
Snoopyok I am using Ubuntu 10.0400:20
Snoopyand it is stable.... or atleast, for me00:20
Snoopywhich makes me very happy with ubuntu working :)00:21
h00kI'd also be interested if there is any "Beginner Training" available00:54
SnoopyI think you have to pay for that00:54
SnoopyBut I do plan on making free stuff00:55
Snoopyto teach people how to use ubuntu00:55
_diabloh00k: are you still around?01:33
h00k_diablo: indeed, I am01:34
_diabloh00k: mr_steve and I are going to be holding Ubuntu Hour in the afternoons at some point01:35
_diabloprobably starting next week at a starbucks downtown01:35
_diabloif you're interested in help, you're more than welcome to come hang out with us there01:35
_diabloI think it was Friday, but I'd have to look over the logs from the meeting to be sure01:36
h00k_diablo: where would this be?01:36
_diabloat a starbucks downtown. I'm not sure01:37
h00kDowntown twin cities?01:37
TakyojiFolks: be sure to participate and spread the following information: http://blog.thesilentnumber.me/2010/01/youtube-20-needs-your-input.html01:37
_diabloh00k: yup01:37
h00k_diablo: gotcha. unfortunately, I'll be in Superior, WI so I'll probably not be able to attend01:37
h00kbut I could ... er...participate remotely or something01:37
TakyojiAll you have to do is vote for the idea(s) of having HTML 5/Theora available on YouTube01:38
h00kand somehow help01:39
_diabloh00k: okay, we'll keep you posted. :)01:43
_diabloTakyoji: I'm doing it right now. I really want html5 integration everywhere01:43
TakyojiI'm DYING for HTML5-based players.01:43
TakyojiFlash just kills performance, and it's a bit pathetic that people resort to Flash as it's the most widely used (across browsers and operating systems) with builtin support for H.264; the primary reason there's Flash-based players to begin with.01:45
_diabloTakyoji: true. it uses something like 75% of my cpu with a dual core 2.2 ghz hyperthreading processor.01:46
h00k_diablo: make sure to document these Ubuntu Hours!01:47
h00ktonyyarusso: does your team have Team Reporting?01:47
kermitwhy is flash's h.264 rendering so slow?01:47
kermiti think there's an mplayer plugin to play flash videos, at least for firefox01:48
_diabloh00k: kk01:48
Snoopyanyone on right now?03:20
SnoopyI have a question03:20
TakyojiSuch as?03:20
SnoopyI am having an issue playing certain videos. More specifically .asf03:21
SnoopyI need something called a windows speech decoder03:21
TakyojiASF is a container format of Microsoft, preferably for streamed content. Is VLC not able to play such for you?03:22
Snoopyit does not seem to be installed.... should I download it via the website or in the synaptic package manager?03:23
TakyojiWhen any Linux distributions, it's most preferred to install through the package manager, as the package manager will update any installed software whenever there's updates as well.03:24
TakyojiJust go to Applications > Ubuntu Software Centre (previously called "Add/Remove Programs"). And search for "vlc"03:25
Snoopyok I am using Synaptic and I am downloading the software and installing it... hope this works03:26
Snoopyokay an error message popped up03:27
SnoopyNo suitable decoder module:03:27
SnoopyVLC does not support the audio or video format "wmas". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.03:28
Snoopyok so now what can i do?03:28
Takyoji"wmas" or wma?03:28
Snoopythe video format I tried was a .asf03:29
Snoopybut the error message, I just copied and pasted it03:29
TakyojiRefer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats03:33
Snoopynot much help... I already had Ubuntu restricted extras installes03:35
SnoopyCan anyone help me?03:41
SnoopyWhen I play .asf videos, I cannot get any audio out of the video.03:42
Obsidian1723Do you get audo with oog?03:42
Snoopyoog... what is that?03:43
Obsidian1723video file type.03:43
Obsidian1723ogg rather03:43
SnoopyI have no videos with that format03:44
Obsidian1723what about with AVI?03:44
Obsidian1723or WMV?03:44
SnoopyI might be able to try but I don't have any videos with that format03:45
Snoopywell that didn't work....03:48
Snoopyconnection timed out03:48
Obsidian1723hang on03:49
Obsidian1723dl that03:49
Obsidian1723let me know if vid and audio work.03:49
Obsidian1723I suspect you may have some codec issues.03:50
Snoopyboth audio and video work03:50
SnoopyI have ubuntu restricted extras installed03:50
Snoopyi gotta go soon.....03:51
Obsidian1723dl that and let me know03:51
Snoopydownload it and try? would i get different results?03:51
Obsidian1723Its an AVI. I want to see if you can see video and have audio.\03:52
TakyojiAVI and ASF are merely container formats rather than the actual format itself03:52
Snoopyi am watching it in firefox and i get both03:52
Snoopyavi worked03:55
Snoopyasf still doesn't work03:55
Snoopygotta go in 5 minutes03:55
Obsidian1723Its a codec issue.03:56
Snoopyi will be back in 3 minutes from now03:56
Snoopyok back04:00
Snoopyhow can i solve the issue04:00
Obsidian1723checkout the codecs.04:01
Obsidian1723Obviously the audio/video does work. COULD be a driver issue, but I doubt that. I'm leaning towards codec.04:01
Snoopywould you happen to know what I have to search for in the package manager?04:03
Obsidian1723HOW to fix it EXACTLY? I can't give you step-by-step on that; but I think I've pointed you in the right direction. AVI clearly worked, so you know it's possible. It's just for whatever reason, ASF doesn't work, and that to me, points towards a codec / handling issue.04:03
Obsidian1723Is w32codecs installed?04:03
Obsidian1723or if you are on a 64 bit system/OS, w64codecs ?04:03
SnoopyI can't find then in the package manager04:04
Obsidian1723sudo apt-get search w32codec04:04
Obsidian1723ron@anubis:~$ search w32codec04:05
Obsidian1723non-free-codecs - Non-free codecs04:05
Obsidian1723w32codecs - Win32 codec binaries04:05
Obsidian1723I found em04:05
Obsidian1723Enalbe the universe and non-free repos.04:05
Snoopylooks like everything on the front page of software sources is enabled but I am having troubles installing it04:06
Snoopywhat is the exact name?04:07
Obsidian1723it wont let you install it?04:07
Obsidian1723or w64codec dpeending on your OS.04:07
Obsidian1723What OS are you running?04:07
Snoopyubuntu 10.04 32 bit but on a 64 bit computer04:07
Obsidian1723I know.. Ubuntu, but version, specifics.04:07
Obsidian172310.04 isn't out yet.. unless you are running some Alpha version of it.04:08
Obsidian1723Well, youd want the w64codec04:08
SnoopyAplha 1... lpha 2 comes out on the 14th04:08
Snoopywhat ubuntu version are you using?04:09
Obsidian1723Well, you are running Alpha software.. chances of anything working at that stage is a miracle.04:09
Obsidian1723I'm on 8.04.3LTS04:09
Obsidian1723It goes Alpha, Beta, Developmental, Final (usually) when it comes to software development stages.04:09
Obsidian1723Is this your production PC or a testing PC?04:10
Snoopystill cannot find the codec04:11
Obsidian1723well, you may be SOL with that.04:11
Obsidian1723just my 2 cents worth, but I only upgrade to LTS to LTS +1 and later. Safer and more stable that way.04:12
Obsidian1723When 10.04 comeso ut in April, I won't upgrade until June when 10.04.1LTS is out.04:12
Snoopydoesn't ake very much sense to me but ok04:13
Obsidian1723Just too many issues otherwise. 64bit too, while the future, is behind in many ways (like with Flash)04:13
Obsidian1723LTS - Long Term Support.04:13
Obsidian1723I think you may just need to wait until that Alpha comes out with a new build.04:13
Obsidian1723Hopefully they support what you neeed, otherwise, go back to 9.04 or 8.04.x04:14
SnoopyI tried looking for the codec stuff on Jaunty and Karmic... I don't have any discs older than 200904:14
SnoopyWhat is 8.04 codenamed?04:15
Obsidian1723Thats my version of it.04:16
Obsidian1723Hardy Heron04:16
Snoopywhat is the difference between your custom one and the official normal one?04:17
Obsidian1723LOTS.. updated OpenOffice, added a bunch of networking apps, 3rd party apps not normally installed, codecs, etc04:18
Snoopydoes it have windows wireless drivers?04:18
Obsidian1723You can burn it to DVD or use unetbootin to make a bootable USB drive.04:18
Obsidian1723No Windows drivers. It's Linux, not Windows.04:19
Snoopyan application called "windows wireless drivers"04:19
Obsidian1723ah no, didnt install that.04:19
SnoopyI need that one program to do anything with ubuntu04:20
Obsidian1723What kind of wifi card do you have?04:20
Obsidian1723You can download and install it I'm sure.04:20
Snoopybelkin f5d8053 v304:20
Obsidian1723   1.04:21
Obsidian1723      Obtain the Windows Driver for your system and locate the file that ends with .inf.04:21
Obsidian1723   2.04:21
Obsidian1723      Install ndisgtk (System → Administration → Synaptic Package Manager).04:21
Obsidian1723   3.04:21
Obsidian1723      Open ndisgtk (System → Administration → Windows Wireless Drivers).04:21
Obsidian1723   4.04:21
Obsidian1723      Select Install new driver.04:21
Obsidian1723   5.04:21
Snoopyi know that part04:21
Obsidian1723      Choose the location of your Windows .inf file and click Install.04:21
Obsidian1723   6.04:21
Obsidian1723      Click OK.04:21
Obsidian1723ez enough to do :D04:21
Obsidian1723Have you tried ndiswrapper ?04:21
Snoopywell I need an internet connection to get the driver installed04:22
Obsidian1723also, just my 2 cents worth, go with either the Cisco or Atheros cards.04:22
Obsidian1723WAY better support. With the Atheros stuff you can run them in promiscious mode with the 512A chipset.04:22
Obsidian1723I suppose you could just download the DEB file, toss it onto a USB.04:23
Obsidian1723may not be a bad idea anyway04:23
Snoopybut for me, I redo my hard drive like every month due to crashes, mistakes, and other silly things I do to it04:24
Obsidian1723Well, you may want to try Remastersys , thats how I made the version.,04:25
Snoopywould you know how to make a bootable backup of the system?04:25
SnoopyI think the current one woule be "ubuntu Customization kit"04:26
Obsidian1723Google that it wil ltake u to the page for it. Add the PPA, install it. easy app.04:27
Snoopydo you know how someone would download ubuntu by bit torrent?04:29
Obsidian1723I dont use torrents.04:30
Obsidian1723but Ubuntu has a BitTorrent installed.04:30
Snoopyi know that much....04:31
SnoopyI gotta go04:31
tonyyarussoh00k: Not yet, no.05:03
mr_steveAnyone see this yet? http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/new-approach-to-china.html05:19
_diablomr_steve: yeah, I saw that06:07
_diablovery good06:07
_diabloalthough, now I'm realizing you posted that over an hour ago06:07
_diabloor less.06:07
_diabloargh. I'm drunk. Well. yeah. Ignore me. But I'm glad Google is stepping up.06:07
TakyojiThat is insane: http://ajaxian.com/archives/gordon-flash-runtime-implemented-in-javascript20:45
TakyojiI wonder if we'll see Microsoft becoming an absolute minority in the smartphone industry (if it isn't already, supposedly)22:58

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