
nigelb_nbhey everyone00:26
chitchatcurtishello all00:29
cjohnstonhi chitchatcurtis00:30
cjohnstonthanks Hellow !00:30
HellowOhai thar.00:30
chitchatcurtisso is there a class so to speak tonight? Im very new to Linux00:31
cjohnstonchitchatcurtis: we dont have classes in here00:31
cjohnstonclasses are held in #ubuntu-classroom00:31
chitchatcurtiso I c00:31
cjohnstonIf you join there, you will find a link in the topic to the classroom page which will show you a list of upcoming courses00:32
chitchatcurtisjust learned somethink new . thanks00:32
cjohnstonThis is more of a planning channel... I doubt you will find much thats useful as far as learning new things in here..00:33
=== nigel_nb is now known as Guest43117
_marx_chitchatcurtis: as a new user what sort of classes would you be interested in?00:33
=== Guest43117 is now known as nigelbabu
nigelbabuah, better :)00:34
chitchatcurtisjust how to get around ubuntu. I cam from a long line of windows. I never really liked it.00:35
chitchatcurtisnot knowing where things are was a head ache. and how to get downloads installed is another00:36
_marx_hum, "how to get around Ubuntu" not sure what you mean by that00:36
_marx_ah ok00:36
chitchatcurtislike I said I figured them out, but it would have sped things up for me00:37
_marx_right, that's good info for those planning courses though00:37
nigelbabuchitchatcurtis: ubuntu lucid will come out with a manual00:37
nigelbabuchitchatcurtis: in the meanwhile, you can use the inbuilt help00:38
nigelbabupleia2 and Pendulum: got around to blog about ubuntu user day?00:39
Pendulumnigelbabu: I believe pleia2 is doing hers friday and i'm doing mine like monday00:39
chitchatcurtisOne thing that I had problems with was getting mp3 cameras and other hardwear working properly00:40
nigelbabuPendulum: I'm hoping to get those videos done in a few days so that you add that to the post00:40
nigelbabuPendulum: lemme see if I can get it ready by then00:40
nigelbabupopey: will you be able to voice over and mix the how -to videos by friday?00:41
nigelbabuPendulum: whats your blog's URL?00:43
Pendulumnigelbabu: pendulumtech.wordpress.com00:52
nigelbabuPendulum: oh no! pink attack!00:53
PendulumI <3 pink00:56
Pendulumand it's not even the pink I want00:56
nigelbabuPendulum: the text is a bit too light for me00:57
nigelbabuhave to get my glasses00:57
PendulumI can't do anything about it. wordpress.com doesn't let you customize themes very much00:57
nigelbabubah to wordpress00:58
cjohnstonpleia2: fwiw, im waiting on hearing back from popey or MagicFab and then I will have the schedule set, and send out the email to the instructors..01:07
cjohnstonI was hoping to be able to do it tonight.. but maybe not :-(01:07
pleia2cjohnston: popey is on the other side of the pond, so it's quite late :)01:10
pleia2and great!01:10
cjohnstonya.. a guy can hope tho01:12
nigelbabucjohnston: he'll reply when he wakes up ;)01:13
cjohnstonbut i prolly wont get to it till tomorrow nite :-(01:13
* nigelbabu is on windows and hating it01:14
cjohnstonthe email is written, I just have to get his confirmation, and then hit send01:14
cjohnstonheheh nigelbabu01:14
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nigel_nbdoctormo: around?16:29
doctormonigel_nb: Aye16:31
doctormoHow much of me is still awake is anyone's guess16:31
=== nigelbabu is now known as nigel_nb
nigel_nbHellow: around?16:42
nigel_nbHellow: found a topic yet?16:43
pleia2"Package Management Basics"16:44
nigel_nbpleia2: well, at least he found a topic ;)16:44
pleia2it's a good one :)16:44
nigel_nbpleia2: so did I miss anything over the past 2 days?16:45
pleia2not really, cjohnston will be sending out the formalized schedule in an announcement this evening16:45
nigel_nboh great16:45
nigel_nbwow! profit's dirty diaper is on the meeting logs16:46
pleia2it's his child's, not his!16:47
cjohnston_pleia2: The schedule is done16:47
pleia2cjohnston_: right, sending out the announcement tonight?16:48
cjohnston_Maybe during lunch, but yes16:48
pleia2great :)16:48
cjohnston_I don't know the context of your message so I just wanted to let you know16:49
pleia2nigel_nb was just asking for an update16:50
nigel_nbunfortunately my graphics controller is out of whack16:50
nigel_nbso I'm copying stuff to my parents comptuer and getting done16:50
nigel_nbso, just wanted to knw what happened during all the meetings I missed16:51
nigel_nbpleia2: I know its his kids diaper :P16:51
nigel_nbhe came in coz he was pinged?16:52
pleia2yeah, he's got some script to email him or txt him or something, then logs on on his phone16:54
nigel_nbwell, we can keep pinging some day when he's bored16:55
pleia2or when *we* are bored :)16:55
nigel_nbhaha, true16:55
nigel_nbHellow: can you ping me when you get time16:59
doctormopleia2: There was a suggestion that we modify our structure slightly, would you like to hear the two proposals?17:04
pleia2doctormo: UCLP course structure?17:05
pleia2suggestions are always welcome :)17:05
nigel_nboh no! Not again!17:05
nigel_nblol, doctormo, go ahead :)17:05
doctormoNo, production structure, the way we organise people... :-)17:05
nigel_nbI'm inspired by ubuntu-manual, one day I hope we get that fast17:05
doctormo1) Blueprints should be created for each topic due to be written and assigned to people with expected deadlines.17:06
doctormo2) That the structures in the wiki be used as a public draft and a more reviewed and paired down structure to apear in a file within the bzr branch, each directory which would contain to job lot of what needs done.17:06
doctormoThe ideas are to increase the definition about what the work is and who has said they will do it.17:07
pleia2blueprints still confuse me terribly17:08
nigel_nbI have no clue what they are17:08
pleia2ubuntu-manual does things that way17:08
nigel_nb I <3 the way ubuntu-manual is moving, its pretty fast paced17:08
nigel_nbdoctormo: how do I checkout stuff from LP on windows? have to install the windows version of bzr?17:14
doctormonigel_nb: I'm the wrong person to ask about that17:15
nigel_nbI'm stuck on an XP17:15
nigel_nbto top it off, I'm on dial-up17:15
nigel_nb17 MB is going to take 2 hours17:15
doctormonigel_nb: Do you not have a live CD you can use instead?17:25
nigel_nbdoctormo: I do, but I'm not sure if this ancient modem will work with it17:29
doctormoIt's a win modem, there are ways17:29
nigel_nblazy lol17:38
doctormonigel_nb: It's a learning opertunity and a requirement for your enviroment, it sounds like learning it now will allow you to help others in your situation too.17:48
nigel_nbdoctormo: I will, first I want my laptop up17:49
nigel_nb_marx_: around? need a favor17:51
nigel_nb_marx_: can you go to screencasts wiki and create the intro and ending screens with the presentation file that they have given.  If I dont it, the resolution may change.  Just share it the same folder once done.17:58
* _marx_ reading scroll back18:05
nigel_nbonly one ;)18:06
nigel_nbdoctormo: apparently, its really tough18:08
nigel_nbdoctormo: my modem is external and connected via usb and that part sucks (or so it seems)18:08
_marx_nigel_nb: which screencast wiki page?18:18
nigel_nb_marx_: getting it for ya18:21
nigel_nb_marx_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts18:24
nigel_nb_marx_: search for "Creating a header and footer"18:24
_marx_ok reading it now18:25
_marx_nigel_nb: yeah I believe I can handle that; be a couple of hours though18:31
nigel_nb_marx_: take your time18:32
_marx_have to edit the example files 6.06 - Dapper is a _little dated18:32
nigel_nbyeah, a little bit of changes18:33
_marx_3.5 years dated ;)18:33
nigel_nb_marx_: I'll blame popey for that ;)18:33
nigel_nb_marx_: he leads the team18:34
_marx_yeah saw that somewhere18:34
nigel_nband he's looking for someone so he can "hand it over" (read as "dump it on")18:35
pleia2evening cjohnston23:00
cjohnstonpleia2: when are you available evening wise for a meeting?23:00
pleia2tonight :)23:00
pleia2tomorrow night is ok too, then not again until tuesday23:00
cjohnstonany time tues?23:01
cjohnstonevening our time23:01
cprofitt10pm for US meeting right pleia23:01
pleia2cprofitt: yep!23:01
cjohnstonwhere penny be?23:02
cjohnstonpleia2: can you try to remember next time you see Penny to ask her if Tuesday evening our time is ok with her?23:04
cjohnstonand let me know23:04
cjohnstonI'm really not liking this... I'm getting nervous23:05
pleia2about what?23:06
cjohnstonschool and UUD together23:06
cjohnstonjust that im not gonna be able to devote the time I want to to UUD23:07
cjohnstonI know it doesn't really matter...23:08
cjohnstonCause ya'll are here..23:08
cjohnstonbut still23:08
pleia2yeah, you've already done tons of work and really brought things together on this project :)23:08
cjohnstonI know... and because of that, I really wanna see it all the way through..23:09
cjohnstonAnd each day that I go to class I just learn more bad things23:09
cjohnstonI feel like I'm going to go to work just to take a break from school23:10
cjohnstonthere she is23:12
pleia2evening pen :)23:12
Pendulumhiya cjohnston, pleia223:13
Pendulumwhat's up?23:13
cjohnstonwhat are your plans on Tueday evening EST?23:13
Pendulumnext tuesday and what time?23:14
cjohnstontrying to get a consensus23:14
PendulumI get home from work sometime between 6 and 7 and am free up until about 1023:14
cjohnstonnow just need to hear from _marx_23:16
Pendulumif you want to do something earlier, I get out of work at 5 and can be in a coffeeshop by 5:30 for internet, just let me know23:16
pleia2later is better for me23:16
pleia28 or 923:17
cjohnstonpopey: you still up?23:17
pleia2but I'll make it work whatever we decide :)23:17
cjohnstonpleia2: I was thnking around that time as well23:17

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