
JesseWhm, so far, in investigating the copyright status of the ubuntu-wallpapers, I've found 3 out of 3 with problems...08:46
thorwilJesseW: which ones exactly and what problems?08:52
JesseWthorwil: well, so far I've found two that are labeled as All-rights-reserved on flickr (which is probably fine, as someone did contact them, and presumably got a free license from them in private -- but we need to verify what exactly that license was (CC-BY-2.5, CC-BY-SA-2.0, CC-BY-2.0, something else?)08:53
JesseWone that is under CC-BY-SA-2.0 and another under CC-BY-2.0 (which means we have to include both licenses in the debian/copyright file)08:54
JesseWand I'm not sure what the intended difference is between the Upstream Author section in debian/copyright, and the AUTHORS file, but many of the photographers arn't listed in Upstream Authors.  And I know they should be listed as holding copyright on their images in the Copyright section...08:55
JesseWand I've only looked through 4 images so far...08:55
thorwilJesseW: afaik Ivanka Majik contacted the photographers of desired photos with no suitable license. if they made it in, that should mean she got allowance. unfortunate if that isn't documented in any way08:57
thorwilkwwii: ^ do you know more about this?08:57
JesseWthorwil: that's what I understood.  Hopefully Ivanka kept the emails, so we can verify *which* license the photographers agreed to...08:57
JesseWthorwil: I've been talking with kwwii for the past few days about this.  He's been quite helpful.08:58
JesseWit's just dotting i's and crossing t's, but it is worth getting right.08:59
thorwilJesseW: i'm all for doing a clean job regarding licensing. as author myself i would hate to see disregard09:01
JesseWthorwil: yep.  I also want to make sure that links to the filkr pages for the images are included in the AUTHORS file, so people can track them down and comment, get bigger versions, etc.  (also, I think it's technically required by all the CC licenses after version 1.0)09:03
thorwilJesseW: i think the attribution part is up to the authors to define. if you ship a CC licensed photo, linking to a flickr page where it's all-rights-reserved would be ugly09:06
JesseWthorwil: agreed.  for the flickr-a.r.r. images, we should see what Ivanka asked them with regards to how they want to be attributed.09:07
JesseWgreat, I now found one (Butterfly.jpg) that 1) has no mention in the AUTHORS file AT ALL -- isn't findable in the Flickr group that all the others seem to be in, and all the examples that TinEye (reverse image search) find are ubuntu screenshots using it as a wallpaper!  While I *hope* that a source (and license) for this can be found, as of now -- it's completely opaque, and presumably illegal.  Dammit.09:15
thorwilJesseW: butterfly? i think that's from kwwii himself09:18
JesseWthorwil: cool, that would be simplest.  I hope so.09:19
JesseWand another CC-BY-SA-2.0 one...09:21
JesseWand one under CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0 -- that's not a free content license...09:27
JesseWalso, Naranja (one of the images) had a duplicated line in the AUTHORS file.09:31
JesseWok, I have six more to do.  I'm going to bed, I'll do the rest later.09:34
kwwiihowdy all12:20
kwwiijust got back from london12:21
darkmatterhow was it?12:21
kwwiigood, we got a lot of work done12:21
darkmatternice :)12:21
kwwiialthough my lucid install simply stopped working12:21
vishkwwii: wb... well... atleast you dont have train troubles like mat_t  ;012:38
vishkwwii: if you dont have the scrollback.. jesseW was here looking looking for you, seems like a lot of images have copyright differences12:41
kwwiivish: yeah, I saw that...I tried to explain to him that we have permission from all the authors to use whatever CC license we want though12:51
kwwiiI really appreciate his efforts trying to sort things out12:52
kwwiiand the author file is a bit of a mess12:52
kwwiialthough I did update it since the karmic release and I bet he doesn't know about it, better send him another email12:53
thorwiljust got a request for a logo that shall express that a work has been created with one specific application *and* other free software. shall look "professional". scalable down to too very small sizes and still work. be 2 tone.12:56
thorwildo i have to point out that i declined?12:57
thorwilkwwii: tell me more about really good money via font work ;)12:58
kwwiithorwil: hehe13:03
kwwiithorwil: well, get into this business and I bet you won't be looking for work ;)13:03
thorwilkwwii: i thought there's a very close knit circle around the few type foundries, who have their troubles with the digital age? the rest being about few big companies who can pay to have fonts designed for them, which doesn't happen often13:07
kwwiithorwil: yeah, that is very close to accurate...and fonts are super expensive.13:08
mat_tvish: :)13:35
thorwilworked on the 1, but i'm not telling which one is the new 1: http://www.foopics.com/get/0487347bbb11cd7f52623ec5cca3d321/014:02
thorwilkwwii: ^ does this fix it for you?14:03
kwwiiyes, the top one looks better to me14:08
kwwiiperfect now, really14:09
kwwiithorwil: am I right that the top one is the updated one?14:12
thorwilkwwii: yes, thank you.14:24
kwwiiwhew ;)14:24
vishhehe... would have been funny if it was the other way around ;p14:27
thorwilvish: i read from designers who would choose a not-so-nice color for a design option they don't want their client to choose14:28
* vish scratches head and reads again14:29
thorwilvish: or when asked for a bigger logo, would present 3 options. client picks middle one without realizing the largest of the size was the one he considered not large enough the previous time14:29
vishthorwil: oh , yeah...i'v heard that before14:30
vishthorwil: its more psychological , sometimes when presented with options people select the same old one thinking its better or has been improved14:31
vishthorwil: which would mean that to sell an idea[which you think is really good].. the later ones need to suck more ;p14:32
thorwilgrr, the net is crawling, as if it suffers from the weight of snow14:33
vishthorwil: did you check out the link troy posted yesterday?14:33
vishamazing amount of work the artist has put in... it was so real[i couldnt believe it was cgi] , until there was the second video showing how he did it14:34
kwwiiI just signed up for a new connection, 16Mbit is coming soon ;)14:34
thorwilvish: opinions on in how far it is ok to "guide" your clients with such tricks vary quite a bit. in any case, you might not want to present the top pick first14:34
kwwiithat link from troy is really killer ;)14:35
kwwii it is indeed quite amazing and beautiful. sadly though someone thought it a good idea to introduce terribly kerned typography at 6:28 at which point I could watch no further.14:35
thorwilvish: yeah, i had to read it's CG several times. only late in the video i found it to show14:35
kwwiihehe, nice14:37
vishkwwii: thorwil: in case you guys didnt see the break down > http://vimeo.com/820025114:38
kwwiiwow, this is nifty as well14:40
kwwiicool to see how it is put together14:40
vishkwwii: for the requests page , you mentioned that subscribing the ML , might not be good , right?  how abuout if someone watches the wiki and forwards the requests to the ML? [i wouldnt mind gatekeeping... ]15:29
vishif anyone else wants to do it too ,  we could do it side-by-side...15:29
kwwiivish: that would be a good idea, yes15:30
vishkwwii: thorwil eitherway patrols the artwork wiki.. if anything is wrong he'll kick it right away ;)15:31
kwwiihehe, you assume that he always has time for such work ;)15:31
kwwiito be honest, it might be best to make the page only editable by one person15:31
vishnooo... not like that :)15:31
kwwiiso that a request has to go in, be accepted (and at the same time a notification goes to the list)15:32
vishkwwii: ah , but that would be adding extra work... would be easier if we had a format and the requester *has* to maintain it15:33
kwwiivish: sure, that isn't the problem I am trying to solve though15:40
kwwiiI would like to prevent the page from becoming a huge list of stuff nobody wants to work on and/or is not really needed15:40
vishkwwii: wouldnt it be easier to remove than one person having to add?15:41
vishanyways , it was just a suggestion... :)15:41
kwwiivish: well, that might becomd a political problem I guess15:42
vishkwwii: if we are filtering stuff in , that would have the same political problem :(15:42
thorwilvish: would be funny if you send a mail to the list, asking who would generally be willing to take on such requests ... and no one answers15:58
thorwilthat said, i would be tempted to remain silent, too15:58
vishgrrrr... ;p15:59
thorwiloh, the free culture showcase now has an "Other Media" category. well, as long as it's just The Other and no Elders or Ancient ones ...16:03
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=== perceval is now known as zniavre
wolteris kolor guild here?18:08
kwwiiwolter: I have no idea what you mean, so the answer is "no"18:32
wolterits a guy that made a cover for the ubunu manual project.. I thought maybe he was in here, but apparently --- and as you said --- "no"18:33
thorwilwolter: that's David Nel(?)?18:33
thorwilcould be he posted to the artwork list a while ago, but i'm not aware of him being here18:34
wolternah, Kolor Guild is how he appears in the titlepages page18:38
thorwilwolter: i'm right and i guess i remember because there was a link to his portfolio site: http://www.kolorguild.co.za/18:42
vishwolter: kolor guild is david nel :)18:43
wolterhmm.. theres only a david levin here haha18:43
zniavre_sorry to ask but where is the config file of xsplash please ? i would want to modify the throbber position20:27
coz_zniavre_,   should be in /usr/share/images/xsplash20:27
coz_not sure though20:28
coz_let me check here20:28
zniavre_there is only pictures20:28
zniavre_bonjour (btw)20:29
coz_zniavre_,   in terminal try    sudo -u gdm xsplash --help20:30
coz_looking for the config still20:30
zniavre_ok im trying to understand what is in terminal thank you :o)20:33
coz_zniavre_,  as I recall  there is a file to edit  I am just having trouble finding the damn t hing20:34
coz_it might be under   /etc/gdm/Init/Default  but let me still check here20:35
coz_zniavre_,   try   /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default    and  /etc/gdm/Init/Default20:37
zniavre_usr/bin/xsaplsh this file can't be edited with gedit20:37
zniavre_i do not see in this files (etc/gdm .....) something helpfull20:39
zniavre_im quite sure it's something hardcoded ...sadly20:39
zniavre_i spent hours to find a config file20:39
coz_zniavre_,  what do you want to do with xplash again?20:40
zniavre_change the throbber position20:40
coz_I know I have read something about this  hold on let me check again20:40
zniavre_thank you20:42
coz_zniavre_,  no luck so far20:48
zniavre_gedit /etc/dbus-1/system.d/xsplash.conf20:49
coz_zniavre_,  did you ask on #ubuntu or #ubuntu-dev ?20:50
zniavre_mmmm no20:50
coz_or maybe  #ubuntu-x20:50
JesseWper dlocate -conf xsplash, try /etc/dbus-1/system.d/xsplash.conf20:52
JesseWsorry, I see that was already suggested20:53
zniavre_useless for what i want to do20:53
coz_zniavre_,  as I said I remember reading about changing the location on screen I just cant find it20:54
zniavre_no problems20:54
kwwiizniavre: I think it is in the source code itself21:39
kwwii      gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (priv->fixed),21:41
kwwii                     priv->logo,21:41
kwwii                     get_monitor_width () / 2 - gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->logo_pixbuf) / 2,21:41
kwwii                     get_monitor_height () / 3 - gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->logo_pixbuf) / 2);21:41
kwwiiand such seems to tell me it is in the xsplash.c21:41
kwwiithen again, https://code.launchpad.net/~redteam316/+junk/xsplash-config seems to offer a way around that21:43
kwwiiat least that is what http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1337671 says21:44
zniavrei check this thank you21:47
kwwiizniavre: hope it helps :)21:53
zniavrenot easily as i hope21:54
zniavrebut a good way to think21:54
kwwiiwell, loic and ken are working on that xsplash stuff, so it will work21:54
kwwiiboth are canonical employees and one is even french :p21:54
zniavrei generaly trust you and launchpad ppa21:55
zniavremore than me (i m not sur of what to do really) :o)22:02
zniavredo i need to recompile xsplash with the new src/xsplash.c or just adding a xsplash.cfg into usr/share/images/xsplash ?22:04
zniavreas you can see im looking for one easy way22:05
kwwiiwell, recompiling is the hard way22:32
kwwiiadding the xsplash.cfg stuff seems much easier22:32
kwwiiand allows you to have others easily install it on their systems without the risk of scking things up22:33
kwwiifscking things up ;)22:33
JesseWkwwii: so, I've looked over all the images, and most of them have problematic licenses on flickr...22:55
kwwiiJesseW: yes, but as I mentioned, we contacted each directly22:55
kwwiiand they gave us permission to relicense them under a CC as we needed22:56
kwwiiJesseW: I think that adding a link to the flickr page in the authors file is a great idea, btw23:00
kwwiiJesseW: btw, there is also another package with the rest of the short-list in my ppa, if you want to work on that too ;)23:05
JesseWsorry, net trouble23:13

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