
Picimneptok: thanks for sharing that link on the planet00:43
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ubottuteadict called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()02:40
geniiFor #xubuntu ops (times are UTC -5) http://pastebin.com/m295aacd902:41
geniiFlannel: I see now catching up on scroll you got them in -ot as well02:43
Flannelyeah.  And... I think I've got ops in X too02:43
FlannelI'll stick around there a bit, hopefully he won't hop around02:44
geniiI usually bug Myrtti for #x but she's not around, etc02:45
Picigenii: the IRCC has access there now too, so you can bug one of us if we're around02:47
geniiOK, thanks Pici02:48
ubottuHulkHogan called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()03:20
geniiOn himself, apparently03:21
ubottuHulkHogan called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()03:21
ubottuHulkHogan called the ops in #ubuntu-meeting ()03:21
geniiPici: You caught in server the gist of his transmission03:22
genii(exact same last time)03:23
Picisorry, my connection dropped03:26
* Flare-Laptop thinks someone needs to make an alias on the bot, from the winblows to windows command05:28
tsimpsonumm, no05:30
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !brainstorm ~= s/ubuntu/Ubuntu/05:38
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
dholbachgood morning07:44
MenZamorning Daniel07:45
dholbachhey MenZa07:48
Jordan_Ucipok is spamming in #ubuntu08:02
Tm_TJordan_U: dealt08:03
MenZamorning Tm_T, ikonia08:05
Tm_Tmorning all (:08:07
MenZaMyrtti: Quick response!08:08
* MenZa slides Myrtti a coffee.08:08
Myrttiin pm...08:10
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.08:11
Tm_Twhat is XAMPP? perhaps that should be mentioned in factoid or in that wikipage08:13
* jussi01 noms some wasabi peanuts08:13
Myrttiplease keep your eyes on cipok08:14
MyrttiI need breakfast08:14
* jussi01 is working... not really keeping much eye on anything08:15
Tm_Tsame problem here, R. is hard employer08:18
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)08:25
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)08:25
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)08:25
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)08:25
ikoniayeah yeah08:25
MenZa[2010-01-13 09:11:20 UTC] < rww> MenZa: go pester an op with privileges to fix the capitalisation in !brainstorm :(09:12
ubottuPost your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!09:12
MenZa!brainstorm ~= /ubuntu/Ubuntu/09:12
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, MenZa said: !brainstorm ~= /ubuntu/Ubuntu/09:12
Myrtti!brainstorm ~= /ubuntu/Ubuntu/09:13
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti09:13
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!09:13
MyrttiHTH, HAND09:13
Myrttiuh, someone have an eye on #u again09:33
MyrttiI didn't ban09:34
me24hi can i be unbanned from #ubuntu09:58
Seeker`who banned you?09:59
Myrtticould you explain a bit of your behaviour the other day?09:59
Myrttiyesterday, to be exact10:00
me24I was rude10:00
me24I had a bit to drink10:01
me24I'm sorry10:01
Myrtti*sigh* how many times I've heard that...10:03
Myrttican you be trusted on #ubuntu?10:05
Myrttihave you read the guidelines and code of conduct of Ubuntu?10:05
Tm_Talso understand that getting drunk is not an excuse10:06
Myrttime24: are you there still?10:17
me24yeah sorry10:19
me24im here10:19
me24I will be trusted10:19
MyrttiI'm not too sure on that10:19
Myrttithe question is *can* you be trusted10:19
me24one more chance10:19
Myrtti!guidelines > me2410:20
ubottume24, please see my private message10:20
Myrttiread that and tell me when you're done10:20
me24Iv'e read them10:20
me24last night10:20
me24I am reformed10:24
Myrttibazhang: just in time10:27
Myrttibazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/355981/10:28
bazhangMyrtti, that is cobra679 with a new nick?10:29
Myrttiyup, seems so since he knows what we are talking about10:29
bazhangwhoa lag10:31
bazhangI'll unmute then10:31
bazhangMyrtti, thanks; we really missed your paste's of channel bans (and you of course)10:33
Myrttime24: anything else we can help you with?10:44
me24yes how do I become a OP ?11:00
jussi01me24: we are not currently accepting ops at this time. the process is currently under review and you should keep an eye on ubuntu new for furhter developments11:04
jussi01!idle | me2411:07
ubottume24: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.11:07
bazhangthat was odd ; meowbuntu11:10
gordhrm, freenode nearly ready to upgrade to its new ircd, hope it doesn't affect us too much11:34
Myrttineed to look at scripts and aliases11:34
Myrttifor what I understood, mute changes11:34
MyrttiI'm not too sure of my understanding11:35
tsimpsonthere will be a specific mode for mutes/quiets, so instead of suffixing % you just /mode #channel +q <mask>12:05
jussi01damn, gonna have to go fix my aliases :P12:05
tsimpsonfwiw, you can +q now, it just translates it server-side to +b %...12:06
jussi01yeah, I dont actually have to fix it as i already had that... lol12:06
tsimpsonyou'll also need to fix your identify-msg scripts if you use them12:07
jussi01what got broken there?12:12
Myrttisomeone seriously wants to install every package in default repositories they can12:18
MyrttiI lack words12:20
elkyapt-get install *? :P12:20
jussi01whats wrong with that? :P :P12:21
elkyMyrtti, the words i have are along the lines of being a fly on the wall12:21
tsimpsonjussi01: just the way you activate it12:39
tsimpsoncurrently it's "CAPAB identify-msg", with -seven you'll need to do "CAP REQ identify-msg"12:40
tsimpsonand probably look for the "CAP ACK :identify-msg" reply12:40
nhandlerjussi01 and tsimpson You might like http://dev.freenode.net/ircd-seven/browser/doc/hyperion-migration.txt12:41
ubottuIn #ubuntu, mano1979 said: ubottu no help for me there.my cam is working with other applications like cheese.but it doesn't work with any messenger i tested.13:39
topylihello cobra67915:16
cobra679I want to be unbaned15:16
cobra679I am sorry15:16
cobra679it wont happen again15:16
cobra679one more chance15:16
topylii know you want to, you already asked me in private. "please, you fucking cunt" did not convince, however15:17
cobra679I get angry sometimes15:18
cobra679I'am sorry15:18
cobra679Im australian this is the way we talk sometimes15:18
cobra679did not mean any offence15:18
topyliyou are on ubuntu channels, nobody talks like that. you have to learn that15:19
cobra679I used to go on austech and it used to be trash talk15:19
cobra679i guess i got used to that15:19
cobra679so will you give me one more chance ?15:20
topylii see. that's not interesting as such however. the important thing is i don't think you can behave on ubuntu channels, based on your behavior on #ubuntu yesterday and on -offtopic right now15:21
cobra679but i need those channels15:22
cobra679what if I get stuck15:22
MenZaaccess to the #*bunt* channels is a privilege, not a right.15:22
topylinobody needs -offtopic15:22
topylithe support channel is very useful of course, but that's only because we use it for support instead of throwing profanities around15:23
cobra679I know15:24
cobra679how can I become a op15:24
topylione more thing: trying to evade bans by changing nicks or other means will a) not succeed, and b) make your situation worse15:25
cobra679I could evade it for real if i wanted to15:25
cobra679its not rocket science15:25
MenZacobra679: But that would be a very stupid thing to do.15:25
cobra679but ild rather go the right way about it15:25
cobra679I think I might load up backtrack 4 and show you guys something15:26
topylimy suggestion as to how to go about it: think about why behavior on ubuntu channels is important, come back here after a few days and we'll discuss your ban again15:27
* cobra679 walks out of room with tail between legs15:28
MenZacobra679: Please keep your ban removal request in channel, and with topyli.15:28
MenZatopyli: no linkage to !guidelines and !coc?15:28
topylihe's been served before. his previous ban was just removed today15:28
MenZaAh, I see.15:29
MenZafor the record, the only thing he sent me was this:15:29
MenZa<cobra679> im not that bad mate15:29
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:36
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:36
tsimpsonall lies16:36
ikoniaMyrtti: FYI: I just tested master_ with a question and he pm'd me16:37
ikoniabe aware of billythekid116:39
Piciikonia: Why?16:41
ikoniawhen you ask a question or ask for help master_ pm's you the response, he was spoke to yesterday about it and seemed to stop, but then went back to pm'ing people (or so it seemed) I've just tested it by asking a question and he pm'd me16:41
ikoniaooh, you mean billythekid1, well I've seen that nick in use before with a .se isp and he can flip out assuming it's the same guy16:42
PiciDid you ask master_ to keep the support in channel?16:42
ikoniahe agreed, again16:42
Picik, cool beans16:42
ikoniaand now threw a strop and parted16:42
ikoniajust as I was typing that16:43
geniiPoor bastard in #u that ran e2fsck -fy on his ntfs drive. I feel for him16:56
ikoniasam/xxcvxcasd/mesula trying to evade....AGAIN17:12
Piciyes, I just removed him from +1 too17:12
ikonianice !17:13
ikoniahello there vish17:15
vishikonia: hi :)17:15
ikoniawhat brings you here today ?17:15
vishnvm me , was just passing by :)17:15
ikoniaoh, ok17:15
Tm_Tvish: have a good day then (:17:16
PiciI spoke to swiftegz in private, hopefully that stops his repeating18:39
ikoniadoesn't look like he's rejoining19:00
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from a11)19:33
* Pici sighs19:33
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu (a11 flooding)19:33
jussi01maco: no need for tha call then. ;) (floodbots rock)19:34
macoi didnt know they did that19:34
Myrttithat's why they are called floodbots19:34
jussi01you do now :)19:34
PiciNow you know ♫19:34
Myrttiwjt is flying soon19:34
MyrttiI can offer him the ticket19:35
PiciOh, now a11 is sending me pings19:36
* jussi01 hugs Pici19:37
Piciand version requests19:37
Myrtti/ignore * dcc ctcp19:38
PiciI only have it on in case of #ubuntu attack19:38
Piciand notices that say UBUNTU19:39
PiciFor a spammer, this isn't very interesting.19:39
=== nik0 is now known as niko
Picianyone around?21:01
Tm_TPici: yes, dear?21:02
PiciI was going to ask if someone could keep an eye on #ubuntu while I make my way home, but it looks like my hand was forced.21:02
Piciand now I'm walking away for a bit.21:05
* Pici waves21:05
Myrttigo tomaw!21:07
tomawdon't click those links21:07
tomawthey'll cause you to spam freenode from you own ip and risk being banned yourself :)21:07
mneptokFreenode needs another reason to g: me?21:08
tomawjust one21:08
tomawincidentally, the new ircd should prevent this21:08
Myrttitomaw: will you remove that mode?21:08
tomawI was thinking of leaving it for 10 minutes or so unless you object21:09
tomawthis guy tends to sit around and wait for them to be removed21:09
Myrttishould an informative message be posted to the channel? I'm sure there's people that are wondering why their messages don't work21:10
Myrttiah, ok21:10
Myrttiwth is TheMozart doing21:11
Tm_Tgood night kids21:12
mneptokthe maestro is decomposing.21:12
Myrttimneptok: that reminds of the troll that was trolling with the bible...21:12
Myrttithe "hello sinner" line21:12
tomawI've undone it for now but I'm not that hopeful21:29
Myrttiten minutes, you say?21:35
mneptoktomaw: is there a way for the current ircd or services to insta-g: on input of a specific text string? if so, why not add that IP address in the maicious URL?21:35
tomawhyperion can't stop delivery of the message (ie, there's no unrealird-like spamfilter as it wouldn't scale) so by the time the message is sent the harm is done21:37
geniiJudging by how many people keep disconnecting, no one seems to be learning not to click on that link21:40
Myrttigenii: nobody reads status windows21:40
Myrttiglobal notices go mostly unnoticed21:41
geniiSad, really21:41
macooh, most clients dont notify just like a ping when christel sends those out?21:41
macoquassel does21:41
macothey show up in a christel pm buffer, not in the status buffer21:41
Myrttimaco: I just got a message on my status window on irssi21:41
Myrttithat's where they go for me by default21:42
Myrttidon't know about xchat21:42
macoi see21:42
Myrttiand in any case, the notice will not be seen by people who just joined21:42
macothats true21:43
Myrttiooo, dizzy21:45
* jussi01 gets them in the current buffer, which rocks :)21:48
jussi01maco: in the settings you can set where such things go ;)21:49
Myrttishould I put the -R21:50
Myrttistill see traffic caused by the spammers though21:50
Myrtti20 minutes...21:54
Myrttianyone awake still?22:05
MyrttiI'm going to -R now22:06
macoyou're going to recursive?22:06
Myrttididiermah is flooding...22:07
MyrttiI hope it blew off now22:11
* Myrtti returns to her spreadsheet22:11

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