
candtalanHi, I have a ubuntu one question.  (Not very used to irc though)12:10
adiroibanwhat is the ubutonone desktopcouch mailinglist ?12:11
adiroibanah... i think I found it. I was expecting to find it here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne#Support options12:12
=== deegee_1 is now known as deegee
Thingymebobstruggling to get evolution contacts synced, followed tut at wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials/Contacts, never get asked for keyring password18:46
Thingymebobwhen I do step 3/4 in section 3 nothing happens18:47
homeasvs_how do I debug dbus-send ... getPort timing out ?20:17
acochey guys, I'm using httrack to backup some websites and I'd like to use ubuntuone so if I make a bookmark (using the file:// protocol) it would work on all my computers22:18
acocit works great, except it uses the full path (ie /home/user/UbuntuOne) and not all my usernames are the same22:19
acocdifferent usernames on different computers I mean22:19
acocany ideas, thanks22:20
acocI was thinking maybe a ubuntuone protocol that uses the ubuntuone directory as the root directory22:25
acocsimilar to the trash protocol22:26

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