
knomejst, i don't think that is going to be a thunar feature, at least in the near future.00:02
jstOkay, thanks.  No patches or anything I could use?00:03
Rascal999right, got an interesting problem. I need a netbook that WoL. I would like there to be no password protection when awoken via WoL, *but* would like password when booted normally00:06
Rascal999if this is not possible, is it possible to boot without password whilst in proximity of a wireless router? Just an idea00:06
knomejst, i suppose not. thunar 1.1.0 was just released and there's no such feature.00:10
knomeRascal999, sounds like something you should do and something you probably are not able to do with some heavyish hacking00:11
jstknome, okay, thank you.00:11
Rascal999knome, the router sounds easier and imo more secure against those with limited experience of linux00:12
Rascal999it would increase boot time, but a single script which scans for wireless devices then goes from there will probably suffice00:12
knomeRascal999, feel free to hack that in. that's probably never going to be uploaded into the official ubuntu repostories, though :)00:13
Rascal999lol yeah, its very specific ;)00:14
jstAnyone else realize that Pidgin's icon is Yahoo's?00:15
jstVery strange.00:15
knomejst, that's the pidgin icon from the elementary theme00:15
Rascal999i think i'll just wait the extra minute for computer to boot than WoL, i'd do it more for the awesomeness factor of waking up to a prebooted machine than for practical use00:16
jstAhh, yes.00:16
sojohow to maximize an apllication in system tray with terminal?04:29
cody-somervilledepends on the application04:39
Flea_Does anyone know the difference between wine and Qemu?06:09
psycho_oreoswine isn't a windows emulator and qemu can handle other platforms when configured correctly06:12
Sysiqemu is used for virtualisation06:12
psycho_oreosqemu is the equivalent level of vmware or virtualbox, etc06:13
Flea_I see. So for just running windows programs, like a game or something, I should just use wine?06:14
Sysiyes, but everything don't work with it06:15
psycho_oreosmore like don't expect everything to work with wine06:16
Flea_I see. So i may need to use Qwmu? Or am I just SoL?06:16
psycho_oreosyou haven't described what your usage is for with either of these programs.. and no Qemu can't handle games well06:18
geniiFlea_: Check the appdb of wine like I told you already in #ubuntu06:18
geniiThe ubottu messaged you the info06:18
Flea_I see that now, genii, sorry!06:19
Flea_Thanks for the help, everyone!06:19
rkruseHello all11:31
Rascal999i installed network-manager-pptp and it works on ubuntu laptop but not on xubuntu netbook, any ideas?15:47
knomeRascal999, different version of xubuntu?15:55
knomeRascal999, maybe ubuntu has some packages that xubuntu don't?15:55
Rascal999knome, restart solved15:56
simple_slm opensors16:05
tasoscan somebody help me install wifi drivers? :|16:52
likemindeadWhat chip, tasos?16:56
tasosintel 3945abg16:56
tasosdo you know about this chip?16:56
tasosguess not :/16:58
likemindeadSorry, I was away, tasos.17:08
likemindeadLet me look into it. I thought Intel chips "just worked." I have a couple that do.17:09
likemindeadWhat version of Xubuntu?17:09
gizmobayAnyone know how to reset mousepad? As root it looks good, as a user it's zoomed funky and the navigation tab is gone. I didn't see a .mousepad file17:37
charlie-tcaremove the file ~/.config/mousepad17:46
charlie-tcaThere is a mousepadrc file in there that should be causing the issue17:46
gizmobaythanks charlie-tca, that solved the problem17:58
charlie-tcaYou are welcome17:58
* charlie-tca finally got one right again17:58
knomecharlie-tca, you have to get, it's against all odds you will get all of them wrong ;)18:00
charlie-tcaThanks, knome18:00
charlie-tcayou seem to be right again!18:00
RedaxxxHelp! I got a xubuntu laptop infront of me and I forgot the login password -facepalms- any way to get in without having to reinstall xubuntu?18:00
knomeyeah. seems i can't be wrong so i must be an exception to the previous case :P18:00
charlie-tcayes, Redaxxx18:01
charlie-tcathere is18:01
RedaxxxOh, could you guide me? or link me to a guide?18:01
charlie-tcayou have to go in using recovery mode and change it using passwd18:02
Redaxxxalright... How do I get the GRUB menu to show? It showed once but now it doesn't show up anymore when booting.. do I need to press anything?18:03
Redaxxxnvm, got it18:03
RedaxxxShould I 'Drop to root shell prompt'?18:04
charlie-tcahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords will help,18:04
charlie-tcaThat should give you a root prompt, with no password required18:04
Redaxxxyeah, managed to change the pw now... thanks a lot!18:05
charlie-tcaYou are welcome18:05
knomei think i'll hit the sofe.18:07
knomesee you later18:07
Sysisofairc ftw18:08
knomesofasnore ftw18:08
* charlie-tca is frustrated; whoever decided the grub menu MUST be hidden never had problems with it. 18:23
* likemindead still doesn't understand the rationale behind the new GRUB stuff...18:25
charlie-tcaI don't understand the rationale behind making it more like windows18:26
charlie-tcaI just broke the keyboard trying to get the grub menu to show up at all18:26
Sysiit can't be kicked of from xubuntu?18:27
Sysithe splash screen18:27
Sysiit's eyecandy, but meh18:28
charlie-tcaI need the grub menu, did an encrypted install, then a normal install, no way to see the menu now18:28
charlie-tcaI don't need a splash screen18:28
charlie-tcaCan  not start the encrypted session, because there is no way to choose it18:29
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, you able to get to the GRUB 2 menu?18:38
Pres-GasHold down the shift key18:39
charlie-tcanot even a little bit18:39
charlie-tcaI changed the options in /etc/default/grub and still can't get it18:39
Pres-GasLeft shift18:39
Pres-GasDo it just before the bios hands off to grub18:39
charlie-tcaLeft shift, right shift, esc, fkeys, option to show it, nothing works18:40
Pres-GasYour window of time is not big, but it works18:40
* charlie-tca thinks the broken coffee cup did not help, either18:40
charlie-tcaIt won't work, not even changing options to show the menu worked18:41
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, I suspect you may have these docs, but for the benefit of those in the audience:18:42
faheem_anyone awake?19:35
faheem_Hello i am using Xubuntu, my screen resolution seems to be too high as i cant see the entire desktop on my laptop screen.. any ideas on how to solve19:36
faheem_any ideas cody-somerville?19:37
cody-somervillefaheem_, Applications > Settings > Display19:37
cody-somervilleThat'll let you change your resolution.19:38
faheem_no display cody-somerville19:38
cody-somervilleWhat version of Xubuntu are you using?19:38
faheem_has settings manager though19:38
faheem_no idea lol...19:38
cody-somervilleOkay, click that and click display in there19:38
pdg1anyone who has used rtorrent understand what a session is?19:40
faheem_ok awesome19:40
faheem_i sorted it... i didnt realise that when i updated my ubuntu it allowed me to change resoltion19:41
faheem_on 8.04 it didnt allow me to change it19:41
faheem_thanks cody-somerville and bye19:42
pdg1I'm guessing that means everyone else uses something else for torrents or nothing at all19:44
Flea_Having trouble installing Wine. Can anyone help me?19:49
Flea_Is anyone here? I really need help19:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:52
Flea_Ok, sorry.19:53
Flea_When I try to install wine, i get a message that says "Could not apply changes! Fix broken packages first." I'm not sure why this happens and I asked on the wine channel. They told me to come here.19:54
geniiFlea_: sudo apt-get install -f                     then go back to trying to install wine19:55
Flea_Thanks, genii. I'll try that19:55
Flea_That did not work, genii.19:56
Flea_I got the same error message when trying to install.19:57
geniiFlea_: Did it give you some error in the apt-get install -f, or just go back to $ prompt?19:57
Flea_no, it said that 0 packages were removed.19:58
geniiFlea_: OK. So EXACTLY what is the error it says?19:59
Flea_Well, i'm getting some support from the wine channel now. They intially turned me away but then someone else came in and said it was a bug and that I would need to install it from the source?20:00
* jarnos just lost audio when he installed gnome-media in Karmic. Uninstalling does not help.20:01
charlie-tcapdg1: ask SiDi when he's around.20:05
pdg1thanks charlie-tca20:58
charlie-tcaNow the problem is to catch up with SiDi20:58
simple_hi there21:18
simple_how can i install my microsoft media center edition keyboard set on ubuntu21:18
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts21:19
vinnlHmm, should just work I suppose21:19
simple_no it doesnt work yet21:21
simple_i install lirc21:21
charlie-tcaMight be one of those hardware items that not everything will work. Maybe you can only use it as a keyboard?21:21
simple_i think i found a solution21:24
simple_just trying, if i can, i will inform you21:24
jj3hi guys.  i am trying to set up xubuntu on a poweredge sc1450.  the hard drive is not seen in hardware raid 1.21:41
chippanfatusing ubuntu server 9.04, with xubuntu desktop installed, I have an ethernet cable in the back but the icon at the top of the screen next to the time says that the machine isnt connected to the internet, I tried editing the /etc/network/interfaces file to see if my dns address was wrong but thats all fine. Any one have any idea ? :(21:42
charlie-tcachippanfat: that's because the network manager in 9.04 is looking at the wireless connections and DHCP only21:43
charlie-tcaIt is possible to have a good connection with the icon showing you have none21:44
chippanfatcharlie-tca: how would i go about sorting that out? :) and it cant display any pagess21:44
charlie-tcaHow do you connect? Do you use a static IP?21:45
chippanfatcharlie-tca: in firefox that is. last time i had this problem i just unplugged and plugged the ethernet cable back in21:45
charlie-tcaSounds like it worked, right?21:45
chippanfatcharlie-tca: thats what i done on my ftp server21:45
chippanfatcharlie-tca: and i'm trying to set up a proxy server this time, and i'm having no luck with the connections21:46
chippanfatcharlie-tca: i know how to set a static Ip, but at this point in time it is still dynamic21:46
charlie-tcaI think to set that up, you have to set up the firewall, don't you?21:46
charlie-tcaXubuntu has no open ports as installed, so if you need to, you have to open the port for the proxy21:47
chippanfatcharlie-tca: sorry, i've not explained it rightt. its still a fresh install of ubuntu server 9.04 with the gui installed ontop. But i've been trying to get the connection to work for most of the night21:48
charlie-tcajj3: you may find the poweredge hardware raid doesn't work at all in this. You would then have to use a software raid instead, I think21:48
charlie-tcachippanfat: I set all of mine up static21:49
chippanfatcharlie-tca: is it worth me trying that first? :)21:49
charlie-tcaI would. Don't you plan to use static ip's?21:50
chippanfatcharlie-tca: I do :) all the machines are static and my ftp server is static21:51
chippanfatcharlie-tca: but i'm trying to sort this net connection before I start doing the other stuff :)21:51
charlie-tcaThen why would you expect this one to connect without setting that up?21:51
charlie-tcaYou need to set it up first.21:51
chippanfatcharlie-tca: awhh right, the only reason i thought i was in a pickle is because when i started doing the ftp server, the connection was detected straight away and the icon showed me that it was connected too21:52
chippanfatcharlie-tca: then i started going about static ip's and installing gadmin21:53
jj3can anyone help me?21:53
charlie-tcaNM lies21:53
charlie-tcajj3: you may find the poweredge hardware raid doesn't work at all in this. You would then have to use a software raid instead, I think21:53
charlie-tcaAlso, jj3, the server section might be more help on that. You can ask them on freenode at #ubuntu-server21:54
charlie-tcajj3: We don't have much experience here with poweredge21:54
jj3can i use the redhat or suse drivers on xubuntu21:54
charlie-tcaNot that I know of21:54
jj3why not21:55
charlie-tcaI don't think it is compatible21:55
charlie-tcaYou can try if you want, but I don't think it will work21:56
knomecharlie-tca, maybe with the driver source and hacking skills?21:56
charlie-tcaYou might ask in #ubuntu-server21:56
charlie-tcaknome: if you have the skills, anything is possible. People have even upgraded from debian-unstable to xubuntu. That doesn't mean it is supported, and it doesn't mean I can.21:57
charlie-tcaThus, "I don't think it..."21:57
knomewell of course you could write the drivers for ubuntu on your own, but maybe porting existing drivers would still be easier21:57
charlie-tcaComes back to the same thing. Can I use...? not that "I" know...21:58
* charlie-tca thinks that "not that I know" indicates lack of knowledge by me21:59
knomewell what DO you know anyway ;)21:59
knomemm, some prepared juice21:59
charlie-tcaknome: can you help jj3 on the poweredge raid issue?22:00
knomecharlie-tca, no, not really.22:00
knomei lack knowledge as well :)22:00
BeepBeepHow does one change the name of a "Workspace" in the panel?22:25
charlie-tcaApplications -> Settings -> Workspaces22:26
BeepBeepThanks appreciate it..22:28
charlie-tcano problem22:28
=== emma_ is now known as emma
becker_11hey charlie-tca22:56
charlie-tcaHello, becker_1122:56
becker_11I'm looking for a way to mount my windows drives in xubuntu when I had gnome installed they showed up in the places menu and when I clicked on them I had to supply a password to mount them but nothing like that seems to be included in Xu22:58
charlie-tcaxubuntu is slightly more work. You create the directory where you want to mount them, then add them to fstab, then they should automoutn23:02
becker_11charlie-tca,  okay I'm not too familiar with the file system yet is there a place I should mount the drives? the prefered folder or something?23:04
knomebecker_11, /mnt or /media would be "preferred"/"usual"23:04
knomeno limit though.23:05
becker_11thanks knome23:05
* charlie-tca thinks spilling the coffee today was really bad23:05
knomecharlie-tca, um? :)23:05
becker_11charlie-tca, you shouldn't waste coffee mate23:06
charlie-tcaspilled my coffee and broke the cup doing it. All over my desk; two keyboards, 1 monitor, 1 mouse, two speakers23:06
charlie-tcaSeems to have broken things23:06
knomecharlie-tca, sorry to hear.23:06
charlie-tcame too23:06
charlie-tcaHate wasting the coffee (hated breaking the cup even)23:07
* charlie-tca thinks in all fairness, the desk needed to be cleaned23:07
* becker_11 thinks coffee isn't the best cleaning agent :-)23:08
charlie-tcait depends... it was hot, it was black, no sugar23:09
charlie-tcaand the desk is dark brown23:09
knomegood choice then23:09
becker_11ma grandma always had black coffee but I've never liked it .....23:10
charlie-tcaIt is a plus when you spill it. Sugar is real sticky23:10
charlie-tcaof course, the phone, speakers, etc, did not care either way23:11
becker_11okay I found a ubuntu tutorial for adding files to the fstab and created the folders etc and mounted everything but the mount points are empty23:28
becker_11here is the fstab line I entered /dev/sda1 /media/win_c ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_AU.utf8 0 023:28
charlie-tcayou remembered to add /media/win_c as directories?23:28
charlie-tcain terminal, enter 'mount -a'23:29
becker_11seems to have worked23:29
charlie-tcaThen it should work when you restart23:30
becker_11awesome! opened thunar and everything is there23:30
charlie-tcabut if it don't...23:30

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