
alkisgGood morning04:23
HedgeMagehi :)04:23
stgraberoh, it's already this late ? ;)04:25
HedgeMageyes, sadly it is04:28
HedgeMage(creeping up on midnight here)04:28
alkisgstgraber: do I have 1 hour before you tag ltsp? I think that "tasksel failed because aptitude returned 100" is a file descriptor problem, and actually means "aptitude returned 100% completed", so I'm just now testing ltsp-build-client to see if it's safe to ignore it at least for now...04:30
stgraberalkisg: you have a bit more than that, I did a lot of changes today in ltsp-trunk and ldm-trunk, so I'll wait until tomorrow (late morning / early afternoon) to tag + upload04:31
alkisgAh, perfect :)04:31
stgraberI merged that nbd-proxy bit and implemented some initial caching for ltsp_config + some other stuff I had laying around04:31
alkisgstgraber: what's the easiest way for me to test your commits?04:32
alkisgI.e. to make a local ubuntu package out of the bzr branch?04:32
stgraberalkisg: I have an updated ltsp in my PPA (bzr snapshot), I can update it with what's currently in trunk so you can easily test it04:32
stgrabergive me 2 minutes04:32
alkisgMerci :)04:33
stgrabersorry, don't know the greek for no problem ;)04:33
alkisg:D (or if you could tell me how you do the bzr => ubuntu package thing, I can do it on my own here...)04:33
stgraberI usually use mkdst (that tool we use to tag/release ltsp) to build me a new tarball, then rename it to mention it's a snapshot and include the bzr revision and make sure the version number is lower than the next upstream version04:34
crimsunok, seed time04:35
alkisgThanks, I'll put "learn how mkdst works" in my TODO list :)04:35
stgraberso, for the one I'm doing, it's: ltsp_5.1.99~bzr1517.orig.tar.gz04:35
crimsun(now that I've closed 76 bugs with the latest upload)04:35
alkisgcrimsun: hi, will we see that libsdl-pulse inclusion any time soon?04:35
stgrabercrimsun: that's a lot of bugs :)04:36
alkisgwow, 76 bugs, yeah...04:36
crimsunalkisg: that's the seed thing mentioned above04:36
* alkisg dances :)04:36
stgraberalkisg: new snapshot build for ltsp, uploaded.04:37
stgraberalkisg: I'll do one for ldm too or you'll have some issue getting to ldm04:37
* alkisg thinks Lucid will be the best Ubuntu version ever :)04:37
alkisgstgraber: the nbd-client patch I reported? don't worry I have a local patch for it here...04:37
stgraberalkisg: not only that, nbd-proxy makes nbd-client connect to localhost, so it's introducing a lot of other issues ;)04:38
alkisgOooh ok, waiting for your ppa upload then04:39
stgraberalkisg: you should have both built in an hour or so, the builders seem a bit slower now than they were this afternoon04:42
stgraberalkisg: I also uploaded a new ltspfs but this one was uploaded directly to archive, not to my PPA (it's an actual release, not a snapshot)04:43
alkisgBtw, here's what I'll be commiting in a few hours. It has "TODOs" in it, but I think it works better than the last version. I'll debug those in the next few days.04:43
alkisgstgraber: ok, I'll be trying all those in the next few hours04:44
stgraberare you sure your tasksel works correctly "04:44
alkisgI'm testing as we speak04:44
stgraberI'd have done: chroot $ROOT "tasksel install $desktop || true"04:45
stgraberalso, AFAIK that APT_GET_OPTS isn't actually part of apt's environment, it's something we usually append to an apt-get command and I don't see one in your script, not sure it's actually doing anything ;)04:46
alkisgI was fiddling with tty handling a while ago, and I saw tasksel's gui (whiptail) going to 100%, and right after that "aptitude failed (100)"04:46
alkisgSo I'm beginning to think it's a descriptor/return value interpretation problem04:46
stgraberand IIRC I actually have a plugin writting a file in /etc/apt/conf.d/ to do the same as --no-install-recommends, so you may want to get rid of it too04:46
alkisgAPT_GET_OPTS is used later on to write the "recommends" stuff to apt.conf.d04:47
alkisgSo I remove "recommends" to prevent it from being written to apt.conf.d04:47
stgraberoh, interesting, I forgot I actually checked for that variable before writting apt.conf.d ;)04:47
stgraberbtw, that same chroot fix also applies to the last chroot call04:48
stgraberthe || true should be in the chrooted command, not outside04:48
alkisgIt's not really useful in the script, it's only useful for updates later on04:48
alkisgDoes it make any difference?04:48
stgraberchroot $ROOT "gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --set --type list --list-type string /apps/panel/global/disabled_applets \"[OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet,OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet]\" || true"04:48
stgraberwell, with: "chroot $ROOT something || true", if $ROOT doesn't exist or chroot isn't installed (for some unlikely examples), it won't complain04:49
alkisgIn any case I'll try to change that to a gconf file, and put it in the correct dir04:49
stgraberwhereas with 'chroot $ROOT "something || true"', you'll still get the most important errors but ignore the return code of the command called inside it04:50
stgraberfor your debconf issue, it's actually quite simple to workaround I guess04:50
alkisgWell sure but it'd be weird for chroot to return an error there, if it was working in all the lines above04:50
* alkisg is all ears... :)04:50
stgraberwe're using the Passthrough backend which uses that fd that you are getting error for to report status to the debian-installer (at least it was the idea)04:51
stgraberyou could set it to NonInterractive for the fat client part and that won't use any fd04:51
alkisgstgraber: finished succesfully - but it was unable to unmount /proc, and that got me a lot of squashfs compression errors (file in use etc)04:52
alkisgI also got that when I tried the version of the script that's currently in bzr04:52
stgrabertasksel blah04:53
alkisgThanks, got it :)04:53
alkisgCan I force umount -l /proc there temporarily, until I properly debug it in the next days?04:53
stgraberalkisg: check for running process inside the chroot04:53
stgraberalkisg: something must have start a process during the installation of some package and that's what blocking /proc04:54
stgraberif you kill that process, you'll be able to unmount /proc04:54
alkisgI think `sudo lsof /opt/ltsp/i386/proc` is giving me the server's processes... !!!04:54
alkisgHow else would I check to see what's running inside the chroot?04:54
stgraber /proc and /opt/ltps/i386/proc are exactly the same thing ;)04:54
stgraberps aux and look at the start time04:55
stgraberit's usually the easiest04:55
alkisgAh. /me feels silly :)04:55
alkisgnotify-osd it is04:55
alkisgHmm, no, looking....04:56
alkisgI actually don't have any such process running. Maybe it's some daemon that's being reused from some program in the chroot?04:59
stgraberit shouldn't anyway, you can do a "umount -l" on it, it'll solve your squashfs issue05:00
alkisgOK, so temporarily I'm going to umount -l && remount it, with a # TODO to properly solve it later05:00
stgrabergoing for some sleep, last night was really short due to that livedvd issue ;) see you all in 7-8 hours.05:14
alkisggoodnight :)05:15
alkisg!info gimp lucid05:30
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.7-1.1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 4285 kB, installed size 12480 kB05:30
ma3xi installed ubuntu and edubuntu as extra. can i make the distro edubuntu or at least how can ichange the splash screen to edubuntu12:29
highvoltagestgraber: good morning to you13:11
highvoltagestgraber: did yesterday's image become the alpha 2 or do I need to do another sync?13:11
alkisghighvoltage: I'm having problems to find a *correct* way to prevent gdm from being installed while keeping everything else in place. Is it a problem if it gets installed instead, but of course while keeping ldm as the default display manager?13:12
alkisg(i.e. `echo "/usr/sbin/ldm" > $ROOT/etc/X11/default-display-manager` before installing ubuntu-desktop)13:13
stgraberhighvoltage: it became the alpha-213:14
highvoltagealkisg: I wonder whether ldm could get a Provides field so that it provides GDM and KDM (that should solve it on Kubuntu too then, if it's installed before the desktop main metapackage)13:49
alkisghighvoltage: I don't think it's a bad idea to make ldm able to work beside gdm13:49
highvoltagestgraber: yay!13:49
alkisgIt could also be used in the future in standalone workstations13:49
stgraberalkisg: I suspect your LTSP boot didn't work, right ?13:50
alkisgE.g. I setup ubuntu normally, then install ldm, and I have something like a fat client but with centralized administration...13:50
stgraberalkisg: I just found this bug in my current package: http://pastebin.com/f7b8424bd13:50
alkisgstgraber: it works but only when I manually install the needed packages13:50
alkisgAh, ok, I used IPAPPEND 3 to bypass this13:51
alkisghighvoltage: I think with a small patch in ltsp_config, the client should be able to boot even with gdm installed13:52
alkisgAnd gdm won't start if it sees '/usr/sbin/ldm' in /etc/X11/default-display-manager13:52
* alkisg tries all these...13:52
alkisghighvoltage: Yup, with a 2 lines-patch in ltsp_config, now ldm works fine for me with gdm also installed in the chroot14:06
alkisghighvoltage: could you tell me about the other "blacklisted" packages in your fat client script?14:06
alkisg(I mean, why they were blacklisted?)14:06
alkisgSupposedly, the correct way to install ubuntu-desktop is with `tasksel install ubuntu-desktop`. I tried that, but I ended up with a chroot without e.g. lspci, which broke many xorg scripts.14:13
alkisgShould I try `tasksel install ubuntu-desktop` AND apt-get install ubuntu-standard?14:13
alkisgOr should I just do `apt-get install ubuntu-desktop` and get on with it? :)14:13
sbalneavMorning all14:43
stgraberhey sbalneav14:44
stgraberalkisg: that's fixed in the new package, I depend on lspci14:45
stgraberalkisg: the reason why it didn't work is that it was dropped from ubuntu-minimal and so was dropped from the chroot14:45
alkisgAh, ok14:45
alkisgstgraber: I'm trying to do this: apt-get install ubuntu-standard ubuntu-desktop14:46
alkisg(or any other user defined desktop)14:46
alkisgI.e. I assume that fat == those packages only...14:46
alkisgAnd I only left those in the blacklisted packages: etwork-manager modemmanager ubufox apport jockey-common14:47
mhall119|workwhat is ldm?14:54
alkisgThe LTSP display manager14:55
sbalneavmhall119|work: The bit that manages the login process for thin clients14:56
mhall119|workah, cool14:57
mhall119|workthought it was maybe an lxde display manager14:57
mhall119|workhighvoltage: I've been reading about how to customize the new GDM and XSplash14:57
mhall119|workit doesn't look too hard, but it's not nearly an flexible as the old GDM and USplash14:58
alkisg...almost ...there :)15:43
alkisgstgraber: I commited the modified script, could you ping me when you upload a new ltsp version to Ubuntu, so that I can test again from scratch?17:07
stgraberalkisg: ok17:09
sbalneavalkisg: Two months ago you couldn't even spell "Upstream Free Software Developer", and today you is one :)18:59
sbalneav\o/ for alkisg19:00
alkisgAnd who was the one that almost "pushed" me upstream? Thanks to sbalneav!!! :)19:01
alkisgsbalneav: but really, I've been a floss developer for decades. Just in assembly/Delphi, away from Linux :)19:02
sbalneavWell, I think being made a member of upstream is, if nothing else, a recognition of skill, and dedication.19:06
sbalneavOne of the things I've always loved about Free Software is, it's one of the true meritocracies in the world.19:07
sbalneavYou were making a significant contribution.19:07
sbalneavYou *should* be recognized.19:07
alkisgYup, being part of a good upstream project is a new experience for me, and a very good one19:08
alkisgThank you guys for accepting me :)19:08
* alkisg has to leave the keyboard again because his daughter needs to play ikariam :P :D19:08
stgraberalkisg: I have two guys here debugging an issue with nbd-proxy, I expect to tag + upload once it's fixed.19:49
alkisgstgraber: np, thanks, what's nbd-proxy all about? what will it solve?19:49
alkisgWill clients need more ram for it?19:50
stgraberno they won't19:50
stgraberit's just something that makes sure you'll never get any squashfs or input/output error19:50
alkisgCool :)19:51
stgraberit's handling the NBD reconnect in place of the current nbd kernel module and does a lot more checks19:51
stgraberI actually am testing it by doing a checksum of all files in the chroot while killing the server once every second ;)19:51
alkisgSounds rock solid indeed :)19:52
stgraberhaven't seen any dataloss or corruption yet but I sometimes have a process hanging and forcing me to reboot19:52
stgraberso that's what's being fixed now19:52
stgraber(something about sending a byte too much when reconnecting, leading to squashfs crashing ;))19:52
alkisgSo is that also included in the initramfs, completely replacing the kernel module?19:54
mgariepysbalneav, ping20:03
alkisgsync -zthhP rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/10.04/alpha-2/lucid-dvd-amd64.iso ./lucid-dvd-amd64.iso21:22
alkisg@ERROR: Unknown module 'edubuntu'21:22
alkisgrsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1521) [receiver=3.0.6]21:22
alkisgHow can I rsync to see if what I have is == alpha 2?21:22
alkisgHmmm pitivi recommends hal...21:30

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