
ElllisDupdate-manager-core yay00:00
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Guest49270is there anyone that can help me for a minut02:54
twb!anyone > Guest4927002:55
ubottuGuest49270, please see my private message02:55
ruben23hi how do i add up a temporarry sudoers..on my ubuntu server..03:00
Guest49270yes i see , does anyone know how to use cat to write to the /etc/network/interfaces file,03:04
ScottKruben23: Add them to the admin group03:04
geniiGuest49270: You don't use cat to write. Use nono or vim or so. Like: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces      or: sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces03:05
Guest49270I am attempting to make a script to automate the proccess03:05
Guest49270the problem is when i use cat to append to the file even with su i get the "bash: /etc/network/interfaces: Permission denied" error03:07
Guest49270?is there another way i can do it03:10
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
geniiGuest49270: cat somefile | sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces                 (optionally with -a for append instead of replace/create)03:11
twbGuest49270: I suggest using sudoedit03:11
Guest49270where would the -a go?03:12
twbGuest49270: if you don't know, you probably shouldn't be using tee.03:12
Guest49270and sudo edit doesn;t work ether03:12
Guest49270i can learn03:12
jmarsdenGuest49270: sudoedit has no space between sudo and edit.  One command, sudoedit.03:13
jmarsdenGuest49270: To learn about tee,   man tee03:13
Guest49270rutri@Athena:/media/STORAGE/Scripts$ sudoedit echo "# Bridged network interface" >> /etc/network/interfaces03:13
Guest49270bash: /etc/network/interfaces: Permission denied03:13
Guest49270im looking at tee now03:14
jmarsdenGuest49270: Huh?  WHat are you doing?   sudoedit takes one parameter, the file to be edited.03:14
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Guest49270so how would i use sudoedit in a script file?03:15
jmarsdenYou wouldn't.  You can't generally use sudo or sudoedit in an unattended script, it is likely to prompt you for a password...03:16
Guest49270yes well i want to automate the edit03:16
jmarsdenWhy would you need to automatically re-edit your network interfaces file??03:17
Guest49270also the tee command will not work for my needs03:17
Guest49270because i am making an installation script03:17
jmarsdenGuest49270: Then it should be run as root and there is no need for sudo at all.03:17
jmarsdenThe installer runs as root...03:18
Guest49270yes i have done that using the command "sudo ./myfile.sh"03:18
Guest49270i get the same problem03:18
jmarsdenThat's not an installation script... you'd need to already have an installed system to be able to do that.03:18
jmarsdenWhen and how will this "installation script" be run?  be specific.03:19
* genii makes more coffee, hands out the mugs03:19
twbgenii: FSVO mug = drip bag03:19
jmarsdenFor automated installations you want to read up on preseeding and perhaps kickstart.03:19
Guest49270well do the standard install then i am making a script to install the other applications I want to use like KVM in this case.03:19
twbGuest49270: that should be done via preseeding03:20
geniiDefinitely preseeding03:20
Guest49270hmm ok03:20
twbGuest49270: preseeding is documented in the installation-guide03:20
Guest49270will that allow me to make my own iso for ubuntu?03:21
twbGuest49270: you don't need to, but that could be done.03:21
Guest49270so preseeding is the only way?03:22
twbIt's the Right Way03:22
jmarsdenYou could pay around using   echo foo |sudo tee -a somefile   # But it's ugly and you don't seem to know enough to avoid possibly bad things if you make mistakes in that script...03:23
Guest49270ok that would be in the ubuntu documentation?03:23
twbGuest49270: apt-get installation-guide03:23
twb*apt-get install03:23
Guest49270if i kill the system i can always renstall03:23
jmarsdenYou are the system administrator of this machine.  Learn the tools of your trade.03:25
Guest49270on second I am looking at it03:25
twbGuest49270: note that he linked to the PPC version03:25
Guest49270lol im a programmer this is for my house depending on how much time is involved i may just do it all manually03:26
twbapt-get should give you the version appropriate for your Ubuntu release and architecture.03:26
jmarsdenAh... just whatever Google found me...03:26
Guest49270yes i am googling it as well03:27
Guest49270i did find this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/UnattendedCD03:27
Guest49270the document also referencces the PPC version as well03:28
jmarsdenCome on... https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/amd64/appendix-preseed.html for the AMD64 version.03:29
geniiHm. In https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/i386/index.html   'Installing Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackelope" for i386'  When the url should point to Karmic03:30
Guest49270yes looking at it03:30
jmarsdengenii: Good catch, file a documentation bug :)03:30
geniijmarsden: Will do03:31
jmarsdenThe URL does point to Karmic, at least.03:31
twbgenii: installation-guide is maintained in SVN, IIRC.   You should submit a patch.03:31
Guest49270what i may do is just copy over the existing file as sudo03:31
twbGuest49270: suggest you investigate puppet/chef/cfengine03:31
jmarsdentwb: For one machine?  Seems overkill, since he doesn't want to spend the time even to learn preseeding :)03:32
twbjmarsden: true03:32
twbI don't understand why he's scripting an install of ONE machine in the first place03:32
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
jmarsdenGuest49270: Now you have at least 3 ways to do this: (a) echo stuff |sudo tee -a /path/to/file   (b) sudoedit /path/to/file  (c) sudo cp newfile /path/to/file   (d) use preseeding.03:33
Guest49270i want to automate it and i know a bit out about scripts so i figured i could just make a script file to automate it.03:33
Guest49270the reason I am making a script file is because I do not want to do this again the next time i mess up my server03:34
jmarsdenGuest49270: Oh, five: (e) sudo -s   and then  run the script in a root shell.03:34
jmarsdenSo pick one and do it.03:34
twbGuest49270: the right way to do that would be to make backups of /etc (e.g. etckeeper), and to keep a small notepad listing the changes you make03:34
twbGuest49270: it will be FAR more reliable than a scripted process03:34
twbjmarsden: sudo -i (usually) beats sudo -s03:35
twbGuest49270: here's an example: http://twb.ath.cx/Preferences/doc/ymir-changelog.txt03:35
jmarsdentwb: Re -i vs -s, sure... but for editing a few files it doesn't seem likely to make a difference.03:36
twbjmarsden: well, it means that root will own your emacs .saveplaces.eld file :-)03:36
Guest49270well i figured if i used a script then i could just run the script next time instead of using the notes.  since a script would be as easy as writing notes i would save time doing  it.03:36
uvirtbot`New bug: #505045 in dhcp3 (main) "DHCP timeout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50504503:36
Guest49270ill look up sudo -i and -s that may work.03:37
jmarsdenGuest49270: You've spent about 40 minutes so far.  How long does writing notes take?03:37
Guest49270one question.03:37
Guest49270so is the "bash: /etc/network/interfaces: Permission denied" because sudo does not have write access or because the file is already open?03:38
jmarsdenNo, it is because the redirection is happening as you not as root.  Sounds like you may understand less about scripting that you think.03:39
Guest49270that is verry likely03:39
Guest49270hence, this is also a learning experience03:40
Guest49270im used to doing direct function calls in C i dont know much about the ubuntu03:40
jmarsdenWhen you do   somecommand -whatever -options >>somefile      # the >>filefile is done in that shell running that command.  Even if that command is sudo or su.03:40
jmarsdenBTW the same is true in the Windows shell... and in Solaris and whatever other OS you may be familiar with.  this is not Ubuntu specific.03:41
twbIt's not true in Genera03:42
Guest49270so the shell does not have access because it is running as my user not truly as root.  This must be what they talked about in the ubuntu documentation.03:43
jmarsdentwb: What fraction of newcomers would be familiar with Genera but not all the other shells? :)03:43
jmarsdenGuest49270: Yes.03:43
Guest49270ok i will try the sudo -i then03:43
Guest49270well let me see what it does brb03:44
twbjmarsden: Genera isn't a shell, it's an OS03:45
jmarsdentwb: So if one ported bash to Genera it would suddenly behave differently in this regard?  Seems odd...03:45
twbProbably people who went to SAIL in the 70s and then switched to, say, a med degree would be familiar with it and not bash03:45
Guest49270so sudo -i logs you in as root?03:45
twbjmarsden: Genera is a Symbolics Lisp emulator for Alphas03:46
twbJust as an example of a place where >>foo won't perform redirection03:46
jmarsdenGuest49270: In effect.  It creates you a root shell and goes through the root login process to set up your environment.  It doesn't actually log you in directly as root, you can (for example) suspend that shell and get back to your original shell.03:47
Guest49270so would the command "sudo -i -k myfile.sh" would be correct?03:47
Guest49270i added -k to force the system to ask for a password after03:48
sabgentonhow do you set a static ip with ifconfig03:48
jmarsdentwb: For other examples, CP/M from the 1980s or DOS from before DOS 2.11 also lack such redirection :)03:48
sabgentonjust one shot type a thing03:48
jmarsdensabgenton: sudo /sbin/ifconfig eth0
sabgentonjmarsden: will that work on wifi?03:49
sabgentonor do i need iwconfig03:49
jmarsdensabgenton: I have no idea.03:49
sabgentonok thats a start thanks03:49
jmarsdenYou're welcome.03:50
sabgentonjmarsden: why do you give the full path out of interest?03:50
jmarsdensabgenton: An abundance of caution, and in case you don't have /sbin in your $PATH.03:50
sabgentonthought so see03:50
Guest49270hmm sudo -i and -s didn't work ether03:51
Guest49270the file must be getting used by the os03:51
jmarsdenType sudo -i   # no other parameters.   In the root shell, run the script.03:51
jmarsdenYou are making this about 100x harder than it needs to be.03:52
Guest49270sudo -i ./test.sh03:52
jmarsdensudo -i03:52
jmarsdenThen, in the shell, ./myscript.sh   # or whatever03:52
Guest49270one second03:52
Guest49270still didnt work03:54
Guest49270the confusing part is that another file is generated03:54
sabgentonjmarsden: It may have been more proper to do iwconfig as it let me auto complete but it work with ifconfig03:55
jmarsdenGuest49270: Then your script is probably broken.  pastebin the script and pastebin the command you typed and what output you got.03:55
Guest49270file:///etc/network/interfaces/r/r is what is generated03:55
jmarsdenGuest49270: BTW you have now spent 1 hour on this... wouldn't writing notes have been simpler and quicker?03:56
jmarsdenThat's a local URL on your machine. Noone else can use it.03:56
Guest49270but i want to know why this is not working03:56
jmarsdenThen pastebin the stuff I asked for.03:56
sabgentonjmarsden:after just fiddling with hostapd config with bit's of peaces i got of the net i got AP mode working!03:57
jmarsdensabgenton: Good.03:57
Guest49270is there a way i can send you my script jmarsden?03:57
sabgentonit's actually better than the depreciated  madwifi03:57
jmarsdenGuest49270: Yes, use pastebin03:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:58
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit03:58
sabgentonwell so far the same card I once used is apsolutley responsive03:58
sabgentonmadwifi was way more bumpy!03:58
sabgentonunless it improved to03:58
sabgentonbut I doubt it03:58
sabgentonath5k rules!03:58
jmarsdensabgenton: That's quite a change from your crying about the loss of madwifi-tools yesterday :)03:59
sabgenton*=erm* *cough*03:59
twbToday he knows better03:59
sabgentonwell at least I'm still not moaning today :D04:00
sabgenton(others might)04:00
Guest49270jmarsden did i do it correctly?04:00
jmarsdenGuest49270: Yes.  Now also pastebin me the command you typed to run it and the output it generated, please.04:01
jmarsdenGuest49270: Um.   Was this script file created in Windows?  So it has DOS CRLF line endings in it??04:02
Guest49270well i dont need to pastebin that, it was "sudo ./myscript.sh"04:02
Guest49270hmm it should not have been04:02
Guest49270maybe thats whats messing it up04:02
jmarsdenOK. the line spacing looks weird... what does     file myscript.sh      output?04:03
jmarsdenOh, and there is a ! missing from the first line, it should read   #!/bin/bash04:03
Guest49270i was wondering why i seen the two carrage returns at the end of the filename.04:03
Guest49270well the script was not running with the ! in the file04:04
jmarsdenGuest49270: But you failed to inform the channel of this...04:04
Guest49270i dont think ubuntu has bash in it04:04
Guest49270im sorry for that04:04
Guest49270i did not think it was important04:04
jmarsdenYour crlf line endings broke it.  Ubuntu has bash but does not have bash\r  :)04:04
Guest49270i thought that is used to make sure the script only runs in a bash shell04:05
jmarsdenHad you mentioned that we could have solved that a LONG time ago.04:05
jmarsdenWhat does  file myscript.sh     output?04:05
Guest49270that woould eplain the \r in the file name04:05
Guest49270ok now that i know what is wrong04:06
Guest49270how do i conver to unix?04:06
jmarsdenFix it with dos2unix  and then run it again.04:06
Guest49270thank you04:06
jmarsden(and put the ! back in there)04:06
jmarsdenYou're welcome.04:06
jmarsdenAnd next time use a Linux text editor for writing your scripts :)04:07
Guest49270i have been04:07
jmarsdenWHich one?04:07
jmarsdenHmmm.  I've never seen gedit add CRLF line endings to a newly created file.04:07
Guest49270if i were using my normal one it would ask me if i wanted to convert it04:07
Guest49270well i can explain that04:07
Guest49270i used an old script04:08
Guest49270i think the file was started in windows04:08
jmarsdenGuest49270: And the old script... OK.04:08
Guest49270then i took over with gedit04:08
jmarsdengedit will use whatever is already there.04:08
Guest49270however it does not inform me of that04:08
jmarsdenCorrect.  Emacs does.04:09
Guest49270i have one more quick question04:09
Guest49270is there a way to change my default editor in ubuntu04:10
erichammondjmarsden: "Emacs does" - Isn't that a valid response to pretty much any question?04:10
jmarsdenerichammond: Good point :)  Except for questions like "does your editor crash regularly?" :)04:10
jmarsdenGuest49270: Yes.  export EDITOR=/usr/bin/emacs    # is one way :)04:11
jmarsdenYou can stick that or something like it in your ~/.bashrc04:11
Guest49270i have had problems using the bashrc before04:11
Guest49270but thats something totally different i guess04:12
jmarsdenProbably.  if you prefer, use the select-editor command instead.04:12
ruben23hi is it possible to create directory service for 2 networks like network1-all linux client and network2 all are windows client..04:12
jmarsdenThat's newer and Ubuntu-specific, I just set EDITOR=emacs :)04:12
Guest49270well I am more familiar with the gui so i tend to used gnome04:13
Guest49270i wanted to change what editor gets used when i double click the files and hit display04:13
twbBah, EDITOR is for line editors.  VISUAL.04:14
twbAlso, emacsclient -c -t -A '' is your friend.04:14
Guest49270yea i use ultraedit04:15
jmarsdenruben23: Two different directory services (such as Fedora Directory Server) on the same server?  That might be interesting... why would you need two different directory services?04:15
jmarsdenGuest49270: This channel is #ubuntu-server.  Ubuntu Server does not have a GUI.04:15
ruben23 jmarsden: my network will have windows client on a single network and linux client on another network..04:16
ruben23and the administration is on one only04:16
Guest49270the script is being run on ubuntu server thats why im here04:16
ruben23i mean the admin will adminster all of them..is it possible04:16
jmarsdenruben23: Yes, but why can't they share one directory service?04:16
Guest49270im making modifications on a pc with ubuntu desktop04:17
ruben23jmarsden: cant it be possible single directory service on windows and linux client..?04:17
Guest49270then send it to the server over an nfs share04:17
ruben23like one single server adminstration for them all04:17
jmarsdenruben23: As far as I know it can.  Ah... sorry, I misread your question, I think.04:19
ruben23 jmarsden: what application can i used for it..?04:19
jmarsdenruben23: I think you could use Fedora Directory service on both networks at once.04:19
ruben23 Fedora Directory service can manage windows client..?04:20
Guest49270what do i need to install to use dos2unix?04:20
Guest49270got  it, suto apt-get install tofrodos04:21
Guest49270ok now i get bash: ./test.sh: /bin/bash/: bad interpreter: Not a directory04:23
jmarsdenGuest49270: Unwanted extra trailing / on the first line of your script.04:23
jmarsdenGuest49270: Should be #!/bin/bash04:23
Guest49270no i used the program you suggested to convert the script file04:24
jmarsdenRight, and there is another bug in the scirpt, and unwanted extra trailing / character on the first line.04:24
jmarsdenRemove it.04:24
jmarsdenYou want: #!/bin/bash       You have:  #!/bin/bash/04:25
jmarsdenSee the extra / ?04:25
Guest49270ahh sorry04:25
Guest49270yes i see now04:25
Guest49270thankyou very much04:26
jmarsdenYou're welcome.04:27
Guest49270the test works04:27
Guest49270i know i spent a lot of time on this butt i have learned much04:27
Guest49270one more thing04:27
Guest49270"sudo apt-get -y -q install kvm qemu libvirt-bin" will automate the install right?04:28
jmarsdenGuest49270: Looks reasonable.  Uninstall them all, and then try it out :)04:29
Guest49270thank you agian04:30
Guest49270i know this was painful for you but it was very helpfull04:31
jmarsdenGuest49270: OK.  You might want to try reading something like http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/intro-linux.html for general Linux background info04:32
Guest49270yea i have had a few references04:33
Guest49270most of the stuff i can handle with ebox04:33
Guest49270however virtual servers is not one of them04:34
Guest49270since i cant get a fuppies working on ubuntu server i have to do my trans-coding on a windows server running on ubuntu using KVM04:35
jmarsdenJust make the investment of a few hours of your time to really learn Linux and bash (and maybe even Emacs) .  Then work on getting a "fuppies" (whatever that is) running on Ubuntu.04:36
Guest49270fuppies is a media streaming progra for linux04:36
Guest49270as for emacs i have no need to learn it i use nano on the server04:37
twbGuest49270: Sapir-Whorf.  You lose.04:37
jmarsdenThen... fuppes should run fine in Ubuntu.  And using Emacs on all platforms gives you one free powerful editor across all platforms.04:38
Guest49270yes well thats another problem all together04:39
Guest49270as for emacs i am already familiar with ultraedit and gedit and nano gets me by for how often i change files on the server.04:40
Guest49270but anyway i really appreciate the help, now that the carrage return is removed the script works exactly as expected04:42
Guest49270thank you once again04:42
twbI thought fuppes was already ITPd04:43
twbI remember someone talking about it a year ago04:43
twbI guess it's still in RFS04:44
twbYeah, #42604804:45
jmarsdenThere is a thread about fuppes on Ubuntu 9.10: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131051104:49
jmarsdenAmazing... he wasted an hour on a script he didn't really need, instead of on getting fuppes to work, and he wants to run Windows in a VM instead!04:50
twbAnyone called Guest[[:digit:]]+ ain't too bright04:51
mattehow can i set up so that ubuntu will automatically re-start all users running processes that were there before reboot....05:56
twbmatte: with great difficulty06:03
uvirtbot`New bug: #467480 in clamav (main) "package clamav-freshclam 0.95.2+dfsg-4ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46748006:07
mattedoesn't sound like the ubuntu way06:17
jmarsdenmatte: Is there a way to do that in any other OS you know of?06:17
mattewindows, put the apps in the Startup folder06:17
matteor with msconfig06:17
jmarsdenNo, that won't do it at all.06:17
matteactually it does06:17
jmarsdenThat would only run the apps you put there, not the ones running at the timeof the reboot06:17
jmarsdenWhich coul dbve very different06:18
jmarsden*could be06:18
mattewell thats what i mean, apps you select to run after a reboot06:18
mattelike a startup folder06:18
mattefor linux06:18
ScottKThat's not at all what you said though.06:18
matteok well thanks for making that clear06:18
jmarsdenmatte: Is this for a server (in which case you can put apps into /etc/rc.local or into ~/.bashrc files for each user, etc) ?  Or for a desktop with a GUI, in which case I don't know the answer, ask in #ubuntu06:19
matteok awesome06:19
mattethank you06:19
jmarsdenYou're welcome.06:20
Guest89077does anyone know what the default password is for a newly added user using the command "sudo useradd -m rutri"06:45
twbGuest89077: don't use useradd.06:47
twbGuest89077: use adduser06:47
Guest89077ok what if i have already done the command?06:48
jmarsdenGuest89077: sudo deluser rutri && sudo adduser rutri06:50
Guest89077what is room number for?06:52
jmarsdenLeave it blank... its for people in universities whose offices have room numbers :)06:52
twbI bet you can't put Ogham in there, though06:52
Guest89077lol ok06:52
Guest89077and now how do i add that user to the administrator group?06:53
twbAs an argument in the adduser call06:53
Guest89077so i can use usermod?06:54
jmarsdenGuest89077: It's silly to create the user and then modify it right away.  But if you must, sudo usermod -a -G admin rutri06:54
jmarsdenGuest89077: Please read the man pages for adduser, deluser and usermod :)06:55
Guest89077ok thanks you answered my other question06:55
Guest89077yes the command i knew the syntax allready06:55
Guest89077i was going to ask what the admin group is called but you answered taht06:56
Guest89077ok one last question, how do i get a dameon to automatically start? ie: i dont want to have to do "/etc/init.d/libvirt start" all the time07:00
jmarsdenGuest89077: sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf  -y && sudo sysv-rc-conf   # is one way.07:02
Guest89077thank you ill research into that07:03
Guest89077i appreciate the help07:03
twbSurely libvirt registers itself by default07:03
Guest89077thats what i thought07:03
Guest89077i did use the apt-get to install it07:03
jmarsdenGuest89077: So it should already run at boot time... did you actually test this?07:05
Guest89077on second07:06
twbjmarsden: it should also invoke-rc.d itself on install07:06
jmarsdenRight... the question suggested he wanted to mess with what daemons started automatically... I thought he'd already accidentally prevented it from starting at boot or something like that...07:07
twbAnything is possible07:07
Guest89077ok i see it running07:11
Guest89077"ps -aux | grep libvirt" showed it07:12
jmarsdenGuest89077: In general, try to avoid asking the channel for info you can determine for yourself using man pages or by trying something out.  BTW, /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin status   # is the more conventional check on a daemon's status :)07:12
twbGuest89077: pgrep07:13
twbjmarsden: unfortunately policy doesn't require init.d's to provide a status target :-(07:14
twbIME only RH-originating stuff like libvirt provides status07:14
jmarsdentwb: True, but most do, including libvirt-bin :)07:14
twbIIRC even dh_make's example doesn't, despite it being trivial due to s-s-d --make-pidfile07:15
jmarsdenHmmm, looks like about 50% on this machine.07:16
Guest89077unfortunately I have spent the better part of an hour researching my problem with no luck07:16
twbI tell a lie, dh_make does provide status07:17
jmarsdenGuest89077: Testing whether something starts at boot takes an hour?  Booting a modern machine should not take that long!07:17
twbjmarsden: but filing the change request and getting it approved takes WEEKS07:17
Guest89077well i thought it was because the daemon was not starting but thats not the case.07:18
jmarsdenGuest89077: Do not guess what your problem is and ask questions based on your guesswork.  Instead, ask about the actual problem.07:18
jmarsdenGuest89077: See http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html for more on this.07:19
Guest89077ok i am trying to access a virtual server remotely using cirt-manager07:19
twbjmarsden: in a test here, I get 17 with and 43 without07:19
twbUsing x=0 y=0; for i in /etc/init.d/*; do if $i status; then ((x++)); else ((y++)); fi; done; echo $x $y07:19
twbSome of those are from base-files or whatever it is, though07:20
Guest89077sorry virt-manager*07:20
maxagazhi, how to know which package does a binary belongs too ?07:21
twbGoddammit I hate it when init scripts don't correctly work when stdio isn't a tty07:21
twbThis just hangs: x=0 y=0; for i in /etc/init.d/*; do if $i status |& grep -qi usage; then ((x++)); else ((y++)); fi; done; echo $x $y07:21
jmarsdenmaxagaz: dpkg -S /path/to/binary07:21
jmarsdentwb: I did: grep -c status /etc/init.d/* | grep -c :0$ ; ls -1 /etc/init.d/* |wc -l   # to get 70 don't have it out of 156 total.07:21
Guest89077the command i use is "virt-manager -c qemu+ssh://" and it asks for a password but then i get a message saying that libvirt-bin is not running, however it is running.07:22
twbjmarsden: I was worried about false positives :-)07:23
maxagazjmarsden, thanks07:23
jmarsdenmaxagaz: You're welcome.07:23
twbjmarsden: e.g. alsa-utils07:24
jmarsdentwb: Yes, your way is probably more accurate than mine.07:24
twbx=0 y=0; for i in /etc/init.d/*; do test $i = /etc/init.d/rcS && break; echo $i >&2; if $i status |& grep -qi usage; then ((x++)); else ((y++)); fi; done; echo $x $y07:24
jmarsdenYour way is also about twice as long :)07:24
twb...that one (checks for "Usage:" output) gives 24 with, 15 without07:25
twbOops, s/break/continue/ and I get 36 with, 23 without07:25
jmarsdentwb: That's more in line with my percentage.07:28
jmarsdenGuest89077: That sounds strange, but I'm not enough of a virtualization expert to really help... did you ask in #ubuntu-virt ?07:28
=== root is now known as Guest77812
twbOops, those numbers are backwards07:31
Guest77812I have a Kerberos gss-api query...07:32
Guest77812how do I start the gss-server from the samples?07:32
Guest77812knock knock...07:34
twbWho's there?07:35
Ziberyour mom.07:35
twbYour mom who?07:35
Ziber<clever punch line goes here>07:35
twbKindly leave the stage!07:36
* twb fills Ziber's pants with whitewash07:36
Guest77812need some help with kerberos...07:37
Guest77812how do I start the gss-server from the samples?07:37
zorzaris there a way to set the stride option when installing ubuntu server with a raid 5?08:27
twbDunno.  You can with raw mdadm08:30
=== Hawkeye is now known as drchrishawker
drchrishawkerhello all09:41
drchrishawkeri need some help09:43
jiboumansdrchrishawker: just ask your question09:44
drchrishawkerI am installing server 9.109:45
drchrishawkeri need to set it up to run irc bots (pirc and python). is there a link which gives me instructions to do this.09:46
drchrishawkeralso, is it possible to get a desktop on server 9.1?09:46
jiboumansdrchrishawker: you'll have to google the ircbot howto. I'm sure you're not the first to do it though. If you want a desktop on the server, consider installing the desktop edition and just the ircbot packages?09:49
drchrishawkeris there a difference between the two distro's?09:49
jiboumansdrchrishawker: yes, but for you the biggest difference will be the packages installed from scratch09:52
jiboumansdrchrishawker: if you want a desktop environment, starting from the desktop edition is probably easiest for you09:52
drchrishawkerthen i can install the packages from scratch?09:53
maxbAnd just for correctness sake, there's no such thing as Ubuntu 9.1 - I guess you mean 9.1009:54
drchrishawkeryes, maxb09:56
jiboumansdrchrishawker: correct; you only seem to want the irc related packages on your machine which should be a simple 'apt-get install'09:57
drchrishawkeri also want web server and openssh server to remote-access09:58
pradalvrI can not get phpmyadmin to work with Ubuntu10:25
mumintrollethey! trying to install ubuntu server 9.10 386 from a usb drive using unebootin to extract the iso. when i start the installation the instruction does not seem to apply.10:31
mumintrollet"On Ubuntu 9.10 server edition the install menu will be shown right after reboot. Chose "Help" and then press F6. At the boot prompt type "install cdrom-detect/try-usb=true" and hit enter."10:31
mumintrolletHelp goes to the usual installation.. and I can't use the shell there for "install"10:32
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=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
kaushalwhich file i need to look for NFS Server for logging in Ubuntu ?12:15
kaushali have issues in my NFS Server12:15
guntbertkaushal: most log go to /var/log/syslog12:16
jiboumanskaushal: either /var/log/*nfs* or /var/log/syslog12:17
twbI don't think /var/log/*nfs* is standard12:25
zig_Has anyone else had experience installing Ubuntu 9.10 Server onto a setup like this?: /dev/sd[a-c]1 => md0 => lvm, which branches off to these LV's: root and swap13:42
=== oru_work_ is now known as oru_work
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
EladI am trying to install an ssl cert and when I go to start apache it tells me that it failed. When I look in the apache access.log it says "Init: Unable to read server certificate from file" What are some common causes for this error?13:58
Eladit point to the correct location13:58
sommerElad: does the www-data user have rights to read the file?13:59
Eladno, just root14:00
Eladlet me update the permissions14:00
EladI chowned the certificates to www-data and I still get the same error14:02
smosergood morning.14:03
Eladany other ideas?14:03
sommerElad: what are the permissions on the directory above the cert?14:04
Eladdoes it need permissions other than these "-rw-r--r--"?14:04
Eladthe permissions I just posted are for the actual cert itself14:05
Eladfolder permissions are "drwxr-xr-x"14:05
sommerElad: looks right to me, just to double check the cert file is good?14:06
Eladsommer: How do I do that?14:06
sommerElad: try "openssl verify /path/to/cert"14:09
=== oru_work is now known as techsupport
Eladoh, looks like that may be my problem, I have it pointed to a crt, and it is looking for a pem14:10
Eladis there a way to generate a pem from the crt? I will start googling it, because I'm not sure what the difference is14:11
sommerElad: there's a way with the openssl command... don't remember how exactly though, should be able to google it14:12
sommerI use a crt though14:12
sorenElad: Is crt a specific format?14:12
sorenI thought it was just a generic sort of extension for either a DER or PEM formatted certificate.14:13
sommerya, that sounds right14:14
=== techsupport is now known as boevik
=== RoyK^ is now known as RoyK
sommerah pem is just der with a text header http://gagravarr.org/writing/openssl-certs/general.shtml14:18
clustyi am having issues with my LDAP user auth on my ubuntu server14:32
clustythe pam-ldap that is generated by the ubuntu is giving me grief and would not let me log in or change passwords (my own tweaked version of pam confs allows me to log in)14:32
clustycould somebody please give me a hand?14:32
Eladomh, I think I just figured out what my problem is - the key that I generated on my server is the private key? The key given to me by verisign is my public key?14:33
cyphermoxElad, the key given to you by verisign? usually you'd generate a key and a certificate signing request (CSR), which only gets signed by Verisign... you'll want to use the key you generated at the beginning, along with the signed certificate that verisign sent you14:35
EladI am stuck, I can't seem to get past this error when running openssl verify mycert.crt:14:37
Eladunable to load certificate14:37
Elad29250:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:647:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE14:37
cyphermoxis the first line in you .crt file "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"14:40
hippyhi all14:40
clustyhey hippster14:40
ttxsmoser: ping14:41
hippyI'm trying to find a very quick booting LAMP system, just wondering how ubuntu does?14:41
ttxsmoser: pm ?14:41
clustyhippy: you tick LAMP while installing the OS14:42
clustyand it's there14:42
EladI had a space between the ----- Begin . . . . says it is okay now14:43
Eladthank you for posting that14:43
hippythanks but that doesn't really answer my question.. am already up to my eyeballs in isos (debian, centos, slackware, netbsd)... all very slow boot times - am running from qemu14:44
cyphermoxElad, np :)14:44
cyphermoxhippy, it always depends what you mean by quick, and it depends on the system on which it will run as well.14:49
cyphermoxhippy, for instance, my desktop boots quickly, so do my server VMs... but by quickly I mean it takes around 30-40 seconds to boot perhaps?14:51
hippyi'm looking more like 6 seconds max.. netbsd came very close but failed in other areas14:52
hippynot to worry, i knew it would be a long shot finding something super quick... i'll go back to tinkering with qemu's snapshot feature.. thanks anyway :D14:57
cedeelHi there.. trying to set up 2 ipv6 addresses on the same nic @ boot but unsuccessfully14:57
cedeelanyone know how to?14:57
Eladnow it is telling me that my key doesn't match I have the SSLCertificateFile /site.crt AND my SSLCertificateKeyFile /site.key . . . . Is that how they are suppose to be?14:59
Eladbecause I only have 1 set on this machine, and I haven't regenerated them since I originally generated them a couple days ago15:00
uvirtbot`New bug: #505938 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50593815:06
cyphermoxElad, they are supposed to match, but you do have the right Apache directives15:29
Eladcyphermox: what do you mean they are suppose to match?15:30
cyphermoxthe two files, the .key and .crt, are supposed to be for the same "certificate"15:31
cyphermoxone is the private key, the other is the signed certificate15:31
Eladgotcha, well, I generated the crt from the key, so I am assuming they match15:32
Eladso I don't know what the problem is15:32
cyphermoxElad, as for the crt file, check that your .key starts with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"15:32
Elad-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----15:33
EladProc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED15:33
EladDEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,297188752A5F22E615:33
cyphermoxand it really needs to be the same key you used to generate the CSR that you sent verisign15:33
Eladit is15:33
cyphermoxok. then the following commands should give you MD5 sums that should match:15:34
cyphermox'openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in site.key | openssl md5' and 'openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in site.crt | openssl md5'15:34
cyphermoxif they don't, I'm not sure what you could do past starting over, generating a new key/CSR and getting it signed by Verisign15:35
clustyno LDAP ppl around to give me a hand?15:36
Eladcyphermox: after I enter in my passphrase it goes back to the command prompt, doesn't give me any output - is this typical?15:37
cyphermoxElad, I don't think so15:38
cyphermoxare you certain you have the right passphrase?15:38
Eladyes, looking further up the screen it looks like the command has an error in it15:39
Eladopenssl:Error: 'md5 and openssl' is an invalid command.15:40
cyphermoxah no15:40
cyphermoxopenssl rsa -noout -modulus -in site.key | openssl md515:40
cyphermoxis one command15:40
cyphermoxit generates a sum for your key file15:40
cyphermoxto check your crt file, it's this one: openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in site.crt | openssl md515:41
cyphermoxand the output from both of these should match exactly15:41
Eladah I see, I did both of the commands as 1 command15:41
Eladshoot, they don't match15:43
Eladso I need to send another csr to verisign?15:43
=== boevik is now known as techsupport
cyphermoxI think that would be the easiest thing. I believe you can do this without paying again, but I don't usually do the purchases myself :)15:44
Eladso for future reference I should be able to generate the site.key and site.crt and do the md5 on them, make sure they match, THEN send verisign the csr?15:45
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uvirtbot`New bug: #237775 in spamassassin (main) "spamassassin perl conflicts with razor package" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23777515:49
cyphermoxElad, no15:49
Eladcyphermox: how come?15:50
cyphermoxthe md5 is to make sure the key and the certificate that verisign sends you back match. I did this because I run scripts that generate apache config, and wanted to make sure the certificates weren't in the middle of being renewed (e.g. the key and cert would not match) before pushing files and breaking things15:50
Eladcyphermox: the .crt is suppose to be the one that verisign sent me back?15:51
Eladah, let me try that one15:51
EladI was wondering when that one would come into play15:52
cyphermoxwhat you send them is a different file that gets created at the same time as the key, and is technically a CSR (certificate signing request)15:52
cyphermoxElad, all the information you need is here: http://www.verisign.com/support/tlc/csr/modssl/v00.html15:56
Eladthat is what I went through and did, but now I am trying to get it to work with the real cert15:57
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uvirtbot`New bug: #312493 in php5 (main) "Not possible to run PHP in a multiuser and secure way" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31249316:38
mjeansonHi, has anyone started or plans to test ivoks new packages for the cluster stack in lucid? (see announce on the mailling list)16:38
cyphermoxmathiaz, hi. I'm curious your setup for the ISO testing with preseeding and scripts... is that in a bzr branch somewhere?16:40
mathiazcyphermox: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/+junk/iso_testing_scripts16:41
Eladcyphermox: do I need to generate an intermediate.crt for the SSLCACertificateFile? or can i just reuse the public.crt from the SSLCertificateFile?16:46
cyphermoxElad, no, that's for something different16:50
cyphermoxSSLCACertificate is a certificate you can download from Verisign (check their support pages) which helps identifying them as a valid signer for your certificate16:50
thafreakWhat's the prefered way to get something like lvm on a shared iscsi disk in ubuntu?17:05
thafreakIs it just to use clustered lvm?17:05
thafreakAre there any alternatives that don't require redhat-cluster suite?17:05
ScottKivoks is our expert on that.  He's not around at the moment.17:06
thafreakah, ok, what is the prefered mailing list to ask such a question on then? Is it the server team list, or is there another?17:07
ScottKServer team list is good.17:08
thafreakok, thanks!17:08
mardukis there a tui for setting up a network interface in ubuntu server a la system-config-network in rhel?17:22
mrmojohello, i am trying to set bind up but i'm having some difficulties17:27
mrmojomy zone file is here: http://pastebin.com/d537d11f117:31
marks256i have a static route setup so that 192.168.0.x traffic is routed to eth1. I have a web server on, and can ping it. but firefox will not connect to it (i know the web server works). How do i fix this?17:40
marks256I am using firefox on the same system on which i have the static route setup on17:41
cemcmrmojo: what's the difficulty?17:42
cemcmarks256: you can ping 0.4 from the same computer on which firefox is running?17:43
marks256cemc, yes. i actually just sshed into 0.417:44
cemcmarks256: what does firefox say ?17:44
marks256cemc, unable to connect. i don't think firefox is using the route17:44
marks256here is the output of route:     *        U     0      0        0 eth117:46
cemcwhat ip does the firefox machine have?17:47
marks256eth0 or eth1?17:47
marks256eth1 is
cemcmarks256: can you pastebin output of 'ip r' command ?17:49
marks256cemc, sure17:49
ivokscemc: i've requested your IM friendship on gtalk and icq :)17:50
marks256cemc, http://pastebin.com/d3538eff017:50
cemcivoks: I don't see anything here :)17:50
ivoksgaim was much better :/17:50
cemcpidgin works too17:51
ivoksor that :D17:51
cemcmarks256: is the webserver set up correctly?17:53
marks256cemc, yes17:53
marks256cemc, i was using it the other day on a different network17:53
cemcthat doesn't necessarily mean it will work here ;)17:54
cemcmarks256: try this: "telnet 80"17:54
cemcfrom 0.117:54
marks256cemc, i don't see why it wouldn't. the networks were setup the same17:54
marks256cemc, connection refused, but it found it.17:55
cemcmarks256: connection refused could mean: 1. there's some firewall on the webserver, 2. webserver not listening on 0.4 / not running at all17:55
cemcmarks256: log on to 0.4 and try: "netstat -nlp | grep 80"17:56
marks256cemc, there is no firewall that i know of. i will check and make sure apache is running17:56
ivokscemc: how about now? :D17:56
cemcivoks: nothing. lemme relog, pidgin is running for 34days (stress testing it :) )17:57
cemcivoks: try again, do you see me online ?17:57
ivoks@gmail.com is domain, right?17:57
marks256cemc, no output for "netstat -nlp | grep 80"17:57
cemcivoks: yes, that should be it. and I'm logged on and talking to other ppl17:58
cemcivoks: try again, relogged there too17:58
cemcmarks256: it's not listening on port 80, or it's not running, do a "ps ax |grep apache"17:59
marks256cemc, 1512 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto apache17:59
cemcmarks256: apache not running, it's an ubuntu system too?17:59
marks256cemc, omg. i had to enter my ssl passphrase before apache would start :|18:00
marks256cemc, it works now18:00
cemcmarks256: note ze commandz: netstat, ps, telnet ip 80 :)18:02
marks256cemc, noted ;) what exactly is netstat? i've used all the others before18:02
marks256cemc, thanks for all the help. lunch time now :)18:04
cemcmarks256: man is your friend, always18:04
cemcman netstat18:04
cemcfirst line :)18:04
marks256cemc, i'll check out the man page. thanks :)18:04
ivoksmagnetic__: /usr/sbin/openssl rsa -in server.key.old -out server.key18:06
VSpike_When booting ubuntu server, I get a blank screen unless I use the recovery option. Once booted, modprobe radeonfb gives me a nice high res console.  How can I fix that?18:07
ivoksadd radeonfb to /etc/modules18:08
ivoksand run update-initramfs -u18:08
VSpike_ivoks: thanks! perfect18:15
VSpike_Is that a normal problem with radeon based machines in text mode?18:16
VSpike_Perhaps a consequence of the 9.10 upgrade18:16
VSpike_I didn't really get useful hits on google18:16
ivoksi don't know18:17
ivoksmost of my servers have output redirected to serial console and IPMI18:17
VSpike_:) heh18:18
VSpike_Using ubuntu server on old laptops is probably not a well tested setup :)18:18
VSpike_Built-in UPS though18:18
VSpike_Does nicely as a home mail server18:19
ivokswell, take care people18:22
ivokssee you tomorrow18:22
the_real_daveVSpike: lower power too :)18:25
mjeansonivoks: Hi, I've started testing on your new rhcs packages18:29
VSpike_the_real_dave: very true!18:30
the_real_daveVSpike: probably the only good use for a laptop with a wrecked screen :) Make it serve you lol18:30
VSpike_the_real_dave: heh.  This one has a wrecked battery and keyboard. Same result tho18:32
the_real_daveVSpike_: can I ask why you need to use your own mail server? Do you need your own domain for that?18:36
VSpike_the_real_dave: There are other ways to solve the same problem, so it was partly just educational, but I wanted to store all my mail in an IMAP server18:38
VSpike_Could have used gmail I guess18:38
VSpike_But having it local gives better speed18:38
VSpike_So I use fetchmail, postfix, dovecot, maildrop18:38
VSpike_You don't need your own domain for that if you don't want one18:39
the_real_daveVSpike_: ah ok. Do you backup nightly or similar? I'd hate to lose all my email to a bad HDD or the like :S18:39
VSpike_Yes, I backup the maildir's to another machine daily18:39
VSpike_I like that I can do all the filtering server side, and then use any mail client from any machine18:40
VSpike_Handy when workign across lots of machines and trying mail clients to find the one I like best18:40
the_real_daveactually, what do people use for monitoring bandwidth usage?18:55
the_real_daveI tried iptraf and bandwidthd, the latter of which creates a zombie process :( Any suggestions? All my server does is file sharing through NFS, Squid and Apt-Cacher proxies. I'd like to be able to see who on the LAN is connected, and what they're connected to :)18:56
the_real_davewhat do people use for monitoring bandwidth usage? I tried iptraf and bandwidthd, the latter of which creates a zombie process :( Any suggestions? All my server does is file sharing through NFS, Squid and Apt-Cacher proxies. I'd like to be able to see who on the LAN is connected, and what they're connected to :)19:07
qman__the_real_dave, I use vnstat and vnstat-php frontend19:33
Jeeves_mathiaz: Why would you want to demote radvd?19:33
Sam-I-AmJeeves_: heh, i just responded to that :)19:33
qman__but that's more like a counter than active monitoring19:33
mathiazJeeves_: it was discussed during UDS - I'm just asking for feedback19:33
the_real_daveqman__: a counter would be nice too :) I'll check it out, thank you :)19:33
Jeeves_mathiaz: Ok, but what were the reasons to even think of demoting it?19:35
Sam-I-Amthe_real_dave: i've used ntop and cacti19:35
Sam-I-Amthe_real_dave: dunno if you saw this yet http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-linux.html19:35
mathiazJeeves_: less maintainance for a LTS release19:36
mathiazJeeves_: IMO we should keep it19:36
Sam-I-Ami dont think radvd would require much maintenance19:36
Sam-I-Amit usually Just Works19:36
mathiazJeeves_: Others suggested otherwise19:36
Jeeves_Sam-I-Am: Well, it seems to be rather poort code19:37
mathiazJeeves_: If you have an opinion, I'd suggest to reply to the thread19:37
Sam-I-AmJeeves_: in that case, a lot of stuff needs demotion :)19:37
Jeeves_mathiaz: Been there, done that :)19:37
mathiazJeeves_: great! thanks19:37
Jeeves_Sam-I-Am: Try running radvd on a link with another mtu than 1500, that seems to break stuff19:38
Sam-I-Amheh, names on postings != irc nicks19:39
Sam-I-AmJeeves_: i.. think its primarily designed for ethernet.  wonder if jumbo frame MTUs confuse it too.19:40
Sam-I-Ami remember running it on gig links before, but that was the openbsd variant... rtadvd.19:40
Sam-I-Amthe T means its uh... better? heh19:40
* Jeeves_ <- Mark Schouten19:43
Sam-I-Am<- matt19:43
Jeeves_Sam-I-Am: Ethernet runs on > 1500 bytes too :)19:43
Sam-I-Amalso just saw another post to the ipsec thread... i kinda wonder when we might see l2tpv3 on linux19:43
Sam-I-Amsince it seems to be gaining a lot of steam19:43
Sam-I-AmJeeves_: thats why i said jumbo frames :)19:44
Sam-I-Ammathiaz: btw, sorry i kinda took a back seat for a while with server stuff (like openldap) ... lots of employment issues in the last few months which will hopefully be solved soon.19:45
Sam-I-Amlife's been a little rough19:45
uvirtbot`New bug: #471461 in clamav (main) "package clamav-milter 0.95.2+dfsg-4ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47146119:47
uvirtbot`New bug: #482984 in clamav (main) "clamav crash on startup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48298419:47
uvirtbot`New bug: #483412 in clamav (main) "package clamav-base 0.95.3+dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.10 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48341219:47
uvirtbot`New bug: #483731 in clamav (main) "clamd crashed with SIGSEGV in mpool_free()" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48373119:47
Picioh dear19:47
uvirtbot`New bug: #362890 in cyrus-sasl2 (main) "pidgin crashed with SIGSEGV in _sasl_MD5Update()" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36289019:54
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
uvirtbot`New bug: #496691 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (universe) "mysql server and client crash during installation (sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49669120:07
the_real_daveclam-av has a CLI interface right? So you could use it to scan for Windows viruses on Ubuntu Server?20:07
ScottKthe_real_dave: Yes.  You just have to be able to mount the partition.20:08
* ScottK routinely boots Kubuntu live CDs to scan windows boxes.20:08
the_real_daveScottK: how effective is it against Avast! for Linux do you know?20:09
ScottKthe_real_dave: I don't.20:09
ScottKSeems to work reasonably well as long as you stay current.20:09
the_real_daveScottK: ok, thank you :)20:09
ScottKIn Ubuntu we put a lot of effort into keeping the clamav version current in all releases as a result.20:09
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Aisonwhat's the reason for this error:21:03
Aisonnfs: server not responding, still trying21:03
Aisonthe nfs server is online21:04
Sam-I-AmAison: random nfs blurbs :)21:14
Sam-I-AmAison: sometimes its just too sensitive21:15
Sam-I-AmAison: unless you actually have network problems or congestion21:15
Sam-I-Amor the nfs server is busy.. the linux nfs stuff needs a little work in the multithreaded area21:15
Aisonyeah, i'm using nfs for a longer time now, and it allways sucked somewhere21:21
ballhello jeiworth21:21
Sam-I-AmAison: heh, it hasnt improved too much, although you might have some better experience with nfs4 over tcp21:25
mathiazkirkland: o/21:53
kirklandmathiaz: \o21:53
mathiazkirkland: it seems that NODES is no longer defined in eucalyptus-local.conf21:53
kirklandmathiaz: hrm...  must have missed that as part of my changes21:53
mathiazkirkland: I'm running 1.6.2~bzr1120-0ubuntu721:53
kirklandmathiaz: fresh install, or upgrade?21:54
mathiazkirkland: in a CLC+Walrus/CC+SC/3xNCs configuration21:54
mathiazkirkland: an fresh install21:54
kirklandmathiaz: okay, let me look ...21:54
mathiazkirkland: well - the eucalyptus package have been *purged* before21:54
mathiazkirkland: which shouldn't play any role21:55
kirklandmathiaz: can you pastebin your eucalyptus-local.conf?21:55
mathiazkirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/355194/21:56
mathiazkirkland: this is *after* euca_conf --register-nodes has been called21:56
mathiazkirkland: by the auto-registration script21:56
kirklandmathiaz: okay ... can you try rerunning that with sh -x ?21:56
kirklandmathiaz: and pastebin the sh -x output?21:56
mathiazkirkland: hm - first I need to figure what's the actual command21:57
kirklandmathiaz: and silly question, but they didn't happen to leak back into /etc/eucalyptus/euclayptus.conf ?21:58
kirklandmathiaz: /usr/sbin/*21:58
mathiazkirkland: the auto-registration log doesn't give the *actual* command21:58
mathiazkirkland: I meant the complete command, with the arguments21:58
kirklandmathiaz: hrm, seems like a good thing to add to the log ;-)21:58
kirklandmathiaz: given all the other useless crud eucalyptus logs :-)21:58
mathiazkirkland: grep -Ri nodes /etc/eucalyptus/ doesn't return anything21:58
kirklandmathiaz: where is this autoregistration code?21:59
kirklandmathiaz: ie, what files/pkg?22:00
mathiazkirkland: IIUC uec_component_listener22:00
mathiazkirkland: ^^ that's the process listening22:00
mathiazkirkland: I'm trying to find the source code of it22:00
kirklandmathiaz: is that in the eucalyptus source code?22:00
mathiazkirkland: ./debian/registration/uec_component_listener.c22:00
mathiazkirkland: IIRC this is is written by ttx22:01
mathiazkirkland: (or may be cjwatson)22:01
kirklandmathiaz: looking ...22:01
mathiazkirkland: as part of the auto-registration spec22:01
kirklandmathiaz: hmm, that file doesn't do anything with euca_conf or eucalyptus.conf22:02
mathiazkirkland: right - it calls node22:02
mathiazkirkland: or any other relevant script22:02
mathiazkirkland: ./debian/registration/node22:02
mathiazkirkland: that one calls euca_conf22:02
mathiazkirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/355201/22:04
mathiazkirkland: ^^ this is the end of sh -x euca_conf ....22:04
kirklandmathiaz: okay ...22:05
mathiazkirkland: I think it's because NODES= is not defined in the default -local.conf template22:05
mathiazkirkland: line 16 won't match22:05
kirklandmathiaz: yeah, that looks like it22:06
kirklandmathiaz: can you throw in NODES= and retry?22:06
kirklandmathiaz: i'll fix it in euca_conf itself22:07
kirklandmathiaz: with a failover, if NODES= is not found22:07
mathiazkirkland: hm - well - things are not working here22:15
mathiazkirkland: however it doesn't seem related to NODES= anymore22:15
kirklandmathiaz: hmm, okay22:15
mathiazkirkland: the CLC cannot talk to the CC apparently22:15
ruben23hi, i have this on ubuntu server---> http://pastebin.com/m238cb5cc i would like to remove it and i got this error---> http://pastebin.com/m3f430a8322:17
ruben23anyone have idea on it..? why i cant remove it22:17
sorenruben23: It says it's open.22:25
ruben23soren: how do i check for remaining free size on my volume group22:35
ruben23 soren:---> i got this----->http://pastebin.com/m7bd09b75 how do i check my free space22:41
soren  Free  PE / Size       1098 / 34.31 GB22:42
sorenIt's right there, dude.22:42
sorenLine 20.22:42
ruben23ok so i can create more lvm...22:42
yann2hello - trying to find out why sysklogd doesnt use logrotate - anyone got a clue?23:06
yann2with sysklogd there seem to be a cronfile in /etc/cron.weekly to rotate syslog, /var/log/messages and so on... Other syslog servers like rsyslog are rotated by logrotate... In fact if i install rsyslog, I end up hving both the logrotate rotation, and the sysklogd weekly cronjob setup23:07
yann2just the cronjob will fail as sysklogd is no longer installed23:07
yann2oh my bad still running 9.04 apparently there was a move to rsyslogd and logrotate in 9.10.. I guess that answers my question23:24
zooko_osgFolks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/aufsRootFileSystemOnUsbFlash used to say that AUFS was no longer working in Ubuntu since 9.10, but now it says that maybe it is and the author of that page will investigate whether it is likely to work with 10.04 LTS.23:29
zooko_osgAny insight from you guys?  I really need a union filesystem for having a boot drive that doesn't actually get written to.  Because our boot drives are USB flash drives and they seem to have a half-life measured in months.23:30
zooko_osgSo we spend all our time building new ones and replacing broken ones.23:30
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