
sparrLwould anyone care to hazard a guess why my tty2 is currently in some video mode that my monitor doesn't support (which I believe to be X running in 2048x1600), instead of tty7 as usual?00:14
aciculaspawned another x?00:14
sparrLa second X should be on tty8 usually00:16
aciculaprogram doing stuff with a framebuffer ?00:16
charlie-tcaI don't know, but it does seem like lucid does that off and on00:27
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
sparranyone know what is changing with the new versions of xorg that are going in?01:01
DanaGhmm, my bootcharts are there.01:02
DanaG45 seconds.01:03
DanaGer, more like 60.01:03
BookmanI am trying to do a partial upgrade and it seems to tell me that there is a problem with virtual-ose.  I should remove the program.  Is this a known problem?01:19
aciculaprobably just needs to be updated01:20
BookmanI tried that and it says that it is broken.01:20
aciculai ment the package itself01:20
aciculajust leave it i suppose?01:21
BookmanNope, only solution is to remove virtual box altogether.01:24
aciculatrying to upgrade from karmic?01:24
aciculawell you could remove it and try forcing the installation of the broken package and see if it works i guess?01:25
BookmanNope, just update.  I removed virtualbox and all is well.01:25
BookmanHey, it's a Beta01:25
* sparr patiently waits for a new nvidia driver01:33
BookmanYup, updated just fine now.  Now issues.01:33
Sarvattjust a heads up not to update right now until you get mesa with the updates :D01:35
BookmanHow do I turn off join/part messages in XChat permanently?01:36
Sarvattbig change moving libGL to alternatives to accomidate nvidia and the required mesa update isn't published yet so things are broken01:37
sparrlol @ "things are broken"01:37
aciculaBookman: /ignore #channel QUITS, JOINS etc01:37
aciculamaybe without the ,01:37
BookmanI'm sure that there is just a one line global command.01:39
sparrwhat is the syntax to install a particular version of a package via apt-get?01:47
sparrI'm going to try downgrading X01:47
pasjrhelp: Stuck in low graphics mode after last update01:51
sparrpasjr: better than stuck in no graphics mode :(  some of us have no X at all today01:54
pasjrgreat, so I have to do a reinstall then01:54
yofelsparr: apt-get install <packagename>=<version>01:54
sparryofel: thanks01:54
yofelsparr: or <packagename>/<release>01:55
pasjrdo I have to reinstall to fix?01:55
sparrprobably not, patience could help01:55
sparrreinstalling might be faster01:55
yofelpasjr: it would help to know your graphics card01:55
pasjrI would psot it but I just lost all; graphics trying a sudo -s lshw01:57
pasjrI can not see anything01:57
pasjrtrying to reboot01:57
yofelall I'm interested in is the output of 'lspci | grep VGA'01:58
sparryofel: <release> can be "karmic"?01:59
yofelsparr: yes02:00
sparrthis is almost certainly not going to work, but better than trying nothing02:00
yofelsparr: what exactly are you trying to do anyway?02:00
sparrget X working02:01
sparrby whatever method works02:01
sparrright now I am trying to downgrade X back to karmic02:02
sparralways makes things harder that ubuntu only keeps one version of each package in each release02:02
pasjrI can not get my graphics info tried twice and lost all graphics02:04
pasjrI fear I need to roll back to 9.0402:04
yofelpasjr: and does 'lspci | grep VGA' work? (no sudo)02:04
pasjrno term I lose my graphics just opening it02:04
yofelno tty?02:04
pasjrhas this been a big issue today?02:05
pasjrI am not sure where to look to fix or find the problem to file a bug02:06
pasjrpasjr@PASJR-TOSHIBA:~$ lspci | grep VGA02:07
pasjr01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]02:07
yofelwell, with many new X related package coming in today it's not surprizing that something broke02:07
pasjrjust got my info02:07
yofeloh, I don't know anything about ATI to be honest02:07
yofeliirc DanaG has one02:07
RAOFAnd it seems that we're playing “make binary drivers not break mesa", too.  That's going to be fun.02:08
pasjrI know that both 9.10 and now 10.04 I can not use my ATI drivers in Ubuntu02:08
yofelRAOF: oh oh...02:08
pasjris it the linux kernel or ubuntu?02:08
yofelpasjr: as I said, no idea, but do you mean the open source driver or fglrx?02:09
yofelDanaG: ping, awake?02:10
pasjri am going to try and uninstall fglrx, it shows up as installed and see what happens02:11
sparrLoh yeah02:13
yofelpasjr: try renaming your xorg.conf so that X runs on auto-configuration02:13
sparrLon the long list of things broken with a recent update...02:13
sparrLwhen booting fails and I get dropped to a root console02:13
sparrLI ALSO have a login console02:13
sparrLboth on tty102:14
sparrLcompeting for input02:14
sparrLand mixing output02:14
pasjrI will try that02:14
yofelsparrL: I actually got that too yesterday after a  NFS mount failed on boot02:14
yofeltty1 == unusable02:15
DanaGI'm back now.02:15
DanaGfglrx is a no-go with the Lucid X server.02:15
DanaGRS780 can't use fglrx anywhere, though.02:15
pasjrno but it installed upon last update02:15
pasjrjust reporting what my computer tells me trying to reboot after a few changes02:19
DanaGhmm, for rs780, you should just plain remove fglrx.02:23
DanaGhar: "Stale NFS File Handle" on ext2 sd-card.02:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391094 in glibc "the "stale NFS file handle" error should be reworded" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:23
DanaGBadly-woreded message.02:23
pasjrI have had no luck, I am going to try a install of the daily build to see if it dose the same02:46
sparrLfarewell ubuntu03:07
pasjrI wonder if Ubuntu will make Alpha 2 on time?03:16
DanaGnote to self: don't untar ARM binaries in home dir bin.03:16
RAOFDanaG: If we'd implemented multiarch right, that would have Just Worked™ :)03:18
RAOFWith a little judicious qemu.03:18
DanaGwell, I would've liked it to have said "hey, that didn't work; let's try the next one."03:18
RAOFYou probably don't actually want that behaviour :)03:19
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:43
DanaGuh... don't abuse that command.03:43
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:44
HulkHoganyou cant ban03:44
HulkHoganor i do the hogan legdrop to ubuntu03:44
HulkHoganseems !ops summons all u ops03:45
IdleOneHulkHogan: you are going to get yourself banned03:45
HulkHogani dont care....03:45
HobbseeIdleOne: klined, more likely03:45
IdleOneHobbsee: :)03:46
HulkHoganagain i dont care if i am klined03:46
HobbseeIdleOne: it's what he's always aiming for.  seems he's just a very bored kid03:46
HulkHogantill i start college03:46
IdleOneI feel sorry for him then03:46
HulkHoganmorphin time03:46
HulkHoganGold Ranger power03:46
IdleOneseems that wasted energy could be put to better use03:46
RAOFHulkHogan: Learn to code.  It's fun!03:46
HulkHogani use ps303:46
HulkHoganand watch TNA03:47
IdleOneyou know HulkHogan is like 60+ years old right03:47
HulkHoganno in his 50s03:47
IdleOneI mean he was old when I was a kid03:47
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:48
IdleOneyou aren't to bright I see03:48
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:48
IdleOnethe ops get notified even when they aren't in the channel03:48
HulkHoganI know03:48
HulkHoganI expect to be klined in 5 mins03:49
IdleOneelky: you have an o-line?03:51
groo_night all\04:37
DanaGwhat's the difference between ban and "kline"?04:47
JontheEchidnakline kills/kickbans your connection to the irc server itself, rather than a single channel04:49
_CynthiaI have a bug on the Alpha1 LiveCD and wish to know if anyone else has it. Basically, you open an application (any application) and you go to File/Open. You click once on a file, then double-click the same file. It doesn't open. You must triple-click it.05:59
_Cynthiaor double-click it five times or so05:59
_CynthiaI'm using the Lucid amd64 standard CD.05:59
alex_mayorgaany experts on nvidia breakage?06:21
ssv1994how the new gnome look like?06:47
ssv1994will look like06:47
alkisgHi, I heard here yesterday that the proprietary nvidia drivers would be working today... I see 185 in jockey, should I go ahead and install it? I have 8600M GT.08:16
=== \vish is now known as vish
=== MTeck-Linux is now known as MTeck-ricer
knittlgood morning09:58
knittli think i found a part of the solution to umlauts not working09:58
knittli have GTK_IM_MODULE set to xim09:59
knittlif i unset it and then start gedit, umlauts work again in that application09:59
foolipI broke X with a recent update (lucid), can anyone tell me how to list recently updated packages to nail it down? (Google fails me)11:40
jpdsfoolip: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue11:53
ConfusionHi, I just posted the following to ubuntu-help, but afterwards I noted this channel, which seems perhaps more appropriate12:03
ConfusionI hope someone knows how to fix the following problem: yesterday I upgraded my Lucid install and this morning it wouldn't start gdm. From the logs, the problem seems to be hald, which indeed isn't running. There isn't any init.d script starting hald, so I guess that is the ultimate cause. Now I can start hald by hand, but if I do that and start gdm, it doesn't respond to any keyboard/mouse12:03
foolipjpds: thanks, found a suspicous libdrm update12:03
Confusionovements. I've tried restarting udev and dbus after starting hald (and in some other orders), but keyboard and mouse stay 'dead'12:03
ConfusionI guess the problem may be that the hald should be started with proper parameters, but I'm not really sure which ones they are. Does anyone have a clue for me?12:03
knittli think hald isn't used anymore in lucid12:06
ConfusionWell, gdm is certainly complaining about its absense12:12
ConfusionWhat has hald been replaced by?12:12
knittldunno …12:13
BactaI was wondering, is the plan to include Gnome 3 in Ubuntu 10.04?12:23
artirit's suposed to be a LTS12:23
BactaSo stable over bleeding edge?12:23
BactaSounds like a good plan, I haven't heard much about Gnome 3.0 but from what I have heard they might have similar issues that KDE had with version 4 (was it 4?)12:24
artiraltough that won't stop the Teams Of Awesome(OLS,DX,Design) from putting their goodies in12:25
joaopintohum, we still have the locales bug12:38
knittljoaopinto: do you have GTK_IM_MODULE set?12:39
joaopintoknittl, no, was I supposed to  :) ?12:39
knittlno, but it helped me today12:39
joaopintoi just noted now that my locale is set to "C"12:39
knittli use a different keyboard layout with it's own compose table12:39
knittlso i had set it to xim12:40
joaopintoerm wait12:40
knittlif i unset it, umlauts worked again12:40
joaopintocan someone else pastebin /etc/environment ?12:40
knittlbut i can't start gdm right now, due to grapics driver/X/gdm bugs12:40
joaopintoit seems sun's jre overwite mine, which had the language setting12:40
joaopinto/etc/environment, anyone :)12:41
knittlhere: http://paste2.org/p/60117412:42
joaopintohum, your system is set to english right ?12:43
knittljoaopinto: can you please try: echo $GTK_IM_MODULE12:44
joaopintoknittl, It is not set, I did an echo | grep GTK12:44
knittlecho what?12:45
knittlhm, strange. but you don't have umlauts either?12:45
joaopintoI don't have them either, but I have another problem, my locale was set to C12:45
knittlmine too12:45
joaopintoso the problem is there, GTK_IM_MODULE is irrelevant :P12:46
knittlwithout gdm they seem to be en_US.UTF-812:46
joaopintoI am running from gdm12:46
joaopintooh you mean gdm is setting it to C12:46
knittlwell, unsetting GTK_IM_MODULE and starting gedit brought my umlauts back for gedit12:46
knittlyes, gdm seems to interfere12:46
joaopintoI have umlauuts on gdm12:47
joaopintoon gedit12:47
joaopintojust not on the terminal12:47
joaopintosorry, brb12:47
knittl* ok12:47
BactaLucid Lynx heh12:59
ConfusionOK, status seems to be: gdm requires hal to provide core input devices, but since hal 0.5.14-0ubuntu2 (which I installed yesterday), hal isn't started at boot time anymore, although it should still be made available via dbus (see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/hal/+changelog) However, this doesn't seem to work for me13:10
yofelBacta: yep, KDE 4.0 was more a tech-preview than a usable desktop environment, Lucid will have 4.4 which is pretty nice so far13:11
yofelConfusion: what happens when you run 'sudo start gdm' ?13:12
Confusionyofel: gdm starts, but it isn't responding to keyboard and mouse, requiring a hard reboot13:12
BactaIt was unuseable on my machine ;)13:12
ConfusionInterestingly enough, gdm doesn't start on boot: it drops to a console13:13
yofelConfusion: ah yes, someone else mentioned the same yesterday13:13
Confusionyofel: Did he manage to solve it?13:14
penguin42sounds like broken X server13:14
knittlbugabandoo had the same problem13:14
Confusion(perhaps simply by downgrading to the previous hal package?)13:14
yofelknittl: thx :)13:14
knittlbut iirc he had an xserver package which he hadn't updated in weeks13:15
penguin42knittl: What about the kernel or one of the xserver-xorg-whatever packages?13:15
knittlpenguin42: dunno, i have different problems13:15
Confusionknittl: Hmmm, now that you, I have some xserver-xorg package on Hold, because I couldn't upgrade them, as it would create a broken situation13:15
Confusion*now that you say that, I remember*13:16
knittlgdm starts from console, but i often get "low graphics mode" messages on boot13:16
knittland i removed hal yesterday13:16
knittlmy system is still booting fine (a laptop with no external kbd or mouse though)13:16
yofelwell, I can't test it right now, since I have a dependency mess right now with the KDE 4.4 RC1 coming13:16
yofeland any update will break my system13:17
knittlConfusion: yes, having xserver packages on hold might be a reason it's not working13:17
knittli'm still waiting for working nv{,idia,ouveau} drivers here :)13:17
ConfusionHmmm, unfortunately I also can't get the network running from the console; so I'll have to move the packages there by flash or something13:17
knittlwops, * n{ouveau,v{,idia}} :D13:18
Confusion(I took the config from my Debian laptop, but that doesn't quite work)13:18
knittlConfusion: wireless network?13:18
knittlno wired network at hand …?13:18
Confusionknittl: I guess that's what it's going to have to be, but between finding a cable that's long enough and laying the cable so I don't trip over it, moving the package via flash drive may be faster :P13:19
yofelthe new nvidia drivers are built since a few hours ago but the binary packages are in wait-approval state -.-13:26
* knittl is waiting for them :D13:26
knittlone could even say craving13:26
knittlyofel: can you give me a quick guide on how to install them correctly?13:26
yofelthe amd64 build13:26
knittlare the i386 finished already? i don't want to fire up elinks for this *grin*13:27
yofelknittl: if I understood bjsnider correctly yesterday, purge any drivers you have right now and install 'nvidia-current'13:27
knittlok, this is still the recommended way? just wanted to make sure13:27
knittlwhat about installation with jockey?13:27
yofelknittl: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/190.53-0ubuntu1/+build/1437088 i38613:28
yofelthey're built, but not yet approved for release in the archive...13:28
yofelknittl: well, can't say, I haven't used jockey for at least a year now ^^13:29
knittlok, so it's okay to not use it :D13:29
yofelknittl: well I hope so, though they should show up in jockey without problems13:29
yofelbut if you have any ppa packages installed right now you need to purge those first13:30
knittlwell, they didn't today. but that's possible related to me purging everything with nvidia in its name13:30
yofelknittl: you need to have nvidia-common installed (and modaliases afaik), but it hasn't yet shown up since the binaries aren't approved yet, so we'll have to wait13:31
knittlokay okay13:32
yofelbut with the new package even that might have changed13:32
knittlbetter wait now than be sorry later …13:33
ConfusionRight, I managed to upgrade all Xorg packages, and keyboard and mouse work again.13:46
ConfusionUnfortunately, they don't mingle well with the nvidia driver :/13:46
Confusionbut I expected that from the conversation above :P13:47
yofelConfusion: yes, the nvidia driver is broken right now, please wait for a few hours ;)13:47
knittlConfusion: welcome to the club ;)13:47
ConfusionI have to do some chores anyway :)13:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelok, got impatient and built the driver package myself15:11
yofelit seems now you need nvidia-current for the driver and I guess nvidia-current-modaliases for jockey15:13
yofelthe nvidia-185-kernel-source nvidia-glx-185 and nvidia-glx-185-dev package  are transitional and can be removed after the update15:14
bjsnideryofel, that is correct15:20
yofelbjsnider: well, the driver seems to work fine, so all is well :)15:20
Sarvattexcept for the fact nothing can build if it needs to link against libgl now :D15:23
pasjrhas 10.04 regained graphics today?15:23
knittlpasjr: not yet, but the drivers are waiting for approvement15:27
yofelpasjr: weren't you using ATI?15:28
yofelpasjr: didn't removing fglrx help?15:29
pasjrno it did nothing15:29
pasjrI tried everything, so I just fell back to 9.1015:29
pasjrbut I really do not like it15:29
yofelhuh? what's so bad about it?15:30
pasjrits slow15:30
pasjrwith about 25min of work I can make 9.04 lighting fast, 10.04 comes that way.  But 9.10 is just heavy and have yet to find how to tweak it right15:31
vishpasjr: when was the last time you tried Lucid? I'm also using ATI , seems a bit better with kernel 32.915:31
pasjrGuess I will wait till the 17th for the release of Alpha 2 and see how that is15:31
pasjrlast night I was useing lucid15:32
vishheh ;p15:32
pasjrlost all graphics with last update15:32
pasjrso I rolled back15:32
Sarvattxserver-xorg-video-ati needs an update to work with the new libdrm, its getting worked on15:32
pasjrvish: have you done all updates?15:33
vishpasjr: yup15:33
pasjryou never lost or encounterd graphic issuse15:33
vishnope... i only have slow graphics... esp when i use the Burn animation... so stopped using that ^.^15:34
vishpasjr: which update was that ?15:34
pasjrI had all up to 18:00 EST yesterday15:35
Sarvattlibdrm 2.4.17 broke the open source ati driver15:35
pasjrI am not sure excatly which one broke my system,15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505095 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "X don't start in Lucid" [High,In progress]15:36
pasjrI have done three installs since trying to narrow down what went wrong, but never could find where15:37
pasjrI gave up around 03:30 EST15:37
vishSarvatt i notice libdrm2 , libdrm2-intel1 , libdrm2-radeon1 updates... so should i postpone them?15:37
Sarvattyeah dont update until you see xserver-xorg-video-ati offered as well15:37
vishah.. thanks :)15:37
pasjrI would, untill someone can find the one that breaks15:37
SarvattI just said twice what broke it :D15:38
pasjrok sorry to much I am working on at once15:38
Sarvattyou can use xorg-edgers which has the updated ati and use ppa-purge after it gets fixed in the archive to go back to stock lucid if its already broken15:39
Sarvatttheres other major breakage, it may be a bit until its updated15:39
penguin42edgers is good15:40
vishSarvatt: mesa updates are good?15:40
pasjrok thank you I may try that now15:40
Sarvattnothing can build against libgl right now because of the changes to accomidate the nvidia binary driver and its breaking a ton of updates that are waiting to build15:41
Sarvattvish: if you have a working system right now I wouldnt update for a few days to be honest15:41
pasjrin your opinon will Ubuntu meet its Alpha 2 dealine?15:41
vishoh... thanks for the heads up :)15:41
knittlpasjr: i think the deadline was yesterday ;)15:43
vishpasjr: huh? alphas will be released as schedule15:43
Sarvattshould be tuesday for alpha 215:43
knittlat least in my calendar15:43
pasjrdo you think theses issues will be fixed then?15:43
vishpasjr: thats a different issue ;D15:44
pasjri need a 2nd computer so I can work on one and play and test with the other15:44
vishpasjr: subscribe to the bug Sarvatt mentioned and you will be notified when it is fixed15:44
Sarvattjust uploading a new ati snapshot will be enough so things work for ubuntu but some of the newer kde packages cant build until mesa is fixed, the newer xserver can't build as well but things are working otherwise15:44
pasjrok thanks, I need a smoke be back later15:45
yofelSarvatt: do you know if there are any issues with the drm-intel update? (before I install the new package)15:45
Sarvattintel is fine its just ati that had things broken with the libdrm-radeon1 changes15:46
yofelok, thx15:46
Sarvattfine in lucid i mean, i have major problems with the latest git and cant use edgers on intel at the moment :D15:49
yofelhehe, ok then, I don't use edgers15:50
yofelwell, I'm gone for now, bbl15:57
jimericksonhave an app giving the following error after last nights update "relocation error: /lib/libnss_files.so.2: symbol __rawmemchr, version GLIBC_2.2.5 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference".16:12
popeyam I the only one with just a logon screen in lucid daily images?17:55
popeyi click login and get a logon box, whatever i put in just bombs me back to the logon screen17:55
charlie-tcaUbuntu alternate worked for me17:56
charlie-tcatodays image, yesterday had issues17:56
charlie-tcapopey: is that the live cd?17:57
alkisgpopey: known bug, switch to the console and fix /etc/gdm/custom.conf for it to work properly17:57
jimericksonhave an app giving the following error after last nights update on ubuntu 10.04 "relocation error: /lib/libnss_files.so.2: symbol __rawmemchr, version GLIBC_2.2.5 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference".18:01
popeyalkisg: how do you switch to the console in kvm?18:02
alkisgpopey: I've no idea about kvm. Usually it's alt+ctrl+f1, and on vbox that I use it's right alt+f1.18:02
popeyctrl+alt+F1 switches the host unfortunately, not the guest18:03
popey"first switch to the qemu-monitor with ctrl-alt-2, then type sendkey ctrl-alt-f1 then switch back to the qemu guest with ctrl-alt-1. "18:07
alkisgTricky... I prefer the vbox way :D18:08
alkisgpopey: sudo vi /etc/gdm/custom.conf, replace all \n with actual enters, and then run sudo service gdm restart18:09
popeyI'd prefer the bug not to be there :)18:09
popeythanks, that worked18:10
=== ip3t3r is now known as xcht-p3t3r
=== deegee_1 is now known as deegee
xcht-p3t3ran error window appears very often when i open ubuntu software center18:22
guntbertxcht-p3t3r: what error?18:23
xcht-p3t3rubuntu software center closed unexpectedly18:25
xcht-p3t3rwhat can i do?18:27
guntbertxcht-p3t3r: try to start it fom CLI: software-center18:29
guntbertcommand line interface = terminal18:30
xcht-p3t3rsotrry :)18:30
xcht-p3t3ri'll try18:31
xcht-p3t3rtyping software-center i don't see any error18:34
hggdhwell, if it closed unexpectedly, you will have to keep on using it until it (again) closes unexpectedly18:36
guntbertxcht-p3t3r: you know - we are talking about alpha software - so I'd say call it from CLI for now18:36
xcht-p3t3rbut when i type software-center & , that error appear again and again..18:36
guntbertxcht-p3t3r: sorry, then I cannot help18:37
xcht-p3t3r@ hggdh i didn't understand18:37
hggdhxcht-p3t3r: you type s-c & and you see what error?18:37
xcht-p3t3rthe same18:38
hggdhwhat is the same?18:39
hggdhwhat did you do/was doing?18:39
guntbertxcht-p3t3r: sorry I *have* to ask: you are obviously not *very experienced* with linux - why are you using an alpha version?18:39
xcht-p3t3r""sorry ubuntu software center closed unexpectedly""18:40
xcht-p3t3rto try it and to learn more18:41
hggdhand you do not get apport kicking in to report a new bug?18:42
xcht-p3t3ri can't explain very because i don't know english very well and it's very very difficult for me18:42
hggdhxcht-p3t3r: just for the record, using an alpha version of anything to learn more is a guaranteed way to disasters18:42
xcht-p3t3ri've been using ubuntu since 6.0618:43
hggdhon Lucid, when an application crashes, an utility to report the crash is driven18:44
xcht-p3t3ri'm trying this alpha release on a VM18:44
hggdhah good.18:44
hggdhand are you up-to-date on updates to Lucid? I cannot repeat your issue, but I see another one on exit18:45
hggdhalso: so you start s-c. Then, what do you do?18:45
xcht-p3t3ri updated the system a second ago18:46
hggdhOK. After you start s-c, what do you do?18:47
xcht-p3t3rit's all the same if I do something or not18:50
hggdhno, it is not all the same18:50
hggdhobviously, for example, if does not crash when you are doing something18:50
hggdhso: does it crash when you exit?18:51
CosmiChaosWhats the difference in versions -49 -extra-49 and unstripped-49 of libavutils???18:55
CosmiChaosim confused by that plenty versions18:56
CosmiChaosis there any info out there related to these ?18:57
penguin42have you had a look in /usr/share/doct/libavutils ?18:57
CosmiChaoscosmichaos@cosmichaos-desktop:~$ sudo gedit /usr/share/doc/libavutil18:58
CosmiChaoslibavutil50/        libavutil-extra-49/18:58
xcht-p3t3ri have to go.. thanks so much18:58
CosmiChaosi cant find information about the differences18:58
CosmiChaostheres just a changelog of what changed compared to same package earlier versions18:59
CosmiChaosbut i want to know the differences between various packages18:59
hggdhCosmiChaos: you can run synaptic and search for libavutil, then read the description18:59
penguin42CosmiChaos: If you do apt-cache show on them it shows it18:59
CosmiChaosi already did that19:00
CosmiChaosthere is NO description useful19:00
hggdhI beg to differ19:00
penguin42seems to explain it to ne19:00
CosmiChaossay libavutils50:19:00
CosmiChaosavutil shared libraries19:00
CosmiChaosThis package contains the ffmpeg video utility shared library.19:00
hggdhand -extra contains the unrestricted version of the ffmpeg library19:01
CosmiChaosffmpeg utility library19:01
CosmiChaosThis is the common utility library from the ffmpeg project. It is required19:01
CosmiChaosby all other ffmpeg libraries.19:01
CosmiChaosThis package contains a unrestricted version of the libavutil shared19:01
CosmiChaosobject that should only be used by Debian packages.19:01
CosmiChaosyes but WHAT is restricted in the non-extra?19:01
CosmiChaoswheres the information19:01
hggdhmpeg is encumbered with copyright/licence. The extra carries these pieces, the normal one does not19:02
CosmiChaosi dont understand that19:02
CosmiChaosanything that will not work with the restricted version???19:03
CosmiChaoswhat is that, please?19:03
hggdhnow... I do not know (nor I care, in fact). You can google for it, or search for the Debian mailing lists on it19:04
CosmiChaoswell i actually use the restricted version but i have no problem watching MPEG1 or MPEG219:06
CosmiChaosboth work (.dat/.mpg)19:06
hggdhyou can also read /usr/share/doc/libavutil-extra-49/README.Debian.gz19:06
CosmiChaoserrr how do i read that files19:08
hggdhor less19:09
hggdh(should automagically ungzip)19:09
hggdhthe same README is also in the standard (restricted) libavutil19:10
CosmiChaosahhh these are just re-enabled encoders19:11
CosmiChaosbut decoding would work on all versions same19:11
CosmiChaosCurrently the following video encoders are disabled in the ffmpeg package: H263, H264, MPEG2 video, MPEG4 and MS-MPEG4. No *decoders* are disabled in any the ffmpeg package!19:12
hggdhso there19:12
CosmiChaoswell avidemux allows me to encode into these still19:13
CosmiChaosfor example it offers me MPEG-1 (avcodec)19:13
CosmiChaoshmm strange19:13
hggdhso avidemux uses another library19:13
CosmiChaosavcodec is not libavcodec-49? :)19:14
CosmiChaosups -5219:14
CosmiChaos... anyhow i better stay on packages that canonical provides security updates and not use the extra19:16
CosmiChaosi see no reason at all19:16
CosmiChaosso thanks for your cooperation and information19:16
hggdhCosmiChaos: welcome19:17
WeatherGodHiya,  I was doing some testing on the daily iso build for UNR, and I cam across a couple of problems19:27
WeatherGodbooting up with the iso, I tried to "Test Disk for Defects", but it would fail with a message about pipe not found or something to that effect19:28
WeatherGodis that feature supposed to be working yet, or what?19:29
WeatherGodcrimsun, are you around?19:30
penguin42I'd be surprised if it wasn't - it's been in there for ages20:00
WeatherGodI know20:01
WeatherGodits weird20:01
charlie-tcaWeatherGod: yes, it should work20:01
charlie-tcaIt works on Ubuntu and Xubuntu images20:01
WeatherGodmaybe it was how I set it up?  I used the USB Startup Disk Createrr20:01
charlie-tcaMight ask in #ubuntu-testing to see if they know about it20:02
penguin42hmm you were testing the image on a USB key?20:02
charlie-tcaAh-ha. That might be the issue, then.20:02
penguin42it's mostly designed for testing CDs - I wonder if it's been tested on a key?@20:02
WeatherGodheh... kinda weird to go this long without testing on a key20:03
charlie-tcaI don't know, myself. There aren't enough testers for all of the different methods20:03
WeatherGodI could see if the problem occurs for the rc of Karmic20:03
penguin42WeatherGod: It's worth filing a bug, I bet it's still trying to test the CD20:04
charlie-tcaI would think it is trying to test a cd, instead of the usb key.20:04
WeatherGodcan't it identify the device that it is on?20:04
WeatherGodthen again, I never really thought about how one could go about doing that20:05
guntbertI thought "testing the CD" is done by comparing md5 hashes of every file to some list - how would that be different on an usb key?20:06
penguin42guntbert: I'd assumed it was done by taking a sum of the iso image20:06
WeatherGodI agree with guntbert20:07
penguin42WeatherGod: Still, it's worth reporting as a bug20:07
guntbertpenguin42: not winthin the file system20:07
WeatherGodit isn't possible for the iso image to know its own checksum20:07
WeatherGodthat would require amazing hash-collision skill20:07
penguin42hmm that's a point20:08
WeatherGodok, so I will try out the thing again and get an exact error message20:08
charlie-tcaAre any files missing on the usb key?20:08
WeatherGodI will also try it for the karmic rc image that I have20:09
penguin42of course it's possible your image is damaged!20:09
charlie-tcaI didn't think they used an exact image of the iso20:09
WeatherGodwell, the checksums are right for the image20:09
WeatherGodand I tried this on two different usb keys20:09
WeatherGodcharlie-tca, what do you mean?20:10
WeatherGodpenguin42, that is always a possibility20:10
charlie-tcaI didn't think it created the exact image when transferring to usb. Aren't there files used on the cd that are left off the usb key?20:11
charlie-tcaIt might be bug filing time on that one, though20:11
WeatherGodI think they used to do something like that for older versions20:11
* charlie-tca never tried using a usb key to install20:11
charlie-tcamy systems won't boot off usb20:11
guntbertcharlie-tca: please in any case file that bug - checking *must* work or not be offered at all20:12
WeatherGodactually, that would be me to file that  one20:12
charlie-tcaWeatherGod: ^^20:12
guntbertsorry I meant WeatherGod20:12
* charlie-tca knows our names are so close to each other...20:12
WeatherGodok, I will go ahead and do a little bit more testing and double-checking for this20:13
WeatherGodI'll be back later20:14
guntbertnah . its just that I'm obvioulsly unable to follow a conversation :-)20:14
charlie-tcaWell, that should let you fit right in :-)20:16
guntbertah - in what ? ;-)20:19
charlie-tcato the conversation20:21
charlie-tcaof course20:21
guntbertcharlie-tca: just kidding :)20:22
henkedoes anybody have an understanding of how locales are set up in ubuntu? since a recent update postgresql claims that my db wants locale sv_SE.UTF-8, but setlocale can't find it. the command 'locale -a' lists it as 'sv_SE.utf8' instead, though everywhere else I look 'sv_SE.UTF-8' is referenced.20:36
knittlhenke: there's something broken since an update20:37
knittli don't have umlauts in my terminals20:37
hggdhah, was going to ask you about them ;-)20:37
knittlhggdh: i have umlauts in all other apps now20:38
knittlplus i have different locales in X and tty20:38
JontheEchidnahenke: sudo locale-gen --purge should fix that20:38
yofelhm, can someone confirm that 2.6.32-10 resolves bug 492392?20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 492392 in linux "[lucid, intel] After suspend, flickering screen and then blank screen." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49239220:38
knittlin tty everything is correct, locales set to en_EN.UTF-820:38
JontheEchidna(see bug 504198)20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 504198 in eglibc "locale support broken on upgrade to latest eglibc" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50419820:38
hggdhknittl: so do I, except on terminals20:38
knittlbut in X it's just C20:38
yofelI don't see any flickering for a while now20:38
knittlyes, here: ???ss20:38
knittlthat's ue, oe, ae and a sharp s20:38
charlie-tcahenke: it could be set in both /etc/default/locale and in /etc/environments20:39
henkeJontheEchidna, I tried that earlier, it doesn't help.20:39
JontheEchidnahrm, was worth a shot I suppose20:39
charlie-tcabut that is the extent of my knowledge on locale20:39
henke"DETAIL:  The database was initialized with LC_CTYPE "sv_SE.UTF-8",  which is not recognized by setlocale()."20:40
henkeand 'locale -a' lists 'sv_SE.utf8', hmm.20:40
knittlhggdh: also my user defined gnome-shortcuts are broken20:40
knittllike super+n, super+t, super+f20:40
alkisgRight, it looks like they're renamed for some reason...20:40
knittlcould be related. but the whole thing is definitely an issue with X, because my locales are set correctly in the ttys (even when running X in parallel)20:41
knittland still no new nvidia-drivers :(20:42
henkeknittl, it's not dependant on X for me20:43
knittlhenke: so no umlauts in tty as well?20:43
henkeknittl, I never had any problem with that, actually.20:44
bjsniderthe nvidia drivers were updated last night20:44
knittlbjsnider: i see them still in the queue20:44
charlie-tcanvidia -190 was added to lucid last night,20:45
knittlhenke: me neither, but since 2 days i have20:45
bjsniderthat build finished20:46
bjsniderupdate and install nvidia-current20:46
alex_mayorgabjsnider: how do I go about installing your experimental flash 64 bit?20:46
charlie-tcaTwo more changes done on them this morning20:46
alex_mayorgaI added the ppa, but I seem to still get the 32 bit one20:47
knittlbjsnider: hu ... then why are they still showed as "waiting for approval"?20:47
henkemaking a symlink from sv_SE.utf8 to sv_SE.UTF-8 adds it to 'locale -a', but doesn't work for my postgresql20:48
henkeerm, in /usr/lib/locale, that is20:49
* alkisg installed the nvidia-current drivers from the queue, and they run fine :)20:49
knittlalkisg: how can i install from queue? just the standard apt-get install nvidia-common?20:51
alkisgknittl: no I click on the .deb links from firefox20:51
bjsniderjust download the packages20:51
bjsniderdouble-click them and they'll run with gdebi20:51
knittlhm. how long do i have to wait for them to be on an official server?20:52
knittlbecause i can wait ^^20:52
bjsnider9 years20:52
knittlok :)20:52
bjsniderwe're doing things the microsoft way now20:52
knittldelivering unstable systems?20:52
knittlusing endusers as alphatesters?20:52
bjsniderit'll take 9 years and $4 billion to deliver a feature-bloatred piece of garbage20:52
knittlannouncing ubuntu 9.04.1 as 10.04?20:53
bjsniderthat everybody hates20:53
alex_mayorgaI have an nvidia card here too, what are you guys testing?20:53
yofelalex_mayorga: new official nvidia driver20:53
* penguin42 ati20:54
WeatherGodok, I have a better idea what is happening with the "Check disc for defects"20:56
WeatherGodit is 'working', sort of...20:56
WeatherGodhowever an error message: "Opening pipe: No such file found" comes up and switches the screen to tty120:57
WeatherGodeverything is going on in the graphical screen and if I switch over using Ctrl-Alt-F8, I can see  a list of things that it is checking20:58
WeatherGodand it finishes with no errors20:58
WeatherGodthis does not occur with the rc of Karmic that I have20:58
penguin42WeatherGod: It's a bug then, report it20:59
WeatherGodin Karmic, the error checking always stays on that graphical screen, and the logo reemains20:59
WeatherGodwhat should I file it against20:59
charlie-tcais it live cd or alternate?20:59
WeatherGodI got it from the link you gave me yesterday21:00
WeatherGodthe daily build21:00
WeatherGodof ubuntu-netbook-remix21:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343677 in ubuntu "[Jaunty] Sound in GTK apps can't be disabled under KDE" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:02
charlie-tcaubiquity, I think21:02
DanaGheh, really irritating noises it makes on window minimize.21:02
WeatherGodcharlie-tca: will do, thanks21:03
charlie-tcaWeatherGod: tag it for lucid21:03
DanaGoh, and any time I press the number "2" on my new bluetooth numpad... my system vt-switches and then goes blank and hard-locks.21:03
charlie-tcaneat, DanaG21:04
penguin42DanaG: Anything in dmesg or /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old ?21:04
DanaGNope, it can't sync the disk.  I'll have to get a serial-console log later when I have time.21:04
yofelDanaG: huh? I can (I use pulse in KDE though)21:04
penguin42that's a bit nasty21:04
penguin42DanaG: Is it only the '2' ?!21:07
DanaGNot sure... but that was the one that seemed to do it most.  I'll check other keys later.21:07
penguin42that would be pretty weird21:07
DanaGfunny sound.21:07
alex_mayorgabjsnider: ping21:13
aliendude5300I get an error message saying it failed to detect my metapackage when attempting to upgrade. It also says ubuntu-desktop is marked for removal, what should I do?21:16
_Groo_hi/2 all21:16
knittlaliendude5300: don't upgrade21:16
aliendude5300knittl, funny... I have some packages that I want upgraded to the latest version. There's got to be a way to fix this. :(21:17
alex_mayorgaaliendude5300: try the comandline: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade21:18
alex_mayorgaI got that same error moments ago21:18
alex_mayorgait said is temporary21:18
aliendude5300knittl, That doesn't really solve my problem. Imagine going to a doctor and saying that you feel a sharp pain everytime you lift your right arm and they tell you to stop lifting your right arm. How would you feel?21:19
knittlis your right arm in alpha 1 state?21:19
aliendude5300... no. :/21:19
alex_mayorgaknittl: great point21:19
knittlimagine going to a doctor because everytime you eat pineapple you have a swollen tongue and he tells you to not eat pineapples. i can think of many similarities21:20
knittljust wait for a few days, then you will be able to upgrade your packages21:20
DanaGhmm, tried the number '1', it does the same thing.21:20
DanaGvt-switch (or xorg crash), and then hard-lockup (heartbeat LED dead).21:20
DanaGThat's one extremely useful thing on my laptop: a software controllable LED, that I've set as heartbeat.21:21
knittlDanaG: do your numlock/capslock leds blink?21:21
penguin42DanaG: You might consider seeing if it does it when you weren't in X - you might be able to see a useful oops21:21
bjsnideralex_mayorga, what say you, young skywalker?21:22
DanaGWell, I am using fglrx and the Karmic X server, so my configuration is rather unsupported.21:23
yofelhey nice, nepomuk works now :D21:23
DanaGBig blocker for me is that with the open-source drivers, total system power consumption is TWO times what it is with the closed drivers.21:24
alex_mayorgabjsnider: I added your flash experimental ppa21:25
alex_mayorgabjsnider: but aptitude keeps installing
penguin42DanaG: Is that still the case on the latest Radeon drivers - the new drivers are pretty good as far as the 3D etc - don't know if they fixed power21:26
alex_mayorgabjsnider: not your
DanaGStill true even with those experimental power-savings patches that are currently under development.21:26
DanaGIt only slows down a very small amount, and only the GPU, not the memory.  And it has visual glitches on speed changes.21:27
aliendude5300alex_mayorga, Thanks! The safe upgrade didn't completely upgrade my system, but it upgraded everything I cared about. :)21:27
alex_mayorgaaliendude5300: glad it helped21:27
bjsnideralex_mayorga, what command are you using to upgrade?21:28
alex_mayorgaI aptitude remove the current21:28
bjsniderthen you update your sources21:29
alex_mayorgabjsnider: and then aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree21:29
alex_mayorgabjsnider: Iǘe put yout ppa in sources, prior to removing, does it make a difference?21:30
bjsnideryou have to run apt-get update so it knows about the new version21:31
Ian_Corneis it safe to update atm?21:31
bjsniderprobably not21:31
bjsniderfor a couple days21:31
Ian_Corneis it ever? :p21:31
alex_mayorgabjsnider: tried that, apt-cache still only shows the one on multiverse21:32
bjsnideralpha 2 will be safe21:32
Ian_Cornei'm already on lucid btw, just been not updating atm21:32
Ian_Corneand when i login I can't really do anything, everything is pretty broken :p21:32
alex_mayorgadoes anyone still have problems on switching sessions21:36
alex_mayorgayesterday I got a blank screen while switching21:37
bjsnideralex_mayorga, can you look ins ynaptic, select the package click properties and versions to see if the ppa version is listed in there?21:37
alex_mayorgabjsnider: let me do that21:37
WeatherGodok, I filed that disc checking bug21:38
WeatherGodbug 50528121:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505281 in ubiquity "During "Check disc for defects", error message changes screen mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50528121:38
guntbertWeatherGod: thx21:38
WeatherGodnp, glad to do my part21:38
alex_mayorgabjsnider: for flashplugin-nonfree there's only " (lucid)"21:39
WeatherGodnow, I just need to talk to crimsun about sound issues21:40
aliendude5300It seems you're talking about upgrading flash player. I just upgraded mine a while ago... the one in the repositories sucks. Do this: go to http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html and download flash player. Extract the archive and put libflashplayer.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins.21:40
aliendude5300(That's for the 64 bit version. If you want the 32-bit hold on I'll give you a link...21:41
alex_mayorgaanyone know if this is filled on System>Preferences> Keyboard, when you try to pick a layout if you type to go to a country nothing happens21:41
aliendude530032-bit: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html21:41
alex_mayorgaaliendude5300: I'm helping bjsnider try a package he did for 64 bit flash21:42
aliendude5300Note that these are pre-release flash builds but they work MUCH better than the current stable builds. :)21:42
bjsnideralex_mayorga, i don't think you've got the ppa enabled21:42
alex_mayorgaor at least I want to think I'm help, I'm probably doing something wrong21:43
aliendude5300alex_mayorga, why make a package for that? Isn't copying the file easier? Or better yet wget libflashplayer.so && mc libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins21:43
aciculaaliendude5300: well it works, but not very update friendly21:43
alex_mayorgabjsnider: it has a big fat check on the Software sources GUI21:43
bjsnideraliendude5300, the version i've dummied up links the plugin to any possible browser system-wide21:43
aliendude5300acicula, I thought the actually flash player itself would notify you of an update within the browser.21:44
aciculaaliendude5300: dont think so21:44
aliendude5300bjsnider, Ah... that makes sense. Having it installed system wide is a good idea. Adobe should've thought of that. :D21:44
alex_mayorgabjsnider: is there a command to check? Also when I do aptitude update, I see ppa fly by21:44
WeatherGodalex_mayorga: I  just tried, and I don't see anything wrong with selecting a country21:44
alex_mayorgaWeatherGod: can you type the first letter of a country name and the list scrolls there?21:44
bjsnideralex_mayorga, check the deb line in software sources21:45
aliendude5300acicula, this is for windows, but I think it may be the same or similar on Linux: http://justin.everett-church.com/wp-images/notifierFlash8.jpg21:45
WeatherGodah, I see21:45
alex_mayorgabjsnider http://ppa.launchpad.net/brandonsnider/experimental-flash/ubuntu lucid main21:45
bjsniderand it should start with deb21:46
WeatherGodaliendude5300, I think it is only for Windows and Mac21:46
aliendude5300WeatherGod, I thought they did the notification that says a new version is available when you open a flash applet made with a newer version of flash. perhaps I am mistaken?21:47
WeatherGodthey did, but only for Windows and Mac, I have never seen that message for Linux21:47
bjsnidernot for another hour or so21:47
alex_mayorgaWeatherGod: got what I find buggy on the keyboard layout window?21:49
alex_mayorgabjsnider: I was telling you what I see under URI and such in the gui21:49
bjsnideralex_mayorga, let's just start over. blow away that line in synaptic, and add the ppa like this: ppa:brandonsnider/experimental-flash21:50
alex_mayorgabjsnider: just to be sure I've removed and added on software sources again21:51
guntbertWeatherGod: regarding #505281: I just tested it under virtual box with a karmic desktop iso: on the main page I get 3 errors (2 udev, then opening pipe:no such..) but on the "previous" terminal (<alt><left>) there is the complete output including "press any key to reboot"21:51
WeatherGodguntbert, heh, go figure21:51
guntbertWeatherGod: if you could test that too - then the issue were quite different21:52
WeatherGodbut, still the point remains, the error message changes the screen21:52
WeatherGodI did... and it didn't happen in Karmic for me21:52
WeatherGodonly for Lucid21:52
alex_mayorgabjsnider, now I see it21:52
alex_mayorgabjsnider: but is another name21:53
bjsnideri think y ou were missing the 'deb' int he deb line...21:53
alex_mayorgabjsnider: it was there all along, but the name was/is flashplugin-64bit-installer21:53
guntbertWeatherGod: ok didn't doubt you - only I remembered something, had a look and thought I'd tell you :)21:54
BUGabundoany here's any app similar to subdownloader but that downloads movie covers instead of subs?21:54
alex_mayorgabjsnider: that's what I've been missing it I was looking for flashplugin-installer21:54
bjsnideralex_mayorga, yeah that was necessary because i had to build 2 different packages21:54
bjsnideri'll add a replaces: flashplugin-installer21:55
alex_mayorgabjsnider: I thought you created another flashplugin-installer that will "intelligently" get 32 or 6421:55
WeatherGodguntbert: well, your test does prove that the problem existed before21:55
bjsnideralex_mayorga, kind of21:55
alex_mayorgabjsnider, so I aptitude install flashplugin-64bit-installer and that's it?21:55
BUGabundobjsnider: is the new MESA uploaded yet?21:56
bjsniderit was being uploaded earlier, so probably21:56
alex_mayorgabjsnider: the weird thing is that launchpad shows flashplugin-nonfree in your PPA21:56
WeatherGodbjsnider, why are we including the architecture info in the package name?21:56
guntbertWeatherGod: exactly - but I'm not certain if it is really the same problem  - or did I misread and it looks the same in your case?21:56
bjsniderbut i dunno21:56
WeatherGodguntbert: I didn't get any udev errors, only the pipe error21:57
alex_mayorgaWeatherGod: do you think you can file the layuot thing?21:57
bjsniderWeatherGod, because there are two different plugins with different download locations21:57
guntbertWeatherGod: and on the neihbor VT there is the complete output?21:58
WeatherGodalex_mayorga, sure, I'll fire one off there21:58
WeatherGodguntbert, yes21:58
WeatherGodbut not of error messages, only about the defect checking21:58
alex_mayorgaWeatherGod: thanks I don't think I know the right GUI terms to express it, but it has been there for years I believe21:59
bjsnideralex_mayorga, the source package is still called flashplugin-nonfree, but you can name binary packages anything you want. i could upload a source called "white" and build binaries called "black" if i wanted to22:00
alex_mayorgabjsnider: are you going to hack something else or that's it?22:00
WeatherGodI just have to figure out which package to file that one against22:00
bjsnideralex_mayorga, did you have something in mind?22:01
bjsnideri'm helping out the libbluray project at the moment22:01
alex_mayorgabjsnider: thinking it should be just want package with the logic inside, maybe22:02
bjsniderhuh? didn't copy that22:03
alex_mayorgaLike this maybe "WeatherGod: bjsnider, why are we including the architecture info in the package name?"22:03
bjsniderwell, i might be able to do that. but i wanted to know if this version actually does what it's supposed to do first22:04
alex_mayorgabjsnider: let me install that one22:05
crimsundoes it download from labs.adobe.com?22:05
crimsunbe careful; you need to verify that with Adobe first22:05
guntbertWeatherGod: my left VT diplays like http://imagebin.org/79094, whereas the main VT looks like http://imagebin.org/7909522:06
alex_mayorgacrimsun: doesnt the current package download from adobe as of now?22:06
crimsunalex_mayorga: no, it downloads from archive.canonical.com22:07
WeatherGodguntbert: get rid of those two udev errors, and that's what my Lucid test showed22:07
BUGabundowho the heck decided to put nautilus tabs in the bottom??????22:08
guntbertWeatherGod: excellent - that means the real bug (and an old one) is that in the case of any error the rest of the test is displayed on the wrong VT22:08
BUGabundoI really should go and file a NO THANKS bug in gnome22:08
alex_mayorgabjsnider: got "error exit status 10" want me to pastebin?22:09
bjsnideralex_mayorga, yep22:10
bjsniderthat's good. i ws hoping for an error22:10
bjsniderit the motu channel they told me that as long as it downloads the plugin from adobe and does not pre-package it, it was ok22:11
WeatherGodguntbert: good to know22:11
alex_mayorgabjsnider: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/med68d7122:12
guntbertWeatherGod: if its ok with you I add my screenshots and description to your bug22:12
WeatherGodok, sure thing22:13
bjsniderBUGabundo, nautilus tabs at the bottom? can i see a screenshot of that?22:14
aliendude5300Does anyone know if Koobface can affect an Ubuntu machine? Does it work with Cross-site scripting or do you have to download something? I just clicked a link that almost certainly contains malicious code (the link is "http://bit.ly/6Rhy2J" -- don't go there unless you know what you are doing) -- could this cause any problems, or would I need to be on a windows machine and download something? I tried looking at the s22:14
aliendude5300ource code using wget and gedit, but the JavaScript is obfuscated and I can't tell what it does...22:14
aciculaaliendude5300: it uses crosssitescripting, but its win32 only afaik22:14
bjsnideralex_mayorga, uninstall flashplugin-installer and nspluginwrapper and try again22:14
bjsnideror run -f install whichever comes first22:15
alex_mayorgabjsnider: it errors out even where those two are not there22:18
bjsnidertry apt-get -f install22:18
alex_mayorgabjsnider: same exit 1022:20
guntbertWeatherGod: done22:21
alex_mayorgabjsnider: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5f1d2cb522:23
bjsnideralex_mayorga, run sudo dpkg --configure -a22:23
BUGabundobjsnider: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/112892/Screenshot-bugabundo%20-%20File%20Browser.png22:24
alex_mayorgabjsnider: removing the package first, right? If I try it when present I get the exit 10 again22:25
bjsniderBUGabundo, that's hilarious22:25
BUGabundotell me about it22:25
bjsnidermakes zero gui sense22:25
BUGabundoyou don't have it?22:25
bjsnideri'm not using lucid22:25
bjsniderit's unstable, you know22:26
bjsnidernobody would ever look for tabs down there22:26
BUGabundoI know22:26
BUGabundoI opened like 10 wind22:26
BUGabundobefore realizing what was going on22:27
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo: where's the "enhancement" bug?22:27
BUGabundonot tonigh22:27
BUGabundoI'm too tired22:27
guntbertBUGabundo: +122:27
BUGabundofinishing to set up my media room22:27
BUGabundoand preping my dad new laptop... got get Karmic too22:28
BUGabundohope ati doesn't fail on me22:28
aciculadoes hw decoding work with ati these days?22:29
BUGabundoeheh adobe is updating their page footers to include 2010 trade marks http://page2rss.com/p/80b83e05a0a18c77aca72bb6aa0b8d69_4719366_475089022:29
aciculawould be nicer if they spend their coding time on patching their outstanding vulns :/22:30
alex_mayorgabjsnider: no luck either after dpkg --configure -a either22:31
WeatherGodspeaking of GUI issues, has anyone tried out the Software Center?22:32
bjsnideralezcould bea  dependency issue possibly a name change or something. installs fine on karmic. i'll investigate thanks22:33
alex_mayorgabjsnider: thanks to you and sorry to bother :)22:33
WeatherGodalex_mayorga: I filed that keyboard bug  as bug 50528922:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505289 in gnome-control-center "In keyboard selector, dropdown box for country selection does not respond to keypress" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50528922:33
duffydackAny new plans to support my writer in lucid?22:34
duffydackI`m tired of booting into win7..22:34
WeatherGodduffydack, what writer?22:36
duffydacklet me get that...22:36
alex_mayorgaWeatherGod: thanks I'll chip-in with details if needed22:36
WeatherGodalex_mayorga: ok22:37
duffydackHL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GA11N  latest firmware, as dictated to me by Dell.22:37
duffydackworks fine all day long in windows 7 anyway.22:37
WeatherGodoh, you mean CD/DVD writer22:37
duffydackhttp://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8161339  similar thread.. Ive posted this a few times..22:37
duffydackyeah, sorry22:38
WeatherGodheh... I was wondering why Linux needed another gedit/vim/emacs22:38
WeatherGodwell, hardware isn't my department... anyone else want this one?22:39
duffydackI`m afraid using win7 too much it will assimilate me.22:42
duffydackIts a real shame because, everything else works like a champ out the box..22:43
aliendude5300duffydack, what works and what doesn't on your writer?22:44
aliendude5300duffydack, it seems it is an issue with the actual CD burner. It must be something with the firmware. If I were in the same situation, I would simply buy a new burner that I know works with Linux. They _really_ don't cost that much any more.22:49
charlie-tcaduffydack: have you talked to Dell about that ?22:49
DanaGBUGabundo: might run into this issue with ATI mobile: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/31460022:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "[HD 3650] fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [High,Confirmed]22:50
aliendude5300Is the drive SATA or IDE? If it's SATA, you can usually find them for around $25 - $40. If it's IDE, you might want to upgrade to SATA if your PC supports it, as SATA is better anyways.22:50
DanaGthe fix for that fglrx issue was: sudo aticonfig --acpi-services=off22:51
aliendude5300Here is a fairly decent burner that should work with Linux just fine: http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=10010552 (It's actually made by the same company as the drive I have right now -- a Samsung SH-S183L).22:53
greenlynxDanaG, what is the fglrx issue?  i just got here .. couldn't shut down last night after update .. monitor didn't seem to shut off23:06
DanaG https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/31460023:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "[HD 3650] fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [High,Confirmed]23:06
DanaGThat's not a shutdown issue, though.23:07
greenlynxdoesn't seem to be my issue23:13
duffydackaliendude5300, it works in windows.  its only writing.23:13
duffydackaliendude5300, buying a new burner should never ever be an option..  plus its a laptop, a new one23:14
duffydackaliendude5300, it will not write with any software in linux.. It works fine in win7 and imgburn.. yes I have tried imgburn...23:15
aliendude5300duffydack, I had an old Lite-On that wouldn't play/burn DVDs on Linux (I still have it lying around somewhere), but I replaced it with my current one, and it works fine.23:15
duffydackaliendude5300, I think its sata..  sorry I`m catching up on your messages...23:15
aliendude5300duffydack, let me see the output of lshw so I can check info on your drive. Use pastebay or something for the output, it will be long.23:16
duffydackaliendude5300, replacing isnt an option, and I dont see why it should be..  It never was before my new laptop..I had an inspiron 9100 and sony/liteon 8x dvd writer that worked..23:16
duffydackI`m not the only one.. there is a thread on ubuntuforums.23:17
aliendude5300duffydack, my guess is that it's a poorly made drive that requires some proprietary drivers to burn or it fails to follow some burning standard. I've never even heard of your drive manufacturer, nor could I locate their website.23:17
duffydacknice.. so, its boot to windows or buy a "free" writer23:19
duffydackok nevermind.23:20
aliendude5300did you get that output of lshw? It may still be possible to get it to work.23:20
aliendude5300I was only guessing that it fails to follow a standard, as most if not all burners work flawlessly out of the box on Linux.23:21
aliendude5300to get the output of lshw type something like sudo lshw > lshw.txt and paste the lshw.txt file to pastebay23:22
duffydackI think its LG23:24
aliendude5300It's HitachiLG Data Storage. Their site is here: http://www.hlds.co.jp/index_tmp.html -- it's a japanese company.23:26
duffydackis that bad23:28
duffydackI dont mind bootin into win7 to burn, I dont burn that often...23:28
WeatherGoddoes Hitachi own LG or something?23:29
WeatherGodor is it some sort of knock-off?23:29
aliendude5300The latest firmware is here: http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/format.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&deviceid=22129&libid=32&releaseid=R227053&vercnt=1&formatcnt=0&SystemID=STUDIO1747&servicetag=&os=W732&osl=en&catid=-1&dateid=-1&typeid=-1&formatid=-1&impid=-123:30
aliendude5300Is that the one you have?23:30
aliendude5300Your drive is detected as being removable media, supporting cd-r and cd-rw, dvd-roms, dvd-rs and dvd-rams, but not dvd-rws. If you are trying to burn a DVD-RW that might be the problem.23:33
aliendude5300Also, if that's not the problem, when your burn fails, does dmesg show any error messages related to your CD drive? That could indicate what the problem is.23:34
duffydackI have the latest.23:37
duffydackin fact, its newer than dells23:37
duffydackmine is A10223:37
duffydackand its a Dell machine23:37
aliendude5300what happens when you try to burn a CD?23:37
duffydackgo figure.23:37
duffydackI get errors as soon as it start to burn, as in forum posts.23:38
duffydackI can burn something and give you output if you like.23:38
aliendude5300does it ruin the physical CD or burn anything?23:38
duffydackI have binned that many discs....23:38
duffydackwell, it doesnt burn anything, but it does render then not writable.23:39
duffydackShall I use the cdrecord method?23:39
aliendude5300try simulation first. maybe we can get information without ruining a cd.23:39
aliendude5300tell me if that fails.23:39
duffydackI dont believe this....23:43
duffydackits writing?  I dont understand it.23:45
duffydackit NEVER has.23:45
aliendude5300to simulate writing a disk without ANY chance of it getting ruined use the command line tool called wodim with the -dummy option. For example: wodim -dummy -dev=/dev/sr0 ubuntu.iso23:45
duffydackim not simulating it...23:46
aliendude5300oh... that's even better if it works.23:46
duffydackit never worked before23:46
duffydacksame commands23:46
aliendude5300tell me if the disk works when it's done burning.23:47
duffydackbrasero, k3b, cdrecord, wodim, and even imgburn in wine..23:47
duffydackmaybe the newer kernel ?23:48
duffydackthats all that changed anyway23:48
WeatherGodheh, I doubt it23:48
WeatherGodare these identical disks?23:48
aliendude5300not sure... wait until it's done burning to make sure... I almost never had any trouble with burning except some that seem to burn right but have an error or 2 in the data.23:48
duffydackim just burning an iso to the same +r discs Ive tried since I got the laptop.23:49
duffydacktrying the same command23:49
duffydackin shell, to get the errors.. to send.23:50
WeatherGodwait-a-minute... +r?23:50
duffydackthen, it doesnt error./423:50
duffydackyes.. why23:50
WeatherGodright, I thought your drive supports -r23:50
duffydackit supports all23:50
duffydackbut all I have is +r discs.23:50
duffydackat the moment.23:50
duffydackI`m down to the last 223:51
WeatherGodhmmm, does k3b say that your drive supports +r?23:51
aliendude5300I have a ton of DVD+Rs, I know it's not the new kernel. I've been able to burn the fine for years...23:51
duffydackI`m no newb to burning... my drive according to everthing supports it23:51
aliendude5300It's a DVD+-RW drive. It should support +R.23:51
penguin42confucious he says to test DVD writer problems with erasable discs23:52
duffydackit just wont burn anything.. its nothing to do with +23:52
duffydackyet it seems, it is now23:52
WeatherGodok, just checking23:52
duffydackthe same discs Ive tried since December when I got the laptop.23:52
aliendude5300I have a drive that burns DVD+Rs perfectly, and it's capabilities are listed like this: "removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r dvd-ram"23:52
aliendude5300duffydack, wow you weren't kidding when you said it was new...23:53
duffydackI had a pack of 100 I burned and some I binned, but some didnt burn anything at all..I dont know whats changed.. really I dont23:53
aliendude5300Is it the speed you are burning at?23:54
aliendude5300Theres no way almost 100 were bad...23:54
duffydacknearly done23:54
duffydacki`ll let you know.23:54
duffydacksame command, same discs.. its not working...23:54
duffydacknot, not..23:54
WeatherGodthat is weird23:55
duffydackI`ll even try brasero, since its been so crap with my writers..23:55
WeatherGodmaybe it had to do with other stuff running?23:55
penguin42duffydack: Have you tried booting off an older Linux thumb image and burning something ?23:56
duffydackWeatherGod, on an i7 quad core 4gig ram?23:56
aliendude5300duffydack, did it work?23:56
WeatherGodwell, maybe another program interfered?23:56
duffydackfinalizing now23:56
WeatherGoddunno... just shooting in the dark23:57
duffydackWeatherGod, no...23:57
duffydackWeatherGod, I never had anything running23:57
WeatherGodheh.... schrodinger's cat for bugs strikes again23:57
duffydackits burned.. lets see23:58
penguin42duffydack: If it happens again I'd do a dmesg to see if there are any SCSI/sata errors in the log23:58
duffydackpenguin42, its never ever ever burned successfully23:58
duffydackit has now23:58
duffydackf~*k me23:58
duffydackwhy now?23:58
aliendude5300penguin42, that's what I suggested...23:58
WeatherGodso, the fix appears to be to be on this IRC channel whenever you burn discs23:58
duffydackthe same cdrecord command?23:58
penguin42duffydack: It's our supportive influence23:58
duffydacksame discs?23:58
duffydackso, I have to be connected to IRC when I burn?  cool23:59
penguin42only way to be sure23:59
WeatherGoddidn't you know there was a telepathic I/O kernel module?23:59
duffydackwell, there have been a few updates + kernel since..23:59
duffydackthats all I can say23:59
* penguin42 thinks hard at duffydacks sata interface23:59

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