
alex_mayorgaHi, I think bug 505268 can be marked public00:23
ubot4alex_mayorga: Bug 505268 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/505268 is private00:23
micahgalex_mayorga: that's probably still being retraced00:25
* micahg can't even access it yet00:26
alex_mayorgamicahg: oh! OK thanks anyway00:26
alex_mayorgaalso I think I might have https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/505584 or a variant of it, how do I confirm?00:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 505584 in ubuntu "'mountall cannot connect to plymouth', followed by 'run-parts: /etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade exited with return 1'" [Undecided,New]00:33
hggdhwell, if you see these error messages, I guess00:38
hggdhor -- you want to mark the bug Confirmed?00:38
alex_mayorgahggdh, is there a log of the boot messages somewhere?00:39
hggdhalex_mayorga: some places, all under /var/log00:39
alex_mayorgaI'm not certain on the second line00:39
hggdhkern.log, dmesg, probably system and messages00:41
alex_mayorganothing on these00:46
alex_mayorgaI believe that's prior to the actual boot process00:46
alex_mayorgaI don't end up on a tty, but the first message I see it00:47
geniiHm. In https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/i386/index.html   'Installing Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackelope" for i386'  When the url should point to Karmic. Couldn't seem to find a place in LP for this one.03:36
geniiOoops, found it now, sorry.03:38
geniiFiled now as bug 50572303:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 505723 in installation-guide "9.10 install guide reads 9.04 and Jaunty, not 9.10 and Karmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50572303:48
TheNewAndywhich package does the main menu belong to? It doesn't seem to live in gnome-applets.03:56
KermiacDoes anyone else think bug 497503 is the same issue as bug 49096904:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 497503 in ubuntuone-servers "Notes List doesn't handle apostorphes correctly for uploaded notes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49750304:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 490969 in ubuntuone-servers "Using the ampersand character (&) in note title messes up sync" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49096904:07
Kermiacthey both seem to be related to "special characters"04:08
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vishBug #387832 is due to gvfs or... policykit?06:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 387832 in hundredpapercuts "cdrom or dvd can not be ejected by other user" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38783206:44
KermiacDoes anyone else think bug 497503 is the same issue as bug 490969. Not sure if I should mark as dupe. They both seem to be referring to the way "special characters" are handled in note titles.09:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 497503 in ubuntuone-servers "Notes List doesn't handle apostorphes correctly for uploaded notes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49750309:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 490969 in ubuntuone-servers "Using the ampersand character (&) in note title messes up sync" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49096909:50
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LimCoreHow big impact on fixing bugs would it help to have money/funding?11:19
om26erplz any one change this https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/495723 to triaged11:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 495723 in nautilus "the copy action doesn't work in the second after a directory load" [Low,Confirmed]11:33
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pedro_om26er, done11:36
om26erpedro_, thanx11:37
pedro_you're welcome11:37
vishom26er: hi.. while triaging you could just mention on here the status it needs to be set and someone would do it... posting a comment just increases the mails others receive :)12:00
vishmention it here*12:00
om26ervish, sure12:01
vishom26er: thanks.. :)12:01
om26ervish, https://bugs.launchpad.net/empathy/+bug/505491 make it triaged plz12:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 505491 in empathy "Feature request: Middle button should close chat tab in Empathy" [Low,New]12:01
vishom26er: i dint say I was bug control ;)  but i received a lot of comments hence i wanted to mention :)12:02
vishom26er: pedro_ might do it when he is free12:02
pedro_om26er, vish done12:04
om26er-when reporting a bug upstream should i necessarily mention bug reported/requested at launchpad?12:11
vishom26er: if you mention it would be better , sometimes upstream might try and read the comments in lp to gather more info12:11
om26er-vish, upstream marked the last bug duplicate and denied. what can be the status of LP bug invalid?12:16
vishom26er: "wont fix" would be appropriate , and if it has been duped then upstream bug link needs to be changed to the main bug12:17
om26er-vish, yes, i changed it12:18
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om26erwon't fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/49952912:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 499529 in empathy "[wishlist] Order contacts by account in Empathy" [Wishlist,Triaged]12:27
yofelhm, didn't know about bug 21893313:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 218933 in apport "bash completion for ubuntu-bug" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21893313:28
yofelI have a somewhat working one13:29
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* LimCore is startled15:41
* yofel still wonders if someone wants to test the bash-completion bug 21893315:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 218933 in apport "bash completion for ubuntu-bug" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21893315:48
om26ercan freedesktop.org bug be linked in launchpad?16:05
micahgom26er: yes16:11
charlie-tcayes, om26er. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream16:11
micahgom26er: link upstream to the related project thats hosted there16:12
om26erif a bug is related to the whole telepathy framework what package should i select for it.16:13
om26erits about telepathy not supporting email notification16:13
om26erand telepathy guys are working on it/seem to be working16:14
charlie-tcabug number?16:14
om26ercharlie-tca, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/332355/16:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 332355 in empathy "Empathy doesn't alert to new email messages" [Wishlist,New]16:15
charlie-tcapackage on it looks okay; The bug reported to gnome was killed as no fix, but I don't see anyone in ubuntu working it yet. Maybe change it to confirmed.16:19
om26ercharlie-tca, no empathy developers made its status to unconfirmed in later comments16:21
charlie-tcaempathy developer at gnome reopened the gnome bug, so confirming the ubuntu bug in launchpad would be good16:21
seb128you can set it to triaged16:22
seb128it has enough details and has been sent upstream too16:22
charlie-tcaThe last comment in gnome bugzilla says it might be a while to fix this16:22
seb128well, triaged just means it doesn't require extra infos16:22
charlie-tcatrue enough, but I thought wishlist only gets confirmed?16:23
seb128no reason16:23
charlie-tcaThanks, seb12816:23
seb128confirmed are bugs that still need work to be handed to a hacker16:23
seb128triaged are bugs which have enough informations to be worked on16:24
charlie-tcaThank you, om26er, for helping16:24
charlie-tcaI might be a bit behind on policy yet. I am working on catching up16:24
om26eri marked a bug incomplete and asked reporter to test the latest version of empathy(2.29.4) in which i confirmed that the bug was fixed as i faced it too and now reporter replied that he can't test16:29
om26ershould i mark it invalid/fixed ?16:29
charlie-tcamark it fix released and comment with the specific version that it is fixed in16:32
om26er-if a reporter says in a comment that he reported the bug upstream and does not provide the upstream link should i mark bug incomplete and ask for the link?16:55
hggdhom26er-: just saw your application to b-c16:57
hggdhom26er-: you *need* to state what Importance you would give to the bugs16:57
hggdhand explain why16:58
om26er-hggdh, should i email that again?16:58
hggdhom26er-: yes, please. For each bug you selected as an example of your work, add the Imporance you would set, and explain why. There is a thread in the ML about that, somewhere16:59
* hggdh is trying to find, anf fighting TB16:59
hggdhom26er-: for your question above (upstream reported, but not linked): no, do not mark Incomplete, but ask the poster for the bug link17:00
hggdhom26er-: for the previous Q -- you checked the bug fixed, OP cannot check: if you can find out what fixed it (perhaps in the changelog) it would be good to add in; otherwise, mark fixed, and state that this was fixed by (unknown) fix17:02
hggdher. IN both cases you can mark fixed17:03
om26er-hggdh, i searched in 2.29.4 changelog and it was not in it but might have been fixed in earlier versions17:03
hggdhtry on the changelogs down to the OP's version, if you can17:04
hggdhuff. Now, back to work ;-)17:05
hggdhoh. om26er-: thank you for your help and interest in joining b-c :-)17:05
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om26erif the upstream says that they won't implement a feature what should be the status of that bug17:27
om26erwon't fix?17:27
hggdhsounds reasonable, om26er17:29
om26erplz mark this won't fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/49952917:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 499529 in empathy "[wishlist] Order contacts by account in Empathy" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:30
pedro_om26er, done17:32
charlie-tcaokay, I made it back after switching hardware around17:33
hggdhheh. pedro_ and I answered, so it is a double wontfix17:35
om26er-status is new and the reporter was asked to report the bug upstream but he did not do that saying he don't use the application anymore and now i tried it in lucid and its fully fixed17:44
hggdhyou can close, then, as fix released, same observations I made before17:44
om26er-make it triaged plz https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/42044917:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 420449 in empathy "empathy cuts off text (upper or lower half of line)" [Low,New]17:53
om26er-this bug is not confirmed i should reproduce it first17:59
charlie-tcaom26er-: which bug? the one you just asked to mark triaged?18:04
om26er-charlie-tca, no, its another18:04
charlie-tcaokay, done18:04
hggdhom26er-: I presume you were asking -- yes, you should reproduce in order to confirm18:13
* charlie-tca smacks head; did not intend to leave that hanging...18:14
vishhggdh: hmm , how do i close this bug> Bug #367626 , its invalid in all the project but the FUSA upstream task is still open...18:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 367626 in indicator-session "Hibernate does not ask for time-out confirmation" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36762618:29
vishor charlie-tca ^^ :)18:30
vishthere should be a feature like upstream where user can close their own bug ;)18:31
charlie-tcaYou can manually change the gnome-bug status to won't fix18:32
charlie-tcaThis is a launchpad issue, when it does not update the upstream status18:32
vishcharlie-tca: it doesnt allow me to change it :(18:32
micahgcharlie-tca: better to have someone modify upstream if it's a watch bug18:32
micahgif it should be closed upstream18:32
charlie-tcaupstream has already closed it18:32
micahgthen wait 24 hours for LP to update18:33
charlie-tcaIt was closed 2010-01-0518:33
vishmicahg: its been nearly a week :(18:33
micahgvish: file a bug in malone18:34
micahghere's the error: GNOME Bug Tracker bug #587184 appears not to exist. Check that the bug  number is correct.18:34
micahgwhich isn't right18:34
micahgso it's a malone bug18:34
vishah .. nice catch :)18:35
charlie-tcaWhere do I get to see that?18:35
vishcharlie-tca: select the drop down arrow for that project18:36
micahgcharlie-tca: click the triangle next to the upstream task18:36
charlie-tcaVery nice. thank you18:36
* hggdh is looking for scripts for automating the download, debianisation, and dput of upstream GIT packages to a PPA. Suggestions welcome.19:02
hggdh*very* welcome, BTW19:03
hggdhbrb, lunch time19:03
micahghggdh: are there existing packages?19:03
hggdhmicahg: yes. In this case it is the coreutils19:03
micahghggdh: fta has a bot19:03
micahgidk it it'll work with git though19:03
hggdhone can ask... jumping there19:04
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EzraRi was actually thinking of makeing a script for that myself19:49
hggdhEzraR: did you get the link to it?19:58
EzraRhggdh:yes i did thank you20:28
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chrisccoulsongood evening BUGabundo22:23
BUGabundohey chrisccoulson22:23
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