
joeyjohnc4510, tyche - need some UWN advice00:07
joeyjohnc4510, tyche - would it be considered bad if UWN posted something about the job openings at Canonical? I'm down 3 Project Managers and it's killing us.00:09
cjohnstonjoey: hire me... ;-)00:10
joeyIf you've got 10 years of PM experience and can meet the requirements listed here, sure! http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_PM-OEM/00:11
joeyI need America, Taiwan, and China PMs00:11
joeyamerica = North and South America00:11
tychejoey: I can't speak for johnc4510.  However, depending on how it's worded I would think it would be possible.  Basically, I'd say that it can't sound like and advertisement, but SHOULD be a release by Canonical.00:27
tycheIf you want to get with me, tomorrow to pound something out (and of course to post it where we can link to it), I'd be happy to put off my re-installation of Jaunty another day.00:29
nhandlerjoey: I know jono just posted about a job opening on identi.ca/twitter and his blog (which is on the planet). That might get it some attention00:30
joeyYeah I've identi.ca'd, twittered, blogged, facebooked, linkedin'd....and sent out to recruiters00:30
joeynormally our HR does this but I've been trying to draw attention00:31
tycheThe trick is to show it as being something that would benefit the community.  It would go under General Community News, near the top of the UWN00:32
nhandlertyche: We also had a suggestion from someone to try and produce pdf versions of UWN. I told them I would pass the idea along00:33
joeytyche: oh, that's easy!  Come change the world! Be a PM responsible for making Ubuntu run on new hardware and breaking the Microsoft monopoly!00:33
joeytyche: Be proactive and help us fix bug #100:34
joeytyche: work on unannounced hardware!00:35
tycheIt was discussed back when Nick Ali was still in charge.  If I remember right (and remember, when you get old the memory is the first thing to go . . . and I forget what goes next) it was discarded because of the number of places and ways we have to deliver it: wiki, Fridge, and email.00:35
tychejoey: Fixing bug #1 works, but I'd amplify the hardware.  :-D00:36
joeyI was thinking of a general pointer / reminder to look at the job openings :-)00:36
joeytyche: that's the worst part of my job... I work on all this really nifty stuff and I can't talk about any of it00:36
joeysometimes even after it's released00:37
tycheNot what I mean by amplifying the hardware.  Let's see if I can come up with what's floating around in the back of my mind (I think I'm going to need a bigger net :-D  )00:37
* joey laughs.00:38
joeya pointer to "Ubuntu jobs" is probably the best and least controversial to add00:38
tyche"There is an opportunity to help the general community by participating, actively, in helping to decide the hardware on which it runs.  Canonical currently has openings available for Project Managers in OEM.  For more information, contact . . ."00:39
tycheDid I mention that I had a degree in philosophy?  A B.A. in BS.00:40
tycheI once wrote a 25 page paper on one word (Logos) that could be summed up neatly with a spreadsheet in the appendix.00:41
tycheI not only know where the snow shovel is, but how to use it.00:42
tycheBTW, what I tossed out is NOT cast in concrete, and is subject to change without notice.  Feel free to build on it, or change thrust.  But I think that shows you how we might be able to slip it by.00:43
tycheAnd NOW you know why I was made an editor of the UWN00:43
tycheI'm just FULL of . . . stuff like this.00:43
joeyI'm just full of ..... well.... um... passion! Yeah, that's it!00:44
joeyon that note, wife is calling me to dindin00:44
tycheOK, morris00:44
tycheI need to feed cats.00:44
joeyI actually need to do that too!00:44
joeyThanks for the reminder!00:44
tycheDO NOT forget the cats.  They have claws.  And teeth.  AND they know where you live.00:45
akgranerhey tyche check it out http://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/369664/cb2c5a46ab52d103/02:21
akgranernhandler, thanks for sharing the link02:21
nhandlerI don't think we can link to that in the UWN (since you need to pay to subscribe to LWN)02:22
akgranerI was just showing tyche02:25
tycheIt's not a bad article.  And, if you want my opinion, the dual channel idea is good.  AZ makes due with one channel, but 2 things are understood. 1. when help is needed everything else gets focused on the help. 2. Sunday night meetings are for the meeting (yes, they're loose, and we do get some chit-chat, but even that is often generated by the meeting, itself)02:27
tycheHOWEVER:  akgraner you can attest to this:  There is the News channel, the News-team channel, and then there's where we get the work done (because of the amount of chaos involved and the humor used to deflect it)02:28
akgranertyche, I don't think there is wrong way - just whatever works for each individual team and project (therein is the beauty)02:30
tycheIn the case of Ubuntu-Women, I feel that there is the same situation.  Things might be said, informally and perhaps not always as kid friendly as they should be, but rather as they need to be in an unlogged channel.02:30
tycheakgraner: I agree that it's on a case by case basis.  My point was that in the case of Ubuntu-Women (particularly where there has been some animosity) an unlogged channel where they don't have to worry about it coming back on them would be good.02:32
akgraneryep I am not opposed to that02:33
tycheI think you understand where I'm coming from.  I'm sure you've heard some of the horror stories that I have.  Maybe more.02:37
akgranertyche, yep I understand03:30
cjohnstonnhandler: ping04:14
nhandlercjohnston: I'm posting it now04:15
cjohnstonthank you sir!04:15
cjohnstonty nhandler !04:19
nhandlerYou are welcome cjohnston04:19
nhandlercjohnston: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/196804:21
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
akgranernhandler, do you have an hour?19:52
nhandlerakgraner: Not really. What did you need?19:54
akgranerworking on getting my blog on the planet19:55
akgranerno worries :-)19:55
nhandlerakgraner: That doesn't take an hour ;)19:57
akgranerit did last time.. :-(19:57

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