
=== kermit is now known as [
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_diablohey, is anyone familiar with irc?02:40
tonyyarusso_diablo: relatively, what's up?02:41
_diablotonyyarusso: http://pastebin.com/m5fa6f2d202:41
_diablothat's what happens over and over when I try to connect to irc.gnome.net02:41
_diablosorry, I mean irc.gnome.org02:41
_diabloand yet http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell#building says that that's the right server02:42
_diabloany clue?02:43
_diablokk, sorry. :)02:44
tonyyarussoAre you using _diablo or ~_diablo as your nick there?02:45
_diabloI assume the leading ~ is the way it connects or something02:45
tonyyarussoTry without the underscore - I suspect their server is just configured not to allow it.02:46
tonyyarusso(or their server software can't handle it)02:46
_diabloah, okay02:46
tonyyarussoIt's not a limitation of IRC itself, obviously :)02:46
_diabloyeah. :)02:47
_diablotonyyarusso: ah, thanks :) that's so weird, they accept the nick with a leading underscore, but not username02:55
TakyojiIt's in the IRC specification that first character of a username must be a letter.04:16
Takyojihttp://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc/chapter2.html#c2_3 Section 2.3.104:16
_diabloTakyoji: it actually does not say that it must be so. It does say that "Most protocol messages specify..."04:20
_diabloalso, it says "many server commands", not all04:20
TakyojiAnyone have thoughts on http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9144221/Google_attack_part_of_widespread_spying_effort ?04:35
_diabloTakyoji: I'm worried05:04
_diabloTakyoji: I'm proud of google for finally leaving it though05:06
TakyojiI wonder if/when countries may turn against China for such05:08
_diabloit's not easy. China trades a lot. Trade stops wars, but trade also stops condemnation05:10
Obsidian1723F China05:18
Obsidian1723I do admire their firewall though.05:20
_diabloit's a Great Firewall05:20
Obsidian1723I wonder what they use? SonicWall? a Gentoo series of PCs? heh05:20
_diablomr_steve: ping10:30
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=== __diablo is now known as _diablo

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