
flacciddevelop: http://alestic.com/2009/04/ubuntu-ec2-sudo-ssh-rsync might help. by default pki is used with ssh, whats the actual problem?00:18
developjust whant to remove the pwd so i can use --user-data-file to svn update and start an app on 100 instances00:20
flacciddevelop: check if rightscale free developer account includes sqs - it appears as though it might00:20
flaccidyou want to remove password from passwd for root?00:21
developit does but not with a server array :(00:21
developor what is the best way to start an app on 100 instances00:21
developbuilding an image each time and adding to /etc/init.d is not so nice00:22
developthat s why i was thinking of --user-data-file00:22
developbut does this work on self build ami or just on alestic amis00:23
flaccidif you have a look at man passwd there is various switches to remove or disable the password00:23
flaccidyou can use a rightscript to start an app or yes you could bundle your own custom ami00:23
flaccidyes in a rightscale free developer account00:24
flaccidim sure there are other options out there for non persistant appliance applications00:25
developyes espacially during dev00:25
developwill have a look at rightscale00:25
developattach a script to ami ...00:25
flaccidso basically its up to you how you wanna add to the ami..00:27
flaccidanything else i can answer for you?00:34
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developi bundled an image using http://alestic.com/2009/06/ec2-ami-bundle06:51
developbut the user i added is not there when i start the instance06:51
developdisregard getting tired06:54
developthnks to alestic.com you guys rock06:56
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk

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