
ograasac, i milestoned bug #457878 (since it still exists with the recent BSP drop)09:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 457878 in linux-fsl-imx51 "imx51 on board ethernet plug/unplug events not detected" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45787809:53
ogracooloney, ^^^09:53
cooloneyogra: cool, will take a look when I am back to Shanghai, heh09:56
asacogra: you are sure your modules are loaded?10:43
asacaka are you sure your kernel/initramfs you used for your uboot is identical with the one you have no your filesystem10:44
asaci had the same behaviour yesterday, but it was all a version mismatch10:44
cooloneydmart: thx for the email, could you please file a NEON bug in launchpad and assign it to me?10:44
cooloneydmart: then we can tracker the discussion10:44
asacogra: asked for dmesg/syslog in bug10:45
ograasac, ??10:50
asac ogra in your ethernet bug10:51
ograare you referring to the bug above ?10:51
asacor rather the bug you hi jacked10:51
ograsure the modules are loaded10:51
ograits not related to uboot10:51
asacyesterday you said there is no interface10:51
asacnow its just LOWER_UP?10:51
ograthats on a redboot booted system and is a long standing missing feature in the FEC driver10:51
ograit was missing in all kernel versions we ever had10:52
asacso that "no net at all" feature is fixed for you?10:52
asacwhere is that bug?10:52
ograthats what i'm looking at atm, i just wanted to make sure the above bug isnt forgotten10:52
asacheh ok.10:52
ograi havent filed it yet, just looking at uboot code to make sure we build the right driver10:53
asacdo you see your interface at all?10:53
asaci saw it10:53
asacthough i only have a read-only fs10:53
ograyes, you can see it, but you cant bring it up10:53
ograusually you see the kernel setting the MAC in demsg, that part is missing, i see it initializing the driver but the line with MAC is missing10:54
asacwireless is working flawlessly here :)10:54
ograand ifconfig says it cant assign an address10:54
asacso i think its not a blocker to stop the uboot move in debian-cd10:54
ogra(where it refers to the MAC)10:55
ograthe only interface the bnoard has doesnt work ..10:55
ograi would consider that as a blocker :)10:55
asaca release blocker yes,10:55
asacbut not a roll out blocker10:55
ograwell, at least highest prio10:55
asacsure, but we should do the uboot move before that10:56
ograwell, uboot needs an upload anyway10:56
ografor the changed defaults10:56
ograwe also need to consider that an installed system might not have /boot on the second partition10:56
ograi'm not sure how to solve that yet but have some ideas (if uboot doesnt stop script execution we can just try to load from part1 and then from part2, but i'm not sure that works, needs testing)10:57
asacogra: atm we have a boot floppy and an install floppy. we can assume that its always on partition 2 for the boot floppy thing10:57
asacits not a real solution10:57
asacbut we need to work on scripts to work on that10:58
asachow are you doing that on redboot?10:58
ograwe cant assume that once we install uboot to mtd flash10:58
ograredboot never goes into flash10:58
asaconce we install it there10:58
ograas soon as you boot from flash the first partition will be gone10:58
asacat that point we must be able to interate10:58
ograthats what davidm wants as final install setup10:58
asacbut we are not there yet ;)10:59
ograso users just flip a DIP switch in the end10:59
ograno, but i'd like to know in advance if it works :)10:59
asacright. thats understood. just doesnt need to happen on the first iteration10:59
asacit has to be made working.10:59
ograit works already :)11:00
asacso you have an iterating boot.scr?11:00
ograbut i dont feel good with all the hardcoding11:00
ograit works as is11:00
asacright. so dont bother about that11:00
ograwith the hardcoded part2 loading11:00
asacwhat i meant with has to be made working is that we can do that11:00
asac11:59 < asac> right. thats understood. just doesnt need to happen on the first iteration11:00
asac11:59 < asac> it has to be made working.11:01
asac-> thats iterating boot.scr11:01
asaci am getting cigarettes and coffee11:01
asacand then will stop bothering you ;11:01
ograif i can put a bootscript into the defaults that tries part1 and moves on to part2 (without .scr since we need to load that as well) i prefer to do that directly11:01
ogracurrently the only thing i want the scr for is the kernel cmdline11:02
asaconly boot.scr can test for something afaik11:02
asacso you cannot test if something succeeded11:02
ograboot.scr just replaces the bootcmd in the uboot defaults afaik11:02
asacit gets compiled afaik11:02
asacthe whole for and if stuff is not available at command prompt11:02
ograit just gets turned into a file uboot can load11:02
ograbut the content is what you see in printenv at the uboot prompt11:03
ograso everything we do in .scr files should be possible directly too11:03
ograafaik you can do "if ... then ... etc" in the hardcoded bootcmd11:04
asaci dont see any docs about that11:05
asacif you find that let me know11:05
asacuboot has really sucky documentation11:05
asacbootm $addr1 || bootm $addr2 || tftpboot $loadaddr $loadfile && bootm11:07
asacogra: ^11:07
asacso you can test that etc.11:07
ograwell, thats already what i look for11:08
ograso we need hush shell support builtin11:08
ograaha, needs the SHELL_HUSH option set at build time11:10
* ogra looks in the code11:10
ograCONFIG_SYS_HUSH_PARSER :) there it is11:13
ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/356511/ has the full config in case someone wants to look :)11:18
* ogra wonders if #define CONFIG_FEC0_PHY_ADDR0x1F is our prob with the NIC11:18
* ogra builds11:35
ograasac, how about ext2 support while i'm at it, do you want that ?11:35
ogramake[2]: Entering directory `/uboot-imx-2009.08/fs/fdos'11:38
ograar crv /uboot-imx-2009.08/build/build-imx51/fs/fdos/libfdos.a11:38
ogramake[2]: Leaving directory `/uboot-imx-2009.08/fs/fdos'11:38
ograi wonder if fdos is actually the better fat filesystem :)11:39
ogramxc_fec.c: In function 'mxc_fec_initialize':11:40
ogramxc_fec.c:781: warning: passing argument 1 of 'mxc_fec_set_mac' from incompatible pointer type11:40
ogramxc_fec.c:725: note: expected 'struct fec_info_s *' but argument is of type 'struct fec_info_s (*)[1]'11:40
ograAHA !11:40
ograi guess thats the NIC issue11:40
asacogra: you can just include that i guess11:54
ograi think we should11:54
asacdo it11:54
ograhaving /boot ext2 formatted will gain us a lot more flexibility11:54
ograi.e. symlinks11:54
ograso we can have uimage being linked to uimage-$version11:55
asacyes, go for it11:55
ograyup, will do11:55
ogratesting hush support first11:55
asacits just a config flag after all11:55
asachush + ext2 + fix fec11:55
asacif you want me to lok at that code i can check11:55
asacplars: so when did dove regress exactly? do we know that?11:56
ograasac, fec ? yeah, that would help, so i can concentrate on the script11:57
asacok ... let me use jocote ;)11:57
asacogra: that happens on current archive uboot too, right?11:57
ogragah, i hate that sshd doesnt log me out if i shut down the babbage11:58
ograasac, yea, thats what i'm building11:58
ograBBG U-Boot > setenv myload 'if mmcinfo; then echo MMC found;else echo MMC not found;fi'12:08
ograBBG U-Boot > print myload12:08
ogramyload=if mmcinfo; then echo MMC found;else echo MMC not found;fi12:08
ograBBG U-Boot > run myload12:08
ograDevice: FSL_ESDHC12:08
ograManufacturer ID: 112:08
ograOEM: 504112:08
ograName: SM06G12:08
ograTran Speed: 2500000012:08
ograRd Block Len: 51212:08
ograSD version 2.012:08
ograHigh Capacity: Yes12:08
ograCapacity: 194588262312:08
ograBus Width: 4-bit12:08
ograMMC found12:08
ograBBG U-Boot >12:08
ograSWEET !12:08
asacogra: can you say something like:12:08
ograso now we can iterate over partitions, look for /casper etc12:08
asacif fatinfo mmc 0:2; then12:08
asacif fatload mmc 0:2 /boot/...; then12:09
ograwell, fatls rather12:09
asacogra: where is that documented12:09
ograyeah, exactly12:09
asaci didnt see that on that patge12:09
ogra14.2.16.3. Hush shell scripts12:09
ograit supports similar syntax to shell12:10
asacstill thats not a reference12:10
asacits just examples12:10
asacbad doc12:10
ograwell, as long as it works i dont care :)12:10
asacis hushshell some wider standard12:10
* asac checks google12:10
ograno, its uboot specific12:10
asacseems not12:11
asacso ok. as long as it just works ;)12:11
ograi'm happy with if, for, while and until :)12:11
ograwe can write a clever load script now that loads the .scr from predefined locations ... in the scr we can then put all the load commands12:12
ograthat gives us most flexibility12:12
ograit expecially solves the prob that we have to set the UUID on cmdline after install12:13
ograBBG U-Boot > if fatinfo mmc 0:0; then echo fat found on partition0; else echo no fat on partition0;fi12:14
ogra** Partition 0 not valid on device 0 **12:14
ogra** Unable to use mmc 0:0 for fatinfo **12:14
ograno fat on partition012:14
ograBBG U-Boot > if fatinfo mmc 0:2; then echo fat found on partition2; else echo no fat on partition2;fi12:15
ograInterface:  MMC12:15
ogra  Device 0: Vendor: Man 015041 Snr 41a4343b Rev: 9.4 Prod: SM06G12:15
ogra            Type: Removable Hard Disk12:15
ogra            Capacity: 5743.0 MB = 5.6 GB (11761664 x 512)12:15
ograPartition 2: Filesystem: FAT16 "           "12:15
ografat found on partition212:15
* ogra goes to make some coffee and will then work out a little script :)12:16
ograhmm first i should enable ext2 i guess12:29
* asac grabs more coffee while ogra makes good progress12:30
* asac takes the cheerleader role for now12:30
ograok, uploaded12:39
asacogra: wait ;)12:46
ograto late :)12:46
asacogra: jocote:~asac/fix_fec_warnings.patch12:47
asactry that12:47
asaclet me know if that works, there is a bunch of odd code surrouding that12:47
ograwill do12:47
asacso it could well be that it doesnt and i have to fix a lot of code12:47
asacbut the warning is gone that way12:47
asacbut fec_initialize is a mystery code wise ;)12:47
asacint mxc_fec_initialize(bd_t *bis)12:47
asac        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fec_info) / sizeof(fec_info[0]); i++) {12:48
asacfeels they are on crack ;)12:48
asaci is used like fec_info[i]12:48
asacbut lets see ... if it just starts working let me know ... i can do the upload12:48
ograi'm doing a testbuild anyway so i can quickly shove that in12:50
asacyou were too eager ;)12:50
asacbut well, you probably need some uploads just to excersize12:50
ogranah, i just didnt want the changes to get lost :)12:50
ograwe have anout free version numbers :)12:51
asacyeah. but if you upload quickly, it will end up with a upload failure12:51
asacand the ftbfs will be stuck forever on ubuntuwire12:51
asace.g. .deb doesnt get accepted because newer source is avail12:51
ogranah, ubuntuwire is clever enough12:52
* ogra fires off dpkg-buildpackage ... 12:53
ogra20min or so12:53
ograi wonder if we should have other filesystems too12:59
ograubifs, cramfs and jffs2 might be some that developers might use12:59
ogra(ext2 passes btw)13:00
ograasac, mxc_fec.c passes the build with no errors now13:01
persiaI'd like ubifs support.13:01
persiaBut I'm not sure I'd want a ubifs /boot, just because it'd be a pain to set up initially.13:01
ograits only about /boot atm13:02
ograi wonder what would happen if i just enabled USB support :)13:02
ograsomething to play with on a weekend though13:02
persiaFor /boot, don't bother about ubifs or jffs2.13:03
persiaI'm less familiar with cramfs: dunno if that'd be useful.13:03
ograext3 or 4 would be nice, but i doubt anyone ever implemented that13:03
persiaI *do* want to be able to put / on ubifs, but that's just a kernel thing.13:03
asacogra: let me know if it *works*13:03
asaci know that the warning is gone ;)13:03
persiaI'm not a fan of journaled boot.  I use ext2 even on my amd64 systems.13:04
ograwill do, still building13:04
asacjust not sure if it works at all because there is strange code13:04
ograpersia, to avoid fsck13:04
persiafsck of 50MB is fast :p13:04
ograstill slows down the boot13:04
ograespecially on SD13:04
persiaI guess.  I can't remember the last time I needed to fsck my /boot13:05
asacogra: enable all fs that are available13:05
asacunless size explodes of course13:05
ograasac, thats overkill13:05
persia(but I tend to reboot only for kernel updates)13:05
asacnot sure how big uboot can be for flash usually13:05
asacogra: its not overkill if size is ok13:05
asacotherwise stick with what we have now13:05
ograas persia said, its unlikely that anyone puts /boot on ubifs ot jffs213:05
persiaasac: The rationale to *not* enable ubifs or jffs2 for /boot is that these filesystems need separate preparation and writing to flash, which gets ugly and complicated.13:06
ograif we enable stuff it should add useful features13:06
ograUSB would rock13:06
persia /boot on jffs2 basically means no kernel updates (in any sane way)13:06
persia /boot on ubifs could be made to work, but it'd be a very ugly hack.13:06
ograiots like squashfs, isnt it ?13:06
ograyou would have to recompress it each time13:07
persiajffs2 is like squashfs13:07
persiaubifs is just different.13:07
ogra(for a user perspective i mean)13:07
asacdont care. if we have reasons against those - and uboot bin gets bigger it can be ignored13:07
persiaThere's a procedure to create an initial filesystem, but writes thereafter are persistent.13:07
asaci want usb-storage ;)13:07
asacthats more important13:07
ograuboot.bin gets surely bigger with each option i enable13:07
ograand musb :)13:07
persiausb-storage is essential13:08
ograbut according to FSL it doesnt work13:08
persiaDepends on who you ask.13:08
ograi'll tinker with it in a spare minute some day13:08
asacthey dont have the code for uboot there yet13:08
asaconly thing i found was support for some fsl powerpc stuff13:08
ograwell, should be only the driver init13:08
persiaI once confused an FSL engineer by demonstrating a redboot provided by FSL that booted from ext2 when told that FSL redboot didn't support ext2.13:09
ograUSB generally is in uboot13:09
asaci know13:09
asacsee yourself. support isnt there imo13:09
ograbut there is a kernel driver13:09
ogramost uboot drivers are just based on kernel drivers13:10
persiaogra: Which means you can port it on saturday ? :)13:10
plarsasac: no, that's why I was wondering if tobin might know13:10
ograi'm no kernel hacker13:10
ograbut i can take a look :)13:10
asacplars: i remember that we had working dove images13:11
asacthen at some day you said it broke13:11
ograplars, well, according to isotracker tobin didnt test dove at all13:11
ogradid we have dove for A1 ?13:14
ograiirc we didnt13:14
ograasac, no go13:22
ograstill comes up with a MAC of 00:00:00:....13:23
ograSIOCSIFFLAGS Cannot assign requested address ... is what ifconfig gives me on ifconfig eth0 up13:23
ograi guess we need FSL help here13:24
* ogra hugs his USB NIC13:25
dmartHi guys... is there an lp bug in the pixman/NEON issues we were seeing?  This needs tracking, because we may revert to CONFIG_NEON=n by default... which will make the problem appear to be solved even though it's not.13:26
dmarts/lp bug in/lp bug on/13:26
ogradmart, Bug #385553 ??13:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 385553 in pixman "Integrate NEON optimisations for armel" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38555313:28
ograwe could recycle that one i assume13:29
asacogra: yeah. i assume the code is completely busted13:29
asacit looked really bad hackish13:29
dmartWhat code?13:29
ograasac, the fun thing is that it defaults to tftpboot13:29
asacogra: the mcx_initialize function13:29
ogradmart, different issue :)13:29
asacdmart: the uboot fec driver has odd stuff13:29
dmartOh, right :)13:29
asacseems they moved to an array approach, but only did so at half of the places13:30
ogradmart, seems FEC doesnt get initialized at all when using uboot13:30
asac13:48 < asac>         for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fec_info) / sizeof(fec_info[0]); i++) {13:30
asacand then they use fec_info[i]13:30
asacis that going to work?13:30
ogradmart, leaving us without NIC since the kernel cant figure out a MAC for it13:30
asace.i would have expected it to be more like sizeof(struct fec_info_s)13:31
dmartdoesn't look right13:31
asacit looks completely wrong ;)13:31
ogradmart, you boot with an older uboot, right, do you have NIC support on your babbage ?13:31
asacesepecially since the fec_info array is a constant array13:31
ogra(we might just be able to roll back to an older patch)13:31
asacthat doesnt grow13:31
asacit should just be i < 1 ;)(13:31
asaclet me check13:31
persiaDoes the NIC work if a MAC is just arbitrarily assigned by userspace later?13:31
dmartIt was on a nettop, and I don't remember whether the network was OK... I didn't check that.13:32
ograpersia, nope13:32
ogra SIOCSIFFLAGS Cannot assign requested address13:32
ograno matter what i do13:32
persiaNIC not promiscuous?13:32
ograthe HW isnt completely up13:32
ograwe had such issues before with redboot13:32
ograin jaunty iirc13:32
asacogra: get the new patch from same location13:34
ogralet me first try something13:34
* ogra issues setenv ethaddr 00:04:9F:00:E8:C213:34
asacogra: the _initialize code doesnt initialize anything without that patch13:34
asacsizeof(fec_info) / sizeof(fec_info[0]) is probably 013:34
asacso no device gets initialized13:35
ograbut uboot reports FEC0 as primary interface13:35
ograso it knows its there13:35
asacogra: it knows about it, but doesnt initialize it13:35
asacbecause the loop isnt entered13:36
ograyes, thats why i try to check if initialzing it manually changes a thing13:36
asacyou cant initialize it manually13:36
asacbecause the code that initializes it does nothing ;)13:36
asacunless you can run C code at the prompt13:37
asacat least i would try that patch first ;)13:37
asace.g. the drivers vtable isnt filled if it really doesnt go in there13:38
ograsame patch name ?13:39
asachmm. if it knows the name it seems to have happened. but try anyway13:39
plarsah cool, alternates got added to iso tracker today13:40
asacso i think that is probably 1 ;) ... too bad13:41
asacdo you see any other errors ogra ?13:41
ograjust applying the change ...13:42
ograone sec, cdbs-edit-patch isnt the fastest on the babbage :)13:42
asacogra: copy the patch in there13:43
asacogra: you should use quilt13:43
ograasac, the package is 100% cdbs13:43
ograand i wont touch quilt if i dont have to13:43
ograits the biggest pain in the ass i've encountered after git13:43
asacjust replace the patch then :)13:43
asacoh wait, then it fails to clean13:44
asachmm. quilt doesnt have that problem ;)13:44
asacogra: if you are still at it, grab a new version of the patch that enables debugging13:45
persiaCDBS simple-patchsys doesn't have that problem either.13:45
asacfact is that simple-patchsys is for the weak ;)13:45
ogradid you notice there is fec_mxc.c and mxc_fec.c in the drivers dir13:46
ograinsanity !!!13:46
asacreally. the one i touched at least gets compiled ;)13:46
* asac checks13:46
persiaWell, someone decided that simple-patchsys was the easiest to teach, so lots of interesting packages end up using it.13:46
asacyes, but for professional development - aka if you really fix bugs and touch code - its inferior ;)13:47
asacthrowing existing patches together is simplest yes13:47
asacbut rebasing patches that dont apply anymore is a mess ;)13:47
persiaDepends on one's viewpoint.  I also like quilt, which makes me a poor candidate as a simple-patchsys apologist :)13:47
ograanother 20min ...13:47
asacoften there are viewpoints/opinions ... but in this case there are only facts :-P13:48
asacogra: make O=debian/build-*/13:48
asacthen debuild -nc13:48
ogradpkg-buildpackage -b13:48
ograi want a proper package to work with13:49
asacyeah. thats why it takes 20 instead of 2 minutes13:49
asacdebuild -nc gives you a good package if you just change one patch13:49
asacme hopes the other fec source isnt used13:51
ograme too :)13:52
ograbut given that the warnings go away after your first fix it doesnt look like13:53
* ogra takes a coffebreak13:53
asacogra: i would abort the break. the enabling of debug fails to build13:53
asacwhat a bad code :(13:54
ograasac, to late to abort it :)14:23
ograasac, no change14:28
asacogra: so you didnt pick the DEBUG change?14:33
asacwell. then...14:33
ograno, i just picked the fec change14:33
asaci updated that a minute after you picked it ... thats why i am not sure14:33
ograoh, bte, we'Re at 152k for .bin14:39
ogravs 136k before switching on ext2 and hush14:39
dmartAll, for the pixman issue I raised a new bug #507503 (since the current understanding is that it's not really a pixman bug)14:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 507503 in linux-fsl-imx51 "VFP/NEON state is not preserved around signal handlers, causing state corruption between user processes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50750314:43
ograsihg, is there any way to disable DCC offers in xchat ...15:08
ograthat spam is driving me insane15:08
ograNCommander, do you happen to know if there is any way of command substitution in hush shell ?15:33
NCommanderogra, define command substitution15:34
ografiles=$(fatls mmc 0:2)15:35
NCommanderogra, yeah, you set the command you want in a variable and then run it15:36
NCommandersetenv testcmd fatls mmc 0:215:36
NCommanderrun testcmd15:36
ograan that gives me the flie list in the files variable ?15:36
NCommanderogra, oh, no15:36
ograi want a variable i can work with15:36
NCommanderogra, can't do that unfortantely15:36
ograright, thats what i thought15:36
* NCommander notes hush is very limited15:36
ograyes, found that :)15:37
dmartHow about:15:37
dmart setenv tmp mmcload ${file}15:37
dmartrun tmp15:37
dmart(hang on, are you still talking about UBoot?)15:37
ograyes :)15:37
dmartSomething like the above might work then15:38
ograwhat i want is some way to detect if uimage exists in a partition/dir15:38
ograbut i have no grep and fatls is pretty noisy15:38
NCommanderogra, what I did for dove is just try and unconditionally load the boot.scr file15:38
NCommanderogra, if that fails, then assume the uimage is MIA, and move on15:38
ogra"fatls mmc 0:2 uimage" unfortunately doesnt work15:38
dmartThat might work15:38
NCommanderI dunno if fatls/ext2ls return an error code15:38
NCommanderogra, it should work ...15:38
NCommanderThat does work on Dove I think15:38
ogradoesnt here15:39
ograBBG U-Boot > fatls mmc 0:2 uimage15:39
ograNo Fat FS detected15:39
ograBBG U-Boot > fatls mmc 0:215:39
ogra  3085760   uimage15:39
ogra  3282905   uinitrd15:39
ograit somehow interprets the last parameter15:39
dmartHmmm, not sure I ever tried that15:39
NCommanderogra, try fatls mmc 0:2 /uimage15:40
dmartWhat does help fatload say?15:40
ograit says the last param is a directory :P15:40
ograBBG U-Boot > fatls mmc 0:2 /15:40
ogra  3085760   uimage15:40
ogra  3282905   uinitrd15:40
ograso yes, that works15:40
ograbut i still dont know if uimage exists15:40
ograsince i cant parse the return value15:40
dmartWhat 's the end goal heer?15:41
ograi want to loop over all fat and ext2 partitions and find if there is a boot.scr15:41
ograif boot.scr and uimage exist i want to load boot.scr and execute it15:42
Sarvatthmm arm SIMD fast paths are disabled in the pixman in lucid15:42
NCommanderogra, look at how I did it on Dove, and rewrite :-)15:42
NCommanderogra, I only check for boot.scr and not uImage15:42
ograboot.scr then should have all env variables needed15:42
dmartIs there a way only to iterate over partitions that exist, or do we have to be dump and poll everything (slow?)15:42
dmartargh s/dump/dumb/15:42
NCommanderdmart, the later, but it isn't too bad, only 3-4 seconds on Dove boot time15:42
ografor i in 1 2 3 4 5;do if fatls mmc 0:$i;then fatload mmc 0:$i ${loadaddr} uImage; fatload mmc 0:$i ${loadaddr_initrd} uinitrd;fi;done15:42
ogradmart, ^^^ that works fine15:42
ograand isnt to slow15:43
NCommanderogra, http://paste.ubuntu.com/356625/15:44
ogramy point is i want to detect if i'm using a live image or not as the very first thing ... because then i know for sure where what file is15:44
dmartCan we do something like for ...; do if <script exists>; then <run script>; break; fi; done ?15:44
ogradmart, yes15:44
dmartThen if we hit the script in an early partiton (likely) we don't have to do the whole search15:45
ograthe prob is <script exists>15:45
ograyou can only blindly load15:45
ograthats what NCommander does in the pasted script15:45
dmartWhat about mfill will garbage; load script; run script15:45
NCommanderogra, we could extend u-boot and give it more of a brain15:46
dmartIf no script was loaded, the memory will still be garbage with no headers and the next command will be run.15:46
ograNCommander, i just added 20k to the babbage one, i dont want it to grow to big15:46
ograalso i'm probably to cautious, NCommander's way works ...15:46
NCommanderogra, u-boot is frustatingly limited in places you don't want it to be15:47
* NCommander isn't super happy with the code itself, but it does get the job done.15:47
ograand i only have mmc atm ... so it would be a lot smalled for me anyway15:47
dmartIs there some way we can push the complexity out of the bootloader scripting?  Maybe saving things in the U-Boot environment area?15:48
ograthats what boot.scr is for15:48
ografor babbage i'll just set the right defaults15:48
dmartMaybe it would be easier just to implement the search in C after all, though I guess that's a last resort.15:49
ograboot.scr will then contain loadaddr and cmdline as well as the lioad and bootm commands to get kernel and initramfs15:49
ograthe loop script will live in the bootloader defaults, boot.scr should only be a few lines for the above15:50
NCommanderdmart, well, the boot.scr mechanism was a last minute hack to have a sane boot on dove15:50
ograthe important part here is that you dont need serial access, just edit boot.scr and run mkimage on it15:50
dmartSure; I was using the same approach when playing with the nettops15:51
ograbut boot.scr should be limited to the bare minimum15:52
ograand uboot should still work if you put it into flash15:52
ograso i need to find the right level of complexity for either side :)15:52
dmartI just thought that if the U-Boot shell isn't up to implementing the search for boot.scr, you could put C into U-Boot to do it instead.  But only if we really can't avoid the complexity.15:53
ograwell, for i in 1 2 3 4 5;do if fatls mmc 0:$i;then fatload mmc 0:$i ${loadaddr_script} boot.scr;autoscr ${loadaddr_script};fi;done15:54
ograthats not to complex15:54
ograit gets more complex if i start to look for /casper though15:54
ograi guess i could even drop the fatls15:55
ografor i in 1 2 3 4 5;do if fatload mmc 0:$i ${loadaddr_script} boot.scr;autoscr ${loadaddr_script};fi;done15:55
NCommanderdmart, well, its probably easier to extend the commands we need15:56
dmartMaybe... just a thought15:57
ograi wonder if $i is still respected if i do setenv myloadscript 'fatload mmc 0:$i ${loadaddr_script} boot.scr'15:57
ograthen i'd end up with: for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do if run myloadscript; autoscr ${loadaddr_script};fi;done15:57
* ogra tries that15:58
ograhmm, no, it doesnt take $i16:00
ograHA !16:03
ograsetenv myloadscript 'fatload mmc 0:$i ${loadaddr} uImage'16:04
ografor i in 1 2 3 4 5;do run myloadscript;done16:04
ograthats works fine16:04
NCommanderogra, neat. Isn't the lack of documentation on how this all supposed to work semi-annoying? :-/16:04
ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/356637/ seems to work fine16:15
asacogra: we never look at mmc 1:* ?16:19
ogrado you want me to ?16:19
asacnot sure if that makes any practical sense16:19
asacatm probably not16:19
asacbut who knows ;) ... in theory we want to check all devices that are available16:19
ograright, i think the babbage can only boot from 016:19
asacthat includes mmc, usb16:20
asacyeah. but 1 doesnt appear.16:20
asacso in case something supports 1 it would just work.16:20
ograbut there is only one mmc and no usb :)16:20
asacyour decision ;)16:20
ograwe can modify16:20
ograi want a case for now where /casper and / both work16:20
asaci think it wouldnt hurt ... but sure, better work on the directory thing16:20
ograand / being preferred, casper being second choice16:20
asacogra: how do we do the root=?16:21
ografrom boot.scr16:21
asacmaybe we shoudl really go for boot.scr directly16:21
ograi'm not at that point yet16:21
asacah ok. so we do that in first iteration ;)16:21
ograi'm only playing with the shell capabilities atm16:22
asaceverything works ;)16:22
ogragah ... i winder why it hangs now ... silly me16:25
* ogra forgot mmcinfo16:25
asacwhich is kind of dubious ;)16:27
asacwhat thats needed16:27
asacmaybe we can fix that to run lazily on demand16:27
ograas default i'D say16:27
ograis anyone else getting tons of DCC offers today ?16:29
ogramy screen gets spammed all the time here16:29
asacdmart: ok16:32
asacready ;)?16:32
asacseems like some good guy entered most rdepends ;)16:32
asachmm ... thats bad16:32
asacgood bye16:33
ograyou scared him16:34
asacwe had a date16:36
ograitym "an appointment"16:37
plarsalternates seem to be failing in several places, sounds similar to what NCommander was describing I think (this is on dove atm)16:37
ograunless you planned to bring roses :)16:37
asacthat was the joke ;)16:37
asacplars: NCommander said they work (probably imx)16:37
NCommanderplars, I was able to get a completed install on dove, but its very twichy16:37
plarsNCommander: I get an error installing the base system (debootstrap warning) that there was an error configuring packages (continue seemed to work ok)16:38
plarsNCommander: then at the end, the "select and install software" step fails and takes me to the menu16:38
plarsNCommander: is that what you saw as well?16:38
ograplars, whats the build date ?16:38
NCommanderplars, it depends on the build. Tuesdays build worked without issue except I had to repeat the select a& install software phase16:38
plarsogra: it's the current one, just synced it this morning16:38
ogradebootstrap not finishing is bad and usually indicates that something was out of sync when the image was rolled16:39
plarsogra: 14.116:39
asacrepeat select and install? strange that it started working on second attempt16:40
ograoh, how do you set something to "started" on the tracker16:40
asacmaybe apt cache isnt updated in first run16:40
plarsogra: new feature :)16:40
asacogra: you can say INPROGRESS16:40
ograyeah, intresting :)16:40
plarsogra: it's another option besides pass or fail16:41
ograasac, on the isotracker ?16:41
asacogra: but thats voluntarily and doesnt show up on the graphs16:41
asacogra: ah ... no. i think thats not wanted16:41
ograoh, right, i see it in my list :)16:41
asacas folks might start ... dont submit and others think its well covered16:41
ograyeah,m its an odd feature16:41
asacthey really added that?16:41
* asac should have stayed more in touch with QA team16:41
ograits adds a little clock next to the tester too16:42
asacok. that was discussed as a potential way, show it for 1-2 hours16:42
ograResult : *Passed Failed Started16:42
asacdmart: welcome back ;)16:42
plarsasac: that was discussed, but it doesn't prevent others from doing the test, and also it time/datestamps when someone flagged it as 'started'16:42
ogradmart, he has roses for you he said :P16:42
plarsasac: so if they flagged it yesterday, you can assume they hit a roadblock, or something is preventing them from completing16:42
dmartIRC troubles16:43
dmartasac, did you want to carry on with the package list review16:43
plarsasac: the other side of this is that some things have quite a few tests that need to get run, and it's more efficient if people can flag tests as something they are working on, so that others can seek coverage of the other tests first16:43
asacdmart: that was the idea. we can do that tomorrow at 10 UTC if you want16:43
dmartasac: Now should be OK for a bit. IRC seems to be working again for me16:44
plarsbetter to have one person testing each thing in parallel, than 10 people testing the same thing when time is short16:44
asacplars: yeah true. i always was optimistic that we could motivate a big crowd of testers16:44
dmartHas anyone else experienced possible Ethernet autonegotiation issues with Babbage boards attached to hubs?16:46
ogradmart, only poweroff issues16:47
ograand only on the B2.016:47
asacdmart: ok lets get started if you want16:48
asachad to get the files first again16:48
dmartogra, we can pursue that later16:48
dmartasac: OK16:48
asacis where we stopped it seems16:48
asacuses mov ...16:49
dmartogra, can you point me to something that explains what rootstock is?16:49
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch isnt enough ?16:50
dmartasac: add     r2, pc, #invtab-.-8: looks like it assumes ARM and needs looking at16:50
ograhttps://launchpad.net/project-rootstock/ has some explaining text at the top16:50
loologra: Did you manage to merge the rootstock branches yesterday?16:51
asacfalse positive16:51
asacdmart: gmp?16:51
ogralool, sorry, no, doing that now16:51
asacgnome-pilot is false positive16:51
dmartogra, I have a cryptic email question I need to answer... I think I'm OK, I'll come back if I need anything extra.16:51
dmartasac: yes16:52
asacalso false-posiitive16:52
asacsame for installation-guide ;)16:52
asaclibatomic-ops  and liffi are next16:53
dmartdarn... variables called "strex" :P16:53
* asac wonders if atomic-ops should already have the right code16:53
ogralool, merged and pushed16:54
ogralool, sorry for the delay16:54
ograoh, you split the work on two branches ...16:56
asacdmart: libffi already has the bx ... agree?16:57
dmartlibatomic-ops needs a review for SMP safety and memory barriers.  It looks like the existing code was written against ARMv6 so it might not have everything we need.16:57
asacok lets mark for review16:57
ogralool, second one merged as well16:58
asacdmart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/356654/ thats what libffi does imo16:58
dmartasac: if that's the only hit in libffi it looks OK16:59
asaci think so:16:59
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./libffi-3.0.9~rc3/src/arm/sysv.S:# define call_reg(x)movlr, pc ; bxx16:59
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./libffi-3.0.9~rc3/src/arm/sysv.S:# define call_reg(x)movlr, pc ; movpc, x16:59
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./libffi-3.0.9~rc3/src/avr32/sysv.S:    mov     pc, lr16:59
asacthose are the hits16:59
asaclibgc: false-+17:00
dmartAre you sure:   __asm__ __volatile__("swp %0, %2, [%3]"17:00
asaclet me grep again17:01
asacyou are right17:02
asaci am on crack ;)17:02
asaci grepped for two in a row and looked at libgd-gd2-perl17:02
dmart(sorry, caps lock)17:02
asaclibgd2 -> false+17:03
dmartyes, looks like it17:03
dmart(both libgd2 and libgd-gd2-perl)17:03
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./libmad-0.15.1b/imdct_l_arm.S:    add     r2, pc, #(imdct36_long_karray-.-8)  @ r2 = base address of Knn array (PIC safe ?)17:03
asactha tis17:03
dmartSimililar to gmp, it looks like it assumes ARM and needs a closer look17:05
dmartI think17:06
dmartSame for libwoodstox17:06
asaclibwoodstock-java hopefulyl too17:06
dmartI think we can ignore linux-*: this is for the kernel maintainers.17:07
asaclinux -> not covered17:07
asacfilling that up17:07
dmartlinux86: is separate: it's an x86 assembler, so false-+17:08
asac./llvm-2.6/test/CodeGen/ARM/2009-05-18-InlineAsmMem.ll:%asmtmp = call i32 asm sideeffect "swp $0, $2, $3", "=&r,=*m,r,*m,~{memory}"(i32* %p, i32 %i, i32* %p) nounwind17:08
loologra: thanks17:08
asacyeah i marked all linux* as not covered17:08
asachmm. llvm-gcc isnt in the table17:09
asaconly llvm. did you treat them as one dmart ?17:09
dmartllvm looks like it needs a closer review.  There are things called Thumb2, bx etc.  But it also uses swp and not ldrex/strex17:10
dmartWhat is llvm-gcc?17:10
asacone sec17:11
asacMeizirkki: grepping for llvm gives things like:17:11
asacdmart: ^^17:11
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./llvm-gcc-4.2-2.6~pre1/llvm-gcc-4.2-2.6/gcc/config/arm/thumb2.md:     to add.w r8, pc, #0, not addw r8, pc, #0.  */17:11
asacllvm-gcc isnt in the table afaics ... adding17:12
dmartAh... it's in universe17:12
dmartscroll down17:12
asacreally? i scrolled down17:12
asacmissed it most likely17:12
asacok mono is next17:13
asacneeds investigation. they use atomic stuff17:13
dmartYes, plus "mov pc, lr" type stuff which might not work in Thumb-2.17:13
plarsinteresting, with alternate the behavior is different.  Gdm comes up and seems to respawn continuously a few times before dropping out to a text mode login (at which point the system is hung).  Still not having any luck getting kernel output over serial even in this state though17:14
dmartnasm - false-+ (another x86 assembler)17:14
asacdmart: nasm is marked as x86 only in the table17:14
plarsbut I do see that ureadahead and plymouth seem to be having problems17:14
asacluckly false+17:14
dmartnot sure; do we know what uses it?17:15
asac-> investigate mov's17:15
asacnewlib is mared as having 0 rdepends17:16
* asac wonders if that is true17:16
asacruntime depends 017:16
asacon libnewlib017:16
dmartMay not be a priority then.  Since this is an alternate libc implementation, it would be a bit odd to see things using it... ?17:17
asacyeah. i added "investigate if its used"17:17
dmartnewlib - It looks like the affected code is on places like crt0.S where it may not be a problem.17:18
asachmm ok17:18
asacill add that comment17:18
dmartocaml - I guess that needs a look.17:19
asacseems jocaml uses a code copy17:19
asacopenbabl doesnt even have a a hit for me17:20
asacopenbabel ;)17:20
asacsearch-arm-swp.filt: ./openbabel-2.2.3/src/formats/inchi102/ikey_base26.c:"SWM","SWN","SWO","SWP","SWQ","SWR","SWS","SWT","SWU","SWV","SWW","SWX","SWY","SWZ","SXA","SXB",17:21
asacthat doesnt look like asm17:21
asacopenjdk-6 needs a loog -> doko17:21
asacopenssl seems ok17:22
asaconly armv4 source files affected17:22
dmartopenbabel - agreed17:22
dmartopenjdk-6 - agreed17:22
asacfalse+ (php5)17:23
asacpixman ...17:23
dmartopenssl - someone should take a quick look to make sure the armv4 files are not still used when building for newer arches17:23
asachmm. you are tough ;)17:24
asacwe already have enough work :-P17:24
asacbut ok17:24
dmartHopefully that's a quick check...17:24
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./pixman-0.16.2/pixman/pixman-arm-detect-win32.asm:    mov pc,lr17:24
asacthat one probably needs to be checked17:24
asacthough i would hope we can ignore win32 ;)17:25
dmartpixman should be a quick review too, since that's being actively maintained17:25
dmartphp5 - agreed false-+17:25
asacpostgresql -> the atomic thing is fixed in bzr ...17:25
dmartGCC atomics?17:26
dmartprocps - false=+17:27
dmartps3-kboot - not relevant (bootloader)17:27
dmartpulseaudio - should be checked for SMP-safety17:27
dmart(maybe port to atomics)17:28
asacpython is owned by doko ;)17:29
asacbut i think they use the same macros17:29
asacfor call_reg17:29
asacso its probably ok17:29
asacbut i will note those as to chcek by doko17:30
dmartYep.  Looks like it may be OK, but worth a check.17:30
dmart(python*, that is)17:30
ograqemu-kvm is a mess anyway wrt nonn x86 compatible binaries17:31
asacnot sure what to do with qemu17:31
ograit should go into PAS since ages17:31
asaci think i will note down that lool checks that ;)17:31
asacogra: we look at the asm code ;)17:31
ograyes, but if you dont buiuld for != x86 who cares ?17:32
dmartqemu has a swp-based atomic which can hopefully be ported to GCC atomics.  The rest looks like disassembler code.17:32
asacok adding that17:32
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./qt-x11-free-3.3.8-b/src/3rdparty/libpng/pngvcrd.c:         mov pctemp, eax       // save pc for later use17:33
dmartfalse-+? (looks like x86 asm)17:33
asacqt4-x11 has a webkit copy :(17:34
asacneeds to be checked, but if they have a recent snapshot it should be as ok as chromium (which we dont know for sure)17:34
dmartAlso, I'd alread raised a bug #49037117:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 490371 in qt4-x11 "Atomic operations not safe for ARMv7,Thumb-2 and multicore" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49037117:34
asaci think its safe to ignore reboot-imx ... thats most likely build for arm517:35
asacogra: ?17:35
lool(I dont think qemu is that arch-specific; it might fail to build or be incomplete, but it's certainly a workable concept for any arch on any arch so it should not be listed in PaS IMO)17:35
asacdmart: thanks. noting17:35
dmartredboot - agreed: bootloaders don't run SMP, and we'd already know if it didn't work on imx51 ;)17:35
ogralool, i know ... we had that discussion before :)17:35
loolhttps://buildd.debian.org/build.php?arch=&pkg=qemu speaks for itself17:35
asacsearch-arm-swp.filt: ./sg3-utils-1.28/src/sginfo.c:    bitfield(pagestart + 10, "SWP", 1, 2);17:36
dmartfalse-+ ?17:36
asaclets hope17:36
dmartargh... "yes"17:37
asacsyslinux -> ignore17:37
asacthunderbird -> covered by firefox17:38
dmartAlso false-+.  I'm surprised how often strex is appearing as a variable name...17:38
dmart(texlive-bin, I mean)17:38
asacthough we might need xulrunner 1.9.2 backport as tbird 3.0 uses 1.9.1 afaik17:38
asacunles 3.1 comes out soonish17:38
asacdmart: texlive-bin is also x86 asm17:38
dmartIf the xptcall stuff shared then... will bug fixes propagate?17:38
asacok just a couple left ;)17:39
dmarttexlive-bin - oh, right17:39
asacdmart: yes17:39
asacthey use a xulrunner copy (unmodified)17:39
asacacorn ... does that apply?17:39
dmartUmm, probably not. It looks like very old, possibly pre-ARMv3 code.17:40
asacyeah. just curious if someone would keep acorn name17:40
asaclest assume so17:40
dmartI'll take a quick look but we can probably ignore17:40
asacneeds a look ;)17:40
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./vim-7.2.245/src/swis.s:movspc,lk17:41
dmartupx-ucl: probably. What is this package?17:41
asacno ide ;)17:41
asacfor webkit we already know we want to check17:42
asacxen -> ignore ?17:42
asacxine-lib i dont know.. please check17:42
asaczip is last:17:43
dmart"UPX is an advanced executable file compressor", apparently17:43
ograanother zipper :)17:43
dmartxen is probably out of scope right  now17:43
asacalso acorn ;)17:43
asacyeah... xen isnt working at all afaik17:43
* ogra would put it under "linux"17:43
asacso vim and xine-lib are the last too17:43
dmartvim - hold on, I'll take a look; probably not relevant.17:44
dmartzip, unzip: the matches are in old RiscOS code which as ARM assembler syntax and can't be processed by GNU as anyway. We can ignore these.17:45
asacyeah. so i saved the wiki. xine-lib is last to fill in in main ;)17:45
asacwell done!17:45
asacnow someone needs to file bugs ;)17:46
asacor first fix wiki syntax ... doing that17:46
asacok done17:46
asaclets continue later ... have to run to a call :)17:46
dmartI will probably disappear now... catch you tomorrow17:47
ogradinner !!!17:48
ograsee^Whear you at the call17:48
dmartbye guys17:54
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NCommanderplars, alternate installer passed on dove19:01
NCommander(very slow)19:01
plarsNCommander: did for me too, but fails to come up correctly (same bug with X we saw on desktop)19:02
plarsNCommander: you didn't have to retry a lot?19:02
plarswell, not a lot19:02
plarsjust twice really19:02
plarsonce continue because it failed debootstrap attempt configuring  base packages19:03
plarsthen again when select and install software step failed, had to go back to the menu and retry that (which worked it seems)19:03
plarsimx51 one seems to be completely stuck here, and I don't see a way out19:04
plarsnot hung at least19:04
NCommanderplars, checks vty419:04
plarsright, I have unpacking openoffice.org-common19:05
plarsfor the last 1+ hours19:06
plarsNCommander: not seeing anything useful in syslog, is there a debug mode with alternates?19:12
NCommanderplars, /var/log/installer.log19:12
plarsNCommander: nope19:13
plarsNCommander: syslog, media-info, and partman are the only logs there19:13
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asacplars: "You can get the chip rev in the kernel with cpu_is_mx51_rev() or looking at /proc/cpuinfo system rev value. The encoding is <chip num><board20:36
asac+rev><chip rev>"20:36
asacplars: tugess you already knew that (for system information /test)20:36
plarsasac: I'm already gathering /proc/cpuinfo20:36
plarsasac: ideally, I'd like to know the uboot version in flash, and the firmware version (but no bios, so not much chance of that I suspect)20:37
asaci know20:37
plarsonly thing would be if it could be communicated down from uboot through a boot param... but I think that might be overkill just to gather a bit of extra info like this20:38
asacyes. thats what i suggested too20:38
asacfor now20:38
asacdepends on how important that info is20:38
plarsasac: it's nice to have, but can be gathered other ways20:39
asacjust wonder whta use it would be, most likely if uboot is the problem, the system doesnt boot at all20:39
asacso you cant gather that that easily20:39
asacplars: for you bug 495171 is gone, right?20:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 495171 in linux-fsl-imx51 "USB errors while installing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49517120:42
plarsasac: correct, I am no longer seeing that one20:43
asacok i will close it then20:43
asacactually ... now that i look at it, it looks exactly like the issues i get when trying use my usb-storage thing20:44
RaffoPazzohi. i have a little question for you. Is there a way i can find ubuntu packages compiled with optimization for my cortex-a8 architecture ? Like, for example, neon extension enabled.20:44
asacguess i should rather open a new bug if your hardware doesnt have that20:44
RaffoPazzoi don't think that the packages available by rootstock are optimized...20:45
RaffoPazzoi'm i wrong ?20:45
asacin general we dont optimize for neon, some packages use hwcaps though to use optimized code20:45
asacdont ask me which ;)20:45
RaffoPazzoyes, for example there is a xserver video dirver specific for omap3, so using neon and this is good, so x would be faster20:48
asacplars: have you tried to fix dove  by using an older kernel?20:48
asacNCommander: ^^?20:48
RaffoPazzobut i guess i should use gentoo if i want everything optimized....and i would not..roostock is so useful ^^20:48
asacNCommander: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-mvl-dove/2.6.31-701.420:49
asacthat one i guess20:49
asacthat one NCommander ^^20:49
plarsasac: that kernel has been out for about 4 weeks.  However there was some speculation by ncommander I think, that some of the thumb2 rebuilding could be the cause of the breakage20:50
RaffoPazzois theere a way i can see on which architecture a package was compiled on ?20:50
armin76RaffoPazzo: lucid is all armv20:51
asacplars: do we know that it worked at some point with that kernel?20:53
asacgiven that everyone was on vacation etc. i would say no20:53
plarsasac: right20:53
asacso before speculating, we should test the kernel ;)20:54
plarsasac: GrueMaster, which was why, I think GrueMaster was going to try some of the images he has archived20:54
* armin76 offers to test the kernel *g*20:54
asacok cool20:54
plarsI can try *just* swapping the kernel if needs be though20:54
asacGrueMaster: what images do you have archived for dove?20:54
asacplars: that would be good imo20:55
asaci think we definitly know that we had working images with the kernel before20:55
asacso if that doesnt fix it, we know at least that the kernel alone isnt busted20:55
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