
seb128I think that's the reason why GNOME did it the way it's done now00:00
keesI totally hear you, and I understand their reasoning.  I just happen to disagree.00:00
seb128do we have any upgrade plan to not let those users down?00:00
keespitti was pondering things like modification time, but that's likely to be fragile.00:01
seb128I don't like much dictating things to user without letting them decide if they really have a reason to do what they are doing00:01
seb128it's like saying you don't want to let user delete files because they could delete something they don't want to ;-)00:02
keesI come down on the side I do because of: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000347.html00:03
jcastrokees: is there a discussion in upstream gnome someplace that you are aware of?00:03
keesjcastro: not this part.  Gnome had their discussion and implemented what's currently in nautilus.  they felt it was a good middle ground.00:04
keesIt probably is a good middle ground, but it's not one I agree with.00:04
keesand note that Gnome is only a small part of this.  it also affects wine, sun-java6, and openjdk-6.00:04
keesand probably KDE, but I haven't looked there yet.00:04
jcastrowell, it's our right to do what we want. I think it just needs to be communicated properly00:04
jcastrolike, in the patch tags or whatever.00:04
seb128well I think we should engage with upstream because deciding we disagree with them without trying to talk to them first00:05
seb128because -> before00:05
jcastroso that it's clear to an upstream that we think X and Y are better default behaviors00:05
keesseb128: yup, agreed.00:05
seb128though for the record I'm leaning toward of the side of what GNOME did right know00:06
jcastroseb128: really? I personally hate that button00:06
seb128your change will just annoy users who have good reason to run things they run00:06
seb128and will not stop those who want to run cracks to chmod the files anyway to get there00:06
seb128jcastro, why would you click on a .desktop if that's not to use it?00:07
keesit's a matter of decided how high to make the barrier to see the dancing bunnies.00:07
keesa single button click is way too low.00:07
seb128jcastro, or do you get many people who try to screwed you by sending fake softwares this way?00:07
jcastroseb128: all the .desktops I click on come with the distro00:07
seb128jcastro, so you should never see that button00:07
jcastroseb128: no but you get people starting to post random debs on the internet, etc.00:07
seb128well the button should not be displayed for system path00:08
seb128because if somebody got right to write to usr you are screwed anyway00:08
* jcastro nods00:08
seb128not sure when you get the button display or why you hate it ;-)00:08
seb128it should just be there is weird cases00:08
seb128those being files you have in your user dir since before the change to make things +x00:09
seb128or things people emailed you to trick you in doing something00:09
jcastrowel we could argue all day, I just think it needs to be documented in the patch, pointing to rationale, our policy, etc. and also mentioned in the release notes and all that00:10
seb128jcastro, I've no personal strong opinion, I don't think I ever got that dialog00:10
cjwatsonbryyce: is there any revision control for the changes between xorg-server 1.6.4-2 and 1.6.4-2ubuntu4?00:10
cjwatsonbryyce: (exactly why I want that is a long story ...)00:10
seb128but alex is a pretty reasonable guy usually and did the design they have know for a reason00:10
jcastroas long as it's clear to people that we've decided to make it behave that way00:10
seb128the discussed started because I didn't know about the change and I don't agree with it00:11
seb128I've understood by now that I'm going to be overruled there though ;-)00:11
jcastroseb128: also, if it's been talked about for like 3 UDSes and no one has had a discussion with upstream then we should fix that00:11
keesjcastro: to be honest, there wasn't a decision about Ubuntu's policy until today.00:12
seb128jcastro, neither with community desktopers in ubuntu apparently00:12
seb128anyway I've annoyed people enough about that00:12
seb128kees, sorry for complaining, thanks for getting me updated on that00:12
jcastrokees: yeah, we just need to remember that upstreams typicall won't read all our UDS notes, and it doesn't hurt to tell them early when we're considering things00:12
seb128I will talk to pitti about communications issues on the change tomorrow00:13
slangasekcjwatson: should all be in git, AIUI00:13
keesseb128: sure, no problem.  there's still plenty to be further discussed.00:13
cjwatsonslangasek: I did look and couldn't find that particular set of revisions00:13
bryycecjwatson, I believe so; it should be in our git repo00:13
cjwatsonbryyce: if you could give me a SHA-1 for the head of that particular series, I'd appreciate it00:14
bryycecjwatson, what's the issue?00:14
keesjcastro: right, and seb128's right, I need to open an upstream bug.  that said, i'd like to hear what pitti has been thinking about.00:14
cjwatsonbryyce: I've got git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/xserver/xorg-server.git, but haven't been able to track it down00:14
cjwatsonbryyce: revision control import for another project00:14
jcastrokees: it's a weird line to walk, sometimes they're like "don't bother me with this little stuff" and then it'll be "why didn't you tell me about this?"00:15
jcastrokees: so I err on the spammy side. :p00:15
ScottKHaving been in some of the discussions at various UDS sessions, I think this is a good change.  Part of the evolution from thinking of a secure system as protecting the root to protecting the user data too.00:16
keesjcastro: sounds good to me.00:16
bryycecjwatson, a2b67de0ce18b71895ec210b74095f9d41042070 looks like it is the head for the 1.6.4-2ubuntu1 release00:19
bryycecjwatson, hmm looks like I don't have git history for the subsequent changes in 1.6.400:23
BsimsI am trying to launch openvasd it can't download the plugins any help I am on ubuntu and using the packaged debs00:24
cjwatsonbryyce: ok.  thanks!00:24
Bsimsshould I go ahead and file a bug report00:24
bryycemm e6693c767e1a3fe2f02ae93fa7a6f7886d3fdebd is the ubuntu500:24
bryycethere we go, that's what you probably want; that includes kees' fix to xvfb00:24
Bsimsopenvas-nvt-sync does not exist nor is findable by synaptic or locate00:25
bryycecjwatson, ah nevermind, yes all the 1.6.4-2ubuntuX changes are in there.  that e6693 is what you want00:26
cjwatsonbryyce: looks like a few revs back from that00:27
cjwatsonbryyce: 3a4400f0193c413f57c6109afe80c6a1142b31bf AFAICS00:28
cjwatsonbryyce: but perfect, thanks00:29
slangasekBsims: you probably want #ubuntu; this is not a help channel00:31
* Bsims nods fair enough, just debating filing a bug report on it... and was double checking here first00:31
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functionofxyhello--I'm a member of ubuntu manual, but I've got a general bzr question00:46
functionofxyI branched, edited, committed, pulled, merged, committed00:46
functionofxynow do i push or send?00:47
slangasekfunctionofxy: 'push', if you have commit access00:47
functionofxybzr: ERROR: No push location known or specified.00:48
cjwatsonbzr push :parent00:48
cjwatson(the first time; it'll remember it for later tries, so 'bzr push' will be sufficient afterwards)00:49
cjwatsonthat rune means "push to where you branched from"00:49
functionofxygot it! so easy00:50
TheMusoWell you learn something new every day. I didn't know you could do that with bzr.01:06
* micahg is glad to know that as well :)01:08
Riddellpitti, cody-somerville: could you argue over bug 476530 and decide if it deserves an SRU?01:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 476530 in bzr-builddeb "mark-uploaded fails with "Unknown target distribution: lucid"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47653001:18
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geniiInteresting. http://linux.dell.com/files/ubuntu/ has a Lucid directory02:58
FlannelHey guys, why's sreadahead -> ureadahead taking place mid-release in karmic?04:09
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wolterHi, I come in behalf of the ubuntu manual project. We would like to know whether there will be or not a synaptic package manager in Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)07:14
Tm_Tin ubuntu-desktop install or in repositories?07:16
wolterIn the ubuntu-desktop install07:17
Tm_Tthen I don't know for sure (:07:18
wolterOh, thank you anyway. I will wait around here in case somebody can answer my question.07:18
micahgwolter: why don't you post to ubuntu-devel ML?07:19
persiawolter: It's very likely to be present, but until FeatureFreeze it cannot be said for sure, and even thereafter there is a chance of a Freeze Exception.07:20
wolteroh ok07:20
wolterWhen is FeatureFreeze?07:20
persiaBut last I checked, several other things that are expected to be present depended on synaptic, so it would be some work to have it not present.07:20
sladenat /the moment/, synaptic is still pulled in my ubuntu-desktop, and gnome-app-install, and ... and ...  (see  apt-cache rdepends synaptic)07:23
persiaYeah.  It's rather unlikely to be removed.07:24
pittiGood morning07:34
StevenKHi pitti!07:36
pittihey StevenK07:38
pitticody-somerville, Riddell: replied in SRU bug, waiting for Cody's answer07:42
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dholbachgood morning07:44
cemcI saw this bug #96850 on here http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ , and make a comment with a debdiff, if anybody wants to take a look.07:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 96850 in rrdtool "[apport] perl crashed with SIGSEGV in rrd_test_error()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9685007:48
lucashi, does someone make some sense out of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby1.8/+bug/498758 ?08:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498758 in ruby1.8 "can't install ri on ubuntu 9.10 (broken dependency)" [Undecided,New]08:49
MacSlowslangasek, bryyce, tseliot: any (positive) news on the GL/GLX/mesa issue?08:57
tseliotMacSlow: what issue?08:57
tseliotbug #506547 ?08:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506547 in mesa "Some GL apps won't run: libGLU.so.1: No such file or directory" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50654708:58
tseliotor maybe something else?08:58
MacSlowtseliot, yup and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/25803808:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258038 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-71 "Look into feasibility of using an alternatives system rather than diversions" [Wishlist,Confirmed]08:59
persialucas: It looks like an incomplete update to me, where the users are trying to install ri1.8 from karmic-updates and rdoc1.8 from karmic08:59
MacSlowtseliot, which is related according to bryyce08:59
lucaspersia: yup, I just figured out that one is in universe and the other in main08:59
lucaspersia: which could explain08:59
persiaThat would definitely explain it, yes.08:59
slangasekMacSlow: 258038> err, that bug number's a little old to be related to the current problems?08:59
tseliotMacSlow: 258038 should be fixed. The other bug can be fixed with a symlink until I fix it in the package09:00
MacSlowtseliot, I currently cannot run any GL-apps I compiled on my system09:00
tseliotMacSlow: what's the error?09:00
MacSlowtseliot, "BadMatch"-error when trying to run any compiled GL-apps09:01
* MacSlow -> conf-call09:01
slangasekMacSlow: what version of xserver-xorg-core do you have installed?09:01
persialucas: The confusing bit is that jackerran reports that ri1.8 is hunting rdoc1.8, but a version that isn't available.  I don't understand why someone would have universe-updates enabled and not main-updates.09:01
tseliotMacSlow: do they work if you recompile them? We have switched to a new version of mesa09:02
slangasek"if you recompile them" - eew? :)09:02
lucaspersia: user error? :-)09:02
tseliotslangasek: BTW I'll fix 506547 and other mesa bugs after alpha 2. I'll focus on the release notes now09:02
tseliotslangasek: yes, if he rebuilds them against the new mesa09:03
MacSlowtseliot, after two days of getting my system working again (after I upgraded from Karmic to Lucid) I'm a bit (actually very) afraid to pull anything else from the repo... haven't been able to do real work due to all the fixing (not only GL-related though)09:03
persialucas: heh.  Quite possibly.09:03
slangasektseliot: having to rebuild anything would make this a non-starter option09:03
tseliotslangasek: I was just asking ;)09:04
slangasektseliot: but if you're fixing 506547, then ok - but how/why is this still broken at all?09:04
MacSlowslangasek, xserver-xorg 1:7.5+1ubuntu109:04
slangasekMacSlow: xserver-xorg-core, not xserver-xorg09:04
tseliotslangasek: because libGLU was not supposed to be moved to /usr/lib/mesa. When you switch to nvidia, /usr/lib/GL won't point to /usr/lib/mesa anymore and you will lose libGLU :-/09:05
tseliotbut it's ok with open drivers09:05
slangasektseliot: that sounds like the sort of bug that we ought to have the fix for uploaded before alpha-2 (even if not included on the ISOs), because otherwise we're going to get a lot more noise resulting from users trying to fix it themselves09:06
slangasekhmm, maybe not though; I guess dpkg would correctly overwrite the "quick fix" proposed in that bug09:06
MacSlowslangasek,  2:
MacSlownjpatel, ping09:08
tseliotslangasek: as you prefer09:08
slangasektseliot: if the fix for this is solid, I still think getting it uploaded will save a lot of tester / triager time09:09
slangasekit's likely to generate a lot of duplicate bugs despite being in the errata09:09
tseliotMacSlow: I would like to see the output of "ldconfig -p |grep GL" and ls -l "/usr/lib/ |grep GL"09:10
tseliotslangasek: by when should this be ready?09:10
slangasektseliot: getting it right on the first (well... next ;) upload is more important than having it fast; I'm not concerned about getting this on the CD, just in the archive before tomorrow09:11
MacSlowtseliot, one sec09:11
slangasekMacSlow: you're behind a version on the server, then; you should definitely upgrade to -1ubuntu5, though it may not fix this particular problem09:12
MacSlowtseliot, https://pastebin.canonical.com/26466 https://pastebin.canonical.com/2646709:13
MacSlowslangasek, when was -1ubuntu5 uploaded?09:13
tseliotslangasek: ok09:16
slangasekMacSlow: yesterday09:16
tseliotMacSlow: what happens if you uninstall nvidia-current-dev and do a "sudo ldconfig"?09:17
tseliotMacSlow: also, are the programs that fail compiled for 32bit?09:18
ttxara: hey -- what does the "Started" result mean in the ISO tracker ?09:21
ttxara: are we supposed to set that status when starting a test ?09:22
AnAntHello, is any of apport devs here ?09:24
tseliotAnAnt: maybe ask pitti?09:26
AnAntpitti: ping09:28
AnAntI am trying to make apport-collect be able to read crash report from a file09:28
pittiAnAnt: hi09:29
pittiAnAnt: and attach it to an existing bug?09:30
AnAntpitti: yup09:30
pittiAnAnt: because for reporting a new one you'd just do ubuntu-bug foo.crash09:30
AnAntI am pastebin'ing thd diff now09:30
AnAntHere http://pastebin.com/f3d6ecdbe09:31
AnAntyet I get an error when running it09:31
AnAntthat's the error: http://pastebin.com/f651c14509:31
AnAntcan you help with what is wrong ?09:32
pittiAnAnt: you shouldn't call add_hooks_info() there; it should already be in the .crash file09:40
pittiAnAnt: hm, but still the crash ought to have a ProblemType: field09:41
pittiAnAnt: also, apport-collect calls crashdb.download(); it should not do that when reading the info from a file09:41
pittiAnAnt: hmm09:42
pittiAnAnt: so, usually you need to open a crash file with apport-gtk first, so that it adds Package:/Dependencies:/hook info, etc.09:42
AnAntok, I removed report.add_hooks_info(None) line09:42
pittiAnAnt: if you want to use apport-collect on a freshly produced .crash file, then you'd need to do all of those, not just hooks09:43
pittibut then you can only report it from the same machine09:43
pittiAnAnt: what's the use case, btw? I didn't get a request for calling apport-collect on a crash report yet09:43
pittisince it should all be there in the original report09:44
AnAntpitti: the same use case of reporting a new bug on LP , but this time I want to add info to an already existing bug09:45
pittiAnAnt: but this is not a bug, it's a crash report09:45
AnAnt_sorry, I got disconnected09:47
AnAnt_11:45 <AnAnt> pitti: it is a report created by manually running: ubuntu-bug <pid>09:47
pittiAnAnt_: ah, I see; with --save ?09:47
pittibut those also shold have a ProblemType: field09:47
AnAnt_pitti: I didn't run it with --save, I just run ubuntu-bug <pid> , then when it asked to submit/view/keep/quit, I chose keep09:48
pittiAnAnt_: at some point I wonder whether to completely drop apport-collect and integrate it into apport-bug with a -b/--bug 12345 option09:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 12345 in isdnutils "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234509:48
pittiAnAnt_: right, that's the same result09:48
MacSlowtseliot, I currently can't "play around" with uninstalling stuff etc. but the failing programs are compiled for 64bit09:49
AnAnt_pitti: I just opened the crash file with vim, it does have a ProblemType field: ProblemType: Bug09:49
AnAnt_pitti: does the load() method require a full path to file ?09:49
tseliotMacSlow: is Badmatch error all you get? Can I see the full error, please? Also does the nvidia driver work for you (with compiz, etc.)?09:50
AnAnt_pitti: no, it's not a full path problem09:51
pittiAnAnt_: ah, you need to do .load(open(crash_file))09:52
pittiit takes an fd09:52
AnAnt_thanks !09:52
MacSlowtseliot, https://pastebin.canonical.com/2646809:53
AnAnt_pitti: it works \o/ thanks a lot !09:53
=== AnAnt_ is now known as AnAnt
tseliotMacSlow: you shouldn't use LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mesa because you're using nvidia09:54
tseliotand ldconfig should know where to find the right libraries09:54
MacSlowtseliot, it does not09:54
AnAntpitti: the result is in LP #49227109:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 492271 in compiz "ubuntu 9.10 totally freezes when compiz is enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49227109:55
tseliotMacSlow: ldconfig -p seems to think otherwise ;)09:55
AnAntpersia: thanks to you too for the tip on -bugs09:55
tseliotMacSlow: anyway, since you're using that variable, try this: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/nvidia-current ./gl-particles09:55
MacSlowtseliot, ./gl-particles09:55
MacSlow./gl-particles: error while loading shared libraries: libGLU.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:55
tseliotMacSlow: that's where I wanted to get. Which is the bug I was discussing with slangasek09:56
MacSlow1> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/nvidia-current ./gl-particles09:56
MacSlow./gl-particles: error while loading shared libraries: libGLU.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:56
tseliotMacSlow: there's a quick fix for that09:56
tseliotMacSlow: ln -s /usr/lib/mesa/libGLU.so.1 /usr/lib09:56
tseliotthen try again (there's no need to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH)09:57
MacSlowtseliot, ok worked09:57
tseliotoh and do a "sudo ldconfig" just in case09:57
AnAnt_pitti: btw, I've put the patch on LP #50688510:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506885 in apport "Allow user to upload a crash file to a certain bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50688510:01
pittiAnAnt_: can you please assign it to me? Thanks110:05
AnAnt_pitti: done10:06
ograpitti, "Das Programm 'scsi' wurde unerwartet beended" ... is that something from devkit ?10:17
pittiogra: no, sounds like a kernel thread?10:23
ograintrestingly scsi works fine :)10:23
ogramy rootfs is on a scsi disk10:24
slangasekNCommander: what's the status of dove for alpha-2?  bug #505772 is marked critical for a2, but I see no activity on it; and ogra says there are other problems?10:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505772 in linux-mvl-dove "system freezes sometimes after X is up for a while" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50577210:30
ograslangasek, it will definately not be fixed in time since nobody really knows what the issue is yet10:31
ograso i guess milestone can be moved already10:32
slangasekif that's so, please change the milestone10:32
* ogra does10:32
* jussi01 waves to ogra and wonders if ogra remembers him :D10:34
ograbring my mind up to speed :)10:35
jussi01ogra: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8413078@N02/4126318257/in/set-72157622726510357/10:36
ograthats not you ! :)10:36
jussi01no, I was there though...10:36
jussi01have you seen that photo set before?10:37
slangasekpitti, ArneGoetje: language-support-translations-{mk,oc} have deps on the corresponding NBS evolution-documentation-* packages - could this be fixed?  (I'm nuking the evolution-documentation-* packages from the archive, because they break kubuntu DVD building)10:39
slangaseklanguage-support-translations-oc has no other deps, perhaps it should just be removed from the archive?10:40
cjwatsonFlannel: we chose to do that, even though it was outside the usual pattern, because otherwise karmic was a significant boot speed regression from jaunty on many systems10:49
cjwatsonFlannel: those systems being ones with rotational hard drives, i.e. the most common - and ureadahead was a really dramatic improvement on a lot of those systems with fairly minimal maintenance overhead (unlike readahead-list)10:49
pittislangasek: yes, removing them soudns sensible to me; should I do this now?10:56
pittislangasek: they are orphans indeed, langpack-o-matic doesn't have the packages any more10:57
pittislangasek: removing10:57
evLucid very much hates me today. Can't get into X with plymouth, lots of graphical corruption in X, random resets, etc. :-/10:58
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pittiev: X> do you have /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so ? if not -> sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core11:05
pittiev: corruption> njpatel had that this morning, solved by dist-upgrading (mesa issue)11:05
evpitti: Ill give it a shot. Thanks.11:12
ogramumble, sshd doesnt log me out on reboots :(11:16
evpitti: You're a star. Thanks, that worked.11:22
yofelpitti: bash completion for ubuntu/apport-bug updated, anything else you would like? (and is apport-cli broken?)11:35
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didrockscjwatson: hey o/ I'm trying to debug the "randomely starting UNE session on UNE". I saw that /etc/gdm/custom.conf file exists on the squashfs and have the good default session bit.11:59
didrockscjwatson: but in the live system, there is no more the default session one. I retested in a sandbox my bottom-scripts 15autologin on casper and it seems to be correct11:59
didrockscjwatson: I changed on that /root/etc/gdm/custom.conf thinking that /root is mounted from squashfs in the initramfs phase. Is that correct?12:00
cjwatsondidrocks: I think I would benefit from a clear description of the observed bug.  Is there a bug report open for this?12:00
pittiyofel: thanks! will look at the bug mail soon12:01
cjwatsondidrocks: by the time casper-bottom scripts are running, /root is a union filesystem composed of the squashfs and a copy-on-write tmpfs.12:01
didrockscjwatson: not yet, but pitti and seb128 experiences it randomely (sometimes the UNE session is started, other time, we have the default GNOME session, without the DefaultSession key in custom.conf12:02
cjwatsondidrocks: changes there are preserved for the duration of the live session, but are (of course) not written back on reboot12:02
didrocksok, so, the logic seems good, I'll introspect this a little bit more, so. Thanks :)12:02
crimsunis it okay to upload a fix for abiword's FTBFS? (would only affect Xubuntu as far as images are concerned)12:10
geserpitti: Hi, I'm attempting to merge fuse and stuck on the .fdi file. I assume that it shouldn't be kept but replaced with udev rules, right?12:12
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pittigeser: oh, /dev/fuse? this should have stopped working in karmic already12:14
pittigeser: is the .fdi a delta of our's, or in Debian? Just drop it in the former case12:14
pittigeser: if we need it, we need to fix it in udev12:14
geseryes, /dev/fuse and the .fdi file is ours (Ubuntu)12:15
pittigeser: great, so this delta can just go away then (until someone complains, anyway)12:16
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geserpitti: so the remaining change from the previous "Dynamic foreground user access" changes is to keep /bin/fusermount world executable (perms are 4755). As I understand it the .fdi file previously granted access to /dev/fuse and /dev/fuse seems have perms 666 in karmic, so no real access control anymore. It this ok this way and the change should be kept?12:28
pittigeser: hmm; I think just keep the debian setup for now12:30
geserpitti: so revert all Ubuntu changes for this? If I understand the packaging correct, the user then has to be in the group "fuse" to be able to use fusermount. (but as I'm not familiar with fuse usage, I don't know if this is a problem or not)12:39
geserogra: as you're bug contact for fuse, do you know more if this will cause problems? ^^12:39
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pittigeser: ah, right, Debian installs the fusermount program as 774 root:fuse, right?12:47
pittigeser: right, we should keep it as 4755 then12:48
pittigeser: sorry (I'm just here with 1/4 a brain, I'm on a sprint)12:48
ogrageser, i havent touched fuse since several releases12:54
ograand i dont see myself mentioned anywhere in the package12:55
persiaogra: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fuse shows you listed as a bug subscriber.  Perhaps you don't wish to be one anymore?12:57
ograsure i do, but i shouldnt be a default contact12:57
* ogra checks12:57
geserpitti: last question before I unburden your Âĵ brain: The Ubuntu package sets 4755 directly in debian/rules while the Debian package uses 0755 in debian/rules and overwrites it in the postinst to 4754 if it's not listed in dpkg-statoverride. Which way is preferred? The old Ubuntu way or use the Debian way but use 4755 as permissions?12:58
persiaogra: You're the *only* default contact :)12:58
ograyeah, i see that12:58
ograi'm intrested in fuse bugs but dont want to be "the contact"12:59
pittigeser: I think debian/rules is much easier; the postinst is only necessary because the "camera" (or plugdev?) group isn't a static one12:59
ograthe funniest thing is that i see a "subscribe to bugmail" link at the top12:59
geserogra: sorry to question you but as you are listed as "Bug subscriber" I assumed you had some interested in the package and know what's going on with it12:59
ograbut apparently no way to unsubscribe at all12:59
persiaogra: Click on the little circle with a bar next to your name.13:00
ograthere is none :P13:00
ograyou mean the yellow one with a pen13:00
ograi only have one at the "subscribe to bugmail"13:00
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ograbut nothing near my name13:00
ograapparently i have to click "subscribe to bugmail" to unlsubscribe13:01
ograsigh, we're getting worse than windows in some areas13:02
persiaYes, there's an invisible {un,} in front of "subscribe" everywhere it appears in LP :)13:02
ograclick "start" to stop :P13:02
persiaPrecisely :)13:02
DktrKranzmvo: hi! Did you have time to look at the gdebi merge proposal which addresses usage of --always-ask-pass?13:13
mvoDktrKranz: not yet, doing that now13:13
J_Phi all13:24
J_Ppeople, are there a iso of 10.04 for tests? I have a All In ONE DEsktop (but is not a normal/usual AIO) Is a industrial machine for specific use) and touch scren is not possible to calibrate. I install ubuntu, and after install packagexserver-xorg-input-evtouch, restart machine and try run   gksu /usr/bin/calibrate_touchscreen but show this message :
J_PSo I would like to try a develoment version of test..13:28
persiaJ_P: If you'd like to help test candidates for the next release, #ubuntu-testing is the best place to get help getting involved.13:29
freeflyingArneGoetje: arounds?13:54
ArneGoetjefreeflying: yes13:55
mvoDktrKranz: it sounds like once this is merge we can upload to debian and do a sync on it? it should work just fine on both then, right?13:55
freeflyingArneGoetje: do u think we can use microhei to replace zenhei, for microhei is smaller than zenhei13:56
ArneGoetjefreeflying: I need to take a closer look at microhei. Last time I looked (and that's already a while ago) the glyph shapes were not consistent.14:01
mvoDktrKranz: many thanks for the branch, merged now (with a small simplification)14:02
freeflyingArneGoetje: Qianqian is going to release another version14:02
ArneGoetjefreeflying: ping me when that's the case, then I'll take a look at it again14:03
DktrKranzmvo: thanks! I think I'm done with this round of patches. If you think, feel free to upload at your convenience :)14:10
zullool: ping14:11
mvoDktrKranz: cool, thanks. I created a team for it now and added you and moved the bzr to a shared upstream trunk branch - it should be much nicer now :)14:14
mvoDktrKranz: ~gdebi-developers14:14
DktrKranzmvo: yeah, I saw the email, thanks!14:14
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loolzul: Hey14:18
loolzul: debian/patches/99-fix-gcc-warnings.diff last hunk of first patched file has a double free14:19
lool-               write(log_state->fd, s, strlen(s));14:19
lool+               if (write(log_state->fd, s, strlen(s)) != strlen(s))14:19
lool+                       free(s); free(s);14:19
zullool: ok ill fix14:19
loolBTW it shouldn't be an error for write() to return less than what was requested ot be written; one is supposed to retry partial writes, they might occur in legitimate conditions14:20
loolBut it's still better to fail than to not do anything14:20
lool-                       write(state->fd[1], &cc, 1);14:20
lool+                       if (write(state->fd[1], &cc, 1) != 1)14:20
lool+                               break;14:20
loolWhy not return -1 here too?14:21
loolsame for ctdb-1.0.108/server/ctdb_recoverd.c; you use return in one half of the cases and _exit in the other14:21
loolIt might be correct, I just don't know14:21
lool+       if (system(buf) != -1 ) {14:22
lool+               printf("system() failed");14:22
zulthat break is in a while loop14:22
loolWhich goes to _exit()14:22
loolYou might want to LOG instad of printf14:23
loolIn one of the writes you return -errno14:24
loolbut in plenty of reads you return -114:24
loolzul: Otherwise this indeed looks more like error handling now14:24
zullool: ok ill have another pass at it thanks14:25
loolzul: Please subscribe to bug mail14:25
loolzul: Please change Vcs-* to XS-Debian-Vcs-* when you diverge from Debian14:25
lool(otherwise debcheckout picks the wrong source)14:26
cody-somervilleDid someone ping me?14:42
* sebner not but waves at cody-somerville nevertheless :)14:43
* cody-somerville waves. :)14:43
Riddellcody-somerville: yes, you need to argue your case on bug 47653014:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 476530 in bzr-builddeb "mark-uploaded fails with "Unknown target distribution: lucid"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47653014:47
RiddellArneGoetje: I'm told I can save valuable CD space by using ttf-wqy-microhei instead of ttf-wqy-zenhei and ttf-arphic-uming so I'd like to do that if the two better fonts get pulled in when the user installs chinese language support14:48
Riddellfor Kubuntu anyway14:48
mathiazcr3: does checkbox support autotest?14:59
cr3mathiaz: it used to, but it needs to be updated to the more recent code base. ogasawara has also requested this, so I'll try to pull it off today14:59
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ArneGoetjeRiddell: they do get pulled in with the language-support-fonts-zh-han{s|t} packages. So, feel free to use ttf-wqy-microhei in the seeds.15:10
pgquilesI'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch (with Karmic) but after boot, ubiquity is not started and I only see the command line. Is there any step missing/wrong?15:15
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superm1slangasek, 20100113 isn't showing up on the iso tracker for mythbuntu (i just tried it, and the one bug that was reported for 20100112 is fixed)15:35
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slangasekpitti: cheers!15:57
slangaseksuperm1: yep, 20100113 posted to the tracker now15:57
pittislangasek: good morning!15:57
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slangasekpitti: morning16:03
slangasekpitti: bah; "  language-support-mk: Depends: language-support-translations-mk but it is not installable"16:03
pittislangasek: same for -oc, I take it?16:04
slangasekpitti: yes16:04
pittislangasek: removed those, sorry16:05
pittiof course it's 2 mins past the publisher, darn16:05
slangasekright :)16:05
pittiperhaps it's faster to unseed them and only seed a couple?16:06
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slangasekpitti: only used on DVD builds, and it should be exceptional that the packages are broken, yes?16:08
pittislangasek: right, they just weren't removed in time16:08
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cjwatsonpitti: please tell me we're not going to reset the work items lines any more :)16:24
cjwatsonpitti: I realise it was probably sort of necessary with the rewritten tracker code, but http://www.piware.de/workitems/foundations/lucid/report.html was really rather more informative than http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-foundations.html currently is :(16:24
pitticjwatson: lool just pinged me; indeed I stopped those cronjobs for the entire cycle16:26
pittiI can start them again16:26
cjwatsonI know, but the fact that we lost the historical trend is a bit of a problem16:26
pittibut I definitively won't add another 50 cronjobs for alpha-3/beta-1/etc16:26
pittiif it's useful in any way I can keep the old tracker for the final16:27
pittior adjust the trend line on the new tracker16:27
pitti^ woudl that actually be enough?16:27
pittior is there more missing?16:27
cjwatsonmoving to the new graphs just makes it much harder to judge whether we need to reprioritise16:27
cjwatsonmaybe, but what would you adjust it to?  it has a quite different list of WIs due to the global scan16:27
cjwatsonI think it would be OK to keep the old tracker running for this release as a workaround16:28
ionI wonder when Keybuk’s gonna come online?16:28
pittireenabled for mobile/server/foundations16:28
cjwatsonion: he's on holiday16:28
cjwatsonpitti: thanks!16:28
ioncjwatson: Ok, thanks16:29
pitticjwatson: probably in a month or so the trend line and actual daily work item change will be exact enough to switch to the new tracker entirely16:31
pittibut I'll leave them running for now16:31
cjwatsonyeah, could be16:31
slangasekzul: did you see my earlier ping about bug #445958?16:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445958 in libapache2-mod-auth-pam "Please remove from archive." [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44595816:36
zulslangasek: no i missed it16:37
slangasekzul: can you clarify what you meant in bug #445958 by "no longer being maintained"?  The package was removed from karmic, but has shown back up in lucid via auto-sync because it is maintained in Debian and there was a new version uploaded.  Is there really a reason to blacklist this package, or does it just need to be unseeded from server-ship (...which never happened when the package was removed from the archive)?16:37
milanbvslangasek: I'd like to talk with you about bug #39385416:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393854 in gdm "Update PAM policy to allow password-less logins set up via users-admin" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39385416:39
milanbvI asked seb128 who said me he had no strong opinion about it16:40
zulslangasek: i asked it to be removed because of f #13009916:40
zulit should probably be blacklisted and removed from the seeds16:42
NCommanderslangasek, pong, sorry, didn't see your ping. Dove is fairly unstable at the moment, but I've managed to install at least the ARM alternate dailies16:44
slangasekmilanbv: perhaps you could discuss it with kees instead?  He also weighed in on the question, and I'm rather tied up with alpha 2 right now16:45
slangasekmilanbv: I begrudgingly concede that the point about being able to still require a password for other services is a valid one, so if kees agrees, I'm ok with the change16:46
slangasekmilanbv: (though architecturally, I still dislike having a magic group name...)16:47
slangasekzul: the corresponding Debian bug has users claiming it works for them, and that there's no replacement available?16:47
milanbvslangasek: OK, I'll grab Kees16:47
milanbvkees: ping?16:48
zulslangasek: hmm ok it should be fine then i havent tested it out myself16:48
slangasekzul: ok.  should it still be unseeded?16:48
zulslangasek: i think so16:48
slangasekzul: ok - could you make that change?16:49
zulslangasek: of course16:49
slangasekNCommander: ARM alternate isn't what we would include in alpha-2, though; I've posted the desktop images to the ISO tracker for testing16:50
slangasekNCommander: when are the new, non-desktop images going to arrive?16:50
keesmilanbv: I'm fine with it.  I hate the idea of auto-login, but people are set on it.16:51
keesmilanbv: this actually makes it better in that they actually have a password.16:51
milanbvkees: that was my thought when I implemented that16:53
milanbvwe still need to adress a more general issue with keyrings when password is not typed16:54
milanbvbut that's not specific to that patch16:54
milanbvwho should commit that patch?16:54
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keesmilanbv: whoever normally handles gdm, I think.16:56
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milanbvno idea who does that - I'll look for him16:58
milanbvthanks anyway!16:58
milanbvkees: oh, and you'll be happy to hear that the new version of the system-tools-backends/liboobs no longer encrypts passwords on its own16:58
milanbvwe use standard chpass, without the -S option16:58
keesmilanbv: oh? how?16:59
milanbvI've completely changed the D-Bus protocol17:00
keesah, okay.  is that in lucid currently?17:00
milanbvwe now send passwords in clear text (appears to be fine with D-Bus)17:00
milanbvthat should be in soon17:00
milanbvchris has opened a bug about that17:01
keesI thought the bus could be sniffed?17:01
milanbvaccording to people on dbus-list, that's safe17:01
milanbv(for local bus)17:01
milanbvmy main concern is about perl, which doesn't allow clearing memory17:01
NCommanderslangasek, that was planned for A3 AFAIK. We should be tracking alternates though, it was decided at UDS we were going to do so17:04
slangasekNCommander: what do you mean by "tracking"?17:05
NCommanderslangasek, having alternates on the tracker and testing themper normal17:05
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milanbvseb128: slangasek is OK with the GDM password-less patch - do you know who's reponsible for committing there?17:06
seb128we don't have strict maintainer assignement in ubuntu17:06
seb128slangasek can do it if he wants17:06
slangasekNCommander: nobody has mentioned this to me up to now; who made this decision?17:07
NCommanderslangasek, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-lucid-arm-alternate-images17:07
milanbvseb128: hmm, I should be more precise17:08
milanbvhe said he didn't care either, and told me to ask kees, who's OK17:08
slangasekNCommander: oh, right; now I remember catching sight of this outstanding work item in the last release meeting and claiming it...17:10
slangasekNCommander: is this alternate for both flavors?17:10
NCommanderslangasek, as far as I know, but I'm unsure if imx51 alternates work at all. ogra ?17:11
ograNCommander, no idea, GrueMaster is the testing guy ;)17:12
ograNCommander, i'm busy with other stuff, i only test live images17:12
keesmilanbv: "undef" seems to work for me, experimentally, in perl.17:16
keesmilanbv: all file descriptors that carried the password should be closed, and then the variable that held it undefed17:17
keesmilanbv: http://pastebin.com/f39fc278e  when I kill -SEGV the script and look at the core from each shell, the second shell doesn't show the string.17:18
sebnerkees: wondering about what you bleeding edge session will be about :)17:18
milanbvkees: actually, I've found many threads explaining how clearing memory was very hard in perl17:18
keessebner: http://outflux.net/ul07/bleeding-edge.odp <- this, in IRC form17:18
milanbvI'll use undef, but I'm not sure that's a 100% warranty17:19
milanbv(we don't actually open files, since chpasswd does this for us)17:19
keesmilanbv: it's hard if you splash the variable around, but if keep it limited, it shouldn't be too bad.  you can experimentally test it by using ulimit -c unlimited; rm core; *run*; kill -SEGV $pid; strings -a core | grep $password17:19
milanbvyeah, I'll try that17:20
sebnerkees: cool, seems a little bit like "for beginners"?17:20
milanbvanyway, there's an important security: an attacker doesn't know what he should grep for, since the password is unknown17:20
keessebner: a bit, yeah.  but there are some good bits of advice.17:21
keesmilanbv: well, that's just to make your test easy.  it's relatively trivia to reconstruct the process memory and find the variable directly.17:21
sebnerkees: nice, I'll be there then, maybe I hear something new :)17:21
milanbvand I suspect the D-Bus binding could be playing with values around, leaving them in memory17:21
keessebner: cool!17:21
keesmilanbv: if so, it's a bug in the dbus module.  :)17:22
keesanyway, give it a try, see what it looks like.17:22
milanbvnot sure - it seems that as long as you perform some string operations in perl, data hangs around without any way of finding it17:22
milanbvI'll try17:22
milanbvdo you have commit access to GDM?17:23
milanbvI mean, in Ubuntu17:23
sivanghi all18:08
sivanghow bad is Lucid right now? can it be used for webapp development and audio ouput on a plani intel borad ?18:08
chrisccoulsonsivang - you might be better off asking in #ubuntu+118:09
sivangchrisccoulson: ?18:09
sivangchrisccoulson: why is that?18:10
sivang-devel is no longer for the currently being eveloped branch ?18:10
chrisccoulsonthis channel is for discussing ubuntu development. #ubuntu+1 is the channel where people running the development branch communicate with each other18:10
sivangchrisccoulson: ah koay18:10
geserchrisccoulson: Hi, as you filed bug #427595 and as libipoddevice is back in lucid, do you know if it should be removed again or if it should stay (in that case we would need to re-apply our old Ubuntu change to fix bug #505336)?18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427595 in libipoddevice "Please remove libipoddevice source and binary from Karmic" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42759518:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505336 in libipoddevice "libipoddevice FTBFS: Missing format specifier" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50533618:15
chrisccoulsongeser - yeah, it seems like it should be removed again18:16
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sivanganybody know how I can request to renew mu ubuntu membership ?20:17
jcastrosivang: you just renew yourself when it sends you the mail20:19
mneptokjcastro: i got that e-mail, and i thought "renew yourself" meant a nap and a shower.20:32
jcastroyeah but we know you don't shower.20:32
mneptokjcastro: that's why i was going to let my Ubuntu membership lapse, and switch to Slackware.20:34
mneptokgcc has no personal hygiene requirements.20:35
sivangjcastro: I forgot20:46
sivangjcastro: that's the problem20:46
jcastroI did that once, I just mailed someone on the CC20:47
sivangjcastro: I'm nwo more into loco team and talks I'm giving20:47
sivangjcastro: okay20:47
sivangjcastro: whom to mail ?20:47
jcastrono idea, can you join #ubuntu-community-team and we'll sort it20:48
ScottKmneptok: That's for the blog on the Google stuff.  Very interesting.20:49
* mneptok bows20:49
ScottKThat's/Thanks in any case.20:51
* ScottK goes to look for moar coffeeeee20:51
sivangjcastro: hhehe21:06
sivangjcastro: joining now21:06
ari-tczewanybody will work on merges for main?21:58
ari-tczewthere is no support from sponsors21:58
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Kmos /quit22:11
ScottKari-tczew: There are people to do it, but a lot of people are busy with Alpha 2 preps right now.22:18
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mathiazdoes anyone see a use case for having / on a raid0 (stripped) array?22:42
elmoerr, yeah, me?22:43
elmoI've done that several times before when I needed space for a machine with trivially replacable contents (e.g. an Ubuntu mirror)22:44
q3aimlWould this be the correct place for a packaging question?22:44
highvoltageq3aiml: #ubuntu-motu22:44
highvoltageyou're welcome22:45
elmomathiaz: ^--22:45
mathiazelmo: right - so you'd just use raid0 for the whole system instead of raid0 for the partition that hold the replacable data and raid1 for /?22:47
elmomathiaz: it's easier for me to RAID 0 / than to alter my auto-installer to setup a separate RAID 0 partition22:48
elmothat may just be me, but *shrug*22:48
mathiazelmo: fair enough - and if you loose one drive, you loose your data anyway - which renders the system unusable22:49
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