
dkulchenkoHi all! I'm trying to get the Blue Snowball mic working with Jaunty. It works fine through ALSA, and when I look at the microphone through the PulseAudio Volume Control, I can see the volume bar moving and it selected as default. But when I change Sound Capture in System->Preferences->Sound to PulseAudio Sound Server, it doesn't work (playback through PulseAudio works fine). Any ideas? (I need to use Pulseaudio because01:16
dkulchenko I'm mixing multiple sound sources)01:16
meowbuntuhi is there a way to get a ubuntu studio live cd/dvd02:55
amstanmeowbuntu: they're on the website02:58
amstanmeowbuntu: if you don't want to dowload you have to buy them02:58
meowbuntuamstan, are you sure theere are live cd/dvd versions of ubuntustudio now03:01
amstanmeowbuntu: oh.. i'm sorry03:01
amstani missed the live part03:01
amstanno, i believe there is only an instealler dvd for ubuntu studio03:02
amstanno live03:02
meowbuntuy is that it sux as it should be easy to get one.03:02
amstanmeowbuntu: you could get ubuntu on a flash drive then install the ubuntu studio metapackage03:04
amstanand then you'll have a live usb03:04
meowbuntuamstan, installing metapackkages for ubuntu studio. ubuntu ce etc dont always work so its a risk that is not safe03:06
amstanmeowbuntu: it worked for me03:07
amstantrue though, i only installed the audio one03:07
meowbuntuamstan, there si always a cauthin when installing addons like ubnut=u studio expantion pace for ubuntu. so its best tpo get a proper one if possable03:45
amstanmeowbuntu: sorry, what?03:45
meowbuntu*there is always a cauton03:48
meowbuntu* like ubuntu03:48
meowbuntu*expantion pack03:48
meowbuntu*best to03:48
meowbuntuget a proper one = the full ubuntu studio03:49
sulioHello all... looking for a video editor that matches up with Final Cut Pro..... can anyone offer suggestions?04:47
meowbuntuare there any good applications for extracting audio cds to mp3 etc05:01
holsteinsure meowbuntu05:02
meowbuntuholstein, i am using ubuntu atm just asking here as studio has excellent apps for that05:03
meowbuntufrom what i have heard05:03
holsteini would suggest going to synaptic and searching cd ripper05:03
holsteini think your wanting sound-juicer05:03
meowbuntucd exractor i think05:04
holsteintry both05:04
meowbuntuholstein, sound-juicer does not allow me to extract to mp3 how can i do that.05:09
holsteinwell, you need to get your codecs in order05:10
holsteinnothing will until you do that05:10
holsteincan you play mp3's?05:10
meowbuntuholstein, sound-juicer does not allow me to extract to mp3 how can i do that. do i need a codex for it05:10
meowbuntudo i need a codes05:10
holsteini think i have always ripped .wav from CD05:11
holsteinand converted to what i need after05:11
holsteinnow that i think about it05:11
meowbuntuwell what app did you use to convert .wav to .mp3 then05:11
holsteinsound converter05:11
holsteinBUT, did you try to do the mp3 rip?05:12
holsteinim surprised your not prompted about what you need05:12
holsteinusually something comes up and says 'click here to break the law'05:13
meowbuntunot at this stabe sound juicer does not have mp3 in settings just mp2 .wav .spx .flac and .ogg05:15
Blank__ogg's better anyway :p05:15
holsteinmeowbuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-957.html05:16
holsteinBlank__: WORD :)05:16
Blank__ogg vorbis is my favourite lossy format hands down05:18
Blank__fav lossless is flac05:18
meowbuntuBlank__, that maby true but mp3 players and some of my other os dont like ogg05:20
Blank__sad but true05:21
Blank__that's why i made sure my mp3 player could take it05:21
Blank__and for the most part both my windows machine and linux machines all cope with it fine05:22
Blank__it's interesting, more devices are becoming ogg capable05:24
meowbuntuholstein, liblame0 cant be installed like the tutoral says y   http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-957.html05:24
holsteinthose forum post are very old05:27
meowbuntuliblame0 cant be installed like the tutoral says y   http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-957.html05:27
meowbuntuliblame0 is not in synaptic05:27
holsteinim sure theres something like that for karmic05:27
holsteinif you want to tackle it05:27
holsteintheres going to be a package05:27
meowbuntuwell what is it then ??? beats me05:27
holsteinand that will let you make mp3's05:28
holsteinare you running karmic?05:28
meowbuntuholstein, usually it would say if there was when using apt-get.05:28
holsteinsudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse05:29
holsteinyeah, the package name has changed05:29
holsteinOR theres another package being used05:29
meowbuntuliblame0 is not in synaptic05:32
meowbuntuholstein, read this short post please tell me what you think http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90493505:33
holsteindid you try running sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse05:33
holsteinin a terminal05:33
meowbuntuyes i know how to do that05:33
meowbuntuit worked05:34
meowbuntujust let me know about the post ^05:34
holsteinyeah, i bet thats all straitened out by now05:35
meowbuntuholstein, well how is that then05:35
holsteindid you restart sound juicer?05:35
holsteinand, do you have the mp3 option?05:35
holsteinthere seems to be a lot of working goin on to straighten those packages out05:36
meowbuntuholstein, thanks it worked05:36
holsteini think you can just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras, or something like that now05:37
holsteinthe process is being tweaked a bit05:37
meowbuntuis installing restricted extras a good idea06:53
holsteingood question meowbuntu06:55
meowbuntuwell do you know06:56
holsteinwhere do you live?06:56
holsteindo you care if its legal?06:56
holsteincan you live without mp3's?06:56
meowbuntuin a house and you06:56
meowbuntump3 are legal. and also installing restricted extras are legal06:57
holsteinin some countries, obtaining the mp3 codecs is legal06:57
holsteinfor the US its not06:58
holsteinor it a grey area06:58
meowbuntui live in a house in a street in a suburb in a city in a country in the pasific on a planet called earth06:58
meowbuntuAFAIK = ?????06:58
holsteinAFAIK= as far as i know06:58
holsteinyou can google that too06:59
meowbuntuwell i do not beleve its a grey erea i need mp3 as they are cross platform06:59
holsteinplatform is not the issue06:59
holsteinthe issue is licensing06:59
holsteinif you can figure out what country you are in, and how to use google...07:00
holsteinyou can find out the particular legal issues you might have with mp3's07:00
holsteinand then, you can decide for yourself if installing restricted extras is a good idea07:00
meowbuntui am in aotearoa. which is next to austrailia07:00
holsteinwell, now you know what to put in google when you decide to search07:01
meowbuntuNZL all blacks, black caps, team NZ, maori07:01
meowbuntusearch for what exactly07:01
holsteineither is too late for me, or your trolling..07:02
meowbuntuis installing restricted extras legal in (country)07:02
holsteingood luck to you meowbuntu07:03
holsteini know fluendo has a free mp3 codec07:03
holsteinbut, i think your ok over there07:03
holsteinusing the restricted extras07:03
holsteinglad you got your sound juiced :)07:04
=== olinuxx_ is now known as olinuxx
meowbuntuhi i have a file in a directory with the name Ubuntu 9.10 i cant cd to it in terminal need help08:34
jussi01meowbuntu: please dont cross post at the same time08:35
meowbuntuy there are different ppl on each channel08:35
jussi01meowbuntu: and some are on all of them.08:35
jussi01meowbuntu: in any case, are you remembering that the CLI is CaSe sensitive?08:36
jussi01!tab | meowbuntu08:37
ubottumeowbuntu: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:37
meowbuntujussi01, http://www.pastebin.ca/174661708:42
jussi01meowbuntu: try using tab and youll see how you need to deal with spaces ;)08:42
meowbuntujussi01, i know how to use irc ok i been a linux user 4 7 months now08:42
jussi01meowbuntu: read the rest of the ttab message...08:43
meowbuntuthanks i got it now08:43
meowbuntumuch appreciated08:43
meowbuntujussi01, http://pastebin.ca/1746624 i dont understand what my server info is08:48
jussi01meowbuntu: are you trying to install wordpress?08:49
meowbuntuthere is no .deb file08:50
meowbuntujust a tar.gz file08:50
jussi01meowbuntu: sudo apt-get install wordpress08:50
meowbuntunope a .zip actually08:50
meowbuntuwhat the hey are you sure that is it . there is no info on google telling me that08:51
jussi01meowbuntu: _always_ search the repositories for it first08:51
jussi01meowbuntu: I have it installed08:51
meowbuntuthanks i been at this for 20 mins trying to look up things like "hoe to install wordpress on ubuntu"08:52
meowbuntuok can you help me set it up its finished installing08:52
jussi012 things, I dont have time and I cant remember how.08:53
meowbuntuy not08:53
meowbuntuok thats ok08:53
marsilainenmeowbuntu: perhaps you could ask in #wordpress if you need help with it? more people there would know about it I guess08:59
meowbuntuare the restricted extras legal in new zealand09:23
meowbuntui would like to know09:24
marsilainenno idea...09:24
marsilainenmeowbuntu: maybe there is a ubuntu loco team for new zealand who would know?09:25
marsilainenmeowbuntu: how about trying #ubuntu-nz?09:25
marsilainenmeowbuntu: seems like a channel for ubuntu new zealand loco team09:25
belakhow up to date are packages kept in ubuntustudio?14:40
marcelli just installed packages from ubuntustudio on top of karmic koala. is there a way in upgrade to ged rid off the attempt to install generic kernel instead of rt one.. or better question how to keep up better with ubuntustudio in karmic koala?18:13
marsilainenmarcell: hmmm, so you've added the linux-rt packages, and now you don't want the system to update the normal kernel when there are updates, just the rt one?18:21
marsilainenmarcell: I've not tried it, but once you're running from the rt kernel have you tried removing the linux-generic package?18:21
marsilainenI wonder if that would do it?18:22
marsilainenI guess you could play with the grub config so that it will always boot the rt kernel by default and then if the generic one gets updated then it wont matter anyway as it will still boot into the rt kernel as another approach?18:22
marsilainenmarcell: also note that if you have more than one cpu core then rt only uses one core, which is one reason to keep the generic kernel there as well so that you have the option of switching to that when appropriate18:24
marcellmarsilainen: thanx... i think i'll just keep it and keep grub with rt as default one18:25
marsilainenmarcell: yeah, I think that's probably the best solution18:25
marcellmarsilainen: thanx.. any other hint regarding upgrades?18:29
marsilainenI'm not sure what you mean?18:29
marsilainenubuntustudio uses the same update management as regular ubuntu18:29
marsilainenso it should automatically prompt every now and then when there are new updates to install18:29
marsilainenis that what you mean?18:29
marcellmarsilainen: i know that.. i just asked if you know of anything else whici you maybe experienced.. but nvm... thanx18:30
marsilainensorry, can't think of anything obvious18:30
KentrelI'm trying to install ubuntustudio from a USB drive and it aborts because I don't have a CD drive19:32
KentrelHow can I get around this?19:32
=== mMezquitale is now known as mezquitale

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