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jdstrandkees, robbiew: meeting?18:04
* robbiew is here ;)18:04
keesis mdeslaur back?18:04
* jjohansen waves18:05
jdstrandkees: I don't think so18:05
jdstrandhe said he expected to have to miss today18:05
keesah, ok.  let's go ahead with the meeting anyway and we can catch him up tomorrow?18:06
jdstrandsounds good18:06
keesI'm playing a bit with "dieharder" for testing RNGs, and will probably create a q-r-t script for it.18:07
keesit's a long-running test, but it's pretty exhaustive.18:07
keesRandom Number Generator18:08
jdstrandkees: perhaps add it to test-rng.py?18:08
keesI'd done limited RNG testing with the "rngtest" tool but that only covers FIPS-140-218:08
keesjdstrand: yeah18:08
jdstrandtest-rng.py allows you to run specific tests if you want, or all, of which dieharder could be one18:09
jdstrandkees: that is cool-- I hadn't heard of dieharder :)18:09
jdstrandkees: is rngtest part of test-rng.py now too? or did you not bother cause of dieharder?18:09
keesI may not bother given how robust dieharder is.18:10
keeson the other hand, it's super-fast.18:10
jdstrandmight be fun-- you've already learned the tool18:10
* kees nods18:11
keesgoing to try to hit some more low-hanging fruit on the updates tree, and if I have any time left, I'm going to start working on the fscaps implementation for dpkg.18:11
keesthat's it from me.18:12
jdstrandI am triager and I am continuing the transmission update this week.18:12
jdstrandit looks like I won't get to the getent/passwd apparmor stuff before alpha-218:13
keess'okay, the infrastructure to support it is done, which is great18:13
jdstrandI plan to work on apparmor dev work for lucid, which includes alias support and the libvirt 0.7.5 merge from Debian18:13
jdstrandbeyond that, I will probably pick up an update18:14
jdstrandkees: yeah-- we are looking very good wrt to tunables these days18:14
jdstrandthere is a debconf question, apparmor now uses tunables/home.d and likewise-open drops a file in tunables/home.d18:15
jdstrandalready that is a good improvement over previous releases18:15
jdstrandI have the method I am going to use for the passwd stuff, just need to think about whether to break it out into a separate tool, etc18:15
jdstrandthat will be discussed when I get back to it18:16
jdstrandthat is it from me for this week, but I have a separate item to discuss regarding our blueprints18:16
jdstrandwe can come back to it later, or discuss now)18:17
keeslet's do it now.  :)18:17
jdstrandok, so an essential item (catchall-essential iirc) has "switch apparmor Firefox profile on for Lucid dev cycle"18:17
jdstrand(well, maybe not, but anyhoo...)18:18
jjohansenwhats not fine?18:18
* kees is confused too18:18
jdstrandthat is a problem atm because a) I know that java is busted and audit doesn't show it as being broke because of profiling) and b) we can't do it until some lower priority blueprints are implemented18:19
keeskick it down to "high", I'd say.18:19
jjohansenwhich blueprints?18:19
jdstrandspecifically: it requires parts of security-lucid-apparmor-usability and security-lucid-apparmor-abstractions, both 'high'18:20
jdstrandjjohansen: it's all my stuff18:20
jdstrandjjohansen: though I look forward to the ptrace fix ;)18:20
jjohansenjust curious18:20
jjohansenright, that won't hit alpha218:20
jdstrand(that isn't blueprinted-- I'm just teasing)18:20
jdstrandwell, maybe you bp'd it-- I didn't18:20
jjohansenerm, I think its a kernel work item18:21
jdstrandkees: so, yeah, marking it to high would be an option, but it is essential based on the person who suggested it18:21
jdstrandso I feel kinda stuck18:22
jdstrand(Mark said turn it on during UDS)18:22
jdstrandthat came out wrong18:22
jdstrandduring UDS, Mark suggested we turn the profile to enforcing18:23
jjohansenwell it would be nice to have it on during alpha218:24
jdstrandso I wasn't sure to shuffle stuff around to essential, or to bump it down to high. the java bug is a problem though18:24
jdstrandjjohansen: I haven't had time to look at the java bug at all, but I confirmed java breaks with the profile on, but there are no denials18:24
jjohansenright, we need to look at that, is it serious enough that its not worth doing for alpha218:24
jdstrandjjohansen: have you seen that bug?18:25
ScottKAnything that takes a Java upload is clearly too late for Alpha 2.18:25
jdstrandScottK: no, not a java upload18:25
jjohansenjust profile18:25
jdstrandthe java plugin breaks and hangs firefox when the firefox profile is in enforcing mode18:25
* robbiew is confused...why must we bump it down to high? is it b/c it won't make alpha2?18:26
keesjdstrand: hrm18:26
keesrobbiew: I think the issue is that non-essential bps are blocking an essential bp18:26
jdstrandrobbiew: an essential item depends on two items that are only high to be feasible18:26
robbiewmakes sense to lower to high then18:27
robbiewregardless of who requested it ;)18:27
robbiewthe only other option is get the blocking bps raised18:27
jjohansenagreeded I think its to late to figure out the Java bug and get a fix in18:27
jjohansenit probably has a kernel component18:27
jdstrandI mean, I can turn it on right now, but it breaks the java plugin, and regular people won't know what is happening with other profile bugs cause there isn't good gui reporting18:28
jdstrandjjohansen: fyi, java bug is bug #48414818:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484148 in firefox-3.5 "apparmor-profiles freezes Firefox when using Java applets (Sun JRE)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48414818:28
jdstrandI confirned it with openjdk18:28
jjohansenI'll take a look at it tomorrow18:29
jdstrandrobbiew: the problem with rasing others to essential is that the the profile (excepting java) works well with Ubuntu18:29
robbiewjdstrand: right...then I guess we have our answer ;)18:29
robbiewlower it18:29
jdstrandrobbiew: but, it is known to have problem in Kubuntu, and is untested in Xubuntu18:30
jjohansencan we get the QA team to do some testing?18:30
keesjdstrand: I would like to have the firefox maintainer own this profile.18:31
jjohansensure that would be nice18:32
jdstrandkees: yeah-- but, tbh, he is gone and there the replacement isn't here yet18:32
* kees nods18:32
keesjust wanted to mention it.  :)18:32
jdstrandkees: and, if you consider the whole of the distro, it isn't fully baked-- it works for Ubuntu, but untested in other places18:32
jdstrandthere is quite a bit more that needs to be done development-wise18:33
jdstrandI mean, if someone said "hey, assign me that bp" I'd be happy to. no on ei is doing that ;)18:33
jjohansenwell that is why I asked if we could get QA to do some browser testing18:34
jdstrandthat would be excellent18:34
ScottKUnfortunately this doesn't seem to be the sort of thing they do.18:35
ScottK(not endorsing that, just saying)18:35
robbiewyeah...but it won't hurt to ask :)18:35
jjohansenThey might be more willing if we could automate it18:36
jdstrandI'd love an automated test for firefox-- I don't have one though (requires the time to learn the tools)18:37
jdstrandanyway, the rest of the discussion can be done outside of this meeting18:38
jdstrandI just wanted to indicate a problem with the priorities and the problems with that item in general18:39
jdstrandthat is it from me18:39
jdstrandkees, robbiew: ^18:39
keesanyone have any other questions for the security team?18:41
ScottKProbably ought to think about clamav 0.94 ->0.95 soon18:42
ScottKAFAIK all the packages in backports are in good shap.18:42
ScottKThey just need to be rebuilt against -security (clamav first and then the rdepends)18:42
jdstrandScottK: so are you saying we are good to go with moving forward on that?18:43
jdstrandScottK: ok-- I'll take that on18:43
jjohansennot a question, but dfa.minimization won't hit alpha2, its currently buggy18:43
jdstrandScottK: I'll contact you soonish-- I am thinking within the next week or so I get into it fully18:43
ScottKjdstrand: OK.  I'll be around.18:44
jdstrandScottK: thanks again for all your hard work on it :)18:44
jdstrandjjohansen: ack18:44
keesjjohansen: that's fine. cool that it's seeing progress.  :)18:44
jdstrandyeah, totally18:44
ScottKjdstrand: BTW, cemc (who has been doing most of the testing and some of the rdepends packaging) in planning on going for  Ubuntu membership soon.  I hope you will endorse him.18:45
jjohansenit should hit this week, just not by tomorrow18:45
keesScottK: I'd be happy to endorse him too (worked with him on pdns-recursor)18:45
ScottKkees: Great.18:45
jdstrandScottK: sure, feel free to have him contact me, and I'll be sure to get him involved in this update18:45
ScottKjdstrand: OK.  Will do.18:46
jdstrand(visiably involved with me)18:46
jdstrandanything else?18:46
ScottKNot from me.18:47
jdstrandalright then, let's adjourn18:47
jdstrandkees: ^18:47
keesagreed, thanks everyone18:48
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=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_

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