
daskreechadon: how is the DSL connected to the computer?00:03
ilovealcoainclement, APERSON: thanks anyways00:04
daskreechilovealcoa: what are you trying to find?00:04
ilovealcoadaskreech: a method to disable the pop-up that appears when the mouse hovers over the kickoff application launcher00:06
daskreechilovealcoa: That would disable it for all the widgets ofcourse00:06
ilovealcoadaskreech: that would be perfect!00:07
ilovealcoadaskreech: but you don't have a solution either?00:13
daskreechMoment ;)00:13
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
oscar__hey room00:37
oscar__i need help00:38
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== nicholas is now known as Guest2292
twobits hey, is there any way to change the default download directory for konqueror? I can't find the option for it01:30
=== twobits is now known as |2-bits|
Fanfareuse kget01:40
|2-bits|Fanfare: thanks. is there no other way, though?01:41
Fanfarekonqueror saves last used path... kget can be configured more finegrained...01:42
|2-bits|Ah, I see.01:42
|2-bits|mine keeps going to ~/documents, though, regardless of whatever I last did01:43
|2-bits|but i will try with kget01:43
Fanfarehave fun01:43
KARMIC_PS3any one got help for qemu probz01:45
daskreechKARMIC_PS3: have you asked the question?01:46
KARMIC_PS3it doesnt do anything after being setup the emulated system never starts01:47
KARMIC_PS3i've tried about every os01:47
daskreechhow are you starting it?01:48
daskreech I can't stay that long but #qemu and ##Linux would likely have information that works just as well01:48
KARMIC_PS3ive tried thru qemu itself and and thru a frontend. do you mean something aside from that01:49
KARMIC_PS3and i would be happy to ask my ?'s elsewhere but i have no idea how to find a channel i  need01:50
KARMIC_PS3how to you search for the apropriate channel or a different channel at all01:54
sdwrageHey all01:58
sdwragehaving a bit of a problem with my vm of kubuntu finding packages01:58
sdwrageeven sudo aptitude search apache doesnt find anything01:59
daskreechKARMIC_PS3: you can use /list to get a listing of all the channels. Your client will dictate how you search02:01
daskreech but if you type /join ##linux you should get a good stream of answers02:01
daskreechsdwrage: Can it see the internet?02:02
sdwragedaskreech, yep02:02
sdwrageable to get on the internet just fine02:02
daskreechsdwrage: and sudo apt-get update works ?02:02
sdwragelemme look02:02
sdwragedaskreech, thx man that fixed it02:03
daskreechsdwrage: uh huh :)02:03
sdwrageit must have been because I installed the network adapter to the VMX after I installed to my virtual drive02:03
sdwragecool beans02:04
KARMIC_PS3huh where do i type that at02:08
KARMIC_PS3where do i type /list or /join at02:11
baddogthe same place you type to talk02:12
baddogbtw, don't type /list here02:13
baddog/msg alis help02:14
KARMIC_PS3okay im confused02:15
KARMIC_PS3i want to go to a different channel02:18
daskreechKARMIC_PS3: Which channel?02:19
KARMIC_PS3something for qemu02:19
daskreechKARMIC_PS3: in the same place you type to enter text for here type /join #qemu02:19
daskreechyou can also type /join ##linux02:19
daskreechor if the words above are in blue you can click on them02:20
KARMIC_PS3okay thnx02:20
daskreechKARMIC_PS3: Ah umm you need a registerd nick for ##linux02:22
daskreech!register | KARMIC_PS302:22
ubottuKARMIC_PS3: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode02:22
daskreechThough that shouldn't be needed I think02:22
daskreechKARMIC_PS3: #ubuntu may also be able to help but it's quite difficult to get help there02:22
clamrockhelp!  how to clear aptitude's list of pending installations?02:26
daskreechclamrock: apt-get remove the packages02:27
clamrockum, there are 1000's of pending installations, it would be tedious to list all of them like that02:28
Fanfareclamrock: aptitude (without options) , Menu Actions > cancel pending02:31
clamrockfanfare: great, thanks!!02:31
Fanfareclamrock: have fun02:32
=== ben is now known as Guest94810
FanfareQ: someone with a dualscreen (twinview) around?02:49
jeepmanmattnew user to kubuntu02:55
ubuntuIs there a way to get drive stats from the gui in kubuntu 9.10?02:59
ubuntuI know I can run df from terminal03:00
ubuntubut is there a way to do it in the gui?03:00
Fanfareubuntu: there is a monitoring widget...03:00
ubuntuI think I ran that, but didn't notice anything on disk stats03:00
* ubuntu checks again03:00
=== ubuntu is now known as izzyb
Fanfareubuntu: check again... there are many monitoring widgets for ram cpu lan disk etc03:01
izzybk, I'll keep looking then03:02
Fanfareizzyb: have fun03:02
meowkbuntuhi all i am wanting to know it i can use ubuntu tweek on kubuntu03:02
* izzyb on a live cd from the install disk so I'll have to wait until the install finishes03:02
Fanfarewhat is tweek?03:03
meowkbuntuubuntu tweek is a great ap[plication03:03
meowkbuntulook into it03:03
meowkbuntui am not sure if there is kubuntu tweek  thats what i want to know03:04
izzybIn general you can run anything from ubuntu in kubuntu, its just a matter of having the required libraries installed03:05
Fanfaremeowkbuntu: well, as i see this, all settings about desktop will not be usefull, as its a gnome/gtk app... but systemsettings might work...03:05
izzybah, yeah, that's not going to be too useful in kde03:06
izzybexcept if you want to switch back and forth between kde/gnome03:06
izzybbut it would probably still run, just not be all that useful03:06
meowkbuntuFanfare: maby there is a kubuntu tweak application then03:07
Fanfaremeowkbuntu: i  dont know kde has systemsettings for desktop stuff...03:08
meowkbuntuFanfare: so does ubuntu03:13
meowkbuntubut ubuntu tweek is like great03:13
FanfareQ: someone know a nice kde backup tool?03:22
cjaeI have the tragedy black theme install but my gtk app are a little hard to understand, is there a way to not globally have this theme?03:27
cjaeor just have it a shade lighter?03:27
* cjae eyes get sore with bright screen03:28
Ramblurris there a way to setup a samba sahre04:00
Ramblurrin kubuntu karmic?04:00
Ramblurri.e., share my local files via smb04:01
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Ramblurrhttp://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2377/280/1600/filesharing.jpg <-- this dialog doesn't exist in kde4?04:04
Ramblurrah, i needed to install kdenetwork-filesharing04:14
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ctw_Hi -- after a recent update my laptop (running Kubuntu Jaunty) no longer connects to the wireless networks. The network manager sees the networks, but when I click on them nothing happens (it doesn't even seem to attempt to connect)04:31
ctw_does anybody here have any insights on this?04:31
ctw_the router is fine (I can connect with another computer)04:31
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
thetuxracerhello :) ! can anyone help me to automatically mount partitions on boot?05:15
iconmefistothetuxracer: still there?05:22
iconmefistowhat partitions do you want to mount?05:23
iconmefistowindows partitions?05:23
thetuxraceri have a few ntfs partitions,05:23
iconmefistocan you currently mount them manually?05:23
thetuxraceryes. the problem is: for every first access, i have to supply the password. ill post a screenie.05:24
thetuxraceryes, i can access them manually05:24
iconmefistoso you have created fstab lines for those partitions?05:27
thetuxracerumm, i did, but it gave me errors. i basically ddnt know how to put a whitespace character in the mount point05:27
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thetuxraceris what i mean05:28
iconmefistook, the easiest thing to do is remove all the fstab entries for ntfs partitions you created, and install ntfs-config05:28
iconmefistontfs-config will automatically set up fstab with all ntfs partitions05:29
iconmefistoor just comment out the ntfs lines in fstab if you prefer05:30
thetuxracerill apt-get them05:30
thetuxracerhmm, yes. ntfs configuration tool setup the fstab for me05:32
thetuxracerok, ill reboot and be back in a sec.05:32
iconmefistoyou don't have to reboot05:32
iconmefistostill there?05:32
=== ubuntu is now known as webconx
thetuxracer@iconmefisto ok, it worked. though ntfs config tool deosnt make a new directory for u!05:40
iconmefistonew directory?05:40
iconmefistothe mount point?05:41
thetuxraceroh, i meant mount point05:41
thetuxraceryes! :P05:41
iconmefistoyou could edit fstab to use the mount points you want05:41
thetuxracernow i have lots of unused folders in /media need to delete them!05:41
thetuxraceryes, ill copy paste the above entries, and change mount points05:42
iconmefistoalso, sudo mount -a  will "mount all" the partitions in fstab. no need to reboot05:42
thetuxracerok, im all set05:47
thetuxracerthank for the help, iconmefisto!05:47
iconmefistono prob05:47
gehzumteufelAnyone around?06:31
gehzumteufelkdeinit:Aborting.$DISPLAY is not set06:33
gehzumteufelWhat can I do to fix that?06:34
Trebesananyone in the mood to assist a new kubuntu/ubuntu/Linux noob?06:48
kkathmanCan someone tell me why I can't see the text on the RSS NOW widget or the Microblogging widget ?06:49
Trebesani"m not completely computer defunct, but i could sure use some help troubleshooting something06:49
kkathmanTrebesan: what kind of probs ?06:49
Trebesanive got wifi connection problems06:50
Trebesanit can establish connection with my router, but the issue after that06:50
Trebesanis i cant get any pages to load.06:50
kkathmanTrebesan: ahh.... yeah that's a toughie sometimes06:50
kkathmanAll of my connections are hardwired :(06:50
Trebesanit handles hardwired just fine06:50
kkathmanTrebesan: have you done pings to the gateway and perhaps to google.com ?06:51
Trebesantelling me network unreachable06:52
Trebesancant even ping the router06:52
kkathmanTrebesan:  ok well that's a decent start at least06:53
Trebesanit would just be ping
kkathmanTrebesan:  can you open a terminal session?06:53
Trebesanim in terminal. how else would i ping? :<06:54
kkathmanTrebesan:  ok.. do an ifconfig and be sure of your gateway06:55
Trebesanokay, what am i looking for here in iwcnfig?06:56
kkathmanTrebesan:  do you see on the left eth0 ?06:56
Trebesaneth0 would be the wired adapter correct?06:57
Trebesanbut yes, i see ot06:57
Trebesansorry typing over the other keyboard is difficult ;)06:57
kkathmandoes it have a inet addr ?06:57
Trebesanits not currently wired06:58
Trebesanim on a seperate computer06:58
kkathmanyeah makes sense06:58
kkathmansorry bout that06:58
Trebesanshall i disconnect this one and run wired and wifi?06:59
Trebesanwould that be beneficial?06:59
kkathmanwell, you might try, if possible, to see if the wired connection works06:59
kkathmanif so, that at least rules out a lot of things and basically points to the card06:59
Trebesanit did earlier06:59
kkathmanahh ok06:59
kkathmanwhat kind of card?06:59
TrebesanWUSB100 Linksys07:00
Trebesanusb adapter07:00
kkathmanlets see if, by chance ubotu has anything07:00
Trebesanwhat is that?07:00
kkathmanI think I saw ubotu quit a bit ago :(07:01
kkathmanits a bot with information07:01
Trebesanit show ubottu07:01
Trebesanshows** is connected07:01
Trebesan9.04 didnt even recognize it07:02
kkathmanTrebesan:  ok try going to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90780907:02
Trebesan9.10 does07:02
kkathmanyou might need ndiswrapper...but I'm not sure07:03
Trebesanlemme switch this one to wired07:03
=== hobojon is now known as Trebesan
kkathmannow can you get out on the wired?07:07
Trebesanof course07:07
TheAncientGoatGrr.. After logging out, my screen turns into a bunch of unorganized lines.. I can still roughly make out what is going on, but reading text is hard07:08
TheAncientGoatWhat on earth can it be..07:08
TheAncientGoatI tried changing my refresh rate, that didn't help07:08
kkathmanTrebesan:  ok,,,, so that's definitely the card...the driver I reckon07:09
hobojonaparently i lagged out07:12
kkathmanyeah seems there is alot of issues tonight07:13
hobojonis kubuntu only able to open one window at a time?07:15
=== hobojon is now known as Trebesan2
kkathmanOf course not07:16
kkathmanI have several open right now07:16
Trebesan2then why is it meinimizing other windows07:16
Trebesan2when i open another07:16
kkathmanWhoa I dunno !07:16
kkathmanThats really odd07:17
Trebesan2 ugh07:17
kkathmanMine isn't doing that at all...I am having probs with the widgets tho07:17
Trebesan2i might just go back to a GNOME desktop...07:18
Trebesan2i got familar with GNOME and this KDE stuff is french to me07:18
kkathmanTrebesan:  try this..07:19
kkathmanTrebesan:  Try backing up your .kde directory and then reboot, letting it build you another one.  Then check out these things07:20
kkathmanThat fixed ALOT of issues for me07:20
Trebesan2im unsure how to do that07:21
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Trebesan2arg im out of beer, and this is just one of those nights that you just so happen to want a case07:22
kkathmanTrebesan:  Iyour need to copy the .kde directory in your user directory07:23
kkathmanto somewhere else07:23
kkathmanthen just reboot07:23
kkathmanremove it from the original location07:23
kkathmanit will be in your /home/username directory07:24
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=== Guest44556 is now known as markc
markchow do I format a usb stick to fat32 on karmic?07:30
markcshould I install gparted or something?07:31
Respatix_how do i get to my souces to edit them in a terminal?07:31
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap07:31
dimkoа по русски тут говорят?07:32
tsimpsonRespatix_: they are located in /etc/apt/sources.list and the .list files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/07:32
tsimpson!ru | dimko07:32
ubottudimko: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:32
markcah, apt-get sinstall partitionmanager, thank07:32
tsimpsonmarkc: if you don't mind using the terminal, you can use the mkfs tool07:32
tsimpsonbut a GUI partitioner can also do the formatting07:33
markctsimpson: sure, but I'd have find and rtfm07:33
markcgparted brings in unwelcome gnomeish stuff07:33
tsimpsonmarkc: partitionmanager is the KDE tool07:34
markcgot it, thanks, how do I start it... kdesu partitionmanager or something?07:35
markcif I just start it as a user it's saying I won't be able to do much07:36
tsimpsonyeah, but use "kdesudo"07:36
tsimpsonit should also be in the menu somewhere07:36
markcoh yeah... there t'is, thanks again07:37
Trebesangreat. now when i reboot, it shows the kubuntu load screen then goes blank07:37
Trebesanit hung earlier. this old machine is such a POD07:38
markctsimpson: too easy, thanks for your help, seems a bit strange partitonmanager isn't already installed and hooked up to some RMB option07:43
cjaeanyone use calibre what is the best pdf conversion on sony reader? besides lrf07:51
naftilos76Hi, does anybody know an app that uses the soundcard to make specrum analysis measurements or generate signals like sine, triangle etc?07:54
cjaewill installing pwmanager break karmic?07:58
Trebesananybody around and want to help me poke at an issue?08:24
Trebesananyone have an idea as to why im able to ping google in console... but unable to load it on the browser?08:25
MamarokTrebesan: you might be behind a proxy08:25
Trebesanim connected at home08:26
Trebesanthat wouldnt make sense08:26
Mamarokthen I don't know, sorry08:26
Trebesanso no ideas at all?08:30
adonhow do u connect to dsl in 9.10?08:34
Tm_Tgood day all08:42
onja_hello, y a t'il un lien en français08:43
=== Presnus is now known as Pres_Back_Soon
bkiabdoes anyone here know anything about xorg.conf editing?09:29
Vroomfondlebest to just ask straight out. If anyone can answer, they will.09:30
bkiabhow can i make the r128 driver work? i'm stuck using fbdev which is really, really slow.09:31
Vroomfondlein theory if it's installed then XOrg should load it automatically, but failing that:09:32
Vroomfondlecheck out the example just under "Synopsis"09:32
Vroomfondleput something like that in your xorg.conf and see what happens09:33
bkiabok i have tried most of those options but whenever i try to use r128 x will not start09:34
Vroomfondlehave you checked /var/log/xorg.log.0 for lines beginning with "EE"?09:36
bkiabi talked to one of the xorg devs for a bit, but he didn't seem to know either :(09:36
VroomfondleI take it there was nothing useful there then?09:36
bkiabnot really09:36
VroomfondleIs this on a laptop? Cos to be honest with such an old card + driver I'd suggest just getting hold of a different graphics card if possible.09:37
bkiabimac g309:37
infiniteHello All09:54
Xinux-alhello infinite09:56
infiniteI am about to buy a wireless router for my home, the options are Belkin G Wireless router, CISCO(LINKSYS)->WRT54GH, and TP-Link->TL-WR642G routers, can I fiind drivers for any of these wireless routers09:59
Vroomfondlewhy would you need a driver for a router?10:01
Xinux-ali think you don't need driver for router10:01
Vroomfondlethat's not how routers work :)10:01
Vroomfondleas long as you have a driver for your wifi card, you should be fine10:02
Xinux-alyes that's true10:02
infinite_Do you use any drivers for a wireless router to connect to a laptop?10:06
Vroomfondleinfinite_: Well, you'll need a driver for the wifi chipset in your laptop10:07
Vroomfondlebut you won't need a driver for the router itself, because the router is not in any way attached to the laptop10:07
Vroomfondleit'll just communicate with the laptop via wifi.10:07
VroomfondleHi, uwe.10:08
Xinux-alhi uwe10:08
uwejemand der deutsch spricht hier?10:09
Xinux-alVroomfondle can you explan me exactell how wireless work10:09
Xinux-alif you want10:09
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:10
infinite_I have Kubuntu 9.10 installed on my laptop. The wireless routers that I listed have a CD for Win Vista and Mac OSX. There is no software for Linux.10:10
Vroomfondleinfinite_: you don't need the software.10:10
Xinux-alinfinite can you give me the name of your router10:10
Vroomfondlejust use the web interface on your router.10:10
VroomfondleXinux-al: what do you want to know, exactly? The wifi card in the PC communicates with the router via radio waves.10:11
infinite_The routers I saw are Belkin G Wireless Router, CISCO(LINKSYS)->WRT54GH, and TP-Link->TL-WR642G.10:12
infinite_What is ndsiwrapper?10:12
Xinux-alyou know i have a laptop i have a wifi card included and what can i do to to use wireless (execuse m english)10:13
Vroomfondleinfinite_: it allows you to use Windows network drivers10:13
Xinux-alto use windows network on kubunut or ubuntu10:14
VroomfondleXinux-al: usually you just have to click on the network icon in the system tray and add a new wirless network (assuming you have set up a wireless router)10:15
Xinux-alok thank you Vroomfondle10:16
infinite_Wont the wireless transmission be encrypted, how will my laptop access that transmission and decrypt it10:16
infinite_Does Kubuntu have drivers for the wireless chipset?10:22
Xinux-alinfinite i don't know what you need exactely but try to see this10:24
Xinux-althere is CISCO10:24
=== Pres_Back_Soon is now known as Presnus
infinite_Hi: I found that you need drivers for the wireless card, and not the router10:59
=== cherry is now known as markc
markcis it possible to have a unified single fileview across for desktops11:09
markcis it at all possible to have the same folderview on multiple desktops?11:12
Noxoi just have installed kubuntu11:14
Noxowhere can i find the synaptic?11:14
VroomfondleK -> Computer -> KPackageKit11:15
markcK button11:16
markcon the panel down the bottom left corner11:16
Noxoi have: help favoritss;settings but not computer11:17
markithi, I've ubuntu remix 9.10, and want to be able to run also kde that I love, I've installed a kubuntu desktop package and switched to kdm, but after the log and the spash I've  a black screen, just the cursor (or alt+f2 to run a program) working. What could I have missed? I've removed kubuntu-netbook since I would like the "normal" K menu11:17
Noxook markc iv installed it thx11:18
markit(ah, I've also ppa repository enabled...)11:18
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otswimhello, where can i change the behavior of word-moving in the terminal? i don't want the cursor to stop on dots '.' when doing ctrl+right / ctrl+left11:39
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APERSONThe system tray doesn't respect my setting for notification positions, is there a remedy to this?11:50
comeditI have had some kind of crash where my  personal info regarding email (disconnected imap and my desktop is not there anymore the way it used to12:21
comedithowvere I have a backup12:21
comeditI thought to restore (application backintime)12:21
comeditkamail dir12:21
comeditto start with12:22
comeditin the kmail dir however is a lock12:22
comeditwait a sec checking stuff12:24
comediton the phone sorry12:37
comediti restore the dimap folder12:45
comediti get errors saying12:45
comeditThe UID cache file for folder 989405213/INBOX/Trash could not be written. There could be a problem with file system permission.12:45
comeditif I look at the kmail dir I see a file called lock12:46
comeditknotact is running now12:47
comediti shut it down now12:47
comeditcan simply remove this lock file and restart kontact12:49
comeditor is this to simple thinking12:50
ubuntuHello, people. I need help booting my system. I have installed new version of nvidia drivers, and later my kernel was updated from official repository. Somehow this make my system unbootable. Error message was 'X server cannot start. Screens found, but none have usable configuration'. Additional error message stated that there is a mismatch between version of nvidia driver and kernel video API. Later I booted with previous version of kernel12:56
ubuntu and added some Launchpad PPA repository with fresh nvidia drivers which I foolishly believed should fix my problem. They make my system totally unbootable instead. I can login into console, but a few moments later system hangs up completely - blank black screen. I am now on Live CD. What could I do if any to revive my system?12:56
RiotingPacifistubuntu: the PPA will be for oss drivers, nvidia drivers will not be avalible for the new kernel, just use the old kernel until nvidia drivers are updated12:59
ubuntuRiotingPacifist: How could I apply this to my old system from the live CD?13:00
ubuntuRiotingPacifist: If you mean just boot into the old kernel - they are all unbootable.13:00
RiotingPacifistubuntu: that is what i meant, if your sure they are all unbootable then i can't be much use other than to suggest you ask for help in #ubuntu and #nvidia13:01
RiotingPacifist!nvidia | ubuntu13:01
ubottuubuntu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:01
ubuntuRiotingPacifist: Is there a way to install old ones from the live CD?13:02
RiotingPacifistyour old kernel will still be in your grub menu (unless you erased it), if you want to reinstall from the cd, make sure the cd is in your sources then use something like aptitude or synaptic to install the kernel offered from the cd, apt-cache policy linux may help you find out which one it is13:03
ubuntuRiotingPacifist: Problem is - my system hangs up even in console login. Is it possible without booting it?13:04
ubuntuBut wait, I didn't try old kernel with 'Safe Mode'. Could this help?13:05
RiotingPacifistold kernel with safe mode should work, but if it's hanging on console login then i don't know whats wrong13:06
RiotingPacifistit is possible to use aptitude without booting it, you need to chroot into the actual install then run aptitude inside the chroot13:06
RiotingPacifist!chroot | ubuntu13:06
ubottuubuntu: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)13:06
ubuntuI don't know is it 'hanging' or not, but after few seconds after console login cursor hides and there is nothing else but the blank black screen.13:07
RiotingPacifistubuntu: sounds like x is trying to start or the kernel is crashing, does your numlock key flash?13:07
ubuntuI didn't noticed that, probably not.13:08
ubuntuNo, I would have noticed that.13:08
ubuntuRiotingPacifist: So, what would you advice me except booting in safe mode?13:10
RiotingPacifistif console logins (alt+prtscr+r then ctrl+alt+f1) are failing then my advice is to look for somebody with better advice than me in #ubuntu or #nvidia, i know the way to install software to a nonworking install is chroot (see link above), but i don't know it well enough to help you. I would check for obvious errors (df ar your disks full, etc) but I don't really no ubuntu well enough to know how to fix your problem13:12
ubuntuDisk are surely okay. Thank you, I'll seek further help there.13:14
RiotingPacifistnp, just wish i could be of more use, double check disks, far too often ive gone hunting for a bug only to realise i had run out of space on one of my disks and it was causing a non disk full related error13:15
RiotingPacifistubuntu: just saw this forum post, it **may** help with the nvidia problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=990978 , but i think you have a more serious error13:19
rethushow does the programm naemd which makes updates (in the tray) ?13:29
rethusit doesn't appear in the tray13:30
rethusand how can i do autostart firestarter in kde?13:30
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
RiotingPacifistrethus: autostart is controlled by the autostart kcm in systemsettings, just type autostart in krunner and pick it13:33
rethusRiotingPacifist: nothing appear if i type auto in kmenu13:34
rethuswhich package i have to install13:34
RiotingPacifistrethus: no idea what you mean for "how does the programm naemd which makes updates (in the tray) ?"kpackagemanager", does system updates if that is what you mean13:34
RiotingPacifistrethus: not sure run systemsettings and find the program manually13:34
rethusi mean the little icon which green if no update there13:35
RiotingPacifistit's in systemsettings>advanced>usersettings>autostart13:35
RiotingPacifisti think you mean kpackagemanager, it only shows up when there is work to do, if your up to date there is no icon, you can check its running with pgrep -l package13:36
rethusone question to akonadi13:38
RiotingPacifistif you must have the icon you can remove kpackagekit and use the gnome program instead, i think it's called update-notifier, it should work in kde without any problems but i don't know13:38
rethushow can i switch to akonadi... and should i do?13:38
rethusRiotingPacifist: its enough, if the icon appear if new updates available13:39
* mistrynitesh installed screen-profiles, wondering how to change the current screen profile13:39
RiotingPacifistrethus: I think akonadi is more for developers, it works behind the scenes so it will start up if any programs need it but if it doesn't start up there is nothing for it to do (and in my experience if it does start up you just open yourself up to problems, for now anyway)13:40
raphinkmistrynitesh: you mean really screen-profiles, or byobu?13:41
paulsomebodyRiotingPacifist: I booted command line and found irc client. It's very nice, you know.13:42
raphinkmistrynitesh: normally, that would be F9 -> Change Byobu's colors13:42
mistryniteshraphink: the 'screen-profiles' package...13:42
raphinkmistrynitesh: you should switch to the byobu package13:42
raphinkscreen-profiles is a quite old package13:42
paulsomebodyCould anyone tell me where is the sources.list file?13:42
raphinkpaulsomebody: in /etc/apt/13:43
mistryniteshraphink: but byobu is not in the official repos13:43
paulsomebodyThank you.13:43
raphinkmistrynitesh: what version of Ubuntu are you using?13:43
RiotingPacifistrethus: to see if its running pgrep akonadi -l, to get the tray icon which is probably what your after run akonaditray13:43
mistryniteshraphink: jaunty13:43
raphinkmistrynitesh: ah, right13:43
raphinkwell then, whenever you switch to karmic or lucid (when it's out), you can use byobu instead :-)13:43
raphinkthat said, the version is jaunty is old ;-)13:44
mistryniteshraphink: thanks... just tried the 'screen-profiles' command and it is giving me some options... I wonder why I didn't try that earlier13:45
raphinkmistrynitesh: when you use screen-profiles, you first have to select a profile, then you just launch "screen"13:46
raphinkonce in screen, you use F9 to access the options menu13:46
mistryniteshraphink: oh! I see... i have given the command from within the screen... will quit and select the profile first!13:48
raphinkin byobu now, that would be byobu-select-profile13:49
raphinkI don't remember what it was exactly in screen-profiles13:49
raphinkautocompletion should help you with that13:49
raphinkah there13:49
raphinkmistrynitesh: select-screen-profile13:49
raphinkyou type that, choose your profile, then type screen13:50
mistryniteshraphink: aha! thanks a ton! will be back after trying this13:51
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rethushow can i add suspend to dist by keyboard-press?13:57
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RiotingPacifistrethus: if you only want suspend to disk you can set that suspend button or the power button to do this in your powerdevil profiles14:07
rethusbefore at suse i used powersave14:11
rethusand sign the keyboard-key to s2disk14:11
RiotingPacifistrethus: if you wan't to do a better way then find the command that is called when you hibernate (it's probably a dbus call or something) and a shortcut to it using systemsettings>input action>new>global shorcut>dbus command/normal command14:11
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RiotingPacifistrethus: for some reason i think it's called powerdevil, but basically im talking about the battery icon14:12
RiotingPacifisthere i have pm-hibernate, but i think it needs root access to hibernate directly, so something like kdesudo pm-hibernate would work14:13
RiotingPacifistyeah pm-hibernate may only be run by the root user14:13
rethusi need a command which rund directly14:14
rethusclick on the button >A> suspend2disk14:14
RiotingPacifistrethus: i think you can only hibernate through a dbus call, unless you install s2disk, if i disapear it's because ive found the command14:15
rethusor can i add my username in such way that it have permission to use pm-suspend14:17
RiotingPacifistrethus: the command is "qdbus org.kde.powerdevil /org/freedesktop/PowerManagement org.freedesktop.PowerManagement.Hibernate"14:18
rethusif i run this on bash, it would s2disk?14:19
RiotingPacifistyup, well it just did here14:19
rethuswhats with uswsup?14:19
RiotingPacifistno idea, it uses the same method as the battery icon, i think it uses pm-utils, which calls, uswsup, but tbh i don't know14:21
APERSONThe system tray doesn't respect my setting for notification positions, is there a remedy to this?14:50
daskreechAPERSON: Which version of KDE?14:52
APERSONdaskreech, 4.3.414:53
daskreechWhat are you doing to set the positions?14:53
APERSONdaskreech, right clicking on the notification icon > system tray settings> and clicking on the screen position I'd like the notifications to show up14:54
daskreechAPERSON: And they ignore it?14:55
APERSONdaskreech, yes, they always appear in the bottom-right corner regardless of where I tell them to go14:56
dinfoHI ALL14:56
APERSON!hi > dinfo14:56
APERSONerr, meant to pipe that14:56
geniiLive n learn :)14:57
APERSONthe bot's gone!14:57
daskreechAPERSON: I'm not certain it works like that15:04
APERSONwell, what's the option there for?15:05
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APERSONthis window specifically: http://imgur.com/PuxSc15:06
APERSONwell, I'm sorry15:07
APERSONthat's for avantana notifications15:07
APERSONit works if I set it to those ones, thanks daskreech15:08
daskreechAPERSON: Alright :)15:08
APERSONnow howabout where can I configure the step the volume gets incremented in?15:09
markus_hy everybody15:10
daskreechcrimsun: Hi Do you know if you can play with the soundcard's volume step?15:10
daskreechhi markus_15:10
APERSONI know in gnome it's a gconf setting15:12
daskreechAPERSON: I see KOSD may support that15:14
BluesKajHi folks15:14
daskreechhi BluesKaj15:15
BluesKajhi daskreech15:15
=== Guest45508 is now known as BlueRay
BlueRayhow to remake FIREFOX????????????????????????15:23
BlueRay_fucking_  firefox get down CPU15:23
BlueRaymy cpu work on 99%15:24
PiciBlueRay: Please watch your languge here.15:24
BlueRaydelete   and install new15:24
BlueRayPici   do not bub me--- i am sorry15:24
BlueRayREMAKE REBUILD REINSTALL   I do not know how to say15:25
BlueRayI want new firefox15:25
Vroomfondlesudo dpkg-reconfigure firefox15:25
BlueRayold is BAD15:25
Vroomfondlenow stop shouting.15:25
Vroomfondleif you're on Karmic you have Firefox 3.5.x, which is new15:26
BlueRayIn C is fumction  getpgrp ))15:26
BlueRayOK   I am ready do it15:26
BlueRayI made it15:27
BlueRayWhat dpkg stends for?15:28
BlueRayI meant abbreveate15:28
Vroomfondledebian package15:29
markus_What does this tell me: "CMake Error: your CXX compiler: "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found."?15:31
markus_What do I have to install?15:32
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daskreechmarkus_: build-essentials15:32
markus_this worked. thanx a lot!15:38
markus_Got my first kde4 program running... yeeeeees!15:39
markus_did this in the commandline. kdevelop says it can't find "#include <KAboutData>". What do I have to set for this to work?15:40
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daskreechmarkus_: Wheee :)15:44
daskreechmarkus_: #kde-devel might be more useful :)15:45
markus_daskreech: ok. moving there15:47
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* daskreech yawns16:02
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contrastGreets, everyone...16:26
contrastAnyone have any experience overclocking under Linux? I've kinda hit a brick wall.16:27
Vroomfondlelast thing I knew, overclocking was primarily done in the BIOS...16:29
contrastVroomfondle: Right... But I've read from several sources that any OS-related CPU frequency scaling can interfere with OCing, which seems to potentially be related to the problem I'm having. I've already tried turning Powerdevil off completely in Service Manager, seems to have no effect though.16:32
bonjour-910-64bonjour   , hello , , perdu  !16:32
markithi, I've ubuntu remix 9.10, and I've installed kubuntu-desktop and set to use kdm and log as kde, but after login and spalsh screen, I've a black screen and the mouse. Alt+f2 let me run the app I want, but I do't have the desktop! any clue?16:32
markitI'm using ppa repo16:33
bonjour-910-64aie aie    pas bon mon anglais    very bad english16:33
petsounds!fr > bonjour-910-6416:33
petsoundsbonjour-910-64, #ubuntu-fr16:34
bonjour-910-64au secours !! SOS !!!!16:34
ubottubonjour-910-64, please see my private message16:34
GalvatronIn Kubuntu 9.04 I added "acpi=off" to kernel options in /boot/grub/menu.lst and after reboot the cursor got big lags. Removing "acpi=off" parameter didn't help.16:35
daskreechcontrast: try #phoronix ?16:40
markus_markit: I would simply install kubuntu directly. Should be easier than to find this bugs?16:43
markitmarkus_: yes, it would, but I would loose my data16:43
contrastdaskreech: Already got it, but it isn't much good given I can't seem to get my overclock to stick in Linux. Thanks anyway. : \16:43
contrastdaskreech: Ahh, didn't read that right, thought you were referring to their test suite. I'll head over there, thanks! :)16:43
markitI've seen that I've no plasma-desktop process running, even if is a package is installed16:44
markitbut really could be a rc1 bug16:44
BluesKajmarkit, what graphics card and driver ?16:44
daskreechmarkit: what happens when you run plasma-desktop16:45
markitit's an acer d250 netbook, works fine with gnome, I think is an intel card. But I've the mouse and if I run a program works fine (alt+f2), so seems that graphic is ok, just desktop is missing16:45
markitlet me check16:45
markitmm the desktop appeard :) wondering why I have to do manually16:46
shadeslayermarkit: its kinda of a known bugs with certain configs.. i had it beta 2 but not in RC :P16:46
markitlet's try to reboot it, maybe now has got it configured16:46
daskreechmarkit: Somepeopel seem to have an issue with KDE starting too quickly for the the Dbus to keep up and plasma dies it seems16:46
markitI see, hope they will be able to fix for rc2 soon :)16:47
markitthanks a lot for the tip16:47
shadeslayerits even on the kubuntu devel ML16:47
shadeslayermarkit: it may be solved by renaming .kde to .kde_old... it sets up new configs and that might resolve the problem.. not a sure shot solution16:48
markitshadeslayer: I removed kde completely, removed .kde, reinstalled kde-desktop but nothing went better16:49
shadeslayermarkit: did you rename the .kde folder in home?16:49
markitshadeslayer: I removed it16:49
shadeslayermarkit: ah well then :D16:50
daskreechmarkit: That's where you mail and someother data is kept so try renaming it in future16:50
shadeslayerwas worth a try... though theres no known solution..16:50
daskreechYou could delay KDE starting up I guess16:51
markitmm taskabr seems "doubled", like one over another with a certain offset16:51
shadeslayermarkit: you can put a pre-kde startup script in the autostart item16:51
shadeslayerthe script would just contain one command... plasma-desktop16:52
markitmm no audio also :(16:54
markitreally making basic things work is a nightmare16:54
shadeslayermarkit: oh thats simple... click on the sound icon in the tray16:55
shadeslayermarkit: thats why we are here :)16:55
markitI've removed mute16:55
markitalso I've tried to check systemsettings, but "test" button gives no sound16:55
shadeslayermarkit: no click on the mixer16:55
markit(xine as backend)16:55
markitdone, all channels are up and unmuted16:55
shadeslayernice.. ok next step,type : alsamixer in a konsole16:56
markitas root or regular user?16:57
shadeslayermarkit: then set everything to high there too... regular user16:57
markitmm speakers was muted, but unmuting it did not changed anything16:59
markitdo I have to reboot something?16:59
shadeslayermarkit: nope16:59
shadeslayermarkit: now try to play something16:59
markitno sound17:00
shadeslayermarkit: ok,um type : speaker-test : in a konsole.. do you hear static?17:01
markitI hear nothing17:02
markitmaybe the backend is broken?17:02
shadeslayermarkit: ok,now type : lspci | grep audio17:02
shadeslayerscrap that17:03
markit00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)17:03
shadeslayeroh ok it displays it.. didnt do it here :P17:03
shadeslayerone sec17:03
markit(I've added "-i" in grep)17:03
shadeslayerah nice :),and google shows loads of slimy bugs17:04
markitwonderful :(17:04
markitbtw, in gnome works, so should be a kde bug, but alsa does not sound17:04
shadeslayeroh it works in gnome?17:05
markitbut I use kde on the desktop, kde everywhere, so I installed it in the netbook also :)17:05
markitif you want, I can try again, maybe a full-upgrade broke the sound in gnome also17:05
shadeslayeryeah,KDE is everywhere :)17:05
markithold on17:06
shadeslayermarkit: um no need17:06
shadeslayermarkit: ok lets try another backend,but that might cause some videos to stop working17:07
contrastAny overclockers around? I just did my first build last night. Raised the CPU's bus from its default of 333MHz to 366MHz, left the default multiplier alone (x8). CPU clock reads 2.92GHz in BIOS, but upon booting into Linux, it's only clocked at 2.66GHz.17:08
markitmm knetworkmmanager crashed in loggin out17:09
shadeslayercontrast: i think #linux would be more appropriate,since the kernel is custom built17:09
shadeslayermarkit: that happens here too17:09
contrastshadeslayer: Thanks, I'll give that a shot.17:09
shadeslayermarkit: install phonon-backend-gstreamer17:09
markitI'm booting gnome right now, ok17:10
shadeslayermarkit: ok17:11
daskreechI dunno I've never had knm crash17:11
markitok, in gnome works, so is not a kernel / audio module problem17:11
daskreechAnd audio always comes auto muted for some reason but thats easy to fix17:12
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shadeslayerdaskreech: well its not muted thats for sure17:12
daskreechThen again I have a list of bugs I keep finding in corner cases that no one else can replicate17:12
shadeslayerdaskreech: like the facebook plugin not working in 4.4?17:13
shadeslayer(for kopete)17:14
markitshadeslayer: do I have to change default backend to gstreamer, I suppose17:14
shadeslayermarkit: yes17:14
daskreechshadeslayer: Wouldn't know I don't have facebook17:15
shadeslayerdaskreech: ah ok17:15
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markitI was able to hear test music, then tried to change outputdevice and systemsettings "froze", sigh17:16
markitlet me kill it and try play video17:17
shadeslayermarkit: ah thats kinda of a problem in RC... everything freezes up :)17:17
shadeslayerbeta 2 was *much* more stable and smooth17:17
ToxinPoweI agree17:18
markiturgh, so a lot of regressions have been introduced17:18
markitwondering how quality test is done, if I can get so many problems in a fresh install17:19
markitand not in "strange corner cases"17:19
shadeslayermarkit: yep,beta 2 was more of a RC1 whereas RC1 is... well kinda SVN like :P17:19
markitok, login sound is good :)17:19
markitshadeslayer: thanks a lot for your time and suggestions17:19
shadeslayermarkit: oh no problem.. im always around :)17:20
shadeslayermarkit: btw does it work with the gstreamer backend?17:21
markitmmm most of the video don't play, I have a still image, with smplayer and movieplayer or whatever17:21
markitshadeslayer: yes, system sound work with gstreamer backend only17:22
markitwell, let me test reverting back to xine17:22
shadeslayermarkit: hmm well please report a bug with the kde bug tracker17:22
shadeslayeror at the xine site,if they have a bug tracker17:22
markitnow reverting to xine shows (when I "apply") a message  like "analog channel does not work", but it works17:23
markitreally is not good for regualar use, I will name it "alpha 1"17:24
markitnot rc117:24
shadeslayermarkit: so xine works now?17:24
markityes, seems so17:24
markitat least with system sounds17:24
shadeslayermarkit: yeah,pity you couldnt try out beta 2 though17:24
markitlet me try video17:24
kubiankde does not play well with gstreamer17:24
kubianuse phonon17:25
markitnow video "plays", but no sond17:25
markitkubian: how can I do?17:25
kubianyou should get rid of those gstreamer*17:25
markitI thought I was using phonon with gstreamer or xine backend17:26
kubianshud be phonon-backend-xine17:26
kubiansometimes it helps to reboot if you made changes to sound17:26
Gintulishow to turn on playlist reapeet in amarok 2.2.2 ?17:27
markit"the M$ way", lol17:27
shadeslayerGintulis: its in the lower right corner in your current playlist17:27
shadeslayerGintulis: had to ask in #amarok about 3 weeks earlier17:27
kubiangoto playlist->repeat-> off || track || album || playlist17:28
shadeslayerkubian: they changed it in 2.2.217:30
shadeslayerkubian: theres no repeat->off17:30
kubianoops..sorry am using 2.2.117:30
markitok, no sound from video, I give up17:31
kubianlet me upgarde real quick17:31
shadeslayerkubian: Gintulis instead you do : click arrow on track progression->repeat track/playlist/whatever17:31
shadeslayermarkit: hmm,and what about xine?17:31
markitI'm using xine now17:32
shadeslayermarkit: and sound works?17:32
markitwith gstreamer the image was still17:32
markitwith xine the image "runs", but no sound17:32
markitlet me check a mp317:32
markitsystem sounds work17:32
shadeslayermarkit: ok..17:32
shadeslayermarkit: thats a start :P17:33
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Netehow do you view sys info?17:35
Gintulisnow, i faund it17:36
markitmm amarok started the first time, now is hanging17:36
markitctrl+esc does not show the task manager...17:37
markitno, neither amarok plays music17:38
markitreally I give up and I will stay with gnome, using kde apps, until 4.4 is released17:39
shadeslayermarkit: well sorry that this didnt work out,RC 1 is pathetic with the regressions17:39
markitshadeslayer: don't worry, I'm a long time kde lover, I will never give up ;)17:40
shadeslayerthat coupled with virtuoso taking 20pc of my CPU... its frustrating17:40
shadeslayermarkit: nice to hear that :)D17:40
markitI'm using kvm for virtualization. Btw, a very interesting solution is proxmox distro (debian based)17:41
shadeslayermarkit: solution for what?17:41
markitthey have a "bare metal installer", you enter the cd and it installs the distro with web interface for vm management17:42
markit(it erases the entire HD, be careful :))17:42
shadeslayermarkit: kinda like the chromium OS17:43
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mediusAnyone know anything about ecryptfs on kubuntu here?17:54
jonah_hey guys, i can't configure samba, the error is: Error: "/tmp/ksocket-jonah" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.17:55
shadeslayermedius: apart from the fact that it just worked once for me? no :P17:56
jonah_can anyone please help17:56
shadeslayerjonah_: did you start it with sudo?17:56
jonah_shadeslayer: yeah i think i did, but now whatever i do it says it...17:57
shadeslayerjonah_: did you read the wiki?17:57
jonah_shadeslayer: surely my home user account should be 1000 and not 0 anyway, cos 0 is root17:57
mediusI add a new user using adduser --encrypt-home <newusername>, When I login as the new user everything works correctly and the private home is mounted automatically.  But when that user logs out I get "fopen: Permission denied" and the private home remains mounted.17:57
jonah_shadeslayer: what wiki? samba one?17:58
shadeslayerjonah_: the ubuntu wiki on samba?17:58
jonah_shadeslayer: i just pressed right click, properties and then pressed to configure sharing. nothing happened. so i ran dolphin in konsole with sudo so i could get an output error17:58
shadeslayerjonah_: thats the worst thing ;P17:59
shadeslayer!samba | jonah_17:59
ubottujonah_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:59
jonah_shadeslayer: why is it bad?17:59
shadeslayerjonah_: never use GUI apps with sudo17:59
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why17:59
jonah_shadeslayer: ah ok i'll use kdesudo in future, thanks. but what can i do now to fix this and set up samba?18:01
shadeslayerjonah_: see the wiki entry!18:01
jonah_shadeslayer: but the wiki doesn't mention kde or samba setup in system settings, or the option on the right click. so how can i do it through the kde tools provided?18:02
jonah_shadeslayer: would rebooting help?18:02
shadeslayerjonah_: um no18:04
shadeslayerjonah_: http://kubuntuguide.org/Karmic#Samba_File_Sharing18:04
=== petr_ is now known as sdsdsd
=== sdsdsd is now known as dsaaaa
dsaaaahello again18:05
dsaaaaI install phpMyAdmin18:05
dsaaaaand I can not see  where he is????18:05
shadeslayerdsaaaa: theres a particular address you need to go to18:06
dsaaaaapt-get install phpmyadmin -> vuollaa18:06
dsaaaashadeslayer ???18:06
shadeslayerdsaaaa: no,its a web URL which points to /var/www18:06
shadeslayerand uses apache on the local server for phpmyadmin... one sec18:07
dsaaaaYes !   but I can not see my phpmyadmin therer18:07
JulCescan i install kubuntu on a dynamic disk?18:07
dsaaaaroot@ubuntu:/var/www# ls18:07
dsaaaaFree_Hosting_Manager_V2.0.2  index.html  joomla18:07
FloodBotK2dsaaaa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:07
shadeslayerdsaaaa: please wait for a sec18:07
dsaaaahow to find phpmyadmin   that was installed18:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about phpmyadmin18:09
dsaaaafind / phpmyadmin     this request return many many bad strings --- fing - is stuped program!18:09
dsaaaaubottu ???  so???   get out if you do not know18:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:09
shadeslayerdsaaaa: please mind your tone18:10
shadeslayerdsaaaa: http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/5594318:10
dsaaaahow to shut down    root mode???18:11
markus__dsaaaa: I had the sam eproblem. Does localhost/phpmyadmin work?18:11
dsaaaa"sudi -i"18:11
shadeslayerdsaaaa: root mode of what?18:11
dsaaaahow to exit?18:11
dsaaaasudo -i18:11
shadeslayerdsaaaa: try : ctrl+D18:11
dsaaaait is work18:11
JulCescan i install kubuntu on a dynamic disk?18:11
shadeslayerJulCes: dynamic disk?18:12
dsaaaapetr@ubuntu:/var/www2$ sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin18:12
dsaaaaBUT where is MY PHPMYADMIN???18:12
JulCesi bought a laptop with dynamic disk18:12
shadeslayerdsaaaa: its at localhost/phpmyadmin18:13
shadeslayerdsaaaa: do you know what phpmyadmin does?18:13
dsaaaaNot Found18:13
dsaaaaThe requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server.18:13
shadeslayerdsaaaa: www.localhost.com/phpmyadmin18:13
dsaaaayes   I showld restart my server18:13
dsaaaaI thing18:13
shadeslayerdsaaaa: you also need LAMP18:14
dsaaaado not find phpmyadmin18:15
shadeslayerdsaaaa: also try :  http://localhost/phpMyAdmin18:15
dsaaaaone year ago   I install phpmyadmin!!! and it work18:15
shadeslayerdsaaaa: do you have lamp installed?18:15
dsaaaaThe requested URL /phpMyAdmin was not found on this server.18:15
dsaaaawhat is lamp?18:15
shadeslayer!lamp | dsaaaa18:15
ubottudsaaaa: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:15
dsaaaaand all work18:16
llutzshadeslayer:  www.localhost.com might not be what you expect18:16
shadeslayerdsaaaa: im sorry but i dont know anything more about phpmyadmin,used it for about 2 hours,which was 3 months back18:17
shadeslayerllutz: idk the exact address,but its something like that18:17
llutzjust "localhost"18:17
llutz www.localhost.com is an existing internet domain18:18
dsaaaaOK  MANS    say me plkease command     throo which I can find MY DRAMATIC phpmyadmin18:18
dsaaaafind / phpmyadmin     does not work!!!18:19
shadeslayerdsaaaa: phpmyadmin is not some piece of CLI,its rather a url18:19
dsaaaaIt return me many   BAD PATHES!!!18:19
llutzdpkg-S phpmyadmin18:19
shadeslayerand a daemon if im correc18:19
llutzdpkg -S phpmyadmin18:19
dsaaaaI found!!18:20
dsaaaaphpmyadmin: /usr/share/phpmyadmin/pmd/scripts/ajax.js18:20
dsaaaawhy not in www???   it is terrable18:21
kilraeanybody know how to convince my computer that a different monitor is the primary one?18:22
dsaaaaI should make link to  /usr/share/phpmyadmin/   ?????18:22
geniidsaaaa: You'd want anyone with access into the webserver to be able to run ajax.js ?18:22
kilraeintel, KDE 4.4, Karmic18:22
dsaaaahow do you think   guys18:22
dsaaaano   I show you one of founded strings18:23
dsaaaaIt is not metter18:23
geniidsaaaa: The phpmyadmin install normally makes an apache2 config addition for an alias to where it actually is18:24
geniieg: so no linking stuff from the web dir should be needed18:24
dsaaaawhen I installoing phpmyadmin   one ask me     And  I select "apache2"18:26
dsaaaaBut I do not remember what ask me installer of phpmyadmin ))18:26
geniidsaaaa: Did you install phpmyadmin from the package manager of (k)ubuntu or did you download and install it from someplace?18:27
dsaaaaGUYSpetr@ubuntu:/var/www$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/18:27
dsaaaaOK?   I am clever?18:28
geniiNot really18:28
dsaaaaI wrotre    "sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin"18:29
dsaaaawhen I located in /var/www/18:29
=== jahin is now known as flyingcloud
dsaaaalrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   22 2010-01-14 21:27 phpmyadmin -> /usr/share/phpmyadmin/18:30
dsaaaalink do not work18:30
* genii sips his coffee and thinks about where to begin18:30
dsaaaalink can not work?18:31
dsaaaabecause permission of server is not enough18:32
markus__dsaaaa: I solved this by simply downloading phpmyadmin and copied it into /var/www. Then it is exactely as you know it18:32
geniidsaaaa: When you did the apt-get install of it, the installer already made the changes needed it to be at http://localhost/phpmyadmin         but apache2 usually needs a restart before you can see it there18:32
dsaaaahow to delete files that I copy now18:38
dsaaaaall that I copy18:38
daskreechdsaaaa: Jsut delete them normally18:40
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dsaaaaGuys    You all want to know   what I do????  Why I install all thing ang phpmyadmin???   OK I say you.   I write checkers on php18:51
dsaaaaI wrote it on clear C    but it is not good18:51
sourcemakerhow can I enabled the kpackagekit update notification?18:54
sourcemakerit does not work any more...18:54
geniiSome things to think about: copying everything from /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ into /var/www is not a solution. Anyone able to browse the root of your webserver can see then all the actual subdirs and files there, possibly exploit them, etc. Also updates to myphpadmin will not get applied, only to where the package manager put them originally. so if you delete where they originally put them you will in addition get package manager errors later which just18:57
genii compounds the issue. The best thing is not to have any subdirs or symlinks in /var/www but to let the installer edit the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default with it's httpd.conf file so that it has the right Alias /phpmyadmin/ "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/" entry and restart apache218:57
FloodBotK2genii: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
* genii sips18:58
DerHorstAnother good thing might be if you rename phpmyadmin19:00
DerHorstwhen your server should be available to the web19:00
DerHorstthere are at least a few subjects who try to get access to the blah.com/phpmyadmin or /pma or a few things19:01
dsaaaayes ))    I know...   because now password is clear...19:01
dsaaaa" let the installer edit the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default with it's httpd.conf file so that it has the right Alias /phpmyadmin/ "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/" entry and restart apache2"   -    yes    you are right19:03
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dsaaaaWarning: include(/etc/phpmyadmin/config.header.inc.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/share/phpmyadmin/config.header.inc.php on line 619:10
gehzumteufelHopefully someone can help me with this. I ran some quick updates yesterday, and now KDE won't start. If I try to start it from command line, it gives me $DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server. I run the startx command, and it gives me errors with the NVIDIA driver. "Failed to initialise the NVIDIA kernel module19:11
frodolegginshi all, is there an application to do screencast written with qt?19:11
gehzumteufelAny ideas on how I can fix this without x?19:11
dsaaaagehzumteufel   I have not ideas19:12
gehzumteufelYeah me either19:12
dsaaaaget beer and drink19:12
gehzumteufelI have beer here at the office19:12
gehzumteufelAnd some whiskey too19:12
gehzumteufelah I just figured it out19:13
frodolegginsno one knows?19:13
gehzumteufelNVIDIA driver issue19:13
dsaaaafrodoleggins   I tryed to write checkers on QT!!!  and it is bad documentation!!19:14
dsaaaaI love not QT!!!!!!!19:14
gehzumteufelSkype does screencasting19:15
gehzumteufelHow do I remove an incorrect kernel module and replace it with the correct one...without x?19:16
Vroomfondlermmod and insmod19:16
Vroomfondleand lsmod to list modules if you need it19:16
gehzumteufelwell basically the NVIDIA driver module somehow got reverted to an old driver19:17
=== untiled is now known as Renovatio
geniiVroomfondle: modprobe -r and modprobe is more prudent, has sub-module dependecy checking/removing19:20
genii(than insmod/rmmod )19:20
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gehzumteufelHow do I run .run packages?19:23
gehzumteufelI basically have to reinstall the NVIDIA driver19:23
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kriss3d_hmm nautillus cant connect to windows shares ??19:24
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geniigehzumteufel: make sure it's executable with: sudo chmod +x whatever.run       then: ./whatever.run            (usually. Some of then need command line arguments added depending on what it does)19:24
gehzumteufelhmm it is the NVIDA driver19:25
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geniigehzumteufel: Probably use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual as a guide19:28
gehzumteufelI just got it. It is an sh file19:30
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gehzumteufelJust ran sh NVIDIAblahblahblah and it is installing19:30
gehzumteufelInstalled a newer driver than I had before too. w00t fixed19:31
Roasted_whats up guyus19:46
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markus__genii: All this security stuff is totally not needed if you develop on your local machine behind a router. On a webserver visible from the outside there should not be a phpmyadmin at all. So to make things working as fast as possible is to copy the phpmyadmin files directly in the webspace. imho.19:49
DerHorstwhen coping is okay, a symlink should work too19:50
geniiSince the installer automatically makes an alias to it why should it be neccesary, unless you are downloading the myphpadmin from it's source location or something19:51
DekkzHello.. i have a problem... just got my new computer.. got 2x750gb SATA disks which i use in raid 0... then i installed windows 7... then i installed Kubuntu.. no problem so far... but when i rebooted the computer nothing happened.. just straight into windows 7... any ideas what to do? seems like grub didnt install at the raid20:07
DekkzHello.. i have a problem... just got my new computer.. got 2x750gb SATA disks which i use in raid 0... then i installed windows 7... then i installed Kubuntu.. no problem so far... but when i rebooted the computer nothing happened.. just straight into windows 7... any ideas what to do? seems like grub didnt install at the raid20:12
werfactDekkz: seems like you didnt even used raid for installation, only single drive20:14
Dekkzhmm... well... in the installation i choose to install ubuntu on the raid partition20:15
rapid_guten abend. ist es hier erlaubt auch auf deutsch zu schreiben'? mein englisch ist grausam...20:15
werfactDekkz: yeah, but that was a ntfs raid partition?20:16
genii!de | rapid_20:16
ubotturapid_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:16
Dekkzno... ext3 partition..20:16
geniiDekkz: Was this from Wubi or from booting the install cd?20:17
rapid_ok , thank you for the information20:17
Dekkzthe live cd20:17
genii(wubi has lots of issues with raid0)20:17
werfactDekkz: if you used ext3 raid, windows wouldnt be on there anymore20:18
Dekkzeven if i installed it on another partition?20:18
werfactDekkz: press shift right when grub loads and see if you have a menu for ubuntu20:19
Dekkzi dont even have grub there?20:19
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werfactDekkz: how is the raid laid out, partition layout?20:20
Dekkz2x750gb SATA disks in raid 0.. 100 mb sucky win 7 partition, 150 gb win 7 partition, 150 gb logical with a 16gb swap and 134 gb ext 3 partition, 300 gb ntfs partition and 800 gb ntfs partition20:21
werfactDekkz: yeah, i think you have to boot from the / or boot partition if you made it, not the windows partition,20:24
werfactDekkz: but with raid im not sure how you going to do that20:24
werfactdoes the raid have option to choose which part to boot?20:24
Dekkznope :S not what i have seen.... but shoudlnt there be a mbr also?20:25
werfactmbr is on the harddrive, it wont matter as you have a raid20:27
werfactis the raid built in motherboard?20:27
geniiI don't think it's possible to install to the mbr of something like /dev/md0  or so20:28
werfactDekkz: go to your raid menu where you create raid partitions, and see if you can pick from which partition to boot20:29
Renovatiohi all, i've got a problema with my pc. with lshw it recognize my cd-rom device but if i put a cd in my device it always tell me "status=no-disc"...which can be the problem?20:52
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geniiRenovatio: What kind of cd? Blank CD-R/CD+R, audio cd, driver install cd, etc ..?20:55
Renovatiogenii, it seems to be with no cd in every cases...now i putted an audio cd but with empty cd or dvds it's the same!20:57
geniiRenovatio: Apologies on lag, work required me. Is there some line in your /etc/fstab which has /dev/sr0  in it?21:09
genii(or scd0)21:10
geniiCarnage\: Please fix your default username to something which someone does not already have21:12
Renovatiogenii, don't worry for lag: wirk first of all...anyways i have this "/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       0", do you talk about this?21:15
|2-bits|is there anyway quick and easy way to address the plethora of missing file associations in firefox21:17
geniiRenovatio: Yes. that looks correct21:17
|2-bits|going through and adding them to firefox manually looks painful21:18
geniiRenovatio: Internal CD drive or external?21:19
Renovatiogenii, internal21:19
geniiRenovatio: After you put in a disc, does: dmesg | tail                report io errors or so?21:20
geniiWork calls again :/21:21
Renovatiogenii, i'll wait you here :)   dmesg | tail   don't report me this: http://pastebin.com/d6be95d7221:25
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geniiRenovatio: Hm. What reports output from: groups     (with no sudo in front)21:31
Renovatiogenii nico adm dialout cdrom plugdev fuse lpadmin admin sambashare21:32
teageis there a way to install guest additions for linux?21:39
teageI am running vb with a linux distro and want to install guest additions much the way you would if it where windows.21:41
teageis that possible?21:41
soeeneed quick explanation, whats a mpd server ?21:44
werfactteatime: yeah u can install22:00
chxhi. the capslock led and the capslock state are out of sync. that's annoying. how can i switch off the led :) ? Kubuntu 9.1022:00
werfactchx: put some electric tape on it22:01
chxoh come on22:01
daskreechchx: how did you get them out of sync?22:02
* chx spreads arms22:02
chxKDE always had mysterious key combos that did funny things whne i typed too fast22:02
daskreechha ha. Check what the xmod key is for it22:02
daskreechI thought we killed most of those22:02
chxlock        Caps_Lock (0x42)22:03
chxwhat am i to do with it?22:03
maurii've download .tar.bz2 package source. Is there a command able to see which are his dependences requested?22:14
daskreechchx: it should have one to toggle so if possible swap them22:16
daskreechmauri: sudo apt-get build-dep package name22:16
mauridaskreech: which sould be "package name"?22:17
daskreechmauri: Whatever is the name of the application/lib/module you are trying to build22:18
mauridaskreech: i've build vlc-1.0.4.tar.bz222:19
mauridaskreech: sudo apt-get build-dep vlc-1.0.4.tar.bz2  ?22:19
daskreechjust vlc22:19
mauridaskreech: uhmm... I if use only vlc.... the result shows the dipendence of the package contained in the repository22:23
daskreechmauri: should be very close22:24
daskreechif not exactly the same22:24
mauridaskreech: unfortunately no22:25
daskreechwildly different?22:25
mauridaskreech: http://wiki.videolan.org/Contrib_Status  vould be ?22:25
maurialessandro: ciao22:29
mauridaskreech: are you still there22:33
daskreechmauri: Somewhat :)22:34
daskreechmauri: I've seen the web page22:34
mauridaskreech: question: i've run sudo apt-get build-dep vlc22:34
mauridaskreech: and a lot of package (.dev) are requested22:35
svntSome one live in USA?22:35
mauridaskreech: it is strange because i've compiled it and it work without the package shown by apt-get build22:35
daskreechmauri: That's right22:36
mauridaskreech: sorry...why?22:36
daskreechmauri: It will get all recommendations as well as requireds22:36
daskreechso vlc only requires a few things but to get all the bells it will recommend quite a number more22:36
daskreechthe build-dep gets all the functionalilty that it can so you will see more22:37
mauridaskreech: there is no way to kow only the package streactly requested by the package iìve just compiled and made .deb22:37
daskreechmauri: i'm sorry I don't understand that?22:40
mauridaskreech: sorry my english is not too good22:40
mauridaskreech: i try to explain what iìve done22:40
mauridaskreech: i compiled source package installing the lib requested by ./configure22:41
mauridaskreech: and at the end iìve build a .deb file using checkinstall22:41
daskreechmauri: right22:42
mauridaskreech: now, checkinstall does not resolve the dependences? and so i would like to know which are the necessary package to use that .deb file. A lot of packages i've install were only for complilin i supposed22:43
daskreechwhich depends is it asking for?22:44
daskreechmauri: Right22:44
Renovatiogenii, i live in italy and here it's going to be very late so i cannot wait for you again...thank you for all and good work ;-)22:45
phoenixzIs there anything known about the Intel driver in Kubuntu 9.10? The actual drivers (the default "new" one and the fall back) are both HORRIBLE.. the new one causes me having to wait 30 seconds to see the 30 characters I just typed.. The fallback is still slow as hell, though now I "only" have to wait 5 seconds.. but with this one, suspend hangs my machine and every now and then, at random, the screen blanks and never comes back forcing me to restart the22:46
phoenixzIn other words, current intel drivers suck balls, pardon my French22:47
mauridaskreech: the problem is not what is asking (i made a text list by myself) but the problem is what was already installed on the machine......22:47
phoenixzIs there any news on a new Intel driver that actually ... eh.. just works?22:47
daskreechmauri: ah umm ok what's installed?22:47
daskreechhow are you installing your package btw?22:47
mauridaskreech: the .deb is installed bu kpackagekit..... but if start from a clean system and instal it... i think that samething will be missing... is it true?22:49
daskreechmauri: if you built it against the packages (karmic ) and you are installing a new system with the same depends (another karmic) then no22:50
daskreechIt will install the same way22:50
daskreechthe things you installed by build-dep are for compiling only22:50
mauridaskreech: ok and so which are the ones to allow vlc working?22:52
mauridaskreech: sorry for my stupid questions22:53
daskreechmauri: the same as the ones you need for vlc22:54
mauridaskreech: sudo apt-get show vlc?22:55
daskreechmauri: Right22:56
mauridaskreech: sorry  suso apt-cache show vlc?^22:56
daskreechmauri: No need for sudo22:56
daskreechapt-cache show vlc will work fine22:56
daskreechyou aren't making any changes to anything so no sudo22:56
mauridaskreech: for istance, apt-cache show vlc-nox but i'venot installed it and the compiled package woorks22:58
daskreechmauri: Nox is recommended22:59
=== Toast_ is now known as Toast
daskreechnot needed for VLC but it will install without it22:59
daskreechbuild-dep is more extensive because once you've built the package then installing vlc-nox won't make a difference because when you compiled it it didn't know about vlc-nox23:00
daskreechso when you compile it tries to get every possible scenario23:00
daskreechthen when you install it only uses what MUST be there for it to work23:00
daskreechif you want to install more things then that's fine since when you compiled you told it "Oh if you see vlc-nox then do this if there is no vlc-nox then just ignore that and go on playing"23:01
daskreechmauri: Does that make sense?23:01
mauridaskreech: http://pastebin.com/d4ac51c66     it seems not reccomend23:03
daskreechmauri: ha that's the package that you compiled ?23:04
mauridaskreech: it is the result of apt-cache show vlc23:04
daskreechmauri: Right you installed your package already?23:05
mauridaskreech: yes using checkinstall23:05
daskreechmauri: Right. that's your package you are looking at23:06
mauridaskreech: i repeat... for istance vlx-now is not installed at the moment on my pc even if it is requested23:06
mauridaskreech: too difficult write in english wha i have in my mind23:07
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Empty_foosilly question perhaps, if you are in term7 n=0 and you hit crtl alt F7, why doesn't gui restart/refresh ?23:22
daskreechEmpty_foo: cause you are already in term 7?23:23
daskreechwhy would it?23:23
Empty_foowhy wouldn't it?23:23
daskreechBecause you are already in Term 723:23
Empty_foobut why the different behaviour?23:24
daskreechit doesn't refresh any of the other terms if you are  there and press the button to go there23:24
daskreechwhy should term 7 be any different ?23:24
Empty_fooif I'm on 7 and i go to 3 then it starts/refreshes 3 .. if I'm on 7 and I go to 7 why doesn't it do the same thing?23:25
Empty_foolike i said.. silly question.23:25
daskreechEmpty_foo: If you are on 3 and go to 3 does it refresh it?23:26
Empty_fooand that's exactly what i'm talking about!!!23:26
Empty_foowhy doesn't it?23:27
Empty_foook, saner question... haha..23:28
daskreechEmpty_foo: because you are already on three :)23:28
Empty_foohow can I stop the pop-up bubbles on the toolbar (or what ever it's called) from occurring.. looked around and i think I've turned off all desktop effects23:29
daskreechIt's like someone calling you on the phone and asking you to go to your office. If you are already there you say "Ok" and hang up23:29
daskreechyou don't walk outside and knock on the door and go back in23:29
daskreechEmpty_foo: the toolbar?23:29
daskreechyou mean the tooltips?23:29
Empty_foohang on one sec23:30
Netehello, trigger not displaying correctly.23:31
soeedaskreech: i thnik he means the ones popping out when u hover some icon etc, was searching the same and couldnt find how to edit or turn it off23:31
daskreechThe toolbar or the taskbar?23:32
Empty_foosoee: yup those ones23:33
NeteCan you run trigger non-fullscreen?23:38
Empty_fooNete: not sure what you mean by that.23:38
Netethe racing game trigger always starts fullscreen. It doesn't display correctly. I have intel graphics23:41
Empty_fooNete: ahh ok.. which racing game?23:42
FanfareNete: check its config and set it to windowed (and your resolution to simulate fullscreen)23:45

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