
freinhardi did, but as before: just warnings ;)00:00
neversfeldewarnings are not good :)00:00
neversfeldeyou should solve everything and if there is something that cannot be solved ad an override00:01
freinhardbtw that watch file doesn't work if there is no directory index for the target location?00:02
freinharduuscan jus failed.00:03
neversfeldefreinhard: for some hosters you cannot add a watch file00:03
freinhardso i'll drop it00:04
neversfeldeI would find another package, which is in the archive and also hosted on code.google and use the watch file, if it is there, as an example00:04
neversfeldebut I have always problems with creating proper watch files, too00:05
neversfeldeprobably someone else can give you better help there00:05
freinhardk, no more lintian errors. no i just upload it once again?00:11
neversfeldeand find two motus who advocate the package00:11
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ScottKfreinhard: Also build the package and check the .debs with lintian too00:45
pgquileshow much disk space do I need for a full mirror of Karmic i386 (binary and source) ?00:49
freinhardpgquiles: why would one want to do that?00:50
pgquilesfreinhard: because I'm creating my own distribution, based on kubuntu, for a very specific use case00:55
freinhardpgquiles: creating some sort of overlay with a ppa doesn't cut it?00:56
pgquilesfreinhard: no, it does not. I'm customizing the boot, heavily modifying ubiquity and more01:00
pgquilesI just want to know if 25 GB (all the free space currently in my current hard disk) will be enough01:01
pgquilesfreinhard: thank you01:04
ScottKfreinhard and pgquiles: That's all archs.  For a single arch and source, 25 GB should be fine.01:22
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 2 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html | Meeting scheduling http://doodle.com/xyea69z37v4wrkb9
ScottKkubuntunetbook has already tweeted and dented.01:39
Zoraelkubuntu.org link to release notes page seems borked? Missing http://.01:51
RiddellZorael: fixed01:52
Zoraelmuch better. :301:53
macoRiddell: i thought that silly picture of rod with the funny wig was supposed to be on the alpha 2 release blog post?02:01
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JontheEchidnaI have received 623 rosetta translation template import messages \o/02:08
* JontheEchidna is glad he didn't upload l10n packages02:08
* ScottK didn't count, just deleted02:11
JontheEchidnathey all go straight to trash, and since I never read them they show up in nice bold letters in the trashcan in KMail02:13
* ScottK usually hits mail on his phone first and it doesn't filter so well.02:14
ScottKRiddell: How would you feel about removing koffice2 source?  That would get rid of one of my few remaining boost1.38 reverse-build-depends.02:26
JontheEchidnafor what it's worth the current koffice2 binary packages are broken anyways02:34
JontheEchidnaor at least krita is02:35
ScottKThe next upload will be as koffice anyway, so the koffice2 source is pointless02:35
ScottKThere's already a koffice2 as koffice upload.02:36
ScottKseele: Jono founded the KDE usability project? http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale8x/speakers/jono-bacon03:18
seeleScottK: he did? lol03:28
ScottKI know he did have some involvement with KDE a long time ago03:28
seeleoh, the KDE Usability Study03:28
seelethat's different03:28
ScottKOh.  OK.03:28
seelethere was some formal usability study he organized03:28
ScottKFair enough03:28
seeledont know if the report is even around03:28
seelethat's pretty strange to put in your bio though03:29
seelei guess for a while he was pushing usability testing so maybe that's part of the promo03:29
JontheEchidnaisn't the kde usability study what eventually spawned kickoff?03:35
nixternali hope not03:48
daskreechWasn't the Suse?03:53
nixternalhey, you see the kio_imap4 fix in packagers? a must have like he said for 4.3.x users as well03:54
JontheEchidnaI've an SRU mostly finished for that03:55
JontheEchidnajust need to go through all the red tape03:55
JontheEchidnabug 35090203:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350902 in kdepimlibs "[ubuntu 8.10] kio_imap4 hangs" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35090203:57
nixternal"wrote some KDE applications" <- ScottK should read "wrote _a_ KDE application" and an application that I used :)03:58
JontheEchidnaA core-dev-ish person confirming the karmic nomination would be helpful03:58
nixternalactually, we did write an applet and the first ever build script for KDE trunk checkouts03:59
JontheEchidnaShould I be able to confirm SRU nominations as a kubuntu-dev?03:59
ScottKJontheEchidna: Done04:00
JontheEchidna(in theory, aside from launchpad failure)04:00
ScottKJontheEchidna: If you can upload the package, you should be able to approve the nomination.04:00
JontheEchidnaScottK: thanks04:00
JontheEchidnabug 507773, which only had to have "rebuild" changed to "confirm/reject SRU nominations" from his report about the latter :/04:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507773 in launchpad "Cannot confirm SRU tasks for packages I have upload rights to." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50777304:05
JontheEchidna*the former04:05
JontheEchidnaScottK: we would want this to go into backports as well, yes?04:12
ScottKJontheEchidna: Yes.04:12
ScottKOpen a task against karmic-backports and then find someone in ubuntu-backporters to approve it.04:13
JontheEchidnawould subscribing ubuntu-backporters do the trick?04:13
ScottKPossibly.  Asking me would probably be faster though.04:13
JontheEchidnaScottK: karmic-backports task opened04:14
ScottKJontheEchidna: Approved.  You can upload to karmic-backports and then ping me and I'll accept it.04:15
JontheEchidnaScottK: I've tried uploading to karmic-backports before. It appears the per-package upload rights aren't backwards-compatible04:16
JontheEchidnawill try again to see if things have changed04:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK.  Fling me a debdiff after you test it and I'll upload it if it doesn't work.04:16
JontheEchidnaso cruel...04:25
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://pastebin.com/f45f596a004:25
ScottKLooking.  File another bug for that one then.04:26
ScottKJontheEchidna: Uploaded.  Once it appears, I'll accept it.04:30
JontheEchidnabug 50777904:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507779 in soyuz "Cannot upload packages for which I have upload rights for to karmic-backports " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50777904:30
JontheEchidnayet another copypasta, replacing "confirm/reject SRU nominations" to "upload things to -backports"04:31
JontheEchidnaMy lack of attention to detail in writing a fresh report each time reflects the lack of attention to detail soyuz has for supporting per-package upload rights :P04:32
crimsunI just closed 76 bugs with one upload. Nice.04:33
maco~order vegan low-sugar cookies for crimsun04:34
* kubotu slides vegan low-sugar cookies down the bar to crimsun04:34
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted.04:37
JontheEchidnaWe need to get a KDE guy on ubuntu-sru04:37
ScottKNah, just ping jdong.  He'll approve anything.04:37
ScottKJontheEchidna: Get someone else (like nixternal) to upload that one so I can accept it (backports isn't strict about that)04:45
daskreechI need to stop reading that as j-dong04:45
JontheEchidnagiggidy giggidy04:45
crimsun(ping if you still need it done)04:46
macodaskreech: but that is how it's read.... j for john, and dong for...dong04:47
daskreechmaco: Ah I read it as japanese04:47
macono, i think he's chinese04:48
daskreechChon Wang?04:51
ScottKJontheEchidna: jdong says upload first, so crimsun, if you're still available ....04:53
JontheEchidnajdong has ack'd04:57
* crimsun scrollls04:58
JontheEchidnacrimsun: thanks for the sponsor05:11
JontheEchidnaScottK: it's waiting for approval now05:12
ScottKJontheEchidna: Done05:13
JontheEchidnaThis has been perhaps the speediest SRU I've taken part in05:13
ScottKThey go faster late at night when no adults are around.05:17
JontheEchidnathe buildds are nice and empty too05:21
ScottKI think I have the last two uploads before I ask for boost 1.38 removal test building.  Neither of them are short, so I think I'll head off to bed.05:35
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jussi01has someone got a vanilla or almost vanilla lucid going?08:33
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apacheloggerRiddell: corporate identity09:45
apacheloggerRiddell: that is re: what does CI stand for09:45
apacheloggermarkey: ahoy, well, kind of recovered, its not like you ever get true rest when you are me ;)09:46
markeyI know this condition09:47
apacheloggerRiddell: how did the interview go?09:49
Quintasan|Szelanyone knows how can I display list of AP's near me in command line?10:18
agateauRiddell: ping10:45
agateaumessage indicator widget has been renamed10:45
agateauI just made a new release10:45
Riddellagateau: yay :)10:51
agateauRiddell: the only new "feature" is the ability to embed the widget in the systemtray10:52
agateauSpeaking of which, I think it would make the system look cleaner if the default configuration used embedded widgets whenever possible10:53
Riddellgroovy, I'll update that package later today10:53
Riddellembedded widgets?10:53
agateauIn the systemtray settings, there is a new page10:53
agateauwhich lets you embed plasma widgets inside the tray10:54
agateauthey take less space this way (good for netbooks)10:54
Riddelloh yes we want to do that, we list that in one of our specs10:56
agateauso you can now embed the m-i as well10:56
apacheloggerQuintasan|Szel: iwlist device scan11:04
apacheloggere.g. iwlist wlan0 scan11:04
ghostcubejussi01: the ubuntu-devel guys are not so friendly like our ones in here :D12:22
* ghostcube hides if anyone is cross joined :D12:23
Tm_Tghostcube: who isn't?12:26
ghostcubeno one likes my jokes today :|12:26
Tm_TI liked it, didn't you see me almost smile (;)12:27
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* Riddell has a crack at the new sip/python-qt12:46
Riddellagateau: I think I found a bug, you can't right click on message indicator if there's no indicator applications running13:07
Riddellbug 50790513:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507905 in plasma-widget-message-indicator "can't right click if no apps running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50790513:09
ScottKPerhaps it should just dissappear in such cases.13:11
Riddellmaybe, that is what the decide notifier does if it's embedded in systray13:11
ScottKOooh.  /me wants.13:12
ScottKThat's been my main bitch about the device notifier.13:12
Riddellthe device notifier also seems to use an alarming exclamation mark icon these days when it pops up13:12
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agateauRiddell: oh, you found it as well :)13:23
Riddellhmm, turns out if you remove sip then KDE breaks13:29
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
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JontheEchidnagood morning everybody13:39
Riddellit's jonathan!13:40
JontheEchidnahi jonathan13:41
JontheEchidnaso... anybody up for sponsoring a kde4libs/kdebase-workspace/kubuntu-default-settings/kdepimilbs quadruple upload? :D13:42
RiddellJontheEchidna: I'm onto it as we speak13:43
JontheEchidnaThe Todo is filling out quite nicely, for the point in the cycle we're in13:44
RiddellJontheEchidna: quadruple uploaded!13:51
JontheEchidnakdebase-runtime needs an upload too, come to think of it13:52
JontheEchidnakdeplasma-addons also has some substantial changes in bzr13:53
Riddellok, let's make it a sextuplet upload13:54
Riddellglatzor says he'll look at updating packagekit stuff this weekend14:04
JontheEchidnawebkitkde is looking pretty good. I have high hopes for it for lucid+114:11
Tm_TJontheEchidna: just if all that would compile in kdenetwork too (;14:11
Tm_Tatleast here it fails to build nicely14:12
RiddellJontheEchidna: watch out for text fields suddently deleting themselves, I've been caught out by that a couple of times and there's no undo14:14
RiddellTm_T: all what?14:15
Tm_TRiddell: kget konqueror plugin doesn't build here with webkit kpart, nor does babelfish konqueror extension14:20
Tm_TI haven't had much time to investigate this, but it started when there were header renaming in webkitkde svn14:21
Tm_Tand simply fixing includes doesn't work14:21
Tm_Tbut are we interested about kget integration with webkitpart?14:23
Tm_TRiddell: will give exact errors as soon as I get that far in my builds14:28
Tm_Tbuilding after Qt update14:29
sebasHow will the removal of HAL affect Solid's functionality in Lucid?14:29
sebasOr will you just install HAL as KDE dependency?14:29
RiddellTm_T: I doubt upstream expects them to compuile14:31
Riddellsebas: where's this?14:31
Riddellsebas: since KDE needs hal still we'll need to keep it as a dependency14:31
sebasah, so it won'tbe in Ubuntu, but will be in Kubuntu?14:31
Tm_TRiddell: but did (:14:32
Riddellsebas: hal is directly in our seeds14:33
sebasthanks for the answer :)14:33
sebasJust wondered when I read the Lucid Alpha announcement14:33
Riddellsebas: it does raise the risk that if hal breaks nobody except us will care about it, and we're not experts at maintaining hal14:35
sebasHow is that is different from the situation since ~two years?14:35
Riddellubuntu desktop was still using hal for something so more people cared about it14:36
sebasDanny Kukawka has taken over maintainance of HAL, no?14:36
RiddellI mean care about it as packagers within ubuntu14:36
sebasRiddell: maybe we can skip devicekit and use whatever tech David comes up with when devicekit is "kind of working" and he moves on to rewrite that stuff again ;)14:37
Riddellsebas: I believe devicekit is already dead14:37
Riddellit's all udev now, or something14:37
sebasok, skip two iterations then :)14:37
JontheEchidnadevicekit's already dead? Oo14:37
JontheEchidnathey should make up their minds14:38
* sebas notes that this is the exact thing that drives 3rd party developers nuts14:38
Tm_TJontheEchidna: and miss all the fun?14:38
sebaswhere s/nuts/away14:38
Tm_Tsebas: and this is exactly why KDE/whatever should provide abstraction layer, so 3rd party developers doesn't have to follow things themselves14:39
sebasIt's also the exact reason for having Solid14:39
Tm_Tand does14:39
Tm_Tsebas: that14:39
sebassame goes for pol(icy)kit, btw14:39
sebasthat's also an utter mess, dead in the water before a stable API is there14:39
Riddellfeel free to package shaman14:40
allee-ksebas: afair devicekit was just a temp. workaround until udev supports multiplexing and can feed devicekit-* modules itself15:09
Riddellthat might be how it ended out but it wasn't the intention at the start I'm pretty sure :)15:10
sebasallee-k: right, hence deprecating HAL was a mistake15:10
sebassame goes for policykit, gstreamer, networkmanager, ...15:10
sebasall unstable APIs15:10
allee-ksebas: teaching linux to be more dynamic as disks/sticks/networks  is still work in progress :(15:12
allee-kdisk/sticks/networks  come and go ...15:13
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ScottKagateau: Still around.  I have some indicator feedback for you.15:18
agateauScottK: phone call, will be available in a few minutes15:19
ScottKagateau: Great.  Let me know when15:19
sebasallee-k: I know ... doesn't mean that "change API at will" is a good idea15:21
sebasThat's actually something Windows does really well15:22
sebaskeeping backwards compatibility15:22
_Groo_hi/2 all15:25
_Groo_any word from the street saying when koffice 2.1.1 will be in lucid? :)15:25
Riddellnixternal has the lock15:26
agateauScottK: I am all hears15:32
ScottKI've been using the indicator since I switched to Karmic and have some conclusions for you.15:32
ScottKI'm sure you recall my concerns about being one click away from getting to an IRC highlight versus two.15:33
ScottKWhat I've found is that if I'm at my computer and I get highlighted, I much prefer clicking on the Quassel icon, but if I've been away and I may have multiple highlights, I like the indicator.15:34
ScottKThe indicator does a good job of giving me overall 'situational awareness' of who's been talking to me.15:34
agateaubecause it gives you more with one click I guess15:34
ScottKYes, because it gives me who, what channel, and how long ago.15:34
ScottKIf I'm sitting here, I don't care about that because I know which message I care about.  The one that just happened.15:35
ScottKSo I was thinking about what it would take for me to completely switch to the indicator.15:36
ScottKI have a couple of ideas ....15:36
ScottKWhat if it did something like on click went to the last event directly and on shift-click raised the menu?15:36
ScottKMaybe, but that could get a little distracting I think.15:37
agateaushift-click is like a handy shortcut, I would maybe do the opposite15:37
ScottKExcept that (from my view), that's still a step back from just clicking on the icon.15:38
agateaua new user won't have a chance to know about the menu because he won't try shift-click15:38
agateauI see your point15:38
ScottKThe second issue is the menu when I right click on the icon.15:39
ScottKThat's how I normally connect my client to the core.15:39
ScottKIt occurs to me that now that we have dbus menu, the indicator could support that too.15:39
ScottKRight click on the indicator opens the dbus menu for selected apps or something.15:40
agateauI think the plan for Lucid (at least on the GNOME side) is to be able to show some actions in the m-i message15:40
agateauwe could imaging a "Connect to core" for Quassel15:40
agateaubut that's what was rejected before: launchers15:41
ScottKConnecting isn't launching15:41
agateautrue, but we are getting close15:41
Sputwouldn't a new user expect to open a menu with right click?15:41
agateauSput: on plasmoids, right-click is more usually associated with configuring the plasmoid itself15:42
Sputat least a new user coming from windows or KDE15:42
ScottKWhich is why I was thinking the the indicator could be configured to open the dbus menu for selected apps it's 'replacing' in the systray15:42
agateauit's not intended for "normal" interaction15:42
Sputagateau: hmmm... Menu -> "Configure"? :)15:42
agateauScottK: wow, interesting! need to think about that a bit15:42
Sputwell, dunno. don't have much experience. but I'm used to left-click to execute some activation or default action, and right-click to get a context menu15:42
Sputfor tray icons15:43
ScottKSput: Agreed.15:43
agateauSput: for tray icons, yes, but for things like K menu, battery applet... it's different15:43
agateaudevice notifier15:43
ScottKagateau: Certainly.  It just occurs to me that with dbus menu it doesn't always have to be the actual application's icon in the systray that triggers the menu.  It's more of a separate front end/back end.15:43
agateauScottK: I agree15:44
ScottKagateau: So those are me thoughts.  I hope they are useful.15:44
agateauThey are, thanks for sharing15:45
ScottKNo problem15:45
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nixternal_Groo_: I am not rushing KOffice...since it is now in main, to upload it means stripping it of a lot of dependencies...not going to waste my time for that...more important to get the dependencies up to date and MIR'd than it is to package 2.1.1 right now16:40
ScottKnixternal: Don't forget to switch to boost1.40.  Koffice will shortly be the last boost.138 user in Main16:41
nixternalLTS is all about fixing stuff :)  I kind of like LTS16:43
nixternalScottK: did you reboot the Mac last night by chance?16:43
nixternalI heard the sound16:43
ScottKnixternal: I did.16:43
ScottKThere were security updates ....16:44
nixternalI was watching TV and heard it16:44
_Groo_nixternal: well ok, is there any ppa i could get it from? or should i do it myself?16:44
nixternalput it in a ppa if you need it I ugess16:44
nixternalwow, guess16:44
mellheni read something about nepomuk search will be integrated in dolpin in kde4.4RC1. i cant find it in kubuntu 10.04A2. How to activate it?16:44
_Groo_mellhen: its there in beta 2 and rc1, just open dolphin and search in the menus, its like the normal search but wehn you typue stuff a drop down appears16:45
ScottKmellhen: We don't have it yet.  Still issues with getting the back end database packaged.16:46
_Groo_ScottK: you mean virtuoso or sesame2?16:46
ScottK_Groo_: Virtuoso16:46
_Groo_ScottK: ah but isnt virtuoso 5.0.12 in lucid now?16:46
ScottK_Groo_: IIRC not in Main yet.16:47
mellhen 16:47
_Groo_ScottK: yes but in universe :)16:48
mellhenScottK: but it will make it into release?16:48
ScottKmellhen: Definitely.16:48
ScottK_Groo_: Do we need to build depend on it for it to work?16:48
ScottKmellhen: _Groo_ may have a better status on it than I do.16:49
mellhenScottK: it should be easier to find. maybe a searchbar which is always visible.16:49
_Groo_ScottK: no, just install it, and relog into kde, it will start the anokadi server, also use akonadiconsole and config to check the input16:50
ScottKmellhen: There you go  I guess you can use it.16:50
_Groo_ScottK: its working very well, sincronizing my google contacts and calendar and othe stuff :)16:50
mellhenScottK: is it allowed to ask about some minibugs here. i also published it at launchpad but feel itl get lost there,16:51
ScottKmellhen: To a limited exent.16:52
_Groo_btw i just built kcm_touchpad for lucid, and its working very well with 4.4 rc1 :)16:52
_Groo_its in my ppa16:52
mellhenScottK: its about kdebluetooth. if your bluetooth divice is switched off while starting kubuntu. kdebluetooth will not start after you turns the device on. you have to manually do it (krunner: kbluetooth)16:54
mellhen_Groo_: so who is the guy who is able to change this behaviour?16:54
ScottKmellhen: I'd report that to bugs.kde.org.16:54
ScottKmellhen: For nepomuk it's just work we know we still have to do.16:55
TscheesyHi - writing a News about Alpha2. _ has HAL now completly gone and is replaced by udev-extra ?16:55
mellhenScottK: are bugs reported on launpad send to bug.kde.org?16:55
ScottKmellhen: Not automatically.  Someone needs to do it.  The odds of it getting done go way up if you do it yourself.16:55
ScottKTscheesy: Not in KDE.16:56
Tscheesyah k.. still used for input-devices?16:56
mellhenScottK: who decides if a bug goes to bugs.kde.org. is it possible to decide this as a usuall launchpad user?16:57
ScottKmellhen: You have to refile the bug.  There is no automatic export, so anyone can do it.16:58
ScottKOur bug triage team is very small, so the more help the better.16:58
mellhenScottK: ok16:58
mellhenScottK: i would like to help. but i dont know if iam advanced enough17:00
ScottKmellhen: I can already tell you are.17:01
ScottKmellhen: You can join #kubuntu-bugs17:01
mellhenScottK: the triaged status means, that sb is working on this bug or that this bug is reported to kde?17:01
ScottKmellhen: Triaged means it has enough diagnostic information for a developer to solve it.17:02
* ScottK gives JontheEchidna a gentle kick for not being in #kubuntu-bugs17:02
JontheEchidnanow that the crash is fixed we can finally see what the default desktop looks like :P18:13
JontheEchidna(there's a new wallpaper coming for RC2 though)18:14
Tm_TJontheEchidna: uh, really?18:16
JontheEchidnaTm_T: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/wallpapers/Ethais/18:16
JontheEchidnakde svn 107335118:19
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1073351&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 107335118:19
nixternalthat wallpaper reminds me of the wold compaq wallpapers for windows xp18:21
JontheEchidnathe one that came with my PC had a blueish background with a bunch of pills :x18:22
nixternalthose square things, that is the Compaq Q, just without making it a Q18:24
Sputoh, so that's not the 4.5 wallpaper?18:30
SputI was wondering, but I don't have any 4.4 boxen left to check :)18:31
Tm_TJontheEchidna: ah, missed that one, thanks18:31
Tm_TJontheEchidna: I was already hoping cubes would stay18:31
* Sput didn't like Quadros18:31
Sputthe new one is a masterpiece though18:31
Tm_TSput: but it will motivate users to change wallpaper to something their own choice (;18:31
Sputpoor pinheiro, quadros was his baby :/18:32
verbalshadow_yeah double logins are fixed :)19:08
verbalshadow_now i just need my white "scanlines"  with hardlock issue fixed :P19:10
_Groo_ppl im building the ktorrent 4 beta 1 packages, how do i disable the stupid test runs of cmake in the rules file? (/usr/bin/ctest --force-new-ctest-process)20:13
freinhardhas anyone else seen a corrupted plasma tray/bar like this? http://imagebin.ca/view/qE4ciKS.html20:58
ulysses__I had this: http://noob.hu/2010/01/15/lucid3.png20:59
ulysses__Lucid alpha 2 in VirtualBox20:59
neversfeldefreinhard: no, but I can confirm that the new widgets for systray like weather and pastebin are grayed out in Karmic21:02
neversfeldeyou have to add a new widget to configure it and it is grayed out again after a restart21:02
neversfeldeno Lucid yet, so I cannot confirm it for 10.0421:02
freinhardif waiting for 4.4rc2 dixes the issue i'll just wait?21:03
neversfeldefreinhard: looks like a custom design, does the problam also appear with standard oxygen?21:07
freinhardneversfelde: erm that black you see should be grey, and i deleted all plasma config files and that's how it looks like21:08
neversfeldefreinhard: ok, than it is probably the panel geomatry bug mentioned in the release notes?21:09
neversfeldefreinhard: looks like a different bug21:11
freinhardand it's already fixed21:11
neversfeldemhh yes21:14
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freinhardwell since intel started screwing their driver i'm never sure whether graphics issues are qt, kde or driver related21:19
nixternalyet another wtf cares moment on the list...$X does this better than $Y, but I won't provide you any information to either a) prove this statement or b) if statement is true I won't provide information that might lead to a possible solution21:39
JontheEchidnathe reply-to-the-digest mail?21:41
nixternalthat statement is bullshit, because I run openSUSE, Fedora, Arch, and Kubuntu...and they are all the same speed, abuse teh same amount of memory, and crash in the same exact areas21:42
* jussi01 deleted the mail tihout reading... was there a point?21:43
JontheEchidnaThe first email was understandable. The reply-to-digest followup was just somebody trying to bash Kubuntu.21:43
nixternaland not the first time that person has done that21:44
JontheEchidnafirst time somebody's misread top or the first time somebody's tried to bash Kubuntu? :P21:44
JontheEchidna(guessing neither)21:44
nixternalFUCK! can we get a social/tweeting/denting application that works already?21:44
nixternalI am starting to think the web is the only way to go21:45
nixternaleverything I have tried this week bombs21:45
JontheEchidnaeven KDE microblog plasma widget?21:45
nixternaltwirssi, choqok, some air one, gwibber21:45
nixternalthey all bomb21:45
nixternaldoesn't that widget only work with twitter?21:45
JontheEchidnait got identica support in 4.1 or 4.221:46
nixternalorly, I shall try it then21:46
Tm_TI use typically Kopete21:46
neversfeldechoqok 0.6.6 and alpha2 works for me without problems21:47
neversfeldeonly identi.ca21:48
nixternalonce choqok pukes once, it will continuously puke21:49
nixternalJontheEchidna: so, to have twitter and identica at the same time, I have to run 2 of these plasmoids?21:49
JontheEchidnadunno, I don't microblog21:50
JontheEchidnaI have a hard enough time regular blogging :P21:50
JontheEchidnawell, finding stuff to blog about/being motivated to21:50
Tm_TJontheEchidna: it's not always about writing yourself (:21:50
JontheEchidnaThe irc /me command is my microblogging client :D21:51
Tm_TJontheEchidna: you can use some ircbot for that too, yes21:52
Tm_TJontheEchidna: if you really like, I can make some irssi alias to make all your /me posts to be posted to identi.ca too21:53
* jussi01 smacks nixternal's hand :P21:55
JontheEchidnamy thoughts on microblogging: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2008/4/23/ (minor language)21:56
JontheEchidnaobviously it's a tool that can equally be used properly and abused21:57
JontheEchidnabut I don't see the need for me to use it, personally21:57
Tm_TJontheEchidna: I use it mostly to follow others21:58
JontheEchidnamaybe I'll try that21:59
nixternaldon't smack my hand22:06
Tm_Tyeah, hug whole man instead22:06
* Tm_T hugs nixternal 22:06
JontheEchidnaSo how to I follow people?22:07
JontheEchidnaoh, nice subscribe buttons on the profile pages22:09
Tm_TJontheEchidna: for example, go to http://identi.ca/tmt/ and click subscribe22:09
Tm_Tbah, you got it already22:09
Tm_TJontheEchidna: and FYI I'm totally lost with these22:11
JontheEchidnaI'm http://identi.ca/jontheechidna22:13
neversfeldewhat is flag?22:18
neversfeldeseems to be new22:19
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