
chitchatcurtis1Im new to this and don't know if Im in the right place for Ubuntu. Amy I in the right place?00:57
cjohnstonpleia2: ping02:31
pleia2cjohnston: hey :)02:32
cjohnstondid you see the new instructor offer on the wiki02:32
pleia2oh wait02:33
pleia2yeah, fabian02:33
pleia2what do you think about extending it and slightly reshuffling?02:33
cjohnstonmy concern is are those topics not already covered?02:34
pleia2community building and advocacy are outside ours scope02:35
pleia2so it depends on what he means by "Ubuntu tech support"02:35
pleia2starcraftman's thing already does the getting help thing02:36
pleia2I'll try to touch base with magicfab this weekend and ask him02:36
pleia2he works for canonical doing support stuffs02:36
cjohnstonI just pinged him to see if he is around02:36
pleia2ah ok :) cool02:36
cjohnstonI doubt he is since its late.. but dunno02:37
* pleia2 nods02:38
pleia2bt mail?02:44
* pleia2 nods02:44
cjohnstonpleia2: to your knowledge is there a quorum requirement for BT voted?02:50
pleia2afaik the policy has always been that votes take place on irc and majority rules02:52
starcraftmansomeone called?02:56
pleia2we were just talking about user days02:56
starcraftmanroger, I see, just read.02:57
* starcraftman goes back to being evil, sending minions forth and doing pillage.02:57
pleia2nigel_nb: will you be available for a team meeting on Monday, January 11, 2010 @ 9PM EST (Tue Jan 12th 2:00 UTC):03:45
pleia2cprofitt: is monday evening good for you for a meeting?03:54
cprofittI think so.04:26
cprofitt9pm is what was in your email that I responded to04:26
* pleia2 never saw a reply04:27
cprofittI will check my drafts box on my other machine, but I am pretty sure I replied with a "its fine, let me know when it is official"04:28
pleia2oh, I was in team meeting mode planning the other night, that was for the USTeams meeting :)04:29
pleia2on wednesday04:29
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-learning to: Ubuntu Community Learning Project | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning | Next Meeting: Monday, January 11, 2010 @ 9PM EST (Tue Jan 12th @ 2:00 UTC) http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=1&day=12&year=2010&hour=2&min=0&sec=0&p1=0 | Support in #ubuntu
cprofittyep -- sorry... I only replied to that one.04:32
pleia2alright, well if the monday one is good for you too I'll set this meeting in stone04:32
cprofittUnless my wife has something planned that is VERY late it should be fine...04:34
cprofittthat is unlikely04:34
* pleia2 nods04:34
cprofittnight all04:34
=== nigel_nb is now known as Guest44181
pleia2w00t xubuntu! :)04:59
woruexcuse me06:14
worui need a bit help06:15
woruanyone can help me?06:15
pleia2woru: what kind of help are you looking for?06:16
pleia2he ended up replying in PM, heh06:18
=== marx_ is now known as _marx_
pleia2morning cjohnston15:51
cjohnstoni dont think it is15:51
cjohnstonyour est right?15:51
pleia2almost 11am15:51
cjohnstonive been up since 530 yesterday morning.. est15:51
pleia2why? :)15:53
cjohnstonhad a house fire last night15:53
pleia2I imagine those are pretty tiring15:54
cjohnstonand now im home with the kids and the inlaws15:54
pleia2ah, so I guess you have to stay awake, huh?15:55
cjohnstonif they werent so loud i could go to bed15:55
pleia2heh :)15:55
cjohnstonthey are the 'loud' people15:55
pleia2ah family15:55
cjohnstonthey understand the job, so they understand that im in need of sleep... they just dont understand the word quiet15:57
* pleia2 nods15:57
pleia2I know how that goes15:57
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=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman

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