
erUSULdr4g: super button == windows button on most keyboards00:00
gyygso i am running eeebuntu. The bar at the top right that holds Icon's for the network connection and what not sometimes are not there on boot. Any suggestion on what to look at?00:00
Hydrosispwnedulongtime, thanks for the advice, but I dont run on ancient hardware.  I can handle the fury that is Gnome.00:00
dr4gerUSUL, thankyou.00:00
=== cpg|brb is now known as cpg
trismHydrosis: this may be useful, http://wiki.compiz.org/WindowMatching (under the window rules it lists a below setting)00:00
Ziberunr3a1: well, not sure. i mean, im running xen, but non-hvm, so i was wondering if there's another way of installing the contents of the iso to the virtual HD?00:00
Hydrosisthanks trism00:00
ganeshivanone to answer my question??00:01
RandomUsrHow can I open a text file from the command line with writer?00:01
unr3a1Ziber, so you are trying to setup a virtual machine on your computer?00:01
undecimNotTooSmart: Come to think of it, I think the alternate install CD allows drive encryption.00:01
Hydrosisganeshiva, I dont see a question.00:01
=== Out_Cold is now known as Guest23566
NotTooSmartundecim, my main drive has an encrypted folder already...00:02
Dr_WillisRandomUsr:  if yiu mean openoffice writer the command is like oowriter  i think00:02
macoganeshiva: er, i said a few things to you before...00:02
bbelt16agwhy is my maximize  spanning  two screen instead of one.00:02
Ziberunr3a1: specifically trying to install from an iso on non-hvm. debootstrap works, but there's no ubuntu 9.10 debootstrap template00:02
pwnedulongtimeHydrosis, i always prefer optimized/lightweight solutions over bloat any day no matter what hardware00:02
undecimNotTooSmart: Just your home directory right now then?00:02
dr4gDr_Willis, now to pump up my terminal, any recommendations ? :)00:02
Dr_Willisdr4g:  be more clear in what you mean for starters00:03
Hydrosispwnedulongtime, this machine is my play box.  For work and other shit I usually use ChrunchBang #! linux, so I know what you mean.00:03
=== Guest23566 is now known as Out_Cold
macoganeshiva: windows assumes the hardware clock is giving localtime. ubuntu asks during install, and you probably told it it was set to utc, not localtime. the file /etc/adjtime and the command "hwclock" are related to telling ubuntu that "oops, nevermind, my hardware clock is localtime, not utc" but im not quite sure how to do it. suggested "sudo hwclock --localtime"00:03
Sk8rbluscat2When I use Ubuntu linux, i cannot adjust the gamma00:03
dr4gDr_Willis, no specifics.. make it semi-transparent - ajust the colors..etc00:03
Dr_Willisdr4g:  thats trival stuff in the menus...00:03
unr3a1Ziber, oh, alright. I do not have any experience with hvm.  sorry.00:03
ganeshivatime set is different in ubuntu when i boot00:03
ganeshivait changes00:03
pwnedulongtimeHydrosis, gotcha00:03
Ziberunr3a1: im not using hvm. im using pv.00:03
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:04
Sk8rbluscat2i cannot adjust the gamma00:04
unr3a1Ziber, sorry, should have been more specific.  I do not have any experience with virtualization in linux.00:04
pwnedulongtimeHydrosis, is  ChrunchBang themable?00:04
Pixarhi, which IM client has the get info thing pinging the user who i'm chatting so i can grab his ip? I think it came on instalation in the past on one of these 3 distros: debian, slackware or fedora. please help00:05
Hydrosispwnedulongtime, http://crunchbanglinux.org/wiki/theming00:05
HydrosisIts OpenBox.00:05
HydrosisSo, yes.,00:05
pwnedulongtimeoh right00:05
pwnedulongtimeyeah I used to run this00:05
unr3a1Ziber, I would just assume to mount the ISO to a folder and then rip the contents of the folder to your virtual HDD, but I dont know if that would work for what you are trying to do.00:05
Ziberunr3a1: "rip"? how?00:05
aliciapgis there a video editor that supports rmvb files?00:05
macoganeshiva: are you reading what i'm saying or not?00:05
blakkheimpwnedulongtime: just install openbox in an ubuntu minimal iso00:05
unr3a1Ziber, copy and paste00:06
Ziberworth a try.00:06
dr4gDr_Willis, looks like theres a terminal themes section on Ubuntu-art.org00:06
pwnedulongtimeblakkheim, wish I knew about this distro before00:06
pwnedulongtimenot sure if my hetbook hardware would be supported though00:06
yogi_wie kann ich in der systray  ein panel zu den festen hinzufügen , mir ist nach einem neustart mein auschaltpanel verschwunden und ich musste es neu hinzufügen nu ist es aber verschiebbar , aber ich möchte es gerne wieder an seinem richtigen platz ganz rechts aussen haben00:07
blakkheim!de | yogi_00:07
erUSUL!de | yogi_00:07
ubottuyogi_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.00:07
unr3a1Ziber, why are you running a virtual hdd?  are you trying to run a virtual machine while booted into linux?00:07
magnetoi broke aptitude =(00:07
Ziberunr3a1: have a box running ubuntu. decided to learn xen. made a VM. :P00:07
dr4gHey guys anywhere to get cool Termainl themes? :)00:07
Dr_Willisdr4g:  theres dozens of terminal program you can try.00:07
Ziberdont have hvm support, so im trying hackery ways of installing from an iso, rather than debootstrap00:08
Dr_Willisdr4g:  most poeple that use the terminal dont want fancy eye straining stuff in them00:08
Hydrosisgr4g: I just started using TILDA terminal.  Nice stuff.00:08
dr4gDr_Willis, in my experience people do care00:08
dr4gHydrosis, i'll research it thankyou00:08
aliciapgis there a video editor that supports rmvb files?00:08
unr3a1Ziber, ah.  ok.  makes sense now  :)00:08
Dr_Willisdr4g:  no they dont..  peole that actually WORK in the terminal for hours on end. dont care about themes.. they want nice fonts and stuff that dosent cause eyestrain00:09
* Dr_Willis goes bnack to wondering why it takes 10+ min to move a 3mb file to the trashcan on his flash drive.00:09
Out_Coldnoobs are an eyestrain :p00:09
Ziberunr3a1: there has to be something more than simply copying...00:09
dr4gDr_Willis, dont be boring! i use linux for work too! :)00:09
dr4gI like this theme this guy has: http://tmsnc.sourceforge.net/images/screenshot8.jpg00:10
* maco really likes inconsolata for a terminal font00:10
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  :) and its often the uneducated masses that dictate what people 'want'00:10
Ziberunr3a1: and brb.00:10
* erUSUL prefers terminus00:10
Hydrosisdr4g: Dr_Willis is right.  Most of us prefer minimal amounts of distractions.00:10
unr3a1Ziber, what is it that you are trying to install to this virtual hdd?  an OS, just a program for a OS that is already installed onto it?  you need to be a little more specific as to what you are exactly doing.00:10
=== guerrilha_crls is now known as datacrusher
* Dr_Willis is using a text based IRC client even00:10
* erUSUL raises hand00:11
* Hydrosis uses Xchat in Gnome.00:11
Out_ColdDr_Willis, technically all irc clients are "text based"00:11
=== moreno is now known as SoniC
ganeshivawhere can i learn basic shell commands00:11
HydrosisOut_Cold, not at all.  Text based mean no GUI00:11
erUSUL!cli > ganeshiva00:11
ubottuganeshiva, please see my private message00:12
* Dr_Willis has console/text based GUI apps. :)00:12
Dr_Willisgotta love ascii line drawing00:12
Out_Coldi know was just razzing him00:12
aliciapgdoes anyone know if there is a video editor that supports rmvb files?00:12
Out_Coldganeshiva, go find an ebook on linux or ubuntu administration00:12
* Dr_Willis rembers when font-antialiasing was a 'cutting edge' feature in Linux00:12
Ziberunr3a1: i want to install an iso of ubuntu 9.10 that i have onto this virtual HDD00:13
ganeshivacould anyone suggest any basic shell tutorials00:13
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:13
aliciapg*sigh* does anyone know anything about mencoder?00:15
HydrosisDr_Willis, do you use the gnome terminal or something else?00:15
unr3a1ok, you gotta give your virtual machine a cd-rom to potentially boot from00:15
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  i know it has some very well done docs and faq's at the homepage.00:15
Dr_WillisHydrosis:  i tend to use 'terminator' these days00:15
Dr_Willis!info terminator00:15
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13+ds1-2 (karmic), package size 138 kB, installed size 1188 kB00:15
unr3a1Dr_Willis, I have my ubuntu flash drive booting now, will let you kno whow my boot up goes once I get that file name changed back00:15
Ziberunr3a1: can you do that without hvm?00:16
Dr_Willisunr3a1:  you dident try the nofb/nosplash options at teh grub command line?00:16
* Dr_Willis wonders if anyone else has noticed VERY VERY slow usb flash drives when using ext2/3 on them?00:16
aliciapgDr_Willis: what homepage?00:16
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  id have to google for it..00:16
aliciapgDr_Willis: as am i but i can't find00:17
Out_ColdDr_Willis, i had a live flash that was ext3 was pretty slow..00:17
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  so it dosent seem to be just my problem then. :)00:17
untermenschQuestion: my gnome-display-properties is only giving me the option of 1024x768, but it's capable of higher, how can i fix it?00:17
max1234how do I find out what kind of audio card or driver I have?00:17
Out_Coldi use fat32 for data transfers00:17
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  like taking 12hrs to copy over 1 gb.. :)00:17
Out_Coldwow.. not that long.. i think i did 8 gig in 1 hour00:17
rblstanyone got experience with huawei e620 modem?00:18
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  yea. this is a 8gb flash 3gb Max was on it.. its been taking 10+ min to just empty the trash00:18
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  repartionint it to vfat now00:18
Out_Coldwhat was wrong with vfat and flash??00:19
Out_Coldoh... permissions on mounting00:19
unr3a1Ziber, I don;t really know.  I have some experience with virtualization, but only virtualization in windows.  But I am sure it follows along the same rules.  if you are trying to get a virtual machine to boot from a "cd-rom" it has to have one available to boot from.00:19
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  i dont have any issues with that00:19
max1234How do I find out what kind of display driver I have?00:20
Ziberunr3a1: for some reason, pv's cant use cdrom's, or something. idk. and brb dinner00:20
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  ive just noticed the flash and ext2/3 beung nastyly slow compared to what it should be doing00:20
Out_Coldi think that if you are not the owner you have to state your permissions on mount.. can't chown or something00:20
unr3a1Ziber, then I would try a different form of virtualization if it does not allow you to set optical media to boot from00:20
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  thats how vfat/ntfs normally work.00:21
untermenschQuestion: my gnome-display-properties is giving me the best option of 1024x768, but it's capable of higher, how can i fix it?00:21
jMylesI'm using ubuntu-server as a router / gateway.  When I add hosts to /etc/hosts, it takes the rest of the network almost a day to respond to them.  How can I speed this up?  What mechanism is creating the delay?00:21
max1234How do I figure out what display driver I have?00:21
Out_Coldi remember being stumped helping someone on an ext hdd before...00:21
Dr_Willisuntermensch:  You have installed the proper video card drivers for your chipset?00:21
daftykinsjMyles: what order do you have DNS configured in in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file? is "files" first ja?00:22
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  for ext2/3 you set the permissions/oqnership same as if it was an internal drive00:22
unr3a1Dr_Willis, oh, I thought they were options I could set in the grub config file.  what do I have to type in to boot the hard disk from the grub command line with those options?00:22
homebrewciderhey there, I have a 1TB hdd on my server computer, I right click properties, it shows "used 105gb, free 765gb, there should be more free space than that surely, is there a limit to how much the file manager can "see"  ?00:22
untermenschDr_Willis: yes. they used to work, then after dual-screening with another monitor it went to this weird set up00:22
Dr_Willisunr3a1:  use nosplash and nofb and delete the 'quiet' option at the end of the grub kernel options line00:22
jMylesdaftykins: Very interesting - I've never seen this file.  The "hosts" line reads in this order: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns400:23
jMylesdaftykins: Mind you, I can ping with the hostname immediately from the server00:23
unr3a1Dr_Willis, ok, doing that now00:24
tanjirhomebrewcider, you are seeing it right... it is not limitation of the file manager00:24
unr3a1Dr_Willis, so should i rename my gdm.conf file again?00:24
daftykinsjMyles: ah well that's fine... it's got files prioritised... that's about all i know really! what OS are your clients?00:24
jMylesdaftykins: all ubuntu00:24
homebrewciderbut tanjir, shouldn't it add up to about 931gb?00:24
untermenschDr_Willis: any other ideas?00:24
Dr_Willisunr3a1:  if you want - using nosplash/nofb has nothing to do with that config file.  the options will allow you to see all tjhe text boot messages00:24
daftykinsjMyles: so all their primary DNS is the IP of the router/gateway e.g. ?00:25
jMylesdaftykins: yep00:25
homebrewciderinstead of about 88000:25
tanjirhomebrewcider, in your console, type "df" it will give you the right information (you are missing swap partition i blv)00:25
daftykinsjMyles: ah ok, i would personally try a DNS cache clear, though i'd imagine it shouldn't be too relevant since it would be a new hostname it hasn't tried yet! anyway that's the extent of my knowledge i'm afraid00:25
ludivagueHello people, I need some help. It's about a good software to manage my photos on my ipod, but another than GPixPod, because my iPod is 7th gen and it won't recognize it00:27
homebrewciderah, makes sense, thank you00:28
tanjirhomebrewcider, no prob... :)00:28
ad_bonsoir a tous00:30
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:30
dr4gHey guys what's the best media player on ubuntu, is it mplayer ?00:31
Dr_Willisdr4g:  like so many things in linux 'it depends'00:32
Joker_-_What's the command "ext3.mkfs" in ubuntu?00:32
Dr_WillisI use mplayer/vlc for my videos00:32
bbelt16agok peeps have an issue my dns keeps  going away...00:32
=== Damn3d is now known as damn3d
Dr_WillisJoker_-_:  mkfs.ext300:32
dr4gVLC is nice, but i want something that i can get good themes for. what do you suggest ?00:32
Joker_-_Dr_Willis: :) thx00:32
bbelt16agmy network setting in the  administration/network tool  are not  being used when I reboot or  restart X00:32
Dr_Willisdr4g:  should i suggest getting over your theme fetish.. and vlc has themes I belive...00:33
dr4gThis looks niec: http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre3/55440-3.jpg00:33
* Dr_Willis wonders what themes have to do with being able to play back videos well...00:33
bbelt16agI don't know what's going on bt each time I have to open it up and  set my saved preferences..   what is going on00:33
dr4gnice *00:33
bbelt16agdo I need to shut down X and  make it save  it as default00:33
Dr_Willissmplayer and mplayer also have themable features00:33
dr4gDr_Willis, you know what player this is? http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre3/55440-3.jpg00:33
Dr_Willistheres also xbmc, moovida, and eddna00:33
dr4gah i seen the text at the bottom, might be winamp 5 then :P00:34
lotushey I'm running 9.10 and it appears that tor came installed by default.  Where is it?  I want to set vidalia up to run it.00:34
crazy_impi have a problem, tomcat does not resolv localhost, please see this pastebin for more details -> http://pastebin.ca/175042100:34
daftykinsdr4g: looks like the windows based winamp00:34
Dr_Willisdr4g:  from the text at the bottom.. it looks lik its wuinamp :)00:34
AshtonKHey all.00:34
dr4ghehe just spotted it guys :D00:34
bbelt16agany ideas00:34
Dr_Willisdr4g:  theres music plauyers that can use winamp themes00:34
AshtonKDoes anyone know of a way to get the new indicator applet to show new emails, without having to keep evolution open all the time?00:35
ludivagueRhytmbox is good for me, nice GUI and fast00:35
dr4gludivague, screenshot? :)00:35
Dr_Willisgood music players are often not good video players...00:36
Dr_Willisand visa versa00:36
AshtonKI've preferred Banshee as of late.00:36
bbelt16agI ave also got my dns  setup to use  resolvconf in my /etc/network/interfaces.00:36
AshtonKCase in point, using VLC as a music player....00:36
dr4gDr_Willis, last time i used linux was slackware, and the GUI wasn't too good then :P 6 years later i've went to debian, ubuntu and wanna make my OS look really good00:36
lotusAshtonK: I know there is an interface for working with it, but I'd be damned if I remember how.  There is a shell command you can type to make it pop a notification, but I don't know how to change the icon status00:36
dr4git will tempt me to stay on linux instead of booting to windows :d00:36
Dr_Willisdr4g:  i woudl suggest learning linux basics first and reading/exploring.00:36
AshtonKHopefully they'll change that in 10.4 then. I know there was some sort of grand plan for that applet.00:36
blakkheimmpd for music, mplayer (compiled with multithreading and no gui) for video00:36
dr4gDr_Willis, i'm a software engineer, i'm familiar with linux00:36
Dr_Willisdr4g:   you have 6 years of new things to learn about it seems00:37
dr4gbut looking for advice on cool new styles00:37
AshtonKNever trust a software engineer to make an interface.00:37
Dr_WillisAshtonK:  :OP00:37
dr4gDr_Willis, i use it daily, at work but my home computer has been windows.00:37
dr4gAshtonK, exactly, i need help! :D00:37
AshtonKWith what?00:37
Dr_Willisspend the next 3 days exploreing compiz and ccsm.00:38
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz00:38
dr4gAshtonK, making my ubuntu theme looking really good. i see loads of great example on google images.00:38
AshtonKOhhh, that's what ccsm.00:38
AshtonKYeah, compizconfig-settings-manager00:38
Dr_Willisthen go play with kde4 if you want fancy weirdness in your interface. :)00:38
AshtonKWill do the fancy effects.00:38
dr4gDr_Willis, yea i've got ccsm up and running, playing with all the window effects00:38
dr4gi like the spinner on SUPER+TAB00:38
AshtonKMost other static stuff is on gnome-look IIRC.00:39
dr4gteally nice :)00:39
dr4greally *00:39
AshtonKDifferent engines, themes, etc.00:39
AshtonKThe default has always done it for me.00:39
Dr_WillisCCSm has some feature to put ROOT: in the title of any window/file manager thats being ran as root. :) thats a handy feature. :P00:39
m3onh0x84_hi all, how to add freedns to webserver on ubuntu ?00:39
dr4gAshfire908, theres themes on ccsm ?00:39
dr4gAshtonK,  **00:39
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes00:39
max1234is it harder to get viruses in linux?00:40
Dr_Willisthe term 'theme' is so broad its sort of meaningless in many ways00:40
Dr_Willismax1234:  so hard its almost uimpossible00:40
macoDr_Willis: almost typed "unpossible" there? :P00:40
Dr_WillisNope just cold down here and my fingers are cold. :)00:41
* Dr_Willis goes back to installing malware in wine...00:41
_schism_evening all00:41
bbelt16agam I missing something?  why  won't my config  stay set?00:41
bbelt16agI wall try logging out and logging  back in..00:42
=== rajmahendra is now known as Aruna
tanjirmax1234, it is not possible... just because of the way linux is designed unless you give root privilege to the virus with "sense"00:42
ArunaI heared that created a linux flavor is easy !?00:42
Dr_WillisAruna:  cahnge the wallpaper/logo.. there ya go.. done00:43
aliciapgcan someone help me with mencoder or point me in the direction of help with it?00:43
* Dr_Willis makes RedNeckLinux with shotgun sound effects00:43
max1234so its safer to look at porn on linux than windows right?00:43
dr4gAnyone know the name of this dock at the bottom? http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/4464/screenshotrx3.png00:43
tanjirAruna, you can have customized version of ubuntu00:43
Dr_Willismax1234:  untill the wife catches you00:43
unr3a1Dr_Willis, I think I got it working00:43
max1234ha im in college, no wifey00:43
Dr_Willisunr3a1:  weeee!00:43
AshtonKDunno, you already have a freedns domain?00:43
Dr_Willismax1234:  go chase real girls then. :)00:43
ArunaDr_Willis: you mean i can have my own flavor of ubuntu ?00:44
unr3a1Dr_Willis, what I did was booted into recovery mode, then went to netroot, then initiated telinit 300:44
AshtonKWhoops, should've scrolled down.00:44
Dr_WillisAruna:  'linux - your os your way'00:44
tanjirmax1234, I don't think the question is appropriate for this room... this is not 18+ room00:44
max1234I already have one00:44
AshtonKOr, "Linux, be as stubborn as you want"00:44
max1234ha ok I apologize, I was just wondering00:44
ArunaDr_Willis: can i do that using Ubuntu.. derive my own ubuntu..00:44
Dr_WillisAruna: YES00:44
Dr_Willisyou can do it witn about any linux.00:44
unr3a1Dr_Willis, what I am doing now, is rebooting my computer to see if the nvidia installer worked00:44
tanjirmax1234, sorry, we won't answer your question here.00:44
AshtonKYou're safer from drive by websites, of any particular origin, if that's what you're talking about.00:45
ArunaDr_Willis: i searched net they all say we can but i dont get any articke on steps to do it :(00:45
max1234tanjir, you already did00:45
tanjirAruna, read this article: http://maketecheasier.com/reconstructor-creating-your-own-ubuntu-distribution/2008/07/0500:45
AshtonKIf you're afraid of people seeing where you've been by your own history, you can fix that on any OS.00:45
AshtonKAbout being tracked by your university? SOL.00:45
dr4gAshtonK,  you know the name of this dock at the bottom? http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/4464/screenshotrx3.png00:45
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility00:46
tanjirmax1234, :)00:46
AshtonKHehe, that'd be a pretty good name for a non dock launcher.00:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:46
ilovealcoatrying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization, but evidently the iso image mounts as a read only file system.  how to get around this?00:46
unr3a1Dr_Willis, well, it worked.  I am able to boot into ubuntu and use the proper driver set00:47
Arunatanjir: thank you i am just wondering to have one linux from india :)00:47
AshtonKThat very well may be Gnome Do's docky.00:47
unr3a1Dr_Willis, thanks for your input though, I learned a lot00:47
=== pdtpatrick__ is now known as pdtpatrick
dr4gDr_Willis, but cairo-dock seems down00:47
Dr_Willisdocky from gnome-do is splitting off into its own 'docky' program. its ont of the few docks ive seen thats actually usefull :) and not annoying00:47
tanjirAruna, it would be easier to work parallel with main ubuntu release by helping the translation... :)00:48
Sk8rbluscat2I have a gamma issue00:48
oorahcan i cook angus steak on a cookie sheet? before ya yell "offtopic" please understand the proper channel is very "idle" lol00:48
Dr_WillisMost of the other docks ive tried.. really stink.00:48
Sk8rbluscat2i cannot change the gamma settings in my Ubuntu00:48
nitori don't recommend it00:48
Dr_Willisoorah:  use a cast iron skillit00:48
AshtonKYou don't usually cook a steak in an oven, which is what a cookie sheet is meant for.00:48
Dr_Willisoorah:  wrap it in foil with taters and onions and bake... :)00:48
Arunatanjir: if you dont mind can i have a contact with you on this.. i dont disturb you all the time :P00:48
AshtonKYou're best off with a grill type setup.00:48
tanjirAruna, you will find me here... you can pm me00:49
HydrosisMy food doesn't have a face, ever.00:49
unr3a1thanks again00:49
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Sk8rbluscat2i cannot change the gamma setting in Ubuntu...00:49
Arunatanjir: thank you :)00:49
tanjirAradiv_recover, no prob00:49
tanjirAruna *, no prob00:50
Sk8rbluscat2It displays colors VERY strangely...00:50
max1234is there any type of to-do list I can download?00:50
Hydrosismax1234, there is a few apps in the repository.00:51
Sk8rbluscat2I'm in Windows right now... and I have my ATI Catylist Control Center setting set to have low gamma...00:51
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Hydrosismax1234, in the Ubuntu Software Centert00:51
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tucemiuxonce someone sends their ssh key using ssh-copy-id username@host,  where is the key placed in the ssh server???00:51
max1234Hydrosis, do you know any names off the top of your head? I am on lubuntu now and it doesnt have the software center00:51
Hydrosismax1234, I like iKog.00:52
AshtonKHydrosis: If you slice your meat correctly, it shouldn't still have a face. :P00:52
Sk8rbluscatI have a GAMMA error.00:52
Sk8rbluscatI cannot change the gamma00:52
macomax1234: getting things gnome (package: gtg)00:52
HydrosisAshtonk:  Food with faces is not food, for me.00:53
* maco high fives Hydrosis00:53
* Sk8rbluscat agreez00:53
jMylesI can't seem to make subdomains work in apache - I have different ServerNames set, but no dice.00:53
* Hydrosis high fives maco and Sk8 back00:53
Sk8rbluscatI cannot get Ubuntu to change the gamma setting00:54
Dr_Williswow - d c c spam for a public service anouncement.. how.. pathic00:54
cgi just got a bunch too, great00:54
Sk8rbluscat20 inch HANNspree monitor00:54
Dr_Williscg:  reminded me to look up how to filter out that sutff on my irc client00:55
HydrosisSk8rbluscat, there is no manual setting on the monitor itself?  My monitor's contrast, gamma etc is all adjustable from the monitor's hardware/.00:55
cgDr_Willis: i intend on doing that too :|00:55
Sk8rbluscatdo you knowno...00:55
Dice-Manhi people00:55
MikeJBNow I see the disadvantages to being on (one of) the largest channels on the network... :(00:55
Dice-Manfreenode is striken00:55
HydrosisMikeJB, too fast for ya? lol00:55
AshtonKWrong button!00:55
HydrosisAshtonK is just trying to punk us.  He doesnt use Linux.00:56
MikeJBHydrosis: That and the 14 DCCs interrupting the chat? :P00:56
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AshtonKYou're 1/3 right...00:56
AshtonKtriboot ftw.00:57
EdganMikeJB: /ignore *!*@* DCC  Is what I am trying.00:57
AshtonKWish empathy could ignore joins/leaves.00:58
JeruvyAshtonK: you'll probably want a real irc client for that purpose.00:58
EdganAshtonK: I use that in X-Chat. But it is a double edged sword. If someone in a big channel leaves while you are talking to them, you don't know.00:59
Sk8rbluscati'm using firefox 3.5 on windows...00:59
tanjirAshtonK, try xchat for irc00:59
AshtonKI'm rather light when it comes to IRC usage, I prefer having 1 program to do it all.00:59
bbelt16agwhat is all the  dcc   stuff for00:59
Sk8rbluscati have Wubi...00:59
HydrosisAshtonK, if you use a solid wallpaper and set your window to transparent, then set the text to match the wallpaper colour, they are ignored.00:59
AshtonKNow that's a real work around.00:59
Sk8rbluscatthe Linux alongside Windows thing...00:59
ubuntu__Ok so where is the GUI for Ubunutu server?01:00
Dr_Willisbbelt16ag:  stupid spam. Ignore it01:00
macoubuntu__: uh, its a server. why would it have a gui? guis are for desktops01:00
ubuntu__I need a few pointers tehn01:00
Hydrosisubuntu__, I don't know, but it is easy to add one if you need to. After install, you'd just have to sudo aptitude install x-window-system-core gnome-core (or gnome if you want all the bells and whistles of a full desktop environment). If you also want a gui login, then also install gdm.01:00
MikeJBEdgan: Only problem is that I might forget to turn back on DCC months from now if I need it. Besides, it's more the joins followed by quits/k-lines that's annoying.01:00
ubuntu__I wanted to use it for file serving in the house01:00
ubuntu__So how do i find out how to make folders and set acccess to them form my laptops?01:01
_schism_anyone here know anything about the intel hda sound thingie? I have a laptop that I am running ubuntu on and cant get my internal mic to work and cant seem to find out anything on google and what I have found I dont understand anyway01:02
macoubuntu__: to make a directory, type "mkdir directoryname"01:02
ubuntu__I'm new at this but have a clue as a DOS user from way back01:02
macoubuntu__: to check its permissions "ls -l"01:02
AshtonKRight, time to do some testing for Audacity, since I'm one of the few testers that actually have Windows 7.01:02
cg_schism_: you need to use a loopback module iirc01:02
Hydrosisubuntu__, use  makedir01:02
AshtonKLater all.01:02
HydrosisAudacity is junk for recording music, be warned.01:03
oscar__hi room i need help with a Java issue01:03
ubuntu__Lemme go play for a few.... BRB01:03
macoubuntu__: you'll see something like rwxr-xr-x or such. r = read, w = write, x = execute. first set is for owner, second for group, third for everyone else. owner and group are those two columns with names that come after the permissions bit01:03
_schism_cg: whats a loopback module? a package or something else?01:03
ubuntu__So rwxr sets permissions and stuff for access then.01:03
ubuntu__I have no slue about Driver stuff01:04
Hydrosis!ask oscar__01:04
macoubuntu__: to change them, "chmod" is the command you want. i usually use numbers. r=4, w=2, x=1, so rwxr-xr-x = 755. i find the letter-based method of chmod'ing harder to remember01:04
tanjiroscar__, what is the issue?01:04
oscar__well  it wont close java windows somereason01:05
tanjiroscar__, are you triggering the event properly (i guess that is how close button works)?01:05
Cued4hi all, i'm new to the channel. but i'm having some mayjor problems on my 9.04 server if ANYONE could possibly help. the problem has to do with php501:05
mlissnerDoes anybody have any advice on how to share a server amongst a couple people so as to work on a group project making a website? I'd like to do it without giving them TOO much access to the config files, but I can't think of how to do it without giving them root.01:06
oscar__im new with this linux01:06
Dr_Willismlissner:  sudo can give specic users specific access to specific commands.. depending on your needs01:06
ubuntu__MLISSNER Im in the same oat01:06
Dr_Willisoscar__:  you trying to hit the 'ok' button in the java eula screen?01:06
tanjirCued4, what is the problem?01:07
oscar__in a chat room on a site01:07
shadow98how do i logout just to the console and kill X01:07
Dr_Willisoscar__:  Hmm. no idea on that then.01:07
mlissnerDr_Willis: is there a good way to do this by adding them a certain group or something?01:07
Dr_Willisshadow98:  stop the gdm service.01:07
tanjiroscar__, did it work properly in other system where you are more familiar?01:07
Dr_Willismlissner:  no  idea. ive rarely had to do that wort of work01:07
tanjircause I don't think it is related to Ubuntu...01:07
shadow98Dr_Willis: is there anyway to do this via command...i thought there used to be a logout option to just console01:08
oscar__windows xp but this laptop chraches on xp01:08
Cued4tanjir, i'm having a problem with my php scripting... i reinstalled from 8.04 to 9.10. and now i keep getting an 'undefined' error on pages with upload button01:08
Dr_Willisshadow98:  sudo service gdm stop   -> kills X and goes to the console01:08
oscar__can i upgrade to another linux OS from this one01:09
Cued4tanjir, < if you look at that.. right besie where is says 'cancel' there should be a button that says 'browse'01:09
Dr_Willisoscar__:  i wouldent recommend it.01:09
Dr_Willisoscar__:  You want a system that works dont you?01:09
* eremite is Hydrosis. Thanks for the heads up on IRC in terminal. Much better Dr_Willis 01:09
Dr_Willisoscar__:  then i dont recommend you try  that..  You could give us some more details.01:10
tanjirCued4, isn't it PHP related problem?01:10
lorphhello how do I change ulimit settings for a non-root user?01:10
oscar__on what01:10
lorphI can do sudo bash -c "ulimit -n 1234" but it doesn't let me change it for a non-root user01:10
Dr_Willisoscar__:  what are you trying to upgrade/change TO exactly and what do you have now?01:11
Cued4tanjir, i've no clue ... see that's what i'm thinking. i was talking to someone and they said that i need to go back to 8.04 becasue the newer version of php5 is probably causing it... ... .. but. i ran php5 on 8.04?01:11
_numbersmy screens are reversed. the right is primary but the left should be primary. (e.g. bios appears on left screen). how do i fix this?01:11
Dr_Willis_numbers:  switch the monitor cables is one way01:11
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tanjirCued4, I can't tell anything without seeing the code01:12
tanjirCued4, or your best bet is to tru ##php01:12
* Dr_Willis still hasent figured ouit how to ignore thiose dcc messages in weechat 0.3.001:12
_numbersDr_Willis: no. I have this running osx and winxp, and besides the BIOS, every other OS understands left is primary.01:12
tanjirCued4, or your best bet is to try "join ##php"01:12
ads_can someone please tell me how i may install i'm receiving this error :  short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/NX/bin/nxnode')01:12
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Dr_Willis_numbers:  if using nvidia - the nvidia-settings tool has a check box/setting for that01:13
Dr_Willis_numbers:   the one the biox is on is the default primary. You just need to tell the os's to reverse them :)01:14
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.01:14
Hydrosishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2rGTXHvPCQ  <----- How IRC should be.   Watch this if you have some spare time.01:14
ads_can someone please tell me how i may install i'm receiving this error :  short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/NX/bin/nxnode')01:14
_numbersDr_Willis: yep. i see that checkbox. hmm i wonder why it doesn't seem to have any effect? i am using awesome wm01:14
iziettohi! can somebody help me?01:15
tucemiuxignore *!*@* DCC   <----that's how you ignore him01:15
Hydrosisizietto, ask01:15
oscar__can i change the operating system with in Ubuntu01:15
iziettook... I have a problem with gdm, I cannot manage to install themes01:16
oorahoscar__, Ubuntu is an operating system01:16
oscar__i know01:16
oscar__but i what a differnt version01:16
oorahoscar__, upgrade01:16
tanjiroscar__, you can try virtualbox01:16
KSidhi guys01:17
user123hello, I need to know how can I switch the keyboard from english to spanish and viceversa when I just need to write a small document. I do not want to change the settings everytime I need to add special characters from other languages. Is there any shortcut keys that allow me to do this?01:17
tanjiroscar__, then you don't have to uninstall anything01:17
oorahalt+f2 and type update-manager -d01:17
Cued4tanjir, yeahhh i dont think thay're going to help haha01:17
Hydrosisoscar__,   sudo apt-get install update  and then type sudo apt-get install upgrade01:17
_numbersDr_Willis: ah figured it out using nvidia-settings. thnx01:17
Cued4tanjir, did you mean #php?01:17
HinataHi, I'm trying to run World of warcraft using a script I found a french website of ubuntu http://pastebin.com/d7db6ed7d this should normally open a second x server and run WoW in it but when I try to run that script I only get a black screen than I get back to the first x.... I also get that in the terminal: http://pastebin.com/d48b61b7a Anyone got an idea? (by the way, sorry for the french comment in the script and everything...)01:17
tanjirCued4, yah... #php and ##php are same... you can at least ask if the newer version of PHP is the problem01:17
KSidcan someone take a look at some strace output and help me figure out why some file open modes are failing - http://codepad.org/0NKWBlJH01:18
tanjirCued4, or is it based on javascript?01:18
iziettoif I go to system > application > login window, prompt a small window with a couple of gdm settings, but nothing more!01:18
Cued4tanjir, < this is site01:18
Cued4it's joomla. and jomsocial. so php01:18
centinulI have a bunch of h.264 files in m4v container... Is there any way to tag them?01:19
iziettognome-art too cannot install gdm themes, the button is disabled... I wonder why??01:19
Kevin`have a look at the source of that thing like it says, btw (in a browser that does NOT support javascript, like wget/curl), it's rather neat01:19
powertool08Is anyone else unable to play ~40% of the flash videos you come across because the site claims you need to upgrade flash to version 10? Any way around this error?01:19
tanjirCued4, ohh... the button where it shows you the error, does it get generated from PHP or JScript?01:20
tanjircause it seems like JScript to me01:20
ozzloyuser123, System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts (tab, next to General tab)01:20
Hydrosispowertool08, I have that problem sometimes.  I have no idea what it is.  That's what you get for free, I guess :D01:20
trismizietto: the gdm in karmic was rewritten from scratch, and it doesn't really support themes yet (you can change some settings such as the wallpaper, but it is kind of pointless right now because any gdm updates will reset it to defaults)01:21
powertool08Hydrosis: It really bugs me because its such a retarded error. I bet the video is encoded the same way, they are just trying to force an update.01:21
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.01:21
user123ozzloy, thanks. Do you know if there is any shortcut keys to switch the layouts?01:21
ozzloyuser123, yeah, hold on a sec01:21
celeritasFloodBot1 works now01:22
SuzanneSorry that I missed you Hal---just got home from work.01:22
ozzloyuser123, "Layout Options" -> "Key(s) to change layout"01:22
ozzloy"Layout Options" is a button01:22
ozzloyuser123, on the "Layouts" tab01:22
user123ozzloy, thank you very much, I really appreciate it01:23
iziettotrism, thanks!!! I was getting crazy!!! everyone but me on internet seems to manage to change gdm themes!!!! :)))01:23
douferhow to create a user account in live cd customization?01:23
user123ozzloy, have an excellent day :)01:23
ANTRatthats amazing spam01:23
ozzloyuser123, sure thing!  glad to help.  i've been helped here many times01:23
douferi dont want ubuntu as an username01:23
HydrosisANTRat, I know.  Driving me nuts.  You'd think the OPs would clean house.01:24
HinataIs it allways like that around here? o.o01:24
HydrosisHinata, not always.01:24
tanjirdoufer, you can't01:24
Pe1oHinata, what the flooding ot the general high traffic ? it's a busy channel, but some idiot is spamming the whole network right now01:24
SuzanneHi Hal01:25
tanjirdoufer, you need to install it in order to create anything01:25
macothere's people PM'ing links to a site, and if you click the link, YOU start spamming the link out to people in PM, and then if they click it, they do too... and so anyone who clicks it will likely be banned from the network01:25
macoall those people being k-lined are likely people who clicked the link01:25
HinataPe1o: oh. well... I guess I'll come back when it's a bit more quiet to ask for help or I'll become crasy ^ ^;01:25
hcker2000hey all.01:25
douferhow do i  create an user account in livecd customiozation?01:25
douferwith autologin of course01:26
Pe1omaco, look at those k-lined nicks,  they'Re auto generated, those aren'T realy nicks01:26
hcker2000I am trying to get my server set up to auto start some services at load. webmin, apache2. ssh, shorewall01:26
macoPe1o: yes, because clicking the link starts the connection01:26
macoPe1o: for the link to generate a nick makes sense. i doubt it has a "please login"01:26
MHz128how do I determine which wireless driver module is being used?01:26
hcker2000I have tried using the webmin boot up and shutdown module and every time i select the services i want to start and click the start at boot up it just reloads the page and does nothing01:26
tanjirhcker2000, System->Administration->Services01:27
macoPe1o: the people clicking the links dont know that that's what'll happen when they click them01:27
douferis anybody in the room know how to make a custom livecd?01:27
hcker2000tanjir, can i set those to run before x comes up?01:27
powertool08!remaster | doufer01:28
ubottudoufer: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility01:28
tanjirhcker2000, that is how I turned them on... it should work for you too :)01:28
douferwell i got everything to work except making a custom desktop and does not want ubuntu as an username01:28
Dr_Willis!remaster | doufer01:28
ubottudoufer: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility01:28
SNN`pe1o kind of obvious.. just saying :/01:29
hcker2000tanjir, i am runing 9.10 x64 and have no services under administration01:29
Jordan_UPe1o: I don't thik yelling about it really helps01:29
Pe1oSNN` this channel is full of newbies seeking help,  not alwaqys obvious to them01:29
MHz128SNM haha01:29
Pe1oJordan_U, trying to draw attention01:29
Dr_Willishcker2000:  the move to 'upstart' has made many of the GUI service admin tools obsolete01:29
tanjirhcker2000, oopps... I am not sure where it is in karmic koala01:29
hcker2000Dr_Willis, can you please explain more?01:30
SNN`Pe1o is the guy who is DCCing channels the one whom is attacking the network?01:30
macoPe1o: christel sent out a message to everyone saying that a bit ago01:30
Pe1oSNN`, no idea01:30
macook for anyone who missed it since the message was a while ago:01:30
maco[Global Notice] Hi all, we are currently experiencing a "new sort of spam" -- where the spammer claims to be tunelling via HTTP POST and encourages you to visit a url. Visiting the URL opens another connecting via YOUR ip which spams further, we encourage you to NOT click the link to avoid being banned from channels or the network. Thank you.01:30
Dr_Willis!upstart | hcker200001:30
ubottuhcker2000: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:30
CokeNCodeguys, anyone familiar with installing glype ?01:31
CokeNCodealso, can't i 'apt-get install lamp' ?01:31
SNN`wow talk about a cheap way of botnet01:31
CokeNCodei remember doing that in the past ... why can't i find lamp anymore ?01:31
SNN`i see what's happening now01:31
daftykinsCokeNCode: just do "sudo tasksel"01:31
SNN`i suggest if that guy spams the link again, don't click on it. it attempts to join any channels and botnet spam lol01:31
CokeNCodedaftykins, huh? sudo tasksel ?01:31
tanjirCokeNCode, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP01:31
Pe1oCokeNCode, lamp is an accronym for  Linux , Apache, Mysql and eitehr Python or Php , your choice01:31
SNN`thus you'd be klined xD01:32
=== kn100 is now known as ^-^
MikeJBFor some strange reason (subliminal messaging?), I suddenly dislike JavaScript... (Did they catch the spammer yet?)01:32
ardchoillemaco: Thank you for relaying that message01:32
CokeNCodePe1o, yeh, i know01:32
Pe1oCokeNCode,  meaning you need to sudo apt-get install each,  not install lamp01:32
CokeNCodePe1o, but what i'm saying is, i remembered doing apt-get install lamp, and it installed and set up everything for me01:32
PureRumbleWhen using ant I get "Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-" even if I dont use javac/java in build.xml. What to do?01:32
CokeNCodePe1o, really ... i don't remember doing that before01:32
Pe1oCokeNCode, that could be,  meta package,01:32
hcker2000Dr_Willis, thanks for the info now I just need to understand how to manage upstart01:33
tanjirCokeNCode, instead now they have sudo tasksel install lamp-server01:33
douferok when i made a custom livecd it boot fine w/ an username ubuntu but i dont want that i want to create an username01:33
doufergetting rid of ubuntu the username in livecd01:33
CokeNCodethanks dude ! tanjir that's awesome01:33
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PureRumbleant still does the build, but I thought I better deal with the tools.jar issue01:34
rejohnwhat is the Ubuntu IRC admin channel name?01:34
CokeNCodenow ... on to glype01:34
CokeNCodewho's familiar with that ?01:34
PureRumblei'm familiar with baoding balls.01:34
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a2fi'm having problems with grub 2 loading windows 701:35
_schism_a2f: what kinds of problems?01:35
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CokeNCodeglype is easy ! ... i just gotta copy the files to the right directory01:35
a2f_schism_, i installed ubuntu after win7 and now whenever i try to boot win 7 from the grub menu my pc reboots01:35
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_schism_a2f: I do the same thing. which entry are you choosing?01:36
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bastid_raZor!fixgrub | a2f01:36
ubottua2f: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:36
a2f_schism_, there's only one... it says something like Windows 7 (loader)01:36
a2fi don't need to know how to fix grub, it's not grub that's broken01:37
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_schism_a2f: nothing about vista loaders?01:37
a2f_schism_, don't think so, let me double check the menu01:37
a2f_schism_, Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)01:37
KSidI'd really appreciate someone taking a look at http://codepad.org/0NKWBlJH and helping me understand the last two errors at the end of the file01:38
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ubuntu__Ok So now my folders and dir are made how do i find ourhwere my server is?01:38
m3onh0x84_bye bey every one01:39
ardchoillemaco: May I pm you?01:39
ubottuAu revoir!01:39
macoardchoille: im actually about to get offline01:39
ubuntu__so i can tranfer my files to the server?01:39
bbelt16aghey peeps I am trying to install some software and its looking for gcc 4.3 when it compiles but its not seeing it, but it is installed with aptitude  how do I make ./configure  show the path to it ??01:39
bbelt16agbtw where is it  installed01:39
_schism_a2f: k have you tried hitting f8 when you boot? I know that when I did it 7 had to fix something before it would run but I do not remember if I had to do it from safe mode or not01:39
macoardchoille: but if you leave a message, i can get back to you...01:39
a2f_schism_, it's pretty much like an instant reboot01:40
ubuntu__<<<-----SEVER HELP01:40
ubuntu__I need to locate the DCHP of my server01:40
_schism_a2f: try hitting it as soon as you power up and see if it gets to the mode, one of my old xp boxes that I dual booted was funky about getting into the menu as well01:41
ubuntu__dual boot is always a disaster01:41
cfeddewhich zope package should I be installing?01:42
ubuntu__Anyone know server?01:42
Will123456hey guys. i installed the ubuntu netbook remix 9.10 on my computer from a usb stick, and it worked absolutely fine. i could boot/reboot perfectly. however after running the update manager, i'm getting a "cannot mount root fs" error when trying to boot. there's a bunch of forum posts etc. on google but they're either unanswered or for wubi. does anyone have an idea on how to fix it?01:44
Will123456the installed data itself is fine, no errors and so on01:44
Will123456i'm pretty sure it's to do with grub or the boot process in general01:44
ChogyDanWill123456: did you try reinstalling grub?01:44
teratomaanyone gotten the wireless in a Panasonic Toughbook CF-Y7 to work?  I am having trouble.  system claims to have connected to a wireless network, but there is no connection01:44
* Dr_Willis hates wubi01:44
Dr_Willisbbelt16ag:  hmm?01:45
trumpenbbelt16ag, try CC=gcc-4.3 ./configure ...01:45
Will123456ChogyDan: i'm using the "livedisc" from my USB stick to post this: can i reinstall grub from there?01:45
Dr_WillisWill123456:  somthing seems confuseing. You did a 'wubi' install? or a normal dual boot install?01:46
Will123456Dr_Willis: no dual boot or wubi. just your standard install of a netbook ubuntu 9.1001:46
bobbytekhow do I enable a vpn once it is setup?01:46
Dr_WillisWill123456:  so this is a linux only machine then?01:46
bbelt16agnever had to do that before..01:46
Will123456Dr_Willis: yep01:46
hcker2000ok so after reading about upstart I can not figure out what files I need to edit to get stuff to start on boot01:46
bbelt16agit worked thanks Tr01:47
trumpenbbelt16ag, yw ;)01:47
yeasonbobbytek: are you setting up a server or client?01:47
bobbytektrying to use vnc01:47
Dr_Willishcker2000:  most are defined by /etc/init/*.conf files01:48
ubuntu__I have a server, I created teh directory/folder now i wan to tuse my client to access it01:48
yeasonbobbytek: vpn or vnc...? you've mentioned two different protocols, what exactly are you trying to do?01:48
=== kn100 is now known as x-x
Dr_Willishcker2000:  theres one service in /etc/init/ that activates the variouys sysv scriiots in /etc/rc2.d I think01:48
ubuntu__how do i find out where it is01:48
iflemaWill123456: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD01:48
tanjirubuntu__, what kind of server we are talking about here?01:48
=== x-x is now known as kn100
ubuntu__Ubuntu 9.1001:48
bobbytekvnc into my work machine via a vpn connection01:48
hcker2000Dr_Willis, let me take a look in there01:49
tanjirubuntu__, that is the name of the operating system... are you talking about web server?01:49
ubuntu__I wanted to use it for file stroage01:49
yeasonbobbytek: ok, thought so, let's start with the vpn. Do you have it working?01:49
ubuntu__Ubuntu server edition01:49
bobbyteki setup all the keys an everything01:49
bobbytekbut how to  I test?01:49
ubuntu__I just installed it.01:49
tanjirubuntu__, i understand it is server edition... u r talking abt file server then?01:49
yeasonare you using openvpn?01:49
Will123456thanks iflema :) and thanks to the other guys to helped too. i'll follow those instructions01:49
tanjirubuntu__, you can install 100s of different server in ubuntu 9.10 server edition :P01:50
iflemaWill123456: that will reinstall grub from where you are... many not solve your problem01:50
ubuntu__LOL... i want to find it from my laptop now. I dont know how... H he he he01:50
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  may be time to learn some linux basics.01:50
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  how did you access the server?01:51
Will123456iflema: yeah, i'm hoping it'll work. if it doesn't then i'll come back and pester you guys ;)01:51
ubuntu__I have the command book and was familiar with DOS01:51
ubuntu__form the TEXT menu01:51
bobbytekyeason: yest01:51
* Dr_Willis has no idea what one means by 'text menu'01:51
tanjirdetails on file server: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html01:51
yeasonbobbytek: ok, do you have a configuration file?01:51
tanjirubuntu__, details on file server: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html01:51
yeasonbobbytek: it should end in .ovpn01:51
bobbytekyeason: yes01:51
powertool08Dr_Willis: My best guess is text menu = terminal01:51
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc | ubuntu__01:52
ubottuubuntu__: samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.3 (karmic), package size 7813 kB, installed size 16080 kB01:52
esdego to google, type in "why are", then look at the first result. thats so wrong.01:52
tanjirubuntu__, read the whole document...01:52
ubuntu__OOOh fancy.....01:52
ubuntu__THANK U01:52
yeasonbobbytek: good, then to start the vpn connection you'll want to type sudo openvpn --config <config file>01:52
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  if you accessed your users home directories then the files are in /home/username/whatever   or whever eles eyou defined the shares to be01:52
ardchoille!ot | esde01:52
ubottuesde: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:52
yeasonbobbytek: if I remember correctly that should start the connection if your configuration file is correct01:53
ubuntu__tanjir_BRB with more Q's if thats alright?01:53
bobbytekokay, let me try01:53
esdeidc tbh01:53
tanjirubuntu__, sure01:53
esdeUbuntu is for poor people. :P jk01:53
yeasonthese poor people have a rich and full user experience... =P01:54
tanjiryeason, esde ran away :-/01:54
yeasontanjir: oh well... was worth a try01:54
yeason ... /blind01:55
aliciapgwhat does it mean if vlc tells me my ffmpeg(libavcodec) installation lacks MPEG AAC Audio?01:55
tanjiryeason, some people just likes upsetting others for no reason :P01:55
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  means your ffmpeg binary was not compiled with aac support.01:55
aliciapgDr_Willis: so how would i go about fixing this?01:55
ardchoillealiciapg: how did you install ffmpeg?01:56
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  You could try the ffmpeg from medibuntu, or various ppa repos..or recompile from source to add all the 'what might not be legal' featurtes01:56
aliciapgDr_Willis: i already have ffmpeg though01:57
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  and as we said.. it may NOT have all the features compiled in..01:57
bobbytekyeason, that seemed to work01:57
bobbytekthanks :)01:57
yeasonbobbytek: np01:57
bobbytekso I have to leave the terminal open?01:57
yeasonbobbytek: yea01:57
aliciapgDr_Willis: but i don't understand how to get the other parts of it...01:58
yeasonbobbytek: when you're done you can close the connection with <ctrl>+c01:58
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  install ffmpeg from a different location that has the features.. or recompile it from source.01:58
aliciapgDr_Willis: so i have to look up a location and hope it has the features i want?01:59
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  or do some research...   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg01:59
ubuntu___tanjir_ ok Im to teh workgroup part and it wont let me configure the workgroup.... do I typ something before "workgroup?02:00
Dr_Willisaliciapg:  and the ffmpeg from medibutu proberly has all the features02:00
Dr_WillisHOWTO: Easily enable MP3, MPEG4, AAC, and other restricted encoding in FFmpeg02:01
yeasonDr_Willis: do you happen to have a link handy on how to get multi-threaded support for ffmpeg? I'd like to actually use my quad core02:01
Dr_WillisB. Installing the unstripped or extra libraries02:02
Dr_Willisyeason:  not really. im just looking at teh ffmpeg wiki pages.02:02
gilgamesh_What is better to learn python or perl?02:02
Dr_Willisyeason:  i recall enableing it when i compiled from source02:02
Dr_Willisgilgamesh_:  i would say learn python first.02:02
Dr_Willisgilgamesh_:  then learn perl02:02
teratomaperl gets you laid02:02
gilgamesh_Dr_Willis: ok thx02:03
Dr_WillisComal  is for real men.02:03
yeasonDr_Willis: I might have to give up and give that a shot02:03
ubuntu__Anyone set up Samba for file server ?02:03
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  theres 100000's of people useing samba.02:03
Dr_Willisif not 10x that...02:03
ubuntu__I need to figure out how to change teh workgroup settings in the config02:03
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  wiorkgroup is like the first actual setting in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file...02:04
Dr_Willisedit file,  change it.. restart the service.. done02:04
ubuntu__I have https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html pulled up, im just stuck....02:04
Dr_Willisno reboot needed like in windows02:04
Dr_Willisedit the following key/value pairs in the [global] section of /etc/samba/smb.conf02:04
Dr_Willischange workgroup=whatever to whatever you want....02:04
Dr_WillisWhat part of that is confuseing?02:05
ubuntu__Its saying the file dir isnt there and i think i missed typing something02:05
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  then type stuff correctly...  and use the tab key to complete file.path names02:06
Dr_Willissudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf02:06
ubuntu__THANK U WILLIS02:06
dnajovocan anyone tell me what to do cause my username is hidden from Users and Groups menu02:07
=== Sk8rbluscat is now known as SharkRules
dnajovoalthough i can login normally02:07
ubuntu__O k PERFECT.... its asking me for a new DIR02:07
Kt_Question: Why does kubuntu have to handle networking in such a shitty way, why can't I ifconfig add eth# ?????02:07
sam_how can I find out the mac address of a bluetooth device that is paired with my laptop?02:08
dnajovohow can i unhide my username from "Users and Groups" menu?02:08
=== SharkRules is now known as retard
ubuntu__Ok well I typed in workgroup and now it say insert at teh bottom of teh screen and wont react to input?02:09
=== retard is now known as ErrorConsoleTwin
ubuntu__SAM_ are you using Windows?02:09
onetinsoldieryou have to press ESC first...02:09
=== ErrorConsoleTwin is now known as ErrorConsole-II
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  you really SHOULD spend an hr or 2 learning some linux basics...02:10
ubuntu__use networktools02:10
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  and learning the vi editor is also a good idea. or use nano.02:10
sam_ubuntu obviously02:10
TeamColtra[Sexy]I would like to close my laptops lid, and let my computer remain running, or maybe just sleep the monitor02:10
TeamColtra[Sexy]How do I do that?02:10
hiexpowell i guess thats one way to put a damper on there cookies make em register02:10
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf   instead of vi - if you cant handle vi02:10
blakkheimubuntu__: learn vi02:11
_schism_nano ftw!02:11
Dr_Willis!info vimtutor02:11
ubottuPackage vimtutor does not exist in karmic02:11
ubuntu__I have a few books and I'm a ex DOS user so I'm just not used to the file structure of these things and the abreviations02:11
Dr_Willis!info vitutor02:11
ubottuPackage vitutor does not exist in karmic02:11
yeasonI'm w/ _schism_02:11
_schism_nano reminds me of the old editors on the commodore 64. love it02:11
ubuntu__Im used to GUI's and havent got my machines up to a stable performance level to begin C# and fiddlin around so I can contribute02:12
aarcaneokay, screen lets me connect and disconnect from a console..  how do I do the same thing in X ?02:12
sam_ubuntu__, nothing obvious in network tools... could you be more explicit?02:12
ubuntu__In manager?02:12
bbelt16agwhat's the  equiv of shellutils on ububntu  I can't find it in repo02:13
blakkheimaarcane: you don't02:13
ubuntu__Umm... geez..... Your MAC adress is permanent to the BT device02:13
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aarcaneblakkheim, well, I have occasion to need to start an X application and then disconnect and leave it running.02:13
ubuntu__SAM_In the book or under the battery it should say what i may be.02:14
blakkheimaarcane: unless you're running a full-on vnc connection (or something like that) that's not going to work02:14
blakkheimaarcane: are you sure there's no commandline alternative?02:14
sam_ubuntu__, nope02:14
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  thers no reason you couldent of installed  the desktop version and used it as a fileserver02:14
yeasonsam_: I don't know bluetooth tools, but here's a link to a forum post on using them in gnome02:14
ubuntu__OK Thanks Willis02:14
aarcaneblakkheim, not yet.  there's somewhat of a CLI, but it's lacking some of the GUI features.02:15
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  i use my desktop m,achineas as local samba fileservers all the time02:15
waqari need some help02:15
blakkheimaarcane: care to tell me what it is?02:15
ubuntu__Ok when you pair it it should come up with the preferances and it may be in there....02:15
waqaris there a password manager available for ubuntu02:15
Dr_Williswaqar:  for your browser or whate exactly?02:15
waqarlike to manage all the passwords that i have02:15
Dr_Willisthers all sorts of password kepper tools and stuff. but i dont use many of them02:15
sam_Dr_Willis, you may want to google ebox for a gui server solution for ubuntu02:16
bbelt16agGRR why won't it install it02:16
blakkheimwaqar: use a text file?02:16
hiexposounds like he went in nano and changed the rfcomm0 file02:16
* Dr_Willis uses a little notebookl02:16
waqarhow does that work02:16
sam_running x etc can be a security risk02:16
ubuntu__Willis_ this learning curve has been huge. . .02:16
aarcaneblakkheim, I want to configure transcoding jobs in handbrake, and then let them run in the queue, but the queue won't run unless the GUI is running, and the CLI doesn't feature previews or queuing02:16
bbelt16agit keeps saying No current or candidate version found for cfg2html-linux02:16
_schism_what do you guys think about wicd, is it better than the one built into ubuntu?02:16
Dr_Willissam_:  i dont need  to use the server editions. the desktop ed works fine for me02:16
jd4200waqar: I'd recommend keepassx02:16
waqarblakkheim-----PM me02:16
Dr_Willis_schism_:  wicd works decently well for me last i tried it.02:16
blakkheimaarcane: handbrake [options] && handbrake [otheroptions] ?02:16
yeason!ebox > ubuntu__02:16
ubottuubuntu__, please see my private message02:16
blakkheimwaqar: no02:16
waqarjd4200, is it good02:17
blakkheimaarcane: i use handbrake for multiple rips in screen all the time02:17
sam_Dr_Willis, fine, it is not considered good practice. If you are happy to take risks that is up to you02:17
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  you are the one that decided to use the 'server' editiion intead of the desktop ed.. Go install the Desktop ed and have a nice gui if tyou want02:17
_schism_dr_willis I have problems with my connection dropping when I am moving files around my network and have read that it helps with that. have you noticed it helping with that?02:17
Kt_Oh yeah, of course! the fucking /etc/network/interfaces example is wrong02:17
Kt_I should have known02:17
Dr_Willissam_:  yea My home lan of 3 pc's is in danger of my dog haxxoring it. :)02:17
=== ben is now known as Guest61059
jd4200waqar: One of the best I've used (and it has many great reviews): cross platform, and very strong encryption http://www.keepassx.org/02:18
ubuntu__DR. WIllis _ http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-gui-in-ubuntu-server.html02:18
aarcaneblakkheim, except that I like to actually preview my transcodes, and also I can't be half way through one transcode and add another one.02:18
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  install a gui then if you want.02:18
yeasonubuntu__: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop02:18
yeasonif I remember correctly02:18
blakkheimaarcane: i'm not familiar with what you mean by preview, but you can write a script to do more than one and add it to a queue02:18
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  but you may be beter off just installing a desktop edition then.02:19
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  less room for propblems that way02:19
aarcaneblakkheim, I like to look at the preview and make sure the crop detect is accurate, and the proper deinterlacing options are checked.02:19
yeasonubuntu__: actually it should be sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment, and Dr_Willis is right02:19
ubuntu__Whats beter to start GNOME or KDE when i do jump into this?02:19
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  you can instgall both.. so it dosent matter.02:19
blakkheimaarcane: can't you configure all that on the commandline? i've seen it in the options02:20
ralshebhi if i want to compile and install a kernel other than the one ubuntu uses ( for a school class ) will i need different kernel headers? im thinknig this is my problem02:20
ubuntu__Ok I will try both and see where this takes me. I really appreciate your advice and insight02:20
ubuntu__I have a few books LUNIX FOR DUMMIES (old redhat) LINUX COMMAND (instant Referance, Sybex 2005) and C# an introduction I picked up for about 7 a piece.02:22
Mike_lifeguardWhat does it mean when apt-get upgrade says packages have been held back, and what should I do to upgrade them?02:22
soreauDoes anyone happen to know of a generic gui for joysticks?02:22
blakkheimMike_lifeguard: aptitude full-upgrade02:22
devuntwhat is a lunix?02:22
=== other_ is now known as heaviside
sam_How I would set up samba http://trac.ebox-platform.com/screenshots/3002:22
Mike_lifeguardblakkheim: thanks - but why would they be 'held back'?02:23
bbelt16aghed to install the latest version..02:23
deathsectorhey wassup ppl02:23
ardchoilleMike_lifeguard: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:23
blakkheimMike_lifeguard: i'm not an ubuntu dev, don't ask me. they have "their own" way of doing things that no other distro does02:23
ubuntu__Ok I went and ran apt-get install GNOME and it says that teh variable lib package is locked and is asking me if I'm ROOT? What do i type?02:24
blakkheimubuntu__: prefix it  with sudo02:24
ChogyDanMike_lifeguard: because the dependencies have changed, and you need to install new packages02:24
blakkheimubuntu__: also gnome is lowercase02:24
ChogyDan... or remove02:24
ardchoilleubuntu__: you can re-run the previous command with: sudo !!02:24
blakkheimardchoille: then it will error about GNOME being in caps, so..02:25
ardchoilleblakkheim: Ah, good point02:25
ubuntu__OK NO CAPs02:25
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  whats he exact package name/command you are trying to install?02:25
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  and linux IS case senesetive02:25
aarcaneblakkheim, it's confusing and inconvenient.02:25
deathsectorhello can some one help me02:25
deathsectorwith some problems that i have installing backtrack 4 final02:25
ubuntu__Caps are bad..... lol02:25
devuntDo you have a Windows XP pro cd key?02:26
ubuntu__NO KEY02:26
blakkheimaarcane: it works, you might want to take the time to learn a bit more about the application. that's up to you.02:26
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  improper spelling is bad.02:26
ardchoille!ot | devnu1102:26
ubottudevnu11: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:26
ubuntu__I know, I'm not a fast typer but very articulate speaker.02:26
ubuntu__Ok so its claiming unmet dependancies02:27
ardchoilleubuntu__: what are you trying to install?02:27
ubuntu___broken Packages02:27
ubuntu__for server02:27
blakkheimubuntu__: can i ask why you want gnome installed on a server?02:28
ardchoilleubuntu__: servers usually don't have a desktop environment02:28
ubuntu__I'm not good without a GUI... I just wnat to use Samba02:28
peepsi remember seeing an app somewhere that would allow you to prevent sleep for a specific amount of time, for example if you want to watch a video, anyone know what I'm talking about?02:28
ubuntu__Im a fresh learner02:28
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  and to do that you need to learn linux basics.. so.. dive in :)02:29
wadI'm capturing home movies from my digital camcorder under Ubuntu, using kino. It works! But it's making .dv files, which nothing seems to be able to play. Is there a way to convert .dv to .avi?02:29
ubuntu__I got some basic books and hav been reading and toying all week.02:29
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  of course the question is 'what is this server serveing up'  - Your home videos? or somtjing more critical.02:29
blakkheimubuntu__: that's a good start for sure, but you may want to try configuring things through the cli rather than *relying* on a gui for everything02:29
blakkheimubuntu__: it's good to have options :)02:30
ubuntu__Yeah music and videos so we can free up space on HDD to use 3D Parametric solid modeling and CNC programing programs02:30
Dr_Willisubuntu__:  so its going to be a small home lan fileserver.02:30
ubuntu__Yeah about 500GB02:30
* Dr_Willis has more then 500gb in wallpaper..02:31
ubuntu__Nothing huge.. just need room02:31
Dr_Willis:) well almost02:31
xtheunknown0Could someone please write me a bash script for this situation: I have a C program called prog which reads from input.in and writes to output.out I have, say, 10 input text files, named input1, input2...inputN. I need to copy input1 to input.in, run prog02:31
ubuntu__Ok im not a complier yet but we do have 5 computers in teh house and there are only me and the wife02:31
xtheunknown0...then copy output.out to output102:32
ubuntu__Its time to consolidate is all im saying02:32
ardchoillextheunknown0: this is the perfect chance for you to learn bash scripting :)02:32
* Dr_Willis looks at his 4 external usb hd's of 1.0+TB each... You never have enough space02:32
Runegardchoille, agreed02:32
xtheunknown0@ardchoille: I agree, I can read a bit of it but soon get overwhelmed...02:32
=== zach is now known as Guest81109
Guest81109OMG i think i got a virus!02:32
ubuntu__so just go with Koala till i get used to what im doing then02:32
ardchoillextheunknown0: http://bash.cyberciti.biz/guide/Main_Page02:33
* Dr_Willis hands Guest81109 a tissue02:33
CShadowRunGuest81109: A WHOLE VIRUS?02:33
ubuntu__A virus? Whats that?02:33
One``Ermm, I know this isn't a question specifically related to Ubuntu.. but are there any good places to get help on setting MAME up on Ubuntu?02:33
ubuntu__Sounds ICKY02:33
HydrosisA  viirr.... a what?02:33
RunegOne``, www.google.com02:33
Guest81109A FREAKIN COMPY VIRUS!!!02:33
One``Ugh, I've used Google.02:33
ubuntu__GO GET ZONE ALARM02:33
RunegPerhaps #mame? Sorry.02:33
ubuntu__FRE FOR 30 DAYS02:34
HydrosisOnly virus I know is "sudo apt-get install WindowsVista"02:34
Dr_WillisOne``:   install mame. edit the config files to point to the ritght location. and install some mame front ends. :)02:34
ubuntu__OR AVAST02:34
Dr_WillisOne``:  but i am going to work . so cant really help much,02:34
ardchoille!caps | ubuntu__02:34
ubottuubuntu__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:34
ubuntu__If you have Windows02:34
RunegHydrosis, Good thing it's not in the default repos.02:34
Guest81109now im confused...02:34
laughyNinjaI can't get bind9 working as a master DNS ... any help out there?02:34
ubuntu__Ok ok ok bad caps02:34
One``I've done that, but when I run MAME out of Window mode it doesn't freeze the OS.. but I can't do anything.02:34
HydrosisI know, I wouldnt drop real commands02:34
Dr_WillisGuest81109:  yes you are proberly confuised. what makes you think you got a vioruis on a linux box?02:34
HydrosisI know, I wouldnt drop real commands Runeg02:34
ubuntu__No way02:34
ubuntu__not in a box02:34
Dr_WillisOne``:  out of window mode?02:34
ubuntu__Geez i hate dual booting02:35
Guest81109its says fatal system error flashing.02:35
One``I am running sdlmame -w, or else it craps out.02:35
adsrikanthcommand to turn off the webcam in Ubuntu 9.10 pls?02:35
Dr_WillisOne``:  you are saying that fullscreen mode crashes X?02:35
RunegOne``, Are your graphics drivers up to date?02:35
ubuntu__Ooh webcam?02:35
* Dr_Willis has to run. good luck02:35
ubuntu__I have the same issue with my wireless card02:35
ubuntu__Thanks Dr. Willis02:36
One``Doesn't crash it, everything still works.. but I can't move away from the MAME screen. Mouse doesn't move on the screen, keyboard doesn't let me alt tab etc.02:36
Guest81109help please?02:36
ubuntu__it wont trun off even manually02:36
One``And my drivers are up to date02:36
ubuntu__what r u ruinning02:36
One``Wah!MAME is doing stupid stuff too :02:36
Guest81109ubuntu 9.1002:36
laughyNinjai'm looking for help setting up bind9 bind9 bind9 bind902:36
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
ubuntu__Ok turn your fire wall on02:36
Guest81109did i have two02:37
Guest81109now its red02:37
ubuntu__ope your packages and find an AV program02:37
Guest81109wtf is an av program?02:37
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2102:37
Guest81109i dont think i have one02:37
ubuntu__you have to get off the net ant clean the machine02:37
adsrikanthcommand to turn off the webcam in Ubuntu 9.10 pls?02:38
ubuntu__just take your stuff off teh machine and reinstall..... i know its a pain but you have to be careful02:38
Guest81109i think i just saw a puff of smoke come out of my tower is that bad?02:38
ubuntu__So go get one for Ubuntu then02:38
gablessMy package installer crashed, does anyone know the system process for it so I can kill it?02:38
Pelois the spamming fun over ?02:39
ubuntu__81109_ here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/avast-antivirus-for-ubuntu-desktop.html02:39
ardchoillePelo: I haven't seen any k-lines lately02:39
ubuntu__Calm down Guest02:39
ubuntu__one step at a time02:39
Guest81109is it gonna melt?02:39
ubuntu__befroe you get hurt02:39
ubuntu__un plug it02:40
=== vincent is now known as Guest74131
ubuntu__Inspect it to see whats melting02:40
gablessPut it in the shower to cool it off?02:40
ubuntu__remove or repair it02:40
Guest81109oh crap i think i hear sizzling oh shit!!102:40
ardchoille!language | Guest8110902:40
ubottuGuest81109: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:40
Peloardchoille, I think it's understandable02:41
Guest81109sorry sorry02:41
ubuntu__turn it back on and install BY USB the ANTIVIRUS and let it update nce and unplug your internet and leave it ti clean the machine02:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:41
gablessMmmm... Yeah, unplug it02:41
ubuntu__UNPLUG IT!!!!02:41
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:41
ubuntu__Runs off to go install another Koala.....02:41
Vossguest, your power supply is probably fried02:42
Guest81109kay be back soon i hope...if i dont return i have melted...02:42
PeloI missed the fun what happened to Guest81109 ?02:42
gablessHe be trollllin02:42
ardchoillemy guess is trollijng02:43
Pelooh, ok , sounded serious02:43
gablessAlmost... too... serious02:43
Guest81109hey i just opend my tower and my ram card is melting all over wat do i do???02:43
ralshebim trying to compile an older version of the kernel from kernel.org, one which ubuntu never used, where can i find  kernel headers for it?02:43
gablessStart stomping the fire out!02:44
Peloralsheb, better ask in #ubuntu-kernel I think02:44
ubuntu__di u unplug it?02:44
Awesome3000!ops Guest81190 Trolling02:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:44
ardchoilleFolks, this is a support channel.. please take the superfluous chat elsewhere02:44
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:44
ubuntu__that was so funny....02:44
ubuntu__WOW did that just happen?02:44
ardchoille!caps > ubuntu__02:45
ubottuubuntu__, please see my private message02:45
q64ceoDCC SEND startkeyloggar 0 0 002:45
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.02:45
blakkheimwow that's old02:45
Peloardchoille, chill dude,02:45
ardchoillePelo: What I'm doing is the same things the ops would do. Please report me in #ubuntu-ops if you feel the need02:46
lamer12345is there anyway i can disable sleep mode when i close my laptop screen02:46
blakkheimlamer12345: gnome-power-preferences02:46
gablessOr system > prefrences > power management02:47
lamer12345i dont want it to do anything though02:47
gablessMhm, in that GUI02:47
lamer12345like the weakest setting i can select is blank screen02:47
blakkheimlamer12345: you can configure it there02:47
gablessUnder 'display'02:47
gablessSorry, under 'actions'02:48
gabless"When laptop lid is closed"02:48
gablessYou can change it to "blank screen"02:48
lamer12345i have an external monitor hooked up though02:48
lamer12345i just want to close my laptop and keep working02:48
gablessOh, hm02:48
adsrikanth_command to turn off the webcam in Ubuntu 9.10 pls?02:48
gablessI don't know the option for that02:49
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Peloadsized,  do you know the name ofthe process that rund the webcam ? try to identify it in the system monitor, then in the terminal    type sudo processname  stop02:49
lamer12345gabless, if you just close it and move your mouse it works02:49
lamer12345while setting the setting to blank screen02:50
techonaut@Pelo will try that02:50
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gablessI'm not sure, but I think he was looking for a permanant option02:50
lamer12345no it works02:51
gablessIndefinitely though, it won't go to sleep?02:51
user`does anyone here have experience with flexelint or pc-lint?02:53
lamahrhi.   can anyone help me out configuring a tv card on jaunty ?02:53
=== user` is now known as arisi
Pelolamahr, tv tuner card or  video card with tv out ?02:54
lamahrPelo       tv tunner usb   hybrid02:54
lamahrdigital and analog02:55
Pelolamahr, my best suggestion on this if no one here offers any help , go to the forum and do a search on the card model,    www.ubuntuforums.org02:55
lamahrbut already search all over net and only digital works02:55
gablessIt might be a good idea to start a new thread; people can give you more indepth help, and it's archived for future use02:56
lamahrPelo it's been a month more or less since I look for info on this :s02:56
lamahrubuntu forums, wikis, debian (since ubuntu is a derivated of debian), blogs,02:57
gablessHave you posted on the forum?02:57
Pelolamahr, sorry I can'T help, searching for hardware model in the forum is often a good way to go for this stuff which is why I offred02:57
lamahrdon't know what to do more02:57
Pelolamahr,  di dyou try the maker's website ?02:57
gabless@lamahr Sometimes you can compile a driver just using the .dll included in the driver. I'm not sure how to do it, but that would be a good thing to google.02:58
tuv0khow does one disable password on logout prompt?02:58
fire_princesHi everyone, enyone knows why my Messenger doesn't work?02:58
lamahryes, but I'll look again because it's the only place where I spent less time surching ...02:58
Pelolamahr, I found these links  http://librenix.com/?inode=459 http://www.freeos.com/articles/3007/02:59
Pelomgiht help02:59
lamahrthnks guys02:59
Awesome3000!info kaffeine|lamahr02:59
ubottuPackage kaffeinelamahr does not exist in karmic02:59
Awesome3000!info kaffeine | lamahr02:59
ubottulamahr: kaffeine (source: kaffeine): versatile media player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0~pre2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 297 kB, installed size 1764 kB02:59
TheMozart!kaffeine > Awesome300002:59
fire_princesDo I have to register somewhere, so my Messenger could work?03:00
Pelomessenger ? you mean pidgin ?03:01
fire_princesWell, it is Gaim Internet Messengere03:01
blakkheimfire_princes: gaim is now pidgin03:01
fire_princesbut do I have to register somewhere03:01
fire_princesBecause it doesnt wanna work.03:02
Pelocalled pidgin now I beleive ,  not sure you need to register anywwhee, yo probably need an email account and to log on to some network for it to work03:02
fire_princesemail account?03:02
Pelofire_princes, there is a pretty big #pidgin channel,  you might want to ask there03:02
Awesome3000lamahr  see http://linuxtv.org/03:03
Pelofire_princes, sorry I have no idea how pidgin work   click on this >  #pidgin03:03
fire_princesok thanks03:03
abojuserive recently exerienced ubuntu is getting slower. Karmic was fine until two upgrades ago. Trying xubuntu now. But it feels slow too. Thinking of switching to debian because of this. Anyone noticed something similar?03:03
TheMozarti use pidgin03:03
lamahrtnks guys03:03
tuv0khow does one disable password on logout prompt?03:03
blakkheimabojuser: xubuntu is just as bloated. switching to a debian minimal install is a good idea if you need more speed.03:03
Pelotuv0k, look in menu > system> admin > login window03:04
tuv0kPelo, that aint even close03:04
ChogyDanabojuser: anything specific you can point to?  Im just curious03:04
meowkbuntuhi all i am wanting to know it i can use ubuntu tweek on kubuntu03:04
fire_princesnobody is chating there03:05
tuv0kmeowkbuntu, of course03:05
blakkheimmeowkbuntu: the gnome-relateed parts won't work but the rest should03:05
Pelotuv0k, you want to boot straight into ubuntu withough doing a passrword login ? that is exactly where03:05
tuv0kPelo, not even what I asked03:05
meowkbuntu!ubuntu tweek03:05
tuv0khow does one disable password on logout prompt?03:05
thiemster!ubuntu tweek03:05
tuv0kmeowkbuntu, you have your answer yes03:05
tuv0kthe word is tweak03:06
thiemstertuvOk: do you mean disable password on login prompt? because you don't need to enter the password to logout (unless other users are also logged in)03:06
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.03:06
fire_princeswhere do I register for hot mail?03:07
thiemsterfire_princes: hotmail.com03:07
Pelofire_princes,  can we recommend  gmail.com instead ?03:07
thiemsterfire_princes: but that question doesn't really apply much on this irc channel03:07
morphixhmm.. in karmic is there a way to have the cpu frequency scaler gnome panel applet not require root pass all the time?03:07
Callum_lol, asking how to register to a Microsoft service in Linux IRC channel03:07
morphixthe instructs in wiki appear to be for previous versions03:07
fire_princesIs g-mail beather?03:08
abojuseri liked the gui in ubuntu and the atmosphere around it, ie forums. But now  my 512 M ram seem to be insufficiant03:08
fire_princeswell i will try it03:08
Pelofire_princes,  in many ways03:08
fire_princesok thanks03:08
PeloCallum_, let's face it ,  hotmail is synonymous with free online email , it's just a fact of life03:09
thiemsterabojuser: try debian instead. it takes a little longer to figure out, but since you have used ubuntu you should be able to easily use it. I myself have 512mb ram and ubuntu ran quickly for about a month, but then seemed to get gradually slower. switching to debian a few months ago really helped03:09
blakkheimabojuser: yeah, i'd do a minimal install or a debian netinstall03:09
blakkheimabojuser: you should also look into using a window manager with no desktop environment03:09
Pelofire_princes, microsoft has done it's best to encourage hotmail users ot use window products ,  gmail doesn't play silly games like that03:09
thiemsterabojuser: and if you use debian with gnome the gui will be about the same, with the only difference being the default system background and colors (which you can easily change)03:09
blakkheimthiemster: actually ubuntu adds some bloat to a vanilla gnome install03:10
thiemsterabojuser: alternatively, you could use the xfce or lxde desktops, both are much quicker on slower hardware03:10
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.03:11
Pelosigh ...03:11
meowkbuntuso anyone know if there is an application similar to ubuntu tweak for kubuntu03:11
Pelomeowkbuntu, ubuntu tweak doesn'T do much03:12
ardchoillemeowkbuntu: You should ask in #kubuntu03:12
meowkbuntui hate it how this channel always stops ppl talking for no reason03:12
arisidoes anyone have a copy of the manual for pc-lint or flexelint?03:12
meowkbuntuardchoille: they dont know anything in there atm03:12
Pelomeowkbuntu, there is an idiot spamming the whole network,03:12
ardchoillemeowkbuntu: Well, this cjannel isn't the place to ask for kubuntu support03:12
tuv0khow does one disable password on logout prompt?03:13
thiemsterarisi: http://www.gimpel.com/html/manual.pdf03:13
Peloardchoille,  we'll provide help if we can ther are several ppl here right not that use kubuntu and xubuntu , this is just hte main channel for *buntu03:14
meowkbuntuardchoille: i'm not really just wanting to know if there is a similar application for kubuntu03:14
thiemsterarisi: this came from a quick google search that said it was only exerpts, but i opened it and it seemed to be fairly complete03:14
meowkbuntu*ubuntu = Kubuntu03:14
Pelotuv0k, how did you get a logout prompt in the first place ?03:14
fire_princesok I regestered03:14
ChogyDantuv0k: fwiw, Ive never had to enter a pass to logout, login yes03:14
Pelofire_princes, congradulations03:14
thiemsterChogyDan: maybe tuvOk means that they have to enter a password to logout if there are other users logged in at the same time03:15
thiemsterChogyDan: as I know, at least for me, this is so03:15
fire_princesnow what?03:15
thiemsterfire_princes: now email some people03:15
SeanehawkCan I have some help with something?03:16
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.03:16
Awesome3000Seanehawk  Sure03:16
thiemsterSeanehawk: what do you need help on?03:16
SeanehawkMy sound is gone03:16
SeanehawkI've made sure there are no mutes03:16
Peloyou had sound before ?03:17
Awesome3000!help |  Seanehawk03:17
ubottuSeanehawk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:17
SeanehawkAnd that the hardware is correct03:17
thiemsterdid you try restarting? sometimes that will help03:17
SeanehawkYes I did03:17
fire_princesmy messenger is still not working!03:17
dipponaughtanyone know why outgoing xmpp (port 5222) would be getting dropped/filter by my router?03:17
Pelofire_princes,  you nee to ask in #pidgin03:17
SeanehawkI've tried to restart03:17
SeanehawkBut that doesn't work either03:17
PeloSeanehawk, did you make any upgrade recently  ? or add any new software ?03:17
thiemstera quick google search gives http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544903:17
fire_princeswell, nobody is answering in there!03:17
arisithiemster: i saw that one, its OK, but nowhere close to complete03:17
thiemsterit's slightly outdated, but you may want to follow it03:17
SeanehawkNo, I just booted up and my sound was gone03:18
Awesome3000fire_princes  Which messanger03:18
Pelofire_princes, hld on, leet me see if I can find a tutorial for you03:18
PeloAwesome3000, pidgin03:18
thiemsterarisi: well, just keep googling for it, and i'm sure you'll be able to find it somewhere online03:18
ArsinIf I put my jumpers in the correct location, what might be a reason as to why I can only transfer at 40mb/s?03:18
dipponaughtfire_princes: my thing is doing stuff. can you fix it?03:18
fire_princesGaim Internet Messenger\03:18
Pelo!pidgin > fire_princes03:18
ubottufire_princes, please see my private message03:18
PeloSeanehawk, try this to start  sudo adduser yourusername  audio03:19
fire_princesfix what?03:19
dipponaughtmy thing03:19
Pelofire_princes,  chekc for a private message window from ubottu,  there are links on pidgin in there03:20
fire_princesI am realy new here03:20
Pelofire_princes, we understand,  and we are trying to help ,but few of us use pidgin , we'Re doing our best to find you help pages03:20
Pelo!pidgin |  fire_princes try this03:20
ubottufire_princes try this: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete03:20
SeanehawkEntered the command03:21
Gerinychi just installed ubuntu 9.04 and when i restarted, i got grub error 1703:21
SeanehawkGoing to try again03:21
PeloSeanehawk, just ghinking that myabe you sound permission migh have been dropped somehow03:22
thiemsterseanehawk: did the page i sent you help?03:22
wadHoly smokes, kino sucks!03:23
Pelowad, yes it does,  try avidemux instead03:23
SeanehawkI entered the command03:23
wadPelo, thanks, I will!03:23
SeanehawkAnd I got the failure message03:23
arvind_khadriGerinych, reinstall grub03:23
PeloSeanehawk, wich message was that ?03:23
Seanehawk"aplay: device_list:221:no soundcard found..."03:23
Gerinycharvind_khadri, how do i do that03:24
PeloSeanehawk, better  , open a terminal and type lspci see if your card is listed03:24
arvind_khadri!grub | Gerinych03:24
ubottuGerinych: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:24
thiemsterseanehawk: just keep following the success/failure chart from the website i forwared to you03:25
wadPelo, I'm just trying to get the .dv file off my video camera, and kino can't seem to save all the frames. It's only keeping like 5 frames per second.03:25
SeanehawkNo, it's not03:25
Pelowad,  not sure avidemux can help with that , avidemux is a video editor03:25
SeanehawkAnd okay03:26
SeanehawkSorry, I didn't see what you said when  Ientered that03:26
Pelowad, try copying the file off the camera ontoyour hdd , maybe you can convert it with avidemux to some format like avi afterwards03:26
SeanehawkThank you very much03:26
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thiemsterseanehawk: good luck on getting sound. just search around if you're still having trouble03:28
wadPelo, hmm... is there a way to somehow mount the device to a filesystem, so I can copy it directly with the command line? I think Kino is savaging the data as it brings it down. I just want to get the raw video file.03:29
Pelowad,are you running gnome ?03:30
wadPelo, yep, normal Ubunt.03:30
wadUbuntu, even.03:30
Pelowad, try this,  open a nautilus windows,  goto  edit > preferences ,  last tab support,    inthe first section,  the fourth one listed photos,   tell it to open  a folder , instead of launching kino or whatever03:31
fluggoI know this will sound trollish, but *is* there a working text editor on Linux that doesn't take a week to learn?03:31
wadPelo, alrightey.03:31
fluggoexcuse me, Ubuntu03:31
Awesome3000fluggo  gedit  or nano03:31
fluggogedit == broken, will frequently paste into a random area of the document03:31
fluggonano == decent, was hoping for something GUI-ish03:32
Pelowad if you plug this camera in with usb , you should be able to access it as a mounted drive somewhere,  just not sure where if nautius doesn,t do it03:32
fluggobut if I have to take to the command line to get an editor that works, so be it03:32
wadIt's firewire (IEEE 1394)03:32
ahabman3Is there a way to restart X server without logging out?  I'm trying to script adding another monitor (disper didn't suit my needs).03:33
Awesome3000!editor | Pelo03:33
Pelowad,  try this,    open a terminal and type lsusb , see if it is lissted, and if you get a /dev/sdc someting , that might tell youwhat to mount03:33
ubottuPelo: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code03:33
PeloAwesome3000, why are you giving me a list of editors ?03:33
wadIt's /dev/dv139403:34
fluggoubottu, thanks, haven't tried mousepad03:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:34
wadand /dev/raw139403:34
fluggooh :P03:34
Pelofluggo, if you want a graphical editor gedit ,  it's default installed in ubuntu03:34
fluggoyes, Pelo, thanks, but like I said-- unless this has been fixed recently and I didn't know about it-- it's got issues with pasting03:34
fluggoI'll try it again and see if that's been fixed03:35
Awesome3000!info mousepad | Pelo03:35
ubottuPelo: mousepad (source: mousepad): simple Xfce oriented text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.16-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 95 kB, installed size 880 kB03:35
PeloAwesome3000, ...03:35
PeloAwesome3000, talk to me in the chanel03:36
kn1feHi all, any recommendations on netbooks? Planning on using Ubuntu Netbook Remix and spinning my own distros.03:36
Awesome3000Pelo  Sorry it opens a PM window so when i respond it is a pm03:36
Pelokn1fe, try asking in #hardware maybe03:37
rwwkn1fe: If you're in the US, the Dell Mini 10v is nice (linked from dell.com/ubuntu ). System76 and Zareason have nice ones too.03:37
PeloAwesome3000, it was /notice , suppose to send message to the dest. 's active windows03:37
Awesome3000Pelo  sorry I confused you with fluggo03:38
fluggohappens all the time :P03:38
PeloAwesome3000,  you can use   > instead of | it will sent the ubottu msg to a private windows ,03:38
Pelothat 's as long as you don'T confuse the dest03:38
kn1ferww: Does look sweet. I've heard that the z series of atom processors uses less power though?03:39
wadHey, I wonder if there is a way to use dd to grab the raw video data off the tape? I can go through the /dev/dv1394 device, maybe.03:41
rwwkn1fe: I don't have my notes handy, but the various Dell Mini 10 models use different Intel chipsets, with wildly differening support for Linux in their graphics.03:41
Pelowad this is a tape camera ? I thought it was flash03:41
rwwkn1fe: hence me pointing you at dell.com/ubuntu , which I believe links to one of the better ones03:41
wadPelo: tape.03:41
Pelowad,  might want to ask in ##linux also03:41
wadGood idea. :)03:42
blakkheimkn1fe: asus eeepc 1201n03:42
fluggowad -- what are you trying to pull off tape?03:42
wadfluggo, raw video data03:42
Pelowad, or maybe in #ffmpeg the ppl there might know how to record off the camera03:42
fluggowad: dvgrab will do it03:42
wadfluggo, I tried using Kino to get the videos, but it's horrible.03:42
fluggoyou have to sudo chmod a+r /dev/raw1394, but it will do it03:43
wadI did that already. :)03:43
fluggoah; bad results?03:43
wadAh, dvgrab look like exactly the tool I want!03:44
wadthanks, fluggo!03:44
fluggonp, don't forget the chmod thing03:44
Pelocrap,  java just went 100% cpu on me ...03:45
ahabman3I'm trying to swap out /etc/X11/xorg.conf, [do something like reload or restart X server?], then have my other xorg.conf be the active one, but I don't want to be logged out. What should I be doing?03:46
kn1feblakkheim: That does look pretty sweet, but I already have a Macbook (C2D). Was more looking or a toy I could take on trips and play with when I'm home.03:47
blakkheimkn1fe: eeepc 1005ha then?03:48
kn1feblakkheim: I've been looking at that as a possibility.03:48
kn1feblakkheim: The battery life looks incredible, which would be nice.03:48
microhaxoWill ubuntu on a Asus Eee pc 100he support SSD hd?04:01
undecimmicrohaxo: yes. The Eee was designed to run Linux.04:02
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microhaxoI know on windows it works fine, but i wasn't sure if ubuntu 9.10 supported the drivers perfectly04:02
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microhaxoJust dont want to pay 130.00 for a SSD to have it run sub par because of drivers.04:02
undecimmicrohaxo: The interface is identical to that of a traditional hard drive.04:02
microhaxoThink its worth it getting a 40gb SSD for my netbook?04:03
undecimAnd since the EeePC was designed to be compatible with Linux, everything --even wireless-- works out of the box.04:03
microhaxoyea i have 9.10 running right now. Very happy with it.04:03
microhaxoeven bluetooth worked out of the box.04:03
undecimmicrohaxo: unless you are using it as your main computer, 40GB is pretty big for a netbook.04:04
microhaxowell, i dont want to run out :|04:04
undecimmicrohaxo: When I had my AA1, I would use sshfs to store all my files on my desktop, but still access them on my desktop.04:04
microhaxoubuntu already takes up ~4gb or so04:04
undecimmicrohaxo: I would spend the money on a portable hard drive, if I were you.04:05
microhaxoi dont want more storage, i want faster performance.04:05
microhaxoI have a 160gb in it right now that came with it.04:05
undecimSSDs don't necessarily perform any faster than hard drives.04:05
undecimThey tend to boot faster, because they have faster read times, but they also have slower write times.04:06
microhaxoNot according to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FloAm4fFC8&feature=player_embedded04:06
=== Bwaah is now known as Bwaah|Butthurt
undecimmicrohaxo: Oh, so you have a hard drive in there right now?04:06
mneptokmicrohaxo: that YT video does not address all use cases.04:07
microhaxoTrue, i wont be moving or writing large file04:08
undecimmicrohaxo: +1 to mneptok's comment. You won't be able to notice a difference in performance with an SSD vs a HDD04:08
microhaxoI just wanted a faster boot and faster load times04:08
microhaxoit takes ~4 seconds to load up swiftfox.04:08
undecimmicrohaxo: Also, I'm not sure about EeePCs, but with my AA1 that I had, there wasn't a standard drive slot in it. it was something like a PCI card that the SSD used. Idk about EeePCs, but you may want to check before investing any money in it.04:10
microhaxoI checked the back panel comes off and i see a 2.5" hd in place.04:11
deitarionReminder: Do not visit the URL in the MSG/DCC spam. It will cause your browser to send more of it.04:11
undecimmicrohaxo: Ultimately, it is your decision. If you think a couple seconds is worth the money to get the new drive, then by all means go ahead.04:12
microhaxoI wish i could use one with a ssd so i could see the difference04:12
blakkheimmicrohaxo: i use an ssd, it's insanely fast04:12
microhaxooh what type of computer?04:12
blakkheimmicrohaxo: netbook04:12
microhaxowhat brand of ssd?04:13
blakkheimmicrohaxo: kingston04:13
microhaxoblakkheim: size?04:13
blakkheimmicrohaxo: 64gb04:13
microhaxoSo in your opinion well worth the upgrade?04:13
ae86-drifter1hey, what do i need to do after editing grub.cfg?04:14
blakkheimmicrohaxo: definitely, it's the biggest improvement in a single hardware component i've ever seen04:14
microhaxoblakkheim: Does it help battery life any or is it about the same?04:14
blakkheimmicrohaxo: it adds about 30 mins to battery but my battery is old so it'd probably be better on a new system04:14
undecimae86-drifter1: You're not supposed to edit grub.cfg directly... it won't hurt anything as long as you don't have any errors, but when you update, your changes will be overwritten.04:14
deitarionOne visit to the URL in the spam causes spam in #freenode, #gentoo, #wrongplanet, and here, so it's important nobody click on it.04:14
microhaxoblakkheim: Thanks for the info. I'll buy a 32gb version.04:15
ae86-drifter1undecim, so i have edited grub.cfg just to change around some names of menu items, what should i do now?04:15
undecimae86-drifter1: Though if you are just trying to test a change before editing the files in /etc/grub.d/, all you have to do is reboot04:15
ae86-drifter1undecim, i edited /boot/grub/grub.cfg04:16
undecimae86-drifter1: yeah. As soon as you upgrade, grub.cfg will be overwritten based on whats in /etc/default/grub amd /etc/grub.d/*04:16
undecimae86-drifter1: Right now, you don't need to do anything -- grub will read the new config and use it. If you want to make the changes permanent, you will need to edit some of those files in /etc/04:17
ae86-drifter1undecim, well can u please tell me the correct file to edit?04:17
undecimae86-drifter1: 1 sec...04:18
undecimae86-drifter1: what were the entries you were changing (Ubuntu or windows or something else?)04:18
ae86-drifter1undecim, it actually will not let me save it with sudo gedit, it says its a rad only disk..04:19
undecimae86-drifter1: grub.cfg?04:19
ae86-drifter1undecim, i was editing the entry for windows vista as there were two, but one changing to "acer recovery partition"04:19
ae86-drifter1undecim, yes04:20
undecimae86-drifter1: Let me take a loot at the grub config files, and I'll tell you how to change it like you want so that it will be a permanent change.04:20
ae86-drifter1undecim, im using grub 1.9704:22
undecimae86-drifter1: Yeah. that's the grub version that uses grub.cfg04:23
ae86-drifter1undecim, yeah i thought it was > v2 but i was wrong04:23
undecimae86-drifter1: 1.97 is called "Grub2"04:24
undecimae86-drifter1: the old version was 0.97 or so04:24
ae86-drifter1undecim, no its not, its called grub 1.97, its a beta version for v2.004:25
undecimae86-drifter1: Are the two windows entries exactly the same?04:25
ae86-drifter1undecim, mate forget it04:25
ae86-drifter1youre more of a noob then me04:26
ae86-drifter1ive done it already04:26
undecimae86-drifter1: well, if you're interested, the file you need to edit to make the change permanent is /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober04:26
ae86-drifter1undecim, or you could do it the proper way and use grub-mkconfig04:27
ae86-drifter1undecim, thanks anyway04:27
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undecimae86-drifter1: grub-mkconfig won't make any changes. In fact, it will overwrite grub.cfg.04:30
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
ae86-drifter1undecim, i understand, it will build a new grub.cfg based on the config files i have already edited, my problem was that it wouldnt let me save it, i was just after a quick answer, but the problem is solved already04:31
undecimae86-drifter1: okay.04:31
ae86-drifter1i forgot the command to save grub.conf thats all04:31
Peloae86-drifter1, you needed to open said file with sudo04:31
undecimae86-drifter1: so you edited /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober?04:32
ae86-drifter1Pele, like i said previousl sudo doesnt even let you save it, you need to use the grub-mkconfig, thats the only way to build the grub.cfg..04:32
ae86-drifter1undecim, yes, i did already, it tells you that file u need to edit in the grub.cfg..04:32
ae86-drifter1its fixed hey , never mind its perfect now04:33
Peloae86-drifter1, in grub two the file you edit with sudo is  /etc/default/grub ,  then you run update-grub also with sudo , it makes theproper edits to grub.conf which you are not suppose to edit manualy04:33
LtHummusis there a way to allow certain users to SSH in to my machine from the local network in my house and allow other users to SSH in to my machine from the internet?04:35
Barriduscan UI buttons (lke OK, etc) be resized?04:37
Out_ColdLtHummus, using keys it's most likely possible.. are you behind a router?04:37
undecimLtHummus: I'm pretty sure it's possible to set options in sshd on a per-user basis.04:37
infidshould all new nvidia geforce cards work fine in debian, including dual monitors?04:37
blakkheiminfid: this is not a debian channel04:38
infidsorry i meant ubuntu04:38
LtHummusLtHummus: yes I am behind a router and I'm going to open it to the world, but I'd only like certain users to log in from the outside04:38
fluggoBarridus: you can change the font size, which will do that04:38
LtHummusdid I just reply to myself? hahah Out_Cold, undecim: yes I am behind a router member:and I'm going to open it to the world, but I'd only like certain users to log in from the outside04:38
* undecim consults the sshd_config manpage04:39
Out_Coldhaha do you want the other users to have their own username on your box?04:39
fluggoBarridus: under System->Preferences->Appearance, Fonts tab, "Application font"04:39
LtHummusI am using my machine for a media center so I have a main user that is logged in by default (with a relatively insecure password) and I have my personal account that I use for admin and want that to be the only account to log in from outside my LAN04:39
LtHummusI know I can allow/deny groups, but it'd be nice if I can allow/deny groups based on IP04:40
brijithWhat is importance certificate in synaptic04:40
osirisx11_hi all04:40
osirisx11_i am setting up ubuntu for my mom, a long time windows user, and i want to make it real easy for her.. is there a way i can add the common icons to the desktop? Computer, Home, Trash?04:40
Flare-Laptop!newuser | osirisx11_04:41
Flare-Laptop!newusers | osirisx11_04:41
ubottuosirisx11_: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com04:41
Out_ColdLtHummus, i suggest using a key pair if you open it up to the outside.. then disable ssh password for your sshd_config04:41
DimoutlookHi to all posted a msg last night about 9.10 / 64 bit are all the installed aps 64 bit04:42
LtHummusOut_Cold: yeah I know I really should set that up.....i guess i have nothing else to do tonight :)04:42
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:42
Out_ColdLtHummus, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3070904:42
LtHummushaha thank you04:42
Out_Coldit's not so bad04:42
Out_Coldi did it today..04:42
LtHummusOut_Cold: so I guess if I don't generate a key for my non-personal account, they can't log in04:43
brijithosirisx11_:hi I can hep you ....04:43
LtHummusthanks for your help Out_Cold04:43
fluggoDimoutlook: I think the answer is "most"04:43
osirisx11_brijith: thanks!04:43
brijithosirisx11_:I mean help you04:43
canthus13What's the kde equivilent of 'gksudo gedit'?04:43
brijithosirisx11_:are from that that system ?04:43
petsoundscanthus13, kdesudo kate04:44
Out_ColdLtHummus, if you are using putty to log in there is some putty key gen steps to do04:44
brijithosirisx11_:are you chating from your moms system right now ?04:44
osirisx11_Flare-Laptop: i am not a new user, i am a user for a few years, and i can't think of where this setting would be, and i don't see it in the documentation.04:44
osirisx11_brijith: yes04:44
LtHummusOut_Cold: I'll be using openssh from my mac here and Putty from work ;)04:44
Dimoutlookfluggo thanks it absolutely screams on my new desktop never seen a puter run this fast04:44
brijithosirisx11_:ok ok let me explain how to do it04:45
Flare-Laptoposirisx11_: No, I meant give her them Links04:45
Out_ColdLtHummus, you can store putty and a ssh key on a thumbstick?/04:45
Out_Coldi gotta go..04:45
LtHummusOut_Cold: that's what I plan on doing ;)04:45
LtHummusthanks again for your help04:45
fluggoDimoutlook: fantastic to hear04:45
brijithosirisx11_:take gconf-editor04:45
osirisx11_Flare-Laptop: i am on it right now, i need to make it as friendly as possible to smooth the transition04:46
Dimoutlookfluggo bye bye windoze 9.10 is the only OS for me now, have to run take care04:46
osirisx11_brijith: thanks, you think there is some settings in there to show common icons on the desktop?04:47
Flare-Laptoposirisx11_: Ahh ok04:47
Barridusfluggo, looks like gnome-color-chooser is what i need, it allows you to shrink the buttons further beyond just the font.  thanks for the advice though.04:47
brijithosirisx11_:yes , in Gconf-editor go to apps>nautilus>desktop04:47
osirisx11_brijith: works perfect!! thanks!04:48
brijithosirisx11_:pleasure to help you . :)04:49
osirisx11_how can i install a login theme? documentation references an install button in the System->Login Screen program, i am on karmic 9.10 and i do not see that functionality. i have downloaded a tar.gz i want to use for the login theme.04:50
MrPocketsIs there any way I can have my wallpaper centered but on both monitors, if i'm running a spanned dual monitor setup?04:51
petsoundsosirisx11_, what version of ubuntu?04:52
osirisx11_petsounds: 9.1004:53
infidi have an integraded nvidia geforce card that i set up when i installed ubuntu but i just bought a pci-e nvidia geforce. Do i have to install new drivers? lshw seems to detect it fine04:54
petsoundsosirisx11_, ok. you don't change GDM. you can find some hacks with how to do this but it's not recommended.04:54
osirisx11_petsounds: so i MUST have that brown login screen? I see lots of themes on art.gnome04:55
jpmelosinfid, i don't think you need to install a new nvidia driver. the driver gets all the nvidia boards04:56
undecimosirisx11_: If you want, there is a way to log in as the GDM user and change the background.04:56
morphixwhoever decided to remove the theme ability in the new gdm for ubuntu is stupid04:57
undecimosirisx11_: basically, you log out, go to a terminal, sudo su to the gdm user, set the DISPLAY variable, and then launch gnome-control-center04:57
osirisx11_undecim, petsounds: http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter why are all of these here if i can't use them?04:57
morphixand i would love to see the valid reason why this was done?04:57
infidif i plug a second monitor in to my video card, do i have to reboot ubuntu for it to detect it?04:57
morphixall other distros dont seem to be affects by this, its just ubuntu devs appeared to have removed it.04:57
undecimosirisx11_: The Ubuntu devs decided to break that functionality in 9.1004:57
osirisx11_undecim: thank you04:58
undecimosirisx11_: exactly why is beyond my comprehension...04:58
osirisx11_undecim: well i haven't told my mom this is even possible yet so it is okay :)04:58
undecimosirisx11_: lol. Well, like I said, you can change your background, theme, etc.04:58
Flannelundecim, osirisx11_: GDM2 is a rewrite, it's a GNOME thing, not an Ubuntu thing.  It just doesn't have thatfunctionality yet, they didn't 'break' it04:58
petsoundsosirisx11_, because that's for previous version of ubuntu which is using usplash and karmic now is using xsplash04:59
undecimFlannel: oh, so it was the gnome devs... I should have guessed it.04:59
osirisx11_undecim: yes, how do i do that?  i logout.. and how do i get to a terminal from the login screen? set the display variable to what?04:59
osirisx11_petsounds: thank you04:59
undecimosirisx11_: after you "sudo su -u gdm" you need to run "export DISPLAY=:0"05:00
undecimosirisx11_: then you can run apps in that terminal, and they should show up on the GDM screen.05:00
osirisx11_how do i get to a shell from login screen?05:00
undecimosirisx11_: ctrl+alt+f105:00
osirisx11_oh, ctrl-alt-f1?05:00
undecimWith a little more work, you can also get conky or other apps running on your gdm screen.05:01
jpmeloswow... i didnt know that about gdm :o that's pretty cool!05:01
morphix<undecim> With a little more work, you can also get conky or other apps running on your gdm screen. << hmm i never knew that.05:02
morphixconky would be cool :)05:03
osirisx11_i'll give it a shot05:03
undecimmorphix: I forget where exactly, but somewhere in /usr/ is a folder for .desktop files that gdm autostarts.05:03
undecimso you create a .desktop file for conky and put it there05:04
undecimOnly caveat is that if you want conky to have the same settings for both your desktop and gdm, you need to configure it in /etc/conky/conky.conf instead of .conkyrc05:05
LtHummusis there anyway to override passwd complaining that 'my password is too short'05:10
undecimLtHummus: Set the password while root05:10
undecimLtHummus: for example "sudo passwd lthummus"05:10
sloopyLtHummus, change it from the shell ' sudo passwd username'05:10
LtHummusthanks undecim sloopy05:10
LtHummusit's been awhile since I've used linux :)05:10
canthus13AllHailTheGeek: Must you do that?05:14
undecimAllHailTheGeek: Thanks for breaking the silence (?)05:14
canthus13AllHailTheGeek: Why'd you trigger my highlights?05:14
AllHailTheGeekcanthus13, lol05:16
AllHailTheGeekI have it on hiloght too05:16
undecimHmm... there is only one package in the repos that mentions bacon...05:17
undecimAnd it's used as a name.05:17
undecim" This package contains a modified version of Darius Bacon's Mixal implementation."05:17
canthus13undecim: Jono?05:17
undecimShould this be filed as a bug?05:17
Peloundecim, you only need one,  along with a tomato package and mayo++05:17
* AllHailTheGeek runs around freenode, screaming bacon.05:17
* canthus13 pokes at AllHailTheGeek.05:18
* AllHailTheGeek pokes canthus1305:18
Flare-LaptopWhen I try to install a new cursor theme it doesn't come up on the pointers05:22
Flare-LaptopHow can I fix this?05:22
undecimFlare-Laptop: are you sure that it's a valid cursor theme?05:25
infidi have dual monitors but nvidia-settings seems to put my the gnome panel stuff on my right monitor, even though i can drag to the left. is that the best i can do ?05:26
Flare-Laptopundecim: I'm pretty sure I am, I got it off gnome-look.org05:26
undecimFlare-Laptop: Which theme (post a link to it)05:26
Flare-Laptopundecim: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ecliz+(port)?content=76605&PHPSESSID=c9bf700c13006149bd93cfd4c92d104e05:26
Flare-Laptopundecim: That one05:26
undecimFlare-Laptop: half or full size?05:27
infidi positioned my right monitor to be 'right of' and my left monitor to be 'absolute' yet my right monitor keeps getting the gnome panel. what gives?05:27
infidnvidia-settings seems to put them both as 'absolute' after i restart gdm05:28
devuntHow can I open hwp file in ubuntu05:29
Pelodevunt, do you know what the original program for that file is ?05:29
devuntPelo // Hangul word processer05:30
=== KamusHadenes is now known as Kamus_Away
Pelodevunt, have you tried opening it with open office ?05:30
undecimFlare-Laptop: I'm getting the same problem...05:31
devuntyes. but it has crashed.05:31
Flare-Laptopundecim: yeah I don't understand its weird05:31
Pelodevunt, I found this on google  http://www.fileguru.com/apps/hwp_viewer_for_linux05:31
Flare-Laptopundecim: Bug?05:31
Pelodevunt, try with evince maybe05:32
undecimIf so, it's most likely with the cursor file..05:32
devuntthank you.05:32
Flare-Laptopundecim: Alright05:32
undecimFlare-Laptop: Each of the creators package their files individually on gnome-look, so it can get annoying sometimes.05:32
Pelodevunt, evince worked ?05:33
Flare-Laptopah ok05:33
Peloopenoffice would have worked on a hwp made before 1997 ,  they made changes to the format afterwards05:34
devuntevince say, that file is "application/x-ole-storage"05:35
Pelodevunt, it won't open it ?05:35
devuntyes. I won't open it.05:35
Pelodevunt, you speak korean ?05:35
devuntyes. I'm Korean.05:36
Pelodevunt, maybe someone in #ubuntu-ko knows aboutit ,  the page I found on this says it's mostly popular in korea05:36
AkkernightIs there a Ubuntu theme that is more like the Ubuntu 9.10 startup/loading screen style?05:37
devunthmm. thanks for answer to me.05:37
Pelodevunt, sorry i couldn'T help more, but I'm still looking05:37
devuntok. thanks.05:37
PeloAkkernight, I thik that the wallpaper is available05:38
Pelomaybe not05:38
AkkernightPelo, I'm looking for the windows and wallpaper look liek it :P05:39
Pelodevunt, still here ?05:39
PeloAkkernight, I haven'T seen it much, I m not sure ,  have a look in gnome-looks.org05:39
Pelodevunt, I found this  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64017605:39
JamezQ@Akkernight I think new wave looks like it05:40
JamezQit's included05:40
AkkernightJamezQ, hmm...05:40
devunt--2010-01-14 14:41:06--  http://mikwig.webhop.org/files/haansoft-hwp-trial-
devuntResolving mikwig.webhop.org... 접속 실패: Name or service not known.05:41
devuntwget: unable to resolve host address `mikwig.webhop.org'05:41
FloodBot1devunt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
AkkernightJamezQ, yeah looks kinda like it, but feels like it's missing something...05:41
Pelodevunt, hold on . let me have a look05:42
DaveWMis there some package i can get to run the ubuntu installer in an already installed system?05:42
JamezQmaybe the wallpaper?05:42
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.05:42
JamezQYou still have the orange starting wallpaper?05:43
devuntpelo // wget: unable to resolve host address `mikwig.webhop.org'05:44
Pelodevunt, it was a post from 2005,  the links seem to be kind of old05:44
Pelodevunt, try googling for  haansoft-hwp-trial- see if you can find the package that way05:44
Pelodevunt, it's turning up a lot of links in korean , and I can't read them05:44
crawlerhello!  what is the "Account Information Resolver (winbind)" service, and can i safely disable it??05:45
devuntah, ok.05:45
devuntAsianux package In Haansoft site05:45
AkkernightJamezQ, I changed it to the water wallpaper that follows... I think New Wave is missing some colors :P05:45
devuntbut people say that package doesn't execute in ubuntu05:46
Pelodevunt, is it a rpm pakcage ?05:46
Pelodevunt, if it is a rpm package that is what the next few steep in the post i gave you are for,  turning it into a .deb package for ubuntu05:47
=== VoX_ is now known as vox
EastDallasDaveWM: What are you trying to do?05:47
Hilikusif i have a single account open in ssh and i use ssh keys to connect, can i give different clients different, personal keys that will all work with the one ssh account? i want to have something similar to multiple passwords for a single account so that if a user gets compromissed i disable only that one key. or for that i need a different ssh key per user?05:47
Pelodevunt, I still say that the best place for you to get help on this is in  #ubuntu-ko05:47
devuntIt's tar.gz.05:47
Pelodevunt, tar.gz you can compile manualy, you probably have never done that right ?05:48
devuntI'm talk in #ubuntu-ko too.05:48
JamezQhttp://www.instanceof.ru/WallPapers/linux_communist.jpg I use this wallpaper :) Makes the desktop fresh.05:48
devuntbut people say, "I don't know"05:48
Pelodevunt,dlownload that tar.gz file05:48
Pelodevunt, I'M gonna try to help you build it manualy05:48
devuntyes. downloading mow05:49
Out_Coldright meow05:49
DaveWMEastDallas: I've got xubuntu installed on my secondary ssd in this netbook,  was just wondering,  if there was something on the repo's that i could install,  like the installer on the live cd,  so I could just initiate an install and install ubuntu on my other ssd05:49
devunthmm . It's 158MB05:49
EastDallasDaveWM:  Why not just install the ubuntu-desktop package, and choose which desktop to use in that session when you log in?05:50
Pelodevunt, what is it you are downloading exacctly, what is the name ofthe package ?05:50
DaveWMEastDallas: that would be fine,  but i'm talking about doing a whole new install on a different ssd in same system05:50
devuntdownload complete.05:51
EastDallasDaveWM: I'm just asking if you need a separate install for a reason, or you just want to have the option of using gnome or xfce?05:51
Pelodevunt, look around there should be an hangul viewer for linux somewhere in there05:51
DaveWMEastDallas: its not important,  i'm dl the ubuntu iso atm anyway,  i can just put it on a usb flash drive to boot,  i was just wondering if I could run the installer that's on the live cd in my current install05:51
JamezQ@Why not just install the ubuntu-desktop package, and choose which desktop to use in that session when you log in? how do i make my Ubuntu have the same loading screen after doing this?05:52
Pelodevunt, I think I found something you can install straight inside ubuntu , give me a few minutes to investigate05:52
DaveWMEastDallas: well,  i'm getting rid of my current install,  cause i'm probably going to ditch the secondary ssd for another pcie device05:52
devuntIn the tar.gz file, haansoft-office7-installer is exist. but It's open in WINE05:52
JamezQHow do I sync an ipod in Ubuntu?05:53
brummbaerJamezQ, i've had great luck w/ Rhythmbox05:53
EastDallasJamezQ: you want the xfce login screen instead of gdm?05:53
nixjrive installed audacious, imported winamp eq settings, but it sounds bad/different compared to winamp on my windows (first day using ubuntu), why does it not sound the same?05:53
BigMoopiesIs there something compatable with "Microsoft Remote Assistance" ?05:53
EastDallasDaveWM: I would just boot to cd and install05:54
peepsare there any apps out there besides gimp that can convert a video clip to animated gif?05:54
JamezQ@east, no I installed both XFCE and KDE but now I get the XFCE and not the cooler looking GNOME bootscreen05:54
JamezQhow do i change that?05:54
devuntPelo // many rpm files in RPMS folder.05:54
JamezQ@brummbaer can you get stuff from itunes? is there a ubuntu work around for that?05:54
DaveWMEastDallas: yea,  i'm gonna boot a live usb flash drive,  since its on a netbook,  like i said,  i was more just wondering if the installer was available in some way after *ubuntu is already installed05:54
Pelodevunt, I think you downloaded the full version of hangul office,  I'm not gooing to help you install that05:55
AkkernightCompiz is that the cube desktop thingy?05:55
Lancer_@JamezQ try rhythmbox05:55
EastDallasJamezQ: I believe you just need to install the package GDM or do you want the KDE login screen? (for kubuntu)05:55
brummbaerJamezQ, i've heard you CAN get iTunes running, but i always just used Jamendo and Magnatune05:55
Lancer_@Akkernight Yes, Compiz is the cube desktop thingy!05:55
EastDallasJamezQ: Kubuntu uses KDE, not Gnome05:56
devuntPelo: only full package in Hangul site05:56
JamezQ@EastDallas where do you get the idea i use Kubuntu?05:56
JamezQI use Ubuntu and installed the KDE-desktop05:56
EastDallasJamezQ: @east, no I installed both XFCE and KDE but now I get the XFCE and not the cooler looking GNOME bootscreen05:56
JamezQand XFCE-Desktop05:56
Pelodevunt, do you still have that ubuntu forum post I gave you earlier ? , with the link you could not download ?05:56
JamezQi installed them05:57
EastDallasJamezQ: if you use KDE, you use kubuntu05:57
JamezQI stated with Gnome.05:57
infidwhen i set up dual-monitors in the nvidia-settings, my gnome-panel appears on my 'right' monitor. is this supposed to happen because i can't get it to appear on my left monitor at all05:57
EastDallasJamezQ: you just need to make sure the package gdm is installed05:57
crawlerdoes anyone know what the "Account Information Resolver (winbind)" service is, and can i safely disable it??05:57
DaveWMEastDallas: I'm just the kind of person that tries to find different ways of doing things just for the heck of it05:57
Myke1Hey Everyone05:57
DaveWMalways tinkering05:57
pdg1can anyone point me to a good tutorial for installing lighttpd? I'm trying to setup a webui for rtorrent05:57
Pelocrawler, do not disable windbind it allows you to login to your computer if I recall correctly05:58
Pelodevunt, ?05:58
Lancer_I have a nasy virus on my windows boot. Can I copy infected files into my Ubuntu partition and then replace them on a new install of Windows safely?05:58
EastDallasLancer_: if they aren't infected05:58
devuntrpm packages05:58
crawlerPelo: thanks, is there any site where i can find more information on the ubuntu services?05:58
JamezQ@Lancer_ I have heard you can clean windows viruses from linux05:59
Lancer_I have used the Virus Scanner utility from ubuntu, i deleted all the files, but my windows still acts infected05:59
Pelodevunt, that first link I gave you ?  step two tells you how to convert an rpm package into a deb packag you can install in ubuntu , you can try converthing the rpm with that05:59
Pelocrawler, google05:59
Lancer_I cannot open any .exe's there and it automatically shuts my firewalls off on windows05:59
devuntok. I'll trying that05:59
EastDallasLancer_: what do you mean by 'acts infected'?05:59
EastDallasLancer_: ok06:00
Pelodevunt,  do you know how to use wine ?06:00
crawlerPelo: i used google, couldn't find anything about the winbind service...that's why i'm in here asking :-)06:00
Pelodevunt, because I also found a link for the hangul viewer 2002 but its for windows,  you might beable torun it with wine and view your file with that06:00
nixjr ive installed audacious, imported winamp eq settings, but it sounds bad/different compared to winamp on my windows (first day using ubuntu), why does it not sound the same?06:00
RyanDcan someone help me to get my ubuntu to boot? grub cannot find my root partition06:01
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devuntyes. but hangul installer and program ins't execute in wine06:01
Lancer_@nixjr would installing PulseAudio help? that's what I use06:01
Pelocrawler, google for  winbind ubuntu06:01
Pelodevunt, oh, ok , I'll let you get on with it then06:01
nixjrLancer_, im open to any suggestions, i have no idea what pulseaudio is but ill find out, thanks06:02
EastDallasLancer_: there's a registry key that will run a file everytime you try to execute an exe file, it probably needs to be removed.  I believe it's Hkey\Local Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Run06:02
Pelonixjr, pulseaudio kind of reroutes a bunch of differnet ways apps try to use audio into one way so everything works together nicely with alsa and the rest06:03
rainofkayosis there a way to ignore specific packages on ubuntu (8.10) id like to manage firefox updates through ubuntuzilla06:03
Lancer_@EastDallas Okay, so you're saying go to regedit, delete that key, restart and check if it works?06:03
EastDallas Lancer_: do you know which virus you have?06:04
rewtLancer_, EastDallas, that key is to run startup apps06:04
crawlerPelo: if you don't know - don't answer06:04
rewtonly when windows starts06:04
nixjrPelo, upon checking my audacious settings, i see its using pulseaudio output plugin currently, but there are other options there like that alsa you mentioned, is there a "best" or not?06:04
infidno matter what i do my gnome panel ends up on the right monitor, instead of the left monitor in my dual monitor set up! it's insane, i can tell it that my monitors are backwards, normal, whatever settings i put, even backwards settings it still ALWAYS puts my gnome panel on my right monitor! arg what is this??06:04
Lancer_@EastDallas I don't remember exactly it had pudo in the name i believe06:04
Pelo l06:04
RyanDcan someone help me to get my ubuntu to boot? grub cannot find my root partition06:05
Pelonixjr, I'M not that knowlegable , just giving the basics to help out new ppl06:05
EastDallasLancer_: don't do anything until you know EXACTLY which virus yo uare infected with, and then follow the instructions from symantec06:05
devuntRyanD // What is a Error msg?06:05
nixjrPelo, i appreciate it thanks06:05
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devuntRyanD // ?06:06
AllHailTheGeeklol teching for windows in a linux channel06:06
RyanDno such device i believe06:07
Lancer_@EastDallas okay thank you. I have multiple viruses on my windows partition. Do i follow steps for each one individually, or is there a "mother-virus?"06:07
DaveWMEastDallas: just tried that ubiquity package and its gtk frontend,  had some issues with it though,  so i guess i'll do it the normal way now... heh06:07
RyanDif you give me a minute i can get the exact error06:07
devuntgrub isn't load?06:07
RyanDgrub loads06:07
RyanDi select my kernel06:07
EastDallasLancer_: how do you know you have multiple viruses?  No, there is no mother virus.  Did you have antivirus installed in windows?  http://free.grisoft.com06:07
RyanDbut then it times out when trying to find the root partition06:08
EastDallasDaveWM: good luck06:08
Lancer_is there any suggestions for a good irc client here in ubuntu?06:08
kalrudUpgrade to v9.10 removed madwifi driver needed for D-Link WDA2320. Windows driver wrap doesn't work. Trying to figure out which currrent version of madwifi I need to install as driver to restore WLAN.06:08
thomazLancer_, irssi06:08
EastDallasLancer_: xchat, although I use pidgin and love it.06:08
nixjrLancer_, i just installed chat-gnome a few mins ago, seems fine so far06:08
soreauLancer_: I use xchat06:08
blakkheimLancer_: irssi06:08
nixjrxchat-gnome i mena sorry06:09
Lancer_@EastDallas I used the virus scanner from ubuntu and found like 3, booted into windows with symptoms, then scanned again and got eleven06:09
Lancer_i'm using irssi, how do i read history?06:09
EastDallasLancer_: did your antivirus software remove them?06:09
devuntRyanD // use LiveCD and find a partition.06:09
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RyanDthe part is there and i am in the live cd06:10
devuntand mount root partition and edit menu.lst06:10
DaveWMi suppose it depends on what you mean by mother virus... i guess alot of malware leads to other malware06:10
devuntWhat is your version?06:10
RyanDi edited menu.lst but cannot get it to work06:10
RyanDi am using nvidia raid5 if that matters06:10
Lancer_@EastDallas yes, i have removed the viruses with ubuntu virus scanner. Deleted not quarantined06:10
devuntin menu.lst, what is your configure, uuid?06:11
devuntor like /dev/sda106:11
nixjrLancer_, from personal experience, i often find 1 virus has embedded itself in multiple places, and unless all of them are hit at once, it just respawns upon reboot06:11
Pelodevunt , either will work06:11
ablmfWhen I login by ssh, after I input user name, it tooks serveral seconds before it asks for password.  What might cause the problem?06:11
soreau! pm | abu06:11
ugliefrog_01whats the image size for the background in the terminal....it tiles the images06:11
ubottuabu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.06:11
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devuntyes. I know,06:11
RyanDthe second but it is /dev/mapper/xxxxxxxxxx06:12
devunthmm. I don't know,06:12
EastDallasLancer_: You should probably go with what you were going to do and reinstall windows.  You should be able to back up your files to you linux partition, but installing windows after ubuntu might screw up grub and make it difficult to boot into ubuntu.06:13
devuntask to Pelo06:13
Pelodevunt ?06:13
PeloRyanD, yes what is the issue ?06:13
EastDallasLancer_: are you getting an error when you try to run exe's in windows, or they just don't launch?06:14
RyanDi am dual booting win7 and ubuntu06:14
RyanDi installed ubuntu06:14
RyanDbut grub times out when trying to find my root partition06:14
Lancer_@EastDallas It's error, then antivirus that I didn't install pops up, looks like it could be from Windows, but I don't trust them so i don't even know what it should look or act like06:14
PeloRyanD, do it in one line please , easer to read06:14
DaveWMyea,  you'll have to redo grub after you reintall 706:14
PeloRyanD, for which , for windows or for ubuntu ?06:15
Lancer_can i just redo grub with a livecd?06:15
PeloRyanD, are you using the live cd now to access the ubuntu partitons ?06:15
PeloRyanD, you found the menu.lst file ?06:16
infiddoes linux consider a monitor a dominate monitor if it's plugged into a certain port on a graphic card?06:16
MrNaz_ymaif i want to allow users to mount remote samba shares, how would i do that? only root can use mount, and when i try to do it from most user accounts i get "this user is not in the sudoers file" error06:16
EastDallasLancer_: that's probably some bogus AV software.  What you're describing sounds more like malware than a virus.06:16
Lancer_@infid I believe you should check your xserver settings06:17
PeloRyanD, ok it's better to use the uuid,  to get the uuid , open a terminal and type sudo blkid   , from there you need to figure outwhich is hte partition you have ubuntu installed on, copy that exactly to the correct line in  the menu.lst file , save and reboot you shoudl be fine06:17
EastDallasLancer_: take a look at this.  You might try making one of these CDs and see if it helps: http://www.techmixer.com/free-bootable-antivirus-rescue-cds-download-list/06:17
vangelishi everyone06:17
RyanDi tried that "root=UUID=xxxxxxx" but it did not help06:18
vangelisg/m from Greece06:18
Peloryanakca,  the uuid needs to match exactly06:18
PeloRyanD, ,  linux is case sensitive,06:18
Lancer_@EastDallas awesome, thank you :) could you clarify which grub problems i could have after a reinstall of windows?06:18
MrProkhorovHi, could anybody help me out with a stupid-simple BASH question?06:18
MrProkhorov I need to know how to notate a directory name with whitespace while using a shell? e.g. if I wanted to "cp /this and that /blah/that"06:18
RyanDhmmmm....let me try again, brb. do i have to change any other file, like fstab06:19
EastDallasLancer_: for instance windows reinstall will overwrite mbr and you won't get a boot menu at all, it will just go straight to windows06:19
rwwMrProkhorov: replace the " " with "\ ". e.g. "this\ and\ that"06:19
nixjrMrProkhorov, would cp "/this and that/blah" work?06:19
rwwMrProkhorov: tab-completion can often help with that06:19
rww!tab | MrProkhorov06:20
ubottuMrProkhorov: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:20
Lancer_@EastDallas OKay, so I'd just have to boot a livecd and reconfigure grub how i had before?06:20
MrProkhorovAha, thank you very much gentlemen! I figured it was something easy like that!06:20
EastDallasLancer_: in theory, but you prob. want to ask someone else how to reconfigure it, I'm no grub2 guru.06:20
soreauMrProkhorov: cp /path/foo\ bar /baz06:21
Pelodevunt, you were right,  I manage to install he hangul viewer using wine but i can'T make it work after that06:21
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.06:21
devunthmm. I think use virtual box is better06:22
soreauMrProkhorov: or, just use quotes like cp "/path/foo bar" /baz06:22
Pelodevunt, do you have vbox install with a windows running in it ?06:22
Lancer_@EastDallas okay, well thank you for your help I may just forget windows for good actually, it's too much hassle06:22
ibkanatcan someone help me figure out how to change the speed of my ethernet?  I cant get my desktop to see my router06:22
devuntI'm install xp now06:22
EastDallasLancer_: good luck06:22
ibkanatbut its working now direct via dsl06:22
devuntin vbox06:22
MrProkhorovAh, fantastic, thank you soreau!06:22
Pelodevunt, just install hangul viewwer in that and you'll be all set06:22
soreauibkanat: ifconfig06:23
devuntok. thanks06:23
Pelodevunt, do you need the link to the hangul viewer ?06:23
devuntno. thanks.06:23
mahen23any Naruto fans here?06:23
aarcanemahen23, what's that ?06:23
soreauibkanat: if you cant ping your router, its probably not the speed06:23
devuntI have a hangul editor.06:23
mahen23any Naruto fans here?06:23
devuntin windows ver.06:23
ibkanatwont ping06:23
mahen23need help with one manga06:23
aarcanemahen23, what's a naruto fan ?06:23
Myrttimahen23: this is #ubuntu, for Ubuntu Linux support06:23
ibkanatbut works with static settings on dsl06:24
mahen23you guys do not know Naruto?06:24
Myrttimahen23: if your problem is with Ubuntu, we're glad to help, if not, you're out of luck06:24
ibkanatnetwork manager wont configure06:24
spexiHi! I changed monitor from crt to lcd, and lcd now says "out of range". How can I change the resolution to be correct in the command line, without booting the system? ctrl+alt+backspace seems not to do anything. (Running with Ubuntu 8.04)06:24
Myrtti!offtopic | mahen2306:24
ubottumahen23: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:24
aarcanemahen23, I know naruto, but I've never heard of a "Naruto fan"06:24
ibkanatonly can ping own ip06:24
llamais there any flash plugins better than flashplugin-nonfree.  This pos keeps dying out every 5 minutes forcing me to restart firefox completely06:24
ibkanatllama try the 64 bit version maybe06:25
aarcanellama, what we need is a plugin that forces firefox to recover gracefully from any crashes.06:25
llamathe problem I have,is shouldt flash be instance based?  When i go to a flash website shouldn't a new instance of flash just start up.  Then when one ends, it quietly exits.06:26
llamaibkanat, what is the name of the 64bit one, is it in the repo's?06:26
Pelog'nght folks06:26
brandon-anyone know why X would have high cpu usage06:27
brandon-on idle06:27
root_nick black06:27
root_./nick black06:27
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Guest50402can somebody help me with something?06:27
llamawhats the question06:27
Guest50402i have a small problem and i need some advice on usb network cards06:28
ibkanatcheck abode labs 64 bit and copy it into the mozilla plugin06:28
Guest50402i have a dlink dwa-160 and i need to know if it supports injection mode and monitor mode06:28
Guest50402how can i test that06:28
himanshu_plz can somebody tell me , why is it that the audio of my pc gets mute sometime , and it become alright only after certaiin say time (15 minutes)  or after i restart my system ....  this thing has started to occur since i installed Ubuntu ..06:28
Guest50402it supports master mode06:28
ibkanatsoreau any other ideas if its not speed06:29
Guest50402iwconfig ath0 mode master  works06:29
soreauibkanat: Well can you ping it from another machine06:29
ibkanatsoreau no06:29
Guest50402but when i type iwconfig ath0 mode monitor   it says mode ad-hoc06:29
soreauibkanat: What about another os on that machine?06:29
ibkanatand no windows xp even no06:30
ThatGuyOverThereThe theme for my login screen is messed up. Help?06:30
ibkanatwas working fine06:30
soreauibkanat: Ok so first you need to check all connections06:30
soreauibkanat: Was working until what happened?06:30
ibkanatbut tried to install 10.4 because would slove my problems with virtual box xp guest06:30
RyanDcan someone help me to get my ubuntu to boot? grub cannot find my root partition06:30
ibkanatsoreau is it possbile 10.4 killed part of my eth0?06:31
infidi just spent 100$ on an nvidia geforce 9500GT and enabled 'Desktop Cube, Rotate Cube and 3D Windows in the CompizConfig yet it's not doing anything when i ctrl+alt-click. any ideas?06:31
ibkanatthis is a fresh install of 9.1006:31
amitesibkanat: did you install the nvidia drivers?06:32
Guest50402can somebody help me with a question about monitor mode and injection for a usb wireless device?06:32
ibkanatinfid have you tried System->administration_>hardware drivers?06:32
infidthe nvidia drivers are installed yes06:32
soreauibkanat: I dont think it would kill anything but it is possible the ethernet port is bad.. do you have another ethernet card to test with maybe PCI?06:32
amitessorry that was for infid, good night06:32
ibkanatno its part of the mother board06:32
ibkanatand I dont have another06:32
ibkanatthe router is working fine with other computers06:33
infidoh wait looks lke theres an update, brb06:33
ibkanatand this is working for direct to dsl06:33
ibkanatbut need interenet on 3 computers06:33
RyanDcan someone help me to get my ubuntu to boot? grub cannot find my root partition06:33
ibkanatsoreau thought that its bad but why would it work static?06:34
ibkanatthis is what I am using now06:34
ibkanatshould I pastebin the ifconfig for you from pm06:34
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RyanDwhen i run blkid from busybox I cannot see an entry for my RAID array06:36
proqI shut down my 9.10 machine last night, tonight it won't boot but drops into busybox with an error that it can't recover/load the journal, and it won't boot off a recovery cd.  booting in recovery mode tells me "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init06:36
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Usamahello, where I can find the ubuntu bug channel?06:36
proqis the machine recoverable or should I just reinstall?06:36
infidarg, i just installed the drivers for my brand new nvidia geforce 9500GT and rebooted and the second ubuntu started it froze :(06:36
infidwhat can i do?06:37
rewtproq, it won't boot the cd?06:37
proqno, it reports a read error from the cd.  the CD works ok otherwise06:37
soreauibkanat: Well if it works with static config, something is probably wrong with dhcp06:38
ibkanatis that part of hardware or can it be fixed06:38
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.06:39
soreauibkanat: What happens if you try in your terminal: sudo dhclient eth006:39
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RyanDcan someone help me to get my ubuntu to boot? grub cannot find my root partition06:39
soreauRyanD: Do you know if its grub1 or 2?06:40
devunt  bm,./06:41
RyanDsoreau - it is using menu.lst so i assume it is grub106:42
UsamaI found the ubuntu-bugs channel thank you06:42
soreauRyanD: Ok, try the instructions here06:42
soreau! grub | RyanD06:42
ubottuRyanD: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:42
proqrewt: ok, it's booting from the CD now in safe mode06:42
jonex_how to install a WUSB300N  in a DImension 8400 with Ubuntu 9.10  32bits06:44
RyanDi am using 9.10 but it is running off of menu.lst so i assume it is grub 1. soreau where do i find those instructions i am sort of new to irc06:44
proq9.10 uses grub206:45
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RyanDI know it is supposed to but I can't find the grub2 files06:45
RyanD! grub06:46
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:46
soreauRyanD: If you installed 9.10 fresh, you have grub206:46
ibkanatsoreau DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 906:46
ibkanatNo DHCPOFFERS received.06:46
ibkanatNo working leases in persistent database - sleeping.06:46
ibkanatbut I am not hooked to the router right this minute06:46
FloodBot1ibkanat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:46
ibkanat.sudo dhclient eth006:46
ibkanatis that permeant06:46
soreauRyanD: If it was an upgrade from 9.04 you are probably still using grub106:46
soreauibkanat: Use a pastebin service like pastebin.com06:47
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.06:47
mamyi will pass my ubuntu next week i just to know if anyone pass the exam?06:48
RyanD! grub206:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:48
mamyi mean exam06:48
fungofrom 0% to 89%,then again from 0% to 89%06:48
devunt! grub06:48
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:48
fungowho knows how to solve this problem?06:49
jonex_how to install a WUSB300N  in a Dimension 8400 with Ubuntu 9.10  32bits06:49
ibkanatsoreau any other ideas?06:49
soreauibkanat: I would check all connections and try resetting the router06:50
fungoI have tried to change the software sources,but it did not work06:50
ibkanatsoreau have done twice06:50
devuntwhat is a +z mode in irc?06:50
Sorhanhow can I browse a windows network?06:50
proq!samba > Sorhan06:50
ubottuSorhan, please see my private message06:50
soreauibkanat: Well why cant you just use static connection if that works?06:50
fungo"sudo apt-get update " has the same problem06:50
ibkanatsoreau but I need to share with others06:51
jonex_how to install a WUSB300N  in a Dimension 8400 with Ubuntu 9.10  32bits06:51
ibkanat3 computers06:51
devuntjonex_ // googling06:51
peter_hi all06:52
ibkanatsoreau can you point me to a wiki or network experts06:52
Sorhansamba ... great, how to setup?06:52
jonex_devunt thank you06:52
soreauibkanat: You could try #networking06:52
jonex_devunt sorry im getting desperate06:52
devunthmm. wait06:52
jonex_devunt cuz is my gurls desktop ..i dont like she uses mine!06:52
Sorhanok ... what to do when trying to setup samba to hit windows machine, and it won't take usr/pwd?06:53
proqSorhan: did you include the domain?06:53
Sorhanyes, included workgroup ...06:54
ibkanatsoreau thanks06:54
devuntjonex_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1380746 <- It's your?06:54
max1234I just installed tint and docker from synaptic but I cant find them any where? How can I run them?06:55
Sorhantried using an acct with and one without a password ... none of the windows machines have needed a usr/pwd to access the shares06:55
jonex_devunt yeah thats me06:56
EastDallasmax1234: alt + f2 docker06:56
devuntI think "this is a great". but it isn't06:56
jonex_devutn i read something about to install ndiswrapper but then  i found another news that says that ndiswrapper have a command error or something related06:57
thomazis the ubuntu kernel much different than debian kernel?06:57
EastDallasmax1234: are you talking about tint2 or tint the tetris game?06:57
Gary20once django installs in ubuntu through synaptic, where can it be located at?06:57
max1234I guess tint2, task bar06:57
devunthmm. I don't know how to install that. sorry.06:57
max1234I did alt+f2 docker but still nothing?06:58
jonex_devunt its ok... do you know if i can install SERATO  on Linux? thats for DJs06:58
EastDallasmax1234: so docker is supposed to be a tray with no panels?06:58
EastDallas!info docker06:59
czr_hi there. what is the best way to change the umask for all users without editing /etc/profile (since it might be updated later)06:59
ubottudocker (source: docker): System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4-5 (karmic), package size 12 kB, installed size 88 kB06:59
EastDallas!info tint206:59
ubottutint2 (source: tint2): lightweight taskbar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-1 (karmic), package size 222 kB, installed size 344 kB06:59
max1234I guess? I am just trying to find a lightweight panel for obenbox tr06:59
proqI have booted from a livecd and started a safe terminal. when can I fsck my hard drive when it is not being used by the livecd?06:59
jonex_can i install Serato on Linux??????07:00
strayhyenais it possible to back up all of ubuntu into a tar file from an ext3 partition and then extract it to an ext4 partition and reinstall grub? will I have to change settings to work with ext4?07:00
proqrecovery mode is failing at this point, so the livecd was my next option07:00
czr_proq, make sure none of your filesystems from the harddrive are mounted (use df -command to list all mounts)07:00
czr_proq, if they're not mounted, then it's safe(ish) to run fsck.07:00
nixjrhow do i find out what is using my cpu?07:00
devunt! serato07:01
EastDallasmax1234: sorry, I probably won't be much help, I know nothing about openbox07:01
max1234ok thanks anyways07:01
almoxarifeI have a 'compaq' laptop that refuses to suspend or hibernate, from what I read I find lots of complaints but no answers for a fix, any ideas?? swap is not an issue, it has 1gig swap07:01
proqwhat would the default hard device be on an old i386 ibm thinkpad?07:01
soreaunixjr: I system monitoring program like top07:02
czr_proq, probably /dev/sda, but if unsure you can ask what the device is by using hdparm: hdparm -iI /dev/sda07:02
strayhyenaIf I back up ubuntu to a tar file from an ext3 partition and extract it to an ext4 partition and reinstalled grub onto the hard disk, what else would I have to do to make it work?07:02
EastDallasalmoxarife:  do you have ubuntu installed in it's own partition or a virtual partition?07:03
almoxarifeEastDallas: it was installed via wubi07:03
devunt! ping07:03
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.07:03
almoxarifewubi considered virtual?07:03
EastDallasalmoxarife: so, it's a virtual partition,  give me a second....I was having the same problem and found a bug fix....07:04
almoxarifeEastDallas: cool07:04
EastDallasalmoxarife: need to find the link...are you also having problem shutting down?07:04
almoxarifeEastDallas: no problem with shut downs or starts07:04
Sorhananyone able to help with samba? finally got one machine on network to show up, but not both07:05
jonex_devunt know something about serato?07:05
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proqok, the drive is /dev/sda and is not listed by df but when I do sudo fsck /dev/sda it says it is in use07:05
devuntno, I don't know07:06
almoxarifeEastDallas: the machine will go thru the motions of a suspend. it will not waken from suspend. I get a black screen, but it may be doing something in the background07:06
proqoh, sda107:06
EastDallasalmoxarife: mine would act like it was going in to suspend, and then wake right back up07:06
Awesome3000Is there a particular reason that Ubuntu's swap is in an extended partition07:06
max1234can anyone help me get pypanel or docker running? I have them installed but now am lost?07:06
almoxarifeEastDallas: although no key combination will restore the screen07:07
almoxarifeEastDallas: the 'not suspending' when put into motion may be caused by lack of swap, it was an issue initially07:07
EastDallasalmoxarife: you have no swap partition?07:08
almoxarifeEastDallas: I do have a swap with a gig of space07:08
almoxarifeEastDallas: the other os on the machine is xp, it does suspend and restore from suspend07:10
almoxarifeEastDallas: what I have is a swap.file not a partition07:10
Sorhan... so frustrating ...07:12
proqok, machine back to normal.  thanks czr_   :D07:12
czr_proq, np :-). backups next time, right?07:12
proqhehe.  it's my mother-in-law's machine07:13
EastDallasalmoxarife: can you suspend from command line?  command is pm-suspend07:13
EastDallasalmoxarife: still looking for that link07:13
servusRunning Ubuntu Server 9.10 x64 with all updates applied (Kernel 2.6.31-17-server): Upon system startup, `runlevel` is 'unknown', and daemons like ssh, samba do not start. Any thoughts on why the runlevel isn't updating properly or running my /etc/rc#.d/ scripts? I didn't see anything strange in the dmesg07:14
devuntwho is a xgxwhqzw07:14
Flanneldevunt: just ignore it07:14
almoxarifeEastDallas: yes, returning from suspend is the issue, on return there is a black screen, and no way to escape it07:14
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.07:14
devuntFlannel // thanks.07:14
Sorhanneed some help with samba, any one got a second to help? probably some minor setting07:15
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Awesome3000Sorhan  Okay what's the trouble07:18
almoxarifeSorhan: shoot07:18
Sorhangot samba to see the WinVista machine on network, it's not seeing the Win707:18
Sorhangranted i can't seem to browse the vista machine, but at least it's seeing the machine's name07:19
Awesome3000Sorhan  Have you set up Win7 with the old sharing system07:19
almoxarifeSorhan: can the vista see the win7?07:19
Sorhanwin7 sees all, winvista sees all, but this only see's the vista07:19
Sorhaneven winxp sees everything except this one 'cause this was the winxp07:20
nixjrim trying to change file permissions in the gui, every time i uncheck a box, it automatically re-checks itself straight away, why?07:20
almoxarifeSorhan: both win machines are on the same workgroup?07:20
Sorhanhave watched movies saved to win7 on the vista machine and another winy707:20
rewtAwesome3000, how do you do that?  i have a win7 that can't be seen by xp, but direct connect to \\win7pc\blah still works07:20
Awesome3000Sorhan  are the subnet-masks the same07:21
EastDallasalmoxarife: I'm not able to find the link, but it also sounds like a different problem.  I couldn't shutdown or suspend, and if I remember correctly, I think this fix has already been released via updates.  You may want to search bugs or file a new one at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager.  Sorry I wasn't of more help. :(07:21
Sorhanrewt, change your workgroup on the xp machine07:21
rewtsame workgroup07:21
Sorhani can ping the win7 machine from terminal, so I'm going to say yes07:21
ralshebmust i run any commands after updating grubs menu.lst file>? i update it but they dont seem to take effect (ex- i  put the timeout to 20  line and the hiden menu one, menu doesn't show up at all still even after hitting esc)07:21
almoxarifeEastDallas: thanks for the help07:21
Sorhanrewt, triple check, Win7 defaults to "homegroup"07:22
Awesome3000ralsheb  Those lines arn't commented07:22
almoxarifeSorhan: the win7 machine sees the ubuntu machine?07:22
Sorhan99% sure, let me triple check07:22
cjaeok how come I had to register my nick to join?07:22
Awesome3000cjae  hackers07:23
cjaecant even remember my questions now07:23
cjaeahh i see07:23
cjaeanti ubuntu?07:23
soreaucjae: Someone has been attacking freenode07:23
Sorhanfrack ... i see the problem now .... win7 doesn't seem to wanna belong to the workgroup ... it isn't seeing anything07:23
almoxarifeSorhan: ahhhhhhhhhh07:24
Sorhan... someone set a password on the "homegroup" ... so i can see the "workgroup" on the WinVista ...07:24
almoxarifeSorhan: the win7 defaults to public I think, needs to run private07:25
Sorhanalmoxarife, that should all be setup correctly, I **HAD** it working ...07:25
nixjrim trying to change file permissions in the gui, every time i uncheck a box, it automatically re-checks itself straight away, why?07:25
sidI just installed ubuntu, and my sound doesn't work. everything works, Wifi, video, etc.. just not sound. not sure why. I have the volume up all the way.07:25
Sorhantrying to figure out how to tell it to browse a password protected workgroup now .... lol07:26
Respatix_what do I type to go to my souce list07:26
Sorhanor to remove pass on workgroup07:26
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sidWhat do I do to test it?07:26
almoxarifeSorhan: the workgroup password for the win7 should be your login password07:26
ralshebawesome3000: right, they aren't commented , so c hanging them should affect things..?07:26
* _Ovidiu is away: Gone away for now07:26
almoxarifeon the win707:26
Awesome3000ralsheb Yeah07:27
T0mRiddleHi, just installed kubuntu and I need to know what the default kernel line is in grub, kernel /boot line, it was i386 Alternative, thanks07:27
Sorhanalmoxarife, there's two pwds ... one to join group, one to access shares ... no username on group07:27
Awesome3000ralsheb  I never even run the command07:27
Sorhanwhy M$ has to make it so blasted hard to share stuff, i have no flaming idea07:27
almoxarifeSorhan: we are talking win now?07:27
Awesome3000ralsheb Have you maybe updated grub and are editing the wrong number07:27
Awesome3000ralsheb  not number  file   :D07:28
Sorhannot yet ... still can't browse the Vista machine ...07:28
Sorhani think i should just teach wifey how to use *nix ...07:28
Jordan_U!grub2 | ralsheb07:29
ubotturalsheb: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub207:29
T0mRiddlekernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/sda1 ro quiet splash vga=791, does this look right?07:29
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: vga= has been depricated07:29
almoxarifeSorhan: from the ubuntu machine standpoint, it sees one of the win machines?07:29
brandon-i posted a ss of my desktop and it seemed darker than it actually is07:29
brandon-how do i adjust brightness?07:29
Awesome3000brandon-  desktop or image07:30
nascentmindhi. I am using the free ati drivers but in my xorg.conf i am seeing lines in Section Monitor Identifier as aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0. is it right?07:30
Sorhanwin7 sees ubuntu machine on network, just not in homegroup07:30
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: In grub2 you should just add a line with "gfxpayload=1600x1200" ( or whatever resolution you want )07:30
Awesome3000Sorhan  I don't think Samba does Homegroup hence the old sharing07:31
almoxarifeSorhan: does it matter what group? you can change the workgroup in samba,conf to anything you would like07:31
Sorhan*mumble* gotta be easier way to do this ...07:31
T0mRiddleDude, I need the kernel line that kubuntu i386 alternative puts in there, I have grub installed on another partition for another distro and I can load it, but I can't access the Kubuntu ext4 partition with it07:31
T0mRiddleUnless the alternative i386 has a live console mode, or a way to just reinstall grub07:31
Sorhanhonestly, I don't want diddly shared through a "workgroup" or "homegroup" xbox can't browse that way07:31
Sorhanhonestly i want my simple file sharing back! lol07:32
kinja-sheepSorhan: Just set a group where all machines will have same group name. I use LAN myself to make things simple.07:32
almoxarifeSorhan: have you set up file sharing in ubuntu?07:32
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: Just remove the vga=791, it's not there by default and if you don't know what it is you don't need it07:32
lightbrickoI need to enable support for the swedish language in OpenOffice documents, but I still want the UI in English. What package should I install? I found the following, is that the one? "language-support-sv"07:32
Sorhanalmo, I have zero idea, i just started using this like a week ago07:32
kinja-sheepSorhan: I don't think Xbox can use Samba to read files. It uses UPnP.07:33
SorhanXbox can browse network for simple file shares07:33
T0mRiddleJordan, that was an example from the internet of the line I need07:33
almoxarifeSorhan: file sharing or folder sharing, same thing, do you have a folder in ubuntu that is shared by the network?07:34
Sorhanalmo, only if one is shared by default07:34
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: The rest looks right ( though Ubuntu uses root=UUID=7850595e-e0f7-422f-b723-faf2fd6cd8e0 for temporary purposes root=/dev/sda1 should work fine as long as it's the right device )07:34
almoxarifeSorhan: no, I don't think you are sharing anything on the ubuntu07:35
Sorhanalmo, probably not ... even if there's a folder shared, there's nothing in it07:35
brandon-can anyone tell me how to make a menu in gnome that just shows places07:35
brandon-i did it relatively easily in XFCE07:35
almoxarifeSorhan: what is the end game here? having the xbox see all the machines?07:35
mneptokSorhan: what is the goal? to get media from the PC to an XBox?07:35
brandon-but i just switched back to gnome and would like to do it07:35
T0mRiddlekernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/sda1 ro quiet splash <=- That looks like the correct kernel for the newest Kubunutu as well?07:35
almoxarifemneptok: :)07:35
Sorhanalmo, end game is to be able to watch movies from both ubuntu and xbox07:36
Sorhanubuntu on laptop, not much hdd space for movies  ;)07:36
brandon-use XBMC07:36
brandon-its best app for xbox07:36
mneptokSorhan: look at XBMC, MediaTomb, or some other media server software07:36
brandon-you dont need a server with XBMC07:36
brandon-just samba sharing07:36
Sorhandon't care if xbox sees ubuntu, just want ubuntu to see win707:36
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: No07:36
brandon-anyone know how to make a places menu07:36
brandon-with gnome07:36
Sorhanwin7 is the server, everything else just a client07:36
T0mRiddleIf I could access the partition I could find out, these ext4's aren't very backwards compatible07:37
johnubuntu 9.10 no sound HP Pavilion DV6-2144NR07:37
kinja-sheepbrandon-: What do you mean by places menu? You want to add folders?07:37
johnHow can I fix my sound?07:37
johnjust did a fresh install07:37
almoxarifeSorhan: ok, create a folder on the desktop of ubuntu, then right click and set it to share07:37
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brandon-kinja-sheep,   i mean like by default it has Main  Places and System or whatever07:37
brandon-i want it to be just Places07:37
brandon-as a seperate menu07:37
T0mRiddleJordan, do you know what it is suppose to be?07:38
brandon-xfce has a plugin for it to dl via synaptic07:38
brandon-but i dont see one for gnome07:38
kinja-sheepbrandon-: I don't believe that is possible because nobody make an applet for that one.07:38
KoterpillarHow do I debug - or just see the whole of - kernel panic trace if i don't have a serial port?07:38
brandon-i guess ill switch back to xfce then07:38
brandon-it seems to have gnome beat07:38
brandon-in alot of way07:38
Sorhanalmo, done07:38
almoxarifeSorhan: sharing is on?07:38
Sorhanshould be07:39
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: You can use tab completion in grub to be sure you have the right file, I think it should be /boot/vmlinuz-
kinja-sheepbrandon-: You use it for netbook?07:39
brandon-nou, desktop07:39
=== _Ovidiu is now known as Ovidiu
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: Sorry, /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-17-generic07:39
almoxarifeSorhan: from a win machine look to see if that share folder is visible07:39
Sorhannot accepting usr/pwd for ubuntu machine07:40
almoxarifeSorhan: use the win password/user account07:40
Sorhangot it07:41
Sorhanwin7 seeing ubuntu share07:41
almoxarifeSorhan: do you see the share?07:41
almoxarifeSorhan: does the win7 have public shares?07:41
T0mRiddleinitrd /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-17-generic <=- Need this line too Jordan?07:42
Sorhaneverything should be public share07:42
almoxarifeSorhan: ok07:42
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: That line should be initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-17-generic07:42
mamyhello every body how to restart a service when using ubuntu? plz07:42
cobra679good call mamy07:43
almoxarifeSorhan: at this point the rest of the work is related to win or xbox, good luck07:43
cobra679was about to say the same thing mamy07:43
Koterpillarmamy, sudo invoke-rc.d <name> restart07:43
Sorhanubuntu doesn't see the win7 machine period still07:43
almoxarifeSorhan: I think the win7 is not setup to be seen07:43
mamykoterpillar thanks07:43
Sorhancould be ... will try win support, thanks for the help07:44
NeOprimeshd u compile a kernel only to include some module07:45
KoterpillarHow do I debug - or just see the whole of - kernel panic trace if i don't have a serial port?07:45
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iceacheanyone here?07:46
nixjrim trying to change file permissions in the gui, every time i uncheck a box, it automatically re-checks itself straight away, why?07:46
EastDallasiceache: only about 1200 people07:46
T0mRiddleWell, I kind of think the Alternate Kubuntu cd should ask which partition/disk the MBR goes on07:46
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NeOprimesome one  pls ans "shd u compile a kernel only to include some module???"07:46
iceacheoh good :p07:46
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T0mRiddleThe way it is now is almost...Windows-like07:46
EastDallasnixjr: you might want to run nautilus as root.  sudo nautilus07:47
kinja-sheepnixjr: gksudo nautilus07:47
iceacheUmm.. Ok, setup my dual monitors.. I want to know how to move my top and bottom bars back to my PC monitor and off of my television?07:47
kinja-sheepiceache: Drag them over.07:47
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: It does offer that option, it's just not asked by default07:47
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: You can even choose not to install grub at all07:48
Awesome3000iceache  you're in GNOME07:48
Brandonthis chat for ubuntu help?07:48
mneptokBrandon: yes07:48
Awesome3000Brandon Yep07:48
kinja-sheepBrandon: Yes. Welcome.07:48
Brandongood cause I have a problem07:48
iceacheYes i'm in gnome07:48
Jordan_Uiceache: I think it's in System > Preferences > Display07:49
T0mRiddleJordan, can I get to a console on that cd, and install grub manually?07:49
EastDallaskinja-sheep: I don't think you can drag panels07:49
iceacheYeah, I see no option to move my desktop back over07:49
Awesome3000iceache  Right click the panel go into panel sytings07:49
kinja-sheepiceache: Hold ALT and drag the panels.07:49
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: Yes07:49
kinja-sheepEastDallas: Hold ALT and drag the panels.07:49
EastDallaskinja-sheep: got it07:49
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: You can also use any linux LiveCD ( that can read ext4 )07:50
nixjrEastDallas, im running nautilus, and its dong the same thing07:50
iceachemy TV is set to monitor 1 for some reason07:50
BrandonI tried to install ubuntu 9.10 onto my HDD and it froze at 100% then I tried again on another HDD and it froze at 98% each time I start up wether I try to reinstall or boot from HDD I get a black screen and random text on it and it keeps rapidly showing the text07:50
T0mRiddleHow do I get to a console from the alt cd of kubuntu?07:50
EastDallasnixjr you ran from a command prompt using gksudo nautilus or sudo nautilus?07:51
mneptokBrandon: boot from the CD and choose the "test media for defects" option07:51
Brandonkk ill try07:51
nixjrEastDallas, gksudo nautalis from command prompt07:51
Awesome3000EastDallasnixjr  don't sudo a graphical program07:51
cjaeanyone use calibre what is the best pdf conversion on sony reader? besides lrf07:51
kinja-sheepmneptok: That is an equivalent for on-disk md5sum?07:51
iceachehow do you run CCC from terminal?07:51
EastDallasAwesome3000: what difference does it make?  I've never had a problem using sudo with a graphical program.07:52
git__whatever i say here is public record?07:52
kinja-sheepEastDallas: http://tinyurl.com/35m6ke07:52
Awesome3000EastDallas see  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo07:53
EastDallasgit__: yes07:53
Brandonk right now its at the ubunto logo splash screen so thats a good sign so far i hope.07:53
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Jordan_UT0mRiddle: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#Using%20the%20Ubuntu%20Alternate/Install%20CD07:53
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Awesome3000EastDallas  you've had Good Luck then  :p07:53
git__did Ubuntu fix the ACPI problem with CPU fan not running and suspend freezes the system?07:54
Brandonnow its saying checking integrity and my cd drive is running.07:54
T0mRiddleJordan, you are truly amazing, thanks for your help :)07:54
EastDallasAwesome3000: even the link that you gave me says that it's rarely a problem07:54
git__this is with regards to 9.1007:54
Jordan_UT0mRiddle: np :)07:54
cHarNe2hi, i cant play *.wmv files in ubuntu, tryed to install win32codec and do a gst0.10-inspect, but it still aint working..07:54
T0mRiddleWhen my species comes to conquer this planet, your name shall be on the protected scrolls07:55
Awesome3000EastDallas  I have had the .ICEauthority error  hit me07:55
d3x0rhow do I figure out which package a library comes from?07:55
Jordan_Ugit__: That's not a problem that all people are experiencing, it is probably specific to your hardware. If you check for bug reports or file your own if one hasn't been filed already, you can see when they ( or whether ) they have fixed it.07:55
almoxarifenautilus has a 'run as admin' option if it is installed, I did, no issues with sudo or gksudo07:56
Jordan_Ud3x0r: apt-file search whatever.so07:57
Brandonno errors found @mneptok07:57
d3x0rJordan_U: ok07:58
brandon-where do gtk themes install to?07:58
Awesome3000Is there any reason Ubuntu makes it's swap on a extended partition07:58
brandon-id like to modify one07:58
ardchoillebrandon-: ~/.themes07:58
Brandonmneptok: no errors and it says to press any button to reboot.07:58
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ardchoillebrandon-:  or /usr/share/themes  for system-wide use07:58
brandon-thank you ardchoille07:59
EastDallasnixjr is this on an NTFS volume?08:00
chu_Hey guys. Wondering if anyone here is familiar with the xml animated backgrounds for gnome? Just a general question about the structure of the xml documents; does anyone know what the importance of the starttime tag is? Would it be fine if I just set it to the current date?08:00
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BrandonI'm back at the Ubuntu splash screen where it asks how to install or test and stuff. I'm not sure what to do after I checked for the integrity???08:02
Awesome3000How should I format a partition for Swap  (Linux Swap)08:03
johnubuntu 9.10 no sound speakers SBx00 Azalia Intel HDA... I don't have sound from speakers... or from headphones or anything. I just did a fresh install. What can I do?08:03
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Guest24699Is there an easy way to update alsa or something? a third party repository perhaps?08:03
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Brandonif I failed my first install and coldboot my computer will it hurt to try and install again?08:05
Brandonit froze at 98% so I coldbooted the computer08:06
Awesome3000Brandon  No Try it  I presume there is nothing really importent on the pc08:06
puneethhey, i have a Pentium 4 processor i'm keen on installing ubuntu 9.10 on my desktop with the bit torrents available on the ubuntu site.08:06
puneethwhich one should i go for??08:06
Jordan_UBrandon: No, it won't hurt08:06
Brandonwell the HDD had stuff on it but I figured installing would format it anyways for me so I asn't worried about data loss08:06
Jordan_UBrandon: How much RAM does that computer have?08:06
Brandon3X 256mb08:07
max1234I downloaded and extracted transset-df, and it says I have to compile it from source, how do I do this?08:07
Jordan_UBrandon: Ok, then that wasn't the problem08:07
Brandonsingle core I think 2.4ghz08:07
max1234tar xzvf transset-df-6.tar.gz08:07
max1234cd transset-df-608:07
max1234sudo checkinstall08:07
Jordan_UBrandon: If it fails again try the alternate install CD08:08
puneethhey, i have a Pentium 4 processor. i'm keen on installing ubuntu 9.10 on my desktop by downloading one of the torrent available on the site... which option should i select?08:09
dandamanso i just upgraded to 9.10 from 9.04, when i scroll in firefox it gets choppy and i cant have basic and advanced visual effects because it wont load them, im guessing i need to reinstall my graphics drivers08:09
JimmyJIt depends, some P4's support 64 bit, some don't.08:09
dandamanin which case, is ubuntu 9.10 linux x86 or linux x86_64?08:09
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EastDallasdandaman: did you install the proprietary drivers for your video card?08:10
kinja-sheepdandaman: "uname -m"08:10
Jordan_Udandaman: How did you install your graphics drivers originally?08:10
dandamani dont remember :\08:10
dandamanbut uname -m gave me i68608:10
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kinja-sheep!away > papul|reading08:11
ubottupapul|reading, please see my private message08:11
EastDallasdandaman: system>administration>hardware drivers08:11
dandamanEastDallas: looks like it is installed08:11
dandamanthis driver is activated but not currently in use08:12
dandamangod damnit make it use08:12
papul|readingkinja-sheep: ???08:12
Awesome3000!language | dandaman08:12
ubottudandaman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:12
papul|readingkinja-sheep: any problem?08:12
dandamanhow do i make my system use the driver?08:12
kinja-sheeppapul|reading: It is annoying.08:12
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EastDallasdandaman: have you restarted since you activated it?08:13
Jordan_Upapul|reading: See the message from ubottu, changing your nick just spams the channel unnecessarily08:13
dandamanactivated what?08:13
dandamani dont even know how to activate the driver :(08:13
EastDallasdandaman: the driver08:13
dandamanthere is no button to activate it08:13
dandamanonly remove08:13
Jordan_U!alternate | Brandon08:14
ubottuBrandon: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal08:14
EastDallasdandaman: at some point you would've gotten an icon on the top panel that looks like a little video card, and you clicked on it and activated this driver.08:14
papul|readingaww man08:14
EastDallasdandaman: have you restarted since then08:14
dandamani never got any icon like that08:14
dandamanmaybe when i was running 9.0408:14
EastDallasdandaman: what kind of video card do you have?08:14
dandamanati radeon 485008:14
EastDallasdandaman: some ati cards aren't supported in 9.1008:15
EastDallasdandaman:  let me check on that one08:15
dandamantell me this one is supported08:15
dandamani might have to kill myself08:15
kinja-sheepdandaman: How did you install Ubuntu? (Or you bought it from Dell?)08:15
valcoreI have a small annoying problem.08:15
dandamani downloaded it from the site08:15
Awesome3000valcore  What08:16
dandamanactually i installed it with wubi08:16
valcoreWhen I use the Flash/Java on websites it is lagish and has to catch up and some features do not work right... such as the skip feature on youtube simply does not work.08:17
gastwas geht ab ihr hurensöhne08:17
llutz!ops | gast08:17
ubottugast: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:17
dandamanim just gonna reinstall the driver...08:17
max1234how do I install a package after I extract it?08:18
Flannelmax1234: install it before you extract it08:18
Flannelmax1234: double click it08:18
rakistaTry Adobe Flash 10.1 http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html08:19
max1234this website is telling me I need to compile the source code I downloaded, is that the same thing?08:20
DSX2it shouldbe08:20
llutz!compile | max123408:20
ubottumax1234: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:20
llutz!checkinstall | max123408:20
ubottumax1234: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!08:20
valcoreError.... Could not find package 'adobe-flashplugin'.08:20
cvbrgwhat is ndiswrapper08:21
rakistaValcore where are you seeing that error ?08:21
valcorewhen I try to install flash 1008:21
funtgyhow do you find out how much RAM your graphics card has in ubuntu?08:22
rakistaDid you unpack the tar file valcore ?08:22
rakistatar xvf *.tar.gz08:23
brandon-where do themes install to08:23
valcoreI clicked agree and install now from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/08:23
brandon-gtk themes08:23
brandon-im in usr/share/themes08:23
kinja-sheepbrandon-: That is the path. Or ~/.themes (for personal themes).08:23
max1234so what do I do with that?08:25
iceacheAnyway to make XFE default file explorer?08:25
llutzmax1234: usually sourcecode comes with readme-files or INSTALL08:25
ardchoillebrandon-: I answered that for you already08:25
Brandonhard drive is still making it crackling sound like its working but the mouse wont move at all cursors just froze.08:25
dandamanthis got worse08:27
Brandonis 98% where it removes language packs supposed to do that?08:27
rockethello i wish to ask about mime type08:27
funtgyhow do you find out how much RAM your graphics card has in ubuntu?08:27
dandamanafter reinstalling my drivers for my gfx card and activating the propietary driver, i restarted and got this error08:27
BrandonCD drive isn't running anymore, HDD is crackling, and mouse is frozen.08:27
valcoreE: Couldn't find package adobe-flashplugin08:27
max1234llutz, yea I saw the readme but don't know what to do with it, the site says install it: tar xavf transset-df-6 tar.gz, cd transset-df-6, make, sudo checkinstall08:27
valcoreWhat do I do?08:27
dandamanEEunable to initialize PCS database08:28
dandamanEEmissing PCCS defaults file /etc/ati/amdpcsdb.default08:28
dandamannEEno devices detected08:28
ardchoille!flash | valcore08:28
ubottuvalcore: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash08:28
llutzmax1234: what do you think, one should do with a file called "read.me"?08:28
dandamanand i got booted into low graphics session08:28
Brandonshould I wait it out and pray something happens or turn it off and use alternate method?08:28
rockethow i can add  mime type for me  own  ext  then  file command  can detect the right  ext  i am already  add the ext  to /etc/mime.types is reboot  required08:28
vincemanmy video0 is gone from my /dev dir, how can that be? my webcam is connected to my PC!08:28
dandamandamnit and the propietary driver says its activated and currently in use08:29
disappearedngHey somehow my firefox settings disappeared how do I get them back08:29
ardchoilledisappearedng: did you happen to delete the .mozilla folder?08:30
Pastooliohi guys. i have an issue on my laptop. it has an intermittend noise on the speakers, sounds like something is being plugged in every few seconds, like when you unplug your guitar from an amp if the amp is on still. this only happens when there is nou sound output, does anyone know how to fix this annoyance?08:30
funtgyhow do you find out how much RAM your graphics card has in ubuntu?08:30
disappearedngbut then somehow there were 2 firefox i think on my computer08:30
disappearedngand the other settings just wiped out my current one08:30
ardchoilledisappearedng: restore from a backup. You have been making bkacups of your home folder haven't you?08:31
ardchoilledisappearedng: Perhaps now is a good time to adopt a backup scheme08:31
disappearedngfk, then I have to install everything again08:31
disappearedngyeah I will use git08:31
valcoreNow it is working again but it is lagy.08:32
vincemanplease help me08:32
funtgyhow do you find out how much RAM your graphics card has in ubuntu?08:32
DaZfuntgy: ati, nvidia?08:33
llutzfuntgy: try "sudo lshw"08:33
funtgyDaZ: yes08:33
Brandonso i noticed that when my install freezes whatever CD drive I have the Ubunto Install in wont open but the other drive will so is it still reading something on it?08:33
fabioone back 208:33
llutzfullmoon today?08:33
Trebesananybody in the mood to help out a lowly noob :<08:33
DaZ!ask | Trebesan08:33
ubottuTrebesan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:33
brandon-anyone know how to change the main menu icon in gnome08:34
dandamancan someone please help me get my gfx card working?08:34
brandon-right now its an ugly foot and id like to change it to something else, like the ubuntu icon08:34
rakistaDoes cpuid work on vid card memory ?08:34
Trebesanim having issues.  i can ping google, but cant load it. ive tried MULTIPLE builds/distros/ and i seem to be having problems with wifi,,,08:34
valcoreI have a question... Would restarting my computer fix any lag problems with Flash/Java?08:34
Trebesani cant load any page for that matter08:35
ardchoillebrandon-: I wrote a tutorial on that, lemme get you a link..08:35
rakistatre what is the dbm on your connection ?08:35
brandon-ok thanks ardchoille ,youve been very helpful for me to night08:35
Trebesanhow would i find that?08:35
brandon-if i was rich, id send you a 100$08:35
funtgyllutz: that doesn't list my graphics card08:35
infidhow can i find out which video card driver linux loaded?08:35
DaZmeh, i don't have wifi >:08:36
ardchoillebrandon-: http://ardchoille42.blogspot.com/2009/09/how-to-change-menu-icon-in-ubuntu-904.html08:36
rakistaLog into you router and check status, you should see your connection it will say - x dbm08:36
brandon-thanks ardchoille this is exactly what i need08:36
ardchoillebrandon-: you can repay me by learning a lot and helping others :)08:36
rakistayou can also just type iwconfig08:36
brandon-i will try my best ardchoille08:37
cvbrgi need to replace one word with another in a preference file is there any command for it08:37
llutzcvbrg: sed08:37
DaZcvbrg: sed? :f08:37
UbuntuN00BMy installing keeps freezing every time I try.08:37
rakistaDBM should be <= -75 dbm08:37
Trebesanits at 46dbm08:37
funtgyllutz: that doesn't list my graphics card08:37
funtgyhow do you find out how much RAM your graphics card has in ubuntu?08:38
drellokinfid: you can check xorg log cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep GPU08:38
rakistaok so you are getting a good connection, in iwconfig does it show dropped packets ?08:38
UbuntuN00BFuntgy I'd love to help but I can't even install Ubuntu lol08:38
rakistaOk so the wireless driver is fine and you have a good connection08:39
funtgythanks UbuntuN00B08:39
Trebesanwoops wrong keyboad. lol08:39
drellokfuntgy: you can find useful info using: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep Memory08:39
tasslehoffI have removed virtualbox-ose, but still I have /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose. can't be right?08:39
rakistaHave you tried multiple browsers ?08:39
Trebesanim currently running kubuntu, but i had this same issue with ubunutu"s firefox last night08:40
rockethow i can add  mime type for me  own  ext  then  file command  can detect the right  ext  i am already  add the ext  to /etc/mime.types is reboot  required08:40
Trebesankubuntu uses.... Konquere08:40
infiddrellok: thanks. it says 'NVIDIA GPU GeForce 9500 GT (G96)', which is my video gard, but when i go to 'hardware drivers' it shows 2 drivers, the one currently in use is version 173 and the one not in use is 185 (recommended). should i switch to 185?08:41
Trebesanand i can make it wired. and it runs just fine wired. but where i intend on putting this PC it has to be wireless..08:41
rakistawhat happens if you type the ip address in the browser like this
ardchoillebrandon-: if you have any problems with my icon tutorial, please let me know so I can update it.08:41
brandon-kk will do08:41
brandon-im gonna use it tomororw08:41
brandon-too tired atm08:41
Trebesanconnection to the server refused08:41
rakista185 has a lot more acceleration08:42
UbuntuN00Bif my 9.10 keeps freezing would it be a good idea to try and install 9.04 and then upgrade to 9.10 if say 9.04 actually will install.08:42
evaroHow can i connect to a remote desktop08:42
drellokinfid, I think 185 would be better08:43
EastDallasdandaman: did you try reinstalling the driver from the ati website?08:43
rakistasorry wrong ip try this one
dandamanEastDallas: thats the one i've been using08:43
dandamanthat scares me though08:43
dandamanbecause my card is 485008:43
cvbrgevaro: ssh username @ip08:43
Trebesansame thing, connection refused08:43
a2fhey hey i have an issue... i can't access localhost:8080/sabnzbd on chromium but i can in firefox... any idea why?08:43
dandamanand it says that x850 has been moved to the legacy software support structure08:43
rakista9.04 is a lot more stable, is there some feature of 9.10 you need right now ?08:44
disappearedng9.10 is nicer08:44
EastDallasdandaman: I came back to tell  you your card was still supported.  That x is not like x8608:44
Trebesanrakista. i cant even connect to my routers config page.
UbuntuN00Bno I just want to install ubuntu in general but 9.10 keeps freezing at 98% every time08:44
evarocvbrg: thanks08:44
EastDallasdandaman: the 4850 is still supported08:45
dandamanEastDallas: ok im installing with --buildpkg Ubuntu/karmic this time08:45
dandamanwe'll see it it works08:45
EastDallasdandaman: although my experience with ati is that graphics performance gets worse with every upgrade of ubuntu.08:45
rakistaTre you may have a driver issue with WPA 2 working, try to change your router to WPA 1, but first try your router with no security and see if that works08:46
funtgyforgot to say thanks to whoever told me how to do that?08:46
DiaNouShi at all can i have help about my ubuntu 8.04 ?08:46
EastDallasdandaman: I switched to nvidia card after upgrding to karmic...I had one of the cards in that list you posted08:46
rakistaIf it works without security that means your auth portion of your drivers are pasing malformed packets08:46
Trebesan....its on WEP.08:46
Trebesanand i know, WEP is horrible.08:46
rakistaTry no security at all08:46
dandamanshould i be following these instructions?08:46
rakistabbias door08:47
DiaNouSi need help about mounting usb drives08:47
EastDallasdandaman: I was always able to just activate the driver in jockey08:47
dandamansorry, how do i check if im on a 32bit or 64bit sys>?08:48
dandamani dont remember which one im on08:48
UbuntuN00BIm downloading 9.04 desktop 32bit iso will this after getting updates be able to be upgraded to 9.10?08:48
EastDallasdandaman: you might want to try opening a terminal and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:49
EastDallasdandaman: then reboot08:49
dandamank ill try that08:49
infiddrellok: ok i activated 185 but i still can't get any compiz effects to happen. i have a brand new nvidia 9500GT 1GB video card and i set affects like Wobbly Windows and stuff and they arent working08:49
EastDallasdandaman: if it's the same driver version you've already got08:49
cvbrgis there any way to control power going to USB  ports08:49
mamyhey guys what is the command to check port on ubuntu?08:50
DiaNouSevery time i insert my usb pens, it says me it's impossible to mount devices, so i have to do in the konsole two commands: dmesg | grep tail  and after mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt ; next i have to take off the pen and reinsert it and then pc reads it. there is a way to bypass these commands ??08:51
cvbrgi need to control  some USB lights based on some parameters08:51
drellokinfid: check if composite is enabled: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep Composite08:51
infiddrellok that said '(II) NVIDIA(0): Support for GLX with the Damage and Composite X extensions is'08:52
drellokinfid, ok please paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log to pastebin08:53
Trebesanrakista: i can08:53
Trebesanrakista: i can't get it to work either08:54
DiaNouSanyone there??08:54
EastDallascvbrg: have you tried a programming channel for help on that?08:54
drellokDiaNouS: what does dmesg | tail say?08:55
rakista you have two options, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-troubleshoot-wireless-network-connection-in-ubuntu.html or buy a new wireless usb stick08:55
DiaNouSnothing! dmesg | grep tail is the command08:55
Trebesani bought this one... because the old one wasnt working08:56
Trebesanthe strange part is i can ping08:56
cvbrgEastDallas: isnt there any settings that can help me08:56
drellokDiaNouS: give me the output of 'dmesg | tail'08:56
leprWhere on the WWW is a list of Ubuntu IRC Channels?08:56
kinja-sheep!channels | lepr08:57
ubottulepr: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:57
EastDallascvbrg I guess it might bee possible, but I doubt it.08:57
DiaNouS[ 1002.837648] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off08:57
DiaNouS[ 1002.837658] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 23 00 00 0008:57
DiaNouS[ 1002.837662] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through08:57
DiaNouS[ 1002.840881] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] 1953792 512-byte hardware sectors (1000 MB)08:57
DiaNouS[ 1002.841644] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off08:57
DiaNouS[ 1002.841652] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 23 00 00 0008:57
infiddrellok i just realized i had system>preferences>appearances>visual effects set to 'none' but when i hit 'extra' it says 'The composite extension is not available'08:58
drellokinfid: ok, you can try to add Option "Composite" "Enable" to your xorg.conf section extensions08:59
UbuntuN00BI tried to install Unbunto 9.10 and all I get is tons or random text rapidly scrolling on my screen.08:59
UbuntuN00Bits just a blank black dos looking screen with tons of random scrolling text09:00
UbuntuN00Banyone seen this before?09:01
brandon-anyone know of a script or app for xchat or just ubuntu that lets me mouseover a url to a picture09:01
vincemanmy video0 is gone from my /dev dir, how can that be? my webcam is connected to my PC!09:01
brandon-and shows the picture instead of needing to load laggy ass firefox just to see a pic09:02
UbuntuN00BI'm really frustrated and I'm trying to be as calm as possible but its like I can't install Ubuntu at all no matter how I go  about it I need some help.09:04
infiddrellok ok i did that and restarted gdm but it's still not showing effects or letting me select 'Extra' from visual effects preference09:04
EastDallasbrandon-: There's this app called Chrome09:04
brandon-and it lets me move my mouse of urls in xchat and displays them instantly?09:04
linleycaetan1ubuntunoob- what is your hardware?09:04
drellokinfid: paste your Xorg.0.log09:05
brandon-or are you referring to that shitty web  browser that fails in comparison to firefox09:05
EastDallasbrandon-: that's a joke.  Chrome web browser is not laggy09:05
duncan-nzHello everyone. New Question: I'm trying to move my Karmic installation to a different hdd with rsync. I've mounted the destination as /home/duncan/destination. Does this command look right? '$ rsync -rp / destination'09:05
brandon-neither is firefox reall,y just takes a sec to load09:05
brandon-and when i just wanna see an image09:05
brandon-id rathernot have to load a browser at all09:05
EastDallasbrandon-: I love firefox, but you're right, it's slow as hell...chromium isn't09:05
UbuntuN00Bamd 2400+ cpu, I think 256gpu nvidia not sure, 3 sticks of 256mb ram.09:05
dsl_when i open a text file on a windows share (mounted under /media) then try to save I get a big red bar at the top of gedit telling me it couldn't find the file! If I cancel out and then re-open the file i find that it has saved the changes anyway. Can anyone suggest what's wrong please?09:05
linleycaetan1firefox + extensions rocks!09:06
llutzduncan-nz: use -x because yuo don't want /dev /proc /sys been copied09:06
EastDallaslinleycaetan1: you know chromium has extensions now?09:06
duncan-nzllutz, i'll just look that up.09:06
llutzduncan-nz: rsync -ax / /dest09:06
linleycaetan1No,  but will my ff extensions be ported?09:06
jonzbcchi I'm trying to write this quick/dirty script to add up numbers (one per line) out of a list -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/356456/ -- however, I get the command seen on that paste, any idea what's wrong with how I'm passing sed in via bash?09:07
EastDallaslinleycaetan1: there are some same/equivalent extensions, but not nearly the number there are for FF....and they aren't interchangeable09:07
duncan-nzllutz, don't I need the -p to preserve permissions?09:07
jonzbccps -- it had worked up until I wrote: $line=$line + $hour09:08
UbuntuN00Bnow I tried to install Ubuntu 9.10 again and I get text dwon my screen and every line starts with [09:09
duncan-nzllutz, ah, so -x also preserves the permission. Correct?09:09
* EastDallas gets worried when he gives somebody advice and tells them to reboot and they are gone for half an hour...09:09
jonzbccUbuntuN00B: am I stepping into the middle of a conversation? or is this the first line you've written here?09:10
llutzduncan-nz: pls read man rsync for explanation, -a archive = rptgo...09:10
duncan-nzllutz, I'm trying, but it's an unusually long manual!09:10
infiddrellok: ok http://pastebin.com/d59c59ee009:10
infider wait09:10
infiddrellok: ok http://pastebin.com/d50c59ee009:11
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines09:11
duncan-nzllutz, so it looks like just -a will do the trick. I guess I'll give it a try and see if I can boot into it.09:16
drellokinfid: try to run ccsm from the console, it should ouput the error message when enabling effects09:16
dsl_anyone help with my question up there re gedit please? I just edited it using nano from a terminal and all was fine but users don't want to do that ;)09:18
=== kmdm_ is now known as kmdm
infiddrellok: sudo ccsm said 'Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".  Loading icons...09:20
infidthat's it09:21
git__dsl_, your smb connection probably got dropped AFTER you save the file09:21
EastDallasdsl_: try launching gedit from a terminal and see if you get a more detailed error message in the terminal.09:22
git__dsl_, there's an autosave feature in gedit09:22
git__which attempts to save every 10 minutes, thus, when it tries to save, it couldn't find the file09:22
git__gedit creates a backup file with prefix ~[filename]09:22
drellokinfid: does it happen when you enabled enabled effects or just launch ccsm?09:23
infiddrellok just on launch09:23
UbuntuN00Bso since 9.10 didn't work I made a 9.04 CD and now I try and install it and I get "crc error       --System halted"09:23
git__i wish i had not upgraded to 9.1009:23
UbuntuN00Bwhy can't any version install? wtf grrr09:24
infiddrellok but now when i click 'Extra' from the Apperances preference it still says 'the composite extension is not available'09:25
dsl_turned autosave and backups off. it's not samba, the connection is fine - it happens every time i try to save. trying from command line09:25
ghostcubeUbuntuN00B: crc error seems to be an burning problem with your cd09:25
drellokinfid, ok so please paste your xorg.conf09:25
ghostcubeUbuntuN00B: why didnt 9.10 work09:26
infiddrellok i did09:26
infiddrellok: http://pastebin.com/d50c59ee009:26
infidsorry you meant xorg.conf, one sec09:26
UbuntuN00Bno idea09:26
rakistaCRC error usually means a bad burn ]09:26
UbuntuN00Bit just frezzes at 98%09:27
rakistaTry burning at a lower speed like 4x09:27
UbuntuN00Bk i'll retry burning the iso image09:27
git__do a crc check on the iso before u burn09:27
rakistaDo you have a USB sticvk, they are more reliable09:28
dsl_running gedit from command line is no different and still does the same thing i.e. tells me it can't find the file (that it has open) to save but when I quit if find the file has been saved. If i edit with nano from a terminal all is fine09:28
infiddrellok: http://pastebin.com/d1abfa15609:28
EastDallasdsl_: do you get a more descriptive error in the terminal?09:28
^paradox^im having a problem with pidgin. it wont let me log into my icq account in it. it gives me this message > Received unexpected response from http://api.oscar.aol.com/aim/startOSCARSession09:28
rakistadsl are you running it ' sudo gedit '09:28
UbuntuN00Bdo i have a usb stick?09:29
dsl_no nothing09:29
^paradox^can anyone help?09:29
dsl_EastDallas: the only error msg is in gedit itself09:29
llutz^paradox^: ask icq (usually that mean they changed protocol to exclude free cilents)09:29
dsl_rakista: no09:29
rakistaparadox can you login with other clients into that icq account ?09:29
rakistatry running gedit as root09:30
^paradox^rakista: say again09:30
UbuntuN00Bburning at 4x 3mins remain09:30
rakistaCan you use other IM programs to login to that ICQ account from that computer09:30
drellokinfid: check this out. there are two more parameters that could help you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8471109:30
^paradox^rakista: i dont know. ive only used pidgin09:31
^paradox^rakista: i guess i could try logging into my account in web browser09:31
rakistayeah make sure its not a network thing09:32
^paradox^be right back then09:32
dsl_<-logging out brb09:33
infiddrellok renderaccell and allowgwxwithcomposite?09:33
bullgardEvolution 2.28.1 > Mail > On this computer > Inbox: I have set up and I am using a compartment "abc" to store incoming emails. I can find this file as /home/<username>/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox.sbd/abc. What is the function of the additional files abc.cmeta, abc.ev-summary, abc.ev-summary-meta, abc.ibex.index and abc.ibex.index.data that Evolution has created too?09:33
^paradox^rakista: no problem there09:33
drellokinfid: yes09:34
rakistaHave you nuked and reinstalled pidgin yet ?09:34
infiddrellok i have to Device sections, do i add it to both of them?09:34
ivanatoraCan anyone suggest me why this appear in my console periodically: "You have mail in /var/mail/ivanatora"09:34
^paradox^why would they worry about free clients? its not like they charge for their own client09:34
llutz^paradox^: did pidgin work before?09:34
ivanatoraThis file exists but its contents is only one system mail with that subject "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER INTERNAL DATA"09:35
^paradox^llutz: yes this started yesterday09:35
llutz^paradox^: so no need to reinstall, wait for update or blame icq09:35
llutz^paradox^: that happens periodically. icq = proprietary s...t09:35
^paradox^llutz: a few hours ago i was automatically logged out of yahoo on pidgin too09:36
=== kermiac is now known as Guest43294
rakistaIvan there is a system mail account in unix that some programs use to mail logs to, you can type pine or vi /var/mail/ivantora than tab and check it for which program is doing that09:36
duncan-nzNew Question: I'm trying to move my installation to a different hdd. Do I need to preserve hard links?09:36
^paradox^llutz: everythings back to normal with that though so it seems09:36
drellokinfid: I guess yes09:36
ivanatorarakista: using alpine it says no mails at all09:36
infiddrellok ok i added that stuff and restarted gdm but it still says 'the composite extension is not available'09:37
llutzduncan-nz: do you have some?09:37
rakistause vim and look through that folder manually09:37
bjlenHi can anyone help with my external monitor - I run the this command from my laptop to use an external display: xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1280x768 --output VGA1 --mode 1440x900 --below LVDS1. This works fine except for one minor detail - the mouse cursor goes off my laptop screen about an inch on the right hand side. can anyone explain?09:37
Xeross_Hey, I have a mono application that needs to be launched while in the applications directory is there any way I can do this with the app launcher09:37
=== Guest43294 is now known as kermiac
^paradox^but i dont understand. i never paid a cent for icq original client on windows09:37
llutz^paradox^: without cost doesn't mean free09:38
infiddrellok and running ccsm from a terminal and Xorg.0.log don't say anything new09:38
ivanatorathere is nothing more in that folder: only files 'ivanatora' and 'root'09:38
ivanatoraoooh root may have new messages...09:38
duncan-nzllutz, no, but I don't know if they are used somewhere in the installation. Honestly I don't know what makes a link 'hard', I'll look that up. But I'm wondering if they can be part of something in Ubuntu.09:39
^paradox^llutz: i guess ive got a lot to learn about the software world09:39
rakistasudo alpine09:39
ivanatorayep, cron reports09:39
ivanatorabut why user ivanatora gets notified for root's mail09:39
llutzivanatora: setup an alias, root shouldn't read mails at all09:39
dsl_right. the issue is definitly with gedit09:39
ivanatorasure thing, I'll do it09:39
rakistaI think ubuntu pushes root mail notifications to admins09:39
EastDallasXeross_: will it not launch if you just put the whole path in the laucher?  i.e. /usr/bin/app/appname09:40
^paradox^llutz: so is this something that can expected to tak care of itself?09:40
Xeross_EastDallas: Yes it will but all the text and stuff wont show09:40
EastDallasdsl_: I found someone with the same problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135601409:40
Xeross_EastDallas: Basically the GUI is complete except any text, and I think it's stored within a seperate file09:40
EastDallasXeross_: maybe a bash script to change directory then launch09:41
llutz^paradox^: yes, sometimes it might need some time to get errors fixed but most of those errors are serverside, you only can wait.09:41
^paradox^llutz: ok ty09:41
llutz^paradox^: and if you haven't changed an application i.e. pidgin which was working before, it's most likely not your fault if things break09:41
UbuntuN00B9.04 is installing lets pray this one works unlike 9.1009:42
^paradox^llutz: nope. ive used pidgin from the start09:42
decoloranteUbuntuN00B: ok, you answered the question that I didn't ask yet :)09:43
dsl_EastDallas: thanks for that...not just me then! Whats the best alternative Gnome text editor?09:43
^paradox^well it was called something else when i first got ubuntu. but its the program. never installed uninstalled the thing09:43
UbuntuN00Bwhat question?09:43
EastDallasdsl_: don't know....I use gedit! :p09:43
decoloranteUbuntuN00B: "is 9.10 still broken?" u_u09:43
kinja-sheep"Can I still use Intrepid?"09:43
UbuntuN00B9.10 CD i made kept freezing at 98% thats all I'm sure it works for others.09:44
Xeross_EastDallas: How would I make bash launch a program without keeping the bash window open ?09:44
kinja-sheepUbuntuN00B: Did you md5sum the ISO before you burn the disc?09:44
bullgardEvolution 2.28.1 > Mail > On this computer > Inbox: Ich habe eingerichtet und benutze ein Fach"abc", um eingehende E-Mails zu speichern. Ich finde dies als  Datei unter  /home/<username>/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox.sbd/abc. Welche Funktion haben die zusätzlichen Dateien abc.cmeta, abc.ev-summary, abc.ev-summary-meta, abc.ibex.index und abc.ibex.index.data,  die Evolution zusätzlich erzeugt hat?09:44
decoloranteI want to click that "Upgrade" button very much but people keep telling me that it will break so much things that I'd better install it from scratch09:44
^paradox^i have one more question. is anyone here good with ffmpeg? i know its not the place to ask, but theres not many other options for live help09:45
kinja-sheepXeross_: Use ALT+F2 or append an ampersand at the end of the command.09:45
llutz!de | bullgard09:45
ubottubullgard: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.09:45
kinja-sheep!md5sum | UbuntuN00B09:45
ubottuUbuntuN00B: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:45
infiddrellok: i'm reading that my vid card might be blacklisted by compiz09:45
^paradox^that was strange09:45
EastDallasXeross_: I don't know, no script guru here.  If you make it executable does it still perform the functions like it was in a terminal window?  Might be workth a try09:45
Xeross_EastDallas: It will just launch /usr/bin/env sh or similar so it will just work09:46
^paradox^whats goin on with the floodbot?09:47
drellokinfid: that's not so bad.. the blacklist check can be omitted.. what is the output of compiz --replace &09:47
kinja-sheepdecolorante: I generally do backups and do clean installation rather than upgrading. The end results varies for everybody. You either could get a working system or a crippled system.09:47
infiddrellok actually ~/.xsession_errors isnt saying anything about blacklisted09:47
decolorantekinja-sheep, I guess you are right. But, I think it won't hurt if for now I keep using Jaunty.. at least I hope09:47
DrSykI have an Ubu 9.04 server and I'm trying to "apt-get upgrade" with cron. It's never worked, but I heard there's a better way to do automatic updates. Does anyone know how?09:48
cjaeis the anyway to tell if a file I am trying to open with keepassx is actually something that can be opened with it e.g. myfile.pwm09:48
kinja-sheepdecolorante: That is fine. And oh if you don't mind getting your hands dirty and waste couple of hours, then go for it. See what's new in Karmic. :)09:48
^paradox^llutz: thanks for ur time with the pidgin issue09:48
infiddrellok that said a few things, namely 'Checking for Composite extension: not present. Aborting using fall back? /usr/bin/metacity and XLib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0"09:48
decolorantekinja-sheep: Heh, that's why I'm tempted. I am missing all the new stuff.09:49
decolorantekinja-sheep: I normally love wasting time like that, but sadly these days I need my computer ready for lessons. No experimenting. ;)09:49
drellokinfid: oh.. do you have dual monitors?09:49
infiddrellok yes09:50
kinja-sheepDrSyk: I found something -- http://tinyurl.com/yednbf909:50
brokendiskhey how would i display all drives again in the console?09:50
drellokinfid: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83781909:50
UbuntuN00Bquick little question09:50
brokendiskto show which drive has which name09:50
llutzbrokendisk: sudo fdisk -l09:50
=== student is now known as mirash
brokendiskto dd of=/dev/zero if=/dev/drivename it09:51
brokendiskah thanks llutz09:51
UbuntuN00Bwhen installing 9.04 tward the end of installation is the screen supposed to slowly fade out?09:51
mirashhi !!!09:51
brokendiski mean09:51
brokendiskto dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/drivename it09:51
Oasayes noob09:51
DrSykkinja-sheep, quite the suspicious looking URL.09:52
UbuntuN00Ball I have now is a black screen and nothing else do I wait or restart the pc?09:52
infiddrellok xserver-xgl doesnt seem to be in apt-get09:52
kinja-sheepDrSyk: How so?09:52
^paradox^so as i was saying is there anyone here knowledgeable of ffmpeg who could give me some advice on it?09:52
bumblebirdhi I'm getting errors such as "read of scrambled sector without authentication" when I try and read a dvd :/ any ideas?09:52
UbuntuN00Bto be honest I dont think my pc is doing anything right now other than a black screen no thinking is going on or cd running.09:53
infiddrellok i guess i can turn off xinerama/separate screen and use twin view09:53
DrSykkinja-sheep, so under the working hypothesis that you just googled some words to help me out, and came up with a great webpage to help me, I'm not sure why you'd then run it through tinyurl.09:53
UbuntuN00Bstill black screen how long does it take?09:54
EastDallasDrSyk: thank god you aren't using IE :)09:54
kinja-sheepDrSyk: To shorten the URL. It is common.09:54
brokendiskllutz: it did not list my usb drive and it did not show the serial number or manufacturor name so i cannot determine which is which09:54
brokendiskllutz: only guess09:54
brokendiski need more precise listings09:54
brokendiskthis is serious business09:54
EastDallasUbuntuN00B: how long has it been black screen?09:54
^paradox^if this isnt the place is there another ubuntu room where i could ask about it?09:55
brokendisk/dev/zero man09:55
llutzbrokendisk: plug in again, guessing might be harmfull09:55
UbuntuN00Balmost 5mins now.09:55
brokendiskllutz: i need more output than fdisk -l offers do u know something else09:55
DrSykkinja-sheep, thanks though09:55
Oasanoob: Thats unusual. Try restarting09:55
infiddrellok: it worked!09:55
UbuntuN00Bshould i take the cd out first?09:55
octaveoushi all, can anyone tell me how to customize splash screen on ubuntu live cd09:56
llutzbrokendisk: if fdisk won't list that device, it isn't recognized and you cannot work on it09:56
brokendiskllutz: fdisk shuold list usb devices too?09:56
llutzbrokendisk: sure, try "lsusb", is it listed there?09:56
brokendiskllutz: what did you mean before "plug in again, guessing might be harmfull"09:56
iflema^paradox^ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111728309:56
octaveous hi all, can anyone tell me how to customize splash screen on ubuntu live cd09:57
brokendiskllutz: ok just a sec09:57
drellokinfid: cool :)09:57
^paradox^iflema: i appreciate it. i just need to simplify the process09:57
infiddrellok: i really appreciate all your help and patience09:57
infiddrellok now i can go to sleep in peace. thanks a ton :)09:57
brokendiskllutz: yes i think so it says cypress semiconductor usb 2 ATA stuff09:58
llutzbrokendisk: "guessing" a device just won't work in best case, but it might do strange things to other devices in worst case.09:58
drellokinfid: you're welcome09:58
brokendiskllutz: yeah thats what i mean, what did you mean plug in again?09:58
UbuntuN00Bi think its working now09:58
llutzbrokendisk: take usb-cable off, wait 10 seconds, plug it in again and try fdisk again09:59
brokendisku think that works?09:59
^paradox^iflema: thats a good guide, but im not having problems with it09:59
brokendisksounds like goblin voodo magic09:59
UbuntuN00BH3LL yes 9.04 is up and running :) thank you guys :)09:59
llutzbrokendisk: it does sometimes, sometimes even linux uses magic09:59
KottisenHow do I change back to the old login screen?09:59
EastDallasoctaveous: there's an application called remastersys for making custom liveCD10:00
brokendiskllutz: `the black goblin voodoo spell worked!10:00
Xeross_I'm using a USB version of Ubuntu (Live Persistent) However when I enable the screensaver to lock my screen it doesnt lock it and I can just move the mouse to go back to the desktop10:00
brokendisknow it is there10:00
llutzbrokendisk: in some cases the usb-drivers weren't loaded and no device is created. then this is the only workaround.10:00
EastDallasoctaveous: it's not in the repositories,  google it10:01
iflema^paradox^ check out the two links in the second paragraph10:01
brokendiskllutz: isnt this kinda sucky? it shuold have been there before already10:01
llutzbrokendisk: it is, but...10:01
OasaubuntuNoob : No problems right. You play counter strike eh? Okay any other help ?10:01
ivocan I put a hardware-problem with ubuntu here ?10:01
brokendiskok i am glad it works now10:01
brokendiskso i can start dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M10:02
llutzbrokendisk: if you want it to do, yes10:02
UbuntuN00Bno i do not play CS I tried it a few times had it for Xbox and had halflife 2 counter strike source10:02
^paradox^iflema: i was just wondering if there was a simple way to convert flv to mpg etc. the bitrates audio bitrates information its over my head. is there a generic way to convert?10:03
UbuntuN00Bbut 9.04 is up and running and pretty fast :)10:03
UbuntuN00Bnow I just need to learn the new OS10:03
^paradox^iflema: i read them but ive done most of that10:03
iflema^paradox^ vlc10:03
Xeross_How can I fix it ?10:04
kinja-sheep^paradox^: Few possibilities -- vlc, handbrake, ogmrip, ffmpeg10:04
^paradox^iflema: i can open flv in vlc but i seen no way to output it to a different format10:04
^paradox^kinja-sheep: these are converters?10:05
brokendiskllutz: it doesnt even have a security confirmation question10:05
brokendiskand it shows me no progreess10:05
brokendiskso what should i do10:05
iflema^paradox^ me not sure but i guess you coulkd say a hidden feature of vlc is its ability to convert formats10:05
CokeNCodehey guys, anyone in here familiar with glype ?10:05
llutzbrokendisk: why should it? unix commands never ask, they just do what you say10:06
brokendiskand it shows no progress10:06
brokendiski see nothing10:06
iflema^paradox^ no guarentees but it may be an option10:06
llutzbrokendisk: they asume you know what are you doing. send "killal -USR1 dd" on terminal, dd has no progressbar10:07
brokendiskllutz: but i dont want to kill it10:07
llutzbrokendisk: USR1 won't kill it, it will force it to say, hi i'm xx% finished10:07
brokendiskah great10:07
brokendiskwhy does it not say that by itself?10:07
Xeross_My Persistent USB install sais there's no space left on the device, what do I have to do now ?10:07
brokendiskwhat does usr1 mean10:08
^paradox^iflema: brb10:08
llutzbrokendisk: too busy :) no, no idea why theres no feature like that. write a feature-request to devs. USR1 is a signal which causes dd to answer (man 5 signal)10:08
iflemais taht BeRightBack??????????10:09
brokendiskplease be friendly iflema this is a family firendly channel10:09
brokendiskllutz: and why is it called KILLall10:09
llutzbrokendisk: basically it is to kill apps, but can be used to send other signals  to running apps10:10
brokendiskhm ok, strange10:10
kinja-sheepbrokendisk: killall -- kill processes by name.10:10
brokendiskbad naming10:10
kinja-sheepbrokendisk: Why is firefox called firefox? :\10:10
llutzbrokendisk: confusing, right10:10
brokendiskit should be called sendmsg and have an option KILL instead10:11
^paradox^i guess the thing thats tripping me up with ffmpeg is what settings to use. is there a default or standard that would give decent quality?10:11
brokendiskkinja-sheep: not the same thing10:11
llutzbrokendisk: ln -s  $(which killall) ~/bin/sendmsg :)10:11
brokendiskwhat does thta do?10:11
llutzbrokendisk: gives you a "sendmsg" command10:12
brokendiskoh heh10:12
brokendiskit creates a link right10:12
llutzbrokendisk: yes10:12
brokendiskanother thing, the command to creat a link should not be called "ls" like "list"10:12
brokendiskbut "cl" create link10:12
^paradox^im talking about to watch on the computer, not stream to an audience10:12
llutzbrokendisk: it is ln, not ls10:12
llutzbrokendisk: ln like LiNk10:12
Oasaits kills processess from the im window after hardlinking10:13
iflema^paradox^ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/ConvertingToOpen10:13
lecihey i have download ubuntu 9.10 is can i install it from my desktop or i must burn the cd, i dont have any cd to burn it10:13
OasaYou will have to burn it leci Or you will have to write it to a usb10:14
brokendiskso is there no risk that i interrupt dd if i send it msgs10:14
DJones!install | leci Generally you need to burn it to a cd/dvd, but other options are explained in ubottu's link10:14
ubottuleci Generally you need to burn it to a cd/dvd, but other options are explained in ubottu's link: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:14
llutzbrokendisk: no10:14
leciOasa:ihave usb memory card i can save it there and install it from there10:14
brokendiskok killal -usr1 dd10:14
OasaYes leci. But you will have to write. Not normal save.10:14
kinja-sheepleci: Do you want to destroy the OS you're on? (ie Windows, I think).10:15
OasaLeci : http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-a-ubuntu-9-10-live-usb-in-windows/10:15
OasaLeci : refer that and tell if you need any other help10:15
lecikinja-sheep:iam on ubuntu 8.04 i did several upgrades to 9.04 and then to 9.10 i get black screen, now i want to do clean install10:15
OasaRaymond : Yes10:15
ivomy eject-button of the DVD-RW doesn't work with ubuntu 9.10 (it works fine under win7, I have dual boot10:15
RaymondXAre people typing this? or bots10:16
kinja-sheep!hi | RaymondX10:16
ubottuRaymondX: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:16
cjaehow do I undelete on an ntfs drive?10:16
brokendiskRaymondX: Please be civil. This is a family friendly channel.10:16
OasaLeci :  If you were in 8.04 (Like Me) You should have waited for the next LTS release which is 10.04. Only 4 months away and it will be a direct upgrade.10:16
OasaLeci : It doesnt matter. Do a clean install now.10:17
kinja-sheepRaymondX: If you're having problems or questions, ask away.10:17
RaymondXAre you human?10:17
RaymondXI'm new10:17
lecioasa: so can i do clean install from 8.04 with out upgrading10:17
brokendiskRaymondX: Please rephrase that.10:17
llutzRaymondX: theres only one bot here, that's ubottu10:17
RaymondXnevermind, my question has been answered10:17
brokendiskhehe kidding RaymondX10:17
brokendiskwe're all humans10:17
OasaLeci : Yes you can do a clean install.10:18
OasaWe are Humans :D10:18
duncan-nzNew Question: what's become of the good old /boot/grub/menu.lst file?10:18
papulwhat the shortcut key to change workspaces10:18
kinja-sheepduncan-nz: Grub2 is new.10:18
ardchoille!grub2 | duncan-nz10:18
ubottuduncan-nz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:18
OasaLeci : Did you download the ISO ?10:18
papulwhat is the shortcut key to change workspaces?10:19
ae86-drifter1i am installing ubuntu 9.10 fresh, there are two hard disks here, 120GB disk has windows vista which gparted picks up fine on the live cd, the other disk 500GB has 7 partitions, one for windows XP (ntfs) one FAT32 partition, one swap partition and two sets of / and two sets of /home, one for opensuse and one for mandriva, i want to wipe both opensuse and mandriva and put 9.10 on, but gparted is picking the whole 500GB disk as un10:19
ae86-drifter1allocated, however i can browse each disk fine through the 'places' menu, any help would be appreciated10:19
ivothe grub I got installed with ubuntu 9.10 is 1.97 beta4 not grub 210:19
ardchoillepaprna: ctrl+alt+(l,r)arrow10:19
DJonesivo: 1.97 beta is grub 210:20
duncan-nzkinja-sheep, that's fine, but I just need the file to edit after moving my install to a new partition.10:20
ivoDjones : thanks10:20
OasaLeci : Do you have a windows system ?10:20
micr0xhi folks. I wonder if anybody knows a good software that records webcams for hours?10:20
lecioasa:no just ubuntu 8.0410:20
brokendiskthe channel is a little slow today10:20
Oasaand a flash drive with a minimum of 2 GB ?10:21
kinja-sheepduncan-nz: /etc/default/grub, perhaps.10:21
brokendiskusually pages of text fly by as if there was no tomorrow10:21
DJonesivo: Its a bit confusing, I wondered why it wasn't version 2.0, but from memory, grub 1 was actually version 0.97 so its consistent anyway10:21
brokendisksambagirlx: Please keep it civil. This is a family friendly channel.10:21
ae86-drifter1could somebody please help me here with my partitioning, i dont know what to do..10:21
ivoDJones : ic10:21
One``Hey guys, I am having a very large amount of difficulty in getting a joystick to work over the parallel port10:22
duncan-nzkinja-sheep, it doesn't look like it's that one10:22
OasaLeci : If you are from ubuntu then i have another choice10:22
kinja-sheepduncan-nz: I think you want to edit fstab, not grub2. I could be wrong though.10:23
kinja-sheep!fstab | duncan-nz10:23
ubottuduncan-nz: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:23
Oasaleci : refer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux10:23
lecioasa:ok but not upgrading just clean install10:23
ivoDJones : I have had lots of problems with grub, I had a new installation of win7 and each time windows-upgrades were installed I had to re-install ubuntu again in order to make my PC running again (via GRUB)10:23
zhcfreeseahi all10:23
OasaLeci : Tell me if you need help on that.10:23
duncan-nzkinja-sheep, done that. okay i'll try and reboot and see if it works itself out.10:24
One``Is there any way of seeing what kind of data is coming through the parallel port?10:24
lecioasa:that was to complicated10:24
zhcfreeseaivo: I recmmend u to use grub4dos10:24
zhcfreeseainstead of grub10:24
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)10:24
duncan-nzivo, can i suggest you look at the gag bootloader: http://gag.sourceforge.net/10:24
ivois it a windows program ??10:24
DJonesivo: I've not used win 7 so I wouldn't like to suggest anything as I don't know how the updates etc work on that10:25
papulwhat is the shortcut key to change workspaces?10:25
ae86-drifter1could someone tell me why gparted is picking up my HDD as fully unallocated?10:25
brokendiskwhy are there so many packeting systems and not just one10:25
zhcfreeseawhen u install ubuntu , do not use grub to write MBR10:25
ardchoillepaprna: I answered that already, ctrl+alt+left,right arrow10:25
brokendiskit seems to be a trivial task to have a packet system10:25
duncan-nzpapul, ctrl+alt+(arrow key)10:25
brokendiskjust a bunch of files strung together10:25
brokendiskwhy wouild people invent more than one packet system10:25
ardchoillepapul: ctrl+alt+left,right arrow10:25
ivozhcfreesea, is it a windows program ?10:25
brokendiskits like inventing more than one fork10:25
rwwbrokendisk: it's like inventing more than one Linux distribution, which seems to happen rather often10:26
kinja-sheepbrokendisk: There are more than one fork.10:26
zhcfreeseagoogle it10:26
rwwbrokendisk: and, fyi, they're called "packaging" systems.10:26
brokendiskkinja-sheep: doubt it10:26
ivoduncan-nz, thank u for the url10:26
zhcfreeseaIt's not hard to use10:26
brokendiskrww: and why are there so many10:26
rwwbrokendisk: because people keep making new ones10:26
brokendiskseems dumb, everythihg has to be maintained three times10:27
brokendiskor more10:27
rwwbrokendisk: this is correct. It's also a common thing in free software.10:27
brokendisksince thats the large part of owrk in a packet system10:27
brokendiskpacketing system10:27
ivozhcfreesea, ok I'll do that first10:27
brokendiskto maintain it and to keep it up to date10:27
brokendiskand to offer regular updates to the users of the system10:27
brokendiskso i dont understand why people would do that10:28
rwwbrokendisk: because different package management systems and different distributions serve different audiences, and also probably partially the "not invented here" syndrome10:28
kinja-sheepbrokendisk: It is called "progress"10:28
rwwbrokendisk: this is rather offtopic for an Ubuntu support channel, though; #ubuntu-offtopic might be a better place for it.10:28
brokendiskwhat does this mean not invented here rww10:28
brokendiskkinja-sheep: i doubt it it s10:28
ZencydeIs there anyone having trouble getting on AIM with Pidgin?10:28
brokendiskkinja-sheep: i think it is called wasting time10:29
ae86-drifter1I can mount these partitions fine in Nautilus, and via CLI, but why wont gparted pick them up? i need some way of deleting some of these partitions so i can install linux10:29
brokendiskok rww10:29
llutzae86-drifter1: sudo cfdisk /dev/sdX10:29
brokendiskbut on3 last thing rww what doest it mean not invented here10:29
rwwZencyde: which version of Ubuntu?10:29
rwwbrokendisk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_Invented_Here10:29
ae86-drifter1llutz, could you please tell me what that does?10:29
Zencyde9.10, rww. This problem JUST started happening.10:29
llutzae86-drifter1: calls cfdisk, a partitioning-tool10:30
brokendiski see rww10:30
rwwZencyde: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/506647 ; there appears to be a workaround there10:30
llutzae86-drifter1: just  make sure your drive isn' t mounted10:30
ZencydeThanks, rww. That's my exact problem.10:30
ZencydeIs this happening to a lot of people?10:31
brokendiskrww: are you a social thingker10:31
rwwZencyde: specifically, turning off clientLogin (no, I don't know what that option does) in your AIM account preferences on Pidgin10:31
rwwZencyde: there have been a few people in here asking the last few days10:31
CokeNCodeok, i found the problem, i think i need to configure php properly on this system10:31
ae86-drifter1llutz, none of the drives are mounted, im on the live cd, and cfdisk returns FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 3, but i can browse all files fine and use all 3 os installed on the disk!10:31
ZencydeYeah, that fixed it. :) Thanks rww. Sucks to see this happening.10:31
FedereorHello , I want to install wine , How do I do it ?10:32
kuchiapplication->software->wine -> install10:32
llutzae86-drifter1: theres something wrong on the disk, therefor gparted/cfdisk refuse to work on it10:32
kuchior console sudo apt-get install wine10:32
ZjosHHello... maybe you guys know how to help me, I yust installed ubuntu 9.10, have everything working except for my sound. I have my receiver connected via optical cable, always worked on windows. I cant get the digital audio output to work... any ideas?10:33
duncan-nzNew Question: can anyone recommend a guide to moving my installation to another hdd which will work with grub2/karmic?10:33
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duncan-nzgoogle has not yet helped me.10:33
brokendiskhey wtf10:33
Federeorkuchi :  But wine website says  I have to follow all these steps --> http://www.winehq.org/download/deb10:33
brokendiski just tried killall -USR1 dd10:34
kinja-sheep!backup | duncan-nz10:34
ubottuduncan-nz: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:34
brokendiskand it said 4.2 MB/s wtf10:34
llutzduncan-nz: rsync/cp it, edit fstab, reinstall grub10:34
brokendiskwhy is this so slow??10:34
brokendiskthis willl take forever10:34
brokendiska hdd is usually 50MB/s10:34
llutzbrokendisk: dd is slow, 4m is not optimum blocksize10:34
brokendiskllutz: i use bs=102410:34
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One``Hey guys, apparently I need a specific driver? How do you find a driver?? :\10:34
brokendiskwtf 4MB/s is too slow10:34
ae86-drifter1llutz, i understand that, but how would one go about fixing this? fsck returns no errors at all10:34
llutzbrokendisk: try 4k but it still will take some time10:35
Federeorkuchi : Or is it for installing the beta version10:35
brokendiskllutz: i want 30MB/s or so10:35
llutzae86-drifter1: fsck checks filesystems, not partitions10:35
kinja-sheepOne``: If it is for ndiswrapper, you find it from your laptop's manufacturer website.10:35
brokendiskllutz: is it slow because of usb?10:35
ZjosHHello... maybe you guys know how to help me, I yust installed ubuntu 9.10, have everything working except for my sound. I have my receiver connected via optical cable, always worked on windows. I cant get the digital audio output to work... any ideas?10:35
kuchiFedereor: seems to offer both. try what i've psoted10:35
duncan-nzllutz, but I can't get grub to appear at all. I use GAG and send it to the right partition (which I have marked as bootable) but gag doesn't seem to find anything to boot.10:35
brokendiskand llutz how could i determine the fastest rate10:35
llutzbrokendisk: dd = slow, usb = slow, so dd on usb = hell10:35
brokendiskalso, can i interrupt dd and change the bs?10:35
duncan-nzkinja-sheep, thanks i'll look at those10:35
MrDudlewhat exactly is ubuntu netbook remix?10:35
brokendiski heard dd is fast10:35
ae86-drifter1llutz, i know that my question is how would i go about fixing this please??10:35
llutzbrokendisk: killall dd10:35
brokendiskllutz: that will kill it?10:36
llutzbrokendisk: it should10:36
brokendiskllutz: i dont want to kill it and start all over10:36
Guest23193hello i have problems with my keyboard logitech mx3000 , numpath and at sign for emails does not work can someone help me i had it fixes but i cannot find the right way ..................pls10:36
duncan-nzkinja-sheep, hold on, many of those probably won't work to move my install, or am I wrong?10:36
brokendiskllutz: also what is a better bloc kszie10:36
kuchiubuntu netbook remix (UNR) is a ubuntu version optimized for netbooks with fullscreen windows and low proccess cost window apps10:36
llutzbrokendisk: bs=4k seems to be best for me10:36
brokendiskwill try that10:36
brokendiskso it will start all over??10:37
MrDudlekuchi: thanks10:37
llutzae86-drifter1: tools like testdisk, parted may help10:37
brokendiskor can i resume where i killed it10:37
agletI am having a weird problem with my USB keyboard: caps & numlock are turning on by themselves, then scroll lock flashes.  Every time I turn off numlock it turns back on again.  Eventually scroll lock stops flashing, and I can control the caps/num lock status again.  Any ideas?  I'd be content to permanently disable numlock10:37
ae86-drifter1llutz, do i have another option besides becking up 124,496 files totalling 160GB and completely starting over?10:37
duncan-nzllutz, so how do I get into grub? can I run it in a terminal from another install?10:37
ae86-drifter1okay llutz ill try10:37
kinja-sheepduncan-nz: If you want *everything*, perhaps you want Drive Imaging (in the earlier link). But for most cases, you should only backup your /home and /etc10:37
llutzduncan-nz: the live-cd has a repair-grub-option i think10:37
duncan-nzkinja-sheep, i'm trying to move my whole installation, not do backup.10:38
vickHello is it possible to during the mount to specify a certain user who can have permission to write to the mount point ? Eg. allowing user john to write a file to the mount point ?10:38
kinja-sheepduncan-nz: "Drive imaging is basically the copying of every byte of data within a certain section of a hard drive; be it just a partition or an entire drives contents."10:38
kuchithe grub thing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:38
llutzvick: for non-unix-fs you can use uid/gid option10:38
Gremnonare there any tools like startupmanager for managing grub2 graphically?10:38
ZjosHhow can i get my optical spdif output working on ubuntu 9.10, i can mess around with all values in the standard mixer, set the hardware to Digital Stereo (IEC958) output + analog stereo input. Tryed every option, no one is working... any ideas?10:39
vickllutz, By non-unix-fs you mean ext3, etc.. ?10:39
llutzvick: no, those are unix-fs10:39
vickllutz, I mean you mean non ext3, etc.. ?10:39
kinja-sheepduncan-nz: Still, do make backup so you won't be too concerned about your data.10:39
llutzvick: i mean vfat/ntfs10:39
vickllutz, What about for unix-fs then ? :D10:39
llutzvick: chown/chmod10:39
duncan-nzkinja-sheep, done that, good advice.10:40
vickllutz, Doesn't work... i do a chown john.john mountpoint, then ls -la gives root root again10:41
llutzvick: there is no such mount-option for unix-fs, you have to use chown or chmod to set apropriate rights.10:41
llutzvick: fs has to be mounted10:41
vickllutz, it is mounted,.10:42
llutzvick: sudo mount /dev/foo /mnt/bar; sudo chown -R john:john /mnt/bar10:42
brokendiskcool llutz10:42
brokendiski timed it with time dd if=...... bs=4M and i got 130MB/s10:42
vickllutz, Yeah that doesn't work. I am not sure if it matters, but i am trying to mount a shared folder from a guest virtual machine (of the host virtual machine)10:43
brokendiski tried bs=1, bs=10, bs=1K, bs=4096 etc10:43
brokendiskwas all slow10:43
brokendiskbut bs=4M makes it faster10:43
llutzvick: shared folder = smfs/nfs mount?10:43
vickllutz, no, it's a unix fs, it's an unbuntu host with ubuntu guest10:43
DrSykhey, I'm copying a bunch of files in Ubu 9.04 from an ext3 to vfat filesystem. Somehow all caps files such as MSDOS.SYS get converted to lowercase, and this breaks my CRC checking scripts. WTF?10:44
brokendiskso i wouldnt say dd is slow llutz10:44
Gremnonare there any graphics tools yet, that allow grub2 to be managed graphically10:44
llutzbrokendisk: "sometimes fast"10:44
ae86-drifter1llutz, i parted picks up the same thing that gparted does... lol that makes total sense doesnt it? what did you exactly want me to try with parted?10:45
kuchigrub gui:http://www.ubuntugeek.com/startup-manager-change-settings-in-grub-grub2-and-usplash.html10:45
llutzae86-drifter1: sorry, gpart i meant, not parted. typo10:45
llutzae86-drifter1: but before messing with partitions you should make sure to have a fresh backup10:46
ae86-drifter1llutz, if i have a total backup i may as well just start over again10:46
ae86-drifter1wipe the whole drive10:47
ae86-drifter1my initial problem was that gparted didnt pick up my partitions... so how would it be useful?10:47
llutzae86-drifter1: the partitiontable seems to be corrupted, you'll have to fix it before you can change anything10:47
kuchiae86: fdisk ?10:48
ae86-drifter1kuchi, what do i do with fdisk?10:48
kuchifdisk -l does this print your part-tables?10:48
kuchi"fdisk -l"10:48
ae86-drifter1yes, it prints them all fine10:49
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ae86-drifter1and i can use nautilus to browse and also mount through cli and open files etc fine10:49
kuchisure you start gparted as root? (sudo)10:49
ae86-drifter1kuchi, yes10:50
kuchiae86: i did'nt noticed the start of your problem...so what do you want to do with you rpartitions?10:51
ae86-drifter1i want to wipe opensuse and mandriva partitions (5 in total) then install ubuntu10:51
ae86-drifter1ill pastebin my fdisk partition table if you want?10:52
ardchoille!es | usuario10:55
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:55
ae86-drifter1kuchi, here is my partition table : www.pastebin.com/m1e4a17f910:55
Oasa!usb-creator | Oasa10:55
kuchiyour link doesnt work10:55
ae86-drifter1kuchi, sorry, try http://pastebin.com/m1e4a17f910:56
usuariosabes ablar en español10:56
kuchiwindows is installed?10:56
ae86-drifter1doesnt work with www. for some reason10:56
ardchoilleusuario: usuario: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es10:56
ae86-drifter1kuchi, yes it is...10:56
usuariosoy española10:56
kuchi1are you on on eof your linux installations? 2are your backups complete? 3ou want to wipe all your linux und reinstall ubuntu there?10:56
usuariosabes hablar en español10:57
ardchoilleusuario: Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es10:57
DJones!es | usuario10:57
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:57
vickis there any difference in the environment if i run a cmd as user X or if i do su - X -c cmd from the root ?10:57
ae86-drifter1kuchi, no im on the ubuntu live cd, my backup is about 25% now10:57
ae86-drifter1kuchi, should i use fdisk to just delete all the linux partitions and leave windows there? thats where all my important files are, this shouldnt interfere at all with my data right?10:58
kuchito delete all these partitions with fdisk is riski if you didn't know what you do so i would mak emy backups and restart to windows and delete thenm form there if there if no way to do it with gparted10:58
ae86-drifter1kuchi, one min, ill risk it10:59
kuchihere is a good fdisk howto10:59
ae86-drifter1with fdisk10:59
Oasayes using fdisk is risk. I have experience10:59
agletwhat piece of software in Ubuntu would automatically change the status of caps & num lock from time-to-time? mysteriously they turn on by themselves10:59
Oasaae86: use gparted instead10:59
kuchiif you fail try it with: http://wubi-installer.org/ from the windows installation10:59
ae86-drifter1ok wish me luck10:59
kuchioasa gparted didn't work for him10:59
ae86-drifter1Oasa, thats my isssue, i cant11:00
kuchiyou can delete the partitions form windows ind install ubuntu with http://wubi-installer.org/11:00
Oasaokay ae86 : all thhe best.11:00
kuchigood luck!11:00
Oasakuchi : why not parted?11:01
Oasaae86: try parted11:01
ae86-drifter1Oasa, i have tried, it doesnt pick up my part table, only fdisk does,11:01
Oasaae86: thats strange.11:01
ae86-drifter1when i goto delete a partition, it says select part no (1-8) how do i know which number is my linux partitions?11:02
Oasau can type print all11:02
Oasaae86: type "print" or "print all"11:02
vickI want to see the start up programs while they are being run on ubuntu as opposed to that graphical screen that gives 'loading', how can i do that ?11:02
Oasavick : press ctrl alt  f2 at teh time of loading11:02
vickOasa, is there no other way that having to do it every time ?11:03
ae86-drifter1ok this might be a stupid question, but i want to be 100% sure, sdb1 = partition number 1? and sdb2 = no.2 etc ??11:03
Oasavick : I dont know11:04
Oasavick: i think you can modify the boot option from grub to make it cui loading11:05
Rob215help! my gnome-panel is not working correctly because nothing is shown on it11:05
ae86-drifter1ok im going to write the partition table, ive only got sdb1 and sdb2 left out of 8 here we go....11:05
OasaRob215 : you will have to remake. Its a common program11:05
Rob215not even Programs menu11:06
vickOasa, Hmm do you know how to view that log after linux has booted ? I need to check if certain things ran11:06
vickOasa, Because i am adding there some custom scripts that i want to run at start up, and no i have no way of checking if they did run11:06
Rob215Oasa : how do you do that11:06
Oasarob215:  you have to remake it. Programs menu everything is availabe from add to panel11:06
isolat3dsh33pvick, log viewer?11:06
Oasavick : check in var/log11:07
Rob215Oasa: only one gnome-panel is shown11:07
OasaRob215 : Do you mean to say there is no visible panel ?11:07
Rob215only one11:07
farciarz84how to change 'places' content from 'gnome panel' ?11:07
Oasavick : got it?11:08
OasaRob215: right click the downward panel and press new panel. And then right click on the new panel to add applications or menu. got it?11:08
vickOasa, Nope... I did a grep on my script name and i didn't find anything... i started viewing each file alone, but it's a bit hard...11:09
Rob2150asa: How do get the running programs bar11:09
asymptoteWhat's the latest kernel for 8.04 ?11:09
OasaRoob215: Menu Bar (Custom menu bar)11:09
asymptote2.6.24 something ?11:09
farciarz84How to change 'places' content from 'gnome panel'?11:09
Oasavick : in that case i am not helpful11:10
Oasavick : I am also noob.11:10
OasaRob215 : Did you get it ?11:10
kinja-sheepfarciarz84: Go to the selected folder. "Bookmarks --> Add"11:10
Oasaassympot 2.26.28 i guess11:10
Oasa2.6.28 :)11:11
farciarz84kinja-sheep: how remove items?11:11
asymptotek i'll try11:11
alteregoaQ: my crontab file, if i edit it with crobtab -e and save, does it reload the settings automaticly?11:11
kinja-sheepfarciarz84: Open any folder --> "Bookmarks --> Edit"11:11
dr4gCabn someone help me with setting up a mail server to i can send mail on my ubuntu server ? I have PHP applications that send out emails but i do't have a mail server listening on port 25 right now.11:12
dr4gHelp ? :)11:12
kinja-sheepdr4g: #ubuntu-server ? :O11:12
Oasasorry.. by mistake quit.11:13
dr4gkinja-sheep: ok11:13
ae86-drifter1okay SWEET, after deleting all the linux partitions with fdisk, gparted, and the ubuntu installer pick up my partition table for this disk now wooo11:14
Rob215ok, can anyone link to a image of a ubuntu desktop11:14
ardchoilleRob215:  http://picasaweb.google.com/ardchoille42/Screenshots#542609699192120549011:15
kinja-sheepardchoille: What is that blue whirling notification icon?11:15
ardchoillekinja-sheep: shutter - screenshot tool11:16
ardchoille!info shutter11:16
ubottushutter (source: shutter): feature-rich screenshot program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.80.1-1 (karmic), package size 1865 kB, installed size 10948 kB11:16
kinja-sheepardchoille: I have seen few of those on several SS and always wondered what that is.11:17
ardchoillekinja-sheep: yes, much better than the default gnome screenshot tool11:18
alteregoaQ: my crontab file, if i edit it with crobtab -e and save, does it reload the settings automaticly?11:19
kinja-sheepalteregoa: I think so. I have seen it working right away after editting.11:21
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nefastSay, how would I go about removing the ubuntu icon from the Gnome Menu Bar?11:24
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Trebesani need help with my wifi woes, i have a linksys WUSB100 that i cannot get to work, im trying to use NDISwrapper like a lot of forum messages suggest11:24
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OasaTrebesan what exactly is your problem ?11:25
kinja-sheepnefast: http://tinyurl.com/lk6fj6 (Courtesy of ardchoille)11:25
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nefast<3, kinja-sheep11:25
Trebesanim not exactly sure, see... im able to get this adapter to connect... and i can ping... but bringing up a page in firefox is all but impossible11:26
Trebesani was told it was the driver...11:26
ardchoillenefast: see the note at the bottom of step 2 in my tutorial11:26
ardchoillekinja-sheep: Thanks :)11:26
nefastardchoille, thanks a lot!11:26
VirusTBhow doi check my system specs inubutnu??  like procesor ram installed, HDD size  etc etcc ??11:26
bazhangVirusTB, sudo lshw11:26
OasaTrebesan you get ping replies ?11:27
mamyhello guys i m new in command line i need help i m trying to install skype on ubutntu 9. and got error on installation,i don t want to use GUI please any one to help here is the error Unpacking replacement skype ...11:27
mamydpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of skype:11:27
mamy skype depends on libqt4-core (>= 4.2.1); however:11:27
Trebesanyes, i do11:27
VirusTBbazhang,  without terminal.. my keyoard has problems11:27
mamy  Package libqt4-core is not installed.11:27
VirusTBbazhang,  running from LIVE cd on a Macbook11:27
zvacetmamy:  and please use   http://ubuntu.pastebin.com for your outputs11:28
OasaTresban : What drivers ?11:29
bullgardEvolution 2.28.1 > Mail > On this computer > Inbox: I have set up and I am using a compartment "abc" to store incoming emails. I can find this file as /home/<username>/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox.sbd/abc. What is the function of the additional files abc.cmeta, abc.ev-summary, abc.ev-summary-meta, abc.ibex.index and abc.ibex.index.data that Evolution has created too?11:29
VirusTBbazhang,  ok got it :P used onscreen keybord thnks!11:29
bazhangVirusTB, system monitor has a few items, but not nearly as inclusive11:30
Trebesanah, great.... i think i F'ed it up now, the wusb100 uses rt2870 drivers11:30
VirusTBbazhang,  ok uhm "sudo lshw" can i  just view my ram? via terminal11:30
OerHeksmamy install in terminal > sudo apt-get install libaudio2 libqt4-core libqt4-gui11:30
VirusTBbazhang,  like filter out to only ram11:30
OerHeksthat should work11:30
Trebesanbut now i cant even get the adapter to work. i've been borking around with the drivers11:31
VirusTBbaz oh to make like easier can i  do "sudo lshw" and have it saved to a USB stick as a .txt file so I can read it on a Windoes ?11:32
bullgardWhat Ubuntu software tests if my Thinkpad T42 computer's hardware is sufficient for Bluetooth communication?11:32
OerHeksmamy And you can install Skype from Medibuntu also11:32
mamyOerheks,yes tried it before but got an error here is the output E: Couldn't find package libqt4-gu11:33
devuntmlRism, Hey!11:33
mamynono from Ubuntu11:33
OerHeksmamy i suggest you use medibuntu repository11:33
nefastHmm, ardchoille, would I be able to create an icon that's 18 pxls high?11:33
ardchoillenefast: Sure11:33
devunthello, mlRism11:34
TrebesanOasa: still there?11:34
devunt! ubuntu | mlRism11:34
ubottumlRism: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com11:34
OasaTrebesan : yeah11:34
mamyOerheks,thanks let me read about repositoryplz  thanks11:34
nefastardchoille, is there a size I shouldn't go over?11:34
OerHeksbullgard i use blueman for bt communication11:34
Trebesanive seend to have done a wonderful job of making the usb stick not work now, its plugged in, lit up but the adapter doesnt even show in the tray now...11:35
OerHeksmamy >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu11:35
VirusTBhow do i right click on a macbook ????11:35
Trebesanyou dont/11:35
Oasavirus :11:35
VirusTB u cnt?11:36
VirusTB Im running a live CD of ubuntu11:36
OasaVirus : You can get the output in html format11:36
OasaVirus : If that is enough11:36
OasaTresbesan : Check if its mounted11:36
bullgardOerHeks: How to use blueman to test one's computer if it is equipped for Bluetooth communication?11:36
Trebesanwhats the bash command?11:36
otswimhello, where can i change the behavior of word-moving in the terminal? i don't want the cursor to stop on dots '.' when doing ctrl+right / ctrl+left11:36
ardchoillenefast: just remember that the panel will increase to accommodate the size of the icon, 30px high panel will hold any icon 30px high or smaller11:36
nefastThat's my problem11:37
Oasafdsik -l11:37
OerHeksbullgard if there is bt dongle or bt build-in, i assume it will work fine11:37
nefastI try to get my panel as small as possible.11:37
ardchoillenefast: you can always try and see what happens, killing the panel doesn't hurt anythiing11:38
bullgardOerHeks: I am sorry but what do you mean by "Bluetooth dongle" and "Bluetooth build-in"?11:38
Oasanefast : YOu can reduce the size or use auto hide.11:38
nefastI created a 1*18 image, but it still uses the classic icon, ardchoille [Sorry if this appears multiple times, #ubuntu tells me I am not registered for some reason]11:39
OerHeksbullgard bt-dongle = bt-usb stick and build-in = build-in inside computer/laptop11:39
nefastOasa, yes, I chose a height of 18 pixels in the preferences, but it still uses the 24 pixel high icon.11:39
ardchoillenefast: Are you following the tutorial from the beginning?11:39
bullgardOerHeks: Thank you for your help.11:40
OerHeksbullgard blueman works universal for both of them11:40
TrebesanOasa: fdisk -l? to discover if its mounted?11:40
silv3r_m00non a intel i7 processor machine , which shud I install ubuntu 32bit or 64bit ?11:40
nefastardchoille, yep.11:40
=== otswim is now known as babalu
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: I'm guessing 64bit.11:40
iamlenekohi, How can i get the system mail (mbox thing) from a mail client like thunderbird ?11:40
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: Dual core?11:41
ardchoillenefast: Are you running Ubuntu karmic?11:41
nefastAh, yes.11:41
nefastMight that be the problem?11:41
zvacetsilv3r_m00n:  depends of ram11:41
nefastI should have mentioned that.11:41
silv3r_m00nkinja-sheep: intel i7 with 4gb ram11:41
cHarNe2silv3r_m00n: depends, u want easy bake n' shake oven mode forever?11:41
nefastThe tutorial is for 9.04?11:41
ardchoillenefast: not really, that tutorial works for Jaunty, hardy, karmic and a few others11:41
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, if you get the 32bit then install linux-generic-pae to get all 4 GB11:41
silv3r_m00ncHarNe2: mostly web development and as fast as it can be11:41
ardchoillenefast: Sounds like you're missing a step or you have the wrong directory structure in ~/.icons11:42
silv3r_m00nbazhang: means ?11:42
Gesii am trying to install ubuntu 9.10 from an usb stick but i cant make it11:42
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nefastHmm, I'll check it properly11:42
silv3r_m00nbazhang: without that how much ram will be usable11:42
Gesican someone help11:42
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: 3GB.11:42
cHarNe2silv3r_m00n: use 32bit, its safer w/ drivers and so on11:42
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, its a package that will allow you to use all in 32bit11:42
bazhangsilver, I have 4GB and use it with 32bit on a 64bit processor11:42
zvacetsilv3r_m00n:  you can install both because 32 bit version have pae kernal wutch will recognize all your ram11:42
silv3r_m00nhmm, by the way what's the difference in 32 and 64bit apart from longer integers11:43
VirusTBdose ubuntu only see 3GB of ram?11:43
OerHekssilv3r_m00n 4 gb -- 128 mb -- memory videocard11:43
nefastHmm, /.icons/Humanity-Dark/24x24/places , that's where I placed my icon.11:43
bazhangwhoops silv3r_m00n (sorry silver)11:43
Trebesanive been trying to get this adapter to work for the past 6 hours -_- i seriously need to just sit down with someone and hash this out11:43
kinja-sheepVirusTB: If you're using 32bit and does have more than 3GB of ram.11:43
DrSykTrebesan, paid support?11:43
bazhangVirusTB, depends if you have linux-generic-pae installed or not11:43
Trebesanhow much does that run?11:43
VirusTBkingmanor,  so I am limited to 3 GB ram on my macbook even though I have 4GB installed11:43
drbobbhello, I've got a problem with my cd/dvd  not being auto mounted on the gnome desktop11:43
silv3r_m00nwill 64bit bring any additional benefits ?11:44
cHarNe2silv3r_m00n: only problem w/ 32bit is that u cant allocate all 4 gb11:44
DrSykTrebesan, dunno. Check the ubuntu website <shrug>11:44
VirusTBbazhang,  so how can i have it make use of AND see my system as 4GB ram?11:44
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: Faster encoding on DVD and whatnot.11:44
silv3r_m00nkinja-sheep: means ?11:44
bazhangVirusTB, install linux-generic-pae11:44
TrebesanDrSyk, how could i check if an adapter was mounted.11:44
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit11:45
VirusTBbazhang,  sudo apt-get install linux-generic-pae11:45
drbobbhello, automounting cd/dvd's on the gnome desktop stopped working for me, how do I fix it?11:45
bazhangVirusTB, yes11:45
DrSykTrebesan, a network adapter?11:45
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: I'd suggest amd64 (to take full advantage of your hardware) and I have all amd64 running on my laptop + 2 machines.11:45
VirusTBbazhang,  ah ok... wel im playing with a LIVE cd so i'll note that down when im ready to install it on mu macbook11:45
DrSykI think you've mistaken me for a linux expert, but I'd suppose that the device should show up in /var/log/dmesg or under /dev.11:46
silv3r_m00namd64 ?11:46
silv3r_m00nkinja-sheep: means the amd64 version of ubuntu ?11:46
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: Yes.11:46
silv3r_m00nthe x86_64 ?11:46
Trebesanlol, im just asking anyone who will help at this point.11:46
zvacetsilv3r_m00n: yes amd64 is name for 64 bit version11:47
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: Yes.11:47
OasaTrebesan : What do you mean by an adapter is mounted ?11:47
silv3r_m00nthat page recommends 64 bit ubuntu11:47
silv3r_m00nso all drivers would work fine like 32bit ?11:47
Oasadrbobb : gedit etc/fstab11:47
yqI have postgresql-8.4 installed (via apt-get) but it is not launched right after booting even though it does have all the proper /etc/rc.*/ K- and S- files. It is not mentioned in syslog, daemon.log or bootstrap.log - what am I doing wrong? Am I looking at the wrong log files?11:47
silv3r_m00ncurrently all my printer scanner camera webcams are working fine11:48
VirusTBbazhang, what kind of system checks can I run from terminal on a live cd??11:48
VirusTBbazhang,  sorry for asking such noob question, but just got a macbook on ebay, and dint get the install disc's with it :(11:48
bazhangVirusTB, what else did you wish to check? running processes or some other11:49
Rob2150asis speak!11:50
beebeeredhat rocks11:50
bullgardEvolution 2.28.1 > Mail > On this computer > Inbox: I have set up and I am using a compartment "abc" to store incoming emails. I can find this file as /home/<username>/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox.sbd/abc. What is the function of the additional files abc.cmeta, abc.ev-summary, abc.ev-summary-meta, abc.ibex.index and abc.ibex.index.data that Evolution has created too?11:50
mamyOerkkes,thanks now i understand about repository11:50
drbobbheh I came up with the bright idea that restarting dbus might fix my cd/dvd issue, but it just killed my session and locked up the machine11:50
VirusTBbazhang,  not really, just want to lik do a system diagnostics11:50
OasaRob215 yes11:50
Oasadrbobb : obviously it does11:50
VirusTBbazhang,  i did Memtest already,  i know how the processor / ram installed... audio works, video works, wifi works... what else should I be checking?11:51
kinja-sheepVirusTB: You can do the short version "sudo lshw -short > ~/Desktop/$(hostname).txt"11:51
drbobbOasa: well but i still don't know why cd/dvd notification stopped working for me11:51
bazhangVirusTB, that seems to pretty complete as far as I can tell11:52
VirusTBbazhang,  ok question Im not sure if you can answe this, but my keyboard is german, i changed it to US.. but my backspace and arrow keys (up n down, left n right) dont seem to work?  could that just be the keyboard layout i have? or the keys dont work @ all?11:53
nefastIt doesn't look like I did something wrong, ardchoille :C11:53
bazhangVirusTB, you could try and set the kb layout and check11:53
Oasadrbob : all you ahve to do is gedit /etc/fstab to automount11:54
lyhana8hi, what should I use as CATALINA_HOME for tomcat6 on karmic ?11:54
VirusTBbazhang,  ok thanks!   now its just up to me to decide is i want to install Ubuntu on my Macbook or Mac n ym Mac book :P11:54
VirusTBkinja-sheep,  thanks!  the " -short" is really helpful!11:55
ardchoillenefast: See my pm11:55
kinja-sheepVirusTB: Np. If you want the HTML version (long), just swap out -short with -html11:55
drbobbOasa: i don't think that is the point11:56
drbobbI made no changes to my fstab, and what used to work suddenly stopped11:56
VirusTBkinja-sheep,  i need to learn al these command n stuff :( used ubuntu for like 3 weeks and then stopped11:56
VirusTB kinja-sheep  i neeed to get back on my ubuntu vibe!11:56
kinja-sheepVirusTB: :(11:57
Oasadrbobb : I am asking you t omake changes so that it will automount11:58
isolat3dsh33pVirusTB, I stopped for like a months or something after failed to upgrade to 9.10. But now I fully used Ubuntu. ;)11:58
drbobbOasa: are you sure that's the way? so what should I actually change?11:59
VirusTBkinja-sheep, isolat3dsh33p  How do i get my terminal to run the last commant that I did? (i know i would just press the Up arrow, but not working on my Mac :( )11:59
drbobb(and why was it working until a few days ago with the exact same fstab?)11:59
yqHow can I find out why postgresql-8.4/nginx fail to launch on boot even though they have rc.* S/K scripts and everything? It works just fine when I run /etc/init.d/nginx start and /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start but they not start on their own which is rather annoying. I also haven't discovered anything in the log files although I might have been checking the wrong ones.11:59
kinja-sheepVirusTB: CTRL + R (in the terminal) then type few first letter -- ie "lshw"12:00
oneandonlyhey guys12:00
oneandonlyi had a problem12:00
oneandonlysame as alot of new ubuntu users12:00
silv3r_m00ndoes the synaptic of ubuntu 64bit contain the same software as ubuntu 32bit's synaptic ?12:00
VirusTBkinja-sheep,  yay! thanks :P12:01
oneandonlyGNU GRUB version 1.97~Beta4 error12:01
Oasadrboobb : the filesystem of the disk tou want to automount ?12:01
oneandonlycan anyone help with that12:01
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: 98% -- Yes.12:01
oneandonlyi have foollowed many forum links12:01
VirusTBkinja-sheep,  ay books u recommend on  reading for Ubuntu beginners12:01
minehow to ln a dir  , it that ln -s Downloads ./Desktop/you12:01
bazhangoneandonly, thats grub212:01
drbobbOasa: I'm talking about the cd/dvd drive, not a hdd filesystem12:02
kinja-sheepVirusTB: Maybe http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/12:02
oneandonlyhow do i get it to boot12:02
oneandonlylike it wont go past the grub promt thing12:02
kinja-sheepVirusTB: It is free too. Otherwise, just mess around with your system everyday.12:02
Oasado you mean to say it doesnt mount when you insert a cd/dvd..12:02
drbobbOasa: exactly what I mean12:02
bazhangoneandonly, please dont hit the enter key after two or three words; what is the exact error you get pastebin if over a single line12:02
roykovskyhey guys, i have a problem with my ati mobility x1300, radeonhd doesn't work well with this card, i have no opengl support (only mesa).. i wish i could play some game sometimes, so I need to have drivers for this. is there anyone who has mobility x1300?12:03
minehelp me . how to ln a dir   . I can't do it  . anyway to see a dir in other hd12:03
VirusTBkinja-sheep, thats the thing :P i want to mess arrounf but without messing up! I remember back on 8.04 i usedit for a week, (tried to do advance stuff ) and ended up losing my Windows partition with my pictures and music :(12:03
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:03
silv3r_m00nhow to upgrade from ubuntu 9.10 32bit to ubuntu 9.10 64 bit12:04
kinja-sheepVirusTB: Heh. What more do you want to know?12:04
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, full reinstall12:04
oneandonlyi boot my laptop... i am dual booting between xp and ubuntu 9.10... ubuntu is installed on my D:/ drive... it has work perfectly until yesterday... when i updated files using the update manager... thats when the problem came... i restarted the laptop and after i choose the ubuntu it goes into a command prompt12:04
drbobbOasa: this is something messed up in gnome, and it's a problem because I want to copy a disc using brasero, but brasero doesn't realise there's a disk in the drive12:05
oneandonlythe title is GNU GRUB version 1.97~Beta4 error ... and i dont know how to get past it12:05
oneandonlysorry there is no error in the title.12:05
Rob215keyring doesn't work properly  For email: when i type the login and password and select Remember Password, Keyring asks for a password And if i enter the system password it reappears12:05
mtomehello Gurus. Does anyone know how to install the Ralink WLAN Driver on Ubuntu 9.0412:05
Oasadrbobb : its mounted ?12:06
drbobbOasa: I can mount it from the command line, and read its contents, so I'm sure the drive isn't broken12:06
bijoui have a problem12:07
bijousynaptic dont't start12:07
bijouE: The list of sources could not be read. Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.12:07
oneandonlyso can anyone help me with this???12:08
oneandonlyi boot my laptop... i am dual booting between xp and ubuntu 9.10... ubuntu is installed on my D:/ drive... it has work perfectly until yesterday... when i updated files using the update manager... thats when the problem came... i restarted the laptop and after i choose the ubuntu it goes into a command prompt12:08
mtomeI need help on installing the Ralink 3090 WLAN Driver on my laptop. Please Help12:08
ivo_aoneandonly : are you using grub to dual boot ?12:10
Oasadrbobb : :(12:10
Malkavianbijou: what happens when you try sudo apt-get update12:10
arandbijou: what does your /etc/apt/sources.list look like?12:10
Oasadrbobb : Can you paste the content of fstab in your etc folder ?12:11
intokAnyone know anything about Wubi installs? I've got a box here with a clean install of XP Home SP2 and 9.10 64 bit which I've tried installing 4 times so far and no joy, no other software is installed on the box and it has no yet been connected to the net, why can I not get a grub menu at boot? it goes directly into XP without any prompting at all12:11
drbobbOasa: I'm quite sure the fstab is OK12:11
lalith_srivatsacan any1 help me in upgrading from jaunty to karmic12:11
drbobbthe line that applies to the cdrom is:12:12
drbobb/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       012:12
mineintok: you should make sure grub is installed in hd012:12
intokwhen I asked yesterday someone told me to try thins cd /d %SYSTEMROOT% && cd \ && attrib -r -h -a -s boot.ini which did notihng12:12
Oasadrbobb : you are right. its correct. Dont know why :(12:13
silv3r_m00nskype and java don't run on 64bit ubuntu ?12:13
mtomeAnyone knows how to install the Ralink 3090 Driver for Ubuntu 9.04 on an msi laptop? I am stuck completely12:13
intokmine exactly how? live cd boot?12:13
kinja-sheep!flash64 | silv3r_m00n12:13
ubottusilv3r_m00n: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava12:13
mineyes :12:13
silv3r_m00nwhy does this page talk about so many workarounds >> http://tuxradar.com/content/ubuntu-904-32-bit-vs-64-bit-benchmarks    ..... has 64bit lots of issues12:13
drbobbsilv3r_m00n: I don't use skype, but java runs fine12:13
Gesianyone can help me on isnstalling ubuntu 9.10 form an usb stick ???????12:13
mineintok: it seem grub-install sda12:14
drbobbflash sux no matter which linux version12:14
PTsilv3r_m00n, skype does work as far as I know12:14
fakeerHow do I lock my Ubuntu Wiki homepage? ( it's my home page)12:14
Oasa!keyring | Oasa12:14
oneandonlyivo: i dont know what u mean  by booting with grub12:14
mine intok: you better run update-grub12:14
PTsilv3r_m00n, check: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43229512:14
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: You always can switch if you're experiencing too many issues. Don't let FUD get to you.12:15
ivo_you use a program that allows you to choose between ubuntu and windows don't you ??12:15
mamyOerHeks,try to install this sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update but still error12:15
oneandonlyits not a program12:15
oneandonlyits just when i reboot laptop12:15
oneandonlyit goes straight to that12:15
arandoneandonly: what does this prompt say? is it blank?12:15
silv3r_m00nFUD ?12:15
drbobbOasa: even when a cdrom is mounted brasero still believes there's no media in the drive12:16
oneandonlywaiting for me to do smething12:16
ivo_there is a menu that allows you to choose between the 2 OS's ....12:16
ivo_GRUB, ic12:16
mamyguys what this output mean12:16
mamyCould not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)12:16
mamyE: Unable to lock the list directory12:16
arandoneandonly: so grub, the bootloader, has become mismatched12:17
kinja-sheepmamy: What command did you ran?12:17
ivo_I have had a lot of problems with GRUB2 (the nubuntu 9.10 version)12:17
oneandonlyi guess... it happened after i updated using update manager... last night12:17
oneandonlyand restart laptop12:17
mamyi m trying to install skype12:17
Myrttimamy: do you have other update/install applications open?12:17
Oasa!MCM | OAsa12:17
ivo_you better install another boot-program12:17
ben_qHello, I have a problem, after every update my flashplugin is broken so that e.g. youtube-videos appear as white boxes. I uninstall flashplugin-installer and nspluginwrapper and then reinstall flashplugin. but this is going on my nerves to have to do that all the time. Is there any way to fix this permanently?12:17
oneandonlyit happened to me before too... that time i reinstalled ubuntu and installed again.... but i dont want to keep doign that everytime thsi happens12:18
mamyMyrtti,no application is running12:18
oneandonlyi installed both times using wubi12:18
ivo_go and have a look at http://gag.sourceforge.net/index.html12:19
mtomeivo: Can you help me?12:19
ivo_don't know, I am only 2 months ubuntu-old12:20
oneandonlyhuh ivo what is that?12:20
arandoneandonly: can you boot inti win?12:20
oneandonlyi can12:20
silv3r_m00nwhat about wine on 64bit ?12:20
mtomeivo: I have a BIG problem here. My wireless LAN cannot work.12:21
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: Wine will work. There are ia32-libs as one of the dependencies.12:21
silv3r_m00nmeans wine 32bit will run ?12:21
silv3r_m00nwhat about wine64bit ?12:21
oneandonlymtome: did u update hardware drivers?12:21
ivo_mtome : network-manager ??12:22
drbobbhey can anyone help me with broken notification of inserted cdrom, I have no idea how this gnome automounting of removable media stuff works12:22
mtomeoneandonly: yes. I have updated drivers12:22
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: There are none -- Windows apps are likely to be 32bit.12:22
ivo_normally NM works "oout-of-the-box", I had one problem-PC though12:23
silv3r_m00nif I build wine 64bit , will it be able to run 32bit windows apps ?12:23
oneandonlymtome: i guess u have to setup a wireless network12:23
oneandonlyarand: any help?12:23
mtomewhat I am finding hard to do is to install Ralink 3090 WLAN Driver. The instructions there are too hard12:23
aries_mwzhi. I've some pb. with the php5-imap of karmic koala. I upgrade yesterday from 5.2.6 and some packages still has v5.2.6 and some v5.2.10 . Since this, the php5-imap is not working anymore, i assume because the php's version is 5.2.10. do you know how can i fix, where can i dl php5-imap 5.2.1012:23
Vecnahsilv3r_m00n, yes12:23
ivo_I installed WICD and now my WIFI works with all the PC's12:23
mtomeoneandonly: http://getsatisfaction.com/jolicloud/topics/ralink_3090_wlan_driver12:23
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit12:23
itsme19I lost my Windows 7 operating system while installing Ubuntu 9.10.Please help12:23
silv3r_m00nkinja-sheep: yah reading that12:24
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: I have no need for wine (other than installing it once on my mother's machine just to play solitare cards.)12:24
silv3r_m00nwhy is the 64bit names as amd64 ...........is it more compatible with amd processors ?12:24
Malkavianitsme19, during install, did you chose to format the whole disk?12:24
silv3r_m00nkinja-sheep: cool12:24
Oasaitsme9 : Please type sudo fdisk -l and tell me the result12:25
itsme19No, I can see Windows drive from ubuntu and even in Grub options12:25
Malkavianthan what's the problem12:25
arandoneandonly: no idea12:25
itsme19But when I go to Windows 7 in Grub computer restarts12:25
SwedeMikesilv3r_m00n: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64#AMD6412:25
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: Processor. There are 64bits. amd64 is a nice name but if you prefer a real name, it is x86_6412:26
itsme19Here is the output for fdisk http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=m335d93f212:27
kinja-sheepsilv3r_m00n: This particular section --> http://tinyurl.com/2lgpsm12:27
silv3r_m00nthe how a adm64 ubuntu run on intel i7?12:27
kokozedmanhey guys12:27
kokozedmanis it possible to have Ubuntu installed on a USB HDD?12:27
oneandonlyarand: this si the problem... they have similar problem... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1307429&page=412:27
SwedeMikesilv3r_m00n: read the WHOLE article.12:27
kinja-sheep!usb | kokozedman12:27
ubottukokozedman: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:27
itsme19Oasa: Here is the output for fdisk http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=m335d93f212:28
kokozedmanubottu: it's not a question of install, it's a question of running it12:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:28
kinja-sheepkokozedman: Yes -- It is possible but why would you want to? You are better off using a usb stick and the usb hdd for media storage.12:28
kokozedmanthat is: the Ubuntu running on an external USB HDD12:28
kokozedmanok, i see12:28
itsme19Malkavian: But when I go to Windows 7 in Grub computer restarts12:28
Oasaharsha : Are you sure that its only boot problem and windows 7 still exists in /dev/sda 1 - 3?12:29
kokozedmanwhat i want to do, is that i have a laptop12:29
drbobbhello, i need help with fixing automounting of cdroms on the gnome desktop, does anyone have a clue?12:29
kokozedmanit is already filled with Windows12:29
itsme19Oasa: Yes, I can see the Program files and My documents of Windows 712:29
kokozedmankinja-sheep: having an external drive with the Ubuntu will be cool, because I only need to plug it in, and then restart when i need to use Ubuntu12:30
=== delectate_ is now known as delectate
kinja-sheepkokozedman: I see.12:30
kokozedmando you have experience on JMicron JM20337?12:30
kokozedmanthat is the SATA to USB adapter that i use12:30
kokozedmanthat is my main concern, because i'm not sure if Ubuntu has the proper module built-in for that to be used properly at boot time12:31
tonsofpcskokozedman: most default setups do12:31
drbobbkokozedman: usb mass storage is in theory a standard and should work no matter who manufactured your controller12:32
itsme19Oasa: Windows 7 is in 50 GB partition12:32
Oasaitsme19 : See if the grub have set the boot directory to windows 7 is12:32
kinja-sheepkokozedman: USB Stick == USB MassStorage. They are eerily same. If you're following !usb instructions, you can get it to run.12:32
tonsofpcsnote that your bios needs to support booting as does your bootloader12:32
drbobbkokozedman: of course the real world is not that simple ;/12:32
obiwan_hi, please i need to change my surname in the  pgp key i did with seahorse.  How can i ? i don't find how to12:32
kokozedmanok, great12:32
itsme19Oasa: How do I check that?12:32
drbobbkokozedman: meaning most devices work fine, and a few might not (but those are getting rare and far between)12:33
intokmine so how exactly can I update grub if I can't get ubuntu to boot from the install? the live cd works fine, just not installing via wubi12:34
itsme19Oasa: I mean, how do I check which partition Grub loader has considered as my Windows Operating system?12:34
OasaWell i have grub 1 installed. (8.04) and i dont know if things are different in karmic. Others will help you12:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:35
Oasacheck that link harsha12:35
ravengeri had installed ubuntu on my new notebook but i am unable to find how to configure my graphic and sound card can any body help out12:35
itsme19Oasa: ok12:36
arandoneandonly: might try instructions on last post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135317712:36
OasaItsme19 : check grub.cfg12:36
drbobbhello I still need some help with gnome, when I insert a cdrom it is no longer being automounted, even though the drive as such works12:36
yuribhello, is this the place to get help for problems with grub and wubi ?12:37
yuribcant get ubuntu to load...12:37
yuribread all the troublehsooting guides and tutorials i could find...12:37
Rob215what did you do before can't boot12:37
wejickdrbobb, can you manual mount it?12:37
drbobbwejick: yes12:38
yuribyesterday i ran the update manager12:38
yuribapperantly it installed a new version of grub12:38
yuribnow when i choose ubuntu in the boot loader i get to a grub command prompt12:38
Rob215grub2 probably12:38
drbobbwejick: I just made an image of a dvd with dd, no errors12:38
wejickdrbobb, i have no idea12:38
Rob215type ubuntu12:39
qdbDiskless Image Server =?12:39
Rob215yurib:  type ubuntu12:39
yuribitried following a guide to get it to load the kerne or mound something, i not really sure12:39
itsme19Oasa:  Widnows 7 is "set root=(hd0,1)" according to Grub12:39
wejickdrbobb, coz in my machine is not auto mounted12:39
dox_drumdrbobb, How did you do that of the DVD?12:39
Oasacheck if its right12:39
Rob215yurib: get the live CD12:39
drbobbdox_drum: dd if=/dev/sr0 of=somefile.iso bs=64M12:40
mineintok:what you mean12:40
rinto#j kawanua12:40
yuribRob215: i installed ubuntu using wubi12:41
yuribdoes that matter ?12:41
Rob215yurib: i have wubi too but it doesn't matter12:42
itsme19Oasa: No its in "dev/sda1"12:42
Rob215yurib: do you have windows12:42
dox_drumdrbobb, Thank you!12:42
Oasaitsme19: set that right than thats it  :)12:42
qdbDiskless Image Server=?12:42
Oasai was actually wondering how grub will go wrong in it. I dont think that the problem anyways set it and see if it works12:43
qdbmay be found12:43
itsme19Oasa: But the file and Online document says, that it grub.cfg should not be edited12:43
Rob215yurib: press e at the grub menu12:43
ravenger i had installed ubuntu on my new notebook but i am unable to find how to configure my graphic and sound card can any body help out12:43
yuribRob215: yes12:43
Rob215yurib: press e at the grub menu and tell us the text12:43
yuribunknow command12:44
Oasaitsme19 : its wont be porblem as win 7 does not load anyways.12:44
yuribits not the normal grub menu12:44
Oasaanyways harsh : use windows boot instead of grub12:44
yuribits some kind of rescue mode12:44
Oasachk this out : itsme19: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/92739212:44
anders^_For some unknown reason my nvidia module has decided to stop working. Cant log into X except in failsafe graphics mode atm. When running "sudo modprobe nvidia" it complains about unkown symbol in module or unknown parameter12:44
Oasaor try adding it in /boot/grub/menu.lst12:45
itsme19Oasa: Using Windows loader would erase Ubuntu12:45
yuribit says "GNU GRUB version 1.97~beta4"12:45
itsme19Oasa: Grub 2 does not have menu.lst12:45
yuribsomething about minimal bash like editing support12:45
anders^_also for some reason i cant bring up my eth0 device, system complains about SIOCSIFADDR: no such device12:45
anders^_is my HDD dying or something?12:45
=== anders^_ is now known as anders^
yuriband just wait for input12:45
Oasaitsme19 : why is it wrong. the entry was correct only12:46
Rob215Yurib: always check the ubuntu line for "recovery mode" or something that, select only ubuntu-2.4.1.x.x12:46
yuribi didnt select anything12:46
yuribi used to have two menus12:46
OasaHello does any one here uses grub2 ??? Please help itsme1912:46
yuribfirst lets me choose between win7 and ubuntu12:46
yuribnoce i chose ubuntu it used to let me select the kernel versino12:46
intokmine how can I check if its installed in HD0 when its been installed inside of windows? I did open up the grub config folder and saw that it was set at timeout 0 and changed it to timeout 9 but with the same results, still no prompt to boot inti ubuntu, just goes directly into XP12:47
yuribnow the second menu is gone12:47
yuriband all i got is this grub command prompt12:47
arandyurib: it seems like a common problem flying around atm...12:47
itsme19 No sorry the operating system is in /dev/sda2 and Grub tells it is in /dev/sda112:47
qdb"Install a Diskless Image Server". why word "image" is here?12:47
yuribyea i noticed there are many recent posts in the forums12:47
qdbis it about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto ?12:47
Oasaharsh : try win boot loader.12:47
yuribproblem is i have to submit an assignment tonight and all my data is on ubuntu12:48
obiwan_please, i'm trying to change my surname in my pgp key i made with seahorse. How can i do it?12:48
yuribi tried reading the image file from windows but couldnt find a tool that could do it12:48
arandyurib: have you tried somthing like the last post here suggests: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135317712:48
yuribgetting the files is my main concern atm12:48
itsme19Oasa: does't using Winloader erases Ubuntu i.e I will have to make choice between ubuntu and Windows. Is their a way to keep both OS12:49
theadminyurib: What exactly is the problem with Ubuntu?12:49
theadminitsme19: GRUB should pick windows up, normally there is no need for Windows loader12:49
arandobiwan_: afaik, you would have to make a new one for that. My guess.12:49
guestI am trying to connect my Mobile Broadband USB modem, but device is not able to connect, can anyone help me with this..12:50
arandyurib: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=436923 has two suggestions12:50
itsme19theadmin: But when I go to Windows 7 in Grub the computer restarts12:50
yuribi tried it12:50
Talon1364I just installed ubuntu 9.10, it said i needed to reboot, so i did.. my computer boots windows like grub never installed.12:50
obiwan_arand my friend told me there's no need, and i really trust my friend, but he left before i needed the change12:50
yuribevery time another step fail12:51
Oasaitsme19 : Is it like that ? I mean with 8.04, i can uuse win boot loader to boot ubuntu. I dont know what all they changed from grub1. I am waiting for the next LTS 10.4. Untill then i have no knowledge.12:51
arandyurib: for reading the files off the wubi filesystem that is12:51
yuribeither a file is not found12:51
yuribor the disk is incorrect12:51
OasaRob215: Dude, Help this itsme1912:51
Talon1364how do i boot my ubuntu?12:51
Rob215yurib: try the LIve CD12:51
yuribRob215: thats what im going to try next12:52
mineintok: you mean you intall grub in windows?12:52
=== Administrator__ is now known as ljf
guestI am trying to connect my Mobile Broadband USB modem, but device is not able to connect, can anyone help me with this..12:52
yuribthanks for the effort everyone12:52
Rob215yurib: and copy the files12:52
OasaROB215 :  help its e1912:53
Oasahelp itsme19*12:53
j10297116how to set up NFS12:53
Oasaitsme19* Rob21512:53
Oasahe cannot boot windows 7. I dont know anything about grub212:53
itsme19Rob215: My computer restarts whenever I select "Widows 7" option in Grub boot loader12:53
mineyou can edit the grub.conf or  maybe grub.cfg   you add one . can you see grub when boot12:53
epinky!nfs | j1029711612:54
ubottuj10297116: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.12:54
Oasamine : I said that. But he is afraid to edit.12:54
j10297116thanks  a million ubottu.12:54
zvacet!nfs | i1029711612:54
ubottui10297116: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.12:54
mineOasa: you may tell him just copy one and edit12:54
arandyurib: you should be able to read files from windows: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How can I access the Wubi files from Windows? or from a livecd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How can I access my Wubi install and repair my install if it won't boot?12:55
yuribone more question, suppose i manage to get the files using the live cd and i reinstall ubuntu, how do i prevent this from happening again ?12:55
Rob215itsme19: At ubuntu option press e and tell us the text12:55
ravenger i had installed ubuntu on my new notebook but i am unable to find how to configure my graphic and sound card can any body help out12:55
ravengerplz some help me12:55
yuribarand: i tried the tools they suggested, none was able to read the image file, going to try the live cd12:55
Talon1364I have a 120gb hdd, it already had windowsXP on it, it only had 60gb partitioned to it, so there was 60gb un-allocated. I installed ubuntu on the continuous free space and it all went smooth, till i rebooted.. no grub, just straight into windows..12:56
=== theadmin1 is now known as theadmin
epinky!details | ravenger12:56
ubotturavenger: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:56
theadminHm, why did GNOME suddenly decide to crash?12:56
Rob215 itsme19: At ubuntu option press e and tell us the text12:57
itsme19Rob215: I have checked it, this is the exact text that appers when I press 'e' over Windows 7 "http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=m4db18e75 "12:57
mineintok: you can also boot  ubuntu by command the same as edit grub.conf  . you shoul know command :root (hd0,0)(where you install ubuntu) and then kernel or linux  vmlinuz and then initrd initrd.lz , and then boot12:57
Talon1364what did i do wrong? do i haveto re-install?12:57
arandyurib: I would actually say, don't use wubi. It seems to be much easier to repair a non-wubi install, but that is my *opinion*12:58
Oasaitsme19 : I Wonder if grub chmode works with 2nd version ?12:58
Rob215  itsme19: At ubuntu not the windows 7 option press e and tell us the text12:58
yuribi thought so too12:58
epinky!grub2 | Talon136412:58
ubottuTalon1364: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:58
yuribgonna try a clean install this time12:58
ravengerubottu: i am using the ubuntu 9.10 and the graphic card is hd ati radoen 4500 i am unable to find the repository for the respective drivers12:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:58
theadminarand: Wrong, WUBI is very nice, yet if it's possible to do a clean install, I would do one.12:58
silv3r_m00ndoes the intel dg45fc motherboard support inte i7 920 processor ?12:58
minewho can help me with command ln  , I can't ln -s a dir12:59
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, try in ##hardware12:59
grawitymine: Give us the exact command you were trying, and the exact error message (if any).12:59
j10297116I got what i want ,appreciate for what u have done for me.ubottu.12:59
mine ln -s Downloads ./Desktop/you13:00
arandtheadmin: then how does one reinstall grub4dos when it is unable to read the menu.lst equivalent?13:00
epinky!ati | ravenger13:00
ubotturavenger: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:00
theadminj10297116: eh, ubottu is a bot.13:00
emil_silv3r_m00n, http://tinyurl.com/ydzcjh613:00
Rob215At UBUNTU option press e and tell us the text not Windows 713:00
Oasa!itsme19 : try root (hd0,0)13:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:00
itsme19Rob215:  Here is the link for both recovery and generic mode of Ubuntu "http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=m73d230cd"13:00
Oasaand setup hd013:00
emil_silv3r_m00n, click the top link. view supported processors13:00
minegrawity:ln -s Downloads ./Desktop/you,it always say can't find Downloads13:00
Oasain d chmod of grub13:00
theadminarand: There is no grub4dos, huh? WUBI 9.10 uses normal grub2 at least.13:00
kinja-sheepmine: ln -s /home/mine/Downloads /home/mine/Desktop/you13:01
Talon1364whole buncha greek to me, guess im just not destined to try linux... lotsa stuff about apt-get and i cant even get on the net cause im wireless, i gotta get this wireless driver into my system somehow that i cant even boot13:01
kinja-sheepmine: Or you could right-click the folder and "Make Link"13:01
silv3r_m00nemil_: that page is missing , I checked already13:01
itsme19Oasa: ok13:01
Oasareinstall grub itsme1913:01
Rob215itsme19: set root=(hd0,5)? are you sure13:02
minekinja-sheep: you mean the dir must be /home/mine/Desktop  .13:02
grawitymine: The thing that makes symlinks confusing is that they don't link to a file or directory - they link to an arbitrary path. Your command links Desktop/you to Desktop/Download.13:02
grawitymine: Try this: cd Desktop; ln -s ../Dwonloads you13:02
emil_silv3r_m00n, the list  below says core 2 duo, intel pentium and celeron13:02
minegrawity: I run it in ~/13:02
emil_silv3r_m00n, it wont work with a i713:02
itsme19Rob215: Yes that's fro Ubuntu and Ubuntu is working fine13:02
silv3r_m00nthe shop owner said it wud13:03
arandtheadmin: ah, ok, well then how does one reinstall grub2 then (I thought it would still be on grub4dos since that's what the documentation seemed to imply)13:03
itsme19Rob215: Sorry I meant for13:03
Talon1364i dont even know what went wrong to know where to start on this wiki site13:03
emil_silv3r_m00n, he lied13:03
drbobbOasa: It seems my problem is solved - the automounting problem13:03
emil_silv3r_m00n, or didnt know what he was talking about13:03
Rob215itsme19: What's the problem then13:03
Oasadrbobb : How ?13:03
Oasadrbobb : Letme know then13:04
OasaROB215 : his partition table is crrct he just want win 7 to work13:04
itsme19Rob215: My windows is not working after installing Ubuntu 9.1013:04
drbobbOasa: looks like I was inserting a dvd in some weird (multisession?) format that the gnome tools don't support13:04
silv3r_m00nemil_: let me check13:04
Oasalol not cdfs format ?13:04
Rob215is the windows 7 menu with windows 7 and ubuntu working13:05
minegrawity:thank you but why i can't do it in ~/13:05
Oasawhich format anywats ?13:05
drbobbOasa: when I insert some other disk, it works ok13:05
theadminarand: Eh, whatever. WUBI is nice for windows installation, but meh, normal installs are ALWAYS better.13:05
Oasadrbobb : Okay. Nice error.13:05
Talon1364So, i blew away SuSE for a distro that cant boot13:05
Rob215itme19: is the windows 7 menu with windows 7 and ubuntu working or just the GRUB menu13:05
OasaROb215 : he can boot ubuntu but no win 713:06
itsme19Rob215: I have the entry Windows 7 in Grub2 boot loader, but when I press enter. computer restarts13:06
zvacetTalon1364:  is still grub problem13:06
aranditsme19: have tried running a " sudo update-grub " in ubuntu?13:06
grawitymine: I just explained.13:06
theadminitsme19: Try running sudo update-grub213:06
itsme19arand: Yes13:06
theadminHi, cloudy13:06
cetanhotawhat is required to make sure my wifi connects at boot?13:07
Oasaarand : thats his problem. He have done it13:07
Rob215itsme19: not GRUB2! windows 7 loader menu13:07
zvacet! hi | cloudy13:07
ubottucloudy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:07
itsme19theadmin: I tried that one too13:07
Oasawhats wrong with you rob215 ?13:07
cloudyhi ,zvacet~~13:07
Talon1364where did it go? should have got a menu or something? it just goes straight to winxp, no GRUB, no oldschool LILO no nothing just like grub doesnt exist.13:07
drbobbOasa: I'm pretty ignorant about cd/dvd formats, but it seems this one has two sessions, one meant for PCs and the other for macs, and gnome gets confused13:07
theadminitsme19: Bleh. Sorry, then I've no idea, something must be wrong with Windows.13:07
minegrawity: you mean we must cd the dir we want to build a ln ?13:07
Oasaokay drbobb13:07
zvacetTalon1364:  try to reinstall grub maybe it will help13:08
Rob215itsme19: not GRUB2! windows 7's bulit in loader menu!13:08
itsme19theadmin: It was a Windows fresh install and it was't even connected to Internet13:08
zvacet!grub2 | Talon136413:08
ubottuTalon1364: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:08
grawitymine: Well, you could do 'ln -s ../Downloads Desktop/you' too.13:08
grawitymine: The point is, the first argument must be relative to symlink's directory - not to the current one.13:08
Talon1364it wants me to apt-get for an install method, i cant use the net in linux, i need some proprietary broadcom driver not included on the cd13:08
theadminitsme19: No idea actually, but it is Windows' bootloader failing to start. So I don't think it's a Ubuntu/GRUB problem13:09
intokhas anyone here ever installed via wubi?13:09
Rob215itsme19: not GRUB2! windows 7's bulit in bootloader menu!13:09
itsme19Rob215: I installed Ubuntu after installing Windows, so Windows loader is replaced by Grub13:09
theadminintok: I tried it someday, what is the problem13:09
Talon1364i did the same thing itsme19, but grub dissapeared13:09
minegrawity: thanks13:09
zvacetTalon1364:  if you know witch driver you need download it from windows and put on usb and install on ubuntu13:10
itsme19theadmin: I installed Ubuntu after installing Windows, so Windows loader is replaced by Grub13:10
Rob215itsme19: It should be the other way round13:10
hearit_hello, all13:10
OasaRob215 : Thats not the problem13:10
theadminitsme19: No, wrong, GRUB will replace windows bootloader in MBR, yes, but if you choose win7 there it will start the bootloader.13:10
Talon1364i can install those into the live cd version? cause i cant boot my darn installed linux because grub obviously failed.13:10
zvacetitsme19:  is it working?13:10
mine:~/Desktop$ ln -s /mnt/winxp/Documents and Settings/mine our .grawity:13:10
Rob2150asa: it is!13:10
intoktheadmin clean installed xp machine, have tried 4 times to get ubuntu to boot after wubi claiming it has successfully installed but no joy13:11
OasaROb215 : NO!13:11
itsme19zvacet: No13:11
theadminintok: Does it appear in the menu?13:11
Rob2150asa: YES! lol!13:11
minegrawity: ~/Desktop$ ln -s /mnt/winxp/Documents and Settings/mine our . is it right13:11
=== Dink|W is now known as Dink
zvacetTalon1364:  did you try to reinstall grub13:12
intoktheadmin start menu yes, at boot it goes directly into windows never shows anything like a grub prompt or anything13:12
Ranakahhi.. i need ipv6 module in ubuntu 9.1113:12
zvacetitsme19:  you can not boot windows or what13:12
Ranakahbut when i do modprobe ipv6 i get this error13:12
OasaCan some one please tell Rob215 that installing ubuntu after win7 is not the problem13:12
theadminintok: Oh damn, then it did not install properly. I have some ideas, but it's too noisy here, can we switch into PM?13:13
RanakahFATAL: Module ipv6 not found.13:13
Talon1364how? that wiki you sent me to says its installed by default on 9.10, its got instructions for 9.0413:13
itsme19zvacet: I cannot boot Windows after installing ubuntu 9.1013:13
zvacetOasa:  +113:13
nastasitsme19: you mean that boots directly in ubuntu?13:13
intoktheadmin sure13:14
Oasazvacet : + 1 means ?13:14
itsme19nastas: Grub shows the option for Windows 7, when I choose it computer restarts13:14
cvbrgis there a way to control power to USB ports13:14
zvacetOasa:  I agree with you13:14
Oasathank you zvacet13:14
Rob2150asa: No you don't understand, the GRUB2 menu should be after selecting Ubuntu in the Windows 7 bootloader13:14
aranditsme19: if windows is a priority you could reinstall the windows bootloader using a win boot disk and then use something like EasyBCD to make instead the windows boot loader boot into ubuntu...13:15
OasaThats what i told you itsme19 at first use other bootloader13:15
Rob215And Windows 7 bootloader gaves the option Windows 713:15
zvacetRob215:  grub will overwrite win bootloader13:15
cvbrgUSB power control13:16
arandRob215: he is not using Wubi here.13:16
itsme19Oasa: Yes, I think that's the only choice13:16
Rob215arand: oh13:16
mamyhey guys how to install this package i m trying to install skpe Depends: libqt4-core (>= 4.2.1) but it is not going to be installed13:16
mamy         Depends: libqt4-gui (>= 4.2.1) but it is not going to be installed13:16
arandRob215: at least t I think not.13:16
OasaRob215 : Understood now ?13:17
Rob215itsme: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/EasyBCD.shtml13:17
zvacetmamy:  did you chdck your source list because libqt4-gui should not be problem13:17
Rob215itsme19: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/EasyBCD.shtml link to Easy BCD13:17
mamyZvacet plz how to check the source i m new in command line13:18
elektrikzhello,just got this error,I dont know what it means,never seen anything like this before. http://pic.mk/images/screen1263475372.png    any thoughts?13:18
cvbrganyone on USB power13:18
itsme19Oasa, arand, Rob215 : Thanks for help guys, I will try Easybcd suggestion13:20
=== john is now known as Guest58877
nastasitsme19: did you check your windows 7 entry? it might be something wrong13:20
zvacetit should look like http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m48e7f72813:20
incidencewhats the best virtualization software for 2.6 + ultrasparc? (openvz doesn't support sparc anymore :( )13:21
arandnastas: I think done several times13:21
zvacetmamy:  type in terminal gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:21
itsme19nastas: Yes it is wrong, Grub thinks OS is in /dev/sda1 but Windows 7 is in /dev/sda213:21
mamyZvacet thanks13:21
Oasaitsme19 then just change it13:22
Oasawhy not do that ?13:22
zvacetmamy:  np  ;)13:22
nastasso why not to change the entry itsme19?13:22
elektrikzguys,just got this error,I dont know what it means,never seen anything like this before. http://pic.mk/images/screen1263475372.png    some help? :(13:22
Oasahe wont do he is afraid :P13:22
Oasamake a back up and then do itsme1913:22
diddyHow can I find out if and what version of Java is installed on my Ubuntu 9.10 ?13:22
Rob215itme19: Ubuntu in: /dev/sda2   Windows 7 in: /dev/sda113:23
grawityelektrikz: Do you see an URL in that address? Have you tried reading what's written there?13:23
mamyzvacet,it s open so what is the next to do plz13:23
itsme19Oasa: ok, I will change it13:23
elektrikzgrawity, tbh no I have not,I'll do it now13:23
Rob215eletrikz: install manufacters Graphic Card drivers13:24
aranditsme19: if you are sure w7 is on sda2 then edit the boot entry for win to read (hd0,2) instead, already tried?13:24
zvacetmamy:  if your source list is same as one I posted you with pastebinthen you should be able to install libqt4-gui13:24
epinkydiddy:"sudo dpkg -l | grep -i java" or jre or jdk instead of 'java'13:24
mamyZvacet ok let me try13:24
Rob215itsme19: w7 is on sda1 then edit the boot entry for win to read (hd0,1)13:25
Rob215itsme19: ubuntu is on sda2 then edit the boot entry for ubuntu to read (hd0,2)13:25
itsme19arand: ok, I am taking backup and doing it now13:25
aranditsme19: editing the boot entry can be done temporarily in grub just when you boot, press 'e' & edit away.13:26
bill_Winff >> It works fine in gnome, but I can't get it to work in KDE, does anyone else have this problem, and do you know how to fix it?13:27
aranditsme19: press 'e' over the windows7 entry, of course.13:27
diddyjava --version produces: Unrecognized option: --version13:27
diddy However, I have Java installed but all the programs that require Java don't work.13:27
macsimhi, anybody knows where I can found language pack for thunderbird 3 Shredder 3.0.2pre ? thanks13:28
bill_@diddy what distro are you usuing13:29
epinkymacsim: have you read this? http://kb.mozillazine.org/Language_packs13:30
diddybill_: ubuntu 9.1013:30
diddy(you are in the Ubuntu channel)13:30
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.13:30
macsimepinky, yes but I'm unable to found a valid xpi file13:31
bill_@diddy>ok...that's weird..I thought Ubuntu 9.10 had Java working out of the box?13:32
mamyzvacet,i ve checked the source list is the same as in pasterbin13:32
mamyzvacet,i don t know what is the problem13:32
bill_@diddy could you paste the url of a specific site that requires java which does not work on your system?13:32
epinkymacsim: hardware platform i686?13:33
diddybill_: No I am talking about applications installed on the system13:34
sipiordiddy: does "java -version" report anything? (one dash, not two)13:34
mamyguys any website for downlaod skype so i can use dkpg instead of apt get13:34
macsimepinky, yes karmic 32bits13:34
zvacetmamy:  I found package  at http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/libqt4-gui so it should be insynaptic13:34
bill_@diddy ...ok13:34
diddybill_, _: java version "1.6.0_0"13:34
epinkymacsim: check among http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/latest/linux-i686/13:35
epinkymacsim: is it not there?13:35
zvacetmamy : did you tried to install skype from medibuntu repo13:35
mamyyes i ve tried but failed13:35
macsimepinky, I found it but I got this error Français Language Pack 3.0 could not be installed because it is not compatible with Shredder 3.0.2pre.13:36
mamyZvacet,i tried from repository but failed13:36
brandonTALK TO ME13:37
epinkymacsim: il sera mieux si tu poses la question dans #ubuntu-fr13:37
jpdsbrandon: Hi.13:37
Picibrandon: This is a support channel, do you have a question?13:37
zvacetsee you later I have to go13:38
logankoesterCan anyone tell me how to test udp port forwarding?13:39
mamyzvacet ok see u13:39
logankoesterLike a program that could listen and a program I could use to connect from a remote host would work13:39
epinkylogankoester: you mean tcp forwarding?13:40
UbuntuN00Bquestion, if I put a second drive on cable select would the data on it get deleted it was just a drag and drop drive for my old windows xp computer.13:40
theadminwould running "sudo nano" do any damage to my system? I don't know whether it's fine to run that13:40
macsimepinky, I did it but nobody seems to know13:40
sipiorlogankoester: have a look at netcat. perfect for what you want.13:40
epinkymacsim: ok, what version of thunderbird are you using?13:41
cytoI can read files from a cd burnt on mac. permissions say -rwx------ 1 501 dialout13:41
cytoi can read when sudo. why is that?13:41
macsimepinky, Shredder 3.0.2pre ;)13:41
electronIs there an easy way to add workspaces? I have 2 but want to increase to 4 or more..13:41
cytoiflema: lol13:42
Picielectron: Right click on the workspace panel item, there is an option there to modify your properties and you can add more there13:42
electronlol, that was just too easy to figure out.13:42
epinkymacsim: tried this one? http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/3.0rc2/linux-i686/fr/thunderbird-3.0rc2.tar.bz213:42
cytosorry i meant i cant*13:43
cytoI cant read files from a cd burnt on mac. please help.13:43
llutzcyto: sudo mount -o remount -t iso9660 /dev/sr013:44
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.13:44
macsimepinky, I think I'll try to install it from a proper repertory13:44
macsimepinky, I think I'll try to install it from a proper repertory13:44
epinkymacsim: ok13:45
macsimbtw, to remove mbr I should use dd of=/dev/null if=/dev/sdX bs=512 count=1 isn't it ?13:45
loki_666j #mythtv-users13:46
llutzmacsim: no, of=/dev/sdX if=/dev/zero13:46
lou2`sHow to configure Internet settings in Ubuntu ?13:48
cytollutz: It doesnt work. it gives a big message.13:48
epinkylou2`s: do you mean for browser?13:49
lou2`sepinky no no..13:49
UbuntuN00Bis there a huge benifit from upgrading 9.04 to 9.10?13:49
macsimllutz, okidoki thanks13:49
defryskUbuntuN00B, exept for more recent software nope13:50
defryskwhat the ...?13:52
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nundinhi i want to change the theme of my menus and windows what do i do?13:56
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epinky!themes | nundin13:56
defrysknundin, system > preferences > appearance13:57
epinky!eyecandy| nundin13:57
lou2`sepinky ?13:58
epinkyricardo: go to #ubuntu-es13:58
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lou2`sCan you help me13:59
epinkylou2`s: can you give details?14:00
lou2`sI have ubuntu 8.10 server edition and install DHCP settings failed.I showed me I can not install your MC, SSH server ..14:00
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epinkylou2`s: do you have a DHCPd server running?14:01
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lou2`sWith a static IP14:03
epinkylou2`s: is your /etc/init.d/networking configured for dhcp?14:03
nundinok my media player will not play any sound what do i do?14:03
KaffeeJunky123how can I toggle the magnifier? I'm on ubuntu 9.04 and I'm trying to use the gnome magnifier14:04
nundinand it is not on mute14:04
lou2`sepinky: In the command install - apt-get install mc write my E: Couldn `t find package mc14:05
lou2`s[16:04:15] <epinky> lou2`s: is your /etc/init.d/networking configured for dhcp?14:05
blackshellhow do i compile java programs in ubuntu in geany14:05
KaffeeJunky123nundin: wich media player are you using and wich ubuntu version are you using?14:05
KaffeeJunky123nundin: does sond work else where on your system?14:05
epinkylou2`s: is there connectivity to your router and DNS, right?14:05
nundinthe default one that came with the distro14:06
blackshellanyone knows/14:06
nundinit works for firefox14:06
lou2`sepinky yes14:06
KaffeeJunky123nundin: do you get any error message when launching the music player?14:06
epinkyblackshell: gcc-java?14:06
nundinit said i had to install gstreamer and i did14:07
blackshellepinky:i installed jav jdk in synaptic14:07
epinkylou2`s: then have you tried "sudo apt-get update"14:07
progre55hi guys! how do you check if my comp is 32 or 64 bits on ubuntu?14:07
Supersaiyan_IVprogre55, uname -a14:08
KaffeeJunky123Supersaiyan_IV: that does only tell him weather his kernel is 64bit or 32bit14:08
progre55Supersaiyan_IV: thanks, appreciate14:09
OneOneFivebest text editor to learn python on ubuntu?14:09
localhostprogre55: perhaps cat /proc/cpuinfo14:09
epinkyblackshell: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/getStarted/cupojava/unix.html14:09
erUSULprogre55: what do you want to know? if your cpu is 64 bits or if you have ubuntu 64 bits installed ?14:10
Supersaiyan_IVKaffeeJunky123, since you know better then provide the correct command14:11
progre55erUSUL: just wanted to check if my cpu was 6414:11
epinkyOneOneFive: gedit would work14:11
blackshelli want to develop in geany14:11
erUSULprogre55: grep --color ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo14:11
d3x0ris there a better terminal installed by default than 'terminal' under applications->accessory?14:11
progre55localhost: I've done that, but not sure which parameter shows it =)14:11
nundinbrb gonna try a restart see if that will do anything14:11
KaffeeJunky123Supersaiyan_IV: cat /proc/cpinfo should do the trick ;)14:11
erUSULprogre55: if you see a red lm in the output your cpu is 64 bits14:11
KaffeeJunky123Supersaiyan_IV: you can tell if your cpu is 32 or 64bit by the name of the processor14:12
erUSULd3x0r: better how? faster?14:12
progre55erUSUL: oh I see, then my cpu is 64, but my ubuntu is 32 then.14:13
hattoricaca1Supersaiyan_IV, KaffeeJunky123: cat /proc/cpuinfo14:13
erUSULprogre55: ok14:13
KaffeeJunky123hattoricaca1: oh yeah my bad I made a typo :O14:13
hattoricaca1it will show a list of processor flags, if there's a "lm" flag, then the cpu is 64 bits14:14
progre55thanks guys, appreciate14:14
hattoricaca1erUSUL: that's a useful trick! (grep --color) didn't know it14:16
erUSULhattoricaca1:  ;P14:17
KaffeeJunky123does anyone know how to toggle the magnifier in ubuntu 9.04? I'm using the magnifier -m command, and I've set a key shortcut to toggle the magnifier with the shortcut config menu, but it doesn't seem to toggle the magnifier :/14:17
recsanez csak a véletlen már megyek is14:20
ravengeri had installed ATI mobilr radeon drivers as told in the ubuntu forum but after installation i had rebooted now it is showing a blur screen is there remedy for this please help me14:21
* erUSUL calls ubottu out loud14:21
epinkyerUSUL: I think ubottu is gone14:21
erUSULepinky: yep :/14:21
ravengerubottu:please help me14:21
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PicierUSUL: yes, we know ;)14:22
Davedancan I use a debian package on ubuntu? I can't find up to date ubuntu package but I found a debian package http://packages.debian.org/sid/ejabberd14:22
MyrttiDavedan: mixing distros is in general A Bad Idea ™14:22
erUSULDavedan: not a good idea; they are not compatible for the most part ...14:22
Davedanso what can I do?14:22
airstrike™ hahahah14:23
Davedanbuilding from source is hard to maintain14:23
trijntjeravenger, fix resolution or Hz?14:23
DavedanI don't understand why ubuntu waits years until it update packages :)14:23
Davedanisn't there unstable packages or something?14:23
erUSULDavedan: is the new version really needed; i.e. has new features you actually want to use?14:23
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ravengertrijntje: i new bie for the linux so waht is the command14:23
MyrttiDavedan: updated packages are included in the releases, and releases are released every six months14:23
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DavedanerUSUL: yes14:24
MyrttiDavedan: ubuntu isn't a rolling release distro14:24
ravengertrijntje: do i have to do it in the console14:24
trijntjesystem->preferences -> screen ;)14:24
erUSULDavedan: maybe someone makes packages aviable in a ppa ?14:24
erUSUL!ppa | Davedan14:24
DavedanMyrtti: is there a place where the community update packages?14:24
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ravengertrijntje: i logged in now using the live cd14:24
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DavedanerUSUL: is ppa considered safe to use?14:25
MyrttiDavedan: you can always search launchpad for ppa's, but with the knowledge that you will not get any support from here to software installed from them14:25
ravengertrijntje: i cant see any thing to change the resolution in gui14:25
MyrttiDavedan: ie. "on your own discretion and risk"14:25
trijntjeravenger, thats not your system, just the cd14:25
erUSULDavedan: it depends on who mantains that ppa. anyone can make a ppa you only need a launchpad account. so quality varies greatly14:25
tim__bAnyone familiar with h264 ts streams? Can't find an app to cut and reencode mit dreambox recorded streams... tried latest avidemux (crash), mencoder with h264es demuxer (only video), ffmpeg (cant get ffmpeg to remove the subtitle stream, input stream count vs output count).14:25
ravengertrijntje: actually i have installed the ubuntu and installed the graphivs drivers from then its happening like that14:26
DavedanerUSUL: thanks14:26
DavedanerUSUL: is it hard to make a ppa myself?14:26
erUSULDavedan: no problem14:26
DavedanerUSUL: I think that the recent version is not too different in terms of packaging on the source is different14:27
erUSULDavedan: dunno i do not do packaging myself ;) maybe in #ubuntu-motu you get better answers to that14:27
DavedanerUSUL: I mean that the boot script is similar14:27
ravengertrijntje: so i have to change the resolution using the live cd . that will solve the problem right !14:27
DavedanerUSUL: ok14:27
trijntjeravenger, i dont understand, why are you on the live cd?14:27
ravengertrijntje: because the linux that i have installed is showing just a blur screen through which i can see nothing so to find the remedy i loged the irc using the live cd14:29
ravengertrijntje: now what shall i do14:29
trijntjeravenger, what is blurred screen? just hard to read or black?14:30
ravengertrijntje: not black actually filled with all kinds of colors14:31
trijntjeravenger, so nothing is visible in fact?14:31
ravengertrijntje: when a tv goes bad the kind of screen you get14:31
ravengertrijntje: yes14:31
ravengertrijntje: is there any solution14:32
ravengertrijntje:  i am very tensed14:32
Peloravenger, crt or lcd ?14:32
trijntjeravenger, I think so, but I dont know how to fix that, sorry14:33
ravengertrijntje: crt14:33
trijntjePelo, ^14:33
Chard1is there a way to get rid of all the entered and exit room notifications14:33
MohammadRRRHi is There a Karaoke For Linux ?14:33
Peloravenger, I'm thinking you have the wrong refresh set14:33
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AnAntHello, I cannot login from GDM anymore14:33
Peloravenger, read the lable at the back for your monito for  h and v sync14:33
AnAntcan someone help ?14:34
AnAntwhat log files should I look at ?14:34
ravengerPelo:it is a notebook actually14:34
Peloravenger, netbooks do not have crt monitors, they have lcd14:34
nastasMohammadRRR: do you mean something like this? http://jrharshath.wordpress.com/2009/02/13/how-to-make-karaoke-on-your-ubuntu-box/14:34
danandChardl what irc client are you using?14:34
PeloAnAnt, sure you did'T have caplocks on ? linux is case sensitive14:35
AnAntPelo: yes, no capslock14:35
nastasAnAnt: do you get an error or something?14:35
Chard1er Pidgin14:35
AnAntnastas: nope14:35
scuniziChard1: no wonder.. that's a good IM client but not a good IRC client.. install xchat (not xchat-gnome) or irssi for cli14:36
Chard1ok tnx14:36
nastaswhat is say? wrong pass? just explain exactly what is happening during boot14:36
PeloAnAnt, at the bottom of the gdm screen there is a bar with various thingyins on it , depending on your theme, one of them is a selector for the type of session, you might want to try out a few of the shoices,   maybe one of them will work ,14:36
AnAntnastas: no problem during14:36
AnAntPelo: ok, will try that14:37
djtoastAnyone here has a Asus P7P55D-E ?14:37
ravenger1Pelo: yes it is lcd14:37
ravenger1Pelo: sorry14:37
epinkyChard1: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using%20Pidgin#HowdoIhideallthoseUserenteredtheroomandUserlefttheroommessages14:38
scunizidjtoast: what's your real question?14:38
Peloravenger1, I don'T know much about lcd problems,  maybe the same type of refresh thing applies but .... did you go and try to set a higher resolution for the netbook ?14:38
AnAntPelo: Failsafe Gnome works. Gnome & xterm fail14:38
danandChardl - ok, not too sure then as I use irssi. You can set ignores = ( { mask= "PARTS"; level = "JOINS"; }, {level = "JOINS PARTS QUITS MODES"; channels = ( "#ubuntu" ); } in your irssi.conf file for irssi. You may be abel to do a similar thing with pidgin14:38
AnAntso ?14:39
PeloAnAnt, well you are half way there then, log out properly and try to log back in to a regular gnome session again14:39
danandChard1: or follow epinky's link above :)14:39
ravenger1Pelo: no Pelo actually i just installed the graphics drivers from the unbuntu forum and the rebooted then i got the screen with all the colors and i cannot see any anything14:39
Myrttidanand: fiddling with irssi config file is not the best way of doing it, when you can do it from irssi itself, btw14:39
djtoastscunizi: wondering if im the only one that got a board that emits high piched noises or its realy defective (Ive heard of another guy that had the same)14:39
AnAntPelo: I did try that, but it still fails14:39
AnAntPelo: only failsafe gnome works, and it looks just like the normal Gnome session14:40
Peloravenger1, there you go , wrong driver ,  can you get a console ?14:40
vadi01guys am using a 3g usd modem which is okay. I just need to know how to find out the signal strenght. Any ideas?14:40
ravenger1Pelo:yeah i think so14:40
scunizidjtoast: you're sure it's the board and not a fan or HD ?14:40
PeloAnAnt, did you remove anyting by anychance uninstalled some application trying to clean your system up ?14:40
ravenger1Pelo: what shall i do there14:40
theadmin!info openssl14:40
Peloravenger1, hold on, I'll get you a the correct command I don't know it by heart I have to look it up14:41
ravenger1Pelo: do i have undo the installation14:41
ravenger1Pelo: yeah sure14:41
andresmhi downloaded and installed linux-headers-2.6.32-020632_2.6.32-020632_all.deb  and then i ran update-grub but it didn't show up in the list of kernels when updating grub, any ideas?14:41
AnAntPelo: nope, except that I booted with an old kernel 2.6.28 before that failure happened14:41
theadminuh, ubottu, where are you? o_O14:41
Myrttitheadmin: the server is being attacked14:41
AnAntPelo: but I did login using 2.6.28 kernel, and it was fine14:41
theadminMyrtti: What? By who? O_O14:41
jribandresmh: 1) you installed headers 2) why are you even doing that?14:41
llutzandresmh: why should a kernel appear when installing headerfiles?14:41
Myrttitheadmin: it's being looked at14:42
Peloravenger1, get to a console and type this command in     sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  hopefully that will reset the driver14:42
ravenger1Pelo: thank i will try14:42
PeloAnAnt, that is most probably part of the problem  do you know if you are booting the old driver or the new one when you are failing to log in ?14:42
llutzandresmh: linux-image-xxxx is what you need14:42
djtoastscunizi: its the board.14:43
djtoastscunizi: comes from the powerregulators on the board.14:43
neezersometimes when I boot into 9.10 after an upgrade my gnome panel freezes up. I don't have any of the short cuts up on the top bar. any way to fix that?14:43
andresmhjrib, llutz : i want to do it because i have a lot of issues with video performance that i was told could be fixed by a new kernel. I obviously don't know what I am doing. Where would I find the image? I tried searching for a PPA with recent "kernel" but couldn't find one...14:43
AnAntPelo: currently I am booting using the new kernel, so it should be the new driver14:43
AnAntPelo: you mean that when I booted in old kernel, then back to new kernel, I'm not using KMS anymore ?14:44
andresmhis there a PPA for the latest kernel?14:44
MohammadRRRYes But It Does'nt Work14:44
PeloAnAnt, , I suggest you log in with that safety session and do sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade ,   then restart , hopefully that will fix it , if not we can look into broken packages14:44
scunizidjtoast: I'd do a warranty exchange with them.. unless you can just return it.. Asus cust. serv. use to be pretty good14:45
marcos_Oi, pessoal.14:45
PeloAnAnt, you said it worked fine before you booted into an older kernel, I was wondering which kernel you wer booting when you got the login fail14:45
pav5088Hi...  I'm having a problem with KVM on an AMD64 processor /w 32 bit userspace.  This is a known bug, and I upgraded to Lucid to hopefully fix it, but unfortunately the problem is still there.14:45
marcos_Queria saber se alguém pode me dar umas dicas para montar uma rádio web14:46
pav5088Does anyone know any workarounds to this problem?14:46
Pelo!es | marcos_14:46
Myrttimarcos_: #ubuntu-es :-)14:46
Peloubottu off line ?14:47
MyrttiPelo: yes.14:47
AnAntPelo: it worked fine when I booted with the older kernel indeed, then when I rebooted in new kernel (2.6.31) it failed14:47
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PeloAnAnt, like I said, get back in with the gnome recovery session thing,  and do the uptade upgrade,  then try to login to a regular session agin, if that doesn'T work , safety session and look for broken packages14:48
djtoastscunizi: I RMAed it to get another one however now they say the will refund me instead.  Any suggestions on a p55 board?14:48
epinky!br | marcos_14:48
AnAntPelo: I did update & upgrade, but it only updated rythmbox14:48
PeloAnAnt, some dud yesterday had asimilar problem because he uninstalled stuff,  try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop that will reload all the packages that might be missing14:49
danedoes anyone know of any fixes for visualboy advance? It worked fine in Jaunty, but now that I'm on karmic, it freezes every 10-15 minutes.14:49
scunizidjtoast: the last machine I built I did with a xfs board.. I'm happy but it sure likes to beep on boot.. one for every usb device plugged it.14:49
onetinsoldierwow... this because of last night's attack? all these removals?14:50
Piciwait 1000014:50
AnAntPelo: nothing installed14:51
Picisorry for the mode spam folks, just need to get this done.14:51
onetinsoldierlast night.. this network came under attack14:51
UbuntuN00Bhow do I find the info on my graphics card in Ubuntu 9.04?14:51
some_guy_at_workiframe exploit ftw14:51
Peloonetinsoldier, the attack is still going on , it'as automated , when ever anyone click one fo the links it usues their isp to launch another bunch of dcc14:51
Ov3rf10wUbuntuN00B: ls pci14:51
devuntiframe dcc?14:51
onetinsoldierIt's still going on!!?! omg... i want to find the sob14:51
* some_guy_at_work nods14:52
onetinsoldierPelo: It's still going on!!?! omg... i want to find the sob14:52
PeloAnAnt, , that means you weren'T missing a package , that's good at least , now we just need to figure out what's not working14:52
Myrttilets move on from talking about it, the more attention we give to it, the more it may motivate the attacker.14:52
Myrttiback to support issues!14:52
AnAntPelo: I dunno what log file to look at14:52
onetinsoldierdevunt: yep14:52
Peloonetinsoldier, #ubuntu just has better floodbots they are helping keeping it down14:52
onetinsoldierPelo: cool :-)14:52
devuntI ignore that.14:52
Peloanajo, let me have a look , I'm not sure which one either14:52
UbuntuN00B                                                         how do I find the info on my graphics card in Ubuntu 9.04?14:52
Ov3rf10wUbuntuN00B: in termina type lspci14:53
UbuntuN00Bthank you :)14:53
chris122380How do I keep Ubuntu from dimming the screen when running on battery?14:54
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: for a nice giu check out 'lshw-gtk'14:54
adacIs ubuntu one open source? Mean the server part/deamon14:54
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: oops, gui*14:55
PeloAnAnt, you might want to look into  syslog messages auth.log14:55
PeloAnAnt, that's the best I can do for you , I have no idea what is going on with your comp14:55
daneSorry for the repeat. I think my first question got drowned :( Does anyone know of a fix for VisualBoy Advance? It used to work just fine in Jaunty, but when I upgraded to karmic, it started freezing every 15 minutes of use (ish).14:56
enthdegreeHoi, for some reason gimp-2.6 won't run after installing gimp 2.714:57
Pelodane, we don'T have all the answers, sorry, google and www.ubuntuforums.org are your freinds,  you might also want to look for a visualboy channel14:57
onetinsoldierdane: hi. do you know if visualboy got upgraded during the dist-upgrade to karmic?14:57
daneThanks pelo.14:58
Peloenthdegree, that's probably because one replaces the other14:58
daneI did a completee wipe and fresh install, so I reinstalled vba from the karmic repository.14:58
MavrikI have a problem with Karmic: I'm mount home directory at boot over NFS in fstab and if the server isn't available, the boot simply hangs instead of timeouting.14:58
enthdegreeI have run 'apt-get remove --purge gimp gimp-data libgimp-2.0' and gotten rid of the repository, but it still pops open the message: "14:59
petsoundsUbuntuN00B, lspci | grep -i vga14:59
enthdegreeThe GIMP binary cannot run with a libgimp version14:59
MavrikAny ideas how to prevent the hang and make it mount local homes?14:59
enthdegreeother than its own. This is GIMP 2.6.7, but the14:59
enthdegreelibgimp version is
onetinsoldierdane: so, you installed karmic totally fresh and clean? hmmm14:59
AkhlDi need help14:59
AkhlDim totally noob to MySql nd ubuntu14:59
epinkyMavrik: did you considered using NIS ?15:00
AkhlDi m tryin to install Word Press on my home box15:00
Peloenthdegree, the hidden folder for gimp in your /home folder maybe ?15:00
AkhlDthis is the error it shows Error establishing a database connection15:00
APERSONAkhlD, #ubuntu-server15:00
Mavrikepinky: NIS?15:00
enthdegreeI have already gotten rid of ~/.gimp*15:00
AkhlDAPERSON, its not server15:00
onetinsoldierdane: you could to check on whether or not a newer version visualboy is available from source on the internet and try to compile it to see if that fixes the issue15:00
APERSONAkhlD, but you're running one15:00
AkhlDLinux akhldz 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux15:00
Peloenthdegree, maybe the ppl in #gimp-user have a clue15:01
UbuntuN00Bpetsounds whats that for?15:01
enthdegreeOk, I'll try over there. (c:15:01
Peloenthdegree, you might also want to try forcing the package version in synaptic15:02
petsoundsUbuntuN00B, to get information about your video card.15:02
pav5088Is there any way to upgrade a 32bit system to 64bit?  I'm having a problem with a KVM virtualisation bug which is a problem only on a 32bit userspace running on an AMD64 processor.15:02
UbuntuN00BI type it into terminal?15:02
jpdspav5088: No, I think reinstall is the only option.15:02
coolkehonthe problem is that i have an encrypted system that needs  kernel command line args so that the kernel knows where the  luks encrypted partition is. but when i do update-grub it  includes the kernels by default in /boot but i need custom  args. also how will grub2 work with dual boot 2 linux  distros that both have grub2 installed ?15:03
petsoundsUbuntuN00B, yes. open a terminal and type                     lspci | grep -i vga15:03
PiciI'm done for now.  Sorry again.15:03
Pelopav5088, you can'T upgrade that way , you need ot reinstall , but it you have your /home on a seperate partiton that should be easy enougth,  you can probabloy also use get-selection to save a list of all your packages for a one command reinstall of your appl afterwards15:03
petsoundsPici, good job :-)15:03
PeloPici, thank you ...15:03
redspikehi all, i ahve some problems with my ubuntu 8.04 xen installation. i want to install a ubuntu 9.10 dumU  but what i can read on the net 9.10 request kernel 2.6.31> so can i find kernel 2.6.31 for 8.04 ? need it to start my new 9.10 domus15:04
usr13I'm trying to uninstall old kernels. I use command: ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-*  to see what kernels I still have left.  I see linux-image-2.6.20-15 and a couple others but when I try to delete them, I get error:   Couldn't find package linux-image-2.6.20-15*  See: http://pastebin.com/faac27c515:04
pav5088Pelo and jpds : Thanks for the info...  *sighs*  perhaps I'll just have to bite the bullet.15:04
coolkehonthe problem is that i have an encrypted system that needs  kernel command line args so that the kernel knows where the  luks encrypted partition is. but when i do update-grub it  includes the kernels by default in /boot but i need custom  args. also how will grub2 work with dual boot 2 linux  distros that both have grub2 installed ?15:04
UbuntuN00Bthanks but neither your way or the other guys way told me the actual MB's only the card name.15:04
Pelopav5088, you have little choice15:04
epinkyUbuntuN00B: what info do you need?15:06
UbuntuN00Bso do I need to install this "lshw-gtk" for a GUI?15:06
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: have you tried out 'lshw-gtk'?15:06
onetinsoldieryes.. you need to install it15:06
ThreetimesHi, I want to buy a laptop with a "Multi Gesture pad". Can I use it in Ubuntu? The laptop is a Packard Bell Easynote TR87 DT-02915:07
APERSONThreetimes, that's all handled by drivers15:07
UbuntuN00Bkk I have to wait cause Ubuntu is updating like 200+mb's right now lol15:07
onetinsoldierroger, hehe15:07
ThreetimesAPERSON: you're sure it will work? where will it work?15:08
UbuntuN00Bquestion after updating if I click the upgrade to 9.10 will that affect anything from 9.04?15:08
usr13Here is what I have http://pastebin.com/f8b7ae0515:08
APERSONThreetimes, all handled by drivers: ie, the gesture support is limited to the operating system that comes with the laptop15:08
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: you're runnning 9.04? i don't think you want to upgrade to 9.1015:09
marcelohi, I having problems to connect to the internet. When I click the small network icon on upper right corner there is no eth0 connected is this normal? What is happening?15:09
UbuntuN00Blol kk, 9.10 that bad huh?15:09
ThreetimesIt wil come with Vista, but I'll install ubuntu instead (duh!)15:09
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: if you want 9.10, i recommend installing it from scratch15:09
UbuntuN00Bahh alright15:09
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: you're welcome to try an upgrade to it, but it's just that i would recommend an install from scratch15:10
jointmanNikki Ventura.15:10
Pelomarcelo, clean install ? i had a similar problem at one point I needed to disable ipv6 in the network comf15:10
UbuntuN00Bfunny story is I tried 9.10 from scratch but it kept freezing at 98% so I decided to try 9.04 and it worked15:10
epinkymarcelo: "sudo ifconfig -a" ,is eth0 available?15:10
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: ahhh, roger that15:10
UbuntuN00Bso I didn't know if ince I naly got ubuntu on here if trying to go from 9.04 to 9.10 would pose a problem15:11
UbuntuN00Bsorry wireless keyboard didnt pick up some letters lol15:11
IdleOne!upgrade | UbuntuN00B15:12
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: hard to say. how well a dist-upgrades goes, can vary pretty wildy15:12
marceloepinky, This is the output http://codepad.org/BHrSULHu15:12
marceloPelo, I do no remember of any error message during installation ...15:12
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: i will say, if you want to try a dist-upgrade, the best time to try it is right after a fresh install of the version below it15:13
UbuntuN00Bmaybe I'll swap HDD's and try on a spare first15:13
ThreetimesHi, I want to buy a laptop with a "Multi Gesture pad". Can I use it in Ubuntu? What gestures will work? The laptop is a Packard Bell Easynote TR87 DT-02915:13
some_guy_at_workPackard Bell?!15:13
some_guy_at_workYou mean HP15:13
Threetimessome_guy_at_work: I mean Packard Bell15:13
onetinsoldierlooked like a Netpsplit15:14
IdleOneUbuntuN00B: it's a netsplit, nothing to be worried about15:14
UbuntuN00BI have no idea how irc works lol15:14
Pelomarcelo, it doesn'T show as a problem during install, it just enables ipv6 and that's a problem when you get to trying to connect,  just go in the network manager thingy look around and if you see ipv6 enabled uncheck it or someting15:14
devuntI'll go to bad now15:14
sporediif one person is fixing my system remotely using ssh  how do i find what command /what he is using15:14
devuntit's 12:14 am15:14
PeloUbuntuN00B, not a good time to learn,  this network is  under attach15:14
BluesKajHi folks15:14
epinkymarcelo: so, eth0 is there but it's not configured15:15
onetinsoldiersporedi: been a long time.. but i think the 'who' command15:15
UbuntuN00BI know but the lingo of netsplit had me in curiosity haha15:15
sporediyes i check with who it only give ip15:15
onetinsoldiersporedi: try to talk to him... use the 'wall' command, hehe15:16
marceloepinky, I do not know how to configure it manually ... could guide me on that?15:16
llutzsporedi: "w"15:16
ki4cgpsporedi: who command will tell you who is logged into your system.  You might also be able to get constant updates with the "top" command15:16
ThreetimesHi, I want to buy a laptop with a "Multi Gesture pad". Can I use it in Ubuntu? What gestures will work? The laptop is a Packard Bell Easynote TR87 DT-02915:16
some_guy_at_work...packard bell15:16
UbuntuN00Bthis is one irc question I think is good to know cause I have no idea but how do you reply to someone like you reply to me in another color?15:16
epinkymarcelo: sure, you need some info like, ip address default getway and DNS if you need it15:17
MyrttiUbuntuN00B: prefix the message with their nickname15:17
onetinsoldiersporedi: ok, maybe it's not the who command. i'll try to keep looking for the command. ask the question again. maybe someone else knows15:17
MyrttiUbuntuN00B: it's called hilighting someone15:17
=== AnAnt_ is now known as AnAnt
Threetimessome_guy_at_work: I don't care what you think about any brand, so please say something more useful...15:17
IdleOneUbuntuN00B: strart by typing the first few letters of their name and hit the tab key to complete. that will highlight them15:17
UbuntuN00BIdleOne Hi15:18
MASARUwotaThreetimes: it wont, as ubuntu doesnt have support for that15:18
UbuntuN00Bthat work>15:18
IdleOneUbuntuN00B: that worked15:18
some_guy_at_workok.. Packard Bell is Acer15:18
MASARUwotaThreetimes: also, keybindings are way more usefull then using a mouse :/15:18
UbuntuN00Boh i figured it would look like it on mine too haha15:18
IdleOnesome_guy_at_work: be helpful please15:18
navatwoMy panels are constantly erroring and wont let me touch them.I do not know the error, but it has something todo with just setting up a dual monitor15:18
ThreetimesMASARUwota: thanks. But multi-gestures are fun (i think...)15:18
MASARUwotaThreetimes: :/15:19
llutzUbuntuN00B: colors depend on your irc-client15:19
MASARUwotaits a hipster "apple"-ish thing to implement. imo15:19
ki4cgpWow, the bot is fast.  K-lined already15:19
marceloepinky, I really do not know how to gather this information ... what should I do?15:19
Threetimeski4cgp: Why is ozixsrgc k-lined?15:20
MyrttiThreetimes: spam attack15:20
hareshhello how to mount my cd rom driver15:20
UbuntuN00Bllutz I'm on some gogloom.com site15:20
navatwoMy panels are constantly erroring and wont let me touch them.I do not know the error, but it has something todo with just setting up a dual monitor. Restarting gdm and restarting the computer as a whole did not work.15:20
Threetimesoh... Spam sux15:20
MyrttiThreetimes: do not click the link it sent to you, or you become a spammer15:20
MASARUwotanavatwo: so its a GNOME problem?15:20
epinkymarcelo: do you have any other operational computer nearby?, if yes get the info from it15:21
navatwoI think so15:21
ThreetimesMyrtti: sure? I use opera on ubuntu, not IE on windows?!15:21
MyrttiThreetimes: yes.15:21
epinkymarcelo: are you on Ubuntu at this moment?15:21
APERSONIt doesn't matter the browser15:21
marceloepinky, no I do not. unfortunately.15:21
marceloepinky, yes15:21
ki4cgpMyrtti, That is good advice pretty much anywhere15:21
ThreetimesAnd i didn't see any link, but how should this link work?15:22
APERSONif you click the link, you are at risk to getting k-lined15:22
epinkymarcelo: so I suppose eth1 is the interface plugged, right?15:22
AnAntPelo: thanks, will look into those15:22
marceloepinky, yes15:22
Norse_Nemonoob question, what is K-lined?15:22
MyrttiNorse_Nemo: banned from the whole network15:22
APERSONa ban from the server15:22
Norse_Nemonot good15:22
hareshhello how to mount my cd rom drive15:23
navatwoMy panels are constantly erroring and wont let me touch them.I do not know the error, but it has something todo with just setting up a dual monitor. Restarting gdm and restarting the computer as a whole did not work.15:23
MASARUwotaharesh: it should do it automaticly15:23
Norse_Nemoharesh: what version of Ubuntu are you using?15:23
UbuntuN00Bcan't you get around a ban with a proxy or ip changer?15:23
sporediif one person is fixing my system remotely using ssh  how do i find what command /what he is using  who w doesnt show what he is doing15:23
MASARUwotanavatwo: how about reinstalling ubuntu-desktop15:23
hareshthe leatest15:23
hareshbut when i clikc on my cd rom drive it dose not shows15:24
MyrttiUbuntuN00B: that's a topic I'd rather not see discussed here15:24
marceloepinky, I have just installed 9.10 it worked just fine with 9.0415:24
epinkymarcelo:  then just plug the other interface and you'll have eth0 configured, you'll lose connection one moment, eth0 will replace eth115:24
CAPcapok so im new to irc... i cant figure out how to register on freenode... i cant tell where im supposed to do this stuff.... can anyone explain it? i feel like an idiot. im also new to ubuntu which doesnt help T_T15:24
IdleOneUbuntuN00B: yes, but that is against the freenode rules and wrong15:24
Norse_Nemoharesh: it should show up in the places menu15:24
llutzsporedi: always use a shared screen session for such things. never let anyone work on your computer you don't know/trust15:24
hareshdi know15:24
MyrttiCAPcap: /msg nickserv help register15:24
hareshbut when i clikc on it it dose not open and give a error saying that its not mounted15:24
CAPcapdo i type that?15:24
MASARUwotaCAPcap: yes15:25
IdleOneCAPcap: yes15:25
epinkymarcelo: unplug eth1 and plug the other interface15:25
Norse_Nemoharesh: is there somthing unusual about the CD?15:25
CAPcapwhere :(15:25
PiciCAPcap: Please see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup   further regustration help is available in #freenode15:25
IdleOneCAPcap: best would be in the Server tab of your client15:25
Ziberwhen i do dist-upgrade, is it normal for "updating man" to take a very long time?15:25
Norse_Nemoharesh: have you tried other CDs?15:25
onetinsoldierZiber: that can be normal.. yes. how long is it taking?15:25
Ziberonetinsoldier: so far about 10 mins15:26
hareshtis the same15:26
onetinsoldierZiber: roger... that's quite a while. i'd be starting to wonder too15:26
Ziberonetinsoldier: kinda dont want to ctrl+c it, but at the same time... its a bit strange15:27
IdleOneZiber: wait another 10 minutes, give it a chance, you don't want to stop a dist-upgrade mid process.15:27
marceloepinky, sorry, but I do not know how to do it . But it must be plugged , I was using the pc yesterday normally, I did not unplugged anything ...15:27
onetinsoldierZiber: what IdleOne said.. give it some more time before interrupting it15:27
ZiberIdleOne: yeah, okay15:27
ravengerPelo: i is not working15:28
epinkymarcelo: working with eth1 will be just fine, don't worry about eth015:29
ravengerPelo: is there anyother alternative15:29
hareshhello help me ps15:29
UbuntuN00BI'm at a DOS looking screen and it like failed to load up and it says (initramfs) _15:29
IdleOneharesh: help with what?15:29
hareshmount my cd rom drive15:29
Peloravenger, you can try and remove the driver you installed , but I don'T know what proceedure you should follow, sorry,15:29
Peloravenger, maybe you should look in to a way to reset your netbook to it's facory settings15:30
marceloepinky, well I would like to fix this .15:30
ravengerPelo: the other os vista is working fine15:30
ravengerPelo: except the linux15:30
Peloravenger, reinstall linux then ,15:30
Peloravenger, it's not an elegant solution but it will work15:31
Franoculatoron 9.10, where would I place a script that I want to run when I suspend to RAM?15:31
Pelolater folks15:32
epinkymarcelo: "sudo lspci -v"15:32
ravengerPelo: by installing the linux again will the data get lost15:32
UbuntuN00BI have a big problem15:32
jericoIs there a command line program for backing up to a USB drive or should I look into creating a shell script?15:32
ravengerpelo:i have some data important on that partition15:33
Norse_Nemoubuntun00b: whats up15:33
alz3abij #linuxac15:33
alz3abijoin #linuxac15:33
marceloepinky, http://codepad.org/4J6Hejsh15:33
UbuntuN00BI tried to update everything for Ubuntu 9.04 and it froze with just a sliver left so I coldbooted the computer15:33
ebannistercan anyone tell me the best way to learn BASH scripting?15:34
UbuntuN00BNorse_Nemo now after it tries to load from HDD and gets past the Ubuntu splash screen Im pressented with busybox15:34
arvind_khadri!bash | ebannister15:34
Franoculatorebannister: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/15:35
ebannistergreat! thanks!  I'll give it a try!15:35
onetinsoldierebannister: there's probably a lot of tutorials on the net. there's the room #bash on many irc networks. a good book by Wrox is 'Begininng Linux Programming'15:35
erUSULebannister: /j #bash see topic ?15:35
llutzjerico: sudo tar --one-file-system cf /media/usbstick/backup-$(date +'%Y%M%d').tar /etc /home15:35
jericollutz: Thanks!15:36
UbuntuN00BNorse_Nemo I think the failed update corrupted my Ubuntu now it wont load and Im stuck in BusyBox15:36
epinkymarcelo: you have 2 Gigabit Ethernet controllers15:36
llutzjerico: "-cf" missed the -15:36
jericollutz: k15:36
Norse_Nemoubuntun00b: gimme one sec you may have missed an important package15:37
epinkymarcelo: if you want to fix then  then unplug your current connection(the cable) and connect the cable to the other interface, just that, you'll lose connection one moment, but you'll be online after a seconds15:37
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: so, you freeze on trying to install 9.10.. right? now your system froze when trying to update 9.04 after it was freshly installed? is that right? if i were you.. i'd run Memtest on your system15:37
Ffunk74Hi there! I have a little problem (all work fine for some months): When I login via gdm X server reboots, it takes 2-3 times to login without rebooting. I use Xubuntu 9.10, nVidia 7600 card with proprietary driver. Here is my Xorg.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/356619/15:38
UbuntuN00Bno didn't update to 9.10 just updated major updates it was like 200+mb's15:38
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: ok, so you've never tried to install 9.10?15:39
Ziberstill just sitting there... and i gotta go. bbl.15:39
jac0havin problems with ma bluetooth...its kinda nat paring wit ma phone..i did a lil digging and it need sumn like passkey agent..help how do i get it workin?15:39
navatwoanyone know what applet has the logout user switch shutdown and stuff in gnome?15:40
navatwoMines disappeared.15:40
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: earlier, i thought you said your system froze when you tried to install 9.10, therefore, you decided to go with 9.0415:40
grawitynavatwo: "Fast user switch"?15:40
navatwoits been uninstalled15:40
jac0havin problems with ma bluetooth...its kinda nat paring wit ma phone..i did a lil digging and it need sumn like passkey agent..help how do i get it workin?15:41
H2NutHi, anybody got Wammu working with Nokia 5800 ?15:41
Norse_Nemoubuntun00b: can you get to a separate terminal CTRL+ALT+F2 when you are stuck in the Bsuy Box?15:41
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier yes and then I tried to install updates like safy updates and such and it froze durring installing the updates right at the end of updating15:41
UbuntuN00Blet me try15:41
MyrttiH2Nut: in general phones >s60v2 do not work with it15:42
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier now it brought me to a single blinking line the underscore line15:42
hareshwhy after installing any windows stuff it will be laggy to open the menu15:42
samlhey, where is windows shared folders mounted?15:43
navatwoi've lost fast-user-switch-applet, anyone know how to get it back? Its not in the repos15:43
jac0havin problems with ma bluetooth...its kinda nat paring wit ma phone..i did a lil digging and it need sumn like passkey agent..help how do i get it workin?15:43
samlI see an icon in Desktop.. but ls ~/Desktop   is empty15:43
erUSULsaml: ~/.gvfs/15:43
samlerUSUL, ah thanks15:43
Norse_Nemoubuntun00b: try CTRL+ALT+F3 and press enter15:43
H2NutThanks Myrtti!15:43
H2Nutany workarounds/other apps?15:44
UbuntuN00BNorse_Nemo one second I need to restart again.15:44
MyrttiH2Nut: depending on what do you want to do with wammu. There's some tools one can install in the phone, some tools that might work in Ubuntu etc.15:44
marcelo_epinky, It wasn't able to stabilish a connection on eth0 some came back to eth1, if it is not a problem at all I will keep it this way.15:45
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Norse_Nemoubuntun00b: np let me know when you are ready15:45
jac0anyone who can sort out ma bluetooth device issue?15:45
papulwhat is the command to change workspaces on fluxbox?15:45
UbuntuN00BNorse_Nemo nope brings me to the same blank screen with one blinking line15:46
arvind_khadrijac0, if you ask15:46
H2NutMyrtti: ok thanks.15:46
macopapul: i think it's alt with numbers15:46
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: if you are having freeze issues when trying to install linux, especially in two different versions of Ubuntu(9.04 and 9.10), then i think you should run Memtest86+ to test your system for stability15:46
AkkernightWhy do my Visual Effects in Apperance default to none?15:46
macopapul: like alt+1 for workspace 1, alt+2 for workspace 215:46
epinkymarcelo_: have you ever(before upgrade) configured IP's, default gateway and other stuff ?15:46
INV4D5Rall hi15:46
marcelo_epinky, no, never. I have no background on this stuff ...15:47
onetinsoldierAkkernight: weak video card? old system? perhaps you need a proprietary driver for your vid card if it's not old and weak15:47
Norse_Nemoubuntun00b: sry if I cant get you to a terminal, its above my level. Your best bet is to reinstall15:47
papulmaco, doesnt work15:47
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier how do I do that if I can't even log onto Ubuntu?15:47
arvind_khadrijac0, please dont pm, ask here, there will be someone who can help you15:47
Akkernightonetinsoldier, No I can set the Visual Effects to high, but everytime I start it's back on none15:47
macopapul: try ctrl or super (windows, apple, sun's diamond, whatever) then, maybe?15:47
papuljac0, whats ur prob man?15:47
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: when you fire up the Installer CD, there's an option to run Memtest before installing15:48
epinkymarcelo_: then I suppose you've got those addresses on eth1 from some DHCP? do you have a DHCP server/router?15:48
onetinsoldierAkkernight: oh, roger. hmmm, i don't know15:48
jac0papul, am havin a problem pairing up with ma phone..15:48
INV4D5Rsomeone we can discover the password for that e-mail me??15:48
INV4D5Rif someone can let me know15:48
alz3abiany body can help with this please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138096515:48
Norse_Nemoakkernight: I have had a similar problem, it turns out compiz was overiding that setting15:48
AkkernightNorse_Nemo, how do I fix that?15:49
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier kk let me look15:49
jac0papul, i did a lil digging and found out that it needs a passkey-agent how do i compile it..am rily stuck..15:49
Norse_Nemoakkernight: either use compiz to use desktop twaeking or uninstall it, I recommend using compiz15:49
Norse_Nemoakkernight: youll want to install the settings manager for compiz though15:50
AkkernightNorse_Nemo, compiz is that desktop cube thing isn't it?15:50
marcelo_epinky, no, after installing ubuntu yesterday I just installed apache server mysql and some other packages that I suppose have nothing to do with this issue ...15:50
Norse_Nemoakkernight: yeas it is, but it does alot more and is highly customizable15:50
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier its running the test right now15:50
epinkymarcelo_: yesterday you had eth0 working?15:51
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: roger15:51
jac0anyone who knows how to workaround with passkey-agents....15:51
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: let it run a while. like 20-30 minutes15:51
BlessJahno sound input, ubuntu 9.04, audio card - nVidia Corporation MCP78S [GeForce 8200] High Definition Audio15:51
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier yeah I noticed its taking a while15:52
marcelo_epinky, I do not remember, but when I was using 9.04 I had eth0 working ...15:52
Otacon22How can i check the expire time of a CA certificate?15:52
Norse_Nemoakkernight: if you want to use compiz you will want to install python-compizconfig15:52
obiwan_ay guys, 1 ques: how can i remove a name off keyserver.ubuntu.com?15:53
brokendiskhello, is anybody familiar with ddrescue?15:53
Norse_Nemobrokendisk: I am a little15:54
brokendiski am trying to restore my disk in two runs. after i read the manpage i think i will first try: ddrescue -n /dev/old_disk /dev/new_disk /mnt/usb-stick/rescued.log  -- second: ddrescue -r -1 /dev/old_disk /dev/new_disk /mnt/usb-stick/rescued.log15:54
brokendiskis this reasonable?15:54
epinkymarcelo_: then don't worry, eth1 is fully operational, using eth0 or eth1 is indifferent15:54
marcelo_epinky, Ok, I am grateful for your help.15:55
epinkymarcelo: you're welcome :)15:55
brokendiskand how could i create fat partition on my usb stick? fdisk doesn't seem to offer a choice and always creates "linux" partitions15:56
Norse_Nemobrokendisk: looks about right but If i remember corectly you can just us -nr rather then -n then -r15:56
brokendiski put an usb stick in and there were like 20 paritions on it, all broken, although it worked on a windows machine, sort of strange15:56
areayis there a way of getting rid of the user selection at login in karmic?15:56
Norse_Nemobrokendisk: use cfdisk15:56
UbuntuN00BonetinsoldierI've been up for so long yawnnn, I'm afraid I'll crash before I finish this but worried if I'd get such good help later lol15:56
brokendiskNorse_Nemo: but i want two runs, first save the good things fast, then try the hard parts thoroughly15:57
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: lol15:57
brokendiskNorse_Nemo: ok thanks, what does the c stand for?15:57
Akkernightwhat to type in terminal to open up compizconfig-settings-manager?15:57
Norse_Nemobrokendisk: c for certainly something I dont know15:57
guitar-maniacHello! i have a problem with Java, i cant get the command import java.util.Scanner working.. says it cannot be resolved..? my Java is on version 1.6..15:58
onetinsoldierAkkernight: try to find it with the following command --> dpkg -L compizconfig-settings-manager | grep bin15:58
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier what exactly is the difference between Ubuntu and Linux?15:58
Peteinhi. i have ubuntu 9.10 and i had win vista before upgrading to win 7. the boot loader is gone. how can i bring it back?15:58
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: Linux is a generic term. Ubuntu is a specific distributions. there are 'many' different distribution(distro's).15:59
onetinsoldierUbuntu is a specific distribution*.16:00
brokendiskhey how can i create a fat partition on an usb stick16:00
jac0jeeez am rily stuck anyone who can help me out...tryna to pair up wit ma phone...how do i get passkey-agent workin...help :-(16:00
Norse_Nemobrokendisk: cfdisk not working?16:00
brokendiskNorse_Nemo: no :(16:00
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier the GUI or structur the same?16:00
BlessJahbrokendisk: gparted16:00
llutzbrokendisk: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdXY16:00
Norse_Nemobrokendisk: are you using 9.10 or 9.4 and do you have gnome?16:01
brokendiskllutz: it will transform any partition to fat?16:01
jac0jeeez am rily stuck anyone who can help me out...tryna pair up wit ma phone...how do i get passkey-agent workin...help :-(16:01
brokendiskNorse_Nemo: i am using scommnd line mode16:01
llutzbrokendisk: it just will create a vfat fs16:01
BlessJahinput not working on 9.04 (nVidia MCP78S, geforce 8200 High Definition Audio)16:01
Akkernightok, I turned on the desktop cube effect, how do I try it?16:01
brokendiskllutz: is that exactlyu what i want?16:02
BluesKajAkkernight, alt+f1116:02
Norse_Nemoakkernight: it depends on what keys are bond to it16:02
BlessJahAkkernight: check keys in compiz settings16:02
Norse_Nemoakkernight mine are CTRL+ALT+Drag mouse click16:02
jac0jeeez am rily stuck anyone who can help me out...tryna pair up wit ma phone...how do i get passkey-agent workin...help :-(16:02
llutzbrokendisk: in dos/windows-terms spoken: format an usb-stick, yes16:02
brokendiskllutz: and why is the formerly perfect disk recoganized with countless broken partitions?16:03
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: i would say that no one runs just 'Linux'... you need to download and install a 'distro'. however, it wouldn't be true to say that, because you can install LFS, Linux From Scratch. LFS is not a distro. you don't download pre-compiled packages all packaged up in a package manager format. instead, you download the source code for everything and compile from source, for everything16:03
brokendiskthe usb stick*16:03
BluesKajoops Akkernight if you use desktop effects , it's ctrl+f1116:03
jac0jeeez am rily stuck anyone who can help me out...tryna pair up wit ma phone...how do i get passkey-agent workin...help :-(16:03
llutzbrokendisk: has it been in superfloppy format (no partitions at all, fdisk shows 4 corrupted partitions)?16:03
djtoastHi, was wondering is NVIDIA still has the best linux support or ATI is in the game now?16:03
AkkernightBluesKaj, nothing happens. BlessJah can't find anything with keys16:04
Norse_Nemodjtoast: Nvidia still has the edge16:04
brokendiskllutz: it was one working partition before, not sure what, fat probably16:04
jac0o.k then...16:04
Cyberthunderi think nvidia, i dont have infos that ati support linux16:04
geniidjtoast: I agree with Norse_Nemo on the Nvidia16:04
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier sounds complicated Ubuntu seems like its probably more user freindly esspecialy for a person who only knows PC's and very well might I add :)16:04
llutzbrokendisk: and, what have you done with it?16:04
BluesKajdjtoast, I have nvidia , but there are some probs that ati isn't having16:04
djtoastI read that they have support for linux in their drivers now.. so i was wondering..16:04
brokendiskllutz: just put it in and fdisk -l and countless errrors and strange partition errors16:04
Norse_Nemodjtoast: they do but Nvidia keeps theirs more feaue rich and up 2 date16:05
brokendiskjust a sec, will format it with the windows machine to fat16:05
djtoastI c.. so ATI wouldnt have more features..16:05
llutzbrokendisk: are you sure there was a partition before? superfloppy uses the whole device, that works too16:05
brokendiski dont know what superfloppy is, doubt it was used16:06
Norse_Nemodjtoast depends on a lot of things, mostly the card you are using, but If I was to buy top o the line for a linux box I would go with vidia16:06
llutzbrokendisk: windows uses it for removable-media16:06
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: yes, LFS is somewhat complicated. to get it installed, you need a linux installation first! which really means that you have to choose a linux distro and install it to even begin to get started with LFS.16:06
Norse_Nemobrokendisk: SuperFloppy = 120 mb floppy drive16:06
llutzNorse_Nemo: wrong16:07
brokendiski think it was fat or fat3216:07
Norse_Nemollutz: really?16:07
geniibrokendisk: Superfloppy was a disk that could take regular 1.44 but also 120Mb discs16:07
brokendiskwould it display as "superfloppy" in the windows dialog?16:07
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier lol sounds like back peddleing16:07
brokendiskgenii: i doubt it is that...16:07
llutzbrokendisk: nope16:07
brokendiskllutz: but as?16:07
llutzbrokendisk: you won't see any difference to partitioned media16:08
brokendiskanyway, formatted it as fat now, lets see16:08
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: not really. LFS is as bleeding edge as you can get.16:08
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: so no errors yet from memtest?16:09
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier I didn't mean dumbing down I just meant the meathod to install it seems like you need to install something before you install it then I take it uninstall the original to just have LFS in the end.16:10
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: roger. yeah, it is in that sense16:10
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier 47% and no errors so far16:10
brokendiskwow this is sick. again: "this does not look like a partition table, are you sure you selected the correct device?" and then spits like 20 partitions with unknown file systsems and errors16:10
llutzNorse_Nemo: genii what you mean is "superdisk", super floppy format is just another way to use media without creating partitions16:10
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: roger. sorry you are having freezing issues. how new is your system?16:10
brokendiskwill try a different stick maybe16:11
Norse_Nemollutz: gotcha, thanks for the clear up16:11
tawdso i downloaded google chrome for ubuntu 9.10 64, and i went to the facebook game restaurant city, and a minute later my 2gigs of ram were full and so was my 1gig of swap.  anyone else had any similar experience?16:11
geniillutz: Ah, yes16:11
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: roger. sorry you are having freezing issues. how new is your system?16:12
duxHallo,ich hab da mal eine Frage! Mein Bildschirm flackert.Woran liegt das?16:12
llutz!de | dux16:12
Pici!de | dux16:12
Picidux: #ubuntu-de16:12
duxok thanks16:12
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier not very thats why I wanted to play around with it and get rid of Windows on it not to mention I don't think the windows on it was legal to begin with so this was a good alternative. its an AMD 2400 and has 512mb Ram and an ATI 9550 GPU.16:12
BlessJahAkkernight: /216:12
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: roger16:13
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UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier I'm pretty sure I meat the requirments.16:13
macoUbuntuN00B: but do you fish the requirements? *ducks*16:13
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier I mean it was working at one point lol16:13
UbuntuN00Bmaco lol huh?16:14
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: yeah, you should be fine. i don't know why you'd be having freezing up issues. that usually is indicative of a hardware issue though16:14
areayis there a way of getting rid of the user selection at login in karmic? so you type the username i mean...16:14
Yanick_hi. I just tried to change my Ubuntu server 9.10 network settings from DHCP to static, and no the server won,t boot. It's stuck at "init: network-interface (eth0) post-stop process (662) terminated with status 1" ... same thing in recovery mode... how can I boot my server and fix this?16:14
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier well it might be the same reason windows was freezing as well :/16:15
mtaftmHey guys i need help x] my java is playing up :/16:15
macoUbuntuN00B: was a joke since you said "meat"16:15
onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: yep. i'm sure it is16:15
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier I'm just trying to salvage the PC and not spend anything on it.16:15
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onetinsoldierUbuntuN00B: i have to leave for several minutes. be back after a bit... good luck16:16
UbuntuN00Bmaco lol yeah "meat"16:16
mtaftmCan anyone help me with java :/16:16
rougedemonYanick_: Can you boot from a CD and edit the /etc/network/interfaces files manually?16:16
UbuntuN00Bonetinsoldier kk thanks16:16
defryskareay, gdmsetup16:16
Norse_Nemoyanick: did you modify the internface script yourself?16:16
Yanick_rougedemon, I hoped you wouldn't say that :)16:17
Yanick_Norse_Nemo, ya16:17
Yanick_Norse_Nemo, is there a tool to do that for me?16:18
Norse_Nemoyanick: yeah one sec16:18
Norse_Nemoyanick: you are running server correct?16:18
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llutzYanick_: nano/vi is the tool of choice for that16:19
mtaftmCan anyone help ?!?!?!?!16:19
Yanick_Norse_Nemo, yes16:19
Yanick_Norse_Nemo, that's what I said :)16:19
Gnea!java | mtaftm16:20
Yanick_llutz, heh. yes. indeed, and this is why I'm in trouble right now16:20
abe3khi guys, is there any way of returning only the current IP address for the running machine from the terminal ?16:20
Norse_Nemoyanick: network-admin16:20
mtaftmGnea: yeh i go on this chat room to talk to my mates and now it aint working :16:20
kahenis there a way to get the old behaviour of update-manager back where it puts an icon in the top panel? because i'm sick and effing tired of missing updates because the window pops up below whatever i'm working with16:20
Yanick_Norse_Nemo, as soon as I can recuperate my shell, I'll do just that16:20
Gneamtaftm: the chat itself has been experiencing a lot of problems lately16:20
UbuntuN00Banyone running Ubuntu on a PS3?16:21
BluesKajYanick_,in the terminal , eth0=static , then restart with sudo dhclient eth016:21
PurplecatWhat d you need to know ubuntunoob ?16:21
Yanick_BluesKaj, yeah, except that I can't get into the shell, I can't see my fs from a boot cd, trying to find out where it is and mount it16:21
mtaftmGnea: not this chatroom another one, im just having problems runing java :/16:21
Gneamtaftm: at this point, I wouldn't recommend using java for irc, but perhaps something like irssi or xchat16:22
BluesKajYanick_, ok sorry , didn't see that part16:22
llutzYanick_: sudo su; fdisk -l   from live-cd16:22
macman_is anyone here using a commandline email client ?16:22
mtaftmGnea: never mind might go back to windows lol16:22
raul_how can I know if a process is running?16:22
llutzmacman_: me, mutt16:22
UbuntuN00Bif I was to install Ubuntu on my PS3 if I could us the PSX emulator and use the PS3 controller and play PS1 games.16:22
BlessJahinput not workind on 9.04 (MCP78S [GeForce 8200] High Definition Audio)16:22
BluesKajYanick_, can't drop to a tty ?16:22
Gneamtaftm: well, the bot has some useful information for fixing java, but it's just not here right now16:23
Purplecatraul, the top command shows you the running proscesses…16:23
Yanick_llutz, fdisk is not a known command16:23
macman_llutz: can i pm or do you mind helping me set it up i already have 1 email account working .. i just need to setup a second one with hooks so i can send and receieve from that one16:23
bonjour-910-64bonjour  , hello  , perdu !! lost !16:23
Yanick_BluesKaj, nope, it stops at the network init16:23
VCoolioabe3k: pre_exec wget http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp -O - 2> /dev/null16:23
llutzYanick_: /sbin/fdisk -l16:23
VCoolioabe3k: wget http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp -O - 2> /dev/null16:23
neohashiah man.. why is it that every upgrade destroys something? :P (went from 9.04 to 9.10) blender stopped working amongs other things.. like compiling ogre projects16:24
Yanick_llutz, /sbin/fdisk not found16:24
PurplecatUbuntuNOOB > PSX emulators are not that great on powerPC…16:24
abe3kVCoolio : is there any way of getting the local network ip ?16:24
llutzmacman_: better ask in #mutt16:24
raul_Purplecat: my aMSN had a problem. it is not responding. I used "top", but I didn't find the aMSN running there... it is kind of messy...16:24
Norse_Nemoyanick: are you using ubuntu live cd?16:24
llutzYanick_: what kind of live-cd are you using?16:24
Yanick_llutz, yes16:24
macman_llutz: there dead 0_o16:24
areaydefrysk, gdmsetup only gives me the option to log in as a user automatically, or select one from a list... it's been completely changed... :(16:24
abe3kVCoolio : I want to assign it to something like $ip16:24
mtaftmactually whats the linux OS?16:25
grawityabe3k: ip="$( command)"16:25
llutzYanick_: _what kind_ of live-cd are you using?16:25
mtaftmthe best one that will work with 512mb of ram16:25
kaheni'm running with the bottom panel set to autohide and i basically _NEVER_ see that there are updates available to install unless i SSH into this machine... whoever decided to do away with the icon showing that updates are available is bleeping braindead16:25
Yanick_llutz, Ubuntu Server 9.10 64-bit edition16:25
llutzYanick_: even on live-cd there should be fdisk and some usefull tools16:25
grawitymtaftm: There's no such thing as "the Linux OS"... but, take a look at Arch if you want something lightweight.16:25
Yanick_llutz, well, there's not16:25
grawitymtaftm: Actually, I think Xubuntu would work fine for you too.16:25
Norse_Nemomtaftm: you should not have a problem running most linux distros on 512 megs16:25
neohashiblender problem: libdirectfb-1.0.so.0 not found.. though I have it according to synaptic <- do I really have to uninstall this package? (got alot of packages that will die with it)16:26
blakkheimkahen: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade16:26
PurplecatRaul_ > aMSN relies on JAVA, it use a lot of power… You should try empathy or pidgin… ;)16:26
llutzYanick_: ls -l /dev/sd??16:26
grawitymtaftm: I've used Ubuntu (the one with GNOME) on 256 MB, worked.16:26
Norse_Nemomtaftm: I agree with grawity16:26
MASARUwotaRaul_: use emesene16:26
blakkheimmtaftm: xubuntu is still very bloated16:26
PurplecatRaul_ > Yeah eMeSeNe is grat too ^^16:26
kahenblakkheim: i KNOW how to update thank you very much... just update-manager that's retarded after it was changed in 9.1016:26
EnigmatorYanick_ are you using grub ?16:27
mtaftmwell im using ubuntu and its very slow :/16:27
MASARUwotamtaftm: use a light distribution. im running minimal debian with awesomewm here. on a 5year old laptop. =)16:27
blakkheimkahen: if you know how then why are you complaining? why do you need a gui for it if you know how to actually do it?16:27
hsa2is it necessary to install from cd everytime ubuntu releases a new version?16:27
Yanick_llutz, alright, I mounted the fs16:27
vuln[studying]Hi. I would like to share my 3g connection with other pcs at my home. I'm using Ubuntu, any tips?16:27
erUSULhsa2: no you can upgrade16:27
erUSUL!upgrade | hsa216:28
kahenblakkheim: because you know... actually being notified when there are updates is kinda nice16:28
VCoolioabe3k: ah, abe3k don't know, use grep and awk on ifconfig to echo network ip if there is no direcht command for it16:28
Norse_Nemohsa2: no you can upgrade via the internet16:28
hsa2erUSUL: but is it the same from installing from cd?16:28
raul_Purplecat, MASARUwota: thanks!16:28
kaheninstead of just a window popping up which i never see16:28
blakkheimkahen: setup a cron job16:28
mtaftmMASARUwota: whats a light distribution how do you run it on minaml mate16:28
hsa2i mean, bootscreen, logon screen changes on version16:28
blakkheim!mini > mtaftm16:28
erUSULhsa2: it is not the same; you keep the installed packages an all the configurations ;)16:28
llutzYanick_: edit /mountpoint/etc/network/interfaces16:28
mtaftmubuntu mini ?! never heard of it16:28
abe3kVCoolio : so I have to make a scrip to filter the output of ifconfig then ?16:28
vuln[studying]Hi. I would like to share my 3g connection with other pcs at my home. I'm using Ubuntu, any tips?16:29
hsa2erUSUL: i don't mean user configurations in /home/ directory16:29
hsa2of course they will be saved16:29
blakkheimmtaftm: an ubuntu minimal or debian netinstall would be perfect16:29
hsa2as i said before, i am wondering boot screen and etc16:29
erUSULhsa2: you keep everything; you ge the new program versions16:29
hsa2well, it's not good i think16:29
hsa2so i can't get new eyecandy16:30
mtaftmblakkheim : sorry i am new to linux so o i just search ubuntu minimal on google then?16:30
VCoolioabe3k: ifconfig | grep "inet addr:192" | awk '{print $2}'16:30
blakkheimmtaftm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:30
abe3kVCoolio : awesome, I'll give it a try thanks16:30
Norse_Nemo!mini | mtaftm16:31
VCoolioabe3k: does that work for you? if you want the addr: part gone then pipe to sed also16:31
blakkheimNorse_Nemo: already tried that, got no response from the bot16:31
mtaftmwtf there only 10 mb ?!16:31
Myrttimtaftm: it's basically a netinstall16:31
Norse_Nemoblakkheim: hmm, oh well16:31
mtaftmruns of the net yh ?16:31
Myrttimtaftm: installs a barebone that you can install whatever you want to from the net16:31
abe3kVCoolio : it worked verry well but I don't want to include the addr: in the output16:31
VCoolioabe3k: hang on, let me try16:32
mtaftmyh but can i listen to my music via rythmbox and still use msn on it?16:32
abe3kVCoolio : thanks buddy16:32
tsimpsonabe3k: ifconfig | grep "inet addr:192" | awk '{print $2}'|sed 's/addr://g'16:32
abe3ktsimpson : perfect :D16:32
MASARUwotamtaftm: you can install rhythmbox and emesene, yes. if you want i can guide you through the process. that is, if you get another pc and log in there or give me your MSN :X16:32
Myrttimtaftm: no, if you don't install a graphical environment and the apps you want first16:32
Norse_Nemomtaftm: I can almost assure you that you will be able to run Ubuntu on any machine made within the last 10 years16:33
abe3kthanks guys :>16:33
VCoolioabe3k:  ifconfig | grep "inet addr:192" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/addr://'16:33
blakkheimmtaftm: it is what it sounds like; a minimal install. it's just a commandline. from there, you can install whatever you want with aptitude16:33
mtaftmi have not got another computer16:33
abe3kVCoolio : perfect thaaanks :D16:34
VCoolioabe3k: I'm sure it can be done much smarter and geekier, but this works16:34
llutzifconfig | awk '/inet addr:192/ '{print $2}' | sed 's/addr://'16:34
Myrttimtaftm: it's a barebone version, that has the minimal set of applications needed - no graphical environment by default. you can cherry pick whatever you want to put on top of that.16:34
abe3kVCoolio : thats good enough for me xD16:34
tsimpsonyou want the 'g' in the end of the sed command16:34
VCooliotsimpson: ok, why?16:34
MASARUwotaMyrtti: i dont think he gets it, and i dont think he understands how a minimal install works anyways16:34
mtaftmi dont know if i want to install it, and heres my msn mtaftm@hotmail.co.uk16:34
abe3kVCoolio : you can't imagine how long the scrip I imagined to do was haha16:34
rrittenhouseWhen I install the Vlan package and configure a VLAN on my eth0 interface my eth0 interface disappears when I reboot, why is this?16:34
mtaftmwhich one should i go for ?!16:35
MASARUwotamtaftm: are you on MSN atm?16:35
tsimpsonVCoolio: well, it's not strictly necessary in this case, but it makes the regex apply for the whole input, rather than matching once only16:35
mtaftmill go on now16:35
VCooliotsimpson: I see, found it in my long list of sed oneliners; good to remember16:35
dakiraHi. How do I get karmic to recognize the contents of /etc/network/interfaces on startup (again)? since I upgraded to karmic I have to manually start the interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces with "ifup <iface>" even though there is an entry "auto <iface>" in the file. Any ideas? I don't use NetworkManager btw..16:36
PsychoUbuntu is looser16:36
blakkheimPsycho: looser than what?16:36
mtaftmim on msn now, but with this mini one is the desktop the same, it aint like bloody terminal is it ?!16:36
Psychothan fedora16:36
abe3kVCoolio :  current_ip="$(ifconfig | grep "inet addr:192" | awk '{print $2}'|sed 's/addr://g')"     works perfectly16:36
blakkheimPsycho: so fedora is tight?16:36
abe3kVCoolio :  thanks again buddy16:36
Myrttimtaftm: yes, it is terminal.16:36
macoPsycho: ah, someone used more torque on Fedora?16:36
mtaftmwell i aint getting it then lol16:37
VCoolioabe3k: any time16:37
mtaftmi hate that thing16:37
blakkheimmtaftm: then i'm not sure linux is for you :/16:37
mtaftmi like linux mint i might go back to that16:37
PsychoYou like Linux, because it's free?16:37
MASARUwotamtaftm: its the same shit16:38
mtaftmno its not like i dont like linux, i do like it but i keep having problems with it16:38
MyrttiMASARUwota: mind your langugage16:38
gladiatrenvironment: Ubuntu 9.10/amd64 console.  Problem: I am starting some virtualbox guests and backgrounding them for a test environment.  The ipc mechanism for vbox management tools to communicate with the guest systems is through a socket in /tmp/.vbox-user-ipc; however, when I logout, this is removed from /tmp.  I need this to not happen.  Any hints where to start looking? :)16:38
blakkheimmtaftm: mint is just ubuntu with a different theme and codecs preinstalled16:38
PsychoYou like Linux, because it's free?16:38
mtaftmwell if someone can sort my java out ill be very happy16:38
MASARUwotamtaftm: i added you to msn :/16:38
mtaftmok well you aint popped up yet16:38
MyrttiPsycho: what's your point? this is Ubuntu support channel, if you have a support question, feel free to ask, but offtopic discussion is elsewhere16:39
erUSUL!java | mtaftm16:39
ubottumtaftm: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository16:39
BluesKajdakira, try ifup and these enties  auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static16:39
MASARUwotapsychomog: we like it because its awesome. thats why16:39
mtaftmi have java!!!!!! its just being a bugger16:39
Enigmatorgladiatr have you tried to change owner to root?16:39
BluesKajdakira, err   auto eth0,  iface eth0 inet static16:39
MASARUwotamtaftm: what do you need java for?16:39
MASARUwotamtaftm: aMSN? you should install emesene instead :/16:40
Yanick_ok. I solved my issue :) I wrote "net" instead of "inet" lol16:40
mtaftmto go on a java based chat room,  i always go on it i have friends on it16:40
mtaftmand i am using emense thats alot better16:40
gladiatrEnigmator, change the owner of the /tmp/.vbox-user-ipc directory to root?16:40
mtaftmwhat is your msn ill add you16:40
MASARUwotamtaftm: eehm, java-based chatrooms are irc rooms 99% percent of the time16:40
BluesKajYanick_, good to hear :)16:40
mtaftmwhats irc?16:41
blakkheimmtaftm: ..you're on irc right now16:41
MASARUwotahaha oh whow16:41
Enigmatoryes and all files in it, dont know if it would work, its mostly a guess16:41
onetinsoldierInternet Relay Chat16:41
mtaftmyh i am16:41
mtaftmwell it might be my firefox :/16:42
VCoolioabe3k: don't know if ip has always same amount of numbers; but here's an easier alternative, just for fun: ifconfig | grep "inet addr:192" | cut --characters 21-3216:42
mtaftmfirefox might be the problem then16:42
MASARUwotamtaftm: its probably openjdk, but search for the ircroom name, you should use that instead16:42
evila333VCoolio what will that do for ip16:43
mtaftmi just think its firefox and MASURA are you cal?16:43
Enigmatorbut make sure users have read write access to it16:43
abe3kVCoolio : yeah, I agree sometimes I'll use it with machienes that end with 3 digits16:43
=== shakil-work is now known as St0n3-C0l
St0n3-C0lany galeon fan here?16:43
EnigmatorI mean read execute, not write16:44
abe3kVCoolio :I think the long one is safer16:44
St0n3-C0lI want to know how to make Galeon make CTRL+C usable on Google Docs.16:44
VCoolioevila333: it will print character 21-32 from the line that says "inet addr:192" from ifconfig output16:44
evila333oh ok i thought it was something else...just woke up...16:44
mtaftmahhh when i click connect it just stop16:44
llutzabe3k: LANG=C /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | awk '/inet / { print $2 } ' | sed -e s/addr://16:45
dakiraBluesKaj: that's what I have.. but "auto <iface" doesn't activate the interfaces on boot, which it used to do before karmic. Now I have to manually type "ifup <iface>" every time I start my computer.16:45
llutzabe3k: works even if you change to 10. net :)16:45
MASARUwotamtaftm: look up the server and room that it tries to connect to, and do it manually. java is for proprietary windows users16:45
rodolfinasi use to download sypaptic manager for something i need like a clone of msn (pgidm or something like that )..when i finish download were can i find the aplication to run it?16:45
rrittenhouseWhen I install the Vlan package and configure a VLAN on my eth0 interface my eth0 interface disappears when I reboot, why is this?16:45
abe3kllutz : cool even more universal :D16:45
BlessJahinput not workind on 9.04 (MCP78S [GeForce 8200] High Definition Audio)16:45
MASARUwotarodolfinas: menu16:45
grawityMASARUwota: fyi, Java (both the language and the Sun JVM) is open-source.16:45
Norse_Nemorodolfinas: Applications -> Internet16:46
mtaftmits not that, its that you have to login, im stuck at the login page which is java based16:46
MASARUwotagrawity: which is why openjdk =/= normal java? or am i thinking somthing different here16:46
onetinsoldierrodolfinas: hello16:46
MASARUwotamtaftm: dude, who makes javabased loginpages for websites?16:46
erUSULrodolfinas: Aplications>Internet>Pidgin16:46
mtaftmi dont know lol16:46
mtaftmbut its defiantly java based16:47
llutzabe3k: last one, sed only  LANG=C /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | sed -n 's/.*addr:\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/p'16:47
rodolfinasim realy new but i cant find it ..i think it didnt downolad it corect or i make a mistake16:47
MASARUwotamtaftm: can you give me the URL, or is it some pornsite that you dont want to share?16:47
evila333boldvoices.tv has a java based login page for there chat app16:47
abe3kllutz: niiice16:47
mtaftmits not a porn site, im 17 and its a teen chat website16:47
geirhaabe3k: IFS=' /' read _ _ _ ip mask _ < <(ip -4 -o addr show dev eth0); echo "$ip"16:48
ubottujozek: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:48
MASARUwotamtaftm: well then...16:48
onetinsoldierrodolfinas: hello16:48
Enigmatorgladiatr forget about this it doesn't work16:48
geirhaabe3k: That'll only work in bash though16:48
ubottujozek: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:48
mtaftmi have mates from around the UK i talk to everyday, and now its just packed up16:49
grawityMASARUwota: I think OpenJDK was created _before_ Sun JVM got opensourced.16:49
abe3kgeirha : yeah I'm using bash16:49
MASARUwotagrawity: i see, thank you for enlighting me16:49
evila333How hard isit to set up a dial u connection in ubuntu have been using ubuntu for some time now, but have never had to set up dial up, can someone point me in the right direction16:49
CAPcapis there any way to emulate windows? if there is would it help me with this: I'd like to watch netflix instant but its only compatible with windows and mac?16:49
abe3kgeirha : no ifconfig sweet16:49
ubottuevila333: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up16:49
onetinsoldierrodolfinas: hello. i might be able to help you out. i just want to know that i'm being seen/heard by you. i said hello to you a few minutes and got no response from you16:49
llutzabe3k: but iproute is needed (ip)16:49
ubottuCAPcap: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:49
abe3kllutz : I'm using current_ip16:50
llutzabe3k: i meant the program "ip" from iproute-package16:50
DeathspikeHello; I'm trying to disable file locking on a SAMBA share. I disabled it, but still get "File In Use" when accessing from a windows client. How can I prevent this?16:50
CAPcapenglish? Im new to ubuntu16:50
mtaftmStupid java shizniz16:50
Talon_Ubuntu 9.10 Fresh Install: how can i hear my microphone? Im in sound preferences and the input level is bouncing but i hear nothing.16:50
llutzabe3k:   needed for this -> ... ip -4 -o addr show dev eth0 ...16:51
abe3kllutz : since it worked on this machine I guess it is installed, so you think I should go for the ifconfig then ?16:51
evila333that was cool Masaruwota16:51
geirhaabe3k: It comes pre-installed with ubuntu at least. Don't know about other distros.16:51
llutzabe3k: ifconfig can be asumed to be installed, iproute...  should be, but won't16:51
abe3kgeirha : I'll be using it with ubuntu machines yes16:51
evila333it is not for me, my bro and his girl are on dial up...trying to talk them into spending the extra 6 bucks fordsl atleast16:52
angel_Всем привет16:52
angel_Как оно?16:52
CAPcap is there any way to emulate windows? if there is would it help me with this: I'd like to watch netflix instant but its only compatible with windows and mac?... can i get answers explained thoroughly and in plain english im new to ubuntu16:52
nefastHello everyone.16:52
abe3kllutz: I'll make it a requirement to install both packages then :D16:52
Myrtti!ru | angel_16:53
ubottuangel_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:53
macoCAPcap: virtualbox seamless mode?16:53
macoCAPcap: you can put windows into a virtualbox virtual machine so it runs on top of ubuntu16:53
raul_CAPcap have you tried "Wine"?16:53
onetinsoldierCAPcap: WINE..... or purchase VMWare16:53
nefastWine perhaps?16:53
CAPcapwhats virtualbox and wine?16:53
nefastBlast, ninja'd16:53
SlartCAPcap: there's basically two methods.. wine and a virtual machine16:53
macoCAPcap: and then the "seamless mode" thing means that instead of windows being inside a box on your screen, you can have individual windows applications visible on your desktop16:53
onetinsoldierVirtualBox is like VMWare... except Vbox is freeware16:54
abe3kto the guys who helped me sort this out, a BIG thank you16:54
nefastWait, VMware isn't freeware?16:54
rodolfinaswhen i check for instalation something in synaptic manager  it works after reboot ??16:54
vilinyHello! I made a NAT gateway out of my fileserver thats running ubuntu. It has 2 nics and so forth... it drops connection every now and then and i was wondering if anyone here knew of a easy way to make the machine ping something ever 10-60 minutes and based on that restart the network... anyone?16:54
maconefast: no, quite a bit of money16:54
macoCAPcap: ever seen a Mac user using Parallels?16:54
onetinsoldierLast i knew... VMWare was not free16:54
CAPcapno i dont use macs often16:54
maconefast: i think ESXi and server edition are freeware, but vmware player and vmware workstation are $$$16:55
nefastI must have confused the two, probably :D16:55
contrastGreets, everyone...16:55
CAPcapi just switched from a life of using windows after a virus chewed thru my registry and killed windows forever16:55
raul_is there any program like "windows movie maker" in ubuntu? or another program to make movies?16:55
nefastraul_, there is a spiffy video editor16:55
nefastForgot the name, though16:55
drifthow can I turn my wireless off via command line? I used to use "ifconfig wlan0 down" but in 9.10 it immediately reconnects.16:55
MASARUwotaraul_: a simple movie maker? there is kdenlive, but it needs KDE dependencies16:55
evila333Failure is not an option...It comes bundled with Windows16:56
Slartraul_: there's that one.. something like openshot movie maker16:56
DeathspikeHow can I disable File Lock in SAMBA?16:56
macoraul_: included by default, not yet. but i think pitivi will be in 10.04. you can get it through synaptic. there's also a fairly popular one called OpenShot but its not in the repositories16:56
MASARUwotaevila333: lol16:56
gladiatrEnigmator, hrm... just need to figure out what part of what subsystem is responsible for the /tmp cleaning.  I completely understand why it's there... I just need to be able to deactivate it for the account that is being used to start the vms :\16:56
vilinydrift: should that be iwconfig?16:56
contrastraul_: openshot is considered the go-to option in ubuntu at the moment. google should take you straight to its homepage. :)16:56
Slartraul_: http://www.openshotvideo.com/   .. not sure if it's available from the repos though16:56
macodrift: network manager doesnt let you use ifconfig commands. you have to "sudo stop network-manager" first16:56
macoSlart: it's not16:56
evila333I have switched from ubuntu to the crunchbang distro I am loving this16:57
macoSlart: it depends on ffmpeg head, and thats not packaged. openshot's packages install their own version of ffmpeg16:57
raul_so... the program more recommeded is openshot?16:57
Slartmaco: ah.. thanks16:57
driftviliny, no I have been using "ifconfig." Should I be using iwconfig?16:57
macodrift: ifconfig is correct16:57
CAPcapok i searched WINE in synaptic, i get about 25 results, which do i want?16:57
macodrift: its just that network-manager won't let you manually do such things. so you need to stop network manager first16:57
driftmaco, okay I will try your suggestion16:57
llutzdrift: ifconfig won't control wifi-connections, only the ip-part of it16:58
macollutz: but iwconfig won't down an interface like ifconfig will16:58
andi__CAPcap, just do « sudo apt-get install wine »16:58
llutzmaco: nope16:59
CAPcapthanks andi_16:59
andi__CAPcap, np ;)16:59
CAPcaphow about for virtualbox or whatever its called?16:59
protojayCAPcap, its best to try wine first16:59
nefastHm, what's a quick way to get to know which cd writer [as in hardwar]I am using? I want to rip stuff with rubyripper, but I don't know which offset to use.17:00
Enigmatorgladiatr there may be a way to do this, Ill take a look17:00
nefastwine doesn't require its own windows installation.17:00
nefastVirtualdox does.17:00
CAPcapthanks protojay17:00
driftmaco, thanks!17:00
nefastbox eveb.17:00
biglinuxgnu's not linux17:01
llutzmaco iwconfig controls layer-1, ifconfig layer-317:01
macollutz: but iwconfig doesnt have like "mode off" or anything like that17:02
contrastAny overclockers around? I just did my first build last night. Raised the CPU's bus from its default of 333MHz to 366MHz, left the default multiplier alone (x8). CPU clock reads 2.92GHz in BIOS, but upon booting into Linux, it's only clocked at 2.66GHz according to /proc/cpuinfo.17:03
gladiatrEnigmator, thank you.  I'm continuing to look as well.17:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about svideo17:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about s-video17:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvi17:03
contrastsyrius: Whatcha need to know?17:04
erUSULcontrast: probably cpuinfo only shows nominal speed17:04
syriuscontrast, I can't get my svideo to work in ubuntu17:04
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:04
syriusI am using the latest stable release17:04
biglinuxwhat jour means ?17:05
Myrttibiglinux: did you have a Ubuntu support question?17:05
contrasterUSUL: That's what I thought too, but the speed it reports actually changes when adjusting the CPU scaling policy (2000MHz idle on Dynamic policy, 2667MHz idle on Performance policy).17:05
CAPcapWINE is installed how do i use it >_<17:05
nefastbon = good, jour = day17:05
syriusthat should be the next thing ubuntu supports for the ati radeon xpress 200m for svideo17:05
llutzCAPcap: /j #winehq17:05
CAPcapbonjour monsieur comment allez vous?17:05
syriuslike esperanto nefast17:05
nefastHuh, what, syrius?17:06
Myrtti!english | a reminder17:06
ubottua reminder: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat17:06
syriusbon' = good in espearnto17:06
biglinuxdo you speak it?17:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:06
CAPcapno i kno how to run it... like how do i open the programs i want with it?17:06
MASARUwotaesperanto is awesome. also !ot17:06
Norse_NemoCAPcap /j #wine17:06
PiciSnoopyDog: Can we help you?17:07
nefastCAPcap, is there an installer for that netflix program?17:07
SnoopyDogumm... no, i'm testing something, sorry17:07
DeathspikeI'd like to disable file locking in SAMBA (to allow opening/streaming video while it's being added to the disk), but disabling file locking and opt locking doesnt work. Help!17:08
CAPcapnefast its a plugin for browsers, but i dont know how to start my browser in wine17:08
grayhanewhy can I not edit the track numbers of mp2 files in the properties box in Rhythmbox ? I can edit the rest of the ID3 tag ???17:08
llutzCAPcap: man wine17:08
AkhlDi need help17:08
CAPcapllutz what?17:08
nefastCan you run internet explorer?17:08
llutzCAPcap: type "man wine" and read17:08
CAPcaptype man wine where?17:09
onetinsoldieron a command line17:09
onetinsoldiera terminal17:09
CAPcapok thanks17:09
contrastllutz: Wow, that's mighty helpful. =P17:09
nefastOh god, no, I am so wrong.17:09
PiciCAPcap: I'm under the impression that netflix will not work through wine.  I believe  that using virtualbox is your best shot at getting it to work.17:09
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* _Ovidiu is away: Gone away for now17:09
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CAPcapok... well how do i get virtualbox then?17:09
nefastA quick question: What's a quick way to get to know which cd writer [as in hardwar]I am using? I want to rip stuff with rubyripper, but I don't know which offset to use.17:09
onetinsoldierCAPcap: Documents for wine can probably be found in --> /usr/share/doc/wine or something17:10
llutzcontrast: and yes, reading documentation might be helpful for some (if they want to learn how to use something)17:10
PiciCAPcap: The package name is virtualbox-ose, you can either use software center or type sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose   to install it.  Note: you will need a Windows install CD so that you can install Windows virtually.17:11
onetinsoldierCAPcap: to install vbox, type in --> sudo apt-get install vboxgtk (i think)17:11
wadIs it just me, or is rhythmbox almost useless?17:11
blakkheimwad: it's not just you17:11
Norse_Nemowad: I prefer Songbird17:11
=== ardian is now known as ard1an
nefastwad, I am still looking for a decent audioplayer :/17:11
blakkheimnefast: mpd17:11
CAPcapok well i dont have windows install stuff so i cant use it anyways17:11
MASARUwotawad: =) you are correct17:11
erUSULnefast: dmesg | egrep -i '(sr|atapi)'17:11
evila333songbird kicks ass17:11
nefastfoobar refuses to work properly on wine for me.17:11
blakkheimnefast: foobar works in wine for me17:12
MASARUwotanefast: mpd for a big list, audacious if you want to quickly listen something17:12
evila333I like xmms2 also17:12
MASARUwotablakkheim; foobar in wine? oh whow17:12
nefastI like to manage playlists.17:12
nefastAnd I use last.fm17:12
wadI mean, I've got music on my hard drive, in various directories by category. I imported them all into rhythmbox, and now it's a hopeless muddle. I can't even remove directories from it's "library".17:12
CAPcapcan i run my adobe cs3 software through wine?17:12
Pici!appdb | CAPcap17:12
ubottuCAPcap: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:12
wadI'm getting rid of it.17:12
Norse_Nemowad: give Songbird a try17:12
onetinsoldierCAPcap: i doubt it... try out GIMP instead17:13
nefastNorse_Nemo, does songbird work directly for ubuntu?17:13
nefastOr do you haveto use wine?17:13
contrastCAPcap: Feel free to search winehq.org for any Windows apps you want to run in WINE. ;)17:13
grayhaneWad what do you want to do ? wipe the slate clean and re scan the music files ?17:13
wadNorse_Nemo, I don't see a package called "songbird".17:13
evila333will work with ubuntu17:13
Norse_Nemocapcap: i have run both CS3 and CS4 software on wine, but it can be a chore to get working17:13
CAPcapthanks contrast :)17:13
wadgrayhane, yes.17:13
fosco__nefast, songbird has a linux version, packages for ubuntu are available in getdeb.net17:13
nefastOw, nice17:13
blakkheimMASARUwota: i said it works, i didn't say i USE it. i use mpd :)17:14
Norse_Nemowad: not on the repos yet, you can DL an Ubuntu deb at their site17:14
protojayCAPcap: if you wanna find outwhether something works in wine check http://appdb.winehq.org/17:14
CAPcapOOO NORSE_NEMO thanks17:14
grayhaneOk well go to the main window, select all the files and right click and select remove, not move to trash.17:14
wadgrayhane, actually, I want to sort through a certain subset of my music (in a certain directory) and delete the albums I don't like so much, so that I can fit the rest on my mp3 player.17:14
MASARUwotablakkheim: what client do you use? ncmpcpp user here17:14
contrastAny overclockers around? I just did my first build last night. Raised the CPU's bus from its default of 333MHz to 366MHz (left the default multiplier of 8 alone). CPU clock reads 2.92GHz in BIOS, but upon booting into Linux, it's only clocked at 2.66GHz according to /proc/cpuinfo, perlmon, and StressCPU2 Stress-Test.17:14
blakkheimMASARUwota: same17:14
wadgrayhane, ah, I'll do that. Then I'll check out songbird.17:14
blakkheim!ot | contrast17:14
ubottucontrast: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:14
grayhanewad I have over 7000 files on this box and the prog works great.17:15
contrastblakkheim: How exactly is that off-topic? -_^17:15
grayhanewad you can make custom lists within the program and not have to mess with the files themselves17:15
blakkheimcontrast: it is not an ubuntu support question17:16
cybertron_Hey guys, I'm having a little problem with PureFTPd and user permissions. I've setup pureftp on ubuntu server 9.10 and I have mysql running as the userdb. I can add users fine, all works well, but all files uploaded by any user through the ftp server are access denied to my user even when I am part of the ftpgroup group.17:16
contrastblakkheim: Really? Because I feel pretty safe in saying whatever it is I need to change to get my CPU/mobo working properly is somewhere in Ubuntu.17:16
underdevdo people recommend using screen, or one of the alternatives like tmux?17:17
blakkheimunderdev: most linux people use screen, most bsd people use tmux. it's just a matter of opinion17:17
llutzunderdev: screen :)17:17
BlessJahi've got problem with recording on 9.04, (sound card MCP78S [GeForce 8200] High Definition Audio)17:17
cybertron_underdev, I'm no expert, but I love screen and have great success with it.17:17
MASARUwotaunderdev: i think most people like screen17:17
underdevthanks guys17:17
underdevscreen it is17:17
llutz!info tmux17:17
ubottutmux (source: tmux): terminal multiplexer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-5 (karmic), package size 143 kB, installed size 376 kB17:17
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cybertron_So is anyone good with user permissions?17:18
pkkmHow to make fileroller support rar files?17:19
Picipkkm: Install the unrar package17:19
MASARUwotapkkm: install unrar package17:19
MASARUwotaPici =)17:19
nefastNinja'd :D17:19
VCooliounderdev: byobu, easier, lot of screen options included with easy keybindings17:19
pkkmPici, MASARUwota: Thanks.17:20
=== ar0n is now known as ar0nic
nefastHmm, is there a command to list the hardware I'm using?17:21
blakkheimnefast: lshw17:21
onetinsoldiernefast: you might need to install it first..17:21
underdevthanks VCoolio17:21
NSuldazHi using XFCE here, I have a Pictures folder being shared by WIndows 7 Home Group feature and I'm trying to mount it using smbfs. But I'm not too sure what the shared name is. Guessing so far has resulted in mount error(113): No route to host17:22
Picionetinsoldier: No, its standard17:22
onetinsoldierPici: oh? wow17:22
onetinsoldierthanks :-)17:23
nefastblakkheim, yes, thanks! that was the one I was looking for.17:24
cybertron_Is anyone good with user permissions? I'm having an FTP issue17:24
sipiorcybertron_: best if you just ask your question directly.17:25
cybertron_sipior:  yeah I did... I'll post it again..17:25
giorgioc'è qualcuno ita?17:25
cybertron_Hey guys, I'm having a little problem with PureFTPd and user permissions. I've setup pureftp on ubuntu server 9.10 and I have mysql running as the userdb. I can add users fine, all works well, but all files uploaded by any user through the ftp server are access denied to my user even when I am part of the ftpgroup group.17:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ita17:25
ubottugiorgio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:26
giorgiothere is italian people?17:26
ikoniacybertron_: what is handling your uid and guid ?17:26
ikonia!it | giorgio17:26
ubottugiorgio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:26
sipiorcybertron_: what are the permissions of the uploaded files?17:26
BluesKajNSuldaz, if your file manager has a network option that may be the best way to smb into your windows7 sg=hared folders, but I never had much luck with that on W7 due to the sharing group not being compatible with smb or samba . from my experience.17:27
cybertron_ikonia: all files uploaded are using ftpuser and ftpgroup as the owner... no matter what the username is of the uploading account.17:27
cybertron_sipior: the uploaded files look like this: -rw-r--r-- 1 ftpuser ftpgroup 23602562 2010-01-14 02:28 MVI_2627.AVI17:27
cybertron_sipior & ikonia: I've added myself to the ftpgroup, but that doesnt seem to work... as you can see, the files dont have group write access17:28
sipiorcybertron_: and the permissions of the parent directory holding the uploaded files?17:28
ikoniacybertron_:  can you show us ls -la of the directory containing the files (use a pastebin please)17:29
ideamonkanyone who knows finnish?? Google translate isnt helping me find meaning of "ARPASIVULLE"17:29
ikonia!fi | ideamonk17:30
ubottuideamonk: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)17:30
ikonia!ot | ideamonk17:30
ubottuideamonk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:30
ikonia!ot  ideamonk17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot  ideamonk17:30
ojiihi everyone. is there a tool for linux to render websites to images? (like gnome-web-photo, but I have no clue how to use that to batch-render many websites)17:31
cybertron_sipior & ikonia: http://pastebin.com/m22d6d7c117:31
nefastBlast, lshw does not list my dvd writer :|17:31
SpCombis it just me or is the newest /etc/gdm/Xsession in ubuntu horribly broken?17:31
yaaarhaving a bit of trouble connecting to an ftp server using the gui in Jaunty. i can connect fine from the command line, but when i put the same information in the 'connect to server' dialogue it mounts it, but shows that there's nothing there.17:31
SpCombit executes the /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ scripts with missing vars/functions, causing them to misbehave17:31
ikoniacybertron_: are you tring to put or get a file ?17:31
cybertron_ikonia: I'm trying to allow full access to josh over samba and ssh17:32
SpComblikewise, since the /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ scripts end with an 'exec', the rest of the code in /etc/gdm/Xsession never gets run...17:32
ikoniacybertron_: then why are you messing around with ftp ?17:32
onetinsoldiernefast: what kind of port is your dvd writer on?17:32
cybertron_ikonia: the files are being uploaded via ftp17:32
ikoniacybertron_: ok - so that's not going to happen as the ftpgroup doesn't have write permissions17:32
nefastonetinsoldier, that's a good question.17:33
nefastI have not s ingle clue how to figure that out.17:33
nefastStandard dell laptop dvd writer.17:33
onetinsoldiernefast: do you know how to go into your bios?17:33
cybertron_ikonia: how can I make all future uploaded files have group write access? I'm using PureFTPd, is there an option, or do I need to change the umask(I know nothing about umask, a friend just mentioned it)17:33
llutznefast: most likely /dev/sr017:33
ikoniacybertron_: give the group ftpusers write access and make sure the directory has group ownership of ftpgroup17:34
fuzzybunnyhey guys I am just wondering how to disable that annoying drum sound that plays on the login screen17:34
nefastfuzzybunny, system -> preferences -> sound?17:34
nefastAnd then sound theme?17:35
fosco__fuzzybunny, system -> preferences -> startup applications17:35
llutzfuzzybunny: rm /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/system-ready.ogg17:35
fuzzybunnynefast: it is already set to no sounds17:35
cybertron_ikonia: so I do that using chmod? the group name is ftpgroup... the user is ftpuser. I need to make the ftp group the owner of that ftp folder then and all sub folder will be inhereted?17:35
fuzzybunnyfosco__: there is nothing in there related to it17:35
ikoniacybertron_: chdmo 77517:35
john__My laptop hard disk started to fail.. I used encrypted LVM defaults with Ubuntu 9.10. I just bought a new laptop. I have the old bad hard disk plugged into my new laptop via usb sata adapter. I made an unencrypted map to it by doing 'cryptseutp create bad /dev/sdb1', so the map exists at: /dev/mapper/bad; When I do 'e2fsck /dev/mapper/bad' it gives me the super block invalid message. What else can I try to get this mounted, or do an fsck?17:36
ikoniacybertron_: chmod 77517:36
john__"and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock: e2fsck -b 8193 <device>" .. I get this message at the end. I run 'sudo e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/mapper/bad', but it gives me back the same message.17:36
fosco__fuzzybunny, i have a "gnome-login-sound" entry there17:36
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering in there a quick gui for mounting nfs17:36
Slartfuzzybunny: I think the startup sound is separate from the user preferences.. (it still doesn't know which user is going to login)... perhaps something in the login window settings.. I'm not sure17:36
Pereiraofuzzbunny: System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications17:37
coolion64Hi, i'm trying to connect to my LAN for internet access on latest ubuntu server. The installer never finds dhcp, even though the router serves dhcp. Won't work with a static ip. Any help please?17:37
fuzzybunnyhmmm maybe it is the visual assistance17:37
Pereiraofuzzbunny: then disable "Gnome Login Sound"17:37
llutzfuzzybunny: http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/09/hack-karmics-gdm-login-screen.html17:37
fuzzybunnyPereirao: that doesn't exist17:37
llutzfuzzybunny: rm /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/system-ready.ogg17:38
Slartfuzzybunny: there's an old thread.. perhaps it's moved somewhere else in karmic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46892717:38
nefastAh, onetinsoldier, when starting up [re:bios] ?17:38
nefastI just want to get to know which kind of cddrive it is so I can give Rubyripper the correct offset to rip CD's.17:39
Slartfuzzybunny: this looks more up to date http://nuclear-imaging.info/site_content/2009/11/03/remove-karmic-ubuntu-910-login-screen-sound/17:39
llutznefast: grep -i dvd /var/log/dmesg17:40
cybertron_ikonia: so who should be the owner of /mnt/raid/_ftp?17:40
nefastllutz, Yes! That's it. <317:41
onetinsoldiernefast: hi. yes. when computer fist fires up is where you can press a key to enter your bios17:41
VCooliofuzzybunny: sudo nano /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/libcanberra-ready-sound.desktop17:41
nefastonetinsoldier, I think that the command that llutz gave me solved it.17:41
VCooliofuzzybunny: change the line that executes the sound to something you like, or leave empty17:41
quesoI installed some updates yesterday and today (Jaunty) and now some wierd things are happening. First, my laptop brightness would start dimming by itself (never done this before); I figured out how to fix this. Next, characters in my xterm window are randomly not displaying, and when I wiggle the window the characters show up. Also, colors in vim are not working in screen anymore . . I can't work like this :/ help?17:41
onetinsoldiernefast: cool :-)17:41
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nefastLet the ripping commence!17:42
manuel_hay alguien?17:42
Slartqueso: my computer did that a few days ago.. a reboot fixed it for me though.. haven't seen it since17:42
Slart!es | manuel_17:42
ubottumanuel_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:42
DiverdudeI have a Lenovo Thinkpad T61p, and I would like to be able disable the Touchpad completely until i want to enable it again(which is probably never). I have installed the tool "TrackPointSettings" which works fine. I can disable the touchpad = nice. But as soon i use ALT+TAB or <SpecialKey>+TAB to cycle windows or <SpecialKey>+D to minimize/maximize all windows, the touchpad is enabled again. How can I avoid that, and keep it disabled17:43
Diverdude, even after reboot?17:43
coolion64is there a dedicated channel for ubuntu server?17:43
fuzzybunnyhmmm ok guys ill try some of that stuff17:43
Slartcoolion64: tried #ubuntu-server?17:43
quesoSlart: Are you talking about the character display problem and colors problem in xterm?17:43
fuzzybunnythank you all and i love you17:44
Pereiraofuzzybunny: http://senduit.com/b4760517:44
Pereiraofuzzybunny: it do exist17:44
coolion64ubuntu-server is empty17:44
Slartqueso: yes17:44
Slartcoolion64: 231 people in there now17:44
quesoSlart: Hmm, I think I've restarted twice already :/ I guess I could try again with a complete shutdown.17:44
ximbalbej#join ubuntu-es17:44
jon5000I am using 9.10 Karmic on a dell inspiron 9300.  everything working fine except update manager seems to be unable to get past its errors.  I try to do a partial update and it gives errors.  anyone?17:45
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Slartqueso: I don't know what else to do to fix it17:45
coolion64Slart, members hidden in this channel?17:45
reki need an amule17:45
DiverdudeI have a Lenovo Thinkpad T61p, and I would like to be able disable the Touchpad completely until i want to enable it again(which is probably never). I have installed the tool "TrackPointSettings" which works fine. I can disable the touchpad = nice. But as soon i use ALT+TAB or <SpecialKey>+TAB to cycle windows or <SpecialKey>+D to minimize/maximize all windows, the touchpad is enabled again. How can I avoid that, and keep it disabled17:45
Diverdude, even after reboot?17:45
ximbalbejjoin #ubuntu-es17:45
rektext based amule17:45
rekcan i find it?17:46
quesoSlart: I'll try that then :)17:46
IdleOnecoolion64: #ubuntu-server not #ubuntu-server?17:46
Slartcoolion64: try joining it again.. /join #ubuntu-server17:46
onetinsoldierjon5000: i can try and help. i'm somewhat rusty though, so you'd have to be patient with me ;)17:46
=== sim_ is now known as arno
coolion64ahh that's why the ?17:46
IdleOnecoolion64: yup17:47
jon5000onetinsoldier,  thanks.  i get a lot of failures among the 84 files it wants to download17:47
onetinsoldierjon5000: roger. it's unable to actually download the files?17:48
DeathspikeI'd like to disable file locking in SAMBA (to allow opening/streaming video while it's being added to the disk), but disabling file locking and opt locking doesnt work. Help!17:48
eliot_hi anyone know why my sony e series isnt being recognized by banshee or rythmbox?17:48
jon5000onetinsoldier, yes. some download and others dont.  when its done the following error is displayed:  W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B517:49
jon5000W: GPG error: http://ftp.de.debian.org sid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9AA38DCD55BE302B17:49
onetinsoldierjon5000: hmmm17:50
onetinsoldierjon5000: i'm not very familiar with GPG key problems really17:50
geniijon5000: You're using some Debian Sid repository? Are you on Ubuntu?17:51
onetinsoldierjon5000: but... at first glance, it looks like you are trying to get 'Debian Sid'.. not Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic17:51
Paddy_NIHow would I download and install these packages on an offline ubuntu box without using keryx https://launchpad.net/~liamgh/+archive/ppa?17:51
SlartPaddy_NI: synaptic has a "create download script"-feature... or apt-on-cd17:52
Slart!aptoncd | Paddy_NI17:52
ubottuPaddy_NI: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline17:52
=== Dc0i is now known as D-coy
=== biggimat is now known as Matic`Makovec
Paddy_NISlart, I just need two tiny packages.. aint there a simpler way without having to burn cds?17:53
SlartPaddy_NI: yes.. the synaptic way17:53
hdonhow do i enable ALT+SHIFT+TAB?17:54
cybertron_Hey guys, I got help with this earlier, but its still not working... I'm having a permissions problem. FTP users are uploading files, and I need to have access to these files over samba (read and write)... here are the folders..http://pastebin.com/m22d6d7c1 the ftp handler is ftpuser:ftpgroup, my user is josh... josh is in ftpgroup, but it's still not working.17:54
SlartPaddy_NI: you could just download the packages as well.. put them on a usb stick17:54
SlartPaddy_NI: basically that's what the download script does17:54
fuzzybunnyhey guys I think that finally worked and that login sound is gone17:54
Paddy_NISlart, ah precisely what I want.. nice one mate17:54
jerbroo I'm looking for an ettercap channel.   Anyone know what it is?   #ettercap doesn't seems to be it17:54
Slart!offline | Paddy_NI17:55
ubottuPaddy_NI: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD17:55
undecimcybertron_: can you currently read the files via samba?17:55
Paddy_NISlart, the file download script is pointless17:55
Paddy_NIthe other machine is offline17:55
Diverdudewhere is xorg.conf located?17:56
cybertron_undecim: yes, I can read them, but cannot create files nor delete files17:56
blakkheimDiverdude: /etc/X1117:56
TuxOtakuanyone here have any experience with JACK?17:56
SlartPaddy_NI: I don't think you've thought this through... you generate the script on the offline machine... run it on the online machine.. move the storage to the offline machine again17:56
undecimcybertron_: you need to set goup permissions on the files, and probably the directory as well.17:56
VCoolioSlart: the alturl.com link doesn't support karmic it seems17:56
Paddy_NISlart, all that to get two files installed on an offline computer O_O17:57
cybertron_undecim: I have updated the pastebin... I set chmod 775 on the folders...17:57
cybertron_undecim: http://pastebin.com/m3a61544717:57
SlartPaddy_NI: or just download the two files yourself.. put them on an usb stick.. insert usb stick in offline computer.. double click files.. (as I said a while before)17:57
raul_I've installed emesene, but it showed to me "You don't have libmimic, so you can't send or receive webcam".... what should I do?17:57
Paddy_NISlart, Is there no simple way of downloading the debs?17:57
VCoolioPaddy_NI: just browse the repo on the link you gave us yourself and download the proper .deb17:57
SlartPaddy_NI: put the repository url into a browser17:57
TuxOtakuraul_, apt-cache search libmimic17:58
=== EcKstasy is now known as JNSamuel
jon5000genii, onetinsoldier I am using ubuntu 9.10.  i have no idea why it would appear like debian.  i am a novice17:58
onetinsoldiercybertron_: have you read the Docs for PureFTP? there's probably a config file that controls a lot of things regarding the way ftp daemon allows permissions17:59
undecimcybertron_: Do you have samba set up to allow write access for you?17:59
onetinsoldierjon5000: you know how to use pastebin?17:59
davertronhi guys, if  i wanted to try something like stumpwm (http://www.nongnu.org/stumpwm/manual/stumpwm.html#Top) or ratpoison (http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/), can I do that on another console while keeping gdm running?17:59
jon5000onetinsoldier, yes17:59
cybertron_onetinsoldier: There are a ton of options, so I wasnt sure if someone would know which one did what I need, but thats my next step18:00
Paddy_NISlart, ah nice one.. would be nice if synaptic allowed you to just download files too18:00
onetinsoldierjon5000: i recommend you upload your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin and give us the url18:00
cybertron_undecim: yeah I do, samba works fine. I cant make a folder in ssh either.18:00
Diverdudewhat is the shortcut to reboot?18:00
Paddy_NISlart, cheers got them now though :)18:00
SlartDiverdude: you mean REISUB?18:00
SlartPaddy_NI: you're welcome18:00
TuxOtakuDiverdude, dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda18:00
onetinsoldiercybertron_: roger. the issue is probably something in that config file18:01
DiverdudeSlart, well just to restart my system18:01
=== Auron is now known as Guest55892
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!18:01
Slart!ops | TuxOtaku18:01
ubottuTuxOtaku: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:01
cybertron_onetinsoldier: ah, I found "virtual users" in the docs, that is what I'm using so hopefully I will find some useful info in there.18:01
MyrttiTuxOtaku: mind joining #ubuntu-ops?18:01
onetinsoldiercybertron_: roger, good luck! :-)18:02
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
TuxOtakuMyrtti, nevermind. I don't know why I bother coming here for help anyway....nothing but noobs in here anymore.18:02
medius_Hi, I'm having a problem with ecryptfs and private home directories.  Is this the right channel?18:02
CAPcapCan someone recommend sound software? Like Acid, Soundbooth, etc.18:02
jon5000onetinsoldier, http://pastebin.com/m262ffc0f18:03
mezquitale CAPcap ask in #ubuntustudio if someone is there they'll help you18:03
BeepBeepHw can I add a "Move To" option in Thunar (Xbuntu)?18:03
undecimSomeone correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that command the TuxOtaku mentioned actually be safe? /dev/null doesn't contain anything, and so dd would stop after 0 bytes... it's /dev/zero that would wipe a hard drive.18:03
CAPcapmezquitale Thanks I'll check it out :)18:03
onetinsoldierjon5000: ok, i'll have a look-see18:03
syriusESPERANTO UBUNTU KANALO /join #ubuntu-eo18:03
davertronis it possible to start another xserver and instance of gdm alongside my current version? i.e. on another console?18:03
obiwan_lol , esperanto ubuntu haha xP18:04
MenZadavertron: I can only give you the answer that, yes, you can run multiple X servers similtaneously, but I have no clue how.18:04
Slartdavertron: I think so, yes.. I'm not sure about the exact syntax but I've seen it done18:04
=== jon is now known as Guest51709
obiwan_i must check that out hahah18:04
torois lynx alpha 2 ready for download yet?18:04
MenZatoro: No.18:04
davertroni want to try running something like ratpoison or stumpwm18:04
Slart!lucid | toro18:04
ubottutoro: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:04
onetinsoldierjon5000: ok, i don't see anything that looks wrong there. at least not at first glance. try running some commands...18:04
davertronbut it would be cool if i could just do it in a separate console18:04
davertronwith it's own xserver/gdm18:05
onetinsoldierjon5000: sudo apt-get update18:05
L3dPlatedLinuxOk I made a script to mount a nfs drive and made a panelbar icon  for cliak and mount ease and was wondering if there is a way to add the sudo password to it so I dont have to type it eveytime?18:05
OerHeksundecim you are right, it was a bad joke @ reboot question18:05
davertroni'm also just sort of curious about how to run another xserver/gdm in general...18:05
onetinsoldierjon5000: then, sudo apt-get -f install18:05
sandkinganyone use ubuntu on macbook?18:05
MenZa!anyone | sandking18:05
ubottusandking: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:05
XBlackChaosXhey. today i have a problems. im sick of having to input my password everytime i want to change a setting or install software so how do i take that off?18:05
jon5000onetinsoldier, in process...18:06
CAPcapno-one talking at #ubuntustudio so I ask again. Recommended sound/audio editing/recording/mixing software?18:06
Slartdavertron: I couldn't really find anything right now when I googled.18:06
onetinsoldierjon5000: never mind.. i  think i see the problem in the souces.list file after i took a harder look18:06
scottmaccalCAPcap: Google is your friend.18:06
davertronSlart: this might be what i'm looking for http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21375618:06
medius_I add a new user using adduser --encrypt-home <newusername>, When I login as the new user everything works correctly and the private home is mounted automatically.  But when that user logs out I get "fopen: Permission denied" and the private home remains mounted.18:06
onetinsoldierjon5000: ctrl-c it18:06
MenZaCAPcap: Try "sound editing" or "audio editing" in the Software Centre.18:07
CAPcapThanks MenZa I'll start there18:07
scottmaccalCAPcap: Or, you could download Ubuntu Studio run it live and see what software is installed.18:07
MenZaCAPcap: Audacity is good for recording, I know that much. Jokosher is supposedly good for mixing.18:07
CAPcaphow do i do that?18:07
jon5000ctrl c what.  the entire text of sources.list?  then what?18:07
Slartdavertron: ah.. that looks like it.. yes... a bit old but it might still work18:07
onetinsoldierjon5000: what happened with it?18:07
PiciCAPcap: Take a look at the ubuntustudio-audio heading here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PackageList18:07
CAPcapthanks again MenZa18:07
Slartdavertron: you could also try it in a vm18:08
onetinsoldierjon5000: has it bombed out?18:08
davertronSlart: I'll give it a shot and see what happens18:08
jon5000onetinsoldier, what do you mean ctrl-c it?18:08
davertronSlart: i don't know much about X, but it seems really cool to be able to have multiple sessions open18:08
vilinyHello! I made a NAT gateway out of my fileserver thats running ubuntu. It has 2 nics and so forth... it drops connection every now and then and i was wondering if anyone here knew of a easy way to make the machine ping something ever 10-60 minutes and based on that restart the network... anyone?18:08
onetinsoldierjon5000: when a process is running on the command line, you can stop it with a ctrl-c18:09
VCooliowho asked about move to in thunar?18:09
Slartdavertron: indeed18:09
scottmaccalCAPcap: you could also see what packages are installed by default in Ubuntu Studio. Google: ubuntu studio package list.18:09
chaosrlhas anyone else been getting the "AIM network error" error when trying to connect using Empathy? or does anyone know how to fix it?18:09
jon5000onetinsoldier, i was doing that in terminal18:09
VCoolioBeepBeep: mv %F $(zenity --file-selection --directory)18:09
onetinsoldierjon5000: roger. so on that terminal you would press, ctrl+c18:09
jon5000no issue.  it stopped after receiving roughly the same errors as in the gui version.  back to prompt18:10
onetinsoldierjon5000: anyway, what happened with the process?18:10
_raven_hello - i need the smallest linux iso file that contains partimage... whichone?18:10
onetinsoldierjon5000: anyway, what happened with the process, the apt-get -f install? what happened?18:11
wildc4rdevening all18:11
Slart_raven_: live cd?18:11
onetinsoldiernvm, i see your response18:11
XBlackChaosXanybody knows how i can stop the system from asking me for my password everytime i wanna edit a setting or install a software?18:11
_dreamycan anyone help me to kill a process, i know the command "kill" on the terminal .. but i dont know how to find the proccess18:11
onetinsoldierjon5000: ok, ready? you need to edit that file... /etc/apt/sources.list18:11
XBlackChaosXit gets annoying after a while18:11
undecim_raven_: It would be easy to create an iso that has partimage from a disto like DSL, or Taz18:12
SlartXBlackChaosX: you can add a switch in your sudousers file.. you'll still have to write sudo but it wont ask you for your password18:12
_raven_Slart,  yes but i have to download everything with gprs and it's so sloooooooowwww18:12
medius_\nick medius18:12
_dreamymy firefox needs to be killed before it can restart..18:12
_dreamyanyone helping ?18:12
RediXeDoes the "Hardware Drivers" show installable drivers even if you aren't in the sudo group? There used to be a restricted ati driver (about a year ago) and I looked today on a computer with a user account that doesn't have a sudo access and it's not even showing up in the list.18:12
jon5000onetinsoldier, after the sudo apt-get update and all the errors, sudo apt-get -f install reported done and done.  zero downloaded out of 108318:12
onetinsoldierjon5000: you need to remove that last line --> deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian sid main18:12
XBlackChaosXSlart, im new at linux so how do i go by doing that18:12
onetinsoldierjon5000: you need to edit the file... /etc/apt/sources.list18:12
VCoolio_dreamy: pkill processname  or killall processname, or use htop18:12
onetinsoldierjon5000: you need to remove that last line --> deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian sid main18:12
jon5000thats it?  just that one line deletion?18:12
hero1900after i did upgrade alsa from the ubuntu forum i cant record using sound recorder give me (GStreamer error: state change failed and some element failed to post a proper error message with the reason for the failure.) what is the problem???18:13
_dreamyVCoolio: whould it be like.. : pkill firefox ?18:13
SlartXBlackChaosX: hang on.. let me see if I can find a nice tutorial for you18:13
_dreamyVCoolio: in my situation is firefox that need to be killed18:13
onetinsoldierjon5000: then run the same command again.... sudo apt-get update18:13
XBlackChaosXSlart, btw i dont mean at login i just mean like when im installing updates or installing software via software center etc18:13
SlartXBlackChaosX: yes18:13
VCoolio_dreamy: yes, give it a shot, or  xkill  and click the window18:13
XBlackChaosXSlart, k18:13
undecim_raven_: How soon do you need it?18:14
_dreamyVCoolio:  where do i look for "xkill" in what menu ?18:14
onetinsoldierjon5000: then run.... sudo apt-get upgrade18:14
_raven_undecim, asap18:14
=== Maletor_ is now known as Maletor
VCoolio_dreamy: it's a command; make a keybinding for it, it's very useful18:14
ThreetimesHi, I can't add https://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=125 to my cart?!18:15
jon5000onetinsoldier, seems to be working!18:15
VCoolio_dreamy: or add the force quit applet to your panel; click the icon, then the window to kill18:15
onetinsoldierjon5000: cool, cheers and enjoy :-)18:15
undecim_raven_: idk if slitaz or dsl have partimage, but If they don't, I should be able to make an iso that does.18:15
_dreamyVCoolio: had success , ty alot :)18:15
_dreamyVCoolio:  just had to type: pkill firefox18:15
jon5000onetinsoldier, thx!18:16
onetinsoldierjon5000: you're welcome18:16
SlartXBlackChaosX: I'm going to paste it into a private message.. just a sec18:16
_raven_undecim, i do not know at the moment but please wait a second18:16
undecim_raven_: slitaz has a partimage package... You could either download it from the livecd environment, or give me a moment to stick it on the slitaz ISO.18:17
airstrike* _raven_ connects to the matrix *18:17
sadrollahi , # chroot /media/disk /bin/bash --> chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error18:19
wig0_does anyone knows ffffound here ?18:20
Piciwig0_: What about it?18:20
ThreetimesHi, I can't add https://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=125 to my cart?!18:21
wig0_a website18:21
wig0_very closed18:21
wig0_i 'm searching for invit18:22
verĉu vi scias kaj parolas esperanton?18:22
Piciwig0_: The is the Ubuntu support channel, we cannot help you with this, sorry.18:22
Piciwig0_: #ubuntu-offtopic may be able to help, but I doubt it.18:23
wig0_oki i only thought that your strong spirit could help me18:23
wig0_in these time when nobody seems havving a problem18:24
wig0_(scuse my bad english)18:24
gizmobayI'm trying to resize my partition with gparted. The boot is ext3 and the extended is xfs18:24
gizmobayI can't resize the xfs18:24
selen_zbeep beep18:25
undecimgizmobay: I've always had problems resizing xfs with gparted as well.18:25
selen_zyes.me too.18:25
blakkheimgizmobay: xfs partitions cannot be shrunk18:25
vergizmobay, i'd suggest asking in #xfs, but they'd just say "SGI ROOOLZ" and kick you..18:25
gizmobayhmm, how can I do this?18:25
fosco__gizmobay, not sure if gparted supports xfs, make sure you have xfs-progs package installed18:25
undecimgizmobay: to this day, the only way I've found is to backup the files somewhere else, remove the xfs, resize the partitions, then put the files back.18:25
blakkheimgizmobay: you can't, i am trying xfs partitions cannot be shrunk18:26
blakkheimi am saying*18:26
verit's funny, because XFS partitions are easy to resize, technically18:26
undecimgizmobay: just back sure that wherever you back them up to save permissions18:26
blakkheimgizmobay: why did you choose xfs if you don't know about it?18:26
davertronSlart: that tutorial is a little old and it doesn't work exactly the way he describes it there, but i got enough to get stumpwm running in another xserver so18:26
davertronSlart: thanks!18:26
Slartdavertron: nice.. you're welcome18:27
gizmobayI think it did it for me when I installed18:27
gerzelI got vmware desktop installed on my computer how do I access it?18:28
gerzelAnyone know?  I think it is a url through a webbrowser but dunno the url18:28
onetinsoldiergerzel: it didn't make a desktop icon or a shortcut in your gnome menu?18:29
Slart!rtfm | szpuni18:29
ubottuszpuni: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.18:29
szpuniif you would read manual for installation he wouldn`t ask the question18:30
Diverdudewhat is lucid in ubuntu?18:31
Pici!lucid | Diverdude18:31
ubottuDiverdude: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:31
Slartszpuni: it doesn't matter.. just don't do that18:31
gerzelonetinsoldier: No don't see one18:31
gerzelI think I may have to re-install..18:31
Diverdude!jaunty | Diverdude18:32
ubottuDiverdude, please see my private message18:32
onetinsoldiergerzel: i'll bet it's a bin file you run. try the following18:32
nightfrogyou should read about what you are installing and how to use it before you install it anyway. shouldnt be a bad thing to tell someone rtfm18:32
onetinsoldiergerzel: sudo updatedb && locate vmware | grep bin18:32
=== AegisRising is now known as L0phT
Mrokiihello. I have keyboard-problems. I use an Apple Extended Keyboard II (via adaptor), changed the Alt-Key for the third-keys' functions and made the Apple-key acting like the alt-keys. But switching to to virtual consoles (via alt+ctrl+Fn) doesn't work...18:33
gerzelonetinsoldier: Ok got lots of hits.18:33
onetinsoldiergerzel: roger18:33
Mrokiiinstead, when I hit alt (actually, apple+ctrl+f1) and have a terminal opened, it prints out ";7P"18:34
onetinsoldiergerzel: if too many hits... try piping the output into 'less'18:34
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.18:34
SynthercatHi there18:34
gerzelonetinsoldier; What Am I looking for?18:35
=== L0phT is now known as L0ki
gerzelI haven't used it in a while last time I just pointed my browser at a url as I recall18:36
onetinsoldiergerzel: well, i'm surprised you'd get a lot of hits if it piped it through the 'grep bin'.. but you looking for something like /usr/bin/vmware18:36
XBlackChaosXthx for your help Slart  apprecite it bro :)18:36
DiverdudeOk, so I found this package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/r-base which i would like to install using the packet manager. How do I proceed?18:37
SlartXBlackChaosX: you're welcome18:37
onetinsoldiergerzel: or it might be /usr/local/bin/vamware ....something like that anyway18:37
obiwan_hi, please is there any pill which lets me read man bash, man iptables and man rsync without dying of boredom in the try? currently i can read up to 200 lines of each man, then i need first aids to keep living18:37
LjLDiverdude: type "sudo apt-get install r-base" in a terminal18:37
gerzelonetinsoldier: Installed but not configured.  Running re-configure it suggests18:38
LjLobiwan_: i don't usually read whole manpage, but use "/" to search for keywords relating to the options i need.18:38
LjLthen some manpages are just bad.18:38
verobiwan_, have you tried wiggling the cord?18:38
Myrttiobiwan_: pro tip: skip to the examples18:38
onetinsoldiergerzel: hmmmm18:38
gerzelLike I said old install that probably isn't current with my system  I've done a dist upgrade between now and when I last ran it18:39
onetinsoldiergerzel: i can't help any further. so, good luck :-)18:39
verobiwan_, otherwise, you should check your firewall, reboot your router, and close unnecessary programs to fix your <INSERT USER ISSUE HERE>.  failing that, a reboot should make your <INSERT USER COMPONENT HERE>.18:39
gerzelok thanks18:39
KreptaCan anyone help me with my sound problem18:39
vernice, my windows customer service script works almost perfectly...18:39
onetinsoldiergerzel: yeah, you might want to uninstall it and reinstall18:39
onetinsoldiergerzel: since you did a dist-upgrade18:40
prometeushello, is there a way to configure apt-get for, creates 4 connection per download like an accelerator? my isp limit each connection speed? thanks18:40
=== grawity is now known as `grawity`
=== `grawity` is now known as grawity
SynthercatQuestion : memtest DID show errors after all night rendering (hi CPU load)... weird fact 1)Same program for XP never did that! 2)memtest after a few hours does not show problem any more!!! (I've used memtest for more than dacade and NEVER seen it show errors and then run smooth again!)18:41
Kreptaverry weird18:41
blakkheimSynthercat: i didn't see a question in any of that18:41
SlartSynthercat: heat related? although I agree that it is weird..18:42
gerzelonetinsoldier: What vm product should I be looking for.  I want to run windows XP with Windows office 2007 on top of my current Ubuntu box any suggestions?18:42
erUSUL!vbox | gerzel18:42
KreptaI have a question!  Can someone help me with my sound problem?18:42
ubottugerzel: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:42
inkbottle_[ot] I'm looking for a channel to speak about "optical character recognition"? (especially ocropus if there is; alternatively any ocr / image segmentation / image processing)18:42
usr13prometeus: I think you need to re-phrase your question.18:42
Slartgerzel: virtualbox is free.. and good.. give it a try first18:42
bastid_raZorgerzel: vmware does well for me although many suggest virtualbox18:42
rjentIs there a way to stream netflix to ubuntu?18:42
gerzelIs virtual box on the ubuntu repositories?18:43
onetinsoldiergerzel: i would think 'VMWare Workstation'18:43
Pici!info virtualbox-ose18:43
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.8-dfsg-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 6182 kB, installed size 24292 kB18:43
obiwan_LjL: , ver and Myrtti , but you need to read man bash to be a good bash programmer, you can't just look up the thing you need each time at man bash, and same goes for iptables, people who know it speak by memory. i could look just the options i need for rsync though18:43
indradghi... i'm looking for a couple of licensing / trademark related question w.r.t redistribution of Ubuntu 9.10 DVDs.. is this the right forum to ask?18:43
rhamptoniine1 able to help with a usb belkin wireless n on 9.10?18:43
blakkheimgerzel: if you want usb support you will need to install the version that is not in the repos18:43
obiwan_hi ubuntu18:43
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usr13rjent: Heck, I haven't even figured out how to steam netflix to my TV yet!  :)18:43
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Slartobiwan_: ouch.. that sounds painful.. there has to be good books out there about bash.. it's been around for a while18:43
Kreptajust copy and redistribute them, it's open source18:44
Synthercatblakkheim : Ever heard of a memtest go wrong and then run ok once again? Why did only ubuntu caused it?18:44
obiwan_yeah slart, problem is that i can't even read the man, a book would be so worse...18:44
LjLobiwan_: people who learned to "program bash" and use iptables in its worst nuances most probably haven't learned it from manpages, but from good. for instance, google "bash scripting howto" for a really fine manual.18:44
rhamptoniine1 able to help with a usb belkin wireless n on 9.10?18:44
Kreptaubuntu for dummies?18:44
gerzelthanks I'll look into things further18:44
Slartobiwan_: "can't even read the man".. I would say that managing to read the entire man page is a big feat indeed.. reading a book about bash sounds much more pleasant18:45
raul_I've installed emesene and I've tried to use my webcam, but it said "You don't have libmimic, so you can't send or receive webcam". I went to synaptic and I installed everything about "libmimic", but it still didn't work... what should I do?18:45
obiwan_look Slart  i like unix, i'm really interested in bash, i'd love to be a programmer, so some days i feel like, yeah this is the day, i'mma read it. but then i start, read like 400 lines man bash, and i just can't keep, cause i see it's 28xx lines, and i think dude this ain't possible, i just can't go on18:45
indradgKrepta, thanks I know that... but does Ubuntu have anything like "authorized artwork" for stuff like DVD disc labels that can be re-produced and distributed in unmodified format?18:45
jason_froebeSynthercat - memtest is bundled with Ubuntu but Ubuntu really has nothing to do with it.   If it sometimes says something is wrong but not always, the odds are that either your memory is going bad or it is overclocked18:45
Slartobiwan_: man pages are available as html-files as well.. perhaps that's easier on the eyes?18:46
Kreptaindradg: not sure of anything, but I wouldn't worry about copying and giving copies of the discs, including labels.18:47
obiwan_ok LjL and Slart , i'll try about that. maybe that way i can, cause i'm really interested in making and of course, u nderstanding scripts. It fscks me when i open some /etc/init.d script and i don't u nderstand 60% of it's phrases haha18:47
usr13Slart: Try tty (easier on the eyes)...18:47
Slartobiwan_: I would go with something like this http://oreilly.com/catalog/9781565923478  (I'm not familiar with that book myself.. that's just an example)18:48
obiwan_that's true slart, html has anything... that makes things look better haha ^_^! well, it's ok thanks 4 advices to everybody18:48
bullgardhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbox: "The Mozilla family of MUAs (Mozilla, Netscape, Thunderbird, et al.) use an mboxrd variation with more complex From line quoting rules. Does Evolution use the same file format for holding collections of electronic mail messages?18:48
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Slartusr13: you think a tty is easier to read than a html page?18:48
obiwan_yeah, i read that o'reilly is a refference book for any computing subject, they make realy good books i heard. i'll give it a try18:48
erUSULSlart: obiwan_ yel the help viewer can read man pages too.18:48
obiwan_& thx 4 the link Slart !18:48
Slartobiwan_: you're welcome18:49
KreptaI can't make my usb sound card (headset) play any system sounds, or sound from any browser, but music player works, dvd audio works, and game audio works.  The internal sound card is dead, but the system doesn't know that.  What do I do, please?18:49
SlarterUSUL: ah.. didn't know that.. nice18:49
usr13Slart: Yes, and I often read html pages via lynx from tty Try it, you'll like it.18:49
rhamptoniine1 able to help with a usb belkin wireless n on 9.10?  or point me in a good direction...forums were no help18:49
erUSULbullgard: dunno; i think evolutions uses plain mbox (or maybe its own variation)18:49
Slartusr13: I'll give it a try =)18:50
LasivianDoes anyone know of a way to screenshot all gnome workspaces at once from cli?18:50
LasivianGuess I finally asked a hard question, I'm learning more :)18:52
CAPcapHow would I go about opening a .rar?18:53
=== Axis is now known as ph33r
fosco__CAPcap, sudo aptitude install rar unrar18:54
euxneksLasivian: do you want a screenshot of the CLI or, a screenshot of desktop from cli?18:54
onetinsoldierCAPcap: install 'unrar' package. you'll probably want to install 'file-roller' as well18:54
fosco__then open it with file-roller18:54
CAPcapthanks fosco__18:54
onetinsoldierdoh. i bet file-roller is another standard package, hehe18:54
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CAPcapyeah its on my system18:55
strywgrarchive manager is installed18:55
strywgrjust try to open it with 'Archive Manager'18:55
strywgrLasivian : I saw something you want on ubuntu forums, try searching for it.18:56
znx^Does anyone know how to open ports for download in terminal? I have already opened my router18:56
euxneksznx^: check out iptables18:57
rhamptoniine1 able to help with a usb belkin wireless n on 9.10?  or point me in a good direction...forums were no help...try 318:57
erUSULznx^: by default ubuntu does not have a firewall running. if something is listening in the port then the port will be "open"18:57
erUSULrhamptonii: what wifi chip does the dongle uses ?18:58
znx^euxneks: I am newbie and know nothing about anything18:58
euxneksznx^: then don't try iptables :P18:58
erUSULrhamptonii: yes18:58
euxneksznx^: you should just be able to use whatever port is needed when an application is listening on it18:59
euxneksznx^: also, see erUSUL's comment regarding firewalls18:59
rekhi can i have a text based peer to peer?18:59
reklike amule18:59
znx^euxneks: well you know how transmission can check if the port is open to download.. and it's not.. download is so slow..19:00
euxneksznx^: that would either be your router or your ISP blocking that port. I would suggest a non-standard port19:00
Diverdudeis it possible to make a list of all packages installed, reinstall ubuntu and just give this list to the packet manager, and then it installs all the packages again?19:00
euxneksznx^: and then make sure it's open on your router19:01
onetinsoldierDiverdude: yep19:01
euxneksznx^: you can also encrypt it afaik19:01
onetinsoldierDiverdude: i can give you the commands19:01
znx^euxneks: I opened the port on my router..19:01
Diverdudeonetinsoldier, that would be very nice19:01
error_nameHello :)19:01
error_namei have very strange problem19:01
onetinsoldierDiverdude: roger... give me just a sec here19:01
znx^euxneks: and worked fine when using windows, but got tired of boot times there.. Just gotta resolve my download issue19:01
error_namemy pc runs better if a game is running19:01
error_namecan u help19:02
Diverdudeonetinsoldier, ok, thx a lot m819:02
znx^euxneks: But don't know, the torrent might not be healthy or something19:02
euxneksznx^: yeah but you said transmission said the port was closed...?19:02
euxneksznx^: if that's the case, and you've opened the port on your router, then there must be something on the ISP's side blocking that port19:03
znx^euxneks: Yep, it says that it's closed.. tornado says it closed19:03
Slarterror_name: it's not a cpu downclocking thing? ie without anything big running it underclocks the cpu which in turn makes it a bit sluggish.. but when you run something big it runs at normal speed?19:03
euxneksznx^: did it say it was closed in windows?19:03
euxneksznx^: and did you also use transmission in windows19:03
znx^euxneks: Nope..19:03
onetinsoldierDiverdude: np. to make the file(save on floppy/usb stick)... dpkg --get-selections > my_package_list.txt19:03
znx^euxneks: No i used utorrent..19:04
error_nameslart how to make it run at normal speed everytime19:04
euxneksznx^: so, one of two things could solve this: encrypt your traffic (there should be an option in transmission) or change your net port on which you're sharing19:04
thomatworkHi, I'm interested in using LDAP (and whatever else is necessary) on an Ubuntu server to replace Active Directory functionality. Anyone have tips or links on how to begin researching this? Are there any solid projects that have made this easy to do?19:05
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znx^euxneks: But anyways, I have another problem that you might be able to help me with.. every one in a while i just loose my wifi connection, but i mean it just reconnects like right away19:05
Slarterror_name: I'm not really sure how to do it in karmic.. in earlier versions you could install governors and a small applet for the gnome-panel.. then you could set it to "conservative", "on demand" and so on.. and even fixed cpu speeds19:05
Diverdude onetinsoldier ok, nice...and to load it again?19:05
euxneksznx^: how close are you to the wifi router?19:05
onetinsoldierDiverdude: to reinstall --> dpkg --get-selections < my_package_list.txt && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install19:05
znx^euxneks: there is only one wall between it and me.19:05
thomatworkforgot to mention that I'd have about 100 users on XP & Windows719:06
znx^euxneks: and it's gen. n i think19:06
euxneksznx^: well I can't really help you much there .. Maybe a different driver for your wireless card is needed?19:06
onetinsoldierDiverdude: there is also a metod of doing this using aptitude, but i don't know what the exact commands are for it19:06
konrwhich are the basic latex packages I should install to be able to make pdf files from them?19:06
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:06
znx^euxneks: wouldn't know where to find it except for through that hardware scanner..19:06
onetinsoldier!clone | Diverdude19:07
ubottuDiverdude: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:07
znx^euxneks: and soz for being so ignorant about all this, just don't much of anything yet19:07
euxneksznx^: not at all :)19:07
onetinsoldierthanks Myrtti19:07
RxDxi have a core2duo with 3gb ram... should i install a 32 or 64bits version?19:07
tegryanHi all, can anyone help me with the dreaded broadcom wireless/karmic update issue?19:07
euxneksznx^: man pages and wiki documents as well as forums and IRC are a great place to start :)19:07
euxneksznx^:  plus, you've got a better attitude than other people I've helped19:08
_raven_unetbootin does not make the stick bootable - what can i do?19:08
znx^euxneks: I've spend the last few days trying to get it worked out from there.. but no luck19:08
euxneksznx^: there is an option to prefer encrypted peers in transmission as well as changing the port under Peers and Network, respectively19:08
Diverdudeonetinsoldier, aha thats really nice....What about packages that comes from repositories i had to add to the repos config file?19:08
rhamptoniine1 able to help with a usb belkin wireless n on 9.10?  or point me in a good direction...forums were no help...try 419:09
znx^euxneks: How's my attitude different? for the worse?19:09
euxneksznx^: no for the better19:09
euxneksznx^: I've seen people just come in here demanding help and being a total twat about things19:09
onetinsoldierDiverdude: you'll need to save your current /etc/apt.sources.list and then add them back in to your new installation19:09
tegryanI'm showing in my hardware manager that the Broadcom STA wireless driver is activated and currently in use, but when I use WICD to scan for networks none are found19:09
onetinsoldierDiverdude: your going to cloe a 9.10 install? is that right?19:10
blakkheim!broadcom > tegryan19:10
ubottutegryan, please see my private message19:10
onetinsoldierDiverdude: your going to clone* a 9.10 install? is that right?19:10
znx^euxneks: naw.. I ain't gonna be a dick about things you know.. when I don't know nothing I can't even be cocky about anything you know :D19:10
tegryangreat, thanks19:10
euxneksznx^: another thing to check is to make sure that your local ip address (something like matches with the router IP address you've set in the rules19:10
Diverdudeonetinsoldier, ahh yes of course...okaythis is really awesome...this mean i can recreate my state very fast....except for those settings i made for the gui etc.19:10
Myrttikonr: pdflatex might pull all the dependencies you need19:10
onetinsoldierDiverdude: roger... and i typo'd... it's --> /etc/apt/sources.list19:11
Diverdudeonetinsoldier, well.....basically i think my partioning is really fu.... so i should repartion everything and start over19:11
znx^okay, now how do I do that in ubuntu?19:11
euxneksznx^: you should be able to see something in Network Manager19:11
rhamptoniine1 able to help with a usb belkin wireless n on 9.10?  or point me in a good direction...forums were no help...try 519:11
onetinsoldierDiverdude: oh, i see19:11
znx^euxneks: aight ty...19:11
Myrttikonr: hold on, let me find the exact package name19:11
thomatworkAnyone on LDAP on Ubuntu server as a replacement for Active Directy at a SMB?19:12
mjgoinsanyone know what would cause "control-r" not to work in mysql monitor?19:12
Diverdudeonetinsoldier, in my grub loader i have like 6 ubuntu  options and then 2 windows options and some extra below19:12
onetinsoldierDiverdude: my install is something ridiculous, like 8 partitions, lol19:12
euxneksznx^: you can also check in the terminal19:13
epinkythomatwork: better ask on #ubuntu-server channel19:13
resnoon my dual boot, grub no longer does a timer to boot. how i set it back up?19:13
euxneksznx^: type this: ifconfig | grep "inet addr"19:13
rhamptoniiexperienced ndiswrapper folks out there?19:13
euxneksit will tell you your local address19:13
euxneksznx^: anyway I have to go. Good luck!!19:13
Myrttikonr: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/texlive-latex-base perhaps19:13
XBlackChaosXhmm i cant seem to find the login windows preference to install my gdm theme. im running ubuntu 9.1019:14
DominoDriveHello. I am trying to install my Printer using the files and  a guide from the printer maker website.19:14
DominoDriveThis is the Site where the deskription on how to Do is: http://www.samsung.com/se/support/download/supportDownDetail.do?group=&type=skrivare&subtype=laserskrivare&model_nm=CLX-3175FN&disp_nm=CLX-3175FN&language=&cate_type=all&mType=DR&dType=D&vType=&cttID=2041645&prd_ia_cd=14010200&model_cd=&menu=download&menu2=detail19:14
DominoDriveWhen i have exhtracted the file i get a directory called cdroot. And the guide says to do this: #sudo cdroot/autorun     to start the installation program.  but is ses sudo cdroot/autorun: command not found19:14
thomatworkepinky: thanks - I should have thought of that.19:14
znx^euxneks: aight cya19:14
konrMyrtti: thanks!19:14
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rsc1988i need to confirm a sms message? anyone can help me?19:16
onetinsoldierXBlackChaosX: i've seen this question asked before and the reply was that the gdm in 9.10 has be rewritten from scratch and there's currently no themes for it yet, or something like that19:16
resnoon my dual boot, grub no longer does a timer to boot. how i set it back up?19:16
Myrttirsc1988: ? this is Ubuntu support channel...19:16
tegryanblakkheim, i sent you a pm, at least i think i did19:16
XBlackChaosXonetinsoldier, oh ok.. dam that  sux19:16
DominoDriveII have problems installing my printer. im trying to run #sudo cdroot/autorun  (cdroot is the dir with all the drivers)  The guide on Samsung tells me to do this. But i get sudo /cdroot/autorun: command not found19:16
azrael_yo anyone knowledgable about wine?19:17
blakkheimDominoDrive: cd cdroot ; sudo ./autorun  (assuming it's a binary/script)19:17
DominoDriveazrael_:  i little19:17
protojayazrael_, goto #winehq for wine support19:17
azrael_ty much19:18
DominoDriveblakkheim:  il try19:18
krishnanis thr a pdf to word convertor for ubuntu?19:18
azrael_i'm trying to get enemy territory runing and it black screens19:18
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azrael_i have all uptodate drivers19:18
Slartkrishnan: nothing that works reliably19:18
fiezi've just installed ubuntu and I have some problems. My girlfriend usually used to chat with ICQ from Windows Vista.19:18
azrael_and i know my system can run it19:18
error_nameguys my pc runs better if a game is present in the background. maybe its a cpu problem but how to speed it up when nothing is running(except the OS ofcourse)19:19
fiezhow can I integrate icq to linux19:19
blakkheimfiez: pidgin has an icq chat option19:19
strywgrkrishanan : I do my work through a web, search for it on google. 'online pdf to word converter'.19:19
krishnanslart: i need to do some small doc conversions19:19
rhamptoniine1 able to help with a usb belkin wireless n on 9.10?  or point me in a good direction...forums were no help...try 619:19
rocket_thomatwork: i recommend start here https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html19:19
Slartkrishnan: try the suggestion from strywgr19:20
XBlackChaosXonetinsoldier, is there anyway that i can somehow go to 9.04 from 9.10?19:20
fiezwhere can i get pidgin. I'm an ubuntu noob19:20
onetinsoldierXBlackChaosX: you're using 9.04? i thought you already had 9.1019:20
ShishKababHi. Is there any way I can burn a bunch of raw (40 or something) WAVs to a DVD in a way a standard DVD player can play them. I tried DeVeDe but it can only handle video files.19:20
onetinsoldierXBlackChaosX: you said you are running 9.10, hehe19:21
blakkheimfiez: open terminal and type sudo aptitude install pidgin19:21
onetinsoldierXBlackChaosX: although i'm not positive, i think it is possible to dist-upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1019:21
XBlackChaosXonetinsoldier, i do have 9.04 but it seems that i cant do some of the things i wanna do with 9.10 because of alot of changes that was made so i wanna go from 9.10 to 9.0419:22
XBlackChaosXonetinsoldier, i do have 9.1019:22
onetinsoldierXBlackChaosX: ok, i understand now.. no, not possible19:22
rhamptoniine1 able to help with a usb belkin wireless n on 9.10?  or point me in a good direction...forums were no help...try 719:22
mike8i8ShishKabab: try Brasero19:23
XBlackChaosXk thx anyway onetinsoldier19:23
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
PeturIHello, under "System->prefecences->Power Management", there is a small checkbox "Spin down hard disks when possible".. if i enable this rule.. when will it apply? (when i close the laptop lid.. or always when possible) ?????19:23
`mOOse`what's up with it rhamptonii?19:23
`mOOse`should work just like any other wifi router19:23
CAPcapHow can I change my pointer from the standard white one? when i click the different pointers in the custom theme menu it only changes it for text boxes and some screens (like the admin authorit screen)19:23
deostrollhi can v request an ubuntu 9.04 cd to be freely shipped to us?19:24
ubottuShipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Jaunty (9.04) CDs19:24
PeturIdeostroll: www.ubuntu.com you can apply there19:24
Myrttideostroll: 9.04? they don't shipit anymore, I believe19:24
mneptokCAPcap: IIRC, you need to logout and back in for the change to take effect system-wide.19:24
DrPraetorHow do I find which package has the pascal compiler?19:24
PeturISlart: I requested a shipment of Ubuntu and i recived a 9.10 disk... u better update your bot19:24
malsynedAnybody mind pasting me their /etc/fstab?  I just clobbered mine and I was able to reconstruct it but I'd like all of the nice helpful comments back19:24
Diverdudeonetinsoldier, plus i have 28GB unpartionend data which is just dangling there19:24
CAPcapthanks mneptok19:24
SlartPeturI: not my bot.. but I'll tell it's master when I see him =)19:25
blakkheimmalsyned: fstab depends on the system, someone else's probably won't work foor you19:25
PeturISlart: U great19:25
DrPraetorpascal-compiler, d'oh19:25
DrPraetor<-feels stupid19:25
malsynedblakkheim, I know that.  I don't need the functional lines, I want all the comment lines.19:25
deostrollk wht abt the 9.10 release...is the bug fized...?19:25
SlartDrPraetor: use synaptic to search for pascal.. there are a few, I think19:25
PeturIWhat bug?19:25
erUSULDrPraetor: probably lazarus or freepascal19:25
deostrollheard ther ws an install issue?19:26
dacsis there is a way i can change my session timeout if i am sshing from remote to my box19:26
mike8i8proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       019:26
mike8i8# / was on /dev/sda4 during installation19:26
mike8i8UUID=223f1ac9-f393-4947-84f0-ddb88f5b1be5 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       119:26
deostrollit hanged/stalled/crashed while installing...19:26
mike8i8# /home was on /dev/sda3 during installation19:26
onetinsoldierDiverdude: roger that19:26
Mrokiihello. Can anybdoy tell me if there is a way to change the keyboard-shortcuts for switching between virtual terminals? Alt+ctrl+fn, I mean.19:27
malsynedmike8i8, 1) please private /msg it to me so that everyone else doesn't have to deal.  2) I'm more interested in the helpful comments at the top explaining how to retrieve the blockid of drives and stuff.19:27
rhamptoniindiswrapper shows device and so does lsusb...but error in messages file indicates a problem with the driver loading19:28
strywgrMrokii : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts - follow this page.19:28
rocket_malsyned: blkid -o value -s UUID19:28
onetinsoldierDiverdude: now, if you are wanting to use that 9.10 package list to install a 9.04 installation, that won't work. just an fyi19:28
hiexpook guys i am being lamb and have a question19:28
deostrolli'm sorry but didn't ubuntu 9.10 have some sort of an install issue...?19:29
`mOOse`rhamptonii: what are we dealing with, a router, a nic, or?? Is it usb or ?19:29
mneptokmmmm .... lamb.19:29
fiezthx blakkheim19:29
Mrokiistrycore:  Thanks, will have a look at that.19:29
mike8i8Mrokii you should google the X configuration19:29
rhamptoniiusb adapter....belkin n...19:29
Mrokiimike8i8:  okay19:29
fiezhello hello19:29
mike8i8the ctrl+alt+fx it's a Xorg thing19:29
Mrokiimike8i8:  thanks19:29
hiexpook here it is i go into sudo nano /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf and change the mac add and channel # and click exit and than i want to save it in nao what type of fill do i save it as  ?19:31
dacssomeone care to show me if there is a way i can change my session timeout if i am sshing from remote to my box19:31
resnoon my dual boot, grub no longer does a timer to boot. how i set it back up?19:31
erUSULdacs: /etc/ssh/sshd_config ??19:31
Gesihi i am a new user of ubuntu and i got a file .run i want to install it but i dont know how to convert it to .deb  thank you19:31
`mOOse`rhamptonii: what's the error - paste it to pastebin.org and then paste the url in here19:32
protojaygesi: u cant do that19:32
dacserUSUL: thanks19:32
osfameronhow can I get nautilus to understand afp:/// urls (like those exposed by MacOSX Sharing) ?19:32
onetinsoldierGesi: i don't think it can be converted. but you can run the .run file to try and install it's contents19:32
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:33
hiexpogesi that is not happening19:33
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:33
strywgrGesi : open a terminal, to the directory of the .run file, -> Type "chmod +x filename.run"19:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about afp19:34
erUSUL!es | admredes19:34
ubottuadmredes: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:34
osfameronany ideas?19:34
strywgrGesi : -> ./filename.run and hit enter.19:34
mike8i8speak english please! :P19:34
vnhi, are there ubuntu packages for HyperV VM tools?19:35
trismresno: you can edit the timer in /etc/default/grub. if the menu doesn't show up at all, comment out GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 (put a # infront of the line) and run sudo update-grub;19:35
erUSULosfameron: gvfs has to understand afp i think it curently does not19:35
rhamptoniimOOse:  http://pastebin.org/7634519:35
erUSULosfameron: and i dunno if there are plans to add it19:35
deostrollhi is anyone using ubuntu 9.10 here?19:36
Gesithak you everyone i am trying now19:36
Slartdeostroll: probably quite many.. yes19:36
sykdeostroll, im pretty sure, whats the problem?19:36
GorlistHi, ive slightly backed myself into a corner - trying to get Blender sculpting to work I applied some new mesa drivers available through another repo which should resolve the problem (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/446632), however since doing so blender now fails to load.19:36
mike8i8I am19:36
osfameronerUSUL: ok... I don't absolutely need nautilus to wrap the pretty URL (though it'd be nice!)  Is there a way to connect, even if it's less convenient ?19:36
Slart!anyone | deostroll19:36
ubottudeostroll: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:36
GorlistIve removed the repo I added from the package manager, but how can I back date the mesa to the offical repo releasE?19:36
deostrollSlart: thot it had an install issue when it was released...?19:37
`mOOse`k rhamptonii....hang a sec19:37
euxneksdeostroll: I have installed and did not get any issues19:37
osfameronerUSUL: ah, I'm seeing mentioned of openafs-client... I'll try that19:37
Slartdeostroll: hmm.. nothing I noticed when I installed it.. haven't heard anything about it here either19:37
resnotrism: when i run sudo update-grub it says command not found19:37
CAPcaphow do i log out? the guides say system > log out, but i dont have a log out option19:37
Slartdeostroll: 9.04 had some issues with intel graphics.. but I don't remember anything that serious with 9.1019:38
euxneksdeostroll: in fact, it was a really easy install19:38
ardchoilleCAPcap: it's over on the right under your user19:38
CAPcapthanks very much ardchoille19:38
deostrolleuxneks: probably they've fixed it then...19:38
erUSULosfameron: i think openafs stands for Andrew Filesystem ...19:38
robohi: if i'm using the ubuntu live cd, do you think it will find fibre channel connected hard drives?19:38
euxneksdeostroll: well I don't recall ever hearing of any install issues with karmic19:39
ardchoilleCAPcap: alternately you can remove that user applet and the logout/shutdown options will appear under System19:39
osfameronerUSUL: ah?  http://www.openafs.org/ suggests that OSx is *a* user of it19:39
Gabriel_ubuntuhi everyone19:40
`mOOse`rhamptonii: is this relevant?19:40
Gabriel_ubuntuI have a simple question, how do you install winks on amsn?19:40
erUSULosfameron: probably it is better to use samba or nfs on OSX to serve the files19:40
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=== logankoseter is now known as logankoester
resnowhen i run sudo update-grub i get command not found19:40
MASARUwotaGabriel_ubuntu: you dont, winks are flash + internet explorer thingies, which wont work outside of WLM19:40
rhamptoniim00se:  only errors i get from plugging in the adapter...i would assume it indicates a problem of some sort19:41
tag_Anyone know what happened to the doxygen-gui package in karmic?19:41
Gesithank you everyone its working19:41
strywgrGesi :)19:41
Gabriel_ubuntuso in other words, I cant use any wink on amsn?19:41
strywgrI think you can Gabriel, check out amsn's website for that.19:41
osfameronerUSUL: um.  This is someone else's laptop.  Asking them to enable sharing (one click from System PReferences) I can do.  Asking htem to install and configure Samba for me...19:41
Gabriel_ubuntuok, let me check19:41
mike8i8try sudo update-grub219:42
resnomike8i8: command not found19:42
MASARUwotaresno: are you running karmic?19:42
ardchoilleI don't think he is19:42
usr13vimtutor seems to be broken, does not bring up the file.  Anyone else use vimtutor?19:42
resnoMASARUwota: yes 9.10 karmic koala19:42
mike8i8resno: apropos grub | grep update19:43
ardchoilleusr13: vimtutor works great here on Karmic19:43
mike8i8resno: of if it doesnt work just : apropos grub19:43
resnomake-memtest86+-boot-floppy (1) - create a memtest86+ boot-floppy using GRUB.19:44
resnomake-memtest86+-boot-floppy (1) - create a memtest86+ boot-floppy using GRUB.19:44
Gesii have to go19:44
Gesibye to everyone...19:44
usr13ardchoille: Ok, well still using 8.04 here.19:44
uriki dont nou19:45
azrael_any one know how to get enemy territory running on ubuntu 9.10?19:45
mike8i8aptitude search grub19:45
usr13ardchoille: Only way I can use it is to cp /usr/share/vim/vim71/tutor/tutor $HOME/ and do: vim tutor19:46
mike8i8where an 'i' appears is that the package is installed19:46
usr13ardchoille: But it's always been broken on this system, just wondering if there's a way to fix it, or to figure out what's wrong with it.19:46
resnogrub and grub2  have a p. i dont see an i mike8i819:47
usr13ardchoille: What vim version do you have?19:47
ardchoilleusr13: Is you path variable broken? open a terminal and run: echo $PATH19:47
mike8i8then it isnt installed19:48
London90just when  you thought irc was safe ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/356721/19:48
ardchoilleusr13: I have VIM - Vi IMproved 7.219:48
mike8i8sudo apt-get install grub-common grub-pc19:48
usr13ardchoille: What do I need to add?19:48
usr13ardchoille:  version 7.1.13819:49
resnomike8i8: any idea why it wouldnt be installed?19:49
ardchoilleusr13: I always uninstall vim-tiny and install vim19:49
ryanCHif i put 2 pcie video cards, and booted ubuntu would they both be configured automatically?19:49
usr13ardchoille: Do I need to add something to my path? or...?19:49
ardchoilleusr13: I don't think the tutor is included with vim-tiny19:49
ShishKababmike8i8: Brasero says I can't burn the DVD with the current set of plugins... Whatever that means...\19:50
onetinsoldierDo we really want to click on "London90"s link he posted?!?19:51
onetinsoldierI DIDN'T19:51
ardchoilleusr13: your path looks ok to me19:51
mike8i8install the plugins then19:51
edbianWhere can I get help with windows xp19:51
mike8i8I think the app give u the option to install them19:52
Slartonetinsoldier: pastebin links are usually safe19:52
ardchoilleedbian: #windows  ?19:52
onetinsoldierSlart: ok, roger. i'm getting paranoid19:52
mike8i8call the official service (Is in the license terms)19:52
plouffeis there any way to protect Ubuntu from all wireless data theft?19:54
mike8i8Use WPA219:54
ShishKababmike8i8: No, it doesn't. And Google doesn't tell me anything useful.19:54
protojaydont use wireless plouffe19:54
Roasted_is it possible during the 9.10 installer to disable software raid? It seems all distros auto-kick on software raid, including opensuse, fedora, etc. The only distro Ive seen to disable it during the installer was mandriva. Can I do that in ubuntu/kubuntu?19:54
fosco__plouffe, this is router related, not ubuntu19:54
plouffeok thanks19:55
EAGhi, I need some help with getting alsa to work. I keep getting "aplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found..."19:55
mike8i8try sudo apt-get install libdvdcss219:55
EAGthe correct module is loaded (snd_intel8x0) and the card does show up if I do a cat /proc/asound/cards19:56
MrokiiCan anybody tell me where I can change the systems shortcuts for switching virtual consoles? I have googled about it but couldn't find anything.19:56
mike8i8have u googled the error?19:56
erUSULMrokii: afaik you can not change that. is hardcoded in the kernel19:57
MrokiierUSUL:  Err... that's bad.19:57
erUSULMrokii: is like crtl + alt + supr in windows ...19:58
resnomike8i8: you mean you do all the work for me ;)19:58
resnomike8i8: thanks, see where ican get from here19:58
MrokiierUSUL:  So, do you know a possible reason why these shortcuts do not work for me?19:58
mike8i8u'r welcome!19:59
erUSULMrokii: doesn't work means ? you get a blank screen? or what?20:00
ShishKababmike8i8: No luck. E: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate. But I just found another program (for Window, yuck ;)). Thanks anyway for your help!20:00
MrokiierUSUL:  No they do not switch to anything at all. And when I have a terminal opened, pressing ctrl+alt+f1 for example prints out ";7P"20:01
linuxHello, i have a seemingly simple question. But i cant figure it out for the life of me.....   Ubuntu 9.10         Ok i need to know how to remove a tab from the Applications menu.... I tried to use this and installed full tilt poker... Didnt seem to work so i uninstall FTP and went to remove the WINE app.... but now i still have  Wine-Programs-Full Tilt Poker   in my apps menu20:01
fs-adoes anyone know what's that stand-up comedy show with black people and a white dj?20:01
erUSULMrokii: are you sure your keyboard is well configured ?20:01
erUSUL!ot | fs-a20:01
ubottufs-a: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:01
rmmanHi.  If I do rm -I on a lot of files, it says "remove all arguments?"20:02
rmmanIs there a way to make it list all the files it plans to remove?20:02
MrokiierUSUL:  That's a bit of a problematic issue, as I use an Apple Extended Keyboard II (pretty old, with an ADB-adaptor).20:02
rmmanLike a quick general overview20:02
MrokiierUSUL:  But as far as I can tell, I think I configured it properly.20:02
TurbolinuxHello everyone. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 on my internet notebook computer. I want to use Ubuntu Netbook Remix desktop but I have an question for one situation. If I want to use standard desktop system, can I select from Netbook Remix desktop menu?20:03
erUSULMrokii: i suspect it may be becouse of the weird keyboard but i dunno how to solve it ...20:03
usr13ardchoille: I fixed it:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall vim vim-common vim-gnome vim-gui-common vim-runtime20:03
tyrosineTurbolinux: ALT+F1?20:03
Mrokiilinux:  I think removing that should be possible by right-clicking on the Applications-menu and choosing "edit menus"20:03
mtaftmhey can you use manycam in ubuntu ?!20:04
onetinsoldierlinux: try System --> Preferences --> Main Menu20:04
linuxAhhh!!! sweet man thanks20:04
_raven_how to start a win-manager in UBUNTU-SERVER?20:04
linuxits there... thanks!20:04
linuxlol i just switched... so im so use to windows and i dont know much about linux20:04
ardchoilleusr13: yay :)20:04
jrib_raven_: always?20:05
MrokiierUSUL:  Well, other shortcuts (like ctrl+alt+backspace) work, so it seems that only the function-keys are a problem.20:05
erUSUL_raven_: you have to install one first20:05
onetinsoldierlinux: roger. you're welcome. no worries. enjoy!20:05
mtaftmanyone can you help me :) ?!20:05
TurbolinuxTyrosine: it only opens console session.20:05
epinky!anyone | mtaftm20:05
erUSULMrokii: sure. do the function key give error in other apps or situations ?20:05
ubottumtaftm: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:05
MrokiierUSUL:  no. the shortcut for opening a command-window for example (in conjunction with F2) works as well.20:06
MrokiierUSUL:  I mean, the shortcut that opens a requester where one can type something in/run an application20:07
axos88Hi! I am trying to set up NFS server on ubuntu, for a windows xp client. I keep getting invalid username / password from the win xp side... what can be the problem, where can I find some log files,20:07
erUSULMrokii: dunno really; can you test the same machine with a nother keyboard ?20:07
_raven_erUSUL, how - i have only internet when i can install the umts-stick on ubuntu-server20:07
erUSULaxos88: why use nfs with windows clients ?20:08
unoprmman,  just echo the glob out?   e.g.  echo *20:08
MrokiierUSUL:  I have another (regular USB, but also from Apple) keyboard and these shortcuts do not work there as well.20:08
* _Ovidiu is away: Gone away for now20:08
axos88erUSUL, because I can't use samba for several reasons, and our dataserver is NFS, so eventually I will need to migrate there too20:08
_raven_erUSUL, ?20:08
erUSULaxos88: ok20:09
_raven_how to start a win-manager in UBUNTU-SERVER?20:09
erUSULaxos88: log files in /var/log/20:09
mike8i8raven: http://xwinman.org/basics.php20:09
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TurbolinuxHello again. Can I select standard desktop from Netbook Remix desktop menu if I install it?20:09
mtaftmHELLLLLLLLLO lol i asked my question now i get no help20:09
nibbler_raven_, install it first, but its a server!20:09
ardchoille!away > _Ovidiu20:09
ubottu_Ovidiu, please see my private message20:09
mike8i8axos88: I recommend u to follow a guide20:09
erUSUL!patience | mtaftm20:09
ubottumtaftm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:09
axos88erUSUL, where does the NFS server log to, i didn't searched through messages and syslog, but there was nothing related there... no nfs directory or files either20:09
_raven_nibbler, i cannot install anything until i managed to install the umts-usb-stick first20:09
sagarne1 hot20:09
erUSULaxos88: maybe /var/log/daemon.log ?20:10
mtaftmim sorry :( ive searched but aint had no look, surely there is a program like manycam in ubuntu :(20:10
tyrosinewhat is manycam mtaftm20:10
nibbler_raven_, not easy then....20:10
mtaftmtyrosine: its webcam software with many tools20:10
tyrosinemtaftm: there's a lot of webcam software for linux20:11
geniimtaftm: Perhaps check out ZoneMinder instead20:11
mtaftmgenii: whats ZoneMinder20:11
MrokiierUSUL:  The only thing I can think of is that there is a problem with the selected keyboard-model. I struggled some time to find the proper one (had to use some bash-commands to do so), and maybe that, in conjunction with the ADB-adaptor lead to wrong keycodes in some ways.20:11
axos88erUSUL, yeah, there are 3 entries there, but 2 days old20:11
mike8i8mtaftm: google Cheese20:12
GorlistHi, I need to back take my mesae to the repo version (libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx) - how can I do it?20:12
Gorlistive removed the new ppa from the sources20:12
mtaftmive had cheese, its crap i dont have a webcam i just want to record my desktop20:12
Gorlistback take -back date20:12
erUSULMrokii: well i dunno; never fighted with apple hardware. bog standar pc parts here...20:12
likeawhaleeveryone - go channel #katrin20:13
erUSULlikeawhale: do not advertice here20:13
Myrttilikeawhale: please don't advertise20:13
onetinsoldierGorlist: where had you gotten the newer one? where did you download it from? did you get it via something being added to your repo list?20:13
wall[e]hello, anyone can help me with wacom on lucid?20:14
Myrtti!lucid | wall[e]20:14
ubottuwall[e]: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:14
reki need a p2p text based20:14
mike8i8mtaftm: http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net20:14
mtaftmcant you use Easycam in linux20:14
reki need a p2p text based20:14
Gorlistonetinsoldier, yes I added it to the repo list, then run an update. it was to fix a mesa bug in blender20:14
wall[e]i tried to install driver xserver-xorg-input-wacom but it refused to install.20:14
Gorlistonetinsoldier, but in turn made it worse20:14
rektext based mike8i8?20:14
mtaftmmike8i8: i want something like manycam mate where i can use a picture as my webcam20:14
wall[e]Myrtti: thanks20:14
Gorlistonetinsoldier, came from http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/20:14
onetinsoldierGorlist: roger. first, you need to remove that repo from your /etc/apt/sources.list file20:15
flamthttp://tinyurl.com/lsd-25-ai now with morphic resonance20:15
Gorlistonetinsoldier, done20:16
reki need a command-line p2p20:16
PovAdct_idcrisisrek: rtorrent is a console-only BitTorrent client20:16
onetinsoldierGorlist: ok, then run --> sudo apt-get update20:16
rekok PovAdct_idcrisis and amule?20:16
erUSULrek: rtorrent; mlnet20:16
Gorlistonetinsoldier, updated20:16
erUSUL!info mlnet | rek20:16
ubotturek: Package mlnet does not exist in karmic20:16
mike8i8mtaft: so you wanna emulate a webcam?20:16
erUSUL!info mldonky | rek20:16
ubotturek: Package mldonky does not exist in karmic20:16
erUSUL!info mldonkey | rek20:16
ubotturek: Package mldonkey does not exist in karmic20:16
onetinsoldierGorlist: ok, then finally --> apt-get --reinstall --force-yes <package_name> <package_name>, ect...20:16
* erUSUL damm20:16
KnightwseHello everybody , i'm using this chatwindow to explain irc to people :) So you guys are all on a live screencast ! Wave to the camera :)20:16
Gorlistonetinsoldier, thanks20:17
PovAdct_idcrisis_o/ hi Knightwse20:17
onetinsoldierGorlist: you're welcome :)20:17
erUSUL!info mldonkey-server | rek20:17
ubotturek: mldonkey-server (source: mldonkey): Door to the 'donkey' network. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0-3 (karmic), package size 2541 kB, installed size 6436 kB20:17
DaZmtaftm: there's webcamstudio20:17
nicolaushey all20:17
nicolauscan anyone see my messages20:17
erUSULnicolaus: yes20:17
PovAdct_idcrisisno, nicolaus20:17
mtaftmwhere can i find that on software centre20:18
nicolauswhat are some softwares i can use to install theme20:18
erUSULnicolaus: what theme?20:18
Matsonon https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick when I make a USB stick 9.10 netbook install on a mac, it says I have to use an IMG - where can I get an .img of ubuntu-9.10-netbook-remix-i386.iso ?20:18
nicolausi downloaded some theme for my gnome desktop but i dont kno how to install them. can some one help20:18
onetinsoldiernicolaus: hello. i just use the built-in theme manager20:18
mtaftmDaz: cheers ill take a look20:19
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Myrttinicolaus: just drop them in the theme manager window20:19
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nicolauswhen i drag the themes to the theme manager it says not a valid theme20:19
DaZmtaftm:  but i didn't figure out how to make it to work yet.20:19
erUSULnicolaus: most themes are installed dragging and dropping the tar.gz files over the System>Preferences>Appearance windows20:19
nicolaushow do i change the background picture on the login screen20:19
mtaftmDaz : ok20:20
onetinsoldiernicolaus: hmmm. you sure you downloaded a theme for the window manager you're using? compiz i think it is20:20
linxehMatson: why are you installing the netbook install on a mac ?20:20
valer00nhi 2 all! anybody know an admin of site ubuntu.ru?20:20
nicolaushow do i change the background picture at my login screen20:20
Gorlistonetinsoldier, okay slight problem :) coming up with cannot be downloaded, not possible20:21
Matsonlinxeh: I'm not20:21
MatsonI have an asus eee, but it has no working OS on it20:21
jgordonssh question: is there a way to set, via a config file, that every time i connect to host X I want to use nonstandard port Y?20:21
Matsonlinxeh: I'm trying to use my laptop, a Macbook to create a bootable USB stick so I can install 9.10 on the asus eee20:22
mtaftmnow i dont know where webcamstudio has installed lol20:22
linxehMatson: I think you can use the iso, I thnk you only need the .img to boot a mac from usb20:22
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Gorlistonetinsoldier, ignore20:22
Gorlistonetinsoldier, typo20:22
onetinsoldierGorlist: hmmm, roger. that line you removed from sources.list wasn't there by default was it? when you first installed ubuntu20:22
MatsonI tried the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick with the iso, and the eee did not recognize the USB20:22
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onetinsoldierGorlist: oh? everything ok then?20:22
nicolausthose anyone kno how to change the login screen picture20:23
Gorlistonetinsoldier, one sec not sure - just looking20:23
Matsonthe startup sees the USB, I select it to book from, but it keeps trying to boot from the HD20:23
linxehMatson: hmm ok :o20:23
Matsonworking on it20:24
linxehMatson: what about unetbootin ?20:24
onetinsoldiermtaftm: was it installed by a .deb package?20:24
mtaftmonetinsoldier : no i installed it via terminal from a code20:25
nicolauswhich program can i use to install themes20:25
onetinsoldiermtaftm: ahh, roger20:25
Pici /2420:25
onetinsoldiermtaftm: well, you know how to use the updatedb and locate commands? or the find command? hehe20:25
appel381hello everybody20:26
erUSULikonia: hi20:26
Matsonlinxeh: turns out teh mac program "disk utility" will "convert" to .dmg   trying that now20:27
ikoniaRob215: what's the problem20:27
HinataHi, I am trying to compile Wine 1.1.36 (32bits) on Ubuntu 9.10 (64bits) by following these instructions: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit#head-d6dc6aaec38bf9f2198767215ea1813c44a5981d but when I do CC="gcc-4.3 -m32" LDFLAGS="-L/lib32 -L/usr/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib32" ./configure -v I get this error message: http://pastebin.com/d77bbbd48 and my config.log looks like this: http://pastebin.com/d150f5e78 I looked on internet and appar20:27
ikoniaRob215: ask a question if you want help20:27
mtaftmonetinsoldier: linux is confusing20:27
PudgyHi all, does anyone know how to start programs in WMII 3 in a certain workspace? I had it working (switching to the workspace in wmiirc, then starting the program &) in Jaunty, but since karmic it isn't working.20:27
erUSULHinata: *why* are you doing that?20:28
ikoniaHinata: that doesn't look like your compiler is multi-lib aware20:28
onetinsoldiermtaftm: ya. it can be.20:28
Hinataikonia: is there something I can do to fix it?20:28
Rob215Over every system window in the title bar it says: ROOT: (and then the rest)20:28
ikoniaHinata: also do a "which gcc" and show me the output20:29
ikoniaRob215: show me the output of "id" please20:29
ikoniaRob215: yes, the command "id"20:29
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility20:29
Rob215my username is andrzej:   uid=1000(andrzej) gid=1000(andrzej) groups=0(root),3(sys),4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),26(tape),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),103(fuse),104(lpadmin),112(netdev),115(admin),120(sambashare),121(clamav),803(main),1000(andrzej)20:29
Hinataikonia: /usr/bin/gcc ?20:30
ikoniaHinata: please do "gcc -v" and put the output in a pastebin please20:30
bullgardI set up Teatime using the sound file desktop-login.ogg. But Teatime does not produce any sound. What set do I need to select from a sound file from for Teatime? '~$ man teatime; No manual entry for teatime.'20:30
ikoniaRob215: interesting so your title windows shouldn't be showing as root, as that's normally taken from your username20:30
Gorlistonetinsoldier, sorry doesn't appear to be working - its still using the git version install from the other test repo20:30
guest1newbie needs help setting up a master nick...20:30
Gorlistonetinsoldier, ive rechecked the enabled repos and ive certainly commented it out20:30
ikoniaguest1: join #freenode and ask20:31
Hinataikonia: http://pastebin.com/d714deea720:31
Rob215Ikonia: i upload a screenshot20:31
ikoniaRob215: lets see20:31
Damn3d i20:31
onetinsoldierGorlist: hmmmm, roger20:31
sagarhey is hitch any good20:31
mtaftmonetinsoldier: wtf is a respority20:31
ikoniaHinata: there is the problem, you're using gcc 4-4, which your command to just gcc -m3220:31
Gorlistonetinsoldier, these are the two in trying to roll back (libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx)20:31
ikoniamtaftm: please control your language20:31
ikoniaHinata: (keep the rest but instead of gcc-4-3 make it gcc)20:32
onetinsoldierGorlist: you could clean the cache, even though i don't think that'll make any difference. the command is --> apt-cache clean20:32
Gorlistonetinsoldier, rgr20:32
sagarfuck u bastards20:32
Hinataikonia: ok I'll try thanks for your help ^ ^20:32
Gorlistonetinsoldier, invalid command20:32
ikoniaHinata: eg: CC="gcc m32" LDFLAGS="-L/lib32 -L/usr/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib32"20:33
Gorlistonetinsoldier, apt-get clean?20:33
onetinsoldiermtaftm: it's a server where ubuntu packages are kept that are avaible for downloading and installing via apt-get/synaptic/aptitude20:33
onetinsoldierGorlist: apt-cache clean20:33
mtaftmahh im confused man20:33
Gorlistonetinsoldier, E: Invalid operation clean20:33
onetinsoldierGorlist: one sec20:33
ChogyDanGorlist: apt-get clean is a valid command20:34
GorlistChogyDan, rgr20:34
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Gorlistonetinsoldier, erm what does dump do?20:34
onetinsoldierGorlist: my bad... it should be apt-get clean20:34
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mtaftmi might go back to windows :P20:35
Mrokiiokay, thanks all for the help. Leaving.20:35
onetinsoldierdump shows a short listing of every package in the cache20:35
Myrttimtaftm: good luck20:35
Rob215ikonia: http://i50.tinypic.com/iqczus.png20:35
ChogyDanGorlist: apt-cache policy package-name may also be a useful command20:35
onetinsoldierGorlist: dump shows a short listing of every package in the cache.. might be like doing --> ls /var/cache/apt/archives20:35
ikoniaRob215: looking20:35
Gorlistonetinsoldier, no improvement - i must be doing something wrong20:35
Rob215ikonia: see the mouse pointer it?20:36
ikoniaRob215: sure20:36
Rob215ikonia: now let go to the solution20:36
onetinsoldierGorlist: i know one way to make sure you get what you want... download the packages from http://packages.ubuntu.com/20:36
ikoniaRob215: at this moment, no idea, just looking/thinking20:37
Gorlistonetinsoldier, good idea, will try it :)20:37
mtaftmlinux is all command lines if it was windows based alot more people would use it :/20:37
onetinsoldierGorlist: roger. not sure what's going on with your sources.list and apt-get20:37
ActionParsnip28mtaftm: it can be either. some stuff is easier at command line. same with windows20:37
ikoniamtaftm: there is a window system for it20:37
Gorlistonetinsoldier, no, must be human error somewhere, but its just refusing to do it20:38
Amm0n|got a problem with lm-sensors.. no sensors were detected: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/397387/ and lshw: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/397388/20:38
mtaftmyh called wine but many cam dont work with wine20:38
onetinsoldierGorlist: hehe, roger20:38
ActionParsnip28mtaftm: it won't. you need to install and configure the linux driver20:38
rekerUSUL: how can i download files?20:39
mtaftmactionparsnip28: what are you on about , i said manycam dont work with wine20:39
ActionParsnip28mtaftm: then find an equivelant app20:39
erUSUL!lastlog rek20:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lastlog rek20:39
Rob215ikonia: i remember i ran once i had start naulitus but i started from the root terminal, then i used kill naulitus (and the other instance too) and then i started it from a normal terminal20:40
erUSULrek: with mldonkey ?20:40
mtaftmActionParsnip28: there aint any lol20:40
ikoniaRob215: that wouldn't explain why it's doing it now20:40
Rob215ikonia: i remember  i had start naulitus from a TERMINAL but i started from the root terminal, then i used kill naulitus (and the other instance too) and then i started it from a normal terminal20:40
squarepegI tried to set my time zone to new_york20:40
erUSULrek: you can access its web interface it is easier that way20:40
ActionParsnip28mtaftm: then if the main use of the system is that app then you will have to dual boot to get it20:40
squarepegIt left "local timezone" 5 hours off20:40
squarepegi used dpkg-reconfigure tzdata20:41
squarepegUTC is correct20:41
ikoniaRob215: that still doesn't explain why it's doing it now20:41
rekerUSUL:  how? this is a server.... i need a p2p20:41
mtaftmActionParsnip28: its not a must its just a shame i cant use it or there aint a program like it for linux20:41
Scunizimtaftm: you looking for a program to monitor multiple security cams?20:41
erUSULrek: it is in http://localhost:408020:41
squarepeghow do I make sure the local time zone is correct?20:41
rekerUSUL: what20:41
erUSULrek: if you need command line is via telnet like interface20:41
jimcooncatDebian 5.0 release notes say: The preferred program for package management from the command line is aptitude, which can perform the same package management functions as apt-get and has proven to be better at dependency resolution. -- Does this hold true with Ubuntu? Should we be telling people to use "aptitude" instead of "apt-get"?20:42
mtaftmScunizi: no im looking for a program where i can show my pictures via through Amsn or show my friends videos through webcam via Msn20:42
erUSULrek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MLDonkey <<< here20:42
rekok telnet what20:42
ActionParsnip28jimcooncat: both are fine. apt-get install all needed deps just like aptitude does20:43
Scunizimtaftm: ah.. for pics there's lots of quick paste pic sites you could use and then provide them a link i the IM window.. How about google wave?  It can do pics.. not sure about video though.20:43
ActionParsnip28yay googlewave20:43
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jimcooncatActionParsnip28: I wonder if Ubuntu supercharged apt-get20:43
ActionParsnip28jimcooncat: possibly. i've always use apt-get and never had a problem20:44
samlwhat's command to convert wav to ogg?20:44
mtaftmScunizi: i just want it for Msn none of my mates have googlewave, if you had Manycam you would see what i mean20:44
onetinsoldierjust use 'the original' --> dselect20:44
SlartScunizi: google wave does youtube stuff, images.. there are som plugins for webcams as well20:44
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SlartScunizi:just fyi =)20:44
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:45
onetinsoldierjust a little joke... hehe20:45
ActionParsnip28saml: mencoder or winff or handbrake are options20:45
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:45
ScuniziSlart: thank! .. been playing with it but not for much time.. looks interesting.20:45
erUSULsaml: oggenc20:45
samlerUSUL, thanks. vorbis-tools!20:46
ActionParsnip28!info oggenc20:46
ubottuPackage oggenc does not exist in karmic20:46
Rob215ikonia: i have wine20:46
ikoniaRob215: not sure how wine is relevent20:46
JohnTeddyMy sound does not work, SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) ... this is what I have. HP Pavillion dv6*. I installed Ubuntu 9.10 .. no sound from speakers, headphone jack or anything. all volume is up. this fresh install is done yesterday... I just bought this laptop. What can I try or do to fix this? everything works except sound.20:46
blackxoredhello guys, I have very tricky setup out here, I need to reinstall grub on a x86_64 installation which uses lvm, and I can't chroot in there, and I'm running a x86 version of the live CD, there's anything that could be done in this situation????20:47
ActionParsnip28johnteddy: run: lspci | grep -i audio     use the line to find guides20:47
mtaftmdo any of you actually get payed for this20:48
urlwolfcan you copy/paste from a KDE app to an non-kde one in 9.10? I cannot20:48
ActionParsnip28johnteddy: make sure you are fully updated too20:48
blackxoredguys, I really need to solve that one!!!20:48
Hinataikonia: thanks, the ./configure worked ^ ^20:48
Amm0n|got a problem with lm-sensors.. no sensors were detected: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/397387/ and lshw: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/397388/20:48
Hinataikonia: thought the compile didn't =(20:48
Rob215ikonia: picture coming20:49
urlwolfis this impossibility to  copy/paste from a KDE app to an non-kde one a known bug?20:49
Rob215ikonia: http://i47.tinypic.com/11lj48n.png20:49
ActionParsnip28urlwolf: could install xclip. it is de independant. might work20:50
erUSULurlwolf: not even middle click paste ?20:50
freinhardanyone else with a broken mercurial? hg throws some python exception on me20:50
tomcat13newbie needs help setting up Clear WiMax... can anyone help20:50
JohnTeddyActionParsnip28: I did this, I tried a guide but it did not work.20:52
ActionParsnip28tomcat: if the adapter is usb, have it all connected and run: lsusb   then use the id to find guides20:52
Damn3dSorry, wrong window :p20:52
blackxoredhello guys, I have very tricky setup out here, I need to reinstall grub on a x86_64 installation which uses lvm, and I can't chroot in there, and I'm running a x86 version of the live CD, there's anything that could be done in this situation????20:52
mtaftmanyone tried jollycloud20:53
urlwolferUSUL: n20:53
Scuniziblackxored: you might also ask on ##linux20:53
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brandon-anyone know of an app or something that you can move your mouse over an image url and it displays the thumbnail20:53
brandon-like for xchat and shit20:53
blackxoredScunizi, i'm on karmic so my first though is always #ubuntu20:53
MASARUwotabrandon- there may be a plugin for it, dunno20:54
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tomcat13ActionParsnip28: real newbie here, do i run that cmd in a term window?20:54
brandon-xcaht seems to be very lacking in plugins20:54
MORPHEUSfoe sagliaocane20:54
brandon-most seem out of date20:54
Scuniziblackxored: mine too.. but they have provided some good assistance in the past since the question is relatively generic20:54
Christoph_vWI can't get my usb->serial cable to work... any idea?20:54
Christoph_vW[  540.802627] usb 2-1: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB020:54
Christoph_vWroot@christoph-desktop:~# minicom -c on20:54
Christoph_vWminicom: Fehler beim Öffnen der Datei »/dev/ttyUSB0«: No such file or directors.20:54
karanhey guyz*20:55
karando any of you know how to check my hardware info20:55
Rob215 Over every system window in the title bar it says: ROOT: (and then the rest) help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:56
Christoph_vWkaran: cpu, mem?20:56
karanim using ubuntu20:56
Amm0n|karan lshw20:56
Myrttikaran: sudo lshw20:56
Christoph_vWcat /proc/cpuinfo20:56
karanthank you20:56
ubottuRob215: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:56
freinhardRob215: logged in as root? started the terminal as root?20:56
MASARUwotaRob215: you logged in as root, i think20:56
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Rob215freinhard and MASARUwota: i can prove i am not!20:57
karanim planing on running windows 7 using virtual box20:58
karani have 1gb of ram and im using pentim20:58
karanis thtat good enough20:58
Scunizikaran: the proof is in the pudding.. better w/ 2gig of ram.. but you'll see how fast it is when installed.20:58
karanok thanks you20:59
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tomcat13let me ask again... as anyone setup Clear Wimax?20:59
karancause vista and windows 7 are the same20:59
Rob215http://i50.tinypic.com/20hq3p5.png here, see my mouse pointer?20:59
karanwindows 7s is really called windows vosta v7.020:59
icerootkaran: ##windows20:59
tomcat13running ubuntu 9.120:59
IdleOnekaran: yes and ?20:59
Amm0n|noone a idea? got a problem with lm-sensors.. no sensors were detected: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/397387/ and lshw: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/397388/21:00
karanjust wondering if 1gb is good enough for windows 721:00
Rob215http://i50.tinypic.com/20hq3p5.png here, see my mouse pointer?21:00
karanin virtualbox21:00
icerootkaran: this is ubuntu support not windows support21:00
IdleOnekaran: Scunizi already answered you21:00
karanim running ubuntu21:00
Rob215MASARUwota, freinhard: http://i50.tinypic.com/20hq3p5.png here, see my mouse pointer?21:00
ubottukaran: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:00
MorphyNORkaran: ask in #vbox21:00
digilordkaran, But you are asking about Windows 7... Try #windows21:01
icerootkaran: how much ram windows is using has nothing to do with ubuntu21:01
Rob215http://i50.tinypic.com/20hq3p5.png here, see my mouse pointer?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!121:01
DantonicHi, the cups printer server dies after each restart... I get the following error.  Any idea why? CUPS server error  The CUPS scheduler is not running.21:01
Dantonicubuntu 9.1021:01
yUraKeshii'm trying to burn a cd with Brasero, but it don't change "preparing to write", there is a better program to do burn images}21:02
MASARUwotaRob215: try relogging with your normal account21:02
digilordRob215, Why are you ranting about your mouse pointer?!?  It's clearly in the cap21:02
Rob215i'm in it!21:02
icerootyUraKeshi: k3b21:02
MASARUwotadigilord :p21:02
Rob215digilord: lol21:02
MASARUwotaRob215, relog then21:02
Rob215MASARUwota: i did that!21:03
Gesican anyone help me configure evolutionary mail for hotmail21:03
IdleOneRob215: no!! what?21:03
Rob215Gesi: only joking21:03
digilordGesi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20040821:03
ardchoilleGesi: iirc, hot mail requires a paid fee for the use of pop3 access21:04
Rob215Gesi: :-)21:04
MASARUwotaRob215: zluzuj czlowieku21:05
Rob215MASARUwota: z polski?21:05
strywgrGesi : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingHotmailWithEvolution21:05
APERSONWhat's the name of the package that automatically detects archive types and extracts them on the cli?21:05
=== seven is now known as bredoto
yUraKeshiiceroot, thanks21:06
schui_can anyone help me?21:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:06
digilordschui_, Define the problem and maybe21:06
EastDallasGesi: gmail will automatically pull your email from hotmail and then you can d/l it via pop321:06
schui_well im having trouble removing a menu entry21:06
MASARUwotaRob215:have you tried another window manager?21:07
EastDallasschui_: ok...more?21:07
Rob215MASARUwota: no21:07
brokendiskwhen i run ddrescue to rescue my disk it starts working, updates some numbers like access rate but stops updating after 20 seconds and the disk makes scratchy noises again for like 30 seconds, then it is silent and nothing happens for hours21:07
brokendiskwhat can i do?21:07
ardchoilleschui_: is this a menu entry that you created?21:07
digilordschui_, System -> Preferences -> Main Menu21:07
MorphyNORbrokendisk: sounds like a HW problem, probably fried HDD21:07
MASARUwotaRob215:you should give that a try then, it might be GNOME or METACITY acting up.21:07
brokendiskMorphyNOR: yes but ddrescue shuold rescue exactly that21:08
Rob215MASARUwota: but it's on system windows'21:08
schui_thank you21:08
MorphyNORbrokendisk: no, not really :)21:08
brokendiskMorphyNOR: it should just jump over fried sectors21:08
bredotodoes anyone know how to disable wifi card in ubuntu? It is allways in alive mode and any control keys do not disable it.21:08
EastDallasschui_: right click on the word applications and choose 'Edit Menus'21:08
brokendiskMorphyNOR: it says so in the doc21:08
MorphyNORbrokendisk: not if the HDD is physically damaaged21:08
MASARUwotaRob215: windows are managed by the window manager. thats what i said21:08
jmichaelxi am running chown -R on a full 400GB HD, with many small files. is it unusual that this could take 20-30+ minutes to complete?21:08
brokendiskMorphyNOR: yes exactly for physically damaged disks it is meant21:08
EastDallasjmichaelx: nope21:08
bredotodoes anyone know how to disable wifi card in ubuntu? It is allways in alive mode and any control keys do not disable it.21:08
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brokendiskMorphyNOR: thats the entire idea of ddrescue21:09
jmichaelxEastDallas: thanks very much. i was trying to figure out whether or not something was hanging.21:09
yuvalohow do I make an ISO from USB flash drive?21:09
MorphyNORbrokendisk: call me a naysayer if you wish, but I think you put too much faith into that :)21:09
=== seven is now known as bredoto
brokendiskMorphyNOR: did you ever read the ddrescue doc? http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/ddrescue.html21:09
bredotohia. does anyone know how to disable wifi card in ubuntu? It is allways in alive mode and any control keys do not disable it.21:09
MorphyNORif something is physically hindering a HDD from working properly, no software in the world can fix it21:09
Rob215MASARUwota: look at http://i46.tinypic.com/2gtqe5d.jpg21:10
brokendiskMorphyNOR: yes it can rescue parts of it, thats what ddrescue is meant for.21:10
EastDallasjmichaelx: I changed permissions on a 120GB hdd a while back and it took 15 or so minutes to hit every file.21:10
ardchoille!repeat | bredoto21:10
ubottubredoto: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:10
MorphyNORbrokendisk: a HDD is a mechanical device, if there is something mechanically wrong with it, its dead, unless you ship it off to some fancy HDD rescue shop who will take it apart and fix it for you manually21:10
brokendiskMorphyNOR: not correct21:10
MASARUwotaRob215: backup and rename your config files, or try another Window manager. DO IT21:11
brokendiskMorphyNOR: there are many different hardware errors, most partially fixable21:11
MorphyNORif a HDD makes "strange noises" it is usually damaged21:11
brokendiskMorphyNOR: no, it usually means head failure and bad sectors, which ddrescue is meant for to deal with21:11
Rob215MASARUwota: where on earth can i get a window manager other than nautitilus21:11
bredotosorry for repeating my question its becaus of my low connection speed and long irc client response!21:11
MorphyNORbrokendisk: okay, well why dont you just use it then? :)21:11
erUSULbrokendisk: using rfkill21:12
dacsusing nmap -PE -PA21,23,80,3389 -A -v -T4  myIP i am getting port 23 is filtered ...why?21:12
brokendiskMorphyNOR: the problem is it stops working after some time21:12
jmichaelxEastDallas: then i may be in for a long ride. this has been going for 20 minutes or so already.... i am wanting to rsync its contents to another drive and was going to use grsync as user... i should have just run rsync from CLI with sudo, and could have saved much time. :-(21:12
brokendiski dont know why21:12
digilordRob215, Use kubuntu?21:12
brokendiskerUSUL: to kill ddrescue or to save the data?21:12
MASARUwotaRob215: you dont know what a window manager is, do you. well, just try backing up your .config directory, and relog21:12
MorphyNORbrokendisk: maybe because it cant read from the disk AT ALL?21:12
erUSULbrokendisk: sorry; wrong nick21:12
Rob215digilord:no, ubuntu21:12
icerootRob215: nautilus is not a window-manager  its a file-browser21:12
erUSULbredoto: use rfkill21:12
brokendiskMorphyNOR: it can read from the disk, it works for 20 seconds21:12
digilordYou asked about another window manager... kubuntu doesn't use nautilus21:13
Rob215MASARUwota: windows manager. do you know any.21:13
dragonIs lucid-alpha-2 out?21:13
schui_i dont suppose anyone could help me install UT2004: Editor's Choice edition?21:13
bredotoerUSUL, how  can it help?21:13
digilordRob215, windowmaker is one21:13
erUSUL!lucid | dragon21:13
ubottudragon: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:13
dragonerUSUL: yeahhhh, thanks.21:14
blistovI've removed a package via apt-get remove foo, but I did not use the --purge option.  How can I remove all the files --purge would have removed?21:14
Rob215wait wait!!21:14
MASARUwotaRob215: install icewm or something, and retry21:14
Gesithanks to everyone21:14
EastDallasbrokendisk: MorphyNOR:  Sometimes placing a damaged HDD in an airtight container and freezing it will make it work a little longer for a temporary solution.21:14
MASARUwotamake sure to pick it at session21:14
erUSULbredoto: it can disable the wifi card21:14
GesiYOU ROCK :D21:14
icerootblistov: apt-get remove --purge package21:14
MASARUwotaRob215: then pick it as "session" on the login screen21:14
icerootblistov: you can call it even if you used remove before21:14
jmichaelxblistov: you can still run purge for that package21:14
brokendiskEastDallas: yes heard about that too, it will contract the platters and remove friction between head and surface21:14
ardchoilleblistov: sudo apt-get autoremove21:14
brokendiskdidnt try that yet though21:14
blistoviceroot, I've tried doing exactly that.  It does not remove  the configs for sendmail.21:15
MorphyNOREastDallas: pseudo science? a HDD is an airtight device already...21:15
Rob215MASARUwota: my login screen doesn't work!!21:15
brokendiskEastDallas: any idea why ddrescue suddenly stops working? it is built do deal with bad sectors and jump over them21:15
dacsusing nmap -PE -PA21,23,80,3389 -A -v -T4  myIP i am getting port 23 is filtered ...why?21:15
MASARUwotaRob215: WHAT?21:15
ubottuRob215: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:15
icerootblistov: apt-get purge   instead of remove --purge?21:15
EastDallasMorphyNOR: yeah, but the electronics are not protected from the moisture in the freezer21:15
brokendiskyes EastDallas is right21:15
MorphyNORbrokendisk: do that then...21:15
dragon!doesntwork | Rob21521:15
blistoviceroot, nope, still nothing.  Just reports back that sendmail is not installed.21:16
blistovWhich I'm aware of :)21:16
CAPcap ctrl-alt-del and you get your task manager. is there any hotkey for the system monitor? or any way to establish one?21:16
icerootblistov: and config-file does not mean *.conf for purge  conf-files are files which are in the package debian/conffiles21:16
Rob215Ubottu: lol21:16
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.21:16
brokendiskMorphyNOR: no thats the last resort and only necessary if the device is not recognized by the bios due to sticking heads21:16
EastDallasbrokendisk: yeah, but if your hdd is physically failing ddrescue might not be of much help.  That's why I suggested the freezing option.  Of course that's a las resort.21:16
blistoviceroot, well /etc/init.d/sendmail and /etc/mail/sendmail* is all still existing.21:16
brokendiskbut my bios has the device, the wquestion is why ddrescue stops working after it successfully started21:16
blistovI'm sure the sendmail dpkg installed them, so logically, purge should remove them .21:17
bredotoerUSUL, hm it does not help. wi-fi led is steel in active mode. it is very strange because iwconfig does not show any wi-fi devices.21:17
icerootblistov: hm maybe install again and then use purge?21:17
EastDallasbrokendisk: the drive motor might be failing...Have you looked at the S.M.A.R.T. data?21:17
brokendiskEastDallas: my device is already found by the bios so dont need the freezer method21:17
brokendiskEastDallas: smart says OK motor works21:17
Rob215MASARUwota: Slowly put: logoff... then... click on my username .. and then... doesn't work21:18
bredotoerUSUL, it happened after my system upgrade21:18
EastDallasbrokendisk: smart only shows bad sectors, no spin up fails?21:18
wrapsterhow do i resync luns ?21:18
CAPcap ctrl-alt-del and you get your task manager. is there any hotkey for the system monitor? or any way to establish one?21:18
Rob215 MASARUwota: Slowly put: logoff... then... click on my username .. type... password... and then... doesn't work21:18
brokendiskEastDallas: SMART completely reports OK21:18
icerootEastDallas: smart is showing warnings about that a disk MAY fail in the next time21:18
wrapsterim from solaris world trying my hands with ubuntu now.. could you please help21:19
brokendiskiceroot: ideally21:19
icerootbrokendisk: yes21:19
excohow do I disable the drum logon sound?21:19
EastDallasiceroot: yes, but it bases that warning on past failures.21:19
brokendiskit let me down there21:19
CAPcapare there hotkeys for they system monitor ( like ctrl alt del in windows dor task manager)?21:19
brokendiskthought itd never let me down21:19
MASARUwotaRob215: it gets grayed out or what?21:19
icerootEastDallas: no there are other methods too21:19
MASARUwotaRob215: didnt i tell you to remove the config files or get another WM? :/21:20
icerootEastDallas: not only bad sectors and so on21:20
nibblerCAPcap, you can define hotkeys for anything. but i'd suggest to have just an applet running in oyur menubar or smth21:20
Rob215MASARUwota: it displays a "can't login" error21:20
strywgrexco : Click System, mouseover Preference, and select Sound. -> Select SOUNDS -> Go to the bottom and click the Log in dropdown. -> select NO Sound.21:20
CAPcapnibbler: how would i go about doing those things?21:21
EastDallasiceroot: it can't just guess that the drive will fail next time, it obviously evaluates past drive performance and errors in determining the drive's reliability21:21
brokendiskany idea :/21:21
wrapsterany body here?21:21
Rob215MASARUwota: but got icewm working21:21
ubottuwrapster: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:21
icerootEastDallas: correct21:21
brokendiskno wrapster no bodies here pls21:21
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excostrywgr ... well that menu isn't there on 9.1021:21
MASARUwotaRob215: you CAN login to icewm?21:21
icerootEastDallas: before its sounds like that you thing its only bad tracks21:21
ufkcan anyone recommend a good and fast web hosting solution for dedicated server21:21
wrapsterbrokendisk: sorry about that.21:22
ubottuufk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:22
EastDallas!ot | ufk21:22
nibblerCAPcap, system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (in my experience printscrren/scroll lock etc work better than alt-something)21:22
gizmobayI have a large log file of this being /var/log/ConsoleKit/history. Can I delete?21:22
wrapsterbrokendisk: just wanted to know how to resync luns ?21:22
EastDallasufk: fwiw bluehost.com21:22
nibblergizmobay, you should be able to delete all files (not dirs) in /var/log, and after a restart (the latest) everything should work again21:22
ubottupontus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:22
pontusi need help21:22
CAPcapnibbler, im using an ex-windows comp so i have a windows key, can i use it if defining hotkeys?21:22
brokendiskwrapster: dunno sry21:23
ubottupontus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:23
Rob215MASARUwota: i can type icewm --replace to replace it but it works and doesn't display ROOT:21:23
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nibblerCAPcap, try it, i guess so.21:23
gizmobaythanks nibbler21:23
pontusi'm new ubuntu user plz help me ^21:23
nibbler CAPcap: but mid that the windows key is not unused in linux, just because its windows :p21:23
erUSUL!ask | pontus21:23
ubottupontus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:23
ardchoillepontus: help with what?21:23
bredotoone more question/ how can i skroll up my irssi window?21:24
pontusistalling cam21:24
CAPcapnibbler, what use does it have in linux, i havent seen it used anywhere yet21:24
bredotoMASARUwota, i cannt disable my wi-fi card21:24
excoWhat package is responsible for laptop hardware keys?21:24
MASARUwotabredoto: and why would you want to do that?21:24
nibblerCAPcap, if you have compiz for example, win-tag switches yuor windows more fancy :)21:24
schui_so i'm trying to install UT2004.. getting this error: "No write permission to /usr/local/games/ut2004/"21:24
Rob215MASARUwota: but the ubuntu theme is G, O, N, E21:24
MASARUwotaRob215: reinstall ubuntu-desktop package21:25
nibblerschui_, are you in the group games?21:25
schui_no sir21:25
pontuscan i make a private chat ?21:25
ubottuEveryone: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:25
pontuswith somebody i need some hlp ^^21:25
MASARUwotapontus, just state your question clearly21:25
nibblerschui_, that ws not only a question, that was also an instruction ;_)21:25
ubottupontus: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:25
schui_well what does that mean exactly?21:25
ubottuRob215: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:25
FireCrotchI'm logged into a machine via SSH, and there is a user on the machine running a full desktop (KDE in this instance). Is there any way I can send this user a message from the command line?21:26
pontusi need help istalling Farsight221:26
burghello. where can i find / how can i install pthread library in ubuntu 9.10 ?21:26
CAPcapcan someone walk me though adding a hotkey shortcut that opens my system monitor?21:26
MASARUwotaFireCrotch: this is an interesting question =)21:26
nibblerschui_, go to user/group management (administration i guess) aand make sure you user belongs to the group games, if thats not working, install it as root21:26
bredotoMASARUwota, It takes additional battery energy of my laptop and because and it is radiating me21:26
=== ubottu is now known as ubott2
FireCrotchMASARUwota: yeah :) I guess I'm looking for something like "net send" in Windows21:27
nibblerFireCrotch, you ahve to use xhost to allow yourself access to his display, then it could work. you need root or his user login for that21:27
pontusi need help istalling Farsight221:27
hemai want to ask how i can stop passowrd every install21:27
EastDallasFireCrotch: I was looking for something like that awhile back, and basically there's nothing that will send a graphical notification like that without permission from the user.21:28
oCean_FireCrotch: xmessage21:28
chavaATI Xpress 200 drivers for 9.10?21:28
Rob215MASARUwota: How do you get the old WM back?21:28
dementorhy i need to now how can i share my network21:28
nibblerpontus, try a sentence like "i want to install ..., but when i do ... it does .. instead of .... i alrady tried ... and ....21:28
MASARUwotaRob215: you choose it in "session' during login, for eample21:28
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hemano any one know ?21:28
FireCrotchoCean_: I think that'll do the trick. Thank you very much!21:28
ubott2Sorry, I don't know anything about share21:29
ubott2hema: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:29
dementori need to give internet con to my second pc21:29
oCean_FireCrotch: not really "like" netsend, but set DISPLAY to the user using KDE DISPLAY (e.g. export DISPLAY=:0.0) then xmessage "hi there"21:29
Rob215MASARUwota: any terminal ways?21:29
nibblerhema: this is important, as thats the only way to keep your system save. you could work as root, like working as adinistrator in windows, but that is *NOT* recommendet21:30
hemahow to stop passwoerd massge21:30
pontusi want to install Farsight2 but i don't realy understand what to do with the terminal and stuff ^^ and all the downloading. plz help me :)21:30
hemaoki ty21:30
MASARUwotaRob215: dude, you dont understand how it works21:30
MaletorHi - I just bought a domain name on GoDaddy and I want to point it to my external IP. What nameservers should I use?21:30
MaletorCan I make my own ns1.myserver.com ?21:30
ubott2Maletor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:31
turdfurgisonMaletor- easiest way would be to use godaddy's nameservers and just set some "A" entries21:31
MASARUwotaubottu died ;_;21:31
FireCrotchMaletor: In theory, you could run your own nameserver, yes, but it would be much easier to use something like ZoneEdit, especially if you have an IP that changes21:31
ardchoilleubott2 is here21:31
ubott2Sorry, I don't know anything about is here21:31
CAPcapthats impressive that ubottu died21:31
oCean_MASARUwota: you used her too much21:31
onetinsoldierpontus: i can try and help. and, if you want to get a good start on learning the command line i recommend checking out www.linuxcommand.org21:32
MASARUwotaoCean_ she felt used by me21:32
Rob215MASARUwota: dude, YOU dont understand how it works because i replaced the WM by the  icewm --replace command21:32
ardchoilleRob215: metacity --replace  ?21:32
MASARUwotaRob215: hahha oh whow, also, do w/e you did with metacity then21:32
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Rob215MASARUwota: thanks21:33
* Claudiu is back (gone 01:58:22)21:33
Rob215MASARUwota: thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:33
EastDallaschava: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.7&product=
EastDallaschava: basically not supported in 9.1021:33
ardchoilleClaudiu: Please disable that public away21:33
CAPcapwow. nuf ex marks?21:33
oCean_Rob215: there is really no need for that.21:33
chavaEastDallas what about the open source drivers?21:34
onetinsoldierpontus: hello, you here?21:34
onetinsoldierpontus: i can try and help. and, if you want to get a good start on learning the command line i recommend checking out www.linuxcommand.org21:34
sirninjaI'm using ubuntu and am considering getting an ipod touch. I know you have to jailbreak it in order to get it working at all with linux. If I get an older edition, will I be able to use a program like banshee to sync it like I do my old ipod or is that currently impossible with any ipod touch?21:35
ubott2karel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:35
CAPcapwho can help me add hotkey access for system monitor?21:35
MASARUwotasirninja: ipod? please, dont.21:35
DunkirkAnyone know where I can find, like, an RSS feed of the official Ubuntu patch release announcements?21:36
nibblerCAPcap, what went wrong?21:36
ardchoilleDunkirk: yes, hold on..21:36
EastDallaschava: did they not automatically install?21:36
karelI just installed Ubuntu 9.10, and webpages (I use Firefox) are quite blurry, difficult to read, eyes get dry etc :/, any ideas?21:36
sirninjamasaruwota: do you know of another touch screen media player that is comparable? I would prefer to stay away from having to jailbreak it and all of that21:36
ubottukarel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:36
EastDallaschava: system>Administration>Hardware Drivers21:36
CAPcapnibbler: I just cant figure it out. im new so i kinda need step by step instructions. sorry21:36
NerveClaspHi! I need help! is there any tool to recover erased files from usb drive?21:36
Dunkirksirninja, I don't think you need to jailbreak it...21:36
MASARUwotasirninja: Sansa fuse21:37
nibblerCAPcap, go system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts21:37
Dunkirksirninja, I have an iRiver S10. The iRivers work just like a memory stick.21:37
ardchoilleDunkirk: http://www.ubuntu.com/taxonomy/term/1%202/021:37
=== Visual`_ is now known as Visual`
Dunkirkardchoille, Bingo! THanks!21:38
ardchoilleDunkirk: yw :)21:38
CAPcapnibbler, i do and i click add and it asks me for command and name. i dont know what to put it...21:38
Dunkirkkarel, I usually set Firefox up to not allow the web pages to choose their own fonts.21:38
nibblercapcap then click "add" find a name, and as command enter: /usr/bin/gnome-system-monitor21:39
NerveClasp!usb data recovery21:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:39
chavaEastDallas that only talks about the closed source drivers, I've got whatever ubuntu came with but I'm wondering what the most recent driver work is capable of21:39
NerveClasp!data recovery21:39
KIllerGuy07search hacker21:39
CAPcapnibbler what do i put in the name?21:39
nibblerCAPcap, this one is in the bottom of the list then - click the right column of the monitor-line and press your hotkey. i have it on ctrl-s now, and it works21:39
ubottuKIllerGuy07: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:39
EastDallaschava: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver21:40
oCean_MASARUwota: hint: you can also use your own words, and not throw factoids at every question...21:40
MASARUwotaoCean_:but they are great21:40
nibblerCAPcap, the name would be "nibbler is my hero"21:41
oCean_MASARUwota: the overkill is annoying21:41
CAPcapnibbler: Truth21:41
brokendiskany idea how i could restore data from my hd if ddrescue stops working?21:41
MASARUwotaoCean_ ..21:41
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nibblerbrokendisk, how is it stopping to work? but no, i guess its broken and you need professional help, if anything can be done at all21:41
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brokendisknibbler: i launched ddrescue, it started to work, updated some numbers like access rate but stopped updating after 20 seconds and the disk made scratchy noises again for like 30 seconds, now it is silent and nothing happens21:42
nibblerbrokendisk, how did you launch ddrescue?21:42
brokendisknibbler: ctrl+alt+del doesnt work either anymore21:43
brokendisknibbler: ddrescue -n -v /dev/bad /dev/good /mnt/flash/logfile21:43
NerveClaspHi! I need help! is there any tool to recover erased files from usb drive? please!!!21:43
mewaywhat server is this? it just randomly stuck me here?21:43
nibblerbrokendisk, whats giong on in logfile?21:43
brokendisknibbler: let me check that21:43
PeturIHello, im looking for a Danish dictionary for linux (which has definition of words.. not a translation software)21:43
nibblermeway, freenode21:43
mewayoh ok good21:43
mewaythanks nibbler21:44
nibblerbrokendisk, i mean thats what a logfile is for, after all ;-)21:44
brokendiskjust a sec21:44
zooboxNerveClasp: yes I think there are.... don't remember the name right now though...21:44
tyabuxNothing is more Ubuntu than Carl Sagan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wupToqz1e2g21:44
nibblerCAPcap, every hotkey can only have one action. if you put system monitor to ctrl-alt-del then the other dialog wont pup up anymore21:44
CAPcapnibbler i kno21:45
CAPcapive got it on ctrl alt `21:45
brokendisk# Rescue Logfile. Created by GNU ddrescue version 1.11 # current_pos  current_status 0x00000000     ? #      pos        size  status 0x00000000  0x12A1F16000  ?21:45
brokendiskthat is all21:45
brokendisk? = newline21:45
nibblerCAPcap, what do you need it for, by the way?21:45
NerveClaspzoobox: I googled, but found nothing except non-free software21:45
CAPcapnibbler i just like having that function hotkeyed. it drives me nuts that its not21:46
DunkirkNerveClasp, I don't know of anything under Linux, but there are several that run under Windows. (I don't like it either; I'm just stating what I know.)21:46
brokendisknibbler: http://pastebin.com/df916a7721:46
nibblerCAPcap, if yuo need to kill stuff, there is easier ways21:46
CAPcapnibbler, such as?21:46
brokendisk? != newline21:46
nibblerbrokendisk, im no expert for that, but i dont like it getting hung at position 021:46
CAPcapnibbler: Im not good with the terminal im new to linux. ive been using windows my whole life21:47
brokendiskshould i start a different index21:47
brokendiskshould i start at a different index*21:47
nibblercapcap: xkill - converts your mouse into a deadly gun (for x processes)21:47
HinataHi, I'm trying to compile wine 1.1.36 (32bits) on Ubuntu 9.10 (64bits) but well at the end of the compilation I get something like that: http://pastebin.com/d5f2a5049 (I'm not sure if it's anough to see what is the problem though) does anyone have an idea? oh by the way I used this to configure it:  CC="gcc -m32" LDFLAGS="-L/lib32 -L/usr/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib32" ./configure -v21:47
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nibblerHinata, why not use the wine ppa?21:47
Hinatanibbler: wine ppa?21:47
DunkirkHinata, Why compile your own?21:48
nibblercapcap: alt-f2 to run a process, then enter "xkill" and press enter - you can execute xkill via hotkey, too21:48
CAPcapthanks. im happy with the sys mon tho21:48
DunkirkHinata, 1.1.31 is already in the standard repos.21:48
morphixoh nerveclasp left.21:48
morphixmeh. his loss21:49
nibblerHinata, go to wine-hq.org and look for ubuntu-binaries21:49
nibblerCAPcap, fine :-)21:49
CAPcapthanks for all your help nibbler21:49
HinataYes but I'de ratter have 1.1.36 ^ ^; are there binaries for it?21:49
slimAouinetHI there21:49
nibblerCAPcap, welcome21:49
zooboxhi slimAouinet21:50
progre55Hi people! do you guys know how to fix the problem of typing in cyrillic on a flash text field? using any browser on linux, I get this problem. cannot type in a single letter in cyrillic on a flash screen21:50
CAPcapquestion nibbler, is your name a reference to the futurama character?21:50
nibblerCAPcap, yep.21:50
teageis it possible to install guest additions for vb in a linux distro the way you would if you where using windows21:50
zooboxmorphix: aha you found the undelete-on-usb program?21:50
DunkirkHinata, To answer your original question, I would guess that you need to install libmpg123-dev in order to get your compile to complete.21:51
=== HangukMiguk is now known as Syncopate
slimAouinetI have a ubuntu 9.10 and the web  works as you can see but I cannot reconfigure "remove the proxy configuration for apt-get ...21:51
nibblerteage, no, there wont be so many "next next finish" buttons21:51
kbpI need some help. Let say I have 2 dirs /test1 and /test2 . I want when people go to /test1 , it appears /test2 content (i.e. "mount", "map"... etc) Does anyone know how to do it?21:51
teagei have googled this and i just can not seem to find an answer21:51
teagenibbler- ic, thanks21:51
=== vaporub_ is now known as vaporub
morphixzoobox, kinda, just some info that ive used previously for my own usb flash drive recovery.21:52
karelDunkirk, where exactly is this option, could you pelase tell? I tried different things... language difference here :/21:52
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Dunkirkkarel, Edit, Preferences, Content, Advanced..., and then the tickbox toward the bottom.21:53
zooboxaha, good to know21:53
HinataDunkirk: it's already installed21:53
Hinataand I got a brocken package message from trying to install wine using apt...21:53
zooboxkbp: wouldn't it be easier with just a link och symlink?21:53
schui_i dont suppose anyone plays ut2004 here?21:54
icerootschui_: yes, you have a ubuntu related question?21:54
slimAouinetI have configured the proxy at the office but now I can't update the packages, I have a proxy configured error ...21:54
kbpzoobox: no idea what it is21:54
schui_yeah.. im having a hell of a time trying to install it, was wondering if anyone plays it could help me21:54
karelDunkirk, thanks, made some advance21:55
DunkirkHinata, Try using aptitude to install. It's better as resolving problems.21:55
icerootschui_: there is a *.sh on the cd/dvd  just run it21:55
kbpzoobox: nvm, i've found it from google, thank you21:55
morphixkbp, ln -s /path/to/dir/test2 /path/to/dir/test121:55
zooboxkbp: ok. symlink is more like a pointe "the real file is over there". but if you want to mount a dir somewhere else I think it is  mount --bind olddir newdir21:55
schui_iceroot: i found that, and managed to get to the part where it asks for the 2nd cd, after i insert the cd it just hangs and doesnt do anything21:55
plitterhey, what does the command "cp -rp /folder/* " do?21:56
ngirardHi all. Do you know of a perl/python/bash script which would give my ip address ? I mean, not the address in my local network but the address of my adsl router21:56
nibblerplitter, man cp21:56
blakkheimngirard: curl whatismyip.org ; echo21:56
Dunkirkplitter, copy with "preserve permissions" and "recursive"21:56
icerootplitter: nothing there is no target21:56
nibblerplitter, besides i think it wont do anything as it lacks the target21:56
plitteri know21:56
plitterthats what i was wondering21:56
plitterbecause it used a long time finishing21:56
kbpzoobox & morphix: i thinK i need to mount (im moving the drive_c directory of Wine but registry gets involve)21:57
schui_basically i think its a problem mounting the 2nd cd or something21:57
DunkirkWow. I just figured that was a typo....21:57
HinataDunkirk: http://pastebin.com/d50d0782e21:57
RyanDhi, i need a hand with my ubuntu install. any takers21:57
morphixkbp, you can just use symlinks21:57
morphixi have21:57
morphixi have vmware and wine and cedega on another drive from my main 121:57
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morphixdue to low hdd space21:58
morphixjust using symlinks and its fine21:58
ngirardblakkheim: amazingly useful. Thanks a lot !21:58
schui_iceroot you play ut2004? how did you install it? im thinking about trying wine or something21:58
zooboxplitter:  -r is including subdirectories, and -p is --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps. You should allso write to where you want to copy21:58
icerootschui_: i was using the dvd21:59
slimAouinetI use the netbook remix version and tryed with the gconf-editor and the proxy manager from the system group ... is there an other way ?21:59
DunkirkHinata, This may help: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa21:59
DunkirkHinata, Click the "technical details" link, and it will explain how to use it.21:59
plitterzoobox: i didnt write where i wanted to copy... i was in the folder i wanted to copy to so i didnt think it was necessary. do u think it would have broken the files or anything bad with them?21:59
HinataDunkirk: thanks, I'll take a look ^ ^22:00
Dunkirkplitter, No, you're fine. It was just waiting for the target.22:00
morphix<blakkheim> ngirard: curl whatismyip.org ; echo << ngirard: curl -s http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp ; echo  << that works better.22:00
=== Maletor_ is now known as Maletor
infidi have dual monitors and my compiz 3D cube spins across both monitors and looks not like a cube. what should i do?22:00
RyanDhi, i need a hand with my ubuntu install. any takers22:00
zooboxplitter: yeah that is a difference from dos/windows. in linux you have to write to where to. there is no auotmatic "to here".  if you want it to here you can end with    .    wich is current directory22:00
Dunkirkinfid, Get rid of the second monitor?22:01
DasEiRyanD: details ?22:01
=== DsXack is now known as Guest20540
RyanDok...i installed using the windows utility and when I get to the boot it drops to the sh:grub/. prompt22:01
highclassholeinfid, if you get ccsm you can adjust how dual montiors output with the cube22:01
slimAouinetcan someone help ...please ?22:02
ngirardHi morphix . Why would this work better ?22:02
highclassholeslimAouinet, what do you need help with22:02
DasEiRyanD: mmh, wubi, really just a try out-tool.. any important data on it ?22:02
slimAouinetI have the proxy locked for synaptic22:02
zooboxinfid: you have both monitors working as one desk right? and cube spinning over the margin between them22:03
vvvvi want to let grub (installed on usb stick) boot the first initrd and kernel that it finds on the first hdd (without manual intervention) so by putting a line in the menu list. There is no boot loader installed on the hdd, is this possible?22:03
RyanDnope...I tried to dual boot with Win 7 but couldn't get ubuntu to boot22:03
infidi have ccsm, how do i do it in there22:03
=== Fir is now known as cm_
infidzoobox i have twinview enabled22:03
DunkirkRyanD, THis may help: http://orgs.man.ac.uk/documentation/grub/grub_3.html#SEC922:03
slimAouinetmy web is ok but synaptic and/or apt-get tell me I have a proxy ...22:03
morphixngirard, because blakkheim's method will output a pile of html code where as my link simply outputs your IP address only22:03
infidzoobox so it looks like two cubes side by side for me22:03
highclassholeinfid, in the ccsm when you go to desktop cube22:04
morphixthat link is meant for automation and scripts22:04
DasEi!who | RyanD, dualboot so22:04
ubottuRyanD, dualboot so: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:04
highclassholeinfid, there is an option that says Multi Output Mode22:04
slimAouinetbut when I look in the network configuration , it isn't activated22:04
=== Guest20540 is now known as DsXack
MichalxoslimAouinet, open synaptic as root -> preferences -> network22:04
infidhighclasshole: oh i see it thanks22:04
DasEiRyanD: in which order did you install ?22:04
DunkirkRyanD, You can force grub to boot to windows by just typing the commands that grub.conf would do, like rootnoverify (hd0,0), makeactive, chainloader +122:04
highclassholeinfid, if you say multiple cubes it will do a cube for each screen22:04
ngirardmorphix: okay, thanks very much for these explanations and your solution !22:04
highclassholeinfid, though I prefer one big cube ;)22:05
kermitis there an X terminal with smooth scrolling?22:05
infidhighclasshole: yeah i like one big cube, now how can i get it so stuff shows on the top and bottom of the cube and not just the sides?22:05
DunkirkRyanD, Also, you can fix the MBR with a Windows CD by booting into repair mode.22:05
Michalxokermit, tty1-6 :-D22:05
yo2boyWhy isnt Ubuntu 10.04 A2 released yet?22:05
morphixngirard, np. i use that link in my scripts so having an output of only the IP address rather than having to trim other output and/or code is ideal :)22:05
DasEi!lucid | yo2boy22:05
ubottuyo2boy: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:05
Dunkirkinfid, You're never going to get a cube with two screens. You'll have an octagon, or two cubes.22:05
Michalxoyo2boy, it has been delayed..22:05
highclassholeinfid, I believe that is on the appearance tab, you can set an image for the top and bottom22:06
yo2boyDasEi: A2 not final >_>22:06
kermitMichalxo: how do i enable smooth scrolling in the consoles?22:06
MeXTuXI have installed vsftpd and have write_enable=YES and anon_upload_enable=YES on /etc/vsftpd.conf. /srv/ftp permissions are drwx r-x r-x 2 root nogroup. I have ubuntu 9.10 and can't get the anonymous users to upload files. Sorry for my poor english22:06
Ed54wasn't alpha TITFUCK! 2 TITS! supposed to be released today?22:06
Awesome3000If a partition if formated as Linux-Swap do i have to do anything to activate it22:06
highclassholeDunkirk, you can have one big cube...22:06
Dunkirkinfid, Yeah, and the top/bottom images are static. You can't have things running on them.22:06
Ed54tourettes script22:06
ngirardsure, morphix22:06
Ed54let's try that again22:06
Dunkirkhighclasshole, Ok. My bad.22:06
Ed54wasn't alpha 2 supposed to be released today?22:06
blakkheim!op | Ed5422:06
ubottuEd54: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:06
SlartAwesome3000: swapon is one command22:07
infidhighclasshole: i think it's in the 'general options>desktop size>vertical virtual size' option in ccsm22:07
SlartAwesome3000: there's also mkswap which I think formats swap partitions/files before you can use them..22:07
zooboxEd54: hmmm yeah https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule says so22:07
Slart!swap | Awesome300022:08
ubottuAwesome3000: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:08
RyanDDasEi - I installed Win first and it is not possible to do a clean install of Win7 as it has a bunch of files and programs22:08
Ed54zoobox: that's what i was looking at, but i'm not finding the download link anywhere22:08
MichalxoA2 got delayed guys.. maybe tomorrow, as I heard few mins ago22:08
yo2boyMichalxo: source22:08
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:08
Ed54http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-2/ doesn't exist22:08
HangukMigukthis is weird...i have borders around my undecorated urxvt windows22:08
DunkirkRyanD, If you're worried about getting back to Windows, you can fix it with the WIndows CD.22:08
Michalxoyo2boy, #ubuntu+122:08
Ed54Michalxo: thanks22:08
slimAouinetI have a direct Internet connexion but when I install something I have a cannot resolve "proxy name"22:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:09
=== biggimat is now known as Matic`Makovec
RyanDDunkirk - windows is ok. i want to boot into ubuntu22:09
nibblerslimAouinet, then your proxy info is not correct22:09
morphixMeXTuX, try sudo chmod -r 777 /srv/ftp22:09
HinataDunkirk: it worked, thanks ^ ^ / Now lets see if I can make anything work on that ^ ^22:09
=== Guest5992 is now known as bliffle
slimAouinetI have no proxy at home22:09
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/22:10
nibblerslimAouinet, seems you ahve configured one22:10
Slartmorphix: isn't it -R since -r is used to remove read rights?22:10
cjaeI am using ntfsundelete and have a range of recoverable inodes may i just list them with a hyphen eg. ntfsundelete /dev/sdc1 -u -i 57886-57890  even if ntfsundelete never gave me number 57889 for a recoverable inode listing22:10
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:10
infidhighclasshole: i also have dual-monitors and no matter what i do to my xorg.conf it keeps showing my gnome panel only on the right monitor instead of the left monitor. any ideas?22:10
Slartmorphix: or perhaps it ignores that when you use numerics for the permissions..22:10
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:10
morphixSlart, yeh -R forgot upper22:10
slimAouinetyes, ok at the office, I used an ethernet connexion and now, I use the wifi but ...22:11
Awesome3000highclasshole  can you change your nick22:11
MichalxoslimAouinet, try thgis -> alt+f2 -> gconf-editor -> edit -> find -> proxy tick both22:11
ZiberI just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 today, and found a weird error. http://zpaste.org/704522:11
edzikWitam :)22:11
morphixMeXTuX, try sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/ftp22:11
ubottuk/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.22:11
slimAouinetMichaxo: I tryed allready ...22:11
DasEiRyanD: so is your windows-start still in order or are both os'es unaccesible ?22:12
MichalxoslimAouinet, no idea then, sry22:12
SlartZiber: I can't reproduce it on 9.10... perhaps they fixed it in the newer version22:12
=== ss4 is now known as Supersaiyan_IV
edzikwhy after restart, my resolution change from 1680x1050 to 800x600??22:12
edzikwhy after restart, my resolution change from 1680x1050 to 800x600??22:13
ZiberAny else run into it? http://zpaste.org/704522:13
edzikanybody know22:13
Slartedzik: no need to spam your question.. you'll only make people angry22:13
maurii've download .tar.bz2 package source. Is there a command able to see which are his dependences requested?22:14
Awesome3000how to check if my swap is working22:14
DasEiedzig: can use mode aprameter in xorg.conf to set default resolution22:14
blakkheimmauri: no, it should list them on the site you got it from22:14
DasEi!resolution | edzig22:14
ubottuedzig: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:14
Slartedzik: if you want good answers you might want to include some more information.. what kind of computer you're using, graphics card, version of ubuntu, error logs etc etc22:14
=== highclasshole is now known as GentooJay
edziksorry but my english is bad22:14
Dark_Helmutneed some help setting up VPN,  my log says: "Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/2" then "Modem Hangup"22:14
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GentooJayinfid, i think there is an option in twinview to specific the main monitor22:15
SlartAwesome3000: if you start the system monitor there is a meter for swap used22:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:15
Dark_Helmutshould it not be trying to use my wireless connection (which is what I am connected with)?22:15
morphixAwesome3000, in terminal type, swapon -s22:15
mauriblakkheim: have time to help me some minutos more?22:15
slimAouinetIs there a specific file where the proxy is configured for the packages tools (dpkg, synaptic,apt-get, aptitude)?22:15
morphixit should provide you back with /dev/sd or similar22:15
RyanDDasEi - to be honest I haven't tried to boot into win7 yet but it is listed in the win boot loader so it probably will boot but I can fix it if it doesn't22:15
SlartAwesome3000: you can always try using lots of memory.. I think there are some stress test tools in the repository you can use if you want22:15
nibblerDark_Helmut, what kind of vpn are you trying?22:15
ZiberAny else run into this? http://zpaste.org/704522:15
morphixif not, then swap is not enabled22:15
morphixZiber, stop spamming.22:15
Slart!repeat | Ziber22:15
ubottuZiber: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:15
Johnny_425Whenever I try to use "chmod" in terminal is says unknown command, Help!!!22:16
Awesome3000morphix & Slart  Thanks22:16
infidGentooJay: you're a genius22:16
SlartAwesome3000: you're welcome22:16
schui_anyone know how i would copy this file: linux-installer.sh to desktop via terminal?22:16
Indy^I found in the Grub 2 Wiki that as of version 1.96 of GRUB 2, theme support is not enabled.  Has anyone seen or heard of any movement on this?22:16
morphixAwesome3000, np22:16
DasEiRyanD: so you installed karmic after win 7, now have grub with a windows entry and a karmic that won't boot22:16
schui_from a cd22:16
Slartschui_: cp /where/ever/the/file/is/located/linux-installer.sh ~/Desktop/22:16
MHz128After installing openbox, and changing the theme with "obconf", nothing is happening! how do I apply these settings?22:17
blakkheimMHz128: they are applied22:17
kinja-sheep!bash | schui_22:17
ubottuschui_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:17
MHz128blakkheim, I've changed the window theme, nothing changed...22:17
xgpthello everyone22:17
DasEiRyanD: did you try to boot safemode ?22:17
blakkheimMHz128: are you using ONLY openbox or gnome with openbox?22:18
MHz128blakkheim, gnome/openbox22:18
blakkheimMHz128: then i can't help sorry22:18
MHz128ohh ic22:18
RyanDDasEi - that was my problem yesterday. so i gave up and blew away the linux part and installed from within win7 (wubi??) now i have a ubuntu entry in my win bootloader but grub drops to the sh:grub> prompt22:18
infidi haved 6gb of ram and yet everytime i start upfirefox it takes like 10 seconds before that spinning loading icon thing stops. What's up with that?22:18
blakkheimRyanD: i recommend you do a real install without wubi22:18
infidi dont even have any plugins installed in it22:18
infidand only one tab22:19
Slartinfid: firefox isn't limited by free memory?22:19
kinja-sheepinfid: 32bit?22:19
icerootin /etc/passwd there is my shell defined. i am using zsh by default but if i am using a pc without zsh installed (passwd with ldap) i get password incorrect. is there a way to use a fallback-shell in /etc/passwd?22:19
infidkinja-sheep: 64bit22:19
blakkheiminfid: ram has nothing to do with how fast a program starts up22:19
xgpti have a quick question about which version in need to install22:19
infidblakkheim: well it's also a quad core cpu22:19
Slartinfid: it might be waiting for something else.. io.. network latency.. cpu stuff22:19
RyanDblakkheim - when I did that i would get an error that grub couldn't find my root disk22:19
infidblakkheim: with an nvidia geforce 9500gt22:19
xgptif I install the 8.04 LTS server, will i be able to upgrade straight to the next LTS?22:19
infidSlart: i have verizon fios22:19
xgptor will I need to go through another version?22:19
Jeruvyxgpt: yep22:19
blakkheiminfid: firefox is a big bloated program. your cpu has a bit to do with it, gpu has nothing to do with it. the bottleneck is your hard drive22:19
Slartxgpt: the next LTS isn't out yet.. but I think you'll be able to upgrade to it, yes22:20
Ziberanyone seen http://zpaste.org/7045 before?22:20
kinja-sheepinfid: You could install prelink if that will help. I use that.22:20
xgptJeruvy: so if I download this older 8.04 LTS, i'll be able to go *straight* to the next LTS?22:20
infidblakkheim: it's a fresh install of ubuntu on a 500gb sata drive22:20
morphixinfid, try opera :P22:20
SlartZiber: do you have an ubuntu support question?22:20
infidfirefox doesnt seem to do this on my netbook22:20
Jeruvyxgpt: by default, you can reconfigure it to go through all the non-LTS22:20
RyanDdoes 9.10 have a problem installing on  hardware raid?22:20
Awesome3000infid  Or google chrome22:20
Dark_Helmutnibbler, trying to connect to VyprVPN22:20
ZiberSlart: 9.04. "command-not-found" not found.22:21
icerootxgpt: if it is out you can upgrade directly22:21
blakkheiminfid: ubuntu isn't exactly the leanest, quickest distro of linux. firefox is a very large program and unless you're using an SSD (like i am) it will take a few seconds to open22:21
morphixinfid, test with another browser see if it occurs the same22:21
infidAwesome3000: how do i get google chrome for ubuntu? jump through hoops or is it in apt yet?22:21
SlartZiber: do you have a question?22:21
morphixi had a similar problem but it was due to DNS22:21
ZiberSlart: how to fix that?22:21
Dark_Helmutnibbler, mpppe I think it is...22:21
morphixDNS was slow to resolve, so firefox took a bit to show the site upon load22:21
morphixbut it could be 100% unrelated.22:21
SlartZiber: have you looked through synaptic for "command not found" ?22:21
icerootZiber: sudo apt-get install command-not-found22:21
infidcan it hurt my battery to have my powersupply plugged into my Eeepc 24/7. ie can it overcharge the battery?22:21
MHz128blakkheim, ok, how do I change the openbox desktop background? is there a taskbar application? or somethhing similar?22:22
klappihe could change his homepage to blank and check this out22:22
morphixinfid, http://www.google.com/chrome/eula.html?platform=linux22:22
blakkheimMHz128: you can use a program like nitrogen or feh to change the wallpaper. there is no taskbar application by default either.22:22
icerootinfid: no not overcharged but memory-effect because its using the battery not the powersupply directly22:22
icerootinfid: remove the batterie if you dont need it22:22
infidi really love all my firefox plugins though. i could never leave the browser until chrome supported htem all22:22
MHz128blakkheim, is there a third party taskbar app i can install?22:22
blakkheimMHz128: there are many22:23
Slartinfid: I think modern computers are quite good with charging batteries.. ie not over charging and so on.. but the battery usually get quite warm and that isn't very good for its health.. I would remove it22:23
infidiceroot: well i still unplug it and just go off the battery a few hours a day22:23
icerootinfid: ok22:23
MHz128blakkheim, where can I find a list of common/popular openbox apps to use?22:23
bdelin88I want to use the terminal to search for every file called desktop.ini and delete every instance of it in a given directory (and recursively) how do I do this please?22:23
blakkheimMHz128: dunno. lxpanel, gnome-panel, tint2 are some popular ones22:24
infidugh, after just starting to use the 3d desktop cube now eveyrtime i look at my screen i feel like it's moving, even when it's not. will this pass? :P22:24
gabrielsimonMHZ128 > you'll get that list you want22:24
MHz128blakkheim, gnome-panel is docking my openbox windows... :P22:24
Slartbdelin88: "find" will do that for you.. something like     find /some/folder/ -iname desktop.ini --exec rm {} \;22:24
MHz128gabrielsimon, ??22:24
bdelin88Slart: thank you!22:25
Slartbdelin88: I might be a little wrong about the syntax.. man find  will tell you more22:25
blakkheimMHz128: i misread what you said, i thought you were asking for panels. there are no "openbox apps" - you can use any apps22:25
klappibdelin88: dangerious no warranty: find / -type f -name "desktop.ini" | xargs rm22:25
infiddont use xargs rm22:25
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:25
tabamatuinfid: i prescribe two doses of alt+tab and a dark room. you'll be fine :)22:25
Slartbdelin88: don't test it with "rm".. you'll just end up deleting files you didn't want to delete.. start with --exec echo {} \;    instead22:25
klappiinfid: because of names with spaces?22:25
MHz128blakkheim, no worries. Gnome-panel is great. But how do I make it dock the windows? they are minimizing to 'nowhere' hehehe22:26
blakkheimMHz128: do you have the applet added for windows  being docked to it?22:26
infidklappi:  yeah but i guess it's ok for this commandm, aside from ingraining a bad habit22:26
noobuserIs there any benefit to be gained from having two Wi-Fi adaptors installed in my PC?22:26
=== manic is now known as Guest58386
DextronaughtI'm using Karmic on a laptop with a headset. my microphone sounds all staticy, and and sometimes it's fixed when I remove pulseaudio and use esound, but then when I restart I completely lose my mic, and somehow reinstalling pulseaudio and such gives my mic back, any ideas? help please. :-)22:27
klappiinfid: sorry shame on me22:27
morphixnoobuser, if you had 2 wireless networks you could connect to, you could route your internet for different sites amongst the 2 connections22:27
DasEinoobuser: same model ?22:27
MHz128blakkheim, weird. I ran it from terminal, nothing happened. ran it from gnome-do, and now its fine :p22:27
noobuserDasEi: Different models.22:27
DasEinoobuser: so no bounding then22:28
morphixbonding wouldnt benefit speeds anyway22:28
morphixfor wireless22:28
noobuserDasEi: What is bounding?22:29
rekhi i want a bunch of text based programs22:29
DasEinoobuser: you put two nics together as one22:29
noobusermorphix: What if I have two Wi-Fi networks available to me?22:29
noobuserTwo ISPs?22:29
morphixas ever user who connects to the access point slows the connections down eg. 3 connections you get 1/3 of the 54mbit speed on 11g22:29
noobuserDasEi: So I'd get double the speed?22:29
MHz128blakkheim, thanks for the advice!22:29
morphixnoobuser, that could work22:29
morphixnoobuser, i used to share my internet with my neighbour and his shared with me22:30
DextronaughtI'm using Karmic on a laptop with a headset. my microphone sounds all staticy, and and sometimes it's fixed when I remove pulseaudio and use esound, but then when I restart I completely lose my mic, and somehow reinstalling pulseaudio and such gives my mic back, any ideas? help please. :-)22:30
Dark_Helmutneed some help setting up VPN,  my log says: "Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/2" then "Modem Hangup"22:30
Dark_Helmutshould it not be trying to use my wireless connection (which is what I am connected with)?22:30
rekhi i want a bunch of text based programs22:30
morphixso i was using both mine and his internet together and routing it appropriately.22:30
Chard1later guys... i'm going to go get drunk22:30
nixjrwhy can i not change file permissions? im using nautilus and im the owner of the file(s)22:30
DasEinoobuser: on wired, morphix is right on most wireless routers, as they share the load with clients, depends also on accespoint and wireless dapter22:30
klappirek: infocom adventures?22:30
Slartnixjr: are the files on an fat32 or ntfs drive?22:31
noobusermorphix: Yeah, that's kind of what I'm able to do.22:31
dash9Hi, when I right-click on the desktop and keep the button pressed and move the mouse and choose a menu item, I can activate it. If I right-click without moving the mouse, it has a different behaviour, the menu remains visible. My question: How can I specify the threshold to be larger?22:31
cjaeok so I used ntfsundelete /dev/sdc1 -u -i 27-57890 -d ~/Recovery but it it keeps telling me couldn''t create file, file exists so must I create a new file name for each inode entry?22:31
Chard1i will most likely be in need of support when i get back22:31
noobusermorphix: Except that my Wi-Fi cards are different models.22:31
rekklappi: what22:31
nixjrSlart, yes its an ntfs22:31
morphixthat doesn't matter if you are going to be using 2 different networks22:31
RyanDyou can do link-aggregation on Ubuntu??22:31
Dextronaughtsucks that I can't get any help. :(22:31
Slartnixjr: I don't think ubuntu cares about file permissions on ntfs drives22:32
HangukMigukdoes anyone know a fix to get borders off of undecorated urxvt windows?22:32
=== pretto_ is now known as Pretto
paulEUHi all, I have problem with setting properly display resolution on VirtualPC2007, I've installed ubuntu 9.10 and I did set modeline into /etc/X11/xorg.conf like that: Modeline "1280x960@60" 105.68 1280 1312 1712 1744 960 979 989 1009 but this setting isn't applied - I see only max 1024x768. Where is mistake? This modeline I've generated via website22:32
schui_so yeah im still having this problem: installing ut2004, get through the install up to where it asks for cd 2. so i insert cd 2, and choose yes to continue. except that nothing happens until i close it :S what should i do?22:32
bdelin88Slart: If there's anyway you could help me out a little bit more I would appreciate it... I looked through man page but my brain just doesn't think well to use the terminal right just yet... if you can offer any more assistance i would very much appreciate it.  I tried your example and it says paths must precede expression: exec...which I thought it did22:33
klappirek: i was joking (old text adventure computer games)22:33
Slartbdelin88: ok... what command did you try?22:33
nixjrSlart, the reason im trying to chnage the file permissions is because there are many files (txt, jpg, cue ... etc) all marked as being executables, how might i fix that?22:34
bdelin88find media/Media/ -iname desktop.ini exec echo {}\;22:34
bdelin88Slart: sorry, forgot to highlight: find media/Media/ -iname desktop.ini exec echo {}\;22:34
Slartnixjr: I think you can change that in your fstab file.. although I'm not sure exactly what to do..22:34
bliffleAnyone have a fix for 9.10 to get a Thinkpad X60s dialup modem working?22:34
Slart¡ntfs | nixjr, perhaps there are some info here22:34
Slart!ntfs | nixjr, perhaps there are some info here22:34
ubottunixjr, perhaps there are some info here: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:34
rekklappi: ok like dink smallwood? ok i need applications22:35
bdelin88bliffle: better google that, dialup modems can be problematic because of the "winmodems"22:35
* paradigm_ is so excited, just got ubuntu installed on new quad core lappy and everything works and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!22:35
Slartbdelin88: ok change that to    find /media/Media/ -iname desktop.ini -exec echo {}\;22:35
Slartbdelin88: then try it again..22:35
mack_millionhello does anyone here know about wpa?22:35
schui_wow i fixed it22:35
Slart!anyone | mack_million22:35
ubottumack_million: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:35
nixjrSlart, only my second day using linux, its hard to know where to start looking, thank you for the help, ill start reading22:36
bliffleI've been thrashing thru ubuntuforums22:36
bdelin88Slart: yes!  thank you!!22:36
HangukMigukbliffle: http://linmodems.org/22:36
Slartnixjr: check that link ubottu sent you..  you can also google for "ntfs permissions ubuntu".. that ought to get you some good hits22:36
paulEU_anybody wrote to me? ;)22:36
kernel_geekdo you think on a 100mb network 10mb/s for nfs is a good transfer speed ?22:36
Spaseeeekde > openbox? O_O22:36
Slartbdelin88: yay.. you're welcome22:36
miranda_can i get help for ubuntu server here?22:37
bdelin88Slart: that is awesome, sorry...still learning terminal lol22:37
paradigm_I last used linux 10 years ago, and have use XP since.  But vista and 7 are pieces of crap.  Ubuntu linux is light years ahead of where I last saw linux. I'm blown away22:37
DasEimiranda_: general ubuntu, #ubuntu-server is there, too22:37
Slartkernel_geek: nope.. 10 mb/s isn't very good.. 10 MB/s on the other hand is pretty normal22:37
mack_millionIve been delving into wpa security and I have a question about wordlists...I know you can put a dictionary file into aircrack, but I understand that you need to specially create a rainbow table based on the BSSID...is this necessary or does aircrack automatically parse the words in the list for the specific BSSID in the .cap file???22:37
nixjrSlart, slightly off topic, am i right in assuming file extensions mean nothing in linux?22:37
miranda_DasEi, Thanks you so much22:37
kernel_geekSlart: lol :D22:37
Slartnixjr: correct.. although I think gnome might use them for some superficial stuff22:37
pontusneed help istalling cam plz help22:37
klappinixjr: try the file command its nice22:38
paradigm_I've been playing with all the gnome visual effects all day, lol22:38
Slartkernel_geek: to explain a little bit more.. 10 Mbit/s is pretty poor.. 10 MByte/s is pretty normal.. capital B for byte, lower case b for bit22:38
mack_millionif anyone knows about cracking WPA, please see my question above...thanks in advance!!22:38
kernel_geekSlart, I know, typo22:39
kernel_geektwhy are you wpa cracking ^o) ?22:39
digitalfiz$ screen ./sc_serv22:39
digitalfizCannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check.22:39
digitalfizanyone know how to fix this?22:39
pontusneed help installing cam  it's downloaded to /usr/src/modules22:39
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nixjrklappi, will do, if theres one thing ive learn so far its that linux=reading lol22:39
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jsecis anyone familiar with the touch command? I know you can use it for creating random empty files, but is it possible to use it to create a few random pieces of text inside those files?22:40
plaziamack_million, it's not specifically an ubuntu thing is it really? better asked in #security perhaps?22:40
mack_millioni am a network administrator for an IT company and trying to learn for security purposes.  plus, I like to mess around with all types of computer stuff22:40
mack_millionok, thanks plazia22:40
rahduke1can someone explain why my internet speed is so damn slow when I use my router? I have my modem plugged into my router and my main computer connected via Ethernet to router22:40
plaziamack_million, no worries mate.22:40
Slartjsec: I think touch is really used to update the files "latest access" date.. it's more of a secondary effect that if the file doesn't exist it gets created22:40
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klappijsec: text like random data or real words?22:41
Slartjsec: you can use something like "echo blabla > somefile"  this will create a file with the text "blabla"22:41
jsecSlart, yeah, but it was just nice be able to go "touch blah blah blah" and have all those files instantly created.22:42
jsecklappi, real words22:42
Slartjsec: ah.. yes.. it's very convenient.. perhaps if you explain what you are trying to do we might be able to help you better22:42
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klappijsec: you could use /usr/share/dict/words if you have such a file22:43
jsecSlart: originally I was working on a program that recursively searched directories for files with certain names. Now the project has morphed into searching for certain words within files (ie. recursively searching a directory/subdirectories and then searching through each file)22:44
Slartjsec: duplicating grep? =)22:44
jsecessentially yes :)22:44
Slartjsec: ok.. and you need some example material?22:45
morphixwhy not use grep?22:45
morphixlike.. grep "word" -R /path/to/start/*22:45
jsecSlart: I was really just seeing if there was a command similar to touch for creating files with random words and such so I don't spend as much time creating throwaway files22:45
Slartmorphix: because then you dont get to write it yourself =)22:45
morphixyeh but writing something that already exists seems..pointless?22:46
Slartjsec: why not try using manpages? lots of text in those22:46
jsecmorphix: such are the trials of a college student :(22:46
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jsecSlart: I'll have to take a look at it and see if I can turn something up. Thanks for the advice.22:46
Slartjsec: you're welcome22:47
phoenixzIs there anything known about the Intel driver in Kubuntu 9.10? The actual drivers (the default "new" one and the fall back) are both HORRIBLE.. the new one causes me having to wait 30 seconds to see the 30 characters I just typed.. The fallback is still slow as hell, though now I "only" have to wait 5 seconds.. but with this one, suspend hangs my machine and every now and then, at random, the screen blanks and never comes back forcing me to restart the22:48
phoenixzIn other words, current intel drivers suck balls, pardon my French22:48
phoenixzIs there any news on a new Intel driver that actually ... eh.. just works?22:48
morphixhmm.. some odd reason 1 of the buttons on my laptop (it being usually a button to change power management for windows) seems to have set itself to lock the screen when pressed.22:48
protojayphoenixz, get a real gfx card!22:49
morphixphoenixz, mine works fine. i can even play hd flash and its fine22:49
DasEiphoenixz: from what I heard support is much better now in karmic, which chipset ?22:49
Slartphoenixz: hmm.. and I was just thinking of getting a laptop with an intel graphics card.. I thought they had fixed this in 9.1022:49
gerst__does someone have geforce 8400?22:49
phoenixzprotojay: Sure, I'll either buy a new laptop or somehow rebuild the motherboard of this laptop so that it has an ATI.. ? Something realistic maybe? Anyway, if the drivers are crap, it doesnt matter what hardware you have..22:49
morphixphoenixz, ati.. noooo22:50
gerst__Im having trouble with tv out.. all I get on my tv is like no signal.. it works under windoz22:50
phoenixzSlart: don't.. at least not for 9.10.. 9.04 and 9.10 were both crap, but if you ask me, 9.10 actualy got it worse..22:50
phoenixzmorphix: no, ANY hardwar should work!22:50
morphixati has issues22:50
Slartphoenixz: ouch..  I'll be sure to try a live cd in the store then... make sure it works before I hand over any cash22:50
klappiphoenixz: you could check ppa for better intel drivers may be22:51
morphixnvidia cards have the best support in linux22:51
protojayati is crap but better than  intel22:51
Myke1Hey everyone22:52
protojayhey myke22:53
bef0rdhello, I have installed ubuntu on this laptop, and when I go to the virtual terminal 1 it works ok, but when I go back to the  vt 7 (x terminal) my laptop suspends22:53
phoenixzklappi: nop.. the PPA intel driver is what I have now.. its like 3x faster (but the original is like 30 times slower than normal, so the ppa is still 10x slower anyway) but it gives random screen blanks.. when that happens, I can't do anythihg but reset the computer22:53
phoenixzSlart: If I can recommaend you anything, its going for either ATI or NVIDIA22:54
phoenixzSlart: or, like morphix said, maybe just nvidia :)22:54
klappiphoenixz: sorry it was just an idea22:54
Slartphoenixz: mm.. I think I'll stick to nvidia then.. ati is scary =)22:54
klappiklappi: i have nvidia 9800gt22:54
morphixphoenixz, thats odd, this machine has a Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics and it works perfectly fine, heck even compiz works 100% perfect.22:54
phoenixzDasEi: Intel I945.. either the new driver, or the v2.4 fallback are both crap..22:54
morphixI945 eek..22:55
phoenixzmorphix: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)22:55
morphixyeh, its just a crap card. lol22:55
morphixi wish i had nvidia, but this is my work machine.22:56
phoenixzmorphix: I know its a <insert something bad> card, but I've seen it working a whole lot faster than its running now.. on 8.04 it was FAST actually... 2d and 3d... well, relatively fast that is :)22:56
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:56
phoenixzThing is, how come that in the year 2010, linux STILL requires very specific hardware, or you will be screwed with problems?22:57
obiwan_hi please, i have a wrong pgp id which i did with seahorse. I made another id for the same key, then removed the wrong one. But i do gpg --send-key and --update-key to keyserver.ubuntu.com. But when i search the ubuntu keyserver database, there's still the wrong id for my key. What can i do?22:57
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phoenixzI mean, how much longer do we have to wait before we finally have *at least* normal GFX support?22:57
morphixcause most drivers are made for windows22:57
morphixthats why i stick with nvidia cards22:58
morphixi have no issues.22:58
phoenixzbecause with all drivers that the linux kernel has, GFX support is still crap at best..22:58
phoenixzWorse, how come that when somehting is working fine, suddenly a new version makes that its not working fine anymore?? My Intel card was working fine before..22:58
klappiphoenixz: youre right i suffer having no speed step with my grep i945 motherboard22:59
phoenixzI mean, this is not something that will get linux to be universally accepted as a desktop OS..22:59
protojaypoor driver testing prolly22:59
klappiphoenixz: i have a core duo 3GHZ and run it on 667MHZ all the time, sad22:59
schui_well, i finally got ut2004 to install23:00
klappischui_: gz23:00
schui_now im having trouble to run it, i get this error: /ut2004-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:01
schui_i think im missing some file23:01
phoenixzNot flaming here, I think great work is being done, but the practical situation as is now needs to change.. I'm quite the computer guy, when having problems like this, I work to fix them as best as I can (though right now its just not possible).. but like my parents for example? My dad was lucky, his comp. works fine, he loves linux.. My mom had it replaced again with windows, just because of gfx and printer driver issues..23:01
jsecschui: search on google for it23:01
jsecthere is a .deb out there that takes care of it, for some reason 9.10 omitted the c++ standard lib23:01
schui_ah i see23:02
ardchoilleschui_: apt-cache search -n libstdc++23:02
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protojayphoenixz, its the whole conseqeunce of having such a low market share in linux... but thats howlinux is designed... difficult to use and unintuitive23:02
|nv|s|blei take it ffmpeg is better than mencoder?23:02
jsecschui: http://packages.debian.org/stable/base/libstdc++523:02
carphow can i get save changes on my ubuntu USB stick?23:03
rakistaffmpeg has better compatibility23:03
morphixphoenixz, the reason for problems is due to the support by the manufacturer of devices not having linux drivers or crap implementations, its not the fault of linux developers for lack of suport given.23:03
|nv|s|bleany reason brasero crashes on burn?..23:03
schui_what one should i download?23:03
phoenixzprotojay: umm... disagree with the last thing you said.. Linux is intuitive, and very easy to use.. any problem in linux usually is fixed with ease, in windows usually it can not even be fixed.. And the programs are exelent too.. its just the drivers that suck..23:03
Ziberhow can i specify a boot image i want to use if i have a new one?23:03
ardchoilleschui_: please don't use packages designed for debian on  your ubuntu system, that's asking for trouble mixing distros like that23:04
morphixwindows its usually a format to fix a lot of problems :P23:04
protojayphoenixz, i genenrally find things easier to fix in windows23:04
pixalenanyone got some tips for handy apps?23:04
schui_ardchoille: i typed the command you said in terminal23:04
morphixhandy apps?23:04
schui_is that what you meant to do?23:04
protojayphoenixz, too much havin to read documentation and enter cli mode in linux23:04
RyanDfor anyone who was wondering 9.10 won't install on a RAID part23:05
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ardchoilleschui_: yes, that searches for libstdc++ in the repos23:05
phoenixzmorphix: :) Again, not blaming developers.. Just mentioning that a) When something works, make sure it KEEPS working and not just some day stops.. b) at least the basic drivers, like GFX and audio should just be done better..23:05
carpsomeone pls?23:05
jsecardchoille: i understand what you're saying, but seeing as ubuntu is debian-based, would it be that big of a deal?23:05
pixalenHandy apps, i ment like.. applications that are good to have. i just installed ubuntu23:05
Ziberhow can i specify a boot image i want to use if i have a new one?23:05
protojayphoenixz, drivers are hard to get working without the support of hte vendors23:05
phoenixzprotojay: Not using CLI in linux, still easier to fix most things.. when including the CLI, forget windows ever existed..23:05
ardchoillejsec: yes, it's that big a deal23:05
schui_ardchoille: so i entered the command, what now?23:05
morphixphoenixz, i agree, but blame the manufacturers instead of bashing linux.23:05
schui_it had a big list of things23:05
phoenixzprotojay: I know..23:05
ardchoillejsec: "based on debian" does not mean it's equally compatible with debian's packages23:06
klappipixalen: check out software center23:06
phoenixzmorphix: again, not bashing Linux.. Believe me, me loves Linux23:06
protojayphoenixz, your average user seems to think linux is much harder than windows23:06
ardchoilleschui_: what did it return? you needed libstdc++ correct?23:06
jsecardchoille: makes sense. i thought they were more alike than they really are23:06
schui_The GNU Standard C++ Library v323:06
rakistaTweaking windows is a lot more arcane than Linux, the windows registry is a mess23:06
protojayphoenixz, i will agree, things are improved massively... but there are alot of things in linux which arent implemented in the prettyest way23:06
phoenixzprotojay: ah, but thats another story.. My dad also thought the same.. not because it is more difficult, its different.. once he tried it for a day he never looked back23:07
ardchoilleschui_: which version of ubuntu are you running?23:07
Coded1i wanted to try out karmic but when it boots I get a corrupted display when it goes to graphics mode, I have a nvidia 6200 GPU, any ideas?23:07
rejohnback after connection drop23:07
phoenixzprotojay: like what? (and don't mention drivers, I already have that, heheh)23:07
schui_2.28.1 i think23:07
phoenixzrakista: windows registry is a blasphemy...23:07
DextronaughtI'm using Karmic on a laptop with a headset. my microphone sounds all staticy, and and sometimes it's fixed when I remove pulseaudio and use esound, but then when I restart I completely lose my mic, and somehow reinstalling pulseaudio and such gives my mic back, any ideas? help please. :-)23:08
schui_q.. is there a way to enter someones name to get their attntion without typing it?23:08
ardchoilleschui_: no, open a terminal and run lsb_release -r23:08
schui_ah, 9.10 :)23:08
phoenixzrakista: The entire windows organization is a blasphemy.. in linux, from the folder you can already see what contents it will havge.. in linux, drivers and images and libraries are all mixed, its one huge pile..23:08
lipoh my god23:08
* Claudiu is away: Away for now .. 23:08
protojayphoenixz, like one day my entire system stopped booting up, configuring dual monitor support, configuring the desktop is sloppy23:09
phoenixzrakista: not to mention the directies called 23LK-J42-K3J4-L2KJ-34LK-J234-LKJ2-K3L423:09
miranda_i do have a very high fan noise on my laptop, bios fan option is not activated, and i cannot use pwmconfig as it says i do not have any capable sensors. The cpu load is around 7 or 8 % and cpu temp is around 55C. It seems that the fan is just STUCK at that speed. Any ideas on how to track the issue down?23:09
termina|how do you type a space into terminal?23:09
macman_termina|: space bar ?23:09
termina|macman_: i mean when typing file names23:09
phoenixzprotojay: configuring dual monitor in KDE is pretty okay, be it if driver support is okay :)23:09
rakistaIt is strange though there are Windows Gurus but they don't share their knowledge for free23:09
Zibertermina|: \23:09
morphixTerminator, eg. file\ name23:10
schui_ardchoille: its 9.10 or the latest i just updated it23:10
termina|Ziber: thanks23:10
morphixfor a "\" before the space23:10
ardchoilleschui_: you're on 9.10? you should have libstdc++ installed23:10
phoenixzprotojay: desktop configuration sloppy? try kde, 4.4 is be-au-ti-ful..23:10
protojayphoenixz, configuring the boot loading? generally the whole slew of configuration files in /etc/23:10
progre55hi people! any ways to fix the problem with flash eating up so much processor while playing flash-apps on browser?23:10
ardchoilleschui_: perhaps that app can't find it23:10
protojayphoenixz, grub223:10
phoenixzprotojay: thats the beauty of it.. I never ever configured boot loading.. its rare having to do that..23:10
schui_ardchoille: i think i'm missing an older file or something23:10
protojayphoenixz, users want nice easy screens to show them what to do... not reams of online documentation23:10
macman_sorry guys .. switch from consle to X23:11
Jeruvyprogre55: not really, thats just the way flash is.23:11
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ardchoilleschui_: ah, could be, libstdc++5 is older23:11
phoenixzprotojay:true.. but what user will ever modify boot loader configuration? thats like.. never?23:11
progre55Jeruvy: but it's not that greedy on windows..23:11
Jeruvyprogre55: sure it is :)23:11
protojayphoenixz, getting linux apps like apache setup is usually complex, the firewalling settings, where to stop23:11
progre55Jeruvy: well, I hope it is =)23:11
klappiprotojay: i wanted a free compiler back in the old days ^^23:11
ardchoilleschui_: any chance of getting a newer version of that app?23:11
progre55Jeruvy: thanks anyways =)23:11
Jeruvyprogre55: flash is 100% cpu intensive, it doesn't use any gpu23:11
protojayphoenixz, lots of parts of linux were obviously not designed with a gui interface in mind and was tagged on later23:12
morphixapache setup is idential between windows and linux23:12
morphixexcept for external things such as firewall23:12
rakistaprotojay, many windows features are command line and hidden deep in the registry though23:12
schui_ardchoille: no idea, its unreal tournament 2004. i'm pretty sure it's installed correctly23:12
paradigm_Every once in a while a windows game that I'm emulating messess up X.  How can I kill X so that I can restart it?23:12
protojayrakista, yeh, but most features you need are nicely available in the interface23:12
ardchoilleschui_: Ah, ok well I know nothing about gaming23:12
schui_ardchoille: but its from 2004 so yeah old file?23:12
phoenixzprotojay: firewall configuration has a VERY easy tool, best I've ever seen.. eeh.. fwbuilder, if I recall.. apache setup is equal on windows and linux..23:12
progre55Jeruvy: oh and you might know.. another problem with flash, but that only happens on linux.. I cant type in cyrillic characters into a flash text field.. any fixes for that, please? =)23:12
ardchoilleschui_: yes, quite old as far as software goes23:12
phoenixzprotojay: and building a GUI to manage configuration files is trivial, but it is work.. somebody just has to do it..23:13
Jeruvyprogre55: which plugin are you using, official, beta or non-official (ubuntu distro)?23:13
schui_ardchoille: what exactly did that command you gave me do?23:13
klappiparadigm_: stop <yourdisplayserver> and then start <yourdisplayserver>23:13
reynaldo_Hello everybody.. I wonder if I can get some help setting up my laptop to accept wireless N from the Wireless N card.. at the moment it automatically downgrades all signals to G23:13
ardchoilleschui_: apt-cache search -n blah  <-- searches for blah in the package cache and filters by name23:13
progre55Jeruvy: do you mean distro by "plugin"? ubuntu 9.10 (2.6.31-17)23:14
ardchoilleschui_: best way to find an app23:14
protojayphoenixz, i will admit, things have improved alot23:14
protojayphoenixz, but still much work to do, before linux is mainstream ready on the desktop23:14
Jeruvyprogre55: flash plugin actually.  Which one did you install?23:14
Um_cara_qualquerdoes anyone knows how run original films in ubuntu?23:14
protojayphoenixz, and you cant expect drivers vendors or software vendors to port until that happens23:14
klappiprotojay; i dont need that to happen23:14
progre55Jeruvy: oh, no idea :) how can I find out?23:14
phoenixzprotojay: they have yeah.. But I think its not going to happen until drivers get fixed.. somehow..23:14
tiberiociao a tutti23:15
phoenixzprotojay: again, you may want to give a look at KDE4.4.. I'll put that up to any windows anyday..23:15
schui_ardchoille: well the error im getting is saying i dont have libstdc++.so.523:15
ardchoilleschui_: yes, that would be the libstdc++5 package I believe23:15
Jeruvyprogre55: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/155/tn_15507.html23:15
protojayphoenixz, i dont think the drivers are a main problem for 90% of people, its the software situation, we need better emulation and easier, like wine but better23:16
ardchoilleschui_: and that isn't in the 9.1 repos23:16
phoenixz!it | tiberio:23:16
ubottutiberio:: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:16
schui_ardchoille: darn... any ideas?23:16
tiberioxdcc send list23:18
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ardchoilleschui_: a good idea would be to post your question on ubuntu forums23:18
LjLtiberio: questo non è un canale di filesharing. #ubuntu-it per supporto Ubuntu in italiano, qui inglese.23:18
phoenixzprotojay: true, wine should become more transparent.. should be invisible at all actually.. but then again, we also don't want people to run windows programs where there are perfectly fine (and many times even better) linux apps available..23:18
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.23:18
ardchoilleschui_:  http://ubuntuforums.org/23:18
protojayphoenixz, the linux apps are often not as good23:18
protojayphoenixz, exceptions such as firefox exist23:18
phoenixzprotojay: firefox is not a linux app.. works pretty much equal on windows and linux.. and yeah, there are many apps that function better if you ask me..23:18
ardchoilleprotojay , phoenixz perhaps this converstion would be better in #ubuntu-offtopic ?23:18
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morphixand free :P23:18
trevori have a dell 20inch monitor and ubuntu wont recognize the resolution...anyone know how i can fix this?23:18
phoenixzprotojay: okay, MS office vs open office.. well, they both suck..23:18
phoenixzardchoille: sorry, yeah, being totally off-topic here :)23:19
phoenixzJust had to rant a little23:19
protojayyeh sorry ardchoille23:19
ardchoilleno worries23:19
phoenixzdriver frustrations, which actually are related to ubuntu...23:19
Awesome3000trevor  set the resolution manually in xorg.conf23:19
phoenixzardchoille: you would not happen to know if there are intel driver updates somewhere?23:19
schui_ardchoille: thanks23:19
ardchoilleschui_: yw :)23:19
trevorhow might i do that Awesome300023:19
reynaldo_Hello everybody.. I wonder if I can get some help setting up my laptop to accept wireless N from the Wireless N card.. at the moment it automatically downgrades all signals to G23:19
ardchoillephoenixz: No, sorry, but I can recommend the ubuntu forums, maybe a better answer awaits you there23:20
Coded1is there still a graphics safe mode in 9.10 ?  the display corrupts when I try to load the live cd :(23:20
casper___how can i make my ubuntu karmicLIVE usb stick save-changes on reboot?23:20
scott_ino2anyone have experience with Fuppes mediaserver. I have a question about database rebuilding23:20
casper___someone help me pls23:21
undecimcasper___: If you use the startup disk creator, you can set that option when you create the usb stick23:21
morphixcasper___, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:21
casper___undecim: i'm currently booted off the stick, is there a way to do it from here?23:21
=== faitz_ is now known as faitz
reynaldo_casper..i feel your anxiousness.. i have asked the same questions few times and have yet to have one person acknowledge it :-(23:21
Awesome3000reynaldo_  see http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=392730&sid=d6a3ec3564da3d1fe2536376565e2559  about encryption23:21
reynaldo_sweet! thanks awesome300023:22
Awesome3000trevor open xorg.conf as root23:22
schui_ardchoille: sudo apt-get install libstdc++523:22
undecimcasper___: take a look at the link morphix sent you.23:22
reynaldo_FYI I have no encryption on my connect..its a completely open signal23:22
schui_ardchoille: dont suppose you know what the newer distribution is?23:22
progre55_Jeruvy: sorry, got disconnected ) it says that my current player version is
progre55_Jeruvy: maybe I should update it to
crassulaciao ragazzi,buona sera23:23
LjL!it | crassula23:23
ubottucrassula: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:23
ompaulcasper___,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:23
reynaldo_awesome3000: I have no encryption .. the wireless N signal is completely open23:23
ardchoilleschui_: you shouldn't have  libstdc++5 in your repos23:23
primaryHola, I am writing a script and I have a directory that has a space in it, how do I configure the script so that the whole directory is recognized?23:23
ardchoilleschui_: libstdc++6 is in your repos23:24
LjLprimary: put filenames and variable names inside "quotations"23:24
=== plainzwalker_ is now known as plainz-notfound
blakkheimprimary: directory\ name23:24
blakkheimprimary: or "directory name"23:24
SteveturnerI'm using Karmic on a laptop with a headset. my microphone sounds all staticy, and and sometimes it's fixed when I remove pulseaudio and use esound, but then when I restart I completely lose my mic, and somehow reinstalling pulseaudio and such gives my mic back, any ideas? help please. :-)23:24
ardchoilleprimary: escape the space with: /path/file\ with\ spaces23:24
primaryblakkheim here is the command sudo mount.vboxsf Media '/media/Share Folder/Media'23:24
ardchoilleprimary: better yet, do what LjL said23:24
aniaiwlist wlan0 scan  --show only 1 AP avaible while in gnome pulpit is like 8 any idea why???pls help23:25
schui_ardchoille: well the problem is im missing v5.. i think the game is trying to refer to that file or something23:25
ardchoilleschui_: it is, but I have no idea how to get that version23:25
progre55_Jeruvy: nope, no use. still cant type..23:25
ardchoilleschui_: did you post this question on the forums? maybe someone there knows a work around23:26
schui_ardchoille: i will now heh23:26
primaryLjL: I don't understand what you mean.  What am I supposed to put in quotations? here is the command sudo mount.vboxsf Media /media/Share Folder/Media23:26
LjLprimary: sudo mount.vboxsf Media "/media/Share Folder/Media"23:27
aniaiwlist wlan0 scan  --show only 1 AP avaible while in gnome pulpit is like 8 any idea why???pls help23:27
Steveturnerare there any alternatives to using pulseaudio and esound?23:27
alteregoawhat is vboxsf?23:27
ompaulSteveturner, try alsa23:27
Steveturneralsa what23:28
Steveturnerjust alsa?23:28
alteregoatry oss or jack23:28
Steveturnerok, ty23:28
ompaulstay away from jack it needs an RT kernel23:28
primaryLjL: Great it worked thanks a lot!23:28
Dark_HelmutI need to force my VPN (PPTP) connection to use an interface other than the default of ppp0 (so ppp1, for example). How can I do that?23:28
alteregoai love jack23:28
ompaulSteveturner,  unless you have a really good reason to use it23:28
sirninjaI'm using ubuntu 9.10 and currently when I move the system volume to a little lower than half, sound cuts out completely. I've found out this is because the system controls the pulse audio volume, and when the volume is lower than that, pulseaudio mutes the master track in alsamixer, how do I make it so the system sound directly controls the master track?23:29
Steveturnermy sound is just wiers23:29
Steveturnersometimes Java sound works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes Flash sound works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes music files work, sometimes they don't23:29
Jeruvyprogre55: not sure, check this link: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/322/322050.html23:30
Steveturnerand they all work... whenever they want to, some work when some don't, others work when others don't23:30
ompaulSteveturner, some applications and sound methods block others - alsa is fairly stable for multiple sounds at once23:30
SteveturnerOk :-)23:30
Steveturnerso I.... sudo apt-get install alsa?23:30
alteregoatoday cpu are so damn fast a RT kernel doesnt really impact the performance23:30
Steveturnerafter removing all others?23:30
Um_cara_qualquerHow i run dvd video on ubuntu?23:31
alteregoaUm_cara_qualquer: install VLC and it works23:32
ZiberIf I have a new kernel image, how can I get my ubuntu 9.04 to boot from it?23:32
Um_cara_qualqueri already have =/23:32
Um_cara_qualquerit doesn't work23:32
kinja-sheep!dvd | Um_cara_qualquer23:32
ubottuUm_cara_qualquer: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:32
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages23:33
alteregoaa encrpted dvd maybe will not23:33
sirninjaI'm using ubuntu 9.10 and currently when I move the system volume to a little lower than half, sound cuts out completely. I've found out this is because the system controls the pulse audio volume, and when the volume is lower than that, pulseaudio mutes the master track in alsamixer, how do I make it so the system sound directly controls the master track?23:33
alazyworkaholicNetworking Question - I want to be able to access any folder on my computer remotely, get & put files, & still require a password. I've found I can share through properties - share, but then I have to select beforehand which folders I'll share. I've been using ssh in "connect to server" but that's terribly slow when transferring large files; I don't need that kind of security, just a password that gives me unencrypted 23:34
gooselol.. anyone else getting ASL pm's from larujjj?23:34
LjLgoose: yes23:34
rewti'm not :(23:34
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
alteregoaalazyworkaholi: i think use guest23:34
alteregoaalazyworkaholic: SMB is not encrypted!23:35
goose!ops | larujjj is ASL pm'ing random users23:35
ubottularujjj is ASL pm'ing random users: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:35
alazyworkaholicalteregoa: what's guest?23:35
ZiberIf I have a new kernel image, how can I get my ubuntu 9.04 to boot from it?23:36
ardchoillegoose: he pm'd me, I put him on ignore :)23:36
alteregoaalazyworkaholic: use samba shares23:36
alteregoaalazyworkaholic: or do you want to have access to your Data over WAN?23:37
alazyworkaholicalteregoa: I did a little, but I need to have preconfigured which folders to share. I was hoping for something builtin that I didn't know about, like ssh but faster. And yes, I would like access to data over WAN.23:37
alteregoaalazyworkaholic: i use Hamachi, it works more reliable compared to this SSH stuff and other solutions23:38
sirninjaHow do set which track in alsa mixer you want to be controlled by the system volume?23:38
alteregoaalazyworkaholic: i got 100/10 and the overhead is small only 7%23:39
belacquaPulseaudio equalizer has helped me:  Going to  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 to the Appendix D, it points you to the Equalizer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130883823:39
cambazzwhat is the name of the command, that will delete unnecessary packages23:39
cambazzunnecessary dependencies lets say23:40
nomad111hey all, im currently running ubuntu with xfce dm and i tried to run gnome-session from within xfce and it worked. the problem is when i killed the gnome-session and went back to xfce all the window borders disappeared. restarting the machine did not help23:40
nomad111any ideas how to fix this23:40
protojaynomad111, hahah, you shouldnt have done that23:40
nomad111hehe i figured23:40
IdleOnecambazz: autoclean or autoremove23:40
belacquaHere's the last link I used to upgrade pulseaudio to the dev version:    http://www.webupd8.org/2009/11/upgrade-pulseaudio-to-version-0921-in.html23:41
alteregoaalazyworkaholic: configuring hamachi is very straightforward, and easy even to beginners, i still wonder why the OS comunity didnt even take a look to this very good solution23:41
sirninjabelacqua: will that let me pick which track I want to be the main volume track?23:41
YomanHow do I see what wireless drivers I am currently using for a specific device? Thanks23:42
Awesome3000nomad111  Better of loging out of Xfce and into GNOME23:42
kinja-sheepcambazz: sudo aptitude install deborphan && sudo deborphan23:42
nomad111ye i initially assumed they wouldnt interfere with each other23:42
nomad111so can i fix it or do i need to reinstall ubuntu :(23:43
alazyworkaholicalteregoa: ok, I'm reading about it. What about "FTP (with login)" from "connect to server" that sounds like something that ought to fit my needs, but when I tried it didn't work. It just kept asking me for the password.23:43
ZiberIf I have a new kernel image, how can I get my ubuntu 9.04 to boot from it?23:43
hdonhow come youtube sucks in firefox on karmic?23:43
protojayhdon, shh dont diss firefox on karmic]23:44
alteregoaalazyworkaholic: use proftp and create a guest account23:44
kinja-sheephdon: Ask Google why.23:44
alteregoagproftpd or something maybe23:44
belacquasirninja: the upgraded pulseaudio lets me pick the tracks correctly through sound preferences.  I don't think the earlier version did.23:44
silverraindogZiber: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and added it there23:45
Um_cara_qualquerkinja-sheep, sorry man, i try all of the sites but the movie won't run =/23:45
alteregoayes WE CAN23:45
Um_cara_qualquerkinja-sheep, what should i do?23:45
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: Hold.23:45
kinja-sheep!dvd > kinja-sheep23:45
ubottukinja-sheep, please see my private message23:45
hdonalteregoa, not a speed issue. i can't even click the controls23:45
* alteregoa eats some guinea pigs23:46
alteregoahardon: huh?23:46
hdonoh, i forgot23:46
* hdon leaves23:46
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: What does "aptitude search ~i | grep libdvd" return?23:47
Um_cara_qualquerlet's see23:47
xgpt_what's the *real* minimum requirement for ubuntu?23:47
xgpt_192 ram should be plenty for a server install23:47
xgpt_and how much hard disk space do I really need to allocate?23:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:47
Um_cara_qualquerkinja-sheep, i A libdvdnav4                      - DVD navigation library23:47
Um_cara_qualqueri A libdvdread4                     - library for reading DVDs23:47
rwwxgpt_: I've run Ubuntu Server on 64MB of RAM and way under a GB of hard disk space. I do not recommend this, but it works.23:48
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh"23:48
ckhikuzadI recently installed Xmonad, and i set it as my default window manager, i am now stuck in either my mouse cursor or command line, how can i change my default window manager from the command line interface?23:48
xgpt_rww: so i only need ~2gb of hard disk space?23:49
alteregoarww: i use a Raid5 server with 25tb if diskspace, and a corei7/ SW Raid in a VMWARE, at the same machine a Webserver, with 12GB of Mem23:49
xgpt_i just need it to run a few siple daemons23:49
xgpt_nothing complex23:49
blakkheimckhikuzad: that "my mouse cursor" is xmonad23:49
Elite_Hi guys anyone know if i install this card Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1600 along with v4l-dvb-725c07a70453.tar.gz after ubuntu 9.04 is installed will work ?23:49
xgpt_alteregoa: i get it, you compensate for your manly-parts size with your hardware23:50
rwwxgpt_: 2GB should be fine for Server23:50
FloodBot4xgpt_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:50
ckhikuzadblakkheim, i assumed that on the first run. but i dont have any xmonad commands written down, and i go directly to my desktop without the login screen23:50
ardchoillexgpt_: Please keep it family-friendly23:50
ckhikuzadblakkheim, i need to know how to set GNOME as my default again23:51
Um_cara_qualquerkinja-sheep, it seems it did something, now i got a window with tuns of fails and errors23:51
Um_cara_qualquerwe are close now i think hehe23:51
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: What kind of errors? Could you http://pastebin.com/ that?23:51
Um_cara_qualquerit's in portuguese23:51
jribckhikuzad: alt-shift-enter will give you a terminal so you can run whatever you want in xmonad23:52
Basharhello, i'm facing a problem with GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple time after lots of googling i found that the version that i have has a bug with 9.10, so how do i downgrade to earlier version of glib2.0 ?23:52
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: o.O23:52
Um_cara_qualquerhold on23:52
ardchoilleUm_cara_qualquer: pastebin it, someone might know23:52
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: Well, could you translate that? By now, you should be able to play DVDs (Unless there are errors as you mentioned).23:53
Um_cara_qualquerkinja-sheep, http://pastebin.com/d40ec8d3923:53
ckhikuzadjrib, i got the terminal up, but i need to know how to set my window manager to GNOME, and/or exit my window manager from a terminal23:53
Um_cara_qualquerardchoille, http://pastebin.com/d40ec8d3923:53
apoch2020I'm trying to use a DWL-520 v.E1 Wireless card in ubuntu Karmic 2.6.31-17-generic  does anyone know if it is possible either in NDIS Wrapper or otherwise?23:53
jribckhikuzad: well how did you change it before?  I assume you would change it back the same way (probably gconf)23:53
Um_cara_qualquerFalha = fail23:53
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: I'm using Google Translate. :)23:53
alteregoai connected my CB Radio to yahoo talk23:53
Um_cara_qualquerhehehe ok23:53
Rortyhello, I´ve been trying to burn a video-dvd with brasero... but the video-quality is really bad, while the original .avi file is great... any ideas?23:53
ardchoillekinja-sheep: http://pastebin.com/m1d8bc59023:53
ckhikuzadjrib, i changed it when i logged out, and selected it on my login screen, i accidentally clicked set as default23:53
apoch2020So far I can see the device but I get an error about assigning some type of address to the device23:54
Elite_Hi guys anyone know if i install this card Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1600 along with v4l-dvb-725c07a70453.tar.gz after ubuntu 9.04 is installed will work ?23:54
jribckhikuzad: so get rid of auto-login23:54
ckhikuzadjrib, how23:54
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: Have you restarted VLC since you ran the script?23:54
jribckhikuzad: gdmsetup?23:54
* ckhikuzad tries23:54
morphixapoch2020, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/DWL-520vE123:54
Um_cara_qualquervlc yes... the ubuntu not23:54
apoch2020morphix much appreciated23:55
ckhikuzadthanks jrib, i got it now. i just need to log out23:55
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: Is libdvdcss2 installed?23:55
YomanHow do I see what wireless drivers I am currently using for a specific device? Thanks23:55
ckhikuzadctrl+alt+backspace doesnt bring me back to the login23:55
blakkheimYoman: lsmod23:56
jribckhikuzad: alt-shift-q23:56
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: I don't think it was. Do "sudo aptitude install libdvdcss2" and run "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh" again.23:56
sirninjabelacqua: how did you configure that after you upgraded pulseaudio?23:56
Um_cara_qualquerkinja-sheep, it was, but i unninstalled it to reinstall it again, but i couldn't find it anymore23:56
Yomanblakkheim, ok thanks =) does that show all the drivers I have for all my hardware?23:57
ckhikuzadthanks so much jrib. thats one window manager i'm aptitude removing. (its a great WM from what i hear, but i dont like it23:57
blakkheimYoman: lsmod shows all modules currently loaded23:57
Basharwhere does apport logs the crash report ?23:57
jribckhikuzad: meh, I think it's great, but you need to be willing to feel helpless for a little bit23:57
Yomanblakkheim, sounds like I've got some reading to do.. :)23:58
apoch2020wow this feels advanced23:58
kinja-sheepUm_cara_qualquer: http://packages.medibuntu.org/karmic/libdvdcss2.html23:58
apoch2020I've never liked d link23:58
Elite_Hi guys anyone know if i install this card Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1600 along with v4l-dvb-725c07a70453.tar.gz after ubuntu 9.04 is installed will work ?23:59
morphixapoch2020, me either.23:59
apoch2020the only reason I wished to utilize the card in linux was to see if it could be used in airomon and such....23:59
morphixprobably not23:59
apoch2020I already have a decend usb  cracking adapter though23:59
ckhikuzadjrib, i know that, but not knowing ANYTHING about the WM before logging into it is very bad. i'm giving it another chance, but im learning all the commands first23:59
jribckhikuzad: sounds good23:59
Um_cara_qualquerit doesn't work :(23:59

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