
gavinthekorn: xpt is a "typelib" - a compiled version of an IDL interface definition, essentially00:43
gavinxpi is just a renamed zip file :)00:43
gavin(used for packaging extensions)00:43
gavinbdrung: moz-version.py is awesome!00:46
bdrunggavin: your welcome.00:46
bdrunggavin: do you use moz-version or moz_version.py?00:48
gavinI'm not using either yet00:48
gavinbut I think it's just what we need00:49
bdrunggavin: what do you need?00:49
gavina script that will turn moz versions into debian versions00:49
gavinfor our deb packaging stuff00:49
bdrungthen it fits perfectly00:50
gavinindeed :)00:52
bdrunggavin: it's a by-product from moz-version --compare :)00:53
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ftagrrr, my desktop didn't survive the reboot after today's kernel update01:29
ftabug 36533101:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365331 in grub "Grub error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36533101:30
ftaand the most recent ubuntu cd i have here is intrepid, so not ext4 :(01:31
mahfouzfta: how about dl'ing a newer live cd?01:35
mahfouzit's free!01:35
ftawhat do you think i'm doing now? ;)01:37
ftai'm not desperate, at least not yet01:37
ftai just have 1 blank cd left01:37
ftaand i never burnt any on this laptop.. oh my01:38
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Whompapotamusi am looking for a way to improve the font appearance within thunderbird 3.0 under ubuntu - my X11 config is fine as all other applications appear clear on my lcd (anti-alias has not been over ridden yet for the thunderbird)04:35
Whompapotamusany takers04:35
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joelinuxI have a question about seamonkey maintenance. Who is the main maintainer for that app?12:44
bdrungasac: around?13:43
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araxhielHello, good afternoon ... anyone knows how to avoid that, when you upgrade the firefox package, the package reinstall the search plugins that has already had eliminated previously?19:00
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araxhielanyone knows how to avoid, when upgrade the firefox package, the package reinstall the search plugins that has already had eliminated previously?19:15
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ftacrimsun, did you push your changes to the ubuntu-audio-dev ppa?21:18
BUGabundoyou always freak me out21:51
BUGabundowith that harm in the hair21:51
BUGabundoreminds me of school21:51
BUGabundofta my new baby: http://p.bugabundo.net/i-lost-my-head-and-bough-my-new-fab-gadgetpio-021:53
debfxthe default theme doesn't show up in the add-ons manager of firefox-3.6 from the daily builds ppa21:54
debfxI suspect this bug always shows up when having multiple versions of firefox as the theme is installed into /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/extensions21:54
ftaBUGabundo, where do you see an arm?21:57
BUGabundowell.... face (o) plus arm up (|)21:57
BUGabundoinstead, o/ (waving)21:58
ftaBUGabundo, in my "lo" ?21:58
BUGabundoof course21:59
ftalo is L + O, as in hello21:59
crimsunfta: no21:59
BUGabundodid you say anything else other then that21:59
crimsunfta: I'll do that later this evening21:59
BUGabundocrimsun: question: how is HDMI and PA ?21:59
crimsunBUGabundo: more precisely, please?22:00
ftacrimsun, thanks22:00
BUGabundois it working? got a new laptop (toshiba) gonna install hardy into it tomorrow22:00
BUGabundoand would like to know how well is HDMI supported22:00
crimsunman, there's a very low probability22:01
ftaBUGabundo, yesterday; ext4 killed me on reboot22:01
BUGabundome and my release names22:02
BUGabundocrimsun: 9.1022:02
crimsunrealize that alsa has to properly support hdmi before pa can work with it, so hardy's alsa and pa stack are...22:02
BUGabundofta ext4 working here22:02
crimsunwell, karmic? "maybe"22:02
BUGabundoehe maybe22:02
crimsunif you use karmic, you'll want to use alsa-driver
BUGabundook I'll test and ping you if I find any trouble22:02
BUGabundofrom PPA?22:02
crimsuneither grab it from the alsa-source deb in Lucid/10.04, or use the unaccepted linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic that has
crimsunno, not from ppa, from lucid proper22:03
ftadoh! rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in gst_pad_send_event()22:03
BUGabundocrimsun: nice package name22:04
crimsunno, that means the "not yet in karmic-proposed" linux-backports-modules-2.6.3122:07
ftaBUGabundo, I want to buy an internet radio, but i can't find what i want22:23
ftathe closest is the Squeezebox Radio from Logitech, but it doesn't do FM (nor DAB)22:24
BUGabundowell try a wd live22:25
BUGabundoor boxee box22:25
ftai want a radio22:27
ftano video22:27
ftabug 36533122:27
BUGabundothey do audio too22:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365331 in grub "Grub error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36533122:27
ftanoone seems to care about this bug :(22:29
BUGabundoeheh adobe is updating their page footers to include 2010 trade marks http://page2rss.com/p/80b83e05a0a18c77aca72bb6aa0b8d69_4719366_475089022:29
BUGabundofta maybe because no one can reproduce it ยป?22:29
ftaa dozen people sure did22:39

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