
CAPcapSound software, what works, what would anyone here recommend?18:04
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traskso a friend wants me to build him a sound studio, i love ubuntu in general and was wondering if there was a point in playing around with this studio fork thingy. whats the fork about?23:02
holsteinhey trask23:40
trasksup holstein, how deep are you in this project?23:41
holsteinjust a user23:41
trasklots deeper than me :P23:41
holsteinyou can always just make a normal ubuntu instalation into ubuntu studio23:42
holsteinubottu: vanilla23:42
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation23:42
traskso whats the reason u run the studio fork instead of just the apps in regular buntu?23:42
holsteinas far as i can tell, ubuntu studio is just a meta-package23:43
holsteinor something like that23:43
holsteinyou can do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-studio23:43
holsteinubuntustudio-audio i meann23:43
holsteinand you get a bunch of apps packaged togeter23:44
holsteinfrom the ubuntu repo23:44
traskyeah this install is now 3+ years old, sounds like the best way to mess with it23:44
traskdebian seems indestructable23:45
holsteinthe reason i see that there is a seperate project is the real time kernel for expample23:45
holsteinyou wouldnt want a regualr user to have to deal with that23:45
holsteinnor, would you want to give someone access to an audio distrobution23:46
holsteinthat did not at least have a clear way to intall, and use a real time kernel23:46
traskwhy not? remote access is neat from time to time23:46
holsteini run a regular vanilla karmic install that i installed the ubuntustudio packages i need onto23:48
holsteinthe ububuntustudio-audio ubntustudio-audio-plugins and linux-rt23:49
holsteinsee also...23:49
holsteinubottu: grub223:49
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:49
traskany need for grub? whenever i slam on another kernel build it appears in my boot menu :P23:50
holsteingrub2 in karmic can be hidden by default23:51
holsteini just link to that in case :)23:51
traskdefinately a part of linux that was hard back long time ago23:52
traskgonna scroll up and do those apt-gets23:54

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