
ScottKcrimsun: Apparently not.00:01
crimsunwell, that's ... odd?00:01
crimsunah well, I am not an archive admin, just a peon.00:02
claydohok folks, what are the highlights  for alpha2? anything new besides the new  installer's slideshow00:04
Riddellkde 4.2 rc 100:07
Riddellamarok 2.2.200:07
claydohlol 4.2?00:08
maco4.4 :P00:08
macohe's just keeping us on our toes00:08
macohmm now mesa's fixed, i suppose i should upgrade00:08
claydohtime warp, he tool a trip in the tardis00:09
* claydoh just instlled it tonight00:09
ScottKclaydoh: How's release notes coming?00:09
claydohcrappily so far, trolling for items of interest other than the new wallpaper00:10
claydohwhich I do honestly like a lot00:10
neversfeldeScottK: no answer so far on that mobile broadband topic on the devel list, where should I publish this workaround, if it is still wanted?00:10
ScottKneversfelde: I'd say your guess is as good as mine.00:11
ScottKI think it ought to be written down.00:11
neversfeldewhen is alpha 2 release?00:11
ScottKTomorrow (hopefully)00:14
crimsunmaco: make sure you read tseliot's post to -devel ml00:17
neversfeldeScottK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/knetworkmanager/mobilebroadband00:17
neversfeldequick and dirty00:17
ScottKneversfelde: Thanks.00:18
macocrimsun: uhh.... ok00:18
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ScottKNCommander: Congrats.  kdelibs built on armel01:03
NCommanderScottK, ugh, only took two retries :-/01:06
BiosElementHey I was just using Chakra (based on Arch) (a break from kubuntu), and noticed that image thumbnails work perfectly 'without' the mplayer-thumbs workaround. Any reason for this and is it intended to be fixed for lucid? (I did poke around but I didn't find any bug reports that were really relevent.)03:09
ScottKBiosElement: Where do you mean?  Image thumbnails in what?03:13
BiosElementScottK: In dolphin. They've always been borked for me on kubuntu and the only thing close was an mplayer-thumbnails hack that still didn't quite get it working right.03:14
ScottKOK.  How do you show them?  I don't use Dolphin much?03:15
BiosElementI can get a screenshot, just a second...03:15
BiosElementScottK: Here's a screenshot of Dolphin with a thumbnail. All I did was download the .jpg and it was created automatically. http://i45.tinypic.com/mi31ty.png03:17
ScottKBiosElement: Seems to work here on icon view.03:22
ScottKI had to adjust the preview size to be very viewable.03:23
BiosElementHmm, That might be it. I'll have to boot a kubuntu install and take a look. Thanks ScottK.03:23
seeleoh my. a seasoned consultant i'm working with who is in her 50's complained to my boss that i "treat [her] like a child"03:41
seelethe woman is older than my own mother lol03:42
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markeythanks for fixing this issue with PulseAudio :)09:15
markeyjust did an upgrade, "Please Reboot" icon came09:15
markeynow I can access my soundcard directly again09:15
markeywhat was wrong there?09:16
markey(and gosh, we should get rid of PA, it's a nuisance)09:16
markey(most KDE devs hate it with a vengeance)09:16
* ghostcube wants to have jackd in all linux distros as default SoundServer :P09:17
ghostcubemorning folks09:17
apacheloggersound servers ftw!09:28
apacheloggeronly good memories on artsd too :D09:29
ghostcubehttp://www.linux-onlineshop.de/product_info.php/info/p4907_T-Shirt---ROFLcopter.html/XTCsid/5e6d5dc035c484275f46775f960780e7 :D09:45
apacheloggeranyone cares to organize a new year's meeting?09:48
Riddellapachelogger: anything paticular on the agenda?09:49
apacheloggercouncil to get mailing list, discussion on what nixternal wrote about09:49
LureRiddell: you reported X crashes - do you get X backtrace? I get bug 507395 in my virtualbox :-(10:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507395 in xorg "xorg crash when running in VirtualBox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50739510:06
Riddellapachelogger: yeah I'll do it in a bit10:07
RiddellLure: virtualbox works fine for me, it's the only way I can get lucid to work10:09
Riddellyou may want to follow this page to get a backtrace https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing10:09
LureRiddell: interesting...10:11
LureRiddell: for me it crashed after install, while live-cd works nicely...10:11
apacheloggerRiddell: did anyone look into auto-dbg-package-installation for dr konqi?10:14
Riddellapachelogger: not yet10:14
apacheloggerlooks rather easy10:14
apacheloggerwell, if we had dbg package stored somewhere global for all packages -.-10:15
Riddellsomewhere global?10:15
LureRiddell: interesting: running /usr/bin/X in gdb does not crash, it may be related to kdm...10:15
apacheloggerwell, currently they are spread all over the place10:15
Riddellwe have the ddeb archive10:15
apacheloggerin the archive, ddeb, backports, ppa10:15
apacheloggerRiddell: I think ddeb does not even cover backports10:15
apacheloggerI think we need to do: dpkg-query the .so we need symbols for, hopefully find one package that actually follows the naming paradigm so we just need to attach -dbg, then check if the package is installed, if not if it is installable, if not check if ddebs is in sources.list, if it is => fail, otherwise install package, if package is already installed => fail10:20
apacheloggerpossibly ddebs needs to be removed after installation, if it was added by the script10:20
* apachelogger checks how the reference proof-of-concept for debian does it10:21
apacheloggeroh my, that requires apt-file10:22
ScottKapachelogger: Could we recommend the ddebs repo before we fail (since most users don't know of it)?11:06
ScottKSpecial archive for debug packages that are automatically made.11:08
apacheloggerScottK: ah, forgot to mention that ... if ddebs is not in sources.list => add it :)11:09
apacheloggerthen once the script is done remove it again11:09
Riddellooh ooh, I got a working lucid11:58
Riddellis battery applet broken for anyone else?11:59
ghostcubeanyone gets google phishing mails ?12:14
Riddell"The next releases of SIP, PyQt and QScintilla will either be today or tomorrow" goody12:46
al[00:12:10] [13.01.2010] <genii> Just some oddities after latest dist-upgrade (KDE 4.3.90) , Firefox one here http://i47.tinypic.com/hs8fh3.png    and apparently no battery on my laptop here http://i45.tinypic.com/21j9hdj.png If I unplug and replug it sees it OK12:49
al[00:12:11] [13.01.2010] <jtechidna> I have the same behavior irt the battery12:49
alRiddell: ^12:49
Riddellnetwork manager seems to have lost its tick icon on connection12:58
Riddellwhat is 1:00 PM Pacific time ?13:05
Riddellin real money?13:05
alUTC -080013:06
Riddellagateau: nice bling on the systray menus13:17
Riddell(using packages from my PPA)13:17
_Groo_Riddell: hi riddell who do i contact in order to open a kernel bug in ubuntu, latest kernel -10 brakes some ath5k drivers.. they did a backport but its broken upstream too, a patch surfaced monday so i would like to talk to the mantainer to see if it will be applied13:18
Riddell_Groo_: bugs in linux are opened the same as for any other package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux13:18
RiddellJontheEchidna: you say there's a patch to stop plasma crashing on login?  is that in bzr?13:19
_Groo_Riddell: ok thanks.. btw ive seen what you said about sip, etc.. are you gonna do a build for rc1 as soon as they are out? i really need kdebindings for the printer stuff :D13:19
Riddell_Groo_: yes I hope so, that's important to get sorted13:22
Riddell_Groo_: why do you need the printer stuff?13:22
_Groo_Riddell: corporate building, im gonna use the cups web interface for now13:22
_Groo_Riddell: can you invite me to the private ppa when you finish building kdebindings, ill be more then happy to test it for you13:23
Riddell_Groo_: you're on karmic or lucid?13:24
apacheloggerRiddell: you know, I think my skype is all crashy due to qt 4.6 ;)13:25
_Groo_Riddell: lucid13:25
tseliotRiddell: what's the problem with plymouth (and kdm?) in Kubuntu?13:26
_Groo_apachelogger: it works fine here latest beta, but it fires up some heavy i/o when starting, dont know why13:26
agateauRiddell: glad you like it (not sure i do)13:26
apachelogger_Groo_: because it is proprietary junk I suppose13:26
_Groo_apachelogger: agreed13:27
agateauRiddell: can you give me the url for the ppa?13:27
apacheloggerkdewebkit: facebook -> cookies work, google -> cookies work, launchpad -> cookies seem to work but really dont13:27
Riddelltseliot: we have no paticular support for plymouth currently, there are some patches for KDM upstream we need to look at and JontheEchidna was looking at a plymouth theme13:28
Riddelltseliot: what's your query about?13:28
Riddellagateau: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jr13:28
agateauRiddell: cool, thanks!13:28
Riddellapachelogger: launchpad cookies e.g. revu login doesn't work in arora so that could be a general webkit-qt issue13:29
tseliotRiddell: I worked on the theme (which is a program in its own language) and I noticed that you mentioned some problems with kdm. Furthermore we might want to split the themes from the plymouth package13:29
apacheloggerRiddell: didn't we have this issue some time ago already?13:29
apacheloggerand I wonder why it is always launchpad only that is affected13:29
Riddelltseliot: before we started testing alpha 2 it wasn't clear if it would work at all but it seems good enough for now13:30
Riddellapachelogger: it's not very new13:30
apacheloggerRiddell: I thought it was fixed?13:31
tseliotah, good13:31
Riddellapachelogger: I've had to switch to another browser for revu for a while now, although other launchpad sites seem ok13:31
apacheloggermaybe something is just broken in revu13:32
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apacheloggerRiddell: as usual, I blame python :P13:38
apacheloggerrevu hands out a new cookie upon each refresh, even though there is a valid one in the kcookiejar13:38
Quintasanlol python13:39
apacheloggerand apparently qtwebkit just eats what revu offers13:39
ScottKRiddell: Battery applet is generally broken for me.  It worked once.  No idea why.13:39
ScottKProbably it was unplugging and then plugging back in.13:40
apacheloggerRiddell: facebook almost works decently well in kdewebkit now13:40
apacheloggerexcept that it always directs to the mobile version for some reason13:41
apacheloggeruserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux; de-AT) AppleWebKit/532.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) konqueror/4.3.90 Safari/532.413:42
apacheloggerno clue why it would do that though13:42
Riddellgoogle mail works which is the main thing I care about13:42
apacheloggerit appears to be a bit slow though13:43
apacheloggercompared with chromium anyway13:43
Riddellwell chromium runs on google juice, hard to compete with that13:44
apacheloggerbut chromium uses the ugly gtk+ :P13:44
apacheloggerthat makes me wonder, does kdewebkit use kjs or qt's javascript engine?13:45
Riddellwebkit-qt's javascript engine13:46
Riddellwhich is unrelated from qt script's javascript engine13:46
Riddellgoogle calendar doesn't like it :(13:47
ScottKThat's what akonadi-kde-resource-googledata is for.13:52
jussi01ScottK: does that package make google cal work in contact?13:58
ScottKI just played with a little so far.  I know it makes contacts work13:59
* ScottK thinks it does the calendar too, but didn't look into it.13:59
jussi01o.O if the calendar syncs then thats huge! :D13:59
* jussi01 installs13:59
RiddellI think nixternal said he had problems getting it to work14:00
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I was planning to put the plasma patch in bzr over the weekend, but then mesa broke so we were all running around in circles trying to fix that14:06
JontheEchidnaI'll do it now14:06
apacheloggerRiddell: hence both engines should be dropped and replaced with chromium's v8 ;)14:07
apacheloggeror is it v914:07
apacheloggervn anyway14:07
apacheloggerRiddell, JontheEchidna, nixternal: who is going to answer what?14:16
JontheEchidnadunno :D14:19
apacheloggerI can make bad jokes about xubuntu developers :P14:21
JontheEchidnaRiddell: kdepim has some hints on virtuoso packaging, might help us with main inclusion: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdepim/README.packagers?view=markup14:34
JontheEchidnaIt seems that we can have a binary package with just the server binary, and another with the obdc drivers, then shunt the rest of to universe14:35
JontheEchidna*off to univese14:35
JontheEchidnablah, can't speel toady14:35
Tm_TJontheEchidna: can't peel toad?14:48
daskreechhunger_t: Hi15:04
hunger_tdaskreech: Hello!15:04
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daskreechHow are you?15:04
hungerdaskreech: Fine but busy:-)15:05
daskreechSomeone was asking me if there was a sip implementation on Kopete15:05
daskreechI hadn't heard of one but I thought you might of?15:06
hungerdaskreech: No idea. I am out of the telepathy business for a long time now:-(15:06
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daskreechI know :-) Just wondered if you had heard of any :)15:08
daskreechHow's work though hunger?15:09
daskreechspecificallynottohunger: How do you get the settings for systray like http://imgur.com/PuxSc . MIne look nothing like that15:09
Riddellapachelogger: answer what?15:13
RiddellJontheEchidna: I was going to slim down the virtuoso package today15:14
apacheloggerRiddell: them fine questions in the intervu15:14
apacheloggeras told, I am only good for telling jokes :P15:14
daskreechapachelogger: hey! You are back! Party :)15:14
apacheloggerwas I gone? :P15:15
daskreechDidn't see you around for quite a few days15:17
apacheloggeryou know, I will never really be gone, there will always be a part of me in your hearts ;)15:18
daskreechdurn skippy :)15:20
daskreechhi rickspencer315:20
rickspencer3hiya daskreech15:20
daskreechrickspencer3: nothing much how are you doing?15:20
rickspencer3okee dokee15:21
rickspencer3working in Paris, atm15:21
rickspencer3finishing up a mini-sprint15:21
daskreechAh sprints are fun15:21
daskreechI wonder if mini sprints are mini fun15:21
daskreechAnyone here doesn't have Nepomuk running?15:22
JontheEchidnaRiddell: There's a triple kde4libs/kdebase-workspace/kubuntu-default-settings upload waiting for main freeze to be lifted :)15:22
JontheEchidnafixes all the crash-on-startup-style bugs and eliminates the workarounds15:23
RiddellJontheEchidna: rocking15:30
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ScottKBTW, thanks to the freeze, the 4.3.4 backport finally finished on sparc last night.15:34
Quintasannixternal: \o15:36
daskreechhi nixternal. Do you do any Qt support work?15:37
nixternaldaskreech: such as?15:42
daskreechLIke .. umm supporting a small company who wants overview or review of their Qt application?15:44
nixternalI could if it was needed, just never had to do it as part of a job15:58
nixternalI do all types of "open source" support work...so if I can read the code, I can support it :)15:58
* ScottK gives nixternal a slap.15:58
* nixternal slaps back this time15:58
ScottKOf course you do it.15:58
ScottKWhenever you get asked as a consultant, "Can you ...."15:59
nixternalyeah, I can do it, just never been asked for support on a GUI framework before15:59
nixternalkind of threw me off guard a little :p15:59
ScottKThe answer is always yes even if you have to go learn it before the first meeting.15:59
nixternalfor instance, I am working on a PC/104 and embedded Linux network appliance...never did that before, was whicked easy to learn, and it is a blast15:59
nixternalthese little PC/104 clusters are cool as hell16:00
alvinHell doesn't seem cool to me :-)16:00
nixternalScottK: haha, you are right, I did that with a small company here that wanted an app written for GNOME since they were using Fedora desktops16:01
daskreechI need some consultation on getting my wife pregnant16:01
daskreechOf course I can help. Umm Where does your wife work again?16:01
nixternalthat was a super pita, as I had to quickly learn Gtk and try and remember C16:01
nixternalthankfully I have mastered the art of copy & paste :p16:01
daskreechAnd so has Gnome16:01
daskreechSo it's perfect :)16:02
nixternalI do like PyGTK though, it is a fairly simple setup16:02
daskreechI started out with Glade16:02
nixternalnow I am not a huge fan of Glade, it feels like I am working with an old Visual Studio, then again I feel that way a bit with Qt Designer16:03
nixternalI use Qt Designer to mockup, and then view the code and use that16:03
* nixternal installs skype16:05
daskreechWill kpackagekit not throw up anytime more than one package is in the dependency chain in Lynx ?16:07
daskreechDoes anyone use Qutecom ?16:07
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nixternalalrighty, skype is setup, mic test complete16:15
JontheEchidnanixternal: I do have a new mic now, btw :P16:16
nixternalI have used wengophone before, like the old developer summits where you could call in16:16
RiddellJontheEchidna: going to join us for this podcast?16:16
nixternalJontheEchidna: was that you who was talking through a headphone before?16:16
JontheEchidnaRiddell: that's the plan16:16
JontheEchidnanixternal: :D16:16
nixternalthat was classic16:16
nixternallike for the dev summits in either 2005/2006 I bought a cheap set of plantronics and they work great16:17
nixternalhas volume control and mic mute16:17
ghostcubeplantronics rox16:17
nixternalI like the initial questions he sent out, very easy to answer16:18
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RiddellI still have no idea if I can do whatever conferencing is needed16:19
nixternalRiddell: you can't throw skype on your lappy/desktop?16:21
Riddellno microphone16:21
JontheEchidnagot a pair of headphones? :D16:22
nixternalhaha, do like JontheEchidna and use a headphone :p16:22
JontheEchidnathe only problem is that headphones are a bit quiet16:22
ghostcubei have some headsets over :D Riddell you want one ?16:28
agateauanyone already tried the "oxygen molecule" gtk theme? http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen-Molecule+KDE+%26+GTK%2B+unified+theme?content=10374116:29
agateauit's by the same author as QtCurve, and could be a nicer replacement me thinks16:29
Riddellnot I16:30
Riddelllooks interesting16:30
agateaunot the same author actually, but still interesting16:32
agateauhe contributed though16:32
Riddellhttp://blogs.fsfe.org/gladhorn/2010/01/14/libattica-012/ if anyone is in a package update mood16:35
_Groo_are you guys going to backport the new kmix with pulseaudio support? it would be great if it could enter lucid16:37
Riddellnot unless it works equally well for those who don't have pulseaudio, as far as I saw it needed an environment variable set manually16:38
QuintasanRiddell: I think I can do, mind looking at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=7376 ?16:40
QuintasanJontheEchidna: please take a look at new upload http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=737616:40
nixternalQuintasan: Warning! This package could not be extracted; there's no browsable directory for it on REVU  <- any ideas as to why?16:40
nixternalis that a bug in revu?16:41
Quintasansource format 3.0 probably :/16:42
nixternalahh, yeah noticed that after I dl'd it16:42
nixternalany reason why you put it on revu?16:42
nixternalrevu is for new packages, at least last time I checked16:42
Riddellyou can also use it for package updates16:43
Riddelldput is mildy easier than three attachments to a bug16:43
JontheEchidnaagateau: it's a pixmap theme, which won't respect custom color schemes and such16:43
nixternalRiddell: do you have to file a bug report for such a thing though?16:43
nixternalseeing as stuff typically sticks on revu w/o getting touched16:44
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: will do in a bit16:45
Riddellnixternal: you don't need to file a bug report for a package update, so long as the files get to someone to review and upload you can do whatever you like16:45
Riddellhttp://bangarangkde.wordpress.com/2010/01/13/bangrang-1-0-the-basics-released/  lots of new releases today16:45
daskreechIt's already in ppa16:46
daskreechpulled it just before you mentioned that16:46
agateauJontheEchidna: oh that sucks :/16:48
JontheEchidnayeah, it'd be real nice otherwise :(16:49
Quintasanhurr, where is new attica tarball16:50
nixternalfyi, on that theme, I read color schemes and such are going to be supported in a future release16:51
nixternalagateau and JontheEchidna ^^16:52
Quintasannvm, still not on FTP :/16:52
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alis there a way to get the vmlinux kernel image that corresponds the linux-image-..  bzImage from somewhere?17:13
ScottKRiddell: Looking at the build queue, I suspect you can upload stuff now without getting into too much trouble.17:13
almaybe the buildds or something like that17:13
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daskreechAnyone has Amarok 2.2.2 ?17:29
daskreechcan you confirm a bug for me?17:29
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: the build-depends need to specify needing pkg-kde-tools 0.5.0 or greater17:29
QuintasanJontheEchidna: anything else?17:30
JontheEchidnaI think debhelper might need 7.3.16 or greater for source format 3.017:30
JontheEchidnaotherwise looks fine17:30
daskreechOpening Tools -> Script Manager -> Get New Scripts always freezes the interface for me17:31
Quintasantestbuilding and uploading then17:31
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nixternaldaskreech: what is the bug?17:41
daskreechOpening Tools -> Script Manager -> Get New Scripts always freezes the interface for me17:42
nixternalworks here17:43
nixternalGet More Scripts I guess is what you meant17:43
gorgonizerdaskreech: I get similar behavioue here..17:44
daskreechgorgonizer: ok17:46
daskreechnixternal: 2.2.2 ?17:46
gorgonizerdaskreech: from here it appears that the Script Manager window is not behaving the same as Bookamr and Cover Manager windows.. never appears in the Task Manager, and the whole plasma desktop crawls to a halt.17:49
nixternaldaskreech: yes17:51
daskreechnixternal: Koala or Lynx ?17:51
nixternalhow long should I keep it open before I notice it?17:51
nixternalerr, karmic17:51
nixternal4.4 rc117:52
daskreechsame here but if I jump to a new desktop and back it's obviously frozen17:54
daskreech and i never get a list from the GHNS17:54
Riddellapachelogger: "Kubuntu needs some CI" what's CI?17:54
daskreechKlassic Love17:55
daskreechthey misspelt K17:55
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Main frozen for Lucid Alpha 2 | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html |Congratulations to jussi01
_Groo_nice amarok 2.2.3 is already using ghns218:02
daskreechhow do I get systray settings to look like http://imgur.com/PuxSc ?18:02
Riddellnixternal: how is pstoedit coming along?18:08
Riddellblocked on alpha 2?18:09
ejatanyone having prob connecting via 3g broadband using knetworkmanager in kde 4.4 sc rc1 ?18:10
ScottKejat: Did you look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/knetworkmanager/mobilebroadband18:11
_Groo_any news when koffice-kde4 in lucid will be bumped to 2.1, 22?18:11
Riddell2.1.1 is the new version and nixternal is working on it18:12
ejatScottK: not yet .. viewing it .. thanks ..18:12
ScottKneversfelde:  ^^^ See.  Handy to have it.18:13
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Main frozen for Lucid Alpha 2 | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html | Meeting scheduling http://doodle.com/xyea69z37v4wrkb9
ejatScottK: thanks again :) it work18:18
ScottKRiddell: What timezone is the meeting stuff.18:20
daskreechnixternal: KDE 4.4 RC ?18:35
daskreechJontheEchidna: ping18:35
JontheEchidnadaskreech: pongish18:42
daskreechJontheEchidna: KDE 4.4 RC ?18:42
JontheEchidnawhat about it?18:42
daskreechYOu have it with Nepomuk?18:42
daskreechYou had tagged thigns to check if nepomuk worked in KDE 4.4 B2 ?18:43
daskreechAnd search didn't work?18:43
JontheEchidnaworked in rc218:43
daskreechDoes your Search bar work ? My Dolphin Search bar is now a button that open the ctrl+I filter bar18:44
JontheEchidnait's a separate toolbar18:45
JontheEchidnaI find that trying to add it to the main toolbar makes things act funnyu18:45
daskreechhow do I add the - u?18:48
JontheEchidnafunnyu -u = funny18:48
daskreechHa I thought it was -unique :)18:48
daskreechI have settigns -> Toolbars -> Main | Search18:49
daskreechI toggled search off since i wasn't using it I just toggled it back on and it's not a bar anymore it's a button18:49
JontheEchidnathat's weird18:50
daskreechYeah :-(18:50
daskreechSo I can't search for ratings etc18:50
daskreechJontheEchidna: Hmm ^F pulls up Kfind which is 16 screens long19:09
binarylooksis there a bug report concerning the login failure from kdm in lucid that i can follow?19:19
binarylooksit is known isn't it?19:19
Riddellbinarylooks: the needs second login to work issue?19:20
binarylookshmmm, no login after 10 tests, should it wrk after 2?19:21
Riddellbug 49510019:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 495100 in consolekit "kdm requires type you details in twice" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49510019:21
binarylookshmmm, i something else then, "sudo service kdm start" can try 20 times and no login19:22
binarylooksstartx is my friend19:22
binarylooksooops, chose "default" again from the session list and now it works, strange19:23
binarylooksi'll restart and try again19:24
binarylooks(btw the ubuntu splash looks HOT, looking forward to the kubuntu equivalent)19:25
binarylooksafter reboot login now works immediately, maybe the default session was somehow not activated. anyway. good now19:26
Riddellnixternal or JontheEchidna: can we test skype before the do?19:44
macothe do?19:44
JontheEchidnasure, just a second19:44
nixternalyo yo19:44
nixternallet me plugin19:44
nixternalwho called?19:44
maconixternal: Riddell19:44
nixternalI heard something as I was on the phone in the other room and couldn't figure it out19:45
nixternalI was like "wtf is that noise?"19:45
nixternalI was upstairs looking to see if I left my alarm/radio on19:45
Riddellwasnae me but I did add you as a contact19:47
Riddellmaco: we're doing a podcast recording in a bit, alas you have no skype19:47
macooh i thought he meant who pinged him in here19:47
danimo_fabo: ping?19:47
macoi have skype19:47
macoand a shitty mic19:47
macohow long til you do it? i live 4 blocks from a Best Buy and can fetch a usb mic...19:48
nixternal1 hour19:51
ScottKRun maco, run.19:51
macoactually im using my current mic right now to talk to Riddell19:52
macoRiddell: does my mic still sound sucky or should i go fetch a new one?19:52
JontheEchidnaRiddell: are you jriddell or jriddell_test?19:53
Quintasanomfg, feels so good to have second copy of GPG keys19:54
JontheEchidnait literally nom'd the pen drive itself? :P19:54
JontheEchidnacan't be good for the gears19:54
QuintasanI somehow managed to drop it on the paper tray and it was ate during the printing19:54
* JontheEchidna has a two year old photo in skype :s19:55
QuintasanJontheEchidna: can has your skype?19:55
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: echidnaman19:55
macoquestion: how do i make skype send video too, not just audio?19:55
Quintasanmaco: you probably need to set up your camera in skype.19:56
macodid that19:56
macobut i dont know where the button is that says "ok, now USE the video in this call with this person"19:56
macobecause i have it set to only send video to people i've allowed (which i think means people on my buddylist, but there's no help menu)19:56
Quintasanmaco: IIRC you first call the person and then enable the video in the call window19:56
macoi see the call window19:57
macoit has "hold call" "mute" "dialpad" and "hangup" buttons19:58
macohave any of you heard Riddell through skype before? he mumbles19:59
ScottKJontheEchidna: That's only two years ago?  You look like you're about 10.19:59
JontheEchidnamight be three19:59
* JontheEchidna changes it to a crappy cam pic20:00
fabodanimo_: pong20:00
danimo_fabo: hey!20:01
* Quintasan changes his pic too, no big difference20:01
danimo_fabo: I am working on a ppa for creator HEAD. Is there any project of yours doing the same?20:03
JontheEchidnamy mic works20:05
fabodanimo_: nice :) no, i don't have creator on my ppa20:05
danimo_i copied over the qt packages from the beta ppa, and I have done a gdb backport from lucid, because 7.0 is just no fun with creator (it crashes as soon as it hits a bitfield, and Qt uses that feature a lot)20:06
danimo_fabo: why do you keep your own git tree of creator?20:07
macoooh shiny!20:07
macoQuintasan: i think its this http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=47165120:07
macoskype bug introduced a week before christmas... no button to send video on linux20:08
fabodanimo_: you mean the packaging tree on git.debian.org ?20:08
danimo_fabo: yes20:09
fabodanimo_: because i co-maintain creator with adam majer. he started that way and we keep this workflow20:10
fabodanimo_: i planned to use my qt ppa for creator but never find time to do it20:11
markeyapachelogger: yo dude, wb :)20:19
markeyrecovered well?20:19
nixternalman, I had a big lunch and I am still hungry20:23
Riddellhave some tinned sweetcorn, can't go wrong with that20:24
ScottKAll carb, no protein.  You'll be hungry again in no time.20:26
nixternaloh man, speaking of sweetcorn, we have a local start up company that has these vegan meal boxes..and they had this sweetcorn thing in it...oh my it was delicious, and that was cold20:26
danimo_fabo: btw: would be interesting to have qt creator to work with mingw x-compiler like on fedora20:27
danimo_fabo: i can't find it anymore, it was on planetkde recently20:28
nixternalhey, no cussing in here!20:30
nixternalyou said the f word :p20:30
* nixternal personally thinks it would be cool though20:31
danimo_nixternal: see :)20:31
danimo_nixternal: I would consider it a "they have done the work, yay" thing20:31
nixternalspeaking of Fedora, I think it is time we go kidnap one of their artists20:31
nixternaldanimo_: most definitely20:31
ScottKIt least they like blue.20:31
ScottKIf we stole on from SuSE it'd be green.20:32
* danimo_ hates the green in suse20:32
nixternalopenSUSE is calming, Fedora is hot20:32
ScottKThen you're in the right place.20:32
danimo_ScottK:  well...20:33
nixternalI didn't like the green either, but I have kind of fallen for it on my openSUSE desktop20:33
JontheEchidnathe green version of the Air wallpaper is really unappealing, imo20:33
nixternalactually, i find the air wallpaper unappealing20:34
danimo_packaging newbie question: if I want to replace the orig tarball by a more recent version, how do I make the build tools pick it up:20:34
nixternalthis new basket weave one is interesting, but I can't look at it for long, I start to try and analyze it, and then realize it would make for a shitty basket :)20:34
danimo_and why did the plasma guys make the panel grey again?20:34
danimo_with the weird waves20:34
Riddellthe panel is transparent if you have compositing20:35
neversfeldeScottK: :)20:35
danimo_Riddell: still looks odd :)20:35
nixternalactually, on my 1440x900 screen, that new panel and the new wallpaper, actually come together and create a very popular gang sign20:36
nixternalmy brother noticed it, and was like "You will get shot running Kubuntu dude"20:37
nixternal"Have you done anything remote terminal wise like Citrix?"20:39
nixternalyeah, like 20 years ago20:39
danimo_nixternal: hmm?20:40
nixternalanother consulting gig possibility20:42
nixternalluckily for them I just did help a friend of mine on a recent gig that involved Citrix/remote terminals20:42
Riddellnixternal: "yes I use ssh -X all the time"20:42
nixternalwe literally brought back to life the tech support system for CompUSA that went down 5+ years ago for Tiger Direct, as they have recently changed all of their stores here in Chicago back into CompUSAs20:43
freinhardhuh, hg is broken?20:43
freinhardcomplains about missing osutil python module20:43
fabodanimo_: what's missing except the win32 cross mkspec ?20:44
danimo_fabo: I guess that's it20:44
danimo_fabo: maybe we can push it upstream20:44
fabodanimo_: i think it shouldn't be hard to do ;)20:45
danimo_fabo: did you find the url?20:45
fabono, just this page -> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MinGW/Tips#Compiling_QT_applications_and_libraries20:45
faboi'll take a look tomorrow, after f11 install on vbox20:46
JontheEchidnaugh, I won't be able to make the interview. The ride I need tonight got here an hour early and can't come back for me later. :(20:46
JontheEchidnaso, I'll be back in ~2 hours20:47
Riddellok night JontheEchidna20:47
danimo_fabo: cool!20:48
danimo_fabo: so what is the suggested to move the qt creator package to a new source tar ball?20:49
danimo_suggested way20:49
fabodanimo_: i'll use a script to get a snapshot from gitorious then generate a proper tarball with appropriate naming scheme20:51
faboi have something like that for strigi if you want to take a look20:52
danimo_fabo: I mean I can just apply the patches on the new tarball, but I need to adjust the dsc file as well20:52
nixternalRiddell: haha, ssh -X...you know, I think I just used that for the first time ever recently...it didn't go well, so I don't plan on using it ever again20:52
nixternalI will brb, gotta let the dogs out before this podcast thing20:53
fabodanimo_: no, generate dsc and tarball on each snapshot20:53
danimo_fabo: no reuse/20:55
freinhardi'm confused, there is /usr/lib/pyshared/python2.6/mercurial/osutil.so20:55
freinhardbot python can't import the module20:55
fabodanimo_: no tarball reuse, just debian subdir20:55
danimo_fabo: cool, the old patches apply cleanly :)20:58
Riddellnixternal: well, it's 21:00, what happens now?21:00
fabodanimo_: i sent you some samples right now to have a better overview21:00
nixternalRiddell: he is calling you now21:00
danimo_fabo: tnx21:01
faboyou'll get the idea21:01
nixternalRiddell: pick up your skype21:01
Riddellmaco: will call you in a sec21:02
Riddellmaco: add him21:03
nixternalmarkey: what is your skype name21:04
macoadd whom?21:04
markeynixternal: not sure tbh, has been a while that I used Skype21:04
nixternalhaha, not you markey I meant maco21:04
nixternaldarn tab complete :)21:04
markeyalso it's difficult to get running at all, with KMix showing 30 obscure channels21:05
markeyah ok ;)21:05
maconixternal: um i think its mackenzie21:05
macooh nope21:05
neversfeldeseems that the mobile broadband problem is a bit older bug 33412221:05
macoits macoafi just like my email21:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334122 in knetworkmanager "Mobile broadband connections fail to connect" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33412221:05
maconixternal: my skype is macoafi21:05
maconixternal: ok gotya21:06
maconow i have the skype call window on top of the irc window. yay21:07
macooh shiny recording message21:08
Riddellam I clear?21:09
freinhardanyone willing to promote kraft 0.32 for lucid? on karmic it's still 0.20 which is over two years old.21:10
macoRiddell: yes you sound fine21:11
freinhardthere's bug #374247 which already took care of the packaging but didn't make it into lucid yet (as far as i can see)21:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374247 in kraft "New upstream release: Kraft 0.32" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37424721:11
neversfeldefreinhard: looks like someone has to package libctemplate before21:16
freinhardneversfelde: that google-ctemplate has the packaging files (debian folder) in it's code repository and they provide .deb files21:18
neversfeldefreinhard: I do not know anything about t he license http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/356746/21:21
neversfeldeand there is not debian dir in the tarball, yet. So it would need some work21:22
freinhardneversfelde: looks clear to me: include the copyright notice and everything is fine.21:24
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neversfeldefreinhard: wikipedia says it is a free license. So if you want to package it use the docs here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU21:26
nixternalhaha, skype crashed right at the end21:40
Riddellnixternal, maco: we rocked!21:41
nixternalmaco: you had me laughing so damn hard when you go "network"21:41
nixternalthat was an easy podcast, and fun...I think more podcasts need to be done like that, a round table deal21:42
maconixternal: why? its what everyone says21:42
nixternalmaco: johnson.richie at att.net for paypal btw, $15 will work just fine, I mean I do have to process an application :)21:43
nixternalmaco: I just wasn't expecting it21:43
nixternalI was thinking community/social, so it caught me off guard a bit21:43
freinhardneversfelde: using the upstream debian dir, builds without problems.21:43
nixternaland then way you just kind of said it21:43
macoi figured id get the "what everyone says is broken" bit out of the way21:44
macolike the standard "but you cant play games on linux!" :P21:44
neversfeldefreinhard: so if everything is fine with it, upload to revu and let the motus have a look at it21:44
danimo_bleh, ubuntus gpg keyserver is down21:46
neversfeldefreinhard: revu.ubuntuwire.com I am sure that the files in debian need improvement, like updating maintainer and so21:47
maconixternal: see i figure i should probably learn a bit of pyqt or something before applying. which is funny, because i have kde svn commit access...21:47
nixternalforget pyqt, learn qt/c++21:47
nixternalactually, don't forget it21:47
nixternalbut be careful...I did so much Py* programming, that seriously, what is a pointer? :d21:48
freinhardneversfelde: maintainer is Google Inc.21:48
maconixternal: see python screws me up because im so used to C21:49
nixternalit took me 5 minutes debugging a c++ app I am working on, and it was just a typo...I had to actually google a very common c++ compiling message...I felt so silly21:49
macoalso because i always want to type "pythong"21:49
nixternalhaha, I still type pythong21:49
nixternaland I don't know why either21:49
freinhardstandards is 4 but is there a reason to set it to 7? just makes it harder to backport to older distributions?21:49
macooh good its not just me!21:49
nixternaland yeah, at first I kept adding ; at the end of a line21:49
neversfeldefreinhard: thats wrong, XSBC-Original-Maintainer should be you and maintainer should be "Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>"21:49
nixternalmaco: at PyCon last year, the guy giving a presentation misspelled it pythong in his presentation...I caught it because it was common to me...I laughed hard at that one21:50
daskreechWhy would you mispell it as pythong ?21:50
nixternalI have no idea, but I do it21:51
freinhardneversfelde: what about the standards version?21:51
freinhardneversfelde: and debhelper21:51
neversfeldefreinhard: it is 3.8.3 now21:51
neversfeldedebhelper and compat are 721:51
freinhardneversfelde: does it really need to be set to 3.8.3 and 7 ?21:52
freinhardneversfelde: in other words: what happens if not?21:52
Riddellanarchy breaks lose!21:56
Riddellstandards: nothing much, that's just a declaration of following debian policy21:57
Riddelldebhelper: pevious versions of the scripts behaved slightly differently so things might break during build (but probably not)21:57
danimo_fabo: cool! works! and with teambuilder, MAKEFLAGS=-j20 adds to the real fun :)22:10
nixternal20? jeesh, I can do 14 at the most22:16
danimo_fabo: cool! first (manual) upload of Qt Creator successful22:35
freinhardneversfelde: uploaded to revu, how do i know if it got accepted? it's not listed yet and got no email.23:10
neversfeldefreinhard: you should get a mail after it is accepted. Normally that happens fast.23:11
neversfeldefreinhard: was there an error message while using dput?23:12
freinhardneversfelde: http://dpaste.com/145335/23:15
freinhardneversfelde: i guess i'll just wait another 15minutes23:16
neversfeldefreinhard: yes23:16
freinhardmaybe i should have logged in bevore and set "Yes, I want to receive email notifications about everything related to my uploads.23:20
neversfeldethat is probably a good idea :)23:23
freinhardhmm still not there, i guess it got rejected23:29
neversfeldefreinhard: try another upload23:30
freinhardyay, worked this time23:34
neversfeldefreinhard: Package is for "karmic" but only packages for "lucid" are currently accepted.23:35
neversfeldeand you should open a [needs packaging] bug in launchpad23:35
neversfeldeafter that close it in the changelog with * Initial release (LP: #000000)23:36
neversfeldeah and why 1ubuntu1?23:36
neversfeldepackages that are not in debian should get 0ubuntu123:36
freinhardcause i did a dch -i on the original debian folder23:36
neversfeldefreinhard: there should be only one entry in the changelog, if this is a new package and not officially in debian23:37
freinhardneversfelde: if you change should to must i'll take that serious, otherwise that just sounds like a normal warning people usually ignore ;)23:39
neversfeldeI change it :)23:39
neversfeldefreinhard: I am not a MOTU, so only familiar with the basics. Others in here and #ubuntu-motu are better counterparts for this.23:42
neversfeldeI did not have a closer look at ctemplate, but I think it is a lib, isn't it?23:43
freinharderm, why do all report-a-bug links on launchpad redirect to some stupid help.ubuntu.com site?23:43
neversfeldethats really a mess, I need ages for reporting bugs, too.23:44
freinhardfinally bookmarked the link?23:45
neversfeldesomewhere :)23:45
ScottKfreinhard: You do need to clean up the debian/changelog.  Personally I treat the needs packaging bug as highly optional, but many MOTU don't23:46
freinhardi feel like going over to #launchpad and start screaming at some dev23:46
freinhard?no-redirect does the trick23:47
freinhardScottK: yes, to me the lp bug seems to be useless extra work23:47
ScottKThe point is to avoid multiple people working on the same thing.  I see the theory, but don't worry about it much23:48
neversfeldemhh, it shows other people that somebody is working on it. So it is not completely useless23:48
freinhardneversfelde: it's aready done so i should have filed that bug some hours ago ;)23:48
freinharddo i need to apply some special tag to that bug?23:50
neversfeldefreinhard: needs-packaging23:50
freinhardwhat about that watch file?23:51
neversfeldefreinhard: http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-dother.de.html#s-watch23:52
neversfeldesorry german23:52
neversfeldefreinhard: and from the MOTU docs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Creating%20and%20Using%20a%20debian/watch%20File23:54
freinhardnow what about the lintian file?23:58
neversfeldefreinhard: the package should be lintian clean, debuild -S -sa checks it, if lintian is installed and ofcourse you can run it manually23:59

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