[01:27] hello? [01:28] Is there anyone here that might be able to help with a problem in ubuntu karmic [09:34] hey [09:34] how do i find out whether my couchdb is syncing to one? [09:35] should some files appear there? [09:36] corecode, hey [09:37] corecode, what are you storing in desktopcouch that should be syncing? If you're storing contacts, for example, from Evolution, then your contacts should show up in the Ubuntu One web interface [09:37] firefox bookmarks [09:38] corecode, aha. We're not currently displaying bookmarks in the web UI, as you've discovered :) [09:38] yes [09:38] do i have to restart couchdb to make it sync to one? [09:38] no. it should just work. [09:38] or is there a way to query whether it is syncing? [09:39] even tho i just signed up to one? [09:39] i didn't log out+in [09:39] ah, it might not start syncing until a logout and login [09:39] so how would it know that it now can sync to it [09:39] that's why i'm asking :) [09:39] but...it might do. I'm actually not sure :) [09:39] are you running Ubuntu One for filesync? [09:40] (i.e., are files in your Ubutnu One folder being synced?) [09:40] tomboy notes are [09:40] if i manually click synchronize [09:40] dunno about the files [09:40] yep that works [09:41] try dropping a file into your Ubuntu One folder and then (a) you should get a notification bubble saying "Ubuntu One is synchronising your files", and (b) that file should show up in the web interface [09:41] i just touched a file [09:41] and it immediately showed up [09:41] pretty cool [09:41] we think it's pretty cool, too ;) [09:41] is that couchdb's work? [09:42] no. filesync is a separate process, called the "syncdaemon". [09:42] ok [09:42] data, like Evolution contacts or Firefox bookmarks, is couchdb, though [09:42] so we still don't know if my bookmarks are synced [09:42] have a look in $HOME/.cache/desktop-couch/log/desktopcouch-replication.log [09:43] do you use Evolution for email? [09:43] this conversation is showing up an interesting hole in what we do, i.e., how do you know that couchdb replication is working? :) [09:43] I am making a note of it :) [09:44] no, using thunderbird [09:44] one way to know if it's working is to look in the log file, as above, but that's a really hostile way to do it :0 [09:44] not sure yet whether i like evolution [09:44] consumer_secret? [09:45] the consumer secret is part of your secret access key for couchdb [09:45] (don't post it publically) [09:45] doesn't look very secret [09:45] looks like a joke :) [09:46] seems to be working [09:46] great [09:46] thanks [09:46] good work there [09:48] aha, yes, the consumer_secret for Ubuntu One isn't secret, it's "hammertime" ;-) [09:48] but some of the other parts of that key are secret [09:48] superb [09:49] glad it's working for you! [09:55] :) [11:41] weird. something is not working out [11:41] regarding the sync [11:41] now i'm at work, but i didn't get the bookmarks synced [11:42] there is a python exception in the log tho [11:42] error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer === teknico__ is now known as teknico [12:30] hm, seems it only replicated part of my bookmarks - the toolbar synced (not sure if i actually want that), the rest didn't appear yet [12:36] corecode, syncing doesn't happen partially, unless something has gone dramatically weirdly wrong, which means that the problem isn't "all of your bookmarks are in your local couch but only some of them synced to Ubuntu One", it's almost certainly "only some of your bookmarks made it into your local couch", which suggests a problem with Bindwood, the Firefox bookmark sync app. The bloke to talk to about that is urbana [12:36] pe, who'll be here soon [12:43] ok [12:44] is there a way to dump what is in the couch? [12:50] corecode, http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/Documentation/ViewingMyData [13:07] strange. seems that there are only the bookmarks from work [13:07] will look into this later [13:07] thanks [13:07] np [13:57] till: I'd like to take a look at your resource for integrating desktopcouch with akonadi server. Is there a possibility to download it or sth ? [13:58] voytech: sure, it's in KDE svn, let me find the url [13:58] voytech: feel free to join #akonadi, btw, there's lots of helpful people there :) [13:58] till: ok I'll join [13:59] svn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/pim/akonadi/desktop-couch [13:59] voytech: depends on qjson, which is also in kde svn [13:59] sec [14:16] till: it's a desktop-couch-resource or couchdb-qt or both ? === teknico_ is now known as teknico === teknico_ is now known as teknico [14:25] morning, sports fans [14:34] voytech: there are three bits, qjson, the json parser wrapped in Qt [14:34] voytech: couchdb-qt which can connect to and read and write couchdb instances, also wrapped in a decent Qt API [14:34] voytech: and finally the resource itself, which uses both ot those === CardinalXiminez_ is now known as CardinalFang [14:58] I have to go AFK soon. [14:58] DONE: reviews, bug triage. Half a day sick. [14:58] TODO: Half a day sick again; back at 1800UTC. Get back to M about job. Push se [14:58] rver fix for snowy-ish bug. [14:58] BLOCKED: pericarditis. Hardware sucks. [14:58] CardinalFang, oh, hope you get well soon then :) [14:59] yeah, get better [15:00] thx. [15:01] make a hot toddy or two... it's a miracle cure i says [15:03] yuck, that doesn't sound good at all. [15:11] man, will you look at the time? [15:11] Desktop+ MEETING STARTS MEETING BEGINS AWOOOGA AWOOOOGA [15:11] say me to claim your spot [15:11] e [15:11] me [15:12] me [15:13] me [15:16] aquarius, dobey, who else? [15:16] jblount's not on [15:16] * aquarius is on the phone [15:17] DONE: Reworked a bit of the public urls branch, still need to hook up the success/failure prettification. [15:17] TODO: Finish up public URLs branch, get migration and subsequent client code paths done for Bindwood. [15:17] BLOCK: None. [15:17] teknico: you're up [15:17] DONE: fighting with funambol_cared (#506898); fighting with ubuntuone-storage-protocol (#506974); some reviews [15:17] TODO: more reviews; propose and land a branch for configuring funambol for sending sms messages (#418048); finish setting up a development environment in a virtual machine; start implementing the mobile sync REST API for client app (#504689) [15:17] BLOCK: ubuntuone-storage-protocol misbehaving (#506974), need to be able to push branches for sourcedeps/funambol_cared (#506898) [15:17] next: rodrigo_ [15:18] • DONE: New XML<->HTML converter done finally! Contacts picker design discussions with John and Otto [15:18] • TODO: Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine? Send Otto (otto.greenslade@canonical.com) a screencast of contacts picker. Retrieve OAuth tokens from keyring in music store widget. Check with Ken [15:18] status of music store packages [15:18] • BLOCKED: no [15:18] no next? [15:19] guess not. MEETING ENDS, thanks folks. anyone else can pop up later on. [15:24] me [15:24] ☺ DONE: Bug Day, Branch with initial test code for ubuntuone-login script [15:24] ☹ TODO: More new UI code and tests [15:24] ☹ BLCK: None. [15:29] thanks, dobey [16:00] make public/private now works in the files UI, but I need to do some dynamic updating of the record on the page and color flashes and all that stuff. === jblount changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Have a question? Ask jblount ! | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Please honk if you want a music store === jblount changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Have a question? Just ask! | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Please honk if you want a music store [16:16] hey, jblount [16:17] make public/private now works in the files UI, but I need to do some dynamic updating of the record on the page and color flashes and all that stuff. [17:03] rodrigo__: you're the man! [17:03] can't wait to test out your latest fix [17:04] sandy|lurk, yes! but why am I? :) [17:04] ah, ok [17:04] sandy|lurk, next step is moving the storage of notes to tomboy's xml, but I first want to make sure the new HTML<->XML converter works perfectly [17:05] oh, I see [17:05] that makes sense [17:05] it's passed all my tests, so I think it should be ok [17:05] but who knows, crazy tomboy users might break it :D [17:22] urbanape: Nice, thanks for working on that. [17:33] aquarius, hi, I have been working on the address book again after the holidays and I have decided that I'm going to use categories at least for now. Groups is too much work (specially UI) [17:34] mandel, OK :) [17:35] aquarius, funny enough dobey and rodrigo were right ;) [18:20] heh [18:27] urbanape: is there a way to tell bindwood not to sync some of the bookmarks? [18:28] urbanape: especially, i'm interested in not having the same bookmarks toolbar everywhere [18:30] specifically* [18:33] rodrigo_. quick question, has the categories field in the contacts record been removed? [18:37] tremolux: [18:37] tremolux: ping [18:42] aquarius, ping [18:42] pong [18:42] aquarius, has hte categories field been removed from the contact record? [18:43] I'm not sure; that's a rodrigo__ question, I'm afraid, despite how you've already asked him -- I think he might not be around. Sorry! [18:44] aquarius, np, I guess you guys have to rest some time :P I'll send him a mail [18:53] brianchidester: hey [18:57] mandel, the categories field needs to be added, it hasn't been in the contact record ever === rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_ [18:58] rodrigo_, ok, my memory must be failing me, do you mind adding it? [18:58] rodrigo_, or name it something more appropriate as you wish [18:58] mandel, well, it needs code to come live, but yeah, I guess we can add it to the record schema [19:00] rodrigo_, indeed, if the code is there don't worry, I'll be using it (application_annotations) 'til you add it, not a problem at all :) [19:01] the code is not there, neither in evo-couchdb nor in the server code [19:01] but if you're going to use it, please use a top-level "categories" field, not app_annotations/categories, please :D [19:01] that's what we're going to use [19:15] rodrigo_ ok, I'll use categories in the top level [19:15] mandel, cool [19:15] mandel, it's mainly to avoid you doing double work, and to have to change all the code when we add it to our code [19:16] rodrigo_ don't worry is just one line of code, the pain would be updating the contacts later ;) [19:16] rodrigo_ I'll use the top level then [19:16] yeah, also :) [19:23] * rodrigo_ -> dinner and film [19:28] corecode: not right now, no. [19:32] mh. [19:32] oh wow and it does not replicate bookmark folders? [19:32] ouch [19:37] it does now. [19:37] the version I'm working on at the moment, rather. [19:38] it'll be in my PPA soon, and in lucid alpha3 [20:48] Till: I have problem downloading sources from repository :( I use svnTortoise for windows (Currently I work on windows :P) I'm using svn.kde.org/trunk/playground/pim/akonadi/desktop-couch/ as a repository URL but after checkout command I get an error "could not connect to server http://svn.kde.org" [20:48] voytech: if you are using anonymous access, it'll have to be anonsvn.kde.org [20:48] voytech: svn.kde.org works only for write enabled accounts [20:49] till: Oh now I understand. I surely have no access :) [20:49] till: thanks [20:57] till: Haha, now that is funny :) I use now anonsvn.kde.org and I get in response: Error OPTIONS of 'here is the url' Error 200 OK :) and finished - and there are no files copied. [20:57] very strange Error 200 OK :) [20:58] svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org etc? [21:02] till: Ohhh svn:// but now no repository found :) in 'svn://anonsvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/pim/akonadi/desktop-couch [21:02] jblount: you still around? [21:02] urbanape: I am, I was just about to ping you about the rollout. [21:03] voytech: anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk et [21:03] c [21:05] till: now it works. Thank you Till and sorry for bothering You [21:05] No problem. [21:12] jblount: cool. I think I've got the flashes mostly working. [21:12] oh, I wanted to ask you about the centering of the overlays. [21:13] did we ever straighten that out? (but not get it landed?) [21:13] urbanape: Oh, yes! [21:13] I've looked into that briefly, lazr doesn't seem to provide a way to center something horizontally, but not vertically. [21:16] Cool, I think I've got it all worked out. Care to try it out? [21:17] it might need a little styling finesse. [21:17] In particular, the text input with the public URL is too long. [21:18] but feel free to grab it here: lp:~urbanape/ubuntuone-servers/public-files-webui [21:19] Great, I'll bring it down now and take a look. [21:19] awesome [21:19] also, I'm not super keen on the layout of that part of the overlay. [21:19] I need to look at lazr itself to see if I can break out horz / vert centering for the overlays. [21:19] it's definitely functional, but nerdy-engineer functional [21:20] criticism without input is not super useful :) [21:21] I mean the layout I changed [21:21] not criticizing you, I'm criticizing ne [21:21] Even so, any ideas to fix it? [21:23] I'd like to see an interface like the iPhone's toggles. When switched from Private to Public, it makes the request, gets the public URL and stitches it in underneath. [21:24] see what you think in its current state [21:38] urbanape: Is this flashing red because of the page reload? [21:40] are you seeing the red flash if you do multiple clicks? [21:41] huh. it's getting into some weird state. [21:42] okay, not ready for prime time just yet. [21:44] urbanape: No worries. I was about to make some changes to the code, but perhaps I should just talk to you about them. [21:44] When we had a chat about this feature on ubunet-discuss, we came to the conclusion that a big button that says "Publish" would be the best option for the initial state. [21:45] When a file is public, there should be a input field with the url (and probably a bit of copy explaining what it's there for) along with a similar big button labeled "Stop publishing" [21:47] We talked a bit about saying "Make private", but jamesh was convinced this was a misnomer since we can't really erase a file that was previously "public" from the internet's memory. [21:47] (If I was a better planner, I would have mentioned this to you before pleading for your help) :) [21:50] 'salright [21:50] those are easy enough to change [21:50] I saw the discussion in passing, but didn't really pay close attention. [21:54] urbanape: What's the best way to swap out versions of lazr-js in ubuntuone-servers ? [21:56] that's still up for discussion. [21:56] hi [21:56] is the service down right now ? [21:57] I tried to extricate it from the sourcecode, but we were moving away from sourcedeps, and it's not easily packageable as a .deb just yet. [21:57] gabrielsimon: Yes, sadly. We ran into some trouble rolling out some changes, and bright minds are working to bring it back up as we speak. [21:58] urbanape: Cool, cool. I'll see what I can do without touching lazr for the moment, and move it back to lazr at a later date. [21:59] ok thank you. this feature is awesome, hope you'll get it back on its feet soon :) [22:02] jblount: rollout is planned for tomorrow? [22:04] urbanape: Rollout happened a hour or two ago. Probably not again till Tuesday. [22:05] k [22:05] urbanape: You aren't in the sekrit channel, but they're talking about it there. Some issues with the db stuff jdo was working on. [22:05] (not that it was jdo's work, but I have no idea what is fouling things up) [22:06] hmm, irssi disconnected me from the company's servers. [22:06] thought those channels were awful quiet. [22:06] stupid IRC> [22:06] I'm gonna switch back to X-Chat [22:10] urbanape: Funny, I had the same problem earlier today with my server. Something broke with dns stuff last night and it took me most of the morning to fix. [22:11] brb [22:16] I always read "brb" as "burb". [22:23] that's how I said it, too. [22:26] gonna try thunderbird 3 while I'm feeling changey [23:36] is anyone else having problems accessing anything other than their "shared with me" folder? [23:36] it's the only one showing up in the web interface. [23:37] eco2geek: yes, we're investigating it right now. hope to have it fixed in a jiffy :) [23:37] thank you :-) [23:38] !weather 97211