
crimsunif a staffer might be kind enough to take a looksee at Gbotno's spamming ([n=nds@c-76-20-29-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net])02:21
fabrice_spHi. Sorry to bug you again about that issue, but ubuntulog is not logging ubuntu-motu. Is someone working on it? I reported here the issue on the 8th. Just wanted to be sure that it was the correct way to report this issue04:36
nhandlerfabrice_sp: Canonical runs the bot. We have no control over it. Check if an rt ticket has been filed at rt.ubuntu.com and file one if it hasn't04:41
fabrice_spnhandler, AFAIK, I don't have a user to access rt.ubuntu.com (tried with my launchpad user)04:43
nhandlerfabrice_sp: ubuntu/ubuntu04:43
fabrice_spnhandler, oh: thank you!04:44
* fabrice_sp just created case 9017 for the missing ubuntulog in ubuntu-motu04:51
AlanBellping Pici10:05
Philip5Nafallo: ping!13:26
Philip5Nafallo: antar du jobbar men jag tänkte kolla med dig om du tänkte mer på op-frågan eller om du kan tänka dig låta oss andra ops rösta igenom någon/några eventuellt nya ops till kanalen för att få nytt blod av aktiva? om du bara ger klartecken så ordnar jag rättigheter och sånt så slipper du lägga energi på det13:26
Philip5Nafallo: något behöver nog göras i alla fall för just nu är det mer eller mindra bara 2 ops som är aktiva och håller kolla på kanalen men inte 24/7 med fördelningen13:27
Philip5Nafallo: för har du inte tid med frågan så får du deligera den till oss andra ops :)13:28
NafalloPhilip5: +114:09
PiciAlanBell: pong14:51
AlanBellhi Pici14:57
AlanBellwant to talk about factoids?14:57
AlanBelland bantrackertwo14:57
AlanBellI hear some assistance could be used, not sure of the specifics but I am happy to help15:02
PiciAlanBell: Do you know anything about the current bantracker?15:03
AlanBellvery little15:03
AlanBelland what I do know doesn't relate to factoids15:04
PiciLet me explain quickly what the bantracker does then.15:05
PiciBantracker is a supybot plugin that records channel events (kicks,bans,mutes,marks) into a sqlite database with about 100 lines of context.  There is also a web interface, but that is just some python cgi that interacts with the sqlite database and allows operators to search and comment on those events.15:08
AlanBellok, and version two is django based with a mysql back end15:09
AlanBellI have been playing with writing a python based GUI IRC client with a desktopcouchdb back end15:11
AlanBellso python IRC stuff is something I have some awareness of15:12
tsimpsonthe bantrackertwo won't need to know anything about IRC15:12
AlanBellso bantrackertwo is the front end bit, not the IRC supybot plugin then15:12
tsimpsonthe supybot plugin will (probably) use some sort of API or direct database access15:13
AlanBellok, so what needs doing on it, and what has it got to do with the factoids process?15:14
PiciRight now its interfacing via django objects, but I'd like to eventually use some sort of api so that we aren't forced to run the supybot on the same host as the django project.15:14
tsimpsonI was thinking JSON would be a good base for the api15:15
* AlanBell likes JSON and couchdb15:16
PiciWhat needs work is the issue tracker, a json interface to everything (actually, I have something basic for commenting, but it probably could be improved)15:18
PiciI'd like to discuss tsimpson and the rest of the irc team about ideas for the factoid tracker, I have some changes that I think might make managing multi-channel factoids a lot easier.15:19
tsimpsonI'd be interested in any ideas on that front15:21
AlanBellso having done a bzr branch of bantrackertwo how do I run it?15:21
tsimpsonyou need python-django and an apache install15:22
PiciYou actually don't need apache.15:22
tsimpsonthat's right, it has a small web server built-in15:22
PiciBut you'll need python-django.  I personally run from django trunk though.15:23
AlanBellok, looks like it needs some openID stuff too15:24
tsimpsonand you'll need to run through the .py files changing the paths where appropriate15:24
tsimpsonif it's not in a directory called "ircTrack" the imports will need changing too15:25
AlanBell./manage.py test seems to work now15:25
* AlanBell considers changing name to bnrubin15:26
Picitsimpson: I put together a basic proof of concept factoid project that used tagging to define what channel a factoid could be used in.  So you could have !fail tagged #ubuntu-offtopic and #kubuntu-offtopic and you woudlnt have to worry about making aliases pointing every which way15:34
PiciAlso I thought it would be useful to also have category tagging, so that we could have some way of bringing up say.. all the video related factoids, without using the regular search15:36
tsimpsonideally, I would like to have the ability to have a "master" database and a "local" database, so loco channels could have their own database but fall back to the master one15:37
AlanBellso would you want the local database to have delegated approval?15:40
tsimpsonalso, ideally, I would like the ability to translate the factoids15:40
AlanBellso a loco could approve their own factoids by the team leader or whatever15:40
tsimpsonAlanBell: basically the "local" database would be searched first, if no match is found the master database would be searched15:40
AlanBellok, but both databases would be on the same server presumably15:41
tsimpsonmost likely15:42
AlanBellI would think a single database would be better, that way it would be easier to collect together all versions of !fail for example15:43
tsimpsonwe'd also need to decide if we are going to require a database server (mysql/postgresql) or use sqlite315:43
AlanBelloh, I thought that decision was already made as mysql15:43
AlanBellah, you mean for the factoid database15:43
Picidjango can handle most of the common standards.15:43
* AlanBell thinks of couchdb with !foo as the document ID15:45
AlanBellthen you could have all the translations and channel specific texts as attributes of the document15:47
tsimpsonwe will not use couchdb15:48
tsimpsonnot unless you want to write a django backend for it15:48
AlanBellok, there are a couple of python couchdb libraries, but if that all gets abstracted away by django then any database would do15:52
Philip5Nafallo: betyder +1 "kör på det" eller bara att du är/var där? :)17:18
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