again, have to run for a while!17:45
aciculaDiverdude: yeah if they use different names for the binary17:45
aciculaDiverdude: or you can put a custom gcc in /usr/local or your home directory etc17:45
rob_pDeathspike: Sounds a little drastic!17:45
Diverdudeacicula, i see...how do i control that?17:45
rob_pDeathspike: ...but it's your call.  Good luck.17:45
alberto_Can anybody help me, please?17:45
Diverdudeacicula, where does the standard gcc reside?17:46
GNUtoo|oeeehi,I've a jaunty based distro...how do I assign permanantly an ip to an interface17:46
alberto_I really need this to work.17:46
XfactAbongile: I think the update process doing unexpected error with 'gnome display manager' so it's doing problem to start, and it's major issue I think....17:46
aciculaDiverdude: the naming you dont control, if it comes in a deb,  but im gusesing just installing gcc-4.2 will work17:46
GNUtoo|oeeeand strangely I keep killing nm-system-settings and it comes back17:46
guntbertDiverdude: but thats a strange thing - what gets broken in your proggy if you use 4.4.1 ?17:46
Xfact alberto_: please repeat, what your question was....?17:46
aciculaDiverdude: gcc-4.2 is in the repo, you just have to remember to use gcc-4.2 ratrher then gcc and such17:46
aciculaDiverdude: or port your program17:47
Hans_Henrikisnt gcc 4.5 the latest release?17:47
aciculacurrently at 4.417:47
acicula4.5 might be the dev release17:47
GNUtoo|oeeeI need to serve for nfsroot and the client reconfigure it's iface so...the jaunty-based one's iface go down too17:47
Diverdudeguntbert, mexfiles in matlab17:48
jellowAnyone recomend a light image viewer that can open multipule .jpgs at same time?17:48
AbongileXfact: So when you stop gdm and startx nothing happens, I used to be able to get into a standard gnome desktop, I can't now don't know what changed. Any progress on your part?17:48
alberto_Xfact I'm trying to record my guitar, which is plugged in Line Input. I can hear the sound, but whenever I use the Gnome recorder, it does not record anything.17:48
Diverdudeguntbert, Warning: You are using gcc version "4.4.1-4ubuntu8)".  The earliest gcc version supported17:48
Diverdude         with mex is "4.0.0".  The latest version tested for use with mex is "4.2.0".17:48
Diverdude         To download a different version of gcc, visit http://gcc.gnu.org17:48
alberto_Nor Ardour.17:48
llutzjellow: display17:49
alberto_Xfact I also try to configure sound in System / Preferences / Sound17:49
alberto_But I don't know which capturing device to use.17:49
Abongilegunbert: so I can't downgrade not considered a option. So what do I do?17:49
XfactAbongile: yes, when I am trying to start it, this time screen flickering 5-6 times, and after then the error message :(17:49
guntbertDiverdude: and they break ? - ah thats only a warning - you could still try to compile - or do as acicula said17:49
alberto_I try with all of them, but none of them works.17:49
Diverdudeacicula, or is it possible to somehow make gcc 4.4.1 compile as a 4.2.0 with a specific flag?17:50
Abongilexfact: what's you error message?17:50
Diverdudeguntbert, i have tried to compile, and when i run the mexfile i get an error17:50
GNUtoo|oeeewhere should I ask then?17:50
tyroanyone can tell me ,whats the time,now ,thx17:50
Diverdudeguntbert, ??? Invalid MEX-file '/media/IMM/work/tools/matlab/BSDMSI/BSDReadHips.mexglx':17:50
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)17:50
alberto_Xfact I have an embedded sound card.17:50
jellowllutz: its not in repositry know any more?17:50
alberto_HDA INTEL or something like that17:51
llutzjellow: it in imagemagick-package17:51
sacarlsonDiverdude: I have had several gcc installed and just changed the sym link to provide what was needed >ln -s /path/old/you/want  /path/present/after/renam/17:51
Xfactalberto_: first assure that your guitar is being accepted by Ubuntu hardware... if it is then I think the problem is with your software, try something batter like, 'audacity'17:51
Diverdude??? Invalid MEX-file '/media/IMM/work/tools/matlab/BSDMSI/BSDReadHips.mexglx':17:51
aciculaDiverdude: dont think so, gotta install the old version, or just try with 4.4 and see if it works17:51
sooposIs there any tool in apt-get like Fedora's grin?17:52
llutzsoopos: which does what?17:52
epinkyGNUtoo|oeee: is tftp concerned?17:52
sooposllutz: To grep source code17:52
GNUtoo|oeeeepinky, no only nfsroot17:52
marcio_hi all17:52
llutzsoopos: just grep?17:52
sooposllutz: Likely,17:53
XfactAbongile:  oops! the error message was big...I don't remember it correctly but it was like 'problem aquireing *some gdm related files* etc...'17:53
GNUtoo|oeeeepinky, basically the device boot the kernel from micro-sdcard,and then dhcpcd and then nfsroot17:53
XfactAbongile: anything else there?17:53
epinkyGNUtoo|oeee: so you mean NFS server?17:53
alberto_Xfact My guitar, just like every guitar, used to work in Jaunty17:53
sooposllutz: http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-package-announce/2009-March/msg00133.html17:53
Abongilexfact: I get an xuath erro message, Iast saw this when I was trying KDE out. The system building new xuath file seems to just hang a little and then back to the bash prompt no chnage.17:53
alberto_Xfact I cannot record Microphone INput either.17:53
GNUtoo|oeeeepinky, yes the jaunty-based computer does nfs server17:53
kabwhy OpenOffice 3.1 is too slow to save documents on 9.10?17:53
Xfactalberto_: are you first time having problem on you junty?17:53
GNUtoo|oeeeepinky, only that during the reconfiguration the link goes down and so the server's card interface goes down too17:54
spatulacityFACT: this is what a typical ubuntu release planning looks like http://www.queerclick.com/images/sc_blowing%20brody.jpg17:54
pea[PC]if you install unbuntu with an os already on the drive what happens? does it get overwritten? does it make it's own partition?17:54
alberto_Xfact The biggest mistake I made was updating to karmic17:54
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jellowllutz: thanks was alreadt installed did not notice17:54
protojayspatulacity, your an idiot17:55
alberto_Xfact After trying karmic and finding out it gave me a lot of problems, I had to go back to Jaunty.17:55
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XfactAbongile: well, but I ma just 1 and half week old in linux, so not much knowledge about it, but if you know any way to solve it then inform me...17:55
pea[PC]i installed ubuntu over xp, restarted and xp loaded o.O17:55
alberto_Xfact Jaunty used to record my guitar and microphone input without any problems.17:55
epinkyGNUtoo|oeee: ok, I'm not a nfsroot expert, you can always ask on #ubuntu-server channel17:55
macman_pea[PC]: reinstall grub17:55
GNUtoo|oeeeok thanks17:56
guiscardhow do I transfer files to network?17:56
alberto_Xfact Now it gives me problems.17:56
soreaupea[PC]: What were you expecting to happen?17:56
tjohntHey guys. I need a little help. Im running ubuntu and im trying to create a custom live cd with remastersys that keeps my firefox settings and extensions. the problem is since my .mozilla directory is in my home folder it isnt backed up by remastersys. I would like to know if its possible to change the location of this ./mozilla directory in the about:config or somehow elese. Thanks so much.17:56
pea[PC]macman_, there was no ubuntu partition17:56
guntbertDiverdude: I see  - I lost the connection  - are you all set by now?17:56
pea[PC]only an xp partition17:56
alberto_Xfact It causes me headache17:56
pea[PC]very confused17:56
pea[PC]i installed stuff on ubuntu, it wasn't a live cd17:56
Hans_Henrikif i got a PC with WinXP installed, and i start it from a ubuntu-livecd, makes a compressed archive of the entire XP harddrive partition, if i wanted the entire pc back to the point i did that archive, would it just be to format the harddrive back to the original filesystem and extract the files from the archive?17:56
soreaupea[PC]: If you used the entire disk to install xp, simply install ubuntu and look for the option to let it automatically partition the drives17:57
Xfactalberto_:  ooh! You upgraded to karmic, Karmic still having some probs people saying so I would not say it's totally 'stable release' and second, fresh installation is much batter then upgradation, as you can see I am also having problem with upgrade....17:57
soreaupea[PC]: It should shrink the xp partition and install ubuntu alongside it, then install grub and allow you to select which to load at boot time17:57
AbongileXfact: Are you using a straight Ubuntu or derivative (Mythbuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, etc)? I'm thinking if it's not mythbuntu which I have nightmares with at the moment how about: apt-get remove gdm, apt-get remove xserver-xorg and the reinstall perhaps going for something apt-get instrall gnome-desktop (that comes with a lot of other apps which mythbuntu does not need.) I am a newbie as well but trying to learn with help of these people.17:58
alberto_Xfact I had problems both with fresh installation and upgrading.17:58
pea[PC]read what i said though, ubuntu didn't have it's own aprtition17:58
totallynotcoolIs there any hope for audio applications not running like crap when they're running in a virtualized environment?17:58
soreaupea[PC]: Read what I said. You need to install ubuntu again17:58
alberto_Xfact Karmic sucks.17:58
soreau! who | pea[PC]17:58
ubottupea[PC]: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:58
alberto_Xfact So Jaunty does.17:58
pea[PC]i'm not17:58
alberto_As it does not work properly either.17:59
alberto_It's too difficult to make something work.17:59
pea[PC]i can't help it if people jump into the conversation half way through and get upset that they didn't read my origenal question17:59
alberto_Too many sound servers.17:59
XfactAbongile: yes...'apt-get remove gdm' can be a helpful way! thanks17:59
tjohntHey guys. I need a little help. Im running ubuntu and im trying to create a custom live cd with remastersys that keeps my firefox settings and extensions. the problem is since my .mozilla directory is in my home folder it isnt backed up by remastersys. I would like to know if its possible to change the location of this ./mozilla directory in the about:config or somehow elese. Thanks so much.17:59
alberto_HDA INTEL?17:59
FloodBot1alberto_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
PixarHi, is there any command in the terminal so I can see all connected ips or something ? I need to find out the ip of the person i'm chatting on Pidgin. I was able to do that on windows in CMD with some command, it used to display IP:some specific messenger port17:59
blakkheimPixar: netstat18:00
soreaupea[PC]: We can't help it if you are making comments that aren't directed to anyone and aren't listening to what the people trying to help you are saying18:00
Pixaryes it was netstat -m i think18:00
Pixarso it works on ubuntu too18:00
XfactAbongile:  I am using Ubuntu only and first removing gdm completely and then again installing by 'apt-get install gdm' can help...to solve this prob, what you think?18:00
LoshaHans_Henrik: in theory, yes. It depends on how you did the backup. There are backup backup packages that specialize in making 'bare metal restores' to do exactly what you describe e.g. http://www.mondorescue.org/about.shtml. Disclaimer, I have not used any of them18:00
soreauXfact: Reinstalling gdm wont help anything if it's the same version.. what's the problem you're having exactly?18:01
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Guest68749hey guys!! i been having problems with my wireless connection. the connection drops every once in a while and unable to reconnect. i dont see this happening on win 7 but only on ubuntu 9.10. it never occured to me in 9.0418:02
Guest68749why? pourquoi?18:02
Xfact soreau:  I haven't tried reinstalling it yet ,and the problem was after updating karmic softs unexpectedly it blocked my gdm... it's i think will be solved after simple remove and reinstall of gdm....18:03
soreauXfact: What do you mean it blocks gdm?18:03
AbongileXfact: give it a short a let me know what happens. I guess my problem is little involved then though I should expect that the experienced users should have a solution but still waiting. My issue is I can remove and reinstall gdm and the xserver but that solve my problem as I think there are some unique linkages to the Xfce desktop mythbuntu uses and it not being initialised.18:03
Xfactalberto_:  I am new to jaunty and karmic so till researching on it...and audio section has lots of probs like it's also not taking my sub woofer :(, so good luck with your tries...I hope it'll solve soon and Karmic half sucks!:-/18:04
Killycome faccio a installare msn su ubuntu 8.10??18:04
taisahello, could someone pls help me with my xserver?18:04
taisaAfter normal GDM Login, no Panels, only xterm konsole; typing "startx" in root rescue konsole boots in Gnome normally.18:04
taisaSettings: Intel GMA 4500HD, backported software karmic used, after kernel upgrade to 2.31.17 occurs this problem. thx.18:04
RalphSpencerhow to check if 3d graphics acceleration is enabled>18:04
TidyBhoyhey.. so in rhythembox when i drag a music file from music to my ipod it says Permission Denied... any1 got a quick fix for that? :S18:05
jellowTidyBhoy: gksudo rythembox18:05
Xfactsoreau:  gdm is not opening after update means something during the update blocked  gdm...18:05
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TidyBhoythat the only way? ill have to open it like that everytime ?18:06
mediaprodigyok must go..18:06
jellowTidyBhoy: Well you could try sudo chown -R username:username /media/path/to/ipod18:07
ChinoChanohi guys! i had a proble? yesterday after an upgrade 9.04 -> 9.1018:07
ChinoChanonow, i can finally log in my session, but NO gnome panels, no app menus, nothing18:07
jellowTidyBhoy: Your ipod is being mounted as read only18:07
jon_high9000hello. I am trying to setup my Linksys WUSB54GC Ver.#3 for use with ubuntu 9.10. anybody have any helpful tips on getting it to work?18:08
XfactAbongile: well, I ma worried about it, you can see in grub menu that it gives two option like e.g 'Ubuntu 9.10 karmic 2.0.45' with it's recovery version and 'Ubuntu karmic 2.0.42' with it's recovery version...the first one is already blocked so I ma using second one to access, if the gdm re-installation blocks the whole...then it'll be a mess up! so I am little worried... :(18:08
ChinoChanobastid_raZor, are you there?18:08
jokuilupgrade windows shows wrong version when upgrading to 10.04, didnt succeed to file a bug report. http://imgur.com/FmNcb18:09
TidyBhoywell if i put rhythembox in startup programs jellow... can i put in a line to make it launch with gksudo? or can i mount it as write as well?18:09
jokuil(shows 9.10)18:09
Xfactabongile: (above versions were just example....)18:10
tjohntHey guys is there a way to open and edit files inside a .squashfs file? thanks18:10
ChinoChanoQUESTION: gnome-panel says SHARED libraries missing. I have to rebuild links or libraries i guess. What is the commmand?18:10
RalphSpencerhow to check if 3d graphics acceleration is enabled>18:10
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jellowTidyBhoy: Try to chown it first then you won't need to run rythmbox as root , as its not recommened but is easiest solution18:10
AledCan I dual boot Server Ubuntu without partitioning18:11
AledLike I can with Ubuntu Desktop18:11
morphiasok that was wierd.  does anyone know if the WLAN drivers of Intel 4965 are buggy?18:11
XfactI am feeling so alone in his version :(18:11
llutzRalphSpencer: glxinfo|grep -i dri18:11
Xfactin this version :(18:11
TidyBhoychown? sorry jellow only been linux about a week =D18:11
morphiasit just locked up all my network applications and then , instead of crashing them all, the i lost internet connection18:11
jokuilmorphias: yes they are. problems with power saving18:11
llutzRalphSpencer: or: glxinfo|grep -i direct18:11
morphiasjokuil, how do i reset the drivers without rebooting?18:12
Deathspikerob_p and mortal_ I hope you're still here :D I reinstalled the machine and did update-rc.d -f gdm remove, but it STILL boots. No manual fuck ups this time, tho. Ideas?18:12
jokuilmorphias: works fairly well with 9.10 but i had a lot of problems before18:12
ChinoChanois there a way to rebuild libraries or broken deps?18:12
NarcHello folks. I need someone's help to figure out why my left click is behaving strangely (when it's behaving at all) since I updated Karmic a week or so ago. When the bug appears, I can't click any button or focus or close windows, right click is not responding too. I tried to set the X server to defaults, turned Compiz and Gnome-Do off, but nothing works. Xev is not registering any event from the mouse. I figured the problem appears18:13
Narc depending on which program I open first but it's quite random. Mouse works on other OS. Thanks a lot.18:13
RalphSpencerroot@endeavour:~# glxinfo|grep -i dri18:13
RalphSpencerOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 915G GEM 20090712 2009Q2 RC318:13
morphiasi was logginig how many times it did this, and this is the 4th time.  now im brining it up becuase my router/wireless didn't drop (checked logs)18:13
thales_vazhi, i trying to perform  the alternate cd install from a pen drive... is that possible?18:13
jellowTidyBhoy: no worries , being vague , In terminal , run sudo fdisk -l and copy paste what you get to http://pastebin.com/18:13
RalphSpencerroot@endeavour:~# glxinfo|grep -i direct18:13
RalphSpencerdirect rendering: Yes18:13
RalphSpencerso it is enabled?18:13
morphiasjokuil, is there a way to force a reload of the wireless driver?18:13
AbongileXfact: I think you are talking about grup the bootloader. The first option is to boot normally into your installation the second is for administrative task hence recovery, you don't get a full x-session (graphical) display in the second cause a lot of apps and services are not initialised but you'll have a terminal for your admin tasks, you have netroot terminal (terminal with networking) so you can do some updates and installations as w18:13
jokuilmorphias: you can fix it temporary by unloading and reloading the modules but i didnt get it to work well without using the correct kernel18:13
morphiasbecause tick marking disable/enable doesn't cut it.18:13
llutzRalphSpencer: yes18:13
AledCan I use Wubi with Ubuntu Server?18:14
jellowTidyBhoy: This will tell me where your usb is mounted18:14
AbongileXfact: So if your worry is with gurb, check for some threads on howto upgrade grub.18:14
jiohdiAled: wubi only has a specific number of distros it can install18:14
flosskHi im having a problem with hamachi in ubuntu im trying to connect to a machine18:14
jokuilmorphias maybe, you can try rmmod <module name> / modprobe <module name>18:14
llutzTidyBhoy: since your ipod won't have a unix-fs on it, forget chown. it won't work18:14
flosskDestination Host Unreachable18:14
PureHow much memory does 9.1 need?18:14
jaihois there a way to show how much battery power is remaining on Karmic?18:15
flosskHi im having a problem with hamachi in ubuntu im trying to connect to a machine18:15
flosskDestination Host Unreachable18:15
Abongilexfact: you can say that again, really alone.18:15
jokuilmorphias what kernel / version of ubuntu are you running?18:15
jellowTidyBhoy: listen tow hat llutz has to say i was wrong18:15
XfactAbongile:  no no I am talking about the second normal version option it shows that one, not the recovery, and I ma chatting and watching youtube vids here, so I really don't think it's that mode you are talking....18:15
morphiasjokuil, 2.6.31-1718:16
Xfactabongile: yes...and about to be lost :(18:16
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TopGearI can't run upstartmanager!18:16
Abongilexfact: sorry that GRUB, the bootloader.18:16
HydrosisWhen I try to play games, the audio starts to crackles and then dies.  This is not always the case, sometimes it works fine.  Why doesnt sound work properly for game roms anymore?18:16
PureHow much memory is need to run ubuntu 9.10?18:16
TopGearwhen I open it, I get a bar that goes left to right, it closes, and nothing happens18:17
jokuilmorphias, is a recuring problem or is it just this once18:17
morphiasi kept logging these in a file, this is the forth one, been trying to find a dump file somewhere tho18:17
HydrosisHELP! When I try to play games, the audio starts to crackle and then dies.   This is not always the case, sometimes it works fine.  Why doesn't sound work properly for game roms anymore?18:18
manish_Can anyone help on Domain controller setup with Ubuntu server 9.10 here?18:18
XfactAbongile: yes...but bootloder is not the main issue here, the blockage in OS loading I think...and how to solve it...I've got an idea to reinstall gdm but also in doubt about it's future :(18:18
guiscardHydrosis, same here18:18
Abongilexfact: when you bootup, grub does a countdown, pushing escape before zero will give you the option to boot normally i.e. first option or select recovery for your current kernel.18:18
maverick_Hydrosis: aah..this was one of the biggest problems for me..for this you have to upgrade the alsa version18:19
TopGearpop from the speakers?18:19
Hydrosisguiscard: have you found a fix?  This is retarded.18:19
maverick_Hydrosis: to 1.0.22 :D..i got it solved just yesterday18:19
kitche!repeat > Hydrosis18:19
ubottuHydrosis, please see my private message18:19
Hydrosismaverick_ how do I do that18:19
epinkypure: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements18:20
jokuilmorphias i used to have a lot of problems with that card but now it works very well for me. not perfect but almost18:20
Xfact Abongile: yes...but I don't know it's normal or not but in my pc it's giving two normal and two recovery options....first pair totally blocked so using second pair....on18:20
HydrosisHow do I update ALSA if Im not even sure that I have ALSA?18:20
PureWere running it in VirtualPC, what settings should I use, it's got way more than 6418:20
SabirI need help with sound via the HDMI interface card nvidia GT22018:20
Sabir In alsa-mixer when you press F6, I can select the sound card NVidia, but I get a message that no device controls18:20
maverick_Hydrosis: go to this site http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page, download alsa-utils,  alsa-driver and alsa-lib and install them using make..it is not in the repositories18:21
guiscardHydrosis, no, it used to work properly with games suddenly the sound started to malfunction18:21
guiscarddon't know why18:21
morphiasjokuil, have you ever figured out where iwlagn would store its dump logs?18:21
Hans_Henriksom1 told me i could do "dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/usr/me/backup.img then dd if=/usr/me/backup.img of=/dev/hda1" to make a backup of a partition and restore it again.. 1: true?  2: if so, would it work on NTFS/FAT32?18:21
epinky!anyone | manish_18:21
ubottumanish_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:21
maverick_Hydrosis: Alsa 1.0.21 was not included in Karmic because it released late, and it was in the alpha stages..18:21
Xfacteveryone: it's showing compiz installed in my pc but not listed in either preference or admin menu...how to access it? (ubuntu karmic)18:22
TidyBhoythanks anyway jellow... gotta run.. ill be back tomorrow ;P18:22
Hydrosismaverick_: so, how do I install this stuff?  I come from a world where computers should be easy to use...18:22
scott_ino2does anyone know if mediabuntu got rid of skype in their package set?18:22
AbongileThe worst that I can see heppening with reinstalling gdm is as soreous said "nothing" i.e. on reinstalling it picks up exactly where it left off errors and all nothing beaking your system to bits or anything like that.  I think if I were running a standard ubuntu install that problem should solve my problems. Cause though I get gdm back it is the init scripts from loggin to launch desktop that are not talking properly at least that's wha18:22
himanshu_i don't know why but some how the audio of my system goes off . i try out play any of the song with vlc or exaile , but audio sounds remains a mute , it comes back only when i restart my system18:22
jokuilmorphias nothing more than i could se with 'dmesg', you can increase the verbosity when you load the module18:22
SabirI have: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version
guiscardHydrosis, first you extract the files with tar xvf or tar xzvf depends on the format they are compressed18:23
Hydrosisguiscard: In english, please.18:23
Abongilexfact: what does blocked mean? What happens when you select those options? The latest kernel is usually on top of the list.18:23
Xfact Abongile:  means the plan of reinstalling gdm wasn't useful :(18:23
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guntbert!compile | Hydrosis have you seen18:23
ubottuHydrosis have you seen: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:23
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alokitoXfact, did you install compizconfig-settings-manager?18:24
himanshu_can you tell me how to play flv files , many of many downloaded flv players from youtube does not run in ubuntu.  i tried out vlc18:24
albertoI turn the Line Input volume up and down sliding the CD volume control...!18:24
manish_ubottu, sorry for that, I have Win2k based Domain Controllers on LAN. Want to replace them with Ubuntu server 9.10. I want to know how to go about this18:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:24
epinkyscott_ino2: afaik no18:24
alokitoXfact, what do u mean by "I can't access them"?18:24
albertoHow come is this?18:24
Xfact) Abongile: yes the latest kernel option is not working for gdm startup problem (and I am calling it blocked) and the second one i ok and I am now running it18:24
scott_ino2epinky, hmmm somethings going on then18:25
Hydrosisholy crap, are you telling me I need to read 20 manulas, learn a new language and slave in a terminal for days on end just to get sound working for a NES game?  This is insane.  Why bother even releasing broken software to the world?18:25
ejwaxxHans_Henrik: that should work fine.  Always use "dd" with the utmost caution though...really efficient way to irrevocably muck things up if not done right18:25
Abongilexfact: so you're in with an earlier kernel version?18:25
blakkheimHydrosis: lol18:25
guntbert!attitude | Hydrosis18:25
ubottuHydrosis: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:25
maverick_Hydrosis: there?18:25
scott_ino2ejwaxx, just recently wrote over an entire drive with dd ;)18:26
Xfactalokito:  yes it's showing installed in synaptic but not listed to click and access, so how to access it remote Way? (I mean by running any command or something...)18:26
maverick_Hydrosis: go to this site http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page, download alsa-utils,  alsa-driver and alsa-lib and install them using make..it is not in the repositories..sorry I got timed out18:26
guiscardHydrosis, there's a easier way18:26
albertoI hate Ubuntu18:26
albertoIT SUCKS18:26
FloodBot1alberto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:26
guiscardread the INSTALL document18:26
XfactAbongile: running on old kernel version does matter?18:26
ejwaxxscott_ino2, as have i...of course i was aiming to zero it out :)18:26
Hans_Henrikcan i mount a .img file created by "dd"?18:26
llutzalberto: Please take your <°)))o>< and troll away.18:27
tjohntHey guys is there a way to open and edit files inside a .squashfs file? thanks18:27
soreauXfact: In case you didn't get an answer to your question, sys>prefs>appearance>Visual Effects <-- set to anything other than None will start compiz and make it the default18:27
alokitoXfact, u mean "activate"? if so then you need to have graphics card driver and then you can run "compiz -replace" from alt+f2 window18:27
scott_ino2Hans_Henrik, yes should mount just like any other image18:27
MerlinWHydrosis, install gfceu18:27
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belliima li nasih ovde?18:27
scott_ino2Hans_Henrik, and give you the list of folders/data etc..18:27
MerlinWits a NES emu18:27
Hans_Henriki have never mounted a .img before.. how do i do that?18:27
HydrosisMerlinW: I have it already.  Thats what im trying to fix.  Why would I need to reinstall it/?18:27
albertoThank you for your help18:27
MerlinWsry, i just arrived :D18:27
belliima li nasih ovde?18:28
MerlinWHydrosis, and nestra ?18:28
alokitoXfact, and you can control and configure plugins from compizconfig-settings-manager, it's not installed by default(afaik) so you should install that too(sudo apt-get ....)18:28
MerlinWsuper nintendo not good?18:28
guntbert!hr | belli18:28
ubottubelli: Odgovarajuci kanal za Hrvatski jezik je #ubuntu-hr, molimo Vas da se pridruzite tom kanalu ukoliko trebate pomoc za Ubuntu, hvala.  Croatian language support in #ubuntu-hr18:28
AbongileXfact: No it doesn't, the experienced gusy will say something about security updates and the later kernel is supposed to be more secure but you can do pretty much everything you need to with an older kernel. And if an app requires the later kernel it will say so, or least in my short time with the OS that's what I have noticed.18:28
dfrankdear All, how can i make GNU screen sourcing /etc/profile.d/* at every new window create?18:28
Hans_Henrikif i have mounted a .img file as a partition, can i add/delete files from the img file and save it?18:28
MerlinWsnes9x is working18:28
maverick_Hydrosis: Did you get it sorted out?18:29
MerlinWHydrosis,  maybe from getdeb or medibuntu repos18:29
HydrosisMerlinW: We're talking about SOUND problems, not game emulators.18:29
alokitoAbongile, I don't think compiz "directly" depends on kernel18:29
XfactAbongile: yes All I need the setting manager...thanks :)18:29
ejwaxxHans_Henrik: i'm experimenting with it right now, let you know in a few minutes if no one gets back to you18:29
Hydrosismaverick_: hell no.  I got those files and have no idea how to install them.  They are saved on my desktop.  This is retardedly hard.18:29
alokitoAbongile, the graphics card driver(which compiz needs to function) requires kernel compilation18:30
maverick_Hydrosis: no, its not as hard as you think, extract the three files first18:30
guiscardHydrosis, read the INSTALL document it goes straight to the point18:30
SabirAmong those present are the owners of video cards nvidia GT2xx, using HDMI output? How did you do to work the sound through HDMI?18:30
Xfact alokito: Abongile is not talking about compiz...we are discussing on gdm problem :(18:30
Trizicuswhat is the software in linux that allows me to burn an iso to USB drive and it becomes bootable? I currently forget what the SW is18:30
Hydrosisguiscard: WHAT frigging install document?  You need to be specific, there are 50 things you guys just told me to read.18:31
alokitoXfact, hmm, then whats the settings manager for? :-/18:31
alokitoXfact, gnome configuration editor?18:31
Hans_HenrikTrizicus: can try unetbootin18:31
maverick_Hydrosis: Then go to each folder using the terminal and run ./configure, make and make install18:31
Xfactalokito:  our gdm is not loading on start up....18:31
ejwaxxtrizicus: unetbootin?18:31
guntbertHydrosis: please stay polite - if *you* don't understand something - no need to use derogative terms18:31
TrizicusHans_HenriK: Thanks :D18:31
alokitoXfact, and how's that related with compiz?18:31
Xfactalokito:  no i think gnome display manager18:31
Trizicusejwaxx: Thanks18:31
Hydrosisguntbert: what derogatory terms are you talking about?  pffft.18:32
Phil_EwertHello together, can anybody recommend me a screencast-recording tool, that actually works for him ?18:32
Abongilealokito: would you have nay advise for someone who can't loggin into their system? I can't loggin, I loggin and the loggin screen just returns. I have seem something about building a new xauth file in term when I stop gdm and try to startx, can you help?18:32
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alokitoXfact, ok...18:32
Xfactalokito:  no no...that was another totally not related question to you about compiz....the gdm topic was going on with him....18:32
guntbertHydrosis: read back - I'm not going to repeat your statements18:32
alokitoAbongile, maybe your graphics driver is not functioning18:32
Hydrosisguntbert: you seem to  have a different understanding of what constitues derogatory.  Perhaps you shoudl google the word.18:33
alokitoAbongile, there was a handy xfix menu in ubuntu recovery mode but it's now gone in karmic :(18:33
guntbertHydrosis: just drop it - and please stay calm18:33
AbongileXfact: Glad I could help ease the pain. Synaptic will inform of you updates and untill you figure out what about your system does not like the newer kernel uncheck the kernel updates in the update manager. Cheers!!18:34
Hydrosisguntbert: please do not center me out without explaining why.  Poor social skills you got there, mate.18:34
ejwaxxok Hans_Henrik, i have an answer for you: yes, you can mount the image you make with dd, you just need to specify "-o loop" as a parameter18:35
XfactAbongile: thanks18:35
Hans_Henrikand add/remove files from it?18:35
ejwaxxand yes, any changes you make while it is mounted will be saved to the image18:35
Hydrosismaverick_: big thanks for your help.  I think I got it working.  Need to double check.18:35
Hans_Henrikejwaxx: yay! thanks18:36
dfrankdear All, how can i make GNU screen sourcing /etc/profile.d/* at every new window create?18:36
DeathspikeHelp, how can I disable GNOME from starting on boot? Ubuntu Server. I disabled it via any way I know, run level, update-rc.d and service stop. What did I miss?18:36
maverick_Hydrosis: i got this heavy lag..problems with my ISP..great that you got it sorted out18:36
Abongilealokito: Why do you suspect the graphics card? It's a loggin problem if I can see a loggin screen then the graphics card is doing it's job right?18:37
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alokitoAbongile, not always, but sometimes its graphics card "driver" problem, not the card itself :)18:37
Abongilealoito: yeah there was and dpkg-reconfigire-xserver-xorg does seem to help at all. Nor dpkg-reconfigure-a. Any ideas?18:38
JuJuBee_can I copy /usr/share/fonts/truetype to another computer if I want to use them?18:38
macman_is there  a way to compoile dvdauthor in ubunutu .. reason why im askig this is because it always segfaults on me18:39
EnigmatorAbongile not sure if it is related but does your .ICEauthority have the good read/write permission and the good owner?18:39
Abongilexfact: cool:)18:40
xoomhi! Need a helping hand in installing Ubuntu18:40
guntbert!compile | macman_ but you sholud report a bug18:40
ubottumacman_ but you sholud report a bug: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:40
Abongilealokito: I have nvidia drivers18:40
guntbert!bug | macman_18:40
ubottumacman_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:40
XfactAbongile: well, one final asking...I am going to reinstall gdm, maybe my pc can do something good! but if nothing happen that's ok but if there any chance of happening something bitter...then please warn me...18:40
inohwhat is the difference between generic and generic-pae kernel?18:40
aciculait includes pae support18:41
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blakkheiminoh: pae  can address 4gb+ of ram on 32bit18:41
alokitoAbongile, did you install the driver from repo or did you manually install the "official Nvidia  driver for Linux"?18:41
alokitoAbongile, from ubuntu* repo18:41
xoomI start from a LiveCD and when I run install, it detects just a USB-connected drive, not an internal one. But when I load Ubuntu from CD, it detects internal HD and can easily mount all partitions on it. What can be the problem?18:42
Xfactany suggestions? :-/18:43
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guntbertxoom: there seems to be a misunderstanding. What is the difference beween "start from a LiveCD" and "load Ubuntu from CD"?18:43
MerlinWwoah 8.12 Ati CCC has adaptive AA and Catalyst AI18:43
JenniferBhow do I change the password ? pwd ?18:44
aciculamind you if you have an encrypted home thats not a good idea18:44
guntbertJenniferB: system/preferences/about me18:44
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Xfacteveryone: does anyone think that reinstalling gdm can cause problem in Ubuntu?18:44
aciculaguntbert: does that one also update the loginpassphrase for the home encryption key?18:45
MerlinWXfact, no18:45
alokitoXfact, it shouldn't18:45
guntbertacicula: are you referring to Shwack's problem? did he finally get it sorted?18:45
aciculaguntbert: no referring to JenniferB's question and your answer18:46
Xfactand does anyone also think reinstalling gdm can solve any problem related to gdm or it'll remain same until I ma reputing more files with it....18:46
aciculathe password is linked to the encryption key afaik?18:46
twocarloubuntu still the reigning king of desktop linux ;is there other linux you think that can beat that18:46
Abongilexfact: I can assure you, that I can fathom anything nasty, there worst is being back where you started. stop gdm /etc/init.d/gdm stop, I just removed and not purged sudo apt-get remove gdm, if you choose to reboot you machine should complain with some loud short beeps  and then long as it is shutting down, when you get back in you'll be taken to the terminal loggin prompt, loggin and apt-get install gdm, reboot, sudo apt-get update, sudo18:46
aciculaso if you just change the passwd you cant unwrap your key and access your encrypted home18:46
DeathspikeHow is GNOME started? I disabled it everywhere. Any clues?18:47
Abongilealokito: from the repo18:47
wrapsterI have a very basic que...18:47
wrapstersoon after installation if i run apt-get -f install i see a whole bunch of pkgs to be installed/removed/ upgraded or whatever.. then if i do apt-get update && apt-get -f install i see only a few pkgs that are to be newly installed.18:47
wrapsterwhat does this mean?18:47
wrapsterim new to this...:18:47
FloodBot1wrapster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:47
xoomNo, it's all the same - I boot from the LiveCD and run install. It doesn't detect the SATA HD - only USB one. I then continue to boot from this CD and then Ubuntu detects both USB and SATA drive. I then run install once again from loaded Ubuntu and happens the same thing - only USB HD is available to install. But SATA drive does have a Linux partitions on it, along with NTFS and I was able to install SUSE on it.18:47
cemcwhat's a basic command line stream player in ubuntu? (which handles mp3 streams)18:47
OerHeksDeathspike  where did you disable gnome ?18:47
aciculacemc: mplayer pretty much plays anything18:48
alokitoAbongile, hmm then it shouldn't be driver related. as repo driver is automatically compiled into new kernels18:48
Doonzhey guys how can i stop ubuntu desktop from booting upto a desktop. just have the computer reboot only to a shell18:48
Xfactwell I am going to do something gdm...privately! Wish me luck :) bye18:48
cemcacicula: more basic than mplayer :)18:48
OerHeksDeathspike gnome is automatic started as part of ubuntu-desktop18:48
wrapsterguys any one pls help18:48
DeathspikeOerHeks: Disabled it in run levels (sysv-rc-conf), services (service stop gdm) and via update-rc.d -f gdm remove18:48
tygerHi, does anybody know how to measure usb-mouse pooling rate?18:48
DeathspikeIt still boots.18:48
guntbertacicula: I only wanted to show a GUI way too18:49
OerHeksDeathspike normally, i suggest you install KDE, then remove ubuntu ( gnome ) from software18:49
MerlinWcemc, audacious218:49
Abongilexfact: have no fear and be prepared to break things as you learn, at least that's my attitude it only gets plainful when you stuff a crucual machine like me. My media centre is down which means no TV, Movies or Music for the entire household. It's pain but it's worth remembring that open source is learning game, expect to break things or for things not to work as "advertised" without some effort on your part.18:49
DeathspikeOerHeks: I have Ubuntu Server installed since it is a server. It just persist in booting my added GNOME :\18:50
JenniferBguntbert: what was that?18:50
wrapsteranyone here?18:51
sayantanexperimenting with irssi18:51
Piciwrapster: I'm not sure what the problem is that you're describing, it seems normal to me.  Although why are you using the -f argument?18:52
tygerHi, does anybody know how to measure usb-mouse pooling rate?18:52
Abongilealokito: so what do you think?18:52
wrapsterPici: the issue is someting else here.. Im working on nexenta right now.. and to test the latest build to see if things are broken i ran -f install before update.. then again ...18:53
alokitoAbongile, probably xserver misconfiguration18:53
wrapsterthat gave me these results18:53
aciculaguntbert: well i just looked it up, using about me to change the password seems to make sure that the encryption remains working, just hammering in changepwd on the console wont(and break your encryption system)18:53
wrapstersince it was related to apt i thought i'll ask here18:53
wrapsteri just want to know the differnce with what I did.. so that I can know how to fix it18:54
wrapsterPici: pls help18:54
daftykinsAbongile: what kind of media centre do you run, out of interest?18:54
Piciwrapster: We cannot provide support for nexenta here, sorry.18:54
alokitoAbongile, right now I don't know how to fix it since xfix is gone18:54
wrapsterPici: hmm well it was an issue with apt right18:54
wrapsternexenta or not..18:54
Abongiledaftykins: mythbuntu since 8.04 now some serious pain with 9.1018:54
wrapsterthats y i asked..18:54
wrapsteranyway ...sorry for the trouble18:55
Piciwrapster: Lots of operating systems use apt, Ubuntu didn't invent it.18:55
OerHeksDeathspike sudo apt-get remove gnome18:55
daftykinsAbongile: ah right :) i'm awaiting delivery of an ASRock Ion so i can run XBMC on top of Ubuntu on my HDTV \o/18:55
DeathspikeOerHeks I need to start it when I need to do some administrative tasks. So I don't want it gone :P18:55
wrapsterPici: yeah i understand .. but the logic behind it working is the same right.. so asked..18:55
cemcMerlinW: I was thinking more along the lines of mpg123 which I just found :) thanks18:55
DeathspikeOerHeks: Just disabled..18:55
OerHeksDeathspike ic18:55
guntbertacicula: so that wouldn't change the passphrase but the wrapping18:55
Xfactabongile: Result out: nothing changed all same as before... :(18:56
aciculaguntbert: yes18:56
guntbertJenniferB: a GUI way to change your password18:56
aciculaguntbert: i think so anyway18:56
OerHeksDeathspike if you need it, occasionelly, leave it as it is18:56
HydrosisAbout to try and play some NES roms without sound (cant fix this sound problem that arose out of thin air) and I see an option to enable OpenGL Rendering.  What is this and should I enable it?18:56
guntbertacicula: good to know18:56
tygerhi, anybody!!!!!18:57
DeathspikeOerHeks: Do you happen to know the performance impact of having it on all the time (RAM/CPU wise)?18:57
Xfactabongile: well the earlier kernel is just 0.0.2 old... and I will do something next day, but thanks18:57
Abongiledaftykins: well xbmc is a geat app, I used for the windows machines but used mythtv frontend on my linux fontends. I don know how to get livetv on XBMC so I stuck to the mythfrontend which has borrowed a lot from XBMC in this 9.10 distro. Any idea on my problem?18:57
Xfacteveryone: repairing ubuntu via it's setup CD is possible?18:57
aciculaXfact: sure18:57
daftykinsAbongile: nah sorry, got no experience with mythtv18:58
DeathspikeOerHeks: GNOME seems to almost double the memory consumption :(18:58
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pingu_For what term do I have to search in the terminal log when cfv tells me there are "chksum file errors"?18:58
Xfactacicula: without losing any major data?18:58
Abongilexfact really sorry:-(, will keep thinking.18:58
HydrosisAbout to try and play some NES roms without sound (cant fix this sound problem that arose out of thin air) and I see an option to enable OpenGL Rendering.  What is this and should I enable it?18:58
aciculaXfact: depends on how you do it i suppose18:58
OerHeksDeathspike why do you need gnome on a server ?18:58
Abongilexfact: at least your older kernel is standing by you.18:58
Cube``hey - which command line file manager is the most similar to e.g. nautilus in terms of functions?18:59
guntbertacicula: have you seen http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/1/ ?18:59
aciculaguntbert: prolly not18:59
DeathspikeOerHeks: Administrative purposes, I occasionally manage the processes using GUI's18:59
Xfactabongile: no need to be sorry it's an experiment to reveal some new problem causes... thanks you helped me :)19:00
HydrosisWhat is OpenGL Rendering and should I enable it while playing NES roms in GFCE?19:00
Abongiledaftykins: my challenge is loggin, i can't loggin into a graphical environment. I loggin, the screen flickers and the loggin prompt is retuned.19:00
XfactAbongile:  Ain't your second kernel working...?19:00
DeathspikeHydrosis: OpenGL rendering is the way grapics are handled. Linux is only capable of this and most 2D/3D games are build on it. You want it enabled, if at all possible, software rendering is a bit.. sad.19:00
XfactAbongile: or you got way?19:00
daftykinsAbongile: ah right, sounds like X.org issues - did you clean install Karmic as a base, or did you upgrade install...?19:00
guntbertacicula: on page 2 is stated :This design allows them to change their system password, while eCryptfs simply re-wraps the mount passphrase without needing to re-encrypt all of the home directory contents. - sounds as if the whole thing *should* runn smoothly with passwd too19:00
HydrosisDeathspike: I usually play games without it on.  What difference does it make to have in enabled if the games already work?19:01
hekdahlAnyone that knows how cancel a blacklisted driver?19:01
aciculaguntbert: read what it says, it rewraps(reencrypts) whatever it uses to decrypt the system with the login pwd, so it needs to do that when you change the passwd19:01
AbongileXfact: No it isn't, and that's what's depressing cause I have always been doing that since 8.04 where I at least know that I can drop "back" now no such luck not matter what kernel I choose exactly the same problem.19:02
DeathspikeHydrosis:: It'll take advantage of your graphics card (ever noticed they are directx/opengl capable with some version?) and improve performance. Old games, such as NES games, don't really care about it since software rendering can handle it, but that uses the CPU rather then your graphics card.19:02
Xfact Abongile: so now you are chatting from....?19:03
guntbertacicula: right - I assumed (but not checked) that that was a task of ecryptfs19:03
Musenhi there19:03
hekdahlHello there!19:03
aciculaguntbert: well it is, but you still need to tell ecryptfs at some point : this was the old pwd, and this is the new one19:03
AbongileI am not sure now, I think this was a clean install but I can't be completely sure because of the number of times I have reinstalled my system. Now my issue I have data on both my drives and can't just clean install.19:04
Musenmay i ask a quesiton19:04
hekdahlI need help with a driver that stops working everytime i reeboot my computer.19:04
guntbertacicula: it seems so - heads up for now :)19:04
Xfacthekdahl: which driver?19:04
emescan I get a minimal CLI install from the normal ubuntu CD or do I need the minimal CD?19:04
hekdahlXfact: for the wireless.19:05
Xfacthekdahl: ohh...19:05
daftykinsemes alternative disc for that is also an option i believe19:05
Abongiledaftykins: I also remove xserver-xorg today and reinstalled, I removed gdm and reinstalled and back exactly where I started. Come to think of it I think I upgraded this one cause DHCP services were running fine in 9.04 and not all with no clue where to find them in 9.10, so I think this was an upgrade19:05
hekdahlXfact: I was struggeling to get it to work. So i tried with Ndiswrapper.19:05
daftykinsAbongile: it might be worth trying to delete/backup the gnome related configs in your home folder19:06
hekdahlXfact: But then it turned out that i only had to upgrade the kernel.19:06
daftykinsi've gotta go cook food now, back later19:06
Xfacthekdahl: well,...difficult19:06
hekdahlXfact: When i tried with Ndiswrapper i had to run a command like "blacklist BCM43xx19:06
AbongileXfact: Ubuntu Netbook Remix, on Dell Inspiron Mini.19:06
hekdahlXfact: Can it have something to do with that?19:07
Xfact Abongile: ohh...19:07
emesdaftykins: what exactly is the alternate disc?19:07
hekdahlXfact: Now the ubuntu driver works butt it stops working everytime i reeboot.19:08
Xfacthekdahl: well ,I think I am not the right person to take suggestion about this problem you should ask somebody else...19:08
hekdahlXfact: Ok then, Thanx anyway.19:08
Xfacthekdahl: :)19:08
hekdahlAnyone hwo is good with wireless drivers?19:09
Abongiledaftykins: back and delete gnome configs?19:09
PekkaIs there any easy way to block certain site? ex. Facebook?19:09
blakkheimPekka: opendns19:09
XfactWell anyway I have to say Karmic is not a STABLE release!19:09
Hans_Henrik_the pae can access 60 GB ram in 32-bit build19:09
Xfactmaybe karmic is batter then all yet but still not strong in base!19:09
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edjuno xorg.conf in 9.10?19:10
aciculaPekka: many ways, use a firefox blocking plugin, drop traffic to the ip/dns, etc19:10
blakkheimedju: hal19:10
Ddordawhere can I find the Ubuntu BURG theme?19:10
PekkaCan you tell me some simple way to turn on and off?19:10
PureHow should I run ubuntu in ms vm?19:10
DoonzHey guys i installed ubuntu 9.10 dektop edition while i was learning. Is there a way i can remove all the desktop functionality of the system and just have the system boot straight into a login screen19:10
blakkheim!mini > Doonz19:10
ubottuDoonz, please see my private message19:10
Doonzblakkheim: whose that going to help19:11
edjuwell - no xorg.conf.  how to tell what display driver i'm using?19:11
aciculaPure: download the ubuntu iso and configure a virtualbox instance like you would normally?19:11
blakkheimDoonz: you, hopefully19:11
hekdahlMy wireless driver stops working everytime i reeboot. Anyone that can help me with that?19:11
Doonzthats a reinstall19:11
PureIt wouldn't install19:11
Doonzi just want to remove the dektop funtionality19:11
PureWhen I selected install it just shown the bios cursour19:11
aciculaedju: xorg.0.log has it19:11
blakkheimDoonz: you could uninstall/disable gdm19:11
albertoI can't record from Line Input19:12
albertoDoes anybody know why?19:12
Xfactanyone knows about any 'spacial feature' that is only available in karmic and so you like karmic verymuch?19:12
DaZXfact: there is any?19:12
MaT-dg1Doonz: System > Administration > Login Screen. Think that is what you want.19:13
XfactDaZ:  no so I am asking...I think karmic has nothing but only latest version supports...19:13
XfactDaZ: it's 'unstable'!19:13
DaZXfact: and that's enough [;19:13
DaZXfact: bs.19:14
Doonzblakkheim: yeah the unistall did what i wanted19:14
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myanexhad anybody this problem? ubuntu install doesn't see my harddisk partitions...19:15
blakkheimmyanex: dying hard drive maybe?19:15
Xfactmany peopl are saying like 'karmic sucks' 'karmic unstable' karmic doesn't connect Internet' 'karmic's update process has flaws' I am now feeling like I made a mistake updating from hardy to karmic :(19:15
MaT-dgmyanex: do you have a raid config?19:15
macman_there a gui to dvdauthor ?19:15
myanexblakkheim: no, i can mount it from console (nautilus, hm, can't do it too)19:15
blakkheimXfact: cool story bro, what do you want us to do?19:15
myanexno, i haven't got raid19:16
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MaT-dgmyanex: no idea then, sorry19:16
blakkheimmyanex: fstab?19:16
tyrosineXfact: I feel the same19:16
erUSULXfact: this is a support channel people does not come here to say "everything works like a charm; thanks"19:16
E_mEdoes ubuntu server have inetd install by default?19:16
Xfactblakkheim: well, nothing just do your 'help jobs' batter to rescue people from attack of bad koala!19:17
TheCheezeafter i updated my kernel last night i am stuck with an icon saying that i don't have my ethernet plugged in. is there a way to get rid of this icon?19:17
myanexblakkheim: what fstab?19:17
myanexblakkheim: i'm loading from ubuntu livecd...19:18
blakkheimmyanex: /etc/fstab - it's where the partitions you want automounted on startup are listed19:18
XfactAnd I wish soon karmic and after lucid will be a great release that people will love to use without any complaints!19:18
blakkheimmyanex: oh nvm then19:18
bastid_raZorUbuntu is the best!! out of the box install works; flawlessly.19:18
MerlinWXfact, thats user error, Karmic way more stable as any ubuntu distro. By the way, 10.4 will LTS, wait for it19:18
blakkheimXfact: if stability is your main concern, why don't you use something like debian or freebsd?19:19
myanexbastid_raZor: not all)19:19
bastid_raZormyanex: every install `ever`19:19
bastid_raZorblakkheim: or 8.0419:20
MaT-dgXfact: most of us (if not all of us) here are volunteering to help other people here. We are not professional support engineers or full time helpdesk employees. Also there is no such thing as an OS without any problems.19:20
coz_hey guys... if anyone is interested, I found a site where a fellow created several simple but fairly interesting  xsplash animations....you need to go to google translate      espiralx.org     spanish to english...then click on "share"   then on "gnome"  and there is a list of items the fellow has apparenlty created for gnome including  xsplash19:20
bastid_raZorMaT-dg: i just got my check for helping last month.. you didn't get yours?19:20
blakkheimcoz_: why are you advertising here?19:20
bastid_raZorcoz_: nice19:21
MerlinWXfact, the system is very stable. The 3rd party porgs like Gnome, mplayer, etc.. is a different story, they not the Ubuntu fault19:21
Xfactwell with stability I also need support it has same value, and Uduntu gives great support, batter then all! and I am not Ubuntu, maybe sometimes I feel unhappy with it's performance, but most of the time it gives me much batter then all!19:21
coz_blakkheim,   if  you consider  giving users an opertunity to embelish their systems   advertising,,,then so be it19:21
khaije|amaltis the ubuntu ppc port competitive with other ppcs ports in terms of features, stability, functionality?19:21
MerlinW if u using QT apps on GTK system also19:21
bastid_raZorcoz_: he's new here.. :\19:21
MaT-dgbastid_raZor: no, where do I sign up for that?19:21
blakkheimXfact: debian and freebsd have great support. i think you should give debian a try if you need stability over the latest versions of things19:21
coz_bastid_raZor,  as ok  then sorry blakkheim   :)19:22
blakkheimbastid_raZor: i'm not new here19:22
MerlinWkhaije|amalt, dont u mean ppa?19:22
XfactMerlinW: never mind, I know it's stable, it's just release so need more updates and all, thanks to you guys that you are helping us without any profit :)19:22
bastid_raZorMaT-dg: they contacted me. *shrug*19:22
khaije|amaltMerlinW: no ppc, the ppc arch is a community port these days apparently, just wondering about it's general quality19:23
MerlinWok then:)19:23
Xfactblakkheim: but my Friend suggest me to use Ubuntu and I heard currently it's the most famous linux distro of all time...19:23
blakkheimXfact: it is the most POPULAR. it's based on debian and made more user-friendly. debian is rock solid.19:24
MerlinWi dont know ether19:24
erUSULthis is a support channel go to #ubuntu-offtopic19:24
TheCheezethere is no such thing as a truly brainless "user friendly" linux distro. that is why it is not as commercial as osx and win19:25
Xfactblakkheim:debian and freebsd is easy to handle like ubuntu, because it's website is not impressive like Ubuntu, no support no wiki no packages...nothing....19:26
MerlinWTheCheeze, high fiveeeee19:26
MorphyNOR!offtopic | TheCheeze19:26
ubottuTheCheeze: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:26
blakkheimXfact: they both have support and wikis19:26
TheCheezeumm... that wasn't really off-topic, but thanks MorphyNOR :)19:27
TheCheezeafter i updated my kernel last night i am stuck with an icon saying that i don't have my ethernet plugged in. is there a way to get rid of this icon?19:27
Xfactblakkheim: thanks for suggestion but I think I am happy now with Ubuntu....later I would try...19:27
* erUSUL wonders what part of go to *offtopic* people does ot understand19:27
ferdoHi. How can I save file in vim please?19:28
Tuxpatuse esc19:28
Tuxpatand then19:28
MorphyNORerUSUL: they believe that as long as they cram in "ubuntu" somewhere in their statements, its not offtopic19:28
erUSULferdo: in command mode type :w <enter>19:28
Sachoferdo: there's also a #vim channel here on freenode19:28
Sachoif you happen to need more help :)19:28
ferdook, thank you people19:28
MerlinWferdo, use nano, its easier19:29
icerootMerlinW: easier != better19:29
Tuxpatsome one know a repository with 2.6.32 kernel x64'?19:29
erUSUL!ppa | Tuxpat search a ppa with it19:29
ubottuTuxpat search a ppa with it: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.19:29
greporyHi, I'm using 9.10 and not all of my multimedia keys are working.  The correct key events are being seen, but not passed along to Exaile (or Songbird when I was using it).  I'm not really sure where to look next.19:30
greporyVolume works fine, but play/pause, stop, next, and prev don't work.19:30
cemcI have nvidia with dual-view with 2 monitors. how can I tell for example thunderbird to always open up on the second monitor? (using gnome, karmic)19:31
airtonixcemc, using either devilspie or the compiz window rules module19:32
airtonixgrepory, have you tried this yet : http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/37010/screenshot_001_7y5HDk.png19:32
delfino74sera a tutti :)19:32
greporyairtonix: they are assigned appropriately19:32
erUSUL!it | delfino7419:32
ubottudelfino74: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:32
greporygrepory: I checked their and in gconf-editor19:33
greporythere. sigh.19:33
delfino74thank's ;)19:33
guntbertShwack: are you still around? did you get your problem sorted?19:33
delfino74ubottu: ;)19:33
airtonixgrepory, confirm that they work with other players first19:33
greporyairtonix: i haven't found a player they work with yet.19:33
nu1hello, Im havingo problems with falsh player. I have ubuntu x64 and when I am playing youtube videos I cannot use the controls (maximize window, change volume, etc). Anyone has experienced this problem before?19:34
MichealHETA 90mins till Women Meeting IRC on #ubuntu-meeting19:34
Tuxpatnu1 do you have the package ubuntu-restricted-extras?19:34
erUSULnu1: yes is known problem with compiz + flash19:34
nu1Tuxpat, yes, I believe so19:34
nu1erUSUL, any idea on how to fix it?19:35
airtonixgrepory, you listed two players up in your previous msg, have you tried : rhythmbox, xmms, gmusicbrowser, vlc, totem, banshee, moovida media centre ?19:35
greporyairtonix: no, i'm installing xmms and rhythmbox now19:35
Tuxpatnu1, follow erUSUL ;)19:35
cemcairtonix: thx19:35
erUSULnu1: no; you can disable compiz and there is a cuple of workaraunds in the launchpad bug.19:36
soreauerUSUL: Make sure they know flash is the problem because it's proprietary suckiness, not compiz ;)19:36
airtonixgrepory, you can also consider audacious (a gtk port of xmms which could possibly have a media keyboard plugin),19:37
soreauIf it could be fixed in compiz it would have already19:37
greporyairtonix: i'm probably giving up after rhythmbox.19:37
Flare183grepory: What are you trying to do?19:38
greporyairtonix: if it doesn't work in four players, i'm pretty sure it isn't a problem with the players.19:38
greporyFlare183: get my media keys to work.19:38
Flare183Ah ok19:38
airtonixgrepory, i assume you already manually reassigned the keys to the elements in the screenshot i posted ?19:38
Flare183Its in the Keyboard Shortcuts19:38
greporyairtonix: they were already assigned that way, and yes.  i tried reassgning them for kicks.19:39
Flare183grepory: Goto System, Preferences, Keyboard Shortcuts.19:39
kamil_skhi, how can I connect two pcs using cross cable and one has OS Ubuntu and second WINXP19:39
Diverdudei need to find all .sh files in the current folder and all subfolders. I was thinking doing something with grep like:   grep *.sh | ls -R -l but its not really working out as I ant it to. Could somebody help me a bit on my way?19:39
sllidewhat does Alt+Print Screen+L do?19:40
greporyFlare183: okay.19:40
erUSULsoreau: that i dunno; may be nspluginwrapper's fault too ;)19:40
beezaulis anyone using backtrack19:40
kamil_skI have assigned static IPs for both and I am able to ping Ubuntu from Win but I can't ping win from ubuntu19:40
chesterwhat's the file that holds dpkg information (holds the information that is displayed when you dpkg --getselections)?19:40
Pizza1337beezaul, #remote-exploit if you have question about backtrack19:40
greporyso i tried re-assigning them again.  just for fun.19:41
greporyand it works in rhythmbox.19:41
Diverdudei need to find all .sh files in the current folder and all subfolders. I was thinking doing something with grep like:   grep *.sh | ls -R -l but its not really working out as I ant it to. Could somebody help me a bit on my way?19:41
erUSUL!who | grepory19:41
ubottugrepory: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:41
erUSULDiverdude: find . -name '*.sh'19:42
greporyerUSUL: Interesting.  Thank you.19:42
erUSULDiverdude: use the right tool for the job ;P19:42
DiverdudeerUSUL, ohh i see...why cant i use grep and ls?19:43
AbongileHi All, I am still here, I am looking for a solution to my loggin problems. I can't loggin into my system. I try to loggin and the loggin prompt come back. I have advised to take a look at /etc/passwd and have but don't know what I am looking at or what to change.19:43
erUSULDiverdude: parsing ls output is not gerally a good idea19:43
ejwaxxchester: i'm not sure, but you can always use "dpkg --get-selections | cat > installed_packages" to make a copy19:43
evergrennhello , all19:43
DiverdudeerUSUL, why not?19:44
erUSULDiverdude: but bash 4 in karmic allow you to do « ls **/*.sh »19:44
erUSULDiverdude: cool heh?19:44
greporyairtonix, Flare183: thanks for the assistance.  it is weird that it worked.. it is puzzling that i don't understand why, but it's okay.  i have bigger fish to fry.19:44
DiverdudeerUSUL, nice...thats cout syntax hehe19:44
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Flare183grepory: I know what you mean. I had the same problem :)19:45
erUSULDiverdude: ls -R | grep "\.sh"19:45
erUSULDiverdude: that should have worked19:45
=== Aris` is now known as Terminator
varunicmp port unreachable - any clues as to why19:46
phoenixzI have kernels 2.6.31-9 .......... until 2.6.31-17 installed.. How can I get rid of the -9 to say.. -12 kernels? I never use them, they only take up space and menu entries in my brug...19:46
erUSULejwaxx: why the extra cat ?19:46
guntbertphoenixz: use synaptic19:46
erUSULphoenixz: unistall the kernels via synaptic19:46
ejwaxxphoenixz: go to synapic and search for packages with "linux-image" and "linux-headers", remove the old ones19:46
phoenixzguntbert: erUSUL: How would I do that with apt-get?19:47
erUSULphoenixz: you gain a few hundred MiB too ;)19:47
ameyaphoenixz, you can try "dpkg -l | grep linux"19:47
Diverdudeanybody in here ever used matlab in ubuntu?19:47
ameyaphoenixz, that command will tell you the names of linux kernel packages19:47
ejwaxxDiverdue: i have not, but we used scilab in my numerical analysis class19:47
ameyaphoenixz, after that you can use apt-get purge <pkg name>19:47
phoenixzameya: and then apt-get remove, say, linux-headers-2.6.31-10 ?19:47
varunicmp port unreachable shown on wireshark, firewall is disabled19:47
phoenixzameya: purge is better yeah19:48
ameyaphoenixz, correct!19:48
Diverdudeejwaxx, ok...well i have some problems configuring mexcompiling19:48
phoenixzameya: I just see that apt-get purge linux-headers-2.6.31-10* is a BAD BAD idea..19:48
ejwaxxerUSUL: chester wanted a file with the dpkg selections...dpkg --get-selections writes to stdout by default, doesn't it?19:49
ameyaphoenixz, is your current kernel is 2.6.31-10?19:49
phoenixzameya: no, 17.. but specifying 10* (I wanted to get all of 10) takes ALL kernels.. baaad idea19:50
ameyaphoenixz, then don't remove that package19:50
MrKeunerhello, how can I delete settings for ekiga, empathy?19:50
JAcartohi!!åñòü ðóññêèå?19:50
MrKeuneruser settings19:50
erUSULphoenixz: sudo aptitude purge linux-image-2.6.31-{9..12}-generic ??19:51
phoenixzerUSUL: that is a nice thing.. didnt know that19:51
erUSULejwaxx: "dpkg --get-selections  > installed_packages"19:51
ejwaxxerUSUL: coolness.  my CLI-fu is not all that it could be :p19:51
q0_0panyone here know what to do after i create virtual hdd how to format ntfs on image? sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=drive.img bs=512 count=20480019:51
erUSULq0_0p: use loosetup to set up the imagefile as a block device19:52
phoenixzerUSUL: shaves about 1GB from the base install.. nice..19:52
Solar_FlareWhere in /dev/ gets an audio cd mounted?19:52
q0_0perUSUL, cool thanx19:52
MerlinWfor remove unused kernels use synaptic, or the ubuntu-tweak app cleaner function19:53
erUSULq0_0p: something like « sudo losetup file.img »19:53
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erUSULSolar_Flare: audiocd are not mounted19:54
Solar_FlareerUSUL: ok.. then... where can i get the bitstream from my audio cd?19:54
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erUSULq0_0p: then the virtual hdd is accessible in /dev/loop0 ...19:54
q0_0perUSUL, cool19:54
q0_0perUSUL, that helps a lot thx19:54
erUSULSolar_Flare: what dio you want to do ? rip it?19:54
Solar_FlareerUSUL: yeah.19:55
Solar_Flaremake an image of it.19:55
erUSULSolar_Flare: you access the cdrom device directly /dev/cdrom or /dev/sr019:55
erUSULSolar_Flare: use brasero or another similar app19:55
Solar_Flarehm.. i get an input output error.19:56
MaletorHello, I have Windows 7 on /dev/sdb and grub can't find it. Yes, I have read online, and nothing works. Please advise.19:56
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BluesKaj!grub | Maletor19:57
ubottuMaletor: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:57
geniiFreddy2: Since Lucid is LTS, any KDE updates after that will also be available (after porting)19:57
MaletorBluesKaj: I've read all that grub2 documentation...19:58
Solar_Flaretoc is a bit of a stupid format.19:58
Solar_Flarecan i get iso from brasero?19:58
=== surf is now known as wausdu
mkny13hey, I'm a linux noob, having trouble getting ubuntu to recognize a particular flashdrive.  I've done a lot of googling and gotten to the point where I know it's at dev/sde...19:59
JAcartohi!!åñòü ðóññêèå?19:59
ZykoticK9Solar_Flare, you can't use ISO for audio CDs...19:59
mkny13when I try to mount it, I get the msg "you must specify the filesystem type"...19:59
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mkny13it's FAT32...19:59
lgcHi. I am unable to boot to Windows (and I used to). I always end up booting in Ubuntu 9.10. As of a recent time, this was not so. What coul be causing it?19:59
mkny13so I try mount -t vfat...20:00
blakkheimlgc: consider it a blessing20:00
wausduHI I have a problem. My webcam (ASUS UL50) gives in output the right image but mirrored. How do I solve this?20:00
mkny13but that doesn't work either20:00
mkny13any help?20:00
blakkheimmkny13: show me the full command you are typing20:00
Solar_FlareZykoticK9 y not?20:00
Maletorsudo os-prober is not returning windows 720:00
lgcblakkheim, not that I like to boot to Windoze. But I need to.20:01
homeI am trying to share a printer from my ubuntu computer with several other windows computers and I can't even get the computers to see each other on the network20:01
ZykoticK9Solar_Flare, ISOs contain a file system -- Audio CD do NOT (thus you need to use bin/cue style Imaging, but not regular ISO format)20:01
aciculahome: sometimes computers have trouble seeing each other, you could try filling in the computers ip manually20:01
lgcblakkheim, something must have messed up my grub.20:01
homeacicula: from which side should i do that? or both? do you know how?20:02
Solar_FlareZykoticK9: Ok, i want to mount it afterwards as mount -o loop CD20:02
mkny13terminal output pasted here: http://dpaste.com/142217/20:02
Solar_Flarehow could i accomplish that?20:02
ZykoticK9Solar_Flare, probably not going to work.  best of luck man.20:02
blakkheimmkny13: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sde /media/flashdrive20:02
erUSULSolar_Flare: you can *not* mount audio cd's20:02
blakkheimmkny13: change it to /dev/sde120:02
aciculahome: try on either i guess?20:02
Solar_FlareerUSUL: but with windows i can mount it in a virtual drive -.-20:03
Solar_Flarewhy not with linux?!20:03
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erUSULSolar_Flare: dunno maybe acetone iso can. the kernel by itself can not20:03
silare!xfce | silare20:03
ubottusilare, please see my private message20:03
JosefAss1dquick question. Is medibuntu still the recommended path to w32codecs?20:03
rjtmaxhey guys, is there a program to edit startup services in karmic? thanks20:03
mkny13blakkheim: aha! Thanks! now, will it remember that it I unmount, unplug, and replug in the future?20:04
blakkheimmkny13: no20:04
erUSULSolar_Flare: windows ca not either. daemon tools can or clonedrive or similar tools20:04
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ZykoticK9JosefAss1d, yes20:04
homeacicula: do you know how to do it from either side?20:04
JosefAss1dZykoticK9: alright. Thanks20:04
rjtmaxi dont want specific services to start at each boot in ubuntu 9.10 is there a tool to edit the startup services? they dont show up in "startup applications"20:04
Solar_FlareerUSUL: so? What would be the equivalent tool for ubuntu?20:04
blakkheimrjtmax: install sysv-rc-conf20:04
devyllany ideea how can I import everything from thunderbird 2.x to 3.0 on ubuntu ?20:04
erUSULSolar_Flare: i told you already. i know of acetone iso20:05
mkny13is it difficult to config it so it DOES do that?   Or am I just coming in with Windows assumptions and need to get used to linux not doing stuff like that for me?20:05
blakkheimmkny13: if you leave it plugged in all the time you can add an entry to /etc/fstab20:05
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:05
BluesKajMaletor, http://linuxers.org/howto/how-configure-grub2-ubuntu-91020:05
rjtmaxblakkheim, is that better than bum?20:05
sfearswhat is the differece between the regular and qt versions?20:05
homedoes anyone know how to set up a windows home network with an ubuntu computer?20:06
blakkheimrjtmax: ?20:06
mkny13blakkheim: no, it's attached to me keys, goes with everywhere20:06
erUSULmkny13: all flash drives i tried have automonted themselves. having to use cli is rare20:06
JAcartoà åñòü êòî ñ Íîðâåãèè?)20:06
sfearshome: use samba20:06
blakkheimmkny13: see what erUSUL just said20:06
aciculahome: you can browse the other pc by opening nautilus or explorer on windows and going to \\<ip_of_the_other_machine>20:06
daftykinsAbongile: yeah the .gnome / .gnome2 folders in your home folder, you could move them to .gnomeold for example as a backup then try logging in again20:06
mkny13I know, other's I have automount, but this otherwise nice adata 16GB apparently hates linux20:06
aciculahome: i think anyway, been awhile since i dealt with that20:06
rjtmaxblakkheim, bum is an application i just found that lets you edit runlevel stuff20:06
blakkheimrjtmax: never tried it. sysv-rc-conf does what you asked for.20:07
MaletorBluesKaj: that doesn't really help, i am just trying to boot win 7 64 bit off /dev/sdb and os-prober can't find anythign20:07
rjtmaxblakkheim, thanks a million. im going to try both20:07
mkny13how bout this?  Can I save that mount command as something cliackable on the desktop?20:07
aliendude5300how do you echo text as a file to another command?20:07
blakkheimaliendude5300: echo asdf | somecommand20:08
MerlinWanybody using the ppa wine1.2+pulseaudio package?20:08
BluesKajMaletor, well, sorry that's my best attempt ...you may have to do more research , but adding windows7 to the grub2 menu is the way to go IMO20:08
aliendude5300blakkheim, I know that, but it echoes the output as text. Not as a file.20:08
blakkheimaliendude5300: echo asdf > somefile.txt20:08
Maletorthis blows20:08
Maletori hate windows20:09
Maletorso so so so so much20:09
Solar_Flareisnt there anyway to get the bitstream out of my music cd? o.O20:09
homeacicula: neither computer seems to be able to find the other dispite the fact that they can ping each other successfully20:09
aliendude5300blakkheim, here's what I'm trying to do: echo "string test" | xmacroplay, but I need it to interpret the output of echo as a file, not a string literal.20:09
Solar_Flarelike with the terminal?20:09
* `mOOse` looks at Maletor like the RCA dog20:09
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homesfears: i've been trying to use samba but i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong...neither computer seems to see the other20:09
blakkheimaliendude5300: echo "string test" > /tmp/asdf && xmacroplay /tmp/asdf perhaps?20:10
daftykinsSolar_Flare: first google result http://www.andrews-corner.org/abcde.html20:10
erUSULMaletor: if the osprober is not finding anything make a file by hand20:10
aliendude5300that would work, but I bet there is a way to do it more efficiently20:10
Maletorfuck it i'm ditching windows modern warfare 2 is not that important to me20:10
Seeker`!language | Maletor20:10
ubottuMaletor: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:10
ameyawausdu, did you get an answer for your webcam problem? what is the name of the webcam driver?20:11
Maletorif i'm using synaptic and i want to remove wine, which has installed x y z dependency how do i delete all those dependencies without having to do it manually20:11
wausduameya, no answers. Where can I find the driver name?20:12
Diverdudehow do i remove a program i have installed using sudo apt-get install ?20:12
nelok i understand that perl is suppose to be installed already on ubuntu but when i execute a script on my server with a .pl extension it asks if i want to download and won't execute how do i get around this?20:12
erUSULMaletor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/353098/ you have to change the line « set root ... » to mach your computer20:12
wausduameya, the camera il a Suyin Corp.20:12
MorphyNORDiverdude: sudo apt-get remove20:12
ZykoticK9Diverdude, "sudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME"20:12
meowsusI need to connect to a Windows server that i used to connect to via Windows Remote Administration... Can anyone point me to a package that will let me connect to the server now that i'm running Ubuntu20:12
MerlinWMaletor, W7 to grub.cfg:  http://pastebin.com/m4e0a609f20:12
sfearsi'm having problems while scrolling up in konsole... it seems to repeat the same line from the 3rd all the way to the bottom while i'm scrolling up.. and ideas20:12
MaletorerUSUL: it is /dev/sdb so that = (hd1,1)?20:13
erUSULmeowsus: gnome-rdp ?20:13
spullaranyone here help with android ADB questions20:13
MerlinWMaletor, if sdb, then u need (hd1,1)20:13
nelok i understand that perl is suppose to be installed already on ubuntu but when i execute a script on my server with a .pl extension it asks if i want to download and won't execute how do i get around this?20:14
erUSULMaletor: can not be a whole disk has to be a parition /dev/sdb1 ? (hd1,1) ?20:14
homeacicula: it says "nautilus can not handle this type of location20:14
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:14
aciculahome: err smb:\\<ip> ?20:14
Solar_Flareconnection dropped ^^20:14
aciculahome: smb://<ip> even20:14
ameyawausdu, you can try "lsusb" to find out product and vendor id of your webcam20:14
varunicmp port unreachable shown on wireshark, firewall is disabled...any suggestions20:14
meowsusDoes anyone have any experience with the remote administration of a Windows host thru an Ubuntu Client?20:14
homeacicula: error: "Error: Failed to retrieve share list from server20:15
homePlease select another viewer and try again."20:15
wausduameya, yeah it's a Suyin Corp. webcam20:15
spullaranyone provide Android ADB help20:15
aciculawell then it cant access the smb stuff on the other machine i suppose :/20:15
ameyawausdu, once we know the driver, you can try modinfo <driver> to check if that driver supports any parameters which can be tuned20:15
feed_me_seymourmeowsus: What do you mean? via Remote Desktop or VNC?20:15
scott_ino2anyone have experience with dvd::rip? It seems to be hanging while ripping the title20:15
nelanyone know how to install perl?20:16
aciculahome: maybe this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP ?20:16
icerootspullar: this is ubuntu support channel not android support channel20:16
kamokownel: perl should be installed by default20:16
cobrienNeed a good inkjet printer that works on linux.  USB.20:16
aciculascott_ino2: can you play the dvd?20:16
cobrienCan anyone help?20:16
rieshey all... for some reason or the other, my ubuntu live CD give me a screen with blinking colors green, brown and some colored squares... so it starts up X, but the screen is initialized wrong, this worked before! How could this be? (PS: windows on this computer works fine...)20:16
acicula!hardware | cobrien20:16
ubottucobrien: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:16
erUSULmeowsus: already told you to use gnome-rdp or tsclient20:16
Maletorok new problem: i have a drive at /dev/sdb1 i just formatted to ext4 = 250GB, i also have /dev/sda which = 1 TB. How do I merge these drives together so that my computer thinks it's just one big drive. Does this make sense to do?20:16
nelyeah but when i execute scripts on my server it asks if i want to download it and wont' execute20:16
scott_ino2acicula, yes20:17
kamokowAre there any programs that I can use to open Guitar Pro and/or Power Tab's on Ubuntu?20:17
meowsuserUSUL: sorry dude, i'm getting used to pidgin, been a long time. THANKS!20:17
spullarI understand this is ubuntu, I'm using it on Ubuntu, and I've seen topics relating to it in the Ubuntu forums, so I figured if someone in the Ubuntu chat knows about ADB, they can help20:17
sfearsries: from the boot menu use f4 to start in safe graphics mode.. should resolve your problem20:17
aciculascott_ino2: then i'm out of ideas20:17
erUSULMaletor: you can use lvm; no it does not make sense; imho20:17
icerootspullar: ah ok i though you mean the os android20:17
MaletorerUSUL: what would be a good convention to do?20:17
riessfears: let me try that...20:17
Diverdudei uninstalled gcc-4.4 but i cannot seem to remove gcc-4.4-base. Why is that?20:18
erUSULMaletor: i would keep them separate but that's just my opinion20:18
Maletorwhat about RAID?20:18
erUSULDiverdude: som progema needs it to run20:18
EsatYuceis there any application to change speak to text??20:18
meowsusfeed_me_seymour: In windows i'd connect to the Windows Host with Windows Remote Desktop.20:18
MaletorerUSUL: how do i edit fstab so that the drive mounts on boot20:18
erUSUL!raid | Maletor20:18
ubottuMaletor: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:18
new2ubutnuhi room20:18
erUSUL!fstab | Maletor20:18
meowsusfeed_me_seymour: I need to do essentially the same thing, just using Ubuntu20:18
ubottuMaletor: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:18
feed_me_seymourmeowsus: use tsclient.20:19
meowsusfeed_me_seymour: reading about it now ;) thanks!20:19
feed_me_seymourmeowsus: tsclient:linux::rdp:windows :D good luck!20:19
DiverdudeerUSUL, i still have gcc-4.2 installed, but for some reason this is not accepted as the system compiler in matlab...is there some way to promote it?20:19
erUSULDiverdude: really dunno you should ask matlab support. maybe it just does not support it20:20
EsatYuceis there any application which can change speaking to text ?20:20
DiverdudeerUSUL, hmm matlab support..there is no such thing :(20:20
new2ubutnuI am new to Ubuntu - I was using windows XP Pro - had to do a reinstall..  of course since I've reinstalled the OS 5 times since i bought the PC - it was locked out - Microsoft telephone support was of no help - they won't renew my activation key...   anyways.. I just installed  Ubuntu Studio 8.04.1 i386  I need to mount my old drive - i need to get my usb wifi adapter to connect to the internet - basically i don't know jack and I'm confused about the t20:21
mintakanew2ubutnu, dont fear20:21
karmstHello Everyone20:21
new2ubutnulol thanks mintaka..20:21
new2ubutnuhi karmst20:21
karmststupid question time...20:21
ameyawausdu, can you see this ID in output of lsusb "064e"20:22
guntbertDiverdude: you can change the link /usr/bin/gcc to point to /usr/bin/gcc-4.2 instead to /usr/bin/gcc-4.420:22
karmstHow do I make my default window view be to list the files instead of icons?20:22
macman_there a gui to dvdauthor ?20:22
erUSULnew2ubutnu: install a package called « ntfs-config » then run it   « gksudo ntfs-config » . that will let you mount the old drive20:22
sfearsgood question... i'd like to know how to default to detail view20:22
erUSULmacman_: qdvdauthor20:22
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new2ubutnuso I have my sister's vista laptop and have my ubuntu desktop running next to me20:22
MrKeunerhello, how can I delete user settings for ekiga, empathy?20:22
macman_erUSUL: ok cool thanks20:22
karmstyes me too sfears20:23
wausduameya, yeah that's the camera. 064e:a13620:23
OxideDiverdude:in the manual of matlab they have how to config your env variables20:23
MrKeunerfind . -name *mpathy* -exec rm {} -rf \; does not remove empathy settings somehow20:23
macman_erUSUL: is it nice ?20:23
erUSULMrKeuner: why do you put the options after the filename ?20:23
erUSULMrKeuner: find . -name *mpathy* -exec rm -rf '{}' \;20:24
new2ubutnui tried to mount the partition that was my data partition...   i went to terminal and enteres " mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /olddrive/ -o force20:24
richthegeekjust a quick tip for everyone - don't try downgrading GDM because it ruins your computer, your whole evening, and your supply of Coke gets depleted20:24
jaihohey, has anyone got the battery power indicator in karmic working correctly, because mine ain't?20:24
erUSULMrKeuner: handle with care. run it first with -print instead of -exec rm -rf ....20:24
richthegeekjaiho: it work's on my Eee20:24
new2ubutnuand it spits out  "mount: only root can do that"20:24
MrKeunererUSUL, no you got me wrong, my version of the command works and deletes all those folders, but still the settings are not gone20:24
aciculajaiho: it doesnt appear?20:24
sfearskarmst: change to the view you want.. and settings/save view profile20:25
ameyawausdu, have you seen this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83821020:25
aciculanew2ubutnu: prefix it with sudo20:25
erUSULMrKeuner: many settings will be on gconf... try gconf-editor20:25
aciculanew2ubutnu: did you try clicking on the drive via Places(top left)?20:25
jaihoits does appear but shows erroneous results20:25
kamil_skhi can anybody help me connecting two pcs using cross cable ubuntu/win XP20:25
MrKeunererUSUL, I also did a rm .gconf/apps/Empathy -rf that did not remove settings etiher20:25
MrKeunererUSUL, I'll scream20:26
erUSULkamil_sk: assings static ip address on the two computers20:26
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giikerkamil_sk: i have done it before with 2 win PCs20:26
kamil_skI have working connection between two pcs when both are Ubuntu20:26
Rico56_have anyone already installed Citrix receiver client on linux ?20:26
sfearsi've tried that before kamil_sk.. i eneded up just using a router20:26
giikerit should be the same for Ubuntu20:26
sfearskamil_sk: you need a class b subnet.. start there20:26
new2ubutnuyes i did try clicking the drive - it said it was unable to mount and to go edit fstab20:26
Guest90668I'm trying to create a liveUSB from the 9.10 liveCD. I can get it too boot, but I have to fill in the path to the kernel and all the kernel parameters by hand. Can someone help me configure isolinux/syslinux so that if finds the *.cfg files and boots flawlesly?20:26
karmstok where is settings at?20:26
new2ubutnui don't understand how to edit fstab properly20:26
kamil_skerUSUL,giiker,sfears: I used static Ip and can ping ubuntu from win but not win from ubuntu20:26
MrKeunererUSUL, could it because I did not use gconf-editor and deleted .gconf files instead?20:27
aciculaGuest90668: why not use unetbooting?20:27
erUSULkamil_sk: windows fiewall running ?20:27
kamil_sksfears: ubuntu win
erUSULMrKeuner: really dunno; sorry20:27
Oxidenew2ubuntu:if you can't find it from places then write, sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /mnt(whatever) without the -o force20:27
kamil_skerUSUL: ah possibliy :(20:27
MrKeunererUSUL, OK thanks20:27
aciculanew2ubutnu: were you able to mount it using sudo and the mount command?20:27
kamil_skthat I forgot I haven't used win so long ag :D20:27
new2ubutnubut I did enter in terminal "sudo mount /dev/sda5 /olddrive/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222"20:27
MrKeunerhello, how can I delete user settings for ekiga, empathy?20:28
Guest90668acicula, didn't work. Tried it several times. All I get is "not a bootable media" and stuff. And I also need to learn more isolinux.20:28
sfearsnew2ubunt.. MrKeuner.. delete your .ekiga folder?20:28
new2ubutnuoxide trying now20:28
NapoleonHello all20:28
new2ubutnudelete .ekiga folder??  huh wtf is that lol20:28
MrKeunersfears, there isn't one20:28
sfearssorry new2ubuntu that wasn't for you20:29
karmstsfear: in the gnome file browser go to Edit, File Management Preferences20:29
NapoleonI'm new on Xchat20:29
karmstyou can change all window defaults there20:29
guntbert!language | new2ubutnu20:29
ubottunew2ubutnu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:29
sfearsohhh.. forgot i was in ubuntu20:29
Oxidenew2ubuntu:what you 've write now it's for the fstab file...you want it permantly or just to mount it for now?20:29
MrKeunersfears, what is different in Ubuntu?20:29
ghost10hello all:)20:29
giikerkamil_sk: di you put tehm in the same subnet?20:29
aciculanew2ubutnu: directories prefixed with a . are typically hidden20:29
giikerkamil_sk: did you put tehm in the same subnet?20:29
ameyawausdu, i think the problem should be fixed by patching libv4l library. what version is there in your laptop?20:30
new2ubutnuerUSUL - sorry i missed your message  i don't have internet connected to it yet as i can't figure out how to install drivers for my wifi usb card20:30
karmstthere perfect.... List view with octal permissions =)20:30
ghost10does anyone know how i can mount an ext4 on ext3 partition20:30
karmstthat's exactly what I wanted20:30
aciculanew2ubutnu: tbh easiest way if its supported is to isntall a more recent version of ubuntu, what usb wifi dongle do you have20:30
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aciculanew2ubutnu: did you try to setup a wireless connection yet?20:31
sladermenHey guys, im running ubuntu 9.10 and have vlc, is there a repo i should add or packages (codecs) to make sure vlc will play most anything i through at it?20:31
MaletorAfter upgrading from 2.6.31RC16 to 2.6.31RC17 Ubuntu fails to load my Nvidia drivers - what could this mean?20:31
new2ubutnui don't know bout it online ummm  RT307020:31
cor_rsladermen , most of them are automatically installed when installing the vlc package20:31
happysladermen: have you ever had an issue with vlc20:32
new2ubutnuacicula - how do i set up ANY internet connections?20:32
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Oxidenew2ubuntu:did you solve your mount problem?20:32
happysladermen: vlc plays all. no extra packages needed20:32
cor_rsladermen, u should maybe look for the divx package though, i once had the problem that it wasnt instlled wit vlc20:32
ameyaghost10, do you want to mount ext4 file system partition?20:32
ghost10hi all does anyone know how i can make my ext4 partition mount on my ext3 partition20:32
karmstok here's another question20:32
sladermenhappy,well havent played around with it in ages, just got back to ubunut ;)20:32
wausduameya, I'm reading the tutorial. 1 min20:32
ghost10@ameya: yes20:32
karmstis there anything in Ubuntu like MMC?20:32
new2ubutnuno oxide lol - trying to read responses and work between the laptop and the desktop while my gf is playing Wii behind me with the volume at max20:33
happysladermen: I use vlc in windows too20:33
giikersladermen: there is a how to on the forums on how to install the codecs here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683&highlight=Direct+Rendering20:33
new2ubutnumy blackberry is mounted and i can access it fine - which is where the linux driver for the usb wifi card is20:33
bpietrofor install gurus: I found this guide http://www.pendrivelinux.com/installing-ubuntu-to-a-usb-hard-drive/#more-253 , done complette install, all seems OK, but can't boot from just installed USB HD (BIOS settings done)  - 'GRUB loading' and nothing else20:33
Guest90668I'm trying to create a liveUSB from the 9.10 liveCD. I can get it too boot, but I have to fill in the path to the kernel and all the kernel parameters by hand. Can someone help me configure isolinux/syslinux so that if finds the *.cfg files and boots flawlesly?20:33
aciculanew2ubutnu: top right there's an icon on the panel20:33
aciculanew2ubutnu: theres only a few , dunno how to describe it, but one lets you configure network stuff20:33
giikersladermen: I installed them and I havent had any problems up to now!20:34
new2ubutnuacicula - checking now20:34
karmstMMC anyone?!?20:34
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Kieran0413karmst, As in the storage media?20:34
Oxidenew2ubuntu:oh,ok!do you want to try to make it work?because i see you also have and wireless problems...20:34
karmstas in the Microsoft Management Console20:35
karmstbut for Ubuntu20:35
ghost10@ameya:do you know how to do it20:35
giikerkarmst: I dont think so20:35
ghost10@ameya: It gives me a certain error when ever i try20:35
Kieran0413Kardos, not as far as I know20:35
karmstI really want to be able to keep all my remote desktops in one window20:35
Kieran0413karmst, **20:35
kamil_skerUSUL: Ok ping is good on both sides, how can I share files I used open SSH in ubuntu but in win an ftp ?20:35
Kardosi didnt ask anything !!20:35
kamil_skor is there easier solution?20:35
erUSUL!samba | kamil_sk20:36
ubottukamil_sk: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:36
new2ubutnui went to the button top left that is like the windows version of  the start button20:36
kamil_skerUSUL: ok I'll take a look at it, but never used it before :(20:36
nightsjammiesI have an issue with k3b while trying to add files to burn a cd in k3b.20:37
acicula!wifi | new2ubutnu20:37
ubottunew2ubutnu: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:37
new2ubutnuthere's one icon and it's called "windows network"20:37
Kieran0413karmst, The included rdp client supports multiple connections with bookmarks for each if I recall?20:37
ghost10No response yet on mounting ext4 on ext3 partition20:37
nightsjammiesIt tells me Unable to handle the following files due to an unsupported format..all of the songs are mp3 though.20:37
aciculanew2ubutnu: no thats not it, but check the link ubottu posted, should be explained there how to setup the wireless20:38
karmstoh reaaly20:38
nightsjammiesIt also sayd you may manually convert these audio files to wave using anoter application supporting the audio format and then add the wave files to the k3b project.20:38
karmstlet me go check that out20:38
nightsjammiesAny clue?20:38
new2ubutnuo.k. thanks  - i'll check it and come back when i have failed miserably at that as well... :-p20:38
karmsthey YEAH!20:38
karmstkieran: the TS Client does have the ability to save the connections20:38
new2ubutnuwhile the page is loading - why would my blackberry show up mounted and accessable - when i didn't do anything to mount it?20:39
erUSULnightsjammies: is libk3b6-extracodecs installed ?20:39
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erUSULnew2ubutnu: most things get automounted in ubuntu this days20:40
nightsjammiesdunno. Lemme go and check20:40
Kieran0413new2ubutnu, it probably auto mounts if your BB acts as a mass storage device20:40
karmstoh man...Hell the RDP client on linux is ALOT faster than on windows20:40
Diverdudehow do i then remove a program i installed from a .tgz package?20:41
Kieran0413karmst, Yeah, it's not bad :)20:41
nightsjammiesNope. Gonna install it though.20:41
karmstthanks kieran for the help... I'm being lazy today...20:41
Xpistos|workIs there any benefit to using the Sharing Center vs. direct downloads from software sites?20:41
Kieran0413karmst, no problem :)20:41
BellinXFeloncan someone help, i have an external hdd and after a period of time the contents of the drive become inaccessible, as if it unmounts itself20:42
Diverdudehow do i remove a program i installed from a .tgz package?20:42
icerootXpistos|work: repositorys will hold the system up to date20:42
nightsjammiesOkay, thanks... :)20:42
icerootXpistos|work: without searching on websites for updates20:42
tibroxDiverdude, aptitude should work20:42
Diverdudetibrox, how so?20:43
ownerI've got the million dollar question everyone on the INTERNET has been asking.20:43
Xpistos|workiceroot: If I install gpodder from the software center, it give me .16, but the current version is 2.X20:43
tibroxasuming it was installed with the installer, then aptitude remove theProgram should fly20:43
ownerWhere do you find the black and white glowing screen files in Ubuntu 9.10 so you can customize them?20:43
sawyer_i've got a problem with my wireless network ralink usb stick20:43
Xpistos|workiceroot: Will it install the updated verstion if I apt-get upgrade?20:43
icerootXpistos|work: repos are always older20:43
sawyer_i've updated the kernel in my karmic and it suddenly stopped working20:44
icerootXpistos|work: no20:44
sawyer_the official ralink drivers don't even compile20:44
icerootXpistos|work: just security updates, no function-updates20:44
sawyer_the ubuntu HardwareSupport page shows that the best is the original drivers (which don't compile)20:44
ownerI'm talking about the screen that comes up right after GRUB and before xsplash20:44
sawyer_is there any way to use the drivers i had before the kernel update?20:44
Xpistos|workiceroot: So if I want up to date versions I need to use the ppa?20:45
trijntjeowner: i'd like to know that too..20:45
icerootXpistos|work: yes or use backports20:45
iceroot!backports | Xpistos|work20:45
ubottuXpistos|work: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:45
guntberttibrox: that is simply false20:45
ownertrijntje I've tried looking in the grub2 for clues20:45
ameyaghost10, what error do you geT?20:45
kamil_skerUSUL: OK I go to places Conncet to server Winshare username, pass, domain WORKGROUP and connect and nothing happens :(20:46
ownerI've also been searching for any files containing the text xsplash20:46
ownerMy computer is still searching :D20:46
guntbertDiverdude: usually the README should contain instructions for removal - often there is a make target 'uninstall'20:46
aciculaowner: google ubuntu splash screen customization20:46
trijntjeowner, i know the image you get just before login is in /usr/share/images/xsplash20:46
nu1trijntje, owner, an interesing question...20:46
ownertrijntje: Right I figured that one out.20:46
aciculaowner: pretty sure there are a bunch of threads about it that demo how to do it20:47
tibroxwhat program can i use that will shuffle my playlist before burning?  The inestimable brasero doesn't seem to do this and I don't want k3b with all the kdelibs20:47
nu1trijntje, owner, please let me know if you find anything :)20:47
owneracicula: I've been searching for quite some time now. All I can find is info about the xsplash and other people asking the same question.20:47
lgcHi. How can I see a Windows display from a remote machine on my local 9.10 through VNC?20:48
ownerI think the Canotical folks are really proud of their logo.20:48
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erUSULkamil_sk: Places>Network>Windows network does not work either?20:48
SinDexAll righty. At wits end with a problem. I'm using 9.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1505 (ATI Mobility x1300 This will be relevant in due time.) I was trying to get compiz to work because I wanted to show the 'desktop cube' off to someone.20:49
giikerlgc: installing vnc server on Wins20:49
Kieran0413lgc, rdp would be easiest if the windows box supports it, if not install just about any vnc server on it.20:49
aciculalgc: with vncviewer20:49
trijntjeowner, nu1 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplash20:49
ownerThe xsplash is the ubuntu splash screen. However there is another splash that comes before it and it's not grub2's splash screen.20:49
airtonixkamil_sk, has the windows box had its sharing changed to 'simple sharing' ?20:49
hey_mandoes Ubuntu have a policy on responsible disclosure?20:49
ownertrijntje Ubuntu 9.10 no longer uses Usplash but Xsplash.20:49
cro2hanyone of you know any different vulnerability scanner nessus20:49
ownerSome have referred to the screen before Xplash as X11 Boot Screen20:50
airtonixkamil_sk, if not, then turn it on and try again.20:50
SinDexI read in a tutorial that envyng could be used to get the latest ati drivers. Ran it, it claimed to automatically find the drivers. Great. Installed the drivers and did a reboot. Upon startup, I get a message saying "Ubuntu has entered low graphics mode because no graphics config can be found"20:50
djtoastHi all,  ive been trying to get more than 2 monitor to work on ubuntu 9.10.  I get to the point of having 2 (same videocard) in twinview and the other one as a seperate X.  I tried xinerama but at login all screens flashes and doesnt give the login prompt20:50
aciculahey_man: how do you mean, if its ubuntu specific best to contact the maintainer directly or go upstream with a report?20:50
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kamil_skairtonix: Ok20:50
aciculahey_man: there is also a ubuntu security team20:50
cro2hhola alguien conose algun escaner de vulnerabilidades diferente al nessus20:50
Kieran0413cro2h, have a look at sectools.org20:50
hey_manI mean, is it Ubuntu policy to disclose before publishing?20:50
airtonixkamil_sk, i assume you know how to turn on 'simple sharing' within the windows machine ?20:50
SinDexI followed the directions to remove the drivers from envyng (envyng --uninstall-all) and it claimed that it uninstalled the drivers. I reboot again and now upon x starting, I get the ubuntu login screen. I log in and all I get is a grey screen.20:51
trijntjeowner, ah I see, ill google again ;)20:51
aciculahey_man: you mean like forward notification of planned patches?20:51
ownerWhat I hope to find is a config file containing the word xsplash or bg_2560x1600.jpg because that config file would control the boot process or at least the xsplash. If there is a file controlling Xsplash then there is probably a file controling whatever comes before it.20:52
giikercro2h: there is one which is a fork from Nessus 2.2 http://www.openvas.org/20:52
ownerIf we can isolate that file then we can ask it for directions.20:52
hey_manwell, I mean, do you guys suggest recommended security practices of contacting the vendor first and waiting for a fix before publishing a vulnerability report20:52
trijntjeowner, are you sure, when I google xsplash i only get pictures from the ubuntu logo you see just before startup20:52
lgcacicula, Kieran0413, giiker, thanks. I just installed VNC on the Windows side. But there's VNC Server service or user mode, and a bunch of options that puzzle me.20:52
hey_mansorry for not b eing clear20:52
SinDexIs there a way to restore the previous settings that were working perfectally fine before I mucked about with them?20:52
ownerThat's exactly what the xsplash is20:52
ownerhowever there is a screen that comes before the xsplash20:52
airtonixhey_man, isn't that the recommended course of action in any case ?20:53
aciculahey_man: that typically is the nice way to disclose20:53
trijntjeyeah, isnt that Xsplash owner?20:53
ownerin 9.10 it's a white logo with a black background that glows20:53
ownerit comes up before the xsplash.20:53
ownerhere I'll give you a tip.20:53
hey_manI just noticed one of your security team members not following that, and I was confused20:53
airtonixhey_man, it's not cricket otherwise20:53
Kieran0413lgc, you'll probably want service mode if you want it to run all of the time, as I said though if you're running XP Pro/Vista Ultimate or whatever the alternative is for 7 rdp would be a far easier option.20:53
Diverdudeit seems one should remove all files using rm -r to uninstall matlab. Do ubuntu have some sort of central register like windows registration database?20:53
ownerIf you look in the xsplash directory in Ubuntu you won't find it.20:53
ownerSo it's somewhere else20:53
erUSULDiverdude: no20:53
Kieran0413lgc, you might be best looking at the docs for whatever vnc server it is you're using otherwise20:53
ownerEverything for the xsplash except the config file is in the xsplash directory20:54
aciculahey_man: example ?20:54
ownerso then the question is where is the config.20:54
hey_manI don't wish to disclose that here20:54
ownerAnd does it have some crazy file extension like .mod20:54
hey_manis there somebody I can send a report to?20:54
airtonix!who | owner20:54
ubottuowner: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:54
lgcKieran0413, I just want to have my Windows display on my Ubuntu.20:54
trijntjeowner /usr/share/images/xsplash has the background and the ubuntu logo20:54
Kieran0413lgc, Which version of windows are you running?20:54
lgcKieran0413, Xp Pro.20:54
ownertrijntje you are half right20:54
DiverdudeerUSUL, so doing rm-r would be an okay way of deletinga program?20:54
hey_manacicula: nevermind, I'll find somebody20:55
Kieran0413lgc, google how to set up Remote Desktop. Once that's done you can connect directly from the Remote Desktop Viewer on ubuntu with minimal set up20:55
aciculahey_man: you want to complain about personal disclosure practice of someone affiliated with ubuntu?20:55
lgcDiverdude, mind the space between the command and its option.20:55
Kieran0413lgc, should be far easier20:55
ownertrijntje it is the background, and the ubuntu logo but only for the xsplash. Before that comes a screen that is black with the white ubuntu logo without the word Ubuntu.20:55
hey_manacicula: yes20:55
airtonixtrijntje, xsplash is indeed to thing that controls the starup animation prior to the login screen20:55
erUSULDiverdude: you should use packagemanagment if possible. you should look maybe matlab installer has an uninstall option20:55
erUSULDiverdude: becouse i doubt matlab install everytihng under a single folder20:56
airtonixtrijntje, actually i was wrong its the animation after the login screen20:56
aciculahey_man: then id start with the person in question or his/her team, though not sure what you want to achieve?20:56
ownertrijntje I once thought the file was located in HumanLoginIcons because I found such a logo there. It was too small and changing it did nothing.20:56
hey_manacicula: fair enough20:56
trijntjeowner, yes, but you said that that thing was also called xsplash now?20:56
DiverdudeerUSUL, well...there is unfortunately no uninstaller i think20:56
FiReSTaRTguys i'm a bit lazy to do a whole whackload of research.. if anyone is familiar with various media platforms, could you give me a quick 411 on the advantages/disadvantages of running mythtv, boxee and xbmc on a karmic box?20:56
ownertrijntje it's just an icon theme for your desktop20:56
ownertrijntje there are two seperate splash screens you see durring boot20:57
lgcKieran0413, Remote Desktop Connection is another app, AFAIK.20:57
kamil_skairtonix,erUSUL: Thanks guys it works :)20:57
wausduameya, nah it does not work. How can I patch that lib?20:57
trijntjeairtonix, i believe its both before and after login..20:57
nu1I Am receiving a message (capabilities mismatch) in ubuntu one icon. I am using ubuntux64. Is it supported already, or is ubuntu one having problems?20:57
erUSULkamil_sk: no problem20:57
Kieran0413FiReSTaRT, They're all completely different, myth is TV oriented, xbmc is best for local media (in my opinion), boxee is for 'social' stuff.20:57
ownertrijntje one is xsplash (the second one) and one is referred to as "Boot Splash" "X11" or X11 Boot Screen.20:57
=== funkyHat is now known as funkyBeret
ddelonyIs Ubuntu one supposed to sync my Tomboy notes?20:57
kamil_skairtonix: BTW I don't know if I used dimple sharing I just ran the wizard20:57
ownertrijntje no one has a name for it yet because they haven't found it.20:57
airtonixkamil_sk, remember that bit next time you setup smb sharing between a windows machine and a linux machine...(it'll save much time)20:57
Kieran0413lgc, Yeah it is, I assumed you didn't explicitly require vnc since you said all you wanna achieve is viewing of your windows display and for that rdp would be easier, if you require vnc look at the documentation for the vnc server you installed to set it up20:58
trijntjeowner, yeah.. That why I cant google for how to change it, it has no name. Crazy stuf.20:58
ownertrijntje does that help clear things up?20:58
FiReSTaRTKieran0413: here's the deal.. i wanna use the computer for local media, network media and as a tv dvr.. i only gave mythtv a quick whirl but couldn't easily figure out how to open local content20:58
airtonixkamil_sk, >> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/30404020:58
ownertrijntje now we must become hackers20:58
ameyawausdu, what is the version of libv4l do you have?20:58
trijntjeowner, yes, I think we are on the same page again :)20:58
FiReSTaRTKieran0413: do xbmc and boxee have tv reception and mce remote capabilities?20:58
trijntjeowner, we cant be the only two people who want to do that ..20:58
erUSULFiReSTaRT: boxee and xmbc has no dvr capabilities afaik20:59
ameyawausdu, i guess you will need this patch: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36154071/add_USBID_064e_a136_for_Asus_UL30.diff20:59
airtonixtrijntje, wasn;t this called usplash in prior versions of ubuntu ?20:59
ownertrijntje Isn't it ironic that we have to hack an open source project?20:59
Kieran0413FiReSTaRT, I'd just have a play about and see what fits your needs. XBMC doesn't have TV support however it can connect to a myth-backend to watch tv/your recorded shows20:59
ownertrijntje and that there is no documentation or boot manager to change it?20:59
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Kieran0413FiReSTaRT, So XBMC with a myth-backend may be what you're after, otherwise read up a bit more on configuring myth-frontend :)20:59
kamil_skairtonix: I hope it'll just work next time :)20:59
nu1trijntje, owner, you're not, If I had more time I would help :(20:59
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trijntjeairtonix, I dont know, the terms are confusing me..20:59
kamil_skThank once again and goodbye20:59
DiverdudeerUSUL, I installed it with: sudo tar -zxvf /tmp/matlabr2008b.tgz so i guess there is no uninstall program right?21:00
airtonixtrijntje, does this shed any light on the issue ? >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot21:00
karmstFirestart: XBMC does21:00
erUSULDiverdude: right; just deleting the folder is enough21:00
karmstI use XBMC personally21:00
FiReSTaRTkarmst: so it does have pvr capabilities? what about using an mce remote?21:00
ownertrijntje I don't want to say anything negative to get booted or anything but I think canotical is doing some things with their influence on Ubuntu that are not completely open source or necessarily for the good of the community.21:00
karmstyes I use my MCE remote on it21:00
nu1Is ubuntuone supported for x64 architecture?21:00
Kieran0413FiReSTaRT, It doesn't have its own pvr stuff but as said you can use it in conjunction with a myth-backend to do that, mce remote works fine21:01
icerootnu1: sure21:01
karmstyou need the MCE remote plugin for it21:01
Kieran0413nullvariable, yes21:01
icerootnu1: called amd6421:01
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/21:01
ownertrijntje I'll keep hacking21:01
ownerWha ha ha ha ha21:01
trijntjeowner, you think? I dont know, if we find out we have to write a howto ;)21:01
lgcowner, it's "CaNonical", with an "n".21:01
FiReSTaRTKieran0413: perfect.. and im pretty sure it can take full advantage of the ion chipset :P21:01
brontoswhere do I set path ENV variables I want recognized when I run sudo?21:01
Kieran0413FiReSTaRT, Yeup, I have it running on an Ion 330, works beautifully ;)21:01
trijntjeairtonix, looks promising, thanks21:01
ownertrijntje lgc sorry for the spalling errur . I would definitely write a how to as long as I get credit or maybe just a script that does it for you.21:02
airtonixtrijntje, you are not talking about this screen are you ? http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=139724&d=126073574521:02
FiReSTaRTKieran0413: guess what i'm gonna run it on ;) i love my new little revo.. it was a beotch setting it up with mythbuntu so i ended up just erasing it and installing straight karmic21:02
ownertrijntje with Microsoft's Windows you have to hack it just to get it to work the way you want it to, now with Canotical products it's looking the same.21:02
nu1iceroot, for some reason, I cannot connect to ubuntu one I do not know why. I installed ubuntu for 64 bit, so I thought  it was not supported yet or something else...21:02
raul_do I need an antivirus for linux?21:03
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)21:03
acicula!virus| raul_21:03
ubotturaul_: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2121:03
nu1raul_ no21:03
FiReSTaRTraul_: only if you are sharing files with windows users and you want to protect them from viruses21:03
ownertrijntje the only good thing Ubuntu has going for it is that it is very stable, supports lots of apps, and has lots of drivers.21:03
Kieran0413FiReSTaRT, Yeup, works beautifully though to be honest I've not tried the XBMC with Mythbackend much, only for playing about, seems to work great though, just play around a bit and see, myth can be a pain to configure though so make sure you read the docs21:03
alesanhow do I install the adobe acrobat reader?21:03
ownertrijntje I'm Justin Breithaupt. www.justuselinux.com21:03
jellowowner: Would not Xplash not be in /init.d/ as it has to be called on boot somewhere?21:03
ownerjellow good idea21:04
jcolei have a scenario im trying to figure out... ive got packages that users install, but i want a "migration" script to run after the install (as the current mortal user logged into gnome)21:04
jcolei notice for kernel updgrades and such, a "reboot is required box" pops up in the tray.. guessing dbus... can someone point me to a shell script example of how to do this?21:04
SinDexMmmmm Jell-o21:04
FiReSTaRTalesan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu this page has the info u need on installing acrobat if you dont like opening pdfs with evince (the built in viewer)21:04
samueljust installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop today21:05
ddelonysamuel: Congratulations.21:05
karmstI just wacked my Windows 7 partition =)21:05
samuelme too21:05
guntbertowner: remember, this channel is publicly logged - so you may want to reveal some info only in PM :)21:05
Kieran0413Was everyone worrying about the RC license expiring then? xD21:05
trijntjeairtonix, Cant view that, i'm not a forum member21:06
ddelonyGot a netbook for Christmas and only used the Windows that came with it to download Ubuntu. :-)21:06
samuelits a Dell Studio 1521:06
SinDexIs there an easy way to restore a previous graphic card config after envyng (and the user :0)) broke the config?21:06
aciculaKieran0413: isnt that till march?21:06
karmstno I just like Ubuntu so much better than 7 after using it for 2 weeks21:06
ownerI'm not affraid21:06
Kieran0413acicula, Yeah it is, I was just testing though and didn't wanna be greeted with "Blah blah has expired"21:06
samuelbut I can't upgrade to 9.10 because it won't boot when I do :(21:07
ameyasamuel, what error do you get?21:07
samuela blank screen21:07
lgcWhy won't GRUB let me boot from Windows?21:07
Diverdudehmmm i experience extreme lag on my ubuntu-machine, but when i run top there is not really any processes taking up the processor...How can i figure out what causes the lag?21:07
ameyasamuel, do you have any important data in ubuntu 9.04 installation?21:08
aciculaDiverdude: post the top few lines from top21:08
FiReSTaRTlgc: buddy, trust me, you wanna take this up with people on #grub.. i've had a beotch of a time with certain dual boot configurations and they helped me sort them out after hours of headaches :)21:08
lgcDiverdude, if your problem is the same as mine, Xorg  hogs your CPU dearly. But then it stops.21:09
fungosI'm trying to instal ubuntu 9.10 x86 in a old machine (athlon with vga onboard sis) .. but at the installer I only get a blackscreen .. X is trying to use a invalid video mode or anything else, I also tried to pass the parameter nomodeset to kernel.. but not effect. Anyone?21:09
aciculahigh disk activity perhaps?21:09
ameyasamuel, because if you don't have any important data in current ubuntu installation you can just boot from 9.10 livecd and overwrite the current installation21:09
ubottusooze: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:09
lgcFiReSTaRT, thanks, I didn't know such channel existed.21:09
Diverdudelgc, yes that might be it because Xorg is the top process in top...but it does not eat 100%21:09
fcuk112strange, my irssi doesn't scroll down automatically as i get new messages in irssi.  need to page-down to see the new messages, only happens in demonoid channel.21:09
Diverdudelgc, what do you do then to remove the lag?21:09
FiReSTaRTlgc: neither did i until i came across those issues overseas setting up my uncle's and my cousin's machines21:10
samuelAmeya I don't really care Im satisfied with 9.0421:10
subspiderhow do i can install a priter that is being shred buy a windows XP21:10
ownerjellow trijntje Ubuntu's explanation in their readme files says that all methods that Ubuntu 9.10 uses to boot and what it executes follows Debian's method.21:10
lgcDiverdude, it means Xorg has some decency left. But wait for the next releases...:).21:10
Diverdudelgc, what is Xorg?21:10
airtonixsubspider, you should be able to use it via samba theoretically (i assume)21:11
subspideri-ve being reading tutorials21:11
airtonixsubspider, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter21:11
trijntjeairtonix, no, we are not looking for the screen that you sent me21:11
ameyaDiverdude, Xorg is the X server which supports your graphical environment21:11
airtonixtrijntje, then you mean the black and white one prior to login ?21:12
Diverdudeameya, i see...well...thats probably whats causing the problems...i hope it gets better sometime soon21:12
trijntjeairtonix, yes21:12
subspiderairtonix, so i ahve to install samba on xp right21:12
lgcDiverdude,  it's the graphics engine. But I don't know **** of it. Right now it's taking most of my CPU. It even slows down my typing. The good news is that it'll hopefully stop hogging your CPU all of a sudden. Probably after a couple of suspends.21:12
calwigI have a bit of an issue with ext2/321:12
ameyacalwig, what is the problem?21:13
Diverdudelgc, what comp are you running ubuntu on?21:13
ownerjellow trijntje | Usplash is installed in Ubuntu 9.10 or at least scripts for it. And they are used during start up.21:13
ownerjellow trijntje | I have no idea how or why Usplash is involved when Ubuntu clearly states that in 9.10 they don't use it any more.21:14
calwigNew HDD 400GB/ Formatted it on ext2/3/4  and transferred nearly 72% of data to it from a live usb ubuntu. So there is one single partition formatted, has files, data is all there. (no operating system yet)21:14
lgcDiverdude, it's a rather old 2GHz Dell Inspiron with 2GB RAM. Not bad, but with a single processor.21:14
domjohnsonI've no sound in Karmic21:14
calwigWhat I would like to do now is install Ubuntu 9.10 on it without formatting.21:15
airtonixtrijntje, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto21:15
ownerbrb everyone21:15
tweaktis there any sort of ubuntu-minimal, etc type of ISO install image CD available? (for a special project). I've given up on trying to use the ubuntu-cdimage tools to create my own from scratch :-(21:15
MaletorWhen I try to remove packages with Synaptic I get a lot of artifacts because not all the dependencies get destroyed. What should I do about this?21:15
ameyacalwig, ideally you should have left some free space for partition on that HDD for installing ubuntu21:16
Diverdudelgc, i have lenovo t61p with dual core...should be good....but i think ubuntu is rather laggy anyway21:16
guntbert!minimal | tweakt21:16
ubottutweakt: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:16
calwigSo what I have done is boot a Live DVD Ubuntu 9.10 version on this computer with the new 400gb hdd. Session comes up, click on the Install to HDD and when I get to the hdd section, it seems that the partitioner does not seem to see the journaling system (I presume thats what it is) or it cannot write to the drive directly.21:16
tweaktguntbert: THANKS!21:16
airtonixtrijntje, i haven't tried this but : http://web.telia.com/~u88005282/sum/installation.html21:16
ameyaDiverdude, that machine is more than enough21:16
Poltai've broken a package in apt-get it keeps saying The following packages will be REMOVED linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-13-generic linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-16-generic21:16
guntberttweakt: you're welcome :-)21:16
calwigameya, the whole partition is ext2/3 so shouldnt I be able to install an OS this way?21:17
calwignot just an OS but Ubuntu (not XP/VISTA)21:17
Poltabut when I try it fails as I already deleted the old kernel by hand how do I fix it?21:17
airtonixsubspider, no samba is the linux implementation of windows networking.21:17
urthmoverMy F11 key stopped working in many of my apps (firefox, gnome-terminal, etc.) How can I test that the key is actually working and what can I do to resolve it?21:17
tweaktguntbert: do you know if that still uses debian-installer and can be modded (uck/preseed) ?21:17
ownerI'm back21:17
guntberturthmover: 1) start xev21:17
Diverdudeameya, yeah...but why is ubuntu then laggy on it?21:17
guntberttweakt: soory - no idea21:17
urthmoverguntbert: ok starting it now21:17
tweaktguntbert: well its 12MB, wont take long to find out :-)21:18
int203any major difference between initial grub2 install during karmic installation and grub2 installation after a later apt-get upgrade? it b0rked my bootloader21:18
guntberturthmover: when that small window has the focus every keyboard/mouse event is reported21:19
lgcDiverdude, I also have the T60 with dual, but only Windoze there so far. But don't blame it on Ubuntu, it's the Xorg thing. It's some piece of old but continually updated piece of software with many many patches that make it a frankenstein. It's like Windows: flawed by design (I'm reflecting other's opinions here. I repeat I don't know a thing of Xorg).21:19
MaletorWhen I try to remove packages with Synaptic I get a lot of artifacts because not all the dependencies get destroyed. What should I do about this?21:19
Diverdudelgc, ahhh okay i see....i wonder if there is a way to replace Xorg with something better then21:19
trijntjeairtonix, looks old :P But that program is in the repo now, ill try21:20
urthmoverguntbert: ok I have it up and strangely both F7 and F11 are not reporting anything ..... very odd  (I'm going to test on my other OS to see if its the hardware21:20
Poltadoes anyone know how to fix my prob?21:20
lgcDiverdude, it's ingrained in Linux (and all unices). Hopefully GNOME or KDE would take over it's low-level functions and come up with a better thing.21:21
Hakothello can someone help me with teamspeak 3? i cant talk but hear the other users21:21
PoltaI deleted linux-kernel-2.6.28-13 by hand and now apt-get wants to remove the module but its broken? anyone?21:21
Diverdudelgc, i see...are there any plans on that?21:21
lgcDiverdude, but that's years away in the best case.21:21
Diverdudelgc, hmm damn21:21
trijntjeowner: here it says why it's so hard http://blogs.ubuntu-nl.org/dennis/2006/09/13/more-fun-with-usplash/21:21
Diverdudelgc, is it a big module?21:21
PoltaI guess thats a no then21:22
lgcDiverdude, what's more, you can blame most of your system crashes on graphics-engine related issues.21:22
ownertrijntje I'm still not convinced that it uses usplash21:22
ownertrijntje every website says it does not.21:22
Diverdudelgc, hmm when was xorg created?21:23
BluesKajPolta, open synaptic /edit /fix broken packages , and it will remove it21:23
fungosanyone using vga SiS onboard?21:23
ownertrijntje Find something specifically about Ubuntu 9.10 using Usplash and I'll be sold.21:23
arbrihello,  i have problems with booting ubuntu anyone can help?21:23
ownertrijntje I know you can force Ubuntu to use Usplash but that would be a very bad idea.21:24
lgcDiverdude, it's not a module. See it like an onion: on the center is the kernel, then the shell, then the graphics engine, then the desktop systems (GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc.) and then the applications. Sort of.21:24
Kieran0413fungos, Only with a reaaaaly old thinkpad T23, not sure that helps though?21:24
ameyacalwig, if you can resize / reduce  current partition then it will be easy to install ubuntu on newly created free space21:24
Kieran0413arbri, what are your problems? Just ask and if anybody knows I'm sure they'll help21:24
arbriok thnx21:24
scott_ino2Can anyone help me in mounting an ext3 network share?21:24
scott_ino2I can ssh into it, but would like it to be locally mounted21:24
Diverdudelgc, ohhh i kinda thought that all nix system was as opposed to windows systems module based21:25
Kieran0413scott_ino2, what are you running on the server, I assume you have samba or something running?21:25
Dr_Willis!info sshfs21:25
ubottusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2-1 (karmic), package size 41 kB, installed size 148 kB21:25
calwigameya, I have not tried that yet, but will21:25
scott_ino2Kieran0413, im using drobo and droboshare21:25
scott_ino2formated as ext321:25
Kieran0413scott_ino2, Ahh, then I honestly don't have a clue, sshfs may be an option as Dr_Willis pointed out21:25
scott_ino2everyone else can see it as a network share... "network" in ubuntu doesn't seem to pick it up, but like I said I can ssh into it just fine21:26
scott_ino2basically i don't want my transfers going over the net, since it's local network, ssh doesn't make sense21:26
lgcDiverdude, Windoze is also layer-based. On the center is DOS and its components and then the graphical interface. I suppose this is a common paradigm of operating systems design.21:26
arbrii've installed ubuntu 9.10 inside windows 7, and untill today everything run smoothly, but today after updating my system (i think th elinux headers were updated) when i try to run linux, it doesnt boot but it gives me a GRUB (bash) shell, anyone knows what i can do?21:26
Dr_Willisscott_ino2:  you mean its a SAMBA share? or a NFS share?21:27
scott_ino2Kieran0413, the documentation say it's using SMB/CIFS so i thought ubuntu would pick it up under "network"21:27
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, yes21:27
domjohnsonOk, i added myself to the group "audio" but sound still isn't working...do i need to log out and log back in?21:27
guntbertdomjohnson: yes21:27
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, according to what im reading it should be viewable as a samba/nfs share, but im wondering the "How" part of that. Like I said windows/mac sees it as a SMB share21:28
Kieran0413scott_ino2, you should be able to connect to it relatively easy then Places -> Connect to Server -> Service Type: "Windows Share" via gui21:28
VCoolioif I compile a theme engine (i.c. murrine) and then opening an app says 'engine not found', what do I do?21:28
ownerjellow trijntje | I uncovered the secrets of Xsplash (other than just it's directories)21:28
nu1I am receiving a "capabilities mismatch while attempting to connect to the Ubuntu One Server. You may have installed a newer version of the client..." error. Is there any way to correct this problem, or use an older client?21:28
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:28
=== Aquaraptor_ is now known as Aquaraptor
ownerjellow trijntje | First I went here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/xsplash and downloaded the source code21:28
ownerjellow trijntje | Now I can see exactly how it works.21:29
=== j is now known as Guest65164
harpreet_an onscreen keybaord help!21:29
arbriwhen o try to start ubuntu 9.10, i see only the bash shell, any one knows why?21:29
ownerjellow trijntje | We are looking for a file called xsplash.conf first of all.21:30
nu1owner, do you know where is it?21:30
harpreet_i want an onscreen keyboard help!21:30
ownerI'm searching21:30
trijntjeowner, pff, that hard? I cant even read code.. I'm asking in #ubuntu-artwork21:30
ameyaarbri, grub (the bootloader) might not be able to locate the correct kernel / initrd image21:30
fungosKieran0413: are you using that Thinkpad T23 with ubuntu? which version?21:30
arbrihow do i tell him where is the correct kernel?21:31
qwertyjustinHi - is it safe to use ubuntu 5.10 as my new server OS21:31
scott_ino2Kieran0413, ok but then am I using the IP or the share name for the "Server" field21:31
ameyaarbri, is it bash shell / grub shell?21:31
ownerjellow trijntje nu1 | This may not directly lead me where I need to go but maybe indirectly.21:31
Aquaraptor5.10? probably not21:31
Dr_Willisqwertyjustin:  5.10? err no21:31
arbrigrub shell21:31
qwertyjustinbecause of lack of security updates etc?21:31
Aquaraptorqwertyjustin, that and it is just ancient21:31
qwertyjustinis 7.10 still supported?21:31
Dr_Willisqwertyjustin:  why bother with one that ole?21:31
Aquaraptorwhy not use 9.10 server?21:31
qwertyjustinmy amd sempron server doesnt seem to support the biggest latest n greatest distros21:32
nu1I am receiving a "capabilities mismatch while attempting to connect to the Ubuntu One Server. You may have installed a newer version of the client..." error. Is there any way to correct this problem, or use an older client?21:33
ownerjellow trijntje nu1 | There is a whole list of potential files that I may need to search for.21:33
qwertyjustinmostly just freezes when u pop in the iso discs21:33
arbriameya | do you at least know of a way i can get my data from my /home directory21:33
Diverdudelgc, so xorg is the weak point of linux?21:33
ameyaarbri, i am checking about the grub command21:33
trijntjeowner: can I pm you?21:33
Dr_WillisDiverdude:  video card makers not releaseing specs - is the big issue21:33
nu1owner, I can help you if you list the files21:34
trijntjeowner, nu1 /etc/dbus-1/system.d/xsplash.conf21:34
scott_ino2Kieran0413, i can get it to prompt for a password then it fails, and there's only one password haha21:34
scott_ino2Kieran0413, got it working, should this local now? vs when i was ssh'ing into it?21:35
DiverdudeDr_Willis, ok...so again it boils down to lack of drivers?21:36
ownerjellow trijntje nu1 | /etc/dbus-1/system.d/xsplash.conf thanks nu1 I just found it myself21:36
Dr_Willisscott_ino2:  the users samba password can be different from their login drivers, 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' to set a samba password21:36
ameyaarbri, can you try "linux /boot/v<press tab>"21:36
Dr_WillisDiverdude:  it lack of proper support from the HW makers to allow proper drivers to be made.21:37
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, i got it ;) im in21:37
arbriyes i get vmlinuz-2......21:37
arbria lot filet21:37
ameyaarbri, or "ls /boot" at grub shell21:37
pawel__hi yol21:37
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, wondering if this will now work locally and not have to traverse the interwebs like it was doing when uploading files via ssh21:37
Dr_Willisscott_ino2:  thers cases where you may be better off with nfs or sshfs over samba21:37
ownerjellow trijntje nu1 | /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ I'm pretty sure whatever we need to find it's in this directory as far as .conf files.21:37
arbriwhen i do that i get to see the vmlinuz files!21:37
pawel__is there anyone who knows how to install cloraine21:37
Dr_Willisscott_ino2:  ssh to the ip should be direct as samba is.21:38
ownerjellow trijntje nu1 | I didn't know to look here before21:38
Dr_Willisscott_ino2:  sshfs may be slower at transfers.. nfs will poberly be faster then samba21:38
ameyaarbri, "linux /boot/vmlinuz-<highest version>"21:38
Dr_Willissshfs is easy to get going however.21:38
DiverdudeDr_Willis, is there at all any prospects of proper support from HW makers in the future?21:38
smegzorMy computer (ubuntu 9.10 64bit) has recently started crashing back to the login randomly.  Is this happening to anyone else and which log might tell me what happened?21:38
Dr_WillisDiverdude:  every so often nvidia and ati make promises...21:38
ameyaarbri, after linux command try: "initrd /boot/initrd-<same version>"21:38
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, sigh... upload was 225k... im dealing with HUGE files here.21:38
Dr_WillisDiverdude:  Intel seems to be giveing better support more and more21:39
Dr_Willisscott_ino2:  nfs may be worth doing then.21:39
DiverdudeDr_Willis, but they cannnot be held up to those promises?21:39
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, I'm not sure that's an option with my hardware21:39
ownerjellow trijntje nu1 | These conf files don't contain directories. I'm trying to get one of these files to tell me where it is going but they don't. It's almost like they have a command that executes a script that launches the file.21:39
scott_ino2and the speeds i talked about was before i'm testing now21:39
arbriameya | ok i'll try many thanks!!!21:40
Dr_Willisscott_ino2:  what does nfs have to do with hardware? If ya got a linux  box  it can do nfs. :)21:40
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.21:40
ownerjellow trijntje nu1 | I wish these files were easier to look at. The more I look at them the more they look "closed source" instead of "Open Source"21:40
sn[a]kehow do i repatition my camera?21:40
MaletorWhen I try to remove packages with Synaptic I get a lot of artifacts because not all the dependencies get destroyed. What should I do about this? (e.g. installing Wine installs several other things (libxxx) yet uninstalling Wine only uninstalls "wine".)21:40
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, this is a droboshare.. proprietary hardware21:41
sn[a]kehow do i repartition my camera?21:41
arghh2d2sn[a]ke: gparted21:41
sn[a]kearghh2d2, thanks21:41
Dr_Williswhy do you need to partitioon a camera.. is a good question21:41
trijntjeowner, yeah, they are chinese to me21:41
arghh2d2Dr_Willis: heheh, who knows.21:42
deserteaglei have a simple bash question21:42
ownerjellow trijntje nu1 | how long are you guys going to be on today?21:42
deserteaglehow do i pipe the results of an awk'd ls to vlc?21:42
thoegerMaletor:  If you are relatively familiar with the command line, aptitude is really good at keeping track of automatically installed dependencies.21:43
arghh2d2you could maybe put a live usb image on a camera, that way your school librarian thinks your doing something legit with your camera21:43
karmstwhat torrent client is accepted by most trackers that linux provides?21:43
harpreet_i want an onscreen keyboard help!21:44
deserteagleall of them?21:44
arghh2d2karmst: rtorrent works for me21:44
JenniferBhow can I see what ports are listening for traffic ?21:44
deserteagletransmission, here21:44
karmstis rtorrent like utorrent?21:44
deserteagleharpreet_, shoot21:44
trijntjeowner, I think half an hour? its already night here21:44
airtonixdeserteagle, does this help  : http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/215621:44
arghh2d2karmst: rtorrent is ncurses21:44
arghh2d2karmst: meaning command line21:44
JenniferBhow can I make sure that no known has entered and left a backdoor21:44
arghh2d2karmst: frostwire is probly what you want21:45
harpreet_deserteagle: how can i have an onscreen keyboard? i want to type a different language with mouse21:45
Diverdudeok...what is the difference between gcc-4.4 and g++   ?21:45
airtonixJenniferB, try running : onboard21:46
karmstok but does Frostwire allow encryption?21:46
aciculaDiverdude: C vs C++21:46
jacob_Hello, I ve been building wordpress sites on a shared hosting with godaddy.com I've just installed XAMPP on Ununtu Server and I have a few newbie questions. 1) where is my root directory or how do I specify. 2) Any suggestions about what I could use to manage aliased domains or DNS. 3) Is XAMPP even a good choice for running my own web hosting?21:46
airtonixarghh2d2, isn't frostwire just linux version of limewire ?21:46
deserteagleharpreet_, hmm.... no idea then. Give cellwriter a try, i know it has onscreen and handwriting recognition, but don't know about it supporting different languages21:46
karmstyeah I really don't want limewire21:47
karmstI want something like utorrent21:47
airtonixjacob_, why are you using xamp and not the lamp provided by the repositories  :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP21:47
Diverdudeacicula, ohhhh okay.... i installed gcc-4.4...but i do not have g++. Do I need to install that seperatly?21:47
scott_ino2karmst, check out deluge, can probably do what you need it to do, very versatile21:47
airtonixJenniferB, woops mistell21:47
guntbert!xampp | jacob_21:47
ubottujacob_: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.21:47
harpreet_Diverdude: thank yhou21:47
scott_ino2can be daemon based etc...21:47
aciculaDiverdude: i think so21:48
aciculaDiverdude: try starting it?21:48
Kieran0413jacob_, XAMPP is a pretty poor choice if I'm honest, XAMPP is not meant for production environments, just development and testing, you'd be best installing the lamp stack as airtonix said.21:48
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, upload is much better with smb :) im on wireless and getting about 350kb/s21:48
Diverdudeacicula, i cannot start it21:48
jacob_AIRTONIX, Tasksel made it realy easy to install lamp but im so dependent on a GUI21:49
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, so im guessing if i plug in i'll be good21:49
karmsthey yeah deluge looks promising21:49
airtonixjacob_, why? you shouldn't need a gui for lamp21:49
karmstI'm getting rid of my windows torrent server and switching to ubuntu =)21:49
blakkheimjacob_: if you need a GUI for something like that, you probably shouldn't be running any kind of server (no offense)21:50
airtonixjacob_, the only thing you need to know (in 9.10) to control lamp is : start apache2 or start mysql21:50
deserteaglehow do i know if a program takes in stout as parameters?21:50
arghh2d2airtonix: frostwire is one of those super all in one file sharing programs...it's the most bloated of all the torrent clients that linux offers imo, just like utorrent imo21:50
airtonixarghh2d2, utorrent is hardly bloat.21:50
JenniferBairtonix: where you talking to me ?21:50
airtonixJenniferB, no it was a mistell21:50
qwertyjustindoes anyone know how long fedora 11 is supported for?21:50
arghh2d2airtonix: last time i used it it was21:50
g-mehey all.. I was wondering if anyone could help with ubuntu clients logging into a windows domain and the login scripts running.21:51
deserteaglezOMG! the technoviking is here!21:51
airtonixarghh2d2, pretty sure something that is less than 1mb in filesize doesn;t qaulify for bloat21:51
scott_ino2qwertyjustin, unless they've changed their support cycles should be two-releases after21:51
scott_ino2at least that's what it used to be21:51
JenniferBhow can I see what ports are open ? listening on traffick ?21:51
scott_ino2so... 18months give or take21:51
g-meIm aware i will need to create a linux specific script but just havent done this before.21:51
feed_me_seymourIf I change an Ubuntu 8.04 Server LTS from 1 CPU to 2 CPUs, is there anything I need to do at the OS level to enable multiprocessor support?21:51
nu1owner, not much :(21:51
Melvinovso u jackasses can't run gta ormw2?21:51
Melvinovwhy not?21:51
jacob_AIRTRONIX i've been using GoDaddy.com's shared hosting for a few years and using ubuntu as well as linux mint for desktops I'm ready to take the jump into running my own server instead of 15+ shared hosting accounts i just need a starting place.21:52
airtonixJenniferB, you can use jnettop21:52
deserteagleJenniferB, IIRC, ports aren't opened unless a program requests them21:52
aciculaMelvinov: check your language please21:52
ownerjellow trijntje nu1 | well here is a new development. /usr/bin/ has the xsplash executable. Dosen't do us any good but that's where it is.21:52
arghh2d2airtonix: my bad, i must have utorrent mixed up with something else.21:52
airtonixjacob_, follow that link i pasted first21:52
arghh2d2azureus maybe21:52
airtonixarghh2d2, i can think of a few but its been too long since ive used them21:52
amikropHello, what is the directory where the default wallpapers are stored in?21:52
qwertyjustinoh perfect21:52
Melvinovubuntu sucks21:52
aciculaMelvinov: you can run some windows programs through wine or the commerical cedega/crossover stuff21:52
trijntjeowner: dpkg -L usplash shows all locations used by the package21:53
blakkheim!op | Melvinov21:53
ubottuMelvinov: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:53
scott_ino2arghh2d2, what exactly are you trying to do?21:53
blinkizI have a new computer here at home. Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 Ghz with a AMD (ATI) Radeon HD 3870 with proprietary drivers. Alright, I can not manage to play 1080p high definition movies with smplayer/mplayer. Can anyone point me in the right direction how to tune this?21:53
jacob_AIRTRONIX Thanks21:53
aciculaMelvinov: this is not a discussion channel21:53
airtonixjacob_, previous version of ubuntu (and other linux releases ) had you control apache with /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | stop | start21:53
deserteagleMelvinov, opinions can be taken to #ubuntu-ot21:53
trijntjeowner, can you join #ubuntustudio-devel, someon there knows how to do it21:53
jribMelvinov: are you going to stop?  This channel is for support *only*21:53
ownerjellow trijntje nu1 | xslash is what I'm looking at.21:53
JenniferBdeserteagle: yes.. but I want to know what ports are open.. listening on incoming traffick.. what ports programs have open?21:53
Melvinovsupport for suckage?21:53
Melvinova misnomer21:53
aciculaJenniferB: netstat -tulpna | grep LISTEN21:54
airtonixjacob_, feel free to ask in here, i run lamp for my own web development reasons21:54
deserteaglethank you :)21:54
aciculaor any variation of netstat that you like21:54
deserteagleJenniferB, oic, then in that case, netstat -n21:54
airtonixJenniferB, i use this command in a desktop shortcut to do this : xterm -geometry 200x124+30+400 -e watch -d "netstat -ntauple" &21:55
jacob_Airtonix I will thank you. I'm sure you understand the need then to run my own server and not rely on godaddy.21:55
airtonixJenniferB, the relevant part of that is : netstat -ntauple21:55
scott_ino2jacob_, own servers ftw21:55
DiverdudeYEEEEES IT WORKS :D21:55
airtonixjacob_, doesn't godaddy provide virtual servers ?21:56
deserteagleairtonix, niiice thanks! :D21:56
airtonixjacob_, i think a2hosting provide virtual server where you can have ubuntu server installed on it21:56
chill3ranybody rec a good nzb client on ubuntu?21:57
Diverdudei might be extremely slow...but eventually i will get there hehehe21:57
JenniferBthere is allot of established connection on wierd ports21:57
JenniferBam I hacked?21:57
deserteaglereboot and run the program again21:58
airtonixJenniferB, which one are you looking at ? netstat or jnettop ?21:58
deserteagleif it still has a lot of ports open, you've got spam :P21:58
JenniferBnetstat -ntauple21:58
deserteagle(assuming you've closed all programs that need a connection, except your IRC client)21:58
airtonixJenniferB, look at the program on the far right21:58
jacob_Airtonix yes but why pay some one else. I have the harware and Business acct with my ISP. I want to learn anyways. I think my business would be more efficient running my own host and understanding  it plus i can sell the service to my customers and stop losing money referring them elsewhere.21:59
airtonixjacob_, makes sense21:59
JenniferBairtonix.. I will post on a pastebin.. but I need to do a reboot to clean out some trials with ssh21:59
JenniferBbut i will post now.. for fear that the server might not go on ( happend once before)22:00
aciculajacob_: until you have a security issue, you can still manage servers but outsource the actual maintenance22:01
malik_hi all22:01
JenniferBairtonix: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6615a26622:01
arbrihow can i set the root device from the grub shell?22:01
malik_what is the use of this cable http://www.budgetgadgets.com/images/proimg/ebay/XMKDG///pic/442/4427/4427.jpg22:01
deserteaglearbri: cd /22:01
aciculamalik_: to let the magic smoke out :/ ?22:02
deserteagleusb through mini-plug?22:02
aciculalooks like a 4-pole 3.5" jack to usb without any hardware?22:02
JenniferBI think the established are harmless now that I see it22:02
malik_for what ?22:02
aciculadeserteagle: yeah special usb connector?22:02
JenniferBbut what are the time wait ports  ?22:02
aciculaJenniferB: those are tcp/ip states22:02
airtonixJenniferB, ports which where used previously22:03
iAmerikanCan anyone help me with a mount issue?22:03
deserteaglei'll help you mount ;)22:03
sfearsask away iAmerikan22:03
hamzaatova2if im looking to take a snapshop of somethiing that can symbole tinyety and smallness in the system of ubuntu what would it be?????22:03
airtonixJenniferB, you'll see every two seconds that when netstat updates the screen you'll see the changes get highlighted22:03
arbrihow can i set the root device from the grub shell?22:03
deserteaglearbri: cd /22:04
sfearshamzaatova2: what are you talking about?22:04
JenniferBbyt running netstat -ntauple ?22:04
deserteagledidn't read the "grub" part22:04
iAmerikanok :D Well, I'm trying to mount my root directory through the 8.10 livecd22:04
hamzaatova2i think that all the icons should br changed to something different22:04
sfearsi'm not sure arbri22:04
iAmerikanbut, it's saying that it can't read the ext4 when my partition is ext322:04
airtonixJenniferB, yes, you may find jnettop a bit more sane to give you this information22:04
hamzaatova2sfears, i want to take a snapshot of sometinh that acn symbolice smallness22:05
arbrii've got problems with grub i cant boot ubuntu22:05
deserteagleiAmerikan, assuming by "root directory" you mean a linux distro: mount -t auto /dev/sdXXX /mnt22:05
airtonixJenniferB, actually i mean this command : watch -d "netstat -ntauple"22:05
sfearsmount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /folder/to/mount?? iAmerikan22:05
hamzaatova2in the system22:05
deserteaglereplace XXX with the corresponding partition device22:05
sfearsdefine snapshot hamzaatova222:05
diegovioladoes ubuntu come with ndiswrapper by default now?22:06
JenniferBjnettop is currently not installed.. i only have a console.. it's not grahical or so ?22:06
diegoviolafor wireles cards like broadcom, etc22:06
Out_Cold /ns identify Bruce326222:06
airtonixjnettop is a console program22:06
Out_Coldlol time to change passwords22:06
JenniferBook.. thanks :)22:06
airtonix!info jnettop | JenniferB22:06
ubottuJenniferB: jnettop (source: jnettop): View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.12.0-4 (karmic), package size 35 kB, installed size 140 kB22:06
airtonixJenniferB, jnettop won't tell you the program using the connection though,22:07
sfearsout_cold.. you should do that from the server connection window22:07
jellowOut_Cold: i saw nothing ...22:07
ejvi saw /ns identify *********22:07
hamzaatova2sfears, screen shot22:07
sfearsyour ident has already been pawned!!22:07
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Out_Coldno it hasn't22:07
ejvOut_Cold: we all see *'s, not alphanumerics ;)22:07
ejvso you can Bruce3262 all day long ;)22:08
airtonixJenniferB, which is why i use this script in my ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/monitor-connections.sh (http://paste.ubuntu.com/353153/)22:08
sfearsyou could take a screen shot of linux's market penetration compared to windows penetration hamzaatova222:09
sfearsthat's pretty small22:09
Out_Coldi try to ident from the server window... but it always cuts me off and i paste bits in the chats..22:09
JenniferBit's pretty nice though.. it shows what the get requests and such.. but it just keeps swishing by..22:09
iAmerikandeserteagle&sfears: Could you look at the pastebin for what I've been trying? http://paste.ubuntu.com/353156/22:10
Dark_Peteralguien habla español?22:10
jellow!es | Dark_Peter22:10
ubottuDark_Peter: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:10
JenniferBairtonix: I saved that script, thanks very much.. xterm is graphical ?22:10
Dark_Peterme puede ayudar alguien a buscar servidores de españa?22:10
airtonixJenniferB, the xterm is there because i use it from a gui desktop, you can just run  : watch -d "netstat -ntauple"22:11
blinkizI have a new computer here at home. Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 Ghz with a AMD (ATI) Radeon HD 3870 with proprietary drivers. Alright, I can not manage to play 1080p high definition movies with smplayer/mplayer. Can anyone point me in the right direction how to tune this?22:11
Out_ColdiAmerikan, what type of disk does sudo fdisk -l say it is??22:11
JenniferBairtonix: got it.. thanks again :)22:11
honkyhi there, i want to make Tomboy Notes startup with my ubuntu - i've found the startup menu in system>preferences but what command should i use because in usr/bin/ i have "tomboy" and "tomboy-panel" but in the shortcut i've created is says in the command "tomboy --search" Which one is correct?22:12
Out_Coldhonky, just tomboy should work22:12
Out_Cold**/usr/bin/tomboy or just tomboy22:12
sfearshonky.. open a terminal window and type commands until you get the desiered output.. then use that command in your startup22:12
hamzaatova2sfears, im looking for something different ---- and also within the sys22:13
mikebI would like to kno the name of the encrypted file system i choosed in ubuntu setup22:13
sfearswhat project is this for hamzaatova222:13
DarkedgeAnyone here dpkg things? D:<22:13
aciculaDarkedge: -i :P?22:13
Kieran0413mikeb, I can't say for sure but at a guess it's probably dmcrypt22:14
Darkedgeacicula: do you want something to dpkg, its only small...22:14
Jp82191hello guys and girls22:14
Kieran0413Jp82191, hi there22:14
Out_ColdJp82191, there are no girls in here... that's just a myth22:14
mikebits a system-wilde encryption22:14
aciculaDarkedge: probably not22:14
scott_ino2Out_Cold, lol22:14
Jp82191u never know22:14
scott_ino2maybe a few...22:14
Jp82191i have a question for you guys22:14
Darkedgekyle6513: hello fellow aussie maybe you should geta cloak :P22:14
kyle6513hey, I'm having trouble with ubuntu netbook remix running an eeepc 1000H, upon using the desktop stuff it has locked up on me, what should I do?22:15
Out_Coldout of 1419.. probably 322:15
mikeband i would like not to enter the passphrase while booting, like saving it on an usb drive or i dunnow..22:15
Darkedgekyle6513: ALT+CONTROL+Backspace22:15
kyle6513Darkedge: whys that? :P22:15
mikebi probably should install grub on an usb pen22:15
Darkedgekyle6513: It force restarts X22:15
scott_ino2Darkedge, didn't they disable that in the last release22:15
Jp82191Should I get the netbook version of ubuntu for a laptop?22:15
scott_ino2by default at least22:15
Darkedgescott_ino2: did they? :/22:15
sfearsctrl+alt+f1 then kdm restart or /etc/init.d/kdm restart kyle651322:15
scott_ino2Darkedge, im about to find out22:15
kyle6513Darkedge: didnt work D:22:16
Out_Coldmikeb, not a wise option... although you can save your passphrase on a usb or sd card so i've heard22:16
sfearsctrl+alt+f1 then kdm restart or /etc/init.d/kdm restart kyle651322:16
kyle6513sfears: thankss22:16
sfearsctrl+alt+backspace sometimes is disabled by default22:16
scott_ino2Darkedge, you can enable it apparently22:16
ubuntu_how to get flashplayer for my google chrome? new xubuntu22:16
h1I made a LiveUSB and then updated packages. I just forwarded when asked a couple of questions - both relating to grub. The 2nd I remember: it asked me something like whether grub should edit sda or sdb. I left both blank. When I then attempted rebooting I got a repeated Fatal message: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.31-17-generic/modules.dep. Help please.22:16
kyle6513sfears: its telling me that it isnt installed?22:17
=== astechgeek is now known as techgeek
scott_ino2ubuntu_, if you'[re using the chrome PPA it should recognize your flashplayer_plugin automatically22:17
Jp82191Should i get Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 or Netbook remix for a laptop22:17
sfearssorry.. try gdm22:17
kyle6513sfears: yeah, i thought it was gnome ;p22:17
scott_ino2Jp82191, if it's a normal size notebook get the full desktop, if small netbook say 10" get netbookremix22:17
iflemaJp82191: you could use NBR . you can use regular flavours, theres also moblin/ubuntu remix22:17
Darkedgekyle6513: Try PrintScreen+ALT+B22:17
ubuntu_scott_ino2, what is PPA? i think i am not using that, i got google chrome beta from google site in .deb22:17
Aquaraptordoes anyone know of a good keystroke based application launcher?22:17
blakkheimJp82191: use a minimal iso22:17
mneptokAquaraptor: gnome-do22:18
Aquaraptorcool thanks22:18
Darkedgekyle6513: Otherwise hard-reboot (even though thats the worst thing to do)22:18
mneptok!info gnome-do22:18
ubottugnome-do (source: gnome-do): Quickly perform actions on your desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2+dfsg-1 (karmic), package size 481 kB, installed size 2140 kB22:18
karmstWhat server is the Wine IRC chat at?22:18
sfearsAquaraptor: reassign alt+f2 to alt+space22:18
Darkedgekyle6513: and if none of those work, I suggest you reenable ALT+CNTRL+Backspace22:18
Jp82191which would you guys recommend because my old laptop with a 40gb hdd got effed up beyond repair other that re installing the OS22:18
sfearskeep forgetting this is #ubuntu.. Aquaraptor - krunner22:18
mneptokJp82191: what's the CPU, and how much RAM?22:19
sfearsor katapult if it's still supported Aquaraptor22:19
scott_ino2ubuntu_, I'm running Chromium dailly ppa, not official chrome releases, so depends on what you want. Chromium=community release of chrome22:19
kyle6513Darkedge: i can still access panel, but the thingy(for lack of a better word) has locked up, I was going to attempt to switch back to normal desktop mode but, to no avail22:19
aciculaJp82191: 1gb mem or more you probably want the normal ubuntu22:19
Jp82191ram is less than 512mb22:19
blakkheimJp82191: a minimal install with a lightweight window manager22:19
mneptokJp82191: you want Xubuntu22:19
Darkedgekyle6513: Can you ALT+CONTROL+F2?22:19
sfearsyou could try "damn small linux".. runs in 512 memory22:19
kyle6513sfears: that restarted X, just didnt restart the app in the desktop22:19
scott_ino2ubuntu_, for chromium ppa see here: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa22:19
ubuntu_scott_ino2, is chromium better than chrome? supports extensions?22:19
aciculawhats the program that elts you set W xor X flags on memory segments of an elf binary22:19
kyle6513Darkedge: sure can22:19
sfearsi thought that's what you were trying to do kyle6513.. what were you trying to do?22:20
Darkedgekyle6513: login as you, sudo reboot22:20
canthus13DSL will run wil 64 mb ram and a 486....22:20
patcitohow do I install a new locale such as "en_US.UTF-8" ?22:20
sfearsit is damn small22:20
kyle6513sfears: this is ubuntu netbook remix, theres a thing embedded into the desktop that is a substitute for a er, start menu, and it has locked up on me22:20
Jp82191what is the difference between xubuntu and ubuntu bcuz on my desktop i have ubuntu22:20
scott_ino2ubuntu_, yes it supports exensions, and i don't know ive only used chromium, works for me, you'll occasionally get unstable builds (since it's a daily build)22:20
mneptokDSL is also not a very friendly distro for those without some Linux experience.22:20
scott_ino2but you can simply disable it from upgrading once you get a stable version22:20
mneptokJp82191: Ubuntu uses GNOME for a desktop environment. Xubuntu uses XFCE.22:21
iflemaJp82191: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements22:21
scott_ino2ubuntu_, to use the ppa, see the part about adding this ppa to your system, and click where it says technical details about this ppa22:21
kyle6513sfears: but dsl is damn hard to use for newbies :P22:21
sfearsi figured that would have reset it kyle22:21
mneptokJp82191: if you can use Ubuntu with GNOME you'll be able to use Xubuntu with XFCE.22:21
mneptokJp82191: there's a learning curve, but it's very, very shallow.22:22
scott_ino2basically you just copy the deb, and deb-src as separate lines in System/Administration/Synaptic then.. under preferences/repositories/click add22:22
kyle6513sfears: nope, guess not, trying a hard reset then22:22
sfearssudo reboot from terminal window22:22
Jp82191im going to go for Xubuntu22:22
blakkheimJp82191: even xubuntu is pretty bloated22:22
iflemaJp82191: good one22:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:23
Jp82191ok so im getting Xubuntu Desktop version 9.10 right?22:23
albert_I can't increase refresh-rate higher than 50Hz in ubuntu 9.1022:23
mneptokJp82191: yup, unless you want the text-mode installer. if so, get the -alternate.22:23
ubuntu_scott_ino2, where to add this line? ppa:chromium-daily/ppa22:23
sn[a]kehow can I edit my terminal look ( the way the black part looks )22:23
Out_Coldblakkheim, nothing wrong with old fashioned WMs22:23
[psyk]sn[a]ke: easy. right click, properties. lol22:24
EraldoCan someone please help me get Tor running with Firefox in Ubuntu 9.10 64bit? I have followed the instructions from the Ubuntu help site but it does not work22:24
sfearshave had much better luck with the alternate installer assuming ethernet connection mneptok Jp8219122:24
blakkheimOut_Cold: i only use a lightweight wm22:24
mneptokJp82191: the text-mode installer uses fewer resources.22:24
scott_ino2ubuntu_, go to System/Administration/Synaptic22:24
sn[a]ke[psyk], where are you getting properties from?22:24
iflemaJp82191 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/9.10/release/22:24
Jp82191but im not using ethernet im using Wireless22:24
scott_ino2ubuntu_, then Settings/Repositories22:25
[psyk]sn[a]ke: i know there's something in the right click menu, it's been so long since i've used ubuntu or debian...22:25
[psyk]sn[a]ke: slackware all the way.22:25
mneptokJp82191: you can configure that easily once the system is installed. and then get the updates.22:25
Kieran0413sn[a]ke, are you talking about gnome-terminal?22:25
albert_I can't increase refresh-rate higher than 50Hz in ubuntu 9.10 64bit. It can not work with refresh more than 50Hz22:25
nightsjammiesHey, is there anyone in here that uses the openoffice spreadsheet program?22:25
sn[a]keright click on my terminal nothing named properties or even close to meaning properties22:25
Jp82191so which should i get then the alternate or the desktop one?22:25
sn[a]keyes Kieran041322:25
sfearswhy do you ask nightsjammies22:25
scott_ino2ubuntu_, then click other software tab, then click add, Keep in mind they are two separate apt lines on the website so you'll need to do this twice22:26
Kieran0413sn[a]ke, profiles -> profile preferences22:26
sfearsdo you have an ehternet or wifi Jp8219122:26
mneptokJp82191: up to you. what's your preference, a grpahical installer or a text-mode installer?22:26
[psyk]sn[a]ke: right click in the title bar, I know there's someplace that you can edit terminal settings for a user...22:26
scott_ino2or just get the deb, main if you don't care about the src22:26
nightsjammiesBecause I can't get any help over at the openoffice channel.22:26
Jp82191Sfears: im using wifi22:26
sfearsuse desktop22:26
nightsjammiesAnd I can't figure out how to do something.22:26
Jp82191downloading now22:26
scott_ino2ubuntu_, then hit close and "Reload" then search for chromium in synaptic (make sure it's the browser and not something else)22:26
iflemajP82191: live could be good to see how/if itll go....22:26
sfearsask away nightsjammies22:26
MrKeunerhello, on hardy is it possible to log in to the wireless network(which requires password and which is saved by netowrk manager applet) without entering any passowrd to unlock the keyring?22:27
sfearsi think so MrKeuner.. just cancel when it prompts for the keyring22:27
miihackwiihi all can anyone help me to reinstall Postgresql22:27
MrKeunersfears, there is already a keyring on it, can I still do that?22:28
sfearsmiihackwii: apt-get remove --purge postgresql && apt-get install postgresql22:28
nightsjammiesI've got a spreadsheet with about 15 columns, and in one of the fields, the text extends beyond the border. If I try and hit 'enter' it won't drop down to the next line.22:28
MrKeunersfears, at least for once, I have to reboot a laptop and expect it to reconnect22:28
ubuntu_scott_ino2, i added only one line ppa:chromium-daily/ppa and it worked22:28
nightsjammiesDoes that make sense?22:28
valleyMrKeuner: set the keyring password to nothing, just leave it blank22:28
sfearsone way to find out MrKeuner22:28
MrKeunervalley, ah would that work22:28
Jp82191MrKeuner: if when is starts you make sure to check avaliable to all users you shouldn't get that warning or box when you start up22:28
nightsjammiesSo then when I Page Preview my sheet, part of the text is cut off.22:28
miihackwiithankyou i will give it a go22:28
Jp82191thats how i had my wireless set up22:28
scott_ino2ubuntu_, like i said, this is a DAILY build, so be careful, you can turn off getting daily updates through where you added the lines, just turn it off if you dont' want a new version everyday22:29
nightsjammiesOh, and I can't get anything on my wireless, either.22:29
nightsjammiesNot sure why.22:29
sfearsnightsjammies: there is no next line in a spreadsheet.. you need to adjust the column sizes22:29
ubuntu_scott_ino2, how to turn off? by removing ticks from those lines?22:29
scott_ino2checkboxes yes22:29
nightsjammieshmm, I'll try that then.22:30
oCean_nightsjammies: right-click the cell, and choose format cell22:30
sfearsor nightsjammies22:30
sfearsyou can use the data entry field above the spreadsheet itself22:30
oCean_nightsjammies: tab "numbers" choose "text" for category22:30
sfearsyou can use the data entry field above the spreadsheet itself nightsjammies22:30
fuzzykittenshow do I overclock a pentium 3?22:30
oCean_nightsjammies: then to tab alignment and choose "wrap text"22:30
nightsjammiesOh, I know that.22:31
nightsjammiesAh, that's what I was missing.22:31
ShiawuonHello fellow ubuntu geeks!22:31
Kieran0413Shiawuon, Hi there22:31
nightsjammiesSweet, thanks much oCean :)22:31
oCean_fuzzykittens: ask in ##hardware ?22:32
ShiawuonHowdy Kieran22:32
fuzzykittensI have a bloody 5oomhz22:32
nightsjammiesNow, I just realized that my computer says that my wireless is Disabled.22:32
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oCean_nightsjammies: no problem22:32
basiliskI'm having a problem booting UNR (or even XP) from a USB.  The Live USB works fine on another computer but on this one, the screen goes to black, waiting for something to happen.  Help.22:32
sfearsfuzzykittens: i believe overclocking requires some soldering22:32
sfearsbasilisk: have you used safe graphics mode?22:33
basilisksfears: what is that?22:33
ShiawuonWhich IRC client do you use?22:33
fuzzykittenssfears: a small amount of software overclocking can be done22:33
Kieran0413fuzzykittens, you'll probably be better served trying to optimize the software you're running, use lighter weight apps/desktop environment, etc22:33
dragonMy window manager gets messed up sometimes, when I connect the laptop to an external monitor. The icon and color theme are affected. Is there a quick fix for this?22:33
dragonDoes it even sound familiar?22:33
sfearsbasilisk: in the boot menu.. there should be some fkeys options.. f4 and select safe graphics mode22:33
fuzzykittensKieran0413: server, no gui, that's not the problem22:34
basilisksfears: for ubuntu or from BIOS?22:34
sfearssounds like a bad cable dragon?22:34
sfearsfor ubuntu basilisk22:34
Kieran0413fuzzykittens, ahh, ok.22:34
airtonixdragon, external monitor is connected when you boot the laptop up ?22:34
fuzzykittensit used to be a 2ghz server and it's f...really annoying to have to go back to 500 mhz22:34
ubuntu_scott_ino2, how to start chromium? i do not see any application icon22:34
Jp82191how to burn an iso on ubuntu?22:34
sfearswhen it comes up as "try ubuntu without making changes" hit f4 & choose safe graphics22:34
basilisksfears: nothing shows up after BIOS is done. no grub, no texts, nada22:34
dragonairtonix: this problem never happens in that case.22:34
airtonixJp82191, right click the ISO and select burn to disc22:34
scott_ino2ubuntu_, if you installed via synaptic it would have added an icon22:35
JenniferBI am trying to use : http://apt.alturl.com/22:35
JenniferBwhat distribution do I have ? (Ubunutu 9.10 desktop)22:35
JenniferBI am trying to download kernel-devel package22:35
JenniferBhow can I check if I have this package installed already btw ?22:35
Jp82191ty airtonix22:35
ubuntu_scott_ino2, i installed chromium game :(22:35
FloodBot1JenniferB: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
dragonairtonix: It only happens when I dock this running laptop.22:35
scott_ino2ubuntu_, did you make sure you installed chromium-browser and not chromium22:35
airtonixdragon, thats because xorg only sniffs nessecary info at boot time.22:35
sfearsjpds: k3b for gui.. i suggest learning the dd command22:35
dragonairtonix: It usually works perfectly.22:35
MrKeunerthank you people22:35
airtonixdragon, except when you hotdock it22:35
basilisksfears: another weirdness factor is that an authentic XP CD will boot, an XP copy will not, and a checksum'd Ubuntu CD will not boot either.22:35
dragonairtonix: hotdock works well 95% of the time.22:36
Kieran0413basilisk, have you tried burning it on different brand media?22:36
dragonmy understanding is that sometimes a program crashes when I hotdock the laptop.22:36
nightsjammiesOkay, so how do I enable my wireless now?22:36
sfearsbasilisk: perhaps you do need to check your boot sequence in the bios or perhaps hit the c key while you boot to enable cdrom/usb boot22:36
basiliskkieran0413: yes, on DVD and CD22:36
dragonI'm wondering what program is responsible for Appearance (not Window decorations itself).22:37
[deXter]Hi can someone help me fix GRUB please? When I run "find /boot/grub/stage1" it cannot find it. Typing setup (hd0) also gives an error.22:37
basilisksfears: checked it, allowed to boot and selects correct priority22:37
frederick85is there a way to limit my bandwidth usage22:37
airtonixfrederick85, yes22:37
filesmastaHOT NEW TORRENT SEARCH SITE http://Torrentpirates.org22:37
basiliskI'd use my old XP SP1 CD to boot and install, but it doesn't recognize SATA HDD22:37
oCean_JenniferB: 9.10 = Karmic Koala, (not mentioned on your url). To check for installed packages do "dpkg -l | grep kernel"22:37
frederick85airtonix: well i'm playing games and my housemate is complaining about not being able to load internet pages how can I resolve it22:38
JenniferBocean_ how can I download this kernel-devel from a windows machine if karmic koala is not listed there22:38
Kieran0413frederick85, the best way if you have the option on your router would be QoS22:38
airtonixfrederick85, online gaming shouldn't interfer with web browsing. usually its the other way round. what online game ?22:39
=== CodeGoose is now known as goose
frederick85airtonix: well it's wow, i'm connected via a ethernet cable and they were connected via wireless22:39
oCean_JenniferB: see here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile22:39
airtonixfrederick85, imo their problem is the wifi and their computer not your game22:40
airtonixfrederick85, how much bandwidth does your internet connection have ?22:40
frederick85airtonix: quite low at the moment because it's shaped22:40
frederick85shaped at about 10kb22:40
Jp82191ok ill get to installing it in a bit im frickin trying to get some stuff from my other hdd22:40
airtonixfrederick85, that is the problem then22:40
airtonixfrederick85, 10 kb/sec is pretty much going to affect most things22:41
Tutattishey, i encrypted a lvm partition on my hdd using lukFormat cipher. if i do a simple remove/delete tables (quick format) is the encryption lost? I mean if i create new partition table and partitions there wont be an encryption there.. right?22:41
frederick85airtonix: is there a way i can set my computer to only use a lesser ammount of it22:41
airtonixfrederick85, im suprised you are not having latency issues while you are shaped.22:41
airtonixfrederick85, wow doesn't even use 4kb/s22:42
lgsplooshCan anyone help me? I am having trouble changing my bios to boot from USB port22:42
frederick85airtonix: the game doesn't seem to use much bandwidth22:42
airtonixfrederick85, i think your housemate(S) are pretty misinformed tbh22:42
jellowi have a question about traffic shapping from isp's i have access to my isp's router through a serial cable , If i forward all incomming local P2P traffic to a random port outside the router using iptables will my isp be able to do anything?22:43
JenniferBoCean: iam trying to install a driver for USB mobile internet device.. and the manual states that I need to have kernel-devel installed.. but can i hurt the system if I do install it +22:43
airtonixfrederick85, they should use something to scrub adverts from webpages they view (like adblockplus and noscript)22:43
frederick85airtonix: well i had a problem with them unplugging my part of the connection and i couldn't get their attention because they are deaf22:43
Kieran0413jellow, yeah, cut off your service for breaching their terms of service?22:44
Jp82191lgsploosh: does your motherboard allow it?22:44
airtonixfrederick85, then if the adsl connection isnt owned by you and they are ignorant and unwillining to understand the basics of networking there is nothing you can do22:44
jellowKieran0413: They offer unlimited internet i feel no guilt what so ever22:45
frederick85airtonix: i'm paying for the whole thing,22:45
airtonixfrederick85, then do something about it22:45
[deXter]jellow: Changing ports won't help in any way, encryption might, but that's if your ISP doesn't throttle all traffic.22:45
lgsplooshI dont know if it does its the original motherboard that came with HP Pavillion ZE1110. JP22:45
nightsjammiesWhat's the usb mobile device?22:46
Jp82191first plug in the usb22:46
frederick85airtonix: i guess i'll just go to sleep and hope they don't unplug it again22:46
Jp82191the in the bios go to there it says start up order or boot order22:46
Jp82191then move usb all the way to the top and hit save settings22:46
Jp82191restart and then try again22:46
airtonixfrederick85, seriously, i watch my network connection while playing online games and using browsers : browsers will spike to consume the entire connection until it gets all hte page data...online games at most use up to 6kb/s22:47
lgsplooshThe Usb or removable drive isnt displayed in the bios boot order only hardrive, cd rom, and floppy disk22:47
Jp82191if its not listed then its not supported22:48
nightsjammieswlan0: network is down. How do I fix that?22:48
Jp82191what are you trying to boot from the usb?22:48
Jp82191jammies: turn routher off and on22:48
Jp82191lgsploosh: burn it to a cd and install that way22:48
Jp82191lgsploosh: are you using a netbook?22:49
mneptoklgsploosh: sounds like your BIOS does not support booting from USB. nothing you can do about that, unless a more recent BIOS update adds support for the feature.22:49
lgsplooshI have the cd already. The issue is my harddrive is fried and im using the usb for a harddrive. No its not a net book22:49
jellow[deXter]:So even if i use encryption but my isp throttles all traffic , the encryption will not work ?22:50
Tutattishey, i encrypted a lvm partition on my hdd using lukFormat cipher. if i do a simple remove/delete tables (quick format) is the encryption lost? I mean if i create new partition table and partitions there wont be an encryption there.. right?22:50
[deXter]jellow: True22:50
Jp82191lgsploosh: you lost me there try searching google and see what other options you get22:50
Jp82191brb foods here22:51
jellow[deXter]: depressing , But thanks anyway22:51
diddlyhey all, i have a machine which cannot access the internet, where can i download a specific package to install manually via dpkg?22:51
airtonixjacob_, yes22:52
SnoopySo what can I do to watch videos that need the windows speech decoder and hear the video's audio?22:52
waltercoolsomeone have problems with wine and black fonts?22:53
airtonixwaltercool, thats a pretyy vague question22:53
airtonixwaltercool, maybe a screen shot helps ?22:53
waltercoolairtonix, Let me take one22:54
Snoopydid you install microsoft fonts?22:54
waltercoolSnoopy, Should i do it?22:54
waltercoolSnoopy, Im just using main and universe repository =22:54
airtonixwaltercool, http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks22:54
karma_policeanyone know of anything similar to transmission that dl single files?22:55
Tutattis when i encrypt a partition, where is the information that tells it how to decrypt&encrypt the data stored at?22:55
nutterf00tLo! I'm just a silent bot.22:55
jacob_airtonix, hey thanks for the help earlier, I have uninstalled xampp using (rm -rf /opt/lampp) Now when running tasksel and selecting LAMP nothing happens. I've tried the audio editing package to check if it was tasksel or lamp.  my guess is there is a part of apache or mysql or something still installed, and therefore tasksel cannot finish. any ideas?22:55
iflemakarma_police: gwget22:55
waltercoolairtonix, I will try with winetricks to install msfonts and i tell u22:55
flootenkerpHi, ubuntu 9.04 is not reading my dvd-rs that I place in my disc tray. It reads cd-rs fine, but I don't know why it doesn't read the dvd-rs. Does anyone here have a clue on what's going on?22:55
new2ubutnuhey all - i'm trying to find out if Ubuntu 8.04 sees my RT2500 wifi usb adapter i plugged in22:56
Jp82191do u have a dvd rom player?22:56
iflemagwget needs some lov'n22:56
airtonixwaltercool, sh winetricks corefonts22:56
Jp82191new2ubuntu, try restarting your computer then enabling wireless networking22:56
iflemajust a little bit22:56
Blue_Hathello, is it possible for me to create an "executable" file for ubuntu in C++?22:56
airtonixjacob_, i've not used xamp before so i dont know how it deals with stopping and starting the services... but restarting the computer should do it, after that follow the guide on wiki.ubuntu22:57
new2ubutnuJp82191 - thanks rebooting now22:57
airtonix!lamp | jacob_22:57
ubottujacob_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:57
new2ubutnuif it matters - I'm usuing Ubuntu Studio 8.04.122:57
Jp82191i don't think it does22:58
Jp82191if its compatible with ubuntu/linux it should auto install drivers and work upon a restart of a computer22:58
airtonixBlue_Hat, i dont see why not22:58
flootenkerpHi, ubuntu 9.04 is not reading my dvd-rs that I place in my disc tray. It reads cd-rs fine, but I don't know why it doesn't read the dvd-rs. Does anyone here have a clue on what's going on?22:58
karma_policewhats the off topic room?22:58
karma_policesorry.. noob22:58
Jp82191flootenkerp, do you have a DVD rom?22:58
airtonixkarma_police,  /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:59
grkblood13what a good prog to rip dvds22:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:59
flootenkerpI want to burn images with brasero, but it'll only burn my cd-rs22:59
Jp82191what kind of dvd drive is it22:59
flootenkerpIt doesn't recognize the dvd-rs22:59
Jp82191i think you need a different program to burn dvd-r22:59
new2ubutnugrkblood13 - i always use Toast and just rip the VOBs and recompile22:59
airtonixflootenkerp, if you insert a blank dvd in the drive does nautlus offer to open the burning applet ?22:59
flootenkerpNot at all23:00
flootenkerpIt dos with cd-r though.23:00
new2ubutnubut that23:00
new2ubutnu's on a mac23:00
saltyJp82191, i think you need to install dvdtools from the repositories or something of that effect23:00
karma_policeis there a prog out like bearshare or limewire out for ubuntu?23:00
new2ubutnuo.k. so I just rebooted..   quick question - do I HAVE to have a user name and password?23:00
blakkheimkarma_police: limewire has an ubuntu version23:01
iflemakarma_police: p2p = amule23:01
new2ubutnui would love frostwire for Ubuntu23:01
airtonix!info ogmrip | grkblood1323:01
ubottugrkblood13: ogmrip (source: ogmrip): Application for ripping and encoding DVD. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.13.2-0.0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 310 kB, installed size 1448 kB23:01
blakkheimnew2ubutnu: yes, why wouldn't you23:01
bastid_raZorkarma_police: frostwire23:01
sven_oostenbrinkAnything known about heller slow intel graphics driver in kernel
localnuttergrkblood13 try k9copy23:01
switch10any good mp3 tagging software out there?  I am done with "easy tag"23:01
new2ubutnuI don't want a user-name and password..  i live up in the mountains  nobody has access to the comp  why bother with it?23:01
Jp82191salty, lol im helping someone else up23:02
blakkheimnew2ubutnu: how else would you login?23:02
Jp82191karma_police, yes limewire is avaliable for ubuntu23:02
grkblood13thanks airtonix23:02
new2ubutnui dunno - hence why I'm asking - can't i just have it start up ??  lol  I'm a newb - MS XP SP3 was my last pay-to-use OS23:02
airtonix!info k9copy | grkblood1323:02
ubottugrkblood13: k9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.3.3-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1325 kB, installed size 3676 kB23:02
Out_Coldnew2ubutnu, you can enable automatic login on your system.... the passwords should remain because people can hack your system23:03
localnutterk9copy does a very good job!23:03
airtonixgrkblood13 , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=567016&highlight=ConvertIt23:03
new2ubutnuo.k. good - so when I figure out the wifi adapter issue I'll loook up how to make my system auto-logon23:03
airtonixgrkblood13, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/RippingDVDs23:03
Jp82191new2ubuntu, whats the issue?23:04
Out_Coldnew2ubutnu, i think it's in system>admin>login as for the wifi... what's up with that?/23:04
new2ubutnuo.k. so I go system>admin>network settings23:04
macondoI want to transfer files from my phone to ubuntu using bluetooth, but ubuntu only lists as "headphones" and not to transfer files. What could be happening?23:04
new2ubutnuand the only options are unlock and close23:04
Jp82191no on the network icon on top right side right click and hit enable wireless23:04
Out_Coldnew2ubutnu, so unlock it23:04
ravigehlotI am puzzled. I changed the default English language to Portuguese. After a reboot, all contents from my HOME directory were not available. My desktop icons were not there. The folder Public had NOTHING in it. Then I switched it back to English and everything was back to normal. Any word on what may have happened?23:05
Jp82191enable networking when you get there let me know23:05
sven_oostenbrinkAnything known about heller slow intel graphics driver in kernel
new2ubutnutop right - there's a "recycle bin/garbage"23:05
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Jp82191new2ubuntu, where is your ethernet icon?23:05
new2ubutnuno ethernet cable and no ethernet icon23:05
prudhviHi, where can i download the default Ubuntu Theme/Desktop Font collection? If there is a tar file if any23:06
new2ubutnuI have the time and date - then the garbage can on the top right23:06
new2ubutnutop left is the Ubuntu - "start" button23:06
airtonixgrkblood13, this thread also looks interesting : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130964723:06
Jp82191then go to System, then Preferences, then network connections23:06
jribravigehlot: something went wrong with xdg-user-dirs I guess23:07
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Jp82191go to wireless tab23:07
new2ubutnuonly option resembling that is Network proxy23:07
kinja-sheepprudhvi: http://tinyurl.com/ygandky ?23:07
new2ubutnui did not set up internet upon install because i don't have ethernet - only wifi23:07
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Jp82191are you using a pci card or a usb wireless adapter23:08
new2ubutnuRALink 250023:08
EraldoI have managed to get Foxyproxy working with Ubuntu 9.10, Firefox, privoxy and Tor but somehow I can not use any manual proxy23:08
new2ubutnuWiFiDocs says it should be recognized23:08
EraldoIf I enter a new proxy into foxyproxy then I get "The connection has timed out" when reloading the page23:09
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waltercoolairtonix, Thats my problem: http://yfrog.com/2mscreenshottzip23:09
prudhvikinja-sheep: not the title. I am running OpenSolaris and i really like the new Ubuntu Clearlooks + Fonts and other themes. I want to use it on this machine.23:09
Jp82191what ubuntu version are you using?23:09
jellowEraldo: proxy dead?23:09
waltercoolairtonix, corefonts installed anyways23:09
Eraldojellow: I have tried several proxies...23:09
Jp82191what is the code name for that?23:09
dabidI'm on the Ubuntu channel because it's so popular23:09
Eraldobut I am not sure if I set them up correctly23:09
new2ubutnulol code name?  umm Ubuntu Studio?23:09
dabidi don't have linux23:09
Eraldoit does not have to be a SOCKS proxy, does it?23:10
kinja-sheepprudhvi: Themes can be found under /usr/share/themes.  Fonts under /usr/share/fonts23:10
Jp82191go to system then about23:10
new2ubutnuhardy heron?23:10
jellowEraldo: no, Can be just normal http proxy23:11
Eraldojellow: could you please help me get it working?23:11
bastid_raZornew2ubutnu: there is a channel dedicated to Ubuntu Studio... type /j #ubuntustudio23:12
jellowEraldo: Sure hang on.23:12
iflemamacondo: you got it? maybe try set up computer side first... right click on bluetooth icon (usually just left of the clock)and select setup new device or browse new device23:12
Jp82191go to system then administration and hit hardware drivers23:12
Eraldojellow: thank you :)23:12
new2ubutnuthanks bastid - I'll go once Jp gets back23:12
macondoiflema: I can already connect to the phone, but I cannot transfer files in particular.23:13
Jp82191you hit the system then admin, then hardware drivers23:13
Jp82191see what it says tehre23:13
macondoI remember having done this with previous versions of ubuntu.23:13
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paissadwhat's the average speed rate for rsync if we have fast ethernet cards in the local network ? ...23:14
new2ubutnujust nvidia_new  says it's enabled and not in use - which doesn't make sense to me - cause that's the graphics card and if it's not in use - then why can I see my GUI?23:14
iflemamacondo: do you recieve errors of cant see file(s)?23:14
smileypaissad: depending if its doing an incremental update or not.. its usually limited to the speed of your network23:14
paissadactually, my speed rate is 1,5MB/s ..... it seems to be my bandwith over internet .....23:14
smileyso... 100 meg = ~ 12 Mb/sec23:14
paissadi expected to have 50MB/s or higher .....23:15
Jp82191lol new2ubuntu go to the other channel and see what they have to say23:15
iflemamacondo: that of should be or23:15
smileyone of your cards may be connecting at 10M instead of 100/100023:15
new2ubutnulol thanks Jp23:15
new2ubutnulater all23:15
smiley50 is a bit excessive23:15
smileyi'd say if you reach 20.. be happy..23:15
smiley50 is beyond what most hard drives will handle..23:15
blakkheimhaving an ssd sure is nice23:15
smileyblakkheim: for file transfers.. yes, it is nice.. for the wallet.. it is not.23:16
paissadsmiley, it's a 1st run of rsync ,23:16
SnoopyI am having trouble hearing the audio in some videos... I get a window up aying that I need a Windows Speech Decoder23:16
blakkheimsmiley: mine was just over $100USD and is a HUGE improvement23:16
smileypaissad: you'll be limited to your network connections (hopefully not wireless???) and the speed(s) of your hard drives23:16
jellowEraldo: On firefox goto edit - Preference - Network tab - Conection Settings - check manual Proxy -23:16
smileyblakkheim: agreed.. it wil be my next investment.. as it is one of the last remaining bottle necks on my machine.. just waiting for the prices to come down a bit23:17
smileyDInner time guys.. chat later.23:17
macondoiflema: yes, obex is unable to open the device using nautilus.23:17
macondo"The folder contents could not be displayed"23:17
paissadsmiley, the server is a fast ethernet card , the laptop  -> wireless card  .. but the theorical speed rate for wireless is 54 MB/s,23:17
datzHow do I set up remote desktop, where are the advanced configure options?23:18
iflemamacondo: k23:18
macondoPlus, if I list the services provided by the laptop with my phone, it says "headphones, hands-free".23:18
macondoNo file transfer whatsoever.23:18
iflemamacondo: hmmm23:18
Eraldojellow: shouldn't foxyproxy do that work for my so I can switch from non-proxy to proxy23:19
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new2ubutnuo.k. nobody is responding there..23:20
yud_zrochow do I access my wireless passwords (to copy and paste/backup info)23:20
new2ubutnuI opened up a wlan0 properties window..23:20
Jp82191what does it say?23:21
new2ubutnunothing - everything is blank23:21
Jp82191ok does it say add new connection?23:21
new2ubutnunetwork name - nothing, password type is defaulted at WPA personal23:21
macondoiflema: what packages do I need to transfer files?23:21
r0k3tm3ni am looking to write a script to mail me when a user logs in. i have tried a bash script for sendmail and mutt, but neither provide total automation and sendmail requires the root password to run23:22
r0k3tm3ncan anyone help>23:22
LrdMtrodI want to kill something23:22
Quasar1048Hm.. what does g15daemon/macro need besides libusb and libg15?23:22
iflemamacondo: should be included.... whats ya laptop model/manu.... have ya google'd some keywords?23:22
Rafase282can anyone help me with vnc stuff?23:22
Eraldojellow: can I somehow tell tor to use a US IP instead of a german one23:22
macondoiflema: HP dv200023:22
new2ubutnuJp there's no add new connection anywhere - it's the properties window for wlan0 in config settings I selected auto config - DHCP23:22
jellowEraldo: Yes , but it changes automaticly every 20 minutes or so23:23
Jp82191tell me everything it says23:23
LrdMtrodIs it against the rules to start flamewars?23:23
new2ubutnuthe "ok" button is still grayed out23:23
Eraldojellow: oh, well that is not what I want23:23
yud_zrochow does one revocer their passwords stored in the network manager23:23
Jp82191are you on xchat?23:23
Eraldojellow: unless it gives me a new US one :)23:24
new2ubutnuat top is a toggle box to "enable this connection"23:24
yud_zrocLrdMtrod: yes23:24
Jp82191yes hit enable this connection23:24
new2ubutnuI'm on gogloom.com chat rooms23:24
new2ubutnuo.k. i hit enable connection23:24
Jp82191what does it say now?23:24
jellowEraldo: What kind of proxy you need?23:24
new2ubutnuwhen I enable the wireless settings are available to edit23:24
new2ubutnuthree lines23:24
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dixienormasanyonne know how i can get steam/TF2 running on 8.04?23:24
jellowEraldo: for hulu or something?23:24
Eraldojellow: what is hulu?23:25
Jp82191new2ubuntu check your pm23:25
new2ubutnuNetwork name (ESSID)23:25
blakkheimdixienormas: #winehq23:25
new2ubutnudon't know what pm is23:25
chriswaterguyhowdy. I'm using 8.10, and can't connect to a DSL modem via cable (Auto eth0). It tells me it's connected but I can't actually connect via browser or Skype. [I'm now using a Vista machine to connect - ack]. Network manager also shows a "DSL connection 1" option but that fails to connect at all.23:25
jellowEraldo: its a Online tv program youc an only get in US23:25
Jp82191where it says ssid enter the SSID of the connection you want to connect to23:25
Eraldojellow: Oh, nice23:26
datzchriswaterguy: you've set up a network connection for dsl?23:26
dixienormashey could you give me a link to download winehq?23:26
dixienormasim lazy23:26
basiliskQuestion! If I place the LiveCD/Set up CD files onto a partition of a new HDD and put the HDD inside a computer, will it boot the set up?23:26
new2ubutnuo.k. is SSID going to be on the wireless router coming from the satellite dish23:26
blakkheimdixienormas: it's an irc channel for wine support..23:26
Eraldojellow: what kind of proxy would be needed to be able to do such things?23:26
dhamonCan someone explain cloud computing to me? I've googled it and read the wikipedia article but still don't full grasp it/23:26
dixienormasi know that but i need to install wine first23:26
iflemamacondo: phone?23:26
jamesmaiMy computer reboots indefinatly on "Grub Loading" , In trying to reinstall Grub to MBR it says can't find /boot/grub/stage1 I've checked and it indeed doesn't exist! Where can I get these necessary files?23:26
blakkheimdhamon: then you aren't going to grasp our explanation of it either23:26
new2ubutnucloud is like the Trees on Avatar Dhamon23:27
Jp82191new2ubuntu: do you know the name of the connection23:27
growthmetalhow can I see what kernel version I am running?Z23:27
Quasar1048Heres what it says when i try to install g15macro: http://pastie.org/770897 . What does it need besides libusb and ling15? Anyone know?23:27
bastid_raZorchriswaterguy: with dsl the modem will send the username/password for the connection. on the ubuntu box you'll use wired to connect.23:27
blakkheimgrowthmetal: uname -r23:27
r0k3tm3ni am looking to write a script to mail me when a user logs in. i have tried a bash script for sendmail and mutt, but neither provide total automation and sendmail requires the root password to run. can anyone help?23:27
basiliskdhamon: think of it as running programs from someone else's computer23:27
growthmetalblakkheim: thanks!23:27
new2ubutnuJP - if I look at my sister's Vista and see what the internet is called is that the SSID23:27
ssnhi guys23:27
new2ubutnuo.k. hold one23:27
chriswaterguydatz: I have to set one up? on Vista it auto-detects, I thought that was normal.23:27
jellowEraldo: Proxy would not work you would need a VPN23:27
ssni have a big problem with xorg/lxde under ubuntu.23:28
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Eraldojellow: oh, well I only need to read sites...23:28
datzchriswaterguy: if you are connected directly to the modem, you have to set up the connection details, same for vista, it must have been set up already. Get your user name and password23:28
ssnthe max resolution always (on any machine) is 800x60023:28
ssnxrandr says this is the maximum resolution23:28
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Dr_Willisssn:  give details... video card chipset, monitor type.. what exact dviers you installed..23:28
ssnwhat can i do to change this?23:28
ssnDr_Willis: virtualbox23:29
datzchriswaterguy: then right click on the connection icon and go to edit connections, there is a dsl tab, add23:29
ssnit runs in a virtual machine23:29
Dr_Willisssn:  for virtualbox - install the guest-addations23:29
Dr_Willisssn:  you will gain higher res and better performacne23:29
ssnDr_Willis: but i tried it on 4 different machines and it was the same23:29
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords23:29
datzcan someone help me with remote desktop?23:29
Dr_Willisssn:  you are doing somthing wrong then. Ive ran several disrtos in vbox. and untill i get the guest addons installed - the res will stay low.23:29
Jp82191datz: what do you need?23:29
new2ubutnuJP you are the shizzle23:30
ssnDr_Willis: ok23:30
basiliskI want to make a recover/set up partition on a blank HDD.  Will it work just to copy over the LiveCD files or do I need more??23:30
crlsgmshi everyone, i need help setting the sound on my ubuntu 9.04. hereis my lspci http://pastebin.com/m7e06aa6423:30
datzI want to be able to access my desktop from the internet23:30
Jp82191new2ubuntu: is it working now?23:30
new2ubutnujp - do you always use the same Hanlde?23:30
datzJp82191: ^23:30
Jp82191new2ubuntu: yes23:30
new2ubutnuyep I'm online on the desktop23:30
solifugusI got a new Lexmark printer... How can I install a driver for it?  It comes with a linux driver but I don't know how to uncompress a Imacgtar.z file....23:30
crlsgmsiv got audacious, the sound keeps running, but even turning the volume up nothing goes23:30
chriswaterguydatz: that seems odd - my friend didn't have to add anything in Vista (she said - maybe she forgot). She's away now anyway, and I find connection details on the Vista machine.23:30
Jp82191datz: have you set up remote desktop before?23:30
new2ubutnugood deal - I'll be back in a while lol gotta go get the pizza and wings for the football game tonight23:30
_cbI am going to do a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10. I created a new parttion and moved the data from my Home partition to the new partition.  When I restarted Ubuntu it tells me I have no rights to the new partition. How do I grant me rights to the new partition?23:30
chriswaterguydatz: I mean I *can't* find connection details...23:30
datzJp82191: On windows, and ubuntu before23:30
mOOeysolifugus: do you plan on re-inking your cartridges or getting them refilled at the pharmacy?23:31
Jp82191datz: ok windows remote desktop is different than ubuntu's you know that right?23:31
ChazHow can I download the source code for packages? In software sources I have "Source Code" checked.23:31
datzJp82191: I was just going to try to use the built in remote desktop23:32
solifugusm00ey, probably the company.. but in any case that's not my concern right now.. I want to get the printer working23:32
jellowEraldo: Damn got to go , Most of the proxies you get on google are dead , Try a VPN or keep looking23:32
kinja-sheepChaz: "sudo apt-get source <xyzPackage>"23:32
mOOeyyou can't reuse lexmark carts - that's why I asked - before you use it and can't take it back ;-)23:32
Eraldojellow: okay... thank you!23:32
sladermenHello guys im running ubuntu 9.10 and when i installed it I chose to encrypt my home directory. However I now wish to disable the encryption. How can I do this? thanks23:32
Jp82191datz: remote desktop as far as i can see in ubuntu only works with computers on YOUR NETWORK23:32
Chazkinja-sheep: What is the point of the "Source Code" check box under Administration>Software Sources?23:32
solifugusDoes ubuntu have a standard way of installing printer drivers?23:33
chriswaterguybastid_raZor: thanks. how do I get the modem to send the username/password? I've already tried both options under Wired (DSL connection 1 & Auto eth023:33
datzchriswaterguy: do you have the username / password for the dsl connection?23:33
jellowEraldo: Sorry could not help , good luck23:33
chriswaterguydatz: no. at a friend's house, they're at work (and I'd be surprised if they new)23:33
datzJp82191: not according to this: http://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktop23:33
phuffordIn my sugar activity journal entries are created with specific metadata. I need my activity to edit the metadata for these journal entries after the datastore object has been destroyed, like after I close my activity and open it again. Is this possible? And if  it is possible how can I do it?23:33
mkanyicyhi everyone23:33
kinja-sheepChaz: For developers, perhaps? Most users should only need binaries.  Source codes are useful if people are configuring to include / exclude certain patches.23:33
sladermenHello guys im running ubuntu 9.10 and when i installed it I chose to encrypt my home directory. However I now wish to disable the encryption. How can I do this? thanks23:34
datzJp82191: I've opened port 590023:34
Chazkinja-sheep: I have it checked, I was assuming that the source code would be downloaded to my system as well when I install packages yet I do not see it anywhere.23:34
datzJp82191: but says only able to connect locally23:34
datzJp82191: let me try to connect with my IP add23:34
Jp82191hold on im looking up that webpage now23:34
kinja-sheep!source | Chaz23:35
Jp821911 Preliminary Note: I have tested this on an Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) desktop.23:35
ubottuChaz: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html23:35
datzJp82191: ok, now it lists my IP address23:35
Jp82191did you see that datz?23:35
datzso it should work  (down at the bottom)23:35
Jp82191I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!23:36
Chazkinja-sheep: I know I can get it alternative ways, just wasn't sure what that was used for. Thanks anyway.23:36
kinja-sheepChaz: I have mine toggled off since I have no need for sources.23:36
Chazkinja-sheep: The point is I have it checked but I don't see the sources anywhere.23:36
datzJp82191: I wouldn't expect you to. I don't know how I would hold you to that anyway. :)23:36
kinja-sheepChaz: Gotcha. Now you know. :)23:36
datzJp82191: now I just need to find the remote viewer..23:36
sladermenCan anyone please help me out?23:36
datzJp82191: do you know where that is?23:36
Jp82191go to the synaptics package manager and search for it there23:37
datzJp82191: oops, it's in Applications->Internet23:37
datzJp82191: I think the setup has a poor interface...23:38
sladermenHello guys im running ubuntu 9.10 and when i installed it I chose to encrypt my home directory. However I now wish to disable the encryption. How can I do this? thanks23:38
datzJp82191: got it working though, thanks23:38
Jp82191datz: see ya23:39
airtonixsladermen, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory23:39
Jp82191sladermen: http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2010/01/recursively-encrypt-decrypt-directories.html23:39
Jp82191try that or airtonix's link23:39
user123hello, anyone knows how to configure a live mail account with evolution? I already receive emails, but I cannot send any.23:39
airtonixsladermen, (i dont have an encrypted home folder ) but i assume : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#How to Remove an Encrypted Private Directory Setup is what you want23:40
xguruuser123: set your outgoing mail server23:40
Jp82191user123: go here23:40
airtonixsladermen, pay extreme attention to step one.23:40
sladermenairtonix, but i chose to encrypt my entire home directory with the karmic (9.10) installation cd..23:41
Jp82191user123: go to this link and they have a video or pictured instructions. http://a2b-net.com/software/hmlmeas23:41
sn[a]keis there a python server?23:41
airtonixsladermen, yes ?23:41
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airtonixsladermen, you are confused because it mentions intrepid ibex at the top of the page ?23:42
sladermenairtonix, so I dont know how Im going to unencrypt all of it while im logged in23:42
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org23:42
sn[a]ke!python channel23:42
babymaiMy computer reboots on Grub Loading stage1, /boot/grub/stage1 doesn't exist! What do I do?23:42
kinja-sheepsn[a]ke: #python23:42
trismsn[a]ke: the channel is #python on freenode23:42
chriswaterguy\me is going offline to try something...23:42
airtonixsladermen, currently i assume 1) you are logged in already 2) you have access to the files right now (ie you can copy and paste them to somewhere else)23:43
EphriamGreyI just finished putting togther a new box - however, I left my keyboard, cd drive, linux boot flashdrive at home. I have my intel macbook w/ Mac OS X, a monitor, usb mouse, blank usb flash drive. What's the easiest solution to get ubuntu on my box? Also, does, Ubuntu have kickstart, or was that just a red hat thing?23:44
babymaiAttempting to fix my Grub MBR Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no  ::::::: I checked /boot/grub and indeed stage1 doesn't exist!23:44
ja660kis there a way i can watch .m4v movies on ubuntu23:45
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Jp82191install VLC media player23:45
Jp82191and it will work23:46
ja660ki did... it doesnt work23:46
bmattcan anyone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135561023:46
Jp82191ja660k: did you download and install the video codecs?23:47
ja660ki dont think so23:47
ja660ki can play other video formats?23:47
Kieran0413ja660k, check restricted formats on the wiki23:47
bmattanyone with an ipod touch/iphone?23:47
daftykinssladermen: i've just been googling around for you and can't come up with anything useful at all - it's a bit shocking how there's no obvious way around this. i think you'll need to backup your data, format the /home partition if it's on its' own, then recreate your home folder / reinstall the OS if it's one partition23:47
trismja660k: should just need to install ubuntu-restricted-extras for m4v23:48
chriswaterguybastid_raZor & datz: I think the "DSL connection 1" was a false lead. when I click "edit connections" it said that it last connected 5 months ago, so I guess it's old and irrelevant. I deleted it. Auto eth0 still auto-connects, but I can't connect via browser or Skype.23:48
sladermendaftykins, thanks. yeah this really sucks. you'd think there would be a simple "disable home encryption" option somewhere in the system settings if they offer the home encryption in the installation wizard sigh23:48
ja660khow can i do that via cmd?23:49
daftykinssladermen: absolutely23:49
trismja660k: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:49
ja660kahh thanks alot23:49
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bmattcan anyone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135561023:50
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_phantomdamn people are stupid23:50
Jp82191what do you need help with the instructions are right there23:50
babymaiAttempting to fix my Grub MBR Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no  ::::::: I checked /boot/grub and indeed stage1 doesn't exist. Where can I get this file?23:50
Jp82191just follow those steps and it will work or get a windows machine if you want to use itunes23:51
_phantomi just watched a women at the bar put her rent money in a poker machine23:51
Jp82191babymai: just reinstall the os23:51
Jp82191that sux23:51
babymaithats not an option23:51
Jp82191losing all your rent money23:51
Jp82191babymai: then what is an option23:51
bmattJp82191: well, i get an error that's not explained there, so I really have no where to go23:51
babymaiI can't reformat the drive23:52
_phantomi was talking to her as she was playing, she has 2 kids at home :/23:52
Jp82191if its not there and the os needs it to boot then you have to reformat23:52
mneptok_phantom: please take offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic23:52
ja660kim going to go out on a limb and say she wont be paying rent...23:52
Jp82191lol same here23:52
_phantomlol ja660k23:52
Jp82191bmatt: what error do you get23:52
_phantomshe was even shaking as she pumped in the money23:52
_phantomoh well23:52
_phantomhows everyone doing here23:52
babymaiJp82191 there must be a way to get this file.....23:53
mneptok!offtopic > _phantom23:53
ubottu_phantom, please see my private message23:53
Jp82191ok can you boot the hdd23:53
Jp82191and will the os load23:53
babymaiI'm on a livecd23:53
xteejxhi all23:53
babymaiand can mount the partition fine23:53
bmattjp82191: on the step where I'm using "ipod-read-sysinfo-extended", i get an error about not being able to read the xml on the device23:53
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xteejxany bug triagers here that aren't watching the -bugs channel??23:53
bmattCouldn't read xml sysinfo from <udid>23:54
Jp82191bmatt: what step is it?23:54
Jp82191number 2 3 4?23:54
bmattjp82191: 423:54
Tytyhow do i see what version of ubuntu am i running?23:54
Jp82191system then hit about ubuntu23:55
Tytyforget if its 8.04 or 8.1023:55
xteejxill take that as a NO then lol23:55
Jp82191tyty: go to system then click on About Ubuntu23:55
Tytyword thanks i knew that dunno why i forgot >.>23:55
qt-xhy all23:55
Jp82191hey qt23:56
kinja-sheepTyty: lsb_release -rs23:56
bmattjp82191 any ideas?23:56
Jp82191bmatt: did you follow the exact steps as they were described?23:56
bmattjp82191: yes, except im using linux mint, so instead of /mnt/ipod, its /media/ipod23:57
bastid_raZor!mintsupport | bmatt23:57
ubottubmatt: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:57
GlowballJust wondering: the flash plug-in in the repositories, is it still the 32 bit version with a compatibility layer, or did Adobe actually bring out a stable 64 bit plug-in for Flash 10 (I remember to have read the 64 bit support in Flash 10 was only some testing around, with a stable release in Flash 11)?23:58
EphriamGreyI just finished putting togther a new box - however, I left my keyboard, cd drive, linux boot flashdrive at home. I have my intel macbook w/ Mac OS X, a monitor, usb mouse, blank usb flash drive. What's the easiest solution to get ubuntu on my box? Also, does, Ubuntu have kickstart, or was that just a red hat thing?23:58
Jp82191yeah matt go to that channel23:59
kinja-sheepGlowball: The one in the repo is 32bit with nsdiswrapper. There are native 64bit and it have been in alpha for long time. It worked great for many 64-bit users like myself.23:59
Jp82191maybe you will get a better response than what i was prepared to give you23:59

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