
* humphreybc returns after walking miles across town in the pouring rain clutching onto a HP printer02:03
* humphreybc printer great success02:39
* humphreybc is going to start changing to the new ToC02:56
* humphreybc has almost finished overhauling the wiki table of contents03:11
humphreybcjmburgess now would be a good time to start cracking on the latex change03:24
IlyaHaykinsonhm, we need to fix up the left margin at some point.03:30
IlyaHaykinsonthe fact that the paragraphs are so indented means that we're losing a lot of space03:30
IlyaHaykinsonhumphreybc, in the new ToC structure, where do we stick in "getting online"?03:32
IlyaHaykinsonchapter 4?03:32
humphreybcwell, it's sort of going to be included when we talk about Firefox03:32
IlyaHaykinsonyeah, but that's not how people think about it.03:32
IlyaHaykinsonthey think "i just installed this, now i want to make sure i'm on the internet"03:32
IlyaHaykinsonmaybe in chapter 4, we can make it more task-based?03:33
humphreybcwe have to refine each chapter03:33
IlyaHaykinsonstill talk about the same applications, but instead of breaking it up with application-titled subsections, make them use-case based subsections03:33
IlyaHaykinsonlike "getting online", "browsing the web", "using email", etc03:33
humphreybcyup, and with the notes etc we should be able to cover little things quite well03:33
humphreybcthis blueprint stuff is messy03:35
IlyaHaykinsonyou're trying to move them around?03:40
humphreybcI have to reassign authors03:40
humphreybcbut the thing is03:40
humphreybcwe have like one chapter totally disappearing03:40
humphreybcanother two chapters are being combined into one03:40
humphreybcand then we have like two entirely new chapters03:40
humphreybcso now we have some unassigned stuff03:40
humphreybcand one person loses out :S03:40
IlyaHaykinsonwell, we have enough people on the project to assign multiple people per blueprint03:42
IlyaHaykinsonin fact, i think we really should -- otherwise it a) will lead to some chapters not being done, b) will bottleneck on one person, c) will be too much work for any one person03:43
IlyaHaykinsonwhat if you just scrap the existing chapter blueprints, and create new ones, reassigning after creation to the folks who were already working on the content?03:43
IlyaHaykinson(methinks this would have been much easier to do on a wiki instead, until content got more locked down)03:44
humphreybcwe'll have a tonne of blueprints then03:46
humphreybci think we need to use the whiteboard more03:46
humphreybcwe need to establish teams for each chapter - the author(s) and then at least one editor.03:46
humphreybcthe editor needs to be set as the "approver"03:46
humphreybcwhiteboard - on the blueprints. to communicate03:46
IlyaHaykinsoni would imagine editing should really be done across the whole thing, though.03:47
humphreybcif we treat each chapter as its own team and assign at least one author, then one editor and they work together closely03:47
humphreybcwell Jamin is in charge of the editing team03:47
humphreybcthere will be only 3 or 4 editors in total I would think03:47
IlyaHaykinsoni've done a lot of work in Wikipedia... this isn't really that unlike an article there.03:47
humphreybcTo be honest I don't want to fiddle with the blueprints any more03:47
humphreybcI think we need better communication within the blueprints03:48
IlyaHaykinsonfair enough03:48
humphreybcso: whiteboard :)03:48
humphreybcI think if we can get an editing team of anywhere between 1 - 4 people, headed by one person who knows what they're doing, and then everyone gets on the same wavelength, then they can sort out what chapters they want to edit03:48
humphreybcthen they'll be the link between the project heads and the authors03:49
humphreybcso the authors will work, the editors will edit and then when the authors are done they'll tell the editor and the editor will request feedback from one of the project admins. the editors and authors will communicate via the whiteboard and work closely together03:49
humphreybcI think that should work :S03:50
humphreybci've yet to send an email about this though, still needs more thought and discussion. Plus I want to sort out this new ToC before I give everyone information overload on procedure!03:50
mattgriffinhumphreybc: ping03:52
mattgriffinhumphreybc: hi. i might be able to help with some of ch 4.03:52
humphreybcoh awesome03:52
mattgriffinhumphreybc: specifically ubuntu one and rhythmbox03:53
humphreybcdo you know a lot about them?03:53
mattgriffinhumphreybc: i'm the product manager for ubuntu one and have been the business guy working on the upcoming rhythmbox music store03:53
humphreybcoh really? are you a canonical employee?03:54
mattgriffinhumphreybc: i'm also chatting with the Ubuntu docs guys about the best way to go for documentation in these areas so i'm hoping to take care of two tasks here03:54
mattgriffinhumphreybc: yes03:54
humphreybcyep sure well jump in there and assign yourself to the blueprint. You're probably too busy to tackle all of the other apps03:55
humphreybcbut there will be others interested to help out03:55
mattgriffinhumphreybc: sure. i'll try :)03:55
humphreybcI don't suppose you have a blog on the planet do you ....03:55
mattgriffinhumphreybc: not a personal one but the ubuntu one blog might show up there.03:56
humphreybcokay cool. we've been trying to get a member/canonical employee to give us a bit of a shout out on the planet ;)03:56
mattgriffinhumphreybc: gotcha. i'll see what i can do :)03:57
humphreybcawesome xD03:57
humphreybcwell welcome to the project!03:57
humphreybcwe're actually in the middle of changing the ToC around dramatically03:57
humphreybcToC = Table of Contents03:57
humphreybcSo things might be a bit hectic for the next few days03:57
humphreybcwe'd also appreciate your feedback on the proposed title pages, they're on the screenshots page of the wiki :)03:58
humphreybconly if you've got time. I know Canonical folks are busy03:58
vishhumphreybc: howz this ? or you want bigger ? > http://imagebin.ca/view/eyotBuWB.html03:58
mattgriffinok. i'll take a look03:58
IlyaHaykinsonhumphreybc, i'm going to jump on chapter 4 as well.03:58
humphreybcAwsome stuff Ilya. Ilya, Matt, Matt, Ilya. You two will be working together :P03:58
IlyaHaykinsonmattgriffin, hi03:59
humphreybcvish: the size is right, but put the whole thing a bit lower down03:59
mattgriffinIlyaHaykinson: hi03:59
humphreybcmatt and Ilya, you'll need to make extensive use of the whiteboard03:59
humphreybcbecause you'll have to decide which app you'll each do03:59
humphreybcor which aps03:59
vishhumphreybc: lower down would meant the eye would be lower than the text , which would be a bit awkward :(03:59
IlyaHaykinsonhm, i know someone else at canonical... lrichardson03:59
humphreybcoh yeah and mattgriffin: are you actually at the Canonical offices or do you work from home?04:00
vishhumphreybc: let me show you how it would be lower down the04:00
mattgriffinhumphreybc: work from home - texas04:00
humphreybcmattgriffin: okay, no worries. If you worked at the head office I was going to ask you if you could raise the project in casual conversation around the water cooler.... :P04:00
humphreybcI know lot of people who are at UT04:01
mattgriffinIlyaHaykinson: don't know lrichardson but i know his boss04:01
mattgriffinhumphreybc: cool. i'm based in dallas04:01
IlyaHaykinsonah. i don't remember what he's working on... one of the backend projects, i think.04:01
IlyaHaykinsoni went to college with him at UCLA04:02
humphreybcoh awesome, yeah they're all in austin04:02
mattgriffinIlyaHaykinson: he's on the launchpad team04:02
humphreybccool so matt, you're obviously not one of these skeptics who think this project is a waste of time?04:03
mattgriffinhumphreybc: to be honest i'm still on the fence a bit so i want to learn more... but time is short so i don't learning will mean contributing :)  ... i'll definitely bring it up with my colleagues at work tomorrow and ensure they know about the project.04:05
vishhumphreybc: lower > http://imagebin.ca/view/NU8MEl.html  , also note the space above the head is too empty04:05
mattgriffinhumphreybc: sorry... confusing response... time is short so learning will require contributing :)04:05
humphreybcmattgriffin: awesome stuff! :)04:06
vishhumphreybc: since we have the eye, if it is better aligned with the text it be ideal04:06
humphreybcvish true but it isn't that noticeable. I definitely prefer the lower one04:06
vishhumphreybc: hmm.. ,well , i'll send you both incase you change your mind and you can decide later too04:08
humphreybcput them on the wiki04:08
vishah sure04:08
humphreybcit's not up to me to decide, it's up to everyone :)04:08
humphreybcremember we still have 4 months till we actually NEED a title page04:09
humphreybcso we might not decide for quite a while04:09
IlyaHaykinsonhumphreybc, do you have an example of folks using the whiteboard?04:09
IlyaHaykinsonit just seems to be one big textbox, rather than a back-and-forth communication tool, imho04:09
humphreybcyeah it is04:09
humphreybcyou need to basically add to each thing04:09
humphreybcdon't overwrite what the last person says04:10
humphreybcyou're welcome to commandeer a part of the wiki too if you like04:10
humphreybcunder "blueprints"04:10
IlyaHaykinsonhm, kind of sucky.04:10
humphreybcyeah it is a pain04:10
IlyaHaykinsonyeah, i think the wiki is a better approach. i'll do just that.04:10
IlyaHaykinsonsorry, my wiki{pedia,news} roots are strong.04:10
humphreybcokay so under "blueprints" have a new heading called "Chapter 4" or something04:10
humphreybcand write whatever you need to04:10
humphreybcthen update the specification link on the blueprint04:11
IlyaHaykinsonyeah, i'll take care of it. i'll keep a summary on the main page, and take the details further in.04:11
IlyaHaykinsonmain blueprint page, i mean04:11
humphreybcuse the whiteboard too04:11
humphreybceven if it's just to point people to the wiki04:11
wolterhi humphreybc04:12
humphreybchey wolter04:12
wolterdid you read my messages the other day?04:12
wolterwell, first of all, how are you?04:12
humphreybcyeah wolter i think i did04:12
wolterI could've used the memoserv if you were offline04:12
wolterbut anyway, thanks for doing so04:12
wolteras for myself, I just read about the big readjustment taking place04:13
humphreybcit's busy04:13
wolterGoing through my other mails right now, but I think its good04:13
wolterhow about the html format?04:13
woltercan latex code be rendered as html?04:13
humphreybcuh we could possibly render one at some point04:13
humphreybcbut PDF is priority now04:13
wolterin fact, i think this new toc is a MAJOR overhaul and that it is doing great wealth to the project04:20
IlyaHaykinsonre HTML, I think the easiest way to do this conversion would be manually...04:22
IlyaHaykinsonperhaps a simple ubuntu-manual-specific script can help do the conversion.04:22
wolterhave you guys thought about mallard?04:23
IlyaHaykinsonbut looks like existing latex to html conversion systems are kind of suboptimal and produce old html04:23
wolterguys at GNOME are writting documentation with mallard and they say its the big thing04:23
wolterbetter than wiki they say04:23
wolterand well, wiki is like easy html04:23
wolterwould you be interested humphreybc ?04:23
IlyaHaykinsonits aim is to create the best topic-based help04:25
IlyaHaykinsonso not really targeting book-like forms04:25
wolterWow, I can't say at all I dislike what vish has done with my lynx :)04:25
humphreybcin mallard?04:25
humphreybci'll check it out04:25
humphreybcsure when we get this PDF out and the main content complete, it'll be easy to port the manual to other file formats04:25
wolteryeah, I never new much about it04:26
wolterSo... now that the artwork jobs are pretty much at rest, I would like to assign myself to the software and packaging topic and see what I can do there04:26
humphreybcsame goes for creating a Kubuntu and Xubuntu manual subsidary of our one. It would only require few changes to the desktop manger stuff04:26
wolterhow about that humphreybc ?04:26
humphreybchang on i'm talking to Jono Bacon and Matt04:28
wolterwow ill be here :)04:29
woltercan anybody tell me how to branch files into an already existing directory?04:31
IlyaHaykinsonperhaps bzr branch branchname . ?04:32
IlyaHaykinsonassuming you're in that directory?04:32
* IlyaHaykinson is making a totally wild guess with this one04:32
wolterIlyaHaykinson, yeah, I thought about that04:33
wolterbut then bzr complains about . already existing04:33
wolterI don't know why it doesn't tell me something I don't know04:33
wolteralso, has anybody commited a revision with the new organization?04:34
wolterI just pulled the latest revision and it is honors the old toc04:34
IlyaHaykinsonnot yet, i think jmburgess was going to work on it (?)04:35
wolteroh ok04:35
wolteryeah, the changes started as of an hour ago today, right?04:35
woltercould I help in anything?04:36
wolterregarding those I mean04:36
wolterwell, maybe I could start writing a proposed chapter 604:36
wolterafter all, 6 is my fav number04:36
wolterwhich has nothing to do, regardless to say04:36
IlyaHaykinsonwell, check out the new list of chapters, compare with the list of blueprints, and add yourself wherever you think you can help04:36
IlyaHaykinsoni think that we'll want to have small teams per chapter04:37
IlyaHaykinsonso find the other person on the chapter, if there's one already, and figure out some way to collaborate (i'm using a wiki page for chap4, for example)04:37
wolteroh ok04:37
wolterso we're setting aside like unusual collaboration methods meanwhile, all right04:38
wolteri'm going to check if there is some wiki for chapter 6, but in the new toc humphreybc posted it said there was no-one working on chapter 604:38
wolteri will create the document if it doesn't actually exist, nonetheless04:38
humphreybcwolter: no there isn't anything about 6, just create a sub page like IlyaHaykinson has done with 404:39
wolterDone :)04:40
wolterI will send a proposal to the mailing list04:40
humphreybcIlyaHaykinson: you could probably add a hyperlink from the main ToC on the wiki to your sub page04:42
IlyaHaykinsonsure; i added one from the blueprints page, but will add one from the ToC as well.04:43
wolternah its not that much of a good proposal04:44
humphreybcguys: http://lifehacker.com/5441494/ubuntu-1004-to-include-beginners-manual04:44
IlyaHaykinsonhm. actually, i don't know if Ubuntu One really belongs in Chapter 404:46
IlyaHaykinsonseems like it's more of a chapter 7 thing04:47
IlyaHaykinsonseeing how backup is really part of maintenance.04:47
wolter"and is, as you might imagine, being written in wiki form, so anyone can contribute. What newcomer topics and how-tos would you like to see covered in an Ubuntu manual?" what? that ain't true04:48
IlyaHaykinsonunless one looks at Ubuntu One as more of a synchronization tool, of course.04:49
IlyaHaykinsonwolter: my goal in life is to never care what a journalist writes. i've never had an article about what i've done -- even if it was in a prominent newspaper, like Los Angeles Times or Wall Street Journal -- come out with no factual errors04:50
wolterIlyaHaykinson, well yeah, indeed04:50
IlyaHaykinsonand lifehacker certainly isn't the height of journalistic standards :)04:50
wolterBut it just makes me mad how people that unobservant have a place writing public articles04:51
wolterWell, not that dramatic, but anyway04:51
humphreybcwolter: I emailed the reporter just now and offered to do an interview to clear up some confusion.04:51
wolterhumphreybc, you're awesome04:53
humphreybchaha i do my best :)04:53
IlyaHaykinsonhm. humphreybc, any thoughts on Ubuntu One in chap 4 vs chap 7?04:55
humphreybcUm, ask mattgriffin :)04:55
humphreybcIt IS a default app04:56
IlyaHaykinsonmattgriffin, ping04:56
humphreybcand it doesn't need to necessarily be used for backing up only04:56
humphreybcit can be used for file sharing too04:56
IlyaHaykinsonsure, but... if we're approaching this from the perspective of use cases...04:56
mattgriffinIlyaHaykinson: yo04:56
IlyaHaykinsonmattgriffin, are you positioning Ubuntu One as more of a backup system? in which case it may belong more under "maintenance"?04:57
IlyaHaykinsonor more of a sync/file sharing app, in which case maybe placement in chap 4 is fine.04:58
mattgriffinIlyaHaykinson: sync is the principal benefit.... but it is achieved with online backup. for 10.04, there will be a desktop application (Ubuntu One Client Application - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/lucid-ubuntu-one-client-app) that will enable users to manage how Ubuntu One works for them.... so ch4 seems like a good fit.05:01
IlyaHaykinsonalright, sounds good.05:02
humphreybccool :)05:02
IlyaHaykinsonis the desktop app in alpha1 already?05:02
IlyaHaykinsoni guess i can fire up virtualbox and take a look :-)05:02
mattgriffinIlyaHaykinson: not yet. we're keeping track of progress on the Whiteboard... it currently says "[dobey] GTK+ U1 app: INPROGRESS"05:03
humphreybcby the way if anyone wants to follow me on twitter, i post a lot about the manual and ubuntu in general: http://twitter.com/humphreybc05:03
IlyaHaykinsonmattgriffin, gotcha, thanks.05:04
IlyaHaykinsonfyi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Blueprints/Chapter4 for an outline of the chapter as I see it.05:04
mattgriffinIlyaHaykinson: np.05:05
* mattgriffin time to sleep. later everyone.05:05
IlyaHaykinsonhumphreybc, followed05:08
IlyaHaykinsonugh, XChat has "," as the default nick completion character. how counter-intuitive. should be ":"05:09
humphreybcI use Pidgin :)05:12
wolterIlyaHaykinson, i like the comma :)05:14
humphreybcIlya, nice work on the Chapter 4 sub page05:14
IlyaHaykinson*sigh* i use pidgin on one box, xchat on this box, and mIrc on the windows box. i guess i have issues.05:14
IlyaHaykinsonwolter: :)05:15
IlyaHaykinsonhumphreybc: thx05:15
IlyaHaykinsonhm, what this new "Me" menu?05:15
IlyaHaykinsoni see a reference to it in some spec, but the details are in canonical's private documents repository05:16
IlyaHaykinsonohh. that's the menu in the upper right05:16
IlyaHaykinsoni.e. the shutdown/restart/status change/etc menu05:17
wolterif anybody wants to check my work and/or provide feedback, visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Blueprints/Chapter605:22
wolterI am working on chapter 6 and set myself already as an assignee05:22
humphreybccool wolter i'll check it in about 30 mins, just going to have some dinner05:22
* humphreybc runs off to the dairy to get milk for his pasta05:22
adahendra1may i ask06:26
* humphreybc is back06:32
humphreybcadahendra1: what would you like to ask?06:36
wolterhey humphreybc not to annoy you, but could you check my wip of the chapter 6 if you have nothing else to do now?07:04
wolterhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/Blueprints/Chapter6 just saved07:08
humphreybcso wolter are you writing it on the wiki?07:09
humphreybcor is that just a guide?07:10
wolterhumphreybc, well, i'm drafting it on the wiki07:12
woltershould it be a guide instead?07:12
humphreybcthat's cool07:12
humphreybcno no you can draft on the wiki07:12
humphreybcgo for it07:12
humphreybci'll read it in a sec07:12
humphreybcanyone know how to rebuild your apps menu?07:37
humphreybcI remember there was some file in your home dir that you need to delete07:37
wolterhumphreybc, in the gnome panel?07:42
wolterHm.. roughly, I would just make a new user and replace my ~/.local/share/applications/ folder with his07:43
wolterbut I think that you could just delete that same directory to see what happens. Of course, keep a backup copy.07:43
humphreybcyeah i'll delete it07:44
humphreybctime to log out and back in07:44
humphreybcthat worked07:46
humphreybccheers :)07:46
wolternice :)07:47
humphreybcwell that's all good but I just reinstalled wine and I can't seem to get it to appear in my apps menu07:56
humphreybci'm probably going to do a fresh install soon08:04
wolterLucid alpha I suppose?08:11
vishhumphreybc: ~/.config/menus/applications.menu08:11
humphreybcnah karmic08:11
humphreybci wish when you uninstall a program it would remove the . directory in your home08:12
vishoops wrong file!08:12
humphreybclike I just went through and got rid of all these old . folders08:12
wolterhumphreybc, then you want to purge them08:12
wolterand not just remove08:12
wolter[# apt-get purge] removes configuration files08:13
humphreybci'm pretty sure i've been doing that... I choose "Complete removal"08:13
humphreybcin synaptic08:13
wolterahh.. you use synaptic08:13
wolteryeah.. I wish programs used ~/.config/ or ~/.local/config instead of putting their .folders all around my home dir08:14
woltersuch a mess08:14
humphreybci need to do a fresh install to test out my fresh install script08:14
vishhumphreybc: have you checked ~/.gnome2 ?08:15
humphreybci might do a fresh install tonight....08:15
humphreybcall i wanna do is get photoshop working08:15
humphreybchow stable is lucid alpha 1 for people?08:16
woltervish, is .config/menus still used?08:16
woltermy application.menu file seems so outdated,08:16
humphreybcbecause I want to use the 2.6.32 kernel, which is what i'm using atm on karmic08:16
vishhumphreybc: very stable surprisingly08:16
humphreybci might install alpha 2 on my main laptop08:16
vishbut it depends on hardware ofcourse ;)08:16
humphreybcmy hardware is pretty good with linux08:16
humphreybcapart from my ati card, but i use the free drivers for that which kick ass with the new 2.6.32 kernel08:17
vishhumphreybc: one thing you will notice is how horrible the new and improved nautilus looks :/08:17
vishhumphreybc: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot.png08:18
vishhumphreybc: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot.png08:20
vishwolter: i had similar problems as humphrey and i removed a file and everything was reset... but i cant remember what o.008:20
humphreybcuh what three panes08:20
woltervim guy?08:20
humphreybcsee that thread08:21
vishheh , maybe i was right after all > ~/.config/menus/applications.menu08:22
vishthat file is a bit cleaner for me ;)08:22
* humphreybc thinks it's pretty cool that he has 26,000 karma08:24
wolterwell, thats a lot of karma08:26
wolterfoor me at least08:26
humphreybci know it's crazy08:26
wolteris it all because of the manual?08:26
humphreybcoh also, if any of you have some time, at some point i'd like it if you could add a testimonial to my wiki page, for when I apply for membership sometime later this year :)08:27
humphreybcwolter: yeah most of it is from the manual. I don't know why you get so much from specification tracking.08:27
wolterOh I will do so today later08:27
wolternow i'm going offline soon08:27
jamindayIlya are you there?08:35
jamindayDoes anyone know why when I right-click my name in the room list and choose 'info', it tells me my "real name" is purple?08:38
humphreybcwow computer just had a meltdown08:38
humphreybcoh no it violently ran out of battery and for some reason ubuntu didn't tell me08:39
humphreybcjamin are you using pidgin?08:43
humphreybcin the buddy list08:43
humphreybcclick accounts08:43
humphreybcthen go to your IRC one08:43
humphreybcfind "edit"08:43
humphreybc"edit account" sorry08:44
humphreybcclick the "advanced" tab08:44
jamindayah yeah i see it now08:44
humphreybcdoes anyone ever feel they're getting too fast for the computer?08:45
humphreybci end up alt tabbing and ctrl tabbing through chrome windows so fast sometimes ubuntu can't keep up08:45
jamindayhehe yeah although it beats windows! I was using it today at work and it was as slow as a donkey!08:46
humphreybcyeah anything beats windows08:46
humphreybccan't wait till friday my time, i'm going to get the lucid alpha 2 and do a completely fresh install on my laptop08:46
humphreybcthen i'm going to try out the nifty fresh install script08:47
jamindaywhats this install script?08:47
jamindayis it one you created?08:47
humphreybcyeah Ryan gave it to me a few days ago and i've played with it08:47
IlyaHaykinson_jaminday, hi08:52
humphreybclol hello08:52
jamindayhey there - just got your email08:52
IlyaHaykinson_jaminday: re purple, that's just the name of Pidgin's underlying connection library08:52
* IlyaHaykinson_ notices wolter isn't here... his checkin broke the build :)08:53
jamindayah yes ok - yeah humphreybc showed me how to change it08:53
jamindayIlyaHaykinson: that's fine RE editing those chapters. I've made a note that you prefer chapters 3 & 5 so will just wait for others to respond then let you know08:54
IlyaHaykinson_ok, sounds good. i'll have my hands full researching / writing chapter 4, i'm sure.08:56
jamindayyeah definitely08:57
IlyaHaykinson_btw, i wonder if we'll have to cover https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeMenu -- if it makes it into Lucid09:01
jamindayIlyaHaykinson: yeah that's a good point09:05
jamindayi guess there could be a number of changes we will need to keep on top of as it gets closer to release09:06
humphreybcthat probably goes for all chapters09:10
humphreybcone of the reasons i'm  going to start using lucid on my main computer :)09:10
humphreybcso i can see the changes!09:10
IlyaHaykinson_i'm not nearly that brave, at work or on my netbook.09:18
IlyaHaykinson_but i think i have a spare, nearly-headless thinkpad somewhere at work... hm.09:18
humphreybcheh well hopefully lucid plays nice09:20
jamindayno me neither09:22
jamindayi'll probably wait till at least beta then put it on one of my machines09:23
humphreybcthat's what i normally do but if i'm going to do a fresh install why not lucid :P09:23
IlyaHaykinson_alright, i'm off to bed. l8r folks.09:39
jamindaynight all - off to bed10:24
dutchiebah, no pushes for ages, then the moment I do something, someone pushes and I have to fix the merge :/11:24
humphreybci wonder if there is a way for us to "lock" the branch while we work on it11:28
dutchiethere is a way to work around, it's just I'm more used to git than bzr11:29
dutchiethis is the whole point of DVCSs11:29
dutchiedistributed version control systems11:32
dutchieie next gen source control, bzr, git and hg as opposed to cvs/svn11:32
humphreybcah ha11:33
* humphreybc likes the fact his scanner now works11:33
humphreybcGo to this link and mark the bug as "affecting you" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/example-content/+bug/50587312:30
manualbotLaunchpad bug 505873 in example-content "Ubuntu Manual for example content in Lucid" [Undecided,New]12:30
humphreybcSo we can get the manual included as example content!12:30
XiXaQI just read about your project. It's great. I've been talking about this for years, and I'm very happy to see that someone has taken initiative to actually get it done. How can I help?13:41
XiXaQis the information going to be cut and pasted from wiki.u-c and help.u-c, or is it to be written from scratch to fit the intended audience?13:42
XiXaQoh. I found it, all the information I needed, I think.13:44
wolterlol people keep referring to me as walter and not wolter19:29
wolterin the manual titlepage proposals19:29
XiXaQmy name is Jo-Erlend Schinstad. You wouldn't believe the creative alternatives I've been exposed to, like Jørn Skogstad.19:49
wolterHi Jo19:51
wolterhey dutchie19:55
wolterdutchie, do you know if somebody is going to push the newest table of contents into the branch?19:56
dutchiethe ToC is autogenerated by latex19:57
wolterI could do it, and rename all the files belonging to the previous toc to $name.old19:57
dutchieit'll get pushed as soon as someone moves all the content around19:57
wolteryeah I know, but i mean all the chapters treat different topics now than the older ones19:57
dutchieI though jmburgess was going to do it, but he doesn't seem to be around19:57
wolterhe erased a file i had being working on heh, but i had a backup copy so no problem19:58
wolterhm.. I am trying to get the titlepage to pdf, but I can't do it directly from inkscape without rendering errors20:37
wolterthe thumb viewer wont let me print it to pdf in 100% scalr20:37
wolterand in latex it seems so badly rendered20:38
wolterhm.. gthumb does a much better job20:40
wolterbut still, bad res20:40
dutchieaha, jmburgess is active and doing mailing list and blueprinty stuff20:40
dutchiemaybe he'll come in here20:40
wolterlol, the only way i can get a good pdf is by doubling the opacities of translucent images21:00
jmburgesshey everyone22:18
dutchiehi jmburgess22:28
jmburgesshows it goin dutchie?22:30
dutchienot too bad22:30
dutchiefirst exam today22:31
jmburgesslame, when did classes start?22:31
dutchieas in earlier today22:31
jmburgessyeah but didn't classes just start?22:32
dutchieclasses start for what?22:32
dutchieas in the beginning of term?22:32
dutchielast week22:32
jmburgessnot much material on the exam22:33
dutchieexcept I only had one day due to snow and illness22:33
dutchiedidn't really miss much22:33
jmburgesswhat class?22:33
jmburgessyeah the first week of classes are usually pretty useless22:33
dutchieexam today was critical thinking22:34
dutchieone of the most ridiculous exams in the world22:34
jmburgessthat is must be hard to test22:34
jmburgesswhat is your major?22:35
dutchienothing yet, start on maths next year22:35
dutchiethis is where I have to start translating between US and UK education systems22:35
jmburgessoh yeah22:36
jmburgessyou guys don't decide till a lot later22:37
dutchielater? I thought we specialised earlier22:37
jmburgessmaybe I have my systems messed up22:38
dutchieas in, when I head to university, I'm going to be doing *just* maths, wouldn't you being doing maths and a load of other stuff?22:38
jmburgesswhen do you guys specialize?22:38
jmburgessyeah like if I wanted to go to university and just like try a bunch of stuff I could22:38
jmburgessare you not in university yet?22:38
dutchieno, next year22:39
dutchieyou do 10 subjects to GCSE, which you take at 16. Then you drop to 3/4 A levels, which you study over 2 years. Then you go to university and study one subject for 3 years22:39
jmburgessso you are how old?22:40
dutchiebut young for my year, so I'm in the second year of A levels22:40
jmburgessthat make sense22:40
jmburgessthat is about lined up with the US system22:41
jmburgesscause when I enter university I am 1822:41
jmburgessand I go for 4 years22:41
dutchieyeah, I'll be doing a 4 year course22:42
jmburgessmath is crazy hard22:42
jmburgessI like it, but I could never major in it22:42
dutchieheh, well I was obviously good enough for Oxford to take a punt22:44
jmburgessis that where you are going next semseter?22:45
jmburgessa friend of mine goes there now22:45
dutchiein october22:45
dutchie10/10/10 iirc22:45
jmburgessyeah I got to Carnegie Mellon University22:46
* dutchie googles22:46
jmburgessits a pretty good CS and Theater/Art schol22:46
jmburgessfun combo22:47
jmburgessI think we are like 2nd or 3rd for CS in the country22:47
dutchiesounds good22:47
dutchiebug 122:50
manualbotdutchie: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1)22:50
dutchiegnome bug 122:50
manualbotGnome bug 606669 in general "User agent does not comply to the spec" [Trivial,Resolved: fixed]22:54
jmburgessis that a bot you wrote?22:54
dutchieno, not at all22:54
jmburgessit just runs on your comp22:54
dutchiewow, that bug got fixed without shouting22:55
wolterhi jmburgess22:59
wolterI was wondering if I could help you adapt all the chapters to the new toc22:59
wolterI could rename all old chapters to chapter#.tex.old22:59
wolterand make new ones with the respective title22:59
wolterbut just if you need any help with it22:59
jmburgesswolter: I did that earlier this morning23:00
jmburgesswolter: so it should be all good now23:00
wolteroh ok23:00
jmburgessyep you can bzr pull and it should be in working order23:01
wolterjmburgess, also, do you know any good method to convert a png image to pdf?23:01
wolterI have tried various ways23:01
wolterwhen you do it in inkscape translucent objects seem to lose half of their opacity23:01
wolterso it is not optimal to double the opacities just to print a good pdf... if there was any other method, it would be nice to know23:01
jmburgesswolter: haha I am actually currently googling that now23:02
jmburgessSo I am not sure sadly23:02
wolteroh good23:02
jmburgessI will look into an email you if I find anything great23:03
wolterI found this png2pdf app, but it requires me to install lots of stuff, so I wasn't going to do it unless somebody else knew a method.23:03
jmburgessyeah, I gotta head out23:03
jmburgessI will talk to you guys later23:03
wolteryou could use memoserv anyway23:03
woltermemoserv send wolter "message" (with /msg though)23:03
humphreybcwhat chapter are we covering DVD playback, codecs and flash?23:33
wolterI would say in part ii23:34
wolterOr maybe part 323:34
wolteroh well, no no23:34
woltersorry, I thought you meant video convertion and stuff23:34
wolterI would say in the default applications23:34
woltersay, DVD and codecs to totem23:35
wolterand flash to firefox23:35
wolterHey jmburgess, I pulled the latest revision and I saw that the latex files still refer to the old Table of Contents23:47
humphreybcdoes anyone know whether word wrapping in editors like gedit have an effect on the document after it's rendered?23:53
iantoNo effect whatsoever23:53
humphreybcoh neat23:53
iantoNotepad might mess up the formatting but Gedit, Kate etc work just as if they spread the entire length23:54
wolteryeah.. wrapping is just a gtk option in textview widgets23:57
wolterianto, i didn't know you were working in the manual, did I?23:57
wolteroh i think i have asked this before, have i not?23:58
wolteroh yeah i did.. sorry there heh23:58
wolterHey humphreybc I was going to ask you (and suggest) that if we could use the text in the package descriptions in software center instead of making up new descriptions?23:59
wolterthose seem pretty objective23:59

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