
petrssswhy I can not write "sudo > xxx.txt"   ?00:00
petrsssbash: xxx.txt: Permission denied00:00
petrsssBUT I can sudo rm 1.txt00:01
paulsomebodypetrsss: Have you set permissions when you were root?00:01
paulsomebodypetrsss: And owner?00:01
petrsssI do not understand00:02
petrsssI am happy00:03
paulsomebodypetrsss: Become root again, launch Dolphin, right click on folder and set yourself as owner. What is unclear?00:03
petrsssgood bye my friens00:03
petrssspaulsomebody   OK00:03
petrsssgood bye my friend paulos00:04
Bearcatfolks, i just installed the most recent kubuntu install disc over an older installation. When i log-in to kde i see the desktop flash for a moment then it boots me back out to the kdm screen. Somtimes the splash screen gets as far as the desktop icon and it boots me out. Looking in my .xsession-errors file i see that it's complaining about x-terminal-emulator : Fatal IO error: client killed.00:06
Bearcatany ideas? I'm not sure where else to look00:06
xixoryo, if I just installed a package and it installed a ton of other libs, and now I don't want that package, is there a way I can uninstall everything that was installed?00:12
paulsomebodyxixor: Maybe 'sudo apt-get autoremove'?00:13
IzinucsQuassel just stopped connecting to freenode.. and nothing that I do will let it connect.. any ideas how to fix that?00:16
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)00:17
xixorso... how do I use strigi?00:19
Izinucsworking again.. weird00:20
paulsomebodyxixor: It have no relation to your problem.00:21
paulsomebodyxixor: Uninstall package by KPackageKit and then run command I advised.00:22
=== julio_ is now known as julio__
paulsomebodyI want to upgrade to the KDE 4.4 RC, but I have a lot of blocked updates. Among them libatcore4 version 4.6.00:45
paulsomebodyAnd 'kde-window-manager' too. Where can I found a reason why they are blocked?00:46
gh0s7hey guys i keep getting an error when trying to run the live cd of kubuntu00:51
paulsomebodygh0s7: What error?00:52
gh0s7Video mode not supported00:53
gh0s7on the live cd when i try to boot00:53
paulsomebodyWhat video mode are you trying to boot into?00:53
gh0s7how do i change the video mode?00:54
gh0s7im just hitting try ubuntu without installing00:54
gh0s7does this with ubuntu and kubuntu00:54
gh0s7Integrated NVIDIA Geforce 6150 LE graphics00:55
paulsomebodyIn the bottom you should see F… things. One among them changes video modes.00:55
gh0s7ok thankyou will try paulsomebody you've been a great help and thankyou for your time00:55
paulsomebodygh0s7: Thank you, I should learn irony from you.00:56
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Ev0luti0n_can anybody download anything from piratebay?01:28
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o01:32
jordanbuchmani like pie01:34
=== Surion_ is now known as Surion
david_hi there.01:40
david_im getting a core dump when i try to ssh to myself01:40
david_anyone had that before?01:41
jordanbuchmanis anyone a noodle01:41
jukaspakrocoh my god... where are they live?01:41
jukaspakrocoops:D you know, i dont speak very well english01:42
jukaspakroc*where do you live...:)01:42
happy_how do you install a kate syntax file?02:00
geniihappy_: http://www.intelligentdv.com/blog/8/how-to-install-kate-syntax-files/02:05
frewsxcveverytime i start kubuntu, it disable compositing...how do i fix this?02:16
geniifrewsxcv: Intel video card?02:20
frewsxcvgenii: no ati02:20
frewsxcvgenii: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681410285302:22
meowbuntuhi all i am having problem with firefox thus affecting my xmarks settings. i have changed a password for an account online first firefox wont remember the new password for that site even thought i have it set to remember passwords.02:27
luigiguy91Is this where I get kubuntu support?02:28
Empty_fooluigiguy91: did you pay for support?02:28
luigiguy91I am not sure if i paid for support.02:29
macoluigiguy91: yes this is the official support channel for kubuntu02:29
macoEmpty_foo: stop winding luigiguy91 up02:29
Empty_foook.. then this is where you ask people to help you if they can.. lol02:29
geniifrewsxcv: Perhaps see: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide#Installing_the_drivers_manually  (if running Karmic substitute that name instead of "jaunty" in the commands given)  Also posting 5 of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84942202:30
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
amdsempronIs this kubuntu support?03:05
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:06
amdsempronOk, this isnt funny, i just need help here.03:07
amdsempronOK, can anyone please help me with moving my software to different hardware?03:08
geniiamdsempron: You keep popping into #xubuntu, rant for a minute and leave again. how could you expect someone to assist in such a situation?03:09
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
APERSONI'm using compiz, and no matter what I do (sans disabling either the viewport switcher or rotate cube) I can't disable switching desktops with the mousewheel.  Can anyone give me some clues on this?03:11
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
Nafrianybody knows how to share folder with Samba using dolphin?04:23
Nafriwhen i use share this folder, nothing happens04:23
Nafri'm missing some package i guess, but i don't know which one04:24
BearcatFolks. A client of mine just did an upgrade to kubuntu 9.10.  They have a chromium video onboard graphics chip and they get the login problem. Kde starts to load at best and then drops back to the login screen or i just get a flash of a white square and it drops back to the login screen.  I'd love any help i can get. I've been searching for hours. Changing the driver to vesa has no effect. moving the .kde dir has no effect, putting04:24
BearcatOption "NoAccel" "true" has no effect. I don't know what to do next.04:24
=== adam is now known as Guest75359
urthmovernew to KDE here....what is the kayboard shortcut to bring up the "Start" button in the lower left?04:37
* urthmover is surprised how quiet it is in here04:39
Bearcaturthmover: i am too. all of them must be sleeping04:41
urthmoverthere must be north american people around04:42
Bearcaturthmover: yeah tell me about it04:44
urthmoverI'm so used to gnome...this kde stuff looks pretty but is kinda funky...Konsole is beginning to feel cluttery and irssi is acting strange04:45
meowbuntuare there any good applications for extracting audio cds to mp3 etc05:01
ubottuTo rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar; it's configurable in system settings. Also see http://tinyurl.com/2x7qsh05:02
meowbuntugenii, i am looking for a crossplatform application for gnome and kde05:03
tsimpsonK3B can rip CDs05:04
tsimpsonas long as you have libk3b6-extracodecs installed for mp3 support05:05
Bearcati'm so frikin' confused. I can't even switch to the vesa driver. I can't *believe* this bug was allowed to escape to 9.10.05:05
Bearcathundreds of people are gonna be with out kde and apparently there is no fix.05:06
geniiThere's also CLI ... ripit, grabcd-rip05:06
Bearcatjust "too bad" get a new video card. rrrrrrr05:06
Bearcatthis is a very common on-board video chip too05:06
tsimpsonurthmover: Alt-F1 by default05:08
urthmoverI have just installed kubuntu-desktop.  What is the keyboard shortcut to bring up the launch menu?  Alt+F1 Alt+F2 do not seem to do anything?05:08
tsimpsonright click the launcher to get to its settings, there is a place to configure it there05:08
urthmoverso there an no keyboard shortcuts by default is that right?05:09
kubianalt+f2 will bringup sometjhing like a run command05:09
tsimpsonthat's not what I said, by default it should be Alt-F105:09
urthmoverkubian: nothing happen when I press Alt+f2 strangely no matter what window is in focus05:10
meowbuntusound-juicer does not allow me to extract to mp3 how can i do that. do i need a codex for it05:11
kubianurthmover: don't understand exactly what's your problem05:11
urthmoverkubian: pressing Alt+F1 does not work from anywhere....at all  nothing happens05:12
kubianwhat r u trying to do? if u installed kubuntu then during startup you select what DE u want gnome or kde session05:13
urthmoverI chose kde for the default environment05:13
kubianif kded session then you can see the task panel below and on the far left is the "K" to start things05:14
urthmoverkubian: yes I am definitely using KDE .  the problem is that I am unable to figure out any keyboard shortcuts to do things  like bring up the launch menu05:15
kubianu shud configure them in system-settings05:15
urthmoverI have read the Alt+F1 is the default for that....but mine doesn't seem to be working correctly.  when I look in the Standard keyboard shortcuts....I'm having trouble figuring out which binding belongs to the launcher menu for example05:16
meowbuntuhow do i get the codex to convert to mp305:17
urthmoverkubian: have I described this issue thoroughly?05:17
kubiani never used kb srt cuts but since u mentioned it i just used it and alt+f1 worked05:17
urthmoverkubian: bummer....I like to use the mouse as little as possible05:18
urthmoverkubian: thanks05:18
kubianurthmover: in global shortcuts..I see it there in plasma workspace05:21
Bearcatcan anyone help me get a unichrome onboard graphics card working with KDE in 9.10?  This is just nuts05:24
Bearcati've been working on this for 6 hours05:24
urthmoverkubian: well I rebooted and now Alt+F2 brings up a run menu  which is nice...but Alt+F1 still doesn't bring up the launcher05:25
geniiBearcat: Does: apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-openchrome                show that driver as installed?05:25
urthmoverkubian: oh well I'll dig around the keyboard shortcuts to see what I can find05:25
titan_arkdamn, hibernate doesnt seem to turn of the hard disk!05:26
=== cordellcameron is now known as DBCOOPA
titan_arkwhy is it so?05:26
Bearcatgenii: thanks! I'll check05:36
Bearcatgenii: yes. it is. So is vesa and via, both of which i have tried05:38
DBCOOPAi installed ubuntu 9.10 last night and haven't been able to get sound to work. any thoughts05:41
titan_arkDBCOOPA install alsamixer05:43
DBCOOPAwhats the package called?05:44
DBCOOPAit appears to be installed actually, none of the levels seem to be turned down.05:45
DBCOOPAcourse, i'm not sure what some of the options are to right.05:46
titan_arkcould you paste a screenshot?05:46
titan_arki am a n00b myself, but just configured mine, so i am not sure if i can help, i could try though05:47
DBCOOPAthis is my first five minutes using konversation, not sure how. :)05:48
kubianurthmover: in global shortcuts select the plasma workspace and u can see there alt+f1 to activate the app launcher widget05:49
Bearcatwow. I'm gonna loose a client over this. I can't believe kubuntu does not have a working driver for this chip05:49
Bearcati mean it's one of the most common on-board chips out there.05:49
DBCOOPAi can send you this however. :)05:50
Bearcati don't understand why i can do an apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-via and via is not found.05:50
Bearcatwhen i ask for it in xorg.conf05:50
titan_arkDBCOOPA: use http://imagebin.ca/05:50
titan_arkactually, configuring through terminal would be better, but i dont know how to do it05:51
titan_arklol you seem to be using a newer version than me. It looks okay.05:54
DBCOOPAwell thats not good.05:54
titan_arkI would suggest you join the #Ubuntu channel as you are on gnome and none of the pros seem to be here05:55
titan_arkProlly someone there will be able to help you05:55
DBCOOPAprolly good idea.05:55
titan_arkgood luck :)05:56
DBCOOPAappreciate it.05:56
newbie123abc_kde 4.4 RC1 and yours new old problems06:10
=== jens is now known as Guest18493
kubianwhy is phonon-backend-xine still at 4.3.85 not 4.3.90?06:25
kubianat kubuntu-ppa/beta?06:26
newbie123abc_kmix doesn't control HDMI output.06:41
newbie123abc_what's happen?06:41
=== NeuFin is now known as NeuFin__
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=== NeuFin_ is now known as Fla
meowbuntuis installing restricted extras a good idea06:50
meowbuntuFla, how can i help you06:51
meowbuntujust ask06:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:51
meowbuntuhi !google06:52
meowbuntuis installing restricted extras a good idea06:53
meowbuntuhello is installing restricted extras a good idea06:59
meowbuntuFla, and06:59
meowbuntuThoTor, ??06:59
geniimeowbuntu: kubuntu-restricted-extras gives you stuff like mp3, flash video, java, some codecs and fonts, etc. So it's probably not a bad idea07:03
ubuntuhey anyone feel like helping someone with a mnt problem?07:08
=== ubuntu is now known as r4ndom
=== ward is now known as Presnus
Flawas geht?07:14
hateball!ask | ubuntu07:14
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:14
ubuntumein linux mnt ist krank07:15
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:15
ubuntufdisk -l shows /sdb5 as linux parition.  mount /dev/sdb5 says special device xxx does not exsist07:16
ubuntuAlle schlafen?07:20
=== ubuntu is now known as r4ndom
Flahallo ??????????????????07:26
Flaey yo^^07:27
ThoTorwas geht?07:32
Flaboring shit^^07:32
meowbuntugenii, restricted extras is it legal or not07:33
Flawir ham  ma nen kreis!07:33
ThoTorhabt ihr bestimmt gegooglet^07:33
ThoTormach den kreis mal schwarz!07:34
Flahabt ihr auch n kreis?07:36
newbie123abc_kmix doesn't control HDMI output.07:37
newbie123abc_what's happen?07:37
ThoTorgib ma die attribute fürn kreis07:37
ThoTorfla, gib ma die attribute fürn kreis!!!07:39
ThoTormach ma hinne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:43
Flaich habn männchen gemacht!!!07:55
=== kb is now known as Guest73412
=== root is now known as Guest54454
meowbuntuhi i have a file in a directory with the name Ubuntu 9.10 i cant cd to it in terminal need help08:34
olidelcd "Ubuntu 9.10"08:35
meowbuntuolidel, read what i said that did not work08:36
meowbuntui cant cd to it08:36
louissomeone knows virtualbox?08:56
louisHi! Anyway:)08:57
Krezkeyhey folks....can anyone tell me the app name that lets you switch between window managers. like kde,gnome,emerald09:06
ForgeAushehe kdm?09:08
ForgeAusits where you log out and log back in09:08
ForgeAusselecting the WM in the process...09:08
KrezkeyI thought there was one that you can get to from system settings09:09
ForgeAusits also not an app you run as much as it is a service/daemon thingy that is ran for you09:09
ForgeAuswell not so much in system settings09:09
ForgeAusthats actually a kde thing09:09
ForgeAus(used to be kcontrol in KDE and system-settings was a custom one for Kubuntu)09:09
ForgeAusbut now its merged into one kinda...09:09
KrezkeyI thought I saw a switcher tool in settings in one of the distros09:09
ForgeAusKDM is where you set gnome, kde, etc...09:09
ForgeAusbut you can run stuff like kwin -replace or fluxbox -replace or whatever wm your using09:10
Krezkeyok...now how do I do it...lol09:10
ForgeAus(note: theres a difference between a WM and a Desktop09:10
Krezkeychange it in kde I mean09:10
ForgeAusGnome is a desktop, (uses metacity which is the WM its based on)09:10
ForgeAusKDE is a desktop (runs on kwin WM)09:11
ForgeAusthere a few desktops out there, but many more WM's09:11
Krezkeywell I added emerald and some window themes and wanted to try them out. but as you can see I can't figure it out09:11
ForgeAusemerald is compiz isn't it?09:11
Krezkeyit said it was compiz addon and wm app. so not sure09:12
Krezkeyit is standalone or have to hace compiz09:12
Krezkeyhave to09:13
ForgeAusyeah compiz is a WM that gives 3D fx for desktop, really you shouldn't need it with KDE4 since Kwin has 3dFX etc...09:13
ForgeAusbut Emerald is just a part of it that lets you select decorators basically...09:13
Krezkeythats what I wanted to try...the decorators09:14
Krezkeyguess I'll mess with it a little more09:15
platz1how does the automount of usb drives in kubuntu work, all i can find redirects to ubuntu and gvfs, any help, need to set the automount point from /media /home/platz109:15
jussi01platz1: why do you want to mount them in /home?09:17
gigasoftmy kde environment  keep crushing, is there a solution?09:18
meowbuntuare the restricted extras legal in new zealand09:23
meowbuntui would like to know that '09:24
ForgeAuslol gigasoft? use a different desktop?...09:31
zamarronsteinhi friends09:41
tathow do i change the mountpoint of usb sticks from /media/USBNAME /home/tat/USBNAME ?10:01
llutztat: create an udev-rule10:02
tatllutz: isnt there already one that says /media that i can modify ?10:04
llutztat: have a look and try10:04
=== root is now known as Guest96334
anakinzIs there someone who can help me get the grub working again after installing win7 on my ubuntu machine?? I have tryed verious solutions on the ubuntu forum, but when it says ex. type sudo find 'stage1' in terminal from live cd, it doesent exist..!10:17
zamarronsteindo you install ubuntu first and after that, you install win7?10:19
anakinzor, I first used partition manager from the live cd to remove 60GB to the win 7 hdd..10:21
=== Presnus is now known as Pres_Away
=== ^V^ is now known as Guest866
sentixHello, I tried googling for this and came up empty... is it normal for 40-50 instances of apport-kde to be running in the background?10:28
=== Guest866 is now known as _V_
=== ^V^ is now known as Guest72769
||arifaXI can not lock my computer (kubuntu 9.10) any request to lock it ends in nothing. this happens now the 2nd time. after rebooting everything is fine. Any idea?10:53
blip-hi,  I did Killall plasma on KDE4.... after this when I restart the system plasma doesn't reopen.  how do I bring it back up ?    running "plasma" in the term window gives errors about not connecting to Xserver or something11:01
=== rolo is now known as rolo_
fr33domi need to ask something about creating a new datastore in vmware web interface11:33
fr33domcan any12 guide me?11:33
anakinzIs there a command like format c: I can run in terminal from live cd to reset my linux disks??11:42
tsimpsonanakinz: use the partitioner from the live CD11:44
anakinztsimpson: That I have tryed, but there is a swap area with 12 GB witch I am trying to get back to the sd1 but I can´t...11:47
fr33dom_guys i need to know which directory to enter on vmware to create new data store, inorder to create the new virtual machine in. the directory is /dev/sda1 LABELED WIS11:50
tsimpsonanakinz: just delete the partition I guess11:50
fr33dom_BUT IF I ENTER /dev/sda1 it responds FILE NOT FOUND11:51
fr33dom_any opinions?!11:52
soeegood morning11:52
tsimpsonfr33dom: /dev/sda1 is not a directory, it's a device11:52
anakinzThen it places the 12 GB as "free space" it doesent ad it to sd1..  and sd1 is now gone, it´s now called sda5..!11:52
tsimpsonyou should be able to extend it11:52
fr33dom_again, to extend i booted with gparted cd11:54
=== robert__ is now known as PolitikerNEU
user_hey peter12:35
paulsomebody_I have a problem installing drivers for my multi functional. Driver packages are okay, GDebi says all dependencies are satisfied, but when I install first of two packages GDebi provides me with an error message stating than it needs but cannot find package named 'libcupsys2'. Ubuntu Package Search says that this package is already provided by 'libcups2'. What could I do to finally fix it?12:50
paulsomebody_'libcupsys2' is already installed.12:51
paulsomebody_There were no such a problem on Ubuntu 9.04, it revealed itself when I get to the fresh installation of karmic.12:52
=== paulsomebody_ is now known as paulsomebody
sawsereqwahi, I did 'killall plasma' on KDE4... and now it's always turned off even after I restart the system :/     It gives errror when I try to start it.  any ideas ?12:59
=== Pres_Away is now known as Presnus
=== lindemann is now known as doenerteller
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
naftilos76Hi, if i write this: 'dpkg -l | grep ^rc' i get all removed but not purged pakgs! How can i purge them all at once?14:00
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anakinzHow to rearange the grub in 9.10? It says that grub.cfg is read only so I can´t make any changes to it, but I want my win 7 hdd as the sekond choise instead of the last choise, can someone help?14:24
=== matteo is now known as Guest11966
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:25
=== screaminbug_ is now known as screaminbug
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:30
=== matteo is now known as Guest16166
trevorwhat is the best browser for kde other than konqueror....one that is integrated well with kde unlike firefox14:34
paulsomebody_I guess Konqueror is the only opportunity.14:36
trevorkonqueror is nice, but it just seems too sparse for me14:36
trevori dunno14:36
fr33domtrevor: google chrome, firefox14:38
trevorim downloading chromium right now14:39
fr33domonce u get some addons on14:39
fr33domits pretty close to firefox14:39
fr33domand lighter14:39
trevoris there an addon to make firefox look more integrated?14:39
fr33domintergrated how?!14:39
fr33domsearch for themes14:40
trevoroh, with the theme14:40
trevorthe oxygen theme14:40
fr33domgo to tools14:40
fr33domand search for themes14:40
FloodBotK3fr33dom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:40
trevorok cool thanks14:40
macoarora was the one that was competing with konqueror to be the default browser in 9.1014:40
fr33domull find a bunch14:40
fr33domi dono14:40
fr33domam used to firefox14:40
FloodBotK3fr33dom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:40
paulsomebody_People, could anyone help me with my problem?14:53
=== paulsomebody_ is now known as paulsomebody
Kolia!ask | paulsomebody14:54
ubottupaulsomebody: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:54
ZhenyaGood morning everyone!14:54
paulsomebodyI know that, I have described it a little above.14:55
daskreechI haven't heard it14:55
daskreechhi Zhenya14:55
Zhenyadaskreech: HI!14:55
Zhenyaguys, i'm trying to build some shortcuts in the audio player, what does the 'meta' key mean?14:55
paulsomebodyI have a problem installing drivers for my multi functional. Driver packages are okay, GDebi says all dependencies are satisfied, but when I install first of two packages GDebi provides me with an error message stating than it needs but cannot find package named 'libcupsys2'. Ubuntu Package Search says that this package is already provided by 'libcups2'. What could I do to finally fix it? 'libcupsys2' is already installed. There14:56
paulsomebodywere no such a problem on Ubuntu 9.04, it revealed itself when I get to the fresh installation of karmic.14:56
daskreechfor most keyboards14:56
daskreech Can be the apple key on an apple keyboard14:56
daskreech and near anything on a Dvorak14:56
paulsomebodyOr «Win» key.14:56
ubottuIf you would like to help in #*ubuntu* but it just goes too fast to spot interesting questions, try joining #ubuntu-meta and watching for questions there (note that it is NOT a support channel, however, and questions should still be answered in #*ubuntu*)14:56
daskreechpaulsomebody: try install them both at the same time14:56
* daskreech chuckles at BluesKaj14:57
daskreechGood pull :)14:57
paulsomebodyThey don't depend upon each other, they depend upon 'libcupsys2'.14:57
Zhenyahmmm the alt key doesn't work inthe amarok, :(14:57
daskreechpaulsomebody: Ah where did you get them?14:58
paulsomebodyFrom the canon official site.14:58
ubottuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.14:58
BluesKajthat's what i was looking for14:59
ilumiyou guys seen that video, where guys girlfriend smashed his ps3?  awesome14:59
genii!ot | ilumi15:00
ubottuilumi: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!15:00
paulsomebody_BluesKaj: Is this related to my question?15:03
BluesKajpaulsomebody_, i don't like using gdebi installer because it fails sometimes . Use the terminal : 'sudo dpkg -i 'name of package'15:05
paulsomebody_BluesKaj: Still doesn't work, I have tried that.15:05
paulsomebody_BluesKaj: Have your read what my problem is?15:06
BluesKajpaulsomebody_, make sure you have all your source repositotries enabled in your package manager or sources.list15:06
BluesKajerr repositories15:06
paulsomebody_BluesKaj: Hmm. I have.15:07
paulsomebody_BluesKaj: Problem is — package 'libcupsys2' is no longer present in repository, it's features are now provided with 'libcups2' packages or something like that. I have read this in the Ubuntu Package Search pages. But this driver still depends upon this old package.15:08
geniipaulsomebody_: I'd suggest: sudo dpkg -i --ignore-depends=libcupsys2 <packagename-from-Canon-here>15:08
paulsomebody_genii: That is idea.15:09
BluesKajpaulsomebody_, yeah , unfortunately the printer/cups driver situation is a problem with some printers. If you have a HP printer try the hplip driver package . Otherwise search for a separate driver package for your printer combo device15:10
daskreechIt's canon15:11
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paulsomebody_It is canon and I have good, working official driver.15:11
paulsomebody_BluesKaj: I appreciate your willing to help, but maybe it's worth reading questions before giving answers?15:12
paulsomebody_genii: Thank you, it worked.15:12
geniipaulsomebody_: Welcome15:12
BluesKajpaulsomebody_, you mentioned your 'multi functional" ...perhaps you could be more specific ...multifunctional drivers using the cups system indicates a printer/fax/scanner15:14
paulsomebody_BluesKaj: That's okay now.15:15
daskreechpaulsomebody_: he's not paid to sit here and help. He may have a life beyond this room which he needs to attend to15:15
daskreechpaulsomebody_: Paitence is needed on both sides here15:15
paulsomebody_daskreech: What a news. I haven't even thought about it.  I thought I was writing to my paid support channel, sorry. That is what you would like to hear?15:16
BluesKajpaulsomebody_, maybe i din't see your original question .. I just got here 40 mins ago15:16
daskreechpaulsomebody_: ha ha No Just perhaps he did not see where you mentioned canon15:17
paulsomebody_BluesKaj: What are we arguing about? I have been already helped, solved my problem and go on with computing happily.15:17
ilumi thanks, so i installed java as root, and im trying to run a java program as user but it cant find java, how can i make sure that all the java programs that run as user can see java?15:18
paulsomebody_To run java program you should probably type 'java <program>' or ''java -jar <program>'.15:19
BluesKajnot arguing . you accused me of not reading your original question ..which I did read, then several lines down you happened to mention canon without addressing anyone in particular15:19
paulsomebody_BluesKaj: I see that really displeased you.15:19
BluesKajI thought it desrved an answer15:20
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ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!15:23
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paulsomebodycompertos: Yes?15:39
daskreech!hi | compertos15:39
ubottucompertos: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:39
subitohello, i'm on ubuntu, but i've installed kubuntu-desktop, now that i want kde 4.4 RC1, i've added the kubuntu-ppa on my sources.list, but when if i type apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade, the kde packages are not upgraded (but i got a few upgrades for other packages)15:46
Peace-subito: what you done ... ubuntu + kubuntu desktop = messed system for me15:49
Peace-subito: anyway...15:49
tsimpsonsubito: did you read http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-rc-1 ?15:50
subitotsimpson: well it just says to add the ppa15:50
subitoPeace-: actually it's not for me :d15:50
tsimpsonsubito: which PPA did you add exactly?15:51
subitotsimpson: "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu karmic main" in the sources.list15:51
* genii ponders backports15:51
subitogenii: what?15:51
tsimpsonsubito: when you do "kde4-config --version" what does it say you have?15:52
subitotsimpson: it's for me and my friend is not available, but i guess he still has kde 4.3.4, or maybe he didn't realize that he had upgraded15:53
subitotsimpson: but i think he would have realized it15:54
tsimpsonmaybe, but all the updated packages are in that repository15:54
tsimpsonand others have upgraded with it just fine15:54
subitotsimpson: here is what he got when he tried 'dist-upgrade' http://pastebin.com/m2324bcb415:56
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tsimpsonas long as he ran "sudo apt-get update" before that, it would have worked15:57
tsimpson(as far as I can tell without more information)15:57
subitotsimpson: i'll give you more when he'ill come back :)16:00
ilumisup sup16:27
KelytharunI am in need of a little a help. I'm trying to get Kubuntu working on a friend's computer and get stuck at a point. She has a Sony HDR XR500VE camcorder, and I can't get any program to edit or at least convert the AVCHD files it makes.16:27
KelytharunI have tried Kdenlive, PiTiVi, LiVeS, Avidemux, Cinelerra, Openshot so far16:28
Kelytharunthey all either crash when I try to load up a file from the camera, or refuse to load it16:29
Kelytharunany ideas?16:30
ilumiKelytharun: http://www.fsckin.com/2008/01/03/transcoding-mtsm2ts-avchd-video-files-with-free-software/16:30
Kelytharunthanks Ilumi, looking through it16:33
wftlMy weekly question on the subject. Has anyone, anywhere, actually gotten akonadi to work with KDE 4.4 on Kubuntu Karmic? If so, can you tell me/us how?16:34
wftlI haven't been able to use Kontact for days because Akonadi is always starting up and never actually starts.16:35
darkhamhey people, what about the package manager and kde4.4RC1?16:35
ilumiisn't 4.4 a dev version?16:36
darkhamilumi, yes is a relase candidate16:37
wftlilumi: RC1 right now16:37
wftlWhich means it's a developer version, but should be pretty damn close to the real thing by now.16:37
xorredkarmic, can't join to a pptp vpn - it appears in the list of connections but I can't click it - click but no result16:41
xorredno error no nothing16:41
xorredit's also set to autoconnect - still does not connect16:41
xorredsame pptp connects fine with windows16:41
ilumiKelytharun: this tut is pretty old so you might be able to find something newer/easier , try google16:42
amichairdoes Kate support RTL? how does one switch the text direction?16:44
lpolliociao a tutti16:45
Kelytharunwell, there are some, but all recommend only command line tools... so I guess I'll have to throw quickly together a simple Qt GUI with two file selectors... :D16:48
daskreechamichair: run the program with --reverse16:51
daskreechwftl: check in #kubuntu-devel ?16:52
wftldaskreech: Will do. Thanks.16:52
amichairdaskreech: that reverses the interface, not the edited text16:54
darkhamsomeone with  4.4RC1 ?16:58
fire`laladarkham: yeah17:00
amichairdoes Kate support RTL? how does one switch the text direction? (not the application interface, but the edited text direction)17:04
darkhamfire`lala, oh, :)17:04
darkhamwhat about kpackagekit ?17:04
fire`laladarkham: I don't use any kde frontend to apt17:06
darkhamfire`lala, ok17:07
ilumidarkham: whats the problem17:10
urthmoversimple question...how do I make the font smaller on the kdm login....it bothers me that my username and password is too big for the field17:11
darkhamilumi, i only want to now if somethig is changed in kpackagekit in the future 4.417:11
vtcorrea_wich are the sound libs necessary for flashplugin on firefox17:13
subitotsimpson: kde4-config --version gives him "Qt: 4.5. KDE: 4.3.4 (KDE 4.3.4) kde4-config: 1.0"17:14
ilumidarkham: what version do you have17:14
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darkhamilumi, i've kde 4.3.417:15
ilumidarkham: version of the packagekit17:15
subitoi have a friend who is trying to install kde 4.4 RC1, he added the kubuntu ppa in his sources.list then he did update and dist-upgrade but kde was not upgraded, and he still has Qt 4.5 and KDE 4.3.4; does someone have an idea? something to mention is that he has ubuntu and not kubuntu, and he installed kubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu17:16
dwidmannHmm, I've just noticed something bad for me ... I've got a dark color scheme and it seems openoffice is forcing black text in the file open/save dialogs :'(17:19
ilumisubito: it should show errors in the console17:19
subitoilumi: no, the upgrade was fine, it upgraded some packages, but kde was not upgraded17:20
geniisubito: What says result of command: grep Prompt  /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades                  ?17:21
shane2peruok, I need some help with this flash stuff, it is getting on my nervess17:34
shane2peruI purged all the usual places for the libflash...so file and then sudo aptitude reinstall flash-nonfreeplugin17:35
shane2peruI mean flashplugin-nonfree and it installs and I don't have flash.17:35
shane2peruany help would be appreciated.17:35
daskreechshane2peru: where don't you have flash?17:36
shane2peruI guess I should have mentioned that17:36
shane2peruI'm also using Ubuntu and then ran sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for what it is worth (I'm working in KDE desktop)17:36
daskreechshane2peru: restarted firefox of course?17:37
shane2perudaskreech: right17:37
darkhami've a very funny issue, in my hp dv6-1350sl i can't use the phones17:37
shane2perudaskreech: I also run about:plugins in firefox, and it shows flash plugin, however youtube and any video site doesn't work17:37
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daskreechshane2peru: Does it try to start the plugin?17:48
daskreechshane2peru: make a new profile in firefox17:48
daskreechdarkham: headphones?17:48
subitogenii: are you still there? the output is: "Prompt=normal"17:49
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philyawis there a cool program out there for kubuntu that will kill processes?17:50
philyawand can someone tell me the command to get my process ids17:51
philyawso I can use the kill function17:51
philyawAmarok locks up all the time17:51
darkhamdaskreech, yes, the headphones17:55
darkhamin win7 if i plug headphones , the speaker goes mute, and only headphones works17:55
darkhamin kubuntu karmic, if i plug headphones, they are muted17:56
darkhamand speakers are the only thing working17:56
daskreechdarkham: Might be pulseaudio or phonon18:00
geniisubito: Ok, thats fine then. Had a hunch it might be set to "never" , this stalled a box of mine before for upgrades when it seemed there was no other reason18:00
daskreechphilyaw: press alt+ctrl+Esc and the mouse will turn into a skull. Click whatever you like and it dies18:01
daskreechphilyaw: ctrl+Esc may also be useful for you18:01
Peace-darkham: that means bad alsa driver configuration18:01
subitogenii: ok :( so what might be the problem?18:01
daskreechsubito: what's apt-cache policy kdebase-workspace say?18:02
darkhamPeace-, i relly think that phonon suck....18:03
Peace-darkham: nope18:03
Peace-darkham: that problems meand you have to edit alsa  conf....18:03
darkhami'll continue to try18:04
geniisubito: Does something like: apt-cache policy kdelibs5 | grep Candidate                      show a later version available than what is currently installed?18:04
subitodaskreech: http://pastebin.com/m1b38c95518:05
subitogenii: Candidat : 4:4.3.4-0ubuntu1~karmic218:05
geniisubito: So then no. Is the sudo apt-get update command complaining of pubkey or so?18:09
subitogenii: no :(18:11
daskreechYeah seems that its not seeing the server at all was it added properly?18:11
geniisubito: Can you pastebin the sources.list ?18:11
subitodaskreech: genii: here is the output for dist-upgrade; so i think the deb server has been taken into account http://pastebin.com/m383d66ce18:11
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daskreechsubito: /etc/apt/sources.list would be useful18:17
subitogenii: daskreech: well it seems now that it's working for my friend; he spotted the pubkey error and then added it and now it seems to work; but i don't know why he hadn't seen it before18:18
daskreechTHat shouldn't stop it upgrading but whatever he changed grats18:20
subitowe'll never know :(18:20
_-osh-_Kwin died with my last upgrade. Known issue?18:25
_-osh-_I had desktop effects enabled and now I can't turn them off. System settings also dies when trying to do that.18:26
_-osh-_Should I just delete fglrx from system and hope?18:26
daskreech_-osh-_: no I would rename kwinrc18:28
apersonall of my widgets stay put from session to session except my desktop widget.  Is anyone else experiencing this and/or know how to remedy this?18:28
_-osh-_kwinrc? hmm.I'll look at that.18:28
_-osh-_daskreech: just noticed thta fglrx wasn't installed.18:28
_-osh-_must have been lost during upgrade18:28
_-osh-_let's see if that makes any difference first.18:28
franshi guys, how is life?18:31
_-osh-_daskreech: ha. wouldn't you know. installing fglrx did the trick.18:32
_-osh-_daskreech: odd that it got lost during upgrade though.18:32
fransmy other ubuntu 9 pc screen just froze, i can ssh into it, how can i restart x ?18:32
_-osh-_frans: ctrl-alt-backspace18:33
_-osh-_frans: if on console18:33
frans_-osh-_: keyboard also dead, but i have ssh connection18:34
daskreech_-osh-_: not really :) it requires kernel stuff so it may have tried installing before that did then got dropped18:34
_-osh-_frans: killall X18:34
_-osh-_frans: or ps -eaf | grep X18:34
daskreechfrans: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart18:34
_-osh-_frans: and then kill the pid that has X.18:34
daskreechfrans: My way is faster :)18:35
_-osh-_frans: or listen to daskreech he helped me. =)18:35
_-osh-_daskreech: that's what I get for being an old unix-fart.... ;-)18:35
fransdaskreech: kdm? it is running gnome18:37
daskreechfrans: gdm then18:37
daskreech_-osh-_: Old UNIX stuff still works :)18:37
daskreechIt's just time consuming at this point18:37
jb0694does anybody know where u can get updated help documentation for kubuntu 9.04.  the help docs in the operating system are out of date18:40
fransdaskreech: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart didnt do anything, just mentions a better way18:40
daskreechfrans: what does sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop say?18:40
jb0694preferably a pdf document that i can download and view offline18:41
_-osh-_daskreech: Thanks for your help. I'll add a few euros to KDE e.V. on your behalf next time I add money to my paypal account.18:41
daskreechThanks :)18:42
daskreechjb0694: file a bug on lp18:42
_-osh-_daskreech: Comunity help me, I help comunity. =)18:42
daskreechand speak to nixternal. He will give you timelord suit18:42
fransdaskreech: Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)18:43
fransutility, e.g. service gdm stop18:43
fransSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an18:43
fransUpstart job, you may also use the stop(8) utility, e.g. stop gdm18:43
FloodBotK3frans: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:43
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tato42how do i get rid of kde and just run gnome18:48
daskreechfrans: ahh so ok sudo service gdm restart ?18:48
daskreechtato42: sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get autoremove18:49
tato42ok thanks i'll try that18:49
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal18:50
fransdaskreech: "restart: Unknown instance:"18:50
daskreechfrans: stop then :(18:50
daskreechgenii: Wrong thing to remove18:50
* genii thinks about kdelibs4c218:50
daskreechI could have sworn I changed that18:52
jb0694the kdu user guide that comes with kubuntu 9.04 was last revised in 2004.  is it worth it to even read this or have there been too many changes since then?18:53
jb0694*kde user guide that is18:53
philyawDoes anyone know how to figure out why my sound doesn't work within any web browser?18:54
philyawThough it works elsewhere within Kubuntu18:54
fransdaskreech: sudo kill -9 <X> did kill it, but howto restart?18:56
daskreechjb0694: probably outdated but not so much so that it's useless18:56
daskreechfrans sudo service gdm start ?18:57
fransdaskreech: "start: Job is already running: gdm" , well just stop/start, but with ps i see "/usr/bin/X :1", is that the real screen?19:00
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daskreechfrans: That's a new real screen19:04
rigohi there. I'm having issues with the integrated microphone of my laptop. Can somebody help me please?19:05
tzilykubuntu is retarded19:12
jb0694how useful would a general, introductory book on ubuntu be if i'm trying to use it to understand kubuntu?19:12
tzilykubuntu is still retarded19:14
daskreechjb0694: Pretty good19:14
daskreechThe main difference is KDE instead of Gnome19:14
daskreechEverything else works the same19:14
tzilyhow fucking stupid could you people be reading books on operating systems19:14
ilumitzily: you have to be 5% smarter than your tools, to use it19:14
Pici!ohmy | tzily19:15
ubottutzily: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:15
ilumitzily: you are obviously not at that level19:15
tsimpsonilumi: please ignore them19:15
tzilywho cares19:15
djaniHi! I installed Ubuntu 9.10 and now have problems with enabling KVM for my Radeon X1300. I created /etc/init.d/radeon.conf with line 'options radeon modeset=1' , then I did 'sudo update-initramfs -u -k all ' and rebooted, but now I stll can not enbable desktop effects19:19
fransI am trying small opengl programs, but they run very slow (100%cpu) or freeze X, any tips?19:19
djaniPlease help19:19
ilumidjani: did you put in the settings to enable composite?19:20
djanisorry, not KVM, I mean KMS. ilumi, I do not understand question19:21
alzearHello all, I have a very annoying problem. When I start a browser (firefox or chrome) the cpu load goes upp about 50% and remains constant there. This ends up with the fan starting to go into high gear. Why is the browser consuming so much cpu load?19:22
alzearbtw, I am running the latest firefox and chrome on kubuntu 9.10 :-)19:23
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ilumidjani: maybe you need to add composite settings to your radeon config?19:24
djanihow to do that?19:25
fransalzear: is it FF or X using cpu?19:25
ilumidjani: look at your xorg.conf composite settings,19:26
ilumidjani: maybe you just need to paste the composite enable line, but i'm not sure19:26
djaniIs't KMS one thing to make all graphics work?19:27
ilumidjani: what is kms?19:28
djanikernel mode setting19:29
ilumiwhy do you mess with that?19:29
djaniBecause that is only way to get Radeon X1300 to work19:30
ilumidjani: the open source radeon driver supports it19:31
claudesalut a tous !19:31
djaniYeah, supports it over KMS19:31
djaniYou mean xorg-radeonhd /19:32
claudey a t il des francophones?19:32
alzearfrans: firefox19:33
djaniilimi I instaled it, but no composite effects, now I am trying to play tuxracer19:33
claudebelges suisses quebecois !19:34
djaniTerible!! It is like 1 frame per two seconds19:34
fransalzear: try closing tabs untill little cpu, perhaps a plugin or javascript? what version, try newer firefox?19:38
ilumidjani: did you check your composite settings in xorg.conf?19:39
alzearfrans: I have the latest firefox. I have tried to close tab-by-tab to identify what page it is, but I haven't been able to see a pattern yet. I just installed flash blocker to see if that helps...19:39
alzearfrans: firefox 3.5.719:40
alzearfrans: Funny thing is, that I have the same behaviour in chrom19:40
ilumialzear: run it from console and see if you get any errors19:41
alzearilumi: smart! I will try that...19:43
djaniilumi: Here is xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m65b1c7b19:46
ilumidjani: you are not using the radeon driver, you are using a vesa driver19:51
djaniI noticed that now... how to correct it?19:52
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ilumido aptitude search radeonhd19:54
ilumithen install it as sudo19:54
shane2peruok, how do I find out what my printer name is to be able to print with lpr?19:57
ilumiwhats lpr?19:57
shane2peruilumi: it is the command line for printing19:57
ilumido you have gui??19:58
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shane2peruilumi: yes19:58
ilumiopen any word processor go to print, your printer should be listed, aka printer name19:58
shane2perubefore you say it, I wrote a script some time ago to print books, however it appears that lpr is not working corretly19:58
shane2peruilumi: is that the same name I would use with lpr?19:59
ilumii never used lpr , so i dont know19:59
ilumiyou can also go to system settings printers19:59
ilumiand look there19:59
shane2peruyes, I tried changing/shorting it there, didnt' have much success.19:59
ilumitry lpr help, maybe you need to specify location?20:00
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shane2peruilumi: lpstat -a  shows all connected printers. :)  JFYI20:03
djaniilumi: I reinstalled radeonhd driver, but xorg.conf still says vesa20:05
djaniand still no 3D20:05
ilumidjani: well , you will need to reconfigure xserver20:05
djaniI think that old command for that does not work20:06
ilumiyeah, but i dont know what they use now20:06
djaniThanks for help20:07
djaniCan you tell me how is corect old command, so I can google for nw20:07
ilumisudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:07
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shane2perudjani: ilumi that is still the correct command at least for ATI stuff, I'm new to nvidia20:10
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ilumidjani: if it works make sure you pick the right driver,20:11
djanishane2peru, no, it is not work20:11
djaniNothing happens20:11
ilumidjani: and you will still need to add composite settings to xorg.conf20:11
shane2perudjani: I think you need to be  out of x when you run it20:12
djaniaha ok. killall gdm should work ?20:12
shane2perudjani: right, just make sure you are in a tty20:13
djanikillall gdm does not work. What other can I use?20:15
shane2peruare you using gdm or kdm?20:15
shane2peruhmm, should be gdm20:16
shane2peruwere you root?20:16
djaniI used sudo20:16
djanisays no process found20:16
shane2perutry: sudo service gdm stop20:17
mefisto__sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop20:17
shane2perumefisto__: same thing, they added the new service thing that does the same thing20:17
djani'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop' works, but 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' definetly does not work20:22
djaniI need to find that new comand20:22
djaniBut Google can not find it20:23
djaniWhen I type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' (while X is down) nothing happens but 'echo $?' returns 020:24
shadeslayerdoes plasma crash everytime you open a app in kde 4.4 RC?20:32
shadeslayereverything is slow as hell and i fell as if im back to the P3 age :P20:35
ilumiinstall puppy linux20:35
shadeslayerilumi: lol... im sure its just the configs,messing everything up :P20:36
shadeslayer(i have a T8100,3GB ram,nVidia 8600MGT Dell XPS Laptop)20:36
ilumiwell puppy is fast20:37
ilumilinux is pretty slow overall20:38
ilumiespecially kde20:38
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ilumiunless you are just running a cli, then it's fast20:39
nivramdu94Hello Eerybody20:45
paolopaohi. do you know any good channel for audio on linux?20:45
ilumihello hello20:45
nivramdu94I don't know, sorry20:46
nivramdu94yes alsa is good20:46
nivramdu94I'm French20:47
nivramdu94Who speak french here ?20:47
iluminivramdu94: hows that zionist president treating you20:47
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:47
nivramdu94good bye20:48
paolopaohi. do you know any good channel for audio on linux?20:55
paolopaohi. do you know any good channel for audio on linux?20:55
ilumitry #alsa20:55
IzinucsIs there an option someplace to adjust system sounds?20:57
TheGamer81I need help moving kubuntu to different hardware.20:59
ilumiwhat do you mean20:59
IzinucsTheGamer81: that should be easy.. either use clonezilla or partimage to mirror the partitions on a backup device.. then restore on the new device21:00
TheGamer81I am trying to move kubuntu from a Pentium 4 to AMD Sempron 2800+21:00
paolopaoilumi: I was searching something for audio programs21:00
ilumipaolopao: whats the problem21:01
Izinucspaolopao: what do you want to do.. play music, record something ??21:01
TheGamer81Hello? Nobuddy's going to help move lubuntu from intel to amd21:01
IzinucsTheGamer81: see my last post to you21:02
paolopaoIzinucs: sound processing. but something better than audacity21:03
Izinucspaolopao: the medibuntu repos have some interesting audio tools including multitrack recorders for processing..21:04
Izinucs!medibuntu | paol21:05
ubottupaol: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:05
ilumipaolopao: how advanced do you need it?21:06
paolopaoilumi: at least better than audacity21:07
ilumipaolopao: http://ardour.org/21:10
ilumipaolopao: http://www.jokosher.org/21:11
ilumipaolopao: http://www.metadecks.org/software/sweep/21:11
ilumipaolopao: http://traverso-daw.org/21:12
paolopaothanks ilumi21:14
paolopaoilumi: they're not good programs21:29
paolopaosorry... I'm searching something which is similar to cool edit, or sound forge, or samplitude on windows21:30
ciroarancia meccanica21:33
apersonI have two sound cards, and flash it outputting out the wrong one.21:34
apersonoutputting to*21:35
shadeslayeranyone have the annoying problem of plasma crashing everytime you launch a app?21:39
shadeslayerKDE 4.4 RC121:39
apersonthere's a reason why those packages are for testing :)21:41
shadeslayeraperson: i know... but its strange...21:41
shadeslayerit didnt happen at all in beta :P21:42
apersonI've heard of at least 4 others who have had similar, myself including21:42
shadeslayerhehe :)21:42
shadeslayeraperson: atleast im not alone :P21:43
jce0694let me try this one last time:  is there any place where i can get up-to-date information on using the kde desktop environment.  i'm caught between a rock and a hard place here as there are many current books out on ubuntu (which uses gnome) and all the books on kubuntu are old (as well as the kubuntu 9.04 built in help which was last revised in 2004)... are there any documents where i can get current (at least a year old) informa21:43
jce0694tion on using the kde desktop?21:43
renato_ho, how do I install the kernel source for ubuntu server?21:44
apersonjce0694, what do you specifically want to know?  for general information I just search through blogs21:46
renato_I did that already, and all I could find is that is HIGHLY deprecated21:47
apersonrenato_, that wasn't directed at you.21:48
aperson!ubuntu-server > renato_21:48
ubotturenato_, please see my private message21:48
jce0694thnx but i want a structured approach to learning linux kde instead of randomly stumbling around in the dark until I find what I'm looking for... it's a matter of efficiency... i'll learn much faster if there's a strutured approach to learning this21:48
ilumijce0694: kde4 is still in heavy development , thats why there isnt much documentation on it yet21:49
renato_I saw it, I already know that. I need to change/recompile ftd:sio.c because of a bug with handling an usb smartmouse21:49
ilumijce0694: because things change all the time21:49
jce0694the help documentation that comes with the OS is a major disappointment... it was last updated in 2004... i don't understand that... programmers spend all this time writing code (which is the hard part) but when it comes to documentation (the easy part) they just don't seem to care.... why?21:50
apersonjce0694, I"m sure youve seen: http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/guide.php21:51
ilumisee  answer above21:51
jce0694i mean there's alot of things that change... why can't the software developers change the documentation as they change the OS... seems simple enuf21:52
happy_jce0694: simple, not easy, fun, ect :-P21:53
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jce0694aperson, no i haven't... that seems like an excellent guide. many thnx21:57
apersonfwiw: that was the first result for 'kde usage manual'21:58
apersonoh, second21:58
jce0694i'm confused... what's the difference between kde 4.3 and kubuntu 9.10?22:05
kriss3dwell kde is how ubuntu shows itself to you22:05
kriss3dkubuntu is the linux distro which uses kde (not sure which version in 9.10 but i assume latest)22:05
jce0694so if i have kubuntu 9.10 then i have kde 4.3 installed?22:06
kriss3di belive so yes.. though im not sure which version of kde is used in kubuntu 9.1022:06
jce0694ok... thnx22:07
kriss3dim using KDE 4.3.222:08
kriss3dthats what my kde says..22:08
kriss3drightclick the blue button.. click the edit menu or whatever its called in english22:08
kriss3din the menu that opens you click the help button22:08
kriss3dand then about kde.. the version is showed in the top22:09
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PEPPINOim download vlc-1.0.4.tar.bz2 and unzipped it. My question is: where i can find the list of libs requested inside the package?22:29
DaughainThats why I prefer to use synaptics.22:30
geniiPEPPINO: Usually if you do ./configure --help it tells you all the possible options22:46
PEPPINOgenii: yes but not the list of the necessary libs... but proobably i worng22:47
genii!info vlc22:47
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1ubuntu2.1 (karmic), package size 1586 kB, installed size 3808 kB22:47
geniiPEPPINO: There is something in 1.0.4 you require that 1.0.2 in repositories does not provide?22:48
PEPPINOgenii: i had to compiled it because of teletext missing support22:49
DaughainDoes tftp have issues with wndows?22:51
Riddell** testers needed for amarok 2.2.222:54
afi___riddell, ican test22:55
apersonRiddell, are there packages for it?22:55
soeeRiddell: im already using it i think :)22:56
Riddellit's in this PPA https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports22:56
Riddellsoee: from there?22:56
soeeRiddell: i think so i have it in updates22:56
Riddellsoee: working ok?22:57
soeeRiddell: one thing i noticed when i cheked About in Amarok there is version 2.2.2 but im using KDE 4.4 RC1 and ther is info that im on 4.3.2 witch is wrong22:57
thegatekeepercorwhen i install nvidia driver i get in dmesg after x fails to init it22:58
thegatekeepercorallocation failed: out of vmalloc space22:58
thegatekeepercorany ideas how to fix?22:58
Riddellsoee: I see that too in About Amarok, strange, About KDE gives the right info22:58
soeeRiddell: same here22:59
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soeeRiddell: about visiual aspects, just a little think, wait a second :)23:00
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ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows23:01
soeeRiddell: look at selected area http://yfrog.com/3uzrzutekranu13p - if u resize the center of the payer the letters are outside layout background :) just a detail but i like when all works and looks good23:06
Riddellsoee: best report it to bugs.kde.org23:07
PEPPINOwhere i can fin minizip package for karmic?23:13
draikWhat happened to all of the deskjet PPD files for HP printers?23:18
PEPPINOwhere i can fin minizip package for karmic?23:20
Riddellaperson: did you test amarok?23:21
draikWere HP deskjets removed or were they relocated? I can't seem to find them anywhere.23:26
DaughainDpes tftp work with windows?23:28
DaughainOr can I only use it on another linux box?23:29
apersonRiddell, using it now23:30
Riddellaperson: all good?23:30
apersonwas rather miffed it reset my ui23:30
apersonbut other than that, so far no issues23:30
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draikWhere can I find PPD files that I need?23:35
newbie123abchi all23:39
newbie123abcwhy kmix doesn't control HDMI output?23:40
paulsomebodyI need help upgrading to KDE 4.4 RC. I have a lot of blocked updates — 69 against 90 that would be applied, but they are all from 'Kubuntu Beta Backports23:40
paulsomebody' repository. Is this okay?23:40
paulsomebodyShould I just don't mind that?23:41
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows23:43
BluesKajpaulsomebody, some advice for what it's worth if you run nvidia , kde 4.4 RC broke my graphics , have to use gnome/ubuntu desktop til the nvidia graphics probs are fixed23:47
paulsomebodyWhat driver?23:48
BluesKajthere are some bugs files on launchpad23:48
paulsomebodyWhat version I meant?23:48
BluesKajI was using the glx-190.4223:49
paulsomebodyI have the same.23:49
paulsomebodyProbably without 'glx'.23:49
paulsomebodyWhat card do you have?23:49
BluesKajthe 190.53 is current and it works with gnome , I can't get kde installed due to broken dependencies ... my card is the 7600gt23:50
paulsomebodyThen I probably shouldn't risk.23:50
BluesKajyeah , I think it's wiase to wait a week or 223:51
BluesKajerr wise23:51
PEPPINOafter compiling a package using make install..... can i remove the directory?23:52
ilumimake uninstall?23:54
apersonRiddell, amarok is getting my metadata wrong23:54
apersonPEPPINO, yes23:55
PEPPINOaperson: and sorry... how could I remove the pachage from the system?23:55
apersonthough I recommend making packages instead of doing a plain old make install23:55
apersonwhat ilumi said, make uninstall, though you need the source for that23:56
PEPPINOaperson: I ì've tried just know to generate a deb package but unfortunately some errors exuisting23:57
apersonPEPPINO, how so?  with checkisntall?23:57
paulsomebodyPEPPINO: Use 'checkinstall' or something like that.23:57
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