
dbdii407Is there anyway to stop the terminal from scrolling down back to the bottom when new info comes?01:33
knomedbdii407, right-click -> preferences -> check out "scroll on output" checkboc from the "general" tab.01:49
dbdii407knome: Ty very much01:50
knomenp. have fun01:50
dbdii407Got very annoying during my development01:51
knomethat happens01:51
knomegood night.02:12
presario16xluserIs this where I get Xubuntu technical support?02:33
presario16xluserOk nevermind, I will probably just go back to windows.02:35
geniiGood riddance then02:36
amdsempronIs this Xubuntu support?03:02
amdsempronOK THIS IS NOT F***ING FUNNY! If i cant get xubuntu support, I will never use XUBUNTU EVER AGAIN!03:04
garythihello...being a newbie, don't know if i can help much...better to wait a bit03:06
garythisome kind of bumping system?03:09
geniiBah. bot is currently offline03:09
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:09
geniiOr just slow03:09
Empty_foonever heard of xbuntu before.. what's the focus with this version?03:14
garythilightweight desktop03:15
Empty_foothat's what i was figgerin.. xfce kind of thing?03:16
garythii like it too...enough to switch03:16
[mccracken]It rocks. So much smoother than Ubuntu (for me). :D03:16
[mccracken]Simple, but powerful.03:16
Balsaqgood morning residents of xubuntu05:39
=== tuvok302Lappy is now known as tuvok302
simple_where is my dvdrom08:25
simple_how can i see my dvdrom08:25
simple_how can i mount08:25
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:51
ouyeshi everyone, i plan to use xubuntu, but i don not know which one to install, 8.04 9.04 or 9.10,( my laptop was crashed under 9.10 gnome09:04
ouyeswhich are you using ??09:04
ouyesis it stable?09:04
Ov3rf10w9.04 is stable09:05
TheSheep9.10 is too09:06
Ov3rf10wi have bad expirience with karmic09:07
ablomenworks great here, havnt had a problem09:08
ouyesthe items on the Desktop have a white background, how to get rid of it ?09:25
ouyese.g. the filename are in white bar09:26
garythiHi, anybody watch cbc.ca videos? i seem to be having a flash prob09:43
garythiyet flash works on everything else09:44
garythiin case anyone wants to try09:46
ouyeswhat is your problem, anyway ?09:46
garythiwon't play09:47
Sysihave you tried mozilla-vlc or something like that?09:47
garythicontent is on cbc09:48
garythioh, i think i know what you mean...i'll try09:49
garythii copied the link into vlc...no luk09:51
garythiit's the only flash that doesn't work, might be a cbc thing09:52
Sysii think i used mplayer-plugin or something09:52
garythii'll try that too then...thanks09:53
garythinope...i'll have to watch it in windows...dam    thanks for trying people09:55
ubuntutrying to copy from one disk to another, I'm in using a live cd, both hdds are mounted, but can't copy, can write to destination disk, but when I try to copy from source disk, permission is denied12:43
ubuntutried to <sudo chmod 777> but user on source disk shows up as 100012:43
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
jarnosI can't play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6GqYhh9gN0 after 0:46 in Karmic. What's wrong?13:22
knomestupid video? :P13:23
knomeanyway, worksforme.13:24
ablomenim sad to say i can13:24
jarnosOh well, I can, too, but in two parts.13:25
jarnosHalme just died, btw.13:25
jarnosablomen: what is your software?13:25
knomejarnos, really, nobody cares. #xubuntu-offtopic if you have to talk about that13:26
ablomenkarmic, flashplugin-nonfree from the repo's13:26
jarnosknome: then don't say, it is stupid video ;)13:27
jarnosablomen: I use flashplugin-installer.13:33
jarnosfrom multiverse/web13:34
jarnosablomen: it stucks at 0:46, if I let the video download from the beginning. If I move the pointer to say 0:40 and download begans from there, it can pass 0:46. Did you download from the beginning by flashplugin-nonfree?13:50
ablomenno i didnt13:52
jarnosablomen: ok, thanks for letting me know.13:53
hyatthi im using xubuntu 9.10 on my mac book pro with nvidia 9400M. when i plug in my external monitor (native 1680x1050) and use the nvidia tool ican only choose resolutions up to 1280x1024. any idea how to fix this?16:31
Pres-Gashyatt, unfortunately, are bound by the limits of the nvidia driver.  It is not open source and no one in the community can modify the code or bugfix it.  We get the perverbial "stone tablets" from the burning bush of Nvidia.16:35
Pres-GasYou could make sure you are using the latest driver or go on their discussion forum, hyatt.  http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=1416:36
hyattPres-Gas: true, but i think its not a problem with the driver itself, i just found a thread that said i have to add the monitor manually to the xorg conf16:37
Pres-GasI comiserate with you, though.  I would like to get more resolution as well, but not had enough time to really research it (or perhaps just too lazy).  :P16:37
craigbass1976The ONLY thing I like about windows is the shortcut that makes all windows minimize (windows key+ d)  Is there a way to do this in Xubuntu?16:53
hal_9001yes i think so, just dont remember. let me look16:55
hal_9001winkey + e = explorer17:00
hal_9001alt+F4 = close / Shutdown (also works in ubuntu i noticed)17:00
hal_9001winkey + d = minimize all windows to desktop17:00
hal_9001ctrl+esc = winkey = start menu17:00
hal_9001winkey + l = lock computer17:00
Sysichech window manager settings17:02
craigbass1976hal_9001, Aha... show desktop.  Was Ctrl+Alt+d by default.  Thanks.17:05
craigbass1976Now, what did I want on my desktop that finally pushed me over the "go ask" edge...17:06
craigbass1976Nevermind, I'm numbing it.  Thanks again.17:11
craigbass1976Unless you know where I adjust system sounds.  Not volume, but event sounds.17:12
craigbass1976In Jaunty.  I looked all over yesterday to stop someone's laptop from beeping; couldn't find it anywhere in the forums or googling.17:13
craigbass1976Forget it.  Different project17:13
hal_9001no clue on that one. sorry17:15
East_Coast_Girlhello :)17:55
Rascal999samba, how?17:56
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:57
knomecharlie-tca, ...you were faster than me17:57
charlie-tcayou were busy17:57
knomeno, i wasn't :P17:57
East_Coast_Girli was just wondering if i could get some help, please?17:57
Rascal999i was thinking access17:57
knomedamn ;)17:57
Rascal999not host17:58
knome!ask | East_Coast_Girl17:58
ubottuEast_Coast_Girl: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:58
knomecharlie-tca, 1-117:58
East_Coast_Girlubottu: well i didn't want it to be a wall of text :D17:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:58
charlie-tcaRascal999: you will have to expand on it then. That link tells quite a bit aouth how to17:58
knomeRascal999, that tutorial coves accessing as well17:58
knomecharlie-tca, damn, 2-1 for you :)17:58
* charlie-tca thinks "great minds think alike"17:58
East_Coast_Girl I installed Xubuntu 9.04 on my ps3 and it works beautifully (well except for no sound and no flash but i don't really mind that at the moment). I can update that with no issues. But as soon as I install 9.10, the USB ports crap out and the mouse and keyboard stop working about 10 seconds after the desktop fully loads. When the OS is loading, it says that the USB ports are deregisters but works fine in 9.04 but totally craps17:59
East_Coast_Girlout on 9.10. What's wrong and how can i fix it. Thanks :)17:59
charlie-tcaknome: I tried to say I came back, at least for a little while...17:59
Rascal999so you have to perma 'link'? What happened to smb://...17:59
knome!ps3 | East_Coast_Girl17:59
ubottuEast_Coast_Girl: Aside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )17:59
charlie-tcaEast_Coast_Girl: Are you using the port for 9.10?17:59
charlie-tcaI think the port was broken for 9.1018:00
knomeEast_Coast_Girl, i mean, you can try here as well but #ubuntu-ppc might give you better results :)18:00
East_Coast_Girlknome:  ahhh okay thanks :)18:00
charlie-tcaRascal999: Might only be a gnome desktop option18:00
knomeEast_Coast_Girl, i mean #ubuntu-ps3 of course ...18:01
knomecharlie-tca, i suppose the new thunar (not in the repo's yet) support smb://18:01
East_Coast_Girlknome: okay i'll ask there too, thanks :)18:01
charlie-tcaoh-oh, knome is slow and making mistakes?18:01
knomeRascal999, that's a nautilus feature18:01
knomecharlie-tca, yeah. somehow i can't get that essay out of my mind :)18:01
charlie-tcaknome: I don't know, I just don't use samba yet18:02
knomecharlie-tca, i'll never use samba. :)18:02
Rascal999knome, nautilus available on xubuntu?18:02
knomeRascal999, 'sudo apt-get install nautilus', but it will install a lot of gnome.18:02
knomeRascal999, also, if you run without '--no-desktop', it will take control of your desktop18:03
East_Coast_Girlokay thanks a whole lot folks :) //waves//18:03
Rascal999knome, lol, defeats the point of xubuntu for me18:05
knomeRascal999, exactly.18:06
knomeRascal999, mr_pouit put the new thunar in a ppa yesterday, though18:06
knomeRascal999, are you familiar with ppa's ?18:06
Rascal999knome, ish18:11
knomeRascal999, https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ppa18:11
knomeRascal999, check that ppa out. you'll be able to install thunar 1.1.018:11
knomeRascal999, which, iirc, supports smb18:11
Rascal999knome, ok i'll check it out sometime18:13
=== hhlp_ is now known as hhlp
sallawhich release of xubuntu is the most stable ? and mot usable19:27
charlie-tcaOfficially, 9.1019:28
Sysino, 8.0419:28
Sysiits LTS19:28
sallabut i cant add items to the desktop in 9.1019:28
charlie-tcabut only on a server, without all the gui updates19:29
Sysisome hardware may work better on newer versions19:29
sallai cant add any item to the panel19:29
charlie-tcaWhat kind of items?19:29
sallafor examle shortcuts19:29
sallalike firefox or terminal or something else19:30
charlie-tcaYou right click it, click add to panel, launcher, it fails?19:30
sallai want to do it with drag item to the desktop19:31
sallalike ubuntu karmic19:31
Sysiit doesn't happen with xfce19:31
charlie-tcaDrag and drop does not work the same in Xubuntu. That is a gnome feature19:31
Sysiidk about kde19:31
Sysipropably work on that also19:32
charlie-tcaXubuntu has it's own features, which are not the same as Gnome19:32
sallayes its so easy and so simple19:32
sallaand so fast19:32
Sysitransparency settings ♥19:33
sallahuh i dont know them :(19:33
charlie-tcaNot always simple, it can be harder to do things in Xubuntu, since we don't actually cater to the new user of Linux19:33
sallahow is lucid19:33
sallacan i use it ?19:33
Sysi"Window manager tweaks", copositing19:34
sallaor is there any changes19:34
Sysilucid is unstable19:34
Sysinot yet19:34
charlie-tcaLucid can be used, but will break19:34
charlie-tcaIt is not even alpha2 yet19:34
Sysiin alpha 3 or 4 are all new features19:34
sallaso im installing 8.04 ?19:35
sallaor 9.10 ?19:35
Sysiyour decision19:35
sallayour advise ?19:35
Sysiboth have some problems19:35
Sysibut 8.04 starts really to be old19:36
Sysi(good to say, currently on centos)19:37
charlie-tcaor 9.04, but 9.10 has more new hardware in it19:37
charlie-tca8.04 will be supported on the desktop until april of 201119:37
Sysibut 10.04 will officially replace it19:38
sallaSysi: charlie-tca what u use ?19:38
charlie-tcaI use Ubuntu-Server 9.04 on my server, Xubuntu 9.10 with ext3 on this machine I use daily, and test 10.04 daily19:39
Sysiahem; fedora, centos, and 9.10 in testbox19:39
sallacentos for server ?19:40
Sysino, this desktop19:40
Sysifedora didn't like my sound card and i want to wait 10.0419:42
sallaits interesting  :)19:42
Sysithis works like perfectly19:42
charlie-tcaI run Xubuntu on 5 systems, it works the best for me19:42
Sysihmm, i have it on old netbook too19:43
sallathnks for all19:46
becker_11Hello, I'm looking for the file that I've been told is located @ ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default/chrome/userChrome-example.css19:48
becker_11but the entire chrome folder is missing from my desktop xubuntu installation19:48
becker_11I found it in the correct location on my netbook using UNR19:49
charlie-tcathe /chrome folder should be there19:50
charlie-tcaBut you can create it, if needed19:50
charlie-tcaThe files are the same on all versions of Ubuntu/Xubuntu19:51
becker_11Hi charlie-tca  yeah it should but it's not I've checked including trying ls -a19:51
becker_11charlie-tca, They are? I wasn't sure if maybe they were moved somewhere else for some reason19:51
gandalphhi charlie-tca19:51
charlie-tcaHello, gandalph19:51
charlie-tcabecker_11: it should be there, it did not get moved.19:52
becker_11so I can just create the folder and then make the file I need and everything will be sweet?19:52
charlie-tcaYou just need to create it if you are going to customize thngs19:52
gandalphcharlie, i have tested lucid last day on my older pc19:52
becker_11cool charlie-tca  thanks19:52
charlie-tcaYou are welcome19:52
charlie-tcagandalph: how did it work?19:52
gandalphlucid as rolling-release. full buggy19:53
charlie-tcaIt is alpha, that's why we say it will break your installation if you want to use it.19:53
charlie-tcaDid you file any bugs?19:53
gandalphbut after the base-installion from iso, lucid was with full function19:54
gandalphno, i dont have files from or about bugs19:54
charlie-tcaThat is what it should be. It just works off and on, depending on the day and the updates made19:54
gandalphfor examble: after full-upgrade or dist-upgrade hal without function yet19:55
charlie-tcaI will start using it this week, just to try and see what is working19:55
charlie-tcahal has been stopped in it, so you get the warning about power-manager. They are trying to decide what to do with it19:56
gandalphmy usb-sticks, external usb-hdd were not mounted all the time19:56
gandalphyes, powermanager is buggy yet19:56
charlie-tcayeah, that should be in work, too19:56
charlie-tcaHopefully, there will be a new build today or tomorrow to test19:56
gandalphi have tested plymouth19:57
gandalphin lucid19:57
charlie-tcahow is it?19:57
gandalphno function befor or after the package-installation19:57
gandalphnvidia geforce 5500: driver is broken yet19:58
charlie-tcayes, nvidia is not working yet with the drivers. It is all of nvidia, though19:59
charlie-tcaAlso, on the live cd's today, the package is missing completely19:59
gandalphnewer software was integrated in lucid: gigolo and software-center20:00
charlie-tcagigolo was in 9.10, but most items in 10.04 are newer versions20:00
gandalphhmm.. with freedriver of lucid my graficcard was supported, i have seen small effects on xfce.20:01
dbdii407Is there anyway to hide certain file types from showing in thunar?20:02
charlie-tcahidden files can be made not to show20:02
charlie-tcabut I don't know anyway to stop someone from turning them on20:03
gandalphoha, i didnt tested thunar20:03
gandalphwith more function20:03
dbdii407I want .pyc to not show. :P20:03
charlie-tcagandalph: this will help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/TestingInfo/Short20:04
charlie-tcadbdii407: not any way that I know of20:04
gandalphcharlie: thanks for the website20:05
charlie-tcaYou are welcome20:06
charlie-tcashould have given it to you earlier20:06
charlie-tcaThe ubuntu qa test-cases don't work for most of xubuntu; mine do20:07
gandalphwonderfull, your name is on the website. ;-)20:09
charlie-tcayeah, I may have written that page ;-)20:10
gandalphyou are a good man20:10
charlie-tcajust a busy one20:11
gandalphcharlie, does xubuntu without gimp in the future?20:12
charlie-tcaI don't know yet20:12
charlie-tcalet me see if I can find an answer20:13
gandalphi read this question in german userforum and the answer were perhaps.20:14
gandalphbecause, gimp is to heavy for beginners20:14
* charlie-tca thinks perhaps leaves a pretty big gap; it is like maybe20:14
gandalphyes maybe.20:15
charlie-tcaIf it is removed from Ubuntu, it will make more space available on the cd image, which is greatly needed.20:15
charlie-tcaThey have to remove an application or two, or languages20:15
gandalphok, can i install gimp in the next versions of ubuntu?20:16
charlie-tcaGimp will still be in the repositories, so you can install it, yes20:16
charlie-tcaIt just won't install as a default application20:17
gandalphok, ok20:17
charlie-tcaWe will keep it for now20:17
charlie-tcaWe have plenty of room on the cd20:17
gandalphi understand.20:18
nathan1hi people20:21
charlie-tca!hi | nathan120:21
ubottunathan1: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:21
gandalphcharlie: you know, i have xubuntu. can i install and use packages from Mint-sources?20:22
charlie-tcaMint should be using the ubuntu-repositories, last I looked, so it should work. Do they have some we don't?20:22
charlie-tcaNo guarantees, though. If the repository is one Ubuntu does not use, it could break things20:23
gandalphok, only i have reportisories of xubuntu. mint has very many packages for multimedia. ;-)20:25
charlie-tcaHave you added medibuntu?20:25
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:25
charlie-tcaThat should be where most of them came from20:25
charlie-tcaI'll install mint and look20:26
gandalphi know about medibuntu, but mint has more multimedia-tools20:27
charlie-tcai'm installing now so I can see what they are doing20:28
gandalphwhat do you install? mint or medibuntu?20:28
charlie-tcaIt is based on Ubuntu, and uses the same repositories, but maybe they added some others20:28
charlie-tcaI am installing mint20:28
charlie-tcait's what I do all day20:29
retourubuntustudio is a specialized distro for multimedia editing with real time kernel if remember well20:29
gandalphmint is based on ubuntu, but the distribution is with a different build, other packages, more packages.20:30
charlie-tcaI like mythbuntu, too20:30
gandalphfor television and hdd-recorder?20:30
gandalphi didnt tested mythbuntu, yet.20:31
charlie-tcamint is a little slow to install20:31
gandalphmint is not stable, i think20:32
charlie-tcaI have tested almost everything, I think, except UNR20:32
charlie-tcaIt is supposed to stable20:32
charlie-tcaIt is based on 9.10, it should be stable20:32
charlie-tcaAll they do is add things, and change it a bit20:32
gandalphwell, i think, LTS is stable?20:33
charlie-tcaAny release is stable here, LTS is Long Term Support20:33
gandalphxubuntu 8.04 is stabler than 9.10?20:34
gandalphxubuntu 8.04 is LTS20:34
charlie-tcafor servers, they seldom will update anything except security issues, which makes it very stable20:35
gandalphthe next LTS will be lucid 10.4?20:35
charlie-tcaIn actual day to day use, the user will normally update everything, so LTS becomes out of date for them20:35
gandalphok, 9.10 is a testing-version for LTS 10.04, only?20:36
charlie-tcaLinux mint has it's own repository for some stuff, that might break xubuntu. Here is the list: http://packages.linuxmint.com/20:37
Sysigandalph: no20:37
charlie-tcaThe rest come from medibuntu or Ubuntu20:38
Sysiit's release of ubuntu20:38
charlie-tcano, gandalph, 9.10 was released as a stable version20:38
gandalphLTS is over 3 years for workstation, 5 years for servers?20:39
becker_11I have installed Mint on a lappie that came with ubuntu 8.04 desktop for the missus and it runs sweet ...20:39
charlie-tcaIt isn't too bad, I just don't like the colors much20:39
becker_11she grumbles occasionally about openoffice she is a diehard ms office user but other than that she is happy with it20:39
charlie-tcaGreat! It keeps her in open source software, right? Every user counts20:40
becker_11charlie-tca, I'm at a loss atm with a problem in firefox some of the fonts are invisible on web pages. I can see headings etc and sidebar stuff but not the main article I have to highlight the text to read it ..... I first had this problem with comment boxes when using a black xubuntu theme now I've changed to a light theme and it happens on the main pages ....20:42
charlie-tcachange the font to something else20:42
becker_11yeah it's not the font it's the color but it's not happening on every page ... google is fine but this page http://www.blork.org/blorkblog/2009/03/10/optimize-firefox-for-your-netbook/ I can't see20:43
charlie-tcafor starters, in firefox, view -> Character encoding -> auto detect and utf820:43
becker_11okay did that20:44
charlie-tcait is a good page20:44
charlie-tcaany change?20:44
charlie-tcaIf it still isn't visible, it might be a problem with the theme itself20:45
charlie-tcagandalph: anything else?20:45
becker_11fixed it .... I changed the defaults to black background and white text but that page must define a background but not a font so it was using my font color meaning I have white background and text .... changed it back to normal black font on white and it's good20:46
charlie-tcathat will do it, too20:46
charlie-tcaWhy white background with white text?20:46
charlie-tcaIsn't that hard to see/20:47
gandalphcharlie: thanks, i have got enought information about xubuntu from you :-)20:47
charlie-tcano problem20:47
charlie-tcaThat is what we are here for20:47
gandalphyes, i know.20:48
becker_11the page defined a background in this case white and my font/background was white/black so firefox used my white text on the specified background which being white caused the problem20:48
becker_11hard to explain but simple once you work it out .....20:48
charlie-tcaI see. I misunderstood20:49
becker_11no prob.20:49
becker_11Once again I had a problem caused by the fact I fiddle too much lol20:49
gandalphif some user has a problem, so they can take help from irc here.20:49
charlie-tcaof course20:49
becker_11irc rules gandalph20:50
gandalphok, becker_11. ;-)20:50
becker_11although not every channel, the guys in #linux on dalnet are snobs and answer noobs questions rudely. The guys in here are awesome and don't mind helping20:51
charlie-tcayes, some help is more polite that other help20:51
becker_11Something I learnt on windows too if your not busy just sit in the channel and read you will be amazed what you pick up and you may find you can answer a question for someone too20:52
gandalphsome linux-developer are hardliner. so they expect you are a professional linux-user.20:53
charlie-tcait's just that linux was a geek system for so long, and some of it still is. We all expect new people to try to find an answer first, then ask for help.20:54
becker_11gandalph, true but the good thing is there are so many different channels on irc that you can look around to find one your comfortable with20:55
gandalphcharlie, becker_11: your are right! I think, ubuntu is for beginners at first, but professionals can use this distribution too. ubuntu has a very good hardwaredetection and the sofwareinstallation is simple.20:57
gandalphother distributions, you must configurate more yourself.20:58
charlie-tcaUbuntu was designed from the beginning to be easy to use and to try to help people move from windows to linux.20:58
charlie-tcaI downloaded my first version in 2005, Ubuntu 5.0420:59
gandalphthis is the target of their project.20:59
gandalphiam too!20:59
charlie-tcaTook me three days to download it back then21:00
gandalpheasy installation and use linux-system.21:00
becker_11gandalph, ubuntu is easy to use but the best thing is that once you are more comfortable you can change things by adding or removing what you like or don't like which is the beauty of linux21:00
charlie-tcaThen kubuntu was added. Xubuntu was started independently in 200621:00
becker_11charlie-tca, I can remember downloading an iso on dial up I left it and went to bed now I can get one in 30minutes21:01
gandalphit was a nice time21:02
charlie-tcabecker_11: that is what I did, but it took me three nights to get it all21:02
charlie-tcaThen within a month, 5.10 came out and I did it again21:02
gandalphin the year 2005 i didnt have a dsl-network.21:03
charlie-tcaI was on cableone. and it was fast, too!21:03
becker_11I still shake my head at how far we have come. Now I look at 150meg files and call them small and I have a 1Tb drive sitting on my desk ....21:03
charlie-tcaI know21:03
gandalphhoary 5.04 was good, but the dist-upgrade was horrible with my modem.21:04
charlie-tcaI bought my first system with a whopping 65MB hard drive, and they said I threw my money away on it, because it would never fill up21:04
charlie-tcathat upgrade is why I downloaded the iso and installed again21:04
becker_11hahaha my first comp had 40mg ... now patches are 10x bigger than that21:04
charlie-tcayup :-)21:05
becker_11my first real comp my parents bought it was a commodore 128D21:05
gandalphmy first laptop was a black/white-screen, 80 mb hdd, 4 mb ram21:06
charlie-tcaHey, commodore was a good system. I upgraded from my c-64 to a 12821:06
becker_11my mate had the C64 with the tape drive21:06
charlie-tcagandalph: was that the suitcase laptop?21:06
charlie-tcaI still my cassette drive21:07
charlie-tcamy/have my/21:07
becker_11wikipedia says it had 128k of ram in 2 64k chips21:07
charlie-tcaand it was way faster than the 6421:08
gandalphoh charlie, i dont know.21:08
charlie-tcaI had 5 of the 3-1/2 floppy drives chained to it21:08
becker_11running at a whole 2mhz21:08
charlie-tcagandalph: big enough that it did not fit on the lap?21:08
gandalphbut my lappi was great, i think 3,5"-floppy.21:08
gandalphwith msdos 3.3.21:09
charlie-tcaoh! I had one with 8-1/2 inch floppy disks. Weighed a ton, but it was portable...21:09
becker_118 1/2in? never heard of them that big21:10
charlie-tcaAlmost took a dolly to move it around :-)21:10
charlie-tcaI think they were before the 5-1/2 inch21:10
gandalphmy father has had a 5,25"-floppy, before i buyed a lappi myself.21:10
gandalphwith 3,5"21:10
charlie-tcaI still have both 5-1/2 and 3-1/2 inch floppies here21:11
becker_11I know a guy who's a comp nut he still had the old 5.25in drive and tons of old 5in floppys even got a pack not opened21:11
gandalphvery interessing!21:11
charlie-tcaI have two 5-1/2 inch drives, but no new discs21:11
becker_11the things we keep21:12
charlie-tcaThese new systems won't even recognize the 5-1/2 inch floppy drive21:12
becker_11yeah it wouldn't be in the bios21:12
charlie-tcaI wrote several programs on the c-64 and c-12821:12
becker_11just found it 8in floppys read only introduced in 197121:13
becker_1179kb storage lol21:13
charlie-tcaThat seems a long time ago21:13
gandalphi was 1 years old ;-)21:13
charlie-tcaYeah, they didn't hold much, but it worked21:13
becker_11I wasn't thought of till '7321:13
knomeless space for bugs...21:14
gandalphi think, it was a great time for you!21:14
charlie-tcabugs? I don't remember any21:14
becker_11the 1st 5in released in '7821:14
charlie-tcaand no, I don't count the weeks trying to find them in my own programs21:15
gandalphits an interessant story of computers21:15
charlie-tcaMy grandfather worked on the early defense department computers in america21:15
charlie-tcaWhen the hard drive took up the entire floor of about 400 sq ft or more21:16
gandalphand now? we have serversystems at home on our tables.21:16
becker_11I did pascal at college nearly threw my own computer out the window I was so frustrated. I knew I could do what I was trying to do I just couldn't get it too work lol21:16
charlie-tcaIt never seemed that hard to me21:16
charlie-tcaand now... I can't even learn doc-book21:17
becker_11I got it in the end.21:17
becker_11Now we carry iphones around with hundreds of times the power oif those old room size servers21:17
charlie-tcaroom size server? room size hard disk, and it was only one layer disk21:18
charlie-tcait was a 4-floor building with a floor for each component of the computer21:19
gandalphalways more and more.21:19
becker_11that is unimaginable21:19
charlie-tcaI thought it was fascinating to get to see it21:19
becker_11it would have been for sure21:19
gandalphwhat do you think about the future of computers?21:20
gandalpha virtual world?21:20
becker_11virtual is the way it's going21:21
becker_11store everything online use online apps21:21
charlie-tcavirtual scares me21:21
charlie-tcaWhat happens when the online server gets hacked?21:22
gandalphthe world will going down, of course.21:22
charlie-tcaI like to think I have a little bit of control over it when it is my own hard drive / storage device21:22
becker_11exactly there was a movie once all records had been put onto computer and some guy got knocked out and by the time he came too his entire exsistance had been erased21:23
becker_11medical records, financial, birth everything21:23
titan_arkhola charlie-tca21:24
gandalphhi titan_ark21:24
titan_arkgandalph: hi :)21:24
gandalphbecker_11: full-control humans21:24
charlie-tcathey can most of that now, but I think with it in the cloud environment, it would be much easier21:25
becker_11charlie-tca,  yup!21:25
gandalphyou mean cloud computing?21:25
gandalphoh no!21:26
gandalphi hate this!21:26
gandalphi dont need cloudcomputing.21:26
gandalphi hope linux will not support cloudcomputing in the next time.21:27
gandalphfor examples: ubuntu one.21:27
charlie-tcaIt is the future... :-)21:27
becker_11gandalph, it's not needed if you only compute at home but if you work at the office and home or take a laptop or smartphone on the road then it is more of an advantage21:27
Pres-Gasummmm...I think that pandora's box has already been opened, gandalph21:27
gandalphno charlie.21:27
becker_11yep, I use evernote and can access all my notes on every device I have including via a web browser on a public computer21:28
gandalphok, for companies, departments is cloudcomputing good. but for you?21:28
charlie-tcacompanies include credit reporting, hospitals, etc21:29
charlie-tcaIf they don't have your birth records, you having them on disk won't help21:29
gandalphnew money, documents as bit and byte and so on.21:30
becker_11look at the new credit cards now. If the purchase is less than say $30 you just wipe your wallet past the device no pin or signing etc and it's paid21:32
charlie-tcayeah, but how far is "past the device"? I have heard they can pick those cards up at 30 feet21:33
becker_11charlie-tca,  not sure but if that's thru then that's scary21:33
becker_11thru = true21:33
gandalphtrue, true21:37
gandalphcharlie, becker, it was very nice to talk with you, but i will go in my bed soon. my jop wait to me tomorrow21:38
charlie-tcasee you later, gandalph21:38
becker_11gandalph,  nite21:39
gandalphthanks for your all informations about xubuntu21:39
gandalphi will see you later here21:39
gandalphnite all!21:39
titan_arkcharlie-tca: how are you doing? long time since i visted this channel :)21:40
charlie-tcadoing fine, thanks21:40
charlie-tcaGlad you came back21:40
titan_arkyou helped me get my 1st linux OS on my box eons back :)21:40
charlie-tcaand it is still working?21:41
titan_arkyeah, been busy, moved out, now at school again!21:41
titan_arkah, the xubuntu boot crashed during a power outage while it was doing an update :(21:42
charlie-tcanot good21:42
titan_arkthat was hours before i was catching my flight21:42
titan_arkso could do nothing about it21:42
titan_arkanyway my parents cant use anything beyond xp :P21:43
titan_arkno matter how hard i try, so it doesnt matter21:43
charlie-tcaI know that feeling21:43
becker_11Me too I'm off to bed it was great talking with you charlie-tca21:44
titan_arkgot a new notebook and 9.04 was really troublesome21:44
titan_arkheating, poor battery, drivers, etc21:45
titan_arkhow have you been doing?21:46
charlie-tcadoing better, I had a bad spell during karmic21:47
titan_arkoh! thats bad.21:47
charlie-tcaIt's fine. Doing great today21:48
titan_arki have been facing trouble with the latest kernel update21:48
titan_arknice to hear that :)21:48
charlie-tcamine went through with no issues21:48
titan_arkthe moment i update to the latest one, forget the version, it ends in ...30-1721:49
titan_arki reboot and then that is the end, cant boot in.21:49
titan_arkget some filesystem error21:49
charlie-tcaUsing ext421:49
titan_arkon wubi :P21:49
titan_arkdunno which filesystem it uses21:50
titan_arkas long as i do not do that update i am good21:50
titan_arkhad to re install thrice cos of it21:50
charlie-tcadidn't learn the second time, huh?21:50
titan_arkin fact a friend who has a similar notebook was doing good until he updated too, but he can boot into the previous version of the kernel21:51
titan_arkah, i could not figure out what the problem was. cos i have this properitery broadcom wireless driver also21:51
charlie-tcastrange things happening21:52
titan_arki was initially trying fedora and xubuntu via virtual box until i got inquisitive and tried booting OS X :P21:53
titan_arkall hell broke loose21:53
titan_arki musthave installed OSes some 10 times in the last week :P21:54
charlie-tcayeah, I know that feeling too :-(21:54
titan_arkwell even now my linux boot is not trouble free, unable to get everything working fine.21:55
titan_arkbut its anyday better than vista and 7 xD21:55
charlie-tcakeep trying. Gotta go now, see you later21:56
titan_arkoki doki21:56
titan_arkcya and tc21:56
jjihallo. i'm new to xubuntu..  my quesion is how can i get mapages22:05
jjimybe i'm wrong that is what i been told22:06
jjilike menual  guide22:06
knomesorry, i don't understand what "mapages" means22:06
jjiso i can use xubuntu22:06
knomeoh, you mean the *man* pages22:06
jjii don't know how to useit at all22:07
knomewell, the text-based man-pages are available via the "man" command22:07
knome"man command" gives you the manual for the command22:07
knomewhat are you specifically trying to achieve?22:08
jjidin;t know anything about coomad22:08
jjiso itrying to learn22:08
jjii'm trying22:08
knomeis english your native language? if you are more comfortable with some other language, there are some other channels for a few other languages :)22:09
jjii always do that22:09
knomeah, okay. sorry, no offense meant :)22:10
jjiis ok22:10
knomeso what are you trying to do?22:10
jjimis typo22:10
jjii have to  take it eay22:10
knomethere's the help-item in the xfce menu22:10
jjiother wise i type wrong22:10
knomeif you want to browse general documentation22:10
jjiso is therr way to get menual22:11
knomeyes, open the xfce menu and click the "menu" item22:11
knomethat's the official documentation22:11
knomein addition to that, there is lots of documentation but it sure helps if you know what you are trying to get done. :)22:11
jjixfc menu how can i get there22:13
jjii'm new so i don't know anything22:13
knomeyou should have two panels in the top and bottom of your screen, right?22:13
knomethe xfce menu is in the top panel, first from the left22:13
jjion top yes22:13
knomethat's the "applications" menu22:14
jjiapplication and places22:14
knomeclick that menu, then click the "help" text22:14
jjii click it22:15
knomea browser window should open22:15
jjii c22:15
jjii'm in22:15
knomesaying welcome to xubuntu 9.1022:15
knomethere's a link "xubuntu documentation"22:15
knomeclick that and you're in the documentation/manual! :)22:15
jjiis this one also have  command info as well22:16
jjinever mind22:16
jjii found it22:17
jjithank u22:17
knomeno, there's no information for specific commands, but you don't need to use commands in most of the cases22:17
knomenp, have fun with xubuntu22:17
jjibecause i been told that i have to know  command22:22
jjii had problem with mp3 file and guy told me to  open command window and type sudo .... and got fix22:22
jjii use to suing window and this is  differnt then  window22:22
knomejji, re: it is true that some things are easier to do from terminal/command line, if you know the exact command. that's why people who give support usually give you a command. many of these things can also be achieved with graphical ui only.22:25
jjithank u '22:26
RogerKhello all, is anyone familiar with xfce on fedora? there seems to be more options on that than xubuntu...I was wondering how i can customize the appearance with xubuntu22:31
knomeRogerK, can you be more specific - what kind of appearance?22:31
RogerKlike i dont even see the option to preload gnome or kde22:31
knomewhich version are you running?22:32
RogerKlike actual window settings in xubuntu look horrible22:32
knomeRogerK, applications -> settings -> session and startup -> tab "advanced"22:32
knomewhat do you mean with "actual window settings" ?22:32
RogerKlike window backgrounds, text backgrounds etc. im pretty sure in fedora you could customize all this?22:33
RogerK& that session and startup tip helped alot knome thanks22:34
knomeRogerK, do you mean applications -> settings -> appearance?22:34
RogerKor like panel background color22:34
knomeyes, the "styles" change the overall look.22:35
RogerKright any way to color the styles?22:35
knomeedit the files manually.22:35
RogerKalbatross seems to have broken from black to a dark blue when i start a vnc session22:35
knomeRogerK, could you provide me a screenshot of that?22:35
RogerKok ive seen where the files are ill do that thanks a bunch knome22:35
RogerKyes i can 1 second22:36
RogerKknome: http://tinypic.com/r/2mcda8j/622:41
RogerKthats a screenshot of the vnc im sure you know what the albatross theme normally looks like22:42
RogerKknome: a pastebin of my xstartup22:45
knomeRogerK, yeah, that's weird22:45
RogerKim not sure if its reproducable i just installed xubuntu late last nite22:46
knomecould you file a bug about it? : https://bugs.launchpad.net/albatross/+filebug22:46
RogerKyes sir22:47
knomethanks a lot22:47
knomei will try to get it fixed for lucid22:47
knomeif not by myself, someone else22:47
knomehmm, actually22:48
knomeis the theme installed in /usr/share/themes ?22:48
RogerKi didnt install it it was default with 9.10 but ill check22:49
knomeoh, okay22:49
knomethen it is22:49
RogerKits the standard theme with 9.10 i believe22:49
knomeyes it is22:50
RogerKposted https://bugs.launchpad.net/albatross/+bug/50618222:58
RogerKthanks again for the gnome/kde autostart tip knome, good luck fixing that strange vnc problem! im itchin to play some company of heroes so i have to boot to windows :)22:59

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