
_marx_next Tuesday?00:10
cjohnstonpleia2: should i inform the instructors about the meeting and let them know they can come if they want, or do you think that would make it to where nothing gets done00:11
_marx_1900 est loco team meeting that day00:11
pleia2cjohnston: depends on the agenda :)00:11
_marx_i can be in two between 8:00 and 8:30 pm00:15
cjohnstonso would 2100 work better for you?00:16
_marx_hum, divided attention for 30 minutes should be managable00:17
_marx_well yeah 2100 might be better00:17
_marx_loco team has a long agenda00:21
cjohnstonpleia2: _marx_ Pendulum 2100 est on Tuesday January 1900:22
cjohnstonConfirm please?00:22
Pendulumfine with me00:22
cjohnstonDone.. thanks00:23
_marx_hum nigel isn00:25
_marx_t here00:25
* cjohnston needs a good todo manager00:26
* _marx_ wondering what he had in mind earlier w/screencast header00:26
_marx_but all done and loaded to U-One share00:27
cjohnston_marx_: could you do me a huge favor?00:38
cjohnstonif you have time00:38
cjohnston_marx_ Pendulum pleia2 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/Meetings/01192010  - please add agenda items you may have00:39
* _marx_ looking00:40
cjohnstonyall should all have emails00:50
Pendulumcjohnston: was about to say good e-mail :)00:51
nhandlerNot sure I agree with the logic behind the lernid decision, but it isn't my call. Either way, it might be worth linking to the google calendar from the wiki so people can subscribe to it if they wish00:54
nhandlerI believe it is up-to-date and in sync with the wiki schedule00:54
cjohnstonnhandler: with this course being geared towards beginners, who may not know how to install lernid (and possibly not even be on Ubuntu) I dont think its a wise idea to use the features of it00:55
pleia2cjohnston: great email!00:55
_marx_cjohnston: now I know what is/was i was supposed to send you :\ course outline overview00:56
Pendulumnhandler: I believe that is the plan so that people can use it if they want to. We're just not saying "everything needs to work in lernid" or recommending that everyone uses lernid00:57
_marx_nhandler: adding ppa's may be included in Hellow 's session00:58
HellowThat's one of the parts to my presentation, yes :P.00:58
cjohnstonit wouldnt be fair to someone in a beginners course to setup slide shows and such for lernid when they possibly wont know how to install it00:58
_marx_great Hellow00:59
cjohnstonoff to study..00:59
cjohnstonping me if you need me00:59
PendulumI mean, I plan on running lernid for at least part of it so I can play with lernid, but I guess I'm not that new anymore (although sometimes I still feel new)00:59
_marx_ten days y'all01:02
cjohnston_marx_: please dont remind me02:48
pleia2cjohnston: did you send out an announcement?02:49
pleia211:48:27 < pleia2> cjohnston_: right, sending out the announcement tonight?02:51
pleia211:48:46 < cjohnston_> Maybe during lunch, but yes02:51
pleia2^^ that one! :)02:51
cjohnstonya.. did you not get my email?02:51
pleia2oh, was it the email?02:51
cjohnstonannouncement of finalized schedule02:51
pleia2I thought you were going to send the schedule to -classroom and -loco-contacts02:51
cjohnstonI can..02:51
cjohnstonthat email was just to the instructors02:51
cjohnstonlet me see if I can come up with an email..02:53
cjohnstonI'll get you to proof it first if you dont mind02:53
cjohnstonpleia2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/356355/ please03:41
cjohnstonwere you able to find out about -announce?03:41
pleia2cjohnston: yeah, -announce is pretty much just for release/eol milestones03:42
cjohnstonwhere else can we announce it.. any ideas?03:42
nigel_nbcjohnston: schedule final?03:43
cjohnstonnigel_nb: unless someone tells me they have a problem with it.. yes03:43
nigel_nbcjohnston: awesome.  Let me get around to getting the settings for lernid ready03:43
nigel_nbnhandler: png03:43
nigel_nbnhandler: ping03:43
cjohnstonthe only changes i have made in the past two weeks I believe i spoke with each person who was effected03:43
nigel_nbas long as starting and ending are fine, lernid settings are same03:44
nigel_nbif you switch courses around, tell nhandler03:44
Hellow[late] We could announce it on ubuntu-news [/late]03:50
nigel_nbpleia2: what is the planned frequency of uud?03:51
pleia2cjohnston: just read the pastebin, looks great!03:51
pleia2nigel_nb: not decided yet03:51
nigel_nbpleia2: arrg, or else we could number it03:51
cjohnstonWould you add anything? should I add please pass then on to the members of your teams as well as anyone you might feel would be interested?03:52
cjohnstonnigel_nb: I figured just do it by date.. but i dunno03:52
cjohnstonnhandler: is gonna help me with fridge status..03:52
cjohnstonive already done planet once03:52
cjohnstonpleia2: is gonna do planet03:52
cjohnstonill probably do another planet or two03:52
cjohnstoni may blog about my status of working on it.. which would in turn also advertise it03:53
pleia2cjohnston: the "please pass it on" line from your email earlier today was great03:53
cjohnstonjust copy and paste the whole promoting the ubuntu user day?03:53
nigel_nbcjohnston: I'll blog on ubuntuuweblogs.com03:53
cjohnstonno thanks nigel_nb03:54
cjohnstonjk :-P03:54
nigel_nbI actually blogged once, but I wasn't on the planet then03:54
pleia2something like your "Please take a few minutes over the next week or so to promote the User Day to people you know, in your LoCo Team, in your blog, or any other resources you may have access to." bit03:54
cjohnstonwill do03:54
cjohnstonanything else i should add?03:55
nigel_nbasking for topics people would like to see on the next one?03:55
pleia2nigel_nb: good one :)03:55
cjohnstonnigel_nb: i plan on a survey for that03:55
cjohnstonI could put it in the email tho if yall want03:55
cjohnstonpleia2: do we use anything for surveys?03:56
pleia2oh, in this announcement can you replace "course" with "class"?03:56
cjohnstonumm.. sure :-)03:56
pleia2"course" is more like a prolonged thing, these are stand alone classes03:56
cjohnstonyall are slacking with the meeting agenda03:58
nigel_nbwho? what? where?03:59
cjohnstonnigel_nb: look at the agenda for the next meeting.. you got your number03:59
nigel_nbhow do we do surveys?04:00
cjohnstoni dunno04:00
nigel_nbI mean I dont want people to sign up or anything04:00
cjohnstonthere was one after uds04:00
cjohnstonwhich you didnt have to sign up for04:01
cjohnstoni think either akgraner or cz......somelettersgohere asked me to fill it out04:01
nigel_nbdont let her see that one :P04:02
cjohnstonshes not in here for me to tab04:02
cjohnstoni have no idea what the rest of the letters are04:02
cjohnstonif she joins ill spell it right04:02
akgranerwhat's up?  doodle poll stuff?04:02
nhandlersurvey monkey?04:02
cjohnstonakgraner or nhandler where does ubuntu normally do surveys for events?04:03
akgranernigel_nb, how are you?04:03
nhandlercjohnston: For scheduling events? If so, Doodle04:03
cjohnstonpost event feedback04:03
akgranerI use survey monkey  and doodle04:03
akgranersurvey monkey for feedback04:03
nigel_nbakgraner: been better, I'm being fed food and made to roam around (at home after 7 months ;))04:03
cjohnstonsurvey monkey it is04:04
cjohnstonpleia2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/356366/04:04
cjohnstonanything else ^^04:04
cjohnstonshould i ask for course suggestions for next time or leave that to the survey?04:04
nigel_nbmake a survey04:04
pleia2I'd leave it until the survey04:04
pleia2cjohnston: looks good!04:04
cjohnstonloco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com, ubuntu-classroom@lists.ubuntu.com04:05
cjohnstonanything else?04:05
cjohnston-news, -learning, -user -??04:05
nigel_nbcan someone give me mark's email id?04:06
cjohnston_marx_: ?04:06
nigel_nbcjohnston: dont torture me on a dial-up04:07
cjohnstondidnt know dialup04:07
cjohnstonmarkthecarp gmail04:07
cjohnstonpleia2: ^^?04:08
nigel_nbyeah, got it04:09
pleia2-news-team and -learning04:09
pleia2(-news is for UWN)04:09
nigel_nbI've mailed jono with a copy to all 4 of you guys.  So in case something is wrong, please do what you have to do04:09
pleia2nigel_nb: thanks :)04:09
nigel_nbok, later everyone :)04:10
nigel_nbI'm off enjoying my holidays ;)04:10
cjohnstonthanks nigel_nb04:11
cjohnstonok.. sending the email in just a minute04:11
nigel_nbcjohnston: no probs04:11
cjohnstonspam has been sent04:13
cjohnstonI mean..04:13
* pleia2 waits for it to hit her inbox before bed04:13
* cjohnston too04:13
pleia2yay :)04:13
pleia2looks great!04:14
pleia2nice to see the spanish version coming together too :)04:15
cjohnstoni just wish i could read it04:15
cjohnstonive translated it once or twice just to see what they have said04:16
cjohnstonsee if they figured out anything we didnt04:16
cjohnstonI guess they turned away an instructor who wanted to teach something that didnt fit04:16
pleia2ok, bedtime04:16
pleia2night :)04:17
cjohnstonI'm following in just a minute or two04:17
cjohnstonwe are on fridge!04:18
cjohnstonI'm glad we have gotten this thing together like we have.. thanks Pendulum pleia2 _marx_ and nb..04:20
cjohnstong'nite all04:31
=== nigel_nb is now known as Guest57197
=== Guest57197 is now known as nigelbabu
humphreybcI wonder if anyone could tell me how to mount a remote server in boot?10:16
humphreybcobviously requires editing the fstab10:16
humphreybci connect via SSH10:16
cjohnstonhey pleia211:51
cjohnstonsorry.. hey Pendulum11:51
doctormoHey all12:06
cjohnstonhey doctormo12:06
Pendulummorning doctormo12:06
Pendulummorning pleia212:23
cjohnstonhey pleia212:25
pleia2oh good, we're on the fridge \o/14:43
=== adam_ is now known as alinuxfan

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