
idnarhrm, my script is setting status on a bug task, but nothing appears to be happening :(00:28
idnaroh, I need to call lp_save I guess00:30
idnaryay, it works :)00:33
nigel_nbhi, is there documentation about launchpad polls some place that I can refer to03:17
nigel_nbapparently polls can only be set to open 12 hours after current time03:17
nigel_nbis that normal or is there some way to open it immediately?03:18
nigel_nbI asked a question a few minutes back on LP poll03:25
nigel_nbif anyone knows about it, can you please let me know..03:25
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Some_PersonIs it possible to delete a PPA?04:22
micahgSome_Person: a PPA can be disabled by an admin, but I don't think it can be deleted04:25
wgrantYou can actually disable it yourself now.04:25
noodles775bug 39288704:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392887 in soyuz "Cannot delete or rename a PPA" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39288704:25
micahggood to know04:25
spmmicahg: fwiw - it can be deleted if and only if it's never been used. not sure if that's spelt out in that bug (click-lazy today :-) )04:29
micahgspm: that bug actually links to another bug which shows it was fixed :)04:29
spmreally? win!!! :-D04:30
spmOh. that's the disabling; diff but related issue.04:31
Some_PersonUgh, what's with the launchpad build queue? It first said 22 minutes, then 21, then 22, then it kept going down to 13, and now it's back at 2205:05
Some_Personnow 3205:05
tsimpsonwhen people upload packages, the queue goes up, when packages are built, the queue goes down05:06
noodles775Some_Person, I'm guessing that some other jobs with a higher priority have been queued...05:06
wgrantSome_Person: That can also happen when a package takes longer to build than expected.05:14
wgrantAll we can do is guess. But that's usually wrong.05:14
Some_PersonI can't figure out why my package is failing to build05:47
Some_PersonIt works fine here05:47
spivSome_Person: missing build-dep, maybe?  What's the error?05:56
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Help contact: adeuring | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev
pmjdebruijnhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/499751 does "fix committed" does not mean released right?10:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 499751 in launchpad-foundations "Librarian does not check upper limit on filesize" [Medium,Fix committed]10:22
spivpmjdebruijn: right10:41
spivpmjdebruijn: it's always possible that someone forgot to update the bug status, of course.10:41
spivpmjdebruijn: but I would think in this case that that fix is not yet part of the production launchpad.10:42
stubpmjdebruijn: That is correct. It will be fixed released next rollout (when we change the filesize in the database to a bigint).10:45
pmjdebruijnok great10:47
pmjdebruijnthat will explain why my upload failed again10:48
pmjdebruijnI should have read better10:48
pmjdebruijnstub: thanks10:48
pmjdebruijnI noticed the rollout should be end of this month10:48
obnox(how) can a question that is expired be un-expired?10:55
tansellwhats the correct channel to ask questions about why a package was rejected from a PPA?10:55
tansellThe only error I'm getting is "Further error processing not possible because of a critical previous error."10:56
wgranttansell: That's not the only error. Can you pastebin the email?10:57
mithrowgrant: http://pastebin.com/m372cc5b610:58
tansellwgrant, I can't see another error there...10:58
wgranttansell, mithro: Um, indeed. Let me look at that code to work out why.11:01
wgrantBut I can see the problem.11:01
tansellif you can see the problem I can work on fixing that now too :)11:01
wgrantYou cannot upload a version 1.0 source package with an orig.tar.bz2 -- it must be an orig.tar.gz.11:01
tansellshouldn't have lintian have caught that? :/11:03
wgrantIt's technically valid in 1.0 sources, but no archive software accepts it.11:04
wgrant(it's also only supported by reasonably recent versions of dpkg)11:05
tansellwgrant, so how do I tell it to use a version 2.0 source package? :)11:06
wgranttansell: 2.0 was sort of skipped. You could use 3.0 (quilt), but that's only supported in Ubuntu 10.04 and later.11:06
wgrantYou should probably use a gzipped tarball instead.11:07
tansellyeah - I'm trying to backport a 3.0 (quilt) package11:07
wgranttansell: can you upload that problematic source package somewhere?11:09
wgrantIt's not immediately obvious why the real error is not shown. I'll run it through locally tomorrow and see what happens.11:09
tansellwgrant, it's kinda large11:09
wgrantBut now, sleep.11:10
obnoxHey folks, any hint on un-expiring questions in launchpad? Is is possibe, if so, how?11:14
deryckHi, obnox.11:21
deryckobnox, by un-expiring, do you mean prevent it happening?  Or do you want to un-expire a particular bug (which is just really to change it's status back to something you prefer)?11:22
obnoxhi deryck11:25
obnoxderyck: it is not from the bug section but from the answers section11:25
obnoxderyck: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tinyproxy/+question/8802111:26
obnoxit expired after 15 days of inactivity11:26
obnoxi was wondering whether there was a means for users to reactivate that question11:26
obnoxI would like to pursue the issue11:26
deryckobnox, oh, sorry.  Didn't see you meant a question.  I didn't even know those expired.  Saw something "expiring" related and thoughts "bugs" :-)11:27
obnoxbut I couldn't find a "knob" to press on the interface11:27
* deryck looks at the question11:27
deryckobnox, yeah, I'm afraid I won't be much help.  I assume someone responsible for tinyproxy could open it again.  Or an lp admin.11:29
deryckadeuring, do you know how ^^ ?11:29
deryckadeuring, and welcome to week-long CHR! ;)11:29
adeuringderyck: ;) let me look...11:29
obnoxderyck: ok. responsible for the tinyproxy ubuntu package == MOTU11:30
obnoxderyck: responsible for tinyproxy upstream == me (since recently) and another guy11:31
obnoxderyck: so I wanted to look some into the ubuntu packaging, maybe participate11:31
obnoxderyck: I started a project page yesterday https://launchpad.net/tinyproxy11:32
obnoxstill really learning how to use launchpad, how the ends fit together11:32
deryckobnox, yeah, I meant responsible for the package on lp.11:32
obnoxok, that is "MOTU"11:32
deryckobnox, but I would assume you could get that power since you are the upstream.  But like I said, I'm not that knowledgeable about the answers app.11:33
deryckI could look at the code, but I'm being lazy and hoping adeuring can answer your questions. ;)11:33
obnoxderyck: ok thanks anyway!11:34
obnoxlet's wait what adeuring can say about it11:34
obnoxeither it is not possible at all, or there is a general scheme11:35
deryckobnox, np.  welcome to #launchpad, btw :-)11:35
obnoxi registered a while ago and joined the samba-team there to at least monitor samba issues in the ubuntu packages. not much intervention yet11:36
adeuringobnox: you can re-open a question by adding a comment and clicking the button "I'm providing more information"11:40
adeuringobnox: sorry, that should be "i still need an answer"11:45
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obnoxadeuring: thanks! (sorry for the delay - I was afk)12:33
obnoxadeuring: does that only apply to the person who has asked the question?12:34
obnoxadeuring: because I am only seeing the button "Just add a comment" on the expired Q12:35
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adeuringobnox: yes. Other people can re-open the question again13:08
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obnoxadeuring: errr... s/can/can't/ ?13:33
obnoxadeuring: or am I missing s/th in the web frontent13:33
adeuringobnox: err, yes, I meant can't...13:36
obnoxok :) thanks for the info13:36
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d1bwill it ever be possible to edit comments on bug reports/15:04
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marsd1b, there is a historic reason why.  deryck, ^ do you know why?15:08
deryckmars, I didn't know it was historic.  I thought it was just to not change the conversation, which is common in blogs, trackers, etc.15:09
deryckd1b,  mars -- and I don't think we would allow editing of comments in the future.15:10
marsderyck, ah.  I figured 'historic', as in, 'we made the decision to not change the conversation a while ago'15:10
d1bderyck: why not do what trac does15:10
d1band other sane things :P15:10
deryckmars, right :-)15:10
d1bthey let you edit it but show you the diff15:10
d1b / diffs15:10
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deryckd1b, I'm not sure what advantage this brings.  Most people ask for this feature to hide sensitive info and if the diff is accesible....15:11
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d1bderyck: "most" ?15:11
d1bim asking because it means you don't have comments like "oh i meant Y "15:12
maxbd1b: I do not recall seeing this feature in trac. Can you point to an example installation which has that feature?15:12
d1bor i forgot " X"15:12
d1bmaxb: sure15:12
deryckd1b, yeah, but it's a heavy change to just clean up typos.  You still get spammed by bug mail telling of the edit.15:13
d1bderyck: i shouldn't15:13
d1bwhich is what id like to avoid.15:13
deryckd1b, I'm not saying we wouldn't do it, I'm just saying it's not likely to get done anytime soon (where soon == ever) :-)  given the number of other things on our plate.15:13
d1boh look new comment!15:13
d1bwait a second that comment just says the other one is ...15:14
d1bkind of thing15:14
deryckd1b, but if someone filed the bug and did the work, certainly we would consider the patch.15:14
maxbd1b: Launchpad already allows editing the *description*15:14
d1bderyck: update set text ....15:14
deryckd1b, I understand, but IMHO, that's the long way around to avoid that.  And I'm not sure in practice adding the feature actually achieves what you want.15:14
d1bderyck: sure it does15:15
d1bit avoids confusion and clutter15:15
deryckd1b, you assume that we don't send mail on edits.  But if we don't by default, someone will complain that the bug had activity without being notified.  So we have to send the mail.  Then we have to do the work to make it configurable to not get the mail, which is really what you want.15:16
d1bderyck: sure it is.15:16
d1bgo look at the monster bugs15:16
d1bin order to add ne winformation it must now go at the end15:17
d1blike the bug with ipv6 regression15:17
d1bi keep getting emails and i can't even see the unsubscribe me from this bug report.15:17
d1bnow that is annoying15:17
deryckd1b, bug number?15:17
deryckbug 41775715:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417757 in eglibc "[karmic regression] all network apps / browsers suffer from multi-second delays by default due to IPv6 DNS lookups" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41775715:19
deryckwas repeating for the link ;)15:19
d1b"I noticed using torrent software like qbittorrent (1.5.6) on Karmic (but15:21
d1bnot on Jaunty) would kill all network functionality for _other_ software15:21
d1bfor some minutes, and when up afterwards resolving connections the15:21
d1bnetwork would be very sluggish"15:21
d1bwow that bug is really on bug topic15:21
d1bwould be nice to have the slashdot commenting / point system lol15:21
d1berh comment*15:21
d1bderyck: i can't see an method to unsubscribe from this bug in the email15:23
* d1b labels new bug15:24
deryckd1b, who are you on Launchpad?15:24
d1bi think i got pulled in with the rest of https://edge.launchpad.net/~ipv615:25
d1bas some smart person put us on this bug15:25
d1bseriously would be useful to FILTER out comments now15:26
d1bthere are still people providing useless crap.15:26
d1b"ve been experiencing intermittent slow browsing in Firefox 3.5 with15:26
d1bIPv6 enabled. It's much better than it was but there are periodic 3 to 415:26
d1bsecond delays in loading web pages"15:26
d1byah like every other person who commeneted before you.15:26
* d1b end rant15:28
marsd1b, might be the comment thread structure.  IMHO that doesn't happen so much on stack overflow, where you can write a "Me too!" comment in reply to someone else, and it shows up immediately under the other.15:28
marsd1b, in other words, LP comment threads have heavy UI boilerplate around them, and it hides the conversation a bit.15:28
deryckd1b, so it seems to me your bothered by 80 comment cap before being able to comment, not being able to unsubscribe, and pointless comments.  I count only one "oops I meant this" type comment up until the 80 limit.15:29
deryckd1b, again, comment editing solves none of these issues.15:29
d1bderyck: i meant that15:30
d1bone could go back and add details later.15:30
d1band then you could lock those except a few from making new comments.15:30
d1bmars: yes that is an issue.15:30
d1bderyck: there are people who say something then possibly if they could edit would have put it in the original comment.15:31
d1bderyck: also look at comment 2015:31
d1bsorry *15:31
d1b21/ 22 /23 /2415:31
deryckd1b, right, I don't disagree with that point.  I just mean that the feature you say you want is not going to solve the problems you cite.15:31
derycklocking a bug is also another separate feature :-)15:32
d1bderyck: 23 would have gone in 2215:32
d1b24 in 2115:32
d1bhaving reduced the number of new comments by 20% would be an improvement.15:33
deryckd1b, you assume the users will make these good decisions though.  :-)15:33
d1bderyck: i assume that the people coding it know better.15:33
* mars wonders if Ubuntu bugs go through phases similar to Forming/Storming/Norming/Performing, but in miniature?15:34
d1bmars: lol.15:34
deryckd1b, what's your display name on LP?  Trying to find your subscription to help you unsubscribe.15:34
d1bderyck:  i pasted a link15:35
d1bi paste a gain :P15:35
deryckd1b, I don't see that you are subscribed to Bug #417757.  What does the rationale say in the email's you get?  You must be in one of the subscribed teams.15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417757 in eglibc "[karmic regression] all network apps / browsers suffer from multi-second delays by default due to IPv6 DNS lookups" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41775715:36
d1bderyck: correct15:36
d1bderyck: like i said above15:36
deryckah, sorry, didn't see that.15:36
d1btis fine i rant :P15:36
d1bmade it hard to see.15:36
deryckd1b, so unfortunately, you can't unsubscribe without leaving the team or unsubscribing the team.15:36
d1bderyck: should i file that as a new bug now ?15:37
deryckd1b, this needs to be fixed.  and it's already a bug.15:37
d1boh goody.15:37
deryckactually two or three or more bugs around this issue.15:37
d1bnice to see it is fixed.15:37
deryckd1b, no, it's not fixed now.  I said it *needs* to be fixed.15:37
d1bi note that the bug where you get redirected to edge and login twice isn't fixed yet either.15:38
d1bderyck: a joke :P15:38
d1bof course this is now problematic for me to find that bug, becaus eit is probably closed and thus will not show up on my bug page.15:39
deryckd1b, no worries. :-)  There are currently 1750 not fixed in Launchpad bugs app. ;)  But we're working on them, believe it or not.15:39
d1bleading me to point to another bug which isn't fixed but may now have suffered the same fate :(15:39
deryckd1b, I don't understand what "fate" you mean.  We don't close bugs if they're not fixed.15:40
d1boh goody it isn't closed, it is just there since 2005 .15:40
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d1bderyck: erh, "won't fix" / fixed.15:41
d1bi guess.15:41
deryckd1b, ah,yeah, we do occasionally mark won't fix.15:41
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merbitI get an error timeout while retrying to build a package: OOPS-1472ED68217:03
merbitoh and.. happy new year everyone :)17:04
merbithm.. looks like it's fixed now17:05
adeuringmerbit: This OOPs is not yet in our OOPS database, so I can't give any real comments, but if it was a timeout, it may have been spurious17:05
merbitperhaps you're right, thanks adeuring :)17:06
c_kornhello, can someone tell me why this code snippet gives a HTTP 400 Bad Request error ? without the status="Fix released" it works fine: launchpad.projects["getdeb.net"].searchTasks(status="Fix released", order_by="-date_last_updated")17:10
geserc_korn: have you tried "Fix Released" (with an upper-case 'R')? else look if the http response contains any helpful hints17:14
c_korngeser: ah, the capital r was it. thank you!17:15
c_kornhm, how can I find out who marked the bug as fix released ? (may not necessarily the assignee)17:40
geserI guess you need to wait on bug #237934 as I didn't find anything in the API doc17:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237934 in malone "Expose IBugActivity in API" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23793417:50
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qnixhi, just got this error during my package build: make: dh_lintian: Command not found18:29
qnixon "plutonium". any idea?18:29
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ScottKProbably using a release with a debhelper too old to have that command.18:35
qnixOn hardy, debhelper is 6.18:36
ScottKYep, too old.18:36
qnixdebhelper: /usr/bin/dh_lintian18:36
qnixerr, I have debhelper on this machine.18:37
vishhi folks... Bug #367626 has been closed for nearly a week but still lp hasnt updated the bug status , can someone update it or do i need to file a bug?18:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 367626 in indicator-session "Hibernate does not ask for time-out confirmation" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36762618:38
vishclosed *upstream* for nearly a week18:38
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adeuringvish: This is a channel for Launchpad users. You might get more attention for example in #ubuntu -- I assume that there are quite some Ubuntu developers which don't read  this channel very carefully19:10
vishadeuring: i was told it was a bug in malone.. so i was hoping it would be simpler if someone fixed it than a bug... ;) anyways thanks19:11
adeuringvish: ah, sorry, didn#t read your message carefully enough. gmb, still around?19:13
gmbadeuring: Just about...19:13
* gmb reads scrollback19:13
gmbvish: So, we're having problems syncing with gnome-bugs at the moment. We're aware of this suckage on our part and we're working to fix it. It's a problem of having 13,000+ bug watches against the gnome bugtracker and not checking all of them efficiently, amongst other things.19:14
gmbvish: Rest assured it is being worked on, though. We're updating our bug watch checking system to cope properly with the volume of watches.19:15
vishgmb: so , i can leave it as such? and it would be fixed later?19:15
vishgmb: ah thanks :)19:15
gmbvish: Yes.19:15
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SEJeffAre there any lp devs here? I'm curious about loganberry.canonical.com which is hitting bugzilla.gnome.org really hard19:55
SEJeffand the request is: POST /xmlrpc.cgi HTTP/1.119:55
thumperSEJeff: how hard is pretty hard?19:57
SEJeffthumper, Whatever it is doing is causing the memory usage of that apache child to go > 4G19:58
SEJeffIt took down bugzilla.gnome.org earlier and we had to reboot it19:58
elmoSEJeff: I'll stop it talking to bugzilla.g.o19:59
SEJeffSo I (as a member of the sysadmin team) would love for you to be gentler please19:59
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SEJeffelmo, Thanks19:59
elmoSEJeff: as a workaround, until the relevant people can investigate it.  it's the LP 'bug watches' feature, I guess19:59
thumperSEJeff: there has been work on the script that does this19:59
thumperSEJeff: it should be gentler soon19:59
thumperSEJeff: I'll let the appropriate people know19:59
SEJeffelmo, thumper Thanks20:00
SEJeffWe can log whatever you need if required, but we would rather not having the xen vm holding bugzilla tipping over because launchpad is beating it up :)20:00
deryckSEJeff, this is just now happening?  Or it's been hitting bugzilla hard for longer than the last few minutes/hour?20:04
SEJeffderyck, Well someone told me @ 10:50 Pacific time bugzilla.gnome.org was down20:04
SEJeffIt died a horrible swap death.20:05
SEJeffThat was the very first I'd heard of this problem.20:05
SEJeffThen we noticed 1 apache child growing quickly to over 2G and up to 4G so we restarted httpd several times. Then we updated the apache config to show mod_status.20:05
bfillerjames_w, jml : can either of you guys help me with a launchpadlib usage problem?20:05
SEJeffWe tracked down the query with apachectl fullstatus and looked for that pid20:06
deryckSEJeff, ok, very sorry.  We're trying to update our code that syncs with gnome's bugzilla, but we certainly shouldn't be hammering you.20:06
jmlbfiller, quite possibly, although we aren't the only people on this channel who could :)20:06
james_wbfiller: sure20:06
bfillertrying to figure out how to get all of the related projects from a group using API, i.e. launchpad.net/~foo-group/+related-projects20:06
SEJeffderyck, Not a big deal, it happens. Just please don't let it continue happening :)20:06
bfillerI'm able to get all of the direct projects for a project_group but not indirect20:07
deryckSEJeff, yeah, definitely we'll stop. :-)  We should have notified you we were doing work, too.  Sorry again.20:07
bfillerjml: ok :)20:07
SEJeffderyck, No worries really. If you're doing something major like that again feel free to hop into #sysadmin on gimpnet and give a shout.20:08
jmlbfiller, what do you mean "indirect"?20:08
deryckSEJeff, will do.  Thanks for the offer.20:08
bfillerjml: I guess I'm trying to figure out subteams that a team is a member of20:09
jmlbfiller, oh right.20:09
bfillerjml: such that I can list the projects of both the team and all of it's parent teams20:10
bfillerjml: projects_group object represent team? I'm assuming so.20:11
jmlbfiller, no, they don't20:11
jmlbfiller, a project_group is a collection of projects, like gnome20:12
jmlbfiller, a 'team' is a team.20:12
bfillerjml: ok, it was clear how to get a team then from the top level objects20:12
jmlbfiller, somewhat confusingly, a person is also a lot like a team20:13
jmlbfiller, and our generated API documentation blurs the difference even further: https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc/#team20:13
jmlbfiller, sub_teams or super_teams might be what you want.20:13
bfillerjml: so would I use a search on the launchpad.person but give it a team name?20:13
bfillerjml: to get a handle to a team?20:14
jmlbfiller, once you have a team, to get the teams that a team is a member of20:14
jmlbfiller, to get a handle on a team, launchpad.people['team_name']20:14
jmlbfiller, or, there are lots of other ways20:15
bfillerjml: makes sense, I didn't realize team was a subclass of person20:15
jmlbfiller, it's complicated20:15
jmlbfiller, and certainly not obvious from the API docs.20:15
bfillerjml: and then how would I get the projects associated with that team?20:16
bfillerjml: that's what I really want20:17
jmlbfiller, hmmm.20:17
jmlbfiller, what do you mean by "associated with"20:18
bfillerjml: the equivalent of https://edge.launchpad.net/~oem-solutions-group/+projects (substitute whatever team instead of this one)20:19
bfillerjml: I guess "associated with"== projects that the team has access to20:19
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otto_sangehelp question: when I run the command $ bzr branch lp:valo-cd20:25
otto_sangeI get the error:Server does not understand Bazaar network protocol 3, reconnecting.  (Upgrade the server to avoid this.)20:25
otto_sangeServer does not understand Bazaar network protocol 2, reconnecting.  (Upgrade the server to avoid this.)20:25
otto_sangebzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: Server is not a Bazaar server: Received bad protocol version marker: "error\x01Generic bzr smart protocol error: bad request u'bzr request 2'\n"20:26
otto_sangeMy end is Bzr 2.0 and the other end is of course Launchpad. nothing on google about this..20:26
otto_sangeI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and a standard bzr installation.20:26
jmlbfiller, sorry, someone in real life grabbed me20:26
jmlbfiller, I don't think that the methods for getting ~team/+projects are exposed via the API. One second, I'll confirm it.20:27
bfillerjml: thanks20:27
jmlbfiller, there's a method on IPerson named getOwnedOrDrivenPillars20:30
jmlbfiller, which is _not_ exposed via the API20:30
jmlbfiller, thinking...20:31
thumperotto_sange: that is very weird20:31
* thumper tries20:31
bfillerjml: any way to do lp.projects.search(list of project names)?20:31
thumperotto_sange: if you do `bzr --version` what do you get?20:32
jmlbfiller, not really. the operation lp.projects['foo'] is really really cheap though20:32
thumperotto_sange: works for me20:32
jmlbfiller, it appends 'foo' onto a URL20:32
otto_sangeBazaar (bzr) 2.0.020:32
jmlhmm. and maybe makes an https request :\20:32
thumperotto_sange: and if you do `bzr lp-login?20:32
otto_sangeit returns correctly my user name. still the branching gives the same error message20:33
=== doctormo__ is now known as doctormo
bfillerjml: actually that probably won't help, cause no way to map from list of teams to projects20:34
thumperotto_sange: do you have any known proxies between you and launchpad?20:34
otto_sangemy bzr installation and conf are clean, so a reinstall can't help..? my ssh key work on other servers, so it should be fine and there are no known proxies20:34
jmlbfiller, umm, yeah. so the thing to do is expose the relevant method20:35
jmlbfiller, I can't see a work-around in the existing API.20:35
otto_sangethe  "u'" in bad request u'bzr request 2'\n seems to be the UTF8-symbol in python. Could this be related to the fact that my system locale is Finnsih..?20:35
bfillerjml: thanks for you help, I'll file a bug/wishlist for that API to be exposed20:36
jmlbfiller, thanks20:36
thumperotto_sange: I'm asking some bzr people20:37
otto_sangethumper: what is the proper traceroute command in Ubuntu nowadays? I could try to scan for a proxy..20:38
thumperotto_sange: you could try the full branch address20:40
thumperotto_sange: bzr branch bzr+ssh://<your-lp-id>@bazaar.launchpad.net/~asko-soukka/valo-cd/devel/20:40
otto_sangethumper: what is your python version? Mine is 2.6. If I remember correctly, the u' -thing is gone in 3.0.20:45
thumperotto_sange: my default is 2.6 as well20:45
otto_sangethumper: bzr branch bzr+ssh://otto@bazaar.launchpad.net/~asko-soukka/valo-cd/devel/ gives the same error.. :(20:46
thumperotto_sange: good, at least it is consistent20:47
thumperotto_sange: at this stage I'd ask on #bzr as the command works for me20:47
thumperotto_sange: and may be a locale issue20:47
thumperotto_sange: but I really have no idea20:47
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otto_sangethumper: ok, I'll head there. Thanks anyway!20:47
jmlbfiller, can you tell me the bug number please?20:47
bfillerjml: just filed https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpadlib/+bug/50612720:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506127 in launchpadlib "expose API to get projects for a person/team" [Undecided,New]20:48
jmlbfiller, thanks.20:59
cyberixWhen will the current edge become the actual version?21:12
maxbcyberix: https://dev.launchpad.net/Releases/2010Calendar21:15
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
RenatoSilvawhat if I have a large program with large translation work I want LP to help with, but the translations are copyrighted by MANY people?22:31
RenatoSilvaTranslations available in LP are given as BSD by the copyright owner, right?22:31
RenatoSilvaBut what if they are MANY? How can MANY copyright owners change the license22:32
RenatoSilvaFor example, Moin wants to use LP for translation, but can't because of licensing/copyright22:32
RenatoSilvaMoin is GPL, why not block non-GPL-complatible projects from using Moin translations? That would be an easy solution22:34
* RenatoSilva gtg, please /memo him for answers22:36
toobaz_Hello. This log: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/37747253/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.smss_1.1-2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz suggests me that something python-related is not installed... but I can't understand what, and other packages of mine with similar requirements, debian/rules and setup.py built perfectly...23:20
geserhas this package of yours a debian/pyversions file?23:23
geserthat's what it is complaining about23:24
toobaz_well, that's what I'm wondering about... gpapers and flickruploadr didn't neither23:24
toobaz_(in the same PPA)23:24
toobaz_(oh, by the way, the package builds perfectly in my karmic)23:28
geserhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/37189075/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.flickrupload_1.0.0-1~lucid_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz contains the same error23:31
wahbenhow do I delete a project from launchpad?23:32
thumperwahben: you ask a question on the launchpad project and someone will deactivate it23:32
thumperwahben: which project?23:32
toobaz_wow. this is sad. thanks, geser23:33
wahbenthumper, thanks.. just a personal project that I decided I dont want to share code :p23:33
thumperwahben: I can disable if you tell me the name23:33
wahbenthumper, zarb23:34
wahbenthumper, thanks for your help, I like open source, the only thing is that I am afraid that my code is not "professional" enough to be part of the community yet...23:36
thumperthere is a hell of a lot of code that is crap and open (not saying that yours is crap)23:36
thumperwahben: the project is still there, just not active23:37
wahbenthumper, and if I deleted the branched, the code should not be avail anymore correct? ill re-upoad once its more finalized..23:38
thumperwahben: yes, if you have deleted the branch it is not accessable23:39
maxbtoobaz_: It would appear that your package lacks a dependency on 'python'23:54
toobaz_maxb: mmh... yes, that's pretty essential, I feared it. I was just trying to cowbuild it...23:54

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