
CIA-6ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r184 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/ (changelog ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu.install):13:07
CIA-6ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: Put Kubuntu slides in their own directory to avoid having to make13:07
CIA-6ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: each slideshow package conflict.13:07
stgrabercjwatson: ping13:53
stgrabercjwatson: I was just wondering, did you get my mail about getting a LTSP chroot on the Edubuntu DVD image ?13:53
cjwatsonstgraber: sorry for the delay. I've replied now14:36
=== robbiew1 is now known as robbiew
stgrabercjwatson: thanks for the reply, I did the seed change yesterday evening, I'll have a look at livecd-rootfs and poke lamont.15:03
CIA-6casper: evand * r739 casper.trunk/ (scripts/casper-bottom/42disable_apparmor debian/changelog):19:55
CIA-6casper: Remove scripts/casper-bottom/42disable_apparmor. Apparmor19:55
CIA-6casper: 2.3.1+bzr1312-0ubuntu3 and ifupdown 0.6.8ubuntu26 now no-op when19:55
CIA-6casper: they detect the live CD environment.19:55
CIA-6casper: evand * r739 lucid/ (scripts/casper-bottom/42disable_apparmor debian/changelog):20:31
CIA-6casper: Remove scripts/casper-bottom/42disable_apparmor. Apparmor20:31
CIA-6casper: 2.3.1+bzr1312-0ubuntu3 and ifupdown 0.6.8ubuntu26 now no-op when20:31
CIA-6casper: they detect the live CD environment.20:31
CIA-6casper: evand * r740 lucid/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.21220:31
=== lolcat is now known as SquishyD

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