
mihahello folks, "napsy" (also in this channel) sent mail about LoCoBot for #ubuntu-si (slovenian ubuntu support channel). could anyone check status, if any? much appreciated, thx.11:12
mihait's been few days11:12
jpdsmiha: Which loco bot are you refering to ubot* or locolog?11:13
mihawell locolog11:13
mihaand ubot :D11:13
mihaboth logging and answering keywords in our language would be great11:13
jpdsmiha: For locolog, try poking #ubuntu-eu.11:13
jpdsLet me think what I'll need to do for ubot.11:15
mihawe tried our own 'ubot' but why reinventing the wheel :D11:15
jpds*me adding a new database into one of the existing bots*11:17
mihabtw, if anyone is interested in java bot that reads RSS/Atom feeds, let me know11:17
miha#newsjunkie for example, also on #ubuntu-si11:18
mihaoops sorry11:25
jpdsmiha: How do you say: "Hi, welcome to #ubuntu-si" in Slovenian?11:29
mihaŽivjo, dobrodošli na #ubuntu-si11:30
mihaif there's encoding problem11:30
ubot4In #ubuntu-si, jpds said: !hi is <reply>Živjo, dobrodošli na #ubuntu-si11:30
mihaZivjo, dobrodosli na #ubuntu-si11:30
mihawould work11:30
jpdsOh, come on.11:30
mihajpds believe me, i'm used to *everything*. had to recode latin1 to utf8 since php can ignore charset, jdbc cant :D11:31
mihaand oscommerce has latin1 as default. it would be trivial if i knew that at start, but after 2 years i didnt really want to manually edit database :D11:31
mihasee, we use latin211:33
mihalatin1 has about 3 chars different :D11:33
jussi01jpds: you need to make sure you remember to make it a channel specfic factoid11:33
jpdsjussi01: No, I just feed it a different database.11:34
* jussi01 thought ubot4 was using the synced db11:35
jpdsBut it has separate databases for certain loco channels.11:35
tsimpsonI made the database config variable channel-specific a while ago11:35
jpdsjussi01: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/354975/11:37
jussi01yep yep...11:38
* jpds /msgs miha,11:38
* jussi01 doesnt see the difference in channel specific dbs or channel specific factoids, but meh. its really of no consequence is it11:39
jpdsThe channel specific DBs don't have any English factoids in them.11:39
mihabtw, it's cool that ubuntu takes irc seriously. after all, irc is cool way for feedback. facebook/twitter leave too much personal trail :D11:39
mihajpds is there a way to get list of english database? i'd try to translate11:40
jpdsmiha: ubottu.com/11:40
mihajpds ok, thx... a translation page would be feature wish though... like wikipedia, everyone tries to copy from en.wikipedia.org :D11:41
=== m4v_ is now known as m4v
ubot4In #ubuntu-si, marko-_- said: !miha is <reply> http://www.dawngrrl.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/WindowsLiveWriter/ItstrueIdonereaditonthemInternets_7FE6/fat_guy_in_girl_underwear5.jpg15:04
jpdsmarko-_-: Please don't abuse the bot like that.15:05
marko-_-yeah, i know15:06
marko-_-i didn't knew15:06
marko-_-i thought it was just another random bot of miha15:06
mihajpds i hope we can joke a bit?15:11
mihaor must we be 100% serious? :D15:11
jussi01miha: note on the bot usage page it says please dont submit joke factoids ;)15:54
jussi01(we have enough work to do already)15:54
mihajussi01 i doubt you will translate back from slovenian language and we can manage ourselves, please?15:59
mihait's just short funny lines about channel regulars, they choose it15:59
marko-_-you hurt my feelings miha16:00
tsimpsonyou know this channel is logged publicly?16:00
marko-_-tsimpson, it's not about this channel16:00
tsimpsonso any requests sent here will show up on search engines16:00
marko-_-and this is bad because...?16:00
tsimpsonbecause this is not the image we would like to give to people searching for "Ubuntu IRC"16:01
marko-_-so asking if we could have 5 or 6 funny (they all agree) factoids which describe channel users on our small (10 users talking at most) channel16:02
marko-_-could hurt your reputation16:02
marko-_-i see.16:02
tsimpsonwhen they are posted to publicly logged channels, yes16:03
tsimpsonand replace "your" with "ubuntu's"16:03
mihayou have a point, i'll move the fun to channel bot and keep ubuntu answers only16:04
mihasorry to bother you16:04
=== dantaliz1ng is now known as dantalizing
pressenterGood afternoob.18:58
pressenterI'm an op from #ubuntu-pl and we have a problem, cause our owner hasnt been showing like 4 or 5 months now and we pretty much cant do anything.18:58
pressenterIs there a way to do something with this, if we have no contact with the owner?18:58
jussi01pressenter: please write email explaining the suituation to the irc council list19:12
pressenterjussi01: Thanks, and do you maybe know the email whereto i can write?19:25
jussi01pressenter: "Ubuntu IRC Council"  irc-council at lists.ubuntu.com19:25
pressenterOk, thank you very much.19:27
topylihm. i can't see it listed there btw19:28
topylithere it is https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/irc-council19:31
topylinot on lists.ubuntu.com19:31
tsimpsonyou don't need to subscribe to send an email to the address19:31
PiciIts not on the main page for some reason.  I remember poking someone about it, but looks like nothing got done about it.  The CC's list isn't there either.19:31
Picitsimpson: nor can you.19:31
tsimpsonPici: nor can I what?19:32
jussi01No, its not on the main page because itss a private list19:32
Picitsimpson: er, I mean random people can't subscribe to the irc-council list19:32
jussi01like all of the private lists.19:32
topylito clarify, you can always send mail though19:36
jpdsPici: Lists aren't publically listed by default.20:47
nhandlerHowever, I believe there is a setting to change that in the admincp for the list20:49
jpdsnhandler: Nope.20:56
topyliit's not very secret though, you can find the address on the launchpad and wiki pages20:56
topyliif you find those, that is :)20:56
elkyyeah. if you give a subscribe button, you'll get people try to subscribe23:15

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