
=== JTA__ is now known as JTA_
zzazahi all00:36
zzaza Am planning to have an internet radio station with some live broadcasting some times. am wondering which kind of software can i use. does any one know of any station that uses linux.00:38
=== JTA__ is now known as JTA_
Jonathan__anybody here? I need some advice about hardware01:53
lucas_hi, is edirol ua25ex supported in ubuntu 9.10? there were problems months ago, nothing reported now, so maybe it's solved - thanks!09:37
lucas_in ubuntustudio 9.10, i mean09:38
lucas_is upgrading from plain vanilla 9.10 to ubuntustudio 9.10 same as here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UpgradingFromHardy09:44
lucas_re my first question, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8547181 AutoStatic says the ua25ex works out of the box cos it's class compliant (whatever that means)10:08
lucas_and AutoStatic seems to post frequently and should have 9.10, even tho his/her profile says 9.0410:12
holstein`anybody using seq 24?20:46
marsilainennot me20:53
marsilainenI heard it get a mention on OSM podcast maybe the last episode I think?20:54
holsteinmarsilainen: im going to have to listen again and see who that was21:02
holsteinits crashy for me21:02
holsteinim assuming its on my end somewhere :)21:02
lucas_hi, did fresh install of US 9.10 in acer x1700 with nvidia and now it runs terribly slow, it sounds as if it's looking at the disk frequently; any clues would be appreciated; it's not on this computer but i'll try "top" and "dmesg | more" and "dmesg | grep error"23:45
lucas_hi, did fresh install of US 9.10 in acer x1700 with nvidia and now it runs terribly slow, it sounds as if it's looking at the disk frequently; any clues would be appreciated23:46
lucas_it's not on this computer but i'll try "top" and "dmesg | more" and "dmesg | grep error"23:46
lucas_running plain vanilla 9.10 was really fast and nice23:49

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