
BeepBeepHow can I display time and date on 2 lines?00:30
ochosiBeepBeep, use the orage-panel applet00:47
BeepBeepThanks a lot...appreciate it.00:52
ahaque89is anyone here willing to take a newbie question?02:06
linuxman410sure go ahead02:07
ahaque89I've got xubuntueee loaded on an old asus02:07
ahaque89but I'm not able to updating anything02:07
ahaque89I keep getting: unable to retrieve packages02:07
ahaque89or Could not download repository indexes02:07
linuxman410did u try it from terminal02:08
ahaque89I read around that "gutsy " might be an issue02:08
ahaque89still no good02:08
linuxman410which version02:08
ahaque89how can i find that out for you?02:08
linuxman410han on02:08
ahaque89er got it02:08
linuxman410hang on02:08
ahaque89xfce 4.4.102:08
linuxman410no what vesion of xubuntueee02:09
linuxman410is it a atom processor02:11
ahaque89er I don't think so02:11
linuxman410or do you have  900mhz eeepc02:11
linuxman410since 7.10 is not supported any more i would recommend easy peasy02:12
ahaque89571mhz or something02:12
ahaque89okay anyway to salvage this stuff and integrate it into the new os?02:13
linuxman410what stuff r u wanting to keep02:13
ahaque89mainly files (txt) files02:14
ahaque89I guess I can find a way to compress and send so that's nto a major issue02:14
linuxman410i would copy them to a usb flash drive then move them back02:14
ahaque89thanks a lot for your help02:15
ahaque89can I ask this not supporting thing02:15
linuxman410you are welcome02:15
ahaque89does it happen a lot?02:15
linuxman410well 7.10 has not been supported in years02:15
linuxman410because it is up to version 9.10 now02:16
ahaque89thanks again02:16
linuxman410u welcome02:17
ahaque89enjoy your evening!02:17
vanagonmanhi I'm having trouble getting my xubuntu to connect with my broadcom wireless card03:59
BigMoopiesIs there something compatable with "Microsoft Remote Assistance" ?05:54
pdg1can anyone point me to a good tutorial for installing lighttpd? I'm trying to setup a webui for rtorrent06:00
MrNaz_ymaif i want to allow users to mount remote samba shares, how would i do that? only root can use mount, and when i try to do it from most user accounts i get "this user is not in the sudoers file" error06:18
MrNaz_ymai dont want to have to manually add each user to the sudoers file06:20
Sysiyou shouldn't give sudo-rights to everybody06:21
MrNaz_ymawell i dont want to06:26
MrNaz_ymai want to give mount capability to everybody06:26
MrNaz_ymacoz everybody needs to be able to access the NAS06:26
MrNaz_ymawhich serves up CIFS shares... so if theres a better way to give everyone access to it, i'm all ears06:26
MrNaz_ymaMrNaz listen up :P06:27
MrNaz_ymaSysi do you have any suggestions ?06:31
Sysii don't have any experience with samba06:31
pdg1MrNaz, i think i know06:42
MrNaz_ymaits not samba related... all i need to do is give non-admin users the ability to use mount06:43
MrNaz_ymapdg1 ?06:44
pdg1why? i think all you want to do is bind a samba share to a specific folder06:44
pdg1because you can do that without giving users sudo rights...06:45
MrNaz_ymahow ?06:46
pdg1I can't quite remember exactly because i haven't had to do it06:47
pdg1I will shortly because i just ordered a 1TB drive for a comp i'm turning into a NAS06:47
pdg1I do know that the process is called binding06:47
pdg1and you want to bind a samba share to a mount point06:47
pdg1so you can have something like /media/NAS/(whatever folders you have)06:48
pdg1look at the man page for mount and fstab06:49
pdg1I apologize for not having more help, but I have to get out of here before my friend kicks my ass06:49
pdg1rock on MrNaz_yma06:50
MrNaz_ymai'll google with bind instead of mount as a search term06:54
MrNaz_ymathat's good enough... thanks mate :)06:54
TheSheepanybody knows how to configure notify-osd?10:21
TheSheepin particular, how do I move it to the bottom right corner10:21
BeepBeepAny suggestions for a gud bittorrent prog other than the default?11:15
SysiBeepBeep: you can try, deluge or ktorrent or something11:18
Sysii like default, transmission11:19
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Pres-GasGood morrow, all.14:37
* charlie-tca waves14:38
jointmanHello. How do I become a programmer?15:08
Sysipick a language and start studying it15:10
jointmanI do not understand Ov3rf10w.15:10
Ov3rf10wand get some ebooks for this language15:11
jointmanok, sounds good to me15:11
gudmundTypically C++ or phyton15:11
Ov3rf10wpython is easier for start15:12
gudmundbut with Gambas 2 you can use a Virtual Basic-like languagt ;)15:12
gudmundBasic is a easy programming language15:12
Sysiphp is useful and shouldn't be very hard15:13
Ov3rf10wyou can learn assembly15:13
Ov3rf10wit's low level language15:13
knomelow level doesn't mean it's easy :P15:13
Ov3rf10wknome: asm is not hard to learn15:14
Ov3rf10wfor me15:14
jointmansince we're in the subject of languages, are alice and python good for beginners?15:14
gudmundyea, php is fun and relevant if you want to make functional and useful websites15:14
knomejointman, python would be okay. it's very popular15:14
jointmanpython it is, thanks for the input guys :X15:15
TheSheepanybody happen to know where the new great ubuntu invention, notify-oss, reads its configuration from?15:25
TheSheepthe project is almost completely undocumented15:25
knomeTheSheep, SiDi might know.15:25
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Ffunk74I have a little problem (all work fine for some months): When I login via gdm X server reboots, it takes 2-3 times to login without rebooting. I use Xubuntu 9.10, nVidia 7600 card with proprietary driver. Here is my Xorg.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/356619/15:42
Sysii'd get minimal xubuntu if i revove entire xubuntu-desktop and then install X, gdm and xfce, right?18:24
likemindeadWorth a shot.18:25
likemindeadEver looked into CrunchBang, Sysi? If you're wanting a more minimal Ubuntu, that's the way to go. :D19:07
Sysiwell, i have over 1GB of memory, but i still want lighter19:23
knomeSysi, you don't even need gdm :P19:31
Sysihmm, i could get kdm and try xdmcp19:35
Sysiit's propably mostly useless, this intel works so badly :/19:36
Sysistarted freezing after i tried copositing19:36
knomewho uses compisiting anyway?19:37
* TheSheep rises a hand19:38
* knome tickles TheSheep from the armpit19:38
knomei don't use compositing.19:39
* TheSheep bites knome's head off19:39
knomeTheSheep, you can't. my nose is too big.19:39
TheSheepknome: right, you don't use it, so lets remove it from xubuntu ;)19:39
Sysii use xfce because of easy eyecandy, at least partly19:39
knomeTheSheep, i didn't mean that :P19:39
knomethe point was that if you have a low-end pc, why would it matter if you didn't get compositing?19:40
TheSheepright now I just want to track down and hurt the author of notify-osd19:40
knomeit's not really bringing in any more usability19:40
Sysii thought that TheSheep said that your head is useless..19:40
knomeSysi, lol19:40
TheSheepSysi: I'm sure it has many uses19:40
Sysithis isn't actyallu low end19:40
TheSheepSysi: as balast, for example19:40
TheSheepSysi: or an anchor19:40
knomeSysi, well, i was not only talking about your pc19:40
TheSheepyou could also put a funny hat on it19:41
knomenp: Kraftwerk / Radioactivity19:42
Sysinp: Britney Spears - Crazy19:42
Sysisometimes fun to listen19:43
* Pres-Gas scrolls up to see what is up with compositing and the biting off of heads19:49
Sysiknome: try to understand, i have fever19:50
Pres-GasAny artist that needs to use Auto-Tune to excess is not worth listening to19:52
Sysionly finish people understand the horror when i say that i also have gimmel on my hd19:52
knomeSysi, :)19:53
Pres-GasTheSheep, did you see this:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD19:54
TheSheepPres-Gas: yes, any and all google searches point to taht useless page19:57
Pres-GasTheSheep, I gave it me best shot.19:58
TheSheepPres-Gas: I don't care about how canonical wants the notifications to look, I want to know how I can modify that19:58
TheSheepPres-Gas: thanks, sorry19:58
Sysihopefully i got rid of that with minimal install19:58
charlie-tcaTheSheep: I have tried that with notify-osd; the only one that admits to anything to do with it is mpt, as a good design thing20:02
charlie-tcabut, ... he is not the developer, just the designer20:02
knomeTheSheep, SiDi knows that. he's fiddled around with it.20:03
charlie-tcayou can NOT modify the notices very easily20:05
knomeno, not without building from source again20:05
knomeor with steve's patch20:05
TheSheepcharlie-tca: I'd be happy to just modify the corner in which it appears20:09
TheSheepthe ubuntu default is silly20:10
TheSheepand distracting20:10
charlie-tcaThat got built in by design20:10
TheSheepno, I did it on one of my computers20:11
charlie-tcaI got into a lot of discussions about it all, still can't change colors for those who need to (Accessibility)20:11
Pres-GasEwwwww, notify-osd uses gconf schemas?20:11
knomeTheSheep, charlie-tca: i'm making steve write a tutorial for it, if possibly, tonight20:11
TheSheepit appears in the bottom right corner now20:11
charlie-tcaWill that let me change colors, knome20:12
knomecharlie-tca, well yes, by changing the source.20:12
Pres-GasTheSheep, you are wanting to change position of notify-osd?20:12
charlie-tcaI see. Of course, I don't do source myself20:12
knomecharlie-tca, it's not end-user tutorial, since steve plans on reviewing his patch on february and package more easily configurable version in PPA20:13
knomecharlie-tca, you're gonna cope with it. :) you don't have to know how to code.20:13
charlie-tcabeen coping with it since they stupid designed it20:14
knomei can find out how to use ppa's and package you one with better colors, if i have time20:14
TheSheepPres-Gas: yes20:15
Pres-GasTheSheep, look at tuwe's post in 2009-10-1220:16
TheSheepI don't have such gconf key20:16
TheSheepI looked in gconf, it was the second thing I did20:17
charlie-tcaIt should be in Ubuntu, not Xubuntu20:17
Pres-GasSo, if you do the command it complains?20:18
Pres-Gas...w/o a schema?20:18
charlie-tcaI think ignores...20:18
Pres-Gasahhh...so just give you the prompt again....but didn't really do the job20:20
charlie-tcaIs there any way to recover the hard drive after ext4 screws it up ?20:20
TheSheepcharlie-tca: what do you mean?20:23
TheSheepcharlie-tca: you want to convert to ext3?20:23
charlie-tcaI now have 3 hard drives killed by it; it did something wrong, and now the hard drive is full of sector can't be read errors20:23
charlie-tcaMakes the drive useless20:23
charlie-tcahard disk drive20:24
knomeTheSheep, charlie-tca, Pres-Gas: http://mupuf.org/blog/article/22/21:01
TheSheepknome: thanks21:07
TheSheepknome: brilliant! it only has EAST and NORTH_EAST gravity21:09
* TheSheep whines some more21:10
charlie-tcame too. I don't understand the coding21:11
TheSheephex rgb values?21:12
TheSheepcharlie-tca: gimp gives you these in its color picker21:13
Pres-Gasknome, awesome....satisfied my curiosity21:17
Pres-GasWhoops...reboot time21:18
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Sysibad ubottu :<21:31

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