
=== amit is now known as titan_ark
titan_arkAh finally have it all working :)00:02
IzinucscoreyB libdvdcss or something like that. Ubottu will give you the link00:07
Izinucs!dvd | coreyB00:07
ubottucoreyB: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:07
Izinucs!medibuntu | coreyB00:07
ubottucoreyB: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:07
newbie123abcwhere are KDE 4.4 RC1?00:09
newbie123abcsay that packages are avaliable00:10
newbie123abcon ppa00:10
newbie123abcbut don't appear, here00:10
fire`lalalanewbie123abc: I don't think that info is correct00:11
fire`lalalakubuntu.org has no news, yet00:11
fire`lalalatherefore I think it's not built/not uploaded or something like that00:12
newbie123abcon Fedora out, OpenSuse out, but us... :P00:12
mochileroHi people. Can someone remind me where I go to change the number of recent items on the standard K menu, please?00:14
DragnslcrRight-click the icon and go to settings00:19
mochileroDragnslcr: Thanks. Pretty obvious now I know where it is. For some reason I thought it was in System Settings...00:20
Zhenyahi guys, i have some quick questions. I've played around with kubuntu on live drive and ready to use it on my main machine, i will however like to keep xp for excel and some dj software. When i got install kubuntu i get 2 options 1 is to overwrite the whole drive (no way!) and the other is manually do the partitions can someone walk me through that so i dont destroy something but get two working oses on my machine!!00:27
titan_arkZhenya, why dont you try the wubi installer? It is much safer.00:32
Zhenyatitan_ark: i read that with the wubi it is not as stable, is that true? (sorry total n00b here)00:33
titan_arkI have been trying to install Kubuntu on my nitebook and something or the other doesn't seem to work. Finally gave up and using Ubuntu.00:33
titan_arkWell, I am a n00b myself. :P00:33
titan_arkZhenya, I did do a dual boot a few years back. Really dont remember the steps. Its quite simple, you just need to be careful in one place where you are selecting the partitions.00:34
titan_arkBetter still why dont you use a 3rd party tool in windows, create the swap and ext partition for Kubuntu and then start installing./00:35
NeteIs there any way in firefox to have pics download to pictures and everything else to downloads?00:35
cyberbrain<cyberbrain> is there some GUI tool for QoS????00:35
titan_arkZhenya, in case you need help just ping, I could be able to take you through most of the way.00:37
Zhenyatitan_ark: THANK YOU!00:37
titan_arknp :)00:38
Zhenyajust moving some media files over to my extarnal drive to allow for more partition space:D00:38
Zhenyahave you ever used linux mint?00:38
titan_arkbut before you do anything, please back up all data :)00:38
titan_arkah, nope. quite a n00b myself.00:38
Zhenyai've been reading that mint is ever MORE for n00bers00:38
Zhenyabut i think i'll try kubuntu00:38
titan_arkUsed xubuntu for a few months on my old box and after I moved out my notebook has been totally incompatible00:39
titan_arkwell ubuntu and its variants are not very troublesome either :)00:39
Zhenyabtw do you know if you can install Ubuntu Software center on Kubuntu?00:39
titan_arkIMO Ubuntu is best supported, its easier to find a solution on it00:40
faileasZhenya: no reason you shouldn't be able to00:40
titan_arksorry, no idea00:40
Zhenyaok cool :D00:40
Zhenyahow come this channel is so much more dead than the ubuntu channel?00:40
faileasthat i have no idea about00:40
TorchZhenya: there are a no problems with KDE ;-))00:42
Zhenyathe ubuntu guys think that ubuntu is better00:43
Zhenyai just want the most stable modern looking thing that a n00b can use00:43
faileaswell personally, i suggest trying both if you can00:43
titan_arkNo offence, but I would reccomend Ubuntu, especially if you are going to use it on a notebook.00:43
Torchtitan_ark: why's that?00:44
titan_arkTorch, I have been struggling with getting it going on mine to no avail.00:44
faileasi'm not fond of the two panel approach ubuntu uses. I also prefer konversation over xchat, and kopete over pidgin (haven't tried telepathy yet). Gnome didn't have a reasonable drop down terminal app till recently00:44
titan_arkFinally gave up and got Ubuntu on ow,00:44
fire`lalaI use kde on my notebook, and it work's fine00:44
Torch.. same here, obviously.00:45
fire`lalamost of my problems were not kde specific00:45
titan_arkI too like the KDE flavor and spent all day yesterday.00:45
titan_arkI dunno if they were kde specific or not but00:45
* faileas has his box working well enough not to need help on this one ;p00:45
faileasi actually am on cause i needed some help with my mongrel ubuntu system, and asked on the general channel (i call it emu. its an openbox based build ;p)00:46
titan_arkkonversation looked and felt better on kubuntu than on Ubuntu00:46
faileascause its native00:47
* faileas uses lostirc on non kde boxen. its lighter than xchat ;p00:48
BluesKajI fail to see the appeal of xchat on any OS00:49
faileasBluesKaj: eh, its what almost every linux system comes with. its also half decent on some other OSes.00:49
titan_arkI am actually hoping to find someone help me get the kde on this Ubuntu install.00:49
titan_arkIs it possible?00:49
OxDeadC0dewhat the heck, in 9.10 the clock is skipping over all the 3's in the seconds, anyone else experience this?00:49
faileastitan_ark: sure. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , then use your desktop manager to choose which to boot into. However, i think *all* your apps, kde, or gnome will be in both, so your menus might be a little messy/full00:50
faileastitan_ark: if you just want basic kde, and don't mind adding what you need as you go along, swap kubuntu-desktop with kde-core - then install kde specific stuff as needed00:51
titan_arkfaileas, hmmm thx :) and I will be able to roll back (just in case) right?00:51
faileastitan_ark: well, you can uninstall what was installed.00:51
faileastitan_ark: not sure if there's an automagical way to remove a metapackage tho00:52
OxDeadC0desrsly that's a little un nerving, my clcok skips all 3's in the seconds, makes me wonder if I'm time traveling or something skipping all the 3's.....00:52
titan_arkI am tired of the numerous reinstallaions of Win and (K)ubuntu over the last few days00:52
Torchtitan_ark: kde and gnome desktops are just packages within ubuntu. you can always switch between the two.00:52
faileasOxDeadC0de: are you working in a temporal anomaly? or is it a VM?00:52
OxDeadC0deneither afaik00:52
titan_arkTorch, hmmm00:52
faileasthats odd then00:52
faileasis it an old box?00:52
OxDeadC0denot really, it's running at 1.8ghz dual core00:53
OxDeadC0denot under a heavy load right now00:53
faileasnaw, i was thinking maybe a cmos battery issue00:53
OxDeadC0deoh, well, it's about 2 yrs old laptop00:53
fire`lalawhy should that affect the clock?00:53
Torchfaileas: that's only used as long as the system is off00:54
faileasTorch: hmm, point.00:54
titan_arkI wanted to verify if there are any issues with the kernel 2.6.31-17?00:54
Torchtitan_ark: like?00:54
Torch(there are always issues with any kernel version so the question is bit broad...)00:55
titan_arkCos, on a perfectly working system, on updating the kernel, I end up with a filesystem error and then cannot boot in.00:55
titan_arkPardon such queries, I am quite a n00b00:55
Torchtitan_ark: but you can boot with the older kernel again?00:56
Torchtitan_ark: ouch.00:56
titan_arkThis is something I just noticed on my friend's notebook. He was working fine on 31-16 and when he updated to 17, it went kaboom.00:56
titan_arkNow he can boot into 16 but not 17.00:57
Torchtitan_ark: but the only affected machine you saw is this notebook?00:57
ilumianyone know how to force a resolution that is not available in the control panel?00:57
titan_arkWe both have an almost same config. I was facing this issue too after a fresh install and doing all updates. when my friend updated to 17 and he got teh same error i thought of skipping it and now I am able to log in perfectly fine.00:58
Torchtitan_ark: so i get this right, you did the upgrade to 17 and it works?00:59
Roastedwhat command can I run to generate an MD5 of a DVD? I want to check the MD5 sums before/after of this burn.00:59
titan_arkNo, sorry for the confusion. When I upgrade to 17 even I cant boot in.00:59
titan_arkI am on 14 now,00:59
titan_arkCos that is what was installed from the iso I DLed.00:59
Torchtitan_ark: sounds bad.01:00
Torchtitan_ark: fwiw i am on 17 and it works fine (the booting part... suspend is broken, but that's another story.)01:01
titan_arkWe seem to be getting a filesystem error on booting.01:01
titan_arkHey, I also wanted to point out a wubi bug I came across yesterday.01:01
TorchRoasted: md5sum /dev/dvd01:02
titan_arkdarkdelusions helped me find a workaround.01:02
TorchRoasted: be aware it will take a very long time01:02
Roastedlong as in hours?01:02
TorchRoasted: depends. probalby not. but 20 minutes wouldn't be surprising.01:02
titan_arkIn fact it is a reported bug, but still the new wubi is not on the Kubuntu site.01:02
Roastedah, that aint so bad01:02
RoastedI was just hoping you werent referring to "let it run overnight" thing01:02
TorchRoasted: well, if your machine is 10 years old... ;-)01:03
Roasted1 year :P01:03
titan_arkTorch, the wubi for kubuntu seems to be buggy :P01:05
Torchtitan_ark: i have no idea about wubi, sorry. it's some ms windows try-out-thing, right?01:05
titan_arkyeah :D01:05
titan_arkWas trying it yesterday and it does not do its job right01:06
titan_arkdarkdelusions helped me find a solution, it is a reported bug but still the corrected thingy is not on the site!01:07
titan_arkIt would spare a lot of n00bs a lot of trouble.01:07
Xaositect_somewhy i think wubi have beed developed to work under wine xD01:07
titan_arkIsnt there a lubi for linux ? :D01:08
titan_arkMy mic and webcam dont seem to be working :(01:09
Xaositect_ask them kindly xD01:09
fire`lalatitan_ark: what mic do you use?01:10
fire`lalasome onboard device?01:10
fire`lalaor something "weird" like a bluetooth-thingie01:10
titan_arkI have an integrated array, (dunno which one) and also the 3.5 mm plug in01:10
titan_arkboth dont work01:11
fire`lalaperhaps you have to turn up the volume with alsamixer?01:11
titan_arkhmm gotta chk that01:11
Xaositect_so have anyone encounter gstreamer errors in songbird? >.<01:13
* Xaositect_ plugs amp into flash mp3 T_T01:14
OxDeadC0deilumi: you can add your own mode lines to xorg.conf but it always confused me what all the numbers were01:14
ilumiOxDeadC0de, i figured it out , thanks01:14
titan_arkfire`lala, no luck01:18
titan_arkcya everyone01:26
contrastWhat up, everyone...01:26
contrastAnyone using the 4.4 pre-release? I'm curious as to whether I should be patient and wait for the official release, or go ahead and take the plunge.01:27
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mefisto__trying to use kdenlive, I can't play the project without kdenlive grinding to a halt and either freezing or crashing within a few seconds. also, audio is choppy. anyone have a clue?01:53
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contrastmefisto__: What are your specs, and how "heavy" is the video you're trying to play (resolution, effects and transitions you've added, etc.)?02:11
mefisto__contrast: thanks, I solved it. it's a pulseaudio-related thing. installing libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio (which removes and replaces libsdl1.2debian-alsa) makes it work smoothly02:13
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contrastmefisto__: good to know. btw, are you using the version from the Ubuntu repos? from my experience, 0.7.6 in the PPA is much more stable.02:28
mefisto__yes, from repos, but I think I'll try the PPA now. do you have a link handy?02:28
contrastmefisto__: I'm guessing you have PulseAudio selected as the preferred output device in System Settings -> Multimedia?02:30
contrast(Just wondering, in case I ever run into the issue you were having.)02:30
mefisto__contrast: well I couldn't get any sound at all unless I left it at "automatic"02:30
mefisto__I might try pulseaudio now and see what happens02:31
contrastpulseaudio's not installed by default in Kubuntu, although...02:31
contrastnope, nor is it a dependency of the package you just mentioned02:31
contrastif you wanna see how pulse fares on your system, just "sudo apt-get install pulseaudio" first.02:32
mefisto__ok, now all audio settings work02:32
mefisto__I have pulse installed. I believe it's installed by default in karmic02:33
contrastin ubuntu, maybe, but not in kubuntu.02:34
contrast(this is coming from a guy that's done ~a dozen kubuntu 9.10 installs between setting up friends and breaking his own systems. :P )02:35
contrastanyway, i'm off. g'nite.02:38
mefisto__contrast: well my experience tells me otherwise02:38
_2hmmm is there a package for jaunty of shrip ?02:43
mefisto__what's shrip?02:45
_2sh rip   dvd riping cli frontend02:46
_2links http://trac.handbrake.fr/browser/trunk/doc/BUILD-Linux02:46
_2err sorry shorten that to just the domain02:47
mefisto__nothing in repos. you can search at http://packages.ubuntu.com/02:47
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titan_arknice and quiet03:29
_2echo -e '\a'03:33
DAskreeCHwhile 103:37
iatdhas anyone seen that avatar movie yey?03:41
happyI am going to see it tomorrow03:43
JCDGAt the end he dies...03:43
Nafrii am using kubuntu 9.10, when i use kaffeine media player, i can't Rewind/Forward flv.... but when I use smplayer flv works fine...03:44
faileasyes, but thats something for the offtopic channel ;p03:44
AABBCCfirst time using linux ;)03:44
Nafriis there anything wrong with kaffeine?03:44
FanfareJCDG: spoiler03:44
DAskreeCHNafri: Which version of Kaffiene ?03:44
DAskreeCHAABBCC: Welcome to Kubuntu03:44
DAskreeCHAABBCC: Welcome to Linux03:44
FanfareNafri: kaffeine -> dragonplayer (in KDE4 SC)03:45
AABBCCthank you03:45
AABBCCI am just doing some updates... any newbie advice?03:45
Nafrikaffeine -1.0 pre203:45
DAskreeCHAABBCC: Lots What would you like to know from the newbies? :)03:46
DAskreeCHNafri: Well that is a prerelease of a new software :)03:46
Nafridragon can't fwd/rewind flv too... none of the xine front-end seems to work :(03:46
Nafribut smplayer works perfectly03:46
AABBCCwell i need some apps how do i find them?03:46
Nafrisudo apt-get install <YOUR_APP>03:47
FanfareAABBCC: kpackagekit03:47
FanfareNafri: noobs tend to not know the app/pkg names :-)03:48
AABBCCim not shure all the drivers were installed how can i check?03:50
_2heh.   ubuntu suggests  apt    and debian forbids apt and insists on aptitude   heh.      personally i prefer  apt     but i'm using debian03:52
FanfareAABBCC: what device do u think is not working?03:52
maco_2: we dont recomment a specific one03:52
maco_2: which version you see in documentation or on IRC is based on the preferences of whomever was at the keyboard03:52
AABBCCno sound for one thing03:53
_2Fanfare apt-cache [search,show] bash   AABBCC you could look at the install logs   less /var/log/dpkg.log       maco, acc03:54
FanfareAABBCC: do u have a mixericon in the taskpanel?03:54
AABBCCyes i do03:54
Fanfare_2: sure there are many ways to search for app names and install them...03:55
AABBCCit says nvidia for some reason03:55
FanfareAABBCC: open the mixer and check all levels are up! also check the hidden channels!03:56
FanfareAABBCC: kubuntu suggests to install the proprietary/binary driver... it comes with the open source driver03:56
AABBCCall the levels are up.. i checked03:58
AABBCCwhere do i find the proprietary driver03:58
DAskreeCH_AABBCC: You have the GUI way and the CLI way03:59
DAskreeCH_Gui = Graphical User interface and CLI = Command Line interface03:59
AABBCCGUI is fine03:59
DAskreeCH_AABBCC: basically the Point and click way and the terminal way03:59
Fanfareu can autoinstall the binary driver witth jockey-kde03:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:00
AABBCCok im downloading the kubuntu restricted extras04:02
FanfareAABBCC: sadly this is a good thing... :-)04:03
_2good in what sense tho.04:05
FanfareSad because there are too many widespread proprietary formats out there.04:05
Fanfaregood to have binary drivers and formatsupport around.04:06
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:06
AABBCCok thank you04:08
DAskreeCH_Fanfare: There is good there is good and there is good04:08
_2<Fanfare> good to have binary drivers and formatsupport around. <<< sad that they can't be opensource and included though.04:08
FanfareDAskreeCH_: May the good win over the evil04:08
DAskreeCH_Fanfare: Yes once you know who is defining what is good and what is evil04:09
_2DAskreeCH_  :)  yeah that !04:09
Fanfare_2: just what i sayd! [05:03:42] <Fanfare> AABBCC: sadly this is a good thing... :-)04:09
DAskreeCH_Fanfare: :-) Good is very relative for a statement like that04:11
jacob_when i open a window04:11
jacob_i want it to open in the same spot04:11
DAskreeCH_I can say it's very good that all FOSS is being banned04:11
jacob_not in different places04:11
FanfareDAskreeCH_: everyone has to define for himself.04:11
FloodBotK1jacob_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:11
jacob_like when i open multiple pictures i want them all to be opened in the same spot04:11
DAskreeCH_since it helps to stimulate the economy and people must pay developers. Which helps overall cashflow04:12
Fanfarejacob_: rightclick titlebar > advanced04:12
DAskreeCH_jacob_: Not in the same window? but in the same place?04:12
jacob_i want all to open aligned ni the bottom right corner04:12
=== javier__ is now known as Toru
IzinucsI've read !medibuntu and installed all codecs necessary for commercial dvd playback, read !dvd,.. however dvd's will still not play.  cd that I burn are recognized with no issue.. what should I check next?04:12
DAskreeCH_Then see Fanfare's suggestion04:13
jacob_what do i click04:13
jacob_after that04:13
Fanfarejacob_: settings for window / App04:13
Fanfarejacob_: try window first if thats not doing ok, use app04:13
FanfareIzinucs: is that only some DVDs not playing or all?04:14
IzinucsFanfare: I've tried Riddick which plays in 8.10 ubuntu.. I've also tried Minority Report.. neither work..04:15
JCDGHello Fanfare04:15
jacob_this is confusing04:15
jacob_it still opens in the same place04:15
JCDGI want to set up my mouse so I can use the horizontal scroll bar, but in the mouse options there's not any option to set it up...04:16
titan_arkhey if i want to install the kde core do i need to add something to the software sources also?04:16
FanfareIzinucs: try lsdvd /dev/<DVD>04:16
titan_arki get a could not find kde-core error04:16
Fanfaretitan_ark: what is kde core?04:17
Fanfaretitan_ark: try kubuntu-desktop04:17
titan_arkFanfare I am presently on Ubuntu04:17
titan_arkwell kubuntu-desktop will get a lot of softwares on and I will have a tough time disabling what all i do not need04:18
titan_arkSomeone else here also suggested kde-core first04:19
Fanfaretitan_ark: hm, kdebase is some sort of a core :-)04:19
JCDGI want to set up my mouse so I can use the horizontal scroll bar, but in the mouse options there's not any option to set it up...Where Can I find this option?04:20
jwillJCDG: Is it a mouse, or a touchpad?04:21
FanfareJCDG: <alt>+scroll scrolls horicontal!04:21
JCDGtouchpad sorry...04:22
jwillJCDG: I was assuming you meant your mouse/touchpad supported physically scrolling sideways.04:22
IzinucsFanfare: results.. "Using libdvdcss vs. 1.2.10 for dvd access.. Could not open /dev/sr0 w/libdvdcss04:22
IzinucsFanfare: I'm using the 64 bit vs. of kubuntu and the 64 bit version of libdvdcss from medibuntu04:22
jwillJCDG: I know it's an option in the synaptics touchpad driver.  So we need to make sure you have that kind of touchpad, and how to change that setting.04:22
JCDGFanfare, jwill , the vertical scrolling is working fine...but not the horizontal...04:23
FanfareIzinucs: 64bit should not be a prob...04:23
JCDGjwill, uhmmm where can I find the synaptics touchpad setup? if there's one...04:23
jwillJCDG: I know this is a setting in Gnome, so KDE probably has it.04:23
IzinucsI know.. but04:24
jwillJCDG: so you've looked in here for an option: http://imagebin.ca/view/YSUuQjJ.html ?04:24
FanfareIzinucs: i cant help then...04:25
JCDGjwill, yeahh and the only avaiable option is to reverse scroll direction,and it only affects the vertical scroll04:25
IzinucsFanfare: thanks for the shot at it. :(04:26
FanfareJCDG: if u have vertical scroll, use <alt>+scroll to horicontal scroll04:27
jwillJCDG: sudo aptitude install gsynaptics04:27
jwillJCDG: It's a config tool for synaptics touchpads.  I'm assuming you have a synaptics one, since they're very common and the other type isn't supported well.04:28
JCDGFanfare, jwill let me try both of them04:28
JCDGyeah, it is a synaptics04:29
jwillGood, that should work, then.04:29
jwillJCDG: Um, if you're planning to use sleep, you should have a look at the script someone posted here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad04:30
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jwillJCDG: Apparently gsynaptics needs help resuming after sleep04:30
JCDGIncredible but I can't find a web page to test it...04:32
FanfareJCDG: <ctrl>+scroll to zoom in konq04:33
JCDGFanfare, it worked, but shouldn't it be able to work as the vertical scroll??? without the need to press alt?04:35
FanfareJCDG: i dont know synaptics too much, i do scroll with mouse <cttrl> = zoom, <alt> = horicontal04:36
JCDGFanfare, jwill, and what about modifying the xorg??04:37
jwillJCDG: Didn't gsynaptics work?04:38
jwillFanfare: He wants to be able to move his fingers sideways on the touchpad, and scroll sideways.04:38
JCDGI haven't tried...sorry...I forgot...04:38
jwillJCDG: It's to do with the touchpad driver, not xorg, so I don't think you can change it in xorg.conf.04:39
Izinucsmight be a .vdi file04:41
JCDGjwill, Fanfare I have to reboot, be back in a secs...04:44
JCDGjust curious but why in Linux, almost every program has a numeriation of 0.9.XXX, why don't the use 1.XXX, 2.XXX??04:49
KDeskhi, I saw that kde 4.4 rc was released a few days ago, but in the kde info page the aren't packages for kubuntu, anyone know where can I find packages for kde 4.4rc?04:50
FanfareKDesk: no packs jet04:50
KDeskJCDG: That is know commercial04:50
KDeskJCDG: That is <only> commercial04:50
JCDGHow's that?04:51
DragnslcrJCDG- because a lot of programmers don't like to label something 1.0 until they feel that it's completed04:52
KDeskFanfare: ah, do you know when will they be packeged?04:52
Fanfarebecause floss devs are more reliable :-)04:52
FanfareKDesk: dont know , guess these days...04:52
Fanfaregot to go, bb04:52
Gamarok__hey guys04:52
KDeskFanfare: ok, then i will wait :) thanks for the info04:52
JCDGjwill, uhmmm now the alt+scroll does not move the horizontal scroll and the horizontal scroll does not work yet...04:55
jwillJCDG: You might need to reload the module?04:55
Zhenyafile:///media/IBM_PRELOAD/Documents and Settings/ZhenyaK/Desktop/Juvenile-Gotta_Get_It_Feat_Gucci_Mane_1.mp3nfile:///media/IBM_PRELOAD/Documents and Settings/ZhenyaK/Desktop/Ludacris_and_Shawnna-How_Low.mp3nfile:///media/IBM_PRELOAD/Documents and Settings/ZhenyaK/Desktop/jason derulo - watcha say.mp31261228683_[mp3.teledyski.info].mp3n04:55
JCDGuhmmm how do I do that?04:55
jwillJCDG: modprobe -r <name of synaptics module>04:56
Zhenyaave kubuntu installed and running. When i try to install firefox from the buil in package i get "requested packages already installed"04:56
jwillJCDG: then modprobe <name...>04:56
JCDGjwill, how can I find the name of the module?04:56
Zhenyaand then when i go to the terminal and do a sudo apt-install and pick a package04:56
Zhenyano go at all04:56
jwillJCDG: Might be synaptics?04:56
Zhenyaany ideas?04:56
JCDGjwill,  I don't know...04:57
jwillJCDG: Watch out though, you won't be able to use touchpad between those commands04:57
jwillJCDG: Just try "synaptics"04:57
JCDGjwill, "FATAL: Module synaptics not found."04:57
jwillJCDG: K, so that's not the name :P04:58
Zhenyaguys any ideas?04:58
JCDGjwill, hehehe noup...04:58
ilumianyone know how to enable boot log?04:59
JCDGjwill, I think i'm gonna send a bug to launchpad, but the problem is how I can gather information about that issue?04:59
jwillJCDG: Trying to google it... I think you can get a list of currently loaded modules, and grep it for synaptics04:59
JCDGjwill, How can I do that?05:00
jwillJCDG: Um, you don't know it's a bug.  Wishlist would be to have horizontal scrolling option in mouse options like in gnome.05:00
IzinucsI've figured out how to add a drive to the sidebar in Dolphin but where is the icon stored for a drive?  It's not in System icons or Other icons..05:01
jwillJCDG: OK, type lsmod | grep "synap"05:01
IzinucsNever mind.. I found the drop down menu for other locations.. :(05:02
jwillJCDG: And paste the output here05:02
JCDGjwill nope, anything...look this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121738605:03
jwillJCDG: Then just type lsmod and look though the output for a likely module05:03
IzinucsI've added another partition to fstab and mounted it.. How do I check the owner and permission on the drive?05:03
jwillJCDG: Yeah, do that.05:04
jwillJCDG: And do aptitude remove gsynaptics05:04
jwillJCDG: Since you won't be using it.05:04
JCDGjwill remove or purge???05:05
jwillJCDG: purge, actually05:05
JCDGjwill, look this https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LaptopTestingTeam/DellInspiron640005:06
jwillJCDG: Well that's easier.  Good googling.05:07
JCDGjwill, I have the same laptop, uhmm but the fix tells me to modify "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" but when I do a sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf, the file is empty...05:07
JCDGjwill, did they change the location of the xorg???05:08
jwillJCDG: Nope, mine is there.05:09
jwillJCDG: http://pastebin.com/m5a9f3d7305:09
jwillJCDG: I know X got rid of a lot of the conf needed there, reasonably recently.05:10
JCDGjwill, look http://imagebin.ca/view/plgYJg3.html05:10
faileasthe xorg.conf file is empty by default, unless you add anything to it iirc05:11
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JCDGfaileas, so should I paste some line and them comment it to get it working???...05:12
JCDGfaileas, comment it is not the same as it were not there?05:12
jwillJCDG: you could try setting it to one?05:12
jwillJCDG: A commented line won't do anything.05:13
JCDGhere it says that :In order to get it working you must comment this line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf: but if there's not any line, how am I gonna comment it?05:14
jwillJCDG: It's out of date.05:14
faileasJCDG: er... there's a command to generate an xorg.conf file05:14
faileasbut i can't remember what that is05:14
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jwillfaileas, JCDG: Xorg -configure?05:15
Izinucswhats the version of gksudo for kde?05:16
jwillIzinucs: kdesu05:17
JCDGjwill, I did that and this is what i got, Fatal server error:05:17
JCDGServer is already active for display 005:17
JCDGIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock05:17
JCDGand start again.05:17
FloodBotK1JCDG: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:17
jwillJCDG: Log out, get to a virtual terminal, and run the same thing05:17
JCDGok...i'll do it...05:17
Izinucsjwill: not available but "is referred to by another package.. this may mean that the package is missing , has been obsoleted etc....05:17
jwillJCDG: CTRL + ALT + F7 to get back, CTRL + ALT + 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 to get to a virt term05:18
jwillIzinucs: O_o05:18
jwillIzinucs: That is weird.05:18
IzinucsI know.. another thing I discovered today was ksynaptics is also not available.. only gsynaptics05:19
daskreechjwill: Little late :)05:19
jwilldaskreech: :D yeah05:19
Triggzhey every105:19
jwilldaskreech: Better than when you tell a noob to do ctrl + alt + f1 to get to a virtual terminal without saying how to get back05:19
jwillIzinucs: You installed kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu?05:20
Izinucsjwill: yep.. 64bit version05:20
iatdhow do you get back?05:20
jwillIzinucs: It sounds like you're missing a bunch of kubuntu-desktop packages.  Try reinstalling.05:20
jwillIzinucs: sudo aptitude reinstall kubuntu-desktop05:20
JCDGjwill,  the same thing...05:21
jwillJCDG: Um.05:21
jwillJCDG: Is another user logged in?05:21
jwillJCDG: You need to run that before X starts05:21
Izinucsjwill: however I'm using apt-cache search to look for those packages and they are not in the repos.. of course I've sudo apt-get update upgrade dist-upgrade already05:21
JCDGIt's incredible that something so simple can be so difficult to set up...no, I'm the only one on my machine..05:21
Triggzi just switched to linux, how do i update my dragon player?  the update notifier gave me a list of 7 updates, codex and whatever when i put my password in it doesnt get them05:22
jwillJCDG: type: ps -aux | grep "xorg"05:23
jwillSpeaking of ps -aux, why does it say ba syntax?05:24
Izinucsjwill: searched again using apt-cache search kdesu and it returns that the package is called kdesudo.  maybe I had a typo before05:24
jwillIzinucs: You should not install it directly.05:24
* Kage is going to sleep... Night!05:24
jwillIzinucs: It should be installed with kubuntu-desktop.05:25
jwillIzinucs: So reinstalling did nothing?05:25
JCDGjwill, jonas     2196  0.0  0.0   3052   824 pts/1    S+   00:54   0:00 grep --color=auto xorg05:25
Izinucsjwill: didn't do that yet05:25
Izinucsjwill: trying returns "kubuntu-desktop is already the newest version".. as I remember in gnome it was a package that wasn't installed by default..05:26
jwillJCDG: Try running telinit 305:27
Izinucsjwill: edit: kdesudo was installed but doesn't activate with kdesu only kdesudo.. weird.. my machine was a fresh install so maybe something is left behind with an upgrade.05:27
jwillJCDG: If that fails, just stop the X server05:27
JCDGjwill, nothing came up...05:27
jwillIzinucs: Ah, what version are you running?05:27
jwillIzinucs: It's probably just a version change05:28
Izinucs jwill 9.1005:28
jwillJCDG: Re-run the ps command (press up)05:28
jwillIzinucs: Weird, that's the same as me, and it's called kdesu05:28
JCDGjwill, jonas     8761  0.0  0.0   3052   808 pts/1    R+   00:58   0:00 grep --color=auto xorg05:28
daskreechjwill: They should be smlinked to each other05:28
jwillIzinucs: kdesudo also works.  Perhaps kdesu is deprecated or something, and it's only on mine because I installed it earlier?05:29
jwillJCDG: Right, just kill it05:29
jwilldaskreech: Yeah, weird, right?05:29
JCDGjwill, how do I kill it??05:29
jwillJCDG: man slaughter!05:30
jwillJCDG: type "man kill" into the terminal05:30
Izinucsjwill: could be.. I also just found that the partition that I created with partitionmanager for Data is owned by root.. figures since you need to be root to do that..05:30
jwillJCDG: Um, no.  You are at a black screen with no GUI, right?05:30
JCDGhehehehe....jwil, that was somekind of joke, jejejeje...05:31
Izinucsjwill: now how do I get rid of the "lost+found" folder when viewing the drive?05:31
jwillJCDG: Oh, I see :D05:31
jwillIzinucs: Bad idea.  That stores lost disk sectors, I think.  It's a filesystem thing.05:31
Triggzcan any1 see me?05:31
JCDGjwill, so it'll be "kill 8761"??05:31
jwillTriggz: No05:32
jwillJCDG: Yep.05:32
Triggzwasnt sure05:32
Izinucsjwill: It doesn't show up on other drives.. namely /home .. so do they hide it ??  should I rename it with a "." at the beginning ?05:32
JCDGjwill, it says no such process :S05:32
jwillIzinucs: If you need root to do it, you shouldn't.05:33
jwillIzinucs: Rule of thumb, don't touch anything outside your home dir.05:33
jwillJCDG: ?_?05:33
JCDGjonas@JKingdom:~/Documentos$ sudo kill 3052; kill: No such process05:34
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Izinucsjwill: It's a 300gig partition for pics and music.. since I now "own" it, it allows me to rename the directory with a . in the front.05:34
jwillJCDG: 3052?05:34
Triggzhow do i find out what version kde i have?05:34
JCDGjwill, with both 3052 and 8761...05:35
jwillJCDG: 8761...05:35
JCDGjonas@JKingdom:~/Documentos$ sudo kill 8761; kill: No such process05:35
jwillJCDG: Ugh, just restart and drop to a maintainance prompt at grub05:35
JCDGjwill, ok I'll wait a few secs, I'm upgradid the kernel...05:36
JCDGIs there an incon In KDE like the one that kills the crashed windows in gnome=05:37
IzinucsHow do I add a "Trash" Icon to the Desktop folder? or better yet what is the location of trash?05:37
jwillJCDG: That button is the same as the command "xkill"05:37
JCDGIzinucs, uhmmm, In gnome I used ubuntu tweak hehehe05:38
jwillJCDG: Just making sure, you were in a full-screen black terminal with no mouse when doing those commands, right?05:38
JCDGnop, I was on the beautiful KDE desktop...05:38
jwillIzinucs: trash:05:38
IzinucsJCDG: yea.. it's a little different getting use to kde after 5 years of gnome :).. but I like the new kde05:38
jwillJCDG: Ummm05:38
jwillJCDG: You remember the part where I said to log out and go to a virtual terminal?05:39
jwillJCDG: You have to be logged out, otherwise X is running.05:39
jmcantrellis there a way to add actions to the actions menu in dolphin?05:39
jwilljmcantrell: Yes.05:39
JCDGjwill, yeah, but...uhmmm how do I chat and write the commands on the same machine at the same time?05:39
jmcantrelljwill: can you point me in the right direction?05:40
jwillJCDG: You could use irssi, but that would be complicated.  I'll just tell you what to do, then you can come back once you've done it.05:40
jwilljmcantrell: I know you can, but I forget how.05:40
Izinucsjwill: in the process of doing that I just managed to remove the "Desktop" .. how do I replace it05:41
jwilljmcantrell: It might involve bash scripts.05:41
daskreechIzinucs: lost+foound just means the drive has been checked for errors. One of those is made on the first check to put any errant files inside05:41
jmcantrelljwill: that's totally fine, i just need to know how to do it05:41
JCDGjwill, as soon as I can I'll do it...:D...05:41
Izinucsdaskreech: thanks!05:41
jmcantrellanyone know how i can add actions to the menu in dolphin?05:41
jwillIzinucs: Right click on dekstop, select unlock.  Right click, select add widgets.  Find folder view, drag it onto desktop.05:41
Bonsteris there a way to make Bash Alias work in Krunner?05:42
daskreechJCDG: alt+ctrl+Esc gets you the kill program icon05:42
JCDGjwill, I'm gonna reboot the pc, 'cause the kernel upgrade...05:42
JCDGthanks daskreech05:42
Izinucsjwill: that did it.05:43
daskreechIzinucs: trash is just a .Desktop with the url trash:/05:43
jwillIzinucs: You might want to relock it, too.  So you can't accidentally delete stuff/move it.05:43
daskreechjmcantrell: Check the Userbase page for Dolphin I think05:44
daskreechBonster: Write a runner for it?05:44
jmcantrelldaskreech: userbase? i just started using kde today.05:44
jwilljmcantrell: Here's a good-looking tutorial for service menus: http://tuxarena.blogspot.com/2009/03/how-to-create-open-as-root-service-menu.html05:45
Bonsterdaskreech, what u mean by that05:45
daskreechjmcantrell: http://userbase.kde.org Hold on let me check if i it's there05:45
Izinucsjwill: now I have to customize the folder I just replaced.. previously I had added a url location so the only thing showing was a folder representing my /home directory and not the folders *in* /home.. now I'm having problems reproducing that..05:45
jmcantrelljwill: cool. thanks05:46
daskreechBonster: Krunner works with Runners who check if what you typed corresponds with something. There isn't one for a Bash Alias as far as I know so just get one and install it05:46
Izinucsdaskreech: shouldn't I be able to right mouse click the newly created trash and "empty" ?05:47
jwillIzinucs: You just want a link to your home?  You don't need a full desktop view for that, just drag your home dir onto the desktop (while it's unlocked)05:47
daskreechjmcantrell: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3088743.005:47
Izinucsjwill: got it.. right mouse click the folder and add url /home/<user>05:47
jwillIzinucs: If you use the plasmoid on the desktop or toolbar, you can.05:47
jmcantrelldaskreech: thanks05:47
daskreechIzinucs: mebbe I dunno I've never tried it :)05:47
=== jwill is now known as [jwill_is_afk]
Izinucsdaskreech: I had the url wrong for it.. didn't put the colon and / at the end.. when I did that the empty option appeared when right mouse clicked however the icon changed so I had to modify that.05:50
jmcantrellis there any way to keep wallet from asking me for my password every time i login?05:50
daskreechIzinucs: Ah there is a trash widget :)05:51
[jwill_is_afk]jmcantrell: Without massively compromising security, no.05:51
=== [jwill_is_afk] is now known as jwill
daskreechjmcantrell: Tell it always allow ?05:52
daskreechjmcantrell: Oh wait that's your master password05:52
jmcantrellthere's no way to tie it to the login password?05:52
Izinucsdaskreech: but I don't think you can place it *in* the Deaktop folder.. it seems to live as a widgit on the desktop05:52
jmcantrelllike gnome?05:52
jwilljmcantrell: You should have different passwords.05:52
jwilljmcantrell: But maybe, I don't know.05:53
* Izinucs is really learning to LOVE this new kde.. polished, smooth, flexable .. but wonders what will happen when upgraded to the next LTS (shudders with that prospect)05:55
daskreechIzinucs: Ah.. Not sure why you would want that :) but Yeah make a special link to trash:/05:56
daskreechjmcantrell: I think you can but then why bother use kwallet?05:56
Izinucsdaskreech: I guess I'd rather have it there then anywhere else :) ... or "because I can?"05:57
daskreechIzinucs: Because I can. Welcome to Linux Sub section KDE05:57
Izinucsdaskreech: ok.. another question.. is there an easy setup to sync a folder to Ubuntu One? perhaps even including contact from Kontact?05:58
daskreechIzinucs: Yes06:01
daskreech :)06:01
Izinucsdaskreech: what.. I have to install couchdb, configure etc ??06:02
daskreechIzinucs: google apachelogger ubuntu one06:03
daskreech He made a KDE system for it06:03
Izinucsdaskreech: cool06:03
IzinucsIs copying a large amount of files with dolphin something that slows the system down? Is it better to do it via cli?06:05
darkdelusionsjwill: thanks for the open with root trick :)06:06
jwilldarkdelusions: Google is your friend :)06:07
jwillIzinucs: No.06:07
JECHOhey fellas06:07
darkdelusionsjwill: I never acutally thought of it :)06:07
JECHOjust officially switched over to kde from gnome :)06:08
jwillJECHO: KDE SC is fun.06:08
JECHOjwill: oh yes06:09
JECHObespin snv is making me wet my pants06:09
JECHObespin svn*06:09
jwillI dislike that widget theme.06:09
jwillThe scrollbars, mostly.06:11
JECHOah, got it06:11
jwillJECHO: Have a problem?06:12
JECHOno problem at all :) got everything running smoothly06:13
JECHOoh actually, there is something06:13
jwillSystem Settings06:14
jwillRight click on desktop, unlock06:14
JECHOjwill: the default wireless network manager in kde 4.3 is not picking up any networks, but when i run iwlist scan in the terminal, i am seeing networks06:14
JECHOany idea how to get the network manager in kde to see them too?06:15
jwillJECHO: Now that is puzzeling.06:15
JECHOjwill: thats what i said lol, not really a big deal since its a desktop machine and im wired in jsut fine06:15
jwillI have no idea.  If you came over from gnome, you could just use NetworkManager (the gnome one)... but still06:16
JECHOalso, gnomes default net manager works just fine... only having issues with KDE06:16
JECHOyeah, i was going to try that as a last resort06:16
jwillJECHO: You don't have it running, do you?06:16
jwillJECHO: The gnome networkmanager06:17
jwillJECHO: Both at the same time might cause issues06:17
JECHOno, i dont have both running. jsut did a fresh install of kubuntu 9.1006:17
jwillJECHO: Oooh, k.  Assumed you just installed kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu.06:18
jwillJECHO: You haven't fixed strigi yet?  That's something else for you to do :D06:18
JECHOthats what i did earlier, and i had the same problem im having now... thought a clean install might correct it but nope06:18
JECHOhaha whats strigi?06:18
jwillJECHO: What did you do earlier?06:19
jwillJECHO: The file indexer, like, umm... the gnome file indexer06:19
JECHOinstalled the kubuntu desktop with ubuntu06:19
jwillJECHO: Kubuntu breaks it by having some missing packages.06:19
jwillJECHO: Ah, I've had issues with that.06:19
jwillJECHO: Don't know what to do about the wireless.  You might try entering a network in by hand, from the command line info, and seeing if it works.06:20
jwillJECHO: Looking at bugs.kde.org, or the kubuntu site could uncover a workaround.06:21
JECHOah, good call. ill have to check that out06:21
JECHOim going to try working on it on my own for a bit longer06:21
JECHOill conquer it :)06:22
daskreechIzinucs: Umm I would say that cli is always better but that's me :)06:26
jwilldaskreech: I'm sure dolphin uses the same backend as cp.06:27
daskreechJECHO: use KDE 4.4 !06:27
jwilldaskreech: Sure, cli would be faster sans the overhead from dolphin.  But not enough to bother switching if you primarily use graphical file management.06:28
daskreechjwill: but cp doesn't have to paint the screen and update. so it would use less RAM so it would be less resources06:28
jwillJECHO: Yeah, that could fix it.  On the other hand, you'd run into more bugs, probably.06:28
daskreechjwill: You can press F4 in dolphin.06:28
jwilldaskreech: Overhead.06:28
JECHOyeah im on a pretty built gaming machine so im not worried about resources06:29
jwilldaskreech: Dolphin is running in the background anyways.  Insignificant, especially since copying files isn't that CPU intensive in the first place.06:29
JECHOand KDE 4.4 looks like its coming along quite well but i agree with jwill, too many additional issues06:29
jwilldaskreech: And everyone has way too much RAM by this point06:29
daskreechjwill: I have about 60006:29
jwillJECHO: Yeah, I'm waiting for feb 8.06:29
jmcantrellanyone know how to get google calendar working with akonadi? i've added the resource and configured it, but i'm not seeing anything in kontact06:29
daskreechjwill: I'll find bugs and report them so you can have a better feb 8 :)06:30
jwilljmcantrell: Now that's something it might be worth upgrading to 4.4 for... Akonadi is a bit flakey in 4.3, in my experience.06:30
jwilldaskreech: Thank you :D06:30
jmcantrelljwill: how do i upgrade?06:30
jwilljmcantrell: Well, you probably shouldn't.06:31
daskreechjmcantrell: It's on the Kubuntu website06:31
Izinucsjmcantrell: yep.. can't tell you though.. I set it up the other night.. took me 30 minutes.. did contacts too!  I didn't write it down.. got the instruction from google.06:31
daskreechIzinucs: the worst problem with Linux06:31
jwillIzinucs: Really, google has instructions for KDE??06:31
Izinucsamazing isn't it jwill!?06:31
jwillIzinucs: Yeah O_O06:31
daskreechNot ubuntu in general since they are nice enough to break things regularly but still one of the worst things about Linux :)06:32
jwillIzinucs: I thought linux support for chrome was cool.06:32
daskreechSeeing as how they hosted the KDE 4.0 party I think Google has some knowledge of KDE :)06:32
Izinucsjwill: haven't tried that in linux yet.. windows sure.. at work06:32
daskreechha ha06:32
jwilldaskreech: I really miss the integration of konq, but chrome is still a very nice browser.  And none of the picasa-like wine crap.  Completely natice (to gnome).06:33
jmcantrelljwill: are you talking about the ppa?06:33
Izinucsslowly getting some opensource in the work environment.. got the boss using FF and chrome and convinced him I could put a company site up after he got a 8k quote to do Joomla...06:33
jwilljmcantrell: What ppa?  The google one?06:34
daskreechjwill: They still should have done it in Qt06:34
jwilldaskreech: Yeah...06:34
jwilldaskreech: Would be so cool.06:34
daskreechjwill: And easier on them06:38
nirjhorI'm having a problem06:38
nirjhormy resolution always gets back to 1024*768 when I turn my pc on06:38
daskreechnirjhor: Good thing that you are in the support channel :)06:38
nirjhorI'm using kubuntu 9.1006:38
jwilldaskreech: Right, crossplatform right out of the box.  They said they wanted windows/mac versions to be completely native, though.06:38
daskreechjwill: Right. So... Qt ?06:39
IzinucsOk.. I just installed Digikam but it's not showing on the menu's.. what now?06:39
nirjhorwith the kernel 2. 6.33 rc206:39
jwillWhoa, we had someone with that exact problem in here 2 days ago, nirjhor.06:39
daskreechIzinucs: might just be that they didn't refresh the menu06:39
nirjhorso what to do now?06:39
daskreechnirjhor: Kernel isn't a problem X and Driver would be the problem06:39
Izinucsdaskreech: can I do that from cli? or do I have to log out and in or "edit" the menu to see if it's sitting there like I had to in gnome?06:40
nirjhorI'm using intel dg41rq express onboard grapgics06:40
=== bigbrovar_ is now known as bigbrovar
Izinucsdaskreech: got it..06:41
jmcantrell4.4 is in beta right?06:42
daskreechjmcantrell: RC06:42
jmcantrelldo you know what the specific version number is?06:43
* daskreech puts a feather in bigbrovar's hair06:43
daskreechjmcantrell: If you are in Koala then it's 4.3.8506:43
daskreechRC hasn't hit the Koala Repos yet06:44
bigbrovardaskreech: :p06:44
bigbrovardaskreech: well am still on  3.4.4 :p06:45
daskreechbigbrovar: Holy Hell man At lest upgrade to 3.5 :)06:45
bigbrovardaskreech: hope to try out 4.4 again, the last time was a bit of a buggy experience, but I have a spare machine I can try out06:46
bigbrovardaskreech: oh my bad I mean 4.3.4 :p06:46
bigbrovardaskreech: the 3 should be in the middle06:46
daskreechbigbrovar: Yeah yeah cover your shame man :)06:49
bigbrovardaskreech: :p06:49
bigbrovaram sure 4.4 RC is being packaged as we speak06:50
daskreechIt's packaged already for Lynx06:50
bigbrovardaskreech: how has it been generally the beta, last time I tried it, it was very crashy.. but that was a long time ago06:50
* daskreech shrugs. I don't use Plasma which people are saying is crashy06:51
daskreechI don't know what I did today cause things are crashing all over the place but that includes non KDE apps and hardware06:51
daskreechbigbrovar: but then again I can live without any GUI at all so I'm less picky than most people06:54
bigbrovardaskreech: my life is both gui and cli and N900 :p06:55
daskreechbigbrovar: How's KDE on that?07:00
bigbrovardaskreech: I havent tried, but I heard the next version of maemo wouldbe running Qt07:02
daskreechbigbrovar: That's the plan07:09
bigbrovardaskreech: yep thats  the plan, I also heard Nokia got the Koffice dudes to dev a version for maemo07:10
bigbrovardaskreech: Nokia is really doing some good stuff for the open source and kde, especially with their work on QT07:10
daskreechbigbrovar: More like Nokia deved a Koffice for Maemo and gave it to KDE07:11
daskreechQT is owned by Apple07:11
bigbrovarand apple sucks ( you forgot to had that)07:12
daskreechHa ha Why the hate man? :)07:13
titan_arkWhat are these additional passwords that I am asked to enter when I connect to my wifi netowrk?07:20
titan_arkNo one active today?07:21
Izinucstitan_ark: perhaps the passwords for your router if you have encryption on07:22
titan_arklzinucs, yes I do have 1 and I entered that, but I am still being asked for some passkeys again and again07:23
faileastitan_ark: could it be they are incorrect?07:23
IzinucsI've no idea07:23
titan_arkAh, cant be!07:24
jwilldaskreech: Umm, QT is owned by Nokia.07:28
faileasthere's quicktime, and there's Qt.07:29
daskreechjwill: No Qt is made by Trolltech who is owned by Nokia07:29
daskreechQT is the trademark name of Quicktime owned by Apple07:29
jwilldaskreech: QT is owned by Nokia07:29
daskreechjwill: Did Nokia Buy Apple today?07:29
jwilldaskreech: QT was originally developed by Trolltech before it was absorbed by Nokia.07:30
daskreechtitan_ark: kwallet07:30
faileasjwill: i the t is a small t07:30
faileas*i think the07:30
jwilldaskreech:Thought you were ta;king about Qt, not quicktime.  This being a kde channel and all.07:30
daskreechjwill: again QT is the legal trademark of QuickTime which is owned by Apple07:30
jwilldaskreech: Yeah.07:31
daskreechQt is the trademark owned by Trolltech which is now the software division inside Nokia07:31
jwilldaskreech: Really?07:31
jwilldaskreech: Would you stop now?07:31
daskreechI have07:32
daskreechtitan_ark: kwallet is a password/identity manager07:33
daskreechWith the idea that you put in a single password once when you login to KDE and then it auto enters your password for all other places where you need one07:33
titan_ark_Well is there a way I can install the wireless manager of Ubuntu?07:34
jwillThe Gnome NetworkManager, titan_ark_?  Why?07:34
titan_ark_jwill, this one is just not letting me get through07:35
titan_ark_I have 2 routers and I am unable to connect to either. I can get through an unsecure one.07:35
jwilltitan_ark_: Do you have the right encryption type set?07:35
titan_ark_Ah, that I cant remember :(07:35
titan_ark_Doesnt it select it by default?07:36
jwilltitan_ark_: Could be your problem.  You might as well check.07:36
jwilltitan_ark_: Yeah, it does.  But ^07:36
jwilltitan_ark_: You can install networkmanager; it's in the repos.  Not sure how well it integrates with KDE, but it does work (as I recall from the dark ages before KNetworkManager)07:37
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titan_ark_damn the NetworkManager closed unexpectedly07:41
jwilltitan_ark_: K?07:41
titan_ark_yeah KNetworkManager07:41
jwilltitan_ark_: :(07:41
jwilltitan_ark_: You're upgraded?07:41
jwilltitan_ark_: Wait, you can get to an unsecured one?  Hmm...  Might be a wallet problem?  I have experienced the same bug on Gnome, but not KDE.07:42
titan_ark_No, I wanted to get the wireless first. Have been struggling since yesterday07:42
titan_ark_Yes it asks me abt the wallet and all :P07:43
titan_ark_Gnome I could get in easily in the morning07:43
titan_ark_I just like the kubuntu so much i want this more07:43
titan_ark_I have traced another problem. the kernel ending 30-17 is unstable on my notebook.07:44
titan_ark_If i upload to that then there is some filesystem error and I cant boot in07:44
jwilltitan_ark_: Ouch.  Upload what to what?07:45
titan_ark_the latest kernel07:45
jwillOh, upgrade?07:45
titan_ark_I dont remember the full version number.07:45
titan_ark_It ends 30-1707:45
jwillDid you run fsck?  That often fixes filesystem stuff.07:46
titan_ark_I am quite a n00b07:47
titan_ark_dunno much07:47
titan_ark_just rying to get a hang of it07:47
jwillDoes it drop you to a maintainance shell after the filesystem error?07:47
titan_ark_just cannot boot in that is it07:47
jwillWhat happens?07:47
titan_ark_the upgrade goes on fine07:47
titan_ark_I then reboot07:47
titan_ark_and then cant boot in07:47
jwillDoes it say "press Ctrl + D to repair" or something like that?07:48
titan_ark_just gives a file system error and nothing to go forward07:48
jwillWhat error message do you get, and what happens afterwards?07:48
titan_ark_have to force shutdown07:48
jwillDoes it say 'doing a regular filesystem check' or something similar, under the kubuntu loading logo?07:48
titan_ark_I do not remember exactly, it is some kind of a "filesystem error"07:48
titan_ark_no i dont get to the logo07:48
titan_ark_btw I am running wubi07:49
jwillWell, you'd have to write down what the error is, so people can help you07:49
jwillIf you can't boot into linux... why are you trying to fix something else?07:49
jwillOr can you boot with an earlier kernel?07:50
titan_ark_hmmm my friend too got the same thing after he upgraded, but he can boot into his earlier kernel07:50
titan_ark_Well, i just got bugged and reinstalled.07:50
jwillOh.  I thought it was a current problem.07:50
jwillWell, I'm going to sleep.  Maybe someone else can help you?07:50
titan_ark_Thank you.07:51
titan_ark_Good night07:51
jwill_magez_, afink, aishumoorthy, AllYourBases, amgarching, amichair, anasha_, Authority, want to help titan_ark_?07:51
jwillYay for spamming names!07:51
titan_ark_lol :D07:51
titan_ark_any idea how i can do an upgrade without upgrading the kernel?07:56
titan_ark_God I am tired07:56
titan_ark_no one around?08:00
Alan502<Alan502> can someone help me get my microphone work correctly? it sounds like cr*p and it didn't on windows08:19
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Peace-Alan502: well08:24
Peace-Alan502: give me a screenshot of alsamixer -V all08:24
Alan502yes Peace- ?08:25
Alan502Peace-, uploading now... my microphone initially it didn't even work, but playing with the capture bars i could get some to record some noise08:28
Alan502Peace-, it seems that replacing esound for pulseaudio also help08:28
Peace-Alan502: oh pulse is a crap08:29
inteliwaspis there a graphical partition manager on the live cd?08:29
Peace-inteliwasp: you need partitionmanager08:29
phant0mhi im using tiger to scan my system and when i try to access the log in root it says permission denied08:29
phant0mcan someone help pls?08:30
Alan502Peace-, since i replaced esound for pulseaudio i can't hear something in amarok lol08:30
phant0mintelliwasp use gparted08:30
Peace-phant0m: you use gparted on kubuntu ?08:31
Peace-there is partition manager that works fine.08:31
phant0mgparted is what you use prior to boot08:31
Peace-never used gparted on kubuntu08:31
inteliwaspi do not see partitionmanager, is it in an odd place?08:32
Alan502Peace-, http://imgur.com/dIVRz.png, any ideas?08:32
Peace-Alan502: yeah 1 moment08:32
Peace-Alan502: first CAPTURE SHOULD NOT TO MAX08:32
Peace-Alan502: *be08:33
Peace-then try to install08:33
Peace-sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all08:33
Peace-then you will be able to record with konsole08:33
Peace-by typing08:33
Peace-rec out.wav08:33
Alan502if i lower capture, there's still a lot of noice08:33
Alan502how so?08:33
Alan502like loquendo software on windows?08:34
Peace-to stop recording just press CTRL C08:34
Peace-then play out.wav08:34
Peace-change capture level08:34
Peace-and increase boost level08:34
Peace-you card should works fine08:34
Alan502it only makes it worse08:34
Alan502ah ok08:34
Peace-inteliwasp: seach on the bar partition08:35
inteliwaspdo i need to install it?08:35
Peace-inteliwasp: yea08:35
Peace-i used a usb live08:36
Peace-and have installed you could try too08:36
Alan502still, Peace- , it doesn't sound like it did on windows08:37
Alan502Peace-, eve tho, i get a much better sound running a VM lol08:37
Peace-Alan502: i think you have only to set well your levels08:38
Peace-because alsa driver seems it's working ifne08:38
Peace-and still you have messed up something08:38
Peace-here on kubuntu i have not esound or pulse08:38
Peace-i have only alsa08:38
Peace-and everything is workinf very fine08:38
Alan502should i uninstall esound then?08:38
Peace-Alan502: how did you install kubuntu ?08:38
Alan502what is weird is that capture on a vm is much better08:38
Alan502no, kubuntu amd cd08:39
Peace-so why you have said you had pulse?08:39
Peace-kubuntu has not pulse by default08:39
Alan502i asumed i had pulse because i followed a guide in the ubuntu documentation to improve skpe, and one of it sections had changing pulse for esound08:41
Peace-so you have messed up08:41
Peace-ubuntu tutorial are not so good for kubuntu08:42
Peace-a lots can be used but some no08:42
Alan502but it was only sudo apt-get autoremove pulseaudio08:42
Alan502and then08:42
Alan502sudo apt-get install esound08:42
Alan502pulse audio DID remove tho08:42
Alan502now i get a message "would you like kubuntu to forget about this devices?"08:43
Peace-Alan502: alan i have an intel alc861 you have an alc88808:44
Peace-and it's working fine your card i have seen a lots of time08:44
Peace-and should work without problems08:44
Peace-i guess there is only something messed up08:44
Peace-some settings08:45
Peace-i mean08:45
Peace-esound for example i ahve never used08:45
Alan502the alsamixer?08:45
Peace-well i guess yes08:45
Peace-for example if i increase too much capture level i get a lots of noises08:45
Peace-and it seems you have internal microphone too08:45
Peace-so you have 2 controll for capture08:46
Peace-one for internal microphone and another for the external08:46
Peace-you could upload on www.mediafire.com08:46
Peace-some recording08:46
Peace-then you could give me the link08:46
titan_arkPeace-: drivers?08:46
Peace-titan_ark: no i guess it's not drivers that card should work08:47
Alan502Peace-, one minute08:47
titan_arkI just joined, so i was asking what you are discussing abt?08:47
Peace-titan_ark: audioo recording08:48
titan_arkI maneged to configure my mic, webcam on Ubuntu and now cant figure how to do it on Kubuntu.08:48
Peace-with a lots of noises08:48
titan_arkah okay08:48
Peace-i think three are only some level to set08:48
Peace-on alsamixer08:48
titan_arkhmmm, n00b here :P08:49
Peace-xD ahahha08:49
Peace-old user here08:49
titan_arkthe software manager on ubuntu is easier to work with08:49
Peace-point of view08:50
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:50
Mamaroktitan_ark: it has a serious downside: it doesn't tell you if something is already installed08:50
titan_arkPeace- :)08:50
titan_arkMamarok hmmm08:50
Peace-Mamarok:  xD i have made my own service menu for apt xD08:51
faileastitan_ark: donno. i've been using apt all along, from cli ;p08:51
Mamarokbut Peace- is right, let's take that discussion to -offtopic08:51
titan_arkhola faileas :)08:51
titan_arkI am back now on Kubuntu08:51
titan_arkkubuntu-desktop screwed up my ubuntu install :D08:51
Mamaroktitan_ark: please, this is offtopic, take it to the #kubuntu-offtopic channel08:52
titan_arkI think it did a kernel upgrade also and the 30-17 is not working right on my notebook. I get a filesystem error and cant boot in then08:52
titan_arkMamarok, okay. Wont discuss that here. My apologies.08:53
titan_arkAre there any reported problems with the kernel version ending "30-17"08:53
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titan_arkBy the way, I also wanted to know how to install the skype package here?08:56
Alan502Peace-, http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QKZZC7WO08:56
titan_arkTotal n00b here so please dont fire :P08:56
Peace-Alan502: downloading08:57
Peace-Alan502: i am waiting the 30 secodns...08:59
Alan502Peace-, thanks :)09:00
Peace-Alan502: ya you have only some problems settings levels09:01
Peace-Alan502: try to change something on alsamixer09:01
Alan502should i uninstall esound?09:01
Peace-well the microphone is working so ..09:01
Alan502damn i've tried with several combinations09:02
Alan502i'll keep trying09:02
FloodBotK1Alan502: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:02
Peace-Alan502: but you can also go on alsa channel09:02
Peace-they can help you09:03
Peace-if you can't find a way to get it working properly09:03
Alan502i'll see what they come with09:04
Alan502thanks man09:04
Alan502have a good night09:04
Alan502take care, thanks again09:04
Peace-:) here is morning anyway seeyou09:05
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titan_arkany idea on how to install .deb package?09:27
Peace-titan_ark: right button on the file open with gdebi09:28
Peace-or sudo dpkg -i pathdebianpackage09:28
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titan_ark Peace-: Thx :) working09:29
titan_arkdamn, audio not working :(09:34
Peace-titan_ark: what's the prloble m?09:35
titan_arkno audio at all :P09:35
titan_arkits a bit difficult finding my way09:35
titan_arkneed to install alsa i think09:36
Peace-titan_ark: alsamixer on konsole screenshot :)09:36
Peace-lspci | grep -i Audio09:36
titan_ark00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)09:37
titan_arkAlsa is not installed!09:37
titan_arkNeed to do that09:37
Peace-titan_ark: then use sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils09:40
titan_arkinstalling using KPackageKit09:40
Peace-i use konsole the most of time09:40
Peace-it's faster xD09:41
titan_arkhmmm Im quite used to windows :P09:41
titan_arkembarrasing to admit09:41
Peace-everyone here used windows before09:42
Zhenyahaving problems downloading and installing flash. when i do apt there is no association09:43
Zhenyaany help?09:43
Peace-Zhenya: ?09:43
ZhenyaPeace-: i'm here09:43
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:44
titan_arkZhenya just do it using Konqueror09:44
titan_arkIt will work fine09:44
Zhenyalet me ltry ok09:44
titan_arkPeace- How do I post the screenshot?09:44
titan_arkAh! Audio is on!09:44
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:45
Peace-titan_ark: right butto add widget then-search paste----- drag and drop on the widget screenshot09:45
Zhenyain konqueror  i get themessage "the channel 'karmic-partnet' is not known09:45
basilhi, everybody, have problems with grub. after booting windows xp grub cannot load and says "grub loading"09:47
basili restore it with "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/root /dev/sda  where /media/root is sda6 my linux partition , but after windows its gone agin09:47
titan_arkcant figure it :|09:50
Peace-basil: maybe you could try sudo update-grub209:50
basil@peace: this gives me: Generating grub.cfg ...09:51
basilFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-16-generic09:51
basilFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-16-generic09:51
basilFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic09:51
basilFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-14-generic09:51
FloodBotK1basil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:51
basilFound memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin09:51
Peace-it printed something about windows?09:52
basilyeah windows is there, and also 2 kubuntus, but i knw just about one09:53
Peace-i mean sudo update-grub2 has printed something about windows or not?09:54
titan_arkokay time to get to bed09:54
titan_arkcya Peace-09:54
titan_arkthx a bunch09:55
basilyes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/353858/09:55
Peace-one moment i am on lucid and i have some "little problem" opening linsk09:55
Peace-basil: ok now *should * be added on grub.cfg09:56
Peace-so rebboting it should appear windows stuff09:56
Peace-on  grub menu09:56
Peace-anyway good documentation can be read here09:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:57
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.09:57
basilthanks for the links, but thats what i'm doing after each time i use windows09:58
basilbut the next time i boot windows it says "grub loading"09:58
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Peace-basil: mmm try to read some stuff on the wiki i am sorry but i have deleted windows :) and i don't remember well the issue with that OS10:07
basilyeah i will, or i setup the whole laptop with windows 710:08
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cxkuhi! when will kde 4.4 rc1 be avaliable from ppa?11:09
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Peace-cxku: on lucid we are on 4.4 rc111:20
Peace-cxku:  it's a time issue wait :)11:20
fire`lalaPeace-: I'm jealous!11:21
cxkuPeace-: lucid you say.. I have no time to wait, will upgrade it now :D11:21
Peace-cxku: no11:21
Peace-cxku: it's not very stable lucid11:21
Peace-it's an alpha11:21
Peace-i have karmic and lucid11:21
Peace-karmic for everyday use11:22
Peace-lucid for test11:22
ikonialucid discussion in #ubuntu+1 please11:22
cxkuPeace-: I know, but my Karmic with KDE4.4b2 is not very stable either (KDE, not the system itself)...11:22
cxkuPeace-: you know maybe when rc1 will be avaliable for Karmic?11:22
Peace-cxku: that's because i have kde 4.3.3 on karmic11:22
Peace-cxku: you should think next time and install a stable system like karmic with kde 4.3.4 and then if you want lucid with kde 4.4 rc111:23
Peace-you get a instable system .... :)11:24
Peace-cxku: i don't know abot when it will be on ppa repository ti could take few hours or days11:24
cxkuyou are right... I could do a separate lucid install11:25
cxkuPeace-: are there any daily/weekly builds of Kubuntu Lucid? or is there only the first alpha?11:26
Peace-there are daily builds11:26
Peace-anyway like said before it's better on offtopic11:27
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:27
Peace-or in11:27
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:27
miniBillHi. My kde keymap is gone wrong and I dunno how to fix it!11:29
Peace-miniBill: systemsettings..... input action or keyborad11:30
miniBillPeace-: I did it, but the keymap is still completely wrong11:31
Peace-miniBill: mm you are from ??11:31
miniBillI set and italian keymap, but some keys are wrong.11:32
Peace-miniBill: ma allora che cazzo vieni in #ubuntu-it11:32
ryrychhello :)11:43
ryrychI have kubuntu 9.10 and problem with my microphone - it's dead (in Windows everything is OK) - can anyone help me?11:45
Peace-alsamixer - V all11:46
Peace-alsamixer -V all11:46
Peace-post a screenshot11:46
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.11:46
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ryrychPeace: here you go: http://imagebin.org/7903211:50
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Peace-ryrych: looking11:52
Peace-ryrych: you have the same audio card tha i have11:53
Peace-ryrych: ok lets test11:54
Peace-ryrych: sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all11:54
Peace-then rec out.wav11:54
Peace-CTRL C to stop recording11:54
Peace-then play out.wav11:54
ryrychPeace: ok, let me see :)11:54
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ryrychPeace: strange, mic behaves as if it was broken - when I tap on it - I can't hear kind of "boom" in the speakers12:05
ryrychPeace: I plugged in microphone in the front of my computer12:05
ryrychPeace: I even filed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/46917612:11
Peace-ryrych: write my name better or i can't read you12:12
ryrychPeace- ok :)12:13
Peace-ryrych: laptop?12:14
ryrychPeace- no, normal PC12:14
dsadasdsasdaddhi all12:15
Peace-ryrych: mm but with rec12:16
Peace-rec out.wav12:16
Peace-you get mute file?12:16
Peace-ok i have to go12:18
Peace-sorry :)12:18
ryrychPeace- no sound :(12:19
ward__Hello, My mysql has stopped working ... I can't start it anymore an no logs are made (maybe due update ?) anybody had this before ?12:29
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ward__you can find my mysql error debig output here debug output http://pastebin.com/m4e024ce112:36
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shadeslayerprzemek_: hi12:50
przemek_I need help, I need new icon add to Docky drop and drag don't12:50
shadeslayerprzemek_: docky drop?12:52
przemek_drop Do not works12:53
shadeslayerprzemek_: um could you explain a bit more clearer?12:54
shadeslayerprzemek_: do you mean the fancy panel in kde?12:54
przemek_Drag the menu (KDE) does not add a new shortcut12:55
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=== Dekans[afk] is now known as Dekans
afiefAnybody else noticed Konqui and Dolphin being sluggish when displaying large folders? (200 files take about 2 seconds to display, 2000 about 10 seconds)13:32
shadeslayerafief: sometimes13:32
shadeslayerafief: though it largely depends on your HD speed13:33
afiefshadeslayer: that might be the issue:) Any filesystem changes I can do to make things better?13:34
afiefcurrently I'm running Ext313:35
shadeslayerafief: upgrade to ext4,its fast13:35
shadeslayerdont know why though :P13:35
* Kolia heard the same thing :)13:35
afiefshadeslayer: is there a way to do that without reformatting my partition?13:37
shadeslayerafief: yeah i was getting to that,and yes13:37
shadeslayerone sec13:37
shadeslayerafief: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Creating_ext4_filesystems13:38
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shadeslayerafief: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Converting_an_ext3_filesystem_to_ext4 is more appropriate13:39
mauriim not able to see teletext vith vlc13:43
Alarmanyone knowing how to change that ? http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/1730/snapshot5t.jpg . the text in the drop down list has the same colour as the button. i see the same thing also in the update dialog box and cant figure out what is writen. all other window buttons are normal13:44
afiefshadeslayer: how safe is it to do that stuff?13:45
shadeslayerafief: um its written on the official wiki,so ill have to say its pretty safe13:45
DataBytei have a little question... i installed kubuntu on my notebook... it worked... but today it dont want to boot :( ...to start i choose kubuntu in the grub-menu... but after this only an black screen appears... ( additional info: i have also windows 7 installed )13:49
DataByteand i dont now how to fix it...13:49
Alarmany error messages ?13:49
KoliaDataByte: can you boot in recovery mode in grub-menu?13:49
Alarmdrivers (vga) not installed well ?13:49
DataBytei treied it... but then the black screen appeard again... no text...13:50
Alarmdid u press "enter" a couple of times ?13:50
Alarmhappens to me too13:50
Alarmwhen i press enter it goes on13:50
DataByteyes i pressed enter a lot13:51
Alarmcan u boot in recovery mode ?13:51
Alarmcheck error logs ?13:51
DataBytei tried to install it again... but then it didnt even booted the first time13:52
DataBytewhere can i see the logs ?13:52
Alarmin /var/log13:52
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DataBytehmmmm mom i will change to my other laptop...^^13:53
Alarmi find it strange that you installed them again and it did not boot13:54
Alarmbut what do you mean it did not boot ?13:54
shadeslayerDataByte: press ctrl+alt+F213:55
shadeslayerAlarm: its pretty simple13:55
Alarmshadeslayer,  tell me13:55
Funatomso hello again13:55
shadeslayerAlarm: xserver started but kdm didnt (probably)13:55
maurij-b: in the next version of vlc could it be possible to have it enabled?13:55
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Alarmoh i thought you had a solution to my problem :)13:56
shadeslayerFunatom: ok are you at the PC which has the problem13:56
shadeslayerAlarm: thats your problem?13:56
DataByteno on my other pc13:56
Alarmno . my problem is here: <Alarm> anyone knowing how to change that ? http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/1730/snapshot5t.jpg . the text in the drop down list has the same colour as the button. i see the same thing also in the update dialog box and cant figure out what is writen. all other window buttons are normal13:56
shadeslayerDataByte: ok do you have the PC which has the problem with you?13:56
DataByteöhh... no works... hää ? i changed nothing....13:57
DataByte*now it works13:57
AlarmDataByte,  thank shadeslayer  :)13:57
shadeslayerDataByte: yeah,did you recently upgrade a video driver?13:57
shadeslayerAlarm: well i kinda have the same problem13:58
DataBytedont think so...13:58
shadeslayerAlarm: its a small problem in the colors_ file of the aerzzo theme13:58
Alarmits good i am not the only one. i changed the "colours" from system settings but didnt help at all13:58
DataByte1 question...13:58
shadeslayerDataByte: shoot13:58
shadeslayerAlarm: yeah,its not the system colors but the themes colors13:58
Alarmjust dont shoot as all :)13:59
Alarmok its not such a big problem , but wanted to fix it as well13:59
shadeslayerAlarm: its also seen in glassified :P13:59
DataBytewhere can i see my root-passwort ;) .... i had no chance to set it13:59
shadeslayerAlarm: you can try out different RGG values in the colors file of aerzzo13:59
Alarmok, i will try that . thanks :)13:59
shadeslayerAlarm: its a config file you have to manually edit...14:00
TheKroDataByte: you can't see it - usually it's not set, but you can set it with sudo su root, then running  passwd (assumig you have sudo privileges)14:00
Alarmi will find it . its good that i now know where to spot the problem14:00
DataByteTheKro: ahh cool it worked14:03
=== six is now known as six6
jgt157_morning, can someone help with a runlevel issue?14:15
jgt157_lots of people in here, but no one that can help with a run level issue?14:18
crimsunwould you be more detailed, please?14:19
llutz!anyone | jgt157_14:20
ubottujgt157_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:20
jgt157_I have changed my network manager to network-manager-gnome.  Problem is now the system doesn't start in runlevel 2.14:21
jgt157_If you run runlevel it says unknown14:21
jgt157_sudo init 2 starts up runlevel 2, but I need to find out why the nm-applet isn't starting in runlevel 214:22
crimsunhow did you change to n-m-g?14:22
jgt157_sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome14:22
crimsunnm-applet is normally started by your graphical session14:22
crimsunit really is unrelated to runlevels (aside from single and multiuser, which in Debian/Ubuntu is just 1 vs 2-5)14:23
jgt157_I guess the question is, why isn't the system starting runlevel 2 anymore and can any help fix it14:23
crimsunerr, it should be starting in multiuser unless you've changed something in /etc/inittab14:24
crimsunI presume this is an upstart-enabled version of Kubuntu?14:24
jgt157_I'm running karmic14:24
crimsunok, and /var/run/utmp is readable?14:25
dagon_hey you guys :D14:25
jgt157_I didn't change anything except the network manager14:25
crimsunjgt157_: I'm trying to address your symptoms individually14:26
crimsunjgt157_: first, the runlevel "unknown" one, so I need to know the permissions and/or existence of said file14:26
crimsunit should be owned by root:utmp in mode 066414:27
crimsunand, 'last -x' should corroborate your experience14:27
jgt157_which file are you referring to crimsun?14:28
crimsun09:25 < crimsun> ok, and /var/run/utmp is readable?14:29
dagon_I've got an annoying problem with flash(?). I can't watch videos on YouTube with sound..14:29
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jgt157_yes /var/run/utmp is 066414:32
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crimsunok, does last -x also not give you runlevel info?14:33
ToxinPowedagon_, look at your Kmixer14:34
jgt157_I've run sudo init 2, so yes I get runlevel 2 now.  I would need to reboot to start with no runlevel14:35
alienkid10I want to try KDE but I don't have enough bandwidth for kubuntu-desktop what are the essential packages I need to log in to a KDE session?14:35
crimsunjgt157_: the failure to switch to runlevel 2 would still be logged14:36
jgt157_in last -x?14:37
jgt157_runlevel (to lvl 2)   2.6.31-16-generi Sat Jan  9 08:59 - 09:33  (00:34)14:37
jgt157_reboot   system boot  2.6.31-16-generi Sat Jan  9 08:59 - 09:33  (00:34)14:37
jgt157_jim      pts/0        :0               Sat Jan  9 08:22 - crash  (00:36)14:37
jgt157_jim      :0                            Sat Jan  9 08:22 - crash  (00:36)14:37
jgt157_shutdown system down  2.6.31-16-generi Sat Jan  9 08:21 - 08:59  (00:37)14:37
FloodBotK1jgt157_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
jgt157_runlevel (to lvl 6)   2.6.31-16-generi Sat Jan  9 08:21 - 08:21  (00:00)14:38
dagon_ToxinPowe: There not problem with muted sound. It just lags14:39
jgt157_looks like something is crashing when it tries to enter a runlevel?14:39
Alarmis it possible to make icons not to go behind widgets ? for example some files/icons on my desktop go behind the Clock widget14:39
ToxinPowedagon_, ok then14:39
dagon_the sound kinda freezes14:40
BluesKajdagon_, using pulseaudio?14:41
jgt157_crimsun, looks like something is crashing during reboot to prevent the system from booting into runlevel 214:44
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jgt157_http://paste.ubuntu.com unlevel (to lvl 2)   2.6.31-16-generi Sat Jan  9 08:59 - 09:33  (00:34)14:45
jgt157_reboot   system boot  2.6.31-16-generi Sat Jan  9 08:59 - 09:33  (00:34)14:45
jgt157_jim      pts/0        :0               Sat Jan  9 08:22 - crash  (00:36)14:45
jgt157_jim      :0                            Sat Jan  9 08:22 - crash  (00:36)14:45
jgt157_shutdown system down  2.6.31-16-generi Sat Jan  9 08:21 - 08:59  (00:37)14:45
FloodBotK1jgt157_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:45
jgt157_runlevel (to lvl 6)   2.6.31-16-generi Sat Jan  9 08:21 - 08:21  (00:00)14:45
jgt157_I removed some unneeded scripts from runlevel 2.  I'm going to try rebooting and see if the crash happens again.14:46
alienkid10Hi How can I install a minimal amount packages and still get into a KDE session?14:50
vinnie_trying to install kdelibs5-dev. and I get this. http://pastebin.com/m1e28cb31 can someone please help me?14:52
alienkid10would installing KDEcore do it?14:53
alienkid10kdecore doesn't exist?14:54
jgt157_crimsun_: I just rebooted my machine.  Here's what runlevel last -x shows jim      pts/0        :0               Sat Jan  9 09:50   still logged in14:54
alienkid10so how can I log in with minimal package installation?14:54
jgt157_the runlevel command shows unknown as the runlevel14:55
shadeslayeralienkid10: try : kde-minimal14:56
shadeslayeralienkid10: kde-minimal - the K Desktop Environment, minimal applications14:56
shadeslayeralienkid10: also the deafault CD contains the minimal packages14:56
alienkid10it says it needs more then kdebase14:57
shadeslayeralienkid10: what needs more than kdebase?14:57
shadeslayeralienkid10: eh?14:58
alienkid10will I beable to log in with kdebase?14:58
shadeslayeralienkid10: um this is more of a question for #kde14:59
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dagon_BluesKaj: yup, never been any problem before15:00
BluesKajdagon_, does the sound lag in all applications like dragon and amarok or whatever media players you're using ?15:02
thegatekeeperhey i have kubuntu installed and the screen is blurry any ideas?15:02
shadeslayerthegatekeeper: whats the resolution set at?15:03
BluesKajthegatekeeper, that's a pretty general statement , more deatil like graphics card /driver res settings , monitor ..it all helps15:03
shadeslayerthegatekeeper: thats the max res for the screen?15:03
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thegatekeeperits a HDTV15:04
thegatekeeperit does 1080i15:04
thegatekeeperbut the recommended res is 720p15:04
thegatekeeperhere is the screen15:04
serraemeiraHello people, please help, my kubuntu 9.10 doesnt shutdown or reboot anymore15:05
shadeslayerthegatekeeper: well im going offline,maybe someone will help you :)15:05
thegatekeeperPanasonic TH - 50PX80U15:06
thegatekeeperGraphics card is nvidia 8500GT PCI-Express15:07
serraemeiraHello people, please help, my kubuntu 9.10 doesnt shutdown or reboot anymore15:07
thegatekeeperusing latest nvidia driver15:07
thegatekeeperand its at 720p res15:07
n8wulfserrameira, what is the last thing you did15:08
n8wulfdid u install something new? change a setting?15:08
ngongjust installed 9.10, now I want to add e.g. Konversation, however KPackageKit tells me "Package cache could not be opened". Is this ok? Shall I goon in terminal with apt-get? Or there a serious problem?15:10
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n8wulfngong, as fa as I know, if the repositories are not available, the needed dependancies wont be installed, for instance15:12
thegatekeepern8wulf: any ideas about my situation?15:12
thegatekeepercould it be the DPI setting?15:12
thegatekeeperits hooked up the tv via a DVI to HDMI Cabke15:12
n8wulfI'm not sure if running a apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade will fix it later on15:13
ngongn8wulf: that is I've got a serious problem?15:14
ngongn8wulf: connection to the internet is workin15:14
n8wulfgatekeeper, I see all the Specs of a sCREEN  IT SEEMS, BUT i DON'T KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS?15:14
thegatekeeperwhy the caps?15:14
n8wulfsorry about the caps15:15
n8wulfstupid k/board15:15
n8wulfngong, try just the sudo apt-get update first, maybe any repositories not updated yet, will get refreshed15:16
BluesKajngong, just check your sources.list and make sure the deb lines are uncommented (no#s) in front , then in the konsole, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install konversation15:16
BluesKajthat kpackagekit seems flaky and they still haven't fixed it15:17
n8wulfgatekeeper, I came in late, what is the problem mate?15:18
ngongn8wulf: I did a sudo aptitude which could not understand line #5 of sources.list, that is: "deb karmic main restricted" that I do not understand15:18
ngongn8wulf: it's a very fresh installation, done no changes so far15:19
BluesKajngong, for everyones's benefit , pastebin your sources.list15:19
n8wulfgood idea15:20
ngongBluesKaj: sorry, what is the pastebin command on ubuntu?15:20
n8wulfhe said that: "I did a sudo aptitude which could not understand line #5 of sources.list, that is: "deb karmic main restricted" that I do not understand"15:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:21
ngongBluesKaj: maybe I'm too blind: I do not understand how to pastebin from the commandline and I can not lokate a simple texteditor (for cut'n paste from the screen)15:28
ngongBluesKaj: lokate <- locate15:30
Koliangong: can you add the pastebin plasmoid to your desktop?15:30
BluesKajngong, alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list15:30
ngongKolia: till now I can not install anything new15:31
Koliayou can see the desktop?15:31
ngonghttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1267d620 - source.list15:32
BluesKajngong , in edit find select all then copy , go to  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com and paste the entry15:32
leetbeguinner774someone speak french?15:32
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:33
BluesKajngong, uncomment lines 38, 39, 45, 4615:33
leetbeguinner774ok thanks15:33
Kolialeetbeguinner774: #ubuntu-fr is very active15:33
ngongBluesKaj: are you sure? It's a very fresh installation.15:34
Koliangong: i agree with BluesKaj15:34
BluesKajngong, then do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install konversation15:34
dagon_BluesKaj: nope, just using flash15:34
BluesKajngong, they are commented out for legall reasons15:35
BluesKajerr legal15:35
ngongBluesKaj: even apt-get update tells me that line #5 is wrong15:35
ngongBluesKaj: "URI parse"15:36
ngong_BluesKaj: I may comment out #5 and #6, may that hurt?15:37
=== leetbeguinner774 is now known as blueman
BluesKajngong_, that's because there's no proper url for the repository , it should look like this  deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted15:39
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BluesKajthose are  2 lines btw15:40
ngong_BluesKaj: I commented out any line that contains "karmic" (about 15 lines), now it does some update. I wonder if this is ok.15:41
ngong_BluesKaj: could you paste me a sources.list that works with 9.10?15:43
ma_aiutoooooooooooooooooooo ! ! ! !15:43
ma_ma cos'è questo????15:43
BluesKajngong_, ok ..wait for a minute or 215:44
ma_c'è nessuno che parla italiano qua dentro?15:44
ma_chi pò aiutarmi?15:44
BluesKajngong_, this site will generate a sources list for your particular needs, http://techie-buzz.com/linux-tips/generate-a-sources-list-with-the-ubuntu-sources-list-generator.html15:45
Kolia!it |ma_15:45
ubottuma_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:46
ma_grazie ... e scusate15:46
Koliano problemo ;)15:46
BluesKajngong_, just rename your old list etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak , in case you need it if the new one doesn't do what you want15:47
BluesKajngong_,  correction , /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak15:49
n8wulfngong, although commenting out anything with Karmic in it fixed your problem for now, read the earlier post about the URI that's incorrect15:49
intechhallo wo bin ich gelandet15:49
n8wulf<BluesKaj> ngong_, that's because there's no proper url for the repository , it should look like this  deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted15:50
BluesKajoops i'm mixed up here , ngong_ too many ppl at once /etc/apt/sources.list.bak15:50
n8wulfngong just needs to fix that 2 lines as pointed out15:50
ward__:au VimEnter * NERDTree in my vimrc --> to open a nerdTREE when starting15:50
ward__but is it possible to set it also when a new tab is opened ?15:51
ward__:au TabEnter * NERDTree15:51
ward__but that's when you enter the tab so multiple trees open15:51
BluesKajn8wulf, well the site i posted is fine for karmic , if you guys are afraid of new repos then that's a different matter15:51
BluesKajI still recommend saving the old source.list as /etc/apt/sources.list.bak , then you can always revert to it idf the newly generated one doesn't work15:53
n8wulfHowto "whisper" pls?15:54
BluesKajI hit the wrong key and pm'd him'15:55
n8wulfyeah, send a msg to  user or PM them, but not in a separate Room15:55
n8wulfhow to PM then15:55
Kolian8wulf: /query username15:56
BluesKajright click on the nick in the chat text ,open query15:56
BluesKajanyway I have errands to run ...bbl15:57
=== hhlp_ is now known as hhlp
anna_BluesKaj: thats me again ngong on the laptop of my daughter, please see http://pastebin.ca/1744197 and http://pastebin.ca/174417916:04
anna_BlueEagle: from the generator I got some entries with missing keys, how to get them?16:04
n8wulfngong/anna , bluesKaj went offline for a while16:04
n8wulfas I have to do, time to make dinner16:05
Alarmis it possible to make icons not to go behind widgets ? for example some files/icons on my desktop go behind the Clock widget16:06
anna_n8wulf: thank you so far, I can install now, and I may figure out the error messages later16:06
n8wulfyes, you move the Clock out of the Way16:06
ngong_bye from here16:08
njathanis there a way to transfer files from windows share with 'resume' later support?16:22
Alarmis it possible to use shadows on my windows ? i use oxygen widget style16:23
IzinucsWhere are wallpapers stored after you've used Desktop Settings to download a couple? I don't see what I downloaded in /usr>share>wallpapers>Air>contents.... just the original Air wallpaper16:26
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Swingeri IRC therfore i am16:29
njathanIzinucs: its in /home/<uname>/.kde/share/wallpapers/16:29
Swingerhow can i join other IRC networks?16:29
Izinucsnjathan: thanks! that worked like a champ16:32
IzinucsOk .. here's something irritating in Dolphin.  Using split screen and moving a file from one directory to another results in a dialoge box asking if you want to "move, copy or link here" and next to each of those option is the shortcut key.   Ctrl click drag doesn't work for "copy".  With a single file the file ends up un-selected... with multiple files it unselects the one you were pointing at when you hit CTRL.. Any solutions? or am I16:38
Izinucs doing something wrong?16:38
=== Dekans is now known as Dekans[afk]
philyawI'm having trouble installing applications in Kubuntu16:42
Izinucsphilyaw: how so?16:42
qwertzhi, i've a problem with the nepomuk search in dolphin in kde sc 4.4 rc116:42
philyawI want to install ndiswrapper, I am in the terminal in the ndiswrapper directory16:42
qwertzdolphin: symbol lookup error: dolphin: undefined symbol: _ZNK7Nepomuk5Query5Query11toSearchUrlEv16:42
=== mareen is now known as SebSemper
philyawwhen i type sudo dpkg -i ndisgtk_*.deb it says sudo dpkg -i ndisgtk_*.deb16:43
philyawsorry, it says no such file or directory16:43
philyawHere are the files it shows16:43
philyawAUTHORS    driver   INSTALL           Makefile       ndiswrapper.spec  utils16:43
philyawChangeLog  drivers  loadndisdriver.8  ndiswrapper.8  README16:43
Izinucsphilyaw: don't paste here16:43
philyawwhere would i paste16:43
Izinucsthat's not bad.  it doesn't show a .deb in that listing..  larger paste's can be done at pastebin.com16:44
philyawshould I re-download it or something?16:44
Izinucsphilyaw: what you have there is what looks like the source code that needs compiling.. That I can't help you with..16:45
Alarmare plasmoids related to widgets ?16:46
philyawWhat should I google to figure this out16:46
macoAlarm: mostly theyre the same thing16:46
macoplasmoid is the technical term16:46
macowidget is the user-friendly one16:46
macoand then what language is used to write them has some bearing16:46
Alarmstrange, i try to install this one : http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Customizable+Weather+Plasmoid+%28CWP%29?content=98925 which is a widely used one16:47
newbie123abcwhere are KDE 4.4 RC1?16:47
Alarmfrom the widget application but i cant16:47
macothe widget application?16:47
Alarmi look for a good weather forecast widget16:47
fire`lalanewbie123abc: still nothing there for karmic :-(16:47
macooh get hot new stuff?16:47
Alarmyes, i mean the one you install remove widget from the desktop16:47
newbie123abcfire`lala: f............. grrrrrrrrrr16:47
macoit only shows a small handful of items16:47
philyawWhen I'm trying to install a package and it tells me to insert the cd... and I have the Kubuntu cd in the tray.... and it keeps repeating to me to insert it and press enter...16:48
Alarmand going back to supercaramba is not an option16:48
philyawWhat can I do?16:48
newbie123abcfire`lala: a lots of bugs on beta2....somebody savemeeeeeeeeeee16:48
macoif you choose different things between "recent" "popular" etc in that drop down, different ones show up16:48
Alarmi know, but nothing good for weather16:48
philyawIt says media change16:48
macoi dont know how to change which ones show up in ghns16:48
philyawFor unknown reasons16:48
Mamaroknewbie123abc: what are you doing on Beta 2 if you are new? This is not meant for productive use16:49
macophilyaw: do you have internet access? just disable the cd and use the online repositories16:49
Alarmthats why i am trying to download theoone from kde-look16:49
macophilyaw: it may be assuming you have a *set* of cds with all the repos16:49
philyawI pointed Kubuntu to several repositories16:49
philyawI typed in Cancel16:49
philyawand i think it did something16:49
macobut itll try to use the cd instead of the repositories if you have it enabled16:50
macoso disable the cd16:50
philyawi see16:50
philyawIn that panel where I added repos16:50
philyawIs this the official Kubuntu channel?16:51
luis_Sup Ubuntu I need your help: where is the option to make the openoffice calc sheet horizontal? thanks!16:51
macophilyaw: for user support, yeah16:52
macoluis_: format -> document, i think16:52
macoor format -> page16:53
macoone of those is OOo, one is MS Office for Mac...and i dont remember which is which at the moment16:53
e01i have kubuntu 9.10 on dell mini 9, but i can`t find wlan016:53
e01there is only eth0 and eth116:53
macoeth1 is it16:53
e01how can i add driver for wireless with monitor support16:53
macosome drivers name it eth1 some name it wlan016:54
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philyawApparently my wireless card doesn't work on my old inspiron laptop16:54
philyawWith Kubuntu16:54
philyawIs there an easier way to get it to work than ndiswrapper?16:54
macoyou'd have to tell us what it is16:54
macoMamarok: are you around? i have to head out16:54
philyawWhat what is?16:54
macowhat the wireless card is16:55
Mamarokmaco: not really, about to leave in a few minutes16:55
e01maco, yes eth1 is wireless to but haven`t monitor support16:55
macoe01: i dont know what you mean by monitor support, sorry16:55
philyawInspiron 1501 the card is Broadcom 1395 chipset16:55
e01i was reading in forum something for other broadcom driver16:55
macophilyaw: bcmwl driver should work16:55
macobcmwl-kernel-source and bcmwl-modaliases16:55
philyawIt doesn't show any networks under wireless16:55
macoMamarok: ok16:56
macowell those wireless questions can be answered in #ubuntu16:56
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macoas they're not kde-specific16:57
philyawWhat is the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu/16:57
macodefault applications16:57
philyawI finally got through a guide to make it work and I'm gonna restart now16:57
macoand desktop environment16:57
philyawWish me luck16:57
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anna_what is the recommended partition editor for kubuntu? gparted?17:04
anna_or is there an alternative?17:05
Zoraelanna_: There is a Qt-based one simply called partitionmanager (in the repos), but I'd recommend you use gparted anyway17:05
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
martijnhi i want the nvidia driver to be installed, but i have no clue howto, seeing that every distro has another way to do this, anyone knows?17:07
philyawI'm connected to my wireless network and my wifi light is illuminated!17:09
philyawBut.... Still can't pull up a webpage17:09
martijni cannot get compositing to work currently17:10
rama_Hello. I am having trouble installing 9.10 on a desktop, because of the classical "sr0 I/O error". I have checked the jumpers of the optica drive and the hard drive, and the CD reader is at the far end of its cable. The md5 of the CD checks out and I have sucessfully installed a box from this CD. Anything else I should have tried ?17:11
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shadeslayer_hey has anyone tried to install digikam and koffice-kde4 side by side?17:21
newbie123abcRC1 out?17:21
shadeslayer_newbie123abc: nope17:21
newbie123abcsomeone get me out overrrhere17:22
shadeslayer_newbie123abc: um there wont be ALOT of difference b/w beta 2 and RC117:22
shadeslayer_newbie123abc: NO!!17:27
* newbie123abc installing gentoo17:27
shadeslayer_newbie123abc: sure go ahead :D17:28
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gigi_Hi is anyone out there who can help me installing a stupid new game?17:32
gigi_Hello? Tiny help please..17:34
rorkgigi_: which game and from which source?17:34
gigi_Hi rork..thanks..17:34
gigi_I am new so I'll try to explain17:34
gigi_source is..17:35
gigi_hold on..17:35
gigi_game is tressette17:36
gigi_already downloaded17:36
gigi_and followed stupidly instrunctions17:36
gigi_but doesn't work17:36
rorkI guess the instructions are run "make" and "make install"?17:37
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ilumiis there an easy way to enable boot log on 9.10?17:38
rorkdid you get an error at either of them?17:38
llutzconsider using checkinstall instead of just "make install"17:38
gigi_don't understand : what does "easy way to enable boot log on 9.10" mean?17:39
llutzilumi: /etc/default/bootlogd set "BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=yes"17:40
ilumillutz, did that, but still no log17:40
ilumillutz, empty file17:40
shadeslayeryeah sorry for that17:41
llutzilumi: not sure about karmic, but you need package sysvinit for bootlogd17:41
llutzilumi: i guess it will interfere with upstart17:41
shadeslayergigi_: whats the last message you got from me?17:41
ilumillutz, ok, i found a post that talks about that, but that's not an easy way to get it to work17:42
llutzilumi: hopefully there will be an easier one, when *buntu stops integrating upstart or upstart reaches a usable level17:43
shadeslayergigi: untar the folder and check for any README and CMake files17:44
ilumillutz, thanks17:44
gigihere you have the readme file text17:44
gigiBasic Installation17:45
gigi   These are generic installation instructions.17:45
gigi   The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for17:45
gigivarious system-dependent variables used during compilation.  It uses17:45
FloodBotK1gigi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:45
shadeslayergigi: please pastebin it17:45
shadeslayergigi: do you have the build files?17:51
shadeslayerlike dev packages etc17:51
shadeslayergigi: sudo apt-get install build-essential17:52
shadeslayergigi: that installs the required basic dev packages17:52
gigi_do you need again the url?17:55
gigi_or the explanation?17:55
shadeslayergigi_: did you install the package?17:55
gigi_need the paste bin?17:56
shadeslayergigi_: can you also pastebin any other INSTALL files?17:56
gigi_hold on17:56
gunsofbrixtonhi, what's a good vector drawing software?17:56
shadeslayergigi_: please install the build-essential package for compiling17:56
gigi_which means??17:56
shadeslayergunsofbrixton: one sec17:57
gunsofbrixtonshadeslayer: sure :)17:57
shadeslayergunsofbrixton: for kde : karbon-kde417:57
shadeslayergigi_: its a basic package which has the CMake compiler and some standard stuff.... 5 MB download17:58
shadeslayergunsofbrixton: there might be better ones out there,but karbon is KDE specific17:58
gigi_how do I get it and then which instructions do I have to give to the terminal?17:58
shadeslayergigi_: um im telling you as we go along,you can read the README you just posted carefully if you want to cross check...17:59
gunsofbrixtonshadeslayer: ok cool, I'll give that a try17:59
shadeslayergigi_: well run ./configure in the unpacked folder and that should configure everything for you18:00
gigi_did it many times18:00
gigi_doesn' work18:00
shadeslayergigi_: yeah you need build-essential first18:01
gigi_well how18:01
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shadeslayergigi_: >< use : sudo apt-get install build-essential : in a terminal18:02
shadeslayer!compile | gigi_18:02
ubottugigi_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:02
shadeslayergigi_: better be quick ill be offline in 20 mins18:03
gigi_build-essential already in18:03
shadeslayerand you might have to wait for a long time before someone can help you :D18:03
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gigi_it's at its last ver18:04
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gigi_so now what?18:04
shadeslayergigi_: ok now cd to the directory and pastebin any error it spits out18:04
shadeslayergigi_: (after running ./configure)18:04
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gigi_Permesso negato18:04
gigi_access denied18:05
gigi_should I use sudo?18:05
shadeslayergigi_: uh.. please pastebin the complete error18:05
shadeslayergigi_: and where did you untar it? did you use sudo to untar it?18:05
gigi_bash: ./configure: Permesso negato18:05
gigi_it was not a tar18:06
gigi_it was a zip18:06
gigi_and no I did not use sudo18:06
gigi_I used gnome18:06
shadeslayergigi_: where did you unzip it?18:07
gigi_normal graphic interface18:07
gigi_in the Tressette directory18:07
gigi_in which I am now18:07
gigi_the files are all there18:07
shadeslayergigi_: ok,um try : chmod a+x (configure file here)18:07
shadeslayergigi_: now try to run it18:08
gigi_I wrote chmod a+x configure18:09
gigi_run what18:09
gigi_or make install?18:09
shadeslayergigi_: now : ./configure18:09
gigi_bash: ./configure: /bin/sh^M: interprete errato: Nessun file o directory18:10
shadeslayergigi_: um?18:10
gigi_no file or directory18:10
tsimpsonit's a DOS formatted file, it needs to be converted to Unix style18:10
shadeslayergigi_: are you in the directory where the unzipped files are?18:10
shadeslayertsimpson: eh?18:11
shadeslayer(im just downloading the source)18:11
tsimpsonshadeslayer: that ^M is the character Windows (and DOS) used to delimit lines18:12
tsimpsonwell, one of them anyway18:12
gigi_http://paste.ubuntu.com/354048/ this is the list of files18:12
tsimpsonthe tool tofrodos can be used to convert it to unix style18:12
shadeslayertsimpson: so just chage the first line?18:12
shadeslayergigi_: can you pastebin INSTALL too?18:13
shadeslayergigi_: wasnt that the readme you posted?18:14
tsimpsonshadeslayer: the whole thing needs converting, you install tofrodos and use "dos2unix <filename>" to convert18:14
shadeslayergigi_: yeah so i need the INSTALL file mentioned in the list18:14
shadeslayertsimpson: just the ./configure script?18:15
gigi_that is that one18:15
draikHow can I get my old config of GRUB?18:15
gigi_it is called INSTALL18:15
tsimpsonhopefully just that18:15
draikThe new version of GRUB isn't being updated with new kernels18:15
gigi_but it's a text18:15
shadeslayergigi_: and what about the README.txt?18:15
shadeslayernevermind i downloaded it18:15
gigi_it doesn' say anything18:16
shadeslayeryeah :P18:16
gigi_does it?18:16
shadeslayergigi_: ok install tofrodos18:18
shadeslayergigi_: i m trying to compile it here18:18
shadeslayergigi_: same way as build-essential,swap build-essential with tofrodos18:18
shadeslayergigi_: sudo apt-get install tofrodos18:18
shadeslayergigi_: dos2unix configure18:19
shadeslayertsimpson: http://pastebin.ca/174435818:20
shadeslayertsimpson: there are so many packages with SDL.... which one?18:20
shadeslayergigi_: now : ./configure18:20
shadeslayergigi_: any errors? please pastebin18:21
gigi_That's what happened http://paste.ubuntu.com/354057/18:21
shadeslayergigi_: yeah im working on that18:21
shadeslayergigi_: you might need : libsdl-net1.2-dev : not sure though18:23
gigi_where do I get it?18:23
shadeslayergigi_: just a sec,im installing the dev packages myself and ill let you know :D18:23
shadeslayergimme 2 mins :P18:23
gigi_you're coooool!!!!18:23
shadeslayerthats cuz its 4oC outside18:24
tsimpsonshadeslayer: libsdl1.2-dev18:25
shadeslayertsimpson: not libsdl-net1.2-dev?18:25
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tsimpson!find sdl-config18:25
ubottuFile sdl-config found in libsdl1.2-dev, lush-library18:25
shadeslayergigi_: install libsdl1.2-dev,thanks to tsimpson18:26
tsimpsonif you type a command in a shell, and it's not install, it should tell you what package(s) has it18:26
shadeslayertsimpson: libsdl-net1.2-dev worked too18:26
gigi_so what do I exactly do now?18:27
tsimpsonbecause libsdl-net1.2-dev depends on libsdl1.2-dev, so you basically installed both18:27
shadeslayergigi_: install  libsdl1.2-dev with : sudo apt-get install  libsdl1.2-dev18:27
IzinucsHow do I configure "Forward" email in Kontact to include the original text?  It's currently defaulting to an attachment of the forwarded message.18:27
shadeslayertsimpson: gah... make errors :P18:28
gigi_workin' hard18:28
tsimpsonput them on paste.ubuntu.com and I'll take a look18:28
shadeslayertsimpson: http://pastebin.ca/174437418:28
gigi_3 minutes remaining18:29
IzinucsThere's a widget you can get that will put pastbin.com on the desktop.. drag file and drop18:29
tsimpsonhmm missing .po files18:30
DaughainSuch a useful widget, that.18:30
shadeslayeryep... theres no deps folder yet make looks for them18:30
shadeslayerDaughain: yeah18:30
shadeslayertsimpson: checkout the out folder18:31
shadeslayer.dll's and .exe's18:31
gigi_done http://paste.ubuntu.com/354060/18:32
shadeslayergigi_: now : ./configure18:32
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gigi_done http://paste.ubuntu.com/354061/18:33
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shadeslayergigi_: now run : make18:34
gigi_error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/354063/18:35
shadeslayergigi_: yeah tsimpson is checking that out :)18:35
gigi_thanks to you both guys!!18:36
naftilos76hi everyone, is there a subtitle editor for KDE ?18:37
shadeslayernaftilos76: i think there is one... one sec18:38
naftilos76i just can't remember which one...18:38
naftilos76shadeslayer - found anything?18:40
shadeslayernaftilos76: nope18:41
shadeslayer!find subtitle18:41
ubottuFound: gnome-subtitles, libsubtitleeditor-dev, libsubtitleeditor0, libsubtitles-perl, subtitleeditor (and 2 others)18:41
tsimpsonshadeslayer: this source is really broken18:41
shadeslayertsimpson: hmm... tell that to gigi_ :P18:42
shadeslayernaftilos76: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ksubeditor/18:42
gigi_what guys?18:42
naftilos76i know that - i was just wondering whether they have anything for KDE in the repos...18:42
shadeslayernaftilos76: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Subtitle+Composer?content=6982218:42
shadeslayernaftilos76: nope18:42
gigi_Help! You left me alone?18:43
u19809hi all, is there any OpenOffice specific channel ? After kubuntu upgrade my master pages no longer show when editing slides (they show in the slide show though)18:44
shadeslayergigi_: the source is borked18:44
shadeslayernaftilos76: http://ppa.launchpad.net/goliash/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/s/subtitlecomposer/ << PPA for second link18:44
gigi_shit! so I have to give it up?18:44
naftilos76shadeslayer - thanks man!18:45
shadeslayergigi_: afraid so.. unless tsimpson can come up with something magical18:45
gigi_Thanks anyway guys, for the big effort.18:45
shadeslayergigi_: why not try some other game?18:45
shadeslayergigi_: from the repos18:45
gigi_there's not tressette18:45
tsimpsongigi_: looks like it's really only meant to compile on Windows18:46
gigi_whaaaaa!!!! :-(18:46
shadeslayergigi_: lol...18:46
tsimpsonand (speaking as someone who codes), it's poor quality18:47
tsimpsonlooks like it was written by a poorly educated child18:47
tsimpsonon a bad day18:47
gigi_thanks again and again..18:47
gigi_by guys18:47
gigi_bye bye18:47
shadeslayergigi_: bye :)18:47
dodam o prob cu ubuntu18:54
draikHow can I revert to have GRUB which worked?18:54
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soeeguys why theres no kde 4.4 rc1 in ppa yet?19:02
Quintasansoee: nope, mesa was broken, fix was submitted and now it's building, when it's done we will probably get it released19:03
soeeQuintasan: how lonk does it usualy take to build ?19:04
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WolfcastleI'm having problems installing a new icon theme in kubuntu karmic19:12
Wolfcastlewhen clicking install the mouse icon changes to busy19:13
Wolfcastleand after a while I get a message19:13
Wolfcastlesaying "can't install icon theme"19:13
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Kqzkompozer have syntax highlight??19:18
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IzinucsHow do I move all my Evolution contacts to Kontact?19:35
milanhi guys19:40
milanI need some graphic adapter help here19:40
milanits to damn confusing19:40
milanBy default radeon is used, but no compositioning for kwin19:41
milanfglrx brought too much instability19:41
maurihow can activate zvbi in my karmic?19:41
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Wolfcastlehow do you install a kdm theme?19:44
Wolfcastleit's in tar.gz format19:44
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frogletI take it bugs in Jaunty are not being fixed, is that correct?  I still have a problem not being able to encrypt files with kgpg19:48
frogletKarmic is too unstable19:49
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frogletI would put my netbook on the LTS version but nothing prior to Jaunty will install on my netbook19:51
newbie123abcRC1 out?19:51
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cybehhey all can anybody help me with xorg.conf issue with DVI output19:57
cybeham getting a resolution for 1280x72019:57
Izinucscybeh: what kind of card are you using?19:58
cybehits a Intel DG35 Mainboard19:58
Izinucscybeh: ati x3500?19:58
cybehnopes Intel has a manborad with onboard DVI19:59
cybehread the forum post it will help19:59
Izinucscybeh: did.. was just looking for the vid card type.. Intel cards are pretty well supported but have had some issues with the driver in the last couple of releases.. 9.10 I think is much better and will be better still in 10.04.  The thing is xorg.conf isn't really used unless you custom write one.. the entire vid system is controlled by xrandr and can be manipulated via cli for adding resolutions that are not immediately recognized.20:01
Izinucscybeh: type xrandr into a terminal and it will output what resolutions are currently listed for xrandr to make use of.20:03
Izinucscybeh: check out http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1220:06
cybeh_Izinucs: sorry lost the PPP link20:09
cybeh_do you have any suggestion?20:10
Izinucshttp://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12  check out this link.. xrandr controls the video system.. xorg.conf is only used if you want to write a custom one..20:10
Izinucscybeh: type xrandr into a terminal and it will output what resolutions are currently listed for xrandr to make use of.20:10
Izinucscybeh: did.. was just looking for the vid card type.. Intel cards are pretty well supported but have had some issues with the driver in the last couple of releases.. 9.10 I think is much better and will be better still in 10.04.  The thing is xorg.conf isn't really used unless you custom write one.. the entire vid system is controlled by xrandr and can be manipulated via cli for adding resolutions that are not immediately recognized.20:10
Izinucscybeh: those were the posts you might have missed20:10
cybeh_currently the DVI is disconneted should i Connect it20:11
cybeh_thanks Izinucs can I delete the existing modes20:14
cybeh_DVI1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 1280x720       60.0 +   50.0 640x480        60.020:14
Izinucscybeh_: you mean what's listed in xrandr?20:15
newbie123abcRC1 out?20:15
pinkisntwellhow can i set the mouse to scroll more than 12 lines each time/20:16
cybeh_Izinucs: i added the 1024x768 mode20:16
cybeh_now its showing it in the xrandr20:16
Izinucscybeh_: ok.. I'm confused as to what you're asking me20:17
cybeh_thanks mate looks like this should work20:18
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cybeh_coz now i get the option of choosing the correct resolution20:18
Izinucscybeh_: cool.. It's a different way of doing things..20:18
cybeh_in the DVI20:18
cybeh_yeah didnt know that its that simple20:18
cybeh_lemme restart xorg and come back20:18
cybeh_do i need to restart xorg20:19
Izinucsbut not overly intuitive.. you have know about it then search for the how to's.. for a new user that can be problemmatic.. (one reason why I stick with nvidia)20:19
cybeh_coz I think I just got an error of mode not supported20:19
cybeh_its flashing mode not supported on the screen when I switch to HDMI20:20
iconmefistohave you created your own xorg.conf? or running without one?20:23
soeekubuntu.org: KDE SC 4.4 Release Candidate 1 packages available :D20:27
JontheEchidnawow, that was quick20:27
JontheEchidnaI just posted that :)20:27
soeei dont have them in updates :/20:27
JontheEchidnahmm, might be a few minutes more20:28
soeeok theyr here :D20:28
soeethanx a lot !! :D20:28
soeeupdating, we will see how it works now -.-20:29
JontheEchidnaoh, almost forgot to add a note about virtuoso....20:29
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Izinucswhat's available for kde that is similar to Picasa?  cataloging, tagging etc20:34
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=== Tm_T changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala released! | Download Kubuntu 9.10: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu | KDE SC 4.3.4 for Karmic in the Kubuntu PPA: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.4 | KDE SC 4.4 rc1 in the Kubuntu Beta PPA: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-rc-1 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuideli
soeei have a feeling that with rc1 kubuntu works a bit faster20:41
=== Tm_T changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala released! | Download Kubuntu 9.10: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu | KDE 4.3.4 in backports | KDE SC 4.4rc1 in the Kubuntu Beta PPA: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-rc-1 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidelines
iconmefistoJontheEchidna: maybe you can give me a definitive answer. is pulseaudio installed by default in kubuntu karmic?20:43
JontheEchidnaiconmefisto: It is not installed by default.20:43
JontheEchidnano prob20:43
soeehmm, there are still some annoying bugs :(20:43
iconmefistosoee: such as?20:44
JontheEchidnaIzinucs: maybe digikam is what you're looking for?20:44
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz20:45
LaeborgHow does this works with KDE ?20:46
iconmefistosoee: plasma UI bugs, or worse?20:46
soeeinclement: i have 2 panels on my desktop, if i click the one @ the top and open bar with widgets then if i close it there are some artefacts after this bar20:46
Tm_TLaeborg: works20:46
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Tm_Tsoee: blame might be in graphicsdrivers20:46
soeeinclement: now after updates there are also some strange signs on top panel background20:47
Tm_TDekans: please don't use awaynicks20:47
JontheEchidnaoh, actually I think that's not a graphics driver bug. let me see if I can find the kde bug20:47
Laeborgjust apt-get install compiz ?20:47
soeeinclement: also on the tool box background20:47
iconmefistoLaeborg: you know there are kwin desktop effects, right?20:47
iconmefistoLaeborg: right-click the titlebar of a kde window, configure desktop behaviour20:48
inclementsoee: I'm not sure you mean 'inclement' there20:49
soeeinclement: wait a moment20:49
IzinucsJontheEchidna: I have that and it's a great program but doesn't do what Picasa does.. could be I just haven't found all its features yet..20:51
iconmefistoLaeborg: what version kde/kubuntu?20:53
soeeinclement: look @ the 1st screen: http://yfrog.com/j0zrzutekranu6dp (the top bar)20:53
Laeborgkde 4.3.2, kubuntu 9.1020:53
LaeborgI guess it could something with my dual monitor ?20:54
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JontheEchidnasoee: I seem to remember seeing a but about that at bugs.kde.org, but I can't find it at the moment20:54
JontheEchidna*a bug about that20:54
soeeJontheEchidna: ok, ill show u the tool box, wait a moment20:55
iconmefistoLaeborg: I've had some effects not activating before, but cube, login and logout, fade, window switching ones, they've always worked for me20:56
soeeinclement, JontheEchidna: this happens sometimes: http://yfrog.com/e5zrzutekranu7p but usually it looks like.. (wait a moment -:)20:56
soeeinclement, JontheEchidna: http://yfrog.com/2dzrzutekranu8ip this is how tool box looks like (look @ background)20:58
soeethose whote shapes can be faund also @ the top bar background20:58
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JontheEchidnathe square in the box is a change to the air theme: http://imagebin.ca/view/Fsgv9sju.html20:58
JontheEchidnait used to be circles20:58
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JontheEchidnamy toolbox looks like this, I think the square placement is semi-random: http://imagebin.ca/view/1CHOhWk.html20:59
soeeJontheEchidna: your tb looks good, but with mine there is something wrong i think :/21:00
soeecan u tell me, how can i turn off white "shadows" around texts in infoboxes (the ones you when you hover icon etc)21:04
soee*ones u see21:04
philyawhow do i download the latest headers?21:10
Izinucsphilyaw: typically you use the update manager.. if they are there then there's no issue.. if they are not and you're getting them from someplace else then you need to know what you're doing.  If you have to ask you shouldn't21:13
Izinucsphilyaw: maybe.. I miss read.. headers for an existing kernel? not a kernel?  then it will be in the package manager..21:13
philyawEh, I'm trying to get my wireless card to work in Kubuntu and I get error messages when following any guide21:14
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philyawAll guides I'm following are specific for Ubuntu21:14
philyawCould the fact I'm using Kubunt affect the installation process?21:15
Izinucsphilyaw: nope.21:15
Izinucsphilyaw: headers should be in the repo's for your kernel though.. they have to be matched to your kernel..21:15
philyawlzinucs, "You need a recent kernel, at least 2.6.16, with header files for the21:16
philyawkernel. Make sure there is a link to the kernel source from the modules21:16
philyawdirectory should have at least 'include' directory and '.config' file."21:16
philyawI have most recent headers yet I don't have the .config file21:17
Izinucsphilyaw:  are you running the 9.10 release?21:17
Izinucsphilyaw: what kernel are you running the 15 or 17?21:17
philyawlzinucs, Not sure, how can I tell?21:18
iconmefistouname -r21:19
Izinucsphilyaw: on my system I have both the .16 & the newer .17 .. open kPackageKit and search for "headers" the packages with an "X" next to them on the right means they are installed.. If you havent done your updates yet do that.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade .. and you should receive them21:19
philyawI'm getting error messages every time I try to do something21:23
philyawI can't set up ndiswrapper because of this21:23
philyawHow do I reinstall Kubuntu?21:23
LostCausewhats the error?21:23
philyawjust a sec21:24
iconmefistophilyaw: tried installing linux-headers-generic ?21:24
philyawYeah, i have the latest of pretty much everything21:24
IzinucsI don't think he has an internet connection on that computer.21:24
philyawI am online on it now21:24
philyawI just have to have it plugged in21:24
Izinucsoh.. ok21:24
philyawI got my light to come on and it says im connected to my network21:25
soeedo u know how can i turn off this background around texts: http://img31.yfrog.com/i/62010128.png/?21:25
philyawBut the DCHP isn't coming through21:25
LostCausethis is the computer your on right now?21:25
LostCausedid you give it a static address?21:26
philyawI don't know21:26
philyawThe problem I"m having during install is when i use the "make" command21:27
philyawhome/philyaw/ndiswrapper-1.55/driver/ntoskernel.h:905: error: implicit declaration of function ‘cmpxchg8b’21:28
Izinucsphilyaw: the problem is you can't get to the net and update your system.. once that done you'll have the right headers etc. AND you may discover that your wireless will "just work"21:30
philyawlzinucs, I'm online on the computer right now and have updated headers21:30
iconmefistosoee: are you using folder view on your desktop?21:30
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philyawI also have some distros as well21:30
soeeiconmefisto: yes i do21:31
philyawsorry, repos21:31
iconmefistosoee: right-click on desktop, folder view activity settings21:31
iconmefistosoee: then go to display, and turn off "shadows"21:31
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iconmefistosoee: let me know if that fixed it21:33
soeeiconmefisto: this option allows me to turn off shadow under icon names only21:33
iconmefistosoee: did you try it?21:33
soeeiconmefisto: yes21:33
soeeiconmefisto: maybe i have to logout or reboot also ?21:34
iconmefistosoee: on mine it changes when I click OK on the dialog. and it doesn't seem to affect icon text, just the popups when hovering21:34
philyawHow do I search for non-application type files21:35
philyawlike driver/ntoskernel.h21:35
soeeiconmefisto: u are on 4.4 rc1?21:35
iconmefistosoee: yes, just installed. maybe I should log out/in21:36
soeeiconmefisto: im after reboot21:36
iconmefistosoee: ok I'll reboot and see what happens21:36
soeeiconmefisto: ok21:36
philyawSomeone on a forum had  a crazy fix that made the "make" command work for me21:39
ahsancan anybody help21:43
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ahsani just upgraded my hardy to karmic21:43
Kolia!ask - ahsan21:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:43
ahsann den installed firefox 3.5 over 321:44
Kolia!ask |ahsan21:44
ubottuahsan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:44
iconmefistosoee: same as before, but you're right, that setting only affects icons, not plasma widget text21:45
soeeiconmefisto: and u have this shadow also ?21:46
ahsanok after upgrading to karmic i tried to upgrade firefox from 3.5 to 3, but none of em r working neither i m geting any icon in list of internet programmes, n my kpackagekit is not working after tat, its givivg msg to install apt or synaptic n try to resolve brken dependencies21:47
ahsani m new t linux21:47
iconmefistosoee: on widgets yes, on icon text on the desktop no, but on text when hovering on desktop icons, yes. when I turn off shadows, the shadows on hovered icons disappears, but not the text on other widgets21:48
soeeiconmefisto: ok21:48
iconmefistosoee: maybe the plasma widgets don't know about that setting in 4.4RC and will eventually be updated?21:49
soeeiconmefisto: do u have some eee... bug maybe? when iresizing some program widnow - a bit transparent blue area?21:50
Daatri have ubuntu. i installed kubuntu, now i want uninstall it. how?21:51
iconmefistowindow resizing seems fine here. in what window does this happen? all windows?21:51
LostCausesudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop21:52
LostCauseor you could just select a gnome seesion at the login window21:52
Daatr<LostCause> tnx21:53
ahsanmy kpackagekit is not working21:53
iconmefistoDaatr: that won't remove much at all. look here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome21:53
Daatrtnank you21:54
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Daatrhm... sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop21:55
soeeiconmefisto: yes all windows when im holding mouse button pressed and resizing21:55
DaatrPackage kubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed21:55
Daatrbut i still have kde session21:55
ahsanmy software management kit is not working n i m not able to open hotmail  in konqueror21:56
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dthackerHi,  I'm trying to connect my printer to my Kubuntu system, but I'm unable to print a test page.21:58
dthackerThe printer is communicating, but wants me to PC LOAD EXEC21:58
soeeok here is the tip how to crash program luncher: run pl using alt+f1, type some text and hold right arrow, it will crash, run it again and o the same, this time its dead for good :/22:00
iconmefistoDaatr: you have to remove the packages that the kubuntu-desktop meta-package installed. follow the link I posted ^^22:00
Daatrthank you! :)22:00
Xnet0Hello, I am having problems with the GRUB bootloader. Could anyone help?22:07
soeesomeone who is using vlc ?22:07
iconmefistoXnet0, soee: details?22:08
ahsanplz  help me wid Kpackagelist22:08
iconmefistoahsan: what's wrong?22:09
soeeinclement: if i run vlc (doesnt matter if it plas something or not) there are some lags when i draw selection on desktop22:09
Xnet0iconmefistom, Error: 17 (which i know to be related to partition tables. After looking at the partitions on my hard drive, the Windows XP partition is black coloured and has a warning sign. The name is "unknown". I am unable to boot into both Liinux and Windows. Also, Linux cannot recognise the harddrive.)22:10
Xnet0I feel as if a major error has occured. I think I lost all of my stuff.22:10
iconmefistoXnet0: karmic 9.10 ?22:12
Xnet0No, its actually 9.04, but the issue is with grub.. I cant seem to recover my files.22:12
Xnet0The Windows partition is unaccessable.22:13
iconmefistoXnet0: so you haven't installed grub2, right?22:13
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:13
Xnet0thx ill check it out22:14
siegieI can't transfer files from my phone with bluetooth, to my notebook. I must give an access code. Communication from my notebook to the phone works fine. Does anyone know the default code?22:15
iconmefistosoee: seems you have quite a few desktop-related quirks. maybe try creating a new user and see if it's still the same there. or rename ~/.kde/share/config to ~/.kde/share/config.backup and log out/in and see if there is any difference with new settings22:18
soeeiconmefisto: ok ill try22:18
iconmefistosoee: if you do the renaming of config folder, to restore your old desktop settings you should rename config.backup when kde is NOT running, then log in22:19
siegieproblem solved  Its 000022:22
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PhilyllWhat was the command to remove the Linux partition?22:24
newbie123abchi roman22:27
newbie123abcRC1 out?22:28
Tm_Tnewbie123abc: see topic22:28
ahsan_kpackagelist not working , giving msg to use apt or synaptic yo resolve broken dependencies so temme how can i resove broken dependencies22:29
ceoso what is the purpose of this system22:42
ceoim a newbie22:43
DaughainTo runb a computer?22:43
DaughainWell, Ibguess tehcnically to allow a human useable interface for silicon chips.22:44
ahsan_kpackagelist not working , giving msg to use apt or synaptic yo resolve broken dependencies so temme how can i resove broken dependencies22:44
Daughainahsan_: Try update manager?22:44
soeeiconmefisto: ok im on new settings and the problem with resizing dissapeard but thr vlc still makes lags with selection, maybe its the program fault ?22:46
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xixorHowdy, just to confirm, the kubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso image will be the 64 bit image for intel processors as well right?  Not just AMD?22:51
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supermagnumhi, do anyone know how i can load s19 files in to a megasquirt with linux ?22:58
newbie123abcnepomuk doesn't work.23:10
newbie123abcVirtuoso RDF server required...what is that?23:10
soeenewbie123abc: tid u installed virtuoso-server and driver ?23:12
newbie123abcsoee: which packages?23:13
soeenewbie123abc: virtuoso-server  and virtuoso-driver23:13
newbie123abcsoee: srry23:13
soeeguys do still have networkmanager crash when loggin out.rebooting etc ?23:15
newbie123abcsoee: networkmanager appear at top left side23:16
newbie123abcsoee: strageous23:16
newbie123abcmixer too23:16
soeenewbie123abc: i have mixer on the right position but networmmanager is in upper left corner :/23:17
soeeand still crashing plasma when turning off23:17
sourcemaker_are you using ext4 as your default file system?23:17
soeesourcemaker_: who ?23:17
newbie123abcsoee: in the 4.4 beta 2 mixer appear on the correct position23:17
newbie123abcsoee: but RC1 not23:17
sourcemaker_soee: all of you :-)23:17
soeesourcemaker_: yes im on ext423:18
newbie123abcsourcemaker_: me too23:18
sourcemaker_soee: do you think it is really faster?23:18
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soeesourcemaker_: i dont know im using it long time and works fine for me :)23:20
sourcemaker_soee: ok thanks23:20
max_Can anyone help me get MIDI working in kubuntu? I'm trying to update some musical gear with a MIDI to USB cable, but when the program that updates it tries to connect it tells me that the "MIDI Device is Busy"23:26
philyawhow do I remove ubuntu?23:32
philyawor kubuntu23:33
newbie123abcokular bug persists23:41
Quintasannewbie123abc: might being more precise? what bug and when? can you reproduce it?23:42
newbie123abcwhen a file is saved, okular refreshs at top of document23:42
newbie123abcQuintasan: ^23:42
newbie123abcQuintasan: lastest version that works is 4.3.423:42
Quintasannewbie123abc: and you are running?23:43
newbie123abcQuintasan: 4.3.9023:43
newbie123abcQuintasan: kde's version23:43
Quintasannewbie123abc: well, check KDE bugzilla for it23:43
newbie123abcQuintasan: how could i force a version without kde-full bug me?23:45
Quintasannewbie123abc: wait, what? I somehow fail to follow your thought proccess23:45
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newbie123abcQuintasan: i wold like to just install okular 4.3.4 n' lock at that version23:46
newbie123abcQuintasan: kde-full 4.3.90 pseudo-require okular 4.3.9023:47
Quintasansudo apt-get install okular=<theversionyouwant>23:48
newbie123abcQuintasan: but, every time i want upgrade system, aptitude: or remove kde-full, or remove updates okular23:49
newbie123abc", or updates okular"*23:49
Quintasannewbie123abc: hmm, beats me then :(23:49
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Shaun32what's up23:57
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