
_Groo_Riddell: did you test the virtuoso 6.0.1svn backend? it doesnt work with lib,, hmm... whats the damn name00:00
_Groo_Riddell: ahh libsoprano00:00
Riddellwhat fancy plasmoid?00:01
Riddellwe'll stick to virtuoso 5 until we hear otherwise from upstream I think00:02
_Groo_Riddell: yeah im using my 5 build, it works fine00:02
_Groo_Riddell: the fancy task plasmoid.. crashes kde 4.4 rc1 plasma-desktop00:02
Riddellmay be an ABI issue, might need to be rebuilt00:03
JontheEchidnanah, abi should be stable00:04
JontheEchidnawhee, fancy tasks does crash plasma though00:05
_Groo_JontheEchidna: its a facy tasks problem, i opened a bug, got trashed by aseigo, lol.. its ven reported in several distros like mandriva and opensuse.. and yes, i rebuild it yesterday just to make sure...00:08
_Groo_nothing we can do, just wait and do a mental note to update it asap (which i intend to).00:08
* JontheEchidna would have trashed it had he seen it first :D00:08
JontheEchidnaWonder if anybody left a comment at the kde-look page00:09
_Groo_JontheEchidna: i just complained/reported that normal plasmoids shouldnt in a perfect world to crash the entire desktop... but aseigo is very itchy00:09
_Groo_JontheEchidna: severals00:09
_Groo_JontheEchidna: i also notified the author00:09
Riddellthat's a touchy point00:10
_Groo_anyway, i explained to him, its not the first time im bitch slapped around :D00:11
_Groo_if you guys wanna laugh a little, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22182700:11
ubottuKDE bug 221827 in general "plasmoid fancy tasks crashes kde 4 4 rc1, works fine in beta2 and before" [Crash,Resolved: downstream]00:11
_Groo_im paulo dias00:12
_Groo_how btw, another bug00:12
_Groo_some genius (pun intended eheheheh) recompiled libmsn0.1 as 0.2 but forgot that kopete has a hard dependency with libmsn0.1 so it broken the app it was suposed to fix, lol00:13
JontheEchidnanot a bug00:13
_Groo_JontheEchidna: oO00:14
_Groo_JontheEchidna: cochroach?00:14
JontheEchidnakdenetwork will build against 0.200:14
_Groo_JontheEchidna: yeah i know, but for now it broke kopete, just warning...00:14
JontheEchidnaunfortunate, but necessary00:15
JontheEchidnahopefully libmsn won't break binary compatibility any time soon00:16
_Groo_JontheEchidna: well since only kopete is using it (that i know of), it only makes sense to update it if the kde devs already put support into the new abi00:18
_Groo_JontheEchidna: and btw, why o why libmsn doesnt follow the normal version convention?00:18
JontheEchidnaI have no clue00:18
_Groo_JontheEchidna: let me guess.. debian heritage?00:18
JontheEchidnathat's why I missed the .so version change the first time around00:18
_Groo_Riddell: scott did the kdebindings compiled fine? oO (pls tell me they did).00:19
JontheEchidnaanyway, kopete does support the new api, but it fails with the old api00:19
JontheEchidnaso I had to update libmsn before I updated kdenetwork00:19
_Groo_JontheEchidna: yeah i figured that much... i just warned you guys just in case00:20
JontheEchidnaI did mess up in that I accidentally let the 0.2 .so to slip in the 0.1 package00:20
Riddella lot of upstreams don't want to use version 1.0 until they think it's stable, this can clash with library versioning convention00:20
_Groo_after all im the official nagger of this channel and beyond00:20
Riddell_Groo_: no, it needs a newer SIP which hasn't been released yet :(00:20
JontheEchidnaRiddell: libmsn has an .so version of 0.2, and libmsn is versioned as 4.0 :s00:21
_Groo_Riddell: argh, that will probably break eric too00:21
_Groo_JontheEchidna: yeah very weird XD they really try to make things dificcult for packagers00:21
Riddellno worse than kdelibs :)00:22
JontheEchidnaI'll admit that I probably should have checked to see if the .so version changed, but that versioning system is just unfair :P00:22
_Groo_JontheEchidna: relax... dont start the whipping ... YET...00:24
_Groo_but overall is a nice release... :)00:24
* JontheEchidna hides behind the "it's alpha" excuse00:24
_Groo_i just dont get it how to use virtuoso... its suposed to do something with kmail and such, but i cant figure out the "semantic" paradigm... not enough brain cells00:25
_Groo_JontheEchidna: lol, ALPHA??????00:25
_Groo_isnt it RC???00:25
JontheEchidnakubuntu 10.04 is alpha00:25
* _Groo_ pretends he doesnt know JontheEchidna is talking about the libamsn ;)00:25
sebasis anyone working on rc1 packages? :)00:30
Riddellgrumble grumble upstreams who don't give us time grumble grumble00:31
sebasyou realize that you complain that upstream is just very fast ;)00:32
sebasis it a problem for you not having zero day packages of an rc?00:32
_Groo_it is for me...00:32
Riddellit breaks the process that KDE has been doing for the last decade which confuses people somewhat00:32
* _Groo_ misses doing a cronned dist-upgrade of debian experimental every 15 min..00:32
Riddellbut at least it gives us a handy excuse for not rushing to deadline00:33
sebasHow much time do you need for packaging an rc, at least?00:33
sebasMaybe we can tighten that a bit00:33
sebasI mean, this release was pretty fast, basically within 24h after tagging, there were final source tarballs, and 12 hours later it was announced and published, including mirrors in sync00:34
Riddell3 days at least (i.e. we should be done and tested by saturday evening)00:34
sebasfor the .0 release, it'll be one week, btw00:35
sebasthis short period between tagging and release is really only to get *test* releases out the door as quickly as possible00:35
Riddellbut it's a change compared to what KDE has always done, and there hasn't been much communicating that to users00:36
sebasbecause if there's a week of solid bugfixing in between, the testing base is more outdated00:36
sebassounds like a corner case, but with the numbers of bugs being triaged and closed, it's  a substantial amount00:36
sebas(nearly 20k bugs closed in the past cycle)00:37
RiddellI don't think it was even discussed on release-team?00:37
RiddellI can see the rationale right enough but our poor users are grumpy00:37
sebasI did blog about it, that much I know00:37
sebasWell, it allows you to create packages as fast as possible and immediately release them when you're happy with them00:38
sebasnot wait until our final announcement00:38
RiddellI'm tempted to put a notice on kubuntu.org but then it sounds like we're the grumpy ones00:38
sebasI totally agree that zero-day packages for "real" releases are critical00:38
Riddellnot saying it's a bad thing, but it hasn't been announced enough I think, not everyone reads planetkde (shocking I know)00:38
sebasYou can quote me telling that it's my fault :)00:38
* _Groo_ reads planetkde00:39
sebasit was a lengthy article as well, can't blame anyone for not picking it up00:39
Riddell~identica dent sebas finally admits its all his fault00:39
sebasit's :P00:39
JontheEchidnamake[3]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libGL.so', needed by `lib/libkwineffects.so.1.0.0'.  Stop.00:39
Riddellthe bot isn't around anyway00:39
_Groo_btw is sebas = aaron?00:39
JontheEchidnawhat a lovely time for the opengl stack to break00:39
Riddellyeah, they're two sides of the same person00:40
Riddell(not really)00:40
sebas_Groo_: we both don't support the assignment operator00:40
RiddellJontheEchidna: in karmic?00:40
JontheEchidnaRiddell: lucid proper00:40
sebas== however would yield false00:40
JontheEchidnakdebase-workspace == fail00:40
_Groo_sebas: lol.. i ask because the only one who writes lenghty posts in planetkde is aaron00:40
RiddellJontheEchidna: grr to X people00:41
JontheEchidnasebas is obviously not shift-key challenged00:41
sebasI'm closer to a Shift-key nazi ;)00:41
_Groo_libGL.so is just a dynamic link... how could it break there.. very strange00:42
JontheEchidnaSo your aseigo's evil twin :P00:42
sebasI like your nick, JontheEchidna :)00:42
_Groo_no, not two of them!!!00:42
_Groo_well need to go now...00:42
* Riddell waits for sebas to point out JontheEchidna's typo00:42
_Groo_seeya all tomorrow...00:42
=== sebas is now known as seba
JontheEchidnaCAN'T CORRECT ME NOW00:43
sebaRiddell: not a typo :)00:43
seba /nick seba's00:43
sebaSo it's a technical limitation of the medium, much like the popular "I can't talk proper Klingon because I lack internal organs for it"-excuse (a valid one)00:44
_Groo_seeya all later...00:45
sebag'night _Groo_00:45
sebaRiddell: do you have updated libssh packages, btw?00:46
sebaHm, probably in lucid, right?00:46
Riddellseba: update to what?00:46
sebathe sftp KIO slave in 4.4 uses libssh00:46
Riddell0.4.0 in lucid00:46
Riddellbut it's not in main00:46
sebaon my karmic hackbook, it complains about a too low libssh version00:47
sebamight cause a regression, when people upgrade their karmic's KDE from 4.3 to 4.4, and the sftp slave is gone due to the too low libssh version that's required now00:48
sebaMy karmic's KDE 4.4 beta2 gives an "Invalid protocol" on sftp://localhost00:49
Riddelltrouble is our packages don't depend on libssh in lucid because it's not in main00:49
Riddellso it's not in the backport either00:49
* Riddell checks on the main inclusion bug00:49
sebafish:// works fine though00:49
Riddellooh it got approved!00:49
JontheEchidnahttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/7.6.1~rc3-1ubuntu2 <- got our problem00:49
Riddellfish is messy, I don't know why KDE still defaults to it00:50
sebabecause it works00:50
sebasftp only works when you enable sftp in the openssh server, fish works anyway00:50
sebaby copying over a perl script and running that on the remote host :D00:50
Riddelllibssh promoted to main00:53
Riddellwhere's the ioslave?00:53
sebabase I thought00:53
RiddellI'll get our crack team of ninjas-called-jonathan onto it immediately00:54
JontheEchidnathis is an entirely-jonathan release come to think of it00:55
JontheEchidna[20:01:02] <tjaalton> oh well, anything build-depending on libgl1-mesa-dev fails to build now01:01
JontheEchidna[20:01:07] <tjaalton> including the xserver01:01
Riddellone day I'll be an X packager and I'll get to say "you're all screwed" as polite as tjaalton can :)01:02
JontheEchidnalet's see if polkit gets detected on karmic now with the latest polkit-qt01:06
JontheEchidnaaha, yes01:09
JontheEchidnaRiddell: should I wait for a new runtime before backporting it?01:10
RiddellJontheEchidna: yes no point doing it twice if you havn't done it already01:12
* JontheEchidna unmarks himself from runtime01:13
RiddellI'm just editing the wiki page01:14
JontheEchidnaoh whew, the lock saved me01:14
seelewhoa.. Riddellis still awake?01:14
RiddellI know, I'm usually out at the disco on friday nights dancing away01:15
_Groo_ahhhh im back from the disco..01:35
_Groo_ppl asked where riddell was strangely...01:36
_Groo_they seemed disapointed... something about ridell best village ppl impersonator or something like that.. go figures...01:37
Riddellmore of a John Travolta dancer I like to think01:42
_Groo_Riddell: well travolta was veeeeeeeeery gay in dancing days... so... it matches auheuaheuaeuhae01:43
_Groo_Riddell: unless you where talking about the dance with uma thurman fase..01:44
Riddellhmm, no homophobic comments here please01:49
_Groo_Riddell: lol... where did you see the phobic? im not a english native but gay = happy01:52
Riddellit hasn't ment that for 40 years01:52
* JontheEchidna is reminded of "The F word" episode of South Park01:54
_Groo_Riddell: well but its always a good excuse till they update the english dictionary :01:56
Riddellhi Roger02:04
DaSkreechis the current kubuntu lucid nightly live cd burnable to a cd and bootable?02:05
Riddellno idea02:05
Riddellit's oversized02:05
Riddellcouldn't say if it boots or anything02:05
Riddellwould be interesting to know02:05
DaSkreechhmm o02:05
DaSkreechI have one cd lets pull a Koala ISO02:05
ScottKRiddell: I leaned on kees to get libssh done.02:05
* DaSkreech hates Windows02:06
RiddellScottK: I leaned on upstream to explain themselves, there's teamwork02:06
ScottKseba: fish is a bad hack that hasn't been needed for a long time.02:07
groo_ScottK: pls dont kill the fish.. me loves fish02:07
Riddelltry telling that to upstream, grumble02:07
groo_ScottK: is so useful02:07
* ScottK once accidentally fork bombed a server with fish and has never forgiven it.02:08
ScottKgroo_: Where can you use fish you can't use sfto?02:08
groo_ScottK: lots of omega-3...02:08
groo_ScottK: at work for ex... try to use sftp in a stupid solaris 902:08
DaSkreechWould be nice if I could pass a identity file to kio02:08
ScottKWell if you're dealing with odd stuff like that, sure.02:09
RiddellJontheEchidna, ScottK: kdebase-runtime with libssh uploaded and in bzr02:09
DaSkreech\ha ha02:09
groo_ScottK: see.. never discards something because its awkward... i always tell that to my wife..02:09
DaSkreechWindows narrator is on02:09
DaSkreechIt pronounced jussi01 and kubuntu correctly02:10
ScottKRiddell: Cool.02:10
Riddellthe point is made on the "please switch knetattach to sftp" bug that many servers don't work with fish because ISPs and whatnot restrict what you can do on the server02:10
groo_walking the dog... bbl.. seeya guys02:10
ScottKRiddell: Is that true or ancient folklore.02:11
* ScottK can't recall the last time he ran into that.02:11
groo_ScottK: maybe you need a job in real IT... like telecoms or banks...02:11
RiddellScottK: the comment is pretty recent so I assume he must have run into it02:11
groo_ScottK: by real IT i mean... "what this nt 4.0 with no updated is doing running IIS 6.0 with corporate data" real it02:12
Riddellif I was an ISP I'd allow sftp but not shell access02:12
ScottKgroo_: Understood.02:12
Riddellinfact, I am an ISP, and I do just that02:12
ScottKI think it's reasonable to keep fish around for when it's needed, but not as the default.02:12
ScottKThis reminds me of the heartache over getting rid of SSL v2 in hardy.02:13
JontheEchidnaugh, debian-qt-kde.mk is depending on quilt again02:13
ScottK"OMG, the protocol has only been superceded for 14 years, that's not NEARLY long enough."02:13
JontheEchidnaoh, nevermind02:14
* JontheEchidna forgot he was looking at old source02:14
Riddellah hah, another addition to your crack-ninjas-called-jonathan team02:14
ScottKOne of the interesting differences between fish and sftp is with multiple file transfer.02:14
ScottKWith sftp, it cracks open a connection and transfers serially.02:15
ScottKWith fish, it tries to fork the remote perl script people like so much.02:15
ScottKI tried to fish about 40,000 little files up onto a web server and BAM! forkbomb.02:16
ScottKBack later.02:17
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JontheEchidnayay, more mesa fail02:36
ScottKThat's what we need?02:38
ScottKIt's accepted on i386, so it should be available for builds in ~65 minutes02:40
JontheEchidnaoh, the latest mesa upload won't fix it02:41
ScottKThat's, um, unfortunate.02:41
ScottKWhat's the plan?02:42
JontheEchidnaThe X guys are presumably investigating how to fix things02:42
ScottKAre we guessing or do we know?02:42
JontheEchidnawell, they acknowledge that even X is broken, and some theories were tossed around02:42
JontheEchidna*that even xorg-server doesn't build02:43
JontheEchidnaanyways, the changes here weren't complete enough to prevent epic failure: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/7.6.1~rc3-1ubuntu202:43
JontheEchidnais basically the gist of it02:43
ScottKSo going to 7.7 doesn't fix it?02:44
JontheEchidnaright, it's a packaging bit that was improperly implemented02:46
ScottKI see.02:46
JontheEchidnaso anything build-deping on mesa is set to fail until it's fixed02:46
ScottKI see.02:46
ScottKExcept it's worse than that.02:48
ScottKkdebase-runtime doesn't directly build-dep on mesa. kde4libs does.02:48
ScottKSo indirect stuff FTBFS too.02:49
JontheEchidnaoh man, that means 0ubuntu2 for -runtime will fail02:51
Riddellalready has02:52
ScottKworkspace failed too02:52
JontheEchidnamultimedia as well02:53
JontheEchidnalibssh backport uploaded02:53
ScottKedu too02:54
Riddellok kdegames uploaded to ppa for karmic02:57
RiddellI think that's all I have energy for tonight, time to snooze02:57
ScottKJontheEchidna: I think this is a sign the -runtime is missing a build-dep on mesa.  Since it builds against the .so, it should have a build-dep and not depend on indirect build-deps.02:57
JontheEchidnatechnically only libplasma needs it, though.02:59
JontheEchidnaif libplasma's dependency on mesa went away, nothing bad would happen02:59
JontheEchidna(went away both in source and packaging)03:00
ScottKThen something else is wrong since it's looking for the .so.03:11
ScottKJontheEchidna: The #ubuntu-x guys say 7.7-0ubuntu1 is the fix.03:14
ScottKWe'll have that on i386 in ~30 minutes03:14
JontheEchidnatjaalton said that it wouldn't fix it03:14
ScottKI guess we'll find out.03:14
ScottKInteresting.  http://www.technovelty.org/linux/tips/vi-backup.html I've always used tail or less with active log files because it seemed like the right thing to do.  Now I know why.03:19
dhillon-v10Quintasan|Szel, ping03:20
DAskreeCHPeople use an editor to view files that are actively used?03:21
DAskreeCHwhy would they do that?03:22
groo_DAskreeCH: cause its the "windows:" way03:25
DAskreeCHWindows has files that can be read by an editor?03:26
nixternaljjesse: you are mean! :p03:28
jjessewhy am i mean?03:28
jjesseoh cause you are old and a cry baby?03:28
ScottKMaintainerless okular is not a good thing: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/413103:29
dhillon-v10ScottK, if okular looses a lot of people, does that mean in future we might not have it anymore ?03:32
ScottKApparently no one is maintaining it right now.03:33
ScottKSo if no one steps up, it'll eventually go away.03:33
ScottKIn the mean time, the bitrot will start to set in almost immediately.03:33
jjessewell that sucsk03:34
dhillon-v10ScottK, how hard is maintaining a package as complicated as okular, like really really hard or medium hard03:34
groo_dhillon-v10: medium rare... less with bitrot03:34
dhillon-v10groo_, do you think I can do it ?03:34
ScottKYou'd have to be pretty good with C++, know the KDE api really well, and probably make it your main focuse for FOSS work.03:34
groo_dhillon-v10: totally, go for it..03:35
groo_ScottK: actually nowadays okular is more of a cairo/pdf lib i dont remember shell03:35
dhillon-v10ScottK, alright, thanks for the info.03:36
groo_ScottK: all is heavy lifting is done by hmmm...03:36
* ScottK overhears a snippet of the teenager's conversation, "It's a problem in Firefox, but it works in Konqueror, so what you do is ..."03:36
groo_libpoppler-qt4-3 (>= 0.12), libqca2, libqimageblitz403:36
groo_ScottK: let me guess? apturl?03:37
dhillon-v10groo_, I am pretty good at C but I am learning packaging atm. What would you advise as the first steps03:37
DAskreeCHwhoot we have the teenage audience03:37
groo_dhillon-v10: for packaging?03:37
ScottKgroo_: Not sure.03:37
dhillon-v10groo_, no for okular :)03:37
ScottKFor these two girls that is an extraordinarily technical conversation.03:37
groo_dhillon-v10: talk to kde-devel, offer your services, piss aseigo and tell im i sent you03:37
* ScottK isn't going to get involved and mess with it.03:38
groo_ScottK: niiiiiiice sexist and demeaning.. i loved it03:38
dhillon-v10ScottK, do you think I should just leave okular alone and work on something else03:38
ScottKgroo_: Not at all.  I live with them.  It's a statement of fact.  I'm thrilled to hear it as the one seems to be actually starting to get engaged with the system and how it works.03:39
groo_dhillon-v10: now, seriously the first step is really talk in kde-devel and see who was mantaining etc.. they will take you from there...03:39
groo_ScottK: ahhhh spoiler... i love sexist comments..03:39
dhillon-v10groo_, okay :) thanks for the info03:39
ScottKdhillon-v10: I think you need to pick with something and stick with it.  You are literally all over the place.03:39
DAskreeCHScottK: upper or lower teenager?03:40
dhillon-v10ScottK, I haven't really started with anything at all, I am just updating some packages that's it so I think I should start with this one03:40
groo_ScottK: hes full of energy, let him poke around and see where he stands03:40
ScottKdhillon-v10: Getting involved in the upstream development of a package is a lot more than we do with working packaging them.03:41
nixternaljjesse: yeah, my back is shot right now03:42
jjessenixternal: that's why i pay somoene to plow my driveway03:43
nixternalbah, my money is my money, and my money is pretty much non-existant right now03:43
DAskreeCHScottK: for an individual package of course for the eco system of them I'm not fully sure I agree03:43
nixternalI interviewed at Novell the other day for a developer spot on some virtualization stuff...that interview didn't go well at all03:44
nixternalthe guy interviewing me was a bit of an asshole in the first place, which rubbed me the wrong way03:44
jjessethat sucks03:44
ScottKDAskreeCH: Because of the way we work here, you can jump into a package do a bit of work and move on.  If you're going to be the upstream maintainer of something, you really can't do that.03:45
nixternalmy old boss contacted me via linkedin and was asking if I was interested in the electrical engineering field and wanted to know if I was interested in programming PLCs for manufacturing environments03:45
nixternalI have to admit, it was really fun programming PLCs as my first job out of the Navy...you got to see your code actually do something which was cool03:46
ScottKRuntime retried.  Let's see ....03:46
nixternallike, I wrote code that spilled almost 100 gallons of HI-C all over the ground for Coca-Cola in Houston...that was pretty cool, but they didn't like it :)03:46
DAskreeCHScottK: maintainer is a hell of an involvement. You can throw in some patches or take control of a feature then walk away the same as you do with a package here03:47
JontheEchidnaany code that makes the kool-aid man burst through the wall?03:47
macoScottK: was either of them the daughter you thought might like to go into computers, and then she got all shy when everyone from linuxchix was at least 4 (but usually 10) years older?03:47
groo_nixternal: i wonder why :D03:47
nixternaland if you go back to a mass back flush of sewage into Lake Michigan in 1999, that was not really me, but I was operating the codebase at the time it happened...I didn't know the engineers wired the pump backwards until about 30 minutes later when someone called yelling "YOU ARE PUMPING SHIT INTO THE LAKE!!!"03:48
nixternalI made the news, I was on TV, so that was cool03:48
groo_nixternal: with or without handcuffs? XD03:48
groo_nixternal: not so cool then lol03:49
nixternalwasn't my fault, it was the engineers that mayor daily said we must work with03:49
nixternalhandcuffs suck03:49
nixternalunless you are into that perverted stuff of course03:49
groo_nixternal: it doesnt need to be your fault, i worked with project management, you just need to be at the right place in the wrong time :)03:50
nixternaloh, that's me 110%03:50
nixternali was the project manager on that project too03:50
nixternalfresh manager too, and they put me in charge of the software development on a 25 million dollar project03:51
groo_nixternal: why that reminds me of a jim carry movie03:52
nixternalheh, I remember the first project I was put on, I had no clue wtf I was doing, but I played it off so well, that the company I was doing the work for requested me only from there on out03:52
groo_nixternal: or enron...03:52
nixternalpoor enron03:52
nixternalthey caused less trouble than fannie mae, but they went down hard, and to prison at that...fannie mae execs, well they are part of obama's cabinet03:53
nixternalplus I liked the name of their baseball stadium :)03:53
groo_nixternal: like i said... right time, right place... someone to blame and someone to bailout... and thats the world goes..03:53
groo_how the world goes03:53
nixternalvery true03:53
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groo_like in the company i work for.. a big telecom...03:56
groo_true story...03:56
groo_two departments..03:56
groo_one with a really nice, competent, open source friendly manager that saved thousands of dollars and was able to reduce both costs and maintenance in his dep03:56
groo_the other one, a bloated manager (both personally and mentally) that trampled the entire IT dep budget and was able to triple is personel and costs in one year.03:57
nixternalobviously not AT&T, as we didn't reduce a damn thing when I worked there03:57
groo_guess who got downsized?03:57
nixternalright, management, or good management, never gets downsized03:57
nixternaland they are typically the ones at fault03:57
groo_nixternal: wrong!03:57
groo_the guy who cut costs got downsized together with is department.03:57
groo_oficial excuse.. the bloated one was too expensive to put away.. the lean one was so "small" in comparison it would be a breeze to put away...03:58
nixternalright, the good guy got downsized...it's the way it happens03:58
groo_true story!03:58
nixternalthe last company I worked for did that, they have the same management, and a year later, they still do not have a single client03:58
nixternalthey have yet to make a dollar, and after 5 years, almost 6, they still call themselves a "Start Up"03:59
ScottKmaco: Yes.  She was the one doing the explaining to her older sister.03:59
groo_nixternal: this one is a telecom... they wont go away soon lol...03:59
groo_idiots rule the world, smart ppl run it...04:00
groo_last climate conference only proved my point once again..04:01
DAskreeCH_how do I price this?04:04
ScottKIf https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-runtime/4:4.3.90-0ubuntu2/+build/1437204 is still building in ~15 minutes, we have a winner.04:04
ScottKBack later.04:04
DAskreeCH_company works with the deaf and is looking to move to linux but has specialized software04:04
ScottKDAskreeCH: High enough you don't feel ripped off.  Low enough you don't feel guilty.04:05
DAskreeCH_They want a costing on moving forward with Linux as well as with windows but the software only supports out of date windows that is no longer sold and is totally incompatible with newer windows :(04:05
ScottKPrice that with an option to do the way you want.04:06
DAskreeCH_So I don't know if I can give them a comparison on how much it would cost to stay the Windows route04:06
ScottKGuess which one is cheaper?04:06
ScottKI often run into stuff that is given a 'I don't want to do this price' that is a bit out of this world.04:06
DAskreeCH_Linux will probably be slightly more expensive for this year in a pure windows sense (ignoring Office and AV costs etc)04:06
DAskreeCH_but would soundly kick it's ass next year and the year after that etc etc04:07
ScottKMake a separate cost accounting for recurring and non-recurring costs.04:07
ScottKGotta run.04:07
groo_DAskreeCH_: since the soft is legacy and non support, put the costs of rewriting it, along the costs of newer windows licences and addons (office, av, etc) and the hidden costs, (uptime, periodic cleanups) etc.. and let him choose04:09
groo_DAskreeCH_: is the soft light on resources?04:09
groo_DAskreeCH_: doint forget new hw for the new windows if its heavy on resources too04:10
DAskreeCH_groo_: Well they have spoken with the makers and they have not said they will support the Newere windows as yet but they will work with them to move forward as long asthey don't use linux04:10
DAskreeCH_groo_: Yes I've taken new HW into consideration04:10
groo_DAskreeCH_: translation, you are not important enough for me to bother to develop a new version, but i will lie to you for as long as possible to mantain the support costs till i have enoguh desperate clients to pay me for the new version04:11
groo_DAskreeCH_: i love it.. its like clock work.. always dilbert based04:12
groo_any motu still alive?04:13
groo_X is broken in lucid again!04:13
groo_Preparing to replace x11-common 1:7.5~3ubuntu4 (using .../x11-common_1%3a7.5+1ubuntu1_all.deb) ...04:14
groo_/etc/init.d/x11-common: 90: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "fi")04:14
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nixternalDAskreeCH: how many employees do they have? do they want this software rewritten at all? or just migrate to Linux?04:15
nixternaldepending on what the machine does, I will typically charge $2500 for a simple server migration, up to $10,000 for a larger migration04:17
groo_nixternal: what a pirate!!! hire me for half the price! lol04:17
nixternalbut if they are all about open source, I charge them half for the first round04:17
nixternalgroo_: that covers the migration and the training, and also includes support04:18
groo_1/3 here! and i can impersonate as an indian to look smart and cool!04:18
groo_nixternal: i work for food!04:18
DAskreeCHgroo_: They want long term software prices down since nearly all their budge t is currently funding IT04:19
DAskreeCHHowever they dont' want to minimize the impact of their work and staff who are as stated mostly deaf04:19
DAskreeCH with some blind04:19
DAskreeCHnixternal: Desktops04:20
DAskreeCHNot servers04:20
DAskreeCHThe servers are already Linux04:20
groo_DAskreeCH: go for linux with a legacy team with the deaf and blind.. pick the few bright guys.. leave the stupid ones with legacy windows04:20
nixternalDAskreeCH: red hat just did a job here at a school for the deaf and blind, and it is getting awesome reviews by the staff and students04:20
DAskreeCHgroo_: again that's most of the computers04:21
nixternalI guess MS came in and tried to undercut Red Hat, but supposedly the community here gathered with the Mayor and the City of Chicago and donated all new hardware for Red Hat and the school04:21
groo_DAskreeCH: oh they are really deaf and blind...? i tought you were being sarcastic...04:21
groo_DAskreeCH: my mistake sorry04:21
DAskreeCHnixternal: Can You find me a contact of one of the people who worked on it?04:21
DAskreeCHgroo_: No literally deaf and blind04:21
nixternalDAskreeCH: from the school or red hat?04:21
groo_DAskreeCH: hmmm i have no expertise with such an audience... research online04:21
nixternalI think one of the LUG guys know about the project04:22
DAskreeCHnixternal: preferably red hat if not then from the School04:22
DAskreeCHMore interested in the rollout than the experience after right now04:22
groo_ppl can someone check something? please add the comic plasmoid to the desktop (kde 4.4 rc1) and activate GHNS in it... what does it do?04:23
nixternalwhere is 4.4 rc1 first off?04:23
groo_nixternal: lucid04:24
groo_nixternal: karmic should be out real soon (tm)04:24
nixternaloh my...it might help if I am on my lucid machine :D04:24
nixternalI was about to say you are smoking crack04:24
DAskreeCHnixternal: He got his hot new stuff :)04:24
groo_[08-01-2010 22:54] <Riddell> I'll get our crack team of ninjas-called-jonathan onto it immediately04:24
groo_[08-01-2010 22:55] <JontheEchidna> this is an entirely-jonathan release come to think of it04:24
nixternalgood, so when something breaks we know who to point at :)04:25
JontheEchidnaYup, either Jonathan Riddell or Jonathan Thomas :P04:25
macoDAskreeCH: is it some deaf, some blind, or are they deaf-blind?04:25
macowell deaf's not a problem to use the computer04:26
macofor blind.... apparently the popular screenreader and pulse dont play nice, but luke's working on it04:26
groo_JontheEchidna: jon can you see if the comic paslmoid GHNS crashes plasma-desktop pls? its painless04:26
macoif you said deaf-blind itd be "uh...oh goodness....brail tty's....uhhhh no idea"04:27
JontheEchidnagroo_: why yes, yes it does04:27
DAskreeCHmaco: Except they also work with the deaf. So Deaf people come in to get their hearing tested and the hearing aids calibrated which is the software I'm investigatign currently04:27
nixternalhrmm, doesn't look like 4.4 rc1 is complete just yet04:27
macowell..ok for deaf... visual system bell.... other than that though, its down to regular old "does the video you want to watch have captions"?04:27
macoDAskreeCH: ahhh ok04:28
nixternalstill has some building to go04:28
macoDAskreeCH: so its a medical place?04:28
macoi was thinking like at a deaf school04:28
DAskreeCHmaco: A deaf school is part of the project04:29
nixternalahh, DAskreeCH there is new software for that, but none of it runs on anything but Windows04:29
nixternalmy buddy works for the hospital and the department he is in is just that actually04:29
DAskreeCHbut the meeting I'm researching for is dealing specifically with this software since it's where they are deciding if they should stick with windows or go LInux04:29
DAskreeCHnixternal: Great :)04:29
nixternalif they go linux, then that software will not work unfortunately04:30
groo_JontheEchidna: really isnt only me then? nice to know04:30
DAskreeCHTell him to switch to linux04:30
DAskreeCHnixternal: I'm aware but we have plans to run it on VMs04:30
groo_JontheEchidna: only with the GHNS2... the old one works fine.. and it was working in beta204:30
macoDAskreeCH: perhaps talk to mchua on this network? she works for red hat and is...she says hard of hearing, but she also says she's just kinda afraid of the word "deaf" so steers away from it in relation to herself04:30
nixternalDAskreeCH: he has already researched it...the hospital uses Mac for everything, except for a few machines...all of their main systems though are Linux terminals04:30
DAskreeCHmaco: Some of the people are really and truly deaf but quite a number are "hard of hearing"04:31
DAskreeCHnixternal: again can you shoot me a contact?04:31
DAskreeCHYou have my e-mail address04:31
DAskreeCHI am heading homw04:31
macoDAskreeCH: what ive heard from her in terms of a11y is "yay visual system bells" and that having a way to turn off the auditory one is good because she cant hear it when its beeping constantly and annoying all the hearing people around04:31
DAskreeCH see you all in 30 minutes04:31
DAskreeCHmaco: yeah I've see that04:31
nixternalheh, i just found out recently a neighbor of mine is hard of hearing...I went over to fix his computer because his daughter called me...and when I turned it on, the speakers were max, and the windows startup sound scared the living hell out of me04:33
macoi need to get my dad signed up for ASL classes04:33
macoand get him a webcam and skype04:33
nixternalI turned down the volume, not thinking a damn thing...as I would ask him a question and he heard me without any problems...that night his daughter called and said that her dad's computer did't have sound now according to him04:33
macoour phone conversations would go much better04:33
nixternalmy daughter and I use skype and webcams04:34
macohe cant hear the pitch of my voice04:34
macobut one time i signed to him in the car and he said "its weird, i almost blurted out 'oh i can hear that!'"04:34
DAskreeCHSL and webcams are a great combo04:34
DAskreeCHI just setup webcams between all the deaf schools here so they can talk to each other04:35
macoi need to get more practice with my sign04:35
macohehe at UDS people were asking me "oh oh how do you say my country in ASL?"04:35
macoRiddell asked and i made a sign that looks like its drawing tartan04:36
macothen czajkowski asked, and i signed ireland...which is also the sign for potato04:36
macoshe was Not Happy04:36
maco"you get tartan and i get <beep>ing POTATO???"04:36
groo_night all\04:37
DAskreeCHWell don't beep the potato then04:37
DAskreeCHplus Potatos rock04:37
DAskreeCHThey can power my clock if you know what I mean04:37
macogermany used to look like it should be the sign for unicorn04:38
macocuz of those helmets the military wore04:38
macobut now its got a rather silly looking abstract sign04:38
nixternal22:36:38 [      maco] "you get tartan and i get <beep>ing POTATO???"04:38
macono idea what its etymology would be04:38
nixternalhahahha, I just wet myself a little on that04:38
* maco hands nixternal a pair of Depends04:39
nixternalI totally love czajkowski...I think she is so damn awesome...wish I would have went to UDS just to hang out with her...anyone who posts on the planet they are setting up an event to go shooting, knowing all well people are going to bitch and moan about guns, totally rocks!04:39
* DAskreeCH hands nixternal a kilt04:39
maconixternal: she's all "oooh a country with GUNS! i wanna try!" meanwhile im like "oooh a country without guns! i wanna move!"04:41
nixternalyeah, to bad there is no such thing as a country without guns04:42
macoeven police dont carry guns in the british isles04:42
crimsunwe're a bit too caught up in weaponry. In a country without guns, we'd simply hose each other with something else.04:42
macoi want a recurve04:42
macoand *not* the kind with pullies04:43
macoa *proper* bow04:43
nixternalI have a proper bow and a couple compound bows04:45
nixternalthey are fun04:45
nixternalI have had the proper bow since I was a kid04:45
nixternalit is a hoot to shoot :D04:45
daskreechThe hell05:54
daskreecheverything I'm touching tonight is crashing05:55
daskreechI can't open skype05:55
daskreechclicking Kopete segfaults it05:55
daskreechTyping a URL in Rekonq closes it05:55
daskreech I started my Uncle's computer and it won't boot anymore05:55
Mamarokwhere can I get the virtuoso backend for Nepomuk and why isn't it packaged? Nepomuk can't work without08:23
jussi01Mamarok: riddells ppa.08:41
jussi01Mamarok: then the latter (non compiling parts) of http://trueg.wordpress.com/2009/10/22/virtuoso-once-more-with-feeling/08:42
MamarokOK, thanks, but still, why isn't it packaged for 4.4. beta 2?08:43
ulysses__Riddell: thanks for the uploading, I will set the bug status to fix released soon09:46
jussi01Mamarok: I think riddell was still testing, it had a few issues still11:22
MamarokOK, I haven't come across any so far :)11:23
MelisUhi guys, do you need some1 to test 4.4 RC?12:15
ejatanyone know that kde sc 4.4 rc1 already package ?15:00
ulysses__in progress15:02
ejatulysses__: thanks for da info ..15:02
ulysses__there will be an announcement on kubuntu.org when it's ready15:03
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macoMamarok: i'm guessing the "non compiling parts of" phrase has something to do with it15:15
Mamarokmaco: ?15:16
Mamarokah, you mean virtuoso?15:16
Mamarokwell, what happens here now is Nepomuk going to 101% CPU (not a typo, it really said 101%)15:17
Mamarokhad to kill it twice already15:17
mcasMamarok: do you have a dual-core cpu?16:23
MamarokI thought it might be because of that also16:23
Mamarokstill funny to see16:23
mcashave you seen it with top?16:24
ScottKKDE 4.4 RC1 status mail (for Lucid) sent to kubuntu-devel16:29
ryanakcaAny russophones around? They want me to add a russian support blurb to the website, but there seems to be a language barrier and I can't seem to communicate that I need both a Russian and English translation of their blurb16:31
DarkwingDuckI really really hate ndiswrapper16:33
Mamarokmcas: I use htop16:35
DarkwingDuckScottK: is KNR for Lucid workable?16:35
ScottKProbably not right now.16:36
ScottK(due to us being stuck with half beta 2 and half rc1 in the archive)16:36
DarkwingDuckwe have an eta?16:36
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Read kubuntu-devel16:36
DarkwingDuckahhh. Got ya. Thanks16:37
claydohwhat about for Karmic????16:54
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ScottKJontheEchidna is on it.17:07
jtechidnaaside from the l10n packages, it should all be ready to copy over to the beta ppa17:09
jtechidnaIf nobody gets to it, I'll hit the buttons when I get home17:10
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* jtechidna leaves for home17:17
kozzcould someone please give me a hint about where to find the binaries for the lastest build of https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/nvidia-graphics-drivers/lucid17:26
kozzI have never really understood how these branches work or how they are connected to a ppa17:26
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amichairwhatever happened to plymouth on kubuntu? is it working?17:43
ryanakca /query ofir18:56
Quintasanoh ryanakca, theres a "friend" of mine, sheytan, did he get in touch with you?18:57
ryanakcaQuintasan: Yes, he showed me a few mockups, unfortunately, we chose Ofir's back at UDS, however, I suggested that sheytan talk to Ofir and offer his help18:58
Quintasanryanakca: I told him the same, I wonder if he did that18:58
Pavel_Shi, i am new in Kubuntu. I sent two bugs for "needs-packaging".19:19
Pavel_SI built some package on my Kubutnu-9.10 and can give them to you.19:20
tsimpsonyou could upload them to revu and file the needs-packaging bugs with a link19:21
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU19:21
dhillon-v10ryanakca, ping20:29
ryanakcadhillon-v10: pong20:31
dhillon-v10ryanakca, how are you, I fixed that bug the other day, pointing it to the right place, but forgot something, it was written there as Kubuntu 9.04 but its supposed to be 9.10 can I go ahead and make that change if that okay with you20:32
ryanakcadhillon-v10: Sure20:33
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dhillon-v10ryanakca, here: http://www.kubuntu.org/tour near the bottom of the page, I also got the new bugs list down to 6 :)20:34
ryanakcadhillon-v10: Cool :)20:35
Tm_Thmh, if there's something more to fix in topic, please do20:45
dhillon-v10ryanakca, just a suggestion, on the top of your new website, is it possible to have a link or something of that sort to Kubuntu forums and kde forums. A lot of people don't even know that kubuntu forums exist20:47
claydohJontheEchidna: are the packages being removed safe? http://paste.ubuntu.com/354099/20:51
claydohwell the kdepim ones really20:51
JontheEchidnaclaydoh: yeah20:52
claydohok thanks! that will help on the forums and ml :)20:52
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ryanakcadhillon-v10: *nod*20:57
dhillon-v10ryanakca, alright thanks :) that could be a part of marketing, kubuntu *really* needs to get the credit it deserves20:58
MamarokTm_T: thanks :)21:03
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 1 Released! | mesa broken on Lucid, so 4.4 RC1 is half done. Be careful out there | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html |Congratulations to jussi01
ScottKFirst attempt at a mesa fix FTBFS.21:04
Tm_Twhat jussi have done now?21:05
ScottKGot engaged21:05
Tm_Toh, right, that thing (;)21:05
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_Groo_hi/2 all21:16
_Groo_can anyone confirm a new bug in kde 4.4 rc1?21:17
* ulysses__ uses KDE 4.3.221:18
Tm_Tno, not that one21:18
Tm_Tbut other bugs maybe21:18
_Groo_nvm, i finally found it... they changed the highlight window option to the task manager.. it was enabled by default in 4.321:18
_Groo_overall 4.4 is awesome... some regressions, lke the GHNS2 crashes but... cant wait for final :)21:20
Tm_Tshame there's no ppc builds21:21
ryanakcaComments should be disabled for stories on the new website, correct?21:23
_Groo_ScottK: ping21:31
Lex79JontheEchidna: karmic needs this change: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdepimlibs/ubuntu/revision/5522:06
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Tm_T0031.53 < Nakkel> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdepimlibs-dbg_4%3a4.3.90-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa1_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/libakonadi-kcal.so.4.4.0', which is also in package kdepim-dbg 4:4.3.85-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa222:32
crimsunmissing Replaces+Conflicts, at least22:32
LureRiddell: koffice 1.x is supposed to be dropped for lucid, right? so koffice2 source will be renamed back to koffice to be in-line with debian?22:35
JontheEchidnaLure: actually has been done, but the build has failed due to some universe build-deps22:39
LureJontheEchidna: yep, have seen that - this is also blocking exiv2 library transition22:52
LureJontheEchidna: maybe we need to wait for koffie 2.1.1 next week22:52
JontheEchidnaI think neversfelde and Riddell were working on that22:52
JontheEchidnawhoever ends up working on it, somebody has a lot of MIR's to write ;-)22:52
LureJontheEchidna: oh, we expect it to get in main too?22:53
JontheEchidnaI think we want to22:53
LureJontheEchidna: I do not see much point if it will not be on cd22:53
JontheEchidnaI think it's on the DVD22:54
harolddongis the virtuoso backend supposed to be fully functional in the RC?  I upgraded to the RC and installed the two virtuoso packages.  Now nepomuk doesnt throw any errors but it also doesn't seem to see my database.  no tags and no search22:55
JontheEchidnasupposed to work. Tags work here, at least22:55
QuintasanJontheEchidna: and ratings?22:55
JontheEchidnayeah, that works with rc1 now22:56
harolddonggwenview sees my tags but won't any searches error out and dolphin shows nothing.22:56
Quintasanhurr, both don't work for me :/22:56
harolddongwhat files should be where? for it to work?22:56
JontheEchidnamight not work on lucid yet due to the half-built packages, but installing the two virtuoso packages should be all that's necessary.22:57
QuintasanJontheEchidna: I think we are missing init.d script for virtuoso22:58
QuintasanI figured out it was not started yet :S22:58
JontheEchidnanepomuk started that itself here22:58
JontheEchidnaafter I enabled file indexing in System Settings22:58
Quintasanoh, even starting it via command line didn't help22:58
QuintasanForgets tags and ratings22:58
Quintasanat least when I do that in dolphin22:59
harolddongin dolphin the search doesnt error out it just finishes instantly with no results.  its like its looking in the wrong place for the database or something.  I'm on karmic btw22:59
Quintasanhuh I'd like to launch my lucid KVM but KVM is utterly borken22:59
Quintasanbroken even22:59
Quintasandhillon-v10: any progess on KVM thingy?22:59
JontheEchidnaharolddong: sounds like what happened with me in beta223:00
Quintasandhillon-v10: or rather, it's our problem or upstreams?23:00
dhillon-v10Quintasan, oh hey, yah a lot of other distros are experiencing this problem23:00
harolddongwell in beta 2 there werent any virtuoso packages.now there are so it shold work right?23:00
dhillon-v10Quintasan, it seems like gentoo, fedora are having the same problem, but only when they load up a ubuntu-lucid image23:00
Quintasandhillon-v10: Did I mention it's definiately not because of lucid iso? I can't even run debian kvm23:00
dhillon-v10Quintasan, yah the fedora one mentions that it was because of lucid,23:01
harolddongmy nepomukserverrc file seems to point to the right place for the database23:01
Quintasanstill, I can't run even my debian machine, not even mentioning booting from ISO files23:01
Quintasandhillon-v10: Dunno why but here it doesn't matter what distro I load23:02
Quintasan[quintasan@nightwalker ~]% kvm -m 1024 -hda ~/Sauce/kvm/debian2.img23:03
Quintasan*** glibc detected *** kvm: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000001e064f0 ***23:03
QuintasanSame with openSUSE, Debian and Arch livecd23:03
harolddongwhat does the new libmsn add or fix?  I remember reading on planetkde not too long ago that someone was adding a bunch of stuff like the msn ability to add your own emoticons. is that in there now?23:03
JontheEchidnaharolddong: it allows kopete to compile, for one :P23:03
harolddongwell that certainly helps I guess23:04
JontheEchidnanot sure what else. Probably not much, since it was the jump from beta6 to a stable version23:04
Quintasandhillon-v10: I think it's really stupid but from what you say I can conclude out images break KVM :P23:04
QuintasanJontheEchidna: karmic's RC is built or same as lucid?23:05
Quintasankarmic's KDE RC :P23:06
JontheEchidnagotta go, be back in a bit23:06
ulysses__homemade Apple:)23:07
JontheEchidnagonna lose wifi in a bit23:07
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: pretty much the only changes for backports are that the boost build-depends are bumped down to karmic versions23:07
QuintasanJontheEchidna: okay, thanks, updating, will report soon23:08
QuintasanHmm, anyone minds doing additional testing on WebKit for Konqueror (webkitkde) and reporting back on -> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MichalZajac/webkitkde ?23:10
Tm_TQuintasan: what needs to be tested?23:11
QuintasanTm_T: if it works flawlessly or almost flawlessly, we need to know the exact state of it since we considered changing the default browser AFAIK23:12
QuintasanTm_T: and I'm running out of ideas for test cases23:12
Tm_TQuintasan: that's my issue too, I have tested it around, but... it shows pages fine23:14
Tm_TQuintasan: have you tried how well kwallet works with it and similar?23:14
QuintasanTm_T: yes, remembers my passwords quite well :P23:14
dhillon-v10Quintasan, sorry I had to leave, went to eat something, also I found a lot of more info. but its cold here so I can't type fast :)23:15
Quintasandhillon-v10: no probs, anything I can do to help sort out the issue?23:16
dhillon-v10Quintasan, alright let me pm you because I don't want to flood this channel with stuff :)23:16
Quintasandhillon-v10: k23:16
Tm_TQuintasan: hmh, and how your tests compare to khtml?23:17
QuintasanTm_T: wait, actually now it doesn't remember passwords :/23:18
QuintasanTm_T: quite similar, I have no issues with both23:18
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Quintasanwell apart from Facebook23:19
Quintasanthis one site somehow managed to crash both WebKit and KHTML23:19
Tm_TQuintasan: what with facebook?23:22
Tm_TQuintasan: gmail is deadly slow in my khtml23:22
QuintasanTm_T: facebook just well hangs23:23
QuintasanTm_T: I get automagically switched to basic view when using HTML23:23
Tm_TQuintasan: https://mail.google.com/mail/?nocheckbrowser23:24
Tm_TQuintasan: and facebook works well here, including chat when I lie being Safari23:25
QuintasanTm_T: ohshi- okay, gmail really sucks now23:25
QuintasanTm_T: hmm let me try with changed User Agent, maybe it's a dirty hack or something :P23:25
nixternalanyone planned on fixing koffice-kde4 in ~kubuntu-ppa/backports to build against libkdcraw8-dev instead of libkdcraw7-dev? if not, I am doing it now23:30
Quintasannixternal: you are running Lucid?23:30
nixternalon a desktop yes, but this if for karmic23:31
nixternallucid is to shit right now to use23:31
Quintasannixternal: I was wondering if that damned KVM bug #500218 still persists in Lucid23:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 500218 in qemu-kvm "*** glibc detected *** qemu: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000000e44b10 ***" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50021823:32
nixternaloh, don't know23:32
nixternalmy lucid desktop doesn't support virtualization :(23:32
nixternalonly my laptop23:32
QuintasanKarmic one, huh? :P23:33
dhillon-v10Quintasan, no luck in testing, all of the people seem to be somewhere else :)23:33
Quintasantypical :P23:34
dhillon-v10Quintasan, can i get back to you in like 5 mins.23:35
dhillon-v10Quintasan, alright i am back now, and I think I know what the problem is23:39
Quintasandhillon-v10: bliss me :323:41
dhillon-v10Quintasan, alright so here: http://www.computing.net/answers/linux/glibc-invalid-pointer/27773.html this seems promising maybe :)23:44
dhillon-v10Quintasan, what do you think23:45
harolddongmysoprano-virtuoso.log file in .kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/virtuosobackend doesnt show anything after Monday Dec. 21 2009, even though it is supposedly running now23:46
Quintasandhillon-v10: ohshi- it loads23:46
* Quintasan hugs dhillon-v1023:47
yofelnepomukservices is too stupid, yes my battery only has 17%left, but my AC is plugged in so there's no reason to suspend file indexing...23:47
dhillon-v10Quintasan, so wait what happened ? did that fix work23:47
dhillon-v10ryanakca, I fixed the other bug, changed Kubuntu 9.04 to Kubuntu 9.1023:48
* dhillon-v10 hugs Quintasan back23:48
Quintasandhillon-v10: well, got further to boot screen but it is still black :P23:48
dhillon-v10Quintasan, there's this other bug I am reading about the X doesn't properly work in the alpha releases :)23:49
Quintasandhillon-v10: debian kvm works :DD23:50
ryanakcadhillon-v10: OK23:51
Riddellanyone tested 4.4 RC on karmic?23:51
QuintasanRiddell: updating23:51
dhillon-v10Quintasan, that's a good thing :) now if that fix works, how are we going to patch that, we can't just patch the /etc/profile can we23:51
ryanakcaRiddell: Yes23:52
Quintasanoh now, that thing is just a dirty hack23:52
harolddongI'm running it right now virtuoso isnt working for me23:52
Riddellryanakca: could you add your results to the bottom of https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging23:52
ryanakcaRiddell: Oh, wait, sorry, it's Beta223:52
ryanakcaRiddell: I can though23:53
Riddellthat would be good23:54
dhillon-v10ryanakca, do you need any help in making the new website, currently I am just reading stuff on x.org so I was wondering if you need a hand in some drupal modules23:54
ryanakcadhillon-v10: You can ask Ofir about it, he appears to be offline at the moment though.23:55
ryanakcaRiddell: Where can I find them?23:55
Riddellfixing the security issue in the screensaver module23:55
Riddellryanakca: kubuntu-ninjas, do you have the secret password?23:55
ryanakcaRiddell: Ah, no23:56
dhillon-v10Riddell, was fixing the security issue in the screensaver module for me ?23:56
Riddelldhillon-v10: if you know about drupal stuff23:57
dhillon-v10Riddell, I am learning drupal right now, so :)23:57
Riddellthis would need decent knowledge of how to programme a drupal module23:58
ryanakcascreensaver module?23:58
dhillon-v10Riddell, you think I should try23:58

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