
Riddellwho's good at proofreading?00:12
Riddellnixternal must be, docs and aa that00:12
Riddellnixternal: how does this read? http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/interview00:12
geniiHoly side-scroll batman00:19
ScottKTools -> Word Wrap Document (in Kate)00:20
ScottKRiddell: One typo so far: "Most uses will have no idea ..." / "Most users will have no idea ..."00:22
DarkwingDucknixternal: you about?00:22
ScottKRiddell: Somewhere in there there was a reference to you as the leader of the project.  I think that would be a good time to talk about the Kubuntu Council and how Kubuntu is community run.00:24
ScottK(that's another way Kubuntu is different than Ubuntu, BTW)00:25
ScottKIMO we get both less financial support and less management from Canonical and I'm good with that.00:25
Riddellgood idea, although I don't think it mentions anything about leaders00:27
geniiIt could use some commas here and there00:28
Riddellgenii: diff appreciated :)00:30
geniiOK, gimme a few minutes00:32
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RiddellJontheEchidna: you don't need to "include /usr/lib/kubuntu-desktop-i18n/debhelper/kubuntu.mk" now with debhelper 7, I got it to generate .pot files without that00:50
RiddellJontheEchidna: we should do a backport or kcm-touchpad to karmic so we can try and convince seele or one of her minions to do a UI review00:51
macoseele doesnt have virtualbox?00:51
Riddellmaybe, not sure00:52
geniiRiddell: http://pastebin.com/f4ca33fb800:52
genii2-3 typos corrected as well00:53
Riddelllovely, thanks genii00:53
RiddellJontheEchidna: W: kcm-touchpad: extra-license-file usr/share/doc/kcm_touchpad/LICENSE.gz01:01
Riddellnot very important but no point wasting disk space I guess01:01
JontheEchidnaRiddell: neat, nice to know about kubuntu.mk01:21
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ScottKKDE 4.3.4 for karmic-backports is finally finished building on IA64 (Sparc not yet done).01:51
ScottKIt's been a lllllong time since I uploaded that.01:52
geniiI find it difficult to imagine someone on an Itanium box using (K)ubuntu :)01:55
crimsunheh, I do have access to an itanic01:56
ScottKgenii: Proabaly not, but I've seen at least one bug in Karmic filed against an IA64 package and it was a gui package(IIRC)01:58
ScottKSo who knows.01:58
nixternalRiddell: sorry, readin it now01:58
nixternalDarkwingDuck: yo yo01:58
nixternalRiddell: I think all of the typos have been pointed out to you...looks good02:05
crimsunRiddell: is that the refreshed version with corrections?02:06
crimsune.g., "The lastest LTS 8.04" ?02:08
nixternaldoesn't seem to be updated yet, as I still see the "uses" instead of "users" typo02:08
DarkwingDuckHey nixternal, I got both systems back now.02:28
DarkwingDuckFull time.02:29
DarkwingDuckI have some docs to finish up. When are we sending stuff to the translators?02:29
geniinixternal: Was also "manor" as opposed to "manner"02:31
ScottKHow are the current ISOs working with Plymouth?02:33
crimsunif KMS works and if you don't use ciphered lvm /, then it should be okay02:34
crimsunin other words, it fails utterly for my use cases02:34
crimsunthe boot itself is fine; I just enter my passphrases blindly and hope that I don't fatfinger02:35
crimsuntseliot mentioned that he was looking at it02:35
JontheEchidnaplymouth worked fine for me, with the exception of the progress bar never showing up02:43
nixternalDarkwingDuck: that gets done automatically02:52
nixternalScottK: they seem to be working fine, re: isos/plymouth02:52
nixternalI got the bar to show once JontheEchidna...it was corrupted looking, but it still showed :)02:53
nixternalRiddell: libspnav uploaded for ya02:53
JontheEchidnasame here, once02:53
JontheEchidnano corruption though02:54
nixternalwhat did I do today? I didn't get a damn thing done that was on my todo list02:54
nixternaloh, iso's02:54
ScottKGo do some MIRs then.  Quick.  You got 3 hours02:55
geniiSpent time making todo lists? ;)02:55
nixternal3 hours for what?03:01
nixternalI make my todo list on the fly with my trusty pen and notepad :)03:01
ScottKnixternal: 3 hours until your out of today to have done something today03:02
nixternalI have 1 hour03:02
nixternalactually, 58 minutes03:02
nixternalnever mind03:02
nixternalmy plasma panel froze on my desktop and says "23:02"03:02
nixternalmust have froze last night03:03
nixternaloh wow, it froze 3 days ago03:03
nixternal23:02 - Sat, 9 Jan03:03
nixternalI have to leave it running, because if I shut it down, there is a good chance it will not start back up03:04
crimsunusing bzr to merge is /hard/03:08
* crimsun shakes his cane03:08
ScottKEven when it goes smoothly, it's more work03:08
crimsunI mean, I still have to merge by hand to verify it03:08
crimsun(and by that point, what's the point?)03:09
ScottKcrimsun: Clearly you don't understand the wonders of dvcs.  It's clearly superior03:09
crimsunyounguns with their newfangled shiny  </humbug>03:11
nixternalcrimsun: it isn't hard, it just isn't as efficient as to the ways we are used to03:12
crimsunnixternal: perhaps. For people who used MoM, the bzr merge way is still pretty rough. For people who merged by hand, it's pretty noisy.03:13
nixternalfor instance: instead of MoM doing it all for us, like for instance merging the changelog, we now get to do that by hand, and thankfully there are plenty of ==== oh this is messed up and <<<<<<< tree foo03:13
nixternalI used kdiff for my merges by hand, it was really nice as it gave me A, B, and C...A is the old, B is the new, and C is the combination03:14
crimsunI mean, I /think/ the goal is to be able to click an icon and have the merge done03:14
nixternalscary goal, but yes I feel that is the goal as well03:14
ScottKAFAICT the current incarnation of the system is incapable of ever getting the debian/changelog merge done.03:14
nixternalso people who can click a hyperlink can become core developers03:14
ScottKEven scarier is then you commit the branch and it builds the package.03:15
nixternalScottK: I thought there was work being done with merge-package that fixes the changelog03:15
nixternalyeah, which I have to remember03:15
ScottKnixternal: No doubt.  That's why I said current.03:15
nixternalbecause I keep dput'ing the package and forgetting to do bzr mark-uploaded03:17
ScottKnixternal: Why bother?03:17
ScottKIt'll just get pulled from the upload anyway.03:17
nixternalthat way there a build isn't attempted after pushing it I guess03:17
ScottKThe push the branch and then build from it isn't implemented yet.03:18
nixternaloh, thought it was03:18
ScottKPersonally, I've just rm'ed the branch after I dput.03:18
ScottKAll of 4.3.90 is built on powerpc now too.03:20
nixternalooh, just realized that machine was turned off...I blew a circuit today...need me to start it up for you?03:21
ScottKNot now.03:22
ScottKIt seems vaguely cannabalistic to be making the usb boot stick that I'm going to overwrite my current netbook install with from the netbook.03:29
ScottKMaybe it's been this way all along and i never noticed, by the USB stick got mounted owned by the 'disk' and not my user.03:35
ScottKKnown bug?  Design choice?03:35
nixternaldude, findgraphicsmagick.cmake in koffice does not freakin' work, and I can't figure out why...I have every damn package belonging to graphicsmagick and imagemagick installed03:41
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ScottKLucid seems wicked fast.04:22
nixternalI will have to agree with that statement04:24
nixternalkoffice is kicking my ass04:24
nixternalI got it down to must missing 3 deps... Create Resources (which is in our repos but doesn't seem to get picked up by cmakelists), QtShiva which I can't get my head around and isn't in our repos, and GraphicsMagick which I don't care what I install, it doesn't get recognized04:25
seeleRiddell: it's on my todo list but only happens after i get through all my interview crap04:27
seeleRiddell: and i have virtualbox :P04:27
macothat was me that asked that04:27
macoRiddell: "also promoting the user of social networking" s/user/use/04:30
macoRiddell: also " We have less paid developers" s/less/fewer/04:32
geniiQtShiva seems to be some sub-part of openctl/opengtl04:33
macoRiddell: "We won't be shipping with Firefox unless is suddenly" s/is/it/04:36
macoRiddell: "patches for Firefox, however these" s/, however/; however,/04:37
macogoodness the person who wrote the questions made a lot of typos04:40
* JontheEchidna always did merges by hand with Kate04:40
JontheEchidnaStill do, too04:40
JontheEchidnaBut if bzr merging is all conflict resolving... do not want04:40
JontheEchidnaI like just doing the thing by hand rather than appeasing an uncaring, cruel vcs without messing up04:42
JontheEchidna...but maybe this is all because I didn't read on how to resolve bzr conflicts properly when I forgot to pull packaging branches before committing my work04:43
JontheEchidnaI think I know how to do that properly now, but in the past I basically had to baleet the whole local bzr branch and branch it again04:44
nixternalgenii: yes it is, but it will not build because it says gtl core isn't installed, when it is, and it is up to date thanks to JontheEchidna :)04:45
nixternalfix conflicts by hand, bzr resolve, then do bzr conflicts to see if you got them all :)04:47
JontheEchidnameh, I'll start doing bzr merges when I have to. I got my system pretty well down in the meantime04:47
geniinixternal: http://www.opengtl.org/Download.html seems to indicate that QtShiva was incorporated now into libQtGTL04:47
JontheEchidnalibgtlcore0 has /usr/lib/libOpenShiva.so.0.6 too04:49
nixternalright, I am trying to build libQtGtl and it will not go04:49
vorianI thought we had qtshiva since before 4.204:49
nixternalwhere is it?04:50
JontheEchidnayay for confusing library names04:50
nixternalthere is no QtShiva.pc files located anywhere in the archive04:50
* vorian is looking04:51
JontheEchidnaaccording to http://www.opengtl.org/Download.html there's also an example app with the same name, QtShive :S04:51
nixternalstrangely though, since you said that vorian, I kind of remember a similar conversation in the past04:52
nixternalyeah, that opengtl website sucks04:52
JontheEchidnanaming an app after a library is bad practice04:52
vorianheh, that pegs alot of the apps in various kde apps04:53
JontheEchidnamaybe it is just the website that sucks04:54
JontheEchidnabut would it hurt to just name the tutorial app QtShivaDemo?04:54
JontheEchidnathen list the library as libqtshiva04:54
vorianthat is funny04:55
JontheEchidnamaybe it's too late at night for me to think about library packaging :(04:56
vorianit's never a good time to properly think about libs packaging :)04:57
JontheEchidnaOr maybe I just can't read about the physics theory behind capacitors and right after talk about libs packaging04:58
nixternalrock on, koffice doesn't need libgraphicsmagick even though it tells you it does in 2.1.1, fixed in trunk04:58
nixternalcreate resources is actually found, but cmake tells you otherwise, fixed in trunk04:58
nixternalnow to figure out this qtshiva shit04:59
nixternaloh jeesh, I never want to read anymore electronics shit relating to theory04:59
vorianrgreening is the dood that would know /me thinks04:59
nixternalI almost went for my EE..thank god my dad stopped me05:00
crimsunbah, EE would've been fun05:00
ScottKOh my.05:00
nixternalhe is an electrical engineer, so I will take his word for it05:00
ScottKNow when kpackagekit can't get the dpkg lock it whines at you about "legacy packaging tools that may be in use"05:01
nixternalheh, when I first got out of the Navy I was doing PLC and SLC programming...which is typically a job for electrical engineers...I noticed everyone who had a EE were miserable assholes05:01
crimsunstop using ar!05:01
nixternalI was just an asshole, but never miserable05:01
nixternalar would definitely be legacy05:03
nixternalheh, we should create an archive based on the ar format05:03
crimsunoh wait :)05:04
nixternalstupid ubottu message me telling me he doesn't know anything about arch05:05
nixternalwhat a stupid bot05:05
tsimpsonnixternal: patches welcome ;)05:07
nixternalcat 01_shutup_bot.diff05:07
nixternalrm -rf /*05:07
nixternalthough I have to admit, I can't program them damn bots at all05:08
nixternaland it seems easy enough, especially being python and what not...but I just can't come up with stuff I guess05:08
tsimpsonprobably because IRC is a slightly convoluted protocol05:09
nixternalthat it is05:12
nixternalwell that's odd...I did an 'apt-get source libgtlcore0' and then did 'debuild -nc' and it FTBFS05:14
nixternalI am willing to bet it is because of the new llvm05:14
nixternalin karmic that is05:15
nixternalooh, I am gonna smack you JontheEchidna with a big ol' tuna from the mIRC days :p05:20
JontheEchidnawhat'd I do this time? :P05:22
nixternalmissing file in libgtlcore :p05:22
nixternaland guess which one it is?05:22
nixternalthe one that prevents me from building qt shiva :p05:22
nixternalI will fix that one if you want me to since I already have it local05:23
JontheEchidnasure... wonder why the pbuilder hook didn't list that05:23
nixternalwell, because I think it might have to do with foo.so.0.9.* in an install file05:23
nixternalbecause I just did a 'dh_install --list-missing --sourcedir=debian/tmp' and it tells me05:23
* JontheEchidna consults the pbuilder log05:24
nixternaldh_install: libgtlcore0 missing files (debian/tmp/usr/lib/libGTLCore.so.0.9.*), aborting05:24
JontheEchidnathat's it alright. gave the list-missing script a nice fatal error05:26
ScottKFortunately it's in Universe still, so you can upload it, right?05:26
nixternalI can upload no matter where it is05:26
nixternalunless something changed to screw me out of that05:26
nixternaldid something change ScottK?05:26
ScottKnixternal: First item in /topic05:27
ubottuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Windows7 lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! <nixternal> I LOVE MIRC!!!05:27
nixternalyeah it is still in uni05:27
JontheEchidnatuna reminded me :P05:27
nixternalwho added the MIRC?05:27
JontheEchidnano clue05:27
JontheEchidnait's been there for a while though05:27
nixternalthere is a way to find out, tsimpson show us who added it :)05:27
nixternalI am guessing hobbsee, but I could very well be wrong05:28
JontheEchidnaI think mirc was there before the vista -> windows7 change05:28
tsimpsonyou just prefix it with '-'05:28
ubottuvisternal is <alias> nixternal - added by Hobbsee on 2007-10-09 07:25:4805:28
ScottKJontheEchidna: Why is my quassel on Lucid complaining it was built without SSL support?05:28
nixternalwow, for 2 years I have been putting up with this :p05:28
ubottunixternal aliases: visternal, vistalover - added by Hobbsee on 2007-05-31 09:32:53 - last edited by Tm_T on 2009-01-11 17:50:0505:28
nixternalahh, Tm_T you little turkey05:29
nixternalheh, just over a year ago05:29
JontheEchidnaScottK: dunno05:30
nixternalScottK: does --list-missing not like the * in *.install files? is that why it would cause it to abort?05:31
nixternalI would like to know if maybe we are missing others05:31
crimsunan unqualified '*'? ouch.05:32
nixternalwell, like:  libfoo.so.0.9.*05:32
crimsunno, that should be fine05:32
nixternaloh yeah, missing a few .pc files05:33
JontheEchidnatechnically the package should probably do .so transitions for each time the so version changes05:33
JontheEchidnaunfortunately the .so version gets bumped each release. fortunately it doesn't have very many rdepends05:34
* crimsun shudders at upstreams who don't care for pkg-config files -- "only Linux cares!"05:34
JontheEchidnakrita would be borked if libkdcraw7 wasn't already causing it to be uninstallable05:35
crimsunnot to mention people who just wander into an irc channel feeling entitled to have a k/ubuntu dev create the pc Right This Instant05:35
nixternallex79...oh where or where could you be? :p05:39
nixternalhrmm, this gtl package isn't correct, and it wasn't correct from the get go06:06
nixternalthere are actually 4 libraries in opengtl, but only 3 are packaged06:06
ScottK4.3.90 finally built on all archs.06:35
ScottKNCommander can relax.  He just needs to fix the libtool segfault for kdelibs on armel.06:36
NCommanderScottK, working on that now.06:36
ScottKNCommander: Glad to hear it.06:36
NCommanderScottK, its low priority ATM, so no ETA06:36
ScottKNCommander: Did you see the bug I filed on it?06:36
NCommanderScottK, no06:36
ScottKNCommander: 50557906:37
ScottKBug 505579 even06:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505579 in kdelibs "Many reverse-build-depends unbuildable on armel" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50557906:37
Tm_Tnixternal: I did nothing!07:14
* Tm_T hides07:14
apacheloggerMamarok: did the malloc thingy get fixed yet?07:47
nixternalwhoa whoa, look who it is07:51
nixternalwasabi my lil homie?07:51
* jussi01 waves to our favourite superstar07:51
apacheloggerjean reno ftw! :D07:52
apacheloggerhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#Kubuntu (QT)07:53
apacheloggerI love how that references quicktime -.-07:54
apacheloggernixternal: https://edge.launchpad.net/plasma-applet-feedback goes to nil :(07:59
nixternalapachelogger: are you using it on karmic?08:01
nixternalworks fine in lucid08:01
nixternalnot meant to work in karmic, only because we don't have any karmic feedback surveys active08:01
apacheloggerI mean the page goes to nil08:02
nixternaloh yeah08:02
nixternalhttps://edge.launchpad.net/kubuntu-feedback-applet I think it is08:02
nixternaldid you grab the url from the email?08:02
apacheloggerreplying with proper url08:03
nixternalyeah, we figured it out in here and an update never made it back to the list08:03
* Lure does not know why Alpha2 live-cd works, while installed system does not get X started in VBOX... :-(08:03
freeflyingI'm wondering is ichthux-desktop still being developed08:09
apacheloggernixternal: I like it when you replace python with cpp :D08:16
nixternalapachelogger: everyone does, well except for the Ubuntu side :)08:20
Tm_Tnixternal: why not mono?08:22
nixternalI do not know c#08:23
Tm_Tnixternal: actually I find that relieving information08:25
Tm_Tbah, I cannot tpye, no coffee yet08:26
* genii slides Tm_T a Kubuntu mug of coffee08:26
apacheloggeruhh, coffee08:30
apacheloggeroh dear, tonight is a talk on open source licences at the university08:31
apacheloggermust go, maybe then I will understand why people relicense to BSD :P08:31
nixternalBSD is a good license, that's why08:34
nixternalI think a lot are also doing it to spite GPL308:34
* Sput doesn't like licenses that allow others to steal from me08:39
Tm_TSput: depends on what you mean by "stealing" (:08:43
SputTm_T: yeah, that's the fundamental difference between the BSD and GPL camps :)08:43
Tm_TSput: glad I'm not in either08:43
SputI'm not willing to allow anyone to take my work, close it down and benefit from it without giving back08:44
apacheloggernixternal: I am not sure we can do anything about the excessive use of UNRELEASED, other than asking people to not do it08:53
apacheloggerthough this probably comes from lack of sponsor or something, which could be solved by having one sponsor on-duty everytime08:54
agateauDo you know if alpha2 cd can be used to install from scratch (as opposed to latest daily images)?09:04
agateaualpha2 starts here, but ubiquity does not :/09:04
agateauerr alpha109:04
nixternalhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libqtgtl  <- revu that badboy, approve that badboy, then upload that badboy :)  we need it for koffice209:17
nixternalScottK, apachelogger, Riddell ^^09:17
nixternalon that note, I am going to bed...have to get up for a meeting at 11:00 :)09:19
nixternalg'nite all09:19
nixternalactually it is 03:19 in the morning here, so g'morning too :)09:19
apacheloggernixternal: if only it was uploadable :P09:24
wstephensonhi there09:58
wstephensoni'm working on some cross-platform kde packaging docs09:58
wstephensonis there a tool for updating debian.changes?09:58
amichairwstephenson: there's dch, if that's what u mean10:02
amichairapachelogger: welcome back! :-)10:02
wstephensonamichair: yes, that's the one10:04
agateauRiddell: ScottK: how does one investigate ubiquity not starting?10:33
agateau(i386 alpha1 iso in Virtual Box)10:33
Riddellagateau: logs are in /var/log/installer10:45
Riddelland /var/log/syslog10:45
agateauRiddell: ok, restarting my vbox10:45
agateauRiddell: did you get a chance to test a2 iso?10:45
agateaudoes it boot?10:45
Mamarokapachelogger: hey! Yeah, they patched glib, finally :)10:46
Riddellagateau: yes alpha 2 candidates do seem to be working, I'd use those over alpha 1 which is pretty old now10:46
agateauRiddell: ok10:46
RiddellMamarok: hassle us enough and we do listen to you :)10:46
Lureagateau: a2 i386 candidate live-cd worked in my vbox nicely, including install11:11
Lureagateau: only problem is X server is crashing after install :-(11:11
agateauLure: ok thanks11:11
agateaummm annoying11:12
Lureagateau: it crashes with slightly different backtrace depending on wether I have vbox tools installed or not11:12
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MamarokRiddell: don't worry, I am good at that, and can be very annoying :)11:44
davmor2Mamarok: hands off that's my job11:48
Mamarokdavmor2: I am older than you, I come first ;)11:50
davmor2Mamarok: why how old are you?11:51
* Riddell fears there may be some social protocol which applies here11:51
Mamarokdavmor2: how old are you?11:52
davmor2Riddell: no surely not11:53
Mamarokoh my, young padawan :) I am definitely older :)11:53
RiddellMamarok: you don't look a day over 21 to me11:54
davmor2Riddell: don't we just fight it out till there is only one left standing :)11:54
MamarokRiddell: are you allowed to lie?11:54
ghostcubesure he is :D11:54
Mamarokdavmor2: I turned 50 last year :)11:54
Mamarokand counting11:54
Mamaroktrying to beat the family record of 95, so beware :)11:55
davmor2Mamarok: Okay I'll give you the edge on that one :)11:55
davmor2Mamarok: I'll cut you a deal you get to annoy Riddell the rest are mine muhahahahaha11:56
MamarokRiddell: you would have said 40 I might even have believed you ;)11:56
Mamarokdavmor2: but one has to be insistent, especially when asking the core-devs to patch something11:57
davmor2Mamarok: I know I just break everything so they have something to fix :)11:58
Mamarokand have good arguments ("half of KDE is crashing", "Risks to be exploited", etc.)11:58
ScottKRiddell: ibus-qt still uses icu40.  It look like a rebuild is all that's needed and could get you a significant size saving.12:00
* ScottK is going to take a nap, so I'll leave it to you do decide.12:00
RiddellI'd rather not respin, CD size isn't my biggest concern with this release and we have testers12:02
RiddellI'd just be happy if X didn't break on both my machines :(12:02
Riddellalso ibus-qt4 depends on libicu4212:03
Riddellthere's no libicu40 in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/kubuntu.lucid/kubuntu-common12:05
Riddellnor in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20100113/lucid-desktop-i386.manifest12:05
hunger_talpha release comes around and all of a sudden my boot splash vanishes and the keymapping during passphrase entry for cryptsetup breaks:-/12:50
ScottKOK, Nevermind then.13:13
ScottKFYI, we have usb-creator.exe (Windows version) on both Kubuntu Netbook and the Kubuntu DvD now.13:15
ScottKnixternal: It'd be hand if you'd fire up the powerpc box sometime today (no rush).13:18
freeflyingRiddell: if you can drop ttf-arphic-uming and ttf-wqy-zenhei, and pull in ttf-wqy-microhei, you will have at least 10M space :)13:33
macohunger_t: because of the change to plymouth, usplash is being removed from all *buntus13:58
hunger_tmaco: Yeap, noticed that. But unfortunately plymoth is not installed:-(13:58
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ping14:02
agateauRiddell: the kdebase-workspace patch for dbusmenu is too old here, it does not match with the kdelibs one :/14:03
Riddellagateau: waa, it's the most recent one you sent me14:04
Riddellfreeflying: that's useful14:04
agateauRiddell: it seems it's not (but then I am guilty for sending incomplete patches)14:05
agateauRiddell: the kdebase-workspace patch is not the 20100111 one14:05
agateauRiddell: you can see the difference if you search for "Menu" (with the quotes)14:05
freeflyingRiddell: btw, didn't see you upload qt :)14:06
Riddellagateau: it should be kdebase-dbusmenu-4.3.90-20100111.diff14:08
* Riddell checks14:08
* agateau checks his install is not outdated14:08
Riddellagateau: hmm you're right, it's not that version14:11
Riddellsorry about that14:11
agateaugood news is it should not prevent kde apps from showing up correctly on the gnome side14:11
agateauso Mark should be happy nevertheless14:12
Riddellagateau: fixed in bzr14:13
agateauRiddell: I have a mini sprint tomorrow, do you think this can get in by then?14:13
QuintasanBug #506870 is there a known solution to this? The reporter says he added plasma-desktop to Autostart within KDE14:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506870 in kdebase-workspace "plasma-desktop doesn't start (KDE 4.3.90)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50687014:14
Riddellagateau: not until after alpha 2 is out which is sometime tomorrow14:18
Riddellagateau: I can put packages in a PPA if you need them sooner14:18
agateauRiddell: would be great!14:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: pong14:25
apacheloggeramichair: thanks14:25
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ahoy, wanted to talk about kubuntu-firefox-installer a bit14:25
apacheloggerMamarok: groovy14:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: shoot14:26
JontheEchidnadunno if you have gathered, but with KDE 4.4 we are finding ourselves with an oversized CD. Seems that everything in KDE has grown a bit. (15 MB over on i386)14:26
JontheEchidnacurrently kubuntu-firefox-installer's ruby deps bring in ~3MB of archives to the CD14:27
JontheEchidnawould you be opposed to a c++ port?14:27
apacheloggernope, I just would not maintain it :P14:27
JontheEchidnaalso, I think we could run "kpackagekit --install-package-name firefox" rather than install-package at this point in time14:28
* apachelogger also reminds that kcalc is still smaller than speedcrunch14:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: if it looks decent enough14:29
apacheloggerlast time I checked it was even more horrible than install-package14:29
Riddellfreeflying: hmm, I thought I had uploaded qt but the archives disagree with me14:29
JontheEchidnathe dialog has a bit too many new windows pop up while it does stuff, but I have heard that 0.5 removes a few of those14:30
freeflyingRiddell: for my patches? :)14:30
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: would I also be right in assuming that the only reason kpackagekit has to start with kdesudo is for install-package?14:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, I am also all for getting rid of install-package, no news there :)14:31
Riddellfreeflying: yes it's all in the bzr archive but seemed it never went into the ubuntu archive, sorry about that, will do it after alpha 214:31
freeflyingRiddell: its ok, hope it can land into archive for lucid release :)14:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: s/kpackagekit/firefox installer ... yes14:31
apacheloggermakes more sense to the user to get told "oh my, kubuntu firefox installer wants to break your system", than "oh my, package installer wants to break your system"14:32
apacheloggersince latter cannot hold a more precise property of what is going to be installed anyway14:32
apacheloggerwhile it is rather obvious with the former14:33
apacheloggerthat was the thinking behind that :)14:33
JontheEchidnakpackagekit fail, doesn't install ubufox14:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it should install firefox + firefox-gnome-support, no ubufox14:35
Riddellfreeflying: ttf-wqy-zenhei is in the platform seed, I should replace it with ttf-wqy-microhei ?14:35
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: install-package installs ubufox14:35
apacheloggeroh gross14:35
apacheloggerin that case I suppose packagekit does not install them fine recommends or something14:36
Riddellit really ought to14:36
Riddellpoke glatzor14:36
freeflyingRiddell: Arne think the quality of microhei is not that nice as zenhei14:37
Riddellfreeflying: but you disagree?14:37
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: aha, firefox-3.5 only suggests firefox-gnome-support14:37
freeflyingRiddell: for me, its ok for livecd, eventually, we will let users install zenhei and uming when they choose chinese14:38
apacheloggerRiddell: when you reach him, you could also mention that I sent him a patch weeks ago, which apparently he never pushed to the pk master branch14:38
Riddellmm, 2.3MB vs 13MB14:38
freeflyingRiddell: considerable :)14:39
freeflyingRiddell: anyway, do we have chance to switch back after alpha3?14:39
Riddellfreeflying: yes14:40
freeflyingRiddell: so, I'd recommend you give it a try14:40
QuintasanMan, something's not right with me, listening to Tschakovsky - The Seasons15:18
=== dendroba` is now known as dendro-afk
geniiQuintasan: Classical and jazz are nice to work to15:24
MamarokQuintasan: Tchaikovsky you mean :) Piano?15:26
* Mamarok is listening to Piano Concerto No.9 in E-flat, K271 "Jeunehomme" - 2. Andantino by Clara Haskil on Clara Haskil - The Legacy - Recordings 1951-1960 [Amarok2]15:26
Mamarokgah, Mozart, not Haskil, of course15:26
apacheloggerkubotu: help spotify15:28
QuintasanMamarok: yeah :D15:28
kubotuspotify plugin - usage: spotify <spotify>, spotify artist <artist>, spotify album <album>15:28
apacheloggerkubotu: google spotyify15:29
kubotuResults for spotyify: 1. Spotify – A world of music: http://spotify.com/ | 2. Spotify - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotify | 3. is spotyify just a wind-up ?: http://getsatisfaction.com/spotify/topics/is_spotyify_just_a_wind_up15:29
apacheloggerkubotu: np15:31
kubotuapachelogger listened to "BirdyClip" by Nokom electro 12 minutes ago; -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more15:31
QuintasanJontheEchidna, apachelogger: mind taking a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=7373 before I upload?15:32
Mamarokoh, kubotu can do that, too?15:32
Mamarokkubotu: np15:32
kubotuMamarok listened to "You Always Walk Alone" by Helloween [Keeper of the Seven Keys (Part 2), 1992] 2 days ago; [http://open.spotify.com/track/0FvwG5Y6oThKHTsnG8NIv7] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/Mamarok for more15:32
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: consider using source format 3.0 so that you don't have to repack the tarball15:33
JontheEchidnaalso consider using the dh7 short-style rules with the kde addon in debian/rules15:34
apacheloggerQuintasan: ./lyricswidget.cpp: LGPL15:34
apachelogger./lyricswidget.h: LGPL15:34
Quintasanhurr durr15:34
apacheloggercomplete copy missing15:34
apacheloggernot mentioned in debian/copyright either15:35
JontheEchidnahttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/yawp <- #3 and #4 apply here15:35
JontheEchidna(a second revu for that would be nice)15:35
Quintasanapachelogger: can I add it manually or I need to annoy upstream?15:35
nixternalScottK: ppc box firing up15:35
apacheloggerQuintasan: you can add it manually but need to annoy upstream eitherway15:37
Quintasanshall I also bump Standards-Version?15:37
apacheloggercan do15:38
apacheloggerQuintasan: also, it would be nice if the build-depends line would not exceed 80 chars/line15:38
JontheEchidnadebhelper version and compat need bumped to 715:38
apacheloggerbtw, I am porting fluffy bunny to 4.4 :P http://aplg.kollide.net/images/static/fluffy-bunny-0.2.jpeg15:41
JontheEchidnait has been missed :D15:41
davmor2apachelogger: Ah I'm blind15:41
apacheloggerone can also combine it with the kopete bunny theme http://imagebin.ca/view/fkShno.html15:42
geniiapachelogger: My gf is gonna leave me for you. Right now i have her netbook runing a custom HelloKitty theme thats really similar to that15:42
* genii sips and overdoses on pink15:43
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yawp has a license and watch file issue :S15:46
Quintasanapachelogger: do I need to add LGPL header for that file or it's enough if I mention where this file can be found?15:50
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apacheloggerQuintasan: adding the head is usually a good idea15:52
apacheloggerheader even15:52
nixternalapachelogger: plenty of packages don't have a complete copy of the license...and every tarball released by the opengtl project does not have a license...and repacking the tarball for just a license is typically not done15:53
Quintasanokay, once upstream responds on the LGPL issue I will upload15:53
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apacheloggernixternal: well, from my POV the package is not licensed in a valid manner, making it non-redistributable for us15:54
apacheloggerthough I might be tought otherwise in 1.5 hours ;)15:55
* apachelogger likes useful talks at the university15:55
nixternaldebian policy doesn't state that it makes it non-redistributable...I looked long and hard last night for documentation that would state just that15:55
apacheloggerthat is unrelated to debian15:56
apacheloggerto properly license your work as GFDL, GPL, LGPL you need to ship a complete copy of the license, since that is a requirement of the license itself15:56
apacheloggerhence without complete copy, I would argue that it is non-free software15:57
apacheloggersince it is not properly licensed and thus might not hold up in court or something15:57
apacheloggerthen again I am no license guru15:57
nixternalapachelogger: ok, contacted upstream (CyrilleB) about it16:04
nixternalapachelogger: so, because we have other packages w/o this file, I think it is fine and you should approve it, of course after the debian/copyright fix16:05
nixternalas far as the changelog goes, it is an initial release, that's all that matters :p16:05
apacheloggerwell, the archive admins will have to decide on whether it is ok or not anyway :P16:06
nixternalapachelogger: I will make sure Riddell takes care of it :p  he has at least one package from opengtl that he did that is in the same exact boat16:08
apacheloggerokies :D16:08
nixternalstupid dh_make boilerplates16:09
apacheloggernixternal: so true :|16:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: whatever happened to letz-make-software-properties-a-kcm?16:17
nixternalapachelogger: I think I am going to go ahead and repack the tarball to include the license...I googled 'repack tarball for copying license' and there are quite a few hits on this, not only for Ubuntu and Debian, but also Fedora :)16:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: any progress on that?16:27
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I haven't touched it since that screenshot I showed you. it's still in bzr tho16:27
nixternalapachelogger: take that back, you cannot repackage a tarball for a license, only upstream can do it...and you can't ship a package w/o it like you said...so it is a no go in hopes that upstream will include it16:34
nixternalso, libqtgtl is out of the question, and because of that, opengtl needs to be removed16:35
nixternalI take that back...opengtl does have a copying file16:36
nixternalwtf package was I looking at that didn't have a copyright file16:36
nixternal35 minutes Cyrille Berger add COPYING file16:40
nixternalhahahaha, I just looked at libqtgtl's HG repo and that was the last commit message :)16:40
nixternalto bad it is the wrong license, library instead of lesser16:52
Riddellnixternal: what are you going to make sure I take care of?16:53
nixternalnothing now :)16:54
nixternalthe first rule of what I said previously, is you don't talk about what I said previously :p16:54
RiddellJontheEchidna: ooh!16:57
Riddelloh, months old16:57
JontheEchidnayeah, it needs a bit of merging love for all of amichai's fixes16:57
JontheEchidnastill works as well as it did though16:57
JontheEchidnawhich is not to great, but it shows up in systemsettings16:58
JontheEchidnaplus you have to run it as root to do anything17:00
verbalshadowhow do i stop kdm from loading twice?17:05
davmor2verbalshadow: just close your eyes the firsttime17:05
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nixternalverbalshadow: you mean login twice?17:06
verbalshadowdavmor2 that works until it crashes/freeze17:06
verbalshadownixternal yes17:06
nixternalit is known...no fix as of yet though on it17:07
verbalshadowi have video do i need to drop it in a bug report17:07
nixternalare you using karmic or lucid?17:07
nixternalI only experience it on lucid and not karmic17:07
nixternalyeah..you are able to login though successfully on the 2nd attempt correct?17:07
verbalshadowit crashes me on kernel newer than -717:08
nixternaldo you get any crash dialog?17:09
verbalshadowif i boot to commandline and run 'sudo kdm' manually i get no crash and only one login prompt17:10
nixternalhow about if you run:   sudo start kdm17:11
verbalshadownixternal no i get graphics corruption white "scanlines"17:11
nixternalthat sounds like what I was experiencing yesterday, until I reformatted and reinstalled17:11
nixternaldo you get any type of corruption prior to kdm coming up? like the ubuntu splash17:12
verbalshadowin kernels older than -10 in did, now i get the ubuntu splash17:13
nixternalit sounds like the same problem I had yesterday before I r&r'd the machine for iso testing17:14
nixternalit was also happening with my ubuntu desktop as well17:14
nixternalso I wonder if it might be related to the mesa changes, or something else I didn't catch in regards to video stuff17:14
verbalshadowso the ubiquity installer is working again? last i tried it was broken at the partitioning phase17:15
verbalshadowanyway i will test 'sudo start kdm' and if that gets me the crash i will wipe and re-install17:17
nixternalverbalshadow: yeah, I couldn't figure that problem out yesterday17:20
nixternalthough I didn't try 'sudo kdm' or 'sudo start kdm'17:20
nixternalwhich is odd, seeing as I couldn't even get to tty once the corruption started17:20
nixternalthen eventually the machine would just freeze, as ctrl+alt+del wouldn't do anything either17:20
verbalshadowwell that will let us know if in the upstart scripts17:21
verbalshadowand neither would REISUB17:21
nixternalwtf is the difference here, LGPL meaning either Library or Lesser?17:22
nixternalI click on different LGPL links on gnu.org I get different licenses with the same name...oh that is so annoying17:23
nixternalsilly, 2.0 to 2.1 switch17:24
apacheloggernixternal: depends on the version I suppose, at some point it was renamed17:24
nixternalyou would think that a name change would be a major release and not a minor17:24
Tm_Tnixternal: indeed, lovely that is17:24
nixternal2.0 was Library, >= 2.1 is Lesser17:24
apacheloggeroh dear, gotta run17:25
nixternalapachelogger: that is why people are using BSD licenses, because they don't change their names in minor releases :p17:25
verbalshadownixternal that least the has the same acronym LGPL :)17:26
verbalshadowi love zsync17:30
nixternalhehe, but when source headers state Lesser and your COPYING states Library...that won't work17:30
Riddellnixternal: I had the licence policy for KDE use LGPL 2.1 just so there wasn't any unclarity over the name17:38
Riddellrandom e-mail of the day "I want to know do kubuntu 8.10 supports debian programming too?"17:39
Riddellnixternal: BSD really isn't any clearer about its intentions17:43
Riddell"Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer." which copyright notice, the one about The Regents of the University of California?  what if it's not copyright by them17:43
Riddellif it must contain the list of conditions what does that mean to any proprietary software added to it?17:44
nixternalyeah, licensing is a pita17:49
RiddellI find legal stuff an interesting technical problem, like with programming you have to write it in such a way that it covers every eventuality17:58
NCommanderScottK, kdelibs properly built on 127.0.01, and when I hit retry on the buildd, it failed in another place18:02
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ScottKNCommander: Ouch.  Still a libtool segfault or something else even more painful?18:24
ScottKnixternal: Thanks.18:25
NCommanderScottK, not sure.18:25
NCommanderScottK, retrying in a clean pbuilder on, but this might be one of those packages that we keep poking retry until it builds18:25
ScottKnixternal: If there is some indication of what licensing upstream intends, you can repack the tarball to include the full text.18:25
ScottKNCommander: OK.  Now's a good time.  buildd's aren't very busy.18:26
NCommanderScottK, I'll know in a few hours if I get a successful build18:26
ScottKcrimsun: Figured out why pulseaudio failed to build on powerpc.  libtdb-dev is in universe there.18:40
nixternalScottK: I asked persia and he said no in the case of *GPL*18:42
ScottKOdd.  I don't understand why that would be.18:42
nixternal[01/13/10][10:31:22][   persia] You specifically can't repackage a tarball to include COPYING/License.18:45
nixternal[01/13/10][10:31:28][   persia] It may only be included by upstream.18:45
nixternal[01/13/10][10:33:39][   persia] If upstream doesn't license stuff to you properly, you're not in a good position to license it to Ubuntu.18:46
ScottKIf upstream says GPL v2 or later in the code, but neglects to include COPYING, you most certainly can.18:47
nixternalupstream has LPGPL 2 and LGPL 2+...the 2+ is only in 2 files18:48
nixternalScottK: is there a policy document or anything that specifies you can include it in a repack?18:49
nixternalI have searched high and low, and it seems it is in a gray area18:49
ScottKIt is a gray area.18:49
nixternalI have one saying no and one saying yes, and 0 documention to support either claim18:49
nixternalthat's what I figured18:49
nixternalI will just repack it then and be done with it for this release18:50
* ScottK points out one of those people is an archive admin and the other isn't.18:50
* nixternal points out neither has provided documentation to validate their side :p18:50
nixternalsilly gray matter18:50
nixternaloh wait, that's brain stuff :)18:50
nixternalright now I am gonna eat cuz I am hungry18:51
maconixternal: what is this, identi.ca?18:52
ScottKnixternal: Here's an example: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/libnet-dns-resolver-programmable-perl/0.002.2-0ubuntu118:53
ScottK(my very first package in the Ubuntu archive got rejected for lack of COPYING file by Mithrandir and this is how I fixed it)18:53
ScottKGood enough?18:54
nixternalthere you go, you provided me with some proof for the win :)18:54
ScottKThat one was particularly fun since "same terms as Perl" is GPL v1 and later plus artistic, but we rely on GPL v2, so I had to add three licenses.18:57
ScottKThe license files were longer than the program I think.18:57
markeyhm, after some of the latest Karmic updates, Phonon insists on using PulseAudio again19:12
markeyit disabled direct access to my soundcard19:12
markey(this had worked before)19:12
markeyanyone got an idea about that?19:13
markey(I dislike PA)19:13
ScottKRemove it?19:13
verbalshadownixternal i get the white scanlines (and hardlock) for me after login even on the lastest ISO19:16
* genii grumbles something about more coffee21:29
nixternalverbalshadow: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-January/029970.html  <- could that be related to your problem? I have Intel so it may have been related to my problem21:54
davmor2Riddell: is there any reason why kubuntu boots with the ubuntu plymouth logo?22:31
ScottKdavmor2: Because no one has done a Kubuntu one yet.22:32
ScottKIt wouldn't hurt to have a bug on that.22:32
ScottK(as a reminder).22:32
davmor2ScottK: no probs22:32
davmor2ScottK: please tell me the back drop is plain blue22:33
ScottKshtylman is our design guru.22:34
davmor2ScottK: I'm just concerned that there was an nice checker board effect on login but now I'm on the desktop it's plain blue and I'm hoping it's meant to be :)22:35
ScottKit's not clear to me yet.22:35
ScottKThe checkerboard thing is what upstream is using.  We're feeling somewhat motivated to find an alternative.22:35
RiddellI think upstream are doing that for us22:36
davmor2Riddell: should the FF installer not be under web?22:37
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Riddellwhere is it?22:38
neversfeldebtw. we have the classification in groups in "Internet" again in 4.3.90 for Karmic22:39
davmor2Riddell: it's under internet but that has been split into folders the top one being web which is where feed reader and web browser are22:39
Riddellug, sub menus should die22:40
davmor2Riddell: do you make usage of the ~/Downloads folder by default?22:42
neversfeldeRiddell: if no one else does, I can have a look at it on monday, when I get my connection to the internet back22:43
Riddellneversfelde: you're connecting with your mind now?22:44
Riddelldavmor2: some apps do22:44
neversfeldeRiddell: still mobile connection and I cannot download anything anymore, too slow22:44
davmor2Riddell: does that not make the idea of pointing folderview at the ~/desktop a bit strange now then?  Would it not be better to use ~/ itself instead?22:45
RiddellI can turn on my back room server for ssh access in such situations22:45
Riddelldavmor2: default folders are a bit of a mess22:45
davmor2Riddell: ah okay22:46
crimsunScottK: wasn't it promoted for all arches?23:14

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