=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander | ||
ADcomp | hello .. | 16:39 |
ADcomp | I'm testing jaunty on new board ( omap3 / kernel 2.6.31 ) .. base system is ok but I can't install xserver : dpkg always return error when unpack 'hal' | 16:47 |
ADcomp | (sorry for my poor english) | 16:47 |
ojn | ADcomp: why jaunty? Karmic will run fine on it too. | 16:48 |
ADcomp | karmic doesn't work (yet) for me .. | 16:50 |
ADcomp | but jaunty works fine so .. | 16:50 |
rcn-ee | ADcomp, what doesn't work? package requirement? or Kernel? | 16:51 |
ojn | karmic rootstock comes up all the way to gdm login for me without modifications, running on various omap platforms (3530, 3630, 4430) | 16:51 |
ojn | with a mainline or TI kernel... | 16:51 |
ADcomp | I don't know .. I just receive this board. just trying what it's working "out-of-the-box" | 16:52 |
ADcomp | btw , I'm not a guru on embedded system .. | 16:53 |
rcn-ee | ADcomp, for reference, what board is it? | 16:54 |
ADcomp | http://www.technexion.com/index.php/thunderpack | 16:54 |
ADcomp | it's like a beagleboard with rj45/wifi + 4.3 touchscreen | 16:57 |
rcn-ee | ADcomp, did they supply an SD card with Jaunty on it? | 16:58 |
ADcomp | no .. | 16:58 |
rcn-ee | what dpkg error comes up? | 16:59 |
ADcomp | but you can download "angstrom" and kernel on technexion 'open' web : http://www.technexion.org/ | 16:59 |
ADcomp | E: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 17:01 |
ADcomp | when "--unpack" | 17:01 |
rcn-ee | sounds like just a broken jaunty package... It's safe to take the kernel and modules (lib/modules) from their Angstrom download and dump it into a Karmic rootfs... | 17:02 |
ADcomp | I already do it | 17:03 |
ADcomp | karmic run well ? with X and 128M ram ? | 17:07 |
ADcomp | I do some others tests this w-e with rootstock .. | 17:08 |
rcn-ee | ADcomp, it's also compiled with 'armv6' vs jaunty's 'armv5'... | 17:08 |
rcn-ee | but xfce4 is faster with karmic on my old beagle b5 (128mb) then jaunty.. | 17:09 |
ADcomp | ok .. good to know that :) | 17:10 |
rcn-ee | just make sure you setup a swap partition, once you start opening a bunch of gui apps that ram is going to dissappear.. | 17:10 |
ADcomp | size ? 128M ? | 17:12 |
rcn-ee | it depends on your SD card size, but atleast 2xRam size as a ball park.. | 17:13 |
ADcomp | ok.. I have a 2G but I buy a new one 4G today :) | 17:14 |
ADcomp | maybe when all work fine , I can write something about this board ( config , hardware , .. ) on ubuntu wiki ? | 17:17 |
rcn-ee | they have this one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/DeviceSupport but i just maintain http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu since the beagleboard stuff has always been on elinux.org.. | 17:19 |
ADcomp | so thank you .. because I use this one for testing ubuntu on my board :) | 17:22 |
rcn-ee | your welcome, btw i was very close to picking up that board too.. if you do get a working kernel build defconfig, i'm am interested in adding more omap board support to https://code.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/+junk/2.6-dev since you can share one defconfig with multiple omap boards... | 17:26 |
ADcomp | I downloaded kernel source + config from http://www.technexion.org/ | 17:31 |
ADcomp | config for 2.6.31 .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/354030/ | 17:33 |
rcn-ee | does the kernel have any patches? or just mainline 2.6.31 | 17:38 |
ADcomp | patches .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/354034/ | 17:43 |
rcn-ee | this diff should make my 2.6-stable tree work: http://pastebin.com/f60903eb6 | 17:43 |
ADcomp | ok .. I have to go. | 17:45 |
ADcomp | but thanks for your time .. I 'll be back :) | 17:45 |
rcn-ee | looks like they used angstrom's 2.6.31 as a base, thats what i'm using too.. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/%2Bjunk/2.6-stable/annotate/head%3A/patch.sh | 17:45 |
rcn-ee | ADcomp, download tihs branch: bzr branch lp:~beagleboard-kernel/+junk/2.6-stable and apply that diff, you should get a good kernel for the technexion.org | 17:46 |
ADcomp | yes .. looks like all things ( system/kernel/board ) is pretty close to beagleboard | 17:46 |
rcn-ee | if it works, commit the change noting enable OMAP3_THUNDER support, and it'll have a *.deb on rcn-ee.net.. for easy rootstock installs.. | 17:47 |
ADcomp | ok .. downloading .. | 17:47 |
rcn-ee | the script only needs a valid Cross Compiler setup in system.sh... it'll warn you... | 17:48 |
ADcomp | ok .. I'm late .. but I give you more feedback soon .. | 17:48 |
ADcomp | bye | 17:49 |
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gregoiregentil | I'm using the rootstock (great stuff!) to create an Ubuntu image for the Always Innovating Touch Book | 19:23 |
gregoiregentil | http://www.alwaysinnovating.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu | 19:23 |
gregoiregentil | I've slightly modified the rootstock script to add a postprocess step before roll_tarball to do a few additional customizations | 19:23 |
gregoiregentil | now I would like also to run a script in qemu before it's umounted (I would like to compile some stuff specific to my image) | 19:24 |
gregoiregentil | how could I modify again the rootstock file so that a postprocess script is run at the end of the qemu story? | 19:24 |
rcn-ee | hey gregoiregentil, you work at alwaysinnovating right? looking at your mod script, we could take care of the module problem by using --kernel-image and generating a deb, what patches do you need for 2.6.31? (i've moved off 2.6.29) | 19:31 |
gregoiregentil | hello, yes, correct, I'm the founder | 19:31 |
gregoiregentil | for the module, yes, but my kernel is a little bit special as it's handling the whole TB and I have a few specific module | 19:32 |
gregoiregentil | like the 3D stuff, the video acceleration to support OMAP DSP and so on | 19:32 |
rcn-ee | Yeap, sgx works.. ;) | 19:32 |
gregoiregentil | so there are many patches ;-) http://git.alwaysinnovating.com/cgit.cgi/ai.openembedded.dev/tree/recipes/linux/linux-omap_2.6.29.bb | 19:33 |
rcn-ee | yeap, just loading it up again in firefox | 19:33 |
gregoiregentil | BTW, rootstock is great work. I have already a good working Ubuntu image on the TOuch Book | 19:34 |
gregoiregentil | just need to have a few more stuff, and it will be almost at the same level to my super-optimized OpenEmbedded image (still better compilation flag but Lucid will catch up) | 19:34 |
rcn-ee | yeah it is. (can't take credit for it, it's Oliver's work) i just added enough support to make it work with the beagleboard and my debian and ubuntu *.deb | 19:34 |
rcn-ee | in rootstock src, about line 646 ${KERNEL_IMAGE_CMD} you could add your script changes.. Ubuntu System User|Always Innovating can be changed with a command line option | 19:39 |
rcn-ee | -n --fullname <quoted string>: --fullname "Always Innovating" | 19:40 |
gregoiregentil | OK. Thanks for the feed-back. I'm appreciate. Let me take a look now | 19:40 |
rcn-ee | line 620 echo "deb ${MIRROR} ${DIST} ${COMPONENTS}" >/etc/apt/sources.list is where you could add the deb-src line next.. i keep forgeting to email oliver on a patch to add karmic-updates | 19:42 |
rcn-ee | like i did here: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu#Karmic:_.289.10.29_boot_fixup | 19:42 |
gregoiregentil | rcn-ee: cool. I'm integrating ;-) | 19:43 |
gregoiregentil | rcn-ee: so all the stuff around line 630, it's executed inside qemu? | 19:47 |
gregoiregentil | Got you for ${KERNEL_IMAGE_CMD} | 19:47 |
gregoiregentil | yup, exactly the place I want to add my stuff! | 19:48 |
rcn-ee | gregoiregentil, yeap that qemu in there up till about 661.. that spot where KERNEL_IMAGE_CMD seem safest, as after that things start finishing.. | 19:49 |
gregoiregentil | yup | 19:49 |
rcn-ee | gregoiregentil, have you had good luck with dspbridge? I've just started recently looking into it for my kernels (going the oposite route of angstrom and their dsplink) Other wise everything else could go in my 2.6-stable branch, then you'd have a normal deb install file.. | 19:50 |
gregoiregentil | On ubuntu, not yet | 19:50 |
gregoiregentil | on my OpenEmbedded Always Innovating OS, I have both dspbridge and dsplink... | 19:51 |
gregoiregentil | http://www.alwaysinnovating.com/wiki/index.php/DSP_video | 19:51 |
rcn-ee | ah cool.. Yeah just yeasterday i got the dsp-gst tree to build, but haven't tested all 3 parts together yet (dspbridge module, dspbridge userspace and dsp-gst gstreamer stuff) | 19:52 |
gregoiregentil | rcn-ee, you should subscribe to the gst-dsp google newsgroups | 19:54 |
gregoiregentil | Felipe is very active and answer all questions | 19:54 |
gregoiregentil | also, there are a couple of overlay OE (mine and another one) with all the recipes to compile everything. That may be useful to take look if you don't manage to do something | 19:54 |
rcn-ee | cool didn't know, i've been following his blog, will add it to my email | 19:54 |
rcn-ee | about the only thing i'm missing is the dsp stuff, then ubuntu would be feature complete with angstrom. On the Kernel side i usually test changes against my tree and openembedded so that's usually in sync.. i just moved to 2.6.31 so i didn't have the omap3-touchbook patches anymore.. | 19:58 |
rcn-ee | btw is there anything special about xorg/modules/drivers/fbdev_drv.so in your script? | 19:59 |
rcn-ee | i think it's the omapfb driver, it got pulled in from debian, it might not be as up to date as openembedded but... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xf86-video-omapfb/0.1.1-2 | 20:00 |
rcn-ee | add : xserver-xorg-video-omap3 to your seed for rootstock.. | 20:01 |
gregoiregentil | Very long story about fbdev (long story with Koen) | 20:01 |
gregoiregentil | Koen has always prefered omapfb driver while I stick with fbdev | 20:01 |
gregoiregentil | so you have a kind of two branches. I have ported the xrandr to fbdev | 20:02 |
gregoiregentil | as I wanted to have a very good rotation support in fbdev. It's well optimized | 20:02 |
gregoiregentil | then I have for video some mplayer patches to write directly to fb1 | 20:02 |
rcn-ee | ahh, that explains it... | 20:02 |
gregoiregentil | those rotation patches have never been published (yet) but the mplayer stuff is in git and Koen has integrated it | 20:02 |
rcn-ee | sounds cool... I hardly plug my beagle into an lcd, so i just point users to use omapfb.. but with your touchbook design a good visual experience is key | 20:04 |
gregoiregentil | yup! | 20:05 |
suihkulokki | gregoiregentil: where is fbdev with xrandr? | 20:08 |
gregoiregentil | suihkulokki: I have never published yet. It's on the todo list | 20:09 |
suihkulokki | gregoiregentil: I was just bemoaning the lack of xrandr in omapfb, but one in fbdev would do as well | 20:20 |
gregoiregentil | suihkulokki: Yup. very long story with Koen about this. Ideally, it would be better to ahve something really optimized in omapfb | 20:21 |
gregoiregentil | Koen told me that there is a Stanford guy who is working on it | 20:21 |
lool | gregoiregentil, rcn-ee: I just added a --script (untested) in this patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/354096/ which I just pushed at lp:~lool/project-rootstock/user-script if that's useful I'll propose it for merging in tip | 20:40 |
gregoiregentil | yup. Definitely makes sense to me | 20:41 |
lool | Ok, proposed for merging | 20:42 |
lool | gregoiregentil: hy BTW | 20:42 |
lool | *hey | 20:42 |
gregoiregentil | lool: Hello | 20:43 |
lool | gregoiregentil: I've seen a netbook with detachable screen in the CES coverage, but I don't think i was branded always-innovating; is this a derived product? | 20:43 |
rcn-ee | lool, that would be very useful, there's a couple things i have beagleboard users do to tweak the final rootfs... | 20:43 |
rcn-ee | (that are too beagleboardish to be generic for all users) | 20:43 |
gregoiregentil | Not a derived product... I would say a copied product! | 20:43 |
lool | Ok; that's what I guessed | 20:44 |
rcn-ee | lool, ogra: at what point do you guys what lucid tweaks for rootstock to enable lucid? | 20:47 |
armin76 | lool: well, i would say that you mean the freescale reference netbook...but i guess its built by pegatron | 20:50 |
armin76 | you should know it :P | 20:50 |
armin76 | also there is the marvell smartbook | 20:52 |
lool | rcn-ee: I didn't understand the question | 20:52 |
armin76 | which was running ubuntu | 20:52 |
lool | armin76: I actually did not! | 20:53 |
lool | I only saw that netbook with removable screen like the AI one on TV for a split second and it looked too different from the AI one, hence my wonders | 20:53 |
rcn-ee | lool, since lucid is only at alpha-1/2 i was holding this back: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/+junk/project-rootstock-lucid/revision/31 | 20:54 |
armin76 | lool: http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/07/freescale-smartbook-prototype-is-a-dockable-tablet-we-go-hands/ | 20:54 |
armin76 | http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/05/marvell-shows-off-an-odm-smartbook-thinner-than-strict-decency-p/ | 20:55 |
lool | rcn-ee: IMO no reason to hold this back | 20:59 |
lool | rcn-ee: I'm rewriting this a bit, following the diff you showed me; thanks | 20:59 |
rcn-ee | cool, i was holding it back since fakeroot 'was' broken since i couldn't generate a deb for lucid, but as of this morning it works.. | 21:00 |
lool | rcn-ee: Mind taking a look at http://code.launchpad.net/~lool/project-rootstock/lucid-support ? | 21:02 |
lool | rcn-ee: Ack; just saw a bug coment that it's fixed | 21:02 |
lool | rcn-ee: Sorry, not wasy to see a branch I just pushed | 21:03 |
lool | rcn-ee: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lool/project-rootstock/lucid-support/changes | 21:03 |
rcn-ee | lool, it looks like it's loading, btw is the bazzar web server always that slow? i'm use to it with pushing my beagleboard-kernel stuff. | 21:04 |
lool | rcn-ee: I rarely use the bzr web ui, but I don't think it's supposed to be slow once he branch has been scanned | 21:05 |
lool | rcn-ee: the launchpad web frontend is a tad slow due to SSL, lots of database queries, and various inefficiencies, but bazaar should be faster | 21:06 |
rcn-ee | lool, changes look good, the only odd case is jaunty as lucid/karmic share the same path... | 21:06 |
rcn-ee | lool, that make sense, i just got to stop watching my changes hit the web.. ;) | 21:06 |
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander |
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