
MTeck-LinuxI don't get this.. I copy the config from /boot/config-2.6.32-9-generic and try to build the kernel with that exact config and I still get a kernel panic when booting :S00:50
MTeck-Linuxand now I know why... update-grub00:50
MTeck-Linuxstill hates me... I wonder what I'm missing :S00:57
MTeck-Linuxmaybe make clean; reset --hard origin/master; checkout; remake config; make.......01:01
mozmckFor a custom kernel, can I use "make xconfig" to change the kernel config or do I have to wade through all the config variants and change things manually?01:35
hyperairmozmck: make xconfig will do just fine.01:35
MTeck-Linuxmake xconfig doesn't seem worth the deps; xconfig is nice :)01:36
* hyperair uses menuconfig01:37
mozmckI'm using the git repo for karmic.  So I can do make xconfig, and then run debian/rules to build packages?  What args do I give debian/rules?01:37
MTeck-Linuxs/xconfig is nice/menuconfig is nice/01:38
mozmckI want anything other than trying to hand edit the files!01:38
hyperairmozmck: nobody hand edits the files01:41
MTeck-Linuxmozmck: when I compile my own kernel I grab git repo, copy the config from /boot/, make menuconfig, configure things, save/exit, make -j3; make all modules_install install01:41
hyperairyou should probably do make oldconfig prior to make menuconfig01:42
mozmckok.  the instructions I've found so far seem to indicate that some do.01:42
MTeck-Linuxthe only down side to how I do it is there's no .deb to install and it won't be handled via apt01:43
mozmckah, just what I was going to ask.01:43
mozmckI need to end up with .debs01:43
* hyperair has a convenient alias for building kernels with make-kpkg01:44
hyperairwhich ends up with .debs01:44
mozmckso I need to some how run debian/rules I guess.01:44
hyperairif you have kernel-package you can use make-kpkg01:44
hyperairit'll do the debian/rules fancy things01:44
mozmckI've been told make-kpkg is heresy on ubuntu these days :)01:44
hyperairi'm old fashioned01:44
hyperairwhere's said tutorial?01:44
MTeck-LinuxI learned compiling kernels in Gentoo so using make is easiest for me01:45
MTeck-Linuxlucid has a few things going on that are throwing me for a loop though01:45
mozmckI notice the configs say that were generated with splitconfig.pl01:46
mozmckI wonder if I can run that or something on a config and create a new flavour...01:46
hyperairmozmck: that tutorial looks quite a bit more complicated than my make-kpkg way... =\01:46
MTeck-Linuxya, that looks ugly01:47
MTeck-Linuxhyperair: what's your method?01:47
mozmckI normally use make-kpkg (I came from using debian for years), but there were a couple of things that were not quite the same as the official packages that I had to try and fix.01:47
hyperairMTeck-Linux: alias buildkernel='AUTOBUILD=1 CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=${CONCURRENCY_LEVEL:-2} ionice -c 3 schedtool -D -e make-kpkg --initrd --rootcmd=fakeroot --append-to-version=-hyper${KERNELREV:-1} kernel_{headers,image}'01:48
mozmckyeah, it looks like the ubuntu way is harder than any other!01:48
MTeck-Linuxhyperair: ya, that's massive; not exactly too complicated... you wind up with just a nice pretty .deb with that?01:51
hyperairMTeck-Linux: yep.01:52
hyperairmozmck: i've got custom thinsg added.01:52
hyperairmozmck: what you need is just make-kpkg --rootcmd=fakeroot --append-to-version=-your-own-custom-version-postfix-N kernel_headers kernel_image01:53
MTeck-Linuxhyperair: single core?01:53
hyperairyou can do away with your --append-to-version if you don't really care01:53
hyperairMTeck-Linux: dual core.01:53
mozmckhyperair: that's what I was doing.01:53
hyperairmozmck: then just stick with that =)01:53
MTeck-Linuxhyperair: why not -3?01:53
mozmckI may do that!01:53
hyperairMTeck-Linux: i use BFS.01:54
hyperairteh brain fuck scheduler01:54
hyperair-j2 works faster on BFS than -j3 on CFS01:54
hyperairand doesn't slow down my system while compiling. =)01:54
MTeck-LinuxI always use make -j3; I'm guessing that's the same variable01:54
hyperairthat's the CONCURRENCY_LEVEL01:59
hyperairi basically have the whole bunch of ${var:-somevalue} so that i can override it if i want to, or keep it if i want to02:00
MTeck-LinuxSo, what are the staging drivers for?03:19
MTeck-Linuxdhillon-v10: how's it going?03:19
RAOFA couple of things, but mainly drivers that aren't quite mainline material yet.03:20
dhillon-v10MTeck-Linux, hey what's up :)03:20
RAOFHaving them in the mainline repostiory makes it easier to test & gets them more eyeballs, and hopefully more fixes.03:21
MTeck-LinuxRAOF: what are the chances my system actually uses those drivers?03:21
RAOFModerate; some wifi drivers are sitting in staging at the moment, and nouveau's in there.03:21
RAOFIt's quite possible that a driver from staging could drive some of your hardware.03:22
MTeck-Linuxdhillon-v10: not too much, trying to compile a lucid kernel which seems to be very hard compared to karmic; also thinking of entirely dropping the locomap project03:22
dhillon-v10MTeck-Linux, come one let's not drop the project it seems to be a nice initiative :) I do understand if you don't have enough time 03:23
MTeck-LinuxRAOF: thanks again :)03:23
MTeck-Linuxdhillon-v10: It's not just lack of time, there's also a large lack of interest03:23
dhillon-v10RAOF, there is this project going on at Sun called starfish, which has like a template for making device drivers and it makes a *really* nice templates. Is is possible to take that project and change the template to make templates for linux drivers03:24
dhillon-v10MTeck-Linux, really, I think its pretty nice, its just that I haven't had proper time to contribute because of the tests and exams coming up03:24
RAOFdhillon-v10: Probably, but you're asking the wrong person; I'm not proficient in linux driver writing, just packaging.03:25
MTeck-LinuxI just noticed this - If you are creating a new file, it is helpful to run it through cleanfile and/or Linent before creating a patch03:32
MTeck-LinuxShouldn't that me linten?03:32
MTeck-Linuxnah, nvm - idk where my head is03:34
skydromecan someone help narrow down the issue with this? -- http://paste2.org/p/60078504:01
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
MTeck-Linuxhurray, no matter what I do I get this... mountall main process (477) killed by SEGV04:27
MTeck-Linuxsomething like that04:27
MTeck-Linuxmy computer hates the living daylights out of me04:29
MTeck-Linuxit's complaining that mountall won't finish and drops to a recovery shell; I mount everything myself and there's not issues. I run fsck with no issues. I do that then run the mountall command and it finished booting without any issues.....04:33
MTeck-LinuxI wonder if there's something funky that's happening because I used clone --reference04:43
crimsunMTeck-Linux: if that's Lucid, the mountall symptom is known and being debugged04:44
dhillon-v10MTeck-Linux, there's this great video on youtube that I saw the other day about compiling the kernel, wanna have a look at that?04:44
MTeck-Linuxcrimsun: oh..... THANK YOU! I though I was turning into an idiot04:45
MTeck-Linuxdhillon-v10: no thanks, I've done this a lot; I just couldn't figure out what was goig on04:46
dhillon-v10MTeck-Linux, okay :)04:46
MTeck-Linuxcrimsun: I'm on the mailing list so I suppose I'll actually know about these issues now and when they're fixed :)04:46
MTeck-Linuxas of this morning I subscribed :)04:47
MTeck-LinuxThis might be the wrong place; but can you explain this to me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/353796/05:06
MTeck-Linuxcp -R; the source should be the same size as the dest05:06
MTeck-Linuxthat's weird... do it again and it shows that it's 1002MB; wait a while do it again and it's 1.1GB05:16
=== Hellow_ is now known as Hellow
skydromecan someone help narrow down the issue with this? -- http://paste2.org/p/60078507:25
=== Hellow_ is now known as Hellow
Lion-Simba__Hi. There is a regression bug in linux kernel (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/446575). There is also a patch fixing it. What I need to do to get this fix included in karmic-updates?08:32
ubot3Malone bug 446575 in linux "dvb-t on asustek p7131 hybrid looks like poor quality signal" [Undecided,Confirmed] 08:32
=== MTeck-Linux is now known as MTeck-ricer
=== Whoopie_ is now known as Whoopie
Lion-SimbaHi. There is a regression bug in linux kernel (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/446575). There is also a patch fixing it. What I need to do to get this fix included in karmic-updates?13:15
ubot3Malone bug 446575 in linux "dvb-t on asustek p7131 hybrid looks like poor quality signal" [Undecided,Confirmed] 13:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jagezsorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but ... if I write a 1 byte file to a 4k block size file system, then in another process read that 1 byte file, does the kernel have to read 512 bytes from the hard disk (HD block size) or 4k bytes from the hard disk (FS block size) ?16:18
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== SEJeff_ is now known as SEJeff_home
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
panaut0lordvhello everyone, i think I've found a typo in linux-source- but I want to confirm it... if anyone have some time for me please write23:42
crimsunor you could just point out the typo :)23:42
panaut0lordvok, in file ubuntu/omnibook/Makefile there is:23:43
panaut0lordvLine 161:EXTRA_LDFLAGS += $(PWD)/ubuntu/omnibook/sections.lds23:43
panaut0lordvand it should be EXTRA_LDFLAGS += $(PWD) ubuntu/omnibook/sections.lds IMHO23:43
RAOFpanaut0lordv: Why do you think it's broken now?  The second line doesn't look correct to me.23:45
panaut0lordvwell, it wasn't compiling23:46
panaut0lordvcause path was absolute23:46
panaut0lordvat least on my machine23:46
RAOFWant to pastebin the error (and surrounding context)?23:47
panaut0lordvRAOF: here you are, maybe I am simplyfying but for me no errors mean fixed xD http://pastebin.com/m762e87e123:56
RAOFI wonder what sets PWD in the normal build.23:59

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