
debio264would it be possible to run Ubuntu ARM on a EP93XX? They have ARMv920t processors with MaverickCrunch FPUs, although I wouldn't mind not being able to use the FPU.03:46
persiadebio264: Do you know which ARM instruction set those implement?  A quick web search isn't answering this for me.03:59
debio264they run EABI, I know that much04:00
debio264beyond there, it's ARMv904:00
debio264not sure what you mean04:00
persiaI think ARM9 is ARMv5, but I'm not 100% sure.04:01
persiaBasically, there are several revisions of the ARM core (e.g. ARM9, ARM11, etc.)04:01
persiaAnd there are several revisions of the instruction set (e.g. ARMv5, ARMv6, etc.)04:01
persiaI'm not 100% sure of the mapping, although I remember wikipedia having a decent entry about it.04:01
debio264well, the Debian armel port apparently runs on these boards04:02
persiaBut if it is ARMv5, then you would only be able to run Ubuntu 9.04, as 9.10 requires ARMv6 and 10.04 will require ARMv7.04:02
debio264I'm reading up on that04:02
persiaDebian armel is ARMv404:02
persiaIt's very loosely parallel to the differences between 486, 586, 686, etc.  (but the specifics are completely different)04:03
debio264are there any plans to change the armel minimum instruction set?04:03
persiaThere have been plans to do that for each release, but always in the direction of only supporting newer instruction sets, so it's unlikely that ARMv5 will be supported in future versions.04:03
debio264no, I mean on the Debian side04:04
debio264(I've already been stung by the Ubuntu changes as my ARMv5 Sheevaplug used to run Jaunty)04:04
debio264I guess I'm probably better off with Debian, actually, if the Ubuntu requirements are going to keep rising04:05
persiaI have heard some vague rumours that Debian may move to ARMv5 at some point, but nothing concrete, and I don't expect that would happen until there were vanishingly few devices still working that required ARMv404:07
persiaBut yeah, if you're using ARMv5 devices, Debian is probably going to be more satisfying.04:07
debio264persia: okay, thanks for your help04:10
=== asac_ is now known as asac
loolJamieBennett: In your casper perf branch, I think you can replace the "chroot /root cat <some redirections>" with just "cat <redirections>"09:17
JamieBennettThanks for looking lool. The branch doesn't work at the moment as I got pulled of it for something else so there are probably other fundamental errors too but it gives an idea of the direction.09:18
* ogra just does the first SATA install on his babbage 09:31
persiaBit faster that way, is it?09:31
ograwith a side-by-side resizing variant09:31
ograi dont expect it to be much faster since its still routed through USB, but that everything just works is impressing :)09:31
ograeven though ...09:32
ograit seems to be faster ... 32% after 2 min is something i havent seen yet09:32
ogra(32% of copying files)09:32
ogra41 now09:33
ograhmm,. its definately faster09:33
persiaUSB isn't usually the bottleneck, it's that most people who install to "USB" are installing to flash, and the FTL tends to be slow.09:33
ograi never managed to get more than 20MB/s throughput09:33
cooloneyogra: very happy to know that09:34
ograno matter if the attached disk was usb or sata09:34
persiaogra: writing to what media?09:34
ograpersia, doesnt matter09:34
ograrotary sata vs usb key09:34
ograboth always had the same speed09:34
persiahrm.  It ought to have mattered.  rotary SATA *should* be faster than flash for bulk write.09:34
ograthat doesnt seem to be the case anymore09:34
loolasac: You said in #506761 that you bumped the partition size; I guess the vfat one?  Looks like another bug in the uboot vfat code (was already broken with fat16 versus 32)09:34
ogra48% after 5 min install time is definately a new record though09:35
ogralool, he said that at 6am ... i bet he'S asleep ;)09:36
ograwow, even the slideshow survived until 53% ... it is usually done at 15 :)09:37
loolI think I nailed ffmpeg09:37
ogragod that install is fast ...09:39
ogra80% after 12min !09:42
* ogra wishes he had not chosen a german install ... downloading langpacks will slow everything down09:42
ograok, that was 42min ... (vs 75min in karmic to a USB key) ... lets see if it boots now :)10:12
loolProbably your USB key isn't as fast as a hard disk though10:13
loolThere is a difference between SATA on board and over USB in my experience, but not big10:14
loolat least on b2.510:14
ograwell, but 30min ?10:16
ograi did SATA installs before in karmic (that couldnt start gdm)10:16
ograthey were not that fast10:16
loolIt's kind of a pitty that I can't dchroot on the porter box10:17
ograwhy ?10:18
loolIt fails10:18
ograare you using the right runes ?10:18
loologra: Try it out  :-)10:18
loolI think cjwatson ran in the same issues when he looked into qt4-x1110:18
ograthere was a trick i forgot about (since i never used the porter box)10:18
ograsomething like dchoot -l lucid ?10:18
ograor -c lucid ... dont know anymore10:19
loologra: Try it!10:19
loolIt just aborts with a mutex assertion10:19
loolI'm pretty sure we hadit in the past, but it would still login10:19
ograyeah, that was the issue you can work around with the option10:20
loolI bet our kernel is too old10:20
dmartHas anyone been getting slow networking with the new imx51 kernel?  I'm now getting only ~100kB/s and package updates take an age.11:05
dmartI'm not sure if the kernel upgrade caused this, but my other boards are fine11:05
ograworks fine here, i'm just installing chromium11:05
dmartweird... maybe it's caused by something else11:05
ograthough i switched to a usb wlan key after about 1h but didnt notice any slowness before11:06
dmartI'll assume it's not a problem for now; I'll see if it keeps happening.11:06
ograi'm using a fresh install from the 12.2 image though ...11:07
ogramight be userspace if you see it on an upgraded system11:07
dmartDoes that work?  I rsync'd it, but hadn't got as far as trying it yet...11:07
ograworks awesome, i just installed to a SCSI disk in about 40min11:08
ogralots faster than the usb/karmic installs i tried11:08
dmartThe casper improvements?11:08
ograno, the SCISI driver :)11:08
dmartOh... I don't have a board I can use that with yet :(11:09
ograit boots as slow as before, i dont think JamieBennett uploaded the new casper changes yet11:09
dmartOh, right.  Well I'll look forward to those11:09
ograthough the install boots in about 30secs11:09
ograthe disk throughput really changed11:10
dmartWhen you say 30 secs, is that to gdm login, or to the desktop?11:10
dmartI had 80 secs to the desktop on 20100108, booting from SD11:10
ograautologin to the desktop on third boot11:10
dmartasac: Pulled firefox-3.6, and trying the benchmark now.  It seems to be working better than ff3.511:10
ograhmm, hdparm disagrees with my personal feeling11:11
ogra Timing buffered disk reads:   54 MB in  3.05 seconds =  17.71 MB/sec11:11
ograthats not a high throughput11:11
JamieBennettogra: I'll be working on that next week but there is an initial branch for casper changes at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jamiebennett/casper/debconf-speedup-work11:11
JamieBennettnot quite working yet though11:12
ograyeah, i would have been surprised if it had made A211:14
JamieBennettThe pieces are there they just need putting together when I get time :)11:16
dmartWhen ogra said "it's faster" I just jumped to conclusions ;)11:17
ograchromium feels a lot smoother than FF ... i'm curious if the benchmarks will agree11:22
cooloneyogra: if i wanna to try chromium on my board, need i add a PPA, right?11:24
ogracooloney, see other channel ...11:26
ographew, scrolling in software center is unusably slow11:26
* ogra installs banshee for the fun of seeing it crashing11:26
* JamieBennett assign's ogra the "[jamiebennett] Banshee on ARM: TODO" task ;)11:27
ograno, thanks, i had that long enough during karmic :P11:27
ograbut who knows, probably it magically works now ...11:28
JamieBennettogra: bug 506910 - Is that in the installed system or on the live-cd?11:30
ubot4JamieBennett: Bug 506910 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/506910 is private11:30
ogra(if it ever finishes to install :P )11:34
ograhmm, audioCD and hardwareManager instances throw exceptions ...11:34
ograUI comes up but then it crashes ... as it was in karmic11:34
* JamieBennett changes that TODO to DONE now then ;)11:34
ograJamieBennett, both11:37
ograit persists after install11:37
ograoh, funny11:37
ograi had my headphone plugged to the mic input11:37
ograthat actually generates mono output11:37
JamieBennettogra: OK, its to be removed from the seeds after the alpha's11:38
ograthough someone (upstream) should really look into pybootchartgui11:38
ograits so broken on all arches11:38
ogradmart, ok, i switched back to wired, wget'ing http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily-live/20100112.2/lucid-desktop-armel+imx51.img gets me "358K/s  ETA 30m 36s" seems to be fine11:44
* ogra will leave it running for a while to see if the value persists11:45
ogranote that i'm running the latest kernel from the archive, not cooloney's new test kernel yet11:46
dmartsame here11:47
asacdmart: thanks11:59
asacogra: did you try the new uimage script?12:01
asacthat works12:01
asacor didnt you read all my bug comments ;)12:01
asaci will close the bug now if you dont say it doesnt work12:01
dmartIs anyone else seeing weird window corruption since the last xorg update?12:06
dmartMy first guess was that there was a pixman bug, but pixman hasn't been rebuilt since last November12:07
looldmart: Someone reported it here on beagle12:09
looldmart: Someone else mentionned this was a kernel vfp state corruption for which the patch was pending a merge upstream12:10
dmartDo you know whether there's an lp bug?  I have some xwds I could attach.12:10
loolfreenode-#ubuntu-arm-20100104.log:11:05 < ssvb> cwillu_at_work: for pixman it means that the signal handler responsible for input handling may corrupt NEON registers and as these are used for processing pixel data, it results in image artefacts which look as horizontal stripes12:11
lool09:00 < ssvb> lool: but I know for sure that such problem existed with problematic kernels and it resulted in a similar looking artefacts on screen12:12
looldmart: 10:35 < ssvb> lool: here is a testcase for kernel bug: http://siarhei.siamashka.name/files/20100104/test-sighandler-vfp-corruption-bug.c12:12
dmartI'm using babbage2 though... is CONFIG_NEON enabled in the kernel?  Pixman should not be using NEON.12:12
dmart...which leads to an interesting question: how do we handling enableing NEON on babbage3 but not on babbage2.x ?12:13
looldmart: that was supposed to be achieved as a kernel patch12:14
loolBut dont think anybody worked on that12:14
asacdmart: do you have any first results from the benchmark yet?12:14
asaclike a rough direction?12:15
dmartRough answer is that ff3.6 works and is maybe 30% faster than ff3.5 on this benchmark.12:16
dmartBut chromium is up to ~90% faster than ff3.512:16
asacok cool12:16
dmart(The ff3.5 used in this comparison is ARM and karmic though, not T2 and lucid)12:16
asacand mem consumption is sinmlarly better than 3.6?12:16
asacanyway, looking forward to get the results :)12:17
dmartDon't know about that; we don't measure it.  Is there a way to capture the peak memory use of a process?12:17
dmartI'll send a mail with more detail.12:17
asacgood question12:17
asaci would be more interseted in memory if you open like 100 tabs in both12:17
dmartOK, I can try to do that.  What figure would you use?  The virtual memory load?12:18
asacthats a good question ... folks usually look at RES mem12:19
asacmaybe not a real accurate figure, just understanding if either firefox or chromium make your system creep earlier would be helpful12:21
persiacreep or thrash?12:28
asacdepends on the load i guess ;)12:32
dmartlool: do we know for sure that there is a signal handler using VFP/NEON, and do we know where it is?12:43
dmartlool: Also, how do I see the IRC log? If I go to #ubuntu-arm-20100104.log:11:05 I just see an empty channel.12:46
asacdmart: check if the log here is better: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/01/04/12:53
* asac lunch12:53
dmartBetter, thanks.12:53
ograasac, i havent tried your script yet, will doso now12:55
looldmart: Probably just my tz is one hour delta12:59
dmartlool: It may make sense that switching to another pixman resolves the corruption problem: pixman-0.14.x (karmic) doesn't have the NEON support so cannot fall victim to the neon state corruption.12:59
looldmart: That's my personal log, as asac pointed out, we have irclogs.u.c12:59
dmart #ubuntu-arm-20100104.log:10:0512:59
loolI use my logs for grepping12:59
dmart...no, I don't see anything there either12:59
looldmart: Yes, it turned out to be a kernel bug in that case12:59
looldmart: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/01/04/%23ubuntu-arm.html you don't see the conversation on pixman?13:00
dmartSorry... yes, on irclogs.ubuntu.com, I see it.13:00
looldmart: I certainly see the conversation at 10:05am in the log13:00
persiaThe other isn't a real channel, just a local file13:00
asacthe other?13:01
dmartlool: The problem described is that the VFP/NEON regs are not saved and restored around signal handlers... but it still sounds unusual to use those features in a signal handler.  Do we know where it's happening?13:01
loolThat's my local log file13:01
asacwhats that?13:01
asacbut why does dmart have that ;)?13:01
asacanyway. i am really out for lunch now13:01
looldmart: Well the patch would probably tell you; let me see13:01
dmartHe doesn't: hence the confusion :)13:01
dmartSome random userspace app must have fp code in a signal handler? if so, the kernel patch won't explain where13:02
looldmart: http://www.spinics.net/lists/arm-kernel/msg67148.html13:02
looldmart: Oh dunno, I guess you could grep for signal() in pixman?13:03
loolOr in xorg-server; I really have no idea which signal that is13:03
loolIt could be that some signal code gets built with cflags triggering the use of this code13:04
dmartHmmm, maybe it would be hard to find out.13:04
dmartMaybe there are some apps which call pixman funcs from inside signal handlers.13:04
looldmart: This might be OMAP specific though13:05
dmartYes, there's two issues: VFP/NEON save-restore around signal handlers, and save-restore around pm suspend. I don't think they're OMAP-specific.13:06
ograasac, did you test with dmart's uInitrd already ?13:07
ogradmart, do you have the mkimage command handy you used to create that uInitrd ?13:07
dmartSadly not... but it would have been something very similar to:13:08
asacogra: ónly kernel13:08
dmartmkimage -A arm -T initrd -C none -O linux -a 0x90800000 -d initrd.gz initrd.uImg13:09
asacogra: the mkimage is trivial13:09
* ogra wonders if there is dirt on his screen or asac started speaking french13:09
asacdmart: sure it needs the -a?13:09
dmartKernel would be:13:09
asacogra: i have the same dirt ;)13:09
dmartmkimage -A arm -T kernel -C none -O linux -a 0x90008000 -e 0x90008000 -d zImage uLinux13:09
ograok, i'll try with these13:10
dmart0x90008000 was chosen to match what the linux/arch/arm/ makefiles to for babbage, but 0x90800000 was an arbitrary choice which seems to work.13:10
asacogra: try the script first ;) .. then we can look at initrd13:11
asacafaiu the -a isnt really needed :)13:11
ograwhy do we use initrd.lz everywhere13:11
asacbut if its help, we are set13:11
asacogra: pick it from an install13:12
asacthere its a gzip13:12
ograi want the live initrd13:12
dmart-a probably isn't needed for initrd; I couldn't remember13:12
asacjust uImage13:12
asacogra: unpack it ;)13:12
asacand pack it13:12
dmartgzipped or non-gzipped initrd should work, but I only tried gzipped.  I never use U-Boot's own compression for this (but it probably works)13:12
ogradmart, we now use lzma ... not gzip anymore13:13
* ogra sighs about another special case we'll have to apply to armel image13:13
asacogra: should be easy to repack13:13
ograasac, thats not the point13:13
asacwhat is the point?13:13
ograwe have to maintain every special case on treh build machine in separate code13:14
asacyou can repack in debian-cd ;)13:14
dmarthmmm... well I think I just pulled an initrd.bin image from karmic.  Maybe is was lzma, maybe gz?13:14
asacogra: no. we can just repack when producing the mkimage ... in debian-cd13:14
ograasac, yes, thats the point, extra code that misses changes made for other arches13:14
asacthats not really special casing13:14
asacogra: we run mkimage there13:14
asacits one more command13:14
asacthats not a deal13:14
asacif all other archs would use uboot, i would agree13:14
persiaUm, is there a reason we can't use lzma?13:15
asacbut that code is special cased already13:15
ograstill more extra code13:15
asacpersia: uboot doesnt support it13:15
persiaasac: And that can't be fixed easily?13:15
asacogra: i can write you that extra code ;)13:15
ograpersia, i doubt anyone every added it to uboot13:15
asacand maintain it ;)13:15
asacpersia: we can make that a lucid+1 project13:15
ograasac, its just that we try to keep the delts as small as possible13:15
dmartLinux will decompress the initrd: U-Boot doesn't need to understand it (surely?)13:15
asacalso uboot needs to be small13:15
* persia thinks it's even odds adding it to uboot or the build scripts, and prefers consistency with other architectures for documentation advantages.13:15
asacogra: you miss the point13:16
asacthe +armel is separate anyway13:16
asacits no maintainence overhead to modify that13:16
loolThe code to uncompress/interpret the initrd is in the kernel for sure13:16
persiadmart: Good point.13:16
asacwe have no choice ;)13:16
asacso not worth discussing13:16
ograasac, no, it uses tons of existing non-arch specific scripts13:16
persiaasac: Except lool and dmart seem to imply that it doesn't matter how it's compressed.13:16
dmartU-Boot has its own image compression code, but it's redundant because Linux is more flexible :)13:16
asacif it doesnt matter i am fine13:16
ograand with these we just inherit changes made by the platform team13:16
persiaogra: Let's do that then, and just use lzma.  We don't need uboot to decompress it.13:17
ograright, if it works i dont care, if we have to repack anything i'm unhappy13:17
persiaOK.  Does it work?13:17
loolIt might be slower to use lzma though13:17
dmartWorth pointing out that you may need pass -C none to mkimage to make sure U-Boot doesn't do its own decompression pass13:17
persia(someone with lucid-capable hardware should test)13:17
loolAnyway, /me goes preparing for bunch of meetings13:17
asacogra: if we have to repack dont be unhappy. thats a one liner ;)13:17
asacin a 100 lines arch specific file13:17
asacanyway. i stop13:17
ograasac, one we have to care for, out of sync with the rest of the distro13:18
persiaIt's not worth arguing about.  One or the other of you should test passing "-C none" to mkimage to verify we don't need to care.13:19
ograasac, boots (and dies with an oops at the end)13:22
loolasac: 10:34 < lool> asac: You said in #506761 that you bumped the partition size; I  guess the vfat one?  Looks like another bug in the uboot vfat code  (was already broken with fat16 versus 32)13:27
persiaogra: kernel boots and oopses?  What's the oops?13:27
cooloneyhey guys, since versatile arch came back in lucid, can i use qemu to test versatile lucid image now?13:27
persiaMaybe we have the wrong kernel options?13:27
loolcooloney: Sure13:27
loolNot sure we enabled the d-i arch though13:27
lool*subarch rather13:27
persiacooloney: If there's a versatile kernel, you ought be able to use it, but you're in a better position than most to tell if the versatile kernel is correct :)13:28
cooloneyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/QemuNetInstall is quite out of date13:29
loolcooloney: however you cant use it to test *images*13:29
dmartlool, asac, persia: I didn't play much with fat myself. It would be handy if someone added ext4 support to uboot, but I don't think there's any plan to do it yet.13:29
loolThe images are meant to boot on this or that hardware13:29
cooloneypersia: frankly, i do not know where is versatile kernel13:29
loolin practice, the images might be usable with special incantations though13:29
loolcooloney: In the versatile .deb13:30
ograKernel command line: noinitrd console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock2 rw rootfstype=jffs2 ip=off13:30
cooloneylool: ok, got your13:30
* ogra wonders where that comes from13:30
ograits not in printenv13:30
persiaThat explains the oops, at least.13:31
cooloneyogra: that command line should be in the UBOOT code13:31
cooloneylool: do you know the URL of the versatile .deb?13:32
loolcooloney: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/armel/linux-image-2.6.32-10-versatile/2.6.32-10.1413:32
loolAh I was searching in main13:32
cooloneylool: thx, a lot.13:32
loolI cant find it on ports, weird13:34
cooloneylool: no problem, thx13:35
loolStupid proxy13:35
ograhmm, kernel doesnt find the ramdisk13:38
persiaDoes the kernel have lzma support?13:39
ograits the one from the live image13:39
ograso yes13:39
ograRAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at 0.13:42
dmartWhat's your bootm command?13:42
ograbootm 0x90007fc0 0x907fffc013:42
ograi just copied yours from the bug for now13:42
dmartDid you supply -a to mkimage for the initrd image?  I'm wondering whether U-Boot is using the load address parameter to tell linux where the initrd is.13:43
ograi did13:43
ogramkimage -A arm -T initrd -C none -O linux -a 0x90800000 -d ../initrd.lz ../uInitrd.lz13:43
ograi'll try with -a 0x013:44
dmartHmmm, not that then.  Can you send me your kernel log?13:44
asaclool: yes. its a vfat issue. i will check the code if i find time13:44
asacogra: -T ramdisk13:44
asaccooloney: why is our vmlinuz so big?13:45
ograRAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at 0.13:46
asacdid you pass initrd=0x.....,12M to kernel?13:46
ograi shouldnt need to13:47
dmartNo, U-boot puts that info in the tagged list13:47
dmartCan you stick your kernel log in pastebin, ogra?  I have vague memories of similar problems13:47
asacits just that that is used everywhere on in u-boot docs13:47
asacwhich i found odd too i have to admin13:48
ogradmart, you mean the serial output ?13:48
dmartogra: if possible13:48
* asac gets more coffee13:48
dmartogra: thanks13:48
dmartTrying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs... rootfs image is not initramfs (junk in compressed archive); looks like an initrd13:49
dmartI guess that's wrong?  lzma support missing (or something else?)13:49
ograthats weird13:50
ograoh, wait !13:50
* ogra checks asacs script again13:51
asacmy script?13:51
asacthe kernel boots ;)13:51
ogramy options to it13:51
ograno, its definately the right kernel13:51
* asac remembers that this was the stage where his bbg3 died ;)13:53
ograhmm, -C lzma is accepted, but doesnt fix it13:55
asaci think it should be -C none13:55
dmarti AGREE13:55
dmart(I agree)13:55
ograthats what i used before13:55
ograasac, do we have a call now ?13:56
ograor is that an IRC meeting13:56
asacogra: i will ping you ... have to call him first to tell him that we do a conference now ;)13:56
* ogra needs to know if he needs to steal the phone :)13:56
asacas he isnt online atm13:56
asacso stay tuned13:56
loologra: Could you merge the two rootstock branches I proposed for merging?14:05
loolThey fix lucid support or running under lucid with default args, and would allow for less forks of the script14:06
ogralool, will do before ending my day, whgy dont you have direct commit access ?14:06
loolI might, let me check14:06
loologra: Trunk is ~ogra/project-rootstock/trunk14:07
ograah, crap, i'll found a team14:07
cooloneyasac: sorry, just back from a meeting,14:16
cooloneyasac: are you asking about the size of vmlinuz?14:16
asaccooloney: yes14:32
=== jamie is now known as JamieBennett
cooloneyasac: you guys are thinking the vmlinuz is too big? compare to karmic imx51 kernl?15:07
plarsasac: has https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xulrunner-1.9.1/+bug/490792 already been fixed? Isn't that the same fix I tested a while back?15:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 490792 in xulrunner "ARM/Thumb interworking support missing from nanojit" [Unknown,Fix released]15:12
dmartplars: firefox-3.5 is still SIGILL'ing in lucid, for reasons we don't fully understand yet... so maybe the problem wasn't fully fixed15:33
dmartHas anyone been able to install from 20100112.2 with manual partitioning?  I'm having problems: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/506971 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/50701215:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 506971 in ubiquity "Partitions detection is wrong using manual partitioning" [Undecided,New]15:35
dmart(Come on ubot4, second link... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/507012)15:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 507012 in ubiquity "Attempt to create new partitions silently fails in manual partitioning" [Undecided,New]15:35
plarsdmart: according to iso tracker, ogra was able to get through it15:35
dmartI'm trying to reserve space to transfer the boot images to the installation medium.  This is more convenient to use, and has worked in the past...  but maybe it's confusing ubiquity15:37
plarsdmart: I'm using automatic partitioning on this test right now, will try with manual later15:40
dmartFYI, I create a 32MiB non-FS data partition (DA) at the start of the installation medium to put the boot images in.  This can't be done through ubiquity, but the partition is displayed correctly after ubiquity has queried the device.15:42
persiadmart, just as a side note, ubot4 can also understand shorthand, such as Bug #507012 and bug #50697115:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 507012 in ubiquity "Attempt to create new partitions silently fails in manual partitioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50701215:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 506971 in ubiquity "Partitions detection is wrong using manual partitioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50697115:43
dmartpersia: useful tip, thanks15:43
plarsalso, seeing an error with /usr/lib/cups/backend/scsi as soon as it comes up, but apport can't seem to locate the package (generated file maybe?)15:45
dmartI also think that CONFIG_NEON=y is causing me problems on babbage2 (we have no babbage3 at present)15:49
dmartI get unexplained full-system lockups15:49
plarsdmart: lockups when doing what?15:52
asaccooloney: sorry. the problem is that uboot take a few second to load the vmllinuz from SD15:53
dmartThere's no pattern that I can see.  Usually, when I'm running nothing in particular (ubiquity just now) or when the board is unattended for a while.15:53
asaccooloney: the fsl bin kernel is like 30% smaller ...15:54
NCommanderdmart, is there instability in general?15:54
asaccooloney: so everything we can safe there would be great.15:54
NCommanderdmart, I remember reading somewhere that there were known issues with NEON on Babbage 1, and possibly also on the babbage 215:54
asacplars: thats fixed in firefox-3.615:54
dmartIt feels like just a low-frequency random problem, but I didn't see anything similar with karmic.  This is the only kind of instability I see (apart for some app crashes of the sort which other people see too and which is to be expected for an alpha)15:54
asacplars: there are two issues with firefox. the one we fixed, and that one from above.15:55
asacthe one above is only fixed in firefox 3.615:55
asacplars: firefox-3.6/xulrunner 1.9.2 are now available here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/nss3.12.3/+packages15:55
plarsasac: ok, figured it might be something like that, thanks15:55
asacwill soon be in archive15:55
dmartNCommander: you are right: babbage 3 is fixed, but all earlier versions have this problem.  We must address this config difference it in the kernel somehow since there are expected to be some products based on the babbage-2 SoC15:56
dmartNote: I don't know if the lockups are connected with CONFIG_NEON, that's just my current guess.15:56
NCommanderdmart, but won't apps that have NEON just fault the board then?15:56
dmartUnfortunately, it's not that simple.  Only certain memory accesses cause problems, and even then I think it depends on other factors.  I remember running a NEON-enabled ffmpeg on babbage-1: some runs it would work OK; on other identical runs the board might freeze15:57
NCommanderdmart, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh :-/15:59
dmartThis is why CONFIG_NEON was =n15:59
NCommanderdmart, but disabling CONFIG_NEON doesn't prevent NEON instructions from actually being executed, does it?15:59
dmart...but for babbage-3 we really do want it =y15:59
NCommanderdmart, there are a couple of ways we could handle it if need be.16:00
dmartNCommander: CONFIG_NEON=n will turn some NEON instructions into SIGILLs, but unfortunately not all of them because there is some overlap between the VFP and NEON opcode spaces.16:00
asacNCommander: chromium neon code definitly triggers SIGILL ... i was told because of CONFIG_NEON=n16:01
dmartCould be... I've probably only run it with CONFIG_NEON=y.  It works well (apart from the slight board instability)16:01
NCommanderdmart, so even flipping CONFIG_NEON won't solve the issue16:01
dmartIf Chromium is dependent on NEON and cannot adapt at run-time, it's a bug: not all target platforms have NEON anyway.16:02
asaci pointed you to the bug ;)16:02
asacthey dont see that worth the effort16:02
asacbut i guess they would be open for well maintainable patches16:03
dmartCan you point me to the bug again?  I seem to have lost it.16:03
asacdmart: maybe coming up with a good list of devices that will have this well help16:03
asacone moment16:03
asacdmart: ^16:04
asaccheck comment 416:04
=== bizkut-miau is now known as bizkut-redhat
asaccooloney: so we have CONFIG_NEON=y now?16:15
cooloneyasac: yeah, it is turned on16:26
asacdmart: so should we or shouldnt we have that on? or do we first want to confirm that bbg2 breakage is really due to that?16:26
dmartI'll discuss with cooloney a bit first16:27
ograplars, dmart, i didnt do manual partitioning, but a rezize+side-by-side install to keep my build chroot on the dosk (we dont have an option for that on the isotracker, manual just seems closest)16:39
plarsogra: did you see this cups backend bug also?16:40
plarsseems to be a stack smashing thing16:41
plarsogra: odd, comes up every boot for me16:41
ograi only saw a pybootchartgui apport msg and a "scsi died" apport one16:41
ograi wasnt able to reproduce the latter to get apport data though16:42
plarsogra: right, it's the scsi one16:42
plarsdoing it now16:42
ograi only saw it once16:42
ograand it didnt return16:42
ograGrueMaster, plars, (or whoever tests the current imx images) can you make sure the logout menu is populated ?16:44
plarsouch... /me considers going out for lunch while lp logs in16:44
ograthat was one we did the respin for16:44
ograplars, dont try to use FF with LP from the babbage ... something is wonky there16:44
plarsgrr, ff just died16:44
plarsyeah, I see now16:44
GrueMasterSure, but it may be a little while.  I just triggered my image pull, and I have a dental appointment in 1 hour.16:44
* ogra immediately switched to chromium :)16:45
plarsogra: it is not populated, but I'm on 20100112.2, not on 1316:45
ograright, 12.2 had that16:45
ogra13 is supposed to fix it16:45
plarsalso, the power control menu appears to be separated from the indicator applet session now16:45
ograwe had a bunch of outdated packages on 12.216:45
plarsogra: iso tracker still points to 12.2 as the one to test16:45
ograi just got a mail notification for 13, weird16:46
plarsno, it updated now16:46
* plars starts over16:46
plarsit was at 12.2 when I started this morning :)16:46
ograyeah, 13 just finished16:46
ogragot the mail 20min ago it seems16:47
* ogra was busy with uboot, so didnt notice it until now16:47
ogradevice-mapper: dm-raid45: initialized v0.2594b17:04
ograBegin: Running /scripts/init-premount ...17:04
ograBegin: Mounting root file system... ...17:04
ograBegin: Running /scripts/casper-premount ...17:04
* ogra dances madly 17:05
ograasac, ^^^17:05
plarsnice :)17:05
asacogra: rock and roll. please update us17:06
ogrammcinfo; setenv bootargs 'console=ttymxc0,115200 boot=casper'; fatload mmc 0:2 0x90300000 uImage; fatload mmc 0:2 0x91600000 /uinitrd; bootm 0x90300000 0x9160000017:06
ograthats my magic17:07
asachow much space do you give kernel?17:07
ograuinitrd created with: mkimage -A arm -T ramdisk -C none -O linux -d ../initrd.lz ../uInitrd17:07
ograenough i suppose :)17:07
asacthats too much17:08
asacor does it need more space than the image?17:08
ograwell, i wanted to play safe for getting it up and running17:08
ogranot really17:08
asacok. i would hope we can use 5M17:08
ograwhy ?17:08
ograwe have plenty of RAM17:08
asacwell. why waste17:08
dmartI think Linux will sort out the memory layout during boot; the "hole" isn't wasted17:08
dmart(I think)17:09
ograi think youre right17:09
dmartAnyway, the initrd should be freed after boot anyway?17:09
asac2.5% is 13M17:09
asacfor 51217:09
ograasac, it gets moved around after boot17:09
asacso if its not wasted its fine17:09
ograbut we can go with 10M if you feel better then17:10
asacand those numbers are just random?17:10
ograi doubt we'll get a 19M kernel17:10
ograyes, its just where uboot loads it17:10
ograonce it gets executed it gets moved17:10
asacthen why doesnt 0x9000800 work?17:10
asacwhats causing the breakage with that?17:11
ograuboot itself copies itself into ram17:11
ogra0x800 might be to small so the kernel might overwrite it17:11
ogra(just guessing here)17:11
asacbut yeah17:11
ogra8000 should actually work, the important part is that initramfs doesnt overwrite parts of the kernel17:13
ograi'll try with smaller values ... at least i know it works now17:13
dmartThere may be a hard-coded assumption that the kernel image is loaded to 0x90008000, but I don't know for certain17:14
ograi think thats what bootm has by default17:14
dmartFor the initrd it shouldn't matter, providing it doesn't overlap anything else.17:14
* ogra tries if the second option to bootm is actually needed17:15
dmartProbably the kernel image must still not overwrite the initramfs after decompression (I think the decompress code is pretty much the first thing to run)17:15
ograi think it should work with only one17:15
ogrameh, its needed17:15
dmartThat was the conclusion I came to... U-Boot doesn't seem to magically know it after you load in initrd uimage17:16
ograwell, it does on the sheevaplug and beagleboard17:16
ograso i thought it does here too17:16
dmartHmmm...  maybe there's some magic if you pre-set something in the environment?  A lot of platform-specific things seem to be done this way.17:17
ogra0x90800000 and 0x91600000 works fine as well btw17:17
asacogra: so shall i add a feature to the -script that just copies the initrd to / ?17:17
* asac just does that17:17
ograi'll touch the defaults of our uboot package soon17:17
ograasac, yep17:17
asacogra: so format doesnt matter ... just copy and use -C none?17:18
ograNCommander, so how do i teach our imx uboot to like .scr files ? :)17:18
asacand -a and -e doesnt matter either?17:18
ogramkimage -A arm -T ramdisk -C none -O linux -d ../initrd.lz ../uInitrd17:19
ograthats what i used17:19
ogradmart, uboot script file17:19
ograyou can hand the environment to it from a .scr file17:19
NCommanderogra, the easiest way to test things is to take the dove bootcmd, and tailor it to the imx5117:19
asacogra: ok, so we will ship our uimages in / or /boot ... i assume we want the same defaults on live and on install17:19
ogramakes changing the cmdline easier17:19
dmartmkimage ... -C script ... ?  It works, but I had to put all the commands one one line, separated with ;17:19
ogradmart, with the uboot from our package ?17:20
NCommanderdmart, you shouldn't hjave to do that with a script file.17:20
ograasac, for the live images the default is usually /casper17:20
dmartogra: possibly not the same one, but still derived from a recent fsl release17:20
ograasac, but we can change it to /17:20
asacogra: right. i think for now we should at least put the boot.scr at a fixed location. we can use different ones if we really want for live vs. install17:21
asacor dont go for .scr in the first iteration at all17:21
dmartNCommander: how else would I change the cmdline?17:21
ograasac, i guess we want a /boot formatted in vfat17:21
ograasac, so we can load from /17:21
asacso that would be / then17:21
NCommanderdmart, on dove? For live media, or an installed system?17:22
asacso we dont need a .scr for first iteration17:22
ogranor for second17:22
asacogra: whats the second iteration?17:22
ogra.scr is only intresting to make it easier to change the cmdline imho17:22
dmartNCommander: Ah. I'm thinking of post-install on imx51.17:22
ograasac, no idea, you said first :P17:22
* ogra grins17:22
asacogra: ok. i just thought you wanted it ... if you dont want i am fine - at least until we have usb support in uboot for fsl17:23
NCommanderogra, there are other benefits17:23
asacsometing like on dove doesnt make sense17:23
asacNCommander: usb doesnt work yet17:23
NCommanderthere will soon be other benefits :-)17:23
asacNCommander: where is the uboot source for dove17:23
ograNCommander, first target is to make uboot work like redboot ...17:23
asacNCommander: thats not in the archive?17:23
ograon top of that we can do other shiny things17:23
ograNCommander, oh, right, you wanted to package that long ago :)17:24
NCommanderogra, asac http://people.canonical.com/~mcasadevall/dove/Dove_UBoot_4_3_1_Full_Release_NQ.zip17:24
asacNCommander: if it isnt, can you make that availbable in a prominent location ?17:24
ograNCommander, package it :)17:24
asacNCommander: ok. that needs to go in the archive17:24
NCommanderasac, ogra, we never were able to resolve the redistribution rights on doimage's binary17:24
NCommanderasac, it got caught up in Marvell's legal department17:25
asaccan you send me a mail with details?17:25
ograNCommander, cant you just make a .bin ?17:25
NCommanderogra, ?17:25
ografrom upstream plus patches ?17:25
NCommanderogra, can't.17:25
NCommanderogra, well, ok, I could17:25
ograoh, why ?17:25
NCommanderBut it would be fairly useless17:25
NCommanderBasically, we have the uboot source which compiles to a bin17:25
NCommanderbut the board won't accept a .bin by itself17:25
asacNCommander: please send me a short mail about the background and the current state. i want to keep this moving ...17:26
ograyes, i know17:26
ograbut if you have doimage you can turn the .bin into something17:26
asacjust a real short one with the main bullets17:26
ograso having the .bin in the archive would help people owning doimage17:26
ograit takes less than 1h to copy the debian dir out of the uboot-imx package and make the needed changes i bet17:27
ograto turn it into a uboot-dove package17:27
asacyes, thats what we should be doing as a first step17:28
ograso people owning doimage could quickly recompile it with extra options they want17:28
asaci have it on my radar now :)17:29
ograasac, pushed a README to uboot-image-script with the working set of bootcmds17:41
ograhmm, slight problem17:54
ograseems the NIC doesnt come up17:54
ograwow, thats bad17:56
ograok, something to find out about tomorrow18:03
ograSHRIEK !18:05
* ogra sees setenv ethaddr 00:04:9F:00:EA:D7 in the freescale docs18:05
ograi hope we dont have to invent random HW adresses during uboot bootup18:05
asacogra: the nic doesnt come up at uboot stage?18:06
ograno, not at all18:06
ograi mean also not on the running system18:06
ograi cant even bring it up with ifconfig18:06
ograit doesnt get initialized18:06
asacend the setenv helps?18:07
ograno idea, just trying18:07
asacwould be odd18:07
asacdriver loaded?18:07
ograno, that would be normal18:07
ograwe had similar issues in redboot at some point18:07
asacredboot wiping the mac in hardware?18:08
ograno, the nic not getting initialized18:08
ograif the silicon isnt powered up properly, the kernel cant fix it18:08
* ogra waits for the board to boot18:08
asacbut how can the boot loader power up something the kernel cant?18:09
ograit talks to the HW on a different level18:09
asacyou mean in a different mode?18:09
ograon a lower level18:10
ogracall it mode if you like :)18:10
plarsogra: the power control menu is populated on the live image, but not once it's installed18:10
ograwell, setenv didnt help18:10
ograplars, sounds liek a bug18:10
asacogra: you use ramdisk for the type of initrd?18:10
asace.g. mkimage ... -T ramdisk ?18:11
asacor initrd?18:11
ograasac, yes, what else should i use ?18:11
plarsogra: was there a bug open for this already?18:11
ograasac, initrd isnt a valid keyword18:11
asaci just saw you mentioned that18:11
ograplars, not from me, but slangasek told me about it, he might know18:11
asacogra: i will use uInitrd as name is that ok with you?18:11
ograwhatever works :)18:12
ograhmm, so i guess i'll dive into the uboot code tomorrow to find out if the right NIC driver is used18:12
ograthats really weird18:12
ogracooloney, do you use the FEC driver from freescale or amitk's hacked up version from karmic ?18:16
cooloneyogra: it is from fsl not amitk's version18:17
cooloneyogra: any problem?18:17
ograwell, i noticed that i dont see plug events18:18
ograi was hoping the new FSL version fixes that18:18
ogra(we didnt see them in karmic either)18:18
ograso network-manager doesnt react if i plug/unplug the cable18:19
amitkcooloney: fsl probably didn't add the platform device patch that we have in karmic18:19
amitkjeremy did that patch18:19
ograamitk, well, that didnt add plug events, just made it appear in NM ...18:19
ograi see it in NM but still have to switch it on/off manually if i unplug the wire18:19
amitkthen they haven't implemented runtime PM18:20
ograseems they expose a platform device at least this round18:20
cooloneyogra: cool, if we find a bug, please file a bug, and we can work on that18:21
ograwill do18:22
ograhmm, i dont get why uboot doesnt have something like an fecinit command to bring the NIC up18:25
* ogra goes afk for now ... 18:26
asacyes. i can boot into my lost karmic partition again ;) using lucid kernel/initrd18:42
asacunder lucid my usb storage disc is broken ... so really seems to be userspace breakage18:43
armin76thats what happens when you rice!18:45
asacprobably ;)18:46
ograasac, did you check the NIC ?19:21
ograits probably a board specific issue that doesnt show up on all boards19:22
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== keesj_ is now known as keesj
Riottais here some Canonical developers responsible for porting ubuntu to arm architecture?21:58
RiottaI heard about support from Marvell and Freescale with the ARM port and I would like to know how Open this support is do they provide source code or docs or binary blob & nda?22:06
Riottawhich company is more Open Source friendly22:07
Riottain other words22:07
asacRiotta: which binary blobs?22:11
asacRiotta: the images we produce (that work) have no binary blobs in there atm. of course not all hardware is fully supported22:11
Riottadunno if such exist it was a question22:11
asacthe current images we have, are all free22:11
asacfor both22:12
Riottaah i see22:12
asacboth companies are open-source friendly imo22:12
asacof course both have legacy issues with suppliers etc.22:12
asacold story etc.22:12
Riottagood to hear that22:12

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