
mcgrofcrimsun: try again00:08
mcgrofcrimsun: what link are you using00:08
crimsunthe link from Users > Download > compat-wireless-2.6 > wireless.kernel.org ... /download/compat-wireless-2.6/00:14
crimsun(still shows 2009-12-11)00:17
ralshebim trying to compile/install an older vanilla kernel from kernel.org, one which ubuntu never used, im having problems compiling it and thking its because i need kernel headers that match the version im compiling, any idea where i can find these??02:58
AceLanralsheb: what's the error message?02:59
AceLanralsheb: paste the error message here http://paste.ubuntu.com/03:00
^arky^ Is there meta bug for CE: hpet increasing min_delta_ns to 15000 nsec13:31
^arky^ kernel errors in lucid13:31
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=== thunderstrck is now known as gnomefreak
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=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefreak is now known as gnomefreak76
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
slytherinCan anyone from kernel team please sponsor the debdiff attached to bug 50654615:03
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maxbHi, how does a KMS graphics driver decide what mode to set?18:44
maxbMy i915-based lucid system has suddenly started to set a mode with fewer rows and columns18:45
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Kanohi, you know that (not 2) is out and (not 9)?19:56
gnomefreakdoes the kernel control TTYs?21:10
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chrisccoulsongnomefreak - what aspect of them?21:25
chrisccoulson(although i might not be able to answer your question anyway) ;)21:26
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: they are not usable at all.21:26
chrisccoulsoni've seen someone else mention that21:27
gnomefreakthere is not login screen just a black screen with some white lines across the top21:27
* gnomefreak wanted to file a bug just not sure what package21:27
dhillon-v10gnomefreak, you can go ahead and use the linux package to file the bug against21:27
gnomefreakdhillon-v10: linux-image...?21:28
dhillon-v10gnomefreak, nope only linux, let me show you an example bug :)21:29
dhillon-v10gnomefreak, check for example here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/354705 the bug is filed against the linux(ubuntu) package21:30
dhillon-v10gnomefreak, np21:33
gnomefreakdhillon-v10: thanks its filed 21:47
dhillon-v10gnomefreak, great :) now let's get fixing it21:48
gnomefreakanything i can do let me know21:48
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blizzkidhi all. Was just thinking, how hard would it be for a good devver to create a tool that takes the generic kernel config and strips out the hardware support not needed for a specific machine?23:38
blizzkidThat would build a semi-custom kernel adapted to one's hardare and keep in the needed other modules23:39
bluesscreamIf you have a 2.6.32 installed and you want to compile i.e 2.6.33-rc4 just run make localmodconfig23:44
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