
pittiGood morning07:38
didrocksgood morning07:39
pittididrocks: o/07:39
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:53
rickspencer3hiya tseliot09:05
rickspencer3good morning09:05
tseliotgood morning rickspencer309:05
didrocksjcastro: I must rename ubuntu-netbook-remix-default-settings in launchpad to ubuntu-netbook-default-settings (and make some kind of indirection for people using < lucid). Are you in charge or do I just open a request on LP?10:46
asacimo there should just be a single project: ubuntu-netbook10:48
asacwith subtrees etc. :)10:48
asacrather than creating one project for each package10:48
asacwhich will cause these kind of issues if you rename a package10:48
asacjust my 2c10:49
asac(if this is about a LP project at all)10:49
seb128hey asac11:07
seb128asac, did you read my question yesterday?11:07
seb128asac, I'm failing to get libgjs working with libmozjs11:07
seb128it's in no way a priority11:08
seb128but help would be welcome11:08
asacdo we need libgjs?11:08
seb128it's a depends for gnome-shell11:08
asaccant we get rid of all this ;)?11:08
asacyeah. they shouldnt use javascript. we have no engine11:08
asacthat is suitable for main11:08
seb128$ ldd /usr/lib/libgjs-dbus.so | grep libmozjs11:08
seb128libmozjs.so => not found11:08
seb128libmozjs.so => /usr/lib/xulrunner- (0x00267000)11:08
seb128I don't get why it's there twice11:08
seb128and why it find one and not the other one11:09
asacsomeone has to tell them that javascript is a bad situation11:09
asacseb128: we had exactly that before11:09
asacdo you remember where that was?11:09
seb128I tried to rebuild using as-needed11:09
seb128but that seems to not do the trick this time11:09
seb128dunno why11:09
seb128and the same source works in karmic11:09
asacthats using rpath?11:09
asacor LD_LIBRARY_PATH?11:09
seb128I'm a bit puzzled11:10
seb128well using /usr/lib/xulrunner- works11:10
asacwhat doesnt work then?11:10
seb128try running gjs11:11
asaci dont have lucid yet11:11
seb128gnome-shelll does some LD_LIBRARY_PATH trick11:11
seb128but gjs doesn't11:11
seb128you are on karmic?11:11
seb128can you run ldd /usr/lib/libgjs-dbus.so | grep libmozjs11:11
seb128you need to install gjs11:12
asaci have gjs but not the dbus module11:12
seb128no gjs-gi?11:12
asacexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/xulrunner-
seb128it works with LD hack11:12
asacyou need to write a wrapper for gjs if that is supposed to work oob11:13
seb128but that should not required11:13
asacwhy wouldnt it be required?11:13
seb128I hate this thing11:13
seb128can't we make it a proper lib?11:13
asacyes, for universe11:13
asacbut not main11:13
seb128it's not in main11:13
seb128it's in universe11:13
asacbut at some point folks want it in main11:13
seb128we will not use gnome-shell this cycle11:13
asacthats clearly going to happen11:14
asacwe have to communicate to upstream, that libmozjs isnt allowed to be used in the distro11:14
asacthey need to do something else11:14
asacbefore everything is lost and even more move to libmozjs11:14
seb128I've better things to do that fight over that with them11:15
seb128I just want gnome-shell in ubuntu to be nice to them11:15
asacyes, but if its nice, they dont see that there is a problem11:15
asacsame attiude as the coucdb folks. they say, if its a problem someone else will fix it. but the fact that we adopted it sucks much.11:16
asacanyway, i will check how easy it is to build it standalone11:16
asacwill take some time11:16
seb128ok thanks11:18
seb128I've to go for lunch sorry...11:18
pittikenvandine, njpatel: wrt. 71_add_gio_extension.patch11:25
chrisccoulsonasac / seb128 - joss started a discussion on the gnome desktop-devel list last year, but it didn't really go anywhere: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2009-September/msg00121.html11:25
chrisccoulsonyou might be interested in taking a look11:25
pittikenvandine: could that become a proper diff -u, and get a standard patch tag header? (upstream link, etc.)11:26
milanbvwould any of you apply a patch to the GDM package?11:28
milanbvI've finally got approval for patch at Bug 393854, but I can't commit it myself11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393854 in gdm "Update PAM policy to allow password-less logins set up via users-admin" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39385411:29
chrisccoulsonmilanbv - it would be good to get an opinion from someone on the security team (eg, kees), or someone like slangasek before any of us commit it11:31
chrisccoulsoni misread your second comment there ;)11:31
milanbvchrisccoulson: yeah, kees just agreed yesterday ;-)11:32
chrisccoulsondid you discuss it on IRC? i can't see any comments on the bug report11:33
milanbvon #ubuntu-devel11:34
milanbv(so that you can't check what I'm pretending...)11:34
chrisccoulsonthanks :)11:34
chrisccoulsonif he's happy with it, then i can commit it when i finish work if nobody else beats me to it11:35
milanbvnice, thanks11:35
chrisccoulsonbut we're frozen for A2 at the moment anyway (although, i haven't checked my inbox for a release announcement yet, so that might not be the case any more)11:35
milanbvno hurry, I'd just like somebody to do it before the release11:36
milanbv(final release)11:36
TeTeTasac: do you know if network-manager 8.1 will make it into Lucid? Or will it stay the same version as in Karmic?12:05
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asacTeTeT: it will be 0.8 final most likels12:11
asacwe have a prerelease version12:11
asacfirst step is rc2 ... which we will try to get to karmic as an SRU as well12:11
asacTeTeT: upstream hasnt even released 0.8 final ;)12:12
asacso given the pace i nthe past its unlikely that there will be a 0.8.112:12
TeTeTasac: ok, thanks a lot :)12:13
TeTeTasac: any chance the latest nm will get a PPA, so they can copy a working package from there?12:14
asacTeTeT: did you read my comment on the pppoe bug? i gave a timeline/plan there12:14
TeTeTasac: need to re-read it then, escaped me12:15
asacno problem. last comment ;)12:15
TeTeTasac: was this bug 483773?12:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 483773 in network-manager "Unable to bring up mobile-broadband system-connection" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48377312:18
asacone minute12:28
asacTeTeT: bug 43220512:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432205 in network-manager "[MASTER] pppd timeout when trying to establish a DSL connection" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43220512:28
TeTeTasac: I wasn't subscribed to that one12:34
pittidavidbarth: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+milestones12:36
asacTeTeT: ok. thought that was your main concern ;)12:38
asacTeTeT: if you need to be up-to-date on our NM roadmap in future, i can try to keep you in the loop. just wasnt aware that you rely on this12:39
TeTeTasac: I actually never did, but nowadays I seem to get a NM question a day. I even subscribed to the upstream mailing list ...12:39
TeTeTasac: not that it would mean anything ...12:40
pittiasac: do you still need the alpha2/final mobile reports on piware.de or can I take down the cronjobs? (I'll archive the .db and output just in case, but I'd like people to move to the new WI tracker on macaroni)12:40
asacpitti: i would like the alpha2 state to be frozen right when alpha2 release is done. then we can move elsewhere12:49
asac(but keep the graph and the last state)12:49
asacif thats posisble12:49
asacwhere is the new macaronis service=12:50
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pittiasac: right, I did a complete backup of the scripts, databases, and output13:13
pittiasac: I'll keep the alpha-2 reports for a while, but I'd like to remove the lucid/ ones (since they are out of date and imprecise)13:13
asacpitti: where can i find the new tracker?13:13
pittiasac: and above all I'd like to kill the cronjobs13:13
pittiasac: you don't read your platform@ mail? :-)13:13
asacguess i missed a mail in the thread13:13
pittiasac: http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/13:13
asaci dont read all mails in threads i considered done :)13:14
asacpitti: ok, what about the full cycle one?13:15
pittiasac: the names without the milestone13:15
pittiasac: likewise, all-* are the ones for entire ubuntu, particular milestone13:15
pittiand all milestones/all teams == all.html13:15
pittiit has the full combinatorial explosion13:16
pitti(they're dead cheap to generate now)13:16
asacpitti: ok. just confusing that they dont have canonical- as prefix13:16
pittiit's not a hardcoded prefix anyway13:16
asacoh sorry13:17
asacso our trendline got reset?13:17
pittiasac: yes, I didn't write a full DB migration script13:17
pittiasac: but of course I'm fine to adjust the trend line start for you if you want13:17
asacyeah. lets try to use the value where the current one ended13:18
pitti(not that the old start would be too meaningful with the 2 weeks of holidays, etc., but I'm happy to add support for this)13:18
asacthtas odd13:18
asacthere are far less items13:18
asachere it was 13013:18
asacand we were behind13:18
asacnow 130 would mean we are ahead13:18
asacany clue what specs didnt get picked up?13:19
pittiasac: it's a different count now13:20
pittinow it's counting WIs from members of your team13:20
huats_hello guys !13:20
pittibefore it was counting WIs from all specs of your team, even if they were assigned to a different team13:20
asacwe want to have our community specs there too13:20
pittiI'll change it to cover both13:20
asacits basically one spec: liquid13:21
pittithat will come back, yes13:21
asacproblem is that we cannot really plan how far we are behind based on our progress before13:21
pittiwill work on this next week, when the sprint is done13:21
asaci wanted to kill stuff until we hit the line13:21
asaccant the other cronjob still run?13:22
asacor is that completely f***ed?13:22
pittithat was my original question13:22
pittiit can still run13:22
asacjust the full cycle13:22
pittibut I can't change anything in the code any more13:22
asacthats fine. i would then use the full cycle one from there and the milestones ones from the new13:22
asacjust need liquid in the new spec list13:23
pittiasac: the old alpha-2 report is probably uninteresting now, I figure?13:23
asaccool. thanks13:23
pittiasac: I think from next week on the charts shold be correct, too13:23
asacpitti: just need a final snapshot for later communication13:23
asacfor alpha-213:23
pittiasac: I won't remove the html pages13:23
asace.g. the html page basically13:23
asacok good13:23
pittijust stop the alpha-2 cron job13:23
asacthen its all good13:23
asacwe are close enough there13:23
pittialpha-2 is today, so it doesn't make sense to let it run13:23
asacand today is release day13:23
pittithe new alpha-2 report will continue to be generated, so you can look at that for stragglers13:24
asachmm. what does that mean? does the trendline go below zero there?13:24
pittino, of course not13:25
asaccurrently the new alpha-2 is empty13:25
asacoh ok13:25
pittiasac: I meant WIs which were scheduled for alpha-2, which you didn't get to13:25
* pitti yays at http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-lucid-alpha-2.html13:25
asaci think: just let it run. i will adapt to the new approach if the full new one is still there13:25
asacerr full old one13:25
pittiasac: http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-lucid-alpha-2.html isn't though13:25
asacone item blueprints are good ;)13:26
tseliotpitti: I think you left the proprietary improments blueprint out of that page13:30
vuntzpedro_: yo?13:31
pedro_vuntz, hey, saw my message?13:32
pittitseliot: it shouldn't be there; https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-xorg-proprietary-drivers is targetted to alpha-313:39
pittitseliot: it's on http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-lucid-alpha-3.html13:39
tseliotpitti: aah, ok13:39
seb128rodrigo__, stop suggesting upstream to do things which will break our lts ;-)13:44
rodrigo__seb128, what have I suggested?13:44
seb128landing the new g-c-c design13:44
seb128cf my comments on #c-c13:44
rodrigo__seb128, oh, would that break our lts if it lands in time for 2.30?13:45
seb128it's quite some changes13:45
seb128by experience it takes time to find and fix issues on rewrites13:45
seb128it's better to have one cycle to sort things13:45
seb128rather than rushing13:45
rodrigo__you're right in that it's a bit late in the cycle, I guess13:46
seb128I'm maybe too much on the conservative side13:46
seb128but breakages over cycles learnt me to do be prudent with such changes ;-)13:46
rodrigo__well, I asked thos if it was going to land master, it should be now or just wait13:46
rodrigo__and yeah, seems it's not ready13:46
seb128seems they are still discussion how to do it13:47
seb128it seems a bit risky13:47
seb128let's see what they decide13:47
seb128upstream should decide on what they think is best, not on what distro will do...13:48
seb128but we might go back to 2.28 if they do land that13:48
seb128depends on how well it works I guess13:48
seb128hey mclasen13:48
seb128mclasen, did you read my question yesterday?13:49
mclasensaw it go by13:49
seb128mclasen, some people were asking about the tooltip work you did and if those would go upstream this cycle13:49
seb128is there anything blocking them?13:49
mclasenthey would if I had time to finish them up13:49
seb128oh ok13:50
seb128the comment suggested you considered the round corner change ready13:50
mclasenneed to figure out if there's a way to let theme engines do all the drawing13:50
mclasenand still have the shape match the drawing13:50
mclasenwhich is a little complicated13:51
seb128what is the schedule now for 2.20 btw?13:51
seb128I guess those changes will be for next cycle now?13:51
mclasenI said 'early january'... but too late now :-(13:51
vuntzpedro_: sorry, I was writing a mail. I was wondering if it'd be possible to analyze the stack traces you get from crashes before forwarding them upstream13:51
seb128vuntz, hello13:52
mclasenseb128: right now I am operating in 'maybe I have some time next week' mode...13:52
seb128vuntz, what sort of analyze do you want to do?13:52
vuntzpedro_: I quickly looked at a few of them, and most of them are like "hrm, yeah, I can't do anything about that. I need more details, or it should be run again with --sync, or I need ways to reproduce"13:52
pedro_vuntz, we do that, but what kind of analyze do you want?13:52
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seb128vuntz, deciding on how much clue a debugged stacktrace will give to the hacker is not easy13:53
vuntzpedro_: well a gnome-panel crash with only symbols in gdk/gtk+ is generally a bad sign, for example, since it's really hard to debug with just this13:53
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vuntz(of course, this is not always true)13:53
seb128vuntz, we default to sending debug ones and let the maintainer decide on if it's useful or not13:53
vuntzseb128: yeah, I know13:53
seb128I think it's a fair choice13:53
seb128you can close in one click if you think it's not useful13:53
seb128but it's better than having bug triagers deciding a stracktrace is not useful when it would be maybe for somebody13:54
pedro_vuntz, well if there's specific requirements for the gnome-panel we can ask those before submitting them there13:54
vuntzseb128: I usually feel bad about closing bugs with a stack trace, without understanding why there was a crash13:54
seb128and I feel bad about closing those downstream without knowing if it would be useful to upstream or not...13:55
vuntzpedro_, seb128: what would generally help is making it possible to install packages were the applets are not in-process, and then ask the reporter to reproduce13:55
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seb128but if you have good metrics we can use13:55
vuntz(unless the stack trace makes it obvious where the crashes is)13:55
vuntzeg, I would guess most of the stack traces with no useful symbols crashing gnome-panel might actually be notification area issues13:56
seb128the things with crashes is that often they are not reproducable13:56
seb128especially for gnome-panel13:56
seb12890% of those are "I was not going anything special and it crashed"13:56
vuntzseb128: package applets out-of-process during the development cycle, then? :-)13:56
seb128I can do that for sure13:56
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seb128I will do it with the 2.29 update13:56
vuntzI understand it's not easy13:56
seb128I'm fine changing build options13:57
vuntzjust trying to figure out how the best way for upstream and downstream here13:57
seb128I just know that asking submitters to install something and reproduce doesn't work in 95% of the cases13:57
seb128if you think the build change would lead to better stacktrace I'm all for it13:57
seb128I don't get why there is no notification area symbol there though13:58
seb128if it crashes in the notification-area code13:58
seb128hey tedg13:58
seb128vuntz, btw what part of the sourcecode does the applet loading?13:59
seb128the applets rather13:59
seb128ie where should I put marked for "start loading <applet>"13:59
seb128"done loading <applet>"13:59
vuntzseb128: panel-applet-frame.c13:59
seb128vuntz, any clue with those crashes have no gnome-panel symbols btw?14:00
vuntzseb128: well, I have a few bugs upstream that are crashes of the out-of-process notification area, and this is in gtk/gtk only14:00
seb128changing the build mode will lead to the applet crash rather than gnome-panel14:00
vuntzin this case, my guess is that's it's related to some change that was done about transparency14:00
seb128but will probably not solve the stracktrace issue14:00
seb128ie those will still have no symbols14:01
seb128you will just know what process crashes14:01
vuntzseb128: yeah, but knowing that it's the notification area and not gnome-panel+clock+notification area+... is better14:01
seb128makes sense14:01
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seb128vuntz, quick question for you, what pygame version has opensuse?14:02
seb128your current unstable14:02
vuntzseb128: 1.9.0, apparently14:04
seb128vuntz, ok, thanks14:05
chrisccoulsonpedro_ has been busy today ;)14:05
chrisccoulsoni just checked my inbox14:05
pedro_well i have less isos to test , so more time to triage :-P14:06
tedgGood morning vuntz14:06
vishseb128: hi... i didnt understand your response on Bug 437532 .. :(14:09
seb128tedg, I said hey and your reply to vuntz!14:09
seb128bug #43753214:09
tedgseb128: Heh, sorry.  Not through my first cup of coffee, I can't tell Frenchmen apart yet :)14:09
* vish wonders what's up with bot14:09
seb128vish, nautilus uses an application indicator now14:09
vishseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/437532 :)14:09
seb128vish, the applet does the icon rendering14:10
seb128and it's supposed to append something to the name in an automatic way14:10
seb128and check for that14:10
seb128this way we don't need any app change14:10
vishseb128: so is the icon not needed? i'm a bit confused :(14:10
seb128it's done transparantly applet side14:10
seb128tedg, ^ can you confirm that's done yet?14:10
seb128tedg, the "use monochrome icons"14:10
seb128or "custom indicator theme"14:11
seb128or whatever it's called14:11
tedgseb128: No, we're not appending anything on the icon name yet.14:11
seb128tedg, but you will?14:11
tedgseb128: We should, but there aren't any done by the art team so I wasn't up on it :)14:11
seb128tedg, or do we need to patch applications?14:11
tedgYes, we will.14:11
vishtedg: hi.. we've been adding monochrome icons to humanity using the -symbolic names , how are we supposed to do it?14:11
tedgvish: Uhm, sure.  The only thing I'm a bit worried about is that we probably won't have time to do all the stuff we wanted to do with the "symbolic" suffix like we discussed at UDS.  I'm curious if we should reserve that suffix until we can do the whole enchilada.14:12
tedgvish: But, honestly.  As long as you use a consistent name, a script can change them all pretty quickly :)14:13
vishtedg: ah , cool :)14:13
vuntztedg: hola. I just replied to your mail :-)14:14
tedgvuntz: Thank you!14:16
seb128vish, you can close the bug14:23
vishseb128: ok..14:23
vishseb128: but seems tedg mentioned above apps need patch^?14:23
vish[19:41] <seb128> tedg, or do we need to patch applications?14:23
vish[19:41] <tedg> Yes, we will.14:23
tedgvish: Sorry, no I was saying that we will handle it on the indicator side.14:24
tedgvish: We need to fix those, not the apps.14:24
vishtedg: ah , thanks :)14:24
* vish closing bug14:24
pittiseb128: alias dreb='debuild -us -uc -nc'14:43
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seb128asac, heh, I don't want to be responsive for those libs ;-)14:54
seb128I've enough to do14:54
seb128I just want the gvfs backend to build14:54
seb128I'm also not sure how to fix the shlibs warnings14:54
seb128it uses --as-needed14:55
seb128is there anything else to add?14:55
chrisccoulsonpitti - is there anything to fix in g-p-m for bug 432598? g-p-m doesn't provide an interface for initiating suspend/hibernate any more, so don't these checks need to go in to the session applet instead?14:57
asacseb128: good question. i dont see those libs being linked directly in the log14:58
asacseb128: but symbol gcry_control used by debian/libiphone0/usr/lib/libiphone.so.0.0.0 found in none of the libraries.14:58
asacthat looks odd14:58
asaci think its ok if you fix the ABI tracking stuff and subscribe team to bugs ;)14:58
asacand checkout that symbol14:59
seb128I like shlibs better that .symbols15:00
seb128but let's see ;-)15:00
asacsymbols is better15:00
seb128it's slower15:00
seb128the symbol lookup things is ridiculously slow15:00
asacanyway, even shlibs stuff isnt in place from what i can tell15:00
asacat least not explicitly15:00
seb128thanks for review15:01
seb128I will fix those15:01
asaccant the desktop-team as a whole just take responsibility?15:01
asaceven if that is just: hunt down anyone using libiphone in main to commit to support that ;)15:01
asaci really think if you subscribe to bugs you are already responsible :-P15:01
asacdo you know if usbmuxd is run as root?15:02
asacok updated bug with shortlist discussedhere15:03
asachow do we remove a debconf template from cache? i though there was a debconf command/function to clean15:05
seb128asac, no it doesn't15:05
seb128run as usbmux15:05
seb128it's also not running all time15:06
seb128just when a device is detected15:06
cyphermoxasac, re fontconfig, bug 490326, I have the debdiffs up in the same place as before15:26
asacdid you update your bzr branch?15:33
asaccyphermox: ?15:33
cyphermoxi created a new one15:34
asacdont like two commits ;)15:34
cyphermoxnot for merges. is that wrong?15:34
asacyes, i alread have that branch15:35
asacso you can easily commit another commit ... anyway, pulling now15:35
itorreydjsiegel: I have the Renkoo theme on my list of things to hit tomorrow. I'll just take a stab at the colors and you guys can tweak as needed.15:35
asaccyphermox: also its easier to see that the comments have been addressed as i just need to check a tiny commit diff15:35
cyphermoxsorry ;)15:35
asacnow i have to review everything again15:36
cyphermoxwell not necessarily15:36
asaci know about ways to work around15:36
cyphermoxi haven't destroyed the branch, I can always push to it again with these changes15:36
asacbut i need the other branch for that15:36
asacor have to do a length online diff15:36
didrocksjcastro: I don't get a "mutter" project in LP, can you register it, please?15:39
asacso ... what to do to remove debconf templates from systems if the package stops shipping them? anyone?15:41
jcastrodidrocks: sure15:41
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asacok found it15:42
asaccyphermox: db_purge15:42
asacif you want add that for upgrades from versions below the new one15:42
jcastrodidrocks: done15:42
didrocksjcastro: thanks :)15:53
didrocksjcastro: I don't know if you received that: I must rename ubuntu-netbook-remix-default-settings in launchpad to  ubuntu-netbook-default-settings (and make some kind of indirection for people using < lucid). Are you in  charge or do I just open a request on LP?16:08
jcastrohmm, I don't know how to do that, #launchpad can help you16:09
didrocksok, I'll16:09
tseliotrickspencer3: ping16:10
rickspencer3hi tseliot16:11
* rickspencer3 tseliot ug, I'm sorry, I am not quite available atm16:12
tseliotrickspencer3: no problem16:12
pittichrisccoulson: I heared that you're on the g-p-m 2.29.1 update?16:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - i am16:21
pittichrisccoulson: I need to touch the package to fix a bug and also disable unconditional hal triggering16:21
pittichrisccoulson: so I thought perhaps we could update the package and disable the notify patch for now16:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - feel free to do that, i'll just merge in the changes to my local branch later16:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - i don't mind, but i'm at work at the moment (and my branch is at home)16:22
pittichrisccoulson: did you already spend a lot of effort on the local branch? wrt. refreshing the other patches, etc?16:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - i spent some effort on it, although not a huge amount16:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - sorry, i was hoping to have the update finished by now, but i keep getting distracted by other tasks ;)16:25
djsiegelok asac, can we have a catch-up about some of the UNE changes?16:28
djsiegelAs far as dropping apps and replacing them with web apps goes?16:28
asacdjsiegel: yes16:28
asacdjsiegel: how long are you on today?16:29
seb128chrisccoulson, you can claim the g-s-d update in exchange if you want something ;-รจ)16:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i can do that16:29
pittichrisccoulson: re; nevermind, no reason to waste effort; I'll just work in the upstream git branch for this16:30
chrisccoulsonit seems g-s-d has grown a new status icon for keyboard stuff16:31
chrisccoulsonmore application indicator porting ;)16:31
seb128tedg, ^16:32
chrisccoulsoni can probably work on that16:32
chrisccoulsonalthough, the status icon class is part of libgnomekbd, so it might be best to do the work there16:32
tedgMan.  They keep popping up everywhere!16:32
* pitti does mor hal invocation squishing16:32
jcastrochrisccoulson: I've started to file placeholder bugs for a-i work in bugzilla and in lp, feel free to claim them!16:33
chrisccoulsonjcastro - will do :)16:34
chrisccoulsonalthough i need to be careful not to over-commit myself ;)16:34
jcastroseb128: I got a mail from the gbrainy maintainer saying that if we have any questions/issues to contact him.16:34
seb128jcastro, if you open the nautilus one I will add my patch there16:34
jcastroseb128: on it.16:34
seb128jcastro, ok, can you please forward that info to robert_ancell too?16:34
seb128he's our "games guy"16:34
jcastroyep I was planning to, I saw he registered the lp page16:34
seb128he's gnome-games upstream too16:34
jcastrooh, is jclinton not doing -games anymore?16:35
seb128they are several16:36
seb128enough games there to keep some people busy16:36
jcastroI had never heard of gbrainy until yesterday16:36
jcastroit's pretty fun16:36
chrisccoulsonwe don't want too many games, otherwise nobody will ever get any work done ;)16:36
jcastrothank the maker we didn't put tetrinet on there, we'd be doomed.16:37
chrisccoulsonjcastro - i tried gbrainy at 4am16:37
chrisccoulsonits probably best to try it when more alert ;)16:37
chrisccoulsonright, home time16:48
seb128jcastro, why did you reopen the indicator bug for rhythmbox?16:50
jcastroseb128: I wanted to keep it open until the patch is submitted upstream. I talked to Ken about it, do you think there's a better way to do that?16:51
seb128but it sucks to keep it open16:51
seb128it still shows on our todolist16:51
seb128why isn't the upstream tasks good enough for you?16:52
jcastrobecause if it's not open I get the feeling it will be forgotten about.16:52
seb128jcastro, when can't you attach the current patch there?16:53
jcastroI would rather keep them open until the patch is submitted upstream. The patches will be assigned to the DX team in the future anyway right?16:53
seb128jcastro, it still shows in the rhythmbox bug list16:53
* Amaranth waves16:53
jcastroseb128: it was but then we found a crasher so bratsche is looking at it16:53
seb128and on the tagged indicator buglist16:54
seb128I'm not sure how to track that but keeping fixed bugs open is not great either16:54
jcastroI am open to suggestions, I just think that if we close them when we upload to the distro people might forget to push them upstream.16:54
AmaranthLaunchpad needs tasks management :)16:55
jcastroand the goal for a-i patches is for them to be pushed and accepted upstream so I think in this case the bug isn't fixed until it's been sent up.16:55
seb128jcastro, that's why things should not be uploaded before being sent16:56
seb128this way it give motivation to people to send their things upstream too...16:56
jcastrohmm, that's a good idea.16:56
* jcastro adds to the page16:57
kenvandinejcastro, i think the ubuntu bug for it should be "Fix Released" and the upstream bug in LP left open17:01
jcastrook fine fine.17:02
kenvandinesince it is fixed in the distro, which is what the ubuntu bug is about17:02
* kenvandine thought that is what you meant on IM :)17:02
kenvandineor leave the bug against a-i open17:02
jcastrobut if we end up with a patch rotting in lp and people want to kill me you will come help. :p17:02
* kenvandine thinks there should be a part of the upstream report that lists every patch in every package... and link to the upstream bug... or a reason it isn't submitted upstream :)17:03
kenvandinejcastro, see even upstream likes that idea17:04
* kenvandine enjoys creating more work for jcastro17:04
jcastroDon't worry, the lp team should be landing a +patches view this month17:05
pittilool: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/qa-regression-testing/master17:28
pittichrisccoulson: ok, I pushed my patch to the g-p-m bzr without updating to the new version; it's unintrusive, thus shouldn't cause you any trouble (I did it against upstream git head, backports without issue)17:31
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks, i'll try and get back on to that later17:31
chrisccoulsonhas A2 been released yet?17:31
chrisccoulson(i havent gone through all my mails)17:32
chrisccoulsonthe topic on #ubuntu-devel would suggest not17:32
pittino, but the .isos are pretty much final17:33
jcastroseb128: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60698717:39
ubottuGnome bug 606987 in general "Support for application-indicators/StatusNotifierIcon" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]17:39
jcastroseb128: I've linked it to the lp nautilus bug17:39
chrisccoulsonjcastro - OOI, how receptive have the upstream guys been to all these requests on the gnome bugzilla so far?17:41
jcastrochrisccoulson: the ones who have responded to me have asked how it fits into the bigger gnome picture, so yesterday Ted posted a mail to gnome d-d-l asking for feedback17:42
chrisccoulsonjcastro - ah, cool. i've not seen ted's mail yet17:42
chrisccoulsoni really need to work my way through my inbox ;)17:42
seb128jcastro, thanks17:44
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* asac almost uploaded in the freeze18:45
cyphermoxasac, can you take a look at my branch for fontconfig again?18:57
asaccyphermox: one more time?18:58
asacthird revision?18:58
cyphermoxthe same this time :)18:59
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ftain lucid, rhythmbox lost its tray icon :(19:38
chrisccoulsonfta - do you have the indicator-applet on your panel?19:38
chrisccoulsonit should use the new application indicator19:38
chrisccoulsoni don't think the fallback works yet19:38
ftai have your xchat applet too, but it doesn't do anything for me :S19:39
ftahm, is it yours?19:39
ftaor ken's?19:40
chrisccoulsonis that the xchat-indicator that kenvandine worked on?19:40
chrisccoulsonit seems to be working ok here, but you need to explicitly enable the plugin19:40
ftayes, it's the one19:40
chrisccoulsonit's disabled by default when you install it19:40
kenvandinethe plugin can't enable itself19:41
ftai use xchat, not xchat-gnome. it's listed, but i don't know what else to expect from it19:41
kenvandinefta, do you have the message indicator ?19:41
kenvandinethe applet i mean?19:41
ftai have Indicator Applet19:41
kenvandinedo you have an entry in it for xchat?19:42
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - is there any way of changing the default config to enable the plugin by default?19:42
kenvandinechrisccoulson, yeah... in xchat19:42
chrisccoulsonit seems silly to have to enable it manually after installing it19:42
kenvandinechrisccoulson, if we get my plugin into main... i will make it a recommends and enable it by default :)19:42
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - awesome :)19:43
kenvandinei wish the plugin could tell xchat to load itself :)19:43
kenvandinebut i guess that would be evil19:43
kenvandinefta, ?19:43
ftakenvandine, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/indicator-applet.png19:44
kenvandinefta, ok... that is good19:44
kenvandinemeans the plugin is actually loaded19:44
kenvandinefta, so you don't get messages when you are highlighted?19:44
ftawhat is it supposed to do?19:44
kenvandinethat is what it should look like when you have messages you haven't seen19:45
kenvandineso if i highlight you in a channel you don't have focused19:45
kenvandineyou should see something in the indicator19:45
kenvandineor if i PM you19:45
kenvandinesee something now?19:45
ftaalso note that rhythmbox is no longer in the systray (which is my initial complain ;))19:45
kenvandineyeah... i know19:46
kenvandinelibappindicator with fallback support will be uploaded today19:46
ftayep, it worked, i see kenvandine 0m19:46
kenvandinethat's what it does :)19:46
ftadoes it jump to the proper place too? i mean, scroll up if more stuff arrived since?19:47
kenvandinethe plugin interface doesn't really provide that19:47
kenvandineit would require hacking xchat directly :)19:48
kenvandineand i really want to keep this within the bounds of a proper plugin :)19:48
kenvandinefta, note i haven't tested it much with xchat19:48
kenvandinefta, so please report bugs :)19:48
ftahm, rhythmbox crashed19:49
ftatried to touch the plugins19:49
kenvandineknown bug... will be fixed soon19:51
kenvandinewell if you disable and enable the status icon19:51
kenvandineit crashes19:51
kenvandinebratsche is fixing it19:51
ftaok, good19:52
ftai have a patch for an evolution bug preventing me from using it for work, would you (anyone) consider it?19:54
ftagnome 58557719:54
ubottuGnome bug 585577 in Mailer "wrong FROM in the envelope during SMTP negociation when using multiple accounts" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58557719:54
ftai've been using it for months in karmic, but lost it with the upgrade to lucid19:56
jcastrokenvandine: should I file a bug about reverting tomboy back?19:57
asacmy mother updated hardy today and now if she clicks on the shutdown button, her gnome-panel crashes :)20:20
asacanyone did any SRU or something in that direction?20:20
asachmm. is there a list of what was pushed to -updated -security in a chronological form?20:20
asacsomething feels really broken with gnome or so20:23
asac(firefox:6342): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:20:23
asacAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.20:23
asacthtas on hardy20:23
asacbesides having zero length .xsession-errors20:23
asacbryyce: did you roll an X update ;)?20:23
asacor are you off the hook20:23
asacok lucky you ;)20:23
bryycenot to hardy anyway20:23
asacreally felt bad20:23
asacshe upgrades every few days. todays upgrade busted a bunch of things :)20:24
bryycebesides, sounds more like a dbus or gnome-*-daemon type of an issue20:24
asacof course she cannot really remember what got updated20:24
bryyceasac, what's in /var/log/dpkg.log ?20:24
kenvandinejcastro, please do20:24
asacbryyce: hey, dont ask too much20:24
jcastrokenvandine: whom do I assign it to? Just the desktop team?20:24
asaci already talked to her like 2h on phone now20:24
bryyceasac, okay:  "Did you try rebooting?"20:24
asacyes, multiple times, thats when she found that the shutdown button started to crash the gnome-panel20:25
asacyou click on it-> boom -> gnome-panel doesnt even come back20:25
asacsounds bad20:25
asacpitti: did you push something gnome related to -updates in the last two days?20:25
asacwhere can i find that? are those going to changes mailing list? /me checks20:26
asachmm only see -proposed20:26
bryyceasac, also don't rule out that the updates were fine but just triggered the issue in a round about way (like running out of disk space)20:26
bryyceasac, another case I've run into in supporting other people's systems is an incomplete upgrade which left some package un-reconfigured20:28
asachmm ... good point20:28
asac.xsession-errors feels bad20:28
asacwe checked that upgrade20:28
asacall up to date20:28
asacwe even reinstalled a few packages through synaptic (that was really bad) :)20:28
asacbut good point i should have checked disk space20:29
bryyceasac, we really need a remote administration feature in ubuntu so we can better support our moms :-)20:29
asacwill do that tomorrow ;)20:29
asacyeah ;)20:29
asacthats actually something i wanted to do before i started to work here for ubuntu :)20:29
asaccome up with a great support thing ;)20:29
keesbryyce: the stuff under system/preferences/"remote desktop" works great for me for mom-support20:35
bryycekees, ah ok I'll have to try that out some time20:37
bryycekees, fortunately most of the problems I've had to troubleshoot have been of the "is it plugged in" variety20:37
kenvandinebryyce, have her "share desktop" in empathy :)20:38
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ftai have desktop sounds disabled, yet, they are there.21:35
ftaand something just started to emit a click sound every 5 sec21:36
ftaoops, it's chromium21:37
ftayet, xchat and all gtk textfields have sounds21:40
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geserI've upgraded my desktop from karmic to lucid. everything worked well, except that my desktop wallpaper doesn't span my both monitors anymore. I've tried to set it again with gnome-desktop-properties but I couldn't find a setting that made it span again.22:28
geserAny idea how I get it cover both monitors again (with only one occurance of the wallpaper)22:30
bryycegeser, which video driver?23:13
geserthe X setup seems to be ok, I've a desktop spaning both monitors but not the wallpaper23:14
geserdimensions:    3200x1200 pixels (from xdpyinfo)23:14
geserand I've also a wallpaper in that dimension23:15
bryycegeser, maybe it's a new gnome desktop "feature"23:15
bryycegeser, sounds like maybe a seb128 question.  Might check in the relevant gnome packages on launchpad if there's already a bug and if not open a new one23:18
bryycegeser, my thought had been if you were using a proprietary driver maybe xinerama kicked in, but for -radeon that doesn't work, and sounds like you correctly verified your X environment is right23:18
bryyceso I'd probably start reviewing the changelog and bug reports for gnome-panel or whatever sets up the wallpaper23:18
bryycegeser, I hope it gets fixed!  That's one that'll affect me too once I update my own desktop23:18
mclasenyou can make it span by setting it to tiled23:19
geserI tried the different "styles" but none does what I want23:21
geser"tile" cuts of a part and repeats the wallpaper again23:22
geserhttp://www.bienia.de/tmp/Screenshot.png, that's "Tile"23:26
mclasento use tile as a workaround to get a stretched background back, you have to pick an image of the right size...23:30
geserthat wallpaper is of the right size (3200x1200) as I used it with karmic where it worked23:31
geserit broke with my update to lucid23:31
geserlooks like a fix for https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=147808 broke it23:32
ubottuGnome bug 147808 in background "Background on dual monitors" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed]23:32
mclasenthe behaviour on multi-monitor setups was changed to a more useful one23:34
geserbut broke an other valid configuration23:36
bryycegeser, ah the current bug for the issue is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60355123:36
ubottuGnome bug 603551 in Desktop "Image doesnt scale for dual monitors" [Normal,Unconfirmed]23:36
bryyceyeah agreed the "fix" just shifted breakage from one use case to another23:37
bryyceshould have been made a configuration setting23:37
mclasenaccording to the 'you can never drop a broken feature' school of thought, yes...23:39
ubottuGnome bug 598231 in general "When Chromium rings the bell, metacity quits" [Normal,Unconfirmed]23:41
gesera better fix would be to be able to select a wallpaper per monitor (additionally)23:41
asacanyone knows a metacity developer who could look at that patch?23:41
gesercurrently I can't use my old wallpaper and I don't know yet if I manage to find a wallpaper that looks on a 1280x1024 and 1920x1200 right23:42
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