
AlanBellping Pici15:51
dutchieI believe wolter has asked about getting an ubottu (clone) in #ubuntu-manual17:32
wolterah, yes.. I asked tsimpson17:33
ubottuUbottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html17:33
dutchiewould it be possible for one of ubot4 or ubot2` to join it if ubottu itself is overworked?17:33
dutchieotherwise, I don't mind hosting it myself, just want to make sure of the etiquette of running a bot17:33
tsimpsonwe could assign one of ubot2`, ubot4, or ukbot if you just want simple factoid lookup and bug tracking17:34
tsimpsonok, so not ukbot ;)17:34
dutchieyeah, I don't think we need anything more than that to be honest17:34
wolterjust a simple bot that would help out with factoids17:35
wolterand stuff17:35
woltermaybe flood control? I don't know... it is not a need right now17:35
dutchiethe bug lookup thing is handy too17:35
wolterbut these last weeks a lot of flooding has been going on at several channels17:35
dutchieflood control could be done by modes on the channel iirc17:36
wolteryeah, very handy.. in general, we want the most interaction possible between the bot and our launchpad team page17:36
wolteroh ok, I am a little ignorant as you can see ;)17:36
dutchieI don't mind maintaining a slight fork if we need custom wiki stuff17:36
dutchiedo I need to do anything special to run a bot?17:38
tsimpsonyou'll need supybot first, and python-sqlite for Encyclopedia (factoids)17:39
dutchiedo I need clearance from freenode or anything like that?17:39
dutchieright, I'll take a look thanks17:40
tsimpsonyou'll also need to install python-soappy for Bugtracker17:40
tsimpsonyou just setup supybot (using supybot-wizard), make sure to say yes when it asks about adding another plugins directory. and choose something like '@' for the character the bot will respond to17:41
tsimpsonthen checkout the plugins to your custom plugin directory and have fun trying to make it work :)17:41
DJonesdutchie: Have a look at http://ubottu.com/guide/ I used that getting a clone working, it covered most things that were needed17:47
wolterhaha that "trying" didn't sound very nice17:47
dutchieit'll give me something interesting to do this evening :)17:47
tsimpsonit's a old and incomplete guide, I know, I wrote it :)17:49
tsimpsonbut it should get you started17:49
tsimpson(a new, more complete guide is planned)17:49
DJonestsimpson: I think I only found two things that weren't mention and that was installing a couple of extra packages for the plugins, apart from that it was good and very helpful17:50
DJonesand I think those packages could well be default installs in a server edition and it was just a home machine that hadn't previously needed them17:52
tsimpsonit was written in 2008 I think, so there's bound to be stuff missing17:57
DdordaHey all, I have an important thing to talk with someone who's related to the LoCos18:02
tsimpsonDdorda: #ubuntu-locoteams may be helpful18:07
Ddordatsimpson: no one answer in there18:08
tsimpsonDdorda: you can always emial the LoCo Council if required: loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com18:10
Ddordatsimpson: very serious, thanks a lot18:10
Ddordatsimpson: where can I join this list?18:11
tsimpsonyou don't need to join it, you can just post to it18:13
Ddordatsimpson: but I want to see the answers.. will I get answers?18:14
tsimpsonthey'll add you to the To or Cc18:14
m4vJigabuMemin was trolling in #u-es, /whois shows he's in #ubuntu and #u-ot18:54
=== wolter is now known as rtfmbot
=== rtfmbot is now known as wolter
jpdsm4v: He's gone.18:57
=== wolter is now known as manolo
=== manolo is now known as wolter
=== wolter is now known as manuelette
=== manuelette is now known as wolter
dutchiehey, just checking out some supybot plugins. Do you know where I might get http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Svn?22:07
tsimpsonnot sure I've published it22:09
dutchiedoesn't seem to be in the lp:ubuntu-bots branch22:10
tsimpsonit's in my experimental branch https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/experimental22:10
dutchiegreat, thanks22:10
dutchiealso, where do the factoids that are in the moderation queue end up?22:11
tsimpsonthere is no actual queue, they just get forwarded to supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.relaychannel22:12
dutchiewill sticking a nick to pm in there work? (ie mine)22:13
humphreybchey, so I created the #ubuntu-manual channel which was sweet and I was an OP for a while till i logged out for the first time. How do I make myself an OP in the channel automagically so I can change the topic?22:58

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