
ripperdaif I've scheduled a recording, then watched it, does mythtv automatically delete it? I'm having trouble deleting recordings of livetv, but appear to have lost an intentionally recorded show05:30
rhpot1991ripperda: no it shouldn't05:31
rhpot1991ripperda: it will however autoexpire recordings and live tv as hard drive space is needed05:31
rhpot1991df -h05:31
rhpot1991hows your HD usage?05:31
ripperdalooks like I have 61G free05:32
ripperdahmm, so if I go to media library -> watch recordings, my new show does not show up, but older shows (from playing around last night) do05:33
ripperdaif I go to manage recordings -> previous recordings, the new show does show up05:33
ripperdahmm, ok, I won't worry about that right now.05:35
ripperdahow do I intentionally delete recordings? if I go into "delete recordings" or "watch recordings" and press 'd', a dialog comes up that asks if I want to delete.05:36
ripperdabut regardless of whether I select yes or no, the recordings don't delete.05:36
rhpot1991ripperda: sounds like the show didn't record if its not in there05:37
rhpot1991ripperda: I hit m or i and in there it has an option for delete05:37
rhpot1991should pop up a menu05:37
ripperdarhpot1991, but we did watch it earlier today.. hmm, we did watch when it was live, mythtv asked if we wanted to change channels to record it (we had a different channel on at the time). I'll have to experiment with things more05:39
rhpot1991ripperda: if you watched it live it may be in a different location05:40
rhpot1991live tv is recorded but its not a "recording"05:40
rhpot1991watch recordings > m [menu] > change group filter05:41
ripperdaah, there it is!05:41
ripperdasweet, thanks!05:41
rhpot1991ripperda: keep in mind you need to switch back to see your recordings05:44
ripperdarhpot1991, yes, thanks. still new to things and really getting up to speed. reading through the user manual right now05:45
henkpoleyAfter my latest updates, X11 shows a mythbuntu logo with a huge white square at startup09:28
henkpoleyKnown bug, fix for that ?09:28
henkpoleyIt's a centred mythbuntu logo which fills white to the top and the left of the screen09:29
TechnophilYea I get that too on mythbuntu 9.10.  seems the new standard....09:48
sudo_technicianhow can I check my WAN settings for mythweb...can enter local address
sudo_techniciando I try to ping server?13:55
sudo_technicianmythtv_guy: you there14:05
rhpot1991sudo_technician: 192.168.x.x is a local ip14:23
rhpot1991you are trying to check it from the interweb?14:24
sudo_technicianyea...headed out the door though14:26
sudo_technicianshould be http://seanhebert.is-a-geek.com14:26
Zinn[seanhebert.is-a-geek.com] Welcome to MythWeb!14:26
sudo_techniciangot a web hop going...wan't to make sure it's linked14:27
sudo_techniciandon't know how to route ping from outside my network14:28
rhpot1991sudo_technician: that works, you should password protect it ASAP though14:28
sudo_technicianthere goes my throughput14:28
sudo_technicianyea better do14:29
rhpot1991no problem14:29
rhpot1991sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythweb14:29
rhpot1991and it will ask you about password protecting14:29
sudo_techniciandidn't do it before because only a few knew my address14:32
sudo_technicianthnks rhpot199114:33
rhpot1991sudo_technician: ya its a good idea to protect that, if some no good do'er got in there they could mess things up for you14:34
sudo_technicianruin my whole day.14:34
rhpot1991henkpoley: Technophil thats from disabling composite19:19
rhpot1991or at lest on my system19:19
henkpoleyhmm, makes sense19:20
Technophilrhpot1991: Interesting.  Are you saying its ok to re-enable in the later drivers such as 195.32?20:07
rhpot1991Technophil: up to you, it helps with tearing on mine so I keep it off20:07
rhpot1991and how often do you really reboot to see that splash screen?20:07
TechnophilBE- with kernel updates only really...  FE's - frequently!20:08
TechnophilBut yeah does it matter?  9.04 did not do it with composite off....20:09
Technophilwhat nvidia driver version are you running now rhpot1991?20:10
Crewsr3Would a small ITX Motherboard with an Atom processor have enough power to run a good MythTV front end?20:50
rhpot1991!frontend | Crewsr320:52
ZinnCrewsr3: Ion Boxes make a great frontend.  http://www.baablogic.net/drupal/node/220:52
Crewsr3rhpot1991, thanks for the link20:53
ahughes^hey guys, why is xchat missing from the mybuntu synaptec package manager? I am assuming that mythbunut get's a different list of packaes than ubuntu... can I get a complete list of myth+ubuntu packages somehow?21:34
* ahughes^ wants to talk in this chat room from his myth box :'(21:35
superm1ahughes^, same repo as ubuntu21:42
superm1ahughes^, if you aren't seeing it in synaptic, you need to use the full search button21:42
superm1not the quick search21:42
ahughes^ahhhh kewl21:43
ahughes^same repo is good to know :)21:44
superm1all this information is on mythbuntu.org..21:45
Zinn[mythbuntu.org] About Mythbuntu | Mythbuntu21:45
superm1eg http://mythbuntu.org/existing-ubuntu21:46
Zinn[mythbuntu.org] Add to Ubuntu | Mythbuntu21:46
=== ahughes^ is now known as quitter123
MNichieIf I buy an analog card tv card, can I watch cable tv(straight coax) out of the box or will I need to get a digital converter box to get it to work with mythtv?23:35
tgm4883MNichie, that would depend on how your cable is broadcast23:47
tgm4883for instance, comcast only does local channels in analog now23:47
tgm4883at least in salem, oregon23:48
mrandtgm4883: it is that way all over.  And some cable companies are switching over to digital cable even for local channels, such that they give you a very simple digital converter box.23:49
rhpot1991I still have analog with comcast23:54
rhpot1991but they are broadcasting some of it in clear qam so its gonna go away at some point23:55
rhpot1991and the clear qam normally goes away too23:55

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