
=== MTeck-ricer is now known as MTeck-engaged
dholbachcan we get http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=559 on the fridge? maybe on the facebook group too?10:44
popeydholbach: can you pastebin the html source?12:13
popeysorry, not html, the source.. from your wp12:13
nhandlerpopey: You can just copy the HTML source (the fridge allows full html now)12:20
popeyi know12:23
popeyi dont want to do that12:23
=== cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston
cjohnstonpopey: ?12:52
popeycjohnston: ?13:16
dholbachpopey: ah hang on13:23
dholbachpopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/356045/13:33
dholbachthanks a lot popey!13:49
dholbachAWESOME :-D13:50
popeytyche: http://bit.ly/MA5uX - UFCS now accepting additional file formats.. can this be mentioned in the news this week please?16:02
popeyso it's no longer just audio/video (and photos to flickr for art team) but now accepting PDF, SVG etc16:03
popeywonder if a copy of the UWN in PDF form might be a good idea? ;)16:05
popeymaybe the UWN people could make a "special" edition for the competition16:06
nhandlerpopey: I'll bring it up, but last time I (and members of the doc team checked), most moinmoin2pdf scripts are not that great.18:20
=== tyche_ is now known as tyche

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